Omake - Devilla And Lucy In The Woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 (a Softfork) free porn video

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Omake - Devilla and Lucy in the woods - (Not) Demon Queened 6.1 =============================================================== not written by Princess Kay, but posted "somewhere" with Princess Kay's permission (c) B.Lowe License: If you can imagine a use for this text, I allow it. If you are Princess Kay and can imagine a use for, I would feel honoured :-) This story is inspired by Demon Queened written by Princess Kay. It is not written by Princess Kay, nor is it cannon. It simply came into being out of my appreciation of the story and eagerness to continue it in my mind and my desire to write something. This "fork" of the story will go nowhere. A continuation is not planned. Stick with the original, it's likely much better. It's a "what may have happened but never did," that takes place after Demon Queened Chapter 6 Beware: Undoubtedly I imagine these characters differently that Princess Kay does. Thus they are technically not the same and you, the reader, will likely notice differences. "I still want you to come with me!" Lucy stated, which evoked a sigh from Devilla. Lucy was nice, but the way she simplified everything was exhausting. Sure, taking a straight forward path suited a heroine, but the price was always something being left our or someone being left behind. Still, Lucy was a good person, unlike her. So she wanted to be a bit close to her, while talking to her, and preferable not have to look her in the eyes in the process. So, with a kind of resigned air about her, she got up to move behind Lucy, sitting down behind her and then, after short consideration, embracing her. Lucy liked it of course: "Oh, see I told you that sex and love go together a bit at least". "Don't go worming your way into my heart now!. Though I guess, sure I do like you well enough," Devilla sighed. "Look, it's not that I dislike the idea of journeying off into the sunset. Actually I'd love to do just exactly that. I wouldn't even mind doing it with you." Lucy smiled and leaned back into Devilla ample bosom. Turning her head as she tried to catch Eena's eye. "But!" "But what?" "But there are people I feel responsible for. I've told you: I am on a journey of self-improvement, right? But there is more to it. There are people I can't just abandon!" Devilla surprised herself, saying this. After all, her plan so far had been exactly that: abandoning her people for the good of her people. With a bit of running from her bad image on the side. But somehow, in the last days, she kind of resigned herself to the realization, that she would never forgive herself If she didn't do what she could for the demons in the tower. "I mean, not like this, I have to make sure... well, make sure they are going to be ok. I don't want them to suffer because I wasn't there for them!" That "Whoa, you really care about them, do you? They must be really important to you!. I knew you were a good person!" Devilla, eager to avoid Lucy's optimistic eyes, looked away, a self-derogatory smirk on her lips. "Not... exactly." Lucy had one of these "go on, go on" looks on her face. She really wanted to to keep Eena sharing, and managed to dredge up enough common sense to know that the best way to do so, would be to just keep quite and expect her to continue. Devilla sighed and gave in. "I don't even know most of them and none of them have the best impression of me. Actually, I'm pretty sure their opinions range from indifference and disappointment to outright disgust." Lucy's eyes took on a glimmer "And yet you want to help them? You're so selfless!" Devilla's hands on Lucy's shoulders stiffened. "I am not!" Lucy's optimistic high opinion of herself was becoming harder and harder to stand. "Just shut up, ok! Spare me, ok!" Lucy looked like she wanted to protest, she face betrayed her mulling over just what she should say and then, surprisingly, settled on a soft "Ok, I ... I am just gonna listen for now. If that's what you want". Devilla's hands on Lucy's shoulders relaxed. "I do want to just run off. Away from their opinions. From my previous actions. But I can't! Not until I've made sure they will be ok. I won't! They have been treated extremely unfair. They've been judged and marked as obsolete and abandoned. Even by the Goddess herself. It's so unfair, it enrages the hell out of me. They have repeatedly been trampled over and then discarded by the world and if I did the same now, then I could never live with myself.". Lucy's face said she was trying to figure out who Eena was talking about. Probably wondering why she had never heard of a village in such dire need of rescue. "I don't believe that, the goddess loves everyone! Trust me, I know." That evoked a short dark laugh to Devillas, that she cut of after only a short while. She had already said way to much. She didn't plan on revealing that she was talking about the demons. "If you say so. You are the heroine after all. Anyway... I might not be the best person to help them, but I won't abandon them either! So I can't come with you. Understand!?" "Yes, I understand!" Devilla was almost relieved upon hearing that, but something about it felt off. Why was Lucy still so determined? "Then I will just have to come with you!" "What?" "We'll save them together! I will help you save them. Then you can join my party and we can defeat the Demon Queen together! If they have a bad opinion of you, I will help you. I will show them what a great person you are.". She went on and on, even over Eena's exasperated look at her. "Them AND You!" "There's no winning with you, huu,," Devilla sighed silently to herself, "is there?" Louder, "I'm telling you, you can't!" "Why not?" Devilla stood up and started collecting her clothes, still strewn about on the forest floor. "Because I said so! I don't want you to come, ok! Don't come! Leave me alone!" "I .. I .. But... you need my help. I want to help you! Please let me help you!" Devilla raised her hands hands, as if to crush the very air itself. If