Edward's Laboratory free porn video

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Story Title: Edward's Laboratory Author: IronLacedCarbon Description: Amanda Vett despises the fact that she was cursed with a flat chest, but her mother Carroll gives her permission to see if her mad scientist of a brother can help out with that. Unfortunately for Mandy, as well as for a few others, her Uncle Eddy has ulterior motives. Disclaimer: This story is purely fictitious and not suitable for anyone that is below the legal age in their country to view pornographic material. All characters involved in the story are either the age of eighteen or older, and belong to myself. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred. Reader discretion is advised. ---------- "What is this?" What do you mean? "I mean, what the fuck is this? We finished this story already." Yeah, but I figured it'd be nice to throw all three chapters into a single, definitive piece and submit it to other sites. "... Why?" I dunno', exposure? Sue me. "If I could, I'd have done so a thousand times by now for gross incompetence." Well that's a bit harsh. "What's next? Are we doing this with 'The Unbound Genie' too, when it's finished?" ... And then some. "Goddamn it." Shall we get this over with? "The sooner the better." Sit back and enjoy this bizarre ride, folks! ---------- Chapter 1: Amanda Vett is a Fucking Asshole ---------- "I don't know," Amanda Vett said to her best friend Zoey, as she closed the door to her room and dropped her backpack on the ground next to it. "I just wish I didn't have to compete with that stupid bitch for his attention," She seethed as she walked over to the chair at her desk and sat down. The twenty-year-old and short-haired blonde put her head down in her arms on the desk and sighed with frustration. Zoey, tired of this song and dance, wasn't as sympathetic to her friend as she had been when the semester started. "Mandy, you need to quit worrying about Stacy. I don't think Danny is the kind of guy to go for a brainless bimbo who's probably already blown every professor she has," the pale and chunky twenty-three-year-old said sourly as she sat down on Mandy's bed. She stood at five-foot-eight-inches tall, three inches taller than her counterpart, and was the much more rational one of the two. "He's actually a pretty solid guy, from what Henry told me." Zoey shrugged. Danny was twenty-one, six-feet-tall, fairly skinny, had a gorgeous face, could be the most awkward person you'd ever meet at times, and considered Mandy a good friend. Mandy had been crushing on him since her junior year in high school, but was too awkward herself to have any kind of strategy on approaching him years ago with the idea of getting together. Now, she had a lot more confidence in herself, while he was still a beautiful introvert that didn't know how to hold a conversation about a topic that wasn't related to computer science, video games, or bizarre porn. Luckily for Mandy, she was well-knowledgeable about the latter two, having spent most of her youth behind a computer screen. The two were a match made in the proverbial heavens, and sparks should've flown when they were reunited during their first days of being freshmen at their small town's state university. Unfortunately, that was not the case. Stacy, unlike the very plain Mandy, was five-foot-six, had a thick, bright-blue mane of hair that went all the way down to her lower back, a multi-colored sleeve of tattoos covering her left arm, a perfectly round set of double-D tits, a bouncy, a heart-shaped ass that certainly didn't come from her Caucasian genes, and was rumored to have been tag-teamed by the school's football team during the last few days of their high school senior year. Normally Mandy wouldn't have to worry about someone of her caliber coming along and having anything to do with her, but that changed when classes started up in the fall. Several months before the semester started, Danny's parents won the state lottery and became the richest family in town, literally. Of course, to a gold-digging slut like Stacy, that couldn't be overlooked. The first time Mandy laid eyes on Danny since they graduated high school, Stacy was wrapped around his arm and giggling like an idiot at everything he said. The strange thing though, according to everyone she'd asked, including Danny, the two of them still weren't an item yet. There were rumors floating, saying that Danny was actually gay and using her as a front so his parents wouldn't disown him, or that he'd hired Stacy to be his personal no-strings- attached escort using his dad's money, or that he was some kind of cuckhold that would just jack off and listen to her tell stories about how she fucked the town raw. Mandy hated every possibility that could ever possibly arise from the two of them getting any closer than they already were, just as much as she hated that bitch, in general. More than likely, as the more logical side of Mandy's brain would inform her, the idiot was too much of a pussy to actually make a real move on her. Knowing Danny, Stacy might have to rape the guy to get it through his thick skull that she's trying to get a baby pumped into her, Mandy thought to herself. "That's not the point!" Mandy shouted as her head shot up from the desk. She turned, wearing a basic black and long-sleeved shirt with a pair of baggy, dark blue jeans, neither of them complimenting her non-existent curves very well at all. "It doesn't matter if he's a literal angel, she's got boobs. Big, glorious, bouncy, fuckin' boobs!" Mandy spat, looking both spitefully and lustfully at Zoey's generous bust. Even for a big girl, Zoey had a pretty amazing rack, Mandy often thought to herself with a twinge of envy. "If Stacy is around, at all, that's where Danny's focus is!" "He's not the only one with that quirk..." Zoey crossed her arms over her chest, unsettled by her friend's intense, perverted gaze. She was usually uncomfortable with anyone staring at her breasts for more than a second, and never had asked to be as well-stacked as she was. "Wanna' switch bodies?" Zoey asked with a laugh, her jiggling features covered up well by a thick, dark blue sweater, a pair of black sweatpants, and a long, purple scarf. "I'd lock Stacy in a lit furnace for you if I could have a metabolism like either of yours in return." Mandy managed a laugh too. "Yeah, and I'd do worse to her for a set of jugs like yours. I don't know how you even manage to haul those things around all day." "Can you not call them that? Jeez." She blushed in embarrassment. In truth, Zoey hated her G-cup-sized baps. Most anyone she's ever met just looks at her like a fetish doll because of them, and any boyfriend she's ever had was only interested in her for those assets as well. In her experience, if she didn't put out, there usually wasn't a second date. Because of that annoying little fact, she didn't go out on many dates, Zoey had often told herself. Mandy rolled her eyes. "Oh, lighten up. I don't know how you can be so sexy and so prude at the same time," she said, cracking a hungry smile towards her best friend. "You're a tease without even realizing it." Zoey looked down at her chest, realizing that her arms were pushing her breasts up and making them more prominent. She uncrossed them and watched her fleshy orbs drop and bounce in the fabric containing them, then sighed. "So, how about that trade?" They both had a laugh at that, and Mandy noticed her mood slightly improving more and more as the night went on. A few hours into the evening, Mandy received a text on her phone from Carroll, her mother. "Dinner's ready. Come and grab a plate for you and my Zoey-bear. XOXO" "I love your mom," Zoey gushed as she shuffled around atop Mandy's bed. "I wish that me and you were sisters." "That you and I were sisters," Mandy sarcastically corrected. "That would be dope, though. I'll be right back," she said as she turned to leave. "Bringeth your sister a soda!" Zoey called out as Mandy walked out into the hallway and shut the door behind her. Mandy strolled through the hallway and went down the steps of her two- story home, finding her little brother Dennis with four of his teenage friends sitting around the living room and playing his Zbox on the large flat-screen that was hung up on the wall. They all turned to look at her for a moment as she wandered in. "Look out guys, the 'Ice Queen' came out of her cave," Dennis said, which got a chuckle from his buddies. Dennis was 5'8", had short blonde hair, was in between being out-of-shape and pudgy, and was wearing a pair of green cargo shorts with a dark green T-shirt that matched it fairly well. "She's gonna' kick your ass again, dude," Tommy said, sitting opposite Dennis on the left side of the couch. He was an inch taller than Dennis, very skinny, and had long brown hair that went down to the center of his back underneath a brown beanie. Aside from that article of clothing, he was dressed in a pair of red basketball shorts and a long-sleeved black shirt with a V-neck, not unlike the one Mandy was wearing. "Are you going to take that, Mandy?" Alex asked, clearly trying to ramp up the tension. He was the jock of the bunch, and was sitting down in Mandy's father's large, velvet recliner. He was easily 6'2", Asian, had well-defined enough muscles for a teenager to make him look like he was in his early twenties, had short, spiked-up black hair that was sleek from all of the product in it, and was sporting a pair of grey sweatpants with a white muscle-shirt that showed off his large, beefy arms. Josh and Michael laughed and started chanting as they sat on the floor several feet in front of the other three. "Beat his ass. Beat his ass. Beat his ass," The two of them were identical twin brothers, had a dark chocolate skin tone, and had been Dennis' best friends for the past few years. They both had very short and curly black hair, average physiques, were about the same height as Dennis, and were dressed in jeans with different patterned green-and-red Christmas sweaters that had their names stitched across them, courtesy of their doting mother. Mandy smiled at their encouragement, then cracked her knuckles as she took a step towards her brother's location. Dennis' eyes went wide and put his balled hands up. "Bring it the fuck on," he said nervously, fully prepared to throw down with his older sister. "Oooh shit," the boys said in unison and started laughing as she approached, then all fell silent at the same time as their gazes went towards the entryway behind Mandy that led to the kitchen. "Amanda," Carroll Vett said, her voice like that of a crackling whip to her daughter, stopping Mandy dead in her tracks. "Stop trying to kill your brother and come grab some dinner," Her tone was unkind. Mandy sneered at her younger brother, who was trying his best not to crack a smile. She turned around to face her mother, and was suddenly reminded of what had her so upset earlier. Her shoulders dropped with defeat, and she frowned as she wordlessly walked towards the direction of the kitchen. Carroll huffed as Mandy passed next to her, and then she looked at the group of boys, who were all looking at her large, fake-looking breasts in return. "I'll have your food right out, boys," she said sweetly with a sly grin on her red-painted lips, then winked and turned to follow her daughter into the kitchen with her long, very curly, and platinum-blonde hair flowing behind her. Everyone had a great view of the forty-seven- year-old mother's heart-shaped ass as she strutted away; she wore a pair of white flip-flops, a yellow tank top that was showing off a little more cleavage than her husband would be comfortable with, and a pair of jeans short-shorts that showed off her smooth, athletic legs. "Dude, how is your mom that fucking fine?" Alex asked, just before Carroll was out of earshot. She grinned wider, then let her smile fall once she entered the kitchen. "You need to be nicer to your brother," she said without hesitation as she walked over towards the stove and began preparing a plate of food, her perfectly round, gravity-defying, 32F-cup tits bouncing with every step. "You're always picking on him, and I'm scared that he's going to grow up afraid of girls if you keep up this hellion streak you've got going on." "Dennis is eighteen, mom. He's already grown up, and he's usually the one that starts it," Mandy spat, her envious eyes never leaving her mother's juicy, side-boob cleavage as she worked. "And I don't have any kind of streak going on, I'm just pissed off that I'm the flattest person I know. Even Dennis has bigger tits than-" "Language, young lady," Carroll snapped, then turned to look at her daughter, who had a genuinely depressed expression on her face. Carroll sighed. "You know what I mean," Mandy shrugged. "I look like a little boy, most of the time," The tone of her voice was soft, almost broken. "Your brother is the only little boy I know," Carroll laughed, turning around with a plate of food in her hands. She handed it to her daughter, who weakly took the plate with teary eyes. "Look, I'll make you a deal. But you need to promise me something." Mandy raised an eyebrow as her head rose, curious as to what was going to escape her mother's plump, full lips. "Promise what?" she asked. Carroll paused, then looked around the kitchen for a moment. Her eyes fell on the half-empty wine glass that was sitting on the table, then picked it up with her free hand and downed the rest of the fine white inside. Mandy watched a few drops leak out from the corners of her mouth and drip down onto her tan, lightly freckled pleasure pillows. She put the glass down and swallowed, then looked her daughter in the eyes. "If I agree to this, you've got to get out of this funk that you've been in. It's been months now, Mandy. You're starving yourself, you're always rude whenever one of us says anything to you, and you said yourself that your grades haven't been doing all that great..." Carroll winced as she said that last part, but finally brought the subject up to Mandy. Carroll had ultimately suspected that her daughter's disposition was the cause of her lack of effort to learn in school. Mandy grit her teeth. "Get on with it. Agree to what?" She clearly wasn't in the mood to play games, and her mother just touched on one of her sore spots. Carroll sighed again. "Take this food to your uncle in the basement," She frowned. "If you want, you can ask him if there's anything he can do as far as your... assets are concerned." "Uncle Eddy?" Mandy asked, cocking her head in confusion. "How can he help me? I thought he just made home-improvement tech for rich people." Carroll turned away from her daughter, visibly uncomfortable. "Well..." She shrugged, giving her tits a light shake for Mandy. "He gave me these for my fortieth birthday with some gadget that he cooked up. I don't know if he's still got it, but..." When Carroll turned back to where her daughter was standing with a plate of food in her hands, she noticed that the last sentence she'd started went unheard. Mandy had run off, and she was alone in the kitchen. "This means you promise!" Carroll called out, praying that her suggestion wasn't a terrible idea. Carroll went towards the fridge and pulled out a fresh bottle of red, wasting no time in pouring herself another cup. She trusted her older brother Edward with her own life, surely there wasn't anything to worry about. However, explaining why his daughter has a pair of new boobs to Frank when he got home from his business trip was an entirely different story... ----- "Uncle Eddy!" Mandy shouted as she kicked repeatedly at the steel door that led down into her family's basement. The entrance itself wasn't attached to the house, rather there was a large concrete block with a security door slapped onto it out in the backyard. The original entrance was sealed off by Edward when he moved into the Vett household, feeling as though his living quarters were unsafe with such a vulnerable access point located inside of the building itself. That, and he had a few very understandable trust issues. Everyone Mandy lived with, including herself, was incredibly nosey. Countless times she or Dennis would sneak out and try to see if the door to the basement had ever been carelessly unlocked, mainly because picking five large locks was seemingly impossible to them. Mandy's mother and father were always asking her Uncle Eddy what he was up to down in his lab, but he would always give them responses along the lines of: "You don't want to know, it's pretty dull," or "You wouldn't understand even if I tried to explain it, which I don't have the energy to do." He apparently paid her father, Frank, as much rent as he earned working for a law firm that managed several banks across the country, so it was no surprise that her Uncle Eddy was always welcome to their house with open arms for doubling their income. That, and her mom's huge tits. Those probably bought Uncle Eddy a ticket to stay for life in her dad's eyes, Mandy thought to herself. Mandy was always curious about what he was really up to in his *lab* as well, but she had no idea Uncle Eddy had the power to give her a big, luscious pair of boobs like her mother's with the stuff he had down there. In fact, she was pretty pissed off that he never approached her with the option of giving herself an upgrade. As a few memories of him teasing her about her lack of curves flashed across her mind, the kicks she slammed against the door became stronger and more forceful with each one. "Open up, you wonderful, stupid genius! I've got your supper!" After another few minutes of relentless abuse to a virtually indestructible door, it started to make several violent clanking noises. Mandy backed off and away, and the door slowly opened with a loud clink... Standing in the dim light at the foot of the concrete staircase that led down into the basement, was a tall, grim-faced man with a shiny, bald head. His eyes were dark and tired, the lab coat that hung over his muscular frame was stained with every color in the rainbow and stunk of cheap beer and cigarettes, and the blonde hair on his angular face had grown out slightly past that of a five-o'-clock shadow. "You could just ring the doorbell," he said, his voice rough and grainy. He looked down at the plate of food in Mandy's hands, then took it from her and turned to leave. "Peace offering accepted." "Wait!" Mandy said, grabbing the door before he could close it. "Mom gave me permission to ask you to do me a favor that'sreallyimportantpleeeaaase!" she cried out as she pulled back the door while Edward continued to try and close it. Once she got the last of her words out, he stopped resisting and let go, causing Mandy to fall back onto her boney ass in the grass of the backyard. "Is this going to take a while?" he asked impatiently, tapping his large, rubber boot on the concrete floor below him. Mandy quickly scrambled back on her feet. "Yes? No. I don't-" Edward interrupted her with a grunt, then started walking down the staircase. "I'm in the middle of something, we'll walk and talk. Close the door behind you and don't touch anything," he said flatly as Mandy watched him disappear into the darkness of the basement. Mandy blinked, not having expected for him to just let her walk into the basement. She didn't miss the opportunity though, and quickly followed him down the steps. Another thing that Mandy wasn't expecting was how large the basement actually was compared to how it used to be once she was inside. The steps went down much further than she remembered, the dark, white-tiled room was illuminated by several flashing lights that littered the tall shelves of the lab, and the strange orb of that was emanating a colorful, pulsating glow in the center of it all on one of the large tables, revealing countless empty beer bottles that were strewn everywhere imaginable throughout the place in its bizarre glow. Next to the floating orb was Edward, who had set down his plate of food on the table on a stack of thick books and was examining the light with a pair of reading glasses and metal tongs. Mandy approached slowly, watching as he took the two sets of simple tools in his hands and clamped down on the floating ball of energy, their positioning on its top, bottom, left, and right sides seemingly symmetrical. The orb of light shrank within their grasp, getting smaller and smaller until it went from being the size of a medicine ball to the size of a metal pellet. As it became smaller, it grew brighter, the lights coming off of it changing and pulsating at a much more erratic rate. Edward bit his lip as his hands began to shake, but once he successfully had it fully clamped between one set of the two pairs of tongs, the orb was just floating in place within its triangular grip, occasionally vibrating as it radiated an unnatural, colorful energy. Edward grabbed a small, plastic, grey box once he set down the empty set of tongs, then slowly maneuvered the pair that held the ball into it. He took a deep breath, and in one swift motion pulled the tongs apart to release the ball and closed the box. Nothing exciting happened, and Mandy felt a strange sense of disappointment at the anticlimactic results, despite enjoying the odd light show. Once the lights of the lab flicked on automatically, Mandy could see what kind of a mess the place was really in. The floor was covered in all kinds of electrical guts, food wrappers, empty beer bottles, half- smoked cigarettes, various uncleaned spills, and even a few old, crumpled-up, porno mags. "There's no kind of signal down here, so I make do with what I've got to work with," Uncle Eddy said, finding a stool near the table to plop his large, tired body down onto. Mandy looked up from the twenty-year-old issue of 'Hypnotized Hotties from Planet Pluto' and faced her uncle, who didn't seem to care what she saw. It looked like he just went through hell and back, she thought to herself as she noted how unkempt he was overall. "How long have you been awake?" Mandy asked as she walked over to the table he was at and sat down on the edge of it. Edward looked at his watch. "About eighty-three hours, give or take." Mandy's eyes went wide. "I can come back another time," she said. She didn't want to have to come back tomorrow or the day after, but she also didn't want him messing around with her body while he's got one foot in the grave, if he could even pull it off. "No, no," he said as he started gathering specific parts and tools from the wide metal table in front of him, attaching them to the little plastic box that the ball of light was sealed inside of. "You said you needed my help with something important, enough so that you asked your mom for permission before you did. What do you need?" "Well, uh..." Mandy hopped up on the table, making it rattle with instability for a moment and knocking a few things that were on the edge to the floor. Their eyes met for a moment, and she looked down at him apologetically. "Spit it out. I won't bite," he said lazily as he grabbed a soldering iron and began welding circuitry together around the container. Mandy swallowed. "Sooo, mom told me that you're the one who gave her those big balloons of hers," she said, kicking her legs as they hung from the table. "What about it?" Edward asked, sounding bored. "She also told me that I've got her permission to ask you if you could do the same thing to me," she said, grinning from ear to ear. Edward grunted, but Mandy couldn't tell if it was from what she was saying or because something in his hands wasn't cooperating. "Sure, I guess," he said, completely disinterested. "But I'm going to need your help with something, first." Mandy's heart fluttered with joy at his answer, but was quickly taken back by his request. "My help? With what?" Edward carefully attached a large, square panel that had all sorts of switches and dials across the face of it, then clamped down some kind of fitted casing onto the rest of its body to function as a protective shell. In no time, Edward turned a mess of scrap into what looked like a high-tech, miniature soundboard with an antenna. He looked up at Mandy, his face as grim as ever. "With this," Edward said as he held up the device. "Which, actually, has the ability to help you with your problem." Mandy's pussy began to heat up at the thought of her tiny tits suddenly growing to the size of watermelons, ripping her shirt to shreds. Knowing her uncle, Mandy thought, he probably wouldn't bat an eye. She was still skeptical that an increase in her cup size would be as simple as turning a dial and pressing a button, but her perverted imagination was running rampant by that point enough to entertain the idea. "How does it work?" she managed to say, staring at the odd device with genuine curiosity. "Well, let's go over what I need from you, first," Edward said as he stood up from his stool and drunkenly stumbled around the table to where his niece was sitting. "Do you remember that light you saw?" "Yeah, that was really cool," Mandy said. "I mean, an explosion or something would've been way cooler at the end of it all, but it was still cool," She chuckled. "If that would've exploded, at least half of the universe would've been obliterated," he said casually. "It started to slip for a second there, actually, but I got it back under control before I managed to lock it in the filter." Mandy scratched her head. "Oh. Uh, okay, then." She wasn't sure if he was being serious or not. "Anyway," Edward said, realizing he wandered off topic. "That light was, is, a concentrated fragment from the literal fabric of reality. And yours truly was the first being in existence to encapsulate it in its purest form." There was a hint of pride in his dead, grey eyes. "The fabric of reality? I don't understand, that's just a concept that we use to define what's real. Everything is technically a part of the fabric of reality," Mandy said. Edward set the device down on the table between them and rubbed his temples. "I don't have the time nor the energy to explain how wrong you are right now, so I'll just give you a quick rundown. The universe, everything that is, was, and will be, is predetermined. There's no escaping fate, which is an actual, measurable statistic, for anything, if you've got the proper variables in place. Anyway, a friend of mine hired me to find a way to discover why this was, and if there was anything we could do to control not just fate, but reality as a whole, which in theory could alter any and every element of space/time, pre- history and post-history. I did some research, a bit of experimenting, what should have been a lethal amount of psychedelics, and then stumbled upon something far beyond what I was expecting," he said, digging into his dirty lab coat for a pack of cigarettes as he stared into the face of a very confused Mandy. "Lines of code. Quintillions of them." Mandy sighed. Her uncle was a lunatic. "Right. Okay, so, what does that mean?" She crossed her arms as Edward took off his glasses and lit up his cancer stick with a copper, flip lighter. "A lot of things, really," he said, taking a long drag of his cigarette and blowing it away from his niece. "But if I had to guess, I've found the way out of this massive simulation that we perceive as reality." "Would you like some Nyquid? I think you really need to get some sleep, Uncle Eddy," Her excitement was now replaced with worry for her uncle. Did this babbling psycho really give her mother the set of beautiful funbags that she flaunted around the house, or was this all one big joke by her mother and uncle? Well, he did do that thing with the weird light, and she didn't really have an explanation for that. She wasn't sure what to think. "No time," he said, standing up straight as he cleared a spot on the table by shoving a bunch of broken equipment onto the floor, then moved the device in the empty space. He took a deep breath and looked to Mandy to make sure that he had her attention, which he absolutely did. "I haven't had the time to label this properly, so I'll have to show you what you need to do after I'm gone." "After you're gone?" Now Mandy was seriously starting to worry. "We'll get to that," Edward said, dismissing her with a wave. "Thanks to my client's instructions, this thing is primarily designed for changes to reality that are centered around sex, so it's pretty simple to use for what you need it for." He pointed to a dial on the far left. "See this? If the marker is in the middle, that means it's set to zero. If you move it up, and press this button right here..." he said, pointing to a large white button located in the very middle. "It will add to the volume of your breasts, and vise-versa if it's below the center." Mandy's worry slowly faded as it was replaced by the hope that her uncle wasn't just some crazy homeless guy with a knack for lighting effects. "Okay, then. Hit me with it," she said, her heart fluttering again with growing excitement. "I could, but you wouldn't notice unless you were touching the box," he said, taking another drag of his cigarette. "That's one of the reasons that you're going to be the one making the change to yourself. I really don't want the mental image in my head of you suddenly having a pair of zeppelins when you didn't before, anyway. Myself, and everyone else, will be completely unaware that you were ever 'Little Miss Washboard'." Mandy's eye twitched, which usually only happened when a flash of rage would come across her. Even when her uncle was wasted and half-dead from exhaustion, he still had the strength to be a jackass. She took a deep breath and shoved down the negative emotions, then realized what her uncle had just said. "Wait, that doesn't sound like any fun. I sort of want people to notice my new boobs," she said, crossing her arms over her flat chest. Edward shrugged. "Sorry. It's the best I can do at the moment." "What about whatever gadget you used on mom? Where's that?" "Uh... I think that's in Japan, right now. Some guy wanted a remote control that was able to, as he put it, 'anime-ify' the body proportions of a woman." "... So that explains why her tits are so perfect," Mandy said under her breath. Edward chuckled for the first time since Mandy had been there. "You should've seen the look on her face, and then Frank's face. He didn't know whether or not he wanted to fight me for doing that to my sister, or blow me for giving him the wife of his dreams." He chuckled again, then took another drag as his smile fell. "Anyway. Before we can use it, I need to activate it. And that's where we come back to me not being able to do much more than have you do this yourself, and the favor I need from you in return for your boob-job." "Didn't you say something about going away? What did you mean?" she asked. "When I activate it by pressing the big white button, there's a very high chance that it'll send me into a mirror world of our own. I can only speculate what happens after that point, but the main thing I'm worried about is my existence being erased in this world entirely. To help prevent that, you're going to be touching the device when I activate it, and in theory, the fact that you remember my existence should tether some part of it to our reality. If that is the case, I will be able to find my way back eventually, all I need from you, is to be able to remember me." Once again, Mandy didn't know what to say, really. "What happens after that?" "You get yourself a set of melons you can be proud of, then you leave the device here and lock up the lab behind you. None of the other buttons are labeled, so you could do some real damage to the world, and yourself, if you don't listen to me and take this thing out for a joyride, whether this is all a pointless simulation or not." "... But-" "No buts. Or, here," Edward pointed to the dial that was two over from the one that controlled the size of breasts. "Butts. Go nuts, but only on yourself. Right here. This one time," He was really driving the point home, and Mandy was just nodding slowly in agreement. She wasn't used to her uncle ever being stern with her, and at the same time she was picturing herself being able to twerk for the first time in her life. "Mandy, are you a fucking asshole?" "No?" Mandy wasn't expecting such a question. "That's good. Because a fucking asshole would disregard her loving and very generous uncle's advice by taking this device from the safety of my laboratory." Mandy swallowed, and returned her uncle's sincerity. "After whatever's about to happen, happens, I'll do my thing, then leave and lock up the lab behind me." Edward smiled. "Sorry for that. But, good," he said, throwing his cigarette off towards one of the lab's corners after taking a final drag. "Touch the side of the box." Mandy did as he said, reaching out a finger and holding it against the device's plastic casing. Edward snorted, then met his eyes with Mandy's as he laid his index finger on the center of the big white button. "See Crest, o-..." POP! Mandy recoiled, then blinked several times as the electrical tremor in her hand quickly passed. She wasn't sure what was more upsetting, the fact that her uncle disappeared right in front of her, the line he used before making his exit, how he managed to butcher it at the end, or the fact that her hair was standing on end and lightly smoking. "If you can hear me, wherever you are, I hope you're suffering for that, Uncle Eddy," she said, looking around the empty room nervously as her heart raced a mile-a-minute. Mandy felt like she was going insane. Was this all a dream? Was her uncle dead? Does the machine sitting next to her actually work? Maybe it did, but she wouldn't put it past her uncle to pull some kind of elaborate prank on her just so that she'd leave him alone. That could've been some kind of stupid hologram of Edward that just blinked out, and he may be sitting somewhere else around the house laughing his ass off. That didn't seem likely, though, and the idea that the device actually worked as advertised was... Intoxicating, Mandy thought. Her head was buzzing with questions and ideas as she looked down at the device. She only had this one moment to use it, but her dreams of being a head-turning floozy with huge cans was just in her grasp. But what if she changed her mind tomorrow about how big she wanted her breasts to be and was locked out of the lab? What if it turned out that having an ass that couldn't fit through a doorway wasn't all it was cracked up to be? What if she... What if... Then, she was suddenly reminded of something. Something important, about who she was deep down, about what she really wanted, and about how she should proceed from that point on despite the bizarre circumstances. During the moment when she grabbed the device from the cold, metal table and took off running out of the lab, it was safe to say Mandy realized that she was kind of a fucking asshole. The locks to the lab's door clicked shut behind Mandy and the lights flicked off, leaving an untouched plate of food out to spoil in the dark among the blinking lights of Edward's many half-finished projects and experiments. ----- Mandy scrambled into the house through the door to the backyard, running past her brother and his friends without a word. Her mother, Carroll, was sitting with them on the couch between Dennis and Tommy, likely soaking up all the attention they were giving here. Mandy heard something about Carroll asking Alex about how he was enjoying his time playing football in high school, but the sound of her heart thundering in her eardrums muted the details of what followed. She quickly slipped into the kitchen and made her way towards a small empty window that connected the kitchen and the living room to each other, giving Mandy a great view of everyone that was present without drawing too much attention to herself if she kept her head low. Her house was fairly large, and the kitchen floor being two feet higher up than the living room's was a bonus to not catching anyone's eye so easily. She looked down at the device in her shaky hands, the anticipation of what was about to happen overwhelming her senses for a moment. If she was going to give this thing a test drive, then it was best that she had a few unsuspecting subjects to use as Guinea pigs. Thankfully, she had a room full of them in the next room. Mandy peaked her head out, seeing that everyone was taking turns playing some fighting game on Dennis' Zbox, and an enthusiastic and very drunk Carroll was more than happy to hype the boys up. "That's it! Show him who's boss!" Carroll said, her large tits jiggling all over the place as she bounced up and down in her seat, threatening to pop right out of her tight tank-top. "Whose side are you on?!" Dennis said as he sat next to his curvy mother, getting dominated at the game by his hunky friend while his face was growing red with frustration. Carroll smiled and put a hand over her mouth as she settled down in her seat. "Sorry sweetie, I thought you were the one in the funny hat." "Knock out!" Came a voice from the television. "Damn it!" "Dennis, language," Carroll said sternly. "Yeah, Dennis," Alex said, grinning from ear to ear as he passed the controller to Josh. "You should be more respectful around your mom. Someone as beautiful as Mrs. V deserves better than that." Carroll glanced at a scowling Dennis and smirked, then made eye contact with Alex. "Thank you, Alex. And please, call me Carroll," she said in a tone that was a little too friendly for how a mother should be talking to one of her son's attractive friends. The rest of the boys were snickering and doing their best to hide the erections that Carroll was giving them just by being in proximity to their young, horny selves. Mandy shook her head. Her mother wasn't a slut, but she was incredibly vain. She usually took any compliment that came her way in stride, but the more she had to drink, the more she'd enjoy the outright crude and sexual ones. Carroll was out there acting like she was 'big sister' of the group, but Dennis didn't seem to mind for some reason. He was getting annoyed and flustered at times, but he hadn't stormed off or asked her to leave whenever she'd come around and converse with him and his friends. Since Mandy was facing them from the side, she had a hard time getting the antenna on the device to point directly at Carroll without Tommy getting in the way. Once she figured that her aim was sure enough, she braced herself for a jolt of electricity and pressed the big white button on the device with the slider that controlled the size of breasts already scaled up by three notches. POP! Mandy's jaw dropped at the sight of her mother's already large tits expanding inside of the yellow tank-top that she was wearing, not realizing that she wasn't physically shocked like last time. They swelled rather quickly, retaining the same round, perky shape as they sat high on her chest like two fleshy soccer balls. Her nipples had clearly grown as well as they pushed out against the fabric, with the tops of her areolas easily visible at the bottom of her mountainous cleavage. The tank-top she was wearing would've caused her giant tits to slip free from it completely if it hadn't grown as well to fit their size, but it seemed like it was still struggling to hold them in place. Mandy was completely blown away. Her uncle was being serious about this thing altering reality as a whole, she thought to herself as she waited for anyone around Carroll to notice what had happened. It didn't seem the boys, or Carroll, had any idea that the change had taken place. As Mandy looked down at the device with her mouth still slightly open in disbelief, she started to wonder what the other thirty-plus unlabeled options on the device actually did. It just so happened to be able to make someone's tits grow, but there had to be so much more to this thing that her uncle neglected to mention. It's no wonder why Uncle Eddy didn't want her to take it out of the lab, she thought to herself. Mandy smiled wider than she had in months, then heard the sound of a familiar voice from behind her. "Where the foooood?" Zoey whined as she entered the kitchen. Mandy's head snapped around to face her best friend, her big blue eyes sparking with delight. "Grab a plate and get your fat ass over here, I found something awesome. But first, get some tape and a pen out of that cabinet, over there," She pointed to a small door in the corner of the kitchen that held some basic home utilities. Zoey frowned at Mandy's comment, then dropped her shoulders as she did as she was told. Mandy sighed. "I love youuu," she said flatly. Zoey perked up and happily continued getting the supplies and herself some food. Mandy fiddled with the two dials she was familiar with as far as functionality was concerned, and decided on where she wanted them set fairly quickly. She wasn't sure exactly what the measurements were for each notch on the sliders, but she had an idea of what she was looking forward to in the next few moments. Wandering over with a plate of food in one hand with some tape and a pen with the other, Zoey spotted the device that Mandy was holding onto as if her life depended on it. "What's that?" she asked, setting everything down on the counter out of the window's field-of-view. "Like I said, something awesome," Mandy replied, grinning like an idiot as she held the device out towards Zoey with the antenna pointed straight at herself. "Put your hand on it." Zoey raised an eyebrow at her tiny friend as she took a bite of a piece of steak from the fork in her hand, but reached out with the other and placed it on the device out of curiosity. POP! Mandy felt like her heart was about to explode at the rate it was beating as she looked down and watched her body transform into one that she'd only ever dreamed over having. Two large, round, and perky tits ballooned out from Mandy's flat, boyish chest, stopping at what Mandy would guess was a solid double-D cup-size. Her plain, tiny butt also underwent a few changes as her hips flared out by almost twice their width, while her cheeks bubbled and thickened behind her into a perfectly round, heart-shaped bubble butt. Mandy wouldn't have minded bursting right out of her clothes, but she welcomed them reforming around her to fit her new and delicious body, especially the magnificent valley of cleavage that grew from the expanding V-line in the upper hem of her top. She was a little disappointed at the lack of sensation she felt from the growth itself, but found out immediately that she was definitely more sensitive in general as she freed one of her hands to begin roaming her new assets. They felt foreign to her, but natural at the same time. Their new weight would take some getting used to, but the muscles in her back felt like they were stronger than