White Family Holiday, Beths Fist Time free porn video

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Beth had just finished her first year at university and was on the train to the airport to meet the rest of her family, looking at her you would see a small plain girl but if you looked closer you could see a very cute face, slightly mousy with brown hair just falling bellow her shoulders, looking at her body you could mistake her for being overweight but it’s actually just muscular, broad shoulders holding two C cup sized breasts. It had been a good year for her study wise but had been rather closeted socially, despite being 18 she has still never been kissed, she thought part of this is because she doesn’t drink and would rather spend her time studying.

The plan for the holiday was for her parents and her elder brother would head to turkey but at the last minute her mother was called away to work, she promised she would try and meet up with them when she could, but Beth thought she would be spending the holiday with her dad and brother. When the train pulled up to the airport and Beth stepped outside, she saw her sibling waving at her, Jonathan was tall, almost a foot taller than his sister and just a few inches than his dad he was 23 and quickly ran to his sister and pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back as he kissed her forehead. “Hey Jono” she smiled as he held her close, for a little too long, she thought felt him rubbing his body on her breasts but decided she was imagining things.

“Hey small fry” he grinned as he finally let her go and grabbed her bags, “Dads waiting”

They rushed off to their father who had just handed in his and his son’s bags and as Jonathan arrived to do the same to his sister Mr white pulled his daughter into a hug. This time Beth definitely felt her dad rub himself against her but more pressingly she felt his hand placed on her curvy arse, maybe he had put it there by accident, it’s been a while since she saw them last, she’s probably just missing he mother, but then his fingers started to squeeze. “Hey sweetie” he whispered into her ear, “I’ve missed you,” he then let go of her and pretended nothing had happened. Beth was frozen for a second, no one had ever touched her like that before, she couldn’t have been imagining things she knew what she felt but her two family members had started to walk away and she decided to follow, she didn’t know what has happening but had a fear of abandonment and big crowds and being alone in a busy airport would not end well for her.

The next two hours passed by without incident until they got on the plane, Beth was seated in front of her family and went straight to sleep, as she nodded off, she hoped things would be better when they landed, the last thing she heard from behind her was her brother saying “I cant wait for the hotel”.

Their hotel room was quite large, two bed rooms, originally one for the parents one for the kids but on the journey Beth manged to argue that it should be boys room and girls room, the men of the family laughed at each other and agreed, with the condition that if things change for any reason she would have to deal with it. She wasn’t sure what that meant but shrugged it off, adding it to a list of weird things that had happened. She went into her room, and threw her bag onto her bed, and as she looked outside, she noticed heavy rain pouring down, she signed thinking that this was just her luck, she was expecting to get a tan but knew this would have to wait. First thing first she needed a shower and a change of clothes, as she stepped into the shared bathroom she heard a nock at the door which led to the boys bed room and her fathers head poked round the door, he seemed disappointed about something but just said, “Jono and I are going out for a bit, going to get some things we forgot, like an umbrella”

“Ok” Beth giggled, “don’t be too long”

An hour later Beth had finished her shower, dried herself and got changed into a red shirt and shorts. She was sitting on her bed watching a film about kid detectives when her brother and her father stepped into her room. “How was the shops” she smiled at the two, as Jonathon went into the bathroom, locked the door and after 20 seconds of silence appeared at her door again, “What are you doing?”

“Jono and I had an idea” grinned her father as he stepped closer to her, “you’ve had a good year at uni right”


“Well its been a rough year for us, Jono lost his job, his girlfriend, your mother and I have been having troubles” he put his hand on Beth’s thigh and she pulled away. A look of anger flew across his face but quickly faded. “We don’t think its fair that you’ve had such a good time the past few years and we’ve had it so rough, so we found a way that would make Jono and I feel better”

Beth’s face had been focused on her father so she didn’t notice her brother moving behind her on the bed, in one quick motion she was suddenly handcuffed to the corner of the bed. “What the fuck!” she shouted.

Jonathan grabbed the hair at the back of head and forced her to look into his eyes, “Shut up small fry” and pulled her into a kiss. Beth’s mind was racing, her first thought was she just had her first kiss, and it was with her brother, her next thought was dread for whatever is coming next as her father unbuttoned her shorts.

“No” she yelled as she turned to her father but quickly was turned back to her brother.

“Its very rude to look at someone else when your kissing someone” ginned Jono as he let go of her hair, “looks like you need to be punished” with both his hands he gripped her shirt and tore it off her body and threw it’s tatters across the room revealing a sexy black bra, “Good thing I never liked that shirt” her father then pulled down her shorts revealing matching panties.

“Stop, please this is wrong!” panicked Beth, “We’re family”

“And family’s help each other” smirked her father, “Jono get that bra off, I want to see those tits”

Staring shocked she exclaimed, “Daddy, why” tears were streaming down her face as she tried to fight as her brother unclipped her bra and threw it away like her other clothes revealing her beautiful tits with bright pink nipples .

