Chemical Concocktion Ch. 01 free porn video

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The following is a work of fiction and contains pornography. If you are under 18, stop reading now. For those who continue reading, please realize that this is fiction and outside the realm of reality. In other words, if you take this stuff seriously, you need a psychiatric evaluation.

Feedback and criticism is highly appreciated and you can email me through the link below.

Teaching high school seniors can be a very frustrating job. Most of the kids have burnt out their paranoia about getting into a good school and by the end of the year, I’m lucky if they even show up to class. When you care about students learning, it’s enough to make your teeth grind.

What’s even more frustrating is having to see the girls. Eighteen years old, their bodies perfectly curved, their lips swollen and eager to kiss… looking at them drives my middle-aged body wild. Throw in the fact that they wouldn’t look twice at a 39 year old, scrawny science teacher without laughing and it just makes it all worse. I can look but can’t touch. Hell, let’s be honest. I can’t really look either without getting into trouble. I have to constantly remind myself to maintain eye contact at all times instead of staring at their luscious breasts or delicious legs.

Lately, I had been conducting some research on the side into pheromones and hormones. Yeah, it’s the classic nerd story of a guy so desperate to get laid that he tries to invent a love potion. I know enough science to know it’s impossible, but the geek in me still likes to fantasize. That’s all it was, a fantasy. I never, ever expected any of them to work or even thought about trying to test them to see if they could.

Acquiring the chemicals I needed was easy. Working in a high school science lab is one of the last places where a person can still get easy access to chemicals. Getting the samples of pheromones was a little tougher, until I realize that I was in a location surrounded by walking pheromone factories, i.e. teenagers.

A few visits to the locker rooms garnered what I needed. I used the excuse that I was conducting a science experiment about what bacteria colonized the locker rooms. I also used the opportunity to plant some hidden webcams in the girls’ locker room, but that’s a story for another day. I later went further and had kids submit dirty swathes of underwear and t-shirts saying that we would grow bacteria from them to see what their bodies harbored. In reality, I was trying to extract pheromones from the swathes.

So how would a love potion work exactly? I broke the problem down several ways. It would have to be more than just a drug to lower a woman’s inhibitions or sexually excite her. If the potion were merely an aphrodisiac, then it probably wouldn’t benefit me. A girl suddenly finding herself sexually excited, would most likely turn to one of the football players and not to a scrawny science teacher. I needed something that created loyalty and dedication as well as have an aphrodisiac quality to it.

The medication lorazapam was known to lower some inhibitions at moderate doses. Some studies showed that it increased susceptibility to hypnosis as well. Oxytocin was known as the trust hormone and studies had borne this out as well as giving some evidence that it created emotional bonds. Estrogen, testosterone, and others were all diligently explored, as well as a wide mix of other drugs. These were my starting points.

I guess I should point out again, I never planned on testing any of my potions. It was all fantasy. I could fantasize about these potions working and jerk off to these daydreams in the privacy of my home, but I knew any such attempt at a love potion would likely make anyone subjected to it sick. Not to mention that it would be a horribly unethical thing to actually try and do. It was just a crazy odd hobby that I had. I never took it seriously. It was pure fantasy that I was indulging in.

But then Beth happened.

Beth was this 18 year old girl that puberty had overlooked. No breasts or hips. Looking at her, she looked like a stretched out elementary school kid. She meant really well, but she was also always horribly clumsy. Probably because she was so self-conscious. She was the kid in school that no one ever thinks of or remembers. She hardly ever says a word. She hid behind her hair, which dangled in front of her face. She always sat the furthest away from any discussion or activity and strived very hard avoid being noticed. I guess I kinda felt sad for her. She reminded me of how I was in high school.

She drifted into my class to feed the lab animals during one lunch period and we slowly built up a friendship over time. I never hit on her or even thought about it… she seemed totally prepubescent, the little daughter that I never had.

I don’t know if my friendship was what encouraged her, if she was coming out of her shell naturally, or if she was trying to improve her chances of getting into a good college, but she signed up to be a flag girl.

