Ordeal Of The Twins. Part 1:Betrayal free porn video

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Katie jumped at the sound of someone knocking on the door. She glanced over to Alex her twin sister in surprise. Alex shrugged slowly, as surprised as Katie. The knocking started again, this time it was more insistent. Katie got up and walked across the flat towards the door. It was not their flat, but that of their elder brother Adam. The sisters often came round to be away from their parents or just have time with Adam. When she reached the door Katie hesitated. She was not sure if she should answer it or not.

“Well open it then, it might be Adam. He could have forgotten his keys.” Alex said to her, Katie still was not sure. Adam had said he was not getting back until later, after the pair were in bed. Katie supposed that maybe he might have come home for something. Possibly he had realised he had left his keys behind. Slowly she opened the door and glanced round to see if it was Adam. Three men she had never seen before stood in the small hallway outside the door. When she saw them Katie instantly tried to close the door, but it was already too late. The nearest man on seeing the door open slammed into it hard. Katie staggered back as the door swung open, ending up falling to the floor in front of the door. The three men barged into the room quickly, shutting the door behind them. They spread out looking around the flat. The one that had pushed Katie to the floor stood over her looking down at her.

“Where is he?” He snapped sharply.

“Who?” Katie asked in a frightened voice.

“That fucker Adam, he owes us a load of money. He was supposed to pay us tonight.” The man snarled.

“He’s not here, he went out over an hour ago.” Katie told him as she scrambled back away from him. Something about the way he was staring at her sent a shiver up her spine. She reached the sofa and clambered up to sit by her sister. As she did the other two guys returned to the room.

“Nothing, he ain’t here.” They both said to the questioning looks of the first man. He turned to look at the two girls.

“Where is he?” He asked again.

“I told you, he went out. I don’t know where. He won’t be back for hours he said.” The man swore angrily.

“Great now what the fuck are we to do.” One of the others said. The first man shrugged then turned back towards Katie and Alex.

“I think I know a way to get the money out of him.” He said slowly as he stared at the girls. Katie felt the shivers shooting up her spine and a sense of imminent danger grew in her stomach. She could almost read what he was thinking as he looked at her and her sister. Here were two young teenage girls, both pretty wearing nothing but nighties. Katie knew enough to realise how much trouble the pair were in. The other two men turned to look at them with equally calculating looks. Katie took a deep breath ready to scream for all she was worth. The first man was faster.

He dived across the room, not at her but at Alex. Grabbing her he pulled her up to her feet, wrapping one hand around her throat. Alex froze her eyes going wide. The man looked over at Katie his eyes dark and angry.

“You make a sound and I promise you’ll watch your sister here die. I can snap her neck like a twig girl.” Katie let her breath out, certain that he meant the threat. “Smart girl, now get up. The pair of you are coming with us. And don’t try any fun stuff. I’ll have my hand on your sister’s throat all the time.” He warned as he nodded for Katie to head to the door. Reluctantly she went as she could not see anyway out of this. The men led her down the stair and out the back door. They were both bundled into the back of a white van. Two of the men climbing in with them, the third heading round to the driver’s seat. The doors slammed shut and the van drove off.

The journey was not too long, only about a quarter of an hour. The two girls crouched together, Alex clinging to Katie in terror. Katie’s mind was working trying to find someway out of this. Unfortunately she could not see any, the three men were just too strong for them to over come. The pair were bounced around as the van pulled off the road. A minute later it halted. The back doors were opened and they were pushed out by the three men into a building site. It looked like the buildings had been left half built. Katie could see no signs of any vehicles or other obvious builder stuff. The men dragged them into a small temporary hut in the middle of the site. Inside it was empty apart from a single broken chair.

“You sure this place is unused.” The one man asked the driver of the van, who nodded.

“Oh yeah, the builders went under about six months ago, no one has brought the plot yet. Hell there’s not even a security guard. We won’t be disturbed at all.” As he explained Katie felt her heart drop as she heard the words. She and Alex moved as far away from the men as they could. Both of them huddled in the one corner of the hut. The men stood around for a while just chatting. Soon however Katie spotted them looking over at the two girls more and more often. The looks in their eyes showing their thoughts. Katie shivered again, but not from cold.

Unfortunately she knew all too well what they were seeing. The pair were identical twins, the only difference between them were two small freckles on Alex’s left cheek. The men now had two fourteen year old girls at their mercy. Both had the same long dark hair, the same brown eyes, the same pretty round faces and small noses. Each had the same slight overbite that just marred their beauty enough to make them seem within reach. Each had the same figure, with small but not too small breast. Round, firm globes of flesh, as well as slender waists and long shapely legs. The girls had been preparing for bed when the men had turned up. So they were in their thin nighties, with their hair down. All of this was working against them now. Katie could see it in the men’s eyes. She hoped that somehow Adam would find out what had happened. Had the men phoned him to say they had the twins. Hopefully he was even now rushing to rescue them.

