Coffee, Tea, Or Me? Chapter 4 free porn video

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The next morning, I woke up earlier than usual. Claire was usually the early riser of the pair of us, but I think I managed to wear her out just a little. I grabbed a nice cup of tea, and sat down to do a bit of mid- morning research on my newly arrived replacement computer. For some reason I couldn't get the thought of larger breasts out of my head. I started looking at local clinics that offered such services, then widened my search. The array of surgery options for someone like me was truly eye opening. Everything from face sculping, to trachea shaves, vocal cord alterations, but implants, breast implants. One crazy chick even seemed to have found someone to add a third one in there. I decided I should try to cross check results with the doctors that performed them, and the next thing you know my computer desktop was covered with pictures of naked porn stars and a spreadsheet. A still sleepy Claire woke up, and walked by my project with a raised eyebrow. "you know, if you wanted a quickie or something, you could just ask me" she said teasingly. I shook my head "babe, I am always down for a quickie with you, but this isn't what it looks like. I mean, it is, but I'm looking at these ladies for the workmanship on their assets, and trying to figure out who does the best work." I said, showing her my cross referenced and color-coded masterpiece of detective work. Claire’s eyes got really big, and she turned to me. "You mean, you? Implants? Wow!" She hugged me from behind, and went to go grab herself some breakfast. She soon joined me in my research, offering suggestions and sending me pictures to compare. It was slightly surreal. How often does your girlfriend actively send you a stack of naked women to look at, with critique notes? Half a day later, we had a list of possible candidate surgeons, in preference order and sorted by average reviews. We talked it over, and Claire and I decided that I should try for as many surgeries at once as I could handle, to reduce the number of times under the knife and healing time. We wanted to hear from the plastic surgeon for recommendations on what actually to do, but in general we were looking at giving me a slightly more feminine face, much larger breasts, size to be determined but at least a 38DD, butt implants and an adams apple shave. I called the first clinic on the list, an office over in Portland called Proview Aesthetics. After a brief phone conversation with the very cheerful receptionist, I discovered that not only were they super happy to work with cash customers, due to a cancellation they actually had an operating window available next week. It was almost as if the universe was arranging a series of improbably events to try and transform me ever faster, like the unseen hand of some jerk of an author writing a story. I mentally shook my manicured fist at my unseen tormenter, but secretly I was pleased. I asked Claire if she could take some time off work to come babysit an invalid after surgery. She made some quip about needing to ask the boss, but she could probably swing that in return for sexual favors. I leered at her. She threw a pillow at my head. We decided to head out and enjoy what was now midafternoon. I got dressed in a new black and gray lacy top and my first calfskin leather skirt that Claire had purchased for me. A set of slightly higher heels than I had ever worn before, with a 3-inch lift complemented the outfit. Claire wore a stunning belted sundress and her own matching heels. I then completely ruined my look by strapping on that blasted Velcro compression girdle. I wasn't really looking forward to wearing that for another month, but Claire said she had an idea that might help. We headed out to town, and after a long winding drive into a part of town I had never been to before, we pulled up in front of a small shop filled with horse saddles and leather bags in the window. I was intrigued, but not really sure what we were doing here. Claire pulled me inside. The tiny shop front opened into a larger work area. Scattered cow hides hung from every surface. Leatherworking tools, clicker presses for cutting large pattern shapes, and other such implements of crafting littered the area in a somewhat chaos driven fashion. The older proprietor turned to look at us and practically shouted "Claire!" before rushing over to greet her like an old friend. "Liz, this is my friend Ulrich! Ulrich used to make dance shoes and the like for me back when I was a ballet dancer in college, and he's the best around!" Claire said as she introduced me to the older man. I pictured Claire in a ballerina outfit, and I was a little sad I never got to see her dance before. Claire continued. "Ulrich, my girlfriend Elizabeth here has a bit of a problem that maybe you can help us with. See this Velcro covered monstrosity she is wearing? She needs something like that to help heal up a bit of rib damage. Are you up to making one of your world infamous corsets?" Ulrich looked for a moment, then nodded. "Horse get you?" Ulrich asked. I nodded. He continued. "I had that happen twice to me. Never fun at all. Sure, I think I can take care of you. Anything for a friend of Claire!" and with that, I was directed to take off my medical girdle, to hop up onto the workbench and to lift my arms up over my head and keep them there. Ulrich headed to the back storeroom, and soon returned with