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I'm a private investigator for a boutique divorce law firm. It's not as glamorous as it may sound. I do rack up the frequent-flier points, and yes, I went to Las Vegas last Christmas, but it was for work. I was trying to get video of a suspected cheating husband. To a degree, I understood when I spied on him. After all, his wife was a shrew, and he was a typical guy. The young lady he took to his room while his wife finished her shopping did a Tahitian hula/reverse cowgirl thing that I had never seen before.

A lot of my work involves researching hidden assets. Sometimes, I'm looking for real estate holdings or off-shore bank accounts. Sometimes, it's artwork or jewels. Often, I'm at a desk, and when I do go out on field-work, there's no Indiana Jones or Mission Impossible stuff.

The senior partner (known the staff as The Ice Queen) called me to her office. “Don,” she asked, “if I told you I wanted you on a red-eye flight Sunday night, what would it do to your other cases?”

“For how long?”

“I wouldn't normally ask you to do this, but ...”

“Bullshit, Marian,” I interrupted. “How long do I have to be away?”

“You have all the budget you need on this one to hire whoever you want to help you. If you get yourself a good forensic accountant, you should be on the plane back home Friday night.”

“Some clients will argue, but nobody's world will come to an end if I'm not here for a week,” I said. “It's a good thing we love each other.”

“Just remember who pays whom, and why. Clean up your loose ends and go home. Pack for a week in Virginia, near DC. A car will pick you up and take you to the airport. Be ready Sunday morning at ten.” Marian handed me some file folders and a small bundle of discs, and motioned me away. “Go, before we do something stupid.”

My new job was to dig up the dirt on a business. The estranged wife has a large block of shares in her husband's enterprise, and she feels he's siphoning off money, lowering the value of her holdings, which would be beneficial to him when he is ordered to buy her out.

Even though I probably have learned enough over the years to take the exams, I'm not an accountant. This job needed one. From an assignment several years ago, I know a gentleman who is a senior partner in a successful accounting firm in the area. I gave him a call. He agreed to “rent out” his best forensic accountant, a Mrs. Sarah Blevins. Her schedule would be clear late Monday morning.

Her curriculum vitae had me hoping for a dynamic, no-nonsense woman with a sharp mind and a bit of cynicism, all business, and hopefully, a stickler for details. I wanted someone who could find evidence of fiduciary mistakes by the company's own financial people, or signs that the books had been “cooked.”

I've teamed with this kind of specialist before. They're often the nerds of the accounting world. Based on the people I had worked with in the past, I anticipated a plain looking woman.

That's not what I saw when she came into the lobby. She was taller than I expected, honey-blond, blue-eyed, and pretty. If she wore make-up, it was subtle. Dressed in a conservative skirt and jacket, she spoke with a soft but confident voice laced with the sweeter parts of a southern drawl. She looked like a woman you could enjoy taking to dinner, or helping with a project she's doing as a Sunday school teacher.

My first impression was to see her in the role of trusted executive secretary or elementary school principal, but this assignment called for more than that. I needed a rabid badger.

She took me to her office to discuss the case. Following her down the hall, I played with the idea of those long legs in a much shorter, tighter skirt, with dressy heels replacing the sensible office shoes she wore. I wondered what her long hair would feel like in my hands.

“You're disappointed, aren't you, Don?” she asked, after she had closed the door and taken her place behind her desk.

“Excuse me?”

“I get that a lot. Being a woman is a handicap in business. At least it seems that way to me,” she said.

“I don't look down on women in business, Sarah. I'm not that kind of guy.”

“You've read my curriculum vitae, I assume,” she said.

“I did, and I was impressed.”

“Would you have been as 'impressed' if I were a man? Or did you just think my qualifications were good for a woman?”

“Where is all this coming from?” I asked.

“Look, I know what your employers do. They screw people out of money in divorces. They're very good at it,” she said.

“I try not to think of it that way. Are claims exaggerated? Sure. On both sides. Are mistakes made? Yes, unfortunately. We're all human. My job is to make sure that all assets are accounted for, and that my employer's client gets compensation for the value of the couple's shared holdings and for the pain and suffering of a failed marriage.”

Sarah got more animated. “Marriage is sacred, as far as I'm concerned. People stand there in front of whatever they consider to be God, and swear an oath to each other. That's one of the things that ticks me off. This country has become all about getting someone else to pay through the nose for your dumb mistakes. In a marriage, unless you're completely stupid, you should have known what you were getting yourself into.”

“I'm not completely stupid,” I said. “I'm smart enough to have stayed single. Look, if you're not comfortable working with someone who does this for a living, I'm sorry I wasted your time.” I stood and turned toward the door.

“Wait!” she cried. “Please. Oh, dammit, I'm not good at this.” Suddenly, her bluster was gone. “Won't you sit down?”

I did. I looked at her, waiting for her to continue. She was staring at the screen-saver on her computer monitor, playing absent-mindedly with a wisp of her hair that was draped over her chest. She took a deep breath, and then broke into a weak smile.

“That's probably the worst job I've done introducing myself since I was about twelve,” she said. “May I start over?”

I stood up, smiled, and extended my hand, just as I had done before. “Hello, I'm Don Croswell.”

She gave me a smirk, stood, and said, “Good to meet you, Don. I'm Sarah Blevins.” She laughed as we shook hands. “Please, sit down. Would you like a water?” She swiveled in her chair and got two bottles from her mini-fridge. “I'm a competent accountant. My records prove that. I also have a very good nose for bullshit.”

“That's what I need. This guy is hiding something. I'm just not sure where or how.”

She said, “When my boss told me about this assignment, I was anxious to work with you because of what you do, not who you work for. You expose liars. You search for the truth. That's what I do, too. Look, Don, I'm sorry, but I'm guilty of a little bit of hero worship here. You look at the whole picture. All I do is give you some financial details.”

“If you can give me those details, I'll make sure my employers know exactly how valuable your assistance was. There may be need for your services in the future, if you're willing.”

“I have a career with this firm. As I understand it, the boss is basically 'renting' me to you,” she said.

“That's right, and I'm not in a position to offer anyone a job anyway, but I've given references before that have gotten a little freelance work for some people. In one way or another, we're all in the information business. Networking is important, and I've got a big address book,” I said.

“Let's see if I can help you first,” she answered.

“How do you want to start?”

“With lunch. There's a cafe downstairs.”

“I saw it,” I said. “I'm on an expense account, so my employer is buying. I'll drive.”

We walked through the parking garage, Sarah stopping to get an attache case from her minivan. I had parked my rental car out where people were less likely to hit it.

“Oh my,” Sarah murmured when I hit the remote locks on the silver Mercedes SLK. “I never rode in one of those.”

“I hadn't either. Triple upgrade from the rental car company. That's why I said I'll drive. It's a lot more fun than the car I have at home. Where's a good place to eat?”

During lunch, she told me a bit about herself. “I'm thirty-seven. I have two kids. I had to delay presenting my master's thesis because I went into labor with my daughter two weeks early. I'm a hard worker, Don.”

“If we do this, we're going to spend a lot of time together, you know,” I said.

“As long as I can get six hours sleep and a shower, I can be on the job. My husband, Tim, will work from home. I've done this before,” she said.

I paid the tab, and we walked to the car. When we were on the highway, heading to the factory, I asked, “You're saying you'll work past five o'clock?”

“Don, I may be younger than you, but I'm not naive. I know what it takes to succeed in this business. I'll work as long as necessary to get the job done.”

“All work and no play makes Sarah a dull girl,” I observed.

“I didn't think it was that obvious,” she said.

Great. I must have hit a nerve. I said, “That was rude of me. I was trying to be funny. I was willing to settle for lame, but I didn't mean to be insulting.”

“No, no, it's okay. You're right. I do work all the time. Tim keeps telling me I'll be the most successful person in the morgue some day. I've always been like that. It's how I tackled school, even as a little girl. It's the way I managed to make dean's list every semester in college while working full-time and playing Susie Homemaker for my husband.

“When did you get married?” I asked.

“Right after high school. We both worked and went to college at the same time. He got a good job, and I went on for my master's. We even started a family. Somehow, we made it work.”

“Like I said before, I'm impressed. Here's our exit.” I said nothing more, enjoying the muted music of the car's exhaust, as I tapped the paddle shifter to slow us down.

The owner met us at the door, smiling. “Hi! I'm Bill Owens. Did you have any trouble finding the place?” He gave us the grand tour, treating us like we were potential investors. After assigning a secretary to run errands for us, he took us to a conference room where we could spread out whatever materials we asked for.

When we had a moment alone, Sarah said, “My bullshit sense started tingling as soon as I saw him.”

“Okay, then it's not just me. You think he's too good to be true, too.”

