Veronique’s First Time Sailing. Chap.2 free porn video

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As we sailed out of Tryphena Harbour, I looked back and could see Tony’s van disappearing up the road to his house.  I thought to myself, that Max was probably going to get a bit of a roasting from Valerie while he waited at their place before leaving for his flight.

I turned, and asked Ryker when it was decided to fly Max out?  He replied that it was all sorted out after Valerie had spoken to me, last night.

“She was quite taken with you, calls you her little le farfadet.  Which I thought meant Leprechaun, but she tells me you are her special little elf.   She gave Aaron and me hell for not calling out Max.”

He adjusted the heading of the yacht, then nodded to Aaron who was sitting opposite me.

“But we would have sorted him, wouldn’t we?  We knew the second you stepped aboard he had lied to us.”

Then he gave a great big grin, “But now that you have stated you're going to gang bang us for the rest of the weekend, I’m thinking maybe we read you wrong?”

I coloured up, really embarrassed, and I spluttered and stammered that that was not going to happen.  They let out great bellows of laughter, that made me realise I was being baited.

Soon the sun was heating things up and the beers came out, I was handed one and downed it with the guys.

We did a couple of circuits around Cuvier Island as we passed, hoping to catch another King’y, but had no luck.  We did get a couple of Kahawai though, but they let them go, as we didn’t have the means to smoke them onboard.

Lunch was more thick sandwiches, this time with the smoked kahawai that Tony had done for us last night.  Again, the sandwiches were delicious and again, washed down by more beers.  Trouble was, I soon was busting to go to the loo.

“Come on, exclaimed Ryker, you're one of the boys now.  Out on the transom with you, or are you going to behave like some posh little Remuera tart?”  (Remuera, being the poshest suburb in Auckland)

“I’ll fall off!” I exclaimed.

Aaron just stood and grabbed my hand, “Here, hold on, and I’ll show you how Valerie does it.  Or would you rather Ryker showed you, he tells me you owe him a perv.”

I knew I was being baited this time and didn’t react, just let Aaron guide me out to the transom, dropped my drawers, and hung my butt over the back.  I held on tight to one of the stainless support poles for the barbecue and just swayed with the roll of the yacht.  Aaron watched with a big grin on his face.

“That's fucking sexy, watching you pee.  I hope you need my help every time?”

I said nothing, but thought to myself, that I wouldn’t be asking for any more help.  I’d actually peed on my feet, but with every roll of the yacht, they were washed with a great surge of seawater, so it didn’t matter at all.  On one big roll of the yacht, my whole bottom got soaked.  Apart from the cold shock, it felt great, getting my fanny washed out with salty water.  But I couldn't help blushing red, with Aaron there watching me, even though it actually turned me on.

We arrived at Greater Mercury Island around 3:00 pm.  And anchored outside the main harbour.  The boys told me this where we would come if the weather blew up.  But as the weather was so calm, and from the North East, they were going to dive for some scollops then head around to Peachgrove Bay.

Once the guys had their dive gear on and had slipped over the side, I got my towel and went to the bow.  I looked around and saw that there was not another moving thing in sight, so removed my bikini top and lay back to sunbathe.  It was so calm and warm, that I fell asleep.

The guys talking quietly woke me, and I sat up to find Ryker and Aaron, sitting on the cabin top, perving on my tits.  I rolled over but didn’t give them the satisfaction of making a scene.

“Good girl.  No reaction,  So you do realise we’ve seen plenty of boobs before,” said Ryker.

“But not many that compare to those young globes though,’ replied Aaron

“Come and help us grade the scollops, we have way too many,” asked Ryker.

I rolled back over and picked up my bikini top intending to put it on, but Ryker shook his head, “Don’t bother with that, just relax around us and enjoy the freedom.”

It felt really strange, but they had already seen them, so I thought, ‘what the hell’ and followed them to the cockpit, where the two swollen catch bags were stacked.

They must have had more than forty scollops in each of their catch bags.  They gave me a perspex gauge that measured 100 mm and set me to sort out the largest forty scollops.  The first smaller one I went to throw overboard, Aaron stopped me and said we would distribute them out a bit father when we left. 

“The bed has moved a lot since we were last here,  It’s much further out, so we don’t want to drop them on the barren seabed below the boat.”

He gave me a bucket to put the small ones in.  And he started opening the ones I decided to keep.

I watched him open one, then pop it in his mouth, a couple of chews and he swallowed it.  My face must have shown the disgust I felt.

“What?  Have you never eaten a fresh raw scallop?”

“Ooo no!” I responded.

“Common, you really don’t know what you are missing.”  And he shelled one then offered it to me.

I shied away, but he insisted, saying that I had to try it before I could truly say what it was like.  So I closed my eyes, opened my mouth, and let him place it on my tongue.  The initial reaction was off revulsion at the slimy texture, but then I tasted the familiar, taste of the scallop mornay, Valerie had served us.  Only it was fresher and stronger.  Wow, I actually liked it.

“It’s alright,” I told him, “But I would prefer them fried.  I don’t like the slimy texture of them.” 

“That's good, I'm proud of you for at least giving them a try.”

Once they were all sorted and shelled we got underway, about fifty meters out, we dropped the smaller scollops overboard.  Forty minutes later and we were dropping anchor, just off a beautiful white sandy beach.  It hurt the eyes, it was so white in the afternoon sun.  Aaron told me that it was one of his favourite places and that the sand sang under your feet when you walked on it.

Aaron moved around making the boat shipshape while Ryker went below and started dinner.  I wanted to hear the sand sing and asked if I could row ashore.  

Ryker yelled from the galley, “Why don’t you swim ashore, it’s only a little over a hundred meters, and the sharks won’t be bothered with a skinny thing like you.” 

I knew I was being baited again, and so didn’t bother to reply, I just dived overboard; topless!  The feeling of freedom in the cool clear water was wonderful, and when I walked from the water up the beach, the sand squeaked with every step.  I lay in it, rolled around, it was beautifully warm after the coolness of the sea.  Aaron was right, as I rolled in it, the shrill sounds were louder or softer and you could almost make a tune from them.  Standing up, I looked like I was made of sand, my body was coated in it.  

I wondered what it would sound like running on it, and took off, to run to the other end of the beach.  This brought a volley of wolf whistles from the boat and some rude comments about my bouncing boobs breaking my jaw.  I just gave them the two-fingered salute and lay down to sunbathe.  This life was truly amazing, I wished I could live like this forever.

Back at the boat, they didn’t bother with the dive ladder.  Aaron just leaned over and hauled me from the sea, as soon as I swam alongside.  Dinner that night started with water crackers, buttered with avocado, and either the smoked kahawai, cheese, or ham on them.  Then I was handed a  rum and coke.  

“You don’t have to drink that if you don’t want, I’m not trying to get you drunk, but it is a sort of tradition on the boat,” said Aaron.  Then explained that they always had rum and coke each night when away, but never before 4:30 pm. 

I took the rum, I had never tried it before, I’d really only had wine or beer in the year or so that I had been drinking.  It was really tasty, and when I took my second gulp, Aaron told me to take it easy, that it was quite potent.