The day she was accepted, she was so excited. School had been out for about an hour as she ran down to my classroom wearing her new uniform and carrying her flagstaff and gym bag. She made her way into my backroom where I had been idly working on my potions. I stopped what I was doing as she eagerly described the tryouts.

She seemed so happy and excited, I just wanted to encourage her. I urged her to re-enact the tryout.

She brushed her hair out of her face… she did have a cute face, but hiding behind her hair had long ago resulted in her face breaking out with acne. This just reinforced her tendency to hide her face even more. Seeing her smile bloom from under her usually hidden face was my highlight of the day.

She picked up her flagstaff and started to twirl it about, the flag forming complex patterns as she whirled it to and fro. I knew about her tendency to be accident-prone. Heck, I had her in science class for three years and the number of beakers and flasks she had broken were an obvious testament to it. She was just so excited and happy at the moment, that I had forgotten.

She was doing great, until she moved a little too far to the right and in the small confines of the backroom that was enough. The staff whacked against my experiment and its trailing flag wrapped itself around my beaker containing my most recent attempt at a potion. The flag lifted the beaker into the air….

Beth, instantly realized what had happened and froze, her self-consciousness crashing down upon her in full force… much like how the beaker, now suspended above her, crashed down upon her.

The beaker survived the impact, but not without dumping its contents all over Beth’s head. She got a thorough dosing. It poured down her head and onto her chest and feet. I immediately went over to her, grabbing a nearby towel.

She looked at me with eyes wide with shock, and I watched as they filled with tears as she started to flush with embarrassment.

She broke eye contact, staring down at her shoes,

‘I’m so sorry!’ she whispered in agony, ‘it was an accident. I’ll clean it up, I’m sorry’.

She took her left hand and bit down on the knuckle of her index finger in nervousness. I didn’t notice at the time that her hands had been covered with my solution as well.

She kept on repeating ‘I’m sorry’ over and over.

I touched her chin lightly with my hand and lifted her face up. Her teary eyes met mine.

‘It’s okay. Really’.

Her eyes locked onto mine, pleading. Her face was covered with orange gunk too. In a beaker, the smell had been contained somewhat. Spread all over Beth, it stunk to high heaven. Still, I saw Beth’s tongue slip out and lick her orange covered lips, at first moistening them, but then darting out again and obviously tasting.

I pulled my eyes away from her lips… part of me was already wondering what the potion could do to her. Should I call poison control?

We made eye contact again. The pleading was fading… there was a searching quality there now… like she was scanning my eyes for something.

‘Beth, it’s okay. Really. We need to get these chemicals off you right now and get you cleaned up’.

I touched her arm and was going to redirect her to the contamination shower in the corner… but when I touched her, I saw something in her eyes. Her pupils dilated to an enormous degree, she flushed and gave a little gasp, all the while gazing deeply into my eyes.

‘Beth. Come on. You need to do what I say. You need to get that stuff off of you as quickly as possible… you have it all over yourself’.

I moved around her and turned on the shower, trying to get the water warmed up. I grabbed another towel and glanced at Beth. She was following me with her eyes as she calmly licked her hands and forearms clean like a cat. What the hell?!?

‘Beth! Come here! Stop doing that! Those chemicals could hurt you!’ What was she doing?!? She wasn’t an idiot. Even a moron knows not to taste strange liquids in a chemistry lab!

She walked slowly over to me, staring at me dumbly. I pushed her into the shower.

‘Beth, wash yourself as good as you can. Did you get any in your eyes?!?’. She didn’t answer. She merely turned and stared into my eyes again as her hands slowly moved up to her hair and she started to wash it in the stream of water.

I was scared, I have to admit. What would I say when I called poison control? A student was exposed to a cocktail of hormones and drugs that I had laying around for no legitimate reason? I had visions of people knowing exactly what my potion was for and thinking that I had deliberately dosed an innocent high school student with it. Would Beth get sick? Would she die? Would I get sued? How would I find another job after I got fired? Would I go to jail?

I set some towels down on the counter next to her.

‘Beth, make sure you wash all that gunk off, all of it’. She nodded, still staring at me.

