The F.E.T.I.S.H. Ray Tales, Finding The Right Work/Life Balance: Beth's Story free porn video

Beth was an up-and-coming executive for a major biotech firm. She was brilliant, driven, and sensible, and her peers could tell that she was headed straight for upper management. Beth was determined to make it, too, and in general avoided any entanglements that could distract her from her ambitions.
Her decision to marry Kevin five years ago had been the one exception to this rule, but she had fallen in love with him, and they generally worked well together even with their wildly different personalities and goals. Where Beth was driven and ambitious, Kevin was laid back and family-oriented. He completely lacked Beth's competitive nature, which meant he was completely unbothered by the knowledge that his wife made far more money than he did. He owned a local home appliance repair shop, and while his shop was successful, he had no aspirations to build his business into anything larger, and preferred to spend his time and efforts improving their life together at home.
Recently, however, their differences had led to their relationship becoming strained. As Beth's responsibilities at work increased, she was spending more and more time away from home while Kevin, on the other hand, watched their financial situation grow more and more stable - heck, they were still in their 20s, and practically rich already - and thought the time was ripe to step back a bit and consider starting a family. Beth wasn't against the idea of kids, but knew there was no room for them in the life she had planned for herself, and had no intentions of letting Kevin knock her up so close to a vice-presidency. She wasn't on birth control, but that was just in case any hormone imbalances would somehow negatively affect her performance at work, and Kevin had been perfectly willing to use condoms instead.
But now Kevin was starting to drop hints that he wanted her to rethink her career goals. He'd make observations like "this big house is starting to feel awfully lonely" at breakfast, or point out a cute little girl playing in the park and say something like "Look how cute she is Beth! Maybe we'll have a little girl like that sometime soon!" Beth knew that Kevin would be an excellent father, and that he'd be more than happy to sell his shop and be a stay-at-home dad, but she just couldn't bring herself to back off now that she was so close!
Eventually their time together had grown chilly and uncomfortable, to the point where Beth would stay late at work just to avoid Kevin's complaints, and she even began to consider divorcing him. They had barely spoken in over a month.
One night Beth came home late after working overtime again. She let herself in the front door and walked through the dark house to the bedroom, expecting to find Kevin already asleep and relieved to avoid yet another argument about having children. Kevin wasn't in bed, but the bathroom light was on, so she assumed he was brushing his teeth or something and began to get ready for bed.
Without warning, Kevin opened the bathroom door and stepped out, holding what looked like a toy raygun aimed at her. Giving Beth no time to react, he zapped her with the ray and smiled as she fell still, glowing with soft golden light as the beam pumped her mind full of irresistible desire to let him pump her young, fertile body full of his kids.
A few seconds later her glow faded and she continued as though nothing had happened, completely unaware of her new compulsion. "What's that thing?"
"Do you remember all the arguments we've had recently about having children?" he asked, ignoring her question for the time being.
"I do," she responded, confused. It felt like she was experiencing whatever the opposite of deja vu was, a lifetime of recollections that felt like they hadn't really happened.
"How do you feel about it now?"
"I don't... I don't know," she replied. "In hindsight it seems odd that I was arguing with you about it in the first place. It just doesn't seem like something I would do. I mean, I understand the arguments that I made, but it feels like they came from someone else, and they don't really reflect my thoughts on the matter at all. Kevin, I want you to get me pregnant!"
"Oh good, it looks like the ray worked just as advertised. Beth, your current thoughts on the matter are thanks to this little device here. It's called the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray, and it instills in its victims an irresistible desire to engage in various sexual activities. I just zapped you with the 'Pregnancy' setting, which should have given you an irresistible compulsion to get yourself pregnant. Honey, I love you dearly, and I hated having to resort to something like this, but you really left me with no choice. It's the only way we can be happy together."
He finally fell silent, leaving Beth worried and bemused at the outlandish nature of his story and the crazed look in his eyes. She wasn't sure if she believed him, since she didn't feel any different and couldn't remember being "zapped", but all of this talk about letting someone get her pregnant was suddenly making her incredibly horny, and she couldn't prevent her concerns from slipping away, replaced by her growing compulsion to give in to her new urges. Her gaze was drawn to Kevin's muscular arms and shoulders built from countless hours of manual labor, and she thought about the strong genes that he would contribute to their child as she relished the effect the sight of his sexy male body was having on hers.
"Kevin, calm down," she said, before slipping a note of seduction into her voice as she began to move toward him. "Look, let's be scientific about this. I am a biologist after all. My female body is becoming sexually aroused by the closeness of your masculinity, so I'm starting to feel tingly and flushed as my soft little pussy swells and lubricates itself in preparation for feeling your hard cock slide inside it. My femininity is clearly affecting you as well, since your cock is rising and thickening and beginning to crave the slick friction of my pussy. I say we give our bodies what they clearly want."
"So you're saying you want to have unprotected sex with me? You know that could get you pregnant, right?" Kevin grinned as he moved toward the bed, his penis throbbing and eager to inseminate her.