a curious pile of thin metal strips, a tiny spot-welding rig, and some tin snips. He set them down next to me. "Alright Elizabeth, I need to fit you for the corset frame, which means I am going to be putting these pieces of metal on you, and forming them to your body. So you know, I will be touching your body as I work. If your ribs feel sore at any time, just let me know. Also, so you know, I am a happily married man, so don't you get any ideas!" he finished with a grin. Ulrich started bending the mild steel metal strips to fit my curves, with Claire acting as his assistant. He asked her questions about under bust support threshold and hip clearance and compression distance, all words I understood but not really in that context. between the two of them, they soon had me encased from the chest to the hips down in a metal rib cage that followed my frame exactly. A few snips with the tin cutters and they were able to separate that into two halves to allow me to escape. Ulrich seemed satisfied with his work. "Alright dearies, I think I have what I need to get started on the frame. I'll quench harden these strips and build the corset over the top. Now you just need to pick a color and a style from my little book here, and we can get you on your way. We decided on a black calf leather design with a blue silk inside and navy-blue accents. We paid a deposit, and Ulrich told us he would be in touch in a couple of weeks when it was ready. Claire and I decided to head out to dinner after. There was a nice seafood restaurant down by the crab pier that we had both heard about, but never tried. We were soon seated at a nice harbor view booth. Our waiter arrived shortly thereafter, He had to be just old enough to even legally work in a place like this that sold alcohol, and he was clearly a little instantly smitten with us both. I could tell by the way he flushed red a little bit and stumbled over his words as he started to read us off the specials for the day, edging his waist slightly behind the booth back lest we happen to glance down. I must confess he did stare at us both a bit longer than was usual. I could sympathize with him seeing Claire and reacting that way, I mean, as far as I am concerned, she IS the hottest girl on the planet, but it was an unusual sensation to have a male look at me and be obviously in the midst of a crush crisis. I wasn't really sure how I felt about that. Claire and I whispered and giggled about it once he left to go get our drinks, and she obviously saw his prediciment the same way I did. We decided to tease our new waiter friend Fred a little bit when he came back, and Claire and I timed a slightly naughty kiss for right when we saw him round the corner carrying our wine, deliberately pulling away reluctantly like a pair of schoolgirls exploring how to kiss who had just gotten caught. I winked at Fred as he dropped off our wine bottle and glasses, then he quickly dropped the tray down to his front to cover what I suspect was a growing erection. I could sympathize, I had the same problem under my skirt. While we waited for our food, I felt Claire rest her hand on my lap. Her clever fingers quickly found a suspicious bulge, and she began to rub the front of my skirt under the table. People in nearby booths had no idea as I stared straight ahead and concentrated on not turning beet red or moaning. Fred came back with the bread tray, and asked about how we would like our salads. Claire mischievously replied "Tossed" , with a completely unperturbed face, never moving her hand away from my now slightly rumpled skirt front out of view of Fred. Fred escaped quickly again, tugging at his waiter apron front as he left. Claire could tell by my fidgeting in the seat that I was getting close, and she finally lifted her hand away. "Later" she whispered. I was a horny wreck. The food when it arrived was great. A nice sockeye salmon fillet over raspberry topped wilted spinach for me, and King Crab legs for Claire. She took special care in how she ate the long round leg meat whenever I was watching, making sure to suck all of the butter off of them before sucking them down. I shivered. I barely made it through the complementary dessert course of spumoni ice cream. We paid our tab, left a nice tip for Fred with a little heart drawn on a napkin, and then Claire pulled me into the ladies’ room to "powder our noses". it took some doing, but we both managed to fit into the larger toilet stall, Claire spread eagle with her skirt hiked up on her back, me behind her, a raging hardon and purse borne lube on my way into Claire. We had to be quiet, which was difficult for us both as other customers came and went from the restaurant. One of them even rattled the locked stall door, though a quick "occupied!" from Claire sent them on their way. I thrust in and out of Claire, my urgent need giving me speed and roughness that I didn't usually display. I pulled in and out, long fast strokes in her tight anus punctuated with quick short thrusts in a random pattern I hoped would please her the most. Claire was clenching in time, and seemed to be loving it as she arched her back more and more, reaching back to pull my ass in even harder. It was a strangely quiet frenzied lovemaking, and soon we both came with stifled gasps. At the last second, I thought to cover my reroute opening with my fingers, similar to how Claire had when she gave me the last epic blowjob after the hot oil massage (what, don’t you remember that