“Absolutely. Especially with the creepy vibes I'm getting from him. I'm wearing slacks tomorrow. Loose ones,” she chuckled.

We worked until the office staff was leaving, and Owens escorted us out. He locked the front door behind him. “It was nice to meet you, Mr. Croswell, Ms. Blevins. Will I see you in the morning?”

“We'll be here at nine,” I said.

“Great. I'm looking forward to it. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a dinner date,” he said. He hurried off to his car.

Sarah and I got in the Mercedes and watched Owens drive away.

“What do you think so far?” I asked.

“Am I being hyper-sensitive? That guy is a total creep! Just having him look at me made me feel dirty,” she said.

“I saw him. He wasn't even trying to be subtle.”

“You don't look at me that way. I don't feel like a specimen under a microscope with you.”

“I'm subtle.”

“Oh, you're bad!” she laughed. “You had me fooled. I thought you were a gentleman.”

“I am. I just meant,... well,... I look at you, but I don't drool over you like he did.”

Sarah stared at me, a combination of shock and amusement on her pretty face. “But you've checked me out? Is that what you're saying?”

“Well, uh, yeah, I guess. I'm a man. You're a very attractive woman. So yes, I've looked. Don't sue me.”

“I won't.”

“Look, Sarah, I feel really awkward. I'm digging myself into a hole here. What I'm trying to say is, I see how you work as well as how you look. Is that so bad?”

She was silent for a moment. “No. I guess not. I'm just not used to getting compliments. At least, not on anything but my work.”

“That surprises me. I'll bet your husband tells you how nice you look all the time.”

“No, that's not what he focuses on.”

I started the car. “I guess I should get you back to your office so you can get home.”

“Do you want to discuss what we did today, and what we want to accomplish tomorrow?” she asked. “I already told my family I'd be late. Tim will make dinner while the kids do their homework, and he'll come up with something fun to do with them until it's time for bed. We share pretty much all the childcare and household responsibilities. He's Mr. Mom when I do work like this.”

“Should we stop for dinner and a drink?” I asked.

“Not a bad idea. Just one drink, though. I do have to drive home at some point.”

“I'll have to drive you back to get your car, too, so yes, just one,” I agreed. “Mind if I put the top down? Your hair won't blow too much.”

She looked up. “It's metal, isn't it?”

“I guess so.” I pressed the button that began the transformation.

“Oh, my father would love this thing! He's such a car nut!” she said, in the most animated voice I had heard all day.

“This is the 'play' part of that all-work-and-no-play thing I mentioned.” I eased the sleek roadster into traffic, and soon we were on the highway.

“Where are you staying?” she asked, wisps of her honey locks dancing in the breeze.

“There,” I said, pointing to a sign advertising my hotel.

“Do they serve food in their bar?”

“Sandwiches and salads. We can sit and talk.”

“Sounds good,” she said.

I parked the car, and we walked into the hotel lounge. The place was almost deserted, and the music was quiet enough for conversation. We found a small table, got our menus, and placed our order.

“I just had an alarming thought,” Sarah said, after the waitress brought our drinks.


“Yes. What is a nice housewife like me doing here with another man?”

“Is that what this is, in your mind?” I asked. “To me, it's business associates grabbing dinner, unwinding and having a strategy session.”

“It is, of course,” she said, “but how does it look?”

“Who cares? People do this all the time. You're putting yourself in the exact niche that brought on your little show in your office this morning. You know that, don't you?”

She sighed, looking down at the table. Then she raised her eyes to mine. “You're right. I try so hard to be one of the guys in the office or when I'm out in the field, but sometimes I just can't do it.”

“Why can't you be Sarah Blevins?”

“I don't know,” she said, almost to herself. She sipped her drink in silence.

I asked, “What are your overall thoughts on what we saw today? You mentioned your bullshit sense as soon as we walked in there, and you seemed like you were onto some stuff right away.”

“You painted a pretty accurate picture of what to expect, although you failed to mention what a smarmy little creep Owens is.”

“We're going to bring him down if there's anything at all wrong,” I said. “We're playing detective here.”

“You make this sound so clandestine,” she grinned.

“Only in my Walter Mitty fantasies. Seriously, though, do you agree that there is something funny about those books?”

“I have some questions,” she said. “A lot of them, in fact.”

“Good. Now, off business for a minute. Who is Sarah Blevins? What makes you tick?”

“Honestly? Well, there's Sarah, the hard-working forensic accountant. That's who you saw today. There's Sarah, the wife and mother. I can bore you to tears with stories about potty training and parent-teacher conferences. I can tell you how to get grass stains out of little league uniforms and bubble gum out of long hair, and at least five great salsa recipes.”

The waitress brought our dinners. When she was gone, I asked, “What about Sarah, the person?”

“Hmmm. Well, I'm the only child of two salt-of-the-earth working-class parents. I was a smart kid, bookish and shy. I knew the value of hard work, and my parents encouraged me in school. I did well. I was pretty much of a nerd. The quiet girl everyone liked, but no one really knew. I was okay with that.”

“How did you meet your husband?”

“In Sunday school when we were kids. We started dating in high school, church youth group things at first. We really liked each other, and that turned into puppy love. As we got older, we started to realize how serious we felt about each other, and we got married the summer after our high school graduation. We spent the first four years of our life together in college, living in the married-student apartments off-campus.”

“That's romantic,” I said.

“It was, I guess. Anyway, after college, he got a very good job, so he supported me while I worked on my master's degree. We were doing okay, so we decided to start a family. Two kids later, I was lucky enough to get a job where I can actually use my skills.”

“You got up to speed on those books faster than anyone I've ever seen. I've been doing this work almost as long as you've been alive.”

“Thank you, Don. You're going to have to give me some time to study things, though, before I can give you an accurate idea of where the bad smell of that place is coming from.”

“Of course.”

She sat back in her chair. “This is nice,” she sighed.

“This place?”

“No,” she laughed softly. “I meant relaxing with dinner and a drink. I don't do this enough.”

“How often do you take time for yourself?”

“I work at least fifty hours a week. I have two kids. I mow the yard for exercise and to get a little sun. I might do some web-surfing if I can't sleep at night, but time for me ended in high school.”

“Don't you and Tim do anything together as a couple? A date night, a weekend away?” I asked.

“No, not really. We were going to go on a married couples' retreat with the church a couple of summers ago, but the kids got sick.”

“Isn't there anything you do for fun?” I asked.

“Fun? Believe it or not, this is the first time I've been in a place that serves alcohol in about five years. It's probably the first time I've been out of the house alone for something other than work, the hairdresser, or the grocery store since I did my Christmas shopping last fall.”

“I used to be like that,” I said. “Worked all the time, trying to build my career. I never took time to play, or to really even build any relationships. It didn't make sense to try, since I was always on the road. When I landed this job with the divorce practice, I built a little house, but I never found anyone I wanted to share it with.”

“I'm sorry,” Sarah said.

“I'm not. Maybe I'm not the type that should be married. I'm just fine in my bachelor pad in the woods.”

“Do you see anyone?”

“What are you asking?” I chuckled. “Do I ever have dinner with anyone, or do I get laid?”

Sarah looked embarrassed and then started to giggle. “I meant the former. I would have assumed the latter, depending on your answer.”

“The answer to the former is yes.”

“Okay,” she replied. Awkward silence followed.

“I think I offended you,” I said.

“No, no, it's okay. Sex was just the farthest thing from my mind.”

It was my turn to be silent.

“You're older, so maybe you can tell me something, if you will?”

“I'll try,” I said.

“I could ask my father, but I don't want to know his answer.”

“What's your question?”

“I can't believe I'm asking you this. All right. At what age do men start to lose interest in sex?

“I don't know,” I chuckled. “I haven't hit it yet.”

“Really? How old are you?” Sarah asked.


“You're my father's age, but you still think about, you know, women and sex?”

“Yes. Supposedly, a man's desire peaks in his late teens or early twenties. That may be true, but I haven't noticed much of a decline.”

She remarked, “I've read that women seem to want sex more when they get to their late thirties or early forties.”

“So I've heard. Why are we talking about this?”

“I don't know,” she answered, more to herself than to me.

“You're unhappy, aren't you, Sarah? You don't have to tell me why, but if it will make you feel better, I'll listen.”

She gave me a shy grin. “How much do you charge for a session, Dr. Croswell?”

“No charge. Professional courtesy. Now, tell me as much or as little as you want,” I said.

“Maybe we can talk while you drive me back to my car. I should try to get some sleep tonight.”

Sarah was quiet for most of the trip back to her office building.

“Where do you live?” I asked.

“Twenty minutes up the highway from here. I would drive past your hotel on my way to Owens' building if I came straight from home. Should I pick you up in the morning?” she asked.

