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The carriage bumped and jostled along the brick road. Adelia sat with her crossed hands in her lap, feeling apprehensive and more than a little angry at the reason for her journey.

She remembered sitting passively, listening to her husband, even as she seethed inwardly. He had blandly informed her that he was sending her to a physician recommended by his acquaintance Lord Chapman. The good Lord had informed him that upon seeking treatment, his wife’s disposition had improved dramatically, to the point where she was as cheery as a child on holiday. Her husband felt it was exactly what she needed.

Adelia’s only ailment was her husband’s steady decline into inattentiveness. His mind seemed impenetrable to peevish silence, ridiculous outbursts, fainting, or carefully worded pleas. No matter what attempt she made to enlighten him, he dismissed it as hysteria.

The physician’s rather ridiculous demand that she come to his offices on a schedule rankled as well. She was not particularly fond of physicians, to begin with, and the superior air of his demands only made her all the more ill-disposed to treatments she had no need of.

There was little that could be done. Her husband had sent her, and so she would go. It was the way of things.

The carriage pulled to a stop, and the driver quickly hopped down. He opened the door, put out the steps, and took her hand to assist her descent. Adelia noticed a carriage that she recognized as belonging to Lord and Lady Chapman was parked just ahead of hers. The office looked much like any other house in the city, save for a lack of windows on the lower floor. It was on the very outskirts, sitting alone on a plot of land.

Adelia drew herself up, set her face into a passive mask, and strode demurely to the door. Before she could reach it, Lady Chapman emerged. The woman was wearing a wide grin and had an unmistakable glow about her. Adelia quickly stepped aside and curtsied as was proper.

To her surprise, the noble lady paused. She leaned in close, and whispered, “Leave your reservations and modesty outside this door, and you will find joy the likes of which you have never imagined, Lady Merryweather.” She punctuated it with a surprisingly girlish giggle before continuing on her way.

Adelia took one last, surreptitious glance over her shoulder at the retreating noblewoman, and then continued on her way, contemplating the odd and unexpected encounter. A rap on the knocker summoned a woman who opened the door and gestured for her to follow.

A balding man sat behind a desk, scribbling away with a quill. He looked up from his work as she entered.

“Ah, Lady Merryweather. Right on time.” He rose from his seat, gave a bow of his head, and smiled as he said, “If you will come with me?”

Caught off-guard a second time by his unexpectedly affable disposition, she nodded.

“Very good. We’ll have you in fine spirits in no time. This way,” he said.

He opened a door near his desk, and she followed him down the hallway beyond. As she walked, she felt something was amiss. After a few steps, she had a sense of their footfalls sounding distant – muffled. The muted quality of the sound caused her to shiver. It was unnatural.

At the end of a hall, he opened a door that was at least three times as thick as she would have expected. An odd whirring sound emerged from the open portal.

“Please,” he said, gesturing toward the room.

A chill raced up her spine as she approached. The whole situation was disconcerting. Upon reaching the portal, she was shocked to see a woman inside wearing a man’s suit – though tailored in such a way that there was no mistaking her femininity.

“I will leave you in Dr. Allen’s capable hands,” the man said.

Adelia stepped into the room, as it was the polite and proper thing to do, but she found herself staring at the woman therein with a profound lack of decorum. She jumped and let out a little yelp of surprise when the heavy door closed behind her, and the whirring sound seemed to echo back from the walls at an alarming volume.

“Please, have a seat,” the woman said and gestured toward a comfortable-looking couch. “There’s no need to be alarmed. I’m Dr. Allen. Your husband has sent you here to be treated for hysteria, correct?”

“I... Yes,” Adelia responded as she moved to the couch and sat down.

“I know. You find my clothing disconcerting, and my claim to the title doctor almost absurd. That’s quite normal. I take no offense. I assure you that I am indeed a physician, and I would dare say a great deal more learned and skilled than most of the foolish men calling themselves doctors.”

Adelia raised a hand to her mouth to stifle a chuckle. The strange doctor’s easy demeanor and outspokenness were shocking, but it tickled her nevertheless.

Dr. Allen offered a beaming smile. “Now, before we move on to this ridiculous notion of hysteria, do you have any genuine ailments I could ease for you? Please, speak freely. We’re both women here, so there’s no need to be ashamed of anything. I’m rather well versed in treating the common ailments we women suffer.”

Adelia answered, “I... No, I’m in rather fine health.”

“Cramps during your menses?” the doctor asked.

Adelia blushed. “Well, yes. But...”