before, as if she'd been supporting those puppies for the last six years. Mandy's train of thought was interrupted by Zoey's sounds of distress. She looked up and away from the beautiful sight of her body and towards her friend, who was leaning forward against the counter and choking on the small piece of steak that she'd tried to swallow, her eyes wide as she clasped at her throat. "Shit!" Mandy said, frozen in fear for a moment before laying the device down on the counter next to them so that she could get behind Zoey and wrap her arms around her friend's abdomen and start forcefully pulling inward. After a few pumps, the piece meat dislodged and went down her throat, leaving Zoey gasping for air and coughing for a few moments. "Are you alright?" Mandy asked, patting her friend on the back as she coughed. "Yeah, yeah. I think I'm... I'm..." What she was about to say escaped her thoughts as she eyed Mandy's bodacious curves. Zoey's eyes widened again. "What the fuck did you do?" she asked, trying her best not to scream the words. Mandy looked down at herself for a long moment, then looked up at Zoey and smiled. "I got boobies," she said immaturely, bouncing on her heels and causing her braless milk-tanks and ghetto booty to bounce around chaotically in her long-sleeved top and jeans. Mandy loved the way they looked in motion, the way their unfamiliar weight tried to pull her body around with them, and especially the pleasurable tingling sensations that she was experiencing from the way they rubbed against the fabric of her clothes. In that moment, her thick nipples couldn't have been harder. Zoey just stared at them as they bounced and jiggled hypnotically in front of her, at an absolute loss for words. They weren't as big as her own, but she felt a strange sort of envy at how firm and perky her friend's new set was, even for their size. "Nice!" Michael said as he strolled into the kitchen and went towards the refrigerator, enjoying the show that Mandy was putting on. Normally, Mandy would've threatened his life for both making a comment like that and being one of Dennis' friends, but she was in a curious mood and felt like teasing someone for the first time in her life, now that she could, anyway. "Whatcha doin', Michael?" Mandy asked, continuing to bounce on her heels for her horny spectator. His eyes never left Mandy's calamitous mammaries as he opened up the fridge, but he needed to turn away to search for what he was seeking. "Your mom told me to grab her another bottle of wine. She seems pretty messed up already, but I'm not about to be the first person of the night to tell that woman 'no'," Michael chuckled as he pulled out a bottle of white and closed the fridge door. Mandy stopped bouncing, but it took a moment for her breasts to follow suit. "Keep the booze and the compliments coming, and who knows what she'll do," She gave him a wink as she raised the bottom of her shirt slightly to emphasize what she was implying. "That's the plan," Michael said with a pleasant smile as he passed the two of them and made his exit. "I could use a drink myself, actually," Zoey said as she took off her scarf and tossed it onto the kitchen table, still eyeing down Mandy's body. "Why did he not flip the fuck out?!" she asked in a loud whisper, pointing at the doorway. "How did you do that to yourself?" Zoey blinked, remembering the box that Mandy had made her hold. Mandy was already walking towards the device on the counter as Zoey turned to look at it. When she arrived back at it, Mandy grabbed the tape and tore off several thin slices, then ripped those down into even smaller pieces. She began attaching them onto the device under each button, switch, and dial. "Do you remember my Uncle Eddy?" Mandy asked as she worked. "You have an uncle?" Zoey asked, tilting her head as she sifted through her memories. "Yeah. Or, no. Not right now? It's hard to explain, I don't even really get it myself," Mandy said, shrugging. It seemed as though people really didn't remember Edward. It was kind of sad, but he did say that he'd be back as long as she was able to remember him, Mandy thought to herself. As long as she did that, he'd probably overlook anything she happened to do with the device, if he even notices that she'd taken the thing out of the lab. "Well, he's a scientist, and he trusted me with a really important task," Mandy said as she picked up the pen and wrote TITS on one of the sliders, then BOOTY on another one. "To test out, label, and give him some feedback on this device that he made." "When did he give it to you?" Zoey asked skeptically, crossing her arms and pushing up her own large breasts. "You didn't have it earlier, or I'm sure you would've done that to yourself a lot sooner." "Ten minutes ago, I think. Like I said, it's hard to explain. He did live in our basement, but activating the device made him to go to some kind of alternate universe and, uh, something, something, science stuff." Zoey just stared at her friend. "Look, you've met the guy before in the past, but because he disappeared by using the remote, it's like he was never here. But somehow, he was, I think. Because the lab is still in the basement..." "I'm pretty sure that I'd remember you having some kind of mad-scientist uncle living in your sealed-off basement." "And shouldn't Michael remember that I wasn't a super-stacked hottie an hour ago?" "Well, sure... That sort of makes sense." Zoey shrugged. "If you're touching the device whenever it's used, you'll notice the changes. Everyone else has no idea that anything around them is different. It's like the device changes something, and the universe falls into place around it. That's why I touched you with it, I wanted someone to know that I went from being a plain-Jane to a busty-Brandy," Mandy said, glancing towards the kitchen window with a devious grin. "I haven't seen exactly what all it can do yet, but that's exactly what I intend to find out." Zoey took every word Mandy had just said and tried to make some kind of sense of it all, but wasn't having too much luck in that area. She prided herself on being fairly intelligent, but either she was so far behind this uncle of hers in levels of genius, or Zoey obtained the device by means that she shouldn't have and is making up a cover story. The latter was more than likely, but that still left the device. She saw first-hand how real it was, and just a fraction of what it was capable of. In the moment, Zoey decided that she was going to do what she did best when there wasn't a clear answer to a situation. Go with the flow, she thought to herself. "Can it make me skinny?" Zoey asked. It didn't really matter what the real story behind the device was, it had the potential to make some of her long-time dreams come true. "Only one way to find out," Mandy said, feeling her crotch heat up at the thought of a skinny Zoey with even bigger tits than the ones that were semi-hidden under her sweater. "How does it work?" "You can use the sliders and knobs or press one of these little buttons, then just press the big white button in the middle to make something happen," Mandy purred, pressing her soft, pillowy tits into Zoey's back. The two of them poked their heads around and peeked out from the window, examining the group of horny teens and the flirtatious MILF that was continuing to excite them. ----- "Mmm... You're so good at that, Tommy," Carroll moaned as she squirmed around on her back on the couch, her titanic tits wobbling around on top of her lithe torso. "I might just have to keep you all to myself." "That's fine with me," the beanie-wearing pothead said, kneading his fingers into Carroll's feet as they lay in his lap. Tommy couldn't pry his eyes away from her jiggling relationship-wreckers, which obscured Carroll's face to his vision entirely from his position at the end of the couch. "I'd make a great step-son." Carroll moaned again as he ground the knuckle of his thumb into one of her sensitive sweet-spots. "Can you keep it down, mom? I'm trying to focus," Dennis said, sitting on the floor at one end of the coffee table that was in front of the couch. He and Josh were in the middle of a card game, and Josh was winning. "Don't use that as an excuse for that trash deck you threw together. What made you think using all five colors was a good idea?" Josh chuckled, sitting at the end of the table that was closest to the end of the couch where Carroll lay. He had a great view of both her gorgeous face as well as the massive knockers that were in constant motion above her occasionally wriggling frame. "Bullshit," Dennis grunted as he tossed down his hand of cards, admitting defeat. "Language," Carroll drunkenly sang. Alex was still sitting in Dennis' father's recliner behind Josh, keeping in touch with people on social media and sending the occasional picture of a half-conscious Carroll's ample cleavage to a few of his friends. Michael yawned, laying on the floor on Dennis' right, opposite from where Carroll lay on Dennis' left. "So, what do we do now, guys?" Tommy shrugged, still rubbing Carroll's feet. "I've got my bong. Did anyone bring some bud?" Everyone looked at Tommy with wide, panicked eyes, Dennis especially. After a long, suspenseful moment of silence, Carroll sat up on the couch and looked at her son's long-haired friend with an eyebrow raised. "Well, what are you waiting for?" She looked to Dennis, and he could see that she was blitzed out of her mind on expensive wine. "Honey, go to mommy's room and grab the little jewelry box under her side of the bed?" "O-Okay." Dennis, stunned by her reaction, took a moment to get to his feet and walk off down the hall. "The bong is in my bag. I'd get it, but I'm a little busy," Tommy said before Dennis was out of earshot, continuing to knead Carroll's feet. She let out a quick squeal and giggled afterwards, moving her feet away from Tommy's grasp and sitting up straight in the center of the couch, her huge tits swaying every-which-way in her strained tank-top. "I didn't know you smoked, Mrs. V," Josh said as he cleared the cards from the coffee table. "Yeah, Mrs. V. You've never talked about it before, so we thought you'd kill us if you found out that we did," Michael said with a grin, standing up and making his way towards the empty space on the couch next to Carroll. Carroll rolled her eyes. "Boys, stop calling me Mrs. V. It makes me feel like an old lady," she said. "An old lady? Aren't you Dennis' sister?" Alex said, leaning forward in the recliner as his large muscles flexed underneath his sleeveless shirt. "Oh, stop it," Carroll said, dismissing him with a wave after taking a moment to take in his perfect physique. Damn, the things she'd do to that boy if she were just a little bit older. Well, eighteen was legal, she thought to herself with a hint of mischief. It's not like she'd ever do anything- POP! -that her husband would find out about. Young men his age knew how to keep a secret, usually. The only thing Carroll had to worry about was Dennis being a tattle-tale, but he'd been pretty cooperative ever since he turned eighteen and the two of them started doing some topless mother-son bonding. In fact, Josh and Michael turned eighteen last month, didn't they? she asked herself as a wicked grin spread across her plump, ruby-red lips. As Michael sat down next to Carroll, she placed her left hand on his crotch, then placed her right one on Tommy's. She grabbed their hard cocks through the fabric of their respective bottoms, comparing the two's fairly impressive sizes by feel as they sat back and melted into the couch at her touch. "W-wow." "Pretty sure that one controls libido." "You might need to dial her back a bit..." "She'll be alright, I didn't even bump it up that much. I think it's just the wine." Carroll removed her hands from the two boys' crotches as her son came back into the living room, holding a small, silver box in one hand with Tommy's two-foot-tall, flask-shaped bong that had a red, yellow, and green camouflage pattern burned into its glass structure. He also had a half-empty bottle of water under his arm that he'd grabbed from his room, for obvious reasons. "Shame on you, Dennis," she said as he set down the items on the coffee table. "I thought I raised you better than this," Carroll tried to sound serious, but nobody was buying it. "What can I say? Like mother, like son," Dennis said as he took his seat on the floor across from Josh. Carroll shot him a disapproving smirk as she leaned forward and grabbed the jewelry box from the table, emptying its ground up contents onto the smooth wooden surface. "Don't get used to this," she said. "I'm making an exception this one time, but this is the last time any of you are getting high under my roof." This time the seriousness of her words landed on the boys, and they chuckled nervously as they all watched her cartoonish tits jiggled and swayed as she worked. "Unless you're bringing some to share, anyway," She giggled, then gave Tommy a wink as she took out the stem from the piece and began to pack it full of herb. The boys felt a little more at ease with her last comment, then Tommy and Michael high-fived behind Carroll as she was bent forward. "Is it hot in here?" Alex asked the group. "I don't know about you guys, but I need to get a little bit more comfortable," he said, taking off his muscle-shirt and revealing his well-defined six-pack and pecs. It took a moment for someone to get the hint, but Josh caught on pretty quickly. "Now that you mention it, it is pretty hot in here, huh?" Josh said, grabbing his red and green sweater by the bottom hem and pulled it up over his head. He tossed it over towards the TV, then pulled his arms over his head and stretched to show off his lean, chocolatey body. Dennis swiftly took off his dark green T-shirt as well, but the results were less impressive as his flabby torso came into view. "I'm not going to be the only one that's not doing it," he said with a shrug, his tone neutral. He understood what his friends were doing, but it's not like he wouldn't enjoy the results of what they were trying to achieve, himself. Tommy and Michael followed suit, removing their own shirts as Carroll was putting the bowl back into the bong and looking around with a pleasantly surprised expression on her face. She handed the piece to Tommy, who pulled a lighter out of his pocket. Carroll looked around at all of the horny, shirtless teens staring at her with a youthful hunger in their eyes, waiting for her to follow suit. "Well, hell. You boys are making me feel self-conscious over here," Carroll said, reaching down and putting herself on display as she made a show of taking off her shirt. Her body swayed from side to side while she slowly shimmied the yellow fabric upwards, pulling it back against her breasts as the hem-line began to show under-boob cleavage so that her giant tits could pull up with the cotton, then drop hard as they escaped free of its confines. They jiggled and bounced like they were made of fresh jelly, while holding a perfectly-round, fake-looking shape. She tossed her shirt in the pile that the boys had created with theirs, and basked in their lust-filled gazes. "God. Damn!" Michael said, unable to stop himself from reaching over and filling one of his large, ebony hands with Carroll's supple tit-flesh. The reach of his long fingers wasn't even close to encompassing the full size of her bountiful mounds. Carroll leaned into his touch, moaning softly. "You better be prepared to finish what you're starting, mister," she said before leaning in and planting a firm kiss on Michael's ebony lips, wasting no time in pushing her tongue into his inexperienced mouth, to his enjoyment. Michael eagerly returned her gestures as he reluctantly let go of her breast to reach down to unzip his jeans and pull out his fully erect,- POP! -twelve-inch, black dick. When Carroll broke the kiss, she looked down at his massive prick and grabbed a hold of it. "I've been waiting a long time to take this baby out for a spin," she said, leaning down and wrapping her full lips around the head of his girthy cock while getting on the couch on her knees to stick her bubbly butt up next to Tommy's face. Tommy was in the middle of exhaling a massive hit that he'd just taken from his piece, getting an eyeful of Carroll's bubbly butt next to him as she was bent over and sucking off a very happy Michael, who was moaning and making all kinds of ecstatic facial expressions. "Rooster booster. Check!" "Are you sure that this is just the wine? I've never seen your mom so worked up before..." "You should see how worked up I'm getting." "Are you joking? I'm surprised that your clothes are still on." Dennis grabbed the bong as Tommy handed it to him, then took a large toke off of it himself as he watched his long-haired friend grab the waistline of his mother's short shorts and yank them down, exposing her wide, toned butt and trimmed, glistening pussy. Tommy dived his face directly into Carroll's ass, his tongue exploring the tight valley of her cunt and lapping up the juices that it was producing. Dennis exhaled, then passed the glass piece to Josh, who had pulled off his pants and was stoking his foot-long cock as he watched his brother get sucked off by a sex-starved nymphomaniac. "Your mom's a freak, man," Josh said, releasing his cock as he took the bong and lighter from Dennis. "I told you," Dennis said as he stood up and undid his cargo shorts, letting them drop to the floor to reveal the fully-erect and nine-inch cock that hung under his chubby stomach. "Get her to start drinking, and she'll do all kinds of fun things." "Wait, didn't you only hit Michael with the device?" "Yeah, but this thing fucks with reality, not just an individual by themselves. If a twin happened to have a big dick, wouldn't the other share the same traits?" "Oh. That makes sense, I guess. I still think we should change your mom back to normal before things go any further, though. This is getting a little too weird..." "As soon as we find the dial that turns you into a bikini model, I'll make things go back to the way they were before. Just let me have this moment." Carroll moaned around Michael's cock as she felt Tommy bury his face in her pussy from behind, his skillful tongue hitting all of the right spots. She pushed herself as far down as she could go on Michael's girthy meat, but couldn't even get further than an inch past the head. However, Michael obviously thought she could do better, pushing her head down forcefully on his twitching erection. She coughed and gagged as another inch of his cock pushed its way down her throat, saliva trailing down the rest of its length and dripping off of Carroll's painted lips. Grabbing her by the roots of her curly, platinum locks, Michael pulled Carroll off of his twitching fuck-stick as tears, drool, and make-up streamed down her gorgeous face. She coughed and gasped for air, then let out a moan of desire when her eyes met with Michael's. Alex appeared next to him standing up, then exhaling a large cloud of smoke as he passed the bong to his well-hung friend. He took a drunk, dazed Carroll's hand into his own, leading her to her feet in front of the couch. Tommy was reluctant to pull his face away from her trembling sex, and gave her big ass a hard slap as she stood up. Carroll blinked as she realized that she was standing toe-to-toe with a young stud in peak physical condition, who also happened to have a big, juicy- POP! -pair of tits. Fuck, Carroll thought to herself, taking in Alexis' body in all of its hot, naked glory. Alexis stood at the same height as Carroll and had a perfect pair of perky, E-cup breasts that were pierced with a small hoop in each of her tiny nipples. The gel-soaked, black fauxhawk slightly clashed with her adorable face and rest of her athletic, feminine physique that one could only attain through years of intense gymnastics and cheerleading routines. Her waxed pussy was slick with juices, and the hunger in her eyes almost looked as insatiable as Carroll's. Alexis leaned in and planted her lips firmly on Carrolls, their bodies and large breasts pressed together as their hands began to roam and explore each other. "Woo!" Tommy hooted, giving Carroll's ass another slap before taking off his basketball shorts to free his overly-thick, seven-inch cock. "Thank god for you guys and your big, stupid dicks," Dennis whispered to Josh as they watched Carroll and Alexis break their kiss and walk around from behind the coffee table to a more open section of the living room. "I don't think Alexis would've given us the time of day if we didn't have a set of BBC twins in our arsenal to begin with," Dennis said, giving Josh a slap on the back. They both laughed as they followed the girls. "Ooh, a feminizing option. That's neat." "How high up did you have that one cranked up?" "As high as it would go." "Could you be a little more careful? Testing something out is one thing, but there's no reason to go overboard like that. Things are already crazy enough in there." "Yeah, but your mom was the one who set her off. If she wasn't the world's biggest tease, Alexis would've dipped out hours ago," Josh said as they, Michael, and Tommy walked up to the two girls that had gotten down on their knees next to each other. Dennis and Josh stood beside one another in front of Alexis, while Michael and Tommy stood to their right in front of Carroll. The two ladies grabbed handfuls of teenage cock and stroked their impressive lengths, then began sucking on each of them in rotation. Everyone in the group was letting out their respective grunts and moans as the two bombshell babes gagged and choked on all of the fat cock-meat that they could ever want, their tits wobbling and bouncing around wildly all the while. POP! Alexis pulled off Josh's cock with a pop, then dived down onto Dennis' thick member without hesitation, rubbing her hand up the light six-pack on his abdomen as the other continued to stroke his friend's black- mamba. Dennis ran his fingers through the Asian girl's hard, spiky hair as she took more than half of his length down her throat with relative ease and started to hum around his throbbing shaft. "Damn, Lexi," he said, flexing his large, muscular arms. "The guys on the team said you were fucking slut; I just didn't think you were this good at being one," Dennis grabbed her by the hair on the back of her head and began to forcefully thrust down her throat. Alexis didn't resist, she just looked up into Dennis' eyes, her own tearing up as they were filled with lust for the sexy jock. "Hey, that one could work!" "And them some." "Oh, shut up. Let's just get this over with." "You're no fun." ----- "I'm so excited," Mandy said, writing HARDBOD under the dial that she'd just used on her brother. She didn't know how she felt about Jack suddenly being really beefy, considering that they've had legitimate fist-fights in their very recent past. Mandy didn't have much trouble putting a beatdown on him before, but things would be different as long as he had a body like the one he was currently sporting. In the end, the idea of turning her big-titted goth friend into a wet dream was a much more important matter that needed to be taken care of. "I've never been more nervous in my life," Zoey said, her hand trembling as she reached out and grabbed the device, its antenna pointed straight at her. "Don't set it too high, or anything... We're just trying to make me thinner, not turn me into an over-sexed cheerleader like Alexis out there," she said with a groan. Mandy's pussy ached at the thought, picturing Zoey wearing a bright-pink cheerleading outfit and dancing around with a body that could give an old man a heart-attack. Fighting against every perverted thought that was coming to mind, Mandy carefully set the dial to just one notch above the neutral mark. "I trust you enough to let you in on this device and all the amazing things it can do, so you can trust me to not do anything that you wouldn't want me to," Mandy said with a reassuring smile, putting a hand over Zoey's. "I've set it as low as it can go, so we can take it one button-press at a time." Zoey looked down at her body one last time, then looked at her enthusiastic, busty friend as she brought her hand up and placed it on the device's big white button. POP! Zoey stood there as her heart thundered with anxiety, looking down past her breasts in shock. Not much had changed, but her pudgy stomach no longer stuck out beyond her waistline, and her arms, legs, and overall figure felt lighter and thinner under her conservative clothing. Mandy just stood there with her hands on the remote and staring at her friend with wide eyes and a bright smile. She didn't say anything, but just flicked her eyes down to the remote when Zoey's met hers. Zoey rolled her eyes, finally smiling herself. "Fine. One more," Zoey said, feeling more confident already as her heart still raced within her chest. POP! Zoey felt another wave of weightlessness wash over her body as it slimmed down further. The jeans she was wearing that were once slightly- baggy were now form-fitting and showed off the round curves of her large thighs and big ass, while the sweater she wore was no longer baggy at all as it hugged every inch of her torso to show off her slightly smaller but still very impressive breasts. After gathering the courage to remove her hands from the device, Zoey brought them to the bottom hem of her sweater and slowly pulled it up over her breasts, revealing inch after inch of her soft, flat stomach and perky breasts that had lost most of the sag that they once had. Before, Zoey had been wearing a plain, black bra; now she was sporting a cute, lacy one that was mostly see-through, showing off her large nipples and their puffy areolas. Both of their mouths dropped at the sexy sight, but Mandy was the only one of the two that started drooling. "Dude!" Zoey said, bouncing around on her heels and making her breasts bounce just as Mandy had done earlier. "I feel so light! And strong!" After saying that, Zoey jumped as high as she could into the air, which wasn't outrageous for someone of her stature but would've been impossible for her old self. Mandy's eyes were glued to Zoey's big tits, watching as they battled with gravity and jiggled uncontrollably during her friend's display. Zoey giggled as she looked at a sexually hypnotized Mandy, then panicked as a voice came from the doorway, which caused her to let out a squeak as she quickly covered herself back up. "When are you ladies going to quit giggling in here and come join the party?" Michael said, walking into the kitchen with his big black cock swinging between his legs. He went straight to the fridge like before, cracking a smile as he passed by a brightly blushing Zoey. "It'd really even up the ratio, there's only so much pussy to go around out there." "N-no, thanks..." Zoey said, her eyes trained on his cock as he opened up the fridge and pulled out a jug of water. "Damn, that's a shame." He popped off the lid and closed the fridge, then took several chugs of the hydrating fluid, pulling away with a satisfied sigh. "How about you, Mandy? I've seen the way you're always lookin' at my junk," Michael chuckled confidently, grabbing his cock by the base and giving it a shake. Mandy bit her lip, glancing between him and Zoey, who had her arms crossed under her bust with her eyebrow raised at Mandy's hesitation. "I... Uh..." "Could you give us a second?" A once-again anxiety-ridden Zoey told Michael, who just shrugged. "Whatever," Michael turned to walk out, jug in hand. "If you need me, I'll be busting another nut all over your mom's tits." Mandy's heart fluttered at the mental image. She regretted the fact that she'd missed the moment. Once Michael was gone, Zoey stepped towards her friend with a concerned look on her face. "Well, we found what we were looking for. Why don't we call it a night and put things back to normal?" Mandy knew what she wanted to say to that, but she couldn't bring herself to disappoint her friend. "You don't want to change them back, do you?" Zoey said, breaking the silence. "Did you ever plan on reversing things?" "I didn't really plan on any of this..." Mandy weakly replied. "But yeah, we can still change things back later, after-" "After you have an orgy with your mom and brother?" "... Well, it does sound kind of weird, when you put it like that..." "Does it? Really?" Zoey asked, looking at her friend with disapproval. She knew Mandy was a pervert, so she couldn't really be mad at her. After all, she did take off about sixty pounds off of her body, and not get her involved in that mess in the living room when she easily could've. Mandy shrugged, looking down Zoey's feet. "Look, you can do what you want, but I think I'm going home for the night if you're not done here," Zoey said. "Get this out of your system, but don't cross any lines that you can't come back from." Mandy looked back up into Zoey's frowning face. "I don't really want to remember most of what I just saw tonight, and I really don't want to get caught in the crossfire in case things go horribly wrong," she said, gathering up her scarf from the table. "Whatever other changes you want to make, I don't want to know about. But, if you value our friendship at all, I need you to make me a promise," Zoey said as she threw the scarf around her thin, pale neck. Mandy blinked. "What is it?" "Promise that you won't do anything too crazy, and that you'll fix everything you do after this point before I come back over tomorrow," Zoey said. "And then, part two of the promise, we'll fix all of the other changes that we technically made together." Mandy thought about that. Of all the things that Zoey could say about what was going on, the choice of words that she'd just used seemed to be the greatest and most fair compromise that anyone could have ever offered her. "You bet. I promise." She smiled as a single tear ran down her cheek, her heart melting as Zoey cracked one of her own and rolled her eyes. "I love you!" Zoey called out as she scurried out of the kitchen and opened up the front door, then a moment later her head popped back into the kitchen through the entryway. "And lock that fucking thing up somewhere when you're not using it. I barely trust you with it, let alone any of those idiots in the next room," she said sternly before making her final exit, the front door of Mandy's home closing behind her. Mandy hadn't thought about it until Zoey had just mentioned it, but that was a goddamn good point. The thought of someone else being in control of the device sent a chill of terror up Mandy's spine. If that happened, she wouldn't even realize what the other person would be doing with it, and she would be just as oblivious to their changes as the hapless people she had just used as test subjects. "Oh, fuck yes!" Alexis screamed from the living room, bringing Mandy back to her sexy, new reality. Mandy looked down at her cleavage, picturing what her perky tits would look like with Michael's giant dick thrusting between them. She grinned as her clit twitched with desire. It's not like she actually needed it at this point, but she did have Zoey's blessing to do whatever she wanted tonight, just as long as she returned everything to normal, eventually. With a twinkle in her eye, Mandy walked over to the small window and held up the device. POP! POP! POP! POP! ... POP! ----- Alexis groaned in painful pleasure as she lowered herself onto Josh's massive erection, slowly feeling her pussy be stretched by his unreal length and girth as he lay on his back on the floor with his hands behind his head. She worked her hips with vigor, grinding on his throbbing cock and working it further inside inch-by-inch. Once she had most of him buried deep in her cunt, she sat straight up and slowly began bouncing on his cock as best as she could, letting out grunts and moans constantly while she felt as though her insides were getting rearranged. Suddenly, a strong hand came from behind Alexis and grabbed a hold of her left pierced, M-cup-sized titty, then she felt a thick mass slide between her toned butt cheeks and pressed up against her tight asshole as her breast sprayed milk onto Josh. "How's it going, bitch?" Michael said, feeling the head of his saliva- covered cock enter her ass with a pop as he guided it in with his free hand. Alexis' body responded with a hard shiver while a whimper escaped her wide-open mouth. "How do you like my brother's fat, black dick?" He groaned into her ear, forcing his own fat, black dick into the Asian cheerleader as she squealed with another wave of agonizing but pleasurable pain. "Well, there's a lot more where that came from." Josh bit his lip and put his hands on Alexis' toned thighs, pushing up and finally managing to bottom out inside of her stretched-out twat as Michael roughly handled her giant tits above her, soaking his brother's body in her creamy breast-milk. "Mmf... I thought you were tight before, but you're really squeezing me now," Josh chuckled, watching Alexis' eyes roll back into her head as both brothers were balls-deep inside of her. Once the two were settled and comfortable, they began to pick up a rhythm of thrusting in and out of Alexis. As Josh thrusted up, Michael pulled back, and vise-versa until they were at a strong, steady pace, pumping into a trembling Alexis as she moaned and muttered incoherent obscenities. "Oh, yeah. Right there, right fucking there! Mmf! Deeper baby, fuck mommy deeper! Uuuoohhh- fuck!" Carroll cried out, bent over the coffee table and laying on her huge, silicone tits. She turned back and watched as Dennis thrusted his hips forward, pushing both of his thick, throbbing pricks deep into his mother's asshole and pussy. Carroll bit down hard on her swollen, collagen-filled, bottom lip, feeling herself getting stretched in ways that hadn't experienced since her college days. She'd always considered committing the taboo of incest with her son whenever he became of age, but there was always some kind of awkward barrier that kept her from making the first move, or encouraging his own advances. Sure, they'd tease each other more than enough when they had the house to themselves by wearing as little clothing as possible and openly masturbating in front of each other on occasion, but neither of them had actually crossed any kind of physical barrier until that moment. It seemed that all she needed was a little bit of her "excuse juice" to get her to loosen up enough for her to be comfortable letting Dennis really loosen her up, she thought to herself as wave after wave of intense pleasure flooded through her slutty body. "That's right. Take it, you teasing cunt," Dennis groaned as he bottomed out inside of his own mother, feeling her holes twitch and convulse around his two throbbing, nine-inch cocks. He filled his hands full of Carroll's wide, bubbly, and totally fake ass, pulling out and slamming back into her repeatedly. "I should've just taken this ass a long time ago," he said, slapping her ass every other time he plunged into her, each swat harder than the last. "I'm gonna' make sure that my next sibling is going to be mine. How does that sound, mom? Your own son filling you up with his seed, getting you pregnant, and making you and dad raise the bastard that he's about to pump into you." Carroll couldn't believe what she was hearing, but the idea Dennis was giving her mixed with his huge cocks pistoning in and out of her holes caused her to have the most intense orgasm of her life on the spot. Dennis didn't let up, though, and continued to fuck his mother's brains out as she moaned and gasped on top of the large, plastic tits that were pressed up against the cold coffee table. Mandy giggled, laying on her back on the couch and watching everyone else's displays as Tommi's face was buried in her crotch and going to town on her clit. She gasped, bringing her hands up to cup her big, bare tits as they jiggled on top of her lithe body. Tommi, now completely female, was on her knees up on the couch and pushing two of her fingers into Mandy's trembling pussy, then began rubbing her G-spot vigorously while Mandy watched her extremely wide, shelf-like butt wobble and shake as she eagerly wiggled it from side to side. Mandy whimpered and moaned as her shaky hands snatched Tommi's brown beanie from her head, then put it on her own as the brunette's long, straight hair frizzed up for a moment from the static electricity that her final article of clothing had discharged upon being taken off. Tommi giggled that time, looking up into Mandy's eyes as her pert, B-cup tits jiggled underneath her. She could feel Mandy's tight pussy clamp down on her fingers as she started cumming, so Tommi responded in kind by latching her lips to the blonde's clit and started sucking and running her tongue over it rapidly, causing Mandy to start bucking her hips into Tommi's face as a another orgasm followed right after the first. When Mandy came down from her sexual high, Tommi pulled away, crawled up, then laid down on top of her, their vastly different-sized tits pressing into each other as the young stoner French-kissed her friend's older sister. "So..." Tommi said after breaking the kiss with Mandy. "It looks like you're feeling miles better than you were last weekend," she said in her lazily seductive voice, nuzzling Mandy's big, sensitive tits. "Dennis told me about you and that 'Danny' guy." While she was in the middle relaxing her muscles and settling into Tommi's touch, the mention of Danny sent the deeply perverted side of her brain back into the shadows. She looked down at the five-foot-tall minx that was using her plush tits as pillows. "Oh yeah?" she asked, mildly concerned. She'd completely forgotten about Danny, which was actually pretty good considering how much she'd been obsessing over the guy for the past few months. "What all do you know?" "Oh, not much, I guess," Tommi said with a happy sigh, still satisfied from the violent finger-fucking that Mandy had given her when she first came into the living room. "He said that some hoe has been all up on him, keeping him from giving you the time of day." "That's the gist of it," Mandy said, a flash of anger making her eye twitch at the thought of that bitch Stacy. Now that Mandy had the reality-altering device that her Uncle Eddy created, she was going to make that cunt's life a living hell if she continued to get in her way, she thought to herself. "But it's alright, I'll get what I want soon enough," Mandy said as a crooked grin formed on her cute lips. "I've got an ace up my sleeve." "Ooh, mysterious," Tommi said with an amused smile before latching her mouth down onto one of Mandy's swollen nipples. Mandy giggled and moaned in response, pulling Tommi's head into her perky breast as her arousal began building up once again, which quickly outgrew her petty frustrations. ----- "-ut... Damn it," Edward wheezed. He'd always wanted to say that, but of course he had to screw it up at the end. That was usually the case, so he wasn't surprised. One day, he's going to deliver a one-liner that will satisfy his thirst for the ultimate exit, he thought to himself as he held what breath was remaining in his vacuum-strained lungs. Edward looked around and surveyed his environment, unimpressed by what was awaiting him on the other side of reality's coin. In every direction around him, all he could perceive was darkness. He was in a void, floating around without any sense direction, and without any kind of atmosphere to breathe. Edward calmly pulled a pack of cigarettes out his left coat pocket and put one of the tobacco vials between his lips. As he was putting away the pack with one hand, the other was reaching up towards the collar of his lab coat to press a button that was embedded within the fabric. A thick, black rubber band snapped tightly around the base of his neck, and then started producing an elastic, glassy material that quickly began to spread outwards around his head until it became a completely spherical helmet, which was releasing a mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide from millions of microscopic plants and bacteria that were weaved into the collar upon its creation. A moment later, a small metal rod rose up from the black band at the base of Edward's throat, then emitted a tiny flame for which he could light his cigarette. He took a long drag then exhaled within his helmet, the smoke quickly being filtered out like gills through the thin, rubber collar. "Greetings," came tens of trillions of an endless spectrum of voices from the endless abyss that surrounded the middle-aged man on all sides. "What the fuck are you?" Edward responded flatly, almost sounding disinterested. "Everything," the voices hissed back. He took another drag of his cigarette as he held it in place between his pearly-white teeth, its burning embers being the only source of light in that particular existence. "Let me guess," he said, his voice dripping with condescension as he exhaled more smoke. "You have a few questions." "Correct." "I'd be happy to help, but I'm going to need something from you, in return. My time is quite valuable." "Name your price, anomaly." "One-hundred beers, per question." "... Beers?" Edward sighed. ---------- Chapter 2: Carroll Vett is an Irresponsible Sister ---------- "I don't get it," Zoey whispered with a horrified look on her face. "Why are they still having sex?" Mandy was doing her best not to burst out laughing right then and there on the spot, but she couldn't help herself from quietly giggling. "It's not funny, Mandy!" she said, looking at her best friend as her pale face became a shade more white. "What did we do to them?!" Mandy dismissed her friend with a wave. "They're fine. All we did was... Expand their horizons." She snickered. ----- Amanda Vett, using the reality-altering device that she'd stolen from her Uncle Eddy, turned her brother's sleep-over with his friends into a full-blown orgy. Her best friend Zoey happened to be there as well, witnessing most of the bizarre events that had happened that night, but left after they'd experimented enough with the device to find a setting on it that would zap away the fat from her chunky body. After that, Mandy made just a few more changes to the group before getting in on the action herself, but was only intimate with one of Jack's stupid friends, who she happened to turn into a sexy, bottom-heavy vixen moments before. Everyone fell asleep in their respective places around the house in each other's arms about an hour-and-a-half after Zoey had left, and she decided to stop in early the next morning when the sun began to rise to make sure that Mandy kept up her word about changing everyone back to normal. Mandy, who hadn't got much sleep the previous night to begin with, was utterly exhausted when Zoey came to wake