Coffee, Tea, Or Me? Chapter 23 free porn video

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Murmured voices in the background and a faint beeping noise awoke me. My eyes felt heavy and crusty, and as they started to open a little, I winced in pain from the light. A few more attempts and I was able to blink them open. My mouth felt dry, and I definitely had a headache, as well as other new pains. There was a ceiling above me, and I could just make out tracks and wire runs like you see in hospitals. An indistinct head shape popped into my field of view, and I heard someone say, as if off in the distance "oh, you're awake, let me go get the on call" I tried to move my head to get a better look, but my muscles felt weak and protested. I appeared to have some sort of tubes restricting my motion as well. In other circumstances, I would have panicked, but I think I fell back asleep for a while. When I next woke up, my sight was much clearer. I still felt pain in various areas, but now I could definitely see I was in a hospital room. I was hooked to various monitors, several IV bags ran into my arms. Another couple seemed to be going up towards my nose. I could see flowers on a counter nearby. Some of them looked a bit old and wilted. There was no one else in the room. A few moments later, a nurse and a white lab coated doctor walked in. The nurse started looking at the various vital sign indicators and checking equipment. The Doctor spoke. "Well, hello there! You gave us all a bit of a scare. I'm Dr. Sandberg, and you are in the Saint JoAnn's Hospital recovery ward. I'm afraid you took a pretty bad injury, and I'm sure you have questions. Your friend Claire went home to get some sleep, poor dear nearly worried herself to death wondering when you were going to wake up. We'll let her know you are up and around just as soon as you and I are done here." He paused to log into a hospital computer and pull up my chart. "Now it says here that your given name is Elliot Chathem, but your friend Claire says you go by Elizabeth these days, what would you prefer we call you?" He enquired. "Elizabeth is fine, thank you. May I have some water?" I managed after a few halting attempts. "Elizabeth it is. Nice to meet you, and yes you can certainly have some water." The doctor replied. The Nurse brought me some water and continued with her tasks. Dr. Sandberg continued "Well, it looks here like your labs came back good, and you seem to be much stronger than you were, so I think you are ready to hear what happened." He stated, looking at me questioningly. I nodded. He sat down in a nearby chair. "Elizabeth, you were attacked in front of your shop. The police said it was allegedly an ex-employee of yours with a grudge. I don't have much details on their investigation, an officer will be by a little while later to take your statement and give you those details. But what I do know is that you were hit in the back of the head by a very solid blunt object, which mercifully caused you to black out. You collapsed afterwards, and received quite a severe round of kicks to your rib cage before your friend Claire was able to Bear spray your attacker and drive him off. She wasn't harmed during the attack at all though" He quickly added the last bit, as he saw I was starting to get very alarmed. "Good." I said "She is very special to me." I finished in a near whisper. Dr. Sandberg nodded. "So, the long and short of it is you have been in a coma for about 4 weeks. Your rib cage was cracked on both sides very badly, and we had to operate to remove some powdered fragments that punctured your spleen. You also had a minor brain bleed, so we kept you in a medically induced coma to heal for a couple of weeks. We stitched you back up, put a compression cast on you, and then tried to bring you back out of the coma, but you must have needed the sleep because you've been out of it until today. "Your friend... Girlfriend?" he asked. I nodded and he checked a box on the medical records for "significant other" and continued "Your Girlfriend wouldn't leave your side for the first week. We eventually had to send her home, but she wasn't going to leave your side otherwise. I promised I would let you know as soon as you woke up, and the duty nurse is calling her right now, so Claire should be here soon." he paused again, looking at the chart. "So, it looks like treatment went pretty well, your ribs are going to be a bit different than you remember, but the bones have started to knit pretty well so you should be up and around at the end of the week. You may find you still have some headaches as your skull bone also had a small crack in it. Also, the smoke inhalation damage seems to be..." "Smoke Inhalation???" I interrupted. "Ah, yes, it seems that there was a fire and you couldn't be moved right away due to the head trauma. The good news is it caused only minimal difficulties and is completely healed. We plan on keeping you for a couple days for observation, but we'll have you back home as soon as we can!" he finished. He said his goodbyes and headed off to see his next patient. The nurse stuck around to help remove what was apparently a feeding tube from down my nose. That was a uniquely unpleasant experience I hope never to feel again. She explained there was also some residual nerve damage to my swallow reflex triggers, so I would need to be a bit more careful when eating fish bones or the like, as I might not gag nearly as easily as before. Even then, my mind idly daydreamed what other things might not trigger such a reflex as much as before. But I was a good patient. I finally got a look at myself. My hair was understandably matted and my natural color was showing at the top. Without makeup my face looked pale and a bit worn, like all hospital patients who just exited a coma do. I had a large compression cast around my ribcage. My boobs looked slightly bigger as well. I later found out they had continued my medication while I was asleep, and intravenous estrogen in the main feed was I guess quite good for my figure. I noticed that my skin and face seemed a little softer somehow. Exploring, I noticed most of my upper body piercings had been replaced with plastic temporary studs. They explained it was necessary for the MRI and other scans I had due to my head trauma. My ears in particular felt naked. The good news is most of the piercing holes appeared to have healed up during my enforced nap. The nurse left me some canned peaches and some crackers to snack on, and went on her way as well. What seemed like both an eternity and an instant passed, and suddenly I saw a flurry of motion at the room door. Claire practically flew into the room, grabbed my hand and kissed me gently on the cheek. We both started crying for some reason, just so happy to see one another. After a time, we calmed back down, and she filled me in on the rest of the story. My former employee, Chad allegedly had gotten drunk that evening, decided that I somehow fired him even though he quit and I paid him severance pay, and decided that I needed to pay for the transgression of existing. He had drunkenly driven a suspiciously nice Mercedes down to my little shop, crashed it into the back dock entryway, busted the door down, and was proceeding to wreck the place and start a fire when he heard us pull up front. He then ironically grabbed one of the entryway fire extinguishers and whacked me upside the head with it, before curb stomping my rib cage as I lay on the ground while Claire was grabbing the Bear mace she always kept in her purse. I was so proud of her for incapacitating him. She was very down on herself though for not having been quick enough to stop him from injuring me, and that I got hurt because of her fantasy. I put a stop to that right away. "Look, Chad was an asshole, and he was going to do something like that to somebody anyways. I want this as much as you do now. It was never your fault, and it never will be. You saved me. you saved my life that night, and I love you for that as well as all that you are." I pulled her down and kissed her. "Claire, you are my world. This, this is nothing compared to the thought of you feeling any pain or unhappiness in life." I would have continued then, but I tried to hug her and winced as my ribs let me know in no uncertain terms that I wasn't quite ready for that motion yet. The look of