Charmaines Downfall Pt 2 free porn video

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She went to sit down for the 1st time since that morning and “owwww,” she screamed out as contact was made between chair and her backside. “I still need to think of an excuse for the pain and bruising to my poor bum cheeks,” she thought to herself.

When James arrived home, he was surprised to find her lying on the sofa, usually she would be in the kitchen plating up their supper. “Is everything alright honey?” he asked.

She wanted to say “no, I was used by 2 fucking local boys as a sex toy because of your fucking fantasy the other weekend and you can cook your own damn food!” but what she actually said was “I’m fine, I slipped and hurt my bum, do you mind if we get a takeaway tonight?”

“Yes, that is fine I will sort it out, just you rest your sexy ass. Do you want me to rub some cream onto it for you?”

“No, I’ve already done that it just needs to be left alone. Just sort out the takeaway and that’ll be lovely.”

James ordered in and the rest of the night went as normal. The following day being Thursday Charmaine was back to work and had to take a cushion in to sit on. She made up an elaborate story about how she slipped on a banana skin, just like they do in cartoons and landed ass first on a concrete floor. This got some laughs, some sympathy and kept the true story hidden.

By the weekend, the pain had stopped, and she could sit normally. There was still a little visible bruising which she hoped would soon go away. Saturday evening around 7 James let Charmaine know he was going to the pub with a couple of friends and would be back in a few hours.

About 20 minutes after he left Charmaine’s phone rang. On the screen it said Andrea, confused as she did not know anyone called Andrea, she answered the phone, “Hello, Charmaine speaking.”

“Hi slut,” came the response, she shivered as she recognised the voice of Andy on the other end. The line fell silent for a moment then he continued speaking, “are you confused? While you were shaving with Matt, I swapped numbers in our phones, saved mine as Andrea to avoid your dimwit husband getting suspicious.”

Nervously she replied, “why are you calling me? James will be here soon.”

“Don’t lie to me or I’ll come round there and beat your backside with Mr Spoon again.”

“No, please don’t,” she pleaded.

“I’ve just seen him going into the pub with some other guys, I reckon he’ll be a while yet.” She could almost hear the smirk on his face.

“Ok, ok, I’m sorry what do you want?”

“I want you to go upstairs to your bedroom now,” came the command.

“Ok, I’m in my bedroom,” she said after a few minutes.

“Open the curtains,” she did as was told. “Ah that’s better I can see you now.”

Charmaine looked directly across the back garden and could see Andy staring at her out of his bedroom window. “What am I doing next?” she nervously asked.

“Take off all your clothes, then sit on the end of the bed.” Charmaine did as she was told again, covering her breasts and pussy with her hands. “Move your hands and spread your legs slut.”

“Please Andy let me stop, this is degrading and immoral.”

“You had no problem fucking 3 guys in your garden in front of me, now do as you’ve been told.” She placed her hands either side of her on the bed, then proceeded to spread her legs revealing her pussy. “Much better, now start playing with your clit.”

Charmaine lay back and started to masturbate, “oooh,” she moaned lightly as the pleasure of her clit being stimulated ran through her body.

“Keep going until I say stop.” Andy replied as he headed out his back door unknown to Charmaine. He made his way across the back gardens and was soon in her house. He crept upstairs and into her room.

Charmaine still unaware of her guest kept masturbating, moaning louder as she drew closer to an orgasm. Andy watched for a short time before crawling round to the bottom of her bed kneeled between her legs. He slowly leaned forward and started to lick at her soaked pussy.

Charmaine’s head shot up like a frightened meerkat. “Andy, what the hell are you doing here get out before my husband gets back!” she screamed at him.

“No way cunt, besides, he won’t be back that quickly. Now lay back down I’m going back in for a taste.” Charmaine lay her head back down and Andy started to lick and then started to probe with his fingers.

Whilst sucking on her clit he slid 2 fingers into her pussy and gently massaged them in and out. Soon followed a 3rd finger and the gentle massaging turned into more of a finger fucking. Once suitably lubricated with her juices he slid a finger out and started to press it against her rosebud.

“No Andy, please not there.”

Letting go of her clit, he replied “I’ll go wherever I want whenever I want, you understand slut.”