part? It was totally there...), and I shot deep into her warm lovely ass, pulsing in wave after wave in one of the longest duration shots of my life. I started to reach for toilet paper to clean her up, but Clair simply smiled, shook her head no, then reached for her butt plug in her purse, and shoved it right back in place in one go, A little bit of cum dribbling out onto her soaked panties. I carefully dropped to my knees in the confined quarters, and licked her clean front to back. We cleaned up as best we could, fixed our makeup and hair, unrumpled our skirts, then walked out into the reception area and out the door. I didn't look back, but I wondered how everyone in the place didn't know exactly what we had just done from the scent of musk and cum we both still exuded. We made it back to Claire’s car, and turned and started laughing the laugh of those who got away with it. Claire squirmed a bit on the drive home as she drove. I found myself wishing that I knew what she was feeling there deep inside. I asked her how it felt holding my semen in her warm tight ass with her plug, and she nearly went off the road. After a short time to collect her thoughts and get back between the lanes, she answered. "it feels warm, like a naughty gift someone I love gave me. Temporary and best enjoyed quickly, and the feeling fades all too soon, but having someone cum inside you, especially in your own ass is an exquisite experience." She shivered. "You definitely should try it at least once. I'd be totally up for that as long as you let me watch... and help." she finished, squirming as she drove over a rough spot in the road. "I want to try too." I said in a near whisper. I continued louder "But only someday if you are there and we both meet the right person, I guess. Nothing is worth ever losing you!" I patted her gently on the thigh, not wishing to distract her yet again. That night when we got home, we both set several personal orgasm records visualizing that as we tried our best to merge our crotches into one being. It didn't work, but it was certainly fun trying. A few days later, we found ourselves in downtown Portland in an upper story office building marked "Proview Aesthetics". High end furnishings and pictures of before and after client procedures dominated the well-lit space. The receptionist smiled when she saw us, and directed us to the so-called exam room that would have doubled as a day lounge in a high- class hotel. During the brief wait Claire and I amused ourselves by looking at the various procedure pictures, and making small talk about how they would look on us. Soon we were greeted by a middle height man with features ripped off of a Greek statue, not a one of which I suspect he had started life with. He introduced himself as Dr. Alen Knowles, Microsurgery specialist. "So, I hear you are with us today to have some procedures to improve your feminine presentation. Before I can tell you what I can do for you in that regard, I would like to examine you and take a few pictures to scan into the computer so we can show you some simulated results. If that’s ok, please take off your clothes so we can see what we have to work with." Doctor Knowles finished and gestured to a changing area. I was a bit nervous about taking my clothes off in front of some strange man, despite years of high school locker experience. I looked a bit different now. But he was one of the best in the business and worked with people like me to spectacular results by at least the measure of several porn careers, so I screwed up my courage, and took everything off except my striped socks. The floor was cold damnit! he soon had me standing in front of a photography grid, and started making several marks on my body with a grease pen to show centerline and the like. It was all businesslike and clinical, and the cold of the room made the erection I was worried about possibly growing a non-issue. My nipples on the other hand... Nearly half an hour of specific pictures from all angles followed, after which I put my clothes back on. We made our way over to his desk where he had a large monitor set up facing us, several dozen sizes and types of implant material sitting next to it. He invited us to feel and play with the samples to get an idea of what they would be like, while he set the computer up to display possible changes. It was a bit like watching one of those character select screens from a customization in a video game. He explained in great detail about what he could and could not do, the processes and risks, and finally we got down to details of what I, what we, wanted for me. We started with an implant simulation harness. He set out several different breast and butt size options, and had me try out which ones felt the best. I asked Claire to pick which ones she liked best as well, and she soon decided on a size that she liked best, though a mystery to me at the time, both, in a new type of biomedically safe silicone. Integral nipple additions on the breast implants, and variable firmness features on the butt implants for a super soft outer feel. In addition to the implants, I was also scheduled to have lip filler, chin sculpting, a brow and trachea shave, cheek filler, several other minor processes not worth mentioning in those general areas, and one more process that Claire said she wanted to be a surprise for me. I shivered a bit imagining what that might be. The Doctor did ask if Claire wanted anything done as well. She considered