relief and joy in her eyes let me know that I had said enough though. We settled in for our little stay in the worst hotel known to mankind. To be fair, it was actually pretty nice for a hospital, and the staff was friendly, and the food was even pretty good. I later found out I had lost about 20 pounds from my all-liquid diet, so I think they were trying to put some meat back on my bones. The police detective in charge of the case stopped by later that afternoon. They were able to salvage the footage from my internet backed security camera system (Hooray for the cloud!) and had a pretty open and shut case against one Mr. Chad Stockton, who was being held without bail. Claire was briefly nonplussed at the mention of his last name. "Wait, like THE Stockton Stocktons?" she asked. The detective nodded. I looked confused. The whole story generally was that Chad is the black sheep of the Stockton family, and said family is basically to the area like the Kennedys are to Washington DC. The detective then dropped a bit of an unexpected twist. "So, this is a bit unusual, but Roger Stockton, the Grandfather to one Chad Stockton and owner of the Granite Bend mall amongst other things, has requested a meeting with you and your lawyer to offer you a pre-emptive settlement for the civil suit you will most certainly win should you choose to bring it. He asked me to tell you that they find Chad's actions to be a reprehensible hate crime, they wish to fully cover any legal fees you may incur, and to quote him directly 'We will make this right as it can be. Any way we can'. He also asked me to make sure you have a list of the best lawyers in town if you don't already have one." He handed me a piece of paper with some names and numbers on it. I took it, and he continued. "I've known Roger for 20 years, he's the exact opposite of his asshole grandson, and he's been the top donor to the police Widows charity association for as long as I've been on the force, so I feel you can take him at his word. he also said to tell you that if you agree to meet him you are welcome to a police presence if you like, as well as anyone else you wish to have present." I told him I would consider it, and he handed me another business card. After he left, I asked Claire what she thought. She looked uncertain for a moment. "well, I've always heard good things about most of the Stockton family, and they do a ton of charity work in the area, but there have been rumors about a black streak as well. I don't know, but I think if it were me, I would want to hear him out at least." I squeezed her hand. "it is you, or rather, it's us, and I was thinking along the same lines. Ok, let's set it up and see where it goes." Claire recognized 2 of the lawyers on the list as being ones that helped her set up her Cafe, so we gave them both a call. One of them was out of the country, but the other, a Miss Lisa Trent, was willing and able to go on retainer. We set a date for a meeting with Roger Stockton at her office for later in the week, assuming they sprang me from the hospital by then. As it turned out, I was there for only 2 more days. I was feeling much better by then, and was starting to quite frankly bounce off the walls by the time they showed up to remove the compression cast from my ribcage. I got my first look after they pulled the two shells away. In his drunken fury, Chad may have inadvertently done me a very painful favor, because I now had a much more tapered ribcage area from the bone fragments they had to remove. I ended up with two small scars on my lower back as well. They quickly replaced the compression cast with a "medical support girdle" which is a fancy way of saying "ugly Velcro covered corset that might have doubled for half a bullet proof vest" in medical speak. I was given strict instructions on activity limits and a couple of prescriptions, and then off we went. We headed back to Claire's place, because at this point, I didn't technically have a place. After a more days of resting, we decided that I was strong enough to have a bit of a field trip to see the scene of the crime. Claire had gone shopping to replace some of my lost things, and I was soon looking much more like my new old self, aside from the "might as well be half a bullet proof vest" corset thing I was still stuck wearing. We were even able to get all of my removed piercings back in place. The building was a total loss. I could see melted metal lumps of once mighty machine tools scattered about. I noted with some satisfaction the burnt-out carcass of a very expensive Mercedes next to my own slightly destroyed ford focus. A few of the cinder block wall pieces were left around the perimeter to hold the police caution tape up, but basically everything from my life that was in that building was gone. I had offsite backups for my business records and files, but I was definitely out of business for the time being. I was going to miss some of the knick-knacks and trinkets I had made or collected over the years, but at least I still had Claire by my side. She put her arm around me and rested her head on my shoulder as I surveyed the devastation. The Cafe wasn't completely unscathed either. The fire had burned hot enough that the paint on the closest exterior wall was a bit blistered. Claire already had a local paint company out to assess the damage, and it all looked repairable though. We decided to head inside and get something warm to drink. Cheryl basically repeated the scene when Claire first saw me awake in the hospital. Tears were shed by all, and she was very happy to see I was alive and mobile. I seemed to be crying much more these days for some reason, and feeling emotions in general much easier. It was both scary and thrilling at the same time. We stopped briefly to get my hair extensions adjusted and my hair re- dyed. I got a lecture on smoke damage to split ends, but it was only a mild one as it really wasn't my fault. We also stopped to shop for a more formal dress for the lawyer meeting that was scheduled for the next day. That night, sleep came fitfully as I replayed the scenes of destruction over in my mind. So much built in so little time, but all wiped away. I hugged a sleeping Claire next to me tighter to me, and resolved to make sure she would never have to lose me. The next day both Claire and I found ourselves in the main conference room of Trent and associates. An air of success and rich wood paneling throughout the office made me feel good about my choice of lawyer. Lisa soon joined us. She was fairly short, but was well put together with a professional lawyer facade that made Ally Mcbeal look like a rank amateur. She had a very brisk and businesslike attitude, and we soon found ourselves battling a wave of never-ending paperwork. ? Alright, Miss Chathem, our records show here that you are currently undergoing a gender transition. The court documents will go easier if we don't need to keep referencing an Alias, so I have here a change of name form, as well as the documents necessary to change over your license, passport and any other open or outstanding accounts. Please sign wherever indicated by the sticky note with the red arrow.? She handed me a half inch thick stack of papers. I worked my way through them, Claire holding my arm as I consigned Elliot to history. Lisa took the completed stack of papers from me and filed it away. ?As to our upcoming meeting with Mr. Stockton, I have the following initial documents for you to review.? she handed me a much smaller stack of papers. Lisa continued. ?Mr. Stockton has signed a contract stating that regardless of the outcome of this morning's meeting with him, he will pay all of your court costs and legal fees stemming from the attack by his grandson on yourself and Claire, and will further keep us on retainer for a period of 1 year from today for any other legal matters you may require. He stresses that this is just an initial gesture, and that by accepting in no way obligates you to make any decisions beyond hearing him out today, and no decisions you make later today will impact that payment structure. If you sign that paper, our services are paid for at least 1 year and we are at your disposal.? I looked at the short form on top. It listed a billing rate that would have been downright unattainable for me otherwise. Claire's eyes bulged as she read the same figure. We