Then came the deep-fried scallops, with a potato salad and a green salad.  I had learned the night before that Ryker loved to cook.  I don’t know what I expected the food to be like on this trip, but I sure didn’t ever believe it would be this good.  Ryker opened a bottle of Rose wine, something I was told was only ever drunk when there was a woman on board.

By 8:00 pm I was struggling; what with the beers earlier, then the rum and wine, plus the fresh sea air, I couldn’t keep my eyes open.  I excused myself, went to the bathroom, and got ready for bed. I took a bit of flack about wearing the shorty pyjamas my father had made me bring.  But I was learning not to bite, just gave them a condescending look, and crawled into my bed.  I expected Aaron to join me, but I was asleep before I had time to know if he even tried.

The next time I opened my eyes, it was daylight.  I couldn’t believe it, I had slept for at least eleven hours.  I climbed out of bed and headed for the stern, I was busting.  I hung my butt over the back, and had the longest pee, then came inside and put the kettle on the stove to boil up some water.

Aaron came out from the front bunk room, looking very sleepy and a bit hungover.

I felt a bit miffed, that he had not visited me in the night.  I wondered if yesterday's attention was a one-off.  “You didn’t come to see me last night?” I queried.

“You didn’t ask, and anyway you were snoring so loud, Ryker and I had to go out on deck to finish our Rum.”

I saw by his grin, he was joking.  I’m pretty certain I don’t snore.

By about 10:00 am, we were breakfasted, tidied up, and ready to go ashore.  Ryker had told me there were a house and garden here once.  He said that when his father brought him here when he was little, you could see the remains of a house here.  But in recent years, he could find no sign of it.  However, there were some fruit trees, and a couple of years ago at this time of the year, he had gotten a good feed off peaches and some plums.

They loaded two chilly bins into the dinghy, then helped me in.

On the beach, I was again taken with the noise the sand made.  They set a blanket down, halfway between the water's edge and the bush, and I pulled my sun-frock over my head and lay down on my towel.  I was topless, no longer worried about covering up my breasts, around the guys, as they just treated me the same as if I was dressed.  

The air still held some chill from the night, but it was wonderfully warm lying in the sun.  I heard the clink of bottles and looked sideways to see Aaron pull out a couple of beers from the chilly bin.  He offered me one, but I declined, too early for me, and worried about needing to go to the toilet if I drunk too much.

But did get a bit of a shock when both of them dropped their board shorts and lay back down to sunbathe nude.

“So, I suppose I’m going to get stick now about getting nude?” I snapped at them.  “You will be wasting your time if you try.”

Ryker as always was the one to answer, “You do what you want, but I’ll put ten dollars on the fact that you will be happy to go nude by the end of the weekend.”

I wanted to rattle him, and not give him a chance to stir me again.  So I changed the subject.

“Why did you not marry Valerie when you got her pregnant?  You obviously love her.”

I saw I had hit the mark, he looked pensive and sat very quiet for a bit.  I looked to Aaron, to see if I had crossed some forbidden line.  But he just smiled at me, seeming unconcerned.

Finally, Ryker spoke, “Valerie wanted for us to get married, but she’s always been a free spirit and slept with whomever she wanted.  I was OK when Tony joined us, he loved her as much as I did.  But sometimes at a party, she would head to the bedroom with some guy, and it made me as jealous as hell.  Afterwards, we would argue, and she would always tell me I was being stupid, and that she didn’t love them and would never leave me for someone else.”

I wasn’t expecting that, Valerie was so sensible and attractive, I could not believe she would sleep with all and sundry.  Thinking he had finished, I made to argue that I didn’t believe she would play around.  But Ryker gestured at me to wait, there was more.

“She also went with women sometimes.  That was not nearly so hard as when she took off with a guy.  I said I would marry her if she stopped sleeping around.  She couldn’t promise me that, and with a lot more discussion between us, we both realised that if we married it would always be a major issue for us.”

He thought a bit more, I could see he was recollecting those times.

“Tony had no such qualms, he obviously loved her a lot more than me and was very prepared to marry her.  When he found she was pregnant and heard us arguing, he came and asked me if I would mind him asking her to marry him.  You can imagine, I was pretty knocked around by that.  The three of us had long conversations about what was best, and finally, I came to my senses and agreed that for them to hook up and look after my son, was probably for the best.”

“Valerie and Tony did not marry straight away, she was not certain about her feelings for him.  So telling Tony to email me if there was anything they needed for my son, I took off for England for a couple of years.  I figured I would get out of their way, and let them sort out their feelings.  They married a little over a year after I left.  I didn't worry about missing the marriage, but I did regret was that I wasn’t there for Nick’s birth.”

“It’s actually worked out really well, I come over here for a week or so, four or five times a year.  Lately, we have had Nick stay over with Sally and Steve, you met them last night.  Because once the three of us get in bed, it can get quite wild, and he’s getting to the age where he is starting to ask questions.”

“Tony was a lot smarter than me, he brought her over here to the Great Barrier, where he is in charge of the Conservation Department.  I don’t think she has played around much now that she is married, not that I think Tony would mind that much, he’s always enjoyed sharing her.”  He hesitated again, then, “Well she does have a thing going with Sally, but most guys can handle woman on woman.”

This was another shock to me, I knew a couple of girls at school that were openly lesbian, but had never come close to touching another woman in that way.  It made sense though, I didn’t doubt him this time, as I remembered the kiss that Valerie gave Sally, it was a lot more passionate than I thought was normal.

Ryker could see my surprise and asked, “Are you judging me, does this shock you?  I guess you have never heard of people living like this.”

“No. My mother told me never to judge others.  She said everyone was different, and that the chemicals in their brain made them who they are and that people aren’t really all that in control of what they do.”

“So she’s okay with rapists and murderers then?"  Ryker responded.

“No!  She doesn’t say they shouldn’t be held to account, she just says we should try and understand what is wrong with them.  She reckons that in the future, people will be required to go and get tested.  They will drink a solution of chemicals and will be wired up to a machine that reads their reaction to the concoction of chemicals.  The solution will have a fancy name of course, like ‘rhapsody’ or something, so people want to take it.  Then the machine will spit out a formula, that they will have to drink for the rest of their life.  It will make them behave normally.”

“And your mother is okay with everyone becoming drugged-up clones?” asked Aaron.

“No, she hopes she will be long dead before it happens.  She has another theory, that the people in charge will never have to take the test, just all the common people.  And when someone gets into power, like Trump, they will adjust the formula, so that everyone behaves in the way he wants.  She reckons that will probably finish off the human race before the atonic bomb does.”

Aaron sat up, obviously itching to debate or argue the merits of my mother's theory.  

But Ryker, placed his hand on Aaron’s arm, “Let's discuss this later. It’s a bit of a morbid topic for this beautiful day and you have to phone your work.  Also, I want to get some peaches and make a pudding for tonight.”

Aaron nodded and got up. “Nique, you go with Ryker and get some peaches if you want, I need to row out to the boat, as my phone won’t work in here.  We have a booster on the boat, for cell phone signals.”

