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PHILOSOPHY II CHAPTER 4 It is a state of mixed emotions as Jason is sitting in Abby's car in front of his home. Turning to his girlfriend, he started to say something, then stopped and smiled at her. Grabbing the handle, he gave a weak wave as he opened his door. Abby seemed upset, but at this moment, Jason couldn't comfort her. He was confused, confounded, and lost in his thoughts. Dressed as the joke, at his sisters' expense, implied, Jason went to his front door without looking back. Abby pulled away even before her date reached the safety of his front door. "So much for being a gentleman," Jason intoned a quiet joke to himself. Dressed as he is, it's strange not to want to enter the safety of his home immediately. Finding himself with his hand on the doorknob but unable to turn the latch. A quick shake of his head and he willed himself into the house. Two sisters were waiting for their younger brother. Vickey was in the kitchen, getting breakfast. The shock of seeing their youngest in drag seems misplaced since they were instrumental in him being in drag. Seeing the expression on their faces, Jason answered their unasked question. "I didn't have a change of clothes with me. Now, did I?" "We are so sorry, Jason. We didn't mean to..." Jason held up his hand. Vickey rounded the corner, having heard that Jason was home. "I started all this; whatever the fallout, I take responsibility." He continued, "I hope that you feel we are even." Once his sisters showed regret for their part in Jason staring in such a strange endeavor, he felt much better, but curiosity was eating at him. He had not seen the video. He was surprised that Susy had got it out so fast. He hoped that he had a few more days before it hit and that nobody would care when it did. Glad that his sisters now had completely forgiven his misdeeds, he now needed to ascertain the damage's extent. Jason excused himself with the need to remove his female disguise. Sommer wanted to know where "his" purse was. "Ugh," Jason had left it in Abby's car or maybe apartment he could not remember. How do girls remember those things? Alone in his bedroom, a great advantage to being the only boy is a private room; he booted up his computer. The tv served as his screen. This was great for gaming, and now it would show Jason in his debut glory. The youtube title was a little mean spirited. "Jason, the prettiest girl in his family." Jason sat on the edge of his bed, decked out in his female outfit. The intention was to start disrobing as the video began but became engrossed, wanting to know what all the hubbub was all about. Anyone seeing him at this moment would see a well put together young woman with her attention zoned into what must be her favorite program. She sat there as she had become accustomed to last night at the bar. Legs crossed, back arched, and her pretty made-up face concentrating on the current object of interest. Absentmindedly Jason started gently rubbing his pantyhose covered leg as he waited for the loading to finish. The home internet connection was on the slow side. Finally, two good looking girls sit at a hightop at the edge of the dance floor. One is a redhead, curvaceous, and very outgoing. Not bubbly, but her vibe is amiable and approachable. The other is compact and willowy bordering on athletic looking but shy. The second girl could probably use a makeover, but still, she is beautiful in her own right. Two drinks appear at their table; the server points in the direction of two good looking young men who hold their glasses up in a saluting fashion. The scene fades away into Jason, telling the joke from the classroom discussion. Now back to the "girls" following to the dance floor. More free drinks and now body shots (pictures), mostly of the girl that is Jason, looking and behaving as any sexy young woman might. The beverages did flow, and Jason was worried about what his mother must think as he did consume a lot of alcohol. The body shots are edited together along with grabby hands. Depicting a party girl groped all night. Thank God, a relieved Jason thought, you can decipher that the hands were different and must have come from other times. Jason was not out there adulating while her partner gropes her continuously. The editing is fascinating. Susan could make a new story quite different than what occurred. Even Jason was starting to use the wrong pronouns as he watched himself on the video. Suddenly he realizes that he is rubbing his legs together as he squeezes his penis between his thighs. Looking in the mirror to the television's right, he now has the surreal experience of seeing the girl in the video staring back at himself. Everything started to come off. Grabbing the remote, dirty blues starts playing. Jason jumps in the shower and begins to remove all vestiges from his recent escapades. The nail polish and freshly shaved body are reminders of what he just watched on youtube. A strange sense of pride creeps into his mind that, yes, he is a good-looking pseudo female. This latest thought shatters when he realizes that the smell, freshly invigorated from the warm water of last night's perfume, is replaced by one of his sister's flowery shower gels. Stepping out of his shower to retrieve his "manly" scented gel, Jason notices that his makeup is only slightly damaged in the mirror that is quickly fogging. The fogging mirror distorts his image enough that all that remains in Jason's mind- eye is a wet attractive female that has just stepped from her shower. "Of course, they removed my gel," Jason thought as he opens the bottom drawer and grabs one of the old bar soaps. Irish Spring. Jason shook his head in a slight disappointment. The joke was good, but his sisters never were thorough in the execution. Irish Spring is strong enough to cover any scent. Stepping back into the warmth of the shower, he notices a pink razor bringing a smile and a lightness to his still made-up eyes. Jason finishes his task, knowing he will need additional help, wondering how far his sisters will carry the joke. Taking another look in the bathroom mirror that he just wiped with the small hand towel, Jason confirms that although some of his makeup is successfully removed, much remains. In some ways, this look seems more feminine. He stands admiring the reflection as the mirror slowly fogs over once again. Wrapping a towel around his waist, Jason opens his bedroom door to find a tv tray with everything he needs on it to finish the job. Cotton balls and nail polish remover and maybe, more importantly, makeup remover. Who knew it was challenging to get all these embellishments off. Just one more lesson learned in the last twenty-four hours. Today Jason only has one class. "Thank God," thinking to himself for two reasons. He didn't get much sleep, and he finally removed the last traces of his makeup. Donning the comfortable clothes of the masculine half of the population, he will make it to class on time. His life has turned upside down, but he will navigate as he has learned, to the finish. If you do not give credence to other's opinions, then they move on. In practicality, this is understood but not always easy to achieve. Jason knew this lesson well and was the main reason for his advanced status with cultural norms. However, this, in practice, is not always easy. The first day back at his junior college was a constant test of his honesty for displacing the past endeavors for simple platitudes that anyone might engage in. His experience had taught him at a young age that people's interest in your past escapades would only be propagated if you showed some form of embarrassment. No reaction equaled no interest. Entering the creative writing class, Jason is impressed with the palm of his English teacher. Some former accident had claimed three of his professor's digits. He never knew how much expression was in the palm. The fingers, once removed, allowed for the palm movement to reveal itself. The assignment for today was to write a short story in the span of this class. Jason used the fact that a friend had this class directly after him to contrive a story about her nose job. Sherry had a deviated septum. Insurance was willing to pay for nearly a free nose job. Jason's story was about her friends, not having been privy to this information, all assuming that some off-handed past comment was causing Sherry's nose job. All were overcome with some perceived guilt avoiding Sherry causing her to doubt her responsibility towards her friends' reaction. Jason's professor read his story in the next class as Sherry sat in the front row with plaster over her nose bridge. The natural life pattern worked against this teacher, so he appreciated the setup directed in his direction. The story is well received, and the tension created showed a gift for creativity that has not been around for some time. Dr. Trembol would have to think about how to encourage this student. The grammar and spelling would make low marks, but