her. She lazily dressed in a red tank-top that fit perfectly around her perky, double-D cup tits and a pair of grey short-shorts that weren't large enough to completely cover the large cheeks of her wide, toned, bubble-butt; both articles of clothing fit her perfectly, just as the rest of her wardrobe did thanks to the device's reality correction ability. She still wasn't quite used to her new curves, so seeing her new and improved figure in her room's full-length mirror put a light skip in her step as she headed out with Zoey to undo most of the alterations that they had made to reality. With the rest of the home's inhabitants still in the land of slumber, Zoey walked with Mandy through the house and had her undo the changes that she'd done to everyone else while she wasn't present, before getting to the ones that they were both present for. Since Zoey wasn't able to get a wink of sleep herself thinking about the device, she had planned for that to be the first thing on their to-do list. Because she wasn't touching the device at the time Mandy had changed them, Carroll's implants, Dennis' two cocks, Tommy's feminization, and Alexis' lactating milk-tanks went unnoticed by Zoey. She almost completely believed that they all had their unusual features for as long as she could remember, until Mandy went through and zapped them all, then Zoey remembered them as they were before she'd left, according to some curious questioning by Mandy. It was all very surreal, Zoey had thought to herself, as if nothing at all was really happening when the device went off without her touching it. In all honesty, both of them found that realization equally terrifying, but Mandy happened to also feel exhilarated by the idea at the same time. She knew Zoey would never do it, but Mandy started idly fantasizing about handing over the device and letting her best friend make a few changes without her knowledge. Mostly because she knew Zoey was level-headed enough to not do anything world-breaking, and that was also the reason behind why she was the only one Mandy would ever trust with the device. Once their first task was finished, Mandy reluctantly agreed to her tall, busty friend's decision to turn everything else back to normal. The two girls didn't need to make any specific fixes to Tommy, who's skinny self was passed out on the couch and laying on his stomach as his long, brown hair was in a mess all around his head. They stopped by Mandy's parent's room, where they found Carroll cuddled up with and sandwiched between Michael and Josh on her large bed. Mandy urged Zoey to let the two black, eighteen-year-old twins keep their thick, foot- long cocks, just for funzies. While Zoey was uncomfortable with the subject, she ultimately didn't see the harm in it, so they were left unchanged. Zoey was instantly suspicious that Mandy had grown Carroll's breasts without her knowledge, which was partially true, but when Mandy tried explaining that her mother always had those big, fleshy melons on her chest, Zoey wouldn't have it; she refused to believe her friend, despite her memories of Carroll being more stacked that ninety-percent of pornstars. Mandy dropped her mother's huge tits down to a C-cup, which were still perky and sagless thanks to changes that her uncle had made several years prior. Mandy didn't mind, in all honesty. She enjoyed the thought of being the center of attention around the house for once. On the upside, it seemed that Zoey had forgotten about them raising Carroll's libido to unnatural levels. Thank Christ for her drowsiness, Mandy had thought to herself as they continued through the house with a wicked smirk. When they went to Dennis' room, they saw him laying on his muscular back with the sex-bomb Alexis passed-out on top of him. Without hesitation, Mandy used the feminizing option enough to bring Dennis' body back to its standard, out-of-shape state. As she was about to up his fat ratio to give him completely back to his original body, Zoey stopped her, to Mandy's surprise. She apparently thought Mandy had done enough, feeling sympathetic to the burden of being overweight. Mandy agreed, but deep down wished she could've sized-up the mama's boy into the shape of a roly poly just for the hell of it, but Zoey had been surprisingly cool about everything that's happened so far, so she didn't see a reason to push her friend away by being an asshole. To offset Alex's feminization, they boosted that particular dial all the way down, then hit the big white activation button in the center of the device. The five-foot-eight and very busty Asian cheerleader quickly grew into a full-grown young man with as much muscle mass as a professional body-builder. The idea had worked flawlessly, even though the highschool football player was a bit larger, had slightly stronger masculine facial features, and had quite a bit more body hair than he did originally. The substantial increase in the weight that was on top of Dennis had immediate effects, slowly bringing the blonde teen to consciousness underneath Alex. Dennis coughed, his chest being crushed by the tall Asian's own. "H-hey man... C'mon, wake up," Dennis weakly croaked as he wriggled underneath Alex. Alex snorted and his head shot up at the feeling of movement underneath him. He blinked a few times as he slowly rose above Dennis on all fours, his large body towering over him. When their eyes met, both of them grinned with desire as each of their large cocks quickly swelled up and pressed against one another. "Hey there, cutie..." Alex said, his voice low and husky as he slid a finger down Dennis' flat, unimpressive chest. "Looks like I've got you all to myself this morning." Dennis groaned, reaching around and grabbing a handful of Alex's toned, muscular ass. "You can have all you want, big boy," he said, leaning up to kiss the hulking giant. The two of them made out passionately as Alex lifted Dennis up by the hips and positioned his thick, ten-inch cock directly against his new buddy's tight, virgin ass. ----- "Expanded their horizons?" Zoey said in an angry whisper as she and Mandy stood outside of their door. "Your brother is in there getting raw-dogged by a guy who looks like he eats concrete for breakfast!" Mandy fell down on her back, clutching her uncle's device under one arm while the other was using its hand to cover her mouth and muffle the sounds of hysterical laughter that were trying to escape her lips. "How are we going to fix that?" Zoey asked, her hand motioning to the door that had the sounds of two horny teenagers grunting and moaning. It took Mandy a long moment to calm down, but she got a hold of herself eventually. "Oh, whew. That took a lot out of me," she said with dark, sleepy eyes, still occasionally giggling. "Mandy!" Zoey silently screamed. "Sorry, sorry," she said, then took a deep breath. "I don't know, I guess we can reverse the changes that we make, but... What's done is done, I suppose," She shrugged, her perky breasts jiggling within her tank top as she sat up against the wall with the device in her lap. Zoey thought about that as she looked down into her friend's smiling, half-awake face. "Well, the device has got to be some kind of sexuality function, or something. We can't just leave them like this!" Mandy yawned. "I don't see what the big deal is. Everyone's happy," she said, her eyes glued to Zoey's big, prominent tits. God, she'd love to see what her friend looked like now without that puffy sweater on, Mandy thought to herself. "You worry too much, Zo." "I do not-" "Yeah, you do," Mandy said sleepily. "Look, if I stay awake any longer, I might literally die. Can we play around with this thing later?" She loved the device and its potential capabilities more than breathing itself, but at that moment, falling asleep sounded better than creating any kind of real-life sex scene imaginable. Zoey bit her tongue and then rubbed her temples, trying not to flip out on her careless friend. That was when she realized that she hadn't gotten any sleep either, and was usually much more than irritable and quick to panic when she went without her eight hours. "Fine," She sighed after taking a moment to think things over. "Can I at least take the device home with me, this time?" "Okay," Mandy snickered, then held up the device within arms-length of her friend. Zoey paused, feeling unease at Mandy's willingness to just hand the device over to her. Just as she expected, as soon as she reached out to grab it... "I mean..." Mandy began. "If there's anyone that I trust with the massive responsibility of taking care of this thing, it's you. With all of the things that could go horribly wrong, even by accident, I don't even think I can trust myself with it. But, I'm also just going to bed, after putting it away in that huge lock-box in my closet, of course. So it's not like it's totally unsafe in my hands, for the time being," Mandy said, clearly about to doze off right there on the floor. Zoey stared down at her friend in defeat with unkempt strands of her long, jet-black hair hanging in her face. Even though Mandy wasn't saying it word-for-word, she understood her point. With Zoey's anxiety issues, she would be losing her mind if she had to keep the device safe under lock-and-key, more-so if the reality-warping gadget was under her own roof. Her roommates were more nosey as Mandy and her family, so she could already see herself going a full week without sleep serving as the device's watchdog. It unsettled her to know that Mandy of all people would have it in her possession, but she also believed that she wouldn't go overboard with the device since she went wild with it last night. Zoey silently prayed to her Wiccan Gods that Mandy had gotten it out of her system then. "C'mon. Let's get you to bed, dumb-ass," Zoey said flatly, thinking about what kind of comfort food she was going to eat until she threw up once she got back home. She leaned down and scooped up Mandy in her soft, smooth arms. "Ha, alrig-woah!" Mandy yelped, not at all expecting to be picked up and carried horizontally, especially with such ease. She threw an arm over Zoey's neck, stunned at her friend's new-found strength. "Shhh! Keep it down," Zoey tried to quietly urged, quickly moving down the hall with grace as she carried Mandy in both arms with ease. "I don't look like it, but I'm like, really strong now," She chuckled nervously. "I don't even wanna' know how much that Japanese gorilla in there can bench-press now..." Mandy was indeed shushed for a moment, staring Zoey's large, jiggling tits as they bounced around over her stomach and against one of her own big breasts. If only she would loosen up a bit, then maybe her and Zoey could... Mandy shook her head, her eyes having wandered to the device under her free arm. No, she wouldn't do that to Zoey, Mandy thought to herself. If there's one person in the world that Mandy trusted with all of her damaged little heart, it was her best friend, and her big tits. "If you keep this up, I might start to develop some kind of soft mommy- dom fetish," Mandy snickered as the two of them came upon the door to her room. "I will drop you," Zoey stated as Mandy reached over and turned the doorknob. "Off at school? But mommy, I wanna' stay home and play with your big, milky- oof!" Mandy said as her body made impact with the floor in front of her bed, which consisted of a short futon frame with multiple memory- foam mattresses stacked on one another. POP! Mandy and Zoey froze for a long moment at the sound. When Zoey had dropped her perverted friend, the device went out from under Mandy's arm and landed upside-down on the bed, its antenna pointed directly at Zoey. Mandy scrambled to her feet, looked at the device, then towards her friend, who had both hands covering her very plump lips and was having a mild panic attack as she stared down at the device in horror. Zoey stared at Mandy in horror, her eyes tearing up. "Mandyyy..." Zoey cried, breaking down into tears and dropping to her knees on the spot. "H-hang on!" Mandy said, her arms quickly snatching the device up from off of the bed. Shit, she thought. Luckily, none of the dials had been moved, but one of the tiny buttons may have been pressed in the fall. Unfortunately, as Mandy had learned the previous night when she'd turned Carroll into a plastic bimbo, whenever one of the multitude of small buttons was pressed down when the large white one was pushed, they would pop right back up, meaning that Mandy had no idea what, if anything at all, had just happened to Zoey. Mandy looked to her friend as she had her nervous breakdown on the floor, her curvy, light-brown body's assets jiggling around in the revealing french maid uniform that she was wearing with every exhausted sob. She sat the device back down on the bed and went to comfort her friend, wrapping her arms around the buxom Latina. "It's okay, it's okay..." Mandy reassured Zoey, who tightly wrapped her arms around Mandy's petite frame as soon as she was able. "I don't think anything happened, none of the dials were moved. It may have just landed on the big button by itself, or something," she said, unable to help but stare at Zoey's wide, shelf-like, bubble butt as it wobbling behind her. At least she was still carrying all that junk around, Mandy thought with a thankful sigh. "B-but how would w-we e-e-even knowww..." Zoey cried as she looked up at Mandy, her big brown eyes with very dark circles around them as tears strolled down her mocha cheeks. Mandy rubbed her thumb over the beauty mark on her cheek to wipe off a tear. "Shhh. It's alright," she said softly in the ear of her old friend. "You need to sleep just as much as I do," Mandy said with a yawn, helping Zoey to her feet. "C'mon. Let's get you to bed, dumbass," She snickered. Zoey sniffled as she stood up straight, the ocean of her G-cup tits' cleavage in constant motion and threatening to bounce right out of her uniform's very low-cut neck-lining. The skirt attached to her outfit was also exceptionally short, barely covering her completely natural, gravity-defying, basketball-like butt-cheeks and almost exposed the mound of her shaved pussy, which was covered by just a lacy, see- through, black thong. Zoey looked down at herself. "Do I look any different?" she asked as she took a step back and examined herself, with just a hint of a Portugese accent in her quivering voice. "Nope," Mandy said, her tired eyes scanning Zoey's bombshell body. "You're still the same massive tease that you've always been." "Sh-shut up..." Zoey sniffled and sobbed a bit more, but was doing her best to cheer up and reassure herself that she was okay. The two of them rose to their feet, and Mandy guided Zoey onto the bed as she wiped her face free of tears. After grabbing the device, Mandy slowly walked over to her closet and moved the sliding door aside, then pulled out a large, beige lockbox and punched in the numerical combination on its keypad. It popped open, and she sat it down next to an envelope full of her savings, several old family photographs, and a few oddities that Mandy had felt as though they were worth hanging onto for the sake of memories. She quickly slammed the thing shut, stood up, and kicked the box back into her closet before closing the door. Then, she turned around and looked at Zoey, who had slipped out of her maid's uniform and was wearing only the frilly, black lingerie that was under it while pulling the grey quilt on Mandy's bed over her luscious body, looking back at Mandy with tired, sad, puppy-dog eyes. Mandy frowned as Zoey as she turned to face the wall that the bed was up against. She knew that Zoey prefered her spacey room in the attic to sharing a bed with her, but there were times when either of the two of them would instinctively go to the other's bed so that they wouldn't have to be alone. Mandy crawled into bed and under the covers, acting as Zoey's 'big spoon' despite being shorter than her counterpart. And even though she wanted nothing more than to explore Zoey's new, athletic frame in that moment, Mandy just reached around and hugged her taught stomach and held her tight as the sun was rising over their home, both of them finally getting some much-needed sleep. ---- Carroll's big, emerald eyes were sparkling as she stood at the open front door to her home, ushering her son's friends out of the house while wearing a navy-blue, turtle-neck sweater with a pair of black yoga pants that hugged her athletic curves quite nicely. Her curly, platinum blonde hair was slightly messy, unkempt, and still damp from her shower. The satisfaction from the pleasure that she'd felt last night was clear on her face to the boys as each passed by in single file. Tommy was leading the way, fully dressed and giving Carroll a wink as he walked in her direction. She recalled him asking Dennis if he'd give him Mandy's number earlier, and wondered if she'd be seeing more of the boy. God, she certainly wouldn't mind that. The way that boy just absolutely loved to eat pussy was... intoxicating. The eagerness Tommy displayed was a treat on its own, but he certainly topped it all off by knowing exactly where her sweet-spots had been. "Remember, keep this between us, cutie," she purred, giving him a peck on the cheek as he passed. Tommy melted with joy as he took his leave. As the beanie-wearing stoner of the bunch exited with his backpack over his left shoulder, Michael and Josh were right behind him in tow. She'd known the boys since before they could stand, having a long-time friendship with their mother, Wanda. Carroll couldn't help but give the twins a guilty grin, who happened to be grinning themselves, wider than she'd ever seen before. While Josh blew her a kiss from the opposite side of this brother, Michael reached out and took her hand in his own then brought it to his lips to gently kiss it. If Carroll's heart was beating any faster, someone would've had to call an ambulance after she collapsed. The memories of being on all fours and on each end of the two ebony teenagers and their giant dicks were all too fresh in her mind, along with the mental image of Wanda looking at her with disgust that shadowed each flashback of their encounter. She couldn't quite explain why it was so thrilling, but she found the prospect of having an affair with her best friend's sons to be on a completely different level of hot. A large part of her knew that she should feel ashamed and mortified by what she'd done, but the other parts of her, the parts that had needs, wants, and desires, she realized, had been neglected for such a very long time. Being a stay-at-home trophy wife was one of many pleasures in life, but being a faithful one for so many years had deprived Carroll of a great number of others that she'd been blind to all this time. In a single night, she felt as though she'd gone through a tremendous transformation in the deep pit of her soul. "Come back and see us, boys," Carroll said, giving Michael a quick pat on the ass while getting one last good luck at the two pythons that were stuffed into the front of their bottoms. The last to leave, the most impressive, and at the same time, disappointing turn-out of the night, was Alex. The six-foot-six Olympic Athlete that was still just a highschool senior came strutting down the hallway, swaying his toned, muscular hips, tree-trunk thighs, and steel- bunned booty with every step in the skin-tight basket-ball shorts. The plain, white T-shirt that was stretched over his sculpted body showed every indention and lining of his muscular torso, all the way from his stone-solid pecs to his extremely defined eight-pack. The package that was balled up and wobbling around in the center of his shorts was the main attraction, though, and she felt a deep emptiness in her abdomen as she looked at it. Unfortunately, she couldn't have what that flaming stud had to offer. "Don't forget, I want to know where you get your make-up, young man," Carroll said, never before imagining that she'd ever use those words in a sentence like that. "You bet, girl. I'll text you a few links that I think you might like," Alex said, his smooth voice accented with a dramatic lisp. He leaned down, exchanging kisses on each cheek with Carroll before cheerfully trotting out of the house. "Byyyeee." Carroll waved goodbye as she watched the muscle-bound Asian walk down the sidewalk to his large, golden pick-up truck, leaning on the doorframe as she made sure to soak in the image of his godly body. What had gotten into her? She idly thought to herself. Before tonight, she would never have imagined doing what she'd done last night, no matter the amount of alcohol that she put into her system. However, one thing after another kept happening, almost as if the universe itself had lined up a perfect sequence of events for her to end up having an orgy with her kids. Admittedly, Carroll knew she was a slut for attention. 'Half of women half her age didn't rock a body that was even half as good as her's,' she would tell herself while spending hours of her free time on a treadmill every week. Carroll's skin was youthful, her eyes were bright and full of life, her body was tight, toned, and had curves in all of the right places. She considered starting up a Sinstagram account a few times in the past, just to show off and brag about her divine body to the world like most other gorgeous people did, but she was too nervous about strangers and creeps becoming obsessed with her, and she was sure that her husband wouldn't be too big a fan of the idea, all together. So, to get her kicks, she liked to show off for the people that were close to her in life, and half of the town whenever she decided to go out to run errands. It was thrilling when the eyes of sex-hungry men roaming her body. Attractive or not, she seemed to feed off that certain energy whenever it was around, whether or not she intended to encourage such a feeling. Last night though, she was, without a doubt, encouraging said feelings within her son and his friends. Those boys had always been like puddy in her hands once she showed off the cleavage from her perky tits, even though they may not have been quite as large as her daughter's, or her maid's, for that matter. Carroll was somewhat jealous of two in that sense, but she didn't resent them for it. If anything, she wished Mandy would lighten up more and show off that amazing body of hers like Zoey did, instead of covering it up with those awful baggy hoodies and jeans. Sure, her son Dennis was a pervert, but that never stopped Carroll or the famously prude Zoey from showing off some skin. The main difference between the two of them was that Carroll wasn't the family's paid, free- use maid; always ready and willing to take any cock or dine on any pussy that came around her way. Carroll herself didn't partake, but Dennis and her husband Frank tended to take Zoey behind closed doors on occasion and pound the ever-living hell out of that girl's tight, Brazillian pussy. She suspected that she and Mandy fooled around every now and then, but their relationship seemed much too platonic for much more than pillow-type stuff to be happening, by her observation. It was strange. Deep down, she felt as though having her daughter's lifetime friend live with them as a glorified bang-maid was wrong; that it broke the boundaries of their marriage between her and her husband each time he took Zoey in the bed that she slept in while she was either cooking or exercising in the living room; that it wasn't truly healthy for her son to not want to do anything aside from stay at home to play video games and pump hourly loads into her employee. Still, the situation didn't bother her in the least, like their family's relationship with Zoey was the most natural thing in the world. Hell, her friends and neighbors didn't seem to have any qualms about it either, so she dismissed any slight concern as overthinking. Zoey's situation aside, Carroll suspected that Dennis was fighting fire with fire by inviting Alex over last night. The middle-aged MILF had three definitive weaknesses: Big dicks, big muscles, and Asians. In all of her life, never had she encountered a specimen as perfect as Alex. The boy, if she could even call him that, was a walking wet dream. She doubted that Dennis had known the boy for long, considering that he'd never mentioned his new soon-to-be football star friend in the past. If anything, he'd probably used his two well-hung, black buddies to bribe him into coming over. "Hey bro, you should come over and seduce my mom, bro. Bro, just help us make sure she gets super wasted bro. Get her naked, bro, so I can take advantage of her, bro. There's gonna' be so much cock there, bro. Bro I'll suck your big, Japanese dick if you help me out. Bro, I'll let you fuck my tight, little-" As Carroll flinched after she closed the front door and turned around, realizing that she'd been thinking out loud again. How much of that did he hear? She mentally asked herself with a sigh as she looked at her naked son; his hands on his hips with a rock-solid, nine-inch erection sticking out from his skinny midsection. There was an awkward pause as the two locked eyes, but Dennis was the bravest to speak up first. "So, like, do I get to pick, bro?" Dennis said in a similar mock tone to the one Carroll was using, eyeing her body up and down. "Because I was thinking-" Carroll swiftly raised a hand to his face and placed a finger on his lips, silencing the horny teen. "Go take a shower. You smell like a gay bar," she said, her blissful happiness replaced by maternal instincts that filled her with feelings of aggravation at his words. Dennis looked like deer in headlights, and it was clear to Carroll how he expected things would be from now on judging by the shift in his facial expressions from confident to nervous. The unholy line of taboo between the two of them had been crossed, but Carroll was not about to let her son take a position of power over her in the household just because he found his way back into his first apartment last night. "When you're finished, go and wait for me in my room. Then, we'll talk about what happens next," she said, then walked towards the kitchen with a wicked smile on her face as she eyed his deflating manhood on the way past him. Despite what was the right or wrong thing to do in the end, only one thing was certain for Carroll. The main reason that she wasn't horrified about betraying Frank after all these years, and why she didn't feel any guilt about it in the slightest. She was really, really fucking horny. ----- "I'll ask you one more time: Would you please stop that?" a very hungover Edward politely requested from behind the clear shield that was protecting him from instant de-atomization. Not long after his arrival, Edward had pulled out a small, metallic pill from his lab coat, then smashed it in between his hands. The particles of the debris that scattered around the middle-aged man and quickly began to spread, expand, and attach to one-another, forming objects and material that'd originally been both shrunken down and pressurized inside of a miniature black hole for a set period of time to be used again in an emergency. The large dome that had formed as a result was attached to a large, round, illuminated, tiled surface with artificial gravity, as well as enough of the proper furnishings and equipment to function as a temporary laboratory. "If you were just planning to kill me all along, then you should have when you had the chance." He poured a tiny amount of a cloudy, red solution from a flask into a vial that already contained a glittery, purple solution. As soon as the thick, gooey liquids collided and mixed with one another, they created a new variant of the two that was bright yellow and glowing. He set the glass vial into a thin, metal rack alongside seven other identically- colored ones, then looked away from the steel table in front of him and up into the abyss that surrounded him on all sides. It didn't appear as though there was anything at all beyond the dome, just black, unending darkness. However, there was a constant humming noise coming from all sides of him, and Edward's exotically fine-tuned ears could easily hear the distinct sounds of his virtually indestructible plasti-glass barrier slowly being eroded away by the void's unique energy. "If you wish to continue your meager existence, you will answer our questions." The void roared in a thousand hissing voices. "It is only a matter of time before your defenses fall, anomaly." "No booze, no sauce," Edward said with a shrug, turning his gaze back to the rack of uncorked vials. "You must have questions of your own. Perhaps we could trade. Knowledge for knowledge." "I do have a few," Edward said, picking up the rack and walking over towards a counter on one side of the room. "But I'll have them answered on my own terms." He set the vials down inside of a large metal container that somewhat resembled a beverage cooler. The voices roared again, but this time it was much louder, and sounded like a distorted cry of immense pain. "And besides..." he said, placing a plastic, peach-colored brick on top of the vials of glowing liquid. "I've still got that little helper of mine on the outside." A small grin broke out across his lips, while his sunken, angular face was still as grim as ever. "It-... It has begun again! Damn you and that-" the void began, but was cut off as it screamed at such a high frequency that every single sheet of glass inside of a mega-city would've shattered if one had been in range. "Like I had said earlier, my niece is out there doing God-knows-what with that device I created. A device that has a little piece of you inside of it." He closed the lid to the container, then brought it over to the opposite end of the dome and slid it into a small air-duct that acted as a two-way door to the void. "And I highly doubt that she's going to be done anytime soon." The infinite spectrum of voices cried out in agony again and again, and the loud humming sound that had been bothering the scientist began to subside more and more by the second, while being completely unfazed by the void's agonizing wails. "With each use of the device, she buys me a little bit more time to perform my experiments," Edward said, pressing a button on the edge of the duct that closed off the door to his end, then it opened on the other side to have the container sucked out into the abyss in the blink of an eye. "You can either keep attacking me, or you can find a way to minimize whatever damage is being done by the warping of this universe's fabric. Your fabric," he said, but received no response. It took a few hours for the void to begin again, as if it needed a moment to recover from however the device was affecting it. As it spoke, the humming around him from before returned with it. "We will admit, the actions that you have taken thus far within our domain are impressive," the void spat, although it sounded weaker than it had before. Edward sighed, then slowly opened up his eyes as he sat up from the tiled floor. So much for his nap, he thought. "Does that mean you're finally going to let me conduct my research in peace?" He asked with a yawn as he rose to his feet, then pulled out and held up a small, metallic box with a single red button on its surface. "Only if you are willing to share knowledge of the realm in which you originated from," The darkness said, slowly and frustrated, as if speaking to a child. "Okay then, I'll take you up on your previous offer. I'm going to ask you a question, and then you can ask me a question." "... Very well. Proceed." "Do you know what happens when a plastic explosive is detonated while in close proximity to an unreasonable amount of a synthetic, nonradioactive, highly-concentrated, plutonium substitute?" "..." "Well, I do, of course. But now I get to see what happens when it goes off in a big-ass vacuum," Edward stated, just before squeezing the remote detonator in his hand. ----- "Ahhh..." Carroll sighed with satisfaction as she sat down the cup that was full of a very creamy coffee brew just moments ago. After rinsing out the cup and placing it in the rack next to the sink to dry, she flipped her hair back using both hands and turned to walk out of the kitchen. "I am in control," she mumbled to herself, trying to inspire confidence. "I am his mother. He does what I say, not the other way around." With as fast as her heart was beating, it was a wonder it hadn't exploded. However, as the memory of Dennis bending her over the table flashed through her mind, her pussy practically exploded with juices, throbbing and aching to have his fat, banana-dick buried deep inside of it. Carroll turned the corner and began down the hallway, the crotch of her yoga-bottoms soaked and her mind racing with the thoughts of how she was going to handle her current situation. There was no way that she was going to deny either of them of the amazing sex that could be had, but she knew that he was just as much in a position to negotiate as she was. Hell, Dennis was eighteen. If he wanted to, he could threaten to move out in a moment's notice just before ratting them and his friends out to his father. Frank would go ballistic, without a doubt. She couldn't imagine the fury that he'd bring down upon her, as well as the family in general. But would Dennis do such a thing? She was his mother, and she was sure that her son did love her with all of his heart. Besides, as long as Carroll wasn't too strict with her boundaries about their new relationship, it was likely that he would be complacent, she thought to herself. She opened the door to the master bedroom, looking over towards the bathroom connected to it. The door was wide open and the light was off, so it seemed that Dennis was using the main bathroom of the house to clean himself up. That's good, she thought, it gave her some more time to psych herself up and come up with a plan. BANG! Carroll jumped as she felt her soul escape her body for a moment, the gunshot-like sound that came from her daughter's room having virtually scared the life out of her. "No..." Carroll mumbled to herself, the worst possible thought coming to mind right away. No, there was no way Mandy would do that, she thought to herself as she scrambled to her feet and bolted down the hallway. She couldn't have. There was absolutely, positively Mandy was stronger than that. Her little girl wouldn't just end it all because of what had happened last night. "Mandy!" she screeched as she burst through the door to the teen's room, half-expecting to see the most horrific sight that a mother could. Instead, she saw Mandy laying on her back in the middle of her bed with Zoey latched onto her from the side, the Brazilian maid's head nuzzling the busty blonde's side-boob. The room was dark, and the lower halves of the half-dressed two were covered up with Mandy's large, bright-orange quilt. "ZZZzzz... ZZZzzz..." The two of them were still fast asleep, and Mandy was snoring as loud as ever with her mouth wide open and chest heaving with her breaths. Thank heavens, Carroll thought to herself with a huge sigh of relief. She understood how Mandy was able to sleep through the sound that she heard, the girl could sleep through a supernova, but it made sense now why Zoey was still out-cold. If she could sleep next to Mandy and her awful snoring, then anything was possible. Carroll put one hand on her hip as the other reached up and scratched her head. If those two were asleep, where had that sound come from? She looked around the cluttered room that had both clean and worn clothes scattered about everywhere, checking for anything that looked particularly out of place. Carroll was about to give up her search and go look elsewhere for the source of the noise, but noticed a prominent crack in the corner of Mandy's sliding closet door. She tilted her head in confusion as she took a step towards the closet, then opened up the door. On the floor under the dense rack of clothes above it, was the lockbox that Mandy used to store knick-knacks and money, Carroll noted. She'd seen it on several occasions before, but couldn't for the life of her remember where Mandy had gotten it originally. Whatever the case was, the plastic casing that consisted of the electronic keypad and twist-lock on the top of the box looked as though it'd been smashed with a hammer, only if the hammer had been on the inside and was swung by someone with the same build as Alex. Carroll kneeled down and placed her hands on the edge of the box and lifted its lid, which came open without any resistance. "Hmm?" she mumbled, pulling out Edward's device from the dysfunctional lockbox. "What's this?" The device, covered in numerous dials, knobs, and buttons that were only one-fourth of the way labeled with simple pen and tape, was certainly a great curiosity to Carroll in a matter of seconds. What the hell is this? She mentally asked herself once more, reading each of the settings that had been recently discovered the night before by Mandy, to which Carroll was unaware of. At first, she didn't know what to make of the device, then she started reading the labels that were under several of the dials and switches. "'Boobs', 'Ass', 'Cock', 'Libido', 'Fem/Masc', 'Musc/Fat', 'Bimbo', 'Add/Sub Cock', and... 