“Meet me in my lobby at eight. We'll have breakfast and then I'll drive us to the plant.

“Ooh, I'm going to meet an older man at his hotel again. Sounds naughty,” she laughed.

“Breakfast and work sound naughty? You don't get out much, do you?”

“I was raised to work hard. It's what I do. Anything out of my routine can seem like an adventure to me,” she said.

In the parking garage of her building, Sarah got out of my car, but leaned in to say, “See you in the morning!” I got a quick close-up of her chest when she did that, and a nice view of her legs when she climbed into her minivan.

The next morning, Sarah was waiting in the lobby when I came off the elevator. As promised, she was dressed in slacks with a matching blazer, over a light sweater. If she was trying to cover up her good looks, she failed miserably. Even in this outfit, she was very attractive. Her height and those long, long legs were simply accentuated by the full-cut trousers she wore, and, if anything, I got a better appreciation of her trim torso and entertaining bust line. With her hair pulled back and held in a pale blue clip that matched her eyes, she looked even better than she had the day before. Even more desirable.

“Good morning,” I called.

“Hi!” Sarah smiled, turning to greet me. “Ready for breakfast?”

“Sure.” We walked toward the restaurant.

The place was set up as a buffet. We got trays, and she took a lo-cal blueberry muffin, a grapefruit half, and black coffee. I almost felt guilty piling my plate with scrambled eggs, sausage, and “hash browns,” but that's what I felt like eating.

“No wonder you look the way you do,” I remarked as I buttered a piece of toast.

“What? This?” she asked as she picked a bit off the muffin and popped it in her mouth.

“Yes. I thought we were having breakfast. I feel like a glutton, sitting across from you.”

Sarah laughed. “You said last night you wanted to know more about me. Here's something I wouldn't tell just anyone. I made French toast for the kids this morning before they left on the school bus. I make damn good French toast. I had some nice, crisp bacon with it. It's okay, I did my miles on the treadmill after I got home last night.”

“I see you wore slacks today.”

“Yeah. That creep doesn't need to be looking at my legs like he did,” she said.

“You'll break his heart,” I teased.

“Do I look okay in this outfit, Don?”

I looked at her between sips of my orange juice. I wanted to tell her that she would probably look great even in a burka, but instead, I said, “I think you look just fine. I like what you did with your hair. If you were going for business professional, I'd say you pulled it off.”

“I wanted to look a little more severe today, you know, hair tied back, ready to start digging. Maybe these will help.” She fumbled in her bag, pulled out a pair of reading glasses, and perched them far down on her nose. “I decided to give the eyes a rest from contact lenses today. I have my prescription sunglasses for driving and these for work.”

The glasses certainly completed the look, if she wanted to resemble the librarian that gave all the guys wood in high school. “Perfect,” I deadpanned.

We worked non-stop that day, eating delivered pizza in the conference room. It was almost six o'clock when Owens appeared in the doorway. “Should I start another small project? Or are you two about ready to call it a day?” he asked, still wearing that painted-on, cheerful, lecherous smile.

“Are you at a good stopping point, Ms. Blevins?” I asked, saving my file and closing my laptop.

There was something in her eyes when she spoke. “Might as well,” she replied. She packed up her materials.

As Owens ushered us through the door, he said, “Lovely outfit, Ms. Blevins. Is it a designer I should know? Even these loose, non-tailored styles look good on a body like yours. Maybe it's the sweater.”

Sarah gathered herself to her impressive full height and gave him an icy stare. “Clearance racks at the mall last year, if you must know. You are starting to be inappropriate, Mr. Owens. Good day.” She strode off in the direction of the car.

“Owens, think about the laws we have these days about harassment, and the court cases. You already have enough problems. I'll let your secretary know when we'll be back,” I said, as I turned to catch up to Sarah.

She threw herself in the car as soon as I unlocked it, and already had her seat-belt on by the time I opened my door.

“Get me out of here.”

“Sarah, that bastar....” I began.

“Drive, please. I'd like to have a drink. And then I'll buy you as many as you want. I'm going to have to drive home. You just have to get on the elevator.”

“Why are we drinking?” I asked.

“Hush. I need to look up a few things,” she said as she worked with her phone.

I drove to the hotel in silence, parked the car, and turned off the engine.

After a moment, Sarah said, “Can you wait a minute or so?”

“Of course.” The car made its muted cool-down noises, and Sarah's nails clicked on her screen.

“Okay,” she said with a grin, putting her phone away. “Now, yes, let's have a drink. I need to talk to you.”

We found a quiet booth and placed our order. “I'm waiting for someone to get back to me,” she said, “but let me tell you what I do know. I understand the real reason his wife is divorcing him.”

“The payments to their former housekeeper, that Jamaican woman,” I said.

Sarah replied, “I think there's more. Everyone knows he cheated once. That' on record. It was when he started leering at me that I decided to look for more of that sort of nonsense. After all, he's been making those payments to the Jamaican for almost fifteen years. That's a long time for a man who has strayed once before. Besides, there seem to be company expenditures that could be similar to the support payments he's already making privately.”

“Company expenditures?” I repeated. “Did you find anything concrete?”

“When my friend gets back to me, we'll know if I'm right.”

“Owens really pissed you off back there, didn't he?” I asked.

“Yes, he did. Dammit, I'm not that kind of woman. I'm certainly not dressing to seduce some slimy little man like that. Hell, I don't even have sex!”

Her words hung in the air for a moment before she realized what she had said.

“With someone like him, I mean! I can't believe I just said that!”

“He really offended you. Do you want to pursue it?”

“What, take legal action against him? Hopefully, it won't be worth it when his wife's attorney is done. Besides, Tim would never understand.”

“What do you mean?”

“He would probably think I had done something to entice the pig.”

“You haven't,” I said.

“I'm certainly not trying to. That's not who I am. I'm not comfortable being sexual in public. I'm not sexual, am I? Be honest, Don.”

“Do you feel sexual?” I asked.

She looked down, played with the ice in her drink for a moment, and then looked at me again. “Am I talking to Dr. Croswell now?” she grinned.

“Is it better if you do?”

“If I see it that way, then I can answer you. No, I don't feel sexual, not usually, anyway.”

“You mean, not in public,” I said.

“Hoo, boy, honesty time. No, I mean I don't feel sexual at all, anywhere, usually. Why am I talking about this?”

“You need some private time with your husband,” I said.

“I try that. I manage to get five minutes of affection every once in a while.”

“I see.”

“He's actually said that he does it to please me, but he's finished in no time, so I fake it so he can get some sleep,” she said.

“Sarah, I don't know what to say.”

“It's okay, mostly. He's the father of my children, so obviously we've had some sex.”

“How long has it been, if you don't mind me asking?”

“Believe it or not, no, I don't mind. It was when the kids were at my parents' place for the weekend about three months ago,” she said. “I guess that's a long time.”

“It would be, for some people,” I answered.

She continued, “He usually won't do anything if the kids are home, even if they're sound asleep. Their rooms are upstairs, and we have motion-sensor nightlights all over the place for safety, just in case someone wanders. We would easily see the light under the bedroom door, and we would lock it anyway, but he doesn't think it's worth the risk.”

I said, “To a degree, I see his point, but you two should be able to work around it. Give the kids a gold star or something if they stay upstairs, and then some reward when they earn enough.”

Sarah shrugged. “The kids already stay upstairs. It's probably been three years since either one of them has gotten out of bed in the middle of the night, and that was only when we all had the flu. Tim's just not that into sex, I guess.”

“You are?” I asked.

“Wow, pretty direct with the questions, there, Dr. Croswell!” she laughed.

“Too direct?”

“No, I guess not. If I actually dragged Tim to counseling or something, they'd probably ask the same thing. So, I guess the answer is yes. I do like sex. Or, at least, I think I do. Or would. I can't believe I'm saying this,...” she trailed off.

“I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying you think you should like sex, but you're not sure if you do?”

Sarah's phone rang. “It's Tim,” she said.

Finished with dinner, I excused myself to give her privacy to talk. She was just hanging up when I came back to the table.

“Problem?” I asked.

“No, just an update from the home front. The kids are getting ready for bed, and Tim's going to watch one of his stupid war movies,” she replied.

We sipped our drinks quietly for a minute. Then she said, “I'm going to try to answer your last question. I think I like sex, but I feel like I should enjoy it more. See, Tim's the only man I've ever been with. We saved ourselves for our wedding night.”

“I see.”

“Stop being so clinical, Doctor,” she chuckled.

“I'm sorry. I'm just not used to learning this much from a work colleague. Okay, you gave each other your virginity on your honeymoon.”

“Yes, we were both raised to wait, and we did. I guess that's good,” she said.

“Well, sure, you shared, you expressed your emotional love physically, and you learned together how to bring each other pleasure,” I said.

