Chemical Concocktion Ch. 07 free porn video

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She stood frozen, unable to move a muscle.

He slowly unbuttoned her blouse, not saying a word. The acoustics in the confined area amplified everything. She could hear his fingers lightly rasp over the material of her shirt as he went from button to button. She could hear her breathing getting heavier with each one undone.

Two buttons left. He pulled the blouse out from under her skirt to reach the final ones. She could feel the smooth material slide against her skin as he did so.

It was now unbuttoned. He slipped it from her shoulders, down off her body and onto the tiled floor. He did so smoothly, fully intent on having the material move ever so lightly against her. Goosebumps sprang into existence wherever she felt the light caresses.

Oh god. She felt his hands on her shoulders, sliding down her body as he walked around to her back. She could feel and hear him sniff her hair, feel his nose nuzzling against her neck. Her breathing was becoming more labored.

He unbuckled her bra, then gently slid the straps off her shoulders. The bra cups tenuously hung off her breasts, her erect nipples catching the material and preventing it from falling further.

He kissed her shoulder, and she felt his fingertips run down her back. Her heart was pounding in her chest. She wanted him, no… she needed him. She wanted to grab him, to shove her nipples into his mouth, to force her cunt down upon his stiff cock. She wanted to feel her nails dig into his back, wanted to… but she couldn’t. She was frozen, unable to move a muscle.

He bent down and pulled her skirt off her body. She felt his fingers slide up her legs, first the left, then the right. Her knees felt weak. He reached for her panties and then pulled down one side, kissing where the fabric had been. The heat from his mouth felt scalding. She was so damp between her legs. She knew he could smell her, could sense the torrid humidity there, but he didn’t reach toward her boiling need. Instead, he replaced where the panty had been covering and moved on.

His hands slid down her thighs again. Then, he placed one hand on her buttock. His firm grip weakened her knees again. She wanted to fall to the floor and onto him, but she was frozen, unable to move a muscle.

I’m frozen, unable to move a muscle. Oh god! Every time that realization hit her, she felt her arousal reach a little higher. Except, the greater her pleasure went, the more she wanted to move, to kiss and touch him. The conflict was driving her body insane.

He stood up and turned away from her momentarily to turn on the shower.

How did he know? I never told him about that. The day she had been exposed to the potion, Dan had told her to enter the lab’s shower… and when she had, a part of her had somehow imprinted the experience into her. Ever since, standing in a shower or the rain was incredibly erotic to her. She would orgasm for minutes on end as her shower head sprayed onto her cunt… it’s pulsating force almost as pleasurable as Dan was to her. She would take two or three showers a day, stopping only after the hot water would run out. She had been embarrassed by this new and addictive fetish, never telling or hinting to anyone, not even Dan.

Yet, here she was standing in Dan’s bathroom, next to a running shower, and about to be driven insane by desire, being punished for trying to slip him the potion and instead, accidentally dosing Jennifer the cheerleader earlier that day. .

‘You are frozen, unable to move a muscle unless I tell you otherwise. You cannot climax until I tell you to do so. You know you get turned on anytime you obey me… so every time you even think about moving and don’t it makes you hornier. Every second that you don’t climax excites you more. You are going to get so horny that you will want to beg me for release, but you won’t be able to beg.’ He had said this before starting this slow and exquisite torture of her.

He now pulled her bra off and leaned over. She could feel his breath on her nipple. It felt like ice, like a blast furnace. He placed his hand gently under her breast and teased its underside. She could smell herself and also the water pouring down in the nearby shower. The sound of the shower, Dan’s presence. She was already so close to cumming. If Dan would just touch her fully, just kis…

He kissed her nipple and Beth felt her body tremble. She couldn’t stop it, she could feel the orgasm churning up her body. She tried to think of other things, anything to dampen her desire and arousal. She felt him slide her panties down her legs to her feet. Feet….

Dan previously had attempted to embed a foot fetish into her, succeeding far easier than he had expected. Now, that training was hitting her too. She wanted to, needed, to worship at his feet…

No, no, no!. She needed to obey him and stay frozen, unable to move. Oh god! Her body was failing her though. It was succumbing to the pleasure. Her body started to tremble harder as she fought to hold it absolutely still.