“Because,” teased Mr White as he climbed on top of his daughter, “you are the best thing I have ever done,” he takes a breast in each hand and sucks the nipple on the right one for a while before looking back at her and as he continued to speak he roughly massaged her breasts, “You’re beautiful, and I don’t want to share you with the world”

“I caught him masturbating over pictures of you on your 16th birthday” smirked Jono, standing to the side looking left out as his father had his fun, “that was a month ago, that’s when we hatched this plot, with a few rules”

Beth was crying as she tried to push her father off with her one free hand, then her dad let go of her breasts and pulled her head to his so their lips could meet, there goes her second kiss, to her dad! This kiss lasted longer, he knew what he was doing more than her brother, she hated her self, but she felt a twang of pleasure as her dad bit down on her lip as he pinched her nipple, as this happened, she let out a gasp making her two attackers chuckle.

As her dad moved off of her she let out a sigh of relief, then she felt his hands on her thighs, “lets get these off shall we” and he slowly pulled her panties down her legs revealing her pussy, not hairy by any means but she had never shaved it, there were a few hairs but other than that it was a untouched beautiful little mound.

“No, please stop, Please!”

The where off her legs by the end of her sentence. Grabbing her hair again Jono pulled her head up so she would be looking at the him. “Now we’re going to ask you some questions, and what we do next will depend on how you answer, understand?” Beth nodded, anything to make them stop.

“First,” her father askes out of her field of vision, “when was your first kiss?”

“N-now,” she cried, “with Jono”

Jono’s eyes flashed with excitement and looked at where Beth assumed her father was, “You were right, she is a virgin” he cackled, and pulled her in to another kiss, this time he climbed on top of her and it was his turn to molest her tits, Jono was much rougher than his father, just wanted to experience Beth for himself where their dad had a part of him that wanted to please her. Beth tried to push him off and manged to get hand off of her breast, but that just went down to her pussy, now slightly moist. As a finger slid into her, she let out a gasp.

“NO!” shouted both Beth and her father, the siblings turned in surprise at the father who was had started to undress looking angrily at Jono, “We agreed I’d go first”

“Its just fingering dad” wined Jono as he pulled his finger out and got off of her, when he did, she tried to get up to but with one had he threw her back onto the double bed.

“I get to be the first inside her” growled Mr White, this sentence scared Beth and it must have shown, he turned to face his daughter, “I’m going to be the first inside of you, I’m going to be the first to make you cum, and to cum inside of you” he was now completely naked had walked towards Beth, she had good view of the rock hard 9 inch penis that had helped bring her into this world.

“But, but, but” Beth stuttered eyes transfixed on her dads fully erect cock, “I might get pregnant”

“That as one of the rules, now hold still” Smiled her dad as he sat next to her, and his right hand went to her pussy, she moved out the way but Jono jumped to hold her in position, “Thanks son” he smiled before turning back to Beth angry, “You will listen to me, you will do what I say, part of Jono and my deal was that some of his desires were to be stifled if you obey us, if you disobey us I’ll let him lose”

Jono smiled an evil smile as Beth looked down to see him holding her feet apart, she then saw as her father inserted his fingers inside her as he used his thumb to rub her clit. “Wha, what-“ she stuttered suddenly overcome with pleasure to her own hatred.

Her smiling father replied staring at her breasts now rising with her deep breaths, “hopefully you won’t find out,” he turned and nodded at Jono who let go of her legs and came around to her upper half and started to get in a similar state to the rest of his family. “You enjoying yourself baby girl?” he grinned as his fingers skimmed across her hymen, her response was more heavy breathing and tears.

“I can’t wait anymore” Growled Jono now also naked, Beth turned, and her tear covered eyes widened and she let out small shout of surprise. Jono’s dick, fully erect, stretched to at least 15 inches long and was easily thicker than a can of coke. “Like what you see” evilly smiled Jono as he started to stroke himself, “Dad was surprised too, that’s part of why he gets to go first” he turned to his father inpatient. “Can I do it now?”

“One minute” signed their father as he pulled his fingers out of his daughter’s now sloppy wet pussy, and arranged himself between her legs, Mr White was upset, he had wanted to make her cum before he fucked her but he also knew if he waited any longer his son might take control, but he had to be her first.

As the tip of his penis started to stroke her entrance she started, “no please, I don’t want to lose my virginity like this”

“Shut her up” growled her father. Jono grinned as he climbed on top of his sister positioning himself so he could fuck her face.

“This is going to be perfect” Jono grabbed her head and pushed it against his huge throbbing member yet her mouth remained close, “open up sister dearest, or you’ll regret it” his hand grabbed her hair and twisted, she opened her mouth to scream in pain but quickly her brothers dick was rammed into her mouth, or at least the first 4 inches where, the rest could barely fit, Beth was struggling to breath, after a few seconds she learnt to breath through her nose but then she had to try and not vomit (partly from his dick being too big partly for the roughness of which he was fucking her mouth), she knew her brother and if she didn’t do what he wanted he would find a way to get a way for her to do it. “Auggh, so tight, if your mouth is this good I cant wait for your pussy” he quickened the pace managing to get 6 inches into her mouth.