“See, that's the thing,” she responded. “I'm not sure how much we've learned.”

“What do you mean?”

“Do I have to say it out loud? All right, fine. I've never had an orgasm from sex. I've never had an orgasm with Tim in almost nineteen years of marriage. I've faked it every time.”

“Sarah, some women have a lot of difficulty achieving a strictly vaginal-based orgasm. As long as he's satisfying you in some way,...”

“But he's not. That's another problem,” she said.

“What about manual stimulation, or oral?” I asked.

“He spends a couple of seconds rubbing around down there, and then he's ready to go. Tim doesn't do oral. He says it's not clean, and that it's disgusting. I even tried to do it to him, since I've heard guys like it a lot. I thought maybe he wouldn't be so hung up about it if I did it first, but he pushed me away and wouldn't even kiss me for a couple of days.”

“There must be something you two can do to make things better,” I said. “How long has it been this way?”

“Tim said early-on in our marriage that he thought maybe sex wasn't exciting for him because he was afraid of an unwanted pregnancy. When we decided to start a family, I got pregnant right away. He was thrilled when I told him, but he wouldn't touch me until after our daughter was born. It was the same thing with our son.”

“Do you think that's why you have so little sex now? Fear of getting you pregnant?”

“Hardly. We talked about it way back when we were in high school. We wanted two kids, period. When our son was born, we discussed it again, and I had my tubes tied. So no, that's definitely not it.”

“So, there's no physical intimacy between you two?”

“We always hug and kiss when we get home, and we make it a point to give a kiss good-bye, even if we're just going to the convenience store down the street. He kisses me good-night, but it's pretty much the same kiss we give the kids. What's wrong with me? Am I that unattractive?” Sarah asked.

“You're very attractive, Sarah. A man would have to be blind to not see that.

“I wish that were his problem,” she said. “I just think he doesn't like sex. I know he was raised to believe that sex is wrong unless it's for procreation.”

“There were people in my generation who were raised that way,” I said, “but I thought all that nonsense stopped with the Age of Aquarius, free love, and the whole 'If it feels good, do it' hedonism thing.”

“Apparently not,” she mused, “at least not in my house.”

“I'm sorry. I don't know what to say,” I replied.

“There's nothing TO say. Now, I'd appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone. The whole thing is pretty personal, you know.”

“Of course. I would never reveal a secret told in confidence.”

“I gather you like sex,” she said.

“Well, yeah, I do,” I answered. “It's not just the actual sex act, either – you know, penetration and orgasm. I like the whole intimacy thing, the foreplay, discovering ways to give and receive pleasure, and the after-play, if you will – the cuddling, the shower, whatever it is people do after sex. I enjoy all parts of making love with a woman.”

“How do you make love to a woman?”

“Hmmm. I never had anyone ask me to lay it all out before. I guess it depends on whether we've been together before, or if it's going to be a new experience,” I mused. “If she's a partner I've been with before, hopefully I already know what pleases her and what things she doesn't like. I build on that knowledge base.”

“What if it's your first time with someone, or if the woman is inexperienced?” she asked.

“Inexperienced, as in she's a virgin? Or inexperienced, meaning she hasn't done all that much? I was with one virgin, way back in high school.”

“Let's say she's not a virgin, but she's never had really satisfying sex,” Sarah said.

I caught myself before I said, “I'll show you.” Instead, I tried to make myself think in theoretical terms. Finally, I said, “I think I would start with something relatively benign, like holding her hand on a romantic walk, or over dinner or drinks.”

“So, you're saying, the situation we're in right now could be the start of a seduction for you?”

“I guess.”

“You mean, if you were holding my hand right now, it would mean we were headed for bed?”

“Not necessarily. Besides, you're a colleague, and you're married. I'm talking about a situation where both parties wanted sex, and were working their way up to it.”

“How many women have you been with?”

“Hmm. I'd have to make a list, but I'd say around fifty.”

“Fifty!” she exclaimed.

“Is this a research assignment? Do you want me to work on a list tonight?”

“Have you ever been with a married woman?”

“Yes, once,” I admitted.

“What about the marriage vows? Didn't you feel like you were committing a sin?”

“I guess we were. She was separated from her husband and was in the process of a divorce, so maybe it could be argued that she wasn't really all that married any more. She initiated it, and we discussed the ramifications of adultery. By the time the subject came up, we were already naked, so we just did what we did.”

Our conversation moved on to the discoveries we had made so far in poring over Owens' financial records.

Her phone rang. She greeted the caller, and then listened for a while, taking some quick notes. “Really?... Yeah.... You're kidding!... Oh, that slimy bastard!... Yes, send it all to me. I owe you. Talk to you later.” She closed her phone again. “That was my contact. He turned up some very interesting information. Those consulting fees we saw? You know, the ones to parties we didn't recognize? The ones that happen on the first of every month?”

“Yeah?” I responded.

Her phone rang again. “Great,” she grumbled. “Hi, Tim.... No, we're still working.... Uh huh.... Okay.... Well, I don't know.... I'm waiting for someone to send me some files.... I may just sleep on the couch in the office. You know I always keep an overnight bag and a change of clothes in the car.... Yeah, that way, I can keep working and still be at the plant early tomorrow.... All right.... Love you, too. Bye.” She put her phone back in her purse.

“You were saying?” I prompted.

“Yes, the so-called consulting fees. One of them could be payment for services rendered and for ongoing silence. That money goes to an unlicensed abortion clinic.”


“That's not all,” Sarah said. “Another of those consulting fees gets laundered into a cash payment to a neighbor woman who has a six-year old son. She somehow got pregnant right after she moved in to her new house. The really shocking one, though, is to the parents of a girl who was fourteen when the payments started.”

“Fourteen? Smiling Bill Owens has a child by a fourteen-year old girl?” I sputtered.

“It seems that way. I knew I didn't like the bastard,” Sarah said.

“I didn't either, but I had no idea he was doing that kind of thing. How did you find all this out?”

“You probably don't want to know. Let's just say, if someone's skillful enough, or unscrupulous enough, they can hack into almost anything,” she said.

I shook my head. “Owens, that greasy slime-ball! No wonder his wife wants to be done with him. But if this information was obtained in, shall we say, less than honorable ways, what are we going to do with it?”

“Not sure yet. Owens probably thinks he has his tracks well-covered,” Sarah mused.

“Could be, but he's got to be nervous with us snooping around.”

“What if we just don't talk to him for a day or two? Let him stew. We'll see if we can find a way to corroborate any of this through more legitimate channels,” Sarah suggested.

“I did tell him I would call his secretary to schedule our next visit when you stormed off.”

“Good. So, since we can't do anything until I get those files, let's have another drink,” she said.

When our re-fills came, Sarah removed the clip from her hair and combed it out with her fingers. “Tell me what you do for foreplay with a woman,” she said.

“It depends on the woman, of course, and what signals I'm getting from her. Usually, I like to be the one who gets her undressed. There are a lot of opportunities for teasing, touching, kissing, and just generally building sexual tension with that.”

“Do you like your woman to undress you?”

“Sure. She has the same opportunities to help the build-up as I do.”

“What do you do to the woman after you have her undressed?”

“I like to touch her, run my fingers all over her. Then I kiss her, starting on her mouth and working my way down.”

“Do you perform oral sex on your women?”

“Yes. I love doing that, since most women seem to like having it done. Often, it's easier to bring a woman to multiple orgasms with my mouth than it is through genital-to-genital sex.”

“Do the women perform oral sex on you?” she asked.

“Sometimes. I leave that up to them. Some women don't like doing it, and that's fine.”

“You don't mind if they don't?”

“No, not at all” I said. “Sex should be a great experience for both partners, an exchange of pleasure. Making a woman uncomfortable or asking her to do something she doesn't want to do is wrong.”

“Do your women always have an orgasm?”

“Usually, most of them more than once. I feel like I would be cheating a woman if I got off and she didn't, so I do everything I can to bring her to climax.” By this time, of course, I was wondering what it would be like to make Sarah cum and to have her return the favor.

“What types of things do you do to make a woman have an orgasm?”

“It depends on the signals I get from her. Some women can cum from careful attention to the breasts and nipples. Some will have an orgasm from finger penetration of the vagina or manual stimulation of the clitoris. Most will cum with oral sex. Some can climax during intercourse, but apparently not all, so I sometimes take a break in the middle of it to play them with my tongue some more.”

“How do you know what your woman needs or wants?” she asked.

“Sometimes, I'll just ask. If I'm spending a lot of time on a woman's nipples and she doesn't seem to be getting more aroused, I'll start rubbing her clitoris, or her vaginal opening, or even her anus with a finger or two. If I get a big, positive reaction from that, I may move away from the breasts and focus on something else.”