I hadn’t been called ‘Nique’ before; I kind of liked it coming from him.  Ryker told me to put on my sundress or I would get scratched, and after putting his shorts and a tee-shirt on, he led me up the beach onto an overgrown track.  We didn’t go far before we were in what had once been an orchard.  But it was terribly overgrown now.  I stopped by a lichen-covered plum tree and picked one.  But Ryker told me the best plum tree was a bit further in, and to not try that one.  I took a bite anyway and quickly spat it out.  He was right as usual, it was bitter and sucked my mouth dry of any moisture.  Another twenty meters and we came to where the overgrowth was a bit thinner, and let in a lot more sunlight, and he showed me an old Black Doris plum tree that was laden.

I tried one, it was okay but still very tart.  Ryker reckoned that all the fruit was quite different from what we are used to.

“I’m not sure if it is the variety of trees they had back then or the fact that the trees are so old and overgrown, but this fruit is really only good for cooking.”

Come help me gather some peaches, and he led me further into the grove to the tree that was most laden.  As we got close, a couple of Red-crowned parakeets took off from the uppermost branches, their emerald green plumage quite beautiful in the morning's sun.  We could see that they had spoilt most of the top layer of fruit.  But there were some peaches, that had hardly been touched.

“Here, I’ll boost you up, see if you can get me a dozen or so unspoilt ones.” And he placed a hand under my bottom the other under an armpit and lifted me high above his head.

As I reached out and made to grab the best peaches, I was acutely aware that two of his fingers had slipped between my legs and were applying pressure to my vulva.  Whether by design or a mistake, I did not know, but it drove an instant surge of desire through my body.  I quickly indicated to him I had as many as I could hold, and he lowered me back to the ground.

I dropped the five peaches in the grass, and before I could comment on the placement of his hand, he lifted me high above his head again.  This time I was sure he knew where he had his hand, as his fingers seemed to curve around the shape of my mound and settle firmly on my clitoris.   

I hastily grabbed some more peaches and tried to casually call out ‘down’.  But my voice betrayed my arousal, it was more like a moan than a clear lucid command.

“Four or five more should be plenty,” he said, lifting me back up into the tree.

Again the fingers were pressed firmly against my sex.  Even through my dress and bikini bottom, I could feel the fingers move and curl to feel my engorged mound.  Such an innocent movement, but it sent waves of desire through my body, and I was very aware as I reached for the last peaches, of my rock-hard nipples rubbing against my cotton sundress, and my juices flowing onto the gusset of my bikini.

Once he lowered me to the ground, he further inflamed my desire by lifting the hem of my dress up and placing the bunched-up hem in my hands.  He then knelt in front of me, and I involuntarily opened my legs to give him access, expecting he was going to kiss me between my legs.  But he just picked up the fruit from the ground and placed it in the gathered folds.

How embarrassing, my face flushed red, but although he knew exactly what had happened, he didn’t comment or make fun of me, but took my arm and helped me walk back to the beach.  We stopped by the Black Doris plum tree as we passed it, and he put half a dozen of these in my dress, “We’ll cook these to go with our cereal in the morning.” 

He helped unload the fruit and placed it in the chilly bin.  I was still embarrassed, and frustratingly hot and horny.  So I turned my back to Ryker, lifted my dress above my head and threw it on my towel, then ran into the sea.  As I swam, I looked out to the yacht and saw that Aaron was finished talking on the phone and getting ready to row ashore.  I waved out and swam towards the boat.

Aaron leaned over and pulled me aboard.  I went straight into his arms and kissed him passionately.  Although the water had cooled me down, the desire was still strong and his kiss sent an even stronger wave of heat running through my body.  

He had the yacht’s stereo on, it was playing, Ed Sheeran's song, 'Afterglow’.  It seemed so appropriate, I stepped back from him, placed my hands on my bikini bottom, and slid it down to my ankles.  I went to step out of it but only had one foot free before Aaron turned me around and pulled my hips to his groin.  I felt his hardness pressed hard against my bottom, and I bent over the cockpit's side seat and placed my hands onto the deck for balance. 

I heard Sheeran sing about not wanting to let go, and more pertinently, about not remaining silent.  The words struck a chord; silence? Bugger that, I screamed out, “Fuck me, Fuck me hard, Pleeaase!”

I was aware the sound carried over water and knew that Ryker would hear, but didn’t give a dam.  As Aaron rubbed himself along my crack, I looked to the shore and took in the fact that Ryker was sat up watching us.  He would not have seen much, as we were mostly hidden in the cockpit of the yacht, but he certainly would know what was happening.  And rather than being embarrassed, I was amazed to find it turned me on even more.

Aaron lifted my hips up, and once my feet left the cockpit floor, he kicked the fish tackle box under them, then let me down to stand on it.  This meant he did not have to bend his knees so much and I felt him rubbing the head along my slit.  I thought the salt water may have washed away all the lubricating fluids, but no, I could feel that I was as wet as hell.  

However there were doubts flooding my mind; would it hurt, was I bruised there from the last time.  Then I felt him push his prick down and poke it around my very willing hole.  Then as he pushed, was surprised at how easily he slipped inside me.  His size didn’t seem to matter, my fanny easily stretched to accommodate it.

He jerked in and out a few times, then slowed and settled into a steady rhythm.  Once we were both in sync and balanced, he reached one hand under me to play with my clit, and his other hand searched out a hard nipple, which he flicked his thumb and forefinger along as if he was milking it.

I looked again to the shore and saw that Ryker was leaned back, openly masturbating.  This turned me on more than anything else, and I felt my orgasm coming like a freight train.

I came in a rush, the fastest orgasm I had ever had.  Aaron slowed to let me recover but did not stop, then I felt him tense up and his actions became urgent.  I felt my dwindling orgasm rekindle, and when Aaron exploded in me, I had another small climax.  

He held me tight, pressed hard inside me, while my twitching fanny sucked in his still throbbing cock.  

My urgent craving now satiated, I slumped down onto the cockpit seat and leaned against the helm.  Aaron sat beside me, and asked, “What brought that on?”

So I told him about Ryker lifting me up to get the peaches, and where his fingers had rested. 

“I thought he was going to take me there in the bush, but he didn’t do anything,”  I exclaimed, trying to hide the frustration from my voice.

“He wouldn’t touch you without me being there and giving him the okay.”

I must have look unbelievingly at him, as he went on to explain.

“Ryker and I have shared girlfriends, but we have known one another forever and never step on each other's patch.  We have an understanding, that it always has to be okay with all concerned.”

“So have you slept with Valerie?” I asked.

“No, we have come close, and she has tried to tempt me a couple of times, both with Ryker present and once when he wasn’t.  But I know how much he loves her, and I know how it affects him when she does sleep with others.  So I will never betray his trust, and I know he will never go behind my back.”

I sat and thought about this.  Several things went through my mind.  Would I have really slept with Ryker, if he had pushed me?  Sitting there with Aaron beside me, I said to myself that I wouldn’t have.  But shamefully, I knew I was lying to myself, I remembered how I had opening my legs, it was almost involuntary, and worryingly I knew I would not have stopped him.