“Please Andy, I can’t do this to James, it’s not fair.” Charmaine’s plea fell on deaf ears as Andy returned to her clit and slid his finger 2 knuckles deep into her anus. Pulling his mouth away slightly he drooled saliva down onto his fingers and inserted a 2nd into her anus. “ooooh,” Charmaine let out a moan as they pushed deeper than before.

“Sounds like someone likes their ass being fingered,” Andy stated as he pulled away and stood up.

“No, I don’t!”

“I beg to differ, I bet you’re a real little anal slut aren’t you.” Andy laughed.

“No, I’m not, now please leave before James comes home.”

“I told you I’ll leave when I’m ready, now get on all 4’s on the bed,” Andy ordered.

Charmaine knew she had little choice if she did not want her secret to get out and possibly face jail time. “Ok but be quick.”

“If you tell me what to do one more time, I’m getting Mr Spoon.”

“Please no, I beg you not that, do what you want,” she replied as a tear fell from her eye and memories of the pain of being spanked by that wooden spoon returned to her.

“That’s better,” Andy stated as he began to lick her rosebud. After a few minutes he started to press his fingers in, first 1 then 2 and a 3rd soon followed. “I wonder if I could get my whole hand in there, what do you think slut?”

“I don’t know, please don’t try it already hurts.” She whimpered.

Andy slid his fingers out and spread her ass cheeks, “maybe we can try it another day right now I want to fuck it,” he said as he forced his cock into her ass. Charmaine jolted forward and his cock slid back out. “Stay still you fuck slut, or I’ll still be fucking your ass when your precious husband walks in.

Charmaine returned to her position and bit into her duvet as she felt the head of his cock once again trying to penetrate her darling little rosebud. “Owe,” she groaned as his shaft started to push its way into her.

“You’re going to take it all bitch, I promise you that.” He pulled out his cock and spat into her small gaped anal hole before thrusting 3 fingers back in and out at a fast pace. Removing them he took a second to admire her hole before again thrusting forward with his cock. “That’s better,” he shouted as his dick slid into her.

Starting off with gentle strokes he quickly worked up to faster pace. Grabbing onto her hips and pulling her towards him every time he thrust forward made sure he was as deep as he could get into her rectal passage.

After 15 minutes of non-stop anal pounding pleasure for Andy, not so much pleasure but it certainly felt better than it did to start with for Charmaine, Andy grabbed Charmaine by the hair pulled his cock out her ass and forced her round so she was facing his cock.

“Suck it bitch.”

“No way it’s just been in my ass,” Charmaine argued back.

“You don’t learn, do you? Suck it now or your movie goes viral.”

Charmaine accepted his offering and opened her mouth, she knew that video could not get out, it would hurt to many people. “Ok she muttered,” glancing up and seeing a smile on his face.

“Keep looking at me,” Andy told her as he entered her mouth. She could smell her ass juice as his cock slowly slid in. “Now suck it,” came his command. As her lips slowly closed around his cock Andy was unimpressed with her efforts. Still holding her hair with one hand he grabbed her chin with the other and held her head still as he started to thrust in and out.

The only sound in the room was Charmaine’s mix of choking and gargling as Andy made his way to the entrance of her throat. He now started to pull her head onto his cock rather than hold it still. He quickly let go of her hair and chin and wrapped both hand around the back of her head, holding her tight against his pubes and balls deep.

Charmaine tried to pull away pushing on his thighs at the same time, but it was all in vain as Andy released his seed deep into her gullet. “Swallow it all, don’t spill a drop cunt.”

Charmaine gulped down his cum as commanded, and then opened her mouth to show him. “Is that ok? Please keep the video to yourself, I did everything you asked,” she begged him.

“For now, I’m happy but I will be back for more.”

“Please Andy, have I not done enough?”

“You need to realise, I own you now,” he laughed. “And thanks for the new video,” he continued as he left the room picking his phone up off the dresser.

“You bastard,” she shouted at him. She knew now, she was his. How could she explain this incident to anyone without looking like she was a cheater? She lay back on her bed and sobbed to herself, “how do I get out of this? what am I going to do?

She did not hear anything from Andy for the rest of the weekend, this time though she knew he would be back at some point so tried to carry on with life as normal. Monday and Tuesday passed with no incident also.

Charmaine felt good she thought she would have had a call by now but nothing. She looked out her running clothes for the next day with an air of ambience around her as she returned to normal.