A whimper escaped her lips as Dan slowly slid a finger up her inner thigh towards her sopping pussy. He paused, and even that momentary pause was a relief. Beth desperately forced her body back from the brink of orgasm.

Dan stood up and examined her critically. Beth’s trembling stopped as she marshaled her defenses. Then Dan kissed her.

Beth couldn’t help it, her knees started to buckle. She couldn’t concentrate on standing anymore. Her mind was solely concentrated on not consciously moving or orgasming. Any thought required to maintain a standing position was needed elsewhere.

Dan caught her and helped her stand erect until she was able to regain her posture.

She felt her orgasm roiling just under the surface. The slightest stray thought would defeat her. The fact that Dan had to touch her to help her remain standing wasn’t lost on her. If she thought about it too deeply, that could very well be the thought that broke her will.

Dan pulled her into the shower.

Each drop of water was another attack on her. Beth tried to retreat into her mind, concentrate on other things, other times and memories… but she couldn’t. It felt too good. One part of her mind was desperately trying to maintain control and obey Dan, the other side was crazed with desire. Every second that passed, the part of her that obeyed Dan increased the pleasure and strength of the other side. She was going to lose and she knew it, but still she rallied on.

The shower was the breaking point… feeling the water coursing down her skin with Dan next to her, it was her greatest sexual fantasy, created and embedded deeply into her by the chemical concoction she had tasted weeks ago.

‘Dan! Dan!!!’ she cried as her voice broke into sobs and pleading. ‘I can’t stop it… it’s too much!’ Her body was beyond trembling now, it was one step from full blown seizure. By speaking, she was disobeying Dan and it tore her heart from her, but if she didn’t… then she’d orgasm, she’d feel intense pleasure while disobeying him and she absolutely didn’t want that under any circumstances.

‘Please! Oh god! Please, I want to obey you, but it’s too much! I can’t stop it… if you wait any longer, my body will disobey, it’s too much! Please, please let me cum!’

She was begging, pleading with her very being. She didn’t want to disobey him, but he was driving her to that point. Intermixed with the pure sexual pleasure she was experiencing was a horrible torture driving her to the brink of sanity.

Dan placed his mouth next to her ear and whispered loudly,


She did. The roiling, churning mass of pleasure erupted from within her. Her limbs flailed as she lost control.

Dan pushed her against the wall of the shower, holding her as best he could, as he slid into her from behind.

Beth howled in pleasure, her mind gone. She was just responding now, incapable of rational th

Her limbs half-drunkenly bumped into the walls as she tried to regain herself. Clumsily, she pushed back against him. She was so wet, she felt like she was pouring herself over the cock inside of her.

Dan moved his hands up over her breasts, sliding over her nipples. She could feel her breath catch as a series of quick little orgasms hit her. She had never felt anything like it before… like little electric shocks, one after the other, exploding in her mind.

She could feel Dan start to climax inside of her. She could hear and see a curtain of white heat come down inside her mind as her pleasure center overloaded, sending her into unconsciousness.


She awoke later, nestled deeply in blankets on Dan’s bed. She started to think about what had happened, then she remembered the shower and felt herself start to moisten.

Dan was next to her, gently running his fingers through her hair.

‘You had me worried. You really lost it in the shower. After we both came, you just passed out. You’ve been unconscious for about fifteen minutes. If you didn’t wake up soon, I was going to have to call an ambulance.’

She snuggled up against him.

‘I’m sorry Dan, I know that trying to change you was wrong. You’re perfect. I just wanted to make you happy. Just, please… don’t ever do anything like that again. I can’t take something like that.’

Dan smiled down at her.

‘Pretty intense, huh?’

‘Yes, but you need to understand. I love obeying you. I need to obey you. When you ordered me not to cum and then brought me to almost cumming, it felt really hot. God, it felt super hot, but if I actually came, then it would have meant that I would have disobeyed you and gotten pleasure from disobeying you. I never want that to happen. If I did, it would feel like I tore out my soul, like I would have murdered a kitten or something.’