she walked away, Lucy would probably just follow her. She could fly away, but would reveal herself as Devilla in the process. At least she would want to put the potato bags into her bag of holding first, but demonstrating that she was the owner of a heavenly item would also out her immediately. If she were to run, Lucy might be able to keep up with her, as she wasn't fully recovered yet. Besides, she wasn't too keen on running in heels trough a dense forest. The only solution was to convince Lucy that they have to go their separate ways. She just had to be extra firm. "No! Our ways part here. I'm going this way. You are going that way. Goodbye". Lucy got up and wordlessly picked up one of the potato bags. "What?" "I still promised to carry those for you. At least until we are ouf of the forest.". Devilla took the heavy bag out of her hands. "Thank you, I can carry them myself just fine." a short silence later she added "It was nice meeting you, actually... Goodbye!" With that she turned and walked away. Obviously she hadn't been firm enough though. It did not take long for her to discover that Lucy was indeed following her a short distance back. Devilla continued walking. Lucy continued to follow. Devilla choose at a fork in the road. Lucy went down the same path. Devilla speed up. Was the heroine finally falling behind? But now, there she was again. Should she start running after all? She still had her dignity though, so Devilla stopped and let Lucy catch up. "Why are you still following me?" "You happen to be going my way.". Devilla stared at her. "Alright, go on then, I will rest here for a while." "I can't. I'll rest here too, for a while". "You can be really annoying you know! You don't look tired, just be on your way." "But, I don't know the way." "What in hell's blazes are you talking about?" to which Lucy brazenly answered "Well, you're my way now, so I won't know where to go If you don't. I can go anywhere I want, can't I? I choose to go where you do!" What, the, hell! This just wasn't real, was it? Lucy the heroine, was apparently stone-set on following her until she reached the demon tower. Supposedly to help her save people in need. What would she do if she found out that the people she had been talking about were all demons. Would she be willing to help them? Her actions in the game suggested, she actually might. But how could she even do that? She wasn't likely to abandon humanity or the church. She claimed to feel the goddess intentions but who knew what that goddess was scheming. After all, it was her, that originally declared humanity as the only species fit to inherit all the lands. She couldn't be trusted. But as things were going now, she could kiss her plans goodbye. No wait, it could turn out even worse. If she turned up at the tower with Lucy in tow, her people might brand her as traitor. Worse! They might feel she had finally and truly abandoned them and despair. But if she could show the heroine the tower, it might not be so bad if Lucy got to know some demons, especially if she learned that they were just like everyday people. That the tower was just like a big town, with bars and markets and folk living normal lives. No, she couldn't take that risk. She didn't actually want to fight Lucy and bringing her to the tower might force her to do exactly that. Wait a moment. Lucy did not have that collar on her yet, did she? She didn't have a bag of holding, so there wouldn't have been anywhere for her to hide it. A small smile played over her face as she recalled that she really had seen and checked Lucy's everywhere. So no collar, meant less danger. Could bringing the heroine to the tower early change their fates? Or would it just give her intel that she could use against them later? What about herself then. Would her citizens recognize her, if she went to the tower as Eena? The would for sure. She hadn't changed her face when meeting Lucy and that face was printed every coin used in demon economy. One more thing: would Lucy even be willing to follow her to the tower? Telling her her destination just might be the fastest way to get rid of her. If not though, what would happen? The scenario she had planned would be shot to moon? To be fair, it really wasn't much of a plan in the first place, yet having a bad plan felt much better than having no clue about what to do at all. The only upside was, that an uncertain future, which she could force now, would likely not have any collars in store for her. That at least didn't sound so bad. Suppose they went to the tower and Lucy attacked her people, her generals would immediately deal with it. But it surely wouldn't look good when, as was her creed, she just stood by doing nothing until she had ascertained that Lucy was far to strong for other mortals. The heroine wasn't that strong yet though. Another point in favour of going now. Sure, killing the heroine off early was a no-go for her. Not An Option! It felt wrong and unfair and restoring fairness was kind of what her family was all. The family she had never met and only heard about from others, yet did not truly want to disappoint. Sadness must have shown on her face, as Lucy suddenly made some sympathetic expressions, so she reeled herself back in. This was not the time for reminiscence. Back on topic,... maybe there was another way to nip fate in the bud. If things went well, that is, avoid a situation where the heroine and her generals killed each other, might Lucy cooperate with her? She did say, she considered every living, thinking, being worth saving. She should be able to view demons as people, right? It should be alright.. she herself had hated the thought of interacting with smug and goddess chosen humans, but after actually meeting them.... shit, she actually liked Lissera and her village. Even if she could convince Lucy, what could they even do? Ideally, she wanted to at least be able to trade with the human villages in the area. But ultimately.. demons needed to reclaim some of their lands. Sure, most didn't need sun, but they did need farmland. Access to the sea would be nice too. Everyone being cramped into