editors are there for that reason. Jason had penned his story for Dr. Trembol in a mear five minutes. Handing in his required paper, he had seen a murmur elicited from the class and a quizzical look from Trembol himself. Trembol noticing the filled-in lines as requested, added the papers to his space for grading during the following class. Jason admitted that he was tired, but it was comforting; his mind had not given up the ghost. Recent events shook Jason to the core. His rights of passage had transpired surprisingly. What had happened between himself and his girlfriend was beautiful, but Jason never expected that his conquest of virginity would revolve around, presenting as the opposite sex. He enjoyed every aspect of what had transpired, which left him in a whirlpool of doubt and uncertainty. He knew that the little social turmoil that he threw at his teacher was therapy for himself. He wondered if Professor Trembol would indeed be uncomfortable by Sherry sitting opposite him as he read about confusion alluded to in his story that a simple nose job might cause as people interject their actions and guilt associated with their perceived effect. It is nice to have his mind concentrating on different aspects of life. The little entertainments that can contrive from life make an existence that seems worthwhile. Homeward bound, Jason could not wait to catch up on his sleep. His mind was exhausted from deciphering his enjoyment of last night's events. It was an experience that was unparalleled with anything that has ever transpired in his short lifetime. Everything was converging in confusion, enjoyment, and trepidation. His church-going side would condemn the act of "fornication." Jason didn't even want to think about how the bible thumpers would receive his particular act of fornication. He crossed so many lines last night: premarital sex, underage drinking, multiple sexual positions, crossdressing, and misrepresenting the truth to his mother. The inquisitive young side that sought new experiences and a broader knowledge base felt proud to have pushed his boundaries. Philosophy class forces Jason to be open to new experiences. Question everything, think for yourself, find facts, and explore every aspect of existence before becoming rigid. Everything offered in this world can't possibly be sinful. A sheltered existence eventually becomes a controlled life. Still, the events of last night have become a source of inner turmoil. Jason is confused as to his feelings for Abby. Some part of him felt that last night had not been entirely; he did not know how to finish his thought. Abby's messages are on the family answering machine. Jason likes her, but he does not know how to reconcile the strange feelings ongoing in his recollection of his time with Abby. His faith and religious upbringing are weighing heavily on the joyful experience. Although unexpected, his strange penance forced upon him by his family has egged him on to have experiences that he would never have explored before. With a little downtime and a good night's sleep, maybe things will be evident in the morning. CHAPTER FIVE "Jason, when you get home tonight, we need to talk," his mother proclaimed. Then she was out the door. The energy that his mother had in the mornings was remarkable and annoying all at once. Wiping the sleep from his eyes, on his way to the to-do his morning routine, Jason shrugged his shoulders and proclaimed, "sure, mom." No idea what topic, but there was no getting through to Jason until after his self-induced routine was complete. Once complete, Jason would seem to come alive for the day. It was a new day. Jason had managed to get through the first day since the release of Susie's edited video. The first video was shown to Jason by his classmates and then again by his family. The second video, Jason, viewed privately. Reading through the comments brought a severe blush to his face. This is pretty serious. Jason realized that he had already passed the first day. It was short, but if he could keep his bravado, his public life should even out in short order. Eating shredded wheat, his sisters entered the kitchen and lazily started preparing their breakfasts. While rummaging through a cabinet Vickey ask Jason if he was ok. Eating breakfast and still consumed with his quandary, Vickey asked a second time while turning with her breakfast to be in her hand. The silence that follows brings the attention of all his sisters to Jason's direction. All movement stopped, Jason becomes aware that his three sisters are looking at him expectantly. Mouth full, spoon in mid-stride, Jason shrugs his shoulders and asks a muffled, "What?" "Are you all right?" two of his sisters asked in unison. They are worried about his reaction to the second video. They watched three times and then spent two hours reading the comments. The comments went on and on. They could not help giggling as they read them, but at some point, the totality of their meaning could be hard on a young male. Jason shrugs and claims that he will be in the end. He believes their concern is over the video. He can not tell them the real cause of his deep inflection. Never before has indecision been part of his life. This is a strange position for him. The overconfident attitude and, quite frankly, existence comes from a highly active mind and a conviction of fun and enjoyment for seeing life as the splendor of opportunities. Happenstances that come along and are relished for the simple joys they produce. Sometimes Jason crosses lines and may cause some people discomfort. This is where he has been branded a smart ass at times. When an injured party realizes his comments are not intended as a slight, and his disarming smile alludes to jesting at the current situation, most are placated. Some appreciate the joke as they realize the full implication of his meaning. This new situation is going to require some thought to sort out. Sitting, consuming shredded wheat, the humdrum daily life resumes around Jason. His sisters shake their heads at the god-awful choice for breakfast that is Jason's preferred morning fuel. Inwardly, Jason thinks to himself, "What a mess." Still, he did make it through yesterday. Today will be a more extensive test. Yesterday was only a few hours. Barely sleeping the night before last had dulled his reaction to inuendos and comments that were directed his way. Today was going to be much longer, and he is fully aware and alert. Excusing himself, Jason bids his sisters a good day, and they wish him luck. It is as if a horse and ridder are heading towards a jump, and neither are confident that this will have the intended ending. Regardless, they are running forward, and what will happen will. Jason sits in his car, keys in the ignition, taking cleansing breaths. "This is not who I am." Reinvigorated with a lifetime of bravado, Jason pulls out of the driveway and is on his way. Confidently stepping from his vehicle in the school parking lot, he makes his way into the building in his usual happy-go- lucky manner. Entering, and even before getting to the doors, murmuring and finger-pointing starts. Rolling his eyes, he suddenly is reminded of high school. On his way to psychology class, full-on jeers and catcalls start. Some offers that parrot the youtube comments spill forth as if original thoughts contrived from these human neanderthals. "Fu** some of those guys are really big," Jason thinks to himself. Ducking into the men's room en route, Jason heads for the privacy of the end stall. Max follows him in. An empty bathroom emboldened max as he pounded on the stall door. "Do you need help with your panties," he jeered. Slightly surprised, but seeing by the shadows that this guy is alone, Jason informed his schoolmate in an even tone that "I will be out in a minute." Making a show as if he is finishing his business and flushing, Jason exited. Slightly aggravated, Jason's posture holds no weakness as he approaches an individual leaning on the sink. Seeing the somewhat aggressive walk and the "I don't give a Fu**" attitude, Max's smirk fades from his face. Old habits die hard, as this former high school bully finds he is all alone in a bathroom with an individual he taunted. Max could have sworn this guy was victim material when he escaped into the men's room. Now all he could do is lower his eyes and retreat from Jason as now he understands he can be a threat. Max departs in silence as Jason washes up, looking in the mirror and ignoring Max. Jason understands uncertainty is a potent weapon. This little victory was helpful. Psychology 101 is just around the corner. One half an hour at a time, he will make it through today. Dr. McCalley asks his students for a joke. He has a theory that outgoing students will be willing to tell a joke. He calls on Jason, sure that he will give some rendition. Jason will not. Dr. McCalley's class is unusual. No textbook, quizzes, or homework per se, just classroom discussions and the notes. There are two tests, midterm and