An Accidental Misunderstanding: Conclusion free porn video

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I arrived at the lake hideaway, about five am and took a refreshing shower. I put some pizza logs in the oven, then opened the new computer up, eight hours to charge, two for me to use. Phone needed some go-go juice as well. I set the old fashion alarm clock for nine am and hit the sack.


Back at the Party


Betty was the first to stir, she saw the clock, four forty-five am. “What the fuck?” She looked around and didn’t see Alfred. Tyler and Veronica were coming around.


“Okay you two, time to get up. Any of you two know what happened?”

“No. Last I remember we were all watching a moving and must have dozed off,” said Tyler.

“I’ll check our room for Alfred,” and Veronica left.

“Tyler, go make some coffee for us, that cinnamon flavored one you bought,” directed Betty.

He got the stuff down and soon the coffee maker was doing its job. Tyler saw a note on the kitchen table and read it.


“Dear, we’ve got a problem.” As he waved the note. Veronica returned, crying.

“He’s gone, his clothes, phone and all are gone.” Betty walked to the window and saw that Veronica and Alfred’s car wasn’t there.


“You’re damn fucking right we’ve got a problem.” She stalked into the kitchen and read the note out loud.


“Dear ex-friends and maybe soon to be ex-wife. I’m sorry for what I did, poisoning you to make you sleep. I am leaving your lives. I’m way too embarrassed to ever feel comfortable around you. Add in the video Tyler made of the evening. He’d blackmail me for the rest of my life or make me relive it every time we’d get together. I accept that I’m in the wrong here, but I feel that you three planned something and didn’t tell me. With Veronica and Betty laughing at how it started. I heard the stunned silence after I yelled the safe word. Almost like nobody expected me or wanted me to say it. That made me wonder if I’d been set up as the surprise present. If Tyler tries to use that video against me, I’ll send the copies I have to several agencies. What would happen if Tyler’s boss or club members saw the video he made?

I took less than half of all our money Veronica, at least that from our joint accounts and my spending account. I had my name removed from joint accounts and closed the other. I’m not sure what I feel for you for what happened. I love you but I’m disgusted by what I think you three did. I hate myself for allowing it, my memory lapse, and paranoia. I’m not worthy of you Veronica. As for Tyler and Betty, the same and my deepest apologies. I don’t wish any of you ill. If I’m terribly wrong and you can forgive me and explain that I was wrong. As weird as this sounds, I do want to thank you for the presents you gave me on my fortieth birthday. Two first edition leather bound books, Pygmalion and Around the World in Eighty Days. I took them with me. I feel there’s more going on between you three than I know. Could I be wrong, hell yes. I had a knee-jerk paranoid reaction to the situation. I wonder what you professors are thinking right now.”


Betty put the note down and

“Tyler, what else did you have on that phone of yours,” Betty asked.

“The video of tonight a few notes for work, my contacts and stuff.” Tyler was looking through his phone’s pictures and said Uh-oh.


“Can you be a bit more explicit? Uh-oh is such a general disaster term.”

“Well, I also have the video of our practice from three weeks ago. Wait let me check something. Yup, he sent both to his e-mail.”

“Was it of the whole practice?” Veronica asked.

“No, only about five minutes from the middle. We were practicing me with my presents and what would happen and how I’d handle stuff.”

“He knows everything, Betty.”

“No, he doesn’t. He e-mailed the file, but that video was locked to facial recognition, so he can’t watch it. Veronica, he suspects he was set up but doesn’t know. Could you find him?”


“Maybe. We need to get to my house so I can see what he took. Call his phone and see if it goes through. He said he’d release the video if we did.”


“Veronica, he said if I release the video to the public, not if we look for him. He’s scared of what happened, how his body responded, a fear of doing it with another guy, liking it, and that in his opinion I violated a friendship. He saw us laughing and thought it was at him, not with him. That scared the shit out of him. He wanted to stop and forgot the safe phrase. We all knew that he’d be the only one to use it. That and he obviously doesn’t know what you wanted to talk to him about, with us.” Tyler said.


“I never thought it would get out of hand. He forgot the safe phrase and that messed everything up. It’s all my fault,” Veronica said as she began crying again.


“No, it’s not. He forgot the phrase and that’s on his ass, not yours. Let’s look at what we know,” said Betty. “What do you think happened, Veronica. You’re his wife?”


She composed herself and paused before answering.


“Tyler has a point, Alfred panicked. He forget the phrase. I had to help him remember or he might have passed out or done anything to stop it even hurt Tyler if he thought that was the only way out. I gave the hint and he managed to get a hand on the gag to give him enough space to shout the phrase. He told me he was embarrassed and humiliated. Yes, he thought you’d black mail him or constantly humiliate with the video. He was mad at both of you but at me he was beyond mad. He thanked me for the hint so he could say the phrase.”


“You don’t think he knows about your plan and that we agreed to help you with it,” Betty asked.

“Not at all, though him using the phrase, is part of his embarrassment and emasculation.”

“Why,” Tyler asked.

“I remember what you told him when we asked about the difference between a Female Lead Relationship and your Dom/sub.”

“Huh,” Tyler said.

“You said that safe words are there but were almost never needed, except early on in your relationship. If one of you were to use one, it could easily be a sign of weakness. Betty, you agreed and added that you two don’t discuss rules. The Dom makes the rules, period.”

“Yeah, what’s the point? The Dom does make the rules.” Betty sneered.

“Last night, Tyler was the Dom, In Alfred’s mind, that almost slavery. He doesn’t understand the difference between the two. He even commented that Tyler had gagged him like a slave to use at his pleasure. Alfred has merinthophobia, that’s why he wanted a safe phrase. He must have had a panic attack and had to get out of here.”


“What the fuck is merinthophobia,” Betty said with dripping sarcasm.


“Fear of being tied up. It happened when he was eight. The neighborhood kids tied him to a tire swing and spun him for close to an hour. He threw up several times, fainted, and was taken to the hospital.”


“But you said that sometimes he cuffs you to the bed during sex. Also, how would that make him a good person for your plan?”


“You’d be the trainer, to Alfred. He does that now, at my request. You’d be no different. Look what he did to you on the couch and please don’t tell me you didn’t enjoy it or where happy. His fear is about him being tied up, not you. His concern was with me is hurting me. We talked about that and once he saw it didn’t hurt me, he was fine.”


“Okay girl, Let’s get to your place and see what we can see.”


Lake Hideaway


When I woke, I opened the file I’d sent from Tyler’s phone. Two files, the birthday video and something called practice that I couldn’t open as it wanted facial recognition.


I’ll watch this a few times to see if I notice anything. If I was set up, I should be able to tell as I’m looking for it.


I watched the video several times and took notes on a pad of paper.


A review of my performance:

I was tied up. I forgot the safe phrase, which led to my panicking. I panicked because of what I thought would happen. Did my panicking make me forget? I told him what I was going to do but also said it was to fulfill a fantasy of his. Didn’t know he had two fantasies about me. I guess that’s flattering.


Now, was I set up? Would Veronica set me up for that? She did pause when I asked about it. That could be because I suggested that she did. Okay, she wanted me to say the safe phrase, why? No reason I can think of. What’s the difference if I say it or she does? In Betty and Tyler’s world a big difference. I was the sub at that time, and that would’ve mattered to Tyler. It also explains Betty’s comment when I flipped to her under me before we fucked. She’s the sub and that brings her more enjoyment. Yet, what did she mean by their putting on a show for us?


They have time to find me, it’ll be interesting if Tyler helps them based on my note.


I heard a lady yelling outside the house, the beach side. I walked to the sliding glass door to the deck and opened it. A young lady was yelling at two guys in Spanish.


“I don’t need this, guess it’s Don Quixote to the rescue, don’t want the police out here."


Veronica and Alfred’s House


The three arrived Veronica’s house about forty minutes later. Veronica checked the house and found two missing suitcases and two duffle bags. She checked Alfred’s study/library and found another note


“Anything else missing, Veronica?” Tyler asked.


“Not sure, I found another note in his study, it reads,


‘Phileas had eighty, you’ve got eight. Not sure if all three of you are there but that doesn’t change anything. This will prove to me that you love me, I was totally in the wrong or both. I felt that you were hiding something, don’t know what but it’s something the three of you share. Tick-Tok.’ ”


“Whose Phileas?” Tyler asked.