“Her anus?” Sarah asked in seeming amazement.

“For some, the anus is a very erogenous zone. It has a lot of nerve endings in it, and if you have the proper mindset, ass-play can be a big turn-on. Maybe you're not aware of it, but some women enjoy having their anus penetrated by a finger, tongue, toy, or penis.”

“I've read about that, but I didn't think it was real,” she said.

“Maybe Tim might like doing that to you,” I offered.

“Are you kidding me? If he's barely willing to touch my vagina because he thinks it's disgusting, how do you think he'd react if I asked him to play with my ass?” she exclaimed.

“Just a suggestion. Look, Sarah, not all guys are as into sex as I am. They're content with just the occasional quickie.”

“Yeah, apparently.”

“And you're not,” I said.

She sighed. “No, frankly, I'm not. I always thought sex would be exhilarating, exciting, and fulfilling. I thought it would bring us closer together. I assumed we'd figure out what we were doing and have a lot of fun with it. But I want a lot more than I'm getting.”

“Okay, I'm going to ask you a question. I hope you won't get offended,” I said.

“Go ahead.”

“Do you masturbate?”

She blushed visibly. “Yes, I do sometimes. I always do after Tim and I have sex. I'm just starting to get warmed up when he's ready to roll over and go to sleep, so I learned to do it then just so I could fall asleep, too. Now, I do it sometimes when I go online. I found a website that I sometimes go to that has erotic stories. Often, they'll get me going.”

“So you are getting some release, then,” I said.

“Some. Not enough. Oh sure, I can make myself have an orgasm, but it just feels kind of empty. I feel like it would be so much better if a man would do things to me.”

“Well, since you're being so honest, I'll tell you, I masturbate too, and you're right. It's much better with a partner. For me, it's a whole lot better if I can satisfy a partner while satisfying myself.”

Sarah seemed very interested in stirring her drink, but finally, she looked up and said, “Don? Can I trust you?”

“After the things we've just shared, I would say you're pretty safe,” I said.

Her hand reached across the table and laid on top of mine. She stroked it lightly with her fingertips, and then asked, “Will you help me?”

“Help you?”

“Yes, will you help me? Will you take me to your room and make love to me?” she asked.

“You're married.”

“I don't want to cheat on my husband, but not getting any attention is driving me crazy. Maybe it was the whole thing with Owens today. I don't know, but somehow, that creep did manage to let me know that I'm still alive, that I'm not some dried up old prune of a married lady.”

“Are you kidding me? You're a beautiful woman. When I first met you, I was surprised to see how young and pretty you look,” I said.

“You don't have to flatter me,” she said with an embarrassed smile. “I already asked you to take me to your room.”

“Okay, but why, Sarah? What is it you really want?”

”I need to be appreciated, dammit! In all ways. Not just as a good mother, or a good home-maker or a good forensic accountant – I need to be appreciated as a woman. I'm coming up to my fortieth birthday a lot faster than I thought I would. Just once before it's too late, I'd like to know that a man enjoyed me, and I'd like to enjoy that man right back.”

“Sarah, I don't know what to say.”

She withdrew her hand and looked down. “Way to make a complete fool of yourself, Sarah Lynn Blevins,” she mumbled.

“No, wait,” I quickly said. “You didn't make a fool of yourself. You're a beautiful woman. I'd be thrilled to have you in my bed. I'm just a little surprised. Won't guilt rear its ugly head in the morning? Is this you talking, or is it the drinks?”

She sighed. “Sure, there will be some guilt. I think there would have to be something wrong with me if I didn't feel just a little bit guilty. But no, I'm not drunk. Just unappreciated. Besides, it's not like Tim will find out. He thinks I'm planning to sleep in my office. I've done that before. Pretty much the only way he'd find out would be if I got pregnant, and that's not going to happen.”

“You don't think you'll find yourself needing to tell him?”

“And risk losing my kids? Not likely,” she answered.

“Aren't you afraid of taking this step? Of looking outside your marriage to find physical love?”

“Of course! But after all these years, I think the only way I'm going to find physical love is to do exactly that – look outside the marriage. I feel like an old woman at home. This may be my last chance to break out of my shell”

“I don't want this to change things between us, Sarah,” I said, taking her hand in mine again.

“I'm sure it will change things, and I don't care. I need to feel wanted and special. I need to know I'm normal. I need to find out if I can have an orgasm with a man. Don't worry. I'm not going to fall in love with you. I just want to make love with you.”

“Okay,” I said.

We finished our drinks and left the lounge. In the elevator, I pulled her to me and kissed her lightly on the lips. It was a gentle kiss, not a passionate one, but still, she gasped.

I put the key card in the lock and heard it open. Sarah was clinging to my free hand with both of hers. We walked into the room, and I turned on the light on the desk.

“Two queen sized beds?” she asked.

“That's what they had available.”

She looked at the beds, clearly visible in the glow from the desk. “Do you want to have the light on?”

“Not if you don't,” I said, turning back to the desk to switch off the lamp.

“No, leave it on. I don't mind, I guess. It's just that Tim always insists on having the lights off.”

“Whatever you want. I can turn it off if that would be better.”

“No, it's fine. It's just one more thing that's different from what I've done in the past. Maybe that's a good thing,” she said as she took her jacket off.

“May I do that?” I asked.


“Undress you.”

“Do you want to?”

“Yes, unless that would make you uncomfortable.”

“I've never had someone else undress me,” she said.

“Have you ever undressed Tim?”

“No. We just get in bed in our night clothes and then take them off ourselves. We change in the bathroom separately. Tim thinks the naked human body is something others shouldn't see. He wouldn't even come into the delivery room when our kids were born.”

I pulled her to me and kissed her. She seemed timid at first, but soon, we were kissing passionately, teasing each other with our tongues. My hands, which at first had been on her back, soon moved down to her high, firm buttocks. She moaned when I first began massaging them and pressed her crotch against mine.

Between tastes of her sweet mouth, I said, “Lift your arms.”

“Hmmm?” she breathed.

“So I can get your top off,” I murmured as I kissed her behind the ear.

She whimpered almost too softly for me to hear, but then stepped back slightly, lifting her arms over her head like a child needing help with a difficult garment. After I freed her hair from her sweater, I smoothed her tresses and cupped her face to kiss her again. The bare skin of her shoulders and chest was smooth and pale in the indirect light.

As our tongues played and explored, my hands were drawn to her lovely ass again. My touch was answered by stronger kisses from Sarah and firm pressure from her still-clothed mound against my growing hardness.

We broke our kiss and moved apart slightly. “Are you okay?” I asked.

“Yes. I feel like I've already cheated, just kissing you and letting you take my sweater off. It doesn't matter. I want more.”

“Are you sure?” I asked.

“Hurry, before I lose my nerve,” she whispered, kissing me again.

It took two hands, but I was able to open her belt and her slacks and lower them without breaking our kiss. Her ass was hot to the touch, the feel of the lace edge of her silky bikini panties making her seem all the more sexy and innocent.

“Should I undress you?” she asked.

“Would you like to help?” I offered, bending down to help her step out of her slacks and shoes.

“Yes. Can you believe I've never done this? I helped my father with his shirts when he had his one hand in a cast when I was young, and my kids when they were little, but I've never done it when I was half naked myself.”

I sat on the edge of the bed to take off my shoes and socks. “Come here, please,” I said.

She sat next to me and folded her hands in her lap.

“If I wind up naked on this bed with you, I know what I'm going to want to do,” I warned her.

“I hope so,” Sarah blushed. She began opening the buttons on my shirt.

When it was off, she started working on my belt. In seconds, my slacks were on the floor. She looked at the obvious bulge in my briefs and then kissed me, even harder than before. When she pulled back, she said, “Don't question this again. I want to spend the night in this bed with you. I want you to help me make up for all the years I've missed.”

We pulled the covers down. I lay on my back, and pulled her to lie partially on top of me. “I want you to enjoy this, but you're going to have to help. I want you to let me know what you like and what you don't. Okay?” I asked.


I brushed her hair aside and kissed her neck, softly, hoping to find a spot that would make her moan.

“Oh,” she whispered. “What are you doing?”

“Making love to you.” I caressed the strap of her lace-edged bra off her left shoulder and traced my finger over the slight crease it left in her soft skin. The right strap came down more easily, and I kissed her there. Her breath caught in her throat for an instant when I opened the fastener.

“My breasts are sensitive.”

“In a good way?”

“I play with them when I masturbate,” she said. “It makes me wet.”

“That's good to know.” I guided her over onto her back and lifted her bra off. She had lovely nipples, a nice size to play with, and they were getting harder as I watched.

The years have very kind to this woman. Her breasts had matured from cute teenager to hot young woman somewhere along the way, so that now, the best way to describe them was perfectly vine-ripened.