‘It’s okay. Don’t worry about breaking the beaker. I just want to make sure that you’re okay. Okay? You are alright. You are. Aren’t you?’. I flashed her a nervous smile, trying to downplay the panic I was feeling.

She started to nod her head.

‘It’s okay’, she echoed. ‘I won’t worry about breaking the beaker I am all right. I am’. She returned my nervous smile with a tentative one of her own. I felt some tension drain out of me, not much… but still a little. My nervous smile broadened… and her tentative one became a solid one.

There was something weird though. Her blank look was fading. She was getting this strange look on her face. Her eyes were open wide and she seemed to be desperately trying to maintain eye contact with me. Her face was flushed now too. Her cheeks and her nose were bright red. I touched her forehead, getting my arm wet in the process. I couldn’t tell because of the warm water spilling down on her, but she looked like she was running a fever, except her eyes weren’t glazed or dull… they were the opposite. They looked moist and sparkly.

‘Beth, do you have a change in clothes with you?’

‘yes’, she replied in her near whispery voice. ‘They’re in my gym bag in the classroom’.

‘Okay, Beth, I’m going to get those clothes. When I get back with them, you need to take off your other clothes and keep washing off for a couple of minutes. When you’re done, change into your clean clothes. I’ll be in the other room until you’re dressed’.

She seemed to be breathing a little heavier and I notice her look was still changing. She had taken on this angry or mean look I had never seen on her before. Her eyes looked shrunken and, I don’t know, darker. Like she was in the early stages of getting black eyes. Was she mad at me for throwing her in the shower?

I went into the other room, thinking about all the horrible permutations that could happen in the near future. I was firmly convinced that I had poisoned her. That I was going to be an outcast. Perceived as some weirdo pervert who was insane enough to believe that love potions actually worked. It was all just make-believe to me!

I debated about calling poison control. I kept running the ingredients of my chemical cocktail thru my mind, debating whether anything there could be harmful. None of it should have been absorbable through the skin. But she did get some in her mouth when she was biting on her knuckle, when she licked her lips… and when she started to lick her hands & arms. What was that about? Why had she been licking herself?!?

I heard the shower turn off.

‘Beth, you okay?’

There was a pause, before I heard her quiet affirmation.

She couldn’t have gotten a big enough dose to cause damage. Nothing in the mix should have been toxic… but then why her strange actions and demeanor?

She stepped into the room wearing her regular clothes.

Again she made eye contact with me. She rarely made eye contact with anyone, even with me after knowing her for several years. Even then, it seemed totally unlike her.

She still had that weird angry look with the darkened eyes and her cheeks were still flushed.

I touched her forehead. She did feel maybe a little feverish. She blushed from head to toe and her breathing deepened, almost panting.

‘Beth, are you feeling okay?’

She tried to answer, but at first her answer seemed strangled. Then she broke eye contact for the first time since the accident happened. Her entire body blushed bright red as she looked down at the ground.

‘yes,’ she whispered after her unsuccessful first attempt at speaking. ‘I feel wonderful. Thank you so much for caring if I’m okay. That is so noble of you to worry about me. I owe you so much. I…’, and she paused again, fighting for words… her body turning even brighter red.

‘I…’. She was panting now, but she was back to her old habit of avoiding eye contact. I tucked a finger under her chin and again lifted her face up towards me.

We made eye contact again and her breath suddenly caught itself. She gave a large gasp and exhaled. A happy smile started to grow on her face.

‘Beth. Do you feel sick? Do you need to go to a doctor? I’m worried that those chemicals might make you ill and I need some reassurance’.

‘No, she said, shaking her head. ‘I’m fine. I’m alright. I don’t feel sick. I feel… good. I don’t need to go to the doctor’.

‘Beth’, I said, ‘You should go home and rest up. If you feel ill at all, I want you to call me immediately’. I wrote out my home number. ‘Call me at this number if you feel the slightest bit sick’.

She took the number from my hands tentatively.

‘Beth, congratulations on getting the flag girl position. I want you to go home now, okay? Oh, and make sure you wash your uniform when you get home, I wouldn’t want this stuff to set permanently.’