He looked at her confused. She continued, ‘Dan, you don’t understand how much I get off on obeying you. If you made me get orgasm from disobeying you, then it would take away from that and I would lose that pure pleasure,’ she paused considering her words, ‘that ‘perfect’ pleasure of obeying you.’

Dan looked at her carefully. Then he bent over and gently kissed her.

‘I never meant for you to get dosed with that potion, but I hate to say it, I am so glad you did. I love you Beth.’

She felt a warmth fill her as she gazed up into his eyes. All was right in the world.


Not all was right in Jennifer World.

She was still trying to cope with what happened between her and Myesha.

I just kissed my best friend’s pussy. There was no way around that. She had done it and, truth be told, she still craved to do far more. Not to her friend though. Yeah, Myesha might be hot and all, but what she really craved was Beth.

Jennifer didn’t know why either. She had never even noticed Beth until after the girl’s recent makeover. Jennifer had asked one of her friends who the new girl was and found out that she had shared classes with Beth for several years. Granted, Beth did look hot since the makeover, damn hot, but was that the reason that Jennifer was so attracted to her now?

Jennifer shook her head, trying to dislodge the accompanying sexual thoughts rising in her mind. Every time she thought of Beth, the thoughts turned to lust. What was it about Beth? She didn’t have feelings like this when she thought of other women, only Beth. Why?

She went up to her now tidy and organized room. She sat down at her desk and started to take notes about Beth. She was a smart girl, she’d figure this out.

The more she thought about the problem, the easier her mind drifted towards sex. I got Myesha off, but I didn’t do anything for myself. I’m just still horny, she thought as she felt her lust again rising. At least, that’s a problem a little more easily solved.

She laid down on her bed and idly started to touch herself as she toyed with thoughts of Beth. What was it about that girl that excited her so much?

Her hair? It did smell nice. She didn’t remember ever smelling it, but as she thought about the scent, she had a dim recollection of that shampoo from the store. Could her attraction to Beth be caused by the shampoo Beth used? Could she have an erotic attachment to a shampoo? At least that would mean that she wasn’t a lesbian, just that she had a weird shampoo kink. Her fingers teased her labia, feeling herself moisten as she remembered the pineapple/coconut smell.

Was there anything else? She remembered how hot she got with Myesha when she thought about kissing Beth. Fuck! That did it! Jennifer felt her lust leap higher and felt her fingers unconsciously press harder into her.

Why would kissing Beth make her so hot? She had never kissed a girl before, she hadn’t even been really tempted. So what had changed? Beth was a smart girl too. Jennifer’s fingers moved faster. Beth was intelligent. Jennifer’s other hand pulled at her nipple. Beth was… fuck! She started to orgasm.

She’d need to find out, she didn’t want to be a lesbian. She wanted to be normal. She’d need to ask someone smarter than her. She’d have to ask… Mr. Deering! She felt another orgasm coming, stronger than the last.

She’d have to ask him. He could help her. He could help her with Beth. She’d do whatever he said, she needed to obey him and maybe… oh God! Maybe! He’d help me obey Beth She orgasmed again, her mind not even realizing what her subconscious had slipped into her chain of thoughts, while she was preoccupied with concentrating on the heat and sensations coursing through her body.

As she drifted down from the high of her orgasms, she felt herself falling off into a deep sleep.


The next day, Jennifer felt strange. She couldn’t place it either. She got up and stumbled into her bathroom. She looked into her mirror and was shocked at what she saw.

She stared down at herself in disbelief. What had happened to her tits? She thought they might have been larger yesterday, but they were definitely much bigger today. She touched them and examined her nipples. As she did so, she felt pure pleasure shoot down from her nipples straight to her clit. She watched as not only her nipples swelled from under her attention but her aureolas as well.

Two days ago, she had decent sized breasts, but now they were at least a full cup size larger and suddenly had puffy nipples?

She examined the rest of her body. Her eyelashes seemed thicker, her lips swollen and darker. She swore her waist was smaller and her hips wider.

Maybe she hadn’t looked at herself so closely lately and was just noticing these things now. She didn’t know. Maybe she needed to see a doctor?

Still, she didn’t look sick. She actually felt pretty good. Her hands drifted down her to swollen aureolas. No, not ‘pretty good’, she felt great.