As Aaron rowed us back to the beach, I mulled over my life to this point, what had I become?  I knew that my first fumbled sex with Adam, was quite normal.  I had even read and heard my girlfriends talking about, girls sleeping with a married man.  But the last two days I had gone way past what my former self, would have thought was acceptable.

Was I a slut? Would Aaron want to see me once we got back to Auckland?  My mind raced, as new thoughts confused me, was I bisexual?  I had felt quite turned on when Ryker said about Valerie having sex with Sally.  Several times my mind had slipped to thoughts of touching Valerie’s ripe athletic body.  I flushed at the thought, that she was still breastfeeding her baby, and the thought of what it would be like to suckle on her crossed my mind.

As the dingy bumped onto the sand, I came back to reality.  Aaron was looking at me with a puzzled look on his face.

“You were a million miles away, and looked very worried.  Are you okay?”

“Yes! I’m alright, just thinking about the last couple of days and what I have become.  What just happened out on the boat then, is not like me at all.  Do you think I’m a slut?”

He reached over and pulled me to him and kissed me, “I think you are incredible, I hate that word ‘Slut’.  It’s only used by guys that know a girl has slept with someone else but won’t sleep with them.  In other words, it’s a word used by losers.”

“But I’m having all sorts of conflicting thoughts.  I even found myself getting a bit turned on when Ryker told us about Valerie and Sally.  I wonder if I might be a lesbian as well?”

“Don’t be silly. You are quite normal.  Look! all the rules and morals that society places on us, are made up by men.  And in my view, mostly by men of power who are fucking guilty of things they have done, and so react by setting constrictions on others, especially women.  Look at the church, a whole lot of celibate men, who are scared of women and their desire for them, and try to prescribe their fucked up morals on everyone else.”

He paused, “You are quite normal.  Well maybe not too normal, you're pretty incredible actually.”  

“Look at this!”  And he threw his arms around him, then carried on, “In this incredible natural beauty, it’s easy to forget about all the limitations society places on us, and act like you want to.  Just to follow your instincts.   As long as you don’t hurt anyone, what can be wrong with that?”

As he dropped his arms back to his side, Ryker yelled out to us, “When you're finished giving your sermon to Nique, it’s time we had lunch and got going.”

We looked at one another and laughed, The sense of relief I felt, at his understanding of the emotional turmoil I had running around in my mind, flooded me with happiness.  We walked up to the blankets and saw that Ryker had set out the plates with all the fillings in little containers; ready for us to make our own sandwiches.

As we ate, I quizzed them about where they worked, etc.

Aaron said he was a Civil Engineer, mostly he had worked on large building projects.  He had done a lot of work for Ryker over the years, but currently, he was working on the Puhoi overpass, north of Auckland.

I asked him what these were.

“Oh! They are part of the North Motorway extension, Have you not seen them?”


“I’ll take you up to see them next Saturday if you want”

My heart soared, he wanted to see me again. I tried to reply, “Yes!” without sounding too desperate.

“Why did you become a civil Engineer?” I asked.

“I met, Ryker when I made it into the first fifteen rugby team, he was the captain.  He was two years ahead of me, in his last year.  But we hit it off, once we found we both loved sailing and that he had a Stewart 34.  Well, it actually was his father's, but he was allowed to take it out on his own.  We sailed a lot together and have been close ever since.  He was starting Uni, as soon as he left school, to become an architect.  And it was his suggestion, that I become an engineer and do all the calculations on his buildings.”

Ryker had been sitting quietly during Aarons's explanations.  Lying there in the nude, soaking up the sun.  I was struggling not to keep looking over and staring at his cock.  When Aaron stood, dropped his shorts and headed down to the water to cool off.  I couldn’t help but glance between the two, to assess the difference in sizes.

Ryker didn’t miss a thing, “Checking us out, huh?  And no, I’m not hung like him, in fact, mine is very average.  But its size has never played any part in my meeting the ladies.”

I snapped my head away, ready to deny that I had been checking them out.  Then thought to myself, why bother; don’t give him the pleasure of a reaction.

But he continued, “Why don’t you drop those bottoms and go for a dip with Aaron?  You know you want to.”

“You're just busting to see me in the nude!” I snapped back.

“Look I don’t give a hoot if you do or don’t.  But you will never get a better chance to run along a beach nude, without anyone around.  Unfortunately, the day when this beach, like so many others, will be over-run with tourists, is not far off.”

That set me thinking, and I came to the conclusion that it would be absolutely wonderful to run the length of this beautiful Paradise, in the nude.  So I stood, turned my back to him, dropped my bikini bottom onto my towel, and took off along the beach before he had a chance to say anything.

At the end of the beach, I realised that the creamy nectar from Aaron’s and my coupling were flowing down between my legs.  I looked back to where the boys were now lying talking on the beach, saw they were not watching me and I raced into the sea to wash.

Cleansed and slightly euphoric, with my newfound freedom, I ran back towards the guys.

Ryker was waiting with his hand out.

“What?’ I asked.

“You owe me ten bucks, I bet you that you would get nude before the weekend was over.”

“I remember that, and I also remember that I did not take you up on the bet.  What’s more, I reckon you owe me a heap of money for all the perving and entertainment I’ve been giving you.  At ten dollars an hour, I calculate you owe me about $240.”

They both laughed, “I think that body of yours is worth a lot more than ten bucks an hour.  But you are going to have to take me to court to get it,” joked Ryker.

He then started packing up and told me to get my stuff down to the dingy, as we were off to get some crays for dinner.

He didn’t put up the sails, said we would just motor, as where we were going was only half an hour away.

Then he asked if I had my mobile with me, and I told him it was down in my bag.

“Well, I think you should phone your dad and tell him what happened to Max and that you are alright.  I’ve been thinking while you guys were fooling around, that Max was pretty pissed, and might call in on your parents, to try and stir some shit.  I don’t think he will, but I’ve seen people do sillier things.  So you should call."  Aaron was nodding, indicating that the thought had crossed his mind as well.

So I got my phone and went up the bow, so I could talk without them listening to me.  I phoned my Mom, after our heart to heart a few weeks ago, I knew she would be a lot more understanding than my dad.

When she answered, I told her all that had happened, and that the boys were concerned he may call them.  She said they had heard nothing from Max, but was pleased I had called, as she had seen on the news where there was a big storm coming, and Great Barrier was mentioned specifically.

I told her that Ryker was a very accomplished sailor, and I was sure he would be okay, but I’ll mention it to him.  Then she asked, “So you're on the boat with just two guys?”  

When I said I was, but that they were both really nice.  She just replied, “You lucky girl!  Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

I was a bit stumped as to how to answer that.  It was so new to me, my mother acting more like a girlfriend than a mother.  But she answered my silence, with a statement.  “You already have, haven’t you?”

I tried to splutter out a denial, but was met with, “You’ve done both of them?”

“No!” I shouted down the phone.  “I’m hanging up now, I’ll talk to you when I get home.”

“Okay, but phone me again, and let me know you are okay, with the storm and everything.”

I told her I would and hung up.  Then went back to the stern, and mentioned to Ryker about Mom being worried about the storm.

“I’ve been watching that, have you not seen me listening to the Marine weather forecast?  They say it won’t get to us until late Tuesday, so we should be just about home by then.