“That’s simply your burden to stoically and silently bear as a woman?” The doctor rolled her eyes. “Nonsense. I’ll provide you with a draught that will ease them and the other inconveniences of your cycle before you go. Please, it is my sincerest desire to see you well and content. Your husband is paying handsomely for your treatment. Speak of anything that troubles you.”

Adelia pursed her lips and considered it. She was truly in fine health, and couldn’t recall any complaints.

“Nothing then?” the doctor asked.

Adelia shook her head. “Nothing comes to mind.”

The doctor clapped her hands and smiled. “Well then, on to the ridiculous reason for your visit. If I may speculate? Your husband has become a rather aloof bore who pays you little mind, and has even less care for your satisfaction in the bedchamber? Your attempts to assert that you are a person, worthy of consideration, are rebuffed as though something is wrong with you? Might that describe what truly ails you?”

Adelia’s ears and face burned, and she sucked in a gasp. The doctor was correct – of course – but to say so openly with an apparent lack of shame was still shocking.

Dr. Allen chuckled. “No need to speak. Just nod if I’m correct.”

Though her face was still on fire, Adelia nodded.

“Not a difficult diagnosis. Every woman who has been sent here has virtually the same story. While there is little I can do about your husband’s boorish ignorance beyond the advice to persevere in subtly asserting your humanity, I have just the thing to assuage other needs. If you will come with me?”

“W-what do you mean?” Adelia asked.

“It will be far easier to show you than explain. No less than Lady Chapman herself swears by my treatment. I assure you that if you can overcome an aversion to impropriety, you will be a new woman with a bright outlook on life before you leave me this day.”

The doctor held out her hand, and Adelia sheepishly took it. The doctor helped her rise and held onto her trembling hand to lead her toward a door on one side of the room. It was of the same thick construction as the previous door, and the humming sound once again grew louder when the doctor opened it.

When Adelia stepped onto the floor of the room, she deduced that the sound was coming from below. She could feel a faint vibration rising from the floorboards as they crossed them. Dr. Allen released Adelia’s hand in order to open some curtains with a flourish.

Some things within the small room were commonplace and obvious. There was a dress form, a rack for shoes, and a chest of drawers. On top of the chest were a pitcher and a cup. Off to one side was a pail filled with clean water. Hanging from its handle were two clean linen cloths.

What was in the center of the room – and its focal point – left Adelia baffled. It was a wooden riser of some kind, topped with a leather cushion. In the center of the cushion was what looked like two smaller leather cushions that seemed to be standing on end. Right next to this was a metal box, on top of which was a black metal handle.

“It is a device of my own invention,” Dr. Allen said. “I call it the Venus Saddle. Come now. Let me help you get out of that dress.”

Adelia’s eyes widened and she asked, “My dress? Is this absolutely necessary?”

The doctor shrugged. “Not necessary, but I would certainly recommend it. I trust you’ll understand why shortly when we begin the treatment. At the very least, I’m certain you’re already feeling the heat.”

Indeed, she had noticed that this room was considerably warmer than those previous. The warmth too seemed to radiate from below.

“So, let’s make you more comfortable, shall we?” the doctor said.

Adelia took a half step back and folded her hands in front of her. “I... I...” Even as she hesitated, she remembered the cheery smile, vibrant glow, and carefree giggle of Lady Chapman – as well as her words. It gave her the strength to follow the advice and the example.

She nodded, and the doctor smiled.

First, her gloves were placed into the chest of drawers. Next, her bonnet went onto a rack. Then her shoes took their place. The doctor helped her remove her dress, and placed it lovingly on the form, so it wouldn’t rumple. Though she was growing more embarrassed with each layer of clothing she shed, she had to admit that it made the hot room more bearable.

Her petticoats followed. The doctor expertly folded them and stashed them away in the chest of drawers. She then loosened Adelia’s corset, but didn’t remove it.

“And finally, your drawers,” the doctor said.

That certainly set Adelia to blushing furiously. Having come so far, she hiked up her pink chemise far enough to yank them down. The doctor pulled open yet another drawer, and Adelia meticulously folded them, stalling for time in her shame as much as anything else.

When at last she closed the drawer, the doctor was placing a large piece of waxed linen over the top of the device in the center of the room.

“Come now. Slip your feet in here once you’re astride,” she said, gesturing toward what looked like sandals mounted to the device. “Mount up, Lady Merryweather.”

Adelia approached the saddle, but then encountered a conundrum. She had no idea how she was to straddle the device.