She nodded and left, giving frequent glances at me out of the corner of her eye every other moment.

After she left, I cleaned up the backroom and destroyed my experiment. I admit it, I was being a coward. If she got sick, I didn’t want any evidence laying around. I washed all my beakers and flasks and destroyed all my notes (after making an encrypted backup file on a flashdrive which I hid at home. I had spent too many hours to throw everything away). I set her flagstaff and potion-soaked flag on a lab table, making a mental note that I’d have to wash it out, all the while wondering if the chemicals or the washing would harm the fabric. As I was dismantling my experiment, it must have fallen behind the table without my noticing, hiding it from view. I forgot all about it in the midst of my worries.


The next day, I felt better. I was sure that Beth had been exposed to only a small dose of hormones and at the worst, I might have screwed up her menstrual period for the month. The other chemicals might make her a little mel
low or drugged out for the night, but that should wear off relatively quickly. I saw her in the hallway and she looked fine. If anything, she looked great.

When she came to class, I gave her a more thorough scrutiny. I noticed that she really did look great. Instead of sitting off to the side in class like she usually did, she sat in the front row. Her hair was pulled away from her face for a change and she watched me attentively.

I noticed that her acne had started to clear up and she looked to be almost glowing. Was her face a little more full? I just attributed it to her actually exposing her face to public view. I had never really seen her face fully exposed before.

She lingered after class.

‘Are you feeling alright today?’ I asked.

‘I feel alright’, she responded, blushing furiously. She kept on glancing at me out of the corner of her eyes. She was almost acting like someone in a bad case of puppy love. She’d never acted that way with me before. Incredibly shy, yes… but not that of a girl with a heavy crush. I thought I must just be imagining it.

That lunch period, she came to feed the animals again. Normally quiet, today she alternated between babbling and then blushing furiously at me.

She called me a few times that weekend. Each time, she’d hang up when I answered. I only knew it was her because of caller-ID. I was worried that perhaps she was getting sick and was debating calling me but was still nervous about calling her back. What if her parents answered? No, I forced myself to play it cool.


On Monday, though, it was obvious that she wasn’t feeling ill. Truth be told, I almost didn’t recognize her. She looked different. Really different. It was like she was going through puberty on fast-forward, but she was also the picture of health.

Her flat chest and stick-thin body were going through massive changes. She had breasts now. At first, I thought she must be stuffing her bra. Then I noticed that her hips had noticeable curves and she was getting quite a cute little butt on her. Her complexion had also almost totally cleared up. Her hair seemed thicker and more curly while her cheeks and lips were fuller.

To suddenly develop breasts and hips so fast was obviously abnormal. Could all that have been from the potion?

She was also acting more and more like she had a severe crush on me. A small part of me… and I mean a very small part, wondered if the potion had actually worked, but I quickly discounted it. That was impossible.

Her sudden body changes had also not been apparently overlooked by her classmates. I noticed the boys in her class were finally taking notice of her and the girls seemed to be giving her dirty looks whereas before they never even deigned to notice her at all.


She continued to come see me on every lunch break and even after school when she didn’t have flag practice. It was obvious at this point that she had a definite crush on me. At first I was flattered… but her body continued to ripen.

After only a week, her body was a thing of beauty. Whereas before she was stick thin and flat chested, she was now a b-cup with nipples prominently pointing through her bra and shirt, while her curvy hips strained against her formerly loose jeans. Her complexion was totally clear and her hair was full and shiny. The boys were openly flirting with her, but she totally ignored them. She only had eyes for me.

I was totally flattered and I have to admit, I started to consider her as something other than the ‘daughter I never had’. I had to force myself to avoid looking at her lust-inducing body. But, she started to make it more and more difficult. During our shared lunch periods, she would bend over provocatively showing her hot little ass to me, or leaning over towards me so much that her breasts would brush against my arm. She would move so close to me that it was hard not to brush against her… and whenever I did so, she would give a gasp and I’d see her nipples leap to attention.