When we got to Green Island, the guys put their dive gear on but didn’t bother with wet suits.  The spot they wanted to dive was about three hundred yards around from where we were moored, so they put the outboard on the dingy, and instructed me on how to start it and I took them out to the point, where they wanted to dive.

Aaron had brought a mask and snorkel for me.  I got in the water with them, and he helped me into the water and had me hang onto the dingy’s anchor rope to watch them dive.  

The sunlit water was so clear, I could see kelp forests clinging to rock outcrops.  There were sandy patches in the valleys between the rock outcrops, and all sorts of fish were everywhere.  The guys just dropped down to a rocky ledge, almost directly below me, and they started reaching into a hole.  Some of the fish had moved away when they appeared, but others had come over to check them out, whether from curiosity or looking for food, I did not know.

There were schools of blue maomao, demoiselles, pink maomao, and butterfly perch.  I also saw a couple of Butterfish, I remembered my father bringing these home from a dive trip once, they were greenish-blue in colour.  Out further, where the rock outcrops dropped away into a dark blue void, I could see the iridescent pinky colour, of snapper, and the odd larger dark shape, that I thought were kingfish.  The whole scene was stunning, I felt so privileged to be witnessing all this.

I looked down and saw Ryker pull a cray from the hole, and place it in the catch bag that Aaron was holding.  It looked like there was already a couple of crays in the bag.  Aaron looked up and saw me watching, then made a motion for me to come down and have a look.  He made another motion, indicating I should pull myself down the anchor rope.

They were only four or five meters below me, so I thought I could make that.  I took several breaths of air, then as larger breath as I could, and dived towards them.  When I got to the bottom I let go of the rope and found Aaron there waiting for me.  He gave me his mouthpiece and indicated for me to take some gulps of air.  Then holding me down by my shoulder, he guided me over to the hole and held the kelp aside, so I could look in.

There had to be thirty crayfish in there, mostly small ones, but he leaned in and pushed the little ones aside, and I saw a large cray that was attempting to get down lower under all the others.  Aaron swept some more little ones aside, and there was another large crayfish on the other side of the hole.

The sight was so amazing that I forgot about breathing, and got a fright when Aaron handed me his mouthpiece again and found I was actually gasping for air.  He calmed me down and indicated we should go up.  But stopped me, and indicated that I had to breathe out.  Which was the last thing I wanted to do, but he was insistent.  So I released some air, then he took me over to the anchor rope and stopped me about halfway to the surface.

He gave me some more deep breaths of air, then again insisted that I breathe it out, as we ascended.  On the surface, he removed my mask and snorkel, then held me tight.

“Good girl, That was a bit naughty of me, but I wanted you to see that.  Not many people get to see a hole like that, full of crays.  But if you hadn’t breathed out, your lungs would have exploded with the pressure of the compressed air.”

Back on deck, they proudly showed me what they had caught, four good-sized cray’s.

“We’ll have two for dinner tonight, and take the other two to Tony and Valerie,” said Ryker.

My heart fluttered, I was going to see Valerie again, I was intrigued to think about meeting her, now that I knew so much more about her.

“Why did you not take those two big cray’s?” I asked.

“Because one of them was a female and laden with eggs, and you need to leave the big ones anyway, so they can breed.”

Then Ryker and Aaron, discussed the fact that the big female cray had pushed the little cray’s up to be caught, to save herself.  They had never seen that before.

When we got back to the yacht, it was only 4 o’clock, and still really hot.  So we put the cray’s in the live bait tank, threw the towels into the dingy, and headed ashore for some more sunbathing.

They laid out a beach blanket and placed the towels on this, then dropped their board shorts and lay on their backs.  I noted they had left a space for me between them, this bothered me, if I were to lie between them, was I giving an open invitation.  But standing there hesitating would just bring ridicule, so I slipped out of my bikini and lay down.

They didn’t give any reaction, but started talking about the dive, and asking me if I had dived before, as I seemed so confident.

“Not really.” I replied, “I represented my school at high-board diving, so I’m aware of clearing one's ears as you dive deep, and have always snorkelled over summer.”

Aaron replied that he helped out running the dive courses at the Orakei dive shop, and would I want to do a dive course?  

“Of course, but how much do they cost, I’m saving all I can to go on a trip to England.  I want to do lots of trips over to France just like my parents did.” 

Aaron replied that he would sort it out, he could get mates rates.  Again I felt the surge of excitement, at the thought he wanted to see me some more.  Then I became aware that he was stroking my side, and of his fingers sliding along the side of my breast.

I thought about pushing his hand away, but it felt so good.  Then Ryker asked me where I worked, which gave me a start, I had temporally forgotten about him lying there beside me, as Aaron's hands were kindling naughty thoughts.

“I work as a Laboratory technician’s assistant at Auckland Hospital.  I’m doing papers at Uni, to become fully qualified, but my boss and a couple of other senior technicians are trying to convince me to go to medical school and become a doctor.”

“Why don’t you?” asked Ryker, “you clearly have the brains for it.”

I want to travel overseas if I go to Med School, it will be about five years I’m tied up.

“I’d like to see you tied up,” replied Ryker, laughing.

I had become distracted talking with Ryker but became aware again that Aaron was still stroking along my body, his fingers openly brushing over my breast and continuing down to my legs.  I lay back, knowing I should stop him, but it felt so good.  Lying out naked on this beach, I closed my eyes and imagined I was somewhere in the tropics.

Aaron took my lack of resistance as consent, and next time his hand reached down to my legs, the fingers moved over to come back up their front, and brushed very close to my mound, then on, lingering seductively around my tummy button.  It seemed innocent enough him touching me there, but then his hand moved up to caress my breast.  I was aware that if I didn’t stop this now, I was going to be unable to stop. 

I turned to him. “That feels very nice, but I’m embarrassed with Ryker here.  You need to stop.”  

I was very aware that I did not sound at all convincing.  I sure as hell did not want him to stop, but I was worried about what he would think of me, being so easy.

It was Ryker that answered, “You should make love, and listen to the sand sing its joy for you.  I’ll go back out to the boat if you want?”

“You’ll only watch with those big binoculars you have out there.” I moaned as Aaron moved his fingers to the inside of my leg.  My legs crept apart of their own accord.

“Your right, I would.  I won’t touch you if you don’t want me to.  And I definitely am not going to take things any further than touching you, as I know Aarons's feelings for you.”

I rolled over to Aaron and kissed him, “Are you okay about Ryker staying?”  Part of me was screaming out for him to either stop or at least send Ryker away, but the urgent need that was coursing through me was heightened by knowing Ryker was watching.

Aaron just mumbled in my ear, that Ryker was not a problem, and he needed me again.  “I want to awaken your passion again and take you on my favourite beach.”

His words inflamed my already growing longing, so I just cuddled hard against him and put Ryker out of my mind.  Aaron’s hand enveloped my bum, then I felt his fingers slipping over my little brown rose and forcing their way into my very wet slit.  I pushed my hips hard onto his thigh and searched out his mouth.  

We kissed for a bit his fingers all the time working away, sending waves of desire flooding through me.  I could feel my pussy starting to gush and soak the insides of my legs. 