“It seems a pity to have two hot girls over there and not do anything about it.” Katie heard the one guy say finally. She tensed her senses on full alert now. Would the one who she had figured was the leader agree, or not. She watched him, breathing quickly in fear. If he did she was sure she could tell what was about to happen to them. For her it would be bad, but at least she was not a virgin. Alex was too sheltered for this. Katie knew full well that she had never done more than kiss a boy before. It was the one difference between them. Katie had always been the more outgoing, experimental of the pair. She had started dating two years ago, had lost her virginity a few months ago. Alex had only just started dating, and was still at the holding hands and kissing stage.

“I don’t know if we should.” The leader said slowly. Katie held her breath, maybe they would be lucky. “We might be able to get more for them untouched.” He said unsure of himself. Katie was now confused, what did he mean.

“Oh come on, does it matter. After all we all know what’s going to happen to them.” The other man said, the third nodding in agreement. Katie was suddenly even more afraid, more was going on that she had thought. Unfortunately now Alex was hearing the conversation.

“What do you mean, what’s going to happen to us.” She demanded before Katie could stop her. The three turned to look at the pair.

“Alex, sit down and be quiet.” Katie hissed at her. Reaching up to pull her down again, but her sister pushed her away.

“Let us go, what are you doing holding us here.” She demanded in a loud voice. Katie gave a silent shudder at the looks the men gave each other. Oh Christ, here it come. She was right, the three men moved quickly down the hut towards them. Katie pushed herself to her feet. Maybe she could put up a fight and allow Alex to escape. Strengthened by her desperation she charged into the men. Lashing out as she shouted for Alex to run. She managed to catch the one man on the side of the face. Knocking him away, Alex took a fatal few seconds to react. By the time she did it was too late. The leader of the three had caught Katie’s arm, pinning it behind her and pushing her into the wall of the hut. Out of the corner of her eye Katie saw Alex make a dash for the door. She never got close, the third man easily tackling her to the floor.

“Oh no girl, you don’t get away that easy.” He said as he pushed Alex down. Katie struggled to get free, then froze as she felt the man’s hand rubbing against her ass.

“You’ve got fire girl, I think I’ll do you first.” The leader hissed as he ran his hand down between Katie’s legs. She clamped her legs together to block him. He forced her feet apart with his own then pushed his hand between them. Katie gasped as she felt his finger pushing against her. Then gave a sharp hiss as he pushed two fingers into her. Behind her she heard a ripping noise as Alex’s nightie was torn off her. Alex sobbed loudly as the man rubbed roughly at her breasts.

“No, do me, you can all do me.” Katie hissed, wanting to save her sister from the horror to come.

“Oh don’t worry Katie, we will all do you.” The man holding her said. For a second it crossed Katie’s mind to wonder how he knew her name. Then the feel of his fingers pushing into her drove the thought away. Katie fought against him, trying to break free from his grasp. He was too strong for her pinning her against the wall. Pushing his fingers in and out of her. She felt his other hand sliding up to paw roughly at her breast. Behind her she could hear Alex sobbing and gasping as the one man did something similar to her.

In desperation Katie lashed out with her foot. Kicking him hard in the side of his shin. She heard his hiss of pain. His grip loosened slightly and she thought she had managed to really hurt him. Her hope was dashed almost instantly. He grabbed her by the shoulders and flung her down to the floor. Katie grunted as she hit the metal floor of the shed. Her head bounced off it and everything went black for a moment. As her vision cleared she heard the sound of fabric tearing. She opened her eyes to see the man pulling the tattered remains of her nightie off her.

He moved quickly between her legs, forcing them open. Katie struggled to clear her head, to try and stop him. As she felt him fumbling with his trousers she sensed that there was no chance. Still she tried, lashing out with her fists. He grabbed her arms, pinning them down above her head. The third man suddenly grabbed her hands, pinning her and allowing his friend to finish undoing his trousers. Katie struggled, but was unable to move as his weight pinned her down. She dimly heard Alex begging nearby.

“Please, no, oh no.” Her sister said, the words coming between sobs of tears. Katie grit her teeth, she was not going to cry. She froze as she felt his cock sliding up her leg. Then it was pressed against her opening. She bit her lip, closing her eyes and forcing herself to relax. It made no difference at all. His cock ripped into her as he thrust upwards. She gave a sharp cry of pain, arching her head back. He grunted and thrust into her again. Katie cried out again, then heard Alex screaming in pain. It made it worst that she could do nothing to help her sister. As it was it was becoming harder not to start crying herself. The pain of the man thrusting into her was too much. It felt as if he was stabbing her in the stomach. She felt tears trickling down her cheeks.