a single big tower was no way to survive. In fact it was a single point of failure situation and thus a sure way to eventual extinction. War, Plagues, Famine, anything could happen. In fact, didn't she remember reading that in order for plagues to break out, closed-off, cramped ecosystems are a hard prerequisite. In many ways, the tower was not a good place to be for the last of several species and the price of choosing the wrong path forward, was extinction of everything that currently made up demon-kind. Thinking of it in these terms, made her blood grow cold at her own failures as a princess so far, and at the same time boild at the goddess callousness. She really didn't know what was best. But she kind of felt that when there was no known good way, bold action was required. Or at least it felt better to do _something_. It all came down to a single question: Could she trust Lucy? By extension, could she trust the goddess whose intent Lucy said she could feel? She really wanted to make sure and forcing the issue now, was the fastest way to know. Even if it might doom her. It could all be a ploy by the goddess after all. Everything from killing Devilla's parents, turning her into a brat that mucked up the rite's incantation, to inspiring Lucy to not leave her alone. But No, she really couldn't blame anyone but herself her brattiness. Weirdly, now that she wasn't even really pure Devilla any-more, she couldn't even wholly blame herself. Her actions from now on, those were her own, and that scared her. If she took a misstep, she would be responsible. If would be her mistake, whoever she was, that strange amalgam of Devilla and Jacob. Abigail would not be the only one to suffer. Whole species might go extinct. Even if Lucy might not intend for that to happen, she might still be the catalyst towards that very end. Devilla had been staring hard at Lucy all this time, and now she considered how she might possibly make her understand? Could she even understand? "I'm going to the demon tower!" She hadn't really decided what to do yet, but blurted that out anyway. Her blood felt as if on fire. What would happen now? "The demon tower? Isn't that too dangerous? Is it because of the people you want to help? Even I think I am not ready to go there yet!" What should she say now? Just soldier through? The truth then: "I am going to the demon tower, because the people I want to help, are the people living there!" - "If you really want to come along, come along!" - "I don't really know If I can guarantee your safety.. or even mine... but if you want to come along no matter what, then I officially invite you to see the tower from the inside. I want you to see that the demons living inside are just normal people too." Lucy had a kind of blank look as she was staring at her. "What? -O..Oh...ok.. Ok I guess?" "What?" "I said, 'ok'. I am not sure what's going on with you and I think it's insane to go to the tower. But I also kind of trust you. So... Ok.". "You sound live you've been inside before. So it sound like it will be fine and if you haven't I sure can't let you go there alone." - "Wait! Are you.. you know.. a demon? Is that why you are so strong? You don't look like a demon." Lucy was looking at her with a mixture of a frown and a questioning look. "I .... it's complicated?" "How is it complicated? You can tell me! I won't hurt you!" The statement caused Devilla's sardonic side to flare up, "You won't hurt me? How mighty magnanimous of you!" That caused Lucy's eyebrows to frown, "I didn't mean it like that. I know you are strong. But I am still the strongest there is, I can show you! But, you know... without hurting you." Her genuine naivitey caused Devilla to form a smirk that soon developed into a hearty laugh. "Alright, Alright," she put out a hand to stop Lucy from doing anything dump, "you are the strongest! So let's keep it at that." Unfortunately this caused the opposite effect and Lucy went off on a tangent "Now I really want to train with you!" she looked almost hurt when she suddenly demand that I spar with her. "Don't you trust me? Even after all that? I told you I won't hurt you. I can keep my word, even if you are a demon. Why, it's even better if you are a demon, I can get some real training in!" Did she even get what she just said? Likely not. The heroine wasn't that much younger than her, but somehow Devilla felt like she was talking to a young school kid. Maybe it was the combination of her two lifetimes in different worlds. Maybe people in this world just had less access to information and were a little bit simpler. It was hilarious to think that she, the bratty self-absorbed abusive princess, now felt more world-wise that the heroine. Hilarious and somehow wrong. She had so many things to make up for, but now she got the impression that most of her moral concerns hadn't even been invented yet, in this world. She took a long drawn out breath..., calming herself, to explain. "Ok. First... Suppose it's myself that I don't trust with fighting you! I, problematic as that is, don't actually want to hurt you either!" "And Second... what do you mean it's even better if I were a demon?" "Well, you know.. I have to fight demons eventually.... so it would be good practice?" "And, suppose I were a demon... you think I would be on board with that? Me helping you get better at fighting other demons? There are few enough left as it is." "Well, didn't you imply that they don't like you? It kinda makes me want to fight them" "No! I don't want you to fight them. If you need to fight anybody, fight me. But no, don't fight me either. I don't want to fight you!. Aahhhrg, why is this so difficult. Just... go away... stop being the heroine... why are you even here?" "So.. ?hhm, I really can't tell, are you a demon now, or aren't you? You look completely human, but then you talk as if you know the demons really well.." Devilla said nothing, instead she simply used a bit of magic to swipe the chestnut colouring from her hair, letting her white hair blow freely in a sudden and convenient breeze. Lucy stared at Devilla and then in a quiet voice just said "Oh!"