nodded at each other, and I signed the paperwork. Lisa smiled, then nodded. She gestured to an assistant outside the glass door of the conference room, and they brought us some light refreshments. The coffee wasn't anywhere near as good as Claire's though. We waited the brief time before the meeting with Roger by making small talk with Lisa. It turns out that she was a pro-bono lawyer on the side for various local groups, including a local LGBTQ teen support group. Claire gave Lisa some pointers on her coffee game, and we had a nice enough wait, but you could feel some tension in the air. A few minutes later, another assistant stepped into the room to whisper to Lisa, and she disappeared briefly only to return with a slightly older man who soon indeed turned out to be Roger Stockton. I looked him over as he entered the room. Picture a kindly looking Santa clause like figure, but one whose normally bright features were weighed down by the weight of the entire world. He nodded at us, and at Lisa, then took a seat at the table. Here clearly was a man used to being in charge, with teams of people at his command, yet he sat alone. He seemed to be wrestling with how to begin. After a few minutes, he spoke. ?Miss Chathem, Miss Deveraux, Lisa, thank you for agreeing to meet with me today.? He paused a moment, then continued. ?It, it has recently come to light that my Grandson is more of a bigoted monster then we ever knew. The family, we... I... covered for him far too many times growing up. I thought I saw the memory of my son in him, and that thought blinded me to things I should have seen. That I did see, and didn't do anything about. What happened to you is just as much my fault as it was his reprehensible actions.? he shivered, then went on. ?I've seen the crime report, I drove by your burned-out shop on the way here. Let me be perfectly clear; I and my family owe you a debt for your loss and pain, and it is one that I cannot repay in full. I want you to know this, as I at least make the attempt.? He looked down at the table, as if afraid to meet my gaze. My heart broke for him just a little. Roger steeled his resolve and looked up again as he continued. ?First, I will guarantee that regardless of the outcome of the pending criminal trial Chad will never be able to hurt you again. He will plead guilty. If he is ever released, and with an attempted murder charge to deal with that may not be likely, he has signed a power of attorney agreement giving me or my heirs control of his significantly diminished trust fund and movement. He will live out his days if ever released on a quiet, isolated island far from here under constant monitoring.? He paused. ?And yes, that is better than he deserves for what he has done, and not just to you. But he is family.? He shrugged. I felt conflicted about that. Claire looked ready to come across the table at him. I held her hand under the table and gave it a squeeze. Roger continued. ?Second, the bulk of Chads remaining trust fund has been converted to donations to charitable organizations that help the people he has hurt. A significant donation was made in your name using that money to fund all LGBTQ programs in the area for at least the next 5 years for example. I hope that can do some good to offset the harm.? He paused to slide a tax form across the table to Lisa. ?The details for tax purposes.? Lisa nodded. Roger continued. ?Third, unless you object, I have instructed your insurance company to bill our family directly for any and all damages covered under your medical or property claims, using the highest value of their estimate range, and ensuring you are not dinged on your insurance record for a paid claim? He slid another paper across. ?And finally, I have asked my own lawyers to research damage awards for hate crimes over the past 20 years, looking for the highest awarded value for a crime similar to this one. I can tell you they found a sickening number of them.? He shook a bit at the memory of the details, then continued once more. ? I then instructed them to take the number of that value, add 20% to it, and draw up a simple contract. I have it here, but it basically states that in return for not suing Stockton Enterprises, Chad Stockton, or any other member of my family specifically for any events that occurred during the 24-hour period during which you were assaulted, and for agreeing not to talk to the media, write a book, or otherwise make efforts to publicize the event on your own behalf, you will receive the listed figure. I'm sorry about those restrictions, but I have to protect the rest of my family and the people who work for me. If Stockton Enterprises goes under due to negative press, a few thousand people would be out of work.? He slid another piece of paper over to Lisa. She glanced at one page contract. Her eyebrows definitely raised. She slid all three papers over to me and spoke. ?as your attorney, I advise it is in your best interests to sign these documents with no alterations?. Claire and I looked at the documents. We looked at the number. There were a lot of zeros there. We looked at each other, nodded once more, and I signed the form. I looked at Roger. He seemed both visibly relieved to have that portion of his ordeal over, and somewhat deflated at the same time. I stood up, walked around the table and gave him a quick hug, then sat back down by Claire. He looked confused at my reaction. I spoke ?Sir, you've done more to make this right than anyone else would have, and be very clear and honest with yourself, you didn't do this, Chad did. Millions of children grow up with distracted parents or guardians and make a choice not to attack people with their own fire extinguishers then burn their building down all on their own. You can be responsible for you, and try to guide them as best you can, and hope for the best. I for one respect what you have done here today to make this right, and while I don't think I can forgive Chad for what he did yet, if ever, I certainly forgive you for any part you feel you may have played in those events, and I understand what it is to want to protect people that are precious to you and what you have built. ? I looked at Claire and smiled. She blushed a little. Roger looked visibly relieved ?Thank you, that was more than I dared hope for. I am grateful you are still here so our family can have this chance to atone.? he reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card case. ?Here. I suspect you won't need it, but if you ever have a need, you can reach me at this number.? Roger continued. he then shook our hands, nodded to Lisa, and headed out the door. Lisa looked somewhat shocked; her Lawyer composure broken. ?I have never, in my entire legal career, ever, heard of something like that happening.? She looked dumbfounded. She quickly recovered though. ?If you will be so kind as to provide the details for where you would like the funds wire transferred, they will be available for your use in about 5 days after they clear the bank transfer waiting period. I also have a list of fiduciaries in the area with no known legal judgments against them and some recommended investments for tax and legal purposes that I will send for your review.? she finished. We said our goodbyes, and then headed out to Claire's car. ?Wow, that was intense!? I said in the understatement of the year as we both sat down. ?But more importantly, how did I not know your last name was Deveraux?? I asked, teasingly. Claire blushed again. ?It's a very pretty name. Who knows, I could see being an Elizabeth Deveraux someday. It has a nice lilt to it!? She laughed. How I love that sound. We spent the rest of the drive home thinking up increasingly improbable things we should buy with our newfound fortune. I already had some ideas of my own though too. The next few weeks were a pain. I was still recovering and fairly fragile, so bedtime fun times were still off limits for the most part. True to Lisa's word, I found myself in possession of a ridiculous amount of money. I made a few online purchases, and a few trips into town to get some essentials. We stopped at the Tesla dealership and I acquired a replacement car. Those roadsters are a hoot! We also swung by the Cafe. My former building lot had been cleared of debris, and I wasn't planning on rebuilding right away, so I officially sold the lot to Claire