it briefly, then just shrugged and said "Maybe later"? We signed a ton of paperwork, paid an otherwise staggering fee from our newfound funds, then checked into the onsite hotel suite to await the morning. Shortly after we checked in, I received a mysterious text message from a number I didn't have stored in my phone. It read "Agent Cheryl reporting in, mission accomplished. Here are some picture samples of the ones she liked best, and the ones she did NOT like. The message had an attachment. I looked at what Cheryl had sent me, and smiled. I sent her a quick reply text of "Good work" followed by a heart emoji thumbs up smiley face Lizard combo. The Lizard was accidental, but you know how it goes. I discretely sent an image and a text description of what I was looking for to the person who would implement phase 2 of my plan, and quickly got a reply that the work would be no problem and ready on time. I smiled. Claire idly wondered what I was doing so long on my phone, and I quickly replied "It's a surprise, don't be too nosy missy!". She quickly made me pay for that by attempting to tickle me into submission. She soon settled in to kissing all of the places that were going to be different after tomorrow instead. We made love, slow and sweet that night, each of us slightly worried but also really excited by what the morning would bring. The morning, as it turned out, brought really early wakeup call and rules to eat no breakfast for me. I had to remove several of my piercings in the areas that would be worked on for now. It was kind of funny to me how naked I felt anymore without makeup and jewelry on, even with no clothes on. I put on my deluxe edition backless hospital gown, then hopped up onto the operating gurney. Claire sat with me as the anesthesiologist had me count back from 100. I think I made it to about 87 and then the lights went out. I awoke fairly quickly this time, coming around much quicker than I had after the whole ribcage head wound fiasco. I could tell that I had bandages everywhere, but I was much clearer of head this time around. I tried to speak, but Claire interrupted before I could. "Don't try to talk just yet, remember that surprise I was mentioning? I asked the doctor to shorten your vocal cords to give you a more girlish voice. All the procedures went great, but you need to try not to talk for the next 5 days. There’s a notepad next to you if you need to tell us something" As I breathed in, I could feel a larger mass on my chest, but I couldn't look down to see because of the bandages around my neck and chin. They certainly felt bigger though. I was just going to have to wait and see, I guess. After a couple of impatient inpatient days, we finally got to see the results. There was a definite amount of bruising, like I had been in a prize fight and lost, and a little swelling still, but you could clearly see the results. I looked like a complete girl! Still on my enforced mute period, I had to squeal with joy internally. I ran my nails over my plump cupid bowed lips. Very kissable, and just enough naughty looking. I moved my hands down my neck. Smooth, no more need to wear ribbon chokers or scarves. I moved further down and cupped my new, very large breasts. "38 F cups" Claire supplied. I raised my eyebrows at her. My forehead hurt, that was a terrible idea. She shrugged "what can I say, I like big boobs?" Those were going to take some getting used to, but I suspected I was going to love it. My ass felt different too. it was large, not quite J-lo big, but certainly bigger than it had been before by quite a lot. I now had childbearing hips! I found that the extra padding was nice when sitting on hard chairs too. We thanked the doctor and staff, put my missing piercings back in, slapped a generous coat of foundation on to hide the worst of the bruising, then left the office complete with large floppy hat and mysterious dark sunglasses. It took about 2 more weeks for me to fully recover. I was able to start talking a few days later. It was funny, I sounded like myself still, but a sexy, feminine girl version of my voice. I loved it. Claire was an excellent nurse in between shifts at her Cafe, and I tried my best to be a good patient. About 1 week into my recovery, a courier stopped by Claire’s house and dropped off a small black felt covered box. I smiled. Phase 2 was complete. It was time to plan for phase 3. When Claire returned home from checking in at the Coffee shop that night, I had dinner laid out and ready for her. As we ate. I casually asked her if she would like to go on a vacation with me to Paris? She gasped, and nearly jumped up and down from joy while still seated. She had always wanted to see Paris. I sweetened the deal by mentioning that the international Sex toy and adult industry expo was going to be in the area in the next couple of weeks that might just line up with a trip date. I could see her flush as the possibilities that brought to mind reached her. She nodded, and so we set a date for an international adventure! Little did Claire know how much extra special adventure I had planned for us while we were there. I sat watching her finish her soup, as I slipped a hose covered foot up the front of her skirt, and started to toy with the rings I knew were there under her panties, returning the favor for dinner the other night as she tried to eat her meal in peace. Payback can be a bitch sometimes, but I knew she would love what came next! To be continued ...