It was about two and a half weeks after the incident that I realized that I had to talk to her about how she was acting. Each day since the incident, she was becoming more and more obvious about her crush. At the moment, she was sitting in the front row of class, openly staring at me with that angry/dark eyed look. I finally realized that her look was not anger, but one of intense and focused lust. As she stared at me, her legs scissored open and closed. She had her hand rubbing on her inner thigh while her other hand was lightly stroking her neck. It was pretty obvious that she was about one step from openly masturbating while sitting in class. I knew teenagers had rampant hormones, but if she kept this up, people were going to start talking.

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Turkish massage

This is a story that happened a few years a go. I was 22 and my girlfriend, Jenny was 19 at the time, a small, slim, brunette, and a 32 E. We had only been together 2 months and the sex was passionate, so we decided to book a holiday together to Turkey. We arrived in the middle of August and neither of us had felt heat like that before. We checked in early and decided to head straight to the pool. Jenny slipped into her bikini and then put some denim shorts on, she looked incredible, her skin...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Mail From Unknown Lady

Hello every one. This is Ajay 24 male from Hyderabad. Interested girls married unmarried widow unsatisfied women can contact me at my mail id Coming to the sex story as usual I woke up in the morning. I had a glance on my mail id.Got a mail from a woman saying that she like my encounter with my widow aunt. We introduced ourself. She told that she is married but unsatisfied with her hubby. So she needed me. I accepted. We texted each other for 2 days via mail .She told that one fine day we can...

4 years ago
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The Invitation A Halloween Story

This story only mildly erotic. It is much more of a romantic mind game concerning what might happen... could have happened... once should have happened... on that mysterious holiday we call Halloween. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each...

3 years ago
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Perfect Mother

Perfect Mother Jake, I think it's time you know about my roommate, Alyssa, and the baby. This is a strange story, but hear me out. If you want to break up after hearing it, I'll totally understand. But for the first time in a long time I think I've met a guy, you, that I can have a future with, and I don't want there to be any secrets. This goes back a year, when my colleague at work, Alan, and his wife Darlene were having their baby. Yes, that Alan. I know you've heard from friends...

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The Girl in the Boat

It was bitterly cold as I left the concert hall, the still air was heavy with the frost that was just beginning to form. I walked along through the quiet streets and around me the pubs and the clubs were still full of people celebrating Christmas early. It would not be long before the revellers were slowly but forcibly disgorged into the night to make their merry way home. I hate the city at night and I wanted nothing more than to reach my parked car and head out of town for home. I wanted to...

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After leaving Barry out in front of my apartment complex for 5 minutes, Jenna and I went to check on him.  Actually, we went to laugh at him.  What we saw was Barry trying to hop (handcuffed and anklecuffed) towards some bushes for cover.  If you remember, Barry was wearing only a pink thong panty.  We watched through the glass in the apartment stairwell and laughed until we cried.  Barry hopped towards some trees as a car approached him.  Barry quickly jumped into the bushes and straight into...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 548

Bob and my security were waiting when I stepped out into the garage; they were as anxious to get started as I was. There were three days left after today and then we could take a break from the everyday traffic hustle across the bridge. The first thing I noticed was how tanned Bobbie was. She and Dan must have spent most of the time in the sun and water. I did know they were with a group that had gone to the casinos on the big island Friday evening but other than that, they had stayed to...

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The Descending of Jessica Ch 11

So, in the last chapter we finally arrived at Brent’s big fuck up. If you haven’t read the previous 10 chapters, you probably should, or you will have no idea what is going on. I haven’t as yet gotten a lot of feedback since Chapter 8, so there’s not much to say here. Sorry for the delays in getting this out, but as I’ve said before, life has been busy. I’m still working on spelling and punctuation. I noticed just now in the Chapter 10 that I used the word ‘heel’ when I meant ‘heal’, and...

3 years ago
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Tales From Mist WorldChapter 17 Secrets in the Mist

The next day Jake did his normal work out with his sword. Then had breakfast with Catherine and Cali. Cali was a bundle of energy this morning. She asked Jake if he would teach how to use a sword, when the two came on deck while he was doing his forms. He told maybe when she was older. She seemed to accept that well. He had thought she might pout. He would have at her age. He thought he could remember doing so actually. At breakfast, he watched as Cali fed Grace from her fork and then used...