Alex screamed again and again as she was being raped. Katie grunted, cried out in pain, then finally she could keep in the sobs no more. She began to cry, mewing sharply each time the man rammed into her. His cock felt so thick inside her, it seemed as if he was tearing into her.

“Oh god, please stop.” Katie gasped, he ignored her. Continuing to ram into her hard. Her body rocking with each thrust. “On god, please, please.” Katie grunted again, he snarled at her and rammed in harder. She screamed, thrashing her head from side to side at the sharp pain. His thrusts grew faster, harder. Katie squealed loudly, struggling under him but having no effect on him. Then he rammed in one long hard thrust. Katie grunted, then gasped as she felt him cum inside her.

“Oh god, no, god.” She said as she felt him pumping into her. She was not on any contraception, her ex boyfriend had used condoms the times they had done it. Now here was this man cumming in her, what if she got pregnant. She bit her lips, sobbing hard as the thought filled her mind. The man held himself inside her until he had emptied himself. Then he climbed off her slowly.

“God girl, you’ve got a hot cunt.” He said to her, “and I don‘t think that was your first time.” He added, Katie turned away from him. He laughed, an evil twisted laugh. “Thought not, damn and I was hoping you’d be a virgin.”

“This one is, or was.” The guy still raping Alex said, his voice raised over Alex’s screams.

“Well lucky you for getting the virgin.” The first man said. “I’m having her next then. Before she gets too sloppy. So don‘t take too long with her.” Katie looked over at her sister. She was pinning to the floor, her hands trapped by his hands. Her body jolted each time he rammed into her. Her cries had got lower, now they were more sobs than screams.

“No worries, I’ll be cumming inside her cunt soon enough.” The man on top of her said. Alex’s eyes flashed open in horror. She began to buck under him, trying to get him off. He laughed then gave a sharp groan. Alex froze for a moment, her mouth opened in a silent scream of terror. Katie looked away as the man came inside her sister. She could not watch that. After several seconds she heard the man climbing off Alex. Katie looked back towards her sister. Alex was trying to curl up in a ball. She looked round at Katie, her eyes red from crying.

“Why are they doing this.” She asked Katie.

“Cos we fucking can you little whore.” The leader of the three said.

“My sister is no whore you bastard.” Katie snapped up at him. He just laughed at her.

“She might not be now, but she soon will be.” He said to her. Then he was blocked from her view as the man pinning her arms moved on to her. Katie lashed out as she realised they really did mean to take a turn with the two of them. She heard Alex sobbing softly.

“No, no, oh please not again.” Alex gasped in a desperate voice. Katie fought hard, scrambling from under the man trying to hold her down. She dived past him towards her sister. The leader of the three was pushing her down. Forcing his fingers between her legs when Katie got to him.

“Get off her you fucking bastard.” She snarled as she lashed out at his face. He grunted as she hit him, he head rocking sideways. He jumped up with unexpected speed. Before Katie could react his fist slammed into her stomach. She buckled around it, collapsing to the floor gasping for breath. The man stood over her, his fist raised as if to hit her again.

“We can’t damage them.” One of the other men said. “Remember, nothing permanent or visible.” The leader took in a deep breath.

“I know, and that’s the only reason this little bitch isn’t dead now.” He said, “now you two better keep her pinned down. I’m not going to hold back if she does that again.” He told the other two before turning back to Alex.

Katie felt herself pulled onto her back as she fought to drag air into her lungs. Her hands were dragged over her head and slammed into the floor. The one man moved to lay on top of her, pushing her legs apart. Katie was still too stunned from the punch to fight. God, no one had ever hit her that hard before. Her head was still spinning. The feel of the man thrusting up into her cleared her head instantly. Katie gave a sharp cry as his cock rammed inside her. She was sore from the first time, the sharp thrusts only adding to the soreness. She grunted, squealing sharply with each thrust into her. She could feel the man pawing at her breasts. His fingers digging into them. His thrusts were hard, fast into her. Driving himself as far up inside her as he could.

Alex began to cry loudly, squealing as the leader of the three began to rape her. Katie glanced over to see him ramming in and out of her sister. His face set in a hard snarl. Katie could see he was taking his anger out on Alex. She wanted to tell her sister it was ok, but it was not. There was nothing she could do to stop it. Instead Katie turned to look away, not able to watch her sister being taken like that. Tears ran freely down her face, her cheeks were red from crying by now. Her brain screamed with each thrust into her, she was so sore now. She no longer struggled, could no longer struggle. All she could do was lay under the man and let him use her. Soon enough she felt him emptying his cum into her. His breath hot on her neck as grunted with his orgasm. Her body shuddered with her sobs as she felt him filling her. He pulled out of her, she did not move.