Wednesday started like any other Wednesday, Charmaine and James had breakfast before he headed to work. Charmaine then went for a run, wearing a pair of pink jogging shorts and matching crop top. She went for her usual run this lasts about an hour and takes her around the old park.

The old park was on the edge of the town and was full of different very old trees. There were numerous different paths through and around it. There was a few benches and picnic table scattered here and there.

A new forest walk had been created not far from its location; it had paved paths as well as old mud paths so suited people a lot more. You could walk the dog, run, cycle or relax on the big green central area. It sometimes gets crowded that’s why Charmaine sticks to the old park

Feeling good, she was running a good time, but then as she turned into the park her heart dropped. There stood Matt and Andy and the smiles on their face beamed when they saw her. Sweat running down her body made her skin glow.

“Hey slut,” Andy said as he motioned her to stop.

“What do you want? Can’t you see I’m trying to exercise.”

“Andy was telling me about the fun you had at the weekend,” replied Matt. “The video doesn’t do it justice from what he says but is a nice addition to the collection.”

“Collection???” replied Charmaine.

Andy cut in, “It doesn’t matter about that, what matters is that we’re horny and you’re here to solve that problem.”

“We can’t do anything here it’s a public park.”

“It’s hardly used now, the occasional dog walker maybe but we’ll be fine. Come with me,” said Andy

“We have a plan, we’ll always have a plan, how do you think we knew you’d be here,” added Matt with a laugh.

The boys led Charmaine down a path, it was thin and not one she had used before. It looked hardly used as grass and weeds had started to grow on it again. She followed them to an old picnic table that had seen better days.

“Get set up Matt,” said Andy pointing to a tree stump next to the table. “Charmaine sit there,” he pointed to the bench joined to the table.

Matt made his way to stump and removed his backpack. Charmaine had not realised he had one prior to that point. “What’s going on?” she questioned.

“Time to make another movie,” replied Andy as he pointed to the stump where Matt had started to set up a video camera.

“This will be the best one yet,” Matt added.

“No, you can’t do this.” Charmaine tried to plead to the boys.

“Just shut up!” Andy stopped her abruptly. “Do as your told we’ll have our video, and you can go about the rest of your day in peace.”

“B B But,” she stammered

“But nothing,” Andy replied, “If you want our private collection to turn into a public collection then keep talking.”

“Just sit where you were told,” Martin told her.

She did as was asked sitting in the middle of the bench facing the table and the camera was side view on to her. The boys then sat on the table either side of her, so she was sandwiched between their legs. They both took their cocks out, “get to work bitch,” Andy commanded.

Charmaine took hold of both their cocks and started to wank them fast hoping to bring them to climax quickly. This would not work though as the boys were able to hold back knowing what her game was.

After 5 minutes of wanking Charmaine was told to move onto her knees on the bench and to start using her mouth as well as her hands to pleasure them. She did as she was told again, the boys were happy with her performance and was soon moving to the next stage.

She was told to stand up, as she did the boys twisted the table round. She knew if they resumed in the same positions, she would now have her back to the camera, which made her feel slightly better as her face would no longer be visible.

“Get back onto your knees,” she was told as Matt as he climbed onto the table and sat right in front of her. His dick aimed straight at her face. “Back to it slut,” he ordered her.

At the same time Andy knelt behind her so his face was in line with her ass. He slid her shorts and pants down to her knees and there was a sudden whack sound.

“Aaargh,” screamed Charmaine, she glanced round to see what had happened.

Andy was staring at her with a stupid smile on his face, he then showed her a wooden spoon with an angry face he had drawn it. “This is the new Mr Spoon,” he said with a laugh, “he just wanted to say hello. If you keep being a good girl, he won’t come out again today.”

Charmaine knew how much pain Mr Spoon could bring so she quietly turned back and took Matt back into her mouth. Matt clasped his hands around the back of her head ensuring she would stay in place.

Andy spread her butt cheeks apart and smiled, “hello, did you miss me?” he said as Charmaine’s anus slightly opened. He lent forward and started to lick at her sweaty rosebud. After a few minutes he started to probe with his finger, soon a second followed.

Charmaine was lost in thought, having her ass violated again while her mouth and throat were being punished outdoor where anyone could see them. She was worried who may see her but also, something about being outside excited her.