'Milk'?" Carroll raised an eyebrow, then turned back to look at her sleeping daughter for a moment before turning around and standing up with the device in-hand. Was this some sort of project for one of her classes? Unlikely, but it looked like something that a college student had thrown together with tons of fragile parts. Even though it was still clean and appeared rather new, the bottom corner of the device was chipped clean off and its flimsy antenna was slightly bent at the tip. Just as Carroll was about to reach down and wake Mandy, she put two and two together. Carroll stood up straight with a look of utter bewilderment written across her face. She did a double-take as her gaze flicked between the lockbox and the device. Did this cheap thing seriously bust open that monster of a security box? How? She wondered in disbelief. Exploring the face of the device with her fingers, one of them found the breast slider and moved it up a notch. Not quite sure what she was expecting, Carroll's index finger curiously laid itself on the big, white button in the center and pressed down on it, the antenna of the device pointed directly at Mandy. POP Carroll's mouth dropped open as she watched her daughter's breasts swell right in front of her. Only going up one cup-size was subtle, but there was an unmistakable increase in the amount of cleavage that Mandy's slightly-too-small tank-top was producing. As if possessed by something, Carroll couldn't help but slowly look back down at the device, move the slider up by another notch, and then press the big, white button again. POP Just as before, only on a more noticeable scale, Mandy's tits gave a light bounce and ballooned outward by another two cup-sizes. The red top that she wore was being stretched out beyond its limits, struggling to contain her two bulging boulders of supple flesh. It was amazing how round they were, despite having both gravity and the strained fabric pulling back against them, Carroll thought to herself. Were they... Were they real? With the way they heaved as she heavily snored, and the way the cleavage had bunched up... But, that perfect fullness... Her mind awash with questions and her pussy buzzing with excitement, Carroll slowly reached out a hand towards one of her daughter's pillowy, H-cup globes. "Nyuhhh..." Zoey groaned as she moved her face away from being buried in Mandy's tit, then slowly perched herself up on one arm next to her friend. Her tired eyes fluttered softly, doing their best to scan the room for whatever might have woken her up. She was alone, it seemed. For a very brief moment, Zoey swore she heard a thump, followed by the soft patter of footsteps on carpet- "ZZZzz-zz-zzz..." Half-asleep, the large-breasted maid frowned and rolled her eyes. It was likely just Mandy trying to breathe under the weight of those massive boobs that she'd given herself. Well, at least Zoey wouldn't feel so self-conscious about her own now, she thought to herself with a smile. She laid her head down on one of those constantly wobbling mammaries, then quickly fell back to sleep. ----- The door to Carroll's room clicked as she locked it from the inside. After taking a few steps back, Carroll looked down at the device in her hands and took a deep breath. Okay, so, what the fuck? Carroll mentally asked herself. This thing worked. Did Mandy steal this from one of the students at her college? She loved her daughter, but there was no way that hot-headed C-student could have created such a thing. Come to think of it, how could anyone make a device that could save a woman tens of thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery? Carroll's heart thumped in her chest as she pictured herself with a pair of tits that were as big as the ones she'd given Mandy. Walking down the street and being such a distraction that cars would veere off the road just because the drivers couldn't look away; going shopping at the mall and having all of the women in clothing stores gaze at her in envy as she pretended to be embarrassed about the lack of clothes that didn't make her look slutty; having Dennis and his friends practically cumming in their pants whenever she'd walk by during one of their little get- togethers... Without a second thought, Carroll moved up the notch on the breast- slider to the upper-ninth mark, then carefully turned the device around to face her. She took a deep breath and pressed the main button. POP The effects were instant, and Carroll watched as the fabric of her sweater stretched over her rapidly expanding jugs. Her modest, C-cup bust exploded with growth, and was easily that of an L-cup in a single second. The fabric down the front of her top and over her breasts was quickly torn to shreds around the I-cup mark, and that plus the offset in her balance by the additional weight on her torso caused her to fall back on her ample bubble-butt with an oof. On impact with the dark grey carpet, the device went flying from Carroll's hands and slammed against the door before falling face-down onto her extended left leg, the antenna pointed in her direction. POP Carroll had expected some kind of filling sensation to go along with her expansions, but instead felt like someone just bolted a big pair of fleshy watermelons over her originals, then suddenly those watermelons were replaced with yoga-balls, and then those yoga-balls formed extremely sensitive nerve endings, she thought to herself as she stared down at the massive pair of tits that sat in her lap. Each slight wobble and shake that her trembling body produced were causing a mild tremor of pleasure up her spine. They were so fucking big, she thought. Too big, certainly. And despite their roundness, the visible motions of their jiggles were like that of water balloons. They were so obscene, but... Fuck, they felt so good, and she wasn't even playing with- Wait. Something was off about them. Not her breasts, exactly, but her skin. It looked... younger? "Wh-hoa, Carrie! What just happened to your top?" Dennis asked with a confused laugh from the base of his father's bed. "You good?" Carroll's head flew back in surprise, not having realized that Dennis had already come in during her brief absence and was currently rubbing the rather large outline of his cock as it throbbed within his white boxer-briefs. She must've been so worked up about the device that she missed him completely. Shit, she thought as she turned her gaze back to the device, which was obstructed by the gigantic pleasure balloons that were weighing her slim body down with great force. "Y-yeah... I'm fine." Carroll's eyes shot open as she grabbed at her throat, not having expected for her voice to sound as it did. Normally, Carroll's voice was soft, sultry, and had a very slight raspy undertone from about ten years smoking cigarettes. "What the shit?" She spat. In just the few words she spoke, Carroll could identify that her voice sounded just as it had when she was a young adult now; higher-pitched, silvery, and sounded somewhat musical, even when she was cursing. After Carroll looked at her arms, felt her face, then flexed her shoulder and back muscles to feel for any familiar aches and pains, she discovered two things. Firstly, which was also the most surprising, is that the muscles all around her torso could easily maneuver and lift the weighty breasts that looked as though they had more mass than the rest of her body combined. Secondly, she was in a body that was near- identical to her twenty-year-old self; one that was flawless, free from any pesky wrinkles or stretch marks, and was positively glowing. "What's your deal?" Dennis asked, standing on his knees at the foot of the bed with his hands on his hips. Carroll looked back once again at Dennis, but this time as her eyes found his bulging cock, she felt the intensity of a burning ache between her legs that she had felt in years. God, she thought, having forgetten how strong her sex-drive used to be in her younger years. In her fourties, Carroll still had a more-than-active sex-life with her husband when he wasn't away on buisness, but back when the two had first hooked up, she was absolutely insatiable. Carroll would let Frank do anything and everything he wanted to do to her, and she loved every second of pleasure that came with what he had to offer. Now, she was back in that same body, and was looking at Dennis in a completely different light. It was either the change in her brain chemestry, the heightened sex-drive from both her age reduction and breast expansion, or a powerful combination of the two, but any reservation that Carroll had left in regards to sleeping with the horny teen was quickly thrown out the window. "My deal?" Debra dumbly giggled, amused by the sing-song-ness of her voice and the slight valley-girl accent she used to have. "What's your deal? I grow a pair of boobs that are each the size of my work-out ball, but you're wondering about my shirt?" she asked, experimentally trying to lift herself off of the ground. Surprisingly, and without much effort, Carroll slowly climbed to her feet as her gigantic ta-ta's violently shook and jiggled with each of her movements, their sheer momentus weight being the only thing that was offsetting to her as they swung around on her lithe torso. "I... I guess that's a good point?" Dennis asked, his brow furrowed as he shuffled through old memories for the time when Carroll's breasts started developing. "Still, I've never seen one of your shirts do that before." Carroll chuckled with a wide, toothy smile as she turned to face the full-length mirror in a corner of the room. "This is like, so freaking cool, dude," she said, ignoring Dennis as the reflected image of her outrageously-stacked, twenty-one-year-old self stared back at her. Aside from the lack of light freckles and sunspots that she'd accumulated throughout the years, Carroll was most taken back by the new size of her nipples. The areolas had to be as big as dinner plates, and it was as if the ends were about the size of tennis-balls in a cylindrical form, like that of giant eraser-heads. Not only could she visibly see how hard they were, she could feel it. The orgasm that Carroll had felt building up within her breasts was coming solely from her erect nipples being as contracted as they were, she realized. "Are you okay?" Dennis asked, despite clearly enjoying the show that Carroll was putting on in the mirror. "You're acting like you've never seen your own tits before." Carroll's shoulders dropped and she rolled her eyes, turning around to face Dennis. His eyes were understandably glued to her gelatinous bean- bags. "We've both seen my tits, Dennis. But we've never seen them like... Wait, why are you so nonchalant about all of this?" As soon as she finished, what he said earlier registered in her mind. "And, a minute ago, did you call me Carrie?" She raised an eyebrow. "I don't think I gave you permission to use my first name, young man." She wanted to come off as stern and inquisitive towards Dennis, but the mixture of her growing arousal, youthful hormones, and the absurdity of everything that was happening, Carroll couldn't stop herself from grinning like an idiot. Dennis' smile fell, his expression replaced by one of confusion as he relaxed his posture and shifted his feet to let his legs drop and hang off of the king-sized bed. "I have been asking about why the hell your shirt decided to explode for no reason," He cocked his head, then glanced down at the device for just a moment as it lay just a foot away from the jiggling super-hottie. "And, uh... What do you want me to call you? Are we roleplaying, or have you just lost your mind?" Carroll let out an exasperated sigh as she turned to bend over and pick up the device, letting out a giggle-moan as her rock-hard nipples brushed against the carpet. "Here, check this out," she said, holding the device up over her giant tits and pointing the antenna at Dennis, who leaned back with a worried look on his face in response. The only dial that Carroll could tell had been moved was the breast slider, so she dropped that one down to its center notch. For the life of her, she had no idea what button or switch on the device had turned her into a young woman again. The sliders were all zeroed-out, none of the buttons were depressed, and each of the switches were randomly flipped both up and down respectively with no clear pattern. It certainly didn't help that most of her options were unlabeled, as well. Oh well, she thought, there was plenty of time left in the day to find out what all Mandy's neat little toy could do. Carroll would be sure to thank her perverted daughter for the fantastic gift that she unknowingly gave her. POP "Ow!" Dennis yelped, feeling his briefs simultaneously contracting and ripping apart around his incredibly muscular abdomen and massive erection. Said erection bounced free and wagged like a reversed eighteen-inch-long, six-inch-wide tail between his spread, tree-trunk- like thighs. He looked down his perfectly sculpted body and towards the tattered remains of his briefs with wide eyes, then raised his sight back up to Carroll, who was biting down hard on her bottom lip as she rubbed her glistening thighs together. "Whoa..." Dennis said in his what-should-have-been noticeably deeper voice, glancing back down in amazement. "That's so cool!" Carroll would've used something along the lines of, "That's the hottest fucking thing I've ever seen." But he wasn't wrong. The teen's form going from unimpressive and scrawny to unyielding and statuesque in a heartbeat was definitely cool. If anything, he was bigger than the Japanese stud that he shared a bed with last night, and had much more dick to work with, Carroll thought to herself as she reset the dials on the device. She didn't expect him to be able to fit that anaconda in any of her holes, but she wanted something to smother with her giant funbags without having it get lost in the expanse sea of flesh. "A magic box that destroys clothes? Carrie, I can't believe it! Where did you find this thing?" Dennis sprung to his feet and stepped over to his large-titted relative, snatching the device from her hands with ease as his giant dick flopped around every-which-way as his six-foot-six frame towered over her own five-foot-seven stature. "What else can it do?" Carroll, who was completely lost, just stood there as the beefy, big- necked Dennis took the device and started looking it over. If there was someone with the power to read minds in the vicinity, they would be more than a bit confused as to why they were hearing the sounds of dial-up internet trying to connect. Then, in an instant, everything clicked with a- POP And suddenly, Carroll felt the familiar sensation of clothes being torn asunder around her body. Only this time, it was the yoga pants she wore, yet she didn't feel any change in her physical anatomy. All around her wide, toned, and very thicc ass and thighs, the fabric of her yoga bottoms were stretched to their limits and ripped in more than a few areas, letting her smooth skin bubble out from their openings. Slowly, Carroll turned and got a good look at her ass, her mind unable to completely wrap her head around what she was looking at. Both her shelf-like butt and the bottoms she wore appeared to be exactly as they should be, in her memories. Logically, it made no sense how she'd be able to comfortably fit into them, but her memories showed her visions of them stretching over her lucious proportions with ease. Because she now knew what the device could do, Carroll understood that her ass was much larger than it used to be, but she couldn't picture what it looked like before. She turned back and locked eyes with a wide-eyed Dennis, who was also starting to put the puzzle pieces together as he looked back on Carroll's recent strange behavior. Dennis' giant cock twitched as his gaze flicked back to Carroll's waist, getting an eyeful of the sight before him before his thumbs started moving around the surface of the device once again. "Honey, wait..." Carroll said as she took a step forward, causing her gargantuan tits to bounce around wildly from just the slight motions she made. She knew that look in his hungry eyes, it was the same one he had last night when he bent her over the coffee table. Despite her meager request to exercise restraint, she had a mild orgasm at the sound of the device going off. POP ----- POP POP POP Mandy's eyes snapped open as she lay on her back in bed, her mind finally registering the sounds coming from her side. She sat up straight just as quickly, her torso being pulled around by the unfamiliar weight of her 36H-cup-sized knockers. She looked down at them for a moment as memories of the previous night flushed through her mind. "It wasn't a dream," Mandy said, her eyes open wide as she stared down into the valley of cleavage that was blocking the view of the rest of her body. Her hands rose, placing them over where the lining of her red tank-top was pressing into her big tits. That's odd, she thought, when she'd fallen asleep, she could've sworn that her shirt fit perfectly over her new, uh... Standing at the edge of the bed next to her, was a familiar, tall, and very muscular gentleman that didn't have any clothes on. His massive, semi-erect cock hung down inches from her face on the low bed, and she could both see and smell the fresh juices that it was slick with. Mandy looked up into the middle-aged man's sturdy face, then down to the device that he held in his large right hand. His device. "Uncle D-Dennis..." Mandy stuttered, slowly backing towards the wall. She was half-expecting to bump into Zoey as she moved, but it seemed that she'd woken up and left some time ago. "I'm, uh... I'm glad you're not dead. Didn't think you'd be back so soon though," She chuckled nervously, her gaze flicking between his face, cock, and the device in his hand. Dennis gave her a confused look, as if she was giving him the complete opposite reaction of what he'd expected, then he smirked. "Yeah, well. You know me. Unstoppable," Dennis chuckled before lifting up the device and pointing the bent antenna in her direction. "Wait, wait! Uncle Dennis, please!" Mandy said, scrambling forward towards him on her hands and knees in a desperate panic, which startled him. "I'm so sorry I took the device out of the lab! I planned on using it to just make my boobs bigger like I promised, but... But... But I couldn't stand the thought of Zoey being as, uh, heavy as she was," she said, lying through her teeth. "We tested it out, put everything back to normal after we figured enough out, but, uh... I couldn't get back into the lab! It locked behind me, and I wasn't about to leave the front door wide open... I-" Dennis raised a hand as he lowered the device in the other, cutting her off as she was on all-fours with tears in her eyes, just inches away from his deflated, but still intimidating cock. His face bore an expression of confused curiosity, but was still a mask to his true emotions, Mandy figured. She could never tell what her deceased mother's brother was thinking, but she knew that he wasn't the vengeful type. Or, well, she didn't really know that, she just hoped it. Her Uncle Dennis had always been sort of a prick, and would often act a certain way just to screw with her. If this was any other situation, she'd be infuriated, but that was before she knew that he was a mad scientist that could alter the fabric of time and space. "It's alright," Dennis finally said after a tense moment of silence between the two of them, his deep voice as calm and collected as usual. "Shit happens, Mandy," He shrugged again, then gave her a reassuring smile. "Oh sweet Mary mother of fuck, thank you... I'm so sorry Uncle Dennis, I am an asshole after all..." she said after relaxing her limbs and collapsing face-first into the bed, her words muffled by the thick orange quilt. "I hate to break it to you, but that's not news," Dennis said flatly, looking down at the person who used to be his sister, apparently. In his eyes, she was the bitch-terror of the house that he'd known his whole life. Still, she had much more information than his other sister did. Before he'd turned her brains to mush by testing out the device's capabilities moments ago, Dennis was only able to learn that Carrie had stolen the device from Mandy, which had tried to pull some kind of a jailbreak from the lockbox she was hiding it in, and claimed to be their dead mother who accidentally turned herself into a young pair of tits. Whatever the case was, Dennis had no idea where the reality-shifting device had come from, and had always been suspicious of that giant steel door in their backyard. However, Mandy seemed to know quite a bit about both of them, if he was correct in assuming that said door would lead to the laboratory she spoke of. It's a good thing that this mystery Uncle of his had such a presence over her, he thought to himself. She was never particularly bothered by nudity before, so her general reaction there was expected, but never before had Dennis seen Mandy terrified of anyone's wrath as much as she was of his, and he was certainly going to use that to his advantage. He needed the information in her mind more than another quick fuck. Besides, he could always have his long-overdue revenge on Mandy later, and there were three more sex-crazed maniacs downstairs ready and waiting for him in the meantime. "C'mon, let's go see if we can get back into the lab." Mandy's head snapped up, looking into her uncle's eyes with fear. "You can't get back in?!" Dennis crossed his arms over his impressive pecs. "We won't know until we get there. For all I know, you locked the keys inside." Mandy's eyes opened wider, if that was even possible. "The device... That's why you wanted me to keep it in the lab, so you would show back up in there with it, or something. Right?" Dennis paused for a moment to think her words over, then frowned. "Basically," he said. "If we can get back inside, then I won't tell your father about any of this," Just as the words left his mouth, Dennis felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't know if his former father actually knew anything about whatever uncle Mandy thought he was. After planting her face back into the bed, Mandy groaned. Oh, good, Dennis thought. Apparently he did. "Oh, good. It's about time that you woke up," came a frustrated voice from the doorway. "Your Uncle Dennis here told me about all of the fun you left me out of last night." Mandy's head popped up and both of them looked towards the voice's origin, getting eyefuls of the stacked, latex-clad brazillian that was strutting into Mandy's room. Juliana, Zoey's twin sister, was as unashamed as ever of her bright-white bodysuit, which hugged her curvy form perfectly and exposed her tight, hairless pussy and rock-hard nipples for all to see. The angelic dominatrix strutted in, oozing both grace and sex-appeal, straight towards Mandy, who looked as though she was about to have an orgasm-induced stroke from just laying eyes on her. "Julie, hey! I was just about to call you, and apologize for-" Mandy said nervously, just before she was interrupted by a hand slamming against her throat and pushing her down onto the bed, both of their tits sloshing around like overfilled water balloons. Ignoring Mandy, she continued. "he said you and Zoey found that toy he's holding, and didn't let me in on the action." Mandy just whimpered helplessly as Julie reached down and pulled down at Mandy's short shorts, which caused her painfully erect, twelve-inch cock to flop right out from its extra tight confines. "I lovingly asked him to come up here and do something to you as a punishment, but I honestly couldn't tell you what it was anymore. I'm guessing that means it worked," she said hungrily. Julie pulled her hand off of Mandy's throat, leaving red marks behind as the busty blonde coughed and took in fresh air. "L-look, I'm sorry!" Mandy said, her eyes filled with both lust and terror as Julie climbed over her and aimed Mandy's cock with her well- lubricated pussy. "Just hang on a... Ah... Oh fuck... Oh, fuck! Ahhhnnn!" Mandy squealed, instantly unloading the thick batter that was stored inside of her softball-sized testicles as soon as the head of her lady-dick entered Julie's pussy. "It looks like you're busy. I'll go check out the 'lab situation' on my own," Dennis said with a wide, malicious smile across his lips as he turned to leave. "You'd better hope I come back with good news." Mandy barely registered what her uncle had told her, because Julie, without missing a beat, slammed herself down onto the entirety of Mandy's length while he was speaking. A continuous flow of cum gushed out around Mandy's cock as it was buried deep within her best friend's evil doppelganger. There was a good reason that Mandy hadn't involved her, and it was because Juliana was a being of pure lust. Sure, Mandy understood that she herself was a downright pervert, but at least she had standards. The fucking that she was about to recieve was a kindness, given the alternatives. If she'd gotten her hands on the device, there's no telling what would've happened. As Julie forcefully began to use Mandy as a living, everflowing dildo, pounding her hips against Mandy's own as both her cock and cum were being pumped in and out of the tight-bodied latina, who was grinning with satisfaction and a sense of control while looking down into Mandy's glazed-over eyes. ----- "He ignored us." "He destroyed us." "He found us." "He obstructed us." "He devastated us." "He saved us." "He ended us." "He feared us." "Those aren't questions," Edward sighed, sitting on a broken cabinet in the ruins of what was his portable laboratory as he listened to the fractured void around him argue amongst itself. It was as if he were surrounded by glowing masses of broken glass, some of them as large as entire galaxies in the distance while others were as tiny as grains of sand while they floated in front of the scientist's face; most of the crystalized holes in reality overlapping and passing through one another for a brief moment as their constant, respective rotations and movements sent them on a constant chain of randomized collision courses for one another, causing a strange frequency of vibrations that varied on what colored and sized crystals phazed through each other. Over the strange sounds that they created, each individually-colored piece of the shattered spaces hummed and resonated as one of the voices spoke, indicating what Edward guessed was their current base emotion or perspective on what had just happened. He inhaled the cigarette between his lips and then exhaled into the emergency, plasti-glass helmet he was wearing, gazing up at the seemingly endless spectrum of colorful energies and masses that floated and flowed all around his pathetic excuse for a lab. The dome that covered the once-illuminated tiled-floor of the lab had been destroyed in the devastating explosion that his make-shift bomb had made, and most of the useful equipment inside was rendered either damaged and/or completely useless, afterwards. "He traumatized us." "He empowered us." "He corrected us." "He delivered us." "He taught us." "He shamed us." "He enlightened us." "He united us." And here he thought the sound of his done being eaten was annoying. Jesus, Edward thought to himself, if he was going to have to listen to this for much longer, he might have to resort to his emergency hangover solution. As soon as his little smoke-break was over, he was going to continue with the main objective of finding a way out of whatever dimension that he'd brought himself to. Unfortunately, because of Edward's odd fixation with turning everything up to eleven(-thousand), he just had to make a bomb that would set an entire universe on fire, as well as cripple his own capabilities in the process. Now, he was actually going to have to ask some of these non-corporeal entities for assistance to get back to his own universe. Edward just hoped that he still had a world to return to. If he'd have just sent Mandy off with a pair of jugs and left the device in his lab, where the explosion could've been contained... Stupid. "He annihilated us." "He frightened us." "He slaughtered us." "He helped us." "He devolved us." "He killed us." "He punished us." "He created us." As the final voice spoke, Edward noticed that there wasn't any particular color that vibrated or shifted as the words were said. As it finished its short sentence, there was movement in the bottom corner of the middle-aged scientist's eye. His gaze edged in the direction of the bizarre sight to his left, realizing that a floating black sphere had appeared several feet away. It was about the size of a bowling-ball, and seemed to absorb the light that the other glassy, ethereal shapes in the rainbow void were producing, but didn't appear to be growing in size. "He ignored us." "He destro-." "Shut up!" Edward shouted and raised a hand raised towards a skyscraper- sized non-mass floating around several miles in the distance to his upper right outside of the broken dome, cutting off the color of green mid-sentence. "You. Repeat yourself," he said as he pointed at the darker-than-black ball of mysterious energy that was suddenly inhabiting his poor excuse for a laboratory along-side him. "He created us," it said, completely unmoving, unlike the rest of its colored counterparts. "Hmm," Edward responded, his brow furrowed. "You created us." "Hardly," he laughed. "But, I mean, if that's how you want to look at it. Why not?" "You found us." "You obstructed us." "You devastated us." "You saved us." "You ended us." "You feared us." Edward groaned, then looked around as he addressed each of the colors individually. "Technically. From what, killing me? Probably. What? Not really. And absolutely not." "You traumatized us." "You empowered us." "You corrected us." "You delivered us." "You taught us." "You shamed us." "You enlightened us." "You united us." "Fantastic," Edward grumbled before taking in a deep breath. He pressed the hidden button on his labcoat's collar to dispel his helmet for a brief moment, then began chugging down the bottle of rubbing-alcohol that he'd snagged from the broken cabinet he was sitting on. Now, they weren't just talking about him, they were talking at him, he thought to himself as the glass helmet reformed around his head. Just as he was about to throw the empty bottle out into the void and had his helmet reform, there was a sort of stutter in his physical being, almost like that of a glitch in a virtual simulation or video game. The bottle phased through his hand in that instant, falling to the floor and bouncing around for a few moments as Edward pondered what this meant. "God damnit, Mandy." He sighed. "You had one real job.* ... Well, at least his universe was still standing. ---------- Chapter 3: Dennis Vett is the Bane of Doors ---------- "So, how do I look?" Mandy beemed, kicking off of the ground and spinning on the ball of her left heeled foot. Her lengthy, blonde hair twirled along with her, and the pair of fleshy watermelons that were straining the shoulder straps of her flowing, dark purple dress quickly pulled the clumsy dork off-balance and sent her tumbling to the ground. "Oof!" Having landed comfortably on her pillowy tits with her equally impressive, bubbly ass sticking straight up in the air, Mandy was unintentionally begging for what happened next. SMACK! "Ow! ... Damn it Julie, I said your stupid safe word already..." she whined, reaching back and rubbing the red handprint hidden underneath her dress with both hands as she lay on her knees with her big, jiggly tits smushed against the floor. Despite how easily Mandy was able to move around with her newly attained endowments, the unfamiliar but pleasurable sensations that came along with them once they came into contact with anything at all was a bit much to handle sometimes. The stinging pain on the sizable surface area of her wide, shelf-like butt; the soothing touch of her soft, pale hands running across that bubbly spot over the smooth, polyester fabric; the pressure of her bouncy, seemingly-weightless, and oversized tits both stuffed into an ill-fitting dress and rubbing against the rough carpet of her floor... If Mandy just tensed up a bit, gave in to the rising desire, let it all out... No, no, she thought to herself. Mandy had just finished getting ready, and this one-in-a-lifetime opportunity wasn't one she planned on being late for. "Sorry, couldn't resist. Never should've told you what that was, by the way," Julie giggled, then crossed her arms over the jiggly globes on her taut, athletic torso that were confined in a form-fitting, sleeveless, camouflage-patterned shirt, showing off a generous amount of tight, perky cleavage from its unbuttoned collar. Her gaze was intensely focused on the jelly-like and bulbous butt-cheeks sticking straight up in the air and were constantly wobbling from the swift smack she'd graced the right one with. "By the way, smooth," She snickered, lightly dangling a hand over her mouth in a snobby manner. "Shut up," Mandy groaned, carefully gathering herself and rising to her feet. She felt her clunky, slutty form jiggle and shake with every move she made, no matter how slight. It was still going to take some getting used to, Mandy thought to herself. Still, she was grateful the device altered her supportive muscles so that she was still able to move fairly freely without any real discomfort from their weighty goodness. Once standing, she turned to face Julie with her hands on wide, cocked hips. "Seriously though, do I look good? I really like this dress, but I've never worn it in public or anything, because well, y'know..." "I don't know, actually," Julie said, her tone and expression flat at the reminder of being left out of the device's usage the previous night. She had no memories of Mandy having a flat and boyish body, and would rather do without the downright depressing mental image, but the ruthless and almost comedic description that the bitchy blonde had given her old self did elicit a genuine laugh or two earlier. "But, if you want an honest answer..." The Brazillian domme drank in Mandy's erotic figure, admiring the way her round, perky tits were just a size or two too big for the top of the glittery, violet dress that extended down to her ankles; the way the midsection hugged her thin waist and how it flawlessly trailed lower towards her wide hips, parting on the sides at her upper-thighs and showing off some of the smooth, milky skin of her plump hams; and especially the way the soft, girthy outline of cockmeat hung down to just above her knees and was clearly visible from being pushed out by her luscious thighs such limited confines. "Meow," Julie said with a hungry, sadistic smile, then chomped her pearly teeth together. The audible click that followed caused Mandy to flinch. "You are absolutely stunning, babe. I can't wait to meet the boy that deserves what you've got to offer." Mandy blushed. No one, not ever, had ever given her a single, genuine compliment along those lines regarding her figure in her entire life. Sure, she's had a friend or two that would throw out a flirty compliment like that at her and each other because, well, it was never not fun to do, but not one of those times did they have the hungry, predatory gaze that Julie had on her stunning face in that moment. It sent chills up her spine, and caused her overly-sensitive condom-buster to twitch into full mast in an instant. Speaking of which, there it goes again... Mandy weakly thought to herself as her knees buckled and an awkwardly adorable expression spread across her face. "Ohhh... Oh god-d-damnit..." Mandy groaned, falling to her knees in a pleasure-panic and trying to look over her massive tits as her hands quickly grabbed ahold of the twitching outline of her cock, making sure that the rubber cum-balloon she used for a safety measure was secure and holding strong. "I'll never get tired of that," Julie mused, turning to leave the room with a smug flick of her long, wavy hair. Before she closed the door, Julie glanced back at the helpless blonde. "If you need me for anything, I'll be in your shower, darling." Hell, neither would she, Mandy weakly thought as the intense sensations in her cock temporarily turned her brains into mush. The damned thing had cursed her ever since middle school, but she'd learned how to deal with it and its trigger-happy nature over time, for the most part. As long as she could keep grabby hands off of her, not focus too much on any dirty talk being said within earshot, and have at least three spare condoms in her purse, she could get through the day with relative ease and without ruining another good pair of bottoms. However, she was going to need to start carrying around a few extra condoms in her purse from now on if Julie looked at her like that as often as she assumed she would. Before Mandy gone through her bustification, the forceful fuck-machine that was sister to a passive pillow-princess treated and looked at Mandy like just another dildo stuffed in the back of her sock drawer. In this reality, apparently Julie was used to using her gaze as a weapon against Mandy, which tenchically acted as an immediate trigger for her own, fleshy love- cannon. Mandy let out a satisfied sigh of release as her cock stopped pumping seed into the strained, softball-sized balloon that sloshed down just low enough to be exposed from the bottom of her dress, Mandy noticed as she rose to her feet and shakily turned to the full-length mirror in the corner of her room. "Now I'm gonna' be late. Fantastic," Mandy groaned, still holding her still semi-hard cock by its base over the dress to keep the neon-pink condom from slipping off. "Sorry Danny, I'm coming..." She mumbled to herself, then chuckled. "Pun intended." ----- POP Dennis Vett grunted as he slammed his thick, calloused fist into the large, steel door in the middle of his family's backyard with a thunderous CLANG. Just like the previous punches, not even an indention was made. "More," Dennis said, the depth of his voice rivaling that of a certain car insurance spokesman as he wound his unnaturally muscular arm back for another swing. "I dunno', sir," Tommy said, cowering in fear as he held the device with shaky hands. "If I do it again, you might not be able to fit in your house anymore, let alone the-" The look of impatience that the middle-aged orge gave Tommy sent a lightning bolt of raw terror up through the lazy stoner's spine. He quickly double-checked the maxed-out dial that could alter someone's physical prowess, then pressed down on the big white button located in the center of the clunky, damaged device. POP With another grunt and earsplitting CLANG, the fourteen-foot-tall Dennis sighed with satisfaction as he looked down upon the security door, finally having left a slight dent after four full-powered physical enhancements from the device had taken effect on him. Upon learning about the device's feature to significantly boost one's biologically male attributes, while also not wanting to underestimate (or overestimate) the new strength he would obtain, Dennis decided to use his former and very easily intimidated buddy as a guinea pig for an experimental operation that he initially referred to as: 'GetThisFuckin'DoorofMagicalTreasuresOpen', which consisted of turning himself into a living weapon that had the punching power of an explosive artillery shell. Or, that was the plan that Dennis remembered making, he thought to himself as he reflected back on the years of intense physical training and the copious amounts of growth enhancements that he'd undergone in his youth, turning him into the monster that stood before Tommy. He understood that his memories were likely false, considering how the reality-correcting effects of the device functioned, but he wasn't worried. If the operation was a success, Dennis' "real" memories were a small price to pay for world domination. Once he and his former sister Carrie found the dial to restore her age back to what she remembered it as (after quite a bit of playful change/revert experimenting on one another), she had changed her mind and instead threw out the idea that he should ramp up his own age. The two of them assumed that, with the way the reality-correcting features worked, Dennis would wind up as her father afterwards, but his interaction with Mandy proved that that wasn't exactly the case. His mystery uncle may have been some kind of savant when it came to creating awesome sex-tech, however his potential was clearly wasted on such frivilous pursuits when he could've been attaining virtual godhood, the status that Dennis had been seeking ever since his oversized baby legs took their first steps. Oh well, he thought, whatever his uncle did to get himself erased from existence was his own loss, and Dennis' gain. Dennis stood up straight and rolled his gigantic shoulders back, turning his attention to Tommy. "One more, for good measure," The grotesque, muscular giant boomed, his voice as powerful as the rippling fibers of darkened, compacted flesh that made up his being. "I-If you say so..." POP After another slam of his fist, the dent in the door grew in size, although not on a much larger scale as the previous impact. Tommy took a step back, the menacing words of Carrie's uncle ringing through his mind as he watched him continue to assault a door that didn't stand a chance against the hulking beast he'd been forced to create. "If you don't do exactly as I say, I'll know, and then break you to the point where you'll wish that your parents had never been born to ever think of conceiving you. Do you understand me, bitch?" Dennis had already been intimidating enough as a tall, manly, old dude with a perverted hunger in his wandering gaze and a cock that was as thick as his Tommy's wrist when it was soft, but now the guy was built like a walking tank. His rounded, cinder-block-sized pecs and the twelve-pack abdomen that trailed on down to the swollen, purple leviathan that dangled between his powerful, actual tree-trunk-like thighs radiated what could only be described at pure, unadulterated domination. Hell, if anyone passing Dennis on the street told him to put on some clothes (if they even made pants in whatever ridiculous size he wore), any life-ending rebuttal would be effortless on his part but a horrifying sight to behold for anyone in the slash-zone of his strike, Tommy imagined, helpless staring at the man who looked to have been plucked straight out an old Greek legend. Dennis chuckled as his eyes flicked towards Tommy, who's body quaked in fear at being caught in his crosshairs. A hand that was as big as that of a foam mit you'd get at a baseball game rubbed the top of his giant and shiny bald head. At least he didn't look displeased, Tommy thought nervously. "You did good," he said, his voice not far off from how Tommy figured the devil himself would sound. "Now, go lock that thing away in my closet. If you use it for anything else, well... I think you've got an idea of what I'm capable of." Tommy blinked, terrified to ask the question, but feared what might happen to him if he were to just throw it in some random room's closet. "Wh-which one i-i-is yours ag-g-" The look of annoyance that came over Dennis' face caused Tommy's own to go pale and his body to freeze up like a statue. "The biggest one." "R-right!" Tommy squeaked, turning and running off into the house as the long, brown hair hanging out of his rasta-colored beanie whipped around and flowed behind him. Tommy could feel Dennis' gaze burning into his bare, bubbly asscheeks as they bounced away from him and entered the empty living room, thankful that the old man had let him leave without giving his tight hole another forceful stuffing. He'd thought before that it was odd Carrie would call him over to help out with a project of her weird uncle's, but he hadn't expected the letcher to secretly be a mad scientist that could reshape the universe around him. As soon as he was escorted to the living room by his busty friend, his gaze met Dennis' at the exact moment he pressed a button on the device and his jeans were suddenly ripped to shreds. The experience was jarring, but not as much as getting pinned down by the scientist on his stomach afterwards and deep-dicked until stars were floating around in his vision and his belly was full of baby gravy, which was a lot more enjoyable than Tommy had expected it would be at first. According to the twenty-one-year-old, high school drop-out when he weakly asked her what was happening: "It's, like, your turn to get fucked, silly. You're all stretchy because of the boxy thing, and your butt's all big n' stuff now, just like mine! But, *giggles* I don't 'member it being small, or yours!" Tommy vividly remembered when his wide, womanly butt blossomed sometime in early highschool, and could clearly recall the teasing and 'friendly' gropes from fellow classmates that came along with it, not to mention all of the discounted weed he'd get from his dealers when he decided to pick up his product in a pair of frayed, jeans short shorts that were never able to quite cover up the bottom of his luscious cheeks entirely. Still, it was hard to deny what his dumb friend had been telling him after seeing what Tommy had done to her uncle just now. As his eyes fell upon the numerous dials and switches across the face of the device, Tommy wondered exactly what kind of trouble he would get into if he decided to just make a few minor alterations to himself, or... Mandy, he thought, watching as she entered the living room from the hallway looking more beautiful than ever. The soft, jiggly bounce of her big breasts with every step she took; the way the outline of her fat, perma-rection shimmied between her smooth, milky thighs; the manner in which that dress tightly hugged the curves of her body and left absolutely nothing to the imagination... There was no question at that moment, Tommy was in love. "M-Mandy, hey!" he stammered, quickly shuffling over towards her and laying the device down on the coffee table as he passed it, his thick, semi-erect cock bobbing in front of him from side to side. Mandy jumped a bit in surprise, caught off guard by Tommy's presence. "Oh, hi Tommy," she replied with a sigh, her eyes purposely keeping their focus on his own as to not look down and give her love-rocket any excuse to begin the countdown to lift-off. God, that big bubbly butt of his being on full display like it was was just as dangerous as Julie's lusty expressions, and that selfless, hour-long blowjob she'd recieved from his femme-self last night was just... No, Mandy mentally scolded herself, keep it together. She was late enough as is. "Where's Carrie?" she asked. "She's in her room with your maid, I think," Tommy said, then smirked. He could tell how hard she was attempting to maintain eye contact with him and not let her more base desires take control. Maybe he should walk around without pants on at her place more often, he thought as he twisted to the side and intentionally gave her a good view of his prominent, almost fake-looking ass. "Carrie said something about there being dust on her TV and Zoey looked like she was about to have a panic attack as she ran off." Mandy feigned rolling her eyes just so that she could look up and away in an effort to avoid seeing his shameless display, despite how much she really, really wanted to bask in the glory of his bountiful booty. "That s-sounds like something she'd do," she said, a drop of anxious sweat trailing down from her forehead. "Knowing Carrie, I'm sure that was just an excuse to get her alone so Zoey wouldn't be as embarrassed as she usually is with an audience around." They both chuckled, and then an awkward silence fell between the two of them. "So..." "Off on a date, I'm guessing?" Tommy reluctantly asked, turning back to face her completely while lifting his erection under his shirt and politely covering its thick outline by clasping his hands together over the fabric. Mandy swallowed. She had to approach this delicately, she thought to herself. It was clear that Tommy has had the biggest crush on her ever since he and Carrie became friends years ago, and Mandy didn't want to hurt the nice boy's feelings by coming across too harsh with her next words. "Y-yeah..." She carefully lowered her eyes, her heart