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Die 19 jährige Tatjana schnürte sich gut gelaunt ihren schwarzen Sneaker. "Heute wird richtig gut!", sagte sie zu sich selbst und betrachtete sich schließlich im Spiegel. Sie war zufrieden mit sich und ihrem Outfit. Für die WG Party heute Abend hatte sie sich ein eher lässiges Outfit angezogen, es sollte schließlich ein spaßiger Abend werden, aber keiner an dem sie sich schick machen musste wie für den Club. So entschied sie sich für ein schwarzes Tanktop, blaue Highwaist Hot Pants welche ihren...

1 year ago
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Bhabhi8217s Double Penetration Sex With Husband8217s Drunk Friends

Hey hunks! This is Simraan and I have wrote the following incident for my horny readers while sitting on my husband’s lap. Enjoy the surprise you find in the end that my husband is still unaware of! I am totally against my husband’s habit of bringing home his drunkard friends. And I despise him for taking the liberty of drinking in the house. But, on one occasion when he invited his two friends at home, I ended up having a super orgasmic Sunday evening! My husband went to open the door for...

1 year ago
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Blackfeather16 Pioneers

I WAS no more equipped for the life of a pioneer than Miranda was— either mentally or physically. I didn’t know half what was needed, even though I’d researched the USGS maps and the Internet non-stop while I was waiting to travel again. I could use an Internet connection right now. I wanted to talk to Kyle and thought about the number of nights we’d spent Skyping each other from our rooms. I missed Aubrey. I missed sex. We met few people as we traveled. The region had been ‘settled’ for...

2 years ago
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THEADVENTURES OF HARRY CHAPTER SIXYou’d think I could get the chapter headings consistent and then of course there is the out order issue. Maybe someday I’ll go back and rearrange them. But I digress. It’s time we met Barbara.I mentioned before that we worked for the same company but in different departments. We met when my group decided to go out for happy hour one Friday. Someone knew people in sales and invited them. Barbara was in sales and she came along. We hit it off pretty well, but...

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Ms. Craven sat up on the side of the bed. She blinked her tired eyes. It was harder to get up this morning. Not a good sign. She stood and her right knee ached. Definitely not a good sign. She trudged to the bathroom. She felt much more tired than she did yesterday morning. She looked in the mirror at her straight shiny black hair, bangs cut in the front. A white hair! Horrors. She yanked it out. She needed healing soon. "Pop quiz!" she announced to her 8 am Psych. 101 class. It...

3 years ago
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Taboo Orgy 6

Taboo Orgy 6.While everyone in the lounge room was fucking each other Kevin was watching Tanya their house maid fucking herself? He was going to have his way with her but wanted to watch her masturbate to an orgasm first. She was spread out on the tiled floor with her eyes closed and her hand stabbing into her cunt with force. She had hold of one tit and was lifting her hips up and down as her climax was building and Kevin moved in closer to her.Her other large breast was swaying in time to the...

2 years ago
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Tonight I Had Something Else in Mind

It was yet another wonderful Saturday night celebrated in the heart of the city (New York City, that is) filled with dancing, laughter, and drinks. I had successfully surprised my beautiful French best friend, Giselle, for her twenty- second birthday with a celebration held at a glamorous rooftop bar that overlooked the city skyline. The five of us women kissed goodnight as we parted towards our separate ways; some of us off to another bar, a friend’s penthouse, or back to our sexy men waiting...

Oral Sex
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Taken But Not Robbed

I should have never cut through the park but I was in a hurry to get to my girls house. Just thinking about the pussy I was going to get caused my cock to start to get hard. So wrapped up in my thoughts of the fucking I was going to get I never realized anyone else was around until they grabbed me and stuck a gag in my mouth. They pulled me off the path and into a spot surrounded by high bushes. I noticed there was some sort of old table setting in the middle of the place."Quit struggling or...

1 year ago
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Karen and Mark

I was nervous. Karen, my wife of eleven years, had told me to meet her at the Tumbleweed Inn at 3:00. I knew that the bar would be pretty much empty at that hour, and whatever it was she had to tell me would have little to do with partying with her. I didn't know how right I was. The TI was where she and I had met thirteen years before. I had a bad feeling. I had suspected that she was cheating on me with a coworker. I was afraid that this meeting would be where I got the news. There had...