The third man moved to between her legs. Katie looked up at him. Watching him as he positioned himself against her. She sucked in a breath before he thrust into her. Katie grunted hard as her body was pierced once again. Pain flashing through her, making her eyes water sharply. She sobbed softly, grunting with each thrust. The man pushed himself onto his knees, lifting her up and ramming in hard. His hands reaching down to claw at her breasts. Katie squealed at the added power of each thrust. His cock ramming deeper into her, or so it seemed. Tearing at her, she began to mew in pain with each thrust. He was pushing up into her, sliding his cock along her pussy.

Her body rocked with each thrust. Her back arching slightly. She could feel his fingers digging into her breasts as he pawed at them. She clawed at the floor, crying out at the force of his thrusts. She could see that she was being watched in case she tried to struggle. Fighting was not an option. Instead all she could do was wait for it to end. It would end at some point, had too. She was not certain how much more she could take from them. Then she felt the man’s thrusts grow harder, slightly wild. A few seconds later he was cumming in her. Gasping hard as he did, his fingers clawing at her breasts. Katie groaned at the feel of him cumming inside her. She closed her eyes, feeling the tears rolling down her face. Beside her she could hear Alex grunting and crying out as the last man took her. Katie lay on the floor, listening to her sister being raped. Waiting until the man finally came inside Alex.

Once the three of them had raped both of them they seemed to loose interest. They moved to the other end of the shed, by the door. There they began to talk quietly, smoking and laughing as if nothing had happened. Katie dragged herself over to Alex, who was sobbing in a foetal ball. As Katie tried to put her arms over her to hold her Alex began to struggle.

“No, no, please not again.” Alex gasped, twisting to get free.

“Shsss, it’s me Alex, it’s Katie. “ Katie said to her in as calming a voice she could manage. “I think they’ve finished with us.” She added, stroking her sisters head. Alex murmured softly and shuffled into Katie.

“Why, why.” She said in a small sob. Katie shook her head, she had no answer. She held her sister as she cried softly. Tears stung her face as she cried as well. All the time wondering what the men were waiting for, or who. The pair held each other close, for how long Katie had no idea. Then the three men suddenly began to move. Stepping back into the shed, watching as a car pulled up outside. The door slammed shut and footsteps headed to the shed. Through the door came their brother Adam. He stopped, looking at the twins. His gaze took in their naked bodies, the tears in their eyes. He saw the remains of their nighties on the floor. As well as the evidence of their rape staining the metal. He turned back to the three men, his face angry. For a moment Katie thought he was about to attack them. Until he spoke.

“Christ, couldn’t you three keep your dicks in your pants for one hour. You do realise that you’ve just dropped their price by at least a half.” Katie gasped as the meaning of his words dawned on her.

“And, that’s still enough to pay us off and leave each of us a load to play with.” The leader said, “and what do you expect, they’re both fucking hot. And does it matter, they’re going to get worst where they’re going.” Katie sat up as Adam controlled his anger.

“Fuck me, we could have been set up for life. Now that’s gone, Christ all you had to do was watch them. Not fuck them.” He snapped at them.

“Yeah well, the one wasn’t a fucking virgin anyhow.” The other man snapped back. Adam looked over at the pair.

“Let me guess, Katie by any chance.” He said slowly, the man nodded. “Well why am I not surprised that she’s a little slut.”

“Fuck you, you bastard.” Katie screamed at him. Alex pushed herself up looking at Katie then Adam in shock. “You set this up you fucking wanker.” Katie added in a angry scream.

“Of course I did, you didn’t think these three came round by chance on the one night you’re alone did you.”

“Why, but we’re your sisters. And they just…” Alex said, ending by starting to sob again.

“Why, why, because I fucking hate you pair.” Adam snarled at her, making her cry harder. “You arrived and everything was about you. Oh aren’t the twins delightful, look what the twins did at school, Adam watch the twins for us. My whole life went down the drain when you fucking arrived. And what happens when I move you, you pair start turning up at me door. Can we stay for the night, just cos mom and dad said you had to do homework or something. “ Adam told them, his voice rising rapidly in volume as he spoke. “That’s why I did this.” He growled to them, before turning back to the three men.

“I hope that you filled up the van, you at least did that right didn’t you.” The men nodded, “good, we’ve got a bit of a drive ahead of us.”