Andy stopped for moment and took something out of the bag, Charmaine could not see clearly what it was. “Now, let’s see just what I can get here with a little help,” Andy said as Charmaine felt an oily substance being rubbed against her anus.

“Go for it mate, I bet you won’t get more than 4 in,” laughed Matt.

Charmaine froze still, she knew if she did not let them, she would be punished. She returned to Matts cock and awaited what was coming from Andy. It was not long before fingers started to enter her anal canal once again.

“That’s 4 already bud,” laughed Andy. He was being surprisingly gentle massaging 4 fingers in and out of her exit hole. “I’m going to try for a few more now,” he said and as he said it, he felt Charmaine’s anus tighten around his fingers.

Charmaine’s mixed feelings were all suddenly overcome with fear, she feared what was coming, never could she have imagined taking this kind of penetration.

“Did she tighten up back there?” asked Matt, “I could feel her tensing at this end.”

“She sure did,” he replied then leant forward and whispered in hear ear, “no need to be afraid I’ll take my time.”

This did nothing to ease her fears, she then felt him slipping fingers back in. It was pleasurable at first but then he tried to start using his other hand. As each finger entered her back passage the pleasure turned into pain. “owe,” she cried pulling away from Matt, “That’s to many!”

Andy removed his second hand and smack smack, Mr spoon landed on her ass cheek. “There’s no such thing as to many, if they fit, then they are going in, all it needs is a bit more lube.”

Charmaine felt the lube being squeezed on and in her open hole then Andy started forcing his way in again. This time she could feel being stretched but the pain had reduced. She felt pleasure for a moment as he started pushing in an out of her anus, one set of fingers then the other then all 8 together.

This continued for a few minutes until, “Matt come check this out, Slut you stay still.”

Matt stepped down from the table and joined Andy behind Charmaine. “Wow!” he said in amazement, “I didn’t think that was possible.” He was looking at Charmaine’s anus, Andy had both sets of fingers in her anus and was pulling them away from each other.

“See if you can fit any in between,” Andy said.

Still feeling the pain from the spoon smacks Charmaine dare not argue that it would be to much she just glanced back at the boys with an evil stare.

“You look feisty and sexy with look on you face, you are just making me even hornier,” Matt said as he started to insert his fingers in the gap left between Andy’s. “Hey slut, that’s 12 in there now.”

“I’m going to try something else quickly,” Andy told Matt as they removed their hands. Andy made a fist and covered it with lube. He pressed it against her hole, and it slid in easier than expected, the pre stretching had worked. “I told you I would get a fist in there didn’t I.”

Charmaine said nothing, she moaned each time he would push in then pull his fist out of her. She was starting to enjoy it, and it did not take long for the boys to notice.

“Time to fuck this slut,” stated Andy with purpose. He removed his fist and use it to lube his cock. He then stepped onto the bench one foot either side of Charmaine’s knees and slid his cock into her ass. He leaned forward and put hand on the side of Charmaine’s head pushing it down onto the table, “how good does that feel?” he asked.

No words came back from her, she was feeling overwhelmed with pleasure suddenly, the thrill of being outside and the anal pounding was turning her on. She could not let the boy know so held back her moans of pleasure.

Andy fucked as hard and fast as he could, that got Charmaine to start releasing sounds of pleasure. He stepped off and ushered Matt forward. Matt quickly took the same stance and picked up from where Andy had left off.

As Matt started to pound into her, she could feel an orgasm building, what could she do other than accept it, “ohhhhhhh,” she moaned out load and started to quiver.

Matt kept her pinned and continued to fuck her as powerfully as he could, “This slut just came from being ass fucked,” he laughed.

They then took it in turns to climb above her and fuck into her ass as deep as they could go, this went on for about 20 minutes, Charmaine had orgasmed at least two more times before Andy finally exploded with joy, his hot white seed covered the walls of her rectum.

Matt replaced him again and he quickly added another coat of sperm to her rectum walls. “Wow that was amazing,” Matt told Andy. “You can get dressed and continue your run now slut, we’ll see you again soon.”

Charmaine quickly dressed herself and made a quick exit before the boys changed their minds and ran straight home, she could feel the spunk running from her anus and down the inside of her legs. As soon as she got home, she went straight for a shower.

As the water hit her, she thought about what had just happened and felt confused. She hated the boys and what they just did, but at the same time she enjoyed the thrill of risky sex. She decided again not to tell anyone though as she knew she would lose everything.