Her pale skin glowed in the light of the desk lamp. My hand crept across one proud breast. The nipple was firm on my palm as I kissed her. I felt myself lengthen and thicken more.

“Don,” she shivered. “I feel you against my leg.”

“Yes,” I said, leaving her mouth and tasting her nipple for the first time. At that moment I smelled her warmth.

“You're making me wet.”


Her hand went down to touch herself.

“No, no, I'll get there,” I said, licking my way over to her other breast.

“Don't take too long,” she whimpered, turning her hand to stroke me through my shorts. “You're really hard.”

“Uh huh.” My hand moved past hers so I could trace a finger over the damp center of her panties.

She grasped my erection through my underwear, bending it up so the tip was out over the waistband. Her massage continued, her fingers running more and more urgently over the underside of my swollen shaft.

When I pulled the crotch of her damp panties aside and touched her wet flesh for the first time, she jolted visibly. More of her sweet smell wafted to my nose, and I knew I would be tasting her for the first time very soon.

“Take them off, Don. Please take them off,” she gasped.

When I moved between her long, shapely legs, she lifted her hips slightly, letting me slide the sodden fabric off her. The obviously aroused, beautiful Mrs. Sarah Blevins lay naked in my bed.

I played with her soft short curls, probably the shade of honey-blond the hair on her head would be if the sun couldn't kiss it. Just to get her reaction, I ran my fingers over her damp slit and then slipped them into my mouth. She watched me with her pale blue eyes, the pupils dilated, her breathing rapid, almost as though she couldn't get enough air.

I kissed her sweet mouth again, listening to her moans as I made my way from her throat to her breasts. I enjoyed them for a while, and then kissed my way across her belly.

She spread her legs in anticipation. I lay on my elbows between them, fucking her with my eyes. Then I slid my tongue from her navel down into her hair, trimmed for modesty in a swim-suit. I stopped just short of her hood and looked up at her. She was propped up on her elbows to watch, her tongue moistening her soft lips.

“Go ahead,” she whispered.

“Oh, I will,” I answered, inhaling her aroma. She smelled sweet, ripe, and juicy. I wanted to savor this. I moved down and stretched my tongue to just tease the front edge of her pale little asshole, through the sparse, damp hair of her perineum, along the wetness of her slit, and up to her hood. She jumped, and her thigh muscles clenched, trying not to slam her knees together. I did it again, a little deeper this time. Another jump, with a whimper escaping around the knuckles she had stuffed in her mouth.

With my fingers, I eased her lips apart, revealing her pink juiciness and her winking hole. I made sure to keep eye contact with her this time, as I hardened my tongue and probed her. I licked upward again, bringing her sweet-tart creaminess with me. Her clit was starting to show itself, so I licked it thoroughly. Her answering jump was more violent, and the tremors in her long thigh muscles lasted a lot longer.

“Relax. Let me do this. We both want it,” I murmured, reaching up to caress one fine breast.

“I'm trying to relax,” she whined, her pretty lower lip caught between white teeth.

“Good,” I said. Her labia were swollen now with want, the petals opening so I didn't need to hold them. I combed her soft, short curls between my fingers for a moment, and then slid my middle finger to her opening. “May I?” I asked.

She didn't answer – just nodded, still nibbling on her lip. God, she looked beautiful and sexy like that. I wish I had had a camera at that moment. I would carry a photo in my wallet of her honey-colored hair strewn on the pillow, her brow furrowed, the way she does when she's concentrating at work. The pupils of her baby blue eyes were large and deep, echoing the desire her pouting mouth showed. How any man could not want her the way I did was beyond me.

I slid my finger inside. She was warm, almost hot, and I could feel the same tension in these muscles that I had seen in her quivering thighs. It would be easy to make her cum.

Fingering her gently, I sucked and licked at her clit. Her moans turned to lower, more guttural gasps. She seemed to pump herself up with these, suddenly exploding into the music and movements of a strong orgasm. We held each other locked in place, her heels digging into my back and her thighs shielding my ears from her yell. I pulled her sex tight to my face, the fingers of my free hand dug into the firm flesh of her ass cheeks, licking her again and again, relishing both her flavor and her sounds.

I pulled my finger from her, and licked up her spilled nectar. That's when I heard her mutter, “You have to stop. You have to stop, please.”


“I need you to hold me. My heart is racing,” her shaky voice said.

I moved up and lay on my back again, pulling her against me. Her fists were clenched against my chest when I first kissed her, like a frightened child, but soon, she flattened her fingers against me and kissed me back like a satisfied woman. She seemed to relax as I stroked my hand lightly along her luscious ass cheeks.

Eventually, she breathed, “Your face is wet. I'm tasting myself on you. That was better than any ten of the orgasms I give myself combined.”

“I thought you might like oral sex,” I said, kissing her gently again.

“You were right. I'm going to want to do that again.”

“Good,” I said. “I liked doing it.”

“I want to do that for you,” she said, playing with the sparse, graying hair on my chest. Propping herself up on one elbow, she said, “Lift your hips so I can get your underwear off.

She pulled them down, revealing my manhood. It stood proud, happy to be in the fresh air. She just looked at

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Dinner I asked her? No sex 1st, then we’ll eat. I wanted to screw her from the moment I saw her, but this was a bit more forthright that I expected. We had been working together on the training course all day and had just got to the hotel. Well, you have been eyeing me up all day, sizing me up, trying to look down my blouse, so why waste time? Hell she was definitely my type of woman. Well in that case, my room or yours? I asked Yours she said firmly and headed to the elevator. We were on the...

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This is truly what you would call paradise. There were so many beautiful girls and since it was always really hot here they went around pretty much nude. We were what some would call stranded. We all lived on little huts on the edge of a small lake in the centre of an island. I sat on the beach, it was getting late. I looked around to see what girls were still had not gone to bed. I stared in amazment as I found a hot chick named Sarah still sitting on a log across from me. I walked over to her...

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Nerves and anxiety were at an all time high… It was 6pm and I was stood propping up the bar in a strange place I'd never been in and had already had a couple of Gins to calm my nerves, yet my palms were still sweaty and legs were like jelly. But then “she” walked in… And I'm not exaggerating when I say everyone in the place turned to look at her. Her name was Sarah and we had been talking online for over a year and finally the stars had aligned and we had agreed to meet. My first thoughts were...

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I sat alone in the back of the small, yet oh so exclusive suburban church and watched the proceedings as only an outsider can watch. I had no part in the funeral services although my heart would be buried in the grave along with my beloved. It was difficult to concentrate on the words of the unctuous, self-important minister as he extolled the virtues of a woman he had never met in an orator's voice that held no sincerity. The half listened to drone of his words flowed over me. My own...

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I was at a national convention in D.C. The convention was in its 3rd day and it lasted 7. They bused us from the convention hall to our hotel every day. This got to be a hassle some times, because you had to wait and wait sometimes. On this day, i had become separated from my friends and stood alone waiting for the next bus. It finally came and i got a window seat. Five minutes later, a huge black woman got on and sat down next to me. She said hello, and i returned the greeting. She...

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If you like images to go with your story you can click for the illustrated version of this SARAH in the comments below. Enjoy...The greatest thing about my lover, Joe, is his cock. I just love it. It's so fat and hard and muscular, I love holding it, I love stroking it, I love kissing it, I love sucking it, I love feeling it between my tits, I love feeling it filling my arse-hole, I love feeling it filling my pussy.I'm 26, with long straight brown hair, and brown eyes. People have always called...

4 years ago
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Als Sarah erwacht, liegt sie in einer dunklen einsamen Gasse. Sie rappelt sich mühsam auf und sieht sich um. Die schäbigen Häuserfassaden auf beiden Seiten sind so hoch, dass der Himmel darüber nicht mehr zu erkennen war und das Tageslicht gänzlich verschluckt wird. Vielleicht ist es auch gerade Nacht. Das einzige spärliche Licht kommt von vereinzelten Lampen über den Häusereingängen. Doch die meisten sind zerschlagen oder sehen so aus als ob sie schon seit Jahren nicht mehr gebrannt hätten....

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“Hands up, chin down!” my voice booms through the boxing club. I have barked out these words a million times. Instructions that were also barked out at me a million times by my coach, for the first few years of my training when I was a teenager. Three loud electronic buzzes signal the end of the training session. “Good work ladies and gentlemen. See you at the next class,” I announce, dismissing the class. I am fifty four years old. Outside of work, I train and teach at my friend’s boxing...

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My phone is going off and when I look, it’s my husband texting me. He doesn’t even bother to call. He says he is going to be home late from work again. I just finished putting dinner on the table.I sit there and eat alone, having a glass of dark red wine. I know he’s fucking someone now. I take off my pants and start fingering my pussy as I finish eating alone. That bastard.It is a couple of hours later when I hear him come in the door. The food has been in the refrigerator for a while. I am...