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noras fallout

In the peaceful vault of vault 81 a girl named nora was sitting in her room. Nora's daily duity was janitorial work in her special vault themed panties . She let out a big sigh "time for another day" nora says slipping her panties on and walking out of her room to get her cleaning supplies and begins working. As usual men of the vault see her and whistle to her or compliment about her huge tits "mmh. just leave me alone" nora said quietly as she cleaned. Wemon's jobs in the vault is basic...

2 years ago
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After Hours

Jessie wearily removed her glasses, closed her eyes and rubbed at her temples. She glanced at the clock and groaned. Eight o'clock, and she still wasn't done with the proposal. She reluctantly picked up the phone. Connor would not be pleased. This was the third day in a row she'd worked late. She hadn't even dialed yet when she dropped the phone back into the cradle. She sighed deeply and turned back to her computer. No sense starting another fight. They'd been having too many of those...

2 years ago
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The Rendezvous

“I’m glad you came.” I say as she enters with that confidence as if this were her own room at home. “I almost didn’t.” She replied while taking her jacket off and laying it across a chair in the corner. With a glance over her shoulder I can see in her eyes she only says things like this to tease. She knows I like the chase. She wants this as much as I do. “I’ll make it worth it.” I say as we meet in the middle of the room. “Do you trust me?” “Yes.” Without hesitation she replies and looks...

4 years ago
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Jesse A Nightmare of Gay Teen Incest Abuse Part 3

Introduction: A young boy is raped and abused by his two older brothers as they come of age. Disclaimer Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. This story is to be considered Fiction although it has its basis in Fact. This is not to...

1 year ago
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Friday afternoon

Subject: MOM/SON Stories: 5. Friday Afternoon 1-12 - [1/1]From: [email protected] (Sookan)Date: 1997/04/****t------------------------------------- Friday Afternoon Part 1Bobby sat on the commode in the plush upstairs bathroom with athin, well-worn magazine of grainy photographs of nude women inhis left hand and his K-Y jelly-lubricated erection in his right.As he stared at a waist-to-head picture of a particularly sexybrunette with...

4 years ago
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Wife arranges group fuck for hubby Part 2 Fanta

So far we’ve had a fantastic little suck session and I’ve swallowed loads from 5 guys while my wife looks on and all is captured on 3 cameras in case I wake up tomorrow and think it was all a dream!As I return from the kitchen with fresh drinks for everyone, my wife has put the handheld camera back on the side table, facing the couch, and sat herself down between two of the guys. She has her hands in their laps and is gently stroking them both up and down, the 6” cock and 7” straight cock guys,...

3 years ago
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Doing it all OverChapter 16

Saturday, the 28th of July 1984. Dad and I dressed in our suits and climbed into the car for the trip to Blessed Sacrament church. Mom stayed behind, her official reason being that someone had to stay with Tracy. This was only an excuse and everyone knew it. Tracy's cast had been removed and she was now able to hobble around on the braces that had been installed. She was starting physical therapy the following Monday and would no longer need an ambulance to take her places. Tracy would have...

2 years ago
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Busted Axle RoadChapter 60

Once Heather got back to her room, she took off her bikini and started to dry off for real, but as she did, there were quiet second thoughts that started to creep in. Maybe she'd brushed this Pacobel guy off a bit too quickly; he seemed like a nice guy, and she could have pumped him for a lot more information about the town. Besides, so what if things got a little hot and heavy? It had been a long time. And, maybe she'd been a little suspicious, anyway; Pacobel hadn't exactly made a pass...

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In the Enemys TerritoryChapter 6

Up the grandiose staircase and down a wide corridor Anubis marched. Along the way, enormous guards were marked by their decorative throat plates and leather armor, and stood at attention as Anubis passed them, leering at her without shame. On their belts were whips, muzzles, cuffs, and plugs of various sizes. Keeping her head down, Nova hurried after Anubis’ long strides. At least the muzzle was loose enough so she could pant. There was a faint rhythmic jingling that grew louder as they...