"Very funny. It's weird, intellectually I've realized that I probably do feel this way because of your ray, but it seems ridiculous that that was necessary in the first place. It's all just common sense," she said as she pressed herself against him and began gently stroking his cock, entirely focused on her desire to get it into her fertile pussy where it belonged. "Our bodies are designed to fit together, we're programmed by instinct to try to fit ourselves together, and our bodies reward us for doing so with intense pleasure, so that's exactly what we should be doing. It's only natural," she finished, coyly looking up at him with big eyes as she rubbed her thumb slick with his precum up and down his sensitive frenulum.
"But are you ok doing this knowing that you've been programmed to feel this way, and knowing that I gave you this compulsion against your will?" he asked with mock concern, as she lay down on the bed and spread her legs in anticipation of being mounted.
"If I have no choice but to give in to the behaviors that the ray supposedly programmed me with, then why worry about it? I might as well relax and enjoy the pleasure that my body will reward me with for acting on my carnal urges. And I know that I should be angry with you, but I don't think my programming will let me. Hell, if anything the ray does its job too well. I can't help feeling grateful, of all things, even knowing that it's the ray making me feel that way. I mean, maybe I'll be mad at you later for doing this to me without my permission, but it was clearly what I needed, and right now all I care about is getting your cock inside me. I hope you're ready to have a wife whose belly is constantly fertilized and swelling with your children, because thanks to that ray that's definitely what you're going to get!" Beth concluded with a confident smile, reaching down to impatiently pull his dick up against her tight opening.
"Oh, trust me, I'm more than ready. But what about your career?" Kevin asked sarcastically, as he slowly sank himself deep into her unprotected pussy. He marveled at how much better the textured slickness of his wife's silky folds felt directly against his naked cock than separated from it by a condom. The diluted semen in his precum mixed with her natural lubrication, sending a handful of early sperm swimming toward the vulnerable egg sitting in her womb, and he began to slowly slide in and out of her while she stimulated him with the walls of her pussy, leaving them both gasping in pleasure from the unfamiliar intensity of their skin-to-skin contact.
"I have plenty of maternity leave, and a few months here and there won't interrupt my plans too much," she replied, savoring the feeling of that hard cock thrusting into her. "Plus, I'm not really sure how much I care anymore. At this point I'm not sure I could stop if I wanted to," she said flirtatiously, knowing that her words and her slick pussy were bringing him closer to the edge. "Your cock throbbing inside me feels too good, and the thought of you cumming deep in my unprotected pussy is just too hot to resist."
"So you're saying your pussy wants me to come inside of it?" Kevin asked, increasing his pace and feeling himself starting to build toward orgasm.
"Oh God yes! My slutty little pussy is programmed to tease your hard cock into spurting inside me. It can't help it - that's just how it's designed. It doesn't know that I could get pregnant as a result, but even if it did it definitely wouldn't care. It's only got one thing on its mind, and once I've got your semen inside of me, it won't matter anyway. Nature will take its course."
"You're sure about this?" Kevin grunted, feeling himself beginning to tighten in reflex.
"Absolutely. Now shut up and fuck a baby into me!"
"Ok, you asked for it!" Kevin groaned as he felt his cock begin to jerk inside of her, pumping more and more of his potent seed deep into her fertile pussy. Beth lay back in dazed euphoria as her body rewarded her for obeying her compulsion with pleasurable spasms of her own, while Kevin's sperm began to work their magic inside of her.
A few months later, the fate that eventually befalls every young woman who lets a virile young man repeatedly fill her pussy with his cum had befallen Beth as well, and everyone at work congratulated her on her pregnancy once she started to show. They were surprised at how eager she was to have a baby with how concerned she had been about her career, but biological clocks were supposed to be pretty powerful once they started ticking, so they didn't think much of it. The executives, however, decided that maybe Beth wasn't as career-oriented as she had first seemed, and decided to postpone her promotion to VP for a few years to further assess her devotion to the firm. If Beth was aware of any of their newfound reticence, she didn't seem to care.
That night, her friend Lydia came over to stage an intervention while Kevin was out with friends. After hearing why she had come, Beth calmly explained what Kevin had done to her, and even showed her the F.E.T.I.S.H. ray as proof.
"Wait, so you're saying your husband shot you with a magic ray gun that makes you want to get pregnant?" Lydia asked incredulously, picking it up off the counter.
"I know it's hard to believe, but it's true. I've never been happier though; getting pregnant is the best decision I ever made."
"You didn't make that decision though! Kevin and that stupid ray made it for you!" Lydia yelled.
"It doesn't matter. It doesn't change the way I feel."
"But what about Kevin? This is such a violation of your trust! Why are you still with him!? How could you let him do this to you!? Beth, I thought you were stronger than this - you have to resist it!"
"Well, if it's so easy to resist, let's see you do it then!" Beth said angrily, grabbing the ray out of Lydia's hands and turning it on her.
"No, please! I don't want..." Lydia begged, but it was too late, and her protests faltered as her mind eagerly incorporated a new need to get pregnant into the core of her personality. Beth watched impassively as her friend was reprogrammed by the ray's golden glow, just as she had been, happy that Lydia would now be like her.