Aaron pushed his fingers deeper. “You are so wet, Am I doing that to you?”

I started to moan and thrust my hips back and forth trying to get myself to cum.  Then Ryker asked if he could touch me, I gasped out, “Okay.”  I was way past the point of worrying about what either of them thought.  The urge was upon me, I just needed release!

Then Aaron pulled me on top of him and kissed me hard, his hard cock lying between us.   I dropped my legs on either side of his hips and rubbed my slit along his hardness.  Then felt Ryker’s hands exploring my body.  I felt my tits being squeezed and fondled while Ryker’s other hand explored my ass. 

Then he slipped a finger into me, stirred it around, and pulled it out.  I heard him moan that it tasted so good, and I broke my kiss with Aaron to check out what he was up to.  He was sat up beside us, sucking on his finger.  

“Do you want some?” he asked.

I shook my head in horror but watched as he reached down and extracted another scoop of my thick creamy nectar.  He offered it to my lips, but I squeezed them tightly shut. Aaron lifted his head and using his lips, pushed Ryker’s sticky fingers hard against my lips.

“Open your mouth, you are delicious,” he mumbled.  And I reluctantly parted my lips and let him push Ryker’s fingers in.  

Aaron kissed me hard, quite obviously, my tasting myself really turned him on.  And I felt myself become aroused with this knowledge and I greedily sucked Ryker fingers clean.  He withdrew his fingers and I continued attacking Aaron’s tongue.  I felt Ryker pushing his fingers between my legs again.  He worked them around, not to get more juices this time, but instead, it seemed he was working at making me more aroused.

I was a bit disappointed when he removed them, then the fingers were pushed back between Aaron and me.  I drew back and saw they were coated with my juices, then he offered my creamy secretions to my lips, I didn’t hesitate, I hungrily sucked into my mouth.  Amazed at how turned on this got me, I felt an orgasm approaching fast and concentrated to hold it at bay.  I did not want this to end so quickly.

Aaron sensed my arousal, lifted my hips up, and eased himself into me.  His girth, just escalating my impending climax, and when Ryker pushed his slick finger into my bottom, I was gone.  The tumultuous orgasm that hit me, shook my body and I groaned out loud that I was coming.

Aaron stopped moving, just holding himself hard inside me as I came.  I had to grind my hips hard onto him to build to the orgasm I wanted.  Throughout, Ryker continued to finger my bum, and searched out one of my rock-hard nipples with his other hand, and pinched it hard.  This was like an aphrodisiac and awakened another spasm of desire. 

Aaron rolled me off him, then pushed me onto my stomach and climbed on behind me.  He entered me again and pounded me into the sand.  I was aware of the sound the sand was making, and how sensitive I had become.  I thought that I could not take anymore, and glanced to the side to see if Ryker was going to touch me, I didn’t think I could bear to have any more stimulus.

He was lying on his side, watching us.  He was holding his cock, and when he saw me watching, he rolled on his back and stroked his hand along its length.  I was mesmerised to see him so unashamedly masturbating and found my arousal returning.  I twitched my hips back into Aaron, letting him know I was enjoying his attention.  But my eyes never left Ryker’s cock.

My arousal surged when Aaron whispered in my ear, that he was not going to last much longer.  I realised the power I had, and bucked my hips up to meet each thrust, and turned my face to him so we could kiss.  But as he increased his tempo and told me he was going to come, I returned my gaze to Ryker.   He looked very agitated also and mouthed to me that he was about to come.  

This more than anything else brought on my second orgasm.  I felt Aaron come and collapse off to my side.  He had slipped out, but quickly inserted two fingers to finish me off, and as Ryker came, spurting his spunk all over his stomach, I buckled in half as the most massive orgasm racked my body.  It was so intense, I felt like I had wet myself, a deluge soaked my towel.

“Oh, God!" I whispered to Aaron, "I think I have peed myself?”

“You’ve just squirted, how fucking horny is that.”

I rolled over onto his towel, out of the wetness beneath me.  I wasn’t too sure what had happened.  But it seemed to please both the guys, so I tried to relax.

We lay there for several minutes, catching our breath.  Then Ryker stood and raced down into the sea.  Aaron stood then bent and picked me up, strode down to the water, and threw me in.  We all fooled around in the clear, fresh, cool water, acting like little children.  

After a while, we got out, picked up our towels, and rowed back to the yacht to prepare dinner.

My mind wandered, as Ryker rowed to the Yacht, ‘had this changed things? I wondered.’  But I was pleasantly surprised that as Aaron held the boat against the transom, Ryker helped me from the dingy, with no hint of embarrassment or censure.  They were both just treating me like normal.

Aaron and I took a large Stainless steel pot and two of the crayfish ashore, to cook them.  We built a fire below the high tide mark, from wood he and I had gathered along the tree line.  Aaron made a triangular frame to hang the pot from and watched it heat up.

While we were waiting for the water to boil, Aaron explained about squirting, and that not many girls did it, but that it was a huge turn-on for a guy.

Once the crays were cooked, we broke their meat free from the shell, placed it in a bowl, then rowed back to the yacht.  We dropped the shells off the back of the dingy, on the way out to the yacht.  Ryker had been busy, he had done two different salads and had some of the potato salad left from the night before.  There was also the beautiful smell of the cooked peaches, and I saw all the making of the pie he had prepared.  He handed us each a rum and coke, "After 4:30, compulsory drinky's, these will put some hair on your chest."

I commented, "And you would like some hair on my chest then?"

Laughing, Ryker brought out a Tupperware container, full of little bread cups.  He filled these with a mixture of the remaining smoked fish and a cheesy sauce, for an entree.  He had grilled them in the oven with Parmesan cheese sprinkled on them.  They were divine, I ate too many and drank too much rum.

Another amazing day, the main course was sublime.  Who could ever complain about having fresh crayfish served to them on the back of a yacht?  The night just flew, we told stupid stories and laughed till we all had tears in our eyes.

When I said I wanted to go to bed, Ryker told me he was sleeping in my bunk tonight, and Aaron and I were to have the large double bed up the front.  I made to argue, but he was insistent.  Aaron and I crashed with just a cuddle and a kiss good night.


Same as Veronique’s First Time Sailing. Chap.2 Videos

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DAY TWO Then fell back asleep until, at about 7am I was awoken by Cheryl getting out. She tried to be quiet, but we already knew this would be difficult - that’s why I was on the outside; in case any boating emergency required a leap from the bed. I woke and looked down the bed to see her crawling to the bottom. What I saw of course was a woman on all fours crawling away from me, her nightdress had ridden up so I was looking at her panties stretched across her very nicely proportioned...

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Summer SailingEpilogue

So I got my good degree, I got to start a PhD in ... well it doesn’t matter, you wouldn’t understand it anyway; at Lancaster University. Maybe not the best uni in the UK, but I liked it. That first summer I missed the sailing week. I had graduate school to attend. Tony, Joanne and Sarah wrote often, and we met up at holidays. Sarah went to Oxford. Joanne took a year off. At first everyone thought it was just for a gap year. I got to go to the sailing week the next year. It was great fun!...