“You don’t care that they’ve taken turns to rape us at all.” Katie said, still angry at him. He laughed as he turned back towards her.

“God no, apart from the fact it’ll cost us money.”

“Well fuck you.” Katie snapped at him. His eyes closed slightly, his lip rising into a sneer.

“You know, I think you might just do that.” Katie felt her eyes widen as she realised what he meant. He turned to the other men. “Grab them, I might as well get some enjoyment from the fucking bitches.” The three glanced at each other for a second in shock. “I said grab them, now.” Adam roared to them, pushing them towards the twins. The men dived towards the girls. Not that either of them even made any attempt to run. Katie was too shocked at Adam’s words and his intention, she could tell Alex was the same. Katie watched in horrified amazement as Adam moved towards them, slowly undoing his jeans.

“You can’t, we’re your sisters.” Alex said in a shocked voice.

“Not any more you ain’t, now you’re just a pair of sluts who are going to be fucked hard for the rest of your hopefully short and miserable lives.” Adam snarled at her as he got close to them.

“You fucking bastard, how can you say that.” Katie snapped back at him. “You’re sick you know that.” Adam just smiled at her evilly.

“For that I’ll do you second, so it’ll last longer.” He told her as he dropped down to his knees in front of Alex. She was shaking her head in horror.

“No, Adam, please you can’t.” She begged him, he ignored her. Instead he pushed her legs apart, then pulled her towards him. She gave a soft sob, which turned into a scream as he rammed into her. Katie began to fight, squirming to get free. Wanting to get her hands on her brother and throttle the life from him. The two guys holding her down pinned her to the wall. When she tried to look away one of them grabbed her head, making her watch.

“Oh no bitch, you can watch and see what’s coming to you.” He told Katie as he forced her watch. Adam was thrusting into Alex in hard fast movements. Making her body shake he was ramming in so hard. Alex was crying, deep gasping sobs. The look on Adam’s face was so full of hate it sent a shiver up Katie’s spine. How he had ever managed to hide that hatred before. Just by looking she could see that it filled him totally. Somehow the whole family had missed how much he hated the twins. At that moment Katie felt her own feelings towards Adam turn from love to hate. She willingly allowed the change, welcomed it. From everything she had heard she sensed that she would need the strength that hatred would give her in the coming months.

By now Alex had stopped sobbing, she was only grunting with each thrust. She lay limp in the arms on the man holding her. Any fight gone from her. It did not take Adam much longer to cum. Grunting as he emptied himself into her body. Alex reacted by crying softly, looking away towards the far wall. Adam laughed at the look of despair on her face.

“Get used to it bitch. Cos where you two are going you’ll get that lots more times.” He said to her.

“Where are we going.” Katie said, fear flashing through her.

“You’ll find out soon enough bitch. But for now I’m going to enjoy fucking you. You’ve always been the biggest sore in my life.”

“I’m glad I was now.” Katie snapped, he laughed as he moved towards her. The man holding her made her watch as Adam got himself hard again. Then he pushed between her legs. Katie lifted her head to glare at him as she felt him positioning himself against her.

“You’ll never get away with this.” She told him.

“Oh I will, I can be a very good lair. I’ll just tell the police you went home and must have never got there. So sad.” He finished then slammed into her as hard as he could. Katie grunted hard as she felt him ram into her. She stared at him, refusing to show any reaction to him taking her. This just seemed to add to his anger. He dug his fingers into her legs, pulling her back into him hard. Ramming into her with full hard thrusts. Driving himself into her body. In spite of herself Katie could not avoid grunting at the simple power of each thrust. At first she thought he would not be able to keep up the power for long. Soon she realised that he was not going to stop. His hatred of her was so strong it fuelled his actions. As Katie felt him ramming in to her she made a vow to herself. Somehow, someway she would survive and get back. Then he would pay, she would make him pay.

His thrusts continued into her. Hard, deep, his cock slamming right into her. He began to paw at her breasts. Clawing his fingers into them. Katie gritted her teeth against the pain. She saw the flash of delight in his eyes as he saw her pain. Then he grabbed her nipples, twisting them hard. Katie gasped in pain. He laughed and twisted again harder. Through clenched teeth Katie gave a sharp cry of pain. He laughed again, then released her breasts. Reaching down he grabbed her legs. Pulling her up and increasing the power of his thrusts. Katie grunted as her body was pounded. Rocked to her very core with each thrust.