She then felt a sudden spike of pain as her father pushed all of his 9 inches inside of her at once, looking down Mr White saw blood spilling out of his daughters cunt as he pulled out, his own dick covered in red as he pushed it back in and out picking up the pace, at the same time he had a thumb furiously rubbing her clit. “Cum for Daddy, come on you little bitch I know you want this as much as we do”. His hands were underneath her arse giving it a good hard squeeze as he was fucking her.

Beth was in hell, she was feeling more pain than she had ever felt before in her life and was struggling to breath with her brothers dick now entering her throat. “Oh fuck, oh fuck” panted her brother now looking down at her, “I’m going to cum, if you don’t swallow every drop there’s nothing dad can do that will stop your punishment” he then pulled her head trying to get all of his dick into her mouth but only managing 10 inches as he exploded down her throat, “Euugghhh” sighed Jono, still inside of her, he waited a minute before he pulled out constantly keeping an eye on Beth making sure she swallowed, luckily he came down her throat and she had no choice but to swallow, she was crying in pain as he forced her mouth open to ensure it was empty before wiping his dick on her tits bouncing from her fathers fucking, “I’m ordering room service, beer and steak, I need to recharge before the night” he winked at his father, Beth was confused but had more pressing matters, her father was fucking her at top speed, his thumb now off of her clit so he could put all of his energy into his main act.

As Jono leaves the room Beth’s bottom half was raised into the air as her father started to plunge into with the bonus of gravity. “I wanted to fuck you since you were 14” growled Mr White staring his daughter in the eyes with her looking back terrified of her now feral father. “I remember the moment, you had just stepped out of the shower without a towel, those tits, that arse, all of you, its mine” he was jackhammering into her now and she was screaming in pain, any pleasure she had felt was gone. “You are mine, you have always been mine, and now I’m going to cum inside of you and you will see you belong to daddy”

“Daddy, noooooo!” she cried as he plunged his full member deep into and exploded inside her, he then dropped her bottom half and collapsed onto of her.

They sat there for 10 minutes, Beth crying him trying to get his breath back. He then pulled himself up with dried cum on his chest as he had fell on the pace Jono wiped himself off on her. “Good job Baby girl” he went to kiss her, but she turned her face away. This was met with a powerful slap. “Never turn away from me again” he angrily growled at her as she snapped her head back to face him, “Good”. He went in for the kiss again this time she allowed it, his tongue gently explored the inside of her mouth until he pulled away. “Now here’s whats going to happen, your brother and I will spend the next two weeks fucking you, when we get back home you will probably be pregnant, your mother will be away for the next two months, when we get back we will take everything we own and move to my brothers place in Jersey”

“But-“ interrupted Beth, what her fathers was describing meant she wouldn’t go back to uni, she wouldn’t see her friends again, she wouldn’t see her mother again.

“Quite!” he slapped her again, “don’t interrupted me”, he then grabbed her right tit and started to play with it “when you have your first kid if it’s a girl we’ll raise her till she’s a teenager then your brother will take her as his wife, if it’s a boy when he’s of age he’ll start fucking you like we do, or we’ll put him up for adoption, we aren’t too sure of that, what you need to understand is that you belong to us now”

“I don’t want any of this” Beth cried staring at her father realising her whole future has been stolen, she was now ignoring the pain coming from her pussy still pink with blood and cum. “Please let me go back to uni, I won’t tell anyone, I’ll let you have sex with me when we I come home but please don’t do this”

“He has to” smiled Jono as he entered the room still naked now hard again drinking a beer. “The deal is we share you till I get a girl of my own, the other option is that we keep you in the basement with mum who I’d start fucking too, and I prefer the other option” he turned to his father, “you told her about the next part of our deal”

Beth turned to her father even more scared as he let out a large sigh, “I got to take your virginity if you were a virgin, on the condition that for the next 24 hours I leave the hotel room and” he quickly pointed a finger at his son “within reason, Jono could do whatever he wanted with you”

Beth was staring at her brothers erect dick, some how looking bigger than when it was down her throat, “There is no way that’s going to fucking fit in me”

“It’s going to fit” grinned Jono as his father passed him in the doorway, “in fact it isn’t going to spend much time outside of you” Beth watches as he takes two pills and washes them down with his beer, “Viagra, or something similar” smiled Jono closing the door so the two would be alone, he then took a key from atop a dresser and locked the door. He then went over to his pile of clothes on the floor and took out another key. “I’m going to unlock your hand cuffs, but before I do you should know if you try anything, I can pick you up with one hand and use the other to use this” he pulls out a large black whip from a plastic bag he brought in with him. He unlocks her cuffs and stands back. Beth doesn’t move, she’s still processing what had happened to her, she had spent the last hour being fucked by her father, and now her brother wasn’t going to let her have any rest for the next day.

“Please” she cried with no tears coming out, see thought she was dehydrated. “No more”

She felt a hand on her neck, and it squeezed, she opened her mouth to scream but nothing came out, no air came in, her body was flailing, she was hitting her brother, but he remained unmoved, her eyesight started to go dark and suddenly he let go. She fell out of bed onto all fours trying to catch her breath as her brother kicked her hands from under her and placed his foot on her head. Without him having to bend down she could feel his big hard dick brush against her arse, “Now” she hears as the apple sized head of her brother’s dick rubs against her still aching slit, “Beg met to fuck you, beg to have me inside you, beg”

This makes Beth snap, he can rape her but he cant make her begged to get raped, she doesn’t care how much she’ll get whipped, she wont beg, “Go fuck yourself, I’m not going to ask you to rape me you fucking incest loving cunt”

“Bet I can make you change your mind” grinned Jono planning something evil.