Veronica replied, “That’s the main character in Around the World in Eighty Days. Was there anything else you found or saw?”


“He made some tea, put his cup in the dishwasher but left the tea bags out,” Betty said.


“His suitcases and a couple of duffle bags are missing.”


“What can you do to help her, Tyler?” Betty said.


“I’ll call a few friends to see if he’s purchased any plane or bus tickets. Maybe train tickets as well,” Tyler said.


“If he’s giving us eight days, he probably left clues. Anything from that book? He did refer to you as Phileas,” Betty asked.


“Phileas went east. He had made a bet that it could be done in eighty days. He won but only because he forgot he gained a day traveling east. He said soon to be ex-wife, that implies a separation or divorce. I’ll call our lawyer.”


Veronica spent about two hours talking to several people, none of them knew anything about a divorce or separation. Tyler learned that no plane, train, or bus tickets in Alfred’s name were purchased. He then made some burgers on the grill as the ladies talked.


“Veronica, I’m sorry for the way I acted. I was so mad at Alfred for wat he did that I forgot he’s a good friend. Now, let’s figure this out. The three of us have got to be smarter than Alfred. If he’s giving us eight days, he didn’t go that far, and he’s holed up waiting. Anything east of here where he’d go?”


“You’re right and nothing I’m aware of but he wouldn’t go to someplace I knew of. Going east like Phileas did is a misdirection. We don’t need an extra day, so west is the direction.”


At that time, Tyler came in, “Ladies, burgers are ready. I never realized how much Alfred liked tea, he’s got more tea than beer in there.”


“Yes, he enjoyed his tea, said the best came for Ceylon, well now it’s called Sri Lanka, an island off the coast of India.” Veronica’s eyes widened. “Betty, you said clues for us. Siri, what was the last song you played?”


“Roundabout, by Yes,” Siri replied.


“That was his favorite. His dad had an old video he made from a concert. He’d watch it every so often. He knew the words by heart and wasn’t that bad when singing.”


In a few minutes Tyler had pulled up the lyrics and printed out several copies. They spent the next few hours debating the meaning of a forty-five-year-old song, with internet help.




I walked down to the beach, and saw three people in their mid-twenties, one lady and two guys. They were harassing her and, might do something they shouldn’t. I headed down to the lake beach.


“Now that I’ve found the noise that woke me up, I hope that you’ll explain why such a loud racket was being made?”


“Back off old man, this is none of your concern.”


“It sure is, you see I’ve a cell phone set up on the deck up there, making a video,” as he pointed to his cabin. “I’ve already got your pictures and I’m not that old. I’ll assume you were bothering the attractive lady and that will stop, and you’ll leave, or you can start something you might not be able to finish and the cops might get here before I do. Your choice.”


“Greg, it’s not worth the cops getting here. If we beat his ass, they’ll beat ours and if he beats our ass, he’s got a copy,” as he spit on the ground.


“You’re right, Sam, let’s go, he can have the cleaning lady.” The two of them walked away.


After the two had left, I looked at the girl.


“Cleaning lady?


“Yes, sir.”


“What do you clean?”


“That house you said you had the phone set up. My name is Charlette, what’s yours?”


“I’m… Henry Higgins and I bought that house, late last night. What was that about?”


“Greg was a guy I hooked up with a few weeks ago and became bored with in two days."


“Oh well, I think he got the message. If you’re the cleaning lady come on up and clean. Though, I don’t think it needs much.”


We returned to the cabin and Charlette asked, “Why would you buy a cabin that late, Henry?"


“I’d just become separated and had filed pre-divorce separation papers online.”


“That’s too bad and if you don’t mind my saying, her loss. So, the place doesn’t look that bad. How about I make us some breakfast and then I’ll do a quick cleaning before I leave.”


“Sounds good.”


“Great, you watch tv while I make us something to eat.”


The smell of bacon, coffee, eggs, waffles, and coffee soon filled the room. Followed shortly by, “Our feast is ready, Henry.”


The food was good as well as the conversation.


“Henry, mind if I ask a personal question?”




“Since you’re a newly separated man, would you like to fuck? I mean have your first fuck as a single man, and with the way you look, most definitely not your last.”


I spit out some coffee when she asked.


Now what do I say? Charlette is nice but young, yet how often will I get such an offer from a stranger.


“Okay, far be it for me to refuse an attractive ladies request.” I stood up and extended my hand to her. “Would my lady care to retire to the bedroom?”


“Oh, classy move, Henry. I’d be honored to, sir.” As she took my hand and stood up. She pulled me to her for a kiss, which became a second kiss and a third deeper kiss.


“That was pretty darn good, Henry.”


“You’re no slouch either, Charlette.”


We scurried to the bedroom and while kissing removed each other’s clothes and fell on the bed kissing and caressing each other.


“I’m not a piece of glass, Henry. I won’t break.”


“You did say fuck.”


“That I did.”


I rolled Charlette on to her back. His hands pushed her legs apart as his head went to work. He remembered what Becky liked. He nipped Charlette’s swollen rose bud, causing a swift hip to thrust.


“That was different and oh yes, Henry, more, please more.”


My hands kneaded her thighs and hips, while my assault on her pussy continued. I took her clit between my lips and pulled on it, not too hard. Her moans and hip thrusts were turning me on, driving me to do more, to bring her to release. I blew on it, then swiftly thrust my tongue into her vagina and back out to playing with her even more swollen button.


“You’ve a god given talent, in eating pussy.”


“But, my dear, I’ve only begun to please. This was only warming you up.”


I moved up her body kissing her stomach and tits. Then I jammed my hard cock into her exceptionally wet pussy. Her breathing was getting faster. I pulled my cock out but continued kissing her neck and ears before flipping her onto her stomach.


“On your knees, my sexy cleaning lady.”


“Yes, Henry, my pussy wants all you can give, which is probably eight thick swollen inches. God, you’re a good fuck.”


I drove my cock deep inside her, my balls slapped her ass then I came all the way out and repeated that several enjoyable times. Charlette is enjoying this and so am I. It’s different than with Becky and strangely as enjoyable as with Victoria, though different. Why?


“Time for my cock to be ridden, so you get an all-around great fuck. I like watching tits bounce.”


Charlette smile and licked her lips as they switched, she quickly guided my thick shaft into her and began riding him. Up, down, then some circular grinding then she repeated it. She ran her hands through her shoulder length black-brown hair. Her tits were indeed bouncing.


“Yes, my bronco, I’ll ride you any day. Yes, yes, yesss. Oh, yes, Henry.”


That was my cue, I began meeting her downward thrusts with strong upward thrusts.

Charlette’s orgasm burst from inside and spread throughout her body. She flowed around my cock as she started to descend from her sexual high. I raised myself up and quickly flipped her on to her back.


“Now, I’ll fuck you till I fill that young pussy.”


I pounded my cock into that sopping pussy, my ball sack slapping her ass as her legs wrapped around my waist.


“Yes, so good, Henry, I’m close, please be close, Henry.”


“You’ve a great pussy and you’re a great fuck, Charlette. Oh yes, oh yes.”


The urge from deep as it burst up and out, deep into her wet and sexy pussy. She had another orgasm at the same time. I collapsed on her, and we tenderly held each other. We kissed, caressed, and teased each other for a while.


“Henry, that was one hell of a fuck. What could your wife have done to not want to have that every night?”


“It’s a rather long story. I can’t say I believe it myself.”


“Will you go back to her?”


“Only if she meets my conditions, which I made sure she knows.”


“Well, I do have a cabin to clean.” As she started to get out of bed.


“Like hell you do. You’re spending the day and night if you’d like. We’ll love and fuck as often as we can.”


“Now, that’s what I like in a man. You’re on and if she hasn’t met those conditions this time next week?”


“We get to have a great evening fucking and loving, until morning.”


We fucked/made love three more times over the next few hours. Then spent the day naked, wearing just bathrobes. We had sex three times during the day and twice night in bed. Then once again in the morning.


Veronica’s House


They’d all gotten some sleep after spending a few hours on that damn song’s lyrics, with many possibilities but nothing definite. They all agreed that they were looking for a lake. Around nine am, her phone rang, and she jumped to answer it.