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Sabe madhyamik exam sesh hoyeche, kakima phone kore deke pathalo. Ma baba amake kakimar kache jabar jannya balla. Amio jabar jannya raji hoye gelam. Kakimar kache sesh gechi takhon class six e pori. Tarpor ar jaoa hoy ni. Kakima maldha-e thake, bidhaba, kaku mara jabar por kakima rail-e chakri pay. Ek chele hostel-e thake. Jotota mone pore kakima khub phorsa ebang sundori kintu ektu mota chilo, janina ekhan keman. Kakimar bayas ekhan 32-33 hobe. Jai hok chuti katanor jannya pardin kakimar bari...

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BiHooker Bye Crook Ch 05

Sue hadn’t stood on ceremony it seemed as Helen walked into the master bedroom. Petersen was still clothed albeit without shoes and socks, with his back to the door, furiously ramming a demanding Susan stood bent over the end of the bed. Her only concession had been to pull her jogging bottoms down and her panties to one side. ‘Fuck!’ ‘He’s!’ ‘Good!’ She gasped between his hard and full thrusts. Helen smiled and started slowly stripping, not that it would take long to get out of jogging...

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Daddy Watches Me

The day daddy came home early from work and caught me spread eagled on the couch, my shaved smooth pussy dripping on the towel underneath me, I thought I was going to die. An eighteen year old daughter was never supposed to let her daddy see her naked. Mine not only saw me naked, but also saw the best of me. I thought my life was over as I knew it. There was not anything I could do though, other than to close my legs and cover my tiny breasts the best I could. In my mind, I had been caught....

1 year ago
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Celebrity Pussy

Reddit Celebrity Pussy, aka r/CelebrityPussy! So, are you one of those lads who love to watch R-rated movies and series, where you might just get a glimpse of some celebrity pussy or dick? Well, while there are no dicks in this subreddit, you do have lots of celebrity pussy, since that is what the subreddit is all about. To be fair, that should have been fairly obvious, I mean the subreddit is called r/CelebrityPussy/. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize what the fuck it has to...

Reddit NSFW List
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Skin Deep II Chapter 13

Chapter 13 House Lights Randy flew the family home. He insisted that he was probably the most rested of the bunch although he had only gotten as much sleep as anyone else of the group except for Shelly who was by default not qualified to fly. He had been by Beth's side constantly for almost a week non-stop; was there to make sure meals from the hospital lounge were in place when Erin or Beth or Michelle were awake to eat them even though Michelle never ate anything he brought....

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The Coffee ShopChapter 4

“Penny for your thoughts,” Glenn said as he headed toward the part of town where the Coffee Spot was located. “I’m feeling more and more positive,” she replied. “I’m wondering if we should let him start living as a girl full-time.” “Maybe we should wait for Dr Langley’s evaluation ... although I have no doubt of what he’ll find. With a little luck you can get an appointment in the next week or so. It should happen before school starts.” “You’re right about that.” She reached for his hand...

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Dennis The Menace Part 2 A Mothers Love

Dennis The Menace: Part 2 - A Mother's Love by Sniper32A couple of days after Dennis and his mother had sex for the first time,Alice was laying in her bed pondering her current situation. She couldn'tbelieve what was happening between her and her son. She could not get thepicture of her son with his huge cock plunging in and out of her orthe thought of her on her knees with his cock lodged down her throat shootingloads of his hot warm jism in her mouth."God this is turning me on," she said to...

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My whore wife and now she is going to turn me into

MY WIFE IS A DIRTY WHORE - NOW SHE IS MAKING ME ONE TOO!≠====================================================Karen and I have been married 28 years. We've had our ups and downs but stuck it out and produced a couple of great k**s as a result. I have always been secretly bi. Been caught out on a couple of accessions but weathered out the storms and visited relate for marriage guidance and took some therapy for unresolved c***dhood abuse issues, which Karen thought was the reason for my episodes...