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The 25 Year Itch Chapter 17 The Final Chapter

“Have a good journey and let’s keep in touch,” I said to Maggie as we saw her train approaching the platform.  I was trying to stay strong, and I wondered if she could hear that my voice was quivering.“As in, you want me to let you know that I’ve arrived safely and then just check on how we both are every day, or keep you updated on what I’m doing?” Maggie looked a little sad as she spoke, which was something at least.  Up to this moment she had appeared rather too happy with events.We had...

Wife Lovers
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an introduction

lets skip all the early stuff and jump to summer 2008, university, all the usual stuff but i loved the nights out with the girls, but could not bring myself to do what i wanted. one special night dancing all night with a friend getting closer and closer and loved the way she took control spinning me round holding me close, later on we were stood at the corner of the bar she was behind me i could feel her breath on my shoulder she slid her arms around my waist and pulled me closer her hands...

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Die Schulparty

Sie hatten sich alle schon so lange auf diese Party gefreut. Die zwölfte Klasse war wie immer mit der Aufgabe eine Schulparty für ihre eigene Stufe zu veranstalten, beauftragt worden. Doch dieses Jahr sollte sie größer werden als die sonst im kleinen staubigen Keller, mit den alten dreckigen Sofas und den ausrangierten Stühlen. Denn dieses Jahr hatten sie ihren Rektor Herr Müller tatsächlich dazu überreden können die Party in der Schuleigenen Aula abhalten zu können, sofern danach alles...

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SusanChapter 8

After all the hassles of the day before, it was good for Susan to know that she had her family behind her. It still stank to realize she might not be able to graduate with the classmates she'd been in school with since kindergarten because of that idiot Gingrich, but at least it was good to know that it would be her last year there, graduation or not. And it looked like she not only had a fall-back position for going to college, but a very appealing one at that. On top of that, there were a...

2 years ago
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My club orgy part 3

Sorry this took so long. Stuck here in London because of Covid travel restrictions. Even with the club closed I have had some fun. More on that later. picking up where I left off (real event remember) Just as we were getting ready to leave the table the Woman from the "room" walked on sporting a towel worn like a diaper. Rose just blurts out "Did you have a good time"? The woman walks over and simply responded, "Yes and I am going back" . Rose asked her how she arranged it. She replied I have...

3 years ago
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Shrapnel Splinters

Even naked, at Tanner Stage Two, she is old Enough for a nude man To turn her head; Maybe Freud was right, And we're mindful of sex From our earliest Prepubescent days. A group of nude girls Is always cause of outrage Or excitement; male, Female, or shemale, we look, Wanting that which is denied Us, except as a discovery, An epiphany, a revelation Of pure and naked grace. The cornstalks had the courtesy To form a husky wall Around their frolicking nudity; In the sandy...

1 year ago
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IBE The Days Of WanderingBaltimore

There is a lot I could say about the Panama Canal. I could mention how it was the largest railroad project ever undertaken. I could mention it was the largest civil engineering project ever contemplated. I could mention the billions of tons of dirt removed to make way for it, or remark on the intricate functions of its numerous locks. But really, while all of this is true, the most amazing part about it is this: It finished ahead of schedule and under budget. We entered this impressive...

2 years ago
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CovetingChapter 12

"So was the other night your first time swapping?" Milford quietly inquired as he drove toward his home. "Um, yeah, I guess so. I mean, we swapped with the Persons a couple times before the other night." Margie freely admitted. "How did you find them? I mean, as opposed to having sex with your husband?" Um, I'd have to say I found the variety of taste ... of different textures amazing. I mean, everywhere I put my mouth there was a different taste." Milford noted that Margie was...

4 years ago
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Vacation made in Heaven and Hell part 3

Vacation made in Heaven ... and Hell part 3 Anthony finally regained control enough to be brought back up to the chair. He just sat there staring into space while Angela brushed his hair again. She knelt down in front of him, studying his face. For all that, in recent years, she had had grown to hate him, she had still thought that he was very good looking. It just hadn't occurred to her until now how feminine his features were. Full almost pouting lips, small nose, large, hazel eyes...

2 years ago
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Need for Revenge Chapter 4

Things sure change in a hurry. One day everything is going along fine and the net day "Boom!" everything changes. It was on a Saturday and Kathy was working at Bob Evans. I went and sat in her section. It wasn't as crowded as usual so we had a chance to talk a little. My feelings for her were strong but not much I could do about it. As I was ordering my breakfast I saw her look up at another customer. My back was to them and I had no idea who it was. Then I heard a voice; "Fuck, Kathy,...

1 year ago
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Summer Stream Awakening

Lord, it was hot! That’s what everybody in town was saying. The old men playing checkers outside Simpson’s Feed Store remarked on this fact while mopping away sweat with faded blue bandannas. The women entering Bradford’s Store probably felt it worst. The manner of dress mandated by the moral codes of 1906 left them breathless from the binding of tight corsets and floating in perspiration under the insulating layers of cotton and silk. If men were hot, they could open a shirt collar, and if...

2 years ago
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Lifes What You Make It Robs Story Ch 1

This novella is an experimental writing collaboration by TheGulfCoaster and runnergirl. The story has two perfect halves, a male and a female side, which fit together as one. Runnergirl will reveal Emmy's feelings and tell the tale through her perspective, whereas TheGulfCoaster writes from Robbie's. The two stories share mutual dialogue and action where the characters intersect and thus this is a unique venture. Only by reading both parts, will the reader get the entire story. We sincerely...

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My stepdaughter is driving me crazy part 18 Starlit jacuzzi bliss

The girls are swimming a few laps. Oh my goodness! At the end of the lap Nadine is tumble turning like a professional swimmer. As she dives down her ass and pussy surface for the shortest moment. What a view! I’m joining the girls for a few laps and plant myself in the jacuzzi. Katia follows, sits down next to me and Nadine sits down opposite of us. I’m putting my arm around Katia’s waist under water. Her naked body feels so pleasant. So soft! “Who’s switching the jets on?” Katia asks. “I’ll...

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Fuck Session With GF In Cafe

Hi Friends, Rinku once again with another new story. This is my 46th story on this site. This story will satisfy you. This story is about two lovers. They love each other very much but they are not getting place for fun. One day they found one cyber café with cabin facility then all things happened. Let us come to the story. Read this story till the end and I promise all my readers can’t stop themselves from masturbating. My name is Sonu, 24 year old. I have one girl friend her name is...

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Horny Stranger Fucked In My Car

Hi all, I’m Aditya. I’m 27 years old. I work as a Senior Manager in an exciting startup in Gurgaon. I am sharing a real-life incident that happened with me last year when I was in Hyderabad. I would love to hear feedback from hot girls/aunties of ISS at So I went to this pub Bottles and Chimneys (B&C) in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad with my office colleagues on a Friday night. I was in a great mood and had started having a few drinks and enjoying the ambiance. My friends from the office were busy...

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Aunty8217s sex thirst gets satisfied

Hi Iss readers,it been more than a year since i have posted.Let me introduce myself. My name is krishna and i am frm chennai.I am 21 years old. A perfect hot body and cock of 6″ in length. Very well experienced man.Had sex with 2 aunties and three classmates. So lets start of with the story.This happen in 2005 ,when i was staying in hyderabad.I got admission in chennai and i m studying here now.My aunty who is 38 years old has got a sexy figure .She used to work as Hr in some company.HR’s are...

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Arden and Gloria A Summer Camp RomanceChapter 7

It was the last dance, and, of course, it was slow. Almost everybody was dancing now. The fifteen or twenty percent of kids who hadn't made "that kind of friend" were already starting to get the dining hall ready for its more normal use as an eating facility, moving chairs and unfolding table legs, so that breakfast could be had the next morning. "So ... did we do anything you're sorry for?" he asked in her ear. She imagined that she felt the hot weight of his spunk inside her. She...

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The Champions Companion 9

I would like to know, if you do Jack/Jill off that the stories help. If, as you are enjoying yourself, you peal another layer of the dark onion and think to yourself "wow, if only they....". Leave a comment. You're likely not alone. It may not be in every segment, but you will certainly see your fetish. I write because I haven't seen non-consent, rape, impregnation, with large/ muscular women in enough stories. So please enjoy and comment freely. Marcos was the only man...

2 years ago
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Anything Goes Inn

Feedback greatly appreciated The Milano’s Jeff - Me - 54 Meg - wife - 55 Liam - Son - 16 Mila - daughter - 18 Jen (Jennifer) - Anything Goes Inn Night clerk Michael owner of sex toy shop Jess RV Park attendant Neighbors - Jack and Pat Bar - Hangin’ Out Here Price List Blowjobs $10 Pussy Fucking $20 Ass Fucking (male or female) $30 We had decided to take a slow, cross-country trip in our RV. We had no particular destination, and told friends and family that we’d be gone 6...