“Lift your chemise and mount the saddle,” the doctor instructed. “Bunching it up about your waist is the easiest. Next time, you might want to remove everything, but those who are new to the saddle typically struggle with modesty.”

Adelia was certainly struggling with her modesty as she bunched up the chemise, exposing the nest of curls between her legs. The doctor offered her a hand for balance and guided her astride the device. She then helped Adelia slip her feet into the sandals and cinched them up with two buckles each.

Adelia was very aware that the two odd, small cushions beneath the waxed linen were deliberately pressing against her sex.

“There we are. Now, let’s get started.” The doctor grasped the metal handle next to the device. “I’ll just give it a little nudge at first.”

Upon pushing the lever forward, it clicked into place. Adelia heard a hiss and a clang from below the floorboards. A second later, she sucked in a stuttering, whimpering gasp when the device came to life. The saddle vibrated beneath her, and despite herself, she groaned from the tingles of pleasure it sent arching through her body. She found herself gripping the edge of the saddle, which it seemed perfectly designed for.

“Rest assured, none will hear a thing that happens in this room. Surely, you noticed how sound doesn’t carry well here due to the thick walls and the baffling between them? You may voice your pleasure to your heart’s content. Push forward on the handle to make it stronger, pull back to give yourself relief if need be. Pull it all the way back to stop it. I’ll be just beyond the curtains if you find you need assistance.”

The words only half registered on Adelia, as she was contending with a rush of intense pleasure the likes of which she’d never imagined. The doctor exited the enclosure and pulled the curtains closed without another word.

Adelia breathed hard and had no control over the whimpers tumbling from her lips. It was more pleasure than she’d experienced in months, packed into a few seconds. Her head lolled forward, and the slight shift in weight caused the front protrusion to press even more tightly against the center of her pleasure. A wail burst from her lips.

For a few seconds, she was nearly insensible from the bliss of the saddle. Slowly, but surely, the shock wore off. Though it was still making her quiver, she at least felt in control of herself once more. She rocked in the saddle, causing the vibrations to alternate in the most delightful way. It was inevitable anyway, so she surrendered to the moans seeking escape from her.

As she rode the saddle, Adelia found her eyes drifting toward the handle next to it. The doctor had barely moved it through its range. She licked her lips as she looked at it, and then reached out. The handle moved with surprising ease and slipped into another notch.

Adelia yelped when the vibrations intensified.

A primal growl escaped her from the pulses of pleasure leaping up her spine. She clutched the handle in a white-knuckled grip with one hand and dug her fingers into the cushion with the other. On the precipice of a climax long denied, she yowled, yelped, and bucked in the saddle. Then a particularly strong jolt of pleasure caused her to lurch.

Click. Click.

Her next yelp lodged in her throat as her eyes pinched tightly closed. The vibrations from the saddle were so intense that she could feel her stiff nipples brushing against the cloth of her chemise, adding yet another dimension to her ecstasy.

She sat stiff in the saddle – her mouth wide open in a silent scream. The seconds ticked by as she remained mired in the moment of exquisite agony just before climax. She could neither escape nor tumble into the void of sparkling night that hovered in front of her closed eyes.

Finally, the tiniest movement – a twitch of her hips – released the hot knot of pressure that had built in her loins.

Adelia’s weepy wail emerged in vibrato as the device mercilessly assaulted her. She gasped and then screamed again while thrashing in the saddle. A second, and then a third orgasm claimed her before the first could even wane. On and on it went until she was utterly senseless to anything beyond the pleasure flooding her every pore.

The next thing she knew, the saddle was lifeless beneath her, and Dr. Allen was at her side, supporting her. Adelia was drenched in sweat, wheezing for breath, and yet somehow keenly aware of the rivulets of a very different wetness running down her stocking-clad legs.

It took several minutes for her to recover sufficiently for a weak, but exuberant giggle to shake her still quivering body.


Adelia felt as light as air as she strode up to the house. Her cheeks ached from the breadth of her smile. After her life-changing climax, the doctor had treated her to a long, luxurious bath. Dr. Allen had then helped her dress, fix her hair and face, and sent her on her way – but not empty-handed.

In the leather purse, she carried was a bottle of medicine to ease the discomfort of her cycle, and something that would give her ease the rest of the time. The hand-cranked clockwork device was nowhere near as powerful as the saddle, but it would certainly suffice until her next appointment.

Her husband would no doubt be pleased with her cheery disposition, and even more so with the invitation that would soon arrive to dine with Lord and Lady Chapman. No doubt he would believe that invitation was due to his courting Lord Chapman’s favor.