The boys took a slow walk back to Andy’s to watch the new tape they had just made. Once back they discussed their next plans for Charmaine, they knew she would not say anything to anyone. They agreed to leave her till the following Wednesday, by that time they would have a new idea.


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38 year old Nina was at her desk when Hannah came in. It was early so not many people had yet arrived at the office. Hannah was rubbing her bottom so Nina knew what had happened. 18 year old Hannah had been spanked before coming to work so had to ask Nina to look after her knickers for the day, and to check during the day Hannah hadn’t slipped on another pair. Nina shuffled on her chair trying to get comfortable as her own bottom was burning from the spanking she got this morning followed by...

2 years ago
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Kims downfall

Kim looked at her reflection while she waited. Still dressed in what she called her "Power Suit". Her thigh length skirt showed just enough of her stocking encased legs while her 6 inch heels along with padded shoulders made her look bigger and more intimidating. Kim Li took great joy in towering over employees while she berated them for there incompetence. Now she hoped employ that same level of intimidation on her blonde bimbo stepmother. The blonde bimbo that's how Kim referred to her late...

1 year ago
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Monicas Downfall

Monica is an 18 year old high school student living with her mother. After getting an F in two of her classes, her mother decides to punish her for it in the most horrible way possible. Now Monica must work on getting her grades up while dealing with all the stares and laughter from the other students because of that punishment. ********************************************************************************************************* “Mom, please! Don’t make me do this!,” said Monica to her...

4 years ago
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Maxines Downfall

Copyright© I mostly enjoy my work carrying out maintenance work on supermarkets and banks as I get to travel around the country, enjoying the driving and working mostly by myself. The only part of my work that spoils the enjoyment is dealing with Maxine in the office at Heage. Maxine is "the Controller" in the Keycare service centre who dispatches the various jobs to our team of guys. Maxine is full of her own importance, takes credit for the successes, and runs to Tony, the boss when...

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Bananas Are My Stepsisters Downfall

My name is Randy X and I was born in one of those southern states where kinfolk are generally closer than most families up north. My mom had me when she was only eighteen and now I am the same age. Recently, she has been going through male friends on a regular basis and one day it was "Uncle Bill" and then the next day it was "Uncle Harry". I didn't mind too much because I am still a virgin and I can easily understand how important it was for her to have a daily dosage of sex since she was...

3 years ago
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Jasons TaleChapter 11 Pride Leadeth to Downfall

We were all surprised when, after we’d been there for ten days or so, we looked up at the headland one morning and saw a black flag. We had talked it over, I liked to talk everything over, and everyone knew what to do. Frankly, that was one of the differences between ‘civilization’ and ‘wilderness’. Civilized people tried to educate everyone so that everyone knew their jobs as well as someone else’s. If you or your buddy got injured or killed, the job would still get done since you both knew...

4 years ago
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Girlish DelightsChapter 36 Elahehs Downfall

Princess Elaheh was not at all pleased to be given peremptory orders to move into the Golden Palace. She was still less pleased to hear that she could not bring any of her harem with her. She had a nasty feeling that her half-brother had some very unpleasant plans for her, and she wondered what measures she could take to protect herself and her entourage. Bleakly she remembered that a woman here had few rights, and she seriously doubted that her father's long-standing edict that she was to...

2 years ago
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Sexy Cyborg Downfall

"Hey Everyone! Today I'm looking at another exciting product of a local creator. I'm sure Momo will like it very much", Naomi started a new recording in her thick Chinese accent. Naomi was sitting in front of her camera ready to review another product. She was wearing a small tube top, which barely contained her K-size fake tits. Her hair was tied in a thick braid that kept her hair out of her whorishly made-up face. She sported long fake eyelashes and Roush to accentuate her cheekbones. Below...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Aladdins downfall

After defeating the royal advisor Jafar, and trapping him in a black magic lamp. Our heroes are now in the process of organizing The Royal Wedding, and since its four months away for the big day. Aladdin is starting to feel a little horny, but the problem is that Princess Jasmine is not putting out. So now Aladdin is breaking his own promise of no longer cheating on Jasmine, and changing his promise he made on himself to not cheat on her til after the wedding. Since he is not worried of any...