3 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 8

Holy Crap! There was a boat pulling up next to the Princess! I jumped up and pulled my shorts on and tugged the t-shirt over my head. I ran up the steps and out onto the deck to find Aunt Edna and Uncle Albert idling towards the Princess in their fishing boat.Holy Crap!In an inspired move, I grabbed both Audrey and Judith's packs without Edna and Albert seeing them and pitched them down the stairway. Then I went to the stern and waved at Aunt Edna and Uncle Albert."Hey!" I yelled. "What are you...

2 years ago
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Summer SailingChapter 12

DAY 11 “Hello sleepy heads. How’s the Greek God? We have a race to win. The honour of Aristotle Travel is at stake.” Oh dear, the ‘Greek God’ term had stuck. I was going to have to live with it, I could tell. But what was this about a race? All the skippers were to meet at 11am, I had ten minutes to wash, dress, drink a coffee, and row over to Shag. “Hi Chris, okay, all here? This is an optional event, and we all have to do it.” Craig smiled. “No, not really. It’s just for fun. You’ll...

4 years ago
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Sailing Adventure 4

Enflamed with lust after her husband offered her pussy to the captain, Marsha tells the crew, “I know the captain wants my pussy, since this is his boat, he gets the first turn.”Marsha slides over to Kurt. "Captain do you like my pussy? Did the crew tell you I have a nice little bush? I know you felt it this afternoon. Play with my tits like you did before."Kurt starts fondling her breasts again. She is very vocal and starts talking dirty. She leans up against Kurt and spreads her legs for the...

Wife Lovers
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Sailing Sweethearts

My neighbor’s two daughters have gone from giggling girls to young women during the time I’ve lived here. We’ve always been friendly since I even babysat for them when they were younger. They’re always welcome to use my swimming pool and I’ve enjoyed watching their young bodies develop, especially with the swimsuits which kept getting briefer and briefer as they matured. I’d gone half with a friend on a 35-foot sailboat in a big lake about an hour away. It had been years since I’d been able to...

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Sailing Chapter Three

Sailing Chapter ThreeThe next morning I awoke to find Linda and Janice no longer in bed and the covers were no longer on the bed as I lay there naked in the middle of the bed. The sounds of the boat resting in harbor as the sunlight streamed through the portholes helped bring me fully awake as well as the erection between my legs. I rolled off the bed and walked out into the galley not to find them and I went topside through the cockpit and found Linda sitting spread eagle on the cushions with...

4 years ago
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My sexy wife on a sailing boat

On Friday early afternoon I got home from my office and could not find Anita anywhere. Our house was empty…It was strange, since she had not texted me or called me to say where she would be. I went into the kitchen and found a handwritten note on the fridge. It said she was camping with some friends; I was welcome to come up but I could not stay the night there with them…I thought about it. If I go, I would be watching my wife being fucked, but if I stay at home, I would be alone; so I decided...

4 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 27

Steve Oh my, I have to pee very badly. I was able to slip from the pile of bodies to stand in front of the throne for about an hour. Not really, but for a couple of minutes, at least. I was about to shake it off when long arms surrounded me to take my hands away and took hold of me. A recognizable voice said, "I'll do that. As soon as I do the same, let's use the shower real quick. This morning is going to be busy with people leaving." Long, tall Kathy sat on the pot while I turned on...

2 years ago
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Summer SailingChapter 4

DAY THREE “Drink the tea first, then we’ll face the music” was Cheryl’s solution. So, not such a worrier I think. There was a splash. I wanted to look out of the port hole, wondered what to cover myself with, shrugged – she’d seen everything already - and got out of bed naked and looked. Fred was swimming past the side of the boat. A further splash signalled that another had gone in. Cheryl came to look too, she wrapped the duvet round her, but as she went to get her clothes, I...

2 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 2

Chuck Sheena woke me about one forty-five with a kiss on the cheek. She said, "Time to get up so you can relieve Dewey at two." I smiled and said, "I'll be right up. Would you put some coffee on before you go to bed?" "Already put it on, Chuck. Are you going to take anyone up with you? Dewey said all of the night people should have someone up there with them. It will make the watch easier to have some company." Lisa turned and said, "I'm getting up with Chuck. I'll keep him...

3 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 23

Chuck I woke being hugged between Julie and Brandy. The two were really hanging on, but I needed to offload pretty soon. Sliding from the grasp of the two women, I saw that Lisa was sleeping with her head on Gina's cushions. I was going to go back to bed after using the head, but saw it was five fifty already and we were going to shove off early this morning. Instead of going back to bed, I hopped back to the head, showered, shaved, and quickly dressed to go see if anyone else was up. The...

3 years ago
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Sailing Weekend

It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows as the outline of her body showed through her dress so that it...

4 years ago
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Karens Sailing Adventure

Karen had been saying for a while that she wanted to rent a sail boatagain and get back out onto the ocean. It has been something she hasdone before, and loved.As it was late summer, and while it was still hot, I decided it wouldbe a nice thing to setup for her. I found an advert for a boat andcaptain. The captain sounded OK on the phone and the price for anafternoon's boat hire was good. We discussed going up the coast for acouple of hours and then finding a cove to anchor in to have a...

3 years ago
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Sailing Sun and Sex Part 3 Erotic Sex in the

It's Monday and we have a wee lie in after the previous days travel and sexual exertions. Eventually rising at 10, we shower and have a light breakfast before climbing up the hill to the old village which clings precariously on the edge of a steep wooded hillside. It's a twenty minute haul but well worth the effort. The views from the small taverna's veranda are spectacular taking in the many beautiful islands dotted around the crystal clear sea and the mountainous mainland.Drinking fresh...

4 years ago
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The Sailing Weekend

worked from home and only visited the office once or twice a week. It was an old building and the south facing windows reached from just below the ceiling to about two feet off the floor. The manager's secretary, Susan, a very pretty natural blond with a good figure, was twenty eight and single I was forty six. She used to dress well and demurely but she obviously didn't wear petticoats under her long summer dresses and skirts. It was a real treat when she was standing in front of the windows...

3 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 7

I spent the next forty minutes getting all the connections made in the North cabin, and went back to my cabin to clean up. I put on a clean shirt and shorts and headed down to the marina. When I got to the Princess, I found Audrey on the boat, tidying things up. "Welcome aboard Captain!" she said. "I think we're all ready to go.""Great!" I said. "Just let me check the engine, and we can cast off.""I think Judith already did that." Audrey said. She went to the door of the cabin and yelled down,...

2 years ago
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Sailing We Will Go

Copyright© 1995-2003 "There was a young sailor from Brighton Who remarked to his girl, 'You're a tight one.' She replied, 'Pon my soul, You're in the wrong hole; There's plenty of room in the right one.'" -author unknown The slight westerly breeze promised a wonderful start to a week of sailing. The six-year-old sloops sails caught the wind only moments after leaving the breakwater. The forty-eight-foot ship creaked as the wind pressed it to starboard and the few...