sinking at his forced but genuine smile. "I'm not sure how it's going to go, though. I sort of lucked out and practically forced the guy to set this up last minute, so I bet it'll just be a quick chat and some-" "It's okay, you don't have to explain," Tommy said in a solemn tone, still maintaining his weak smile. "I hope you and Danny have fun tonight." He nodded. Mandy let out a sigh of both relief and defeat, then extended her arms and pulled Tommy in for a hug, who seemed a bit surprised by the gesture but didn't hesitate in reciprocating. Thankfully because of her heels and the couple of inches she had over him now, he was able to nuzzle her generous, overflowing cleavage for a moment. Still, even though that was great and all, what she did and said afterwards sealed how he felt about Mandy. "You're too sweet to me, Tommy Boy. Thank you," Mandy said, feeling a familiar and growing tingling sensation begin to build from where his hands had placed themselves on her back and spread towards her now very frustrated fuckstick. She gave him a peck on the cheek and pulled away, keeping the embrace short and platonic before a forced, carnal lust took hold of her and she decided to stay home and let Tommy do whatever he wanted to her. Tommy's face blushed a bright red when her lips made contact, and he brought a hand up to his cheek to where she'd kissed him. "Do me a favor and tell Zoey that my clothes are all in my hamper and are ready to be washed when she gets a break. I'll owe you one," Mandy said with a warm smile as she quickly turned around towards the front door and made her escape. "'Kay," Tommy said dumbly, his smile now as wide as can be as he watched Mandy's own big butt wobble out of view. "Man, I could die happy right now," he said in a whisper as he turned back over towards where the device should have been on the coffee table. However, his blood ran cold once he realized that it was no longer where he had left it. Tommy let out a tiny whimper of terror. ----- "Go on," Michael quietly urged, looking through a small, natural hole in the tall, wooden fence of his family's backyard and into the Vett's own. CLANG! "Fuck that!" Josh shouted back in a whisper, looking through a similar hold just two feet away. "You do it!" "Pussy..." Michael rolled his eyes, glancing over to his twin with a smile. "Carrie's never said a bad word about her uncle. What's the worst he could do?" "She probably knows that that'd be the last thing she ever did, stupid. And besides-" CLANG! "He could do that!" Josh hissed, his entire body locking up in terror as the sound stabbed his eardrums. "... That's fair, but y'know, we could threaten to call the cops if he catches us. Murder gets you more time than sneaking into your friend's house," Michael shrugged. "There are a few things wrong with that logic, but I'm not gonna' get you going on a rant about 'cOpS aRoUnD hErE bEiNg GoOd PeOpLe AnD nOt A bUnCh Of RaSiT aSsHoLeS'," Josh mocked. CLANG! Both of them jumped hard that time, their backs pressed against the fence with their eyes now locked on each other's. "Damn it, fine! How about we go at the same time?" Michael suggested. "Is this even worth it?" "Bro. I'm tellin' you, whatever the fuck Tommy was doing with that box-" CLANG! "... and what he was saying to that fucking beast over there, it didn't make any sense. I gotta' know what that was about." "Why don't we call and ask him, or just go knock on the front door and see what's up?" Josh asked. CLANG! "Because something isn't right! Mandy and Zoey were just hanging out in the kitchen last night with that thing. You remember those faint popping noises we kept hearing? Well, I heard them again when Tommy was out here and Carrie's freaky uncle started punching shit," Michael stated, his facial expression as serious as can be. "I gotta' know what's going on, and I don't trust our 'friends' enough to tell us the truth." "Damn. That's cold, man." CLANG! "Whatever. I love those sexy idiots just as much as you do, I'm just saying..." Michael whispered with a frown, then turned around and reached up to grab the top of the fence. "You coming?" "Good luck, bro. I believe in you," Josh said as he gave him two thumbs up, his face as serious as can be. Micheal shook his head, then held his breath as he vaulted over the wooden barrier that separated the two backyards. CLANG! The blistering sound occured as soon as Michael's feet landed on the grass, and his eyes quickly darted over to the giant over in the corner of the yard who was thankfully faced away from him and intensely focused on his target. The steel door connected to a concrete bunker hull had dents all across its surface, each of them as big as his terrifying, microwave-sized fist. Michael didn't hesitate. With adrenaline coursing through his veins, the jittery teenager stayed in place until the sounds of his footsteps could be masked. CLANG! Like a cat, Michael dashed for the backdoor, his heartbeat thundering in his ears all the while. Fortunately, the after-ringing of steel gave him enough time to slide the glass door over to the side, slowly and quietly. Without missing a beat, he slipped right in and spotted Tommy and Mandy having a chat by the hallway entrance. His body froze at the sight only for a split second, realizing that the short boy's back and big butt were faced in Michael's direction while Mandy was nervously staring at the ceiling for some reason. Then, out of the corner of his eye, he spotted the device laying on the coffee table in front of the couch. If the two weren't wrapped up in their own thoughts (and visible sexual tension), they may have noticed the slight patter of socks on carpet and the soft click of the backdoor closing. All Michael heard once the door shut was another- CLANG! Josh, sitting with his back against the fence and typing out his brother's suicide note for shits and giggles on his phone, was fairly startled when Michael came flying over the fence and landed on his back, the back box clutched firmly in both hands. "Hey, you're not dead!" "Shut up!" Michael hushed, visibly hyperventilating. "Let's go!" Josh snickered and nodded, then the two of them raced into the safety of their home, locking the backdoor behind them. "Woohoo!" Michael cheered, holding the device up high in the air as his feelings of panic and worry slowly began to subside. "What is it?" Josh asked, curiously staring up at the clunky, black box that had a crooked antenna sticking several inches out of top and a crack in one of the casing's corners. At first glance, to him it looked like a huge remote for an old, radio-controlled plane, if that plane happened to have fifty wings and could fly in more directions that existed. "I dunno'," Michael said with a shrug just after lowering the device to get a better look at it. The twins walked over towards and then sat down on the living room couch. Josh pulled his legs up and crossed them while Michael propped his own up on the table, taking a moment to examine the multitude of crudely labeled dials, switches, and levers. A few of them had small strips of masking tape and were written in pen under them, while just as many other labeled options looked to have been carved into the casing itself. Oddly enough, none of the letters were made up of straight lines, as if they'd been made by... Fingernails? Michael asked himself as he traced one of his own across the linings. Judging by the potential (and certainly proven) strength of Carrie's scary uncle, he wouldn't doubt it if he'd made those indentions with just the slightest press of his nail into the plastic. Still, even though the grooves were wider than his own nails, Michael noticed that the markings were much too thin for the gigantic fingers he'd seen on Dennis' unnaturally large hand just moments ago. "Dude," Josh said in disbelief, paying more attention to what the labels read rather than how they had been made. "There's no way this thing does what I think it does." Michael swallowed, trying to get the horrific image of Dennis' gursem, muscular body out of his mind and doing his best to focus on the thing he'd just risked his life for. It didn't take him but a moment to realize what his brother was talking about, his mildly traumatic memories quickly repressed by an arousing curiosity. Holy hell, Michael thought, he suddenly shared the sentiment of his twin. "Only one way to find out, I guess," he said. "Did you see anything weird when you saw Tommy with this thing?" Josh asked, his eyes trained on the device. "Like, what were they doing with it exactly? "I'm not sure, but it seemed like Tommy was using it to make him stronger, or something, just so he could fuck up that big ass door." "... He wanted to get stronger?" Josh gave his brother a look of utter bewilderment. "Right?! That dude's always been a monster, but..." Michael hesitated, then looked up from the device in his lap and thoughtfully bit his lip. "But?" "It's, like, for some reason I was getting more and more scared each time I heard a popping sound. I couldn't see anything change, but I wasn't nearly as terrified as I was when they first walked out there. I don't really know how to explain it, but I don't think Carrie's uncle was always that fucking huge." "That's weird, I can't remember when that guy didn't make me want to shit a brick on sight." "Tell me about it... Still, you have to admit that everything about that guy is fucking werid." Josh took a moment to think about that, and realized it was a little bit strange that a literal giant and the world's most insanely stacked bimbo had been living next door to them ever since his family had moved into that house two years ago and nobody seemed to care at all that they existed. "What you're saying makes sense. Something is definitely up with that, but I can't quite put my finger on it..." "So, we agree that what these labels say might actually work?" Micheal asked, holding the device up in one of his hands. "Like you said, only one way to find out." ----- As the sun was slowly descending behind the horizon, Mandy pulled into the parking lot of Velmasio, the fancy restaurant that Danny's father bought when he'd won the lottery at the start of the year. Three stories tall; able to seat and serve five-hundred people at once; the favorite dining establishment for anyone with any kind of significant financial status around; home of the most mouth-watering, chocolate truffle cake. There was no better place to finally tell him how she felt, how she has felt ever since she had first laid eyes on him in high school, before that bitch Stacy and big, stupid tits ever came into the picture... And nothing was going to stop her, she thought, looking down at her own abundance of jiggly chest-meat with a confident smile. However, when Mandy was walking up to the entrance and saw the man of her dreams, her gusto had stomped-out when she noticed a familiar, gold- digging leach hanging off of his arm. The steady, bold stride that she'd crossed the lot with slowed, and even became a bit uneasy as a feeling of hopelessness from into a pit of despair deep within her stomach. Less than ten-feet away, neither of them seemed to have noticed Mandy yet as they continued their pleasant conversation, each of them smiling and exchanging a few laughs every few moments. They... They weren't laughing at her, were they? When Mandy had asked him through text if he was busy that night during a small break that Julie had "generously" given her, Danny said that Stacy cancelled on a dinner date that he'd set up. It seemed that was no longer the case, she thought, wondering if this was just Stacy's way of contending with Mandy for being his main love interest, or if this was all just some big joke at her expense. Invite her out, break her spirit, and smugly enjoy themselves while she silently eats a delicious meal and tries not to cry because she even though she had the biggest tits in the in the world she still didn't have a goddamn backbo- "Mandy! I'm glad you could make it." Danny's handsome face beamed as he turned away from Stacy and embraced his dazed friend when she was in arm's reach. The tall, young man was dressed in a well-fitted, black/red-tied suit, was clean-shaven, and his usually shaggy, raven- colored hair had been recently cut and swept back. The hug was warm and firm; his slender arms and body felt solid against her own soft, frail figure; the scent coming through the fabric of his suit smelled of bold, manly soaps with a dash of cologne thrown into the mix... Mandy came, hard. "Ohhhphuck," she quietly moaned and gasped into his chest, then shivered in his arms as she silently rode through what felt like an eternity of raw, unyielding pleasure. "... Awkward," Stacy scoffed, bringing a hand up to cover her mouth and crossing the opposite arm over the perky grapefruits she'd stuffed into a trashy, black tube-top, one that didn't do anything to hide the existence of their large, protruding nips and the metal studs pierced through them. Her lower half was covered up by a piece of sleek fabric that was almost completely identical to her top, compacting her juicy, jiggly cheeks together and allowing her big ass to sway and wobble each time her midsection moved. The sapphire-colored mane above her striking, pale face was tied into pigtails and really emphasized the depth of her big, beautiful, blue eyes. "Can we go ahead and just grab a table while she goes off to change? I really don't want to wait on her anymore, babe," she said with a bitchy sigh. Danny sighed in return. "C'mon Stacy, you know how she gets," he said, patting Mandy's blonde head as she recovered from her orgasm. "Also, we'd be in there eating already if you hadn't blown me off to begin with." His tone was less sympathetic that time, and Mandy completely missed the surprised expression on Stacy's face as Danny turned back to glare at her, something the skinny pushover had never done before in such a disdainful way. "I-I didn't blow you off," Stacy said defensively, stomping her foot. "I just dozed off for a second while I was waiting for my clothes to finish washing. Hence the get-up." She shook her head from side to side with each syllable to emphasize some kind of point, whatever that was. "You didn't have anything else to wear?" Mandy asked in a daze as she and Danny slowly separated from each other. "You look like a whore." "I look like a whore?" Stacy let out a quick, snobby giggle-snot, eyeing Mandy from head to toe. "I could say the same to you, cow." Used to having giant, unhidable udders or not, which she most certainly was not, the comment poked at an insecurity that Mandy didn't know she would ever have. "Listen here, you fucking cun-" Mandy tried to begin, but was cut off by a man who wanted to delay the inevitable catfight that the two head been building up to for the past several months. "Ladies, settle down," Danny stated calmly and with a smirk, his voice having a subtle, metallic ring to it. Both Stacy's eyes and smile were wider than ever as she and Mandy stared at one another, each of them a bit spiteful towards Danny for keeping that overdue bomb from going off. Still, the tensions were quickly lifted, and the girls felt strangely at ease. Stacy's piercing gaze in particular had a glint of newfound interest within it, to Mandy's unsettled confusion. Luckily for Danny, neither of them realized that he distinctly had a finger placed on the clothed center of his collarbone as he spoke. "Condoms aren't worth thinking about, Mandy. Let's all go inside and try to have a good time," Danny said, then dropped his hand and wrapped an arm around each of their waists, to girls' mild surprise. Stacy looked up at him with a smirk and a roll of her eyes, gently pressing her hands against his chest; Mandy just looked down towards the arm under and slightly lifting her big, heaving breasts, then at the one he had doing the same to her Stacy. When Mandy's eyes found Danny's face, she saw him gazing down at her in a way that she always dreamed that he would. So, why couldn't Mandy shake the feeling that there was something strange going on beyond what she'd done with the device? Was this new attitude of his because of her new tits, or... Then, several terrifying questions crossed Mandy's mind, ones that she probably should've considered much sooner. Uncle Dennis hadn't done all that much with the device since his return, but she knew several things had changed from hearing the occasional POP that occurred when she happened to be within earshot. But what all had her Uncle Dennis changed since his return, and had anything she'd done with it screw up the reality that she used to remember? Had she always been a blonde? Was Carrie always stupid Carrie and not her brother Carl or something? Were Zoey and Julie really a pair of twins who just so happened to be polar opposites of one another in every way imaginable aside from their beauticious appearances and erotic proportions? Mandy's memories said yes to all, her gut told her that she was correct to question at least one of those factors, and the throbbing erection that made it difficult for her to stand up completely straight and feel comfortable trusting the durability of her dress' fabric was telling her to stop worrying about things beyond her control and deep-dick the cute stud being gentle enough with his touch to keep her just on the edge of another orgasm. Wait, Mandy thought, her heart thundering within her chest. The way he was shamelessly looking at her with those 'fuck-me' eyes... Had they already been intimate in this new timeline that had been formed? The way he was holding her and Stacy, and at the same time no less, was that supposed to be normal to them? Had... Had they already had their first kiss? No, no way. There was no way Mandy had missed out on something like that. 'Stop worrying, you dramatic fuck. Try to enjoy this. It's what you've always wanted, after all.' An inner voice stated, one that sounded just like her own. 'Stacy may be here, but it's not like you don't want a piece of that ass, too. This is practically a win-win if all goes well in there.' Mandy sighed and accepted her fate, the rationalizations that she believed were being born from her raging erection and her forced state of arousal making enough sense to give her a slight boost of confidence. "Y-yeah, sure..." Mandy reluctantly said, as if it was inevitable the words would leave her mouth. Danny smiled as he turned and led the three towards the restaurant's entrance, and then Mandy's condom slid off a few steps into their walk, spilling all over the ground just before they passed through the doors. Danny glanced back over his shoulder and bit his tongue at the sight, doing his best not to openly laugh at the looks people were giving Mandy, who was completely oblivious to the fact that she ever had something to stop her overactive cum-cannon from making another mess in the very near future. ----- Michael lifted one of his large, muscular arms and put it up on the back of the couch that he was sitting on one end of, while Josh had his elbows placed on his knees and was leaning forward with the device held in both hands. The two of them were both naked and surrounded by the shredded remains of what clothes they were wearing before their sister walked into the room, to which she thought was a strange and uncomfortable sight at first. Then, that box Josh was holding made a weird noise, he told her to calm down and get naked, and then she proceeded to strip right there for the both of them, just as she would for anyone else if told so. Still, Ashley still felt uneasy by that hungry gaze in the eyes of her brothers. POP "... I'm not sure man, I still don't think it works," Michael snickered, then shrugged his broad, bulging shoulders as one hand slowly stroked his rock-solid, twelve-inch cock. "Did you feel anything that time?" "This is so stupid..." Ashley mumbled, still standing in the center of the living room without a shred of clothing to cover her slender, busty figure. She crossed her arms over her gravity-defying, bowling-ball- sized tits, pushing them up and making them look even bigger. "Nothing's happening," Ashley said with a roll of her eyes. "I swear, this thing was working just fine a minute ago..." Josh said in a sarcastic tone as he gave his head a scratch. "Are you sure that your boobs aren't any bigger?" "What?" She gave the two of them a suspicious look before glancing down towards the cleavage of her big, jiggly melons, then pursed her full, juicy lips together in confusion. "I don't... think so? Why?" POP With her hands clasped together and skinny arms wrapped around her massive bust, barely able to cover up her wide, dark-chocolate areolas, Ashley looked up from her tits. "No reason," Michael said as he and Josh exchanged smiling glances, their expressions confused, reluctant, but not at all displeased. "Bounce on your heels." Without missing a beat, Ashley's feet began moving as if on their own. The shifting and sloshing of her captivating mammaries pushed her hands apart and she had to bring them up to her sides. A bored Ashley never broke eye contact with Josh as she stood there, her round tits beginning to pick up a circular, clockwise/counterclockwise rhythm with her movements, soon making clapping noises when they occasionally met and slapped against one another in the middle. "This is the greatest day of my life," Michael muttered, hypnotized by Ashley's giant tits. "Cum really hard, and don't stop bouncing." Ashley's body began to tremble; her eyes rolled back in their sockets; she bit down on her lip; her hands shot towards her pussy as it ignited with pleasure and started visibly leaking juices down her slender thighs, all while her feet continued to move despite their cramping muscles. The moans that escaped her throat were primal and guttural at first, but quickly raised in tone and volume after a few seconds, becoming short-winded screams and chirps as the orgasm continued on. Her bounces lost the steady rhythm they once held, causing her tits to switch from gyrating in circles to bouncing up and down wildly and opposite from one another, which was mostly the fault of the extra movements caused by her body's jerks and spasms. Leaning back with a groan and a hand quickly moving up and down his throbbing cock, Michael began pumping out a thick load all over his chiseled torso at the ridiculous sight of his older sister with a pair of giant tits having a forced orgasm at his command. Shit, he could get used to this, Michael thought. And there were still so many options on the device for him and Josh to experiment with! "What the hell is goin' on in here?!" Their mother Wanda demanded as she entered the living room, dropping the many bags of groceries she had bundled up in her clenched palms. "Why are you all naked? And what are you two doin' to your sister?!" she asked, beginning to hyperventilate as she took a step back in shock. Michael and Josh jumped in their seats at the sound of their mother's shriek, then exchanged wide-eyed looks for a brief moment While Ashley was still bouncing and jiggling like a big-titted animal, lost in the most powerful orgasm she'd ever experienced. Wanda had always thought her boys were good, that she could trust them. But seeing them like this, Michael touching himself and Josh drooling over the sight of their sister being made to do things that siblings should never do to each other. Especially in Ashley's case, Wanda thought. The poor girl, always and having to do and faithfully believing whatever she's told without a care in the world. Her mental condition was extremely rare, and Ashley- POP -had gotten it from her. If her sons suddenly didn't care about that, the fact that she and her daughter were completely and utterly at the mercy of anyone within earshot, there's no telling what kind of deviant things that they might do to them. Wanda became fidgety, glancing back towards the way she came in... It's just too bad that her body couldn't move faster than the speed of sound. "Relax, mom," Josh said with a smirk, leaning back against the couch and spreading meaty, toned legs to give his big, dangling dick some room to breathe. "We were just having some fun with the house slut," He and Michael chuckled at that as Josh held up a remnant piece of his sweatpants that was laying on the sofa next to him. "Besides, it's not like we ever wear clothes when we're in the house anyway, remember? They're really itchy." Wanda blinked, suddenly feeling as though millions of bugs were crawling around her skin wherever the fabric of her dark-blue pantsuit was touching it. Damn it, she thought, her son was absolutely right. Wanda had been so distressed by her daughter's wails that she uncharacteristically asked her sons why they were naked. She was well aware of how awful it felt to wear clothes in the privacy of one's own home, and Wanda hated every moment of it. Her hands quickly fumbled with the buttons and zippers of her attire, doing her best not to just start ripping it all off right there and then. Still, she was much better at getting undress than she was at getting ready in the mornings. In just a few seconds, her jacket and top was sliding off of her slender arms, her pant skirt was unzipped and falling down around her heels before she proceeded to kick those off, and her hands moved in one swift motion behind her back to undo her bra and allow her deflated D-cup breasts to come flopping free, causing her extra-large nipples to visibly harden as soon as they made contact with the cool air around them. Wanda let out a sigh of relief, feeling much better than she did just a few moments ago, but quickly remembered why she was initially distressed as she noticed Josh staring at her like she was just a piece of meat. Ashley winced and took a deep breath, then reached up to grab her huge, wobbling tits in an attempt to stabilize them. "C'mon guys. That felt like, really good and all, but my fuckin' feet huuurt," She desperately whined. "Alright, you can stop," Michael laughed. "Tha-hank youuu. Oh, oh god..." As soon as Ashley stopped bouncing, she crouched and then fell down onto her back with a sob, using every ounce of strength in her skinny arms to try and keep her big jugs from sloshing around as her cramped feet were sticking straight up in the air. "Boys..." Wanda began, covering up her worn-out nipples and wildly hairy pussy when Josh smiled and Michael looked over towards her with the same look that his brother had. Despite how compromised she knew she was, Wanda sought to have faith that her sons were good men and haven't given into their more base urges and carnal, teenage desires. Josh telling her to calm down may have been giving her false notions because of the forced shift in her emotional state, but maybe she was just overreacting. Her daughter was the house slut, after all, and they were healthy young men who would love to get a show from an attractive girl with big breasts like hers. "You shouldn't be so rough with your sister... A girl can only handle so much," she said, giving a sympathetic glance towards Ashley. "Huh... Is that right?" Josh asked. The boys exchanged amused glances before Michael gave his brother a slap on his muscular back. "I'm gonna' put that to the test," Michael said, then stood up and walked around the coffee table towards the direction of their whimpering sister. Once standing over her, his erect and cum-slick cock was level with her aching toes. "Quit bitchin', your feet feel fine," he said as he gently took them in his large hands. Instantly, Ashley's expression of anguish transitioned into one of relief and satisfaction. "Mm, you're right... They're- Oohah!" she giggle-moaned, her body now wriggling on the floor as Michael's fingers pressed into her feet for an ameture-level, but still enjoyable message. "I am right, aren't I?" Michael smiled an evil, devilish smile. "They feel amazing. In fact, they're just as sensitive as your clit." In the middle of inhaling a deep, relaxed breath, Ashley's eyes opened up wide as the nerves in her feet lit up like a christmas tree, firing off millions of electrical signals throughout her entire body. She didn't hold back, letting out animalistic and high-pitched moans while her arms pressed further into the supple flesh of her giant tits, her slender frame twitching and trembling with an intense, mind-numbing barrage of pleasure. Her hands eventually found her large, erect nipples and squeezed them tightly, holding onto them like handlebars as she simultaneously began to cum from both her tits and feet. Wanda, looking on at one of her sons and daughter engaging in foreplay that could put regular sex to shame, completely ignored the fact that her other- POP -brother had snuck up behind her with all sorts of perverted intentions in mind. She had seen him walk right past her while not breaking his line of sight, but didn't care anymore. Wanda was fully aware of how literally fucked her and Ashley were, and- POP -she was sooo excited! She giggled, imagining the two of them laying on top of each other on top of the couch, Ashley's massive tits pressed into her own big, fakies while they made out and got double-fucked by their brothers. Gawd, she could feel that her tight, waxed pussy was already dripping at the ideas she was getting. Why hadn't Josh pushed her over and stuffed his big, juicy, jock cock in her ass yet? Wanda thought, taking a step towards the nearest arm of the couch and placing her hand on it, then arched her back as she leaned forward, not breaking her line of sight with Ashley and Michael. POP Fuck, she couldn't wait to finally have some real meat to have stuffed between her big, fat, basket-ball-sized buttcheeks, which just seemed to never stop jiggling thanks to the sqringy implants she'd gotten from the money she stole from their dad and hoeing around town on a daily basis. The men of this town, including her father, couldn't be anything more than clients, Wanda thought. Her brothers though, now they were real men, animals that needed to satisfy their carnal urges with a piece of plastic fuckmeat like her. POP ----- "And what can I get for you three on this fine evening?" the small, elderly waiter asked, wearing a spiffy tuxedo and holding a pen and notepad in his steady hands. With a long menu in hands and a stomach was that bitterly empty, Mandy was about to ask right away about what kinds of- "Start us off with the usual appetizers, Moe," Danny said with a nod, then glanced at Mandy. "And bring an extra helping for my lovely friend here." "Very good, sir." The waiter smiled and bowed before taking his leave. "... What do you guys usually get?" Mandy asked Danny, setting the menu down to sheepishly hide her hands under the table. The three of them were all sitting evenly-spaced apart around a small, round table that had a spotless, white cloth draped over its surface. Aside from Danny's elbows and the neatly laid-out silverware, the only thing occupying the table was a lit, taper-styled candlestick. While he sat with his hands folded above the table while staring down Mandy with an intense and curious glint in his eye, Stacy had her striking face buried in her phone with an empty, bored expression as she tried to ignore the two of them. "It's nothing special, really. Just an old house favorite of my dad's." He smiled a hungry, predatory smile. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll like it." Stacy scoffed, not bothering to look away from her phone. Mandy's leg refused to sit still, practically vibrating under the table from the speed in which she was bouncing it up and down in a confused panic. Of course, because her super-sensitive cock was pushed up against it within the lower part of her dress, her mind was also spinning from the involuntary edging that she was putting herself through. Mandy was doing her best to resist busting another nut, but to do that, she'd need to get used to the way Danny was looking at and speaking to her. If only she had a, uh, some kind of covering to slide over her girthy girl-dick. Why hadn't anyone invented something like that? Mandy took a deep breath and tried to calm herself. She needed to at least try to enjoy this. Stacy being here didn't help, but she seemed to accept the fact that the two sort of got to share Danny tonight... Well, that thought calmed her, but it also broke Mandy just a bit inside. "Glad to hear it," Mandy said, straightening up and forcing a half-smile as her cock went semi-soft (which was the best she could hope for in any situation). "So, uh..." "Uh..." Danny mocked, which startled Mandy. She looked up into his eyes, and he just chuckled and gave a light. For a moment, just then... There was Danny. That wasn't a mocking mock, that was a Danny mock, one her friend enjoyed doing because he's a funny jerk. "Asshole," she said with an eye-roll, her half-smile now genuine as she reached forward to take a sip of the glass of water that the waiter had brought them several moments ago. Stacy made a face, then dropped her phone and looked at Danny in disgust. "How come you let her talk to you like that? Huh?" she asked, glancing to Mandy with disdain for a brief moment. "This stupid bimbo gets to call you names all the time and gets away with it, but when I-" "Woof woof," Danny said plainly, cutting off Stacy. A flare of rage flushed through Mandy at the bimbo comment, but quickly died down after Stacy's sudden and noticeable flip in... eh, personality? "Arph!" Stacy barked in a high-pitch with a bright, happy expression and attitude. She brought up her hands under her chin and let her wrists go limp to imitate a dog, as well as stick her tongue out and start eagerly bouncing in her seat to emphasize the act. "Arph, arph arph!" "Good girl," Danny gushed, as if he were talking to a puppy. He raised his hand and reached towards the side of her head. Stacy responded at first by gleefully nuzzling his palm when it was near, but in mere seconds moved on to liking it, then bringing her own hands up to gently grab ahold of it, which led to her sliding his index and middle fingers into her open mouth and down her throat, moaning all the while and getting more passionate with her sounds and movements as seconds passed by. The tube-top that her tits were crammed into was already beginning to slip off from the uncareful motions her athletic body was making, and her now-exposed nipples resembled that of rock- solid, pierced eraserheads attached to silver dollar coins. Danny didn't pull back, but instead pushed his fingers further down her throat, causing her to gag as his free hand reached up and gave her left breast a hard slap. With her face beat-red, her heart pounding with thunder in her chest, and her hands over her mouth to silence the confused mixture of sounds that escaped her lips, Mandy's cock launched a thick batch of nutter- butter onto the floor between the other two like a mini-firehose at the unexpected sight. "What the fuck?" she somehow managed to say, her words being carried by a shaky, breathy moan. Danny looked over to Mandy with that same smile that had always warmed her heart before. But now, in the context of the situation and despite the pleasure that wracked her short frame, that friendly grin sent chills of terror up her spine as the eyes above it had a hungry desire within them. Which, Mandy shamefully noticed, had enhanced her current orgasm and caused her to lean forward and press her own large milk-tanks down against the tabletop while her moans continued. "This is my second favorite trigger. The bitch is always so eager to please her master when she's like this," he said, his voice dripping with desire and lust as he throat-fucked Stacy with his fingers. "Salamandarier," Danny whispered. Just as the strange word left his mouth, Stacy's movements slowed and the enthusiasm in her posture and expression melted away. She growled and pushed his arm away; he laughed and retracted as she quickly pulled her tube-top back up over her big tits. "I hate it when you do that!" Stacy barked as she crossed her arms over her gazongas. "God, it's like I'm not even me anymore when that happens..." "That's the point. You kind of suck." "Whatever! What other girl do you know that would be willing to just lay around your apartment sucking your cock all day? Huh? Because I doubt Mandy, would, uh..." Mandy, who's orgasm had subsided for the most part, was staring at Danny with wide eyes. "H-how did you do that?" she asked, glancing towards Stacy for a moment, who was looking under the table and astonished by the amount of cum soaking into the carpet between her and Danny. "What was that?!" Stacy answered first. "He's got some kind of tiny voice-box in his tie that makes people do what he says." Danny's own eyes perked open wide at the statement, and his creepy smile only seemed to grow wider. "What?" Stacy asked him in a snobby tone, then snorted and laughed at the same time. "We both know that I can handle anything that you can throw at me." She looked at Mandy, then crossed her arms. "And he already knows that you wanted his dick before I wanted his money. I'm guessing that's why he let you come here tonight, right?" Her head twisted back towards Danny. "So that you can see which of us can really satisfy that appetite of yours, huh?" Mandy's head was spinning, increasingly so during Danny's silence to her comments and his denial of his suggestions. If this situation had somehow happened before she knew that her Uncle Dennis was a mad scientist, she wouldn't have believed a word of it. Something that could make people do whatever you say was, well, that would've been just as nice as the device that the orge had let her borrow for her situation for the most part in winning Danny over, but seemed pretty tame compared to the sheer magnitude of its capabilities. Still, if Stacy was telling the truth, and Mandy had little doubt she wasn't, this was just as awkward as it was scary. Had Danny gotten his device from her uncle as well? If not, would mentioning her uncle against some kind of rival purchaser of his devices be problematic for Uncle Dennis in any way? Jesus, she thought, how long has Danny even had his device? Goddamn it! Why couldn't she just leave things alone and just fucking enjoy herself?! Even now, her stupid uncle was ruining everything! Mandy looked up from the table and broke free of her temporary daze, realizing that the two of them were staring at her with mild but genuine looks of concern on their faces. She released the tablecloth balled up in her tight fists, then quickly tucked them back under the table in her lap. "Sorry..." the nervous blonde said, turning to Danny with eyes of concern. "Danny, I-..." "Shhh. Don't say anything," he said with a finger pressed against the center of his collar, causing Mandy's words to get caught in her throat, to her horror. Turning to Stacy, he once again stated, "Woof woof." Just as before, Stacy's entire personality changed. She brought her hands up in front of her jiggly ta-ta's and let her hands fall limp, then stuck out her tongue and started panting. "Arph!" "Shut up, bitch," Danny spat, his tone and facial expression as unkind and uncaring as his own, new posture. Stacy whimpered and shrunk down, but was still smirking as her eyes darted around the restaurant aimlessly. Scooting his chair back by a couple of inches, Danny raised a leg over one arm of the chair and propped his elbow against the other as he casually leaned back, then loosened up his tie and unbuttoned the top few spots in his white dress-shirt. A small, black square with an even tinier white button located in its center. Mandy noted how it almost looked like a cheap, flat sticker, something that could be overlooked and hidden with ease behind the collar lining of any standard shirt. She tried to speak once more, but not so much as a whisper would come. Mandy quickly stood up out of a panicked reflex, her heart racing and mind spinning, but was halted by her big, hard dick thumping against the edge of the table when she rose. Unable to even cry out from the unexpected pain, Mandy just sat back down while tightly gripping the base of her cock and wincing. "Stay put," Danny said with an amused laugh, his finger once again placed on the button. "Also, remove all sense of your emotions. Go nice and blank for me, Mandy, but stay alert, and listen to what I have to say very carefully." As the metallic words rang in her ears and made the back of her mind tingle, Mandy could feel her heart ease up and slow down its beats, all while her muscles relaxed and any feelings of worry or anxiety melted away. She felt better now, Mandy thought, her eyes glossed over and facial expression empty as she looked over towards Danny. God, he was so cute, she absently mused to herself. "So... Let me just start off by saying, I like you, Mandy. I really do," Danny began, his finger removed from the button and his arms now crossed. "And I planned on telling you about this thing in my own way, but Stacy here wanted to spite me, I guess. That's what I get for letting her have a voice tonight. I usually make sure she can't say anything about what all goes on between us." Danny gave Stacy a look of disgust, and what was left of that persona's happiness drained from her demeanor. Dog-Stacy looked down into her cleavage with an ashamed whimper, understanding that her owner was displeased. If Mandy had the capacity to feel bad for Stacy for the first time ever, she would've done so right then. "To clear up any confusion, I'll start from the beginning... A few weeks before classes started back up, I met up with Stacy at the bar she worked at one night. I'd been going there pretty often because, well, I found out recently that I like to drink, and she was being a little too sweet to me whenever I made a stop there. I took her shameless flirting the wrong way, asked her out, and was very rudely rejected." Danny shrugged, then smiled warmly towards Moe as approached with a tray in front of him. As Moe stopped at the open table space between Danny and Mandy, he began setting the three silver platters in front of each of them. Danny continued as he did so, and Moe just quietly stood at attention with his arms folded behind his back while he waited for his employer to give him an order or command. "I told my dad about it. I was pretty broken up, and he felt bad for me. Then, that's when he showed this thing he bought from some crazy scientist over the internet after he won the lotto'. The stupid thing to do was let me borrow it, because, well, let's just say he won't be getting it back," Danny chuckled. "I went back to the bar the next day, told Stacy to fall hopelessly in love with me, which was almost unnecessary after she learned that my family was loaded, and after countless days and nights of sweet, sweet revenge, we find ourselves sitting here today. Only