for the princessly sum of $1 dollar. While she was out looking at the possibilities, I snuck back into the Coffee shop and found Cheryl at the counter. ?Agent Cheryl, I have an impossible mission for you, do you accept!? I said, in my best dramatic movie voice. She laughed, then nodded. I whispered my secret mission parameters in her ear. Her eyes got really big and shiny, then she grinned and nodded. ?You can count on me Sir! Er, Ma'am? she replied with a snappy salute. Phase one of my plan was underway. I walked back outside to Claire debating a few of the regulars as to whether a larger seating area would be better than a built in Ice Cream bar. She seemed happy to be planning for the future of her Cafe. I hugged her to my waist with one hand and offered my own suggestions. The outdoor animatronic mini golf course / laser tag range was firmly vetoed. It felt good to be past the bad times, and to be able to laugh once again without hurting. I was feeling surprisingly good actually, and found my mind wandering into erotic daydream category. This was the longest I've ever been without some sort of release since I was a curious kid. I resolved to get Claire home and horizontal as soon as possible. Eventually the day turned to evening and we headed back. I was fidgeting in my seat all the way home, a slow erection building in my panties as I thought about my plans for the next few hours. As we walked in the door, I nibbled on Claire's ear and whispered ?lay a towel on the bed and lay yourself naked face down on it, I'll be in with a surprise I think you will love.? she shivered and kissed me on the lips, our tongue studs mingling for a moment. I shivered too. I went to the kitchen and warmed up a small container of scented mineral oil, then headed to the bathroom to touch up and accent my makeup for an extra sexy look. Or tried to at least. I was getting better at it, but eyes are hard! That wasn't the only thing that was hard though. This wasn't about me though, not yet, I wanted to thank Claire for being there for me while I was out of commission. Claire lay on the bed, naked as could be, a freshly removed plug sitting on her nightstand. I missed my own plug. Soon though. She was radiant, her red and green hair splayed out on the bed like a fan, framing her perfect face as she looked at me curiously. I said in my sexiest voice ?have you ever heard of a hot oil massage??. Claire squealed. I lost all of my clothes except my short skirt and panties, and liberally coated my hands in the still warm oil. the smell of sandalwood and cherries filled the air. I knelt beside her. I started with her feet, massaging every single toe, then the foot and sole, working my way further up towards her heart shaped ass. I paused to kiss strategic exposed skin as I worked. First one leg, then the other. I dragged a painted finger lazily around the curve of her exposed cheek, and then deftly up her luscious crack in a teasing manner, She moaned and squirmed, eager for more. ?Tsk Tsk, not yet!? I said, teasingly. I repeated my experiment from her legs on her arms, eventually working my way up to her shoulders and deeply working her lower back. ?Did I ever tell you I spent a summer as a massage therapy apprentice in college?? I asked. Claire just sighed in bliss. I worked my way down to her bubble but, and started to massage her cheeks in Ernest. As I worked, I was getting more and more turned on. I got close to, but didn't yet enter her gaping rear hole. ?Turn over.? I ordered in a mock stern voice. Claire started to protest. I cut her off ?Good girls get a happy ending!? I reminded her. She quickly rolled over with a flounce. I leaned forward and kissed her quickly. She was eager for more, but I pulled away and reached for more oil. I reached for her earlobes, and gently massaged them both. She closed her eyes with a happy purr. I worked my way down her face, and her neck and front shoulders. Then I came to her perfect round and pert breasts. This stage of the massage turned distinctly unprofessional as I worked the warm oil deep into her breasts and nipples, rotating her nipple rings slowly. ?So, if I were to get larger breasts of my own, what would you like to see? I asked, trying for a seductive purr of my own. Clair made a half moan, and said ?bigger, big like mine. I would love that. I love you. Oh, that feels amazing. I took the time to lick and suckle each nipple for a while, then continued my exploration downwards. As I neared her waist, I pulled one of my recent online purchases out from its hiding space. I lubed up the decent sized vibrating heated plug, fully charged, showed it to Claire, and then slowly worked it into her anus until it seated home with a plop. I turned the vibration on to a slow pulsing building wave, and went back to work. This was my first chance to get a good look at Claire's new larger labia rings and clit piercing. I started with the larger rings, tugging and rotating each one a little as I massaged oil into and outside her labia. Hole by hole I worked my way down all 6 on the left, then the 6 on the right. the new rings were nearly as thick as a pencil. Claire was amazingly wet by this point, and I could feel myself dripping into my own panties. Finally, I started to work on her pierced clit. I slowly rubbed oil in around her little nubbin, working in circles closer and closer to the exposed protrusion. I slowly started working my other hand in and out of her pussy, expanding and contracting my hand to match the vibrations of the toy deep in her backside. I pulled my hand out, and licked her juices off with a smile. I then positioned my face right above her moist cleft, and started to work with my pierced tongue stud. It took a while, but soon she started shaking with the throes of an involuntary orgasm. I kept up my relentless assault, Claire had her hands on my head guiding me just where to go as she moaned and squealed louder and longer. Wave after wave rolled over her until she begged for mercy. I repositioned as she lay there, panting, and traced idle circles with my nails through her hair. Eventually she spoke. ?That. Was. Amazing!? She kissed me deeply, tasting her own juices mingled with my saliva. We made out like teenagers for what seemed like bliss filled hours. Her hand moved down towards my skirt and pulled my now soaked panties down. She pulled away from our kiss, and said ?my turn, lover!? I still wasn't quite up for the more acrobatic pursuits of lovemaking, but I was certainly ready for a blowjob from my dream girl. she moved down to caress my rock-hard member, dragging her nails lightly on the surface at first, and blowing gently on the head as she played with my PA. Slowly, she lowered her head down onto my shaft and started bobbing up and down. In the far wall mirror, I could see a beautiful women going down on me, only me was also a really hot woman. I was almost as aroused these days at seeing my own reflection as I was seeing Claire, so the combination nearly blew my mind. Teenage me was way off on his fantasy material. Claire moved faster now, one hand guiding my dick and her free hand starting to probe my own hole. She stole a bit of my scented hot oil for lube with that hand, then started working more and more fingers inside, never breaking her motion. Eventually she managed to get her small hand completely up inside my rectum. I nearly came then and there, but her questing fingers found a soft round lump up inside where my prostate is, and started to also massage that. I could tell I was close. I started to moan ?Oh my gooddd. I'm going to cum!?. Upon hearing that Claire lightly pinched down on my prostate and caused a massive shot of semen to gush out into her mouth. I apparently clenched so hard I nearly crushed her hand. Claire was expecting and waiting for that though, and quickly withdrew with a mouthful of cum. She worked her way up to me and kissed me deeply, transferring my own seed from her mouth to mine as our tongues worked together. We both swallowed and licked our lips, then leaned back onto the bed, spent for the moment. I kissed her on the forehead and hugged her close, as I whispered ?thank You?. We fell asleep still sweaty and moist in the cool night air. I was in heaven. I couldn't wait to see what new adventures the morning would bring, as I drifted off to erotically charged dreams. To be continued...