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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 4

"Do you like my figure, sir?" "Yes, of course. And, thank you for having dressed up very sexily, Lucy." "You are welcome, sir. You wife chose this outfit." "Yes, she is good at this. I'm glad that your top and pants are semi transparent... I'm able to see almost all of your young sexy body." "You like to see my body, sir?" "Yes, of course. I like your bra and thong... they are tiny and allow me to see a lot of your big boobs and hot loins. Thank you for wearing...

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7th heaven Lucy trying lesbian sex

What a whirlwind Lucy Camden's life had been lately. First she had lost her virginity, to her sister's boyfriend, no less. Then she did the guy she almost fucked years before and now she had balled two guys at the same time. Yep she was turning into a major fuck slut. Her next encounter would be even more extreme then she could ever imagine. For this time Lucy would end up doing something a little something different from what she had done before. This session of sex would be with another...

4 years ago
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Kimberly Lucy Natural Love

With the school year finally coming to a close, Kimberly was proud of the fact that she'd been able to learn English so quickly and get accustomed to a new country and different culture. Most importantly, she'd found someone to latch on to with her immediate friendship with Lucy. Having come from Honduras to live in the U.S. with her mother, she didn't have any exposure to her new environment other than her budding friendship with Lucy. It has given her the confidence any new immigrant so...

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Lucy and the camera club

The Improbabale Tale of Lucy and the Camera ClubAs is usual on Wednesday night I went down to the local camera club. This particular night was very special, as the club secretary had arranged for a friend of his to come in to do a glamour shoot. The term glamour has many connotations and when I asked the secretary exactly who the model was and what we would be doing he gave me a strange look and said, “I am sure she’ll add a little poetry and magic to the evening”. I arrived early to find the...