Little did he know, their rising fortunes stemmed from his wife joining the exclusive and advantageous Sisterhood of the Saddle.

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Head orAND Tails

Heads or....AND TailsSo....these are a few cell phone stories I had to send to a friend. When she and I were in our younger 20s, she turned me out. She showed me what sex is REALLY supposed to be like. She moved a few states away and we lost contact. She searched me out when she moved back to the area and of which, we are now in our late 40s. She was still as hot as ever and was curious to see if her student had learned anything new. Well....THIS time....I turned HER out. I showed her what sex...

3 years ago
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Whats a Mother to DO

Introduction: story of a mother with manyquestions to life and child rearing A WORD OF CAUTION TO ONE AND ALL: This and any other story submitted and published by perv4lilgrrls may, shall and will contain conversation, situations and instances which may seem offensive to none, some and/or all persons who dare endeavor to peruse said story(s). If you fall into any of the above categories, please be aware that constructive criticism is more than welcome. Those who just wish to complain, moan,...

3 years ago
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The Sexual Awakening Part 8 The Cure for What Ail

One Week Later....As I regained my strength in my room. Ben was there every day keeping me aprised of his research. "Dude!" he said bursting into my room. "Guess what I found!" he added. "What?" I asked lampooning his excitement. "I found THE Milo Rembaldi expert, his name is Dr. Michael Reyerson!" "And this helps us how?" I asked. "Because not only is he the Rembaldi expert he's also his great grandson. He was Born Milo Michael Rembaldi!" "We gotta talk to this guy, he has to have answers!" I...

4 years ago
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Heads or Tails

The nightclub was packed with revellers, all of them in high spirits, all of them dressed to impress. It was the time of night when everyone had got into the swing of things and being New Years Eve, the positive atmosphere was almost tangible. The partygoers on the dance floor seemed to be moving as one, the electric ambience charged no doubt by the mix of dub-step beats pulsing out of the speakers. Out of the array of beautiful women wearing next to nothing, it surprised him that it was her...

2 years ago
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Heads or tails

Disclaimer: in this story we explore different scenarios and settings. I will not go into anything excessive but there may be some violence or nonconsent content. I will put trigger warnings. These two themes are funny when they are just brain teasers or role-plays, but they are never funny in real life, so be good, educate yourselves on consent, and play safe

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SRU Heads or Tails

Spells R Us: "Heads And Tails" by J. John Seaver Copyright 1999 by Jason Seaver; Spells R Us itself and it associated characters belong to Bill Hunt. As always, ask before using my characters and creations for your own fiendish purposes. This story may be freely archived and distributed so long as it is left intact and this disclaimer is included. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken and Jamie left the arcade, disgusted. Not for the usual...

2 years ago
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Whats Her Price

Introduction: A website actually worked I would like to say I had a sob story, but like most people I am over dramatic about my own life. I grew up in a good home, until my parents divorced when I was in 6th grade. While my parents were both supportive and loving, I lived with my mother and missed out on a lot of Man time with my dad, so I never learned the unlimited self confidence a lot of guys have. I have seen many guys who were ugly, broke and balding still have no trouble going up to any...

3 years ago
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Whats done under the son

"Ohhh mr. Jonas!" Rayana, his new intern moaned in a voice that would make any man melt. "Please fuck me daddy!" Mr. Jonas thought that maybe for a moment he mightve been way over his head. He also kinda felt bad about the fact that he was cheating on his wife, a wonderful women who worked so hard to make their marriage work. But Rayana was so sexy she stood at 5'5 and she had ebony brown skin she had DD tits and had a round back side with nice thick legs with a clean shaved pussy....

3 years ago
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Prince of Wails

Copyright© 2003 Kenny N Gamera Prologue London Sometime in the 1830s The driver pulled over to the side of the street and brought the carriage to a stop next to the woman. She had her red hair done up in imitation of the current style among the ladies. Her pale face held two piercing green eyes. They lit up together with the smile on her red lips. The man in the carriage pulled the cord that caused the curtains to spread aside. The girl came over and looked up to his face. "What can I do ya...

4 years ago
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Grappling With SurvivalChapter 13 For Whom the Siren Wails

"OK, an important notice to anyone listening. We're striking out; searching for supplies or anyone we can meet. If anyone is in the region, we'll be in Harrisonburg, Virginia tomorrow morning, and we'll try to be in Charlottesville the next day. If you can pick up this broadcast and are close by, we'd be glad to meet you. Just be careful how you approach us, as we're likely to be a bit gun-shy. We've survived a lot of craziness before the big die-off, so don't startle us. We'll try...