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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 9 Part 1

I leaned back in my lavish office chair. There, on my computer screens was one of the most complicated, intricate and fluid shapes I have ever attempted to draw. It had taken me months to get right, and a few times I thought I was up against an impossible to solve design, but it was finally finished. Unlike most of my projects, I had been nearly constantly hard and wet during the entire process. I wasn't sure what that said about me. The 3d model of the most perfect pussy ever that...

3 years ago
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Fucking Teagan Part 2 Who says three is a crowd

I’d been replacing the hot tub filter and plumbing with a newer model and I was covered with dirt, plastic bits, and filter sand. I decided to go to the cabana and shower there, rather than drag all of the mess through the house. I had just lathered up my hair when I heard, “Need some help washing your back sailor?” I spun around and looked in the direction of the voice. Teagan was standing in the shower entrance unhooking her bra, having already stripped off her shirt and kicked off her...

2 years ago
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Fucking Teagan The Conclusion

Chapter 1: May 29, 2012 SURPRISE!!! Everyone yelled as Teagan and I walked into the house. Teagan stood in stunned silence for a moment and then started to cry as she picked her mom, Becca, out of the crowd. Becca was supposed to have left for Australia the day before, but secretly stayed behind for a couple of more days so she could attend Teagans surprise 18th birthday party. Mom, I thought you had gone back to New Zealand, I thought&hellip, Teagan sobbed in disbelief hugging her mom. No...

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Fucking Teagan Part 4

“Have you ever kissed a girl?” Skye had asked Courtney. All it took was a quick glance at Teagan and the two latched on to each other like long lost lovers. Not just any quick, smack on the lips would do for these two. No. Their shared kiss was the deep, open mouthed, passionate, kind of kiss. The kind of kiss that leaves both participants and observers breathless. “Ok, Ok that’s just not fair.” Skye whined dejectedly. “I’ve barely even kissed a guy, and you two are like,...

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Fucking Teagan Part 5

“I don’t really remember my father. What little I do recall, are more like dream fragments than actual memories. Oh, I have seen photographs, but those are stills, not memories. Dad disappeared from my life when I was barely three years old. No, he did not leave mother and me for someone else or for another more interesting life. He simply disappeared. No trace of him was ever found, other than his car. He had been hiking on the South Island. Mom says the authorities searched for...

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Fucking Teagan part 3

I lay there watching Teagan in the gathering light of dawn. The sun was not yet up, but there was enough light in the room to see her clearly. She was on her stomach. Her head and chest lying on a pillow, with her arms draped up and over the pillow, encircling her head. The covers were down around her waist; the top of her boy shorts were just visible under the thick, fluffy comforter. She was not wearing a top; her long, glossy black hair flowed in soft waves down the curve of her back. ...

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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 8

Claire’s dreams must have been very vivid that night, because I woke up to her softly moaning in her sleep, her hands pawing at her locked shut sex intermittently under the covers. We had arrived back at the hotel quite late from our adventure, my new fianc?© and I, and had gone right to bed, exhausted but fulfilled. I softly petted her breasts through the covers whenever she stirred. I was sleeping lightly myself. I was conflicted about Claire’s chastity fantasy, and what it meant ...

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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 9 Part 2

The flight over to Sweden was very long, but also very fun. We had a direct flight to Stockholm, and the first-class cabin was nearly empty, so we were free to indulge in more naughty behavior than usual between flight crew trips through the cabin. A large fluffy blanket made it fairly easy for us to take turns orally pleasuring each other periodically during the flight. Between the sexcapades of the previous week, a couple 8-hour sessions with the fucking machine we had ordered from...

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TeaShop Twinkle

Arnold Harris started using the new tea shop in the High Street around the middle of last month. It had been open a couple of months before he eventually he decided to try it out. At the quiet, unfashionable end of the long drag, he found the place inexpensive and relaxing. It was unlike any of the usual chain coffee shops jostling for customers in the prime sites close to the big stores and main car park. Most mums, loaded down with children and bulky pushchairs, eschewed its relative...

2 years ago
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Starting Work at the Tea Shopa tale of mature wm

Part II of the Tea Shop StoryI was told to call the tea shop before I arrived on my first day. Even though I had been getting unemployment for the last few months, I was still too low on cash to replace the company cell phone I lost when I was fired from my last job. To top that off, my room mate was real a dick and had spent the utility and rent money I had given him on online poker, beer and possibly some "Craig's List hook ups". I went out to find a pay phone (which is harder and harder to...