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The Reunion

My encounter with Eric got me to thinking about another old friend who I had lost touch with over the years. Not that I ever really stopped thinking about him … No matter how hard I tried …. Jamie was a former co-worker who I had fun flirting with, and being that we were almost instantly comfortable together, he later became a dear friend and confidante during a time when my marriage was on the rocks. It all started one day when Mike had suddenly started not speaking to me for no apparent...

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Angies An AdultChapter 4

"Fuck me!" Angie screamed, as Sven Gustafsen pounded her sweet pussy. Right next to them, on a nearby sleeping bag, Ronald Mitchell screwed Susie Davenport and Samantha sat on her face. There was no doubt of how great it felt for the Episcopal minister to have her own sister eat her out while Ronald went balls deep inside the teacher, but the noise made it even better, as Susie screamed her ecstasy at taking it from the detective's fine cock. Just in the hallway, Miles Sloane rammed...

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Trents Big Adventure

Back in the trailer I popped a beer to think about what I had just witnessed. Checking my watch I estimated that Jeff, Regina and Khan had been going at it for over forty minutes. Damn, her poor pussy must be sore not to mention her ass and throat. She had just taken Jeff and Khan’s dick in every hole although the doggy dick didn’t penetrate her ass like Jeff did. When I was out on the property I tried not to take my phone. We had decent cell service but I enjoyed not having to respond to...

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The Chorus Teacher

I was on my way out of the chorus classroom, trying to avoid Ms. C's gaze."Halle, I'd like to see you for a moment," she said.Oh shit, I thought. I walked up to her desk. It was the end of the school day, so she didn't have another class coming in."I just received word today that you didn't make it into the choir that I had you audition for on Saturday. You know? The one we spent hours rehearsing for every day last week?"I nodded, shifting my weight nervously."Look, Halle. I worked really hard...

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Denises Promotion

Denise’s Promotion Denise & her immediate bosses. Our story begins in Birmingham UK at a large public transport organisation, Denise was part of the Project Support for the teams. In her late twenties she was petite with a hint of Amber Rayne or Riley Reid the well known adult stars. She would normally wear trousers around the office and had an excellent pert tight bum and small breasts almost teenager like. Her dress would change to varying circumstances and a shortish skirt would appear...

3 years ago
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Mom and Me

I had just finished my sophomore year in high school, I had earned my driver's license, and I was having a blast. I was doing some odd jobs for the summer, but I was really just goofing off and enjoying the freedom that you are allowed once you begin driving. I think my parents were just as happy as I was, as I was out of the house a lot more, and less reliant on them. All in all, it was a great summer.It was a cool Friday evening, and I was heading to my best friend Dave's house. His parents...

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The Summer of 61

It was the summer of 1961 and I was sleeping in. When I finally woke up, I needed to piss really badly. Of course, I had a piss hard on as usual. At sixteen, my dick didn’t know what soft was. I headed to the bathroom, still trying to clear the sleep out of my eyes enough to walk without bumping into the walls. That’s when I heard Tina, my fourteen-year-old sister giggle. “What?” I asked her, honestly not realizing what she was giggling about. “That must have been a great dream.” She giggled...

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Office fucktrue story

I actually posted this in a newsgroup some time ago but thought you might like it here.. it really IS a true story, ALL the names were changed, of course...I'm not the best at telling these stories, but thought you might enjoy this true experience that happened to me some years ago while I was in San Antonio running my own company. It was a small firm, only one secretary with four or five sales people who stayed on the road all the time. My secretary, Jaime was a very cute, but not beautiful...

1 year ago
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Siennas Seduction Part IV

Minidevilette© 2012 His blood thundered through his veins as he let the sound of her voice wash over him, the sweetest three syllables he thought he ever heard in his life. Certainly the most anticipated. Surrender. And he wasn’t going to give her any time to wonder if she’d made the right decision. He rolled his thumb over her pliant lower lip again, pulling it down from her teeth before running the tip of his tongue along the velvety inside edge. He felt the passing of the air she sucked...

4 years ago
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Housewifes AwakeningChapter 5 Adventures at the Mall

Debbie couldn’t help smiling to herself as she cooked breakfast for the kids. This morning when her two nieces awoke and her family had made it’s way out the door, she would reclaim her independence. She felt a deep sense of relief while also feeling ashamed of the things she had done the past few days. Just as her mind started to wander over the events of last evening Brett came rushing into the kitchen. “Hi sweetness, I have an early morning meeting so I have to run. Let’s plan on getting...

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Paradise On Earth

Hello Friends, If you are fond of watching Bollywood films, you’ll be familiar with the names of certain romantic couples who continue to rule our hearts even today. They are Raj Kapoor-Nargis, Dilip Kumar-Vejaynthimala, Amitabh Bachchan-Rekha, Salman Khan-Aishwarya, John Abraham-Bipasa Basu and Shahid Kapoor-Karina Kapoor. We all have given unlimited love and affection to the above mentioned star pairs. Their larger-than-life stories have managed to capture our hearts all these years. And we...

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Alternate Discipline Plan in EuropeChapter 64

Jim thought the time had come to reveal what he really had in store for those two naked girls. "Guys, help them on their feet," he ordered and looked at his mates who stood closest to the girls. Those boys immediately did what Jim asked from them. They first pulled Sandra off of Melinda and helped her on her feet and then did the same with Melinda. Jim looked at them and noticed that Melinda stood unsteady on her feet. It seemed like the orgasm she had received from Sandra had taken away...

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Salvation Ch 17 Cruel Games

to a second, but narrower corridor. Facing south, it has the benefit of sunlight illuminating the walls. Here, several paintings hang, each seemingly low for the adults, but perfectly placed for the children to gaze at them as they pass. The paintings are German in origin and depict scenes of the time when Zealots commonly tortured peasants to learn of witches and any other ungodly activities. Dressed as priests and monks they sought out mainly the young girls of the villages...

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More than BFFs

I knocked on the dark red door before me, a smile on my face. I peeked through the window on the door, excitingly tapping my foot.My best friend, Star, sprinted to the door and swung it open just as I had moved away from the window. She squealed and hugged me tightly, then brought me inside her apartment."Yay! I'm so glad you're here, Saph!" She invited me to sit in the living room and have a glass of wine. I agreed, and plopped onto her velvety cushions while she went to the kitchen.For the...

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sleepIn For Daddy ch 6 to 7

Chapter 6A couple of days went by, or was it three? Days and nights telescoped into themselves, blurred by eating and sleeping and bathing, all the necessary things that seemed at most to be only a background for the focal point of Jerry's life - the fucking they were doing. They made it in all possible positions, in acrobatic contortions and the more comfortable basic methods, his mother's pussy always open and smoking, her mouth always hungry for the meaty club he fed into her red lips. He...

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Flat mate part 2

It had been a few weeks since the hot polish girl and her friend had moved into the shared flat I stay in . we had been getting on really well a good bit of flirting from both sides half the time she would be walking around with just a little pair of shorts on with just a vest top her nipples were always hard she just knew she was cock teasing me . Sometimes if I went for a shower I would proposely leave the bathroom door unlocked so that she would walk in on me .as soon as I heard her coming...

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Mayas Island

Maya has been on a nice holidaytrip. With a ship they were crossing the Ocean. The nineteen years old indian girl was on her first travalling alone. She is 5'4" tall and weights 47 kgs. Her skin is in a nice brown color, hey eyes even darker, and her long hair is black. She was a nice thin body with a slim waist and firm solid ass and young round D-Cups. As she was never alone out of India and away from her family she is sometimes very shy and doubtful. It was a large cruiser. But then one day...

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Rach followed Lidia into the house while I extricated my bike from the jeep. As I parked it in the garage, I tried to will my painful hard-on down. The rock hard state I’d been in since the girls picked me up at the pool nearly 6 hours ago had, on the ride home with Lidia on my lap, gone from pleasurable pain, to near agony. I considered cranking one out right there in the garage, but one tentative grip confirmed my fear that I was too far down the road of blue-balls to...

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A Little Friendly Blackmail

"Becky!" Eighteen-year-old Phil Dane yelled at his seventeen-year-old stepsister. "What the fuck is your problem?" He steamed."I don't have a problem," she merrily replied. "I got the last slice of pizza, so I’m good," she said as she licked the remaining piece of pizza from tip to crust before taking a bite."What the hell is with you, sis? You already had two slices and so did mom and dad. I should have gotten two as well!" Phil said as he walked from the kitchen over to his sister, who was...


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