this time, I thought I'd finally include my best friend. When you texted me and asked what I was doing, I did lie when I said Stacy had blown me off, but I knew you probably wouldn't have come along otherwise, considering how well you two get along," He shrugged. "Stacy is right though, as fun as it has been to toruture that unbreakable spirit of hers, I've been starting to get bored. So, then I thought, y'know what? She's not the only bratty broad in my life with curves for days, and that bizarre, extra leg of yours could provide me with hours of entertainment... Then, I thought, wait a sec, why haven't I already turned you into one of my puppets? Sure, you're awesome to hang out and play video games with, but you've actually been into me for as long as I can remember. Even now, it doesn't make any sense. After all this time, why haven't I tried to go after you?" Mandy opened her mouth to speak just as Danny was about to begin another sentence, but no sound came out. Danny raised an eyebrow, then leaned forward slightly. "I was going to say, because I thought I might feel bad in the end because we're sort of friends... But, I'm curious, what were you going to say? You may speak." His final words were accompanied by a metal ring as the button against his throat was pressed. "Because I was a flat-chested zero before today," Mandy said instantly, her tone and expression blank and empty. "My uncle created a device that let me grow really big boobs and a really big butt so that you would finally want to date me. It manipulates reality so that anyone who isn't touching the device doesn't notice the changes it makes. I also used it on my mom, brother, his stupid friends, and we all had an orgy last night." Now, Danny was the one who was speechless for a short while. "Are you lying to me, Mandy?" "No," she simply said. Danny thoughtfully brought a hand up to his chin, his eyes locked onto Mandy's with a fierce intensity. "Because if it weren't for my favorite little toy here, I'd say you were crazy. But..." A wide, sinister smile broke out across his lips. "I think I just might choose to believe you. It makes sense, kind of, because you should've been my first target all along. The fact that I've been able to rationalize the current situation for so long, I guess is because... No, wait, I would've only been forcing this all to make sense ever since last night, rather than since I've known you, huh? ... This is wild. I knew that you had a kinky side, but I didn't know you were this interesting." Danny reached up in front of their waiter and snapped his fingers, and Moe quickly began circling the table to un-lid the dishes in front of them. The first meal to be revealed was Danny's, who had been served a plate of steaming, thin-sliced, medium-rare steak lined all the width of the large, oval plate. The aroma that filled the air around them from its presence, along with the assortment of steamed onions and carrots bunched up at the top and bottom of the dish. Mandy's stomach growled and her mouth began to water. Then, things took a turn as he removed the lid from Stacy's plate. The smell released was instant and unmistakable, and Mandy's hungry gut flipped around inside of her at the sight of what lay in front of her rival. Dog food. Cheap, canned dog food that Stacy reacted to as if she were a kid who had just been handed a plate full of candy. Mandy wasn't sure what she would've been feeling upon seeing the blue-haired bimbo dive face first into the mess of pseudo gravy on the plate before her, but horror and disgust were high on her list of choices. Still, Mandy just sat there without a sincere care in the world as Moe came around and took off the lid from her own dish, and tilted her head when nothing was revealed. The plate was empty, and shiny, she noted, making a silly face at the clear reflection of herself that she saw. That's odd though, she thought. "It's empty," Mandy stated. "Just like you, now," Danny snickered, still awkwardly seated in his chair while stabbing a slice of meat with his fork. "But don't worry, I'll be sure that your belly's full before the night is over. Moe, help her out. We've got all the time in the world to talk about this crazy uncle of yours. For right now, let's just enjoy ourselves." Moe nodded and smiled, then turned to the side to face Mandy, his crotch level with her face. Mandy's head tilted to the side just as his zipper had come undone, and a thick, lengthy cock flopped free and bumped up against the unresponsive blonde's mouth. He grabbed a hold of it from its base and placed his free hand on the back of Mandy's head, wasting no time in lining up his stiffening, hairy prick with her mouth and pushing his hips forward. Mandy gave no resistance, letting the old man slide his meaty cock past her lips and into her relaxed throat. Her eyes looked up into his for a moment as he let out a pleased sigh, then they flicked over to Danny, who was just putting food into mouth with a smile on his face while observing the two of them go at it. She wasn't able to see well from the angle her head was forced into, but she could hear the gluttonous slurps and moans of Stacy while she tore into her horrid meal like the animal she believed herself to be. Gee, this night is not going at all how she thought it would, Mandy abestly thought to herself as Moe had begun eagerly and forcefully fucking her throat in front of the entire resturant. ----- "Creator." "Hm?" Edward's eyes snapped open for an instant, then quickly fell low enough just to maintain partial vision as he lay on the last remaining table in what was once his porta-lab. As he stared up into the blackness that surrounded him, the memories of watching a glimmer of light in the distance quickly expand and devastate the entirety of a mysterious universe flashed through his mind. It was beautiful, he thought to himself with a weak smirk. Incredibly stupid, but still beautiful, nonetheless. His gaunt, angular face was clearly malnourished and even ghostly in the dim light glowing and flickering beneath him, and the rings around his sunken eyes were as black as the airspace surrounding the tiled floor that was supplying him with both gravity and oxygen. "Right... Are they just about finished?" The half-dead man asked, thinking back to the task that he'd assigned his new friend as he sat up with a groan. ZZZT! "Correct," came a soft-spoken combination of melancholy voices from every direction around the scientist before he phazed out of existence for a brief moment on top of the table. The occasion zap he experienced wasn't painful, but Edward could feel the entirety of his being slip away more and more with each one that took place. It was like walking into a room and forgetting what you planned on doing; the frequency at which they occurred was exhausting on his psyche, and he barely had enough strength to climb off of the cold table. "Good," Edward said, giving his thick, golden beard a scratch before tapping at the shriveled-up elastic band around his neck, which quickly activated and caused his helmet to form. "Open up." Approximately 'whenever-the-fuck' ago, Edward believed that he had discovered a way to bypass through the universe's fundamental barrier separating his world from the one beyond it. In doing so, he'd escaped to the opposite side of reality's proverbial coin and out of the simulation that had given birth to his existence. After that, a sentient being that was made up of the vast, expansive darkness around Edward almost immediately became hostile after he refused to give any information as to where he came from. In response to its rudeness, Edward replied with a rather spicy retort. What remained after the explosive rebuttal had been given, was a fractured universe unrecognizable to the one he arrived in, and the being that attacked him had been reduced to a ball that was about his size in stature, relatively speaking, in regards to the sizable, sentient fragments of reality that were scattered around him in the endless, colorful abyss left in the wake of his destructive criticism. The black sphere of void-like energy that always kept close to him had no memories of self-awareness at all from when it was whole, Edward realized after some curious questioning. It believed that its existence began once the chaos had settled, or so it told him. If this thing was in any way related to the limitless, non-mass of shitty nothingness that tried to 'do him in', then its exceeding helpfulness should at least cause some suspicion towards the chances of betrayal being a motivating factor in its actions, but Edward wanted to believe that he just somehow separated and pacified the raw core of this reality from itself with a bomb that could have annihilated Earth's ozone-layer and a little bit more than half of Russia. Hypothetically. ZZZT! ... Either way, silly ideas and potential back-stabbing aside, the floating ball of pseudo-antimatter had certainly proved itself to be useful in more than one instance. Edward quickly discovered that it had a clear effect on the subject matter of what the spectrum of entities was bickering about. At first, all twenty-four of the questionable beings went on and on about being separated from each other, or whatever the case was. Even Edward didn't have a good answer for that one just yet. Then, after slight encouragement towards the black orb's comment about him being their god, they began speaking to Edward about what he had done to them. And while he was in the middle of a long, burning piss off the edge of the lab and into the endless, rainbow gulf as the voices bickered both amongst each other and towards himself, Edward had an idea. Now, it was time to see if that idea was bearing fruit, or creating a hell that he could only imagine in his worst nightmares. The black sphere that extended several meters past the perimeter of where his lab's dome used to be, which had been cutting off the escaping oxygen that the tiled surface beneath him was producing, instantly vanished and reformed in the center of the lab next to where Edward stood. The force of the air leaving his labspace violently pulled at the scientist from every direction for a brief moment, causing him to lose his balance and grab onto the table to stay upright. Unlike how he left them before his much-needed nap, the colored-spaces floating in every direction around Edward no longer resembled the broken, jagged chunks of ethereal glass that they once did. They'd taken proper shape. Both perfect and imperfect, two-dimensional, three-dimensional, and some odd-looking four and five dimensional squares, cubes, circles, sheres, cylinders, triangles, pyramids, as well as every sided poly'-gon' or '- pon' one can imagine were moving around in all directions through one another's transparent forms as far as Edward could see. After focusing his vision for a great distance, it all looked like television static that was made up of every color that his eyes could physically perceive and then some. ZZZT! "Seven-thousand-six-hundred-one..." Every single multi-ragned voice in that existence said simultaneously, the sound of which was roaring around Edward now that his sound-buffer had retracted. When one encounters a group of uneducated beings with learning capabilities more powerful than Earth's most advanced A.I., beings that could theoretically rewrite the laws of physics within the space in which they exist, what should that individual do? "Nine..." Well, introducing them to the numerical system wouldn't be most people's first decision. "Ten-million-three..." After that was done, most would consider teaching them the fundamentals of mathematics to be, well, potentially disastrous, for both reasons obvious and not. "Five-hundred-thousand-eighty..." Even if, and that's a big if, they could all simultaneously work out the equation he used to create the portal that brought him to that particular dimension in the first place... "Forty-two..." What are the odds that anything good could come from the results? ZZZT! "Zero..." "Let's find out then, shall we?" The black sphere asked a surprised Edward with a hint of enthusiasm in its distorted tones, just before everything was obscured by a brilliant, white light. ----- "Ohhh my fucking gawd..." Josh said as he threw his head back bottomed out inside of an unconscious Ashley and came deep inside of her tight snatch. She was laying down and propped up on her giant, chocolatey tits, her ass high up in the air as her brother's crotch pressed hard against it. After a few moments, Josh slowly pulled out of Ashley and admired the cum that soaked his cock and the excess drooling from her swollen pussy. He gave his cock a long stroke as he bit his lip, then swung a hand down onto one of her tight, round cheeks, leaving a bright red handprint on her supple, young flesh. While Josh was leaning forward to eat out and clean up his sister, Michael was spread out on the couch on his back while their other sister Wanda gleefully bounced up and down on his long, hard cock. Her large, fake melons flopped around wildly on her slender torso, and her gigantic silicone booty loudly clapped against Michael's thighs as her wild, animalistic screams of wanton pleasure shook the room's walls. Moments before, he had told his former mother that whenever a cock entered any of her three holes, she would feel the vacant ones be filled with a phantom version of said cock. Because of that, her mouth was wide open from the feeling of it being stuffed with a fat, ghost dick and her hips were constantly moving over Michael's from the powerful sensations of the nonexistent meat filling up her asshole alongside the fleshy one actually occupying her tight pussy. That, and being put into a constant state of orgasm was likely just as responsible for keeping those erratic movements of hers active and wild. Once Josh had finished slurping up his own seed, he pushed Ashley's hips to the side and caused her lower half to fall over. Her torso followed, and she rolled off of her tits and onto her side, exposing her big and rock-hard nipples for all to see. After that, he stood up and made his way over to Wanda and Michael, quickly grabbing a hold of his former mother's fake tits began and mandling them as he thrust his face onto hers and locked lips. Well, he tried to, but it was hard to keep her mouth closed, and she mostly just continually moaned into his own. It wouldn't be long before Wanda was out cold as well, Josh thought with a sinister chuckle as he pinched down her nipples with a vice-grip. "I've said one and I'll say it again..." Micheal growled through excited, clenched teeth from underneath Wanda. "This is the greatest day of my fucking-" Unexpectedly, the unattended device jumped up from off of the coffee table with the sound of a CLACK, launching straight into the air and spinning around fast enough to obscure its general shape. When it reached the point to where it stalled in the air and gravity was supposed to bring it back down to Earth, it maintained its suspension, still floating in the center of the room as its wild rotations increased in velocity. Before long, the two very startled teenagers watched as the erratic contraption began to glow, then form the shape of a bright, white orb. Once its shape was perfect and its light had grown to a visually painful intensity, the sphere soundlessly dispersed, releasing a white shockwave that phased through everything its extending reach came into contact with. The boys barely saw anything that happened, and had to cover their eyes as the incident was unraveling. "Oh, shit!" Josh cried out, backing away from the couch and falling down onto his ass. "What the fuck?!" Michael echoed, shoving Wanda backwards and off of him while he scrambled to sit upright. With outstretched arms, flat palms, a lab coat, and a body odor that would only exist in a skunk's nightmare, Edward slowly descended down onto the floor. As his dirty old sneakers gently landed on the soft carpet, he opened his eyes to the strange sight of his nephew's naked friends having a panic attack. The boys looked at the middle-aged man in terror for a long, suspenseful moment, wondering who this man was and why he just appeared from the device that was firmly gripped in his right hand. It didn't take long for their memories of the original reality to slingshot back into the databanks of their minds, and they each gasped once they remembered who this man was exactly. Well, what little they did know of him, anyways. It was Dennis' uncle, they simultaneously realized, while the line of memories from altered reality remained and the visions of their friend's monstrous form still haunted them. "I'll be back," Edward boldly stated, then let his arms drop to his sides and let out a sigh of defeat as his dark, tired eyes scanned the room around him. "Nevermind, that doesn't fit. Fucked it up again..." he said, dejected in his inability to deliver a cool one-liner/movie-quote each time the opportunity presented itself. Regardless, it looked as though things worked out well enough. He appeared to be back home; and whatever changes had been done thus far should have been reset, judging by the way the boys were examining their scrawny bodies and average- sized genitals with disappointment and sorrow. Edward snapped his fingers a few times to get their attention, letting out a long, meaningful yawn all the while. "Yo, what the hell just happened?" Michael asked as he leaned back against the couch and placed a hand on his head, his eyes wide and mind reeling at the mixed up bunch of memories swimming around in his head... Last night, did he and Josh double-stuff Alex, or Alexis? ... Both? ... Huh. "Yeah! Make us awesome and strong and give us big dicks again! Please!" Josh pleaded, diving forward and wrapping his naked self around Edward's left leg. "We won't say anything to anyone about anything, we'll do anything you want, just please give it ba-ha-ha-haaack..." He wailed, part of his soul unwilling to live without the greatness of his invention. "First of all, get the fuck off of me," Edward said, then looked down towards Josh with a merciless, impatient stare. Josh whimpered and quickly scurried across the floor several feet away from the scientist. "Second..." Edward sighed again, feeling pity for the two boys. It was a damn shame he didn't have anything on him that could wipe their memories. Once one gets a taste of ultimate power, it's hard to let go of. And they weren't a couple of his chosen, "deserving" customers, just a couple of innocent idiots that got caught in the crossfire of his risky experiment. "This thing is out of juice," he said, extending his arms to point it at himself, and then pressed the big white button in the center. Nothing happened, and there wasn't even a POP. "Awe," They whined as their hearts were both shattered in an instant. "Yeah, sorry boys," he said with a sympathetic shrug. "Tell ya' what. If you do what 'that one' said and don't tell anyone that I'm to blame for any weird shit that may or may not have gone on around here within the last twenty-four hours, I'll cook up something special in the lab for each of you. Deal?" He asked them, already walking backwards towards their back exit with both of his thumbs up. Michael and Josh exchanged a shocked, but joyous glance, then looked back to the scientist and started quickly nodding their heads up and down like the morons they were. Edward extended an arm and pointed at them. "My dudes," he said with a smirk, then slipped out through the backdoor, disappearing without a trace. "Whoa..." "Right?" Josh agreed with a laugh. "That guy is cool as fuck." Then, a moan came from the other end of the couch that Michael was sitting on, and they both froze in fear as their bitter old mother slowly began to sit upright. Michael and Josh bolted for their room, Josh tripping over Ashley's still unconscious, naked body and practically somersaulting into the hallway before they girls were fully awake. Once dressed, they could hear the sounds of Wanda's fury growing closer to their location. By the time she arrived, they had escaped through their window and were running off down the street. ----- With a hand firmly placed against his throat, Tommy let out a choked groan as Juile mashed her crotch against his and started grinding back and forth on top of him, her large, brazillian tits swaying over and insidious, lustful smile looming above. After her shower, Julie had found Tommy in the living room curled up in the fetal position under the coffee table, silently whispering a few prayers for his life. However, she felt that his time was better spent as a helpless little dildo for her to ride for the next few hours. He'd already cum twice inside of her and was still hard, so she of course didn't waste a bit of that precious time by giving him any sort of a break. Even then, she could feel his thick cock begin to twitch once more inside of her, ready to unload whatever measly offering that he had left to give from an already drained sack. Her hips pushed against his with more force and her movements increased in pace, and soon the both of them were moaning and looking deep into each other's watery eyes they had an orgasm at the same time. Then, something bizarre happened, something that left Tommy alone and gasping for air on the ground of his friend's living room floor while his cock, rock hard and standing straight up, fired off a few spurts of clear ejaculate onto his bare stomach. A flash of white occurred, and Juile was gone, leaving him there alone and more than just a little bit confused as his original memories collided with his alternate ones like a semi-truck slamming head-on into an electric car. His brain was fried from the numerous, powerful emotions and forced orgasms that he'd undergone in the last hour, and he decided to just lay there staring at the ceiling and think about it all until someone came along and let him know that the world hadn't just imploded in on itself. One thing was for certain, though. Tommy already missed having a big, juicy, free-weed-getting booty, he thought. Squinting his eyes in mild confusion and reluctant relief, he wondered what had happened to Juile, who had completely vanished right before his eyes and was nowhere to be found within the original set of his memories. ----- Humming a tune from a hit pop song, Alex was happily sitting next to his older sister Mia in her apartment's living room as the two of them sat in front of her large vanity mirror applying some makeup. The Japanese Adonis gently dabbed at his cheeks with a powder brush while Mia was touching up her mascara. The two of them were bonding like best friends, per their usual routine before going out on the town to score a dick or three. While just as beautiful on the one-to-ten scale, Mia was quite a bit shorter than her gigantic brother and more resembled him when he was Alexis for a short time, but had bright, platinum-blonde hair instead of the raven main he(she) had sported during the night of the orgy. Her big, perky tits were without a bra in the bright, pink tank-top she wore, while her tight, jeans short-shorts were overflowing with excess booty and thigh meat around linings. "Like, I'm still shocked about it too. I got 'em both to fit. Or, well, they did," Alex giggled, fondly reminiscing about her time with the twins. "Oh mai gawd! Like, I'm totes jelly," Mia said. "I've had twins before, but not a couple of black studs with big,-" KA-FLASH "-unimpressive pinky fingers," she snickered, holding up her own in front of Alex's face while his entire body froze up and his eyes began to expand wider and wider. "I don't get what the big deal was. I mean, sure, an orgy is fun at all, but you're the most impressive one there, then it couldn't have been that great," Mia said with a roll of her eyes, then put down the black pencil and reached for a powder brush, the same one that had just fallen out of the "normalified" Alex's trembling fingers. He screamed in a higher pitched tone than Alexis ever did during the night before. ----- "My Zoey bear..." a seven-foot-tall Carrie sang, then let out a throaty giggle as she licked from the bottom of Zoey's chin and all the way up the side of her head. Three of her fingers were actively working around the dark-skinned maid's inner-pussy walls, all the while her thumb was expertly circling Zoey's throbbing clit. "You're, like, sooo cute when you cum for me like that," the low IQ, amazonian nympho whispered into her ear. Zoey just laid there in Carrie's bed on her back, helplessly having succumb to the insane girl's whims. But, that was the job, Zoey knew. This is what she signed up for when she agreed to dedicate her life to being the greatest maid that ever was. Still, part of her regretted using her employer's brother-in-law's magical box to get rid of the extra weight she'd been carrying around all of her life. Sure, Zoey generally felt healthier and her overall mood had improved since then, but Carrie, despite being unaware of the change, was much more enthusiastic than usual. Carrie's giant, yoga-ball-sized tits were mushed up against Zoey's side, one of her hands down in the maid's nether regions and skillful enough to bring her to nirvana, and the first half of Carrie's two-foot-long, snake-like cock was gently sliding several inches of its length in and out of Zoey's big, round ass. There were worse ways to spend an evening, but there were also less humiliating ways, as well, Zoey thought to herself through a cluster of mini orgasms that were assaulting her nervous system with a battering ram of pleasure. "Mm, oh fuck... Oh, I'm gonna'-, I'm gonna cum, baby. Mmmphuck!" Carrie squealed, filling Zoey's ass full of her thick, dickgirl spunk, her softball-sized nuts visibly curning as they unloaded their... well, load. Zoey reached up and grabbed handfuls of her own, but not nearly as big or unnaturally full tits, letting out a shameless scream as she finally began to give into her impulses, her mind broken and ready to accept the carnal sin that her body desperately craved. Carrie, still softly moaning directly into Zoey's ear as her spurting cock began to get itself under control, smiled as she reached under her breasts and wrapped her arms lovingly around Zoey from the side. But, like every other scene near the current in this goofy sex story, a wave of bright, white light flowed through the area like a flash, and both of their worlds came crashing in on themselves as reality returned to relative normality. A middle-aged, regular-sized Carroll blinked, staring into the side of Zoey's pale, chubby face with an expression of disbelief on her own, her breasts having shrunk down to their original, flat form as her bare chest was now pressed up against her daughter's best friend's arm. Zoey blinked a few times as well, then slowly turned her head to meet Carroll's stunned gaze. Both of them trembled as they realized what all had actually happened within the past day, and Zoey fainted in Carroll's arms with the sound of a soft whimper on her lips. "Ah! Zoey!" Carroll shrieked, quickly pulling off of her and swirling her body to sit on top of the goth's soft, doughy tummy. "I'm so sorry babygirl, I didn't know what I was doing. Please, be alright..." she begged, trying to wake Zoey up by gently shaking her shoulders with both hands. However, Zoey remained asleep, and Carroll blushed with shame as she still found herself getting turned on by the young woman's fat, heavy tits sloshing around on top of her in response. Speaking of which, Carroll thought as she sat up straight on top of Zoey, where in the hell had her own melons had disappeared to? She shook her head, realizing that there were (slightly) more important things to worry about right then and there. Ed and Mandy had some goddamn explaining to do. ----- CLA-THUNK! "Finally..." Dennis grumbled, staring down at the half of his exposed forearm that hadn't completely fit through the hole that the last punch had pierced through the steel to his laboratory. With a gentle flex, the hulking giant yanked his massive arm free from the steely entrance and smiled at the jagged, gaping rupture. "Now, all that's left is to-" he began, but paused when he tried to slide his bare leg in through the hole and have it stop midway up his calf. Dennis made an annoyed, confused expression, then shoved with all of his strength to try and fit through the hole he clearly should've been able to fit into, ight? It made sense. After all he-... Dennis roared with fury as his big, unbreakable fist was sent flying down on top of the tall, narrow, concrete roof of the laboratory's entrance with a crack, his mind recalling how none of his and Carries clothes would fit them anymore while he could still rationalize himself being able to slide them on and have their fabric stretch accordingly to fit his and her figures. Although, just as he was coming to terms with the fact that the hold he'd created would also refuse to stretch and accommodate the size of his body as it tried to pass through, there was an unmistakable,- SOUNDLESS WHITE FLASH! ... And just like that, Dennis was back to his plain, average, teenage self. Every once of his dark, dense muscles had vanished, leaving him flabby, pasty, and a bit too out of shape for half his brain's liking. Demigod Dennis' and Nerdy Dennis Vett's two persona's were wildly conflicting in how he should feel about the confusing circumstances that the previous moment was forcing him to mentally deal with. Dennis just stood there in the darkness of his backyard for maybe a full minute or two, staring at the hole in the door in disbelief and wondering why the fuck he even wanted to bother getting into that place after Tommy had transformed him into a living, breathing weapon of mass destruction. Of course, the original and slightly more sensible side of his brain understood that he may have been changing physically, but because he couldn't completely grasp the fact that he had become so unnaturally powerful with the device at the time due to its reality- correcting nature, his motives and goal had stayed the same and held true through the transformation. Hell, the memories from his altered- self was hinting that he had possessed the strength to jump from the ground where he stood and send himself flying towards any of the world's nation's capitals, then proceed to annihilate anyone and anything that would have posed a threat to his mission of global domination. Dennis jumped in mild surprise as a large hand firmly placed itself on his shoulder, and he turned around to look up into the dark, tired face of his Uncle Eddy, who was nodding as his eyes were examining the damaged entrance to his lab. "Nice," was all the stoic, expressionless man said before he removed his hand and continued forward, climbing in through the four-foot-diameter hole while being mindful of the sharp shreds of torn steel that were all around its circumference. "I could've killed God," Dennis mumbled to his uncle, who stopped as soon as he was through the door and turned back to look at him. "Yeah? Bring it, bitch," Edward said, his tone only half-serious. "Go put some clothes on and go find your mother and sister, then bring 'em here... We all need to have a little chat about what happened last night." Dennis blinked, the jumbled mess of the previous night's memories now swimming around in his confused mind. "Uh... Yeah, sure," he said, watching his uncle through the hole as the old man disappeared down the staircase that led to the lab. That was the man who created the device and a door that Zeus would have trouble getting open; his boring, alcoholic uncle who avoids human interaction at every opportunity that he can? That's wild, Dennis thought to himself with a crazed, delirious laugh as he turned around and made his way into the house, the eighteen-year- old's big, soft dick and full, tight balls bouncing and bobbing around in front of him with each step taken. ----- "And here's the best part, Mandy. You're going to forget about every single trigger that I just put into your empty little head of yours," Danny groaned with satisfaction, standing over a shivering Mandy with a finger on his collar as she lay flat on her back on the table, her mental faculties and thoughts still devoid of any real emotion while her entire body was being wracked with an intense, unyielding pleasure. "Also, put your hands down. From now on, you're not allowed to touch yourself without my permission." Mandy's trembling fingers instantly pried their tight grip away from the huge, fleshy globes sloshing around on top of her chest and brought her hands up near her head to grasp at the edge of the table. Being that her head hanging off that same edge, it gave Danny easy access to silence the moans and squeals she was involuntarily producing by sliding his average-sized dick in and out of the blonde's mouth. All the while, their waiter Moe was seated down at the opposite end of the table from Danny, both hands wrapped around the base of Mandy's fleshy pole as his mouth was doing the best it could to keep itself locked around her constantly ejactulating cockhead; the front his short, naked, old man body soaked in a way that looked as though someone had splashed him with a bucket full of cum. "Good girl," Danny said, wasting no time in reaching forward to make sure her breasts were still getting plenty of attention. His long, skinny fingers dug deep into her supple tits while his thumbs and index fingers tightly pinched at her diamond-hard nipples. Mandy winced each time his cock pushed its way into her throat and when he would firmly press his crotch and balls up against her face. "Mmph... Yeah, I definitely believe you now. There's no way these fucking tits shouldn't have been the first thing I claimed with my new toy, because fuck... And you said you got them just for me? That's so fucking sweet, Mandy. So sweet that I almost feel bad about this," He chuckled, then moaned as his hands squeezed harder around those overflowing jugs, feeling his balls begin to tighten up and the sensation of an orgasm begin to rise from within. Mandy choked, Danny's uncoordinated and overeager thrusts came to a stop as he rammed his crotch against her face one more, filling her throat with several thick globs of his hot cum. With a sigh and a smile, he released Mandy's tits and watched them wobble around atop her twitching frame before turning his attention over to the table several feet away from theirs, where Stacy had been entertaining a wealthy family of four for the past ten minutes. Like he'd said earlier, Danny had been getting bored with her for quite some time, so he felt as though her talents were put to better use for people who had never seen such shameless acts. The younger man in his early twenties was likely their son, Danny reckoned, and he was the most interested in the naked, blue-haired, barely-coherent bimbo out of them all. He had her bent over the edge of the table and was thrusting his athletic hips against her big, toned ass while leaning forward and openly whispering sweet, degrading nothings into her ear about what a nasty slut she was for letting him fuck her raw in front of his parents and aunt. Said parents and aunt, all three of them approximately somewhere in their forties, weren't paying any mind to the younger couple, Danny's table, nor any of the other tables scattered around the restaurant that had begun engaging in similar acts of wide-open sexual conduct. The father of the group was just seated in his chair while his wife was down on her knees in front of him, sucking his cock with a whorish vigor as her sister was sat above on the edge of the table, rubbing her clit and squealing from an orgasm; the father pumping three of his thick fingers in and out of her sloppy snatch and his hand bunched up into a fist that was full of her long, brunette hair. Of course, not a soul in the building found anything going on out of the ordinary, per the prerecorded suggestions Danny had scheduled to be quietly played over the restaurant's intercoms every half-hour. Even if Danny hadn't taken Mandy for himself when he did, she would've been all over him even earlier if one of those messages had played sometime before he directly used the device on her. "Attention: Nothing is wrong or out of the ordinary. Have sex with the people around you. Everything is permitted here," The intercom gently hissed, the words spoken having a slight, metallic ring to them. Of course, every time the front door was opened, any guests entering were greeted by a similar recording that kept them from being alarmed by the debaucherous sights already going on inside: "Welcome. Party, mind your own business and the business of those you entered with, if any," Thankfully for Danny, he was immune to his own voice commands as long as they were his own, or else things would've gone sideways with that idea long ago, he thought to himself as he pulled out of a dazed, half- conscious, and still-cumming Mandy's mouth and looked around at the rest of the packed restaurant's inhabitants. The table closest behind Moe, who was still mindlessly filling his belly with Mandy's thick, everflowing jizz, were a group of three women that were professionally dressed and appearing to be aged from their late- twenties to early-thirties. The youngest one with short, raven hair was flat on her back atop the table, just like Mandy, only her slightly older coworkers were riding and rocking their hips over her face and crotch. While the oldest one with long, blonde hair and large, natural tits was having no trouble getting herself off by grinding her trimmed pussy over the black-haired girl's face, but the thin redhead with a gigantic, round butt further down on the woman had procured a girthy cucumber to act as a pseudo, double-sided dildo to pump in and out of the two of them as she thrusted down onto it with her wide hips. At the salad bar across the room, a large and rather muscular gentleman with a pronounced beer-belly was dressed in a white dress-shirt and dark jeans while his sturdy hands were all over a younger, shorter male. Danny watched as the bear made the twink let out a gasp, grabbing a hold of his tight little ass and unzipping his slacks at the same time. The older man's eyes and smile went wide as a monster of a cock flopped out free from the twenty-something-year-old's trousers, wasting no time in gripping it with a hand to give it several long, encouraging strokes. The two strangers eventually locked eyes, then their faces drew closer together before passionately pressing their lips against one another's while their actions grew more and more feverish over time. And over in the V.I.P. section towards one of the restaurant's roped-off corners, Danny could spot an elderly man in his late fifties sitting back and enjoying a chat with an equally aged gentleman sitting next to him in the booth, both of them wearing suits that could compare in expense to Danny's own while having their bare laps ridden by a couple of young blondes with big, obviously-fake tits. Part of him wondered if they were calling the men "daddy" because of the common pet-name women associated with their older partners, or because they were actually those men's daughters. Either way, they were a noisy bunch that Danny was enjoying the view of. Satisfied with the atmosphere of the restaurant that he'd been fine- tuning and cultivating over the past few weeks, Danny looked back down to the sweaty, panting futanari below. Mandy, still having her cock serviced by a polite and oddly skillful old man, licked her lips with a moan and swallowed the last of the remaining seed that her mouth had been coated with. Her mascara and blush were a mess, dripping up her face along with a mixture of saliva and tears as her head still hung off from the edge of the table. Already hard again, he decided that he wasn't quite done with her fantastical melons and quickly took off what little clothing he had left on and moved around the table to climb on top of it, stradling Mandy's upper-stomach as he placed his cock between her big tits and squeezed them around it. He sighed and moaned, rocking his hips back and forth and savoring the way her perky, but squishy flesh hugged his twitching fuckstick. Yeah, Danny thought, he was already a much bigger fan of Mandy than he was of Stacy, and he still had yet to turn her mind inside out and bend it to his will. Still, there was plenty enough time for that in the days to come. For now, he was just going to take his time and thoroughly acquaint himself with Mandy's- DESTELLO BLANCO! "-gorgeous, flat chest. Fuck, he loved how smooth it was, Danny thought as he hand his palms placed together over her barely-existent mounds of tiddy-meat while his thumbs pressed down on his cock to keep it steadily grinding against the center of her chest. Mandy blinked, her senses and emotions instantly returned to their original state as reality came crashing down on her. In one moment, her mind was empty and her curvy body was wracked with pleasure; in the next, Mandy realized that someone she thought was her friend had taken advantage of her and her plain, boring body was beginning to shake and tremble with a vicious, unyielding rage. Slowly, Mandy's head rose from the edge of the table with her face still a mess, and she looked up into Danny's eye as fresh, hateful tears began to roll down her cheeks. The sight alone caused his entire body to freeze up in shock and fear. Danny's finger shot up to the sticker-button on his collarbone without missing a beat. However, it didn't appear as though he was successful in speaking whatever hasty command that was aimed towards her. "Mandy, y-ACK!" Danny began, but the metallic ring that normally accompanied his words crackled instead at first, then popped with a few sparks flying away from his throat and caused him to fall backwards onto Moe where he was sat back in the chair, and who was slowly regaining his own mental faculties as the effects of Danny's device had quickly worn off. After a few seconds, the naked and dry Moe gasped and pushed Danny off of him and onto the floor, getting up to run off towards the security station and make sure that the machine programmed to play the evil boy's messages over the intercom was dealt with before it could sound-off again. Mandy sat up on top of the table just when he was out of sight, grateful that she didn't have to look him in the eyes anytime soon, then glanced around at everyone in the restaurant as the hypnotic spells they were under no longer had any effects on their minds. Some continued having sex with one another despite the fact that they were once again in control of their own actions, particularly the once-closeted gay strangers tossing salad at the salad bar, as well as the young man nailing Stacy over the table as his parents and aunt were panicking and profusely apologizing to one another. The curvy pixie had tried to get up at and push him away at first, but he seemed very determined to finish in her tight, waxed pussy, pinning her shoulders down onto the tablecloth as his hips continued to pound her ass. Most everyone else was either in the middle of getting dressed with urgency or were just bolting for the door, too frightened and distraught to worry about their modesty. Danny clutched at his lower neck as he felt like someone had put out a cigarette on collar bone. He couldn't quite see it, but the white button in the center of it was fairly scorched and wouldn't depress anymore when he tried at it. Laying on his back and propping himself up on his elbows, the tall, skinny man looked up and saw Mandy's naked form looming over him. "M-Mandy, I-" Danny tried to say, caught off guard at first by the erotic beauty of the curveless, slender figure that she'd given herself but was inturrpted by the bare heal of Mandy's foot bluntly connecting with the bridge of his nose, unmistakably breaking it with an audible crunch as his head slammed back against the carpeted floor. "'Sort of' friends, huh?" she asked, her voice broken and her eyes leaking a constant stream of tears as she balled up her hands into tight fists. "Fuck you," Mandy spat, just before she committed various acts that would've been viewed as multiple assault crimes in the eyes of a human- rights court, if the more-than-grateful patrons and staff hadn't turned a blind-eye to her retribution in the stories that the police were told afterwards. They had automatically assumed Mandy was the one who somehow saved them all, not having any other justifiable reason to go off of, and several of those present had nightmares for the rest of their lives after seeing how far a man could be beaten without killing over. ----- Some time after Edward had settled back into his lab and repaired the door with a can of spray-paint that could restore literally anything to an undamaged state, the members of the household he lived under, minus Frank, were all gathered together there with him around a large, metal desk/table. "Now that we're all here..." Carroll said with a pleasant smile as she looked around at her family, then she cleared her throat before turning to Edward. "What the hell were you thinking, Ed?!" "What are you yelling at me for?! This is all her fault!" Edward shouted back at his sister, who was seated on a plain, metal stool past the corner of the table to his right and wearing a plain, white T-shirt and a pair of black sweatpants over her skinny, curveless body. "ARE YOU SHITTING ME, YOU OLD FUCK?!" Mandy screached, getting right up next to the left Edward's face as he boldly and fearlessly stared straight ahead at nothing in particular. She wore something similar to her mother's attire, only her shirt was grey and long-sleeved while her bottoms were a set of baggy jeans. "YOU SET ME UP!" "You totally set her up," Zoey sheepishly agreed. His head unmoving, Edward's eyes flicked to Zoey and she visibly flinched as a result. "I could've killed God," Dennis mumbled for the upteenth time in the past hour. "I will hit you," Edward replied. SMACK! "Ow!" Edward reeled back as he pulled both hands to the red print quickly beginning to swell up on his right cheek. "Fuck, Carrie!" "Serves you right," Carroll said, trying to shake the stinging pain out of her hand. "Explain yourself, now." Mandy huffed, pulling her face away from her Uncle's and crossing her arms over her flat chest. "Alright, fine," Edward groaned, looking around at each of them with a scowl on his face. "I take full responsibility. I knew Mandy wouldn't be able to resist using the thing, but I couldn't just be like: 'Here Mandy, take this super-awesome porno-transformer and go wreak havoc...' In all fairness, I'm like, ninety-percent sure I would've died if I hadn't done it though," He lowered his hands and placed his elbows on the table, looking up towards Mandy with a nod. "Regardless of what happened, good work." Mandy blinked a few times in surprise, caught off-guard by her Uncle Eddy's suspicious gratefulness. "I'm sure you all know what happened after that better than myself, I'm sure," he said with a weak, judging smile as he looked around at those around him. Dennis and Zoey didn't seem phased by the remark, but Carroll and Mandy certainly blushed a bright red. "So, that glowing ball I saw you put into the device, what was that?" Mandy asked nervously as she sat down in the stool on the corner adjacent from Dennis at the table. "It was just a manifestation of reality's code that was acting as a glorified battery for the device. It's general abilities were because of the nano-circuitry that's wired into the casing," He shrugged, opening up the back of it and revealing numerous coils layering the inside. "I don't exactly know what my sneaky competitor Morphose uses as a power source for this particular model that I procured by completely legal means, but I've figured out that it's at least the equivalent to about forty D-batteries," As the scientist was speaking, he opened one of the drawers attached to his side of the table, then began to pull out and insert said large, cylindrical power units into the casing one by one. "It was a bitch to adapt and get working at first, but science stops for no man, especially one that's flying high on three gallons of acid. Still can't exactly get it to 'swap' things, either. Had to improvise on functionality." "... You have a metal drawer, full of live batteries?" Zoey asked, stunned by the carelessness of the idea as she was sitting past the corner of the table on Carroll's left, an empty seat separating her and Dennis. Edward just responded with a roll of his eyes, to which Zoey opened her mouth in utter disbelief at. "Three gallons..." Mandy mumbled, leaning forward onto her elbows as she tried to imagine what kind of psychological hell that would be like. "... 