2 years ago
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The Doctorrsquos Magic Tea

Author’s Note: I hope this tale excites you. I have a deep fetish regarding female domination, and I enjoy being a toy. I enjoy exchanging explicit email and photos, too. Let's talk dirty. I’d love to know how this story affects you or what I could write for future chapters. Please email at: [email protected]. Enjoy!The Doctor’s Magic TeaBy Peter WilcumChapter 1After a year of celibacy, Roy Morris’ wife Victoria finally told him she didn’t desire him sexually anymore.Victoria is a truly...

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Tea Shop Twinkle

Arnold Harris had only been going to the new tea-shop in the High Street since the middle of last month. It had been open for only a few weeks at the time and he had been meaning to go there for a little while. It was at the quiet, unfashionable end of the long High Street drag, so it was never as busy as some of the usual chain coffee shops which jostled for customers in the prime sites near the big stores and the main car park entrances. It was not quite as expensive as those places, and it...

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The Tea Shop Strapon themed

My first attempt at writing a story.I had answered an ad on-line for a local tea shop that was hiring. "Upscale Tea Shop Needs Milk Server - discretion is a must" read the add. Why would a tea shop need discretion? - I thought... I had not really intended to work at the tea shop. I just went in to apply for the job so, I could keep receiving my unemployment that I had been getting for the last 4 months. Really, I was lucky to get unemployment at all since I had been fired after being caught...

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Tea Ladies

Tea Ladies By Michele Nylons (T minus three weeks) Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' where the quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until they are triggered by a significant event. Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings 'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he...

2 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Three Part 2 of 3

“I’m pretty sure he’ll be giving me a call.”----Bobby phoned Summer on Tuesday night. They chatted for a few minutes before he got around to the purpose of the call.“I’ve been thinking about kissing you for two days,” he said. “I’d like to do some more of that.”“Okay.”“Would you like to have dinner with me Saturday night?”“Yes, that would be nice.”“How about if I pick you up around six?”“Six is fine. But why don’t we just eat in? No driving, we can just relax. I can fix us some drinks and we...

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Voluptuous TeaStall Aunty

This is the story of a chance encounter with tea stall voluptuous aunty in the backyard tasting her pussy with her hubby making tea and my family deep slept in the car. Hi all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the story . I am a story writer with many stories published and am writing this story after a break. There was nothing horny/wild in my life to be written about. My dearest sex story...

3 years ago
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Tea Ladies

T Ladies Orgy(T minus three weeks)Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' wherethe quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until theyare triggered by a significant event.Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed thefeelings for so long...

4 years ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 12

Rose smiled, walked to answer the knock at the door announcing room service with the breakfast cart, and said, ‘Good. That’s a move in the right direction!’ They were quiet on their drive back to New Orleans and Rose had Jennifer drop her off at the Tea Room. Rose waved and smiled as Jennifer drove away, but her smile converted to a frown as she turned and entered the Tea Room. This was like nothing she had come up against before and it would take some very delicate work. She locked the door...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 05

Rose ran a Tea Room on the fringes of the Garden District, within a short distance to Storyville and the French Quarter. Both neighborhoods contributed to her business success. From mid-morning to mid-afternoon, Rose would entertain the wealthy ladies of the Garden District. Her tables were always full, partly owing to the variety of coffees and teas that Rose herself made from ancient and secretly guarded recipes, partly because of the dainty sandwiches and pastries that her cook, Queen,...

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Drinking Cum Tea

Introduction: Mila Brooks masturbates in the kitchen and her husband catches her in the act. Now he wants her to pay for it………by drinking Cum Tea. By now, Mila Brooks was long dressed and taking it easy in the lofty, plush chair. She looked mind-blowing and lovely. With no bra put on to grasp her breasts in their safe place, her extensive and vast light brown hair issued down between her shoulders so as to mask a considerable lump of her boobies. Small and slack-fitting her breasts might have...

3 years ago
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Tea Ladies

(T minus three weeks) Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' where the quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until they are triggered by a significant event. Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings 'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed the feelings for so...

2 years ago
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Indian Tea

Vera hoisted her bag with her yoga outfit over her shoulder as she walked out of the gym. She had been teaching all night. She pulled the hair tie out of her red curls and shook her head, the curls dangling over her shoulder. Yoga was suppose to be a stress relief, but teaching four classes in a row, filled with annoying people expecting her to fix all of their problems with a simple warrior pose, was just aggravating. She walked across the dark parking lot, the moon shining a faint light...

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Enjoying Tea Together

They both liked tea, especially green and flavored teas. In fact, they had been introduced several months ago by a mutual friend who owned a small shop that sold tea, coffee, sandwiches, and baked items. Both had been frequent customers of this small shopping center store but had never been there at the same time until the introduction. During their tea dates, Brenda and Ted discovered their backgrounds were similar: middle aged, professional, enjoyed traveling, and financially secure. He had...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 11 Tea Service

“Well you’re not getting it,” Maeson replied teasing her a little bit. It was a play on words, and he was still her older brother, and it was still his right to pick on his little sister at least some; which did include when his little sister was kneeling naked at his feet. However, he didn’t leave her hanging long, that would be cruel. He said that just to tweak her nose and let her know that it wasn’t going to be all grave and serious all of the time! After all, this wasn’t some movie and...

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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 9 Slaves of the Sunrise Tea Parlour

It was obvious to Bernard that while Madam Chao might have to wait until the end of the week for the participants in Florence Daniels’ programme to appear, she didn’t intend to let the occupants of the wire cages sit around contemplating their misfortunes. “Slave work hard, earn meals. No work, no meals. No work, bamboo beating. Understand?” she had snapped when the men had been taken out of their cages the next morning. English might not be her first language but she managed to make herself...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 07

I wondered what this story could possibly have to do with the Tea Room, until she continued. ‘Aameenah was already instilled in the Sultan’s harem in 1153 when Eleanor of Aquitane followed her husband Phillip, King of France, on his crusade to the Holy Land. Eleanor was a rare woman. She had money, titles and land of her own. She was bright, strong willed and even by today’s standards, Eleanor would be considered a forward thinker. She detested Phillip. He was a religious fanatic, weak and...