final. Dr. McCalley is a behaviorist and doesn't like all of the historical theories. Jason is partial to the Tabula Rasa theory by John Locke. Bringing Mr. Locke's theory up in the open forum in class netted a reaction from Dr. McCalley that intrigued Jason to no end. This simple exchange ended up changing the nature of the student-teacher relationship. Dr. McCalley took a liking to Jason and could count on him to challenge him during, stump the teacher at the winding down of the scheduled syllabus. When the Dr finished imparting the day's lesson, he opened the discussion to any question a student may want to explore. He even opened up the possibility of sharing jokes. He shares with the class that he believes, given enough opportunity, an outgoing personality will not be able to stop themselves from telling one of their favorite jokes. He intoned he meant Jason and two others as he made eye contact with each. A gauntlet presented, two of the other students proved him correct. Dr. McCalley will need to wait and see if Jason will crumble. He is pretty sure Jason has some good jokes. Calculous and then Philosophy. The day is improving as students become less distracted by gossip and innuendos, as education takes the prominent position. A strange phenomenon happens as groups of people become aware of any significant happenstance. The group wants to be a participant, a longing to be involved. Individuals like to be part of the current topic around campus. Fortunately, most haven't mastered the necessary social skills to impart their desired effect on any given situation. The protagonist must respond with encouraging behavior, or the antagonists will fall away, not wanting to embarrass themselves. Jason hopes to discourage enough would be teasers that the group as a whole loses interest. It is either that or lives with continual taunts until someone else becomes fodder. It is with mixed emotions that Jason enters Philosophy class. The place that everything started. His classmate that fomented his current status would be there--all of the witnesses to his actual downward spiral to his current situation. And the one place that people think, hopefully, before opinions are placed out in the open. In Dr. Epstein's forum, you will need to defend any statement that you make. The class comprises a very wide demographic, and the different backgrounds bring a large spectrum of opinions. Dr. Epstein has many go- to topics and draws from current affairs but is inclined to jump on a student's comment and expand the conversation from this point. The pointing and whispering have already died down somewhat--last class of today. Jason enters the classroom. Dr. Epstein is alone in the class; he likes to sit on the desk, presumably due to his tall stature. Seeing Jason enter early, he asks, "wanna hear a joke?" "What is it with jokes today," Jason thinks to himself. "Sure." "What do gay people call hemorrhoids?" Jason thinks over the question and can only come up with one answer. He has heard a few off-colored jokes involving gay people, but this is not one of them. Given Dr. Epstein's tolerant attitude, Jason assumes the answer is not a dig. "Do they refer to hemorrhoids as the little bit of woman that is inside of all of us?" Dr. Epstein's grin and the closely following statement let Jason know he liked that answer. Dr. Epstein said, "No, I like that answer." A reflective pause, then "speedbumps." Classmates started entering the room, and as Jason was taking his seat, he stated, "I would never have thought of that answer." Once everyone is situated, Dr. Epstein announces an expected project. "Each student will experience something new, preferably something each has wanted to experience but for whatever reason has not. Then write a report documenting the experience/experiment and describe how it affects yourself." Jason raises his hand. Dr. Epstein nods in Jason's direction. "A couple of examples, please," Jason continued. "What have some past students used as their experiments?" "One student researched the drug acid. He wanted a safe hit ratio to his body weight. And he wanted to know how long before the drug would take effect, his experiment involved taking a hit of acid while floating in a light deprived Epsom-tank. He had his friends drive him to his rented appointment and timed it so that he would be floating in complete darkness as the drug took effect." "Another student decided to spend the day in convincing drag at the mall and record peoples reaction to himself." "We all know what Jason will be doing," Sandy blurted out. Dr. Epstein reminded the class that the assignment's nature was to act on some experience that, as of yet, you have not had. "But, since this subject has come up, let's discuss Jason's recent foray into what we will assume was new territory." Dr. Epstein looked at Jason for affirmation that he would be ok with this topic. A shrug of his shoulders and the discussion/debate was on its way. The way the conversation evolved led Jason to reveal way more than he ever intended. Randy had not seen the videos. The fact that someone in class is so self- absorbed not to know the drama that had unfolded right in front of him. Well, the comments lobbied at him ended up making him blush brighter than Jason did at any point during this conversation. Penny brought up the videos and let Randy watch as the class moved on. Jason did reveal many details and led some of the conversations to "what- if scenarios," which apply. His honesty made for good cover on the supposed fictional scenarios. Again the wide range of upbringings and perspectives are beneficial. Jason learns a lot. In simplistic terms, on an altruistic level, if two people care for each other and are not harming anyone, society's norms be damned! For example, Jason, the class surmised, makes a good-looking female, and if his love interest likes that, then more power to them. Jason notices Randy staring at him and studying the video. Back and forth with a perplexed expression hung on his face. The absurdity of it hit Jason square on his funny bone. Jason's laughing becomes contagious as the class now notices what he finds amusing. "Get his phone number," exclaimed Steve. Randy looked up at Steve's comment and realized he was again out of step with everyone else. The blushing this time was impressive. Class just ending and Jason's mood lightened exponentially; he reached out and brought Randy into a one-armed sideways hug. Epstein's class was something else. Done for the day, Jason, in high moods, encounters many comments on the journey to his car. It didn't seem to be the "MARCH OF SHAME," he expected. The well-wishers, the curious, those interested due to a range of motives, bullies, and good humor teasing all accosted Jason as he headed out for the day. His mood, however, let everything roll off his back. He always did like the metaphor of the duck in the rain. CHAPTER 6 No delay this time; Jason is glad to put the first long day behind. The last seventy-two hours has been quite the ride. This is the first twilight series free moment Jason has had for some time. Entering his home, Jason reflects on the surreal circumstance he brought upon himself. He tends to "push the button," much like a small boy faced with the same choice. The button engages, and Susy kicks it up ten notches. Susan wasn't in class today. Distracted by the mediocre joke and being the subject of debate, Jason did not registrar Susan's absence until just now. He wonders about her absence. The fact that she wasn't there today definitely made his day go easier. Facing his protagonist amidst the turmoil she created was something that could have messed up his plan to have things blow over. "I'll take it," Jason confirms to himself as his sisters storm through the door. Arriving home from shopping, his sisters annihilate the quiet. The noise three older sisters can make just entering the home is jarring even if used to it. Something has caused all three to want to freshen up their respective wardrobes. Amber wants to know if Jason has listened to his messages. Claiming that he just arrived home minutes ago doesn't bode well with his sisters. They all like Abby. Stoney faces and judgmental ticking sounds emit from all three. Amber shakes her head and makes to fetch the portable. Vickey and Sommer stand sentinel over the guilty sitting before them. The phone lands awkwardly in Jason's lap ( a little to the left, and it would have been painful ). Twelve messages will now be listened to without a shred of privacy. None of the messages can be considered desperate or embarrassing, but they become interspersed with concern in Abby's voice as they progress. Jason finishes listening and places the phone down on the coffee table. Deep in thought, he still doesn't know what is right concerning their relationship. Three sisters all give a version of a loud harumph, look to the sky, take their contraband, and stomp out of the room. Amber suggests with no delicacy, "call her you ASSHOLE." "Maybe