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Drinking Cum Tea

Introduction: Mila Brooks masturbates in the kitchen and her husband catches her in the act. Now he wants her to pay for it………by drinking Cum Tea. By now, Mila Brooks was long dressed and taking it easy in the lofty, plush chair. She looked mind-blowing and lovely. With no bra put on to grasp her breasts in their safe place, her extensive and vast light brown hair issued down between her shoulders so as to mask a considerable lump of her boobies. Small and slack-fitting her breasts might have...

2 years ago
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Tea Ladies

(T minus three weeks) Mike Harris called it 'The Quickening'. He had borrowed the term from the film 'The Highlander' where the quickening refers to the awakening of special powers that lay dormant in certain people until they are triggered by a significant event. Mike applied dramatic licence to the feelings that regularly overwhelmed him and called these feelings 'The Quickening'. Mike hadn't felt the quickening for two years; he thought that he had suppressed the feelings for so...

2 years ago
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Indian Tea

Vera hoisted her bag with her yoga outfit over her shoulder as she walked out of the gym. She had been teaching all night. She pulled the hair tie out of her red curls and shook her head, the curls dangling over her shoulder. Yoga was suppose to be a stress relief, but teaching four classes in a row, filled with annoying people expecting her to fix all of their problems with a simple warrior pose, was just aggravating. She walked across the dark parking lot, the moon shining a faint light...

1 year ago
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Enjoying Tea Together

They both liked tea, especially green and flavored teas. In fact, they had been introduced several months ago by a mutual friend who owned a small shop that sold tea, coffee, sandwiches, and baked items. Both had been frequent customers of this small shopping center store but had never been there at the same time until the introduction. During their tea dates, Brenda and Ted discovered their backgrounds were similar: middle aged, professional, enjoyed traveling, and financially secure. He had...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 11 Tea Service

“Well you’re not getting it,” Maeson replied teasing her a little bit. It was a play on words, and he was still her older brother, and it was still his right to pick on his little sister at least some; which did include when his little sister was kneeling naked at his feet. However, he didn’t leave her hanging long, that would be cruel. He said that just to tweak her nose and let her know that it wasn’t going to be all grave and serious all of the time! After all, this wasn’t some movie and...

3 years ago
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The Quest for the Black QipaoChapter 9 Slaves of the Sunrise Tea Parlour

It was obvious to Bernard that while Madam Chao might have to wait until the end of the week for the participants in Florence Daniels’ programme to appear, she didn’t intend to let the occupants of the wire cages sit around contemplating their misfortunes. “Slave work hard, earn meals. No work, no meals. No work, bamboo beating. Understand?” she had snapped when the men had been taken out of their cages the next morning. English might not be her first language but she managed to make herself...

1 year ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 07

I wondered what this story could possibly have to do with the Tea Room, until she continued. ‘Aameenah was already instilled in the Sultan’s harem in 1153 when Eleanor of Aquitane followed her husband Phillip, King of France, on his crusade to the Holy Land. Eleanor was a rare woman. She had money, titles and land of her own. She was bright, strong willed and even by today’s standards, Eleanor would be considered a forward thinker. She detested Phillip. He was a religious fanatic, weak and...

4 years ago
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She Made Me Tea

when i was separated from my husband i dated a boy, later moved in with him. his name isn’t important. he wasn’t either, come to think of it. we had a class together and we were both married, maybe missing out on something, or so we thought. we did a lot of lying [verbally and sexually] together, something which binds the less pure of heart. he was a sweet Jehova’s Witness boy and i was the godmother of serpents. it worked well for a while- until it didn’t. he had this wife. so pure and...

4 years ago
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Alices Very Naughty Adventures Chapter XVII The Tea Party

Alice paused behind one of the oak trees just as the un-birthday song stopped, her experiences in Wonderland giving her pause. The scene before her, while somewhat strange, wasn’t particularly alarming. In the middle of a clearing sat a large rectangular table covered with all manner of treats such as cakes and scones and jam, to name just a few, as well as a very large teapot and bowls for cream and sugar. No fewer than twelve chairs surrounded it, only three of which were occupied.‘He is very...