“I’m gonna cum in you sis. You know I’ve wondered if you’d be a good fuck before now. Good to know I was right.” He snarled, Katie refused to react. Just glared at him, grunting as his thrusts grew harder and faster. He began to gasp for breath, she knew he was going to cum. She clenched her mouth closed to stop any sound escaping. With a groan he came, pumping into her. Katie closed her eyes, could not avoid the slight shudder of disgust as her brother came inside her. When she opened them she could tell he had felt it from the look on his face. He slowly pulled out of her. Backing away to put his jeans back on. Then he looked at the three guys.

“Put them in the van, we’ve got a long way to go tonight. It’s time they finally paid for ruining my life.” He said, the three dragged the girls into the back of the van. Slamming the door, shutting them in the dark. As the van started up and set off Katie pulled Alex into her arms.

“Why, why, why.” Alex kept saying, Katie had no answer. No answer as to why, nor any clue as to where they were going. Only a deep rooted fear that it was not going to be a nice destination.


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Conquered Twins Part 1

They glanced desperately at Michel - or more specifically at the dagger held to his throat. “What are you waiting for? You want to see your dear father leave this place alive?” The man, who also happened to be the owner of the dagger against Michel's throat, was icy cold in his voice as he pressed the edge against Michel's neck. His two eighteen-year-old daughters, identical in but a few features that only those in the family could discern, sobbed again before their lips met in a shy,...

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Another Photo Shoot For The Twins Part One

One Saturday night, Rich had another photo shoot with his two favorite lovely twins: Samantha and Hannah. They were both stunning, and they kept him up at night too. Rich got out his new digital camera that he loved to use for this photo shoots so he could get the best shots for erotic photos. The twins were always more than ready to please the camera, and him. They both came in the room in their sexiest bras and panties."Oh my, I swear you two become more ravishing and revealing every single...

2 years ago
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The Twins Invite part one

So I was set up! I don't know how but I was...I'm not complaining by all means though. In fact if I was set up it was a blessing in disguise. I mean kissing and making out with two 18 year old twin brunette women at the same time...come on! The thing is it was who they were that makes it strange and hot at the same time. In fact I knew them very well but not lately however....Sally and Susan was about to have their way with me and I was not going to fight them at all. Because these two women...

1 year ago
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The Twins Part 1

Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger… Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger one, plays football on a scholarship for Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. While Nicole, the older one by minutes,...

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The Twins Part 2

Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She… Meanwhile, in Houston, Texas, the other half of the Langston twins, Nicole, is getting ready for a blind date. She thought of her conversation with her brother and her friend. She began to look at herself in the mirror more. When she looked at herself, she really did not see what most boys saw. When she looked...

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Stud Twins

Stud TwinsMy divorce was final. My ex had moved to the East Coast with her new lover and somehow had managed to take our teenage son with her. I was still dazed and confused how the court had made that happen. He was at the age, I thought, where he needed a father more than a mother. The house was being sold and I was moving into a two-story place on Elm Street. It was too big for one but I was reasonably sure, and hopeful, that Travis would be moving back with me late in the summer to go to...

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The New Life and Slavery of Chinese Twins

The New Life and Slavery of Chinese TwinsBy Seeker 111It’s amazing how quickly your life can change. Just a mere three years ago I was your normal struggling worker trying to eke out a living and also fulfill my darkest desires.  Then the lottery changed it all.  I had purchased $10.00 worth of quick picks for the multi state Win Big. The jackpot was over $750,000,000.00. Imagine my surprise when I went to check my tickets, having missed the drawing due to work, and found out that I was the...

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Twins make their sister and mother pregnant

Note : THis story is completely fictional! One of Betty's twin brothers made her and she didn't know which one. If her mom found out she would kill them. "I think she's got milk in her tits" said Jake."No way" replied Frank.Jake squeezed his sister's breast until it squirted milk."You're right" said Frank.Both boys sucked her breasts like babies. Betty lay there on her bed and enjoyed herself. Having her nipples sucked by her brothers made her excited. "Oh god, fuck the hell out of me" she...

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Wonder Twins in Clean It Up

Wonder Twins in Clean It Up! By Sasha Zarya Nexus Goddess of Exxor Universe, A Super Friends Fan Fiction This fan fiction piece is based on the original works, "All New Super Friends Hour"; by Hannah Barbera, copyright 1977 and Extreme Justice #9 by DC Comics, Copyright 1995 and the song "Believe it or not", written by Mike Post and Stephen Geyer Copyright 1981 Elektra Records and "The Greatest American Heroine Copyright 1986 Stephen J Cannell and "Part of your World", by Howard...

2 years ago
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Twins Revenge

I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...