I should have stayed at school," Jason thinks to himself. "And the day just gets better and better." Jason, grabbing his backpack filled with homework piled up due to being distracted for over a fortnight, heads to his bedroom to get busy. Deep in catching up, the bedroom door opens with Vickey holding the house phone. Jason signals with his hand while shaking his head side to side. A disappointed Vickey lies to Abby that she was wrong and Jason must have just left. Jason can hear small platitudes as Vickey continues the conversation as she walks away from her "stubborn" brother. Jason's cell phone starts vibrating. Checking what he already knows, he sits up back against the wall ( no pun intended ), his phone resting on his open palm. It continues to vibrate a few more times before silencing. Jason's mind plays back the entire scenario. Philosophy class vs. religion, society's norms vs. personal enjoyment, and maybe most importantly, Jason's masculinity concept. Childhood as a whole guided in lessons about "what makes a man." What he did with Abby stomps all over everything he has learned over the years. The time, in question, was incredibly sensual, tactilely stimulating, and ultimately achieves the goal of "becoming a man," a big part of all the lessons endured. He likes Abby. He enjoyed the feelings of what they experienced together. Philosophy class had all but stated that only a fool would walk away from what he now possesses. "I've never cottoned to what society wants, now have I," Jason makes an uneasy decision, based on his comment to the surrounding unoccupied room. He calls his girlfriend. The start of the conversation is a little uneasy but soon falls into the comfortable patterns that are the draw in the first place. Time and place are set, and they infer the things young lovers express to each other. Jason, although somewhat uneasy, feels the lifting of a heavy burden. Having a direction again helps. "This will be interesting," Jason thinks to himself. He is glad Abby is still part of his life. "Jason," his mother calls. "Come into the den." One more hurdle and today can finally come to a close. Jason enters the den as his mother asks him to close the door. A little trepidation seeps into Jason's mental state. "You are getting older, and I expect you to be the intelligent individual that I raised." Jason sat down on the chair opposite the oak desk his mother had situated herself behind. It was a large den, and the desk was a great place to do homework or play board games with his sisters or friends. Now it had the distinct feel of principal and wayward student. "We will not discuss the abuse of alcohol that I witnessed." She let that hang in the air with a long, drawn-out pause. Continuing, she brought the conversation around to Abby and her advanced age. "Your girlfriend and you, I'm afraid, are getting too serious. One or both of you are heading in a direction that will leave scars." Jason's mother understands the attraction. Her son does not like the immature behavior girls his age tended to display. The irony of Jason's tastes also does not illude her. His mouth shooting off before he thinks is a significant display of immaturity. His active mind often makes her wonder what was developing in there that he does not choose to spew forth. She has heard him confide to a friend that the orated comments derive from many ideas popping into his mind. He decides which fits the situation best. "I've warned your mouth will get you in trouble someday," his mother reiterated. "Yes, but you always said it would get me a punch on the mouth, not dancing partners," Jason said with his infectious smile. His mother laughed, shook her head, and knows all seriousness is now lost. "You did get yourself into a pickle. How did your first full day back in school go?" She listened to his description of how his day transpired and marveled at the resiliency of her youngest. She also wondered what he is not telling her. Ever since her husband left, she did the best she could but didn't know if her efforts will be enough, not only for Jason but all of her children. Back to his homework, Jason makes a sizable dent in his workload. Dinner is called, and the family all come to a civil meal together. Well, almost, Sommer has a negative attitude. Their mother zones in on the unacceptable atmosphere. She has always required a hospitable dinner table, and all conflicts will be resolved before anyone goes to bed. This last rule has kept the whole family up all night a few times. "I've got this one, mom," Jason offers as he holds up his hand in a stop gesture. "Abby and I are going out Thursday." Politics are strange, and family politics are that much more on the bizarre side. Harmony is back, and more importantly, their mother is happy. Jason and Abby went out and had a lovely "normal" date. Good chemistry between them. They enjoyed an Italian meal at an upscale restaurant. A movie followed, some of which they remembered. Heavy petting and renewed passion had young hormones racing. Abby is Jasons's "first," and he wants more. Abby definitely wants more. She recalls his girth and wants to teach him to utilize better his God-given "talent." Jason has school tomorrow, Abby has early morning commitments. The two end the date with a passionate kiss in front of Abby's apartment. Abby turns on her heel as Jason waits for her to enter the safety of the building. Her stride exudes the happiness missing since dropping the female version of Jason at his family's home. She was distraught, having seen the confusion on his face after the night of passion that they had shared. Then when he did not return her calls, she imagined the worst. The beginning of this date was a little tense, but things normalized so quickly she is confident they are back on track. A happy Jason heads home. CHAPTER SEVEN On the third date in Jason finds himself at Abby's apartment. His mother and sisters have gone to California to visit Grandma. It is Friday night, Abby wants to talk. She wants Jason to listen. She does what any red- blooded American redhead would do. She removes some clothes to get comfortable--pins Jason in place by sitting in his lap, and wraps her arms around his neck. Kissing him squarely on his lips, she starts to undo his shirt buttons. Jason likes where this is going. Reflecting on his first escapade of a sexual nature, Jason remains motionless as Abby uses her high-gloss long fingernails to undo Jason's shirt slowly. He is thanking the stars that his girlfriend will soon receive his ministrations in a "normal way." Coming to terms with the unusual way that his virginity was surrendered has been a hard road. Relief descends upon Jason. He already decided that this relationship is worth the extra complications that he concluded are existing; it is so much easier if things are normal. Realizing that he is sitting here like a dead fish, he starts to take the initiative. As Jason leans forward in response, Abby quickly pulls his shirt back and down his arms about a quarter of the way. This traps his arms at his sides, having folded the shirt back on its self. Abby looks deep into Jason's eyes. Leaning in, she plants a gentle kiss on his lips, leaving his lips coated in her lipstick. Her hands grasping his bare shoulders, she bows her gloriously red hair crowned head and slowly draws his left nipple into her mouth. While she applies suction to his nipple, a slow circle of her tongue elicits a moan from Jason. His face reddens with embarrassment as he sounded overly girly. The feeling caused by Abby lets Jason enjoy her efforts without realizing his physical display. Several minutes of attention lavished on Jason's chest and kisses alternating to his lips and sensitive neck, Abby lets Jason know her intentions. She pulls back, taking in the full view of her desire. Jason's view now is almost wholly Abby's, almost professionally made up face surrounded by soft curls on the verge of aburn. She places her thumb and forefinger on Jason"s extended nipples and rolls them gently between her digits. "I want to experience what we did the other night," Abby cooed. Knowing Jason was in an altered state, she expected some delayed reaction. Letting her comment hang in the air until she recognized his understanding, she quickly added. "I want it to be even more memorable than last time. I didn't want a quicky then, and I sure as hell don't want a quicky now. So for you to last the night of glorious sexual achievements, I want to give you your first mind-blowing blow job." Every objection formed in his head, the plethora of comments that usually spill forth, faded to black. Jason was in over his head. No control, mush for brains, the disappointment that he is in no way in control of this situation is all overridden by the prospect offered up to him. A nod of his head, as all words failed him, and Abby had his pants partially removed in a blink. Somehow, like his shirt, his pants now hobbled his legs. Abby sunk to her knees in front of her captive