Group Sex
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The Six Star Bed and Breakfast Afternoon Tea

I finally managed to make breakfast. It was hard getting dressed. Every time I tried to put clothes on my mind would remember something that Maggie had done in the shower, and I would feel my cock twitch and then I would have to give it a little tug.  I saw only one table laid as I entered the breakfast room, so I sat down at it and looked around me. The decor was nice, clean and with a big wide window at the front of the house letting in loads of light from the early morning sun. Just behind...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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Tea For Two Families Part 3

Part Three Sandy clapped his hands enthusiastically. "Oh, that was good, Mommie. You too, Miz Taylor." Beth beamed. "Why thank you, Sandy. But aren't you just a teensy bit prejudiced?" "Oh no, Mommie. Everything you do is wonderful." Beth laughed and swept him up in her arms, squeezing him tight. He had her wrapped around his little finger and she knew it. But he was so sweet, so precious, she would hate to give him up to Miss Fairland's in the fall. Beth smothered her son...

2 years ago
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Tea on Thursday

My world is a bit different from yours. Technology's the same; we have cell phones and computers and so forth. Men and women interact pretty much the same way, with a few major differences. One of the biggest is that BDSM is universally practiced; everyone is either a Dom/me, slave, or switch. We also have *lots* of customs, many of which I'll explain to you in due course. But for the purposes of our story right now, all you need to know is that I'm a Dom, and that at the time this story took...

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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 11

The next morning we continued our work and Jackson began to relay the second part to this latest story … ‘Saturday morning Rose met Jennifer at the Tea Room at 10:00 as arranged. They had a cup of breakfast tea and a scone before heading east out of town. They stopped at an antique store, a produce stand, and found a nice little café for lunch. They chatted easily and enjoyed themselves before heading to view the paintings. After close examination of six of the paintings, Jennifer...

3 years ago
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The Tea Ceremony

Xiu Mei stepped out of the shower, into the steamy bathroom. She spent some time massaging some perfumed body lotion into her skin before arranging her long, black hair into a bun with an ebony chopstick. Her pussy was already tingling, knowing what she was preparing herself for.  She was the daughter of traditional Chinese parents, who had emigrated to America before she was born. Her mother was respectful and deferential towards her husband, who led the family with a quiet strength. As Xiu...

4 years ago
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Alices Adventures in Wonderland Chapter 2 The Caterpillar the Cat and the Tea Party

Author's Note: Despite the numerous rip-offs from both "Alice In Wonderland" and other children's stories, this tale is decidedly NOT for children, as it involves adult/sexual situations. So, if you're under the legal age, please stop reading right here. This part of the story also contains drug use by one of the characters. This by no means shows that the author condones such practices. It is only included because it is suggested by the original Lewis Carroll story. I hope...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Tea

Danielle has been hard at work all day. Which sucks for her, because it's a weekend. Little nagging projects around the house like laundry, cleaning up and fixing stuff, trips to the store, all that kind of shit has her worn out and a little grumpy, especially since she got up late, ate breakfast late, and is now tired and hungry, but not wanting to eat too much because she'll want dinner at, well, dinner time. And she's pretty annoyed that she's a little sticky and sweaty from rushing about...

1 year ago
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Tea Cake or Something

“Way I see it,” he offered, “we have three options. We can either go to the coffee shop and see if any of their 1000 attempts have managed to produce a palatable cup of coffee. Go to Maccy D's and get a paper cup of tea but be unable to hear ourselves think or....” his voice trailed off. “Or?” I asked. Tea, cake or something? Hello, my name's Betty. I'm a housewife and I'll admit to being of a 'certain age'. The highlight of my day was a trip to the shops. If the weather was clement I'd walk...

1 year ago
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Tea Party 23 Error Handling

Author's notes - Thank you to everyone who reviews the first part. This part is slightly longer and feels like more exposition was necessary. I've tried to sneak in transformation scenes to maintain momentum over the last two parts. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I was having a dream. At least, I was pretty sure I was. I was a man again, just like I was before all the insanity started. Before a spirit living in an ancient teapot gave my six...