“No, Vera, it’s me, Janice. I heard my husband talking about doing something for Alfred. That ass hole, I know a good lawyer who got me plenty in my two divorces. What happened?”


“What would Bill do for Alfred?”


“I don’t know but he’s mailing him something later today, special delivery and I don’t know what…yet. He’ll tell me, I’ve my ways. So, give girlfriend, you’ve got to tell me.”


“Janice, right now I’m not in the mood, so please don’t ask. I will say he didn’t cheat on me or get physical. If you find out anything let me know.”


“Sure, I’ve got your back, Vera.”


Becky looked at her friend, and said, “Vera?”


“Yeah, that’s what she’s called me since college. Her husband Bill works for the state department. About five years ago, Alfred recognized a dangerous complication with a medicine she was taking. It saved her life. What could he be mailing Alfred?”


“Do you know what he does there?” Tyler asked.


“Alfred had mentioned something about him being in administration and procurement. Wait, I thought of something.” Veronica ran to the bedroom and pulled down a storage container, dumping its contents on the bed…pictures.


“A little over a year ago, we went on a one-week camping trip and one of our stops was a winery with lodges on a lake. We stayed there for two days. I’m sure there are pictures of us there.”


A half hour or so later they’d found eight pictures of that lodge.


“Well, one of us drinking wine, another of me in my swimsuit.”


Tyler whistled, “That’s a nice suit.”


Betty playfully hit his ass, “Easy now big boy, your birthday is over.” Looking back to the pictures, “Anything that could help us?”


“Not sure, it’s a wine and that’s not really his alcoholic beverage of choice. The sex and love that night was good and it was a fun time….” Her voice trailed off.




“That was the first time I asked him about changing our lifestyle. He thought he was doing something wrong and I assured him he hadn’t, just that I wanted something different. I don’t think I convinced him, and I couldn’t explain what I meant or wanted. About a month later I talked to you about it.”


Becky hugged her friend. “That’s what lead to our plan, right?”




“Veronica, don’t answer this quickly but is Alfred so mad at what he thinks happened, he’d leave you? I mean could the clues be a wild goose chase?”


Tyler spoke up. “Not meaning to interrupt a good question but what if we caught a few hours’ sleep and then drove to this place and see if he’s there?”


“Thanks Tyler, that a wonderful idea and Betty, I don’t think so. He ran from being embarrassed or being set up to have sex with Tyler. He said only some necking. Yes, there was a safe phrase but, in his mind, his friendship with you and Tyler, was above that. He doesn’t understand a Dom/sub relationship. The other night was his very first experience with safe words, in his mind he failed all of us, if he didn’t care about me, there would be no clues. What he thinks about you two…I couldn’t guess but you read his note. He feels that we don’t deserve him, that he failed us and himself.”


The next morning, they headed out, grabbing some coffee and breakfast sandwiches before hitting the freeway for the three-hour drive. They spent an hour wandering the place in the hope of seeing him. It cost fifty bucks, but they were able to look at the names of any who’d signed in recently and Alfred’s name wasn’t on the list.


“Damn, another day wasted, and we’ve found nothing. Well, may as well have lunch then head back home,” Victoria said.


Alfred’s Cabin


It’s been three days now. Will they figure out my clues? The difference between a hard clue and an obscure clue is that the hard clue is to confuse. The obscure clue is meant to waste time.


The Ring doorbell sounded from his phone, and he went to the door, a package for him was at the door.

A smile crossed his face. He brought it in and opened it. A passport, driver’s license, and social security card, along with all the extra’s. A note as well.


"Alfred, here is what you asked for. All you need to do is call within one week to activate them. If you don’t you may as well burn them. I’ve got Janice breathing down my neck and getting the couch ready for me. I’ll give her something to pass on.”


He decided to research something on the net. A few hours later he had prices, sizes, delivery dates and all the equipment needed to grow tea. Several thousand dollars but he’d wait. He checked his e-mail, nothing new except a message from his 401k administrator. He opened it.


Dear Mr. Braynard,

Sorry to inform you but, when you arrange the purchase of the property, it was forgotten to have the beneficiary sign a waiver. We’ve sent a form to the e-mail on file for the beneficiary.

Once this is returned, the purchase will be completed. We hope you enjoy your retirement.


Margret Hathaway, VP of Disbursement


Crap! That means they’ll know what I did, let me check that form.


He opened the form and all it had was that as beneficiary, Victoria was to sign her approval for the use of money to purchase the cabin. Good, it doesn’t mention a location.


The Sleuth’s


A waiter came over and placed a cosmopolitan with a yellow rose on the table. He said to Veronica,

“From an admirer.”


“Who here, would know my favorite drink?”


“You slut, you’ve been holding out on me,” Becky said, a semi-shocked look on her face.


“No, really, I haven’t.”


She called the waiter over and asked him which admirer sent her the drink and rose.


“Our manager, he said that if you wished, I could bring you to his office.”


“Sure, I’ll tell my friends, then be right back.”


The waiter took her to the third floor and buzzed the intercom.


“I’ve the guest you wanted to see, sir.”


“Let her in,” was the reply. Veronica didn’t recognize the voice.


Once inside the office, more of a suite, she heard a voice, “Veronica Mathers, how are you doing?”


“It’s Braynard now. Thank you for the drink and flower, it was extremely sweet of you.”


“Have you found the missing Mr. Braynard?” As the man come from a back room.



Six foot two, say one hundred seventy and a nice build.


“Do I know you?”


“You did. Care for a refresher or some water or soda.”


“No thank you, I haven’t finished what’s in my hand.”


“A clue, Manitoka go-cart Speedway.”


She looked him up and down and about fifteen seconds later it came to her.


“Justin Maroba?”




“But your different and in a particularly good way. You’re the manager here? Since when?”


“I bought it about five months ago. You can imagine my surprise when I saw you and your friends going about and asking my employees if they’d seen a man in a picture. As for my change, in college I lost a bet and joined the track team, became rather good, won nationals in the mile and mile relay. I almost made the Olympics twice and almost made a marriage work once. Went into insurance, got a CPCU and moved up the ladder. Married, six years later then not married. Won some money in the state lottery oh six years ago and invested it. Heard it was on the market and bought it. Your turn, but only tell me why you’re looking for an errant husband?”


“It’s private but there was a misunderstanding and we’re looking for him. No, no nothing illegal or is his health in danger, or did he do anything to hurt me. He said that he was leaving me unless I found him in a few days.”


“Do you want to find him?”


Victoria paused for a few seconds before answering.


“Yes, I do.”


“How can I help?”


She looked at him a little suspiciously.


“You want to have sex with me for the help?”


“Yes, I do want to have sex with you, but it’s not attached to my helping. You said no in high school and again two years later when we were back from college. Maybe the third times the charm. I mean that.”


“Can my friends come up and we can explain what happened and what we know?”


“Mr. Wayward left clues? I’ll have them brought up.”


Fifteen minutes later after introductions had been made, they explained what clues they had, yet said nothing about the reason for what happened, and Justin never asked.


“I know the song but right now I’ve got nothing. Can’t think of any lakes to associate with the song. Let me see his picture. Good, Alfred is hiding from you, not from everybody, so he could easily be with other people. You said nothing illegal, so the police aren’t looking. I’ve some friends at other hotels in this part of the state. I’ll send them a fax, with his picture, about a college buddy of mine who was given wrong directions. Let me know if you see him.”


“That’s a great idea Justin, thanks,” Veronica said.


They had some food and drinks brought up and they all talked. Betty saw the mutual flirting between Justin and Veronica, and nudged Tyler. She was still pissed at Alfred for the shit he pulled and whispered to Veronica.


“Tyler and I our going back to the room, think you’ll be safe for a few hours before returning? Oh, and if you decide not to return, what happens here stays here, so enjoy.”


“I’ll be fine, and I don’t know about the other. Have fun.”


“We will.”


Tyler and Betty left, Justin and Veronica moved to the couch near the fireplace. They talked about when they knew each other when younger and such when Justin put his arm around her shoulder, and she let him pull her to him as they talked.


“We’ll see if my fax produced any hits in the morning. Maybe I’ll have an idea for you three to check out as well.”


“That’s great, Justin.”