boyfriend. Reaching her delicate hands up, she jerked his underwear down with surprising strength. Springing forth, his hardon bobbed back and forth. In the small time frame, strange helplessness surfaced before Abby started scrapping Jason's inner thighs with her acrylic nails and rolling his left nipple between her thumb and forefinger. This only heightened the feeling of loss of control. Abby leaned forward and purposefully, slowly licks his member from balls to tip with more pressure than Jason expected. Once at the top, she drew his member in and started sucking and using her tongue to stimulate Jason. She wants to look Jason in the eye, but at this angle, it is not possible. Having him feel tied up is preferable. At this moment, Jason is at her complete mercy. This gives her pleasure and serge of power; her psyche is developing in ways she does not understand. Shrugging her shoulders unseen by Jason, she intends to finish what she has started. "God, that felt like ten minutes," she thinks to herself. The amount of jism that she consumed makes her wonder if there will be any left later this evening. A befuddled Jason has moved or bucked enough during her ministrations that his clothes no longer bind him. A goofy expression on his face makes Abby giggle. In the afterglow of his first blowjob that is carried to completion, Jason is stripped naked. Everything but his socks is divested. When Abby reaches to remove his white cotton socks, Jason comes alive and tries to prevent their removal. Abby is having none of it. Off comes the first sock revealing a perfectly manicured foot complete with toenail polish. The smile on Abby's face is one that reaches to the back of her soul. She has found her soulmate. She could smell her excitement of what has just revealed itself to her. "Come with me, Jason; we have much work to do." Jason had agreed. The blowjob was more than he ever understood was comprehensible. His toenails gave away an implied enjoyment of what they had shared. No choice now, Jason followed as she led him to her ball and claw freestanding tub. "How old is this apartment building," he wondered. Hot water started spewing forth as a small amount of orange rust water cleared the old pipes. Once that passed on the second burp of color Abby, set the seal on the drain. Baby oil and bath salts are pouring into the water. Abby gestures Jason into the tub. While the large tub fills, she has Jason put his hands hanging over the edge of the tub. She has a color very close to what his sisters put on his toenails. Coating his fingers in the bright color, Jason can only look on and marvel at his loss of control. Finished with the nail polish, she grabs his ankle and places it on the side of the tub. A safety razor appears, and his stubble of the last two weeks starts to disappear. Jason attempts to step out of the tub, utterly void of any body hair and smelling feminine beyond belief. The baby oil has affected, and the tile water and oil's slippery nature makes his departure an adventure that is more hazardous than he or Abby would have believed. Laughing at the awkwardness just created, Abby wraps a huge fluffy towel around her prize. Patting the slightly feminized Jason down, she gets the lotion from her cabinet. "We will go to someplace away from anyone that may want to capitalize on my condition, won't we," Jason asked. Abby paused; she hadn't intended to take Jason out again. He had been through so much in the last two weeks. "Of course, Jason, at least two towns over." She was getting hot and bothered again. This night, perhaps this weekend, just transpired into a whole new experience. Covering Jason's entire body in the matching sent to the bath salts, she alters her plan. The extra time it will take for the lotion to absorb negates hosiery until later, but to set the mood, she drops a powder blue full slip over his head. Makeup like the which Jason has never experienced and hair are in order. The results are spectacular. Abby is sure Susy would love to get some footage of this. Clothes are another matter--suspender belt and stockings for sure--a matching lacy bra. Panties with lace and frills, to be sure. An LBD, in this case, powder blue and heels to match. "My God, he is breathtaking." Abby is now the one with mush for brains. "We need to get your ears pierced; it is the nineties, after all. Jason didn't registrar her comment. The tactile stimulations were causing such a distraction that basic walking might, at this point, be difficult. Jason braced himself for another foray into the unknown. A purse is handed to Jason, and they are out the door. Abby decides this is the time to bring up his name. "Jason, we can't call you that in public dressed as you are. Last time it nearly came up a dozen times as good looking guys bought you drinks." "You are a sexy girl." She wanted to know if he had thought of any female names for himself. "No?" "What about Jace?" "You mean like the rapper?" "Well, what about Joci?" "You mean like Josy and the pussycats?" "No," spelling out Joci, as she meant it. "That is a pretty name but a little exotic for what I feel like right now. How about Staci?" The feeling in her loins let Abby know Jason had hit on something. It fit, and it gave her a charge. "Ok, Staci, let's go party." Two towns over there was a repeat of their first time. Again they didn't get to dance together, the drinks were free, and Abby didn't know how much her car would cost to retrieve, but she was on cloud nine. An uber ride back to her apartment, and Jason earned the blowjob given earlier in the evening. True to her expectations, Abby was impressed by the fucking she received from Jason, who had ejaculated earlier in the evening. Jason truly enjoys what his relationship has become. Embracing the wisdom of his philosophy class, he can justify what may be considered bizarre behavior. The enjoyment of the different feelings from female clothes, texture, and form and the physical shift in expectations as if an actor upon the stage, Jason found a strange rhythm that he could cling on to. The next date spells disaster. Although he has come to terms with Abby's desires, Jason's upbringing still influences his innate happiness. When Abby wants to dress Jason appropriately for their time together, she is met with resistance. Jason wants some "normal" time together. When she insists, Jason's mouth betrays what he wants. "You are just my beautiful half Lesbo, aren't you?" Abby is furious. This is a look on her face that Jason has never seen. "I'm not a lesbian, and you need to leave." A confused Jason finally relents and finds himself banned from her presence and on the sidewalk headed towards his car. "How did everything go sideways," Jason asked himself. If Abby is not part lesbo, what draws her to dress Jason up? Jason has come to enjoy his time as Staci. The belief that he is a male lesbian, of sorts. Impressed with the facade, he can muster as a faux female. A sexy girlfriend that renders sexual satisfaction like nothing he has ever experienced. This is an alternative existence never sought to contrive, but it is here all the same. The problem has resurfaced. Jason needs to perform a grand gesture to win back the affection of his beautiful girlfriend. Three days later, on a Friday night, Jason uses the key that Abby has bestowed on him for the first time. He will completely transform himself into a beautiful girl, as is in his power to emulate. Taking a bath as his first time with Abby dictated, he was underway to please his wonderful girlfriend. The outfit of that night is the easiest to copy. This is the first time that Jason is dressing himself. He is pulling the stockings into place when he is overcome with the sensual feeling they induce. Doing all of the necessary steps creating a female version of himself brings home how much he has enjoyed his girlfriend's ministrations in the past. Finally dressed, scented, and semi proper makeup, Jason pours himself a deep glass of the driest wine Abby has on hand. It seems that he has developed a taste for excellent dry red wines. Hearing someone approach Abby's apartment door, he becomes quite nervous. There is more than one person there. Jason surmises that a neighbor is in front of her door with an intended lover. He smiles to himself when he realizes keys are entering her door. Panicked, he races for her coat closet. Just in time, he closes the door, not being detected. Two individuals stumble through the door, obviously connected by some form of passion. Looking through the crack, Jason recognizes Abby and Steve. Steve is a strange anomaly that is an adonis. "What the fuck'" is Jason's thought; they move through to her bedroom. Jason is embarrassed and wants to escape any further embarrassment. He quietly makes his way to the apartment door. Out in the hall, Jason sighs a breath of relief. Headed for his car, saddened by Abby's betrayal, whom he thought loved him, he heads to his car. Once there, he realizes he has left "his purse" in her apartment.