2 years ago
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Tea Party 33 Least Resistance

Author's Notes: Thanks to everyone for reading, reviewing and sticking with the story. I think in the future I'm going to try for less exposition and shorter, single part works. Enjoy and comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was at the end of a long aisle. Its edges were surrounded in impenetrable darkness, but at the end I could make out a circle of light where two people were working on something. I started walking towards...

4 years ago
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Alyce and the Tea Party

Alyce woke up feeling very refreshed and well rested. Looking around, she saw a plate of cake and some sort of liquid to drink. A little hesitant about eating and drinking stuff from this place, she was debating on whether or not to consume the rations, when Chet materialized before her. His ability to pop in and out of view never ceased to amaze her, and she watched in amazement. First, his devastatingly handsome face colored itself in. From his shocking, slightly insane, green eyes to his...

2 years ago
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The Unspoken Arrangement Ch 4 Afternoon Tea with a Guest

CHAPTER 4 Afternoon Tea with a Guest The maid learns how Ms. Anderson likes her tea. --- As Cecilia served his Mistress breakfast, she announced, "My friend Heather is coming over for tea today. I thought it would be nice if you served us, Cecilia. Heather can help make you even more like a woman. Won't this be fun?" "Yes, Mistress Tate," he agreed uncertainly. "There's a good girl," she said, admiring the prettily-tied apron bow of his Hallowe'en maid's uniform. "We'll skip...

2 years ago
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Coffee Tea Or Three Part 3 Of 3

“Let’s go into the bedroom,” Ella said, half out-of-breath. Bobby nodded. She held his cock like an eight-inch handle and led him to her bedroom. They embraced in the dim light, their kisses punctuated by flashes of lightning and claps of thunder outside the bedroom windows. Ella pushed the robe over his shoulders and let it fall to the hardwood floor. Bobby unbuttoned her blouse and she took it off and tossed it on a chair.He unhooked her lacy bra and admired her upper body: it was thin and...

1 year ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 2

As the week continued while Claire was away, I had a couple more laser sessions. I looked like I had the mother of all sunburns over most of my body, but my skin was starting to feel silky smooth. It was fun not having to shave every morning too. Claire and I talked on the phone in the evenings about this and that, how the conference was going, etc. She said she had a surprise for me when she got back. Inevitably talk turned to sexier topics. I filled Claire in on my laser removal...

3 years ago
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Coffee Tea or Me Chapter 5

We started planning our Paris getaway in earnest the next morning. I was able to book us a room in the same hotel complex the Adult expo was being held at. 10 days was about as long as Claire felt comfortable being away from the Cafe, so we reserved one of the luxury suites for the duration. My new documentation, passports and ID cards had arrived recently, so I was all set to travel without too many problems. I also took the liberty of ordering us both a new super high-end luggage set...

3 years ago
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Secrets of the Tea Room Ch 08

When Jackson finished his story we talked for a while … about nothing in particular and lots of things in general … we were developing a genuine friendship and were beginning to get to know each other. This latest story … on a scale from 1 to 10 … ranked about a 6. Certainly not as shocking as others … I found that either I was becoming more accustomed to his revelations, or perhaps I was just becoming more open minded. It really didn’t matter which, I was enjoying Tanglewood and his company …...

2 years ago
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Tea Shop Aunty 8211 Part 1

Hi na peru phani raj. Maadi ongole . Ippudu nen cheppa boyedi na original katha. Aa aunty peru sri lekha(names changed) . Thanadi bustand daggara oka chinna tea shop . Thanaki mugguru pillalu .. Bhartha vadilesi yekkadiko jump . Intha ki thana shapes cheppa ledu kadu . 40,28,44 .. Avunandi .. Daani front choosina vadu abba ! Deeni sallu yenti ila unnai anukuntadu .. Daani back choosina vadu adi yeppudu vangithe chooddama ani kaasukoni koorchuntaru .. Daani tea and cigarate thagadaniki vache...

1 year ago
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A Spot of Tea

A Spot of Tea We had just ended a pleasurable date at a fine continental restaurant, having dined on superb seafood, and as we were leaving, several women paused to conspicuously take notice of Danny. He was only about 5'10", but his broad shoulders and expansive chest made him appear larger. He had thick dark brown hair that was cut fairly short. Most people considered him handsome, and many told him that he looked like Tony Danza. And he did. I wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that, but...