5 years ago
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She Made Me Tea

when i was separated from my husband i dated a boy, later moved in with him. his name isn’t important. he wasn’t either, come to think of it. we had a class together and we were both married, maybe missing out on something, or so we thought. we did a lot of lying [verbally and sexually] together, something which binds the less pure of heart. he was a sweet Jehova’s Witness boy and i was the godmother of serpents. it worked well for a while- until it didn’t. he had this wife. so pure and...

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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XVII The Tea Party

Alice paused behind one of the oak trees just as the un-birthday song stopped, her experiences in Wonderland giving her pause. The scene before her, while somewhat strange, wasn’t particularly alarming. In the middle of a clearing sat a large rectangular table covered with all manner of treats such as cakes and scones and jam, to name just a few, as well as a very large teapot and bowls for cream and sugar. No fewer than twelve chairs surrounded it, only three of which were occupied.‘He is very...

Group Sex
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The Six Star Bed and Breakfast Afternoon Tea

I finally managed to make breakfast. It was hard getting dressed. Every time I tried to put clothes on my mind would remember something that Maggie had done in the shower, and I would feel my cock twitch and then I would have to give it a little tug.  I saw only one table laid as I entered the breakfast room, so I sat down at it and looked around me. The decor was nice, clean and with a big wide window at the front of the house letting in loads of light from the early morning sun. Just behind...

Straight Sex
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Tea For Two Families Part 3

Part Three Sandy clapped his hands enthusiastically. "Oh, that was good, Mommie. You too, Miz Taylor." Beth beamed. "Why thank you, Sandy. But aren't you just a teensy bit prejudiced?" "Oh no, Mommie. Everything you do is wonderful." Beth laughed and swept him up in her arms, squeezing him tight. He had her wrapped around his little finger and she knew it. But he was so sweet, so precious, she would hate to give him up to Miss Fairland's in the fall. Beth smothered her son...

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Tea on Thursday

My world is a bit different from yours. Technology's the same; we have cell phones and computers and so forth. Men and women interact pretty much the same way, with a few major differences. One of the biggest is that BDSM is universally practiced; everyone is either a Dom/me, slave, or switch. We also have *lots* of customs, many of which I'll explain to you in due course. But for the purposes of our story right now, all you need to know is that I'm a Dom, and that at the time this story took...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 11

The next morning we continued our work and Jackson began to relay the second part to this latest story … ‘Saturday morning Rose met Jennifer at the Tea Room at 10:00 as arranged. They had a cup of breakfast tea and a scone before heading east out of town. They stopped at an antique store, a produce stand, and found a nice little café for lunch. They chatted easily and enjoyed themselves before heading to view the paintings. After close examination of six of the paintings, Jennifer...

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The Tea Ceremony

Xiu Mei stepped out of the shower, into the steamy bathroom. She spent some time massaging some perfumed body lotion into her skin before arranging her long, black hair into a bun with an ebony chopstick. Her pussy was already tingling, knowing what she was preparing herself for.  She was the daughter of traditional Chinese parents, who had emigrated to America before she was born. Her mother was respectful and deferential towards her husband, who led the family with a quiet strength. As Xiu...

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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Chapter 2 The Caterpillar the Cat and the Tea Party

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. This part of the story also contains drug use by one of the characters. This by no means shows that the author condones such practices. It is only included because it is suggested by the original Lewis Carroll story. I hope...

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Afternoon Tea

Danielle has been hard at work all day. Which sucks for her, because it's a weekend. Little nagging projects around the house like laundry, cleaning up and fixing stuff, trips to the store, all that kind of shit has her worn out and a little grumpy, especially since she got up late, ate breakfast late, and is now tired and hungry, but not wanting to eat too much because she'll want dinner at, well, dinner time. And she's pretty annoyed that she's a little sticky and sweaty from rushing about...

1 year ago
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Tea Cake or Something

“Way I see it,” he offered, “we have three options. We can either go to the coffee shop and see if any of their 1000 attempts have managed to produce a palatable cup of coffee. Go to Maccy D's and get a paper cup of tea but be unable to hear ourselves think or....” his voice trailed off. “Or?” I asked. Tea, cake or something? Hello, my name's Betty. I'm a housewife and I'll admit to being of a 'certain age'. The highlight of my day was a trip to the shops. If the weather was clement I'd walk...

2 years ago
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Tea Party 23 Error Handling

Author's notes - Thank you to everyone who reviews the first part. This part is slightly longer and feels like more exposition was necessary. I've tried to sneak in transformation scenes to maintain momentum over the last two parts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was having a dream. At least, I was pretty sure I was. I was a man again, just like I was before all the insanity started. Before a spirit living in an ancient teapot gave my six...

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Tea Party 33 Least Resistance

Author's Notes: Thanks to everyone for reading, reviewing and sticking with the story. I think in the future I'm going to try for less exposition and shorter, single part works. Enjoy and comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was at the end of a long aisle. Its edges were surrounded in impenetrable darkness, but at the end I could make out a circle of light where two people were working on something. I started walking towards...

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Alyce and the Tea Party

Alyce woke up feeling very refreshed and well rested. Looking around, she saw a plate of cake and some sort of liquid to drink. A little hesitant about eating and drinking stuff from this place, she was debating on whether or not to consume the rations, when Chet materialized before her. His ability to pop in and out of view never ceased to amaze her, and she watched in amazement. First, his devastatingly handsome face colored itself in. From his shocking, slightly insane, green eyes to his...

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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 4 Afternoon Tea with a Guest

CHAPTER 4 Afternoon Tea with a Guest The maid learns how Ms. Anderson likes her tea. --- As Cecilia served his Mistress breakfast, she announced, "My friend Heather is coming over for tea today. I thought it would be nice if you served us, Cecilia. Heather can help make you even more like a woman. Won't this be fun?" "Yes, Mistress Tate," he agreed uncertainly. "There's a good girl," she said, admiring the prettily-tied apron bow of his Hallowe'en maid's uniform. "We'll skip...