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BooruPlus is one of those adult sites where the focus ain’t immediately clear, not unless you’re already familiar with the terminology. Even if you know that boorus are imageboards, the default pageview hides all the dirty stuff behind solid-color blocks labeled NSFW, leaving the specifics a mystery. What could lay hidden beneath this red box, this green rectangle or this mauve trapdoor? That’s a little bit of a trick question, meant to get you itching with anticipation, envisioning all the...

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The Westhampton Womens CircleChapter 8 A Change in Direction

Liz Pays The Price The Westhampton Ladies Circle was meeting in the home of Hannah Kleich. Hannah welcomed the group explaining the theme for their meeting. "I know," she began, "that many of you missed out on our recent visit to Sir Geoffery's studio. It was a shame of course but Julia, Liz and myself had a most, what shall we say, instructive afternoon. Sir Geoffery has been kind enough to lend us some of his equipment again and we thought that we should take the opportunity to try...

1 year ago
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Coffee Nips Anonymous

BOOK ONE – Addiction ‘Newton?’ I asked my roommate in a puzzled voice. ‘Did you take a bath this morning?’ ‘Why Animal,’ answered the bespectacled wolverine, with his usual smugness, ‘is one missing?’ ‘As a matter of fact yes!’ Approaching the door, he peered into the bathroom to confirm my statement. Not only was the bathtub missing but also the sink, toilet and most of the far wall. ‘Now don’t look at me!’ said Newton. I looked at him anyway. I was about to ask a rhetorical and...