Straight Sex
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Goddess Terries Tea Party

Goddess Terrie’s Tea PartyI can tell by the way she is humming Goddess is in an exceptionally good mood.  She smiles at me as I arrive home from various errands she sent me out to accomplish.  She walks over to me – one hand cups my crotch as she squeezes my balls through the fabric of my pants while the fingers of her other hand frame my chin as she gazes into my face.  She smiles as she feels my cock swell and grow responding to the ministrations my testicles are experiencing.  She leans and...

2 years ago
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Jennie Teachers PetChapter 5 Peru Teachers teach Teachers

(Fm, romance) (edited) Six months had gone by in a flash for 17-year-old Jennie, her 34-year-old husband Mike, and her mom Karen as they worked in the village school in Peru that Sandy, Randy, and her parents had built and taught at. Each day, Mike, Jennie, and Sandy would teach at the school. Mike taught math and sports with the kids while Jennie and Sandy taught English, History and social courses, with marriage and relationship courses, mixed with sex education for the older girls. Mike...

2 years ago
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Afternoon Tea Ch 01

A story for all those who stand in bookshops and skim romance novels to get to the emotional money shot. Bugger character development, get to the good stuff! * Sophie sighed as she watched him through the rain streaked window. She could see Cole was angry even from her seat high above him, looking down on the manor’s driveway. Usually fluid movements were stiff and his mare shifted nervously as he flung himself out of the saddle. Cole squatted to lift one of the mare’s feet, checking it for a...

3 years ago
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English Girl Sips Tea

Hayley daydreamed as she stared at her computer screen, wondering if the day would ever end, if even lunchtime would ever arrive. Bored, she sipped her tea, then ate a sweet. She was still chewing on the sweet when she heard his voice. It was like stepping barefoot onto fresh snow; all of her senses were instantly alive, like a police siren flashing behind you. She could hear him through the open door to her office, talking to the new girl at the front desk. It had been eight months since he’d...

1 year ago
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Tea For Two Families

Part One The air conditioning had just cut on when the door bell chimed. "I'll get that, Angela. It must be the Taylors. Are the children ready?" "Yes, Miz Brown." "Make sure they're clean, then send them to the foyer." Beth walked past the mahogany dining table to peek through the sheers. Yes, there it is: Vicky's silver El Dorado. Beth closed the sheers, glided around the corner buffet toward the pocket doors. "Freddie! Sandy! Hurry! You mustn't keep your guests waiting."...

3 years ago
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Tea Party Part 1 Time Limits

"Unca Kev!" That was my niece, Marcy. At six years old her pronunciation was great, but she was milking her cuteness for all it was worth. To drive home the point she was mired in the depths of the princess phase her mother, my sister, claimed that all girls that age went through. She was wearing what looked like a Halloween costume with a little poofy pink nylon dress, T-shirt with a picture of standard Disney fare and a weird conical hat with a streamer coming out of the top. She...

2 years ago
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Mrs P Drops By For Tea

If you are given an opportunity to play out your fantasies, you may find that following through might just be one of the hardest decisions you make in your life. But when you take that leap of faith, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised, and pleasantly fulfilled...This is the story of an encounter that happened to me not so long ago. The agony of this encounter was not having anyone to share it with. It was a decision wracked with the anxiety, the fear, and eventually the sweet...

4 years ago
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Spot of Tea

We had just ended a pleasurable date at a fine continental restaurant, having dined on superb seafood, and as we were leaving, several women paused to conspicuously take notice of Dalton. He was only about 5'10", but his broad shoulders and expansive chest made him appear larger. He had thick dark brown hair that was cut fairly short. Most people considered him handsome, and many told him that he looked like Tony Danza. And he did. I wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that, but he was...

4 years ago
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Secrets of The Tea Room Ch 16

I found Jackson in his study waiting for me, ‘Well, Dana, we’re just about finished here. There’s only two more stories I want to tell you. Then if you could put together a hard copy for me by the first of the year I’d be most grateful. Of course, we’ve all grown quite fond of you here at Tanglewood and I want you to feel free to stay here as long as it takes for you to find a new place for yourself.’ I didn’t realize how close we were to finishing the project and the thought of separating...

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