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Coffee Tea Or Three Part 3 Of 3

“Let’s go into the bedroom,” Ella said, half out-of-breath. Bobby nodded. She held his cock like an eight-inch handle and led him to her bedroom. They embraced in the dim light, their kisses punctuated by flashes of lightning and claps of thunder outside the bedroom windows. Ella pushed the robe over his shoulders and let it fall to the hardwood floor. Bobby unbuttoned her blouse and she took it off and tossed it on a chair.He unhooked her lacy bra and admired her upper body: it was thin and...

2 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 2

As the week continued while Claire was away, I had a couple more laser sessions. I looked like I had the mother of all sunburns over most of my body, but my skin was starting to feel silky smooth. It was fun not having to shave every morning too. Claire and I talked on the phone in the evenings about this and that, how the conference was going, etc. She said she had a surprise for me when she got back. Inevitably talk turned to sexier topics. I filled Claire in on my laser removal...

3 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 5

We started planning our Paris getaway in earnest the next morning. I was able to book us a room in the same hotel complex the Adult expo was being held at. 10 days was about as long as Claire felt comfortable being away from the Cafe, so we reserved one of the luxury suites for the duration. My new documentation, passports and ID cards had arrived recently, so I was all set to travel without too many problems. I also took the liberty of ordering us both a new super high-end luggage set...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 08

When Jackson finished his story we talked for a while … about nothing in particular and lots of things in general … we were developing a genuine friendship and were beginning to get to know each other. This latest story … on a scale from 1 to 10 … ranked about a 6. Certainly not as shocking as others … I found that either I was becoming more accustomed to his revelations, or perhaps I was just becoming more open minded. It really didn’t matter which, I was enjoying Tanglewood and his company …...

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Tea Shop Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hi na peru phani raj. Maadi ongole . Ippudu nen cheppa boyedi na original katha. Aa aunty peru sri lekha(names changed) . Thanadi bustand daggara oka chinna tea shop . Thanaki mugguru pillalu .. Bhartha vadilesi yekkadiko jump . Intha ki thana shapes cheppa ledu kadu . 40,28,44 .. Avunandi .. Daani front choosina vadu abba ! Deeni sallu yenti ila unnai anukuntadu .. Daani back choosina vadu adi yeppudu vangithe chooddama ani kaasukoni koorchuntaru .. Daani tea and cigarate thagadaniki vache...

2 years ago
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A Spot of Tea

A Spot of Tea We had just ended a pleasurable date at a fine continental restaurant, having dined on superb seafood, and as we were leaving, several women paused to conspicuously take notice of Danny. He was only about 5'10", but his broad shoulders and expansive chest made him appear larger. He had thick dark brown hair that was cut fairly short. Most people considered him handsome, and many told him that he looked like Tony Danza. And he did. I wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that, but...

Straight Sex
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Goddess Terries Tea Party

Goddess Terrie’s Tea PartyI can tell by the way she is humming Goddess is in an exceptionally good mood.  She smiles at me as I arrive home from various errands she sent me out to accomplish.  She walks over to me – one hand cups my crotch as she squeezes my balls through the fabric of my pants while the fingers of her other hand frame my chin as she gazes into my face.  She smiles as she feels my cock swell and grow responding to the ministrations my testicles are experiencing.  She leans and...

3 years ago
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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 5 Peru Teachers teach Teachers

(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Tea Ch 01

A story for all those who stand in bookshops and skim romance novels to get to the emotional money shot. Bugger character development, get to the good stuff! * Sophie sighed as she watched him through the rain streaked window. She could see Cole was angry even from her seat high above him, looking down on the manor’s driveway. Usually fluid movements were stiff and his mare shifted nervously as he flung himself out of the saddle. Cole squatted to lift one of the mare’s feet, checking it for a...

4 years ago
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English Girl Sips Tea

Hayley daydreamed as she stared at her computer screen, wondering if the day would ever end, if even lunchtime would ever arrive. Bored, she sipped her tea, then ate a sweet. She was still chewing on the sweet when she heard his voice. It was like stepping barefoot onto fresh snow; all of her senses were instantly alive, like a police siren flashing behind you. She could hear him through the open door to her office, talking to the new girl at the front desk. It had been eight months since he’d...

2 years ago
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Tea For Two Families

Part One The air conditioning had just cut on when the door bell chimed. "I'll get that, Angela. It must be the Taylors. Are the children ready?" "Yes, Miz Brown." "Make sure they're clean, then send them to the foyer." Beth walked past the mahogany dining table to peek through the sheers. Yes, there it is: Vicky's silver El Dorado. Beth closed the sheers, glided around the corner buffet toward the pocket doors. "Freddie! Sandy! Hurry! You mustn't keep your guests waiting."...

4 years ago
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Tea Party Part 1 Time Limits

"Unca Kev!" That was my niece, Marcy. At six years old her pronunciation was great, but she was milking her cuteness for all it was worth. To drive home the point she was mired in the depths of the princess phase her mother, my sister, claimed that all girls that age went through. She was wearing what looked like a Halloween costume with a little poofy pink nylon dress, T-shirt with a picture of standard Disney fare and a weird conical hat with a streamer coming out of the top. She...

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Mrs P Drops By For Tea

If you are given an opportunity to play out your fantasies, you may find that following through might just be one of the hardest decisions you make in your life. But when you take that leap of faith, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised, and pleasantly fulfilled...This is the story of an encounter that happened to me not so long ago. The agony of this encounter was not having anyone to share it with. It was a decision wracked with the anxiety, the fear, and eventually the sweet...

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Spot of Tea

We had just ended a pleasurable date at a fine continental restaurant, having dined on superb seafood, and as we were leaving, several women paused to conspicuously take notice of Dalton. He was only about 5'10", but his broad shoulders and expansive chest made him appear larger. He had thick dark brown hair that was cut fairly short. Most people considered him handsome, and many told him that he looked like Tony Danza. And he did. I wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that, but he was...

5 years ago
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Secrets of The Tea Room Ch 16

I found Jackson in his study waiting for me, ‘Well, Dana, we’re just about finished here. There’s only two more stories I want to tell you. Then if you could put together a hard copy for me by the first of the year I’d be most grateful. Of course, we’ve all grown quite fond of you here at Tanglewood and I want you to feel free to stay here as long as it takes for you to find a new place for yourself.’ I didn’t realize how close we were to finishing the project and the thought of separating...

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