2 years ago
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Long distance emails

Long distance relationships don’t always offer immediate gratification, but sometimes the delayed satisfaction can build desire. Here’s a little real-life communication that proves distance doesn’t dispel desire. I met this guy online, and we immediately ‘clicked’. He lived in another state, very far from me. We started communicating by email leaving no questions unanswered. It seemed the perfect match. We finally met in person and the meeting exceeded both of our expectations. Not only were...

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Long distance emails

Long distance relationships don’t always offer immediate gratification, but sometimes the delayed satisfaction can build desire. Here’s a little real-life communication that proves distance doesn’t dispel desire. I met this guy online, and we immediately ‘clicked’. He lived in another state, very far from me. We started communicating by email leaving no questions unanswered. It seemed the perfect match. We finally met in person and the meeting exceeded both of our expectations. Not only were...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Serendipity Sails

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Ever wonder how much cocksucking and fucking went on during those long ocean voyages back in those days? I’m sure men were just as horny then as now.Horny men confined in close quarters for long periods. There had to be a lot of cum spilled. With no women available, a warm wet mouth and/or tight arse would have to do. Don’t you think? I would.This could have happened.The Serendipity sailed out of Plymouth, England one fine Spring day in the year 1759 with...

2 years ago
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Dirt Under My Fingernails

"Send me too the edge with your lust and let me touch you in your womanly place". That is all the homeless man kept on saying to the ladies' passing by as he laid on the sidewalk almost blocking passage for the people walking by. This one lady turned and muttered to the homeless man, " I wouldn't let you touch the dirt under my fingernails. And to the dismay of this lady, he replied, I wouldn't touch the dirt under your fingernails either, for it may not be dirt but something else entirely. The...

4 years ago
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Vatsyayana Kama Sutra Part 2 Chapter 4 Sexual union by Pressing or Marking or Scratching with the Nails

Another example of the forms of intimacy discussed in the Kamasutra includes chumbanas (kissing). The text presents twenty-six forms of kisses, ranging from those appropriate for showing respect and affection, to those during foreplay and sex. Vatsyayana also mentions variations in kissing cultures in different parts of ancient India. The best kiss for an intimate partner, according to kamasutra, is one that is based on the awareness of the avastha (the emotional state of one's partner) when...

3 years ago
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OMG IX The Nails

Pansy Pumpscock was sitting in front of a table with her arms outstretched having her nails done. Pansy didn't know how she got there, but she did know that she needed to keep her arms outstretched and that she also needed to make men cum. Sitting across from her was Heather Handjob. Pansy knew this because on the wall was a placard with Heather's picture making an extremely hot kissy face, her mouth painted bright Cocksucker red. Round full lips open in an obscene O and painted...

4 years ago
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Sex off the rails

It was 9 p.m., Tuesday, the 22nd of June in Sacramento, California. Here, there's a married couple, with four delightful children. Albeit, they were not her kids, but the children of her husband's widow. The couple, their names being Bailey and Roman, were reasonably happy as a couple in their mid-thirties could be. Bailey, a thoroughly perfect wife in her physique, a statuesque blonde of five-foot-eight, was the dream girl of any man in his right mind. She weighed only 150 pounds, with long,...

Straight Sex
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Kinky lesbian love on the rails

Once travelling in an international train, I was seated next two lovely looking young ladies. They sat at the window and eyed each other. Sometimes by that window - it was already dark outside - and a few times they looked for each others eyes directly.The one next to me was dressed formally, like a British business bitch.A beauty of a bitch, in my humble opinion. But I had a better sight at the beauties of the elegantly dressed lady across my seat. A cute petite brunette. Short hair. Green...

2 years ago
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Nailed on the Rails

I saw him every day on the subway. He was tall, dark, and sexy as fuck. But, while I consider myself reasonably attractive, I doubted very much he even noticed me. A tall man like that doesn’t see a woman who barely tops five feet, even with long red hair.Then one day, he wasn’t in his usual spot. I was disappointed, silly as it was, as I had convinced myself that this would be the day that I got brave enough to say hi.Suddenly I felt someone’s hot breath on the back of my neck. I froze until a...