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Alcinas downfall

The harrowing,ghastly atmosphere of this gigantic eerie manor in the middle of nowhere really dug it’s claws deep into our unlucky hero’s nerves.Throughout his life,Ethan has seen what most would claim to be pure fiction,but this perhaps is his strangest venture yet.A deadly battle for survival inside a vampiric castle - certainly not the vacation he was counting on.He didn’t have much on him,only a mere flashlight that felt like it was lighting the path one last time before throwing in the...

1 year ago
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Britneys downfall

Britney's life had always been perfect. As the daughter of the biggest movie producer in Hollywood she lived a life without any concern. She always had plenty of money, she went to the best schools and everybody wanted to be her friend. Her name Britney was very fitting since at the age of 18, she looked alot like a young Britney Spears. The only thing Britney missed in her life was a mother, her mother had passed away when Britney was young, but as the only child of Jerry and Beth, this only...

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Charmaine and Tony

* Charmaine and Tony * Charmaine had her own fantasies as well waiting to be fulfilled before it was too late in life to do so. She had a healthy sexual appetite and being a professional dancer, she was constantly aware of the sexual and physical chemistry between the sexes as it is expressed in dance. She found herself looking at males in ways she had avoided in the past. But it became more difficult for her to deny the desires she felt. At first she thought there was something wrong with her...

1 year ago
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The Life of Giving Chapter 9 Beautiful Downfal

As I walked home I realized that Samer just said 8pm but not where. In the entire stressful situation I kinda forgot to ask, so I've sent him a text asking him where does he want to meet.The text, however, wasn't delivered. His phone was offline. Immediately I started panicking about missing this opportunity to meet and/or thinking about if he even wanted to meet or not. Usually I'm a really self-confident person, but Samer makes me feel so insecure about myself, but truth be told, he makes it...

2 years ago
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Perfect Day

It's a clear fall day. I'm sitting in Dow Gardens, watching the world go by. Doing nothing in particular. She sits down next to me and starts talking. Asks me about the weather, if I have been to the gardens before. I'm not paying much attention because I'm looking at her eyes. Her eyes are amazing. Green pools. I could fall into them. I hear her say her name is Julie and ask me mine. I tell her and she asks me something else, but I'm gone again, this time watching her hands as they fly...

3 years ago
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Chapter V Exposure

I honestly don’t know who was more shocked; me or Lincoln. The instructor’s lecture faded out of earshot for me as we locked eyes. He looked me with what appeared to be a mix of surprise and curiosity. I searched for any indication of anger or disgust, but I couldn’t find any sign as I studied him. Suddenly I heard my cue; my breathing quickening as I came to terms with what I was about to do.Stepping forward, I tugged the robe’s sash, feeling it come undone. My hands shook slightly as I...

Oral Sex
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Daves Australian OdysseyChapter 27 Their Last Days

As their last day together dawned, Dave and Jill woke to find they were wrapped in each others arms. Without breaking the contact, Dave was able to slide his erect penis into Jill and they gently made love, facing each other side by side. They reluctantly dragged themselves out of bed, showered and dressed before having breakfast. Finally it was time to pack up and drive to Mission Beach to meet Peter at 3:30 pm. Dave and Jill arrived in plenty of time, so got the RV set up, off loaded the...

1 year ago
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Daddy and Jenna 4

Doug awoke in the middle of the night amid a tangle of arms and legs, desperately needing to relieve himself. His memory of the previous evening quickly cleared as he remembered three naked teenagers and himself pleasuring each other, fucking his daughter, Jenna, and her friend Maria, though Courtney seemed anxious about fully participating with the rest of the group. Doug carefully moved a leg here, an arm there, so as not to awaken the girls, until he was able to extricate himself from the...

3 years ago
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The Park

This is a work in progress but again I couldn't wait to postIt's a beautiful day, we throw together a picnic, grab a bottle of wine and head off to the park.I throw the blanket down, you arrange the food, we drink, we eat, we cuddle, we kiss.You lean back against the ancient oak, enjoying the view.I sit in your lap, wriggle playfully against your bulge.You wrap your arms around my waist, pull me close, kiss my neck, stroke my hips, run your hands up my inner thighs.I raise my ass enough for you...