He leaned into her and kissed her lips. Not hard, but medium, pulling on her lower lip as they parted.


“Stay the night with me and I don’t mean on the couch alone.”


She looked at him and saw what she felt in his eyes. Desire, not passion or anything approaching love. He desired her, he desired her body, her sex, but not for love, or selfish reasons. She returned his kiss. She realized what her and Alfred had lost, the passionate desire of wanting each other. Justin’s desire for her, kindled something inside. The feeling of being special that went with Justin’s desire for her. Her kisses became harder and a bit lecherous, as she pushed him onto his back and straddled him. She drank in his eyes as she broke their bout of kissing. She rode his hardening prick as she ran her tongue over her lips and hands through her hair.


“Veronica, you’re one sexy and desirable woman.”


He sat up, he placed his hands on her face and returned to kissing her, his tongue exploring her receptive mouth. She realized why she’d never said yes to him when younger, she was experiencing it. Desire has a fine and seductive taste, but it’s not love, or even caring. It’s I like you and I’m horny. That’s not bad or wrong but it’s nothing to build a relationship with and that’s why his marriage didn’t work. But for tonight she was hooked, she wanted him, his hard cock, the sensual feeling that their mutual desire generated. His magnificent hands that even now were caressing and exploring her body. They continued their indulgence of each other for a little. Both becoming more aroused and familiar with the others body.


“Let’s move to my bedroom, this couch isn’t big enough and I’d hate if we broke it.”


“Justin, that’s a marvelous idea.”


Their clothes mostly make it to the couch before Justin lead her to the bedroom.


“That’s not a bad looking hard cock you’ve got.”


She kissed his neck and purred into his ear. Using a hand to stroke that cock.


Not close to Tyler’s and about the same as Alfred’s.


“That feels very good, Veronica.”


“So, do you, sexy.”


She got on her knees and looking Justin in his eyes, she playfully used the tip of her tongue to tease and lick the slit and head. Justin’s moans encouraged her. She placed her mouth over the head of his swollen cock and sucked. Pulling her mouth off with a plop, only to repeat the same thing, five or six times. She ran the head of his cock over her teeth with one hand while her other hand played with his testicles.


“Yes, Veronica, this is great.”


She went all the way down his shaft, licking the underside of his cock and turning her head as she did. She kept his cock all the way in for a minute or so, then pulled her head off.


“Blow your load, Justin. I want to swallow your Shoshone cum.”


“That won’t take too much longer, you minx.”


Veronica returned to going all the way down his shaft, sucking, and licking as she went down and back. This time she stopped with only the tip still in her mouth. She gave it a light bite.


“Hmm, different and enjoyable.”


She went down three more times when she felt his balls tighten, she pulled about halfway up his now pulsing member when he exploded, five times and she swallowed each one, savoring each blast. After making sure he was empty, Veronica pulled off, stood up and kissed him with a desire she hadn’t experienced in a few years.


“Your turn now, my white-skinned minx,” Justin said. “On your back.”


“Yes, but don’t go down on me. Finger me to an orgasm as we kiss, and I’ll see about bring that nice cock back to life.”


Justin pushed her onto the bed. He kissed her belly and moved up as his finger probed her wet triangle. Her legs opened, to give his hand more room. He’d reached her tits, now swollen and hard as well.


I feel his desire and it’s a fucking turn on. His fingers are exceptionally good and I’m very wet. He’s a good kisser. I feel younger yet that’s not right. No, I feel appreciative of Justin’s affections and he feels the same about me. I’m very thankful for what he’s brought out in me about Alfred. That’s two fingers in me.


“Justin, those fingers feel so good, I’m so wet and so tuned on. Keep it up.”


“Your wish is my command.”


Justin’s fingers continued their probing and scissoring motion. He used that hands thumb to find her clit and toy with it. That produced an immediate bucking from her. Her hands grabbed his face, pulling it to hers. Their tongues collided in a dance. His other hand was pressed between their bodies, but he was able to caress a nipple and breast. The sloshing from her pussy matched the increased hip thrusts. She moved a hand to his cock and smiled as it grew.


“Yes Justin, yes. I’m close and you’re hard. Finish me with those fingers, yesss.”


Justin’s magic hands had done their job, very well. He continued and a couple of minutes later, Veronica’s body was shaking from an enveloping orgasm. She came as she gushed over his fingers. He continued fingering her until her hips stopped thrusting. He went to hold her.


“Now, fuck my pussy from behind.” She immediately got on all fours.


“No problem.”


Justin’s hard cock found her sopping and swollen pussy. He drove his cock into it.


“Oh, yes, Veronica, you’ve got a great pussy.”


“Your cock is no slouch either.”


Justin proceeded to slam his cock into her pussy and it didn’t take long for her to match his inward thrust with an equal thrust onto his cock. He used his hands to caress her back and thighs, which evoked goose bumps. What made him think of it, Justin didn’t know but he slapped her ass.


“Oh, my Justin. It’s oaky, do that again and again.”


Justin did as he continued stroking her. He did it eight maybe ten time not hard but the last was harder than the first one and the one cheek was on the red side. He stopped when the urge started boiling in his balls.


“Is it okay to come in you?”


“You’d damn well better. I’m on the pill. I want your cum in my pussy.”


That was all Justin needed, his thrusting resumed its urgency and was harder. Veronica was giving as good as she got. He felt her squeezing his cock and knew they were both close. Three thrusts later they both came. His cock let loose with four bursts and he felt her flow around his cock. They collapsed on the bed and she rolled into his arms, spent some time with smiles and kisses as they held each other for several minutes.


“I’ll get us some more wine.”


“Don’t worry about the glasses.”


They each had several swigs from the bottle before resuming their cuddling.


“That was worth waiting what, eighteen years for?”


“Close and yes, it was very enjoyable.”


She snaked one hand down to his limp cock and squeezed it. She licked a finger off her other hand, then ran it over his lips. Justin started to put his arms around her.


“No, sexy. Relax and enjoy what I’m doing.”


It was a slow-motion seduction. One hand and its deftly experienced fingers on his slowly responding cock. She gave his face, ears, and neck soft lingering kisses. With her other hand, she squeezed his nipples. During this she would hum or lightly blow air in his ear and on his hard nipple after she licked them. Though it took a couple of minutes, his cock did indeed respond.


“Good, you’re hard and horny again. Even some cum leaking from that hard firehose. I wonder if the firetruck’s tank has any more stuff to fill his hose?”


“I’m sure there’s some remaining to hose you down.”


“A threat or a promise, I’m intrigued and very much in anticipation of it. Besides, you’ve been a good friend today, helping us.”


“Is tonight a thank you?”


“No, I wanted to fuck you. Now, let me get back to giving you a reason to make some sexy sounds.”


She returned to her kissing, licking, and humming to him. Her other hand had never stopped it’s slow teasing of his cock, now back to full mast. She ran a fingertip around the tip and into the slit, then down and up the underside of his cock. She knew he was getting close and whispered to him.


“Not yet, sexy.”


Veronica stopped and squeezed at the base of his cock and ball sack, for a minute. Then continued. She did this twice more.


“Oh god, Veronica, let me hose you with my cum.”


She smiled and decoded to give him the relief he desired. She changed to kissing him, her tongue just probing past his lips. Her hand now wrapped around his swollen cock going up and down.


“Oh yes, yes!” Justin gasped as his cock did indeed spew forth three descent blasts and two smaller ones onto her hand and belly. The two lovers kissed for a little then took up a spooning position, with Justin behind her, his arm around her, under her breasts.


Veronica woke up and thought on last night.


Justin is a god guy but he’s not husband material. He’s a very sexy man and a good guy, of which there aren’t enough of, but last night has shown me what’s wrong with Alfred and me. We both forgot about sex and concentrated on love. Oh, I’m pissed at what he did, but I do need to talk with him first. Not about Justin, that’ll be a secret. No, about what I want our relationship to be.


She fell back to sleep, being woken by Justin kissing her neck and caressing a breast.


“Go ahead lover boy, get on top and fuck me. Morning sex is fun.”


Justin accepted the invitation. She opened her legs to him, as they kissed.


His morning woody isn’t bad.