4 years ago
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Panchayat Ek Doodhwali Anek

Hello Doston, Mera naam hai Jigar. Main aaj aapko ek aisi kahani batane wala hoon jaisa ki aapne kabhi naa suna na padhaa hoga. Yeh kayi saari kahaniyon ko milakar bani hai.Yeh baat hai 2010 ki jab mujhe bank ki naukri mili aur mera posting ek gaaon me hua. Jab mene join kiya tab wahan par mamta scheme me account khole jaa rahe the (maa bani auraton ko Rs.5000 govt deta hai is scheme me). Toh mujhe bheja gaya ki me har Panchayat me ghumu aur forms collect karun. Ek kamre me bus me aur 50-60...

2 years ago
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Donnas Sex Scene

She lay on the bed. He lay on top of her under the covers. He was thrusting his body onto hers.“Oh,” her voice echoed in the room. “Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Fuck me! Oh, fuck me! Oh…”He continued, his eyes closed, teeth clenched.She threw her head back, wanting to get louder. “Your cock is so amazing! I love it. Oh! Oh! Oh, yeah! Ooh, yeah. Oh!”“I love you,” he said to her, facing the wall, eyes still shut tight.“But my sister!” she said to him.“I hate her,” he said, too quietly.She tapped him...

3 years ago
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God Katie Part 2

The sun was peeking into the windows, shedding pale light across the body of my 18-year-old cousin lying next to me. At some point, she must have pulled on her clothes, a thin cotton top that was hugging her pert breasts and a tight g-string bottom. I watched her sleeping face as I ran my fingers over her breasts, circling her nipples as they hardened.I slipped my hands up under her shirt, and listened to her sleepy moan as my hands pushed the soft cotton up over her breasts. I leaned down,...

3 years ago
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Honeymoon Cruise of Briana and Uncle Jake ltpart 2gt

Introduction: This is continuation of part 1 of this fictional story. This is the continuation of the first part to this fictional story. It is purely fiction, it is a story. It involves love between a man and young girl, if you do not approve do not read. These are fictional characters, any real life similarities are strictly coincidental and unintended. Not a life life was harmed in the writing of this fictional narrative. ————————————- ————————————- It was lunchtime, so I headed to a...

2 years ago
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My Race Is RoyalChapter 3

Donnie had no sooner said the words: "I will serve you with all that I have in me." than he felt a sharp pain on his left shoulder. He had no time to dwell on that however, because he suddenly experienced a rush of vertigo and when he blinked and opened his eyes he found himself hanging precariously from a sheer cliff-face. Glancing down, Donnie gulped as he saw that he was some hundreds if not thousands of feet up the side of a mountain. This was like something out of his worst...

2 years ago
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My First Clumsy Man On Man Experience

After Jay's departure we lay cuddled up next to each other. I lay on my back while Mandy lay in my left arm next to me, her head on my chest. Mandy felt a little uncomfortable and uneasy. When I asked her why, she explained that she wasn't sure how I felt about what had transpired and how I would now react. Let's face it, most guys would probably react overly aggressive should they stumble upon their semi-nude wife on the kitchen counter with her naked legs wrapped around another man's head.She...

1 year ago
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Ghost Of Me

I felt myself dissolving. Darkness. A thought. A wish. A vision. A flash. And there… Madrid. Spain. Midnight. I’m actually here. Finally. I’m standing in this street. This very street. Near the driveway that leads up to Tate’s House. I can’t believe it. I need to savour it. This moment of reckoning… Grey rays of pale moonlight filtered through the trees that were being battered and blown in the fierce wind. A storm. But I felt none of it. I felt as if I’m floating in a breezeless street. Calm....

3 years ago
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The Fox and the Wolf Part 2

I’m not the kind of person to regret any decision I have made in my life so far. I put thought into my words and calculate my actions carefully before I proceed in any situation; but what happened last night with Christina was totally unplanned. I have been with quite a few girls in my life so far, but this one had a certain element to her that unsettled me, made me wild and angry, pissed off at how much she could get away with. She was one of those girls who thought men were her playthings and...