1 year ago
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Late For DinnerChapter 80 Five Pairs

"Christi, does this hide my nipples?" Kathy looked pensively into the store mirror. The reflection in the glass showed a pretty little lady wearing a very, very sheer white blouse, white stockings and little else. "Nopers," Christi clowned, "they look great: all hard and suckable," she licked her cherry red lips, "just the way I like 'em." "I still don't know," Kathy fretted. "I just don't want him to think I'm not turned on or anything." "Well, there's one sure way to...

2 years ago
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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E16 Zara Vudovic 49 from Colchester

We’re in darkness, then there’s a heavy clicking sound as a switch is flicked, and our regular bedroom set lights up. It’s as grim and depraved as ever. That stained mattress, the rusty bed frame. No sheets, no blankets, no pillows – just that dirty fucking bed – sitting in a pool of light, in the middle of a concrete floor. We hear a door open off camera, and then the slight, muffled, “In here...?” – then, the same voice adds – “Okay...” – and we hear footsteps approaching – flat, slight...

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Janes new toy

9:13pm on a Sunday..... I was sitting in my living room watching the Chargers lose another important home game, when all of a sudden l heard my doorbell chime. l was too lazy to get up, so l decided to hit the call button and ask 'Who is it?'. A shy quite voice answered back, 'uh...l don't know if you remember me but it's...uhm..' l knew right away that charming but nervous voice was none other than Jane, the beautiful tart with whom l had a torrid romantic encounter with only a few...

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SweetheartVideo Jenna Foxx Emily Addison A Little Closer

It’s Maria’s (Jenna Foxx) birthday, she takes a nice hot bath before she celebrates with her mom. While she’s getting ready in her room, her stepmom Debbie (Emily Addison) comes in and gives her a birthday card from her dad. Maria, doesn’t open the card; she just puts it on the night table beside the bed. Debbie, feels bad for her, she tries to convince her that her dad didn’t do it on purpose. He really wants to be here, but it was impossible for him. Like every other birthday, she had. Things...

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Queen Yavara Chapter 30

ADRIANNA I awoke from the best sleep I’d had in recent memory. I pulled the tangled mess of hair from my face, inundating my sinuses with the sweet smell of Furia’s morning skin. She was lying on her back, her cute little snores whistling from her, her fat cock standing at full mast from her womanly thighs. What a sight to wake to. I admired it for a few minutes, watching it throb and pulse, the apex shining with a delicious layer of her frosting. But I didn’t have time to indulge myself. I...

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The Drifter Part 1

He had lost track of how long he had been riding… it seemed like he had been in that saddle since he was able to sit up straight. One day melted into another and the nights had been cold and lonely for as long as he could remember. But that was the life of a drifter such as he. His world consisted of his horse, his saddle, and the meager supplies he carried with him at the time. His days began at the crack of dawn, making a cold breakfast before he packed up what little he had, and rode in...

3 years ago
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The Wifes DareChapter 10

Alexis - As Khan humped at me I smiled at myself enjoying the feeling of being lusted after by him and the quite evident open lust my husband was displaying, it was turning me on more than I could have imagined, especially when I could feel his cock tip touch my labia lips. It felt silky smooth, slippery and HOT! Then the inevitable happened. I felt his hot tip slip inside me for a brief second which made me moan uncontrollably. As quick as it entered me it was gone. This happened a few more...

2 years ago
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The CavemanChapter 53

I do not like this new client. He is one such as I have known many times before, a man who always wishes to show he is stronger, better, more than other men. But ones like this show it not against equals but against those they believe are weaker or lower than themselves. Linda tells me the word is “bully,” and this man is a bully. Also, he believes that because he has much money it does not only make him better than others, but he can do as he pleases and not have punishment such as other...

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The woman in Seat 11A

She occupied Seat 11A on the long, red-eye flight from San Diego to Pittsburgh, while I was in 11C and the seat between us was vacant. Twenty-five years later she still occupies my mind from time to time.The last words she spoke to me were, “I’ll never forget you.”Whether she has, I’ll not ever know but she remains burned into my memories like a brand into a hide. If someday Alzheimer’s eats my brain, I sincerely hope that those precious cells where she is stored remain intact until my last...

Quickie Sex
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Go Cody

INTRODUCTION Ron Barr runs a trucking company in rural New South Wales, Australia, where his drivers like to race other trucks, drink till they drop and chase fast women when not too tired and they are still half sober. They spend their money so quickly that Ron unilaterally decided to place half of their weekly pay into the bank account of their mothers, or if they live with a woman, into that female’s bank account. The drivers consider they had no option but to sign consent forms because...