This was lust at its base value. His oak hard shaft sliding easily and deep into her wet pussy. They quickly found a pendulum type motion. He continued for several minutes before he emptied his load deep in her vagina.


They cuddled for a little.


“I’m taking a shower, then I’ll contact my friends.”


“There are robes in the bathroom when you’re done. Have your friends meet you in the dining room for breakfast, no charge. Would you like me to join you?”


“Yes, please. You said you might have a few ideas.”


“Okay, and thanks.”


Veronica showered, putting on a robe when done and went to get her clothes, to find them hanging, having been cleaned and pressed. Justin joined her.


“My staff did that.”


She called Becky, for her and Tyler to meet in the dining room for breakfast.


“So, how was it, you slut,” Becky probed.


“Enjoyable, but that’s all for now. He’ll be joining us for breakfast, so be nice, and no we’re most definitely not a couple or an item.”


While eating, Veronica’s phone chimed, causing her to look at it.


“What’s up?” Tyler asked.


“Don’t know. An e-mail to an account I haven’t used in years.”


She looked at the e-mail, a form for a 401K account. She almost deleted it until she saw Alfred’s name on the account.




“What is it, Veronica, a message from Alfred?” Justin asked.


“No. It’s a form asking me to sign that I approve of the money from the 401 he wants to spend.”


Becky said, “For what?”


“Don’t know, only that he spent almost three hundred thousand from the account to buy a cabin.”


“Veronica, you have the right to call the managing company and ask about the purchase. There should be a number on the form,” Justin said.


“Yes, there is.” She left the table as she called the number and returned about fifteen minutes later.


“Okay, that cabin on a lake with a long name I can’t pronounce. I wrote it down.”


They all looked at it. Tyler said all we need is a map and no problem. Justin looked at the name and chuckled.


“You won’t find it on a map. That’s a Shoshone word. It means ‘Mountains in the Lake’, The name on the map is Lake Reflection. It’s about five hours from here. Did they give you an address?”


“Mountains in the Lake,” Tyler loudly said. “That’s the YES reference from Roundabout.”


“Tyler is right. He’s someplace on that lake. They didn’t have one, only that it was a company property he bought using some of the 401 money and that he retired from work.”


They went up to Justin’s office, he put his arm around Veronica’s waist. She whispered to him.


“Please don’t, Justin. It’s friends from now on, okay?”


“If it doesn’t work out with the wayward husband, as the song says, take a chance on me.”


“That’s sweet of you, Justin.”


She knew he was hurt but he smiled and nodded. In his office, they searched for cabins that were for sale or recently sold. Nothing in that price range came up.


“It might not have been on the market but only an internal sale for his company. We’ll have to drive there and look for his car,” said Tyler.


“I can tell you that there’s nothing on the northern side of the lake, it’s cliffs. My suggestion is either the west or south side would be your best bet. Good properties and the neighbors aren’t that close.”


The three of them headed out, making good time. They reached the lake in four hours and started their search. Victoria’s phone vibrated. It was Janice.


“Janice, what’s up?”


“I got something for you. Bill caved when I told him to get used to the couch and no sex unless he gave me something. He said it was a new ID and the address he sent it to was number 169 something. He didn’t remember the street name.”


“Thanks, Janice, I appreciate this, love ya.”


After hanging up, “Pull off to the side and bring up a map of the lake. I’ve got a house number. Let’s plug it in to google with the road name.”


“Great idea, Victoria,” said Betty.


About fifteen minutes later, they had two locations. 169 South Lake Rd and 169 Cliff Side Bluff Rd.


“Which one first,” Victoria asked.


“That’s easy, South Lake. Your...ah...friend, Justin, said nothing's on the north side, it’s cliffs.”


“Tyler, I knew there was a reason I married you,” Betty said as she gave him a kiss.


Twelve minutes later they, stopped about fifty feet from the Cabin. Some lights were on and Alfred’s car was in the carport.


“Let’s go in and take his head of the crap he pulled on us,” Betty said and started to get out of the car.


“No fucking way, Betty. That’s the last thing I want done right now.”


“Why, you’re as mad as we are.”


“Yes and no. This was a big misunderstanding. I’m going in first. It wouldn’t do any good to barge in there, yelling and screaming at him. He’d only get defensive and might run out of there.”


“I agree with Betty, we all go in but, be like Veronica asks us to be, calm and polite as much as possible,” Tyler said.


“No Tyler, I go in first and alone. I’ll call if you can come in. If you don’t like it, then let me out and leave.”


Betty sighed, “I’m sorry, Veronica. You’re right. You go and we’ll wait for your call.”


She got out of the car and walked up to the door. The walk seemed like fifty blocks, not fifty feet.


What do I say? What will I find him like. God, I’m scared. He’s never been this knee-jerk in the past.


Finally, she reached the door, took a few deep breaths, and rang the doorbell.


Alfred looked at the time. Well, this is a surprise. I doubt it’s a neighbor looking to borrow something.


He went to the door and saw Veronica through the peephole and smiled, though his nerves were all over the place right now. He opened the door, his smile still on his face.


“Doctor Livingston, I presume,” Veronica said with a smile. Her voice quivering.


“Close, Henry Higgins, but not yet. Please come in.”


“Okay, she’s in the house,” Betty said.


“I don’t believe he bought this place for 300k,” Tyler said.


Betty gave him the side-eye. “You say the weirdest shit sometimes. What was that skit from that old TV show? Very interesting but stupid.”


“Relax, dear. If she’s inside, I think all will be okay.”




“Alfred’s not a violent person. Oh, he’d protect himself, but she was right to go in alone.”


“Alfred, dear. Just what the fuck happened? What the hell were you thinking? Are you crazy to do what you did?”


“I panicked, a snowball rolling downhill. Thought I was set up to have full sex with him and that you were in on it. He tied me up, I forgot the safe phrase and yes, I screwed up big time big. Thanks for helping me with the safe word. How mad are they?”



“Very, like me but I still love you, though I’m seriously considering giving you what you want. I mean you really filed a pre-divorce separation?”


“Yes and no. It’s not official until I sign after the waiting period ends. That’s in nine days. Just like the purchase of this cabin, my retirement from the company and my new government-issued ID. If I don’t sign and or verify within the next nine days, nothing gets spent or is official.”


“For fucks sake, why?”


“My merinthophobia and being embarrassed, I had to get out of there. I thought you didn’t love me to be part of tricking me into having sex with Tyler.”


Veronica looked at her husband, a few tears began their trek down his face.


“You damn fool, why didn’t you ask me that in the bedroom after you said the safe phrase? Now, what am I going to do with you? I promise, we weren’t tricking you into having sex with Tyler. That was an accident.”


“What do you want to do with me?”


She walked to him and gave him a kiss.


“You were being set up but not for what you think. That was your paranoia. You see I want to change our relationship to something more like what Tyler and Betty have. I don’t want an FLR anymore. I want you to be my dom.”


“Uh, what, I mean really? You want me to be like Tyler and you like Betty?”


“Well, no. You see Betty is the Dom and Tyler the sub. It’s hard for me to explain and complicated. What the three of us were going to ask/explain was that you’d live with Betty and I with Tyler for a month as they trained us for our new roles.”


Alfred looked at her, shocked.


“You mean that we’d wife swap for a month?”


“No dear, be trained for a month. Though I guess there would be some sex involved.”


“Now it’s my turn to ask. Why you didn’t ask me that, just like you did now.” He kissed her. “Do you still love me and hate what I did?”


“Yes, I do love you but I’m also more than a tad upset. Remember last year when we were at the lodge and I asked about changing our relationship?”




“How did you respond?”


“I thought I’d filed you as a husband since you wanted to change what we had.”


“Until your idiotic overreactive stunt, you’ve never failed me as a husband. Tyler and Betty are in their car waiting for me to call them.”


“May as well, invite them in. That way Tyler can kick my ass and be done with it.”


“Tyler’s not kicking anyone’s ass, nor is Betty.”


She took her phone out and called them.


“Guys, it’s okay to come in, but one: no yelling at or anything physical with Alfred. Two, be the friends to him you were. Mad is understandable but we are still friends, right? Say you agree. If you can’t agree to be nice, then drive home. We’re friends, mad is okay but that’s all.”