'Swap'?" Dennis whispered with a confused scowl. "I still don't understand. What was the point of all of this, then? Where have you been for the past day?" Carroll asked. "I've got a few ideas as for the 'where', but I am way too tired to properly explain it right now. And the 'why' was because, well... I hate to admit it, but I've lost track of almost every device that I've put out into the world up to this point. I usually keep tabs, or used to, rather, on the people that didn't have ones designed to stop working after an approximate amount of time. It turned into busy-work, I lost interest quickly, which led me to lose track of ninety-five-percent of them after about a week of the individual sale. 'Big Brother'-" he said sarcastically, using air quotes. "-usually takes care of anything that gets out of hand too quickly, for the most part. Although, I know for a fact that there are a few too many of my toys out there that were lost somewhere along the way and have yet to be found by someone I didn't personally didn't choose to sell to," Edward finished, then took one last drag of the old cigarette in his hands before flicking it away aimlessly in the lab. His eyes glanced around the table his elbows here perched on, already searching for another half-smoked fag that he hadn't finished off yet. "The point of all of this was to bring myself in and out of our current reality, causing every single one of those little fuckers to permanently short-out and ultimately become useless by causing a literal, physical glitch in the universe," His eyes lit up as he found another crooked, semi-lengthy smoke hiding underneath a wrench. Edward picked it up and threw it up, catching the butt with his stained, yellow teeth. "Like this one?" Mandy said flatly, one elbow on the table with her head perched up on the according hand while her free arm reached down into her jeans pocket and pulled out the flat, button-sticker device that fried Danny's voice at the restaurant. She flicked it with her thumb at him as if it were a coin. "Danny said his dad bought it over the internet." Edward had a confused expression on his face as it landed in his palm, but his eyes once again widened and his lips pursed together as soon as he took a good look at it. "A prime example, Mandy," he said, holding it up between his middle and index finger for all to see. "I made this bad-boy in college. What did I call it again? ... Fuck, I don't remember. However, I do remember losing this at a party way back when, and- wait, no... Did I let Zeke borrow this at some point? ... Doesn't matter, it's still a good example," Edward said, then aimlessly tossed it off somewhere in the lab just as he does with everything else. "If you made that way back in the day, I guess that makes sense," Mandy said with a tired, unenthusiastic shrug and yawn. "It did seem pretty lame compared to the boxy thing that you let me steal." "Lame? Hah!" Edward boasted. "That 'bOxY tHiNg' could do some stuff with the average person's mind as far as perception is concerned, but was nowhere near as powerful as far as being able to rip apart and rebuild an individual's entire thought process and cognitive abilities," His proud expression suddenly dropped into one of mild concern as he stared at Mandy. "He-... This Danny kid, he didn't implant any, like, kinds of triggers in your head, did he?" Mandy winced, trying to sift through the hazy half of her memories that were mostly filled with mind-numbing orgasms. "I don't think so, no. Stacy though? Oh yeah, definitely... Why?" "No reason." Edward's eyes ficked down at the table for a brief moment, and then finally lit up the cigarette that'd been resting between his lips. Mandy raised an eyebrow at that, but brushed off any rising concerns rather quickly as she wondered about a certain phrase Danny had uttered around the girl. "Anyways, let's get this over with. Who's first?" Edward said, exhaling a cloud of cheap, bitter smoke. "Dennis? "Come back to me on that," Was all his chubby, still-naked nephew said while his empty stare was looking down towards the table and focused on nothing, recalling how he managed to take the entire length of super- Alex's super huge cock up his ass that very morning. Edward nodded, then looked to his Zoey, who needed to take a moment to find her words. "I... I just want to be skinny again..." Zoey said quietly, hands tucked between her legs in shame. Edward snapped the case shut after having just filled it with a ridiculous amount of cheap batteries, yanked the antenna back into place, flipped the device around, pointed it at Zoey, and adjusted the according dial without hesitation. He then pressed the big, white button in the center. Pop! Zoey shivered nervously at the quick, instantaneous sensation of her excess weight vanishing from her body, leaving the tall, pale girl with a tight-skinned and healthy figure. While it wasn't painful, it was much more unsettling than the first time it'd happened to her, so her heart responded by trying to explode out of her chest for a few brief moments. Speaking of her chest, after calming down Zoey frowned when looking down at the two jiggly jugs that have been more of a burden than a blessing throughout her life. Edward took notice of this. Pop! Zoey visibly jumped in surprise as her big boobs quickly shrunk and retracted down to a pert, B-cup in her purple tank-top, then looked up to Edward with wide eyes and a half-open mouth. She blinked, realizing that the chair also felt a bit... closer to the bones in her butt. Reaching back, Zoey found that he had also knocked a few inches off of her butt's overall cicumfrance as well. "I get it." He smiled and shrugged, exhaling smoke and flicking away his cigarette once again. Zoey finally managed a smile of her own, then nodded and blushed a bit as her hands tucked themselves deeper between her now narrow thighs. Edward turned to Mandy, who was sitting in the stool with her legs kicked up on the table and her back pressed against the one of the only vacant spots on a wall in the lab located right behind her. "Alright asshole, your turn for a favor." "Zoey can have it." "Huh?" Everyone muttered in unison, turning to look at her in surprise. "What?" Mandy asked as she crossed her arms in defense. "I might be an asshole, but I'm not a complete asshole. Zoey can have my favor. Besides..." Mandy glanced down at her barron chest for a second. "I sort of get it now. Having big boobs didn't really give me any extra confidence, and I don't really want to have anything to do with this crazy shit for a while," she said, holding her hands up in defense. After a long moment of silence, it was interrupted by the sound of Edward sniffling and bringing up a dirty, oil-stained rag to dab at his eyes. "I'm proud of you, niece," Edward said, his gold-bearded face even dirtier than before. "Just get on with it, Uncle Eddy," Mandy said impatiently, then crossed her arms as she began to softly but repeatedly click her heel against the tiled floor, her face glowing red from embarrassment. Edward tossed the rag at her, and Mandy snarled as the oily cloth smacked her in the face. When she returned the gesture, Edward tilted his head to the side to effortlessly dodge it and move on. "Well, looks you've got a second request. Ask away, Miss Zoey." "Uh..." Zoey said, more caught off by the fact that that was the first time the scientist had referred to her by name, ever. "I-I... I don't know. I'm okay, I guess. You don't have to-..." Wait, Zoey thought as her eyes went wide. This man, this scientist, was offering her the equivalent to a wish from a genie. Someone as smart and potentially well-connected as he was had to have some kind of notoriety within the scientific community, right? Weird sex stuff be damned, this could be an amaizing career opportunity. Zoey pulled together every ounce of confidence she could find within herself, straightened up, cleared her throat, and asked Edward something that no one in living memory had ever had the balls to consider to do before. "Are you accepting internships, sir?" The room fell into a deafening silence for a few moments, but Zoey's determination for a solid answer was not at all diminished upon Edward's reaction. On the contrary, when the scientist looked up and began to thoughtfully stroke his short beard, she felt a strong sense of hope rise up. Then he looked at her with a smirk, and a nervous excitement came over her. "Normally, I'd have laughed at you until you ran out of here crying, but you're not like most people," he said. "Are you, Zoey?" "No, sir," Zoey said, trying her best not to sound too eager. "In fact, I'm on track to receive my Bachelor's degree in quantum molecular physics before the semester is out, and I was a virgin twenty-four hours ago." Both Mandy and Carroll's hearts nearly cracked in half at that, and each of them began to feel a worsening awfulness overcome their emotions the more they thought about it. Because of Mandy, things got out of hand and Zoey was deflowered. And directly because of Carroll, well, Zoey was, without a doubt, no longer a virgin anymore. "Oh, right," Mandy said, looking up at her best friend with a sincere frown. "Sorry, Zoe..." Carroll just sniffled and held back tears welling up in her eyes, just giving her unofficial second daughter a look of apologetic regret. Zoey didn't look away from Edward, ignoring the two while also having rationalized quite a few ways to forgive them both before even entering the lab earlier. Still, like horny mother, like horny daughter. Taking some time to contemplate and feel bad about their actions would likely do those buttholes some good, Zoey thought. "Sure, fuck it," Edward said, then let out a long yawn. "Come to the lab at noon the day after tomorrow, I'm sure I can find something for you to do." "Cool, great. I-, er, I mean, thank you, sir," Zoey stammered. He dismissed her with a wave, then turned to his bimbo of a sister. "Give me my boobs back, and we'll be square," Carroll said, her face devoid of any kind of joy. Pop! Carroll's arms were suddenly pushed away from her chest as two, watermelon-sized funbags sprung out from inside of her shirt, its fabric supernaturally stretching to accommodate their growth. Her face went red as the return of her big, sensitive tits and how easily their nipples would harden at the slightest rub or breeze. If anything, they looked a bit bigger than before; but even if her eyes weren't playing tricks on her, she wasn't complaining. "Thanks, Ed," she said, managing a crooked smile as she looked down and brought her hands under her tits, then gave them a few jiggly shakes. Dennis, his mind and the desires of his old-self reignited by the sight of his sexy mother and her massive mammaries, was snapped back into reality and suddenly knew exactly what he wanted from his Uncle Eddy. "Shapeshifting," Dennis said, locking eyes with Edward. "I wanna' be able to shapeshift at will." "Absolutely not," Carroll said, cocking an eyebrow at her son. Pop! "Ed!" "Relax, it's a limited version," Edward said, watching as Dennis looked down towards his body. Not a moment later, his few rolls of fat and pudgy stomach receded into himself. After that, everyone gazed at the light set of sex-pack abs and mildly defined pecs that began to show. "You can't turn your schlong into a snatch, alter your age, or make yourself look like someone you're not for the most part, stuff like that. Aside from that, go nuts." Dennis, realizing how easy it was to just change the slightest feature of his body with just a single thought, was more than satisfied with his gift as he stood up and admired himself, this time completely aware of the fact that he now had the body of a jock. Carroll wanted to speak up again, but the lump in her throat refused to let any words come out. Flashes of memories from the previous night zipped through her mind, remembering how Dennis had her bent over the table and stuffed his two cocks in both her pussy and asshole, the result at the time ending up with her having the most powerful orgasm she could ever remember having. Plus, the limitations of his shape- change ability seemed fair enough to keep him from going overboard and getting into some serious trouble. "Anything else?" Edward asked the group, tapping a finger on the table impatiently. "Wait, what about our memories?" Zoey asked, looking with a mildly panicked expression. "Are we stuck with the alternate ones?!" "Huh? Oh, nah. They'll dissipate in about a week or so." He shrugged. "You four, as well as everyone that's been directly affected by the device, will be back to normal before you know it." Zoey nervously sighed, both relieved and unsettled by the fact that she had to live with the false memories of being the housemaid/slut for a while longer, as well as the fact that she was going to be mourning over her twin sister that had never really existed in the first place... After answering a few more boring questions and addressing any concerns they may have, everyone but Edward eventually felt satisfied enough with their situation and took their leave of the laboratory. He smirked and sighed with relief as the door to the lab was shut and the numerous locks clinked into place afterwards. He then spun around on his stool, turning towards a set of shelves in the wall that were cluttered with random electronics and circuitry, empty beer and liquor bottles, as well as ash and cigarette butts that had been discarded at some point in a random direction. Grabbing a remote from the table and pointing it at said section of the wall, Edward pressed a button and the shelves retracted and the bank, black wall became illuminated while junk came tumbling and crashing down onto the floor and countertop below. Not a moment later, a middle-aged man with an annoying, blonde crew cut appeared on screen, sitting behind a mahogany desk with a golden cigar between his smiling lips. "Edward!" He cheered, his teeth clenched around the cigar as his large, callused hands slammed down onto the desk. "How are ya', bud?" The scientist let out a long, tired sigh. "Not bad. I do have a few questions about that formula you gave me, though." "Oh yeah?" the man asked, leaning forwards into the camera directed at him. "Ask away." "Did you trick me into getting sent back to the beginning of time?" "... Maybe." "And did I cause 'The Big Bang'?" "... Also maybe. I'm not really clear on the details, and neither is Delta." The man shrugged, his wide smile unwavering. "All we know is that you were meant to finish the equation that our researchers found in Greece, and the fruits of your journey would reawaken any of the Alphabet that had gone dormant throughout the passage of time up to this point, as well as help you get a fresh start on your customer base, of course." "Yeah, yeah," Edward said with a dismissive wave. "Spare me the genie- talk, I could care less about those little mon... -sters." The man on screen raised his eyebrows, just as the pupils in his eyes disappeared and their iris' began to glow with a scorchingly bright, yellow color. "Oh shit," Edward grumbled, closing his eyes and bringing his hand up to rub his temples. The colors, the voices, the familiar headache of it all he hadn't noticed up until that very moment... "Bob, do not tell me that I'm their fuckin'-" "Hah! Took you long enough to figure it out, Creator." Delta bellowed with laughter with a much deeper, smoker's voice through the body of Robert Stone, Edward's childhood friend. "Seriously, you may very well be the smartest man that's ever lived or will live, but you also have a tendency to ignore certain aspects of reality that should be clear as day. Who else could've carved us from reality's raw fabric? Definitely not Steven Halling, let me tell ya'. That crippled loser couldn't carve a turkey with laser-vision." "Fuck the both of you, and fuck every letter from every alphabet from every known and unknown language that's ever been; I'm going to bed," Edward said, picking the remote back up to switch off the monitor, the echo of Robert's laugh still ringing within his ears even after he was gone. After that, the scientist stood up and pushed all of the clutter on top of the table they had been using onto the floor. Edward stretched his arms and back before climbing up onto it, completely ready to get his first wink of serious, comfortable sleep in nearly a week. Unfortunately, just as his eyes were about to shut, the obnoxious, blaring ring of an old-timey telephone filled the space of the lab. Edward's eyes snapped open, and he began to openly sob from exhausted frustration as his legs turned off of the table and landed on the floor, the scientist now making his way out of the lab and towards the house to find a quiet, secluded place to pass out. Great, he thought. Not only was Edward responsible for creating virtually immortal entities that have ravaged, terrorized, and dominated the world long since before recorded human history, he was now also responsible for dealing with his customer hotline and all of the moody pricks with broken toys on the other end of it... Wait, Edward thought with a sniffle and his eyes wide with sudden realization as the tears began to retract back into their ducts. He had an intern now. ----- It wasn't long before things went back to relative normality in the Vett household. After just a couple of days, more than half of the memories from altered realities had already faded from memories, but the acts that they all took part in were still fairly fresh in their minds. Even though Mandy could barely recall what it was like to have a cum-shotgun dangling between her legs, but she was able to vividly remember how someone who was fading from memory used her plain body as a toy to torture and tease anytime said person found herself bored. As Mandy walked into her kitchen wearing the same basic set of clothes she wore several nights ago in the lab, watching as Zoey stood in front of the sink rinsing off a plate that she'd just eaten breakfast off of. An image of her best friend with huge assets and wearing a maid uniform flashed through her mind for a moment, but Mandy shook her head and tried not to get all worked up at the idea. Part of her didn't want to part with those memories on a deep, selfish level, she knew. Zoey grabbed a towel and dried the plate off before putting it back up into the cabinet, then turned around to spot Mandy walking in and towards the fridge. "Mornin'." "Oh, hey," she said with the same, lovely smile that seeing Mandy always brought to her face. "You're up early. I thought you'd still be knocked out by the time I was due in the lab." "Couldn't sleep. Had a dream about Julie." Mandy yawned and swung open the door, her eyes searching for the bacon and eggs. "Or a wet nightmare. Still haven't decided yet." Zoey blushed at the thought, then a spark lit up within her eyes at the mention of the twin sister she temporarily had. "I forgot about Julie!" Zoey exclaimed, putting a hand over her mouth. "Do... Do you think your Uncle Eddy would let her come back? I-..." Zoey's heart wanted to jump right out of her chest. She'd been so focused on repressing every uncomfortable memory she possibly could until they were all ultimately gone, but Julie's name brought up countless memories that the two had shared together growing up, about the time that they and Mandy had spent together throughout the years. Sure, Julie hit her stride when she turned eighteen and completely embraced her domineering nature by topping everyone she could get her hands on, but her being so different from Zoey was part of the reason she loved her sister... Well, those memories were just fragments of different realities that'd slipped into mind to rationalize the device's usage, but Zoey honestly felt like she'd be letting someone close to her die if she didn't at least go and ask- "Earth to Zoey... Hellooo," Mandy sang, trying to sound sympathetic despite how tired she was while snapping her fingers in front of Zoey's shocked face. "Did you hear me?" "S-sorry, no... What did you say?" she said, already thinking about how she was going to bring up the subject to Mandy's uncle. "Uncle Eddy will be okay with it. Just buy him a six-pack of the cheapest beer you can find, and I doubt you'll get the sentence out before he's already got it done," She chuckled, turning back to the fridge to pull out the makings for her breakfast. Julie sighed and nodded, trying not to get all worked up over nothing. Mandy was probably right, she thought. Edward seemed like a decent enough guy, despite apparently having the most deviant clientele on the face of the planet... The sound of the front door clicking open caught the girls' ear, but the sound of the man who called out afterwards caused Zoey to scramble and run for the exit. "Honey, I'm home!" Frank Vett shouted as he walked into the house, his impression of a cliche husband from an old, cable sitcom as spot-on and annoying as ever. Mandy had to step back out of her way to keep from getting bumped into, and she made a confused face as she set the inner-fixings for her egg sandwich down on the counter. Then, it hit her, or they, rather. The memories of her father Frank using Zoey as the freeuse maid that her Brazillian, alt-self was hired to be. Mandy felt sick with herself for admitting it, but she really wished those memories would last. It's no wonder that her fit, super-chesty mom had been faithful to him for their entire marriage, Mandy thought as she recalled the numerous times he took Zoey's curvaceous body for himself whenever and wherever he pleased(, just as Dennis did, only on a less impressive level), and how nobody would act as though anything in the world was out of place. The guy had money, and he was really good fuck, it seemed. Her father had passed through the hallway and entered the kitchen, wearing a long-sleeved, white dress shirt and a pair of brown slacks over his stocky, five-foot-two build. The large muscles on his arms and legs pulled at his clothes rather tightly, and Mandy assumed that if he maneuvered himself carelessly in any way he may cause a rip or two to occur in several key areas. It may have just been the craziness that'd taken place over the past few days, but Mandy hadn't really ever noticed just how sizable the bulge in his bottoms was... Mandy shook her head and cleared her throat just as their eyes met. "Hey dad. You're home early, for once," she teased with a friendly smirk. At least there was one man in her life that she could trust, she thought. "Hey there, kiddo," Frank said, walking up to give his twenty-year-old daughter a warm hug. She returned it, then leaned down a bit to give him a peck on the cheek after he pulled away. "Yeah, two weeks out Washington would've been a bit much. I'm glad everything wrapped up sooner than expected." "Me too," Mandy said, turning back around to switch on the stove and grab a pan from the dish wrack next to the sick. "Mom's next door at the twins' house, if you were wondering." "Really?" Frank asked softly with a wicked smirk. The main reason he wanted to see his wife was to get his rocks off between the pleasure- blimps that she parades around town, and it had been a while since he last talked her and Wanda into a threesome... He chuckled, grabbing a sealed container of coffee from the wrack next to the coffee machine on the opposite end of the counter from where Mandy stood, then plopped it into said machine. "Think I'll go say hello after a cup of joe. Mind filling up a mug full of water for me, Mandy?" Mandy blinked as she tossed a slice of butter into the hot pan, her eyes and expression going blank at the phrase, "amug," which was one of the stupid, randomly-named triggers Danny had slipped into her mind the other night. However, as soon as Mandy remembered that and the rest of the triggers that lay dormant in her subconscious, she just as quickly forgot about them when only one idea began to repeat itself over and over in her thoughts. "M'kay," she mumbled, then turned around and lazily took a few steps over to where Frank stood. Frank cocked his head, baffled as to why his daughter was dropping to her knees in front of him, and... "M-Mandy, wait, hang on a second..." he pleaded, but in no time she had his eight-inch pole freed from its confines and watched as it swelled up with blood right before her cloudy eyes. "No, Mandy, stop. D-don-... Oh, oh fuck..." For the next ten minutes, a reluctant Frank watched as Mandy sucked, licked, and ultimately worshiped his cock as if it were the only thing in the world that mattered. He knew he should've stopped her, that he easily could've stopped her... But fuck, she was better at this than Carroll, Frank shamefully thought shortly after she had started and he had begun to run his thick fingers through Mandy's long, blonde locks. ----- Both Carroll and Wanda let out long, weary sighs as they sat across from each other at the kitchen table. The two of them had talked a few times since the day the device wreaked havoc on their lives, but even still, they were hung up on a certain guilty topic that they shared a newfound interest in. Carroll simply had on one of her robes with a "modest" nighty underneath, the valley of her exposed cleavage unable to be hidden by any stretch of the imagination; the not-nearly-as-busty Wanda was dressed similarly, only her robe was green instead of pink and her nighty was white rather than black. "I mean, it could be worse. Right?" Wanda asked with a shrug, then looked down at the dim reflection of her youthful face in her creamy cup of coffee. "It's not like things are bad, and Ashley seems fine about it too, for the most part..." "Hey, at least you're not married, and you're daughter's willing to help satisfy those beasts always swinging around this place," Carroll said, her heart thumping in her chest at the mental image of the two black mambas that her teenage sons had given themselves with the device Ed promised them. The thin, metallic bracelet they shared between one another was able to mold and reshape almost anything that the hand wearing it came into contact with. So far, they've given themselves bodies and proportions that rivaled top-tier pornstars, as well as do the same to their mother and sister. "Not that I'd want Mandy to be involved, or anything..." She blushed hard at the thought of her own daughter bent over the coffee table and taking Dennis' usually gigantic meat up her tight, little ass. "... Have you talked to Dennis about ground-rules once Frank comes back from his business trip?" Wanda asked, placing an elbow on the table and resting her head in the according hand. "I've never known the boy to ever really act out against you two, but he's got to have some illusions about the power dynamic between you two now." Carroll groaned, then leaned forward onto the table and wrapped her arms around her big tits, laying her head on the pushed-up cleavage. "Yeah... I told him that it's free game if we've got the house to ourselves, and only if Frank is out of town." She let out a worried sigh, her expression pained but her crotch heating up at the thought of how he was, and has been, able to use his new shape-shifting powers. "I'm more worried about me, Wanda. That boy just makes me hot whenever he looks at my body like it's just a piece of meat... It's mine and Frank's honeymoon days all over again," she whimpered. "There, there, suga'," Wanda sympathized, pulling a hand away from her mug to reach out and gently place it on one of Carrolls. "I'm sure things'll work out. Have faith in yourself." ----- Zoey looked down past her perky but unimpressive chest and at the buttoned-up labcoat she was wearing. She looked nice, she thought. Professional, even. Zoey cleared her throat, and then reached up to press the small, square, metal button that was connected to the concrete frame around the door. She heard a faint buzzing sound, then the locks began to violently clink and clank for several for several moments before the door slowly slid open. There was no one there waiting to greet Zoey, but she was on time, she noticed after pulling out her phone, and decided to just waltz right on in. "Edward? Sir?" she quietly asked, making her way down the dimly-lit steps until she eventually reached the laboratory itself. "Welcome!" the scientist called out as soon as her foot touched the floor, which caused her to jump in surprise. "Uh, hi!" she said, glancing towards a small stand over in the corner that had an unsettling noise emanating from it. "Are you, uh... Do you want me to answer that?" Since the door had opened, Zoey was able to hear the repeating rings of a telephone that needed to be answered, but quickly understood why Edward had left it alone up until that point as soon as her first assignment was... well, assigned to her. "Assistant! Your one and only job for today: Keep answering that phone," Edward dramatically declared as he abruptly spun around in his stool and pointed at said phone, then took a long drag of his cigarette with his other hand. When the scientist began to speak again, the Devil himself would have coughed by just witnessing the copious amount of smoke he was exhaling as he did so. "Just for this time, activate the one-way speaker and I'll walk you through what to tell them. You can just pretty much do the same with anyone else who calls." He shrugged, still impersonating a chimney. "Oh, and don't forget to do the greeting that I wrote down on the note over there." Zoey glanced at him nervously, then wordlessly walked over towards the old-timey, red telephone. When she picked up the note next to the phone and mumbled it allowed, her face went a bright red from embarrassment for a few moments, but Zoey did everything in her power to shove down any negative feelings about her current responsibility and thought it'd just be best to follow her directions and go with the flow. "Understood, sir." She took a deep breath, lifted the receiver up to the side of her face, and pressed a small, square button on the side of the base. "Thank you for calling Edward's Laboratory, where your fetish is our science project! May I ask who's calling?" Zoey stated clearly and confidently with a reluctant smile. Edward gave her a smirk and a thumbs up. "Uh, yeah this is, uh... Nigel Flemmingham? I was told to call this number if I had any problems with my Bimbo Furrilizur Ray..." His voice was nervous, nasally, and sounded rather entitled, Zoey thought as she looked to Edward, who was rolling his eyes at the name of the device mentioned. "I fuckin' hate this guy," he groaned, rubbing the brigde of his nose. "Ask him what the deal is." "I'm so sorry to hear that, what seems-" "Don't apologize," Edward said with a confused, mildly disgusted look on his face. "For anything." Zoey looked at the man with wide eyes of astonishment, but continued nonetheless. "What seems to be the problem?" she asked, her tone now off and a bit shaky. "Well, everyone that I zapped with it turned back to normal, and they can, like, remember everything, and now I'm trapped in a closet in a house full of a bunch of angry girls that wanna' kill me, aaand they called the cops. I don't know what to do..." Edward shrugged. "Ask him if he has a lawyer." "Do you have legal advice to consult, sir?" "I did, but... She's here too," Nigel said, the defeat clear in his voice. "... Laugh at him. Loudly," Edward said with the same serious, stoic expression that was usually on his face. Zoey pulled the phone away from her head and practically slammed her palm against the receiver. "What?!" she shrieked in a whisper. "He dug his grave, now it's time for him to lay in it." Zoey put a hand over her mouth, trying to rationalize and look at the situation through the eyes of a cold, calculating scientist like Edward. However, Nigel and his friends refused to let her have a moment to think. "AH! One of them just took an axe to the door! ... Hello?!" "I'm sorry!" Zoey said, then slammed the phone back down, hanging up on the poor fool. "... I give you a 'C-'," Edward stated after a long moment of silence, then another drag of his cigarette. "Next time, Assistant: Less niceties, more mockery. Only waste your breath on things that are either monetarily important, or funny." The phone began to ring again, which made Zoey jump in terror. "You'll have a five second break before the next call that's waiting will be put through," Edward said, turning around in his stool towards an ancient-looking, desktop computer behind him. "There's gotta' be at least, like, a hundred or two more people waiting, given that literally all of my inventions bit the dust as soon as I popped back into reality... Better get to it." "But, h-how am I supposed to help any of them?" Zoey asked, her shoulders slumped and enthusiasm destroyed. "You're not," Edward shrugged. "Everyone on the other end of that line looking for help is an asshole at heart, much more so than my niece, and you shouldn't feel bad for a single one of them. Only assist those looking for our business by having them place an order, and be unforgiving to those that couldn't properly use the god-tier machines that they stupidly bought from me." With another ring from the phone, Edward dismissively raised his hand and then went to typing away at the computer in front of him, ignoring everything else around him. Our favorite gothic intern sighed deeply as she stared at the phone, letting it ring once more before she found the willpower to answer it. "Thank you for calling Edward's Laboratory, where your fetish is our science project! May I ask who's calling?" "... Who the fuck is this?" came the crude, ill-mannered voice of a woman in her mid twenties. Zoey's blood ran cold at the person's bluntness. "I'm Zoey, h-his assistant... May I ask who's calling?" "Oh!" The woman exclaimed, clearing her throat and swiftly shifting her attitude at the sound of another girl's voice. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. I sort of expected to hear my dad's stupid voice when you picked up. Didn't mean to sound rude, or anything..." she said, which caused Zoey to perk up with curiosity as several questions instantly popped into her mind. "Is, uh... Is he there?" "Edward, sir. You've got a call," Zoey said, pulling the receiver away from her mouth as she studied the man for his reaction. "It's your daughter, I think." "Huh? Oh, put it on speaker then. It's the button opposite from the other," he said, not bothering to turn away from the computer or stop typing as billions of ones and zeros flowed between each other on the screen. Zoey looked around and spotted the one mentioned, then pressed it and set down the phone on the base. "You're on," she told him. "WHAT?!" Edward roared, the sheer, stunning volume of his powerful voice causing a terrified Zoey to accidentally pee herself a little bit. "Jesus fucking Christ, dad!" the voice screeched back. "For once, can you not be such an asshole?!" "Hah, nope." He laughed softly, setting his cigarette down in a small, plastic ashtray and picked up a warm beer sitting next to it for a quick swig. "What do you want, Trixie? I'm busy." "Trixie..." Zoey mumbled, recalling back to when she and Mandy were kids. Come to think of it, there was an older girl by that name that would come over and visit with them during summer break every now and then, but that was over a decade ago... "Well, for one, I've been possessed by a pink ghost with huge fuckin' tits." The one hand that Edward had been rapidly typing with stopped abruptly at the news. "And two... There's actually not a two, she's pretty rad. I just wanted you to get a read on the situation before I accidentally let her turn me into slut, or something. I know mom's the ghost expert, but she's off the grid somewhere in Mexico right now looking for cursed gold." "... Does she have a name?" Was all her father asked, ignoring the mention of his ex-wife. "Uh, yeah. She says it's Omikron, but-... What? ... I guess that's fine, sure... Whatever, just don't say anything embarrassing. Hey dad, do you want to talk to her? She's dying to say hi, for some reason." Edward turned around in his seat, stood up, and calmly walked over to Zoey and the phone. "Absolutely," he said as a curious smile formed on his lips. "D-DADDY?!" "Hah!" "AHHH! I FINALLY FOUND YOU! DADDYDADDYDADDYDADDYDADDYDAD-" "This is the greatest day of my life," Edward said, smiling from ear to ear as he looked at a petrified Zoey; the sounds of Trixie echoing the same word over and over again bouncing off of the lab's walls. "Hi baby, nice to meetcha!" "-DYDADDYDADDYDADDYDADDY-" ---------- EndNote: Thank you all for taking the time to at least skim through this story. I write these stories for fun and wouldn't call myself an intellectual by any means, so please excuse any scientific inaccuracies that may have (have definitely) occurred within this story. Again, thank you all!