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Note: I’ve reworked this and resubmitted it. I felt (and still feel) that intent to cheat is the same as cheating. It is disrespect for a spouse as much as having intercourse is. Obviously, a lot of readers disagree with this view so I will graciously agree to disagree with them and try to make the intent of the story clearer. I have heard back from a number of people about finishing ‘Ruby,’ so I will do it over the next couple of weeks. Note that it will be a sad story — it’s a sad song. You...

3 years ago
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Heavens Reach Brandon and TracyChapter 1

As they exit Riverside Outpost for one last time ( at least for the foreseeable future), Brandon and Tracy head to their nest, where they cultivate, non-stop, for nine days and nights while immersed in their tub of HCSE. This is made possible by having reached the Yellow Earthen Temple stage of cultivation, which allows them to cultivate/meditate for three days, without the need for food, water, or rest, per stage obtained. At the end of the nine days of cultivation, the amount of Běnzhí...

3 years ago
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my sexy father in law

Hi i am Rani This is my first story.I am 35 years old.I am married to a loving man who is 3 years older than me, as our life is going smoothly with one kid.But my husband got 5 inch dick and that was not enough to satisfy me and he cum soon after few strokes, so after that i used to masturbate myself night to reduce my heat. It all started when my father in law came to live with us.He is an ex army colonel and he got a good built body and still doing excercises every day, the first day...

2 years ago
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From Club In Delhi To Her Bed Fulfilling Her Dirty Needs

Hi readers, I am Samir back with another scintillating encounter to share with you all. For new readers, I am samir, young, decent, well educated guy and equally hot horny and dirty in bed. You can reach me on for al comments and suggestions. Thank you for your responses, some girls are even my phone friends, chat friends as well. Coming to the story, I happen to go to a club on a weekday in cp with some friends. While having few drinks and grooving on floor I happen to bump on this lady who...