Quickie Sex
3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 297 Hijacked on the Rails

We stopped, and I didn’t even notice. I found something to put on and went up to the observation car to check out where we stopped. As I looked around, I saw Kirsten turn and look right at me. Eva and Gabby were fighting to keep her from running back to the train. I also saw the girl who woke up in my arms. She saw me, waved, and then signed that she was sorry we didn’t get to screw. She wanted to do it with me because of my amazing body, but all the other school groups on the train found...

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Tenchi Muyo All Good ThingsChapter 42 When all else fails

Ayeka surveyed the results of her efforts critically, any error was unthinkable as she could receive no second chance. Having expertly accented her eye's using a thicker darker liner than her usual, she had also lengthened her already lustrous lashes. A subtle appliance of turquoise to her lids as well. Making her eyes appear larger, more luminescent. Blush was therefore understated, barely notable as no less than seven distinct shades of skillfully blended red now enhanced her lips, giving...

1 year ago
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Sister Moves In With Older Brother When Her Marriage Fails

My current relationship with my sister first when my sister came to stay with me after she left her husband. Jacquee, a beautiful girl; about 5’6 and about 135 pounds with beautiful brown hair and the most aluring senseous brown eyes ever issued to a woman. She had been living with me a couple of months and had got to know each other quite well again. Jacquee had taken over the household chores while I was busy working. On weekends we would plan a night out together or spent weekdays working...

2 years ago
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Whatsapp fun

Last night, (Saturday) with me showing MrsC the stories I had put on here she changed, I thought I was in trouble for putting our fun into words but she liked it, we do not know where Tony is we didn't get his number (like fools) we the best friend fro the first one is still on the scene in a way, only because of the power of the internet we found him again, well MrsC started to ask questions about him when I said I had spoken to him, questions like how is he?, where is he now? Is he married"...

4 years ago
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Whatsapp Sexting With The Arabic Girl

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello, readers, I am JACK (name changed) am a very big fan of Indian Sex Stories we can read awesome stories here but I don’t think no one posted sexting ever well. I am a social freak and I regularly do sexting with random people. I am posting this conversation because Emma (girl name in the sex story) likes it. So, I am gonna share my sexting with you all. Please ignore spelling mistakes and grammar thing because it’s what’s...

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Whatsapp To What A Fuck

Hello everyone this is Samar from Punjab currently living in Chandigarh. I am a regular reader of ISS from many past years. Finally time to post my own story after reading thousands of stories from ISS please forgive my mistakes. I am a good looking (maybeJ) 5’11” and have athletic body 6”+ dick can satisfy a woman. I have many encounters prior to this with my girlfriends but the girl in this story was my best sex partner till date. Her name is Sonal (name changed). Her stats are 34-27-36. The...

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Perfect Nails

Perfect Nails By Kelly Blake Edited and proofread by Andrea Lena DiMaggio, Alison Mary and Belle Meade My Reunion... I stared into the mirror of my vanity and started applying the third coat of mascara to my lashes. 'I have to be out of my fucking mind', I thought to myself. Whatever processed me to agree to attend a tenth high school reunion? Really! Anyone I wanted to see I still saw; all two of them. I really didn't want to know who got married and who gave birth and...

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After cocktails

It was hot, that night in Bermuda, but no-one was thinking of the war. Everyone at the cocktail party was drinking instead of eating, and whether from shame that they were dodging their duty, or fear that they would soon be back in the thick of the fighting, they were determinedly jolly. Finally, the last guest left, so that their hosts could retire to bed. The ceiling fans whirred as they undressed: she, her designer dress; he, his white tuxedo. In bed, she looked at him. "David,...

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Three Ladies And Their Caribbean Cocktails

It was a vacation of firsts for me—my first blackberry tequila, my first crab and callaloo, my first Creole cock.The three of us had met these well-endowed cockerels at the restaurant of the resort we were staying at. Marcus was a waiter. He had two friends. My girlfriend Darcy was the negotiator.I wasn’t fucking any of them, I told them, despite what the tequila was telling me to do.“Well, we’re not a trio of dainty ladies in Victorian-style dresses and white gloves having tea,” Darcy reasoned...

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Over the Hills and Faraway Book 5 Paying the PiperChapter 13 Cock Ups and Cocktails

Ms. Suzannah Weston and I crossed swords again a little over a month after I joined MilSys. Progress of new starters was monitored by their respective Project Leader, so one morning, when John Rudry told me to report to Ms. Suzannah Weston, and knowing my file had been sent to her office, I assumed she wanted to check my work. I could face scrutiny from my Project Leader with quiet confidence; John was impressed with my work, having two of the test programs completed, and being well into the...

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