“Never”, she felt the head of his dick move away from her slit and she sighed, for a second she thought she had beaten him, that he would leave her alone now, then she felt it slowly tease the entrance to her arsehole, “NO, NO, NO, not there please, please no!”

“Well if you don’t want it in your pussy this is the only over place sis” he chuckled as he rubbed against her teasing her with anal.

And with one simple act, moving less than an inch, he had broken her, “please fuck my pussy” she whimpered quietly

“What was that?”

Now louder, “please, I’m begging you fuck me, fuck my pussy, I want you inside me, I need you” as he repositioned himself back to her slit.

“Little slut” with that insult he pushed the head inside of her and Beth let out a scream so loud it hurt her throat to do it, but it was met with laughter. “I got dad to change the room to a sound proof one, your screams just turn me on more” he pushes in a bit further and Beth is met with more pain than before, not even an inch inside of her and he was struggling to get further in, “Fuck”, he moves his foot off her head and before she has a chance to move he scoops her up keeping the tip inside of her, he manages to get his arms under her legs and stretched round to behind her neck where they met, he carried he to a mirror so she could see herself, she was a mess, he hair was crazy, her face was wet with tears, she could see crusty dried jizz on her tits from where her current dominator had cleaned himself after raping her throat, seeing her legs stretched so her feet were above her head made he realise how much it hurt but she was more concerned with the sight of the biggest penis she had ever heard of teasing her freshly deflowered pussy. “You’re the sexist girl I’ve ever seen, I’ve been dreaming of fucking you since you were 12, I used to steal your panties, I’d spy on you in the shower, now nothing can stop me” he pushed down on her neck and his dick slid further into her, “Ahh fuck that feels so good, so tight”, he whispered into her ear before kissing and biting her neck as she cried in pain, she looked into the mirror and could see a large bulge in her stomach where his dick pressed inside of her. Jono’s only thought was he wanted all of himself inside of her, he wanted her to suffer, then he would properly fuck her.

“Stop! Its too big! Its going to kill me!” Beth cried as 10 inches squeeze into her

“Deeper” grunter her brother taken over with a primal desire “You’re going to take every last centimetre” more blood started to leak out of her, Jono wasn’t sure if his dick was wet cause of blood, his sister’s juices or his fathers cum left inside of her, he just knew that it felt like heaven. Then with one thrust he pushed all 15 inches into her, but rather than screaming she just let out a soft cry.


“There” Grinned Jono forcing his sister to look in the mirror and see the bulge in her stomach showing him fully insider her “Now the fun can start” he pulls roughly 10 inches out of her and then slams her down back onto him. The next twenty minutes had Beth screaming in pain as her brother got more aggressive, what had started out as loving kisses on neck had turned into him sinking his teeth into her shoulder, suddenly he dropped her and pushed her forward, he legs were week and she was being held up Jono’s hand tugging her hair, she had to push both her hands against the wall to keep stable, he then leaned forward licked her face from chin to forehead, “your tears taste sweet, I hope you’re ready for my cum”. Looking in the mirror Beth could see the pain on her face as from behind her brother started pounder her from behind, faster and faster, she saw has he raised his free hand in the air and bought it down as a hard spank on her big arse making her let out a little gasp, he then bought it up again and gave her another, harder spank. Beth felt her hair get tugged back as Jono pushed himself fully inside her and let out a loud guttural moan of pleasure as he released himself inside of her and he let go of her as she dropped to the floor. “That – was ace” he grinned moving to the mini fridge and taking out another beer.

Beth was still lying on the floor, cum leaking out of her, she wanted to get up but what would she do, she couldn’t leave, she couldn’t overpower her brother, she just had to take it. “Come here” she turned to see her brother lying on her bed, he had placed a towel over the wet patched caused by her father raping her virginity away. “Now”

Beth tried to get up but her legs failed her first attempt as she collapsed on the floor again, Jono laughed as he saw his sister struggle to move but after a minute she managed to use the wall to get up as she staggered towards the bed, “I need a drink” she gasped as she climbed next to her brother, he handed her a glass of orange juice he had poured when he got his beer, she quickly downed it as she felt an arm around her shoulders and a hand reaching down on her breast.

“I want you to cum for me” with his other hand his reached down and inserted 3 fingers into her pussy which not 2 hours ago had never been touched like this, he started to rub her clit with his thumb as he slowly pumped his fingers in and out of her, as he did this with his other hand started tugging and playing with her left nipple leaning down to kiss her right one.

Though she was still sore and in immense pain Beth started to feel waves of pleasure flowing over her, she hated feeling this way, she’d rather feel the pain of being raped than have her brother make her feel this way, then suddenly it happened, “Ahhhh” let out Beth as a stream of juices came spurting from her cunt.