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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 6

"What do you want me to do now?" "Fuck me, sir... fuck me nicely." Harry reached below her and cupping and fondling her firm big boobs said, "Now relax, darling... let's do it slow and enjoy a long good fuck." "But we can't take too long, sir." "Why?" "Because Rod and Bob may come and interrupt us, sir." Helen said, "Don't worry, Lucy. You have enough time to get fucked nicely... in fact, I'm sure my husband will want to fuck you a few more times before Rod and Bob come...

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Setting up Lucy4

Lucy went straight to the shower and soaked under it for a good fifteen minutes, thinking about the three boys that were coming over. She decided she would try to make them last as long as they could before cumming this time. She would be the teacher today. Getting out of the shower, she slipped on her long robe, and nothing else, then went back to the kitchen and poured herself another cup of coffee. Every few minutes she would glance at the clock, as nine o'clock drew near she began to...

2 years ago
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Mary And Lucy Discuss A Mutual Interest

The public caning that sixty-year-old Lucy Hogarth had been a twofold success in her view because it raised funds for the local Women's Institute and it brought Lucy sexual pleasure. It had also caused sexual excitement for some other ladies present, one of whom was Mary Littleton. Prior to the evening Mary, who was some three years younger than Lucy, had never had any serious sexual thoughts regarding the application of corporal punishment but she had found the occasion hugely erotic, so much...

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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 2

"Thank you Lucy, you make me very happy. I hope I can make you happy too." She just smiled. Lucy felt Harry slightly raise his knees. This caused her buttocks to slight onto his loins. Then he parted his thighs slightly causing her firm buttocks to rest more intimately against his hard bulge. "Are you more comfortable now?" "Yes, sir." Lucy felt the bulge against her firm buttocks. "How long have you been married?" "Just more than two weeks." Harry leaned into her and kissed...

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Sweet Little Lucy A Modern Day Fairy Tale

older girl more like nineteen or twenty. Lucy was a popular girl and doing well at school. Lucy had deep blue eyes and full soft lips and her pretty face was edged by long blonde hair. Her boobs were not large at 34C but on her slim frame they looked a lot bigger. They were firm with small delicate pink nipples while her waist was trim and her bum was, well peachy was probably the best way to describe it round yet firm. Lucy knew she attracted a lot of hungry stares from men...

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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 5

Saying, "Oh, sir," Lucy blushed and got out of Harry's arms. He wanted to embrace her again. Giggling she ran and flopped herself on the bed. She lay face down, deliciously naked, her full round buttocks and gorgeous thighs presented a voluptuous view. He fell over her lower body, hugging her at the hips and started to kiss and lick her lovely buttocks. Lucy squirmed, enjoying the stimulation. Harry crawled up and lay on top of her back. His towel had fallen off and he adjusted his big...

1 year ago
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Lucy the Teenaged WifeChapter 1

Mike was a counselling teacher at an all girls' school. He had a degree in psychology. He was a man of only slight build but his winning smile and handsome features interested many schoolgirls. One schoolgirl, Lucy, wanted him. She was almost seventeen and sexy. She often talked to him after class, and followed him to his room on the pretext of seeking advice. And Mike fell for her, attracted by her voluptuous sex appeal. They often chatted and became close friends and he taught her heavy...

1 year ago
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Fabulous Lucy Again

Lucy Hardman, the forty-three-year-old TV presenter, felt the urge once more to find a naughty chummy 'son' to discipline as she got so turned-on by spanking and caning younger men and always came as she finished off the caning. She never cared about the young men, though, promising them an orgasm they never usually got.Today, Lucy was at the local outdoor swimming pool where she very occasionally picked up suitable young men. She was in a trim thong bikini set with a triangle cup top with...

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Lucy and Lucy part 1

Well a few weeks have passed since my niece Lucy and I enjoyed each other's company. She has text a few times sending me pictures of her fingering her wet pussy and a glorious shot of her with two fingers up her tight arse! I must say I had a good wank over those!!Anyway, I was on call this weekend and the wife decided to venture off to her mothers with the k**s as usual. The phone rang, it was Lucy asking if she could visit as she was missing me! Of course you can I said, she said that her...

4 years ago
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Lucy Book One

Me? Well, I'm 6'4", and my mighty schlong reaches to my knees - isn't that what guys who write stories like this are supposed to say? In truth, I'm a half-inch under six feet in height, of medium build (I'm the kind of bulky guy who has to work out three times a week or face the very real threat of turning into Homer Simpson). My penis, since I suppose it's relevant to the proceedings, is a modest, but thick and meaty, eight inches. Despite our fifteen years of marriage, Becky and I...