Betty and Tyler looked at each other and nodded. Together they said, they understood. They parked in the driveway and came in. All shook hands, Veronica and Alfred sat on the couch, Betty, and Tyler on in chairs.


“Anything to eat here, Alfred?”


“Yes, Tyler. Grill is on the deck, some pike I caught in the fridge and some groceries I had delivered, beer is also in the fridge.”


Tyler got to work and over the next couple of hours, Alfred explained why he did what he did and apologized profusely for his actions and behavior. Emotions had calmed down and all was explained. Alfred made a statement.


“Veronica told me what your plan actually was and though I’m flattered about your willingness to train us for our new rolls, I’d like to make an alteration.” Turning to Veronica. “Yes, I’m more than willing to change our relationship but I feel we can do it ourselves yet to not have our more experienced friends, who are in that type of relationship. To not use them as a source to guide and help us would be foolish. Veronica, would you mind if we taped parts of our changing roles for them to watch and critique? We could visit say every other week. They could watch us in our new roles and offer suggestions?”


Veronica cried a little when she heard this. “Yes, yes dear, I’d be fine with that.”


“Tyler, the copies I made of the video will arrive at your house in about a week and there are no copies on my computer. Veronica, do you still want to be my wife?”


“Yes, you stupid but lovely ignoramus.”


“Do you want to live here? We can sell the other house. I’ve always wanted to grow my own tea and I know the greenhouse type needed and other equipment required to grow it here. My pension from the company will be nice and the money from the sale of the other house will more than cover the cost of this one.”


“You mean that, Alfred?”


“Yes, for all my smarts, I forgot about needing your approval for using my 401k funds to buy this place.”


“Okay, it won’t affect my work and it’s nice here. What if we put the old house up for rent? We’d have a monthly income, and it could be an expense that might help our taxes. Yes, in our new relationship, I’ll still take care of our finances.”


“If that’s your recommendation, then what’s what we’ll do.”


They stayed up talking, no longer mad at each other for a few more hours. Alfred took the new ID and papers and burned them in the fireplace. Tyler and Betty used the spare bedroom. "In their bedroom," Alfred asked.


“When do you want to start working on our new rules? I mean there are rules in a Dom/sub relationship?”


“Right now, love. Follow my lead and go with it. I’ll help.”




Veronica stood in front of Alfred.


“Yes, master, there are rules. Let’s worry about them in the morning. I want to pleasure my master tonight.”


She was kissing him as she talked. She used her hands to unbutton his shirt, unbuckle and unzip his pants. Then she stroked his rapidly swelling hard-on.


“Oh master, I’ve missed doing this these past few days. I hope you’ve missed me as well.”


“I’ve missed you very much love.”


Veronica stopped. “Don’t call me love or use my name right now. Come up with something sexy, sultry, dirty and a little demeaning. It’s okay, it’s only for us when in our roles. You do remember I’ve done this before.”


Yes, you told me after we’d been dating when you were, twenty or so I think.


“Okay, de.., my sexy slut.” She smiled and resumed kissing him.


“Yes, my sexy slut, I’ve missed the way you turn me on. You were always particularly good at that.”


“Oh, master, that you for such praise. How would master like me to pleasure him tonight?”


“As long as I get a blow job, you decide how to pleasure me. If you don’t do it well, I might get angry.”


“Why are you angry, master?”


“Right now, I’m not I only said might. However, strip for me. I enjoy looking at your sexy body.”


“Master, please sit on the edge of the bed. I want to sit on your lap and feel your throbbing cock as I give you a lap dance while stripping.”


He did as she removed her pants and panties, then sat on his lap, keeping a gap as she slowly unbuttoned her blouse. Her hips slowly rubbing his cock.


“Is master happy?”


“Yes, master is happy and that’s a nice blue bra you have on.”


“Thank you, master. Would master like to play with my titties?”


Alfred started to answer “Not right now, slut. You haven’t done enough yet.”


Veronica got off his lap and positioned herself between his legs. Her tongue quickly licked up and down his rock-hard cock. Then she placed it under the bra and between her tits, giving him some titty action.


“Oh master, you’re so hard, I can’t wait to suck on it.”


“Then do it, my lascivious slut, suck your master’s cock.” Alfred's voice was tentative and not overly forceful.


He’ll learn with my help. Betty and Tyler will as well. I had a dom back when I was eighteen for a year or so. I enjoyed it even if he was a jerk. Alfred loves me and isn’t a jerk. This time it’ll be so much better.


She unhooked her bra and it fell on his cock, using her teeth, she removed the bra. Her mouth went all the way down his shaft quickly then back, doing this several time. One of her hands was wrapped around his cock and the other was fondling his balls. Alfred leaned back some, using his arms to support himself.


“That feels good, sexy slut. Are you still good at swallowing?”


“Very much so, master. Do you want to see?”


“Yes, swallow it all with nothing leaking out.”


Veronica only hummed as her mouth made repeated trips up and down his hard cock. Sucking and licking. She gave his cock a few small light nips, which caused him to flex his cock. Veronica was getting wet. And a feeling she hadn’t had in a while. She wanted his cum to fill her mouth. She wanted to swallow as he filled her mouth while she was sucking his for all she was worth. It didn’t take much longer when her wish was granted. Six large blasts and she swallowed and suck, the swallowed again and again. It was almost too much. She reveled in her small orgasm then cleaned Alfred’s cock off. She removed his clothes then they cuddled on the bed.


“Thank you for going along with that tonight dear, I still love you.”


“You’re welcome and I also love you very much. Now, I’m going to give you a pussy licking like you’ve never had.”


Alfred pushed her onto her back and got between her legs. he kissed, licked, and lightly pinched her clit as part of the foreplay.


In the other bedroom, Betty rolled off her husband and they heard Veronica’s screams of passion. Betty smiled and looked at Tyler.


“Listen, time for you to practice going down on me. Maybe Alfred can give you a few tips about that.”




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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck, unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed poolside seat.Two hours earlier:Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the foothills. Though...

3 years ago
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Accidental Gangbang

It seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything that can go wrong will' was proving true right before my...

3 years ago
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Accidental Gangbang

wife – anal – slut – gangbang – orgy – submissive – cum It seemed like a good idea at the time...that is what I said to my fiancé four hours later.The wedding was in two weeks, on December 30th (a strange time, I agree, but with lots of family coming from great distances, it was the best leaving all the snow for Hawaii was a great honeymoon compromise).I had no doubt become bridezilla with all the problems the past month. I won't get into the details but that old adage 'anything...

3 years ago
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Accidental Encounter With An AC Inspection Officer

There are some encounters which you don’t plan but it happens accidentally. This is one such encounter where I met a middle-aged ac guy for repair work and it turned out repairing work for our bodies. Well it happened around last week when there was so much dust storm and thunderstorm was happening in north of India. So because of that my ac stopped working as it is an old one. This ac I got installed using my office connection and because of that voltas guy sent this ac inspection guy to check...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Accidental Nude Day Noonie

Rita's dad splattered his drink all over his lap as he spasmodically launched off his lounger. He bounced, wide-eyed, off the hard deck unable to pry his eyes from the shocking sight of my shy wife's tinctured, naked body. Even from twenty feet away, Safa and I could easily see his massive snake head slip out from his yellow striped boxer swimsuit as he awkwardly clambered back onto his webbed, pool side seat. Two hours earlier: Safa and I were on a midday feckless foray in the...

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Accidental WerewolfChapter 10

“What’s going on?” asked Raven. Benedict shuffled over, escorting her into the store. “Come in, come in, I will explain everything...” Cameron was still standing behind the store counter, unable to move. The last thing he wanted to deal with was all of Chelsea’s drama. Cameron realized that he was staring off into space, and the other two were standing in front of him like customers waiting to check out. “Hi, I’m Raven,” she said, holding out her hand like they’d never met. She had a ring...

4 years ago
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Accidental Discovery

When writing erotica, I live and enjoy the story as much as the sex. What a great way to spend a little free time, but being stimulated mentally AND physically. If you like what follows, please let me know. If you don’t like this piece, I need even more to know why. Thanks for sharing your precious time with me and I sincerely hope you enjoy Accidental Discovery. ============================================ Another drop of the clear yet surprisingly viscous liquid grew and grew, until it’s...