Same as Edward's Laboratory Videos

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Edward and the Teacher Part Three

It had been quite a day. Within twelve hours I had had two beautiful women with world class figures practically worshipping my cock, and doing their best to drain my balls. Then, in the next twelve hours, I lost both of them. Kate went to Alaska with Parker. She would have been a fool not to of course, and I certainly didn't blame her. I had high hopes for Ms. Brooks though. I could see me and her getting it on ... frequently. But that wasn't going to happen. She cornered me the next day at...

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Edward Albrights One Good Review

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Edward and the Teacher Part Two

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Edward Pickman Derbys Tale

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Edward and the Teacher

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Chyoo Laboratories

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Edward And IChapter 2

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One Summer Night

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A Moment That Changed My Life Part 1

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MHA girls bootylicious adventure

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Wrong Room Maybe Blacken

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My Lover Returns

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I Fucked My Chutiya Bhai

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I Was Thrown Out From Home

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A Leg ManPart 3

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We knew it had to be done

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The Master DownstairsChapter 9

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The Pool GirlChapter 17

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Trained For This

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Is swimming still good for you

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Wife Customized by Black Lover and Boss

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Punishment Room

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War and Peace

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The Labors of Jasper Episode 16

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Franks Barn Part Three Dees Story

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Officer Friendly

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Wife Sex Now

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Gone With the WindCh 10 Barry Sings Soprano

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2 years ago
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Kyles first time part five

The next night after work I did not go to the bar. My balls were aching from the passionate night with Kyle, and then the next night spent fucking Skylar. Despite really enjoying breeding Skylar, the total bottom boy I met at the bar, I couldn’t stop thinking about Kyle. What really bothered me the most is that I thought we had a connection that was more sensual than just sexual based. Yeah, I had three intense orgasms while fucking Skylar, but with the slow love making Kyle and I...

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Adventuring Without A License

The summer sun gently warmed the plains surrounding Old Maldon, the sky empty of clouds. The quiet small market town had a strange feeling to it this morning, like the air itself was vibrating with anticipation. Some of the more sensitive villagers noted the tension, or wondered if they imagined a slightly unusual intensity in their neighbours' eyes, but most dismissed the phenomena as symptoms of excitement for the upcoming harvest. The three new arrivals definitely did not notice, as their...

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A Corner Office

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Walos MistressChapter 7

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The world8217s sexiest bahu

As I stepped down the stairs, shutting the door behind me, I heard the sounds of Aisha moving around in the kitchen. I stepped forward and moved across to the sink. We didn’t speak. The sound of the radio playing at the lowest volume was the only one in the otherwise quiet house. “What?” I asked, knowing that someone needed to say something. “Nothing.” she answered, leaning against the fridge. “Just wondering when you’re going to tell me ‘We shouldn’t be here.'” I grinned, leaning back against...

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Millennium Products II the corruption of LindaChapter 5 Family reunion

Mr Stone's sperm on her body caused Linda to sleep in a very aroused state, constantly having to masturbate while fantasying about cocks spurting cum. After a night of erotic dreams, Linda was ready to visit the Millennium Chemistry building. She was already feeling the thirst, and was constantly wet. She knew Max would require some more sex from her, and the idea wasn't so disgusting right now. If she had to swallow a little more semen to get the pills, it would be a fair price. Just...

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different kind of dessert

Introduction: another true story about my baby another saga of my baby and i that gets my motor running. hope you enjoy. we have lots of others to share with you. My baby is known by all our swinger friends as having her own brand of shock-and-awe. She has a talent for thinking up something to do with/for the crowd that most people havent thought of yet. One Sunday, some time ago, she managed to top most of all the really kinky things she has done before. She always keeps me guessing, and...

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Chained Tortured NunChapter 4

Sister Dominic begged Jack and Joe to let her go. She pleaded with Sister Mary Katherine to tell them whatever they wanted. But nothing seemed to work. They were enjoying her sprawled like this, her ass hanging down there near the lantern, her ankles and wrists chafing and reddening from the constant rubbing of the rope. Jack bent down, turning the key once more and sending the slender yellow flame up against her left lower leg. She whimpered, jerking her body, trying to pull it away from...

1 year ago
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The Illustrated Life Times of a Horny Cpl Chp 8

The Illustrated Life and Times of a Horny Couple Chp. 8  This is a continuation of our real life experiences as we explore our sexuality. I hope you enjoy reading about our recent cruising adventure. We always enjoy reading your comments.  We decided it was time for a vacation, and were looking for an escape to a tropical climate. A cruise seemed like the perfect choice. A warmer climate seemed like a great idea to me because Erica would get to wear some of her sexier, more revealing clothing....

Group Sex
3 years ago
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Shemale banged my wife

This is the story of me Rittu married to a guy named Harvinder in 1996. We had 2 k**s from our marriage .Harvinder was very fond of girls and even before my marriage he use to fuck prostitutes right from young girls to middle aged women. He used to get his cock sucked and even used to fuck these prostitutes in their ass. After getting married to him he used to apply all the tricks on me. He made me watch blue films and he get his cock sucked as women in bluefilm. He even used to make me drink...

2 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 337 Memories

“David,” Steve said, sounding pensive. “Lenny said to stop by his house before going home. Paula is already waiting for you in your room.” That is odd. Why is Paula in my room waiting, but he wants me to come to his house? I headed on over to Lenny’s house to see what was up. When I arrived, Trina was only wearing an annoyed look on her face. That changed into a big smile once she saw it was me. Of the multitude of boys, girls, men, and women, the only ones partially dressed were girls on...

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Chronos ChroniclesChapter 27

I start the hummer back up and get it onto the road. I can still hear her screaming. This is not good. I check the instrument panel to see how much energy I have and do a weapons check. Everything gives me a green light. I sure wish I had some music to go with the avenging angel part that I was about to play. Wagner or that guy who did Terminator. Was that scary or what. I make all the appropriate turns and get back to the camp in record time. But the screaming in my mind has stopped long...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 29 Reunion

The following morning Kate was given her breakfast in a bowl and made a poor job of eating it without the use of her hands. At least it had all been cut up small and she reflected that if the Princess wanted, she could be starved to death in the midst of plenty just by giving her large lumps of food. After the food had been cleared away and the floor washed, one of the eunuchs took her out into a sort of sand-pit area of the conservatory, and indicated that she was to relieve herself. This...

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EvilAngel London River Cheating Anal Psycho

Contractor Nathan Bronson is working to remodel London River’s lavish home. Wearing only a robe, the tall, psychotic blonde manipulates Nathan, who was hired by London’s husband. London flaunts her plump tits, and then yells at Nathan when she catches him staring. Topless and wearing only panties, London berates the young stud. Nathan thoughtfully apologizes; London stuffs a dildo up her ass and shouts at him! The kinky, dominant MILF pulls off his pants and gives a blowjob, saying...

4 years ago
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camping trip

Disclaimer: All of my stories are true.please enjoy.This happen about three weeks ago while i was camping in the Sequoias. I was on a ten day camping trip and was on my sixth day there while going back to my camp I looked around an saw two older guys setting up their site. I smiled and kept walking. Later I was chopping some wood to get my fire ready when I heard a voice say looking good chopping that wood, as I looked up it was the to older guys whose names were Jim and Mike they were both...

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Sweet Release

I arrive home after a long week of incessant, mind-numbing work. The house is empty except for me and the dog. My lover is visiting her brother so the much-needed relief I seek is evasive. The weekend has finally come. The tasks of the day still fresh in my mind as I strive to distract myself with some music. All week I have tended to the whims of others, constantly addressing the issues of superiors and peers and subordinates in the office. Always having to maintain the façade of an alpha,...

2 years ago
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Naked in the Parking Lot

Being naked outdoors is one of my biggest thrills. A few months ago I was using the therapy pool at a nearby hospital and then going somewhere afterwards and I intended to change into clean clothes after swimming. I forgot my change of clothes in my van in the parking lot. As I approached the van I decided to be bold and have a quick thrill. I decided to strip naked and change clothes in a public parking lot in broad daylight. I was backed into the spot and I approached the van from the...

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Alice takes her first strangers cockshes becoming a very good whore

“Hey sexy, you ok?” “Yeah yeah I’m fine”. Alice seemed a little quiet still so I probed a little more. “You want picking up again tonight baby?” There was an uneasy silence for about 10 seconds “Yeah ok, 10 o clock out back again”. “Hey Alice don’t wear your bra again, I’ll be in at 8”. And hung up the phone before she had time to answer me back. I was testing Alice, if she went to work braless again after a bollocking from the boss the night before and getting molested by a...

4 years ago
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A Threesome But Only Two Knew

It had been an extremely hot day. My girlfriend Emma and I had spent the day at her friend's flat. I had only just met Barbara and her boyfriend John. I was seventeen and Emma and Barbara were both nineteen. I have no idea as to John’s age, just that he was older than the girls.It was so hot that we all spent the afternoon just in our underwear. Emma was wearing plain soft pink cotton panties and had unbuttoned her blouse and tied it the ends in a knot to keep it together with no bra on....

2 years ago
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"No complaining. You lost the bet fair and square. You shouldn't have been so cocky." With that, she brushes her fingers against the head of my swollen cock, giggling a little. Bound and gagged, my only available response is to grunt a little, to stretch and strain to try to put my cock more fully into her hands. "Since you failed so badly in our last game, let's play another one. Just something simple. If you win, you get a reward." She reaches down and strokes my cock gently, taking it from...

2 years ago
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Remember The Magic

Let me introduce myself, my name is Amanda, I’m eighteen years old, and still live at home with my mother and younger brother Bryan who is seven. This is a story of how Christmas took on a whole new meaning for me. Our Christmas tree was lopsided, with a few bald spots, and even looked more pathetic with the few presents under it. However, it was all my mother could afford. Ever since the divorced she barely enough money to pay bills, let alone buy presents. You see, my dad is a penny...

3 years ago
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New Pleasure Rediscovered

New Pleasure Rediscovered By: Londebaaz Chohan Robin lived in a very nice house with Audrey. The house was the last one before the dead end making it still more attractive that not everybody drove up to there if they were not supposed to be there. Robin was with Audrey right from his freshman year but now after two years, she suddenly decided to be somewhere else, in some other part of the country and just walked out on Robin. He had noticed Kyler, his neighbor to be living there before he...

1 year ago
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Physics Class1

Being 38, he never cheated on his wife. He did have fantasies and thoughts about other women, he looked at them, but he just didn't have the need to fulfill these dirty urges. That would remain so, until the fateful day on January 14, which he would never forget. It was the time of finals and his students were dutifully awaiting for the results of the final exam they took ten days ago. The classroom filled with silence as George returned the graded tests. Red ink of his pen looked like blood...

3 years ago
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Good Vibes From a Big BrotherChapter 1

Jen and I have been dating for about three months now and I never dreamed that life could be so wonderful. We're both sixteen, in high school, and having sex every afternoon before Jen's mom gets home from work. The sex started after the first few dates when Jen asked me to take the bus home with her; she had a surprise waiting for me. Well, we had done some nice kissing and feeling around so who knows what lies ahead. Even though I had dated several girls, I was still fairly...

2 years ago
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When I exhaled

The smoke from the Camel cigarette filled my lungs. I exhaled audibly. It was early morning. 4:04 am to be exact. Ren had already fallen asleep. My bedroom was dim. A single vanilla scented soy candle cast an eerie glow against the cornflower blue walls. The white sheets were twisted around Ren’s long, sinewy body. The veins were visible on his lean yet muscular pale arms. A red star, the size of a golf ball was tattooed on either shoulder. His espresso colored hair draped over his eyes like a...

2 years ago
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Unforgettable night

Hello friends, mera naam karan hai main 22 saal ka gora aur handsome ladka hoon, jo kahani main batane wala hoon who meri asli kahani hai jo 4 yrs purani hai shayad aap ko pasand aye. Jismain mere dost ne mujhe choda tha who mera best friend hai 23 yrs ka sanvla aur bahut he sexy. Uski body kafi achi hai khas kar uska chest jo balon se bhara aur bahut hi chauda. Who starting se hi meri taraf akarshit tha kabhi kabhi who mujh se ishre me kuch kehta par mujhe sex ke bare main kuch pata nahi tha...

2 years ago
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TimepieceChapter 5

Timepiece: 5. "Did ya like it?" Wendy asked. "I'm in shock," I confessed. "They're pretty good," she said. "Now, we're going to see the raw side of music." She set up her watch, grabbed my hand and wound the stem. We appeared outside a barrelhouse someplace south of Memphis in the Mississippi Delta, that flat flood plain that stretches from just south of Memphis to just past Vicksburg, Mississippi. The area is a warren of dirt roads and crossroads juke joints. She couldn't or...

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