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Twins Revenge An Adult Story

I had been next door for about ten minutes. My swim trunks were around my ankles. My towel was in the grass. I could feel Mrs. Levi tongue swirl around my cock. I looked down to see her huge breast rub against my legs. She had almost all 9 3/4inches of my cock down her throat before she gagged and spit me out. She licked my big naked balls and put her index finger on my ass hole. I was close to cumming. She smiled as she inched her finger in my ass, and jacked my cock with her small...

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Naturist School CounselorChapter 7 The Twins

After lunch Julie and I had patrol duty. The Green was a sea of red and black clothing, Liberty High School's colors, and I'd never seen so many "Red Devil" sweatshirts. All in all it was an impressive display of school pride. At the same time the Green was buzzing with gossip. Apparently Ali and the Twins had made peace and were in the process of apologizing to just about every group on the Green. It made for some intense discussions as I don't think half the people realized that some...

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Twins and Mother and TeacherChapter 17

"What do you brats want now?" Emma Worthington did not bother to hide her extreme dislike of the Larsen twins. Why should she? It was clear they were over-privileged, smart-mouthed little brats, spoiled rotten! The fact that she knew they managed to pull the wool over practically every teacher's eyes in the entire school only added to her desire to treat the boys with the ill- humor she felt they truly deserved. "Teachers' pets!" she thought ruefully, thinking of all the special...

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Harry Potter and the Spellbook of Desires Chapter 30 The Twins Come of Age

Chapter Thirty – The Twins Come of Age Disclaimer: This story does not reflect the attitudes or characters in the Harry Potter series, nor does it have any affiliation with its author. Story Codes: mmF, mmf, cream pie, exhib, grope, hp, magic, orgy, preg, spank, voy As March wound down and April approached, the school was abuzz from the latest sex scandal involving Hermione Granger, Harry Potter and nearly half of the school. So prodigious were the circumstances of the abnormally...

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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 4 Twins Strip for Daddy

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Four: Twins Strip for Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “They're on the move,” Deidre Icke, president of the Institute of Apotheosis, said, staring at the screen, a drone watching the God and his naked family piling into their car. “What's the status on the church?” “They're sending drones there now,” Deidre's daughter, Alexis, said. The eighteen-year-old sat naked on her...

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Futas Wild Passion 18 Futa Spies on the Twins

Chapter Eighteen: Futa Spies on the Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! Allie had her laptop out and booted up on my bed. She was wearing a skirt, but I knew she didn't have panties on underneath. Her naked twat had flashed at me when she'd raced before me up the stairs to reach my bedroom. I reached beneath my skirt and shimmied out my panties. My futa-cock groaned in relief. Even these roomier panties, designed for transwomen...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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My Twins and Kacy

I tapped my pencil against my cheek. This class was so boring. I glanced around the big classroom and saw towards the door, a pair of electric blue eyes studying me. They belonged to a girl. I tilted my head as I looked her over. Make that a woman. She definitely had more curves then I did. I huffed, a little jealous of the very perky blonde. Women like her were the bane of my existence. I had brown-auburn hair and dark brown eyes with a long lean body. At least, Jake and Addison liked it. Her...

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The Twins Part 1

Nicholas and Nicole Langston are twins. They are in college. They are unbelievably close, as are most twins. However, this is the first time that they are apart. Nicholas, the younger one, plays football on a scholarship for Texas Christian University in Fort Worth. While Nicole, the older one by minutes, stayed in town for college at the University of Houston.In their high school years, they were both powerful. Influential in their own ways. They were both honor students. They were both very...

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TwinsChapter 3 The Party

Now it's the night of the big party, and time for Tracy's plan to go into action. Will Willy get the girl? Read on. Clifford was standing naked in the twin's bedroom. Normally he would be delighted to be in this position but this was bordering on embarrassing. He stood perfectly still as the two young blondes circled him, inspecting his body and making comments on what they saw. "Well that will have to go," said Stacy. "Yes I agree." Tracy reached up and took Clifford's thick...

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TwinsChapter 24

The twins put their arms around each other and walked over to the lift. This wasn’t exactly a ride but more of a way to get from one end of the park to the other while getting a bird’s eye view of the park. Allie wondered if she spread her legs a little if anyone on the ground could see her pussy. Alex didn’t try to do anything with her except put his arm around her. He didn’t want her getting too aroused before their evening of love making. As they were descending, Allie slowly pulled up...

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The Tucker Twins

“The Tucker Twins” Sequel To “Tuckers Island” Notice to my Readers. Dear Readers, If you have not already read “Tuckers Island” please stop here, as this story will make very little sense to you if this is the case. Please go back and read the main story “Tuckers Island” Thank you Gail Holmes “The Tucker Twins” Bristol Airport had been the easiest at the time; the twins had cherished the flight, although it had been a long haul. Ben had being staying on the...