2 years ago
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Accidental Master pt 1 edited

Accidental Master pt 1 (edited) I was in a hurry to get home. I was out of food and needed to stock up on beer and snacks before the game started. Just as I was grabbing a case of beer from the cooler I heard a woman scream "Oh my God!" I turned around to see what was happening, only to see this beautiful woman kneeling on the ground in front of me and grabbing for my leg. I tried to step back from her, thinking she must have dropped something, or be in pain, but once...

1 year ago
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Accidental Cheating III

Introduction: Not really accidental this time, and its not cheating when your wife is involved. Thanks for all the positive comments from part I and II. Please remember these are true stories as they happened and the only thing not exact is what was said by people. In those instances I wrote as close as I remembered. Hopefully you like this part and i truly hope that I have another part to write about whenever it happens. —————– —————– —————– Its been a long while since I hooked up with Kat,...

3 years ago
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Literotica Mobile XXX WebcamsLive 24/7, view live web cams now on your iPhone, iPod, iPad or Android device!Free Original Erotic Stories.tagi****t/TabooAccidental i****tAccidental i****tbyScott_Heywood©I pulled into the parking lot, We noticed that the Adult bookstore in as busier than usual.Marie only ever had one real complaint about Our monthly visit...She didn't get fucked enough. Most of the Guys just wanted blowjobs.Marie and I walked across the parking lot...the thin, skin-tight...

1 year ago
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Accidental erection

The door is unlocked so I open it and the entire space of the hotel room reveals in front of my eyes. The large bed is visible from the entrance and on it, bended on the edge, is Mel. She is humping the furniture. Her hard cock is rubbing against the soft white sheet. She is completely naked and moaning. I close the door behind me. ‘What is this, Mel?’ ‘This… is one… fiery erection I… am dealing with…’ I can see her ass muscles to clench and move with every hump she is making on the bed. I see...

2 years ago
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It was difficult having affairs with males while serving in the USAF. Back in the 1960s! Oh the affairs Did happen, but the affairees had to be very careful as homosexuals were frowned upon back then. Once or twice I,d managed to get involved in a mutual masturbation orgy involving six men, but that was as close to an affair it got to. The summer of 1966 for some reason saw forty of the air policeman shipped to,another US base in West Germany not too distant. The Technical five striped sergeant...

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Accidental Incest Not so accidental anymore

I woke up from a soft nudge. I could feel the cold wind blowing against my body. I opened my eyes to see mum with hand on my shoulder with the car door open. “Annie? hey there, sweetheart. We’re at the hotel, so you head on in and the boys can get the suitcases” I stood up still a little drowsy; I got out the car and examined my surroundings. A reasonable sized hotel and it didn’t look too bad either. I looked to the car and saw dad and Dylan unpacking the boot. I caught Dylan’s eyes but...

1 year ago
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Accidental Love II

Lori's husband had taken Ben to have his cast removed today. Lori was as excited as a high school girl on her first prom date. She had put a roast with all the trimmings in the slow cooker for when they returned home as a sort of celebration. Ben, a lifelong friend of her husband, had fallen from a faulty ladder at their construction business and broken some bones near his neck. This made it necessary to put his upper body in a cast, which made both arms immobile. Lori, a nurse, had volunteered...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Accidental Nudity

Hi everyone! New member here and first post! I really get hot by flashing, but am a bit shy. I wanted to share one of my first experiences because it has really kept me horny for days! I hope you enjoy it, too.While I definitely get off at the thought of a girl seeing me, I have been very shy and reluctant. I had purposefully flashed a close friend in college making it seem like it was accidental, but not since. Years later, it still makes me horny to think about it and I have wanted to do it...

4 years ago
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Accidental Encounter With A Lesbian Girl

This is a fictional story about a mid-aged women working in an MNC and having an exciting accidental sexventure with another girl. Kavita is a 39-year-old lady and looks 6-8 years younger than her actual age, thanks to her discipline towards her fitness regime. Her fitness regime has kept her in perfect shape, and even at this age, she gets a lot of attention from men (in this case a young girl) of all ages. She is 5.8″, athletic, fair and voluptuous body with a right mass at right areas, and...

1 year ago
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Accidental Swapping Swinging Of Partners With Best Friends 8211 Part 1

Hello friends, mera naam Neha hai age 28 years aur me married hu. Ye ek real life story jo accidental swapping ti. Meri ye first story hai to isme bahut mistake ho sakti hai aur sath me jo real me hua use ekdum 100% express nahi kar payi to sorry. Apke suggestions, feedbacks, comments please muje mail kare pe. Is incident ke bad se me aur meri husband naye experience ke liye thode bold ho gaye aur different chije try karna chahte hai. Ye ek real incident hai jo kuch time pehle hamara sath hua....

1 year ago
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Accidental Momma

Accidental Momma By Tyrone Slothrop Chapter 1: Sweet Home Toby was crying again. Bobby knew he sounded hungry and he knew Momma was passed out again. He had heard the clinking of glass during the night which indicated she had been drinking again. Bobby got up from his cot, pulled on his last clean T-shirt, tied his hair back and went to get Toby. It was five am and the little guy smiled as soon as he got into his sight. At six months old, Toby knew his brother and always gave...

2 years ago
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Accidental Girl

Accidental Girl Characters: Bob Anderson, also known as Bobby; Ms. Miller - Bob's teacher; Julie Carter - Bobby's girlfriend; Rose Bickford - Julie's landlady; Ms. Abby Matthews; Ms. Barbara Turner, Abby's Administrative Assistant; Hilga, from In Home Nursing; Julie's friends: Cindy, Sandy, Tracy and Brenda; Nurse Bell; Nurse Carol; Mike Austin - Abby's Attorney; Sally, Abby's house keeper and Henry, Abby's driver. Synopsis: When a guy dresses like a girl the rest of the world...

2 years ago
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Accidental Heroine

Accidental Heroine Steam room "Ugh! Ugh! Ughhhhhhh!" I turned away from the steroid using weight lifter. I hated these guys that had more muscles than brains and felt making crude sounds as they pumped iron would give them more strength. At six feet two and 225 pounds I was lean and very strong, able to bench press close to 250 pounds with little difficulty. I worked out at the gym regularly and kept myself fit, but I was not like the guy in the corner now flexing in front of the...

3 years ago
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Accidental Inheritance

Accidental Inheritanceby Loraspa6loraspa6 (a) hotmail.comStory Codes: F/m, M/f, Chastity, MC, BondageLittle did I know what I was in for. I do not regret it, but it was a bit of a surprise.It all started one Friday night, I had been out with a couple of girls from work. At this one bar there stood a man in his thirties waiting for a drink. He was not exactly the best looking man in the room, but he was definitely not the worst either. About 5'10" to 6' in height, a little overweight,...

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Accidental Whore

Accidental Whore A work of fantasy by Wolf Ferret Dear Diary, My name is Linda. I’m 24, have a BA in English Lit and am currently unemployed. I’m starting a diary out of sheer boredom. Let’s begin with a description. 5’4", 130 pounds, shoulder length blond hair, brown eyes, a 33-25-34 body that my lovers have said is very sexy. I lost my virginity the first year of university and have had about 10 lovers since then. I rarely have casual one-night stands – I’ll date a man 2 or 3 times before I...

3 years ago
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Accidental Nude Day Noonie Lunch

previously: [Accidental Nude Day Noonie] Though tired, I noted that neither Rita nor Helen had cum yet and I took on the mission to rectify that. I licked and kissed each sweet pussy with a promise to return with my dick ready for them a little later. Safa was already eating Rita's pussy, so I decided to feast on Helen's. Using my agile fingers, I was soon able to navigate thru the extra folds in a fifty-two-year old, healthy looking pussy and find her engorged G spot. She lurched and came...

3 years ago
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Accidental Daddy the NeighborsChapter 4

Okay that I was not expecting. Here I was, sitting on the couch with a young woman who might be the accidental mother of my child and she just kissed me out of nowhere. She had her hand on the back of my head keeping me from breaking the kiss as her tongue forced its way into my mouth and played with my tongue. Her hand moved to my thigh. After a couple minutes she broke the kiss. "There." She said triumphantly. "Now I can't say that I haven't kissed a guy that's seen me naked." She...