College Sex
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Cocooned Chap 3

Cocooned By EF666 Chapter 3 "Three. Two. Annnnnnnnnd one... OK, take off the robe then open your eyes." I finally got to see the result of Collette's hard work. No doubt about it, she had worked some kind of magic. The woman looking back at me in the mirror had sex written all over her. More like painted, powdered and dyed all over her actually. If I still had a dick I'd have shot a stream of cum so strong it would have shatter that mirror. So this was the newly lesbian...

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my first time part 2 xx

as we lay there just cuddling into each other kissing softly,i said i better get going and could she call me a cab,she said sure but can we meet again,i said that would be nice,so we swapped phone numbers,i got dressed and she put her dressing gown on,she made me a coffee we sat on the sofa again,she said did you like what we did? i said very much soand we would do it again sometime,she said linda you are soooooooo sexy and your body is lovely,i replied you have a fantastic body too,she said...

2 years ago
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HYD aunty

Hello to all the lovers…. I am ANURAG . I am going to explain you one and the only one my True story, but before that I want to express myself- I am 23m,fair,5’10, HYDERABAD . I belong to one of respectful families and my family is well settled, I am less talkative, bold and had no sexual relations before. I have a good interest in girls, but I always feel shy to talk to them for sexual relations, because I afraid of the adverse circumstances which might arouse, and I don’t want to do any thing...

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Mom Dad and me With Sister

My sister name is Tanima, age is 24. My dad’s name is Tamal, age is 56 and my mom name is Madhumita age is 46 years. We stay in Kolkata. My father is a Businessman. I completed my Master degree last 2 years and help dad to his business. My sister Tanima doing her degree course. My mom is house wife. I never think this type of incident will happen but all credit goes to dad.In the eve of kalipuja dad said mom that we go to degha for vacation. Mom agreed. And said me that all of family member...

4 years ago
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Ginger goes for broke part one

If her plan went well, within the hour she'd have his hard cock up inside her little teen-aged pussy. If it went badly, she had several escape plans, but she prayed it wouldn't come to anything as drastic as all that. Regardless, she was taking a big risk. If her mother ever even suspected what she was up to, there'd be hell to pay. She checked her clothes one last time, then applied a little more gloss to her thick sensuous lips, before taking a deep breath, and knocking on the door....

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Summer at Pond Cove Chapter 05

If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...

3 years ago
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The heat of the African sun beat down on my naked body like an open furnace. The krit-trrrrrrrr of the woodland kingfisher cut through the hot morning air, declaring its territory, close to water. My body absorbed the sensations of the African bush as a soft breeze blew in my direction, cooling my hot pussy. I became one with nature as the naked soles of my feet sought the next safe spot to touch down.It was midmorning when I saw the unmistakable tracks of Clarisse, a two-and-a-half-year-old...

Group Sex
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Trick or Treat 3

Trick or Treat 3 By: Enigma Author's note: For new readers, you really need to read the first two parts of Trick or Treat. This segment does not stand on its own at all well. For those of you who read and commented on the original two parts, I really need to apologize for this taking so long to publish. What you see below was actually finished just a few months after part 2 was posted. It did not come out the way I had originally intended. That, and some pointed comments by my...

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Knights Dragons and Princesses

(feel free to add) In a fantasy land, there is a tradition to have the daughters of Kings and noblemen live in castles guarded by dragons. Anyone brave enough and skilled enough can earn the title of knight. Once they have this title they are deemed worthy of taking on the challenge of rescuing a "princess" from a dragon. The dragons come in all shapes and sizes and have a wide range of abilities, intelligence and skill. They don't only guard pretty women but also piles of treasure. Not all...

1 year ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 361

If anyone who doesn't at least crack a smile at this, check your pulse, you may be dead!!! For those who spilt your coffee when you got to the punch line a lesson learned, you shouldn't read and drink at the same time!!! We were dressed and ready to go out for a dinner & theater evening. We turned on a 'night light', turned the answering machine on, covered our pet parrot and put the cat in the backyard. We phoned the local taxi company and requested a taxi. The taxi arrived, and...

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