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Lucy always gets her wayPart 4

Feeling my cock sliding out of Lucy's pussy was the most unsatisfying experience I've had in a long time. When I saw how something I did made her squirt like that I was somewhat compensated and definitely fascinated. If I'd only been given another few seconds I would have come as well. Right now, however, Lucy where totally spent, laying flat on her belly and panting heavily. When I looked over at Gina she had lowered the camera, her hands where shaking and she were staring at Lucy...

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Blackmailing Lucy

Lucy Wright was forty two and divorced with two grown sons. Both sons were in college but that did not mean much as the college was just across town. John the oldest was a senior and due to graduate in the fall. He had an apartment near campus, which he shared with his girlfriend. Joe the youngest was a sophomore and lived at home most of the time.The sun was hot on Lucy's body as she lay out by the pool. She had the pad off the lounge chair laid out near the edge of the water. She lay on her...

2 years ago
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Lucy And Jo Go Into Business Full Time

Lucy and Jo had had the trial run of their business and it was a resounding success. Karen was sure though, that they could do something different to add to their business. She was not sure what, though. Karen was the brains behind everything.At the moment it was just caning for caning's sake. Making people have a sore bum. Sure, some people wanted that. Some, she was sure though, had heard about them and stayed away, because of it.Lucy spoke to Jo one night."I think we should go into...

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Lucy Bruce Janie and me Part 6

This installment of the saga follows on from the episodes linked here: This story has anal, first time, blow jobs, gay male, lesbian, crossdressing, voyeurism, taboo. Pick your poison.Lucy had been masturbating while she watched...

1 year ago
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Lucy8217s Taboo Story A Long Kept Satisfied Secret

(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}}); It started innocently enough. I shouldn’t even be telling you this. I shouldn’t judge. I can’t not after how all this ended. There is a parallel to everything. This isn’t in this instance a conversation of right and wrong. It’s just what happened. It was not the story I expected to hear when I asked her, what was the hottest thing she experienced sexually when she was growing up? A young girl,...

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Setting up LucyConclusion

Introduction: It had to end somewhere When Howard got home that afternoon, he found Lucy, just finishing up her cleaning in the bedroom. She had fell asleep in the tub, had she slept for another thirty minutes, she definitely would have been caught. When she began cleaning the bedroom up, she had stripped the bed, because the sheets were stained with cum. As she cleaned the bedroom, she spread a pine disinfectant several times to mask the strong odor of sex that was prevalent in the air. She...

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Setting up LucyConclusion

"Hi honey, I'm home." He said, walking into the bedroom. Looking around the room, he wondered why Lucy was doing her housework so late in the day. "Hi, baby." Lucy said, looking up at her husband and smiling. She knew immediately what he was thinking. "You caught me, I slept all day." She said quickly. "I haven't been feeling very well, must be some sort of bug going around. She stood up and faked a little wooziness for Howard, then sat down on the edge of the bed. "I'm...

2 years ago
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Lucy enjoys being made into a slut

I had known Emily for years we had gone to college together a long long time ago and we were both in our 40's now. Although we had never had a relationship, over the years become very good fuck buddies. Sometimes when we were single and sometimes when one or both of us were in a relationship. We had kept this secret from everyone we knew, so all our partners friends and family just thought we were close friends.Emily and I had the same adventurous and curious nature about sex and most of our...

1 year ago
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The Faith of Lucy Holt

Faith is belief in the unbelievable….the more unbelievable something is….the stronger Faith needs to be. Lucy Holt had Faith; it was the only thing in her life that she did have in abundance. She was as God-fearing as anyone in Caleb County, a county renowned for its fear of the Almighty. She prayed every evening at the supper table with her parents, Seth and Annie, and every morning when she got out of bed. The Holts were one of many poor families barely eking out an existence on small...

Erotic Fiction
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My Aunt Lucy pt 2

If you haven’t read part 1, you should do that before reading Part 2, it will make more sense…..Aunt Lucy Part 2Aunt Lucy made a big breakfast the 2nd day of my visit, even though it was noon. She seemed to be her old self again, full of pep and energy which was kind of remarkable because of how late we were up last night. I found myself to be in the best of spirits as well, and I was determined that if nothing else I was going to get her pool back in shape before the day was over. By the end...