1 year ago
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TeenCurves Julz Gotti Julz The Explorer

Julz the Explorer is going on an adventure and she wants us to come along with her. If you have kids, you have no doubt been exposed to some pretty strange video content, designed to entertain kids. This is a lot like one of those, but with a whole lot more fat ass than you are used to. Julz shows off that healthy bouncy ass, and guides us back to her place to explore what all is in her backpack. She shows off her big round tits before fishing a bottle of oil out of her bag and asking us to...

3 years ago
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He Showed Up At My Door

On many occasions I had wanted to ask Bobby out myself but I was too embarrassed. Now I had him here in front of me and I was scared. He looked like he needed to be hugged. We talked for awhile about his night and I finally offered him the hug he needed. When he looked up at me he said “ I promise I didn’t come here just for this.” “I know sweetie.” I answered. “But I can help you, if you like.” He took my hands and pulled me into his lap. As our lips touched I felt a fire in my...

3 years ago
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The Adventure Begins

Carol and I were married in Maryland and spent our honeymoon in a sex motel.  We had only met a few months ago.  On our first date, we danced in her apartment.  She molded her body to mine and moaned in my ear.  While we danced, I pulled her tightly to me and pressed my hard cock on her. We had wild sex.  I lusted after her body.  She had beautiful tits.  Her skin shone.  Her hair was long and beautiful.  After that first date, we had sex every day.  She was passionate and experimental with...

4 years ago
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Liquid Courage

I have had a crush on Ronnie (Veronica) ever since I met her at college orientation. I would not have called myself a lesbian or even bi, but she was just so beautiful; about 5’6, tight tan body, black hair, green eyes, and the most perfectly round C cup breasts. Ronnie was extremely outgoing and I was very shy so I was surprised that we became such good friends. Through college I kept my crush a little secret, but school was almost over and I could not leave without at least trying to get with...

2 years ago
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My sex starved mami

I am a 23 year old guy. Just completed my graduation in MBBS. I stay in Mumbai. I am a 5’6″ in height and have an average body. I m a regular reader of this site. I enjoy reading these fantastic stories and i usually masturbate every time thinking myself as the central character of that story. But as u all know almost every story posted here is a fictional one. So i want to post here a real life experience that shook my life as never before! I have three uncles from my maternal side. They are...

1 year ago
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The Con

The Con Malcolm had come up with the perfect fraud, his girlfriend would do the major part of the work, then they'd retire with a fat account. However, doing nothing while Suzanne worked was boring for Malcolm. Be warned this story is perverted. Author's note: If you're easily offended then don't read further, this story contains forced sex and is the most perverted one I've written, so far... This story can freely be posted to any site as long as there's no fee for...

2 years ago
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Slut with an Accomplice

Slut with an accomplice Part 1 Friday night is here and tonight it’s going to be a night of flirting and fun. Pauline my best friend and partner in crime, is standing in my bedroom as we’re in the process of picking out sexy outrageous outfits for tonight. Pauline and I are almost identical in height and body shape with me just edging the tape in the bust size. Pauline is a very healthy 36D whereas I bust the tape at 36DD. We’re both small in the waist with a nice full buttock and surprisingly...

2 years ago
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An escort with talent

I had been going to see escorts for a few years now , so I had been about 50 times to around 20 different girls. So I knew what I liked and thought I could pick the good ones.Because I'm over 50 I don't like picking young 18yr old's or the most beautiful girls because I know I wouldn't be someone they naturally found attractive , even if they act as if they do.I had gone to the same brothel a few times in a row to see Jessica. A hot red-head with a great body but was also in her mid 40s , so...

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Unforgettable Experience With My Ex

Hi readers of iss. I have been reading the stories over here from quite a long time. Thought there are some fake stories over here but some of the stories are really good and worth reading. After reading all such real stories I have also decided to share one of my experiences with you guys. Your comments and suggestions will be welcomed. Please excuse me for any writing mistake as this is my first story over here. Let me first tell you guys about me. I’m Raj (name changed) from Chandigarh. I’m...

2 years ago
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Better Than NewChapter 5

Act 5 Tuesday, July 20th, 8:45am "Good morning, Warren. You're back safe and sound. How was the Keeneland Concours?" "Excellent, Valentine, excellent. We won a couple of special awards, but more importantly, we learned just what it's going to take to win the larger prizes. We certainly turned heads with our two vehicles, though." "So ... it was worthwhile ... in your opinion?" "Very much so. I spent as much time reviewing the other entrants as I did answering questions about our...

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The Runesmith Chronicles Searching for the SkyChapter 11

Strong hands grabbed him and held him up as the snakes of the woman’s hair reached out and sunk their fangs into various body parts. The venom allowed the gorgon to move Kal’s body in the area where he’d been bitten. Getting him standing, she pulled him over and leaned him up against a nearby wall. Terror gripped Kal’s mind. He was still recovering from the shock of believing he was about to die when the searing pain from the snakes’ venom began exploding everywhere they bit him. It faded...

2 years ago
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A Murder Misstery Returns

A Murder Misstery Returns © 2008 by Nom de Plume For those who came in late, Matt McCoy - now Madeline Moreau - is on the run for a crime he did not commit, and a murder which she did....after returning home to Chicago, Maddy discovers a shocking secret about her past. The journey from St. Martin to Montreal, on a charter flight crammed with sunburned Canucks, was sheer penance. Stuck in a miserable coach seat between a snoring slob and a...

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