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Camping In Style pt 1

NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try this in real live!!! Last summer my 15-year-old daughter Linda wanted to go camping one last time before school started back up. I figured why not after all summer was just about over and it would be nice for the two of us go camping one last time. Then she asked if it would be okay if a friend came along. "Sure why not" I answered. I decided to take Friday off so we could leave Thursday and get up in the mountains to find a secluded spot....

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When It Snows

The sudden cold snap at the beginning of March caught everyone on the hop, even though the Met Office had been forecasting snow for a week and were very specific in the detail of their forecast just the night before the snow came. So I woke that morning to about two inches of very icy snow sitting on top of half an inch of solid ice from earlier rain falling onto frozen ground. It was very windy in sharp gusts and the tiny ice crystals of snow were blowing into drifts up to a foot deep. The...

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A Friend IndeedPart 25

My love life quieted down a bit for the next two or three weeks. I went about my business, my "aunt" Lorene was busy going on marketing and sales trips, and Gloria the next door neighbor went to vacation at her daughter's home out of town. To be honest, though the "rest" was welcome, I began to feel a bit of withdrawals from the rather steady sexual contact I had been having with these mature women. One terribly sweltering day at work, I was sitting outside the warehouse in the shade, when...

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After school breeding

Julie is a private school teacher and after school often helps to clean up.The janitor is a middle aged black man with the sunniest disposition of anyone I have ever met.He is tall and slender and him and Julie have known each other for a while.This evening a lot of work needed doing and Joel told Julie he needed to stay later than usual would she mind giving him ride because his car was out of commision.Julie was carrying a heavy box and Joel reached out and grabbed hold of it at the same time...

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The Sirsi Trip

Hi all, I want to narrate an incident which happenend last year. To reintroduce myself, I’m Ravi from Bangalore. I’m married, 5’7 inches and like going to Gym. I like listening to music and have a talent in painting. I can be contacted at Last year I got to know a married girl intimately. I spent a good romantic and sex filled day with her. She proved that marriage need not be end of adventures in life. One of my friends from South Karnataka got married last year. He was in my project since...

1 year ago
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Hey There Cutie

Hey there Cutie Chapter 1 Liam Weber woke up screaming from his dream. He wiped the hair out of his face. He could not remember any details of it, but the dream gave him a sense of uncertainty about his life. In his mind, his dream made him feel like his life was a just a dream. He kept on screaming until the door to his room opened and a strange yet calming voice said, "Wendy, dear, are you alright?" He answered 'yes' to the question. His voice was high. That dream he had was so...

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Second Chances Chapter 22 Go The Distance

Thursday, October 2, 1997 I woke up to my alarm clock. I was still clutching the cordless phone. I had dried tears around my eyes. The events of last night came flooding back to me. It was such a good day until I screwed it up at the last possible moment. I slogged out of bed and forced myself to get ready for school. I pulled out a blue skirt and tossed it onto my bed. I wasn't feeling happy. I really wasn't into looking cute right now. So I pulled put a black t- shirt and tossed...

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Mummy Ka Train Mein Gangbang

Yeh baat pichle saal May mahine ki baat hai . Mere family mein meri maa , daddy aur main hoon . mere daddy aksar kaam ke silsile mein bahar rahte hain aur ghar 3 mahino ke baad hi aate hain . meri maa aur mein main akele ghar par rahte hain . ab main apni maa ke bare mein bata doon . mere maa dekhne mein bahut sundar hai . maa ka figure 36-28-38 hai . maa ka rang bahut gora hai aur maa ke mumme bahut bade hai . maa ke chuutad bahut gol aur bade hai . jab bhi maa chalti hai to maa ke chutad...

3 years ago
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A family Friend IndeedPart 13

It had been about two and a half weeks since my encounter with my "aunt", and despite the fact I lived with her, tried to avoid her as much as possible. I was feeling a bit ashamed of what had happened, and facing her was difficult. I stayed the hell out of her underwear drawers even though I was very horny and excited by the fact she knew I had been into them. One night, after having been out on a movie date with a girl I knew, I came home about 12:30. I had to pass my aunt's room to get to...

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