“Haha you’re a squirter” laughed Jono, “I love it when girls squirt for me” he let go of her as she lied back staring at the ceiling trying to catch her breath back. “Was that the first time you orgasmed” questioned Jono. She nodded. “Haha dads going to be so jealous” he tossed her a key, “go get showered your filthy, if you’re not done in 10 minutes I’m coming in after you, and thing about doing it in the shower is it washes away any natural lubricant, so you won’t want that, besides we’ve still got 23 hours till dads back!”

Beth quickly ran to the bathroom and unlocked it, as she turned around she saw her brother laughing now fully erect again stoking himself, when she was in the shower she sat on the floor as the hot water ran over her, and she started to cry again.


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Family Holiday Perversions

It was too short notice to ask anyone else so I just had to suck it up and go on the stupid holiday. We were staying in a converted barn, up a mountain, in the middle of some woods in Scotland. It was a beautiful big building with an outdoor hot tub, lots of wildlife, games, a telescope, cool lighting, mountain bikes, a swing set and miles away from anyone. I had planned to spend the week exploring it all with my friend but looks like I'll be exploring it all myself. An interesting feature of...

1 year ago
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Family Holiday Perversions 5

It was too short notice to ask anyone else so I just had to suck it up and go on the stupid holiday. We were staying in a converted barn, up a mountain, in the middle of some woods in Scotland. It was a beautiful big building with an outdoor hot tub, lots of wildlife, games, a telescope, cool lighting, mountain bikes, a swing set and miles away from anyone. I had planned to spend the week exploring it all with my friend but looks like I'll be exploring it all myself. An interesting feature of...

1 year ago
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Me and the Family part 3 The Holiday

Mark (Gemma’s Fiance) was the oldest and tried to dictate what we would all be doing, but was quickly told we would decide as a group. Quite liked seeing him put in his place to be honest. He is 51 which is 20 years older than Gemma ( well I think that’s his age, give or take a year or so) and due to his age he prefers quiet things and more relaxed activities. We on the other hand were thinking of away days at adventure parks etc. Now Gemma looks similar to Kay but not quite as pretty. Her...

1 year ago
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My Last Family Holiday

I went to Spain with my mother and her boyfriend for the final family holiday I ever expected to go on. As I was 17 I wasn’t expecting to be going again so I really wanted to make the most of it, my usually shy self disappeared and I immediately went over to the teenagers around the pool tables. Most of them were a lot younger than me but I saw one of the lads had an older sister that appeared to be my age and she had a friend so I thought that this would be a chance.The 2 girls came over to...

Straight Sex
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Beths Lesson

While I was in graduate school, Sarah and I lived in a house with two others, who went home on the weekends. And so, with the exception of Saturday daytime, when Sarah worked, the weekends were when Sarah and I enjoyed each other. We were “body-buddies” and had been for about a year. More than that, Sarah was my teacher. What I knew about teasing, anal sex, group sex, I had learned from Sarah. This particular Saturday night, Sarah was out with her lady friends partying and celebrating...

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Holiday of a lifetime

I’d finally done it. I’d saved enough money to go to America for a holiday. I’d always wanted to holiday at a working ranch and learn how to ride. After a long-haul flight, an internal flight and transfer by car I finally arrived at the ranch feeling jet lagged and very tired. On arrival it was late and there was a brief introduction to other guests. There were a number of other people holidaying at the ranch, mostly Americans, and they were all couples. I was the only guy on his own and I...

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Ed Kilpatricks Holiday in Kumar

Ed Kilpatrick'sHoliday in KumarBackground:Thanks to everyone that has contacted me over the months about my series of short stories about a fictional island state in the Gulf called, 'Kumar.'It is September 2010 and it has been a long summer and a few stories released for other websites but after a month of writers block, this latest tale has come to me so I really do hope you enjoy.As usual, this story includes the usual bondage, cross-dressing and of course lot's of veiling, which is...

1 year ago
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Dream Holiday

Dream Holiday Synopsis Connie enrols on a specialist, virtual reality, Dream Holiday where she is taken back in time to an era where debauchery is commonplace amongst the aristocracy. Read also Virtual Punishments (2006) and Chamber of Horrors (2006) Dream Holiday by obohoboWarnings Please take note! The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in...

3 years ago
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Sex Holiday 3 Caribbean Experience

This is again only FANTASYIt wasn’t long after we returned from Florida that the thought of the next year’s holiday came up. My wife still didn’t want to try any swinging outside of our main holiday time (afraid she might meet someone she knew if we tried it in the UK) but after the last 2 year’s holiday she said she loved the freedom she got for a week or so each year. The last 2 years had opened her up to naturism and being around naked people so she said that all future holidays had to have...

2 years ago
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Beyond Humiliation Chapter 1 Holiday Planning

BEYOND HUMILIATION Chapter 1 - Holiday Planning Back in November 2012 I wrote a story called "How Humiliating". It told how Stephen, an occasional and secret cross-dresser, was caught out by his wife Sandra and forced, through a series of humiliating experiences, to confront and come to terms with his obsession. Although angry with Stephen for him not being open and honest about his desires, Sandra found the whole idea of cross-dressing strangely exciting and...