3 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 2

Accidental Crossroads: 2. Sammy read him the riot act. I know, I know, I know ... it's trite and does not apply but it's a statement every parent has used in trying to control an unruly kid. So what does the riot act really say? The Act created a mechanism for certain local officials to make a proclamation ordering the dispersal of any group of more than twelve people who were "unlawfully, riotously, and tumultuously assembled together". If the group failed to disperse within one...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 3

Accidental Crossroads: 3. "Who was that?" "Polly Caretaker, Jakob Flintkote's Caretaker," said the ceiling. "Have a seat," The comfy looking leather recliner appeared out of no where. "We're unsure what to do with you. Hungry?" "I could do with a bite," said John. "Preferences?" asked the ceiling. "Can I get a porterhouse steak, aged to perfection and so tender I can cut it with a fork?" Talking to a ceiling ... well ... you know ... I wasn't sure I was sane ... might as...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 9

Accidental Crossroads: 9. After the pig out, John burped. "Thank you," said the ceiling. "That burger was great ... the taste was something I'd had before," said John. "There's this cheese," a piece landed on the desk. It was shot through with green mold. The ceiling said, "Have a sniff. Awful ain't it." "Good god," John said, "I ate that?" "Sort of ... It goes between two patties ... the burger isn't ground like it is on Earth. We shred it ... form it, put the cheese...

4 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 11

Accidental Crossroads: 11. John never said a word about the jeep. He did his best to find the right oil and solvent for the watch. The phone company had to put in 5 poles to run a line..."make that two lines," said John, to the rep when he called from the General Store. A step back here. John was calling his housekeeper by the only name that fit..."Sultry," So ... finally he asked. "What is your name?" She burst out laughing. "What's so funny?" "You have no idea how many times...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 12

Accidental Crossroads: 12 The Powers that Be? Who the fuck are they? Are they the same as the Powers that Be on Cassandra? I'm a mess. The putt-putt of the four cylinder jeep entered in to his thoughts. She's back. Sultry rolled to a stop right by the front steps, practically fell out of the drivers side door and ran up the steps. She crossed the porch, nearly jerked the front screen door off its hinges and hollered, "John! Where are you?" "In the kitchen, Sultry Wench. What's the...

4 years ago
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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 14

Accidental Crossroads: 14. Some time later, after several rounds of restoratives, John and Cassie were in bed and cuddling. "This is so nice," Cassie wiggled in closer, "If a girl can get a Cassandrian guy in bed ... they don't cuddle. They're not interested in a girl's day. They don't pet or stroke," she shivered as John ran a hand down a silken flank. "Little kisses never happen," John took the hint, she sighed. "This is wonderful." "Well," said the Seven, "The mating...

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Accidental CrossroadsChapter 17

Accidental Crossroads: 17. "Cassie," John said, "I probably wasn't very honorable in my rescue." "The portal let you through," she said. "It even let the Powers that Be through." "Sam?" "Hello, John." said the healing chamber, "Settle in and get cleaned up." "Take the Powers first," John said, "I need to talk to the arbiter." Sam asked the Powers, "You people coming all at once or you going to separate." "You chose, Sam." "As soon as Karen Entertainer gets out...

3 years ago
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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 8

Everyone was somewhat surprised by the size of the building that housed the medical supply business but also the fact that it looked closed. However, the open sign was flashing away as they got out of the RV. Cindy had been detailed to babysitting, so she took out some of the little games and toys that the girls had gotten so they could have a little fun. Dan walked up and just opened the door, but then stopped and waited for the rest. He was working hard at being gentlemanly and let the two...

2 years ago
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I originally wrote this story for another site that will remain nameless here. Although you cannot read what came before I think I have given enough information to enable any reader to make sense of the story. There’s enough in what I’ve written to make what I believe is a good stand-alone story. >>>>>> I rarely read cuckold stories. There’s something about them that makes me extremely uncomfortable, especially when the male is a totally accepting wimp, but I did find “A Willing...

1 year ago
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A Rock and A Hard Place 3 Conclusion

Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....

2 years ago
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by Oediplex 8==3~ Part 6: Harry's mom arrives with a story to tell The memories, of the last things she remembered, replayed in her head, like a flashback in a 'B' movie. “I love you, Mandy!” cried her son, Jack. The first time he had called her by her first name, when they had made love. “Oh, yess! I love you too, Jack. I love you too, lover!” She said. And then they once more drifted off. Their dreams were lovely, as they cuddled together, on Jack's bed. They...

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Diary of Billy Bob Chapter 10 Conclusion

This is the diary of Billy Bob McTavish, a teen boy, about he and his young girl cousin growing up, having a family and a wide variety of sexual adventures, some quite bizarre. It has ten chapters: (1) Becoming a Man, (2) Marriage, (3) House Guest, (4) Satisfying Our Guest, (5) Helping a Psychologist, (6) More Sex Therapy, (7) Mutual Therapy, (8) Our Daughter, (9) Our Daughter is 13, (10) Conclusion Billy Bob Chapter 10 (Conclusion) The girls were tired of just having sex with each other and...

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The Job Interview Rule 3 Conclusion

Wash The Sins Away:Gina Fellows woke that Monday morning. Up-to-date with her rent, able to purchase a few new outfits with the spare cash she had left over, she had a fresh outlook on her life. Things were looking up.Rising from bed, dressed in pink boxers and tight tank top, Gina strolled into the bathroom, where the sound of falling water echoed from inside. She slipped out of her nightwear and stepped into the cubicle. The warm water hit her naked body, wetting her hair, slipping around...

Oral Sex
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Jock TalesSenior YearConclusion

Jock Tales---Senior Year---Final Game—and The Price of SuccessOK—so the last two chapters of the Jock Tales series won't have much porn to them—just a couple of mentions of stuff. If you have been following the series story line, as much as the porn parts, then these last two chapters simply tie up the series, and bring it to it's conclusion. Thank you to all the fans, and comments, and if you wish to continue, then join me for the next series—The Skatepark Adventures. The next four games after...

1 year ago
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Sebastian The Male Escort Part 66 Conclusion

So now here I was, facing my second week as barman a Mike’s place, with an appointment to service a city businessman on Monday afternoon, just one week after my ‘debut’ on the New York copulation trail. In spite of this firm appointment, and success to date, I wondered if luck would still be with me. But in fact my worries were unfounded, for just as Craig had prophesied, my second week in Mike’s bar produce another crop of visiting cards from men asking me to give them a call and so it went on...

Gay Male
2 years ago
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Terms of Acceptance Conclusion

Terms of Acceptance: Conclusion By Donna Allyson Copyright 2000 Chapter 8 Sarah had been testifying for well over an hour when she was interrupted. The chairman of the board decided to call a recess... "Miss Morton, if you are nearly finished with your testimony, you can rest your case at this point and we can make our judgment base on what you have presented so far, or we can take an hours recess and continue at 8 PM?" "Well sir, I was planning to testify about...

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The DavetoJane Chronicle Part 5 Conclusion

I wrote the first two parts of this chronicle to make sure I never forgot these wonderful events in my life, not knowing they were to be part of a complete change in my life. They were, however, originally written for my eyes only and certainly not intended for publication. My apologies for this being heavy reading. I was instructed to write the remaining three parts by my Lover and Mistress. Together they record my full transformation. Constructive communications may be sent to...

2 years ago
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Adams Pregnancy Conclusion

ADAM'S PREGNANCY (CONCLUSION) by Melissa Tawn (This is a continuation of "Adam's Pregnancy", which should be read first.) Wanda had fainted after Jerzy proposed marriage to him, and it took a few minutes until he came to. During that time, Jerzy retreated, very scared, to a seat in the corner while Tracy and the girls hovered over him. Even though he was not scheduled for his Caeserian until the following morning, Kathy insisted (in her role as resident nurse) that, just to...

3 years ago
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Leslie Says Yes Conclusion

Leslie Says Yes - ConclusionStandard Disclaimer - These are fictional stories. The names have been changed to protect identities. You must be over 18 to read this story. I hope you enjoy the conclusion of this story. Some time in the night, Leslie had either gone to the bathroom or just repositioned herself. I woke up spooning her naked backside. I quickly fell back asleep. When I next opened my eyes, everything was still dark. Hmm, I thought to myself, this can't be right. I went to move my...

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