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Tamarillas TravelsChapter 3 A Sailing We Will Go

The group moved to a more comfortable sitting room. While they were there the Emperor questioned Milo about where he came from. A mapmaker was summoned and charts were made up of the area of the island world where Milo was from. The meeting went late into the night. At the end it was decided that Milo would guide Tamarilla and her friends on a journey to the Island World. The Emperor supplied a sailing ship for the journey. It had the usual shallow hull of the ships plying the inland sea,...

4 years ago
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Sailing Lessons Pt 6

As I approached the door of Uncle Ed's cabin, I noticed that all the shades were drawn and the interior was dimly lit. I knocked on the door and Audrey answered it and let me in. I was stunned at the sight. Audrey was dressed in a tiny little French maid's costume, no doubt something she'd found in the bottom drawer of the dresser. She was stunningly beautiful. She had put her hair up and had applied makeup that transformed her already pretty face into drop-dead gorgeous.The costume fit her...

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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 14

Chuck When Sue and Don relieved me at midnight, I went down to the office to check the rings I was going to hand out later that night. I separated eight of the rings, along with the special one I had made up for Lisa. The only difference between the special one and the others was that it had two brilliant blue diamonds on each side of the big diamond while the other rings had two bright red rubies on each side of a big diamond. The bands were wide, much wider than what a normal engagement or...

2 years ago
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Sailing Lesson

"Now, what would you do if you were in mid Channel and one of your crew is taken ill, he's in a lot of pain, can't move, has difficulty breathing and his face is very red?" She asks "I'd send out a 'Mayday' on the VHF," I promptly reply, looking smug. "Your electrics are down and it won't work," she replies Ah, now that's a bit of a bugger... let's see. "Well, um... I'd ask one of the other crew if they were a doctor?" I hazard. "Don't be facetious, on a boat this size...

3 years ago
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Sailing in Uncharted Waters

My wife and I have a small sailboat we keep on a the Great Lakes. It’s old but in really nice condition, and capable of cruising for days non-stop, which we do from time to time with a crew of friends, but usually we just daysail around our home area. That’s what we were up to on a nice hot day last summer. Under blues skies with small puffy white clouds, we had a nice breeze and had worked our way upwind, tacking back and forth, and were now about 7 or 8 miles offshore. Other boats could be...

5 years ago
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Sailing Sun and Sex

We board my 50 foot yacht, 'Adios', at lunchtime after a long early morning flight to Levkas. It's quite hot, 32 degrees, and instead of staying put we decide to sail down to Spartakhori, one of my favourite spots. After shopping at the mini-market and a quick snack at a teverna on the quay we return to the boat, cast off the lines and motor southwards down the Levkas Canal to the Ionian Sea.There are just the two of us, Suzy, my new girlfriend, and me. This is Suzy's first sail, she's a little...

2 years ago
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Steve and Chuck Go SailingChapter 15

Steve I rolled over and almost rolled off the bed. My movement, while catching myself at the last minute, woke Sue who looked at me funny. She smiled at me and asked, "What are you doing up? You were on duty until two this morning! Sleep a little more." I looked at the clock and said, "It's already six and we should be near port by now. I want to be up when we enter that lagoon at the yacht club. Chuck probably won't have a problem but I should probably be there to help tie up. Let's...

2 years ago
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Summer SailingChapter 9

DAY EIGHT Halfway and yet not half way. Joanne was still untried. But now I wasn’t sure if she would want to. Was she not interested in men? We radioed Joshua Handcook and crew and said we would head back to see what’s what. He said he’d follow. So we left the lovely little harbour and this time put up sail instead of engine. It meant having to tack down towards the sand spit and then tack away. I wondered how close we could go. I was ordered by a bevy of mutinous crew not to let us get too...

3 years ago
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Amity 4 The HerdsChapter 3 Sailing

I had never been on a long ocean voyage before. I’d travelled a couple times on ships when we had gone to visit the southern properties, but the open ocean was a whole different experience I’d not had. So far, I’d never been seasick. I think my merman genes had a lot to do with that. I had also discovered there was something new I could do with my magic. My fourth discipline was Physics. I could shape liquids and move air. I had a plan to make the voyage more pleasant. In one of the...

4 years ago
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Serious Mistake Going Sailing

Matthew was the only one on my chat list that actually lived in the same town as I did. We chatted a while before we decided to meet. I was attracted to his powerful large body and somewhat forceful nature online. However, there were things about him that bothered me; like how private he was about his life and especially what he did for a living. He would just simply change the subject and tell me he didn’t want talk about it right now because he had a bad day. While chatting & drinking...

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Sailing With Mom

My name is Kyle and I'm 20 years old. I've recently taken up sailing. When I told my mother about it, she was very interested in my new hobby. "I think we should go sailing, just the two of us. It'll be great!" she told me over the phone. "But, Mom, you're nine months pregnant. Are you sure your stomach can handle the open waters?" I asked. She hadn't had a child since giving birth to my twin sister and me when she was only 16. After talking to my father, they agreed to have another...

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The World of Erasthay the Son of LustChapter 9 Sailing the Incestuous Seas

Note: This story was commissioned by Ultrasound 7 and has allowed me to share it with you. This may contain scenarios and acts that I normally wouldn’t write. There will be a strong sex slave/domination theme. I will keep this from violating any cannon established in the world and I developed the mythology that drives this story. Kurtis – Remna Excitement swelled through me. I adjusted my new tulwar that hung off the belt I wore over my robe. It was local garb, a deep shade of blue. It felt...

2 years ago
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Sailing Holiday

This happened a few years ago and is completely trueWe were on a sailing holiday and had chartered a 36 foot yacht in Croatia. I don’t like wearing clothes and sailing in a warm climate is great for naturist.Our normal plan is to sail to a lunchtime swim spot and move on to a more sheltered anchorage for the night, planning our lunch departure to arrive in daylight. Normally there is time for another swim then get showered, Gin and Tonic evening meal out or on board depending on where we are....

4 years ago
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Sailing away

Somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea, close to any of the thousand Greek islands, a white silhouette breaks the waves. My old sailing boat, not too big, not too small. The sails fully extended and the wind is gentle but constant. I'm at the steering wheel and you are mixing us some drinks. I look at the horizon while you take off your dress and try to get some sun. Your white skin is too sensitive you ask me to apply some cream on your back. I put the boat automatic pilot on and proceed to grab...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Smooth Sailing

Jess’s flesh tingled. The breeze caught the back of her knees as a reminder of how much bare flesh she was choosing to expose today. She flexed her warm toes in her suede boots, enjoying the feel of Kane’s bold, hot cock inching it’s way further towards the warmth between her legs. Around them, at the public event, people were watching the beautiful sailing boats competing on the water. In the half an hour or so since the first spectators had arrived. a small crowd was now gathered. Jess and...

2 years ago
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Sailing Quiet Romance

Sailing – Quiet Romance This is a little tale about an experience I had a while ago. But first, let me introduce myself, and also mention that all characters herein are consenting adults. The names have been changed in an effort to circumvent unnecessary persecution. I’m an ‘older’ guy, recently retired, living on a barrier island in the Gulf of Mexico, off the southwest Florida coast. I enjoy leading an active life, and try to stay fit by walking, bike riding, swimming and sailing on the...

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