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My much needed Naturist holiday

As my open hands caressed my body, my mind wandered, thinking they were my husband’s hands, my nipples beginning to harden, my lou-lou began to get warm and wet. Thinking I would put my pumps on and pump more milk. Malcolm always loved suckling me when I was full of milk, giving us both a terrific orgasm. Oh, how I miss him still. I got my pumps out placing them on both nipples, setting the suction to medium. Stripping off I leant back on the sofa, I placed my feet on the edge letting my legs...

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Emilys First Solo Holiday Part 09

by Vanessa Evans Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable. Part 09 DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 ************************ After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through...

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What happened on holiday

One of the best holidays I ever had was with my ex-girlfriend C, several years ago. We went to the sunny island of Tenerife, and the weather was fantastic. For the whole two weeks we didn’t see a drop of rain, or even a single cloud! But it was what happened during the holiday that made it so good. At the time I was 27 and C was 24. We had been together for three years and had hit that ‘comfort zone.’ Sex was still great, but we had started to share our fantasies. C thought my...

1 year ago
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Emilys First Solo HolidayChapter 9

DAY 15 and Back Home Day 01 After an early breakfast I just had time pack my bags before the coach was due to pick me up. I was feeling quite depressed as I went down and checked-out at reception. I wore the same skater skirt that I’d arrived in and a tube top that wasn’t see-through but the material is very thin and it hugs my tits like a second skin. My nipples were doing their best to bore holes in it. I’d had the bullet on charge all night and when I was getting dressed to leave I...

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Emilys Second Solo Holiday Part 01

by Vanessa Evans If you haven’t read ‘Emily’s First Solo Holiday’ and ‘Emily’s Home Life Changes’ I suggest that you read them before reading this. Part 01 Before I tell you about my second solo holiday I think that it’s best that I tell you about some of the things that Jack has been making me do since I wrote about how my home life has changed. I think that it’s right to say that I am VERY happy living with Jack and being his submissive exhibitionist. We’ve even talked about us being...

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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise

Introduction: The continuing adventures of Ben Barnes and his loving slaves My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion, Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylors Sister, 56, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylors Sister, 50, White, Blond...

3 years ago
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Chris and Mark Go on Holiday

Chris and Mark Go on Holiday by DKB What I Did On My Holiday by Chris Burns For my holiday I went for the first time on holiday without my mum and dad. I stayed with my friend Mark and his parents in a cottage in Cheadle near Stoke on Trent. We saw people making pots and we played football a lot and ate ice cream a lot and the best bit was going to Alton Towers and going on as many rides as we could. My favourites were Oblivion, which was really scary, and also the...

4 years ago
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12 days 121 dicks Holiday tinder frenzy part2

In January this year I went on a holiday. My Daddy thought it was a great opportunity to train His slut. I had a car to my disposal, lots of time and tinder at that place worked like crazy. I could get a new dick in a matter of minutes. Daddy set a goal for me to fuck 10 dicks. He was so proud that I exceeded that objective! I love to please my Daddy by being more and more slutty and using my cunt like it supposed to be used: getting all the dicks I can!Holiday dick #127Slutty, Polish 30-yo...

1 year ago
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My Pretty Little Slaves Chapter 17 Holidays in the New Mansion Family Reunions and a Korean Surprise

Characters Introduced: Chasity, 20, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'6, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 36C Breasts Carrie, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carmen, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Carson, 15, Jessica Taylor's Sister, 5'0, White, Blond with Blue Eyes, 32DBreasts Megan, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin, 5'3, White, Red Hair with Blue Eyes, 34C Breasts Miranda, 13, Jessica Taylor's Cousin,...

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Teasing Holiday to Mykonos

I've recently booked a holiday back to Mykonos which has brought back some rather vivid memories of my last trip there. This is a repost of what happened some time ago now - I wonder if this holiday will be as memorable!The tale concerns a holiday I once had with my now ex-wife Wendy, I've changed her name - though now divorced it was on the whole a pretty amicable split and as we remain good friends I'd still like to keep it that way.In true Lit fashion I suppose l should now describe Wendy;...

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Family Holiday Fuck Fest 6

My morning had started off quite nicely, I was awakened by Benjis rough tongue in my pussy and happily lay there with my legs spread while he worked his magic, lapping away at my juices. It never failed to amaze me that the more he licked, the wetter it made my little pussy and of course this made him lick me more. It was a very sexy series of events. He would go mad shoving his tongue in my hole to lap up my juices so of course I would pull my knees up to my chest, spreading my bald cunt...

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My wife Sarah and I have been including others in out sex lives for nearly 10 years now and during the Covid restrictions we have been reflecting and remembering some of the most exciting encounters we have had. However we also got on to discussing each others sexual adventures from before we met, which wasn't until our mid thirties. It’s amazing what you remember when you start to recall events from the past and when Sarah asked me about my first ever MMF threesome this happy memory came...