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My Sexy Aunt Lucy pt 1

My mother’s brother, Uncle Joe, passed away suddenly. He was only 37. My mother was taking it pretty hard. The holidays were approaching and it would not be the same. He was 12 years younger than her and only 7 years older than me. Mom loved him so and even named me after him. For years I was known as Little Joe. I always looked up to Uncle Joe, he was good to me, took his time to teach me sports, and let me hang out with him which made me feel older and included. My Dad left my mother when I...

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Lucy the House Slave

After a 4 hour bumpy carriage ride, Seth waited in his room for his mother to greet him. He had not seen his mother in three months, and was now waiting for her to show him his new brother. Seth liked Charleston, but enjoyed the open space of his family's plantation. Having a house in the city and a large plantation meant he was forced to travel between the two at times. The five hour trip had taken its toll, and his eye lids were giving out. Staying on a large plantation in 1850 had its...

2 years ago
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Lucy and Lucy part 2

This arse was tight! Lucy 2 bent over and just one finger up her arse and it was so tight! How was I supposed to loosen her up! My Lucy had started to rub her clit with her fingers and her pussy was nice and wet but I really felt like fucking this other young girl's arse wasn't going to happen."Lucy", I said. They both replied "yes". I indicated that it was for my niece! "Nip to the cupboard under the stairs, you'll find a small briefcase, bring it here please", I asked."OK", she replied.A...

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The Inner Lucy

Earlier tonight I prepared myself for what I thought would be just another lame-ass party, with everyone getting pissed and puking on the tube on their way home. Maybe you'd think a Christmas party where everyone's expected to dress to the theme of Pimps & Hoes would be awesome, but chances are your absolutely wrong. I figured, maybe only a handful of people would dress up that way and end up being made laughingstocks, people would start acting inappropriately and end up getting mad at each...

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Lucy goes to the Ball Part 1

Lucy couldn't deny she was nervous. For weeks she had planned to attend the annual "Halloween Leather and Lace Fetish Ball" held in the nearby city with two close friends, Hayley and Kelly. They had all thought it would be a liberating experience and were all anxious to see attend an adult themed Halloween party. Now, she sat in her car parked alone, as her friends had backed out unexpectedly at the last minute. She seriously considered just leaving, but the ticket hadn't been cheap. The drive...

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Me and my Older sister Lucy

I’ve always been around my sister for as long as I can remember, our mother washing the both of us in the bath together probably the start of my memory. My sister called Lucy is three years older than me and I would sit in between her legs as our mother washed me then we would play in the bath as the water rushed out the plug hole. Towels wrapper around us, we would get dress in front of the fire dancing about as our mother tried to dress us.As I grew older, I was always part of her games,...

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Katie jasmine and lucy part two

Carl closed the door and went into the living room where the girls where. “So…..anyone want a drink or anything” he asked “Carl we’re not guests” Jasmine said “they practically live here” “I wish” Carl mumbled. “Anyway, what have you naughty girls been getting up too” Carl said with a little smile, expecting Katie and Lucy to wonder what he was going on about. “oh you know, licking each other out, fingering each others assholes, Cumming all over, the usual” Katie said, taking notice of...

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Lil Lucy

Lucy is a dwarf. She is four foot nine inches tall. I have never thought about a dwarf this way but there is just something smolderingly sexy about her. She has long fire red orange hair she keeps it up in a bun most of the time showing off her long thin neck. She has amazing violet eyes and her body is normally proportioned like a regular size woman. What is not in proportion however are her breasts. She is sporting large b cups. Does not sound huge but on her they are a nice size. ...

2 years ago
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My Aunt Lucy Part 3

My Sexy Aunt Lucy Part 3I woke up Tuesday morning, refreshed and relaxed, and was in anticipation on what the day would bring. I felt Lucy stirring on the other side of the bed. She said, “Wake up lover boy, it’s almost noon.” She threw the covers off and seeing a naked Aunt Lucy was the absolute best way to start my day. Amazingly, I wasn’t hard. Lucy got on her hands and knees and crawled to my crotch. Without saying a word, she took my limp penis in her mouth. I was totally erect in less...

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