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MMB the Great Hippocrates RobberiesPart 3 The Janitor

During their first attempt to acquire the Jennings Collection, the Matchmaker Bandits left a naked Kent Collins laying on his back chained to a gurney with one end of a rubber strap tied around the base of his cock and the other end stuck in the batter compartment of the remote control for the vibrator. The power switch was on and the slider that controlled vibration was set at its maximum level. It was rigged so that if too much tension were applied to the rubber strap, it will be pulled...

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Early Perversions

I wrote a story earlier about when I first realized that I might be gay. The story is true but I knew that I had some unusual cravings and desires at a much younger age. At a younger age (I deleted the number) I remember becoming fascinated by my mother's tennis shoes. For some reason I smelled them which resulted in a strong little erection. I spent a lot of time in that closet sniffing her shoes. Around the same time I discovered my sister's bobby socks. I used to love rubbing them against my...

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Santas GiftChapter 4

Wow, I really didn't have a lot of time to handle Sharon. Yeah, as sexually depleted, as I felt right now, I would still like to handle Sharon. I eased in the back of the garage gathering the gifts from the shop, went into the kitchen. I moved into the living room and set up the camcorder. I keyed the remote to tape myself walking in with the bag of presents. I distributed the gifts. All I had to do was exit and do a quick delivery to Janet. I could slide back up to Suzi's and slide right...

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Studio Seduction

It was to that ad I responded the day I decided to leave Kansas and move east to North Carolina. There was no school waiting for me, or man, or job, but it was out of Kansas and away from my obsessive ex. I pointed at a map, saw NC in big letters and instantly went online to find listings. That was the first of twelve ads I responded to with cheap rents and immediate results. That ad was the only one that said yes, and within five hours I was packed and in my car heading east. I didn’t have...

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Fantasies Unlimited Inc

Some time ago, I wrote a story called Lycra Fantasies. Steve Zink was nice enough to reply with some very kind comments and encouragement to develop a little fantasy universe I had been kicking around. Well, the vagaries of life got in the way, but it did give me a bit of time to flesh things out. Below is the product. A new universe I would like to call Fantasies Unlimited Inc. FUI has a couple of simple guidelines: 1. The CEO runs things via a computer network. Thus, each...

4 years ago
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Agent of Lilith Chapter 12

"Ughh, Lilith…" "Fuck, James, I'm so fucking close! Don't stop!" "Lilith, I'm cumming!" Moans and groans echoed through the Temple of Venus as James and Lilith made love. The perfumed air was heavy with sexual energy, and the two lovers emitted such powerful auras of lust that the very ground seemed to quake beneath them as they fucked. On their usual collection of opulent cushions, Lilith sat in James' lap, bouncing wildly on his cock. Her arms rested on his broad shoulders and...

2 years ago
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Japanese Cuckold Slave

Japanese Cuckold Slave by Fornicatio ([email protected])Chapter OneThe first time we’d met in person was at a small, quiet little place near my house.  I was instantly struck by the beauty of the girl as she crossed the room heading toward my table.  She was thin, and absolutely gorgeous, precious almost.  Her skin was soft and smooth like porcelain, pale, but utterly fabulous, and it contrasted with her long, straight, jet-black hair perfectly.  She looked taller than she actually was as...

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Training Cassiopeia Chapter 8

  “Bree! I don’t think I can do that. It’s private and besides – “ “Just how well do you know Sapphire Reynolds?” My question caught her off guard and I cursed my big mouth for putting myself in this hole I’d dug. Sapphire had a lot of kinks and pee was one of them but I must declare to my readers here that it is not one I shared. I just let her watch and it seemed to satisfy her needs, in that area at least. She turned bright red and stammered out some disjointed story about how ‘Sapphy’ liked...

4 years ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 400

Monday morning, Vicky and I were crossing the Bay Bridge to Washington in a new armored Suburban. This one was to be mine from now on; it had the hidden light package and the works, including heavy dark tinting on the windows and the secure weapons box in the back. Today and tomorrow was to be at the Senate. We parked at the expensive parking garage as close to the Senate building as I could get. Vicky had secured reservations for all four days. It was a short walk to the Senate building...

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