1 year ago
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Holiday with Sister

It all started a year ago when my sister and I decided to go on holiday together. I got married about 10 years ago to a long- standing school friend, we were both 29 at the time and the relationship produced 2 kids, boy and a girl. My wife was a good woman but not too adventurous in bed, during the marriage we just got in a rut, then started to argue a lot, not enough money and the usual family things, so in the end we just split up went our own ways and got divorced, with both our kids living...

4 years ago
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Sex Holiday 2 The Lifestyle Friendly Hotel in Fl

Another FantasyAfter our holiday experience in Maspalomas I was interested in finding out if wife had really meant it when she had agreed to maybe having sexual experiences during overseas holidays. After dinner one night at home I suggested we look online for a venue for our next holiday. I asked if she was up for some new experiences and she said yes. I told my wife that we could go to Florida as I had been reading about a lifestyle friendly hotel just north of Miami. We could do some...

3 years ago
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Long Holiday

Copyright Oggbashan September 2014The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.************************************************* Long HolidayAs it was Monday morning, I got up early, washed, shaved, put on a business suit and sat down for a quick breakfast. I put the...

2 years ago
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Bob Sue and Anitas holiday romance 3

Although this could be read as a standalone story, it may be easier if you read the previous chapters. I am happy to receive comments and PMs. I welcome constructive criticism. Thanks to Mfan and others for helping proof read ------------------------- Two nights running Bob had returned to his wife Sue late, she being bedridden with a migraine in their holiday apartment. So far Bob had successfully managed to convince her that he befriended some lads on a stag weekend that got him into a...

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The Exhibitionist Girls Solo Holiday Part 1

by Vanessa Evans A girl goes on holiday to find ways to live her exhibitionist fantasies. Part 1 Hi, my name is Sadie and I’m and exhibitionist. No, I’m not at a meeting of exhibitionists anonymous I’m at home, my own small apartment typing this story. It starts about six months ago when I broke off my relationship with a young man that I’d been going out with for nearly a year. Why did I break up with him? Well basically he turned out to be a prude. We’d been making love in all sorts...

2 years ago
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Holiday adventures a new beginning

HomeDartmoor, in the winter as rugged and rough as the thorny gorse bushes that thrive on the hillsides, in the summer as beautiful as the woodland that nestles along the banks of streams that trickle into the rivers.It is my home of choice outside the bustling city of Exeter, where I’ve worked for the past 10 years. My job is a high salaried, its high-profile stressful working for the city council. Big budgets, hiring and firing people all the daily problems all add to the stress, but I love...

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On Holiday with My Mother in Law

My wife has persuaded me to take her 73-year-old mother on holiday with us in our caravan. I had to show some opposition to the wife idea and that I was not too keen in holidaying with my mother in law, but I am looking forward to it really, as we have been lovers for sometime on the quite.I have just picked my mother in law up at her house when she tells me that I am in for a big surprise if we are lucky enough to be alone sometime. We head back home to pick the caravan up that my wife is...

4 years ago
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My Last Family Holiday

I went to Spain with my mother and her boyfriend for the final family holiday I ever expected to go on. As I was 17 I wasn’t expecting to be going again so I really wanted to make the most of it, my usually shy self disappeared and I immediately went over to the teenagers around the pool tables. Most of them were a lot younger than me but I saw one of the lads had an older sister that appeared to be my age and she had a friend so I thought that this would be a chance. The 2 girls came over to...

3 years ago
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My Holiday in Australia to visit my family

Well as you will know from my other stories I have a thing for fucking other mens wives and mostly older women, well I just had to tell you about this lady I met when I went on a Holiday to visit my brother and family in Perth, Western Australia some time ago! I was 28 at the time and on my first full day in Australia my nice took me out to this pub for a drink. My brother is a lot older than me and he had five Daughters, one was getting married and that was the reason for my visit, but the...

2 years ago
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My Family Holiday With Boss

25 years ek mahanati employee tha but bahut chalak bhi use pata tha ki uske boss ke dimag main kya chalta rahata hai use bhi uski boss ki tarah company main ucha mukam hasil karna tha and who kuch bhi karne ke liye tayyar tha.uski wife usha 21 years bahut sundar thi par sath main bahut aalsi.gahr ka kam chod tv and makeup main hi jada time bitati thi aur high standard life jine ke sapne dekhti thi. Who jada kamuk nahi thi, balki uska dimag bacche jaisa tha kapil ki Tarha samjhdar aur chalak bhi...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Today the girl sat at the seat in front of Julia, who watched as the routine continued – the girl shuffled the skirt of her school uniform up an inch or two, so that she displayed just a little more black nylon-encased leg, and ran her fingers through the long dark ringlets of her hair, tousling and teasing them into what she obviously hoped was a more street-wise and sexy look. Julia smiled to herself, all the girl’s actions reminded her so much of herself as a schoolgirl twenty years...

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Sophies Summer Holiday

Introduction: This is my entry for the second writers competition on the forum. I apologise for the length as its nearly 20,000 words, but Im quite pleased with it, and I hope you take the time to read it. Thank you x The bus lurched to a halt at the stop. From her seat, Julia looked on as the petite pretty young girl impatiently waved goodbye to her mother at the stop, and got on board. As ever, the daily routine took place the girl paid the driver for her fare, and marched down the aisle, sat...