"... to be pregnant!" Lydia finished, a few seconds later.
"Why not?" Beth asked.
"Well..." Lydia said, suddenly unable to come up with a good reason. "Now that I think about it, it actually makes a lot of sense; hell, seeing you like that kinda makes me want to start trying to get pregnant. I just feel so feminine all of a sudden, and my tight little body is so ready... To be honest, even thinking about it is starting to make me horny. It's like I'm bursting with fertility, like if a guy came in me right now I'd have, I dunno, octuplets or something. Oh man that would be so hot. I wonder why I was so against it when I came over here. I feel like I should have gotten pregnant years ago. You don't have to threaten me with the ray anymore, by the way; I get where you're coming from now."
"Lydia, I already shot you with the ray. That's why you want to get pregnant now. I've given you the same irresistible breeding fetish that Kevin instilled me with," Beth said, pulling her shirt up and showing off just how knocked up she was.
"You did? Are you sure? I don't feel any different," Lydia responded, staring at Beth's swollen abdomen with jealousy.
"You didn't want to get pregnant when you got here, but now you do. What do you think?"
"I guess that makes sense. It's so weird though, it just feels so natural. I mean, our bodies are designed to be impregnated. Why wouldn't anyone want to get pregnant? Men love to stick their cocks in our little pussies, and it feels so good to just let them spurt inside of us!"
"I know," Beth said, slowly caressing her growing belly.
"It's just, like, I know there are tons of reasons why I shouldn't want to get pregnant, but they suddenly seem so much less important."
"I know," Beth said again.
"Is there any way to reverse the effects of the ray?" Lydia asked suddenly.
"No. Does it matter?" Beth asked with a smile.
"Not really," she responded, a bit relieved that her new purpose in life couldn't be taken away from her. "I just wanted to know if the option was available, just in case."
"Nope, you no longer have a choice in the matter, just like me. Your new programming will ensure that you go out and get yourself knocked up, whether you want to or not. Though you will want to, of course. Badly. And I should know, because the first thing I did after Kevin zapped me was let him fuck a baby into me, as you can see. In fact, the next time I see you, you'll probably already be pregnant. You're taking this awfully well, by the way."
"Yeah, I know," Lydia replied, getting more and more turned on as Beth explained just how permanent and irresistible her new changes were. "I know I should be mad at you, but if anything I'm strangely glad that you zapped me. I know this is all due to the ray's influence, and that I should be fighting it or something, but it feels like I've always felt this way. Being a fertile breedslut is just part of who I am."
"Do you want any other new urges while we're at it?" Beth asked evilly, brandishing the ray again.
"Ew, no! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm glad that I finally understand how important it is to go get myself knocked up, and I know that I'd probably be forced to love anything that you zapped me with, but I don't really want anything to distract me from getting pregnant right now," she responded. "It's just too important."
Beth smiled and lowered the ray. "Fair enough."
"Have you thought about helping the other girls at work get over their reluctance to get pregnant?" Lydia asked.
"Hey, that's a great idea! They're all so young and fertile! I know they'll love getting their tight little pussies filled with jizz just as much as we do. Or they will after a bit of persuasion, at least," Beth said with a grin.
The conversation shifted to Beth's plans for the nursery, and a half hour or so later Lydia gave her friend a big hug and left.
On the drive home, Lydia began thinking about all the hot guys she knew, trying to figure out which one would be easiest to get alone in her apartment for a few hours. One of the younger managers at work loved to boast about his sexual conquests, and Lydia was certain he wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity to ride her sexy young body bareback. It wouldn't take long to convince his cock to cum in her fertile pussy. That's what our bodies are designed for, after all, she thought as she picked up her cell and dialed his number.
Later that year Beth went into labor. She was excited to give birth, though she fully admitted to herself that this was mostly because she would finally be able to get knocked up again. At home Beth was a very hands-off parent, and completely trusted Kevin with taking care of the children, which he was more than happy to do. Beth loved her kids, and was an excellent provider, but, ultimately, she couldn't resist letting Kevin fertilize her pussy over and over again, and she had accepted that her kids were the inevitable product of that process.
She went back to work a few months after having her first child, and found that she was surrounded by glowing women whose bodies were just beginning to show the consequences of their promiscuous behavior. Lydia was the largest of the bunch, having given in to her new urges immediately, of course, and her manager friend had learned his lesson about unprotected sex when he realized how much the child support for Lydia's baby would affect his bank account.
The executives were incredibly confused at the sudden obsession with pregnancy at the firm, and were not looking forward to all of the time they would lose to maternity leave in the upcoming months, but everything worked out well for Beth in the end anyway. It turned out that one of the women she had zapped was an Executive VP in her mid-30s, and as her body too began to swell with life after filling her pussy with cum for the first time, she began to feel a maternal affinity for Beth and singlehandedly secured a new VP position for her. Beth was overjoyed, but her happiness paled in comparison to the elation she felt later that week, when she found out that she had let Kevin shoot his load into her babymaker one too many times recently.
She was pregnant again.

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