3 years ago
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Holiday Fun Pt 3

HOLIDAY FUN 3Not read parts 1 & 2 yet? You need to ?Holiday Fun part 1 https://xhamster.com/stories/holiday-of-fun-part-1-9969806Holiday Fun Part 2 https://xhamster.com/stories/holiday-of-fun-part-2-9972753The next morning we were woken to the buzzing of Deb’s phone somewhere in the room. Deb jumped out of bed naked and started searching for her purse, her ass pointed in my direction as she bent over to pick her purse up from the floor, her tight puckered ass looking fantastic and her...

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Theft on Holiday

Emma and Cathy were already settled into their cabin in the holiday park. Both eighteen-year-old girls were in skimpy bikinis that showed off their well-toned figures and had just got back from their daily swim. They sat on the veranda and looked out for the two grannies who were going to join them for their two-week break.Mabel and Janet were in the car and were close to the camp. The two sixty-five-year-old grannies were thankful that Emma and Cathy agreed to let them join them on holiday,...

2 years ago
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First Wife Claire Has Holiday Fun With Locals

My very naughty fiancée had turned into a very prudish mother, but she was still beautiful and had kept superbly fit. She had long, dark, shiny hair, a porcelain complexion, and red lips. Although naturally athletic, she had worked out a lot, and the slim flat tummy and round arse were all good, but mostly, her big tits always looked and felt fantastic – it was like she had not had children.To my knowledge, she was faithful to me for nine years, but we went on a family holiday to Tunisia and...

Wife Lovers
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Holiday in Barbados

Many years ago, after the k**s had got to an age where they could be looked after by grandparents, the wife and I organised a holiday for the 2 of us to Barbados. It was the first in 12 years on our own, and we overspent, with a beachfront villa with private pool, constant alcohol top-ups, etc. etcThe direct flight was before business class had flat beds but the wide comfy leather seats were good enough for a daytime flight. The flight attendants made sure booze flowed, the excitement and the...

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Bikini Beach The Nerds Holiday Queen

This tale is part of the continuing tale of the Nerds and their adventures with Bikini Beach. Earlier installments define the characters, which are very loosely based on Revenge of the Nerds. The cast is repeated here for convenience. Cast of Characters: Brandon - a nerdish type who fits the stereotype to a tee, and Robert's best friend and roommate. Robert and Brandon grew up together. Brandon is a computer genius, but is very awkward around girls. Robert - Not quite...

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Holiday Of A Lifetime

When I was a naive sixteen year old boy, I embarked on the holiday of a lifetime.My best friend, Simon invited me to spend the school summer holidays with his family in their luxurious villa on the Mediterranean island of Majorca. My parents were good friends with Simon's mum and dad and they were also invited. However, because of work commitments, they were unable to go but they gave me their blessing to go without them. Simon's parents, Vic and Katie also invited another couple, John and...

First Time
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Holiday in Africa

I was so happy to finally go on holiday again. It was already a few years ago. My husband, John, was always so busy that he only took one week off a year and he travelled so much professionally that he preferred to spend his free time at home. I understood that of course, but the other way around I was mostly at home taking care of our daughter Sarah and I craved a holiday that pulled me out of the daily grind. However, this time John had to go to Bulagandra for a week for his work and we had...

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Mr Coxs Holiday

Author’s Note. This story is dedicated to ChrisM. Thank you for your generosity. I sat at my desk looking out over the London skyline. It was July and the rain was pouring down. I sighed and drank my tea. I was a coffee man but after three months in England, I had been hooked on the tea. It wasn’t my office I was sitting in but one that was provided to me by the company who had contracted my services. I’m a marketing consultant and travel the world helping start-up companies to find...

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Part 7 Matric holiday Fuck a MILF

Waking up Tuesday morning Mark said he felt as if he was starting to get the flu but nevertheless he was still keen to go have as much fun as possible as it was the final 4 days before I headed back to Johannesburg on Saturday with my parents. After a hot shower we got dressed and went to the main house for a good breakfast. After breakfast we made our way to the beach front for the day. We could see the matric holiday was ending as most of the youngsters had started heading back home and the...

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Jamies Holiday Panties

"You'll never guess what I found in the dryer this morning," Mother greeted me at the door. I was just coming in from school and was quite surprised at the question. I thought quickly, remembering that I'd done a load of laundry the night before. I didn't think I'd left anything in the dryer. God, I hoped not! "It's just the cutest Victoria's Secret signature cotton collection holiday panty, dear." She held it out opening it so the whole panty was fully visible. Not like a woman would...

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Building An Appetite For Holiday Sex

I had surprised myself, finding out how easily I could pick up a holidaymaker without even trying too hard. I wasn't expecting Alan to get in touch again. We had swapped phone numbers, but he was, after all, on a lads' holiday.But, just two days later, I got the call. He wanted to see me again, but there was a problem with using their holiday villa because one of his mates was ill in bed. I told him that there was no problem coming over to our place and that I would pick him up if he wanted...


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