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The Lock Twins

When Lock twins, Billy and Willy were born, their dad was already a man in his early forties. He had married rather late in life and by the time of their birth, their much younger mother was only twenty-five years old. Their dad was named William Peter Lock, a family tradition that went back generations. After the twins came into this world, this presented their father with somewhat of a conundrum. He figured that if he gave the older twin the conventional family names, the second twin would...

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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan.~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth.""Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose car...

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Christen Twins Holiday of Discovery

Twins get closer than ever in the third row of the minivan. ~~~~~~~"Are you two awake back there?" Judy asked, peering toward the back of the minivan."Well I am," Darren replied, looking up from the book he was reading, "But I'm not so sure about Beth." "Oh don't worry, I haven't quite nodded off yet," Beth replied, sitting up straighter from the position slouched against the window of the van."Well at least Henry and James are sleeping," Judy smiled, glancing at the 18 month old twins whose...

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The Twins

The Twins Erotic Fiction by [email protected] This story is fiction depicting two twins and their boyfriend. This story may contain illegal sexual acts in some places. If you live in such a place, MOVE! If you're too young to be reading sexual fiction, you should stop now! I grew up in a nice suburban community. When I was 7, the Twins, Tracey and Terri, moved in next door. They were 2 cute little girls, and we became fast friends. Tracey was more a "girly-girl",...

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The Twins

I sat in my office thinking. I noticed the last couple of days that my twins, Matt and Mattie, aged fifteen, were unusually quiet and uneasy around me at home. They had always been open and looked me in the eyes when I talked to them. Matthew and Matilda were the ones that made my existence possible. This wasn't the case yesterday and this morning. There was so much different about their actions, I decided to go home early. They were usually home from school soon after three. I'd meet them...

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Truth or Dare with the twins

We met very young. My parents moved next door to the twins' parents when I was still too little to remember anything and before the twins were born. We grew up together, I don't even remember how we met but our parents said I was out in the garden and one of the twins saw me through the fence. My parents said right from the start we were chatting excitedly with one another and some things never change. My name is Lucy. I'm 19 years old. The twins Amy and May are about a year younger at 18....

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The Maya Twins

The Maya Twins By Carmenica Diaz Note: This is an excerpt from a recently publishedE-Novel. Once upon a time, there were the Maya twins. Hannahand Savannah Maya were identical, breathtakingly beautiful and with definitionof morality that was unique. Very, very rich and constantly bored, they wereamused when Hannah's new husband, Jonathan, declared his undying love withthe purchase of the state of the art chastity belt, the Dickson Device. Silly man! The Maya twins saw an opportunity tohave...

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Beth and Becky are bisex twins and they try incest sex

In some areas of the world or country, a lesbian couple is not considered so out of the ordinary. However, in some Midwestern towns, the idea of lesbians is still practically taboo and is very rarely seen out in the open. Such was the case where Beth and Becky Henderson lived. Even rarer was it to see a young girl come out of the closet. In this mid-sized town where they lived the backgrounds of the people were mostly German and Irish and very, very Catholic. Many of the private schools such...

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Thanks to a First Aid Course and the Twins

My thanks to a First Aid Course and the Twins (full story)For those who don’t like long stories, I’m sorry but I hope you all enjoy.Chapter 1 We’ve just finished an excellent meal at our favourite restaurant. My wife is sliding out of her chair as I pay the bill. Sam has a great body, even at 45. Tonight her dress is a striking little red number. The length is respectable but the cleavage displayed is outrageous. Her exposed bosom guaranteed us excellent service. I complement her once more for...

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The Devils Pact The Tyrants Daughter Chapter 2 The Twins

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Chapter Two: The Twins Note: Thanks to b0b for beta reading this. Monday, August 10th, 2071 – Chasity “Chase” Glassner – Sierra Nevada, CA The sun was hot as I crossed the mountain meadow. One of the cows had broken through the fence and wandered far from the cabin. The long summer had begun drying out the grass, turning greens to golds. I wiped at my brow and scanned the tree line a mile away for the missing cow with a pair of broken binoculars. One...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 19 Return of the Twins

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

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Twins have fun

Scott and Luke Pascal had just celebrated their shared 17th birthday. The twins were physically identical in every sense - they had the same electric blue eyes, the same short dirty blonde hair, the same devilish grin when they got away with something wicked. But their similarities didn’t stop at their faces. For the two had well sculpted bodies which they had worked on together for many years. Hours every week were spent in the gym, giving them perfection in their physiques. In truth, Scott...

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Daddys Hot Twins Chapter 1

They were a vision of passion-filled female beauty lying side by side on the bed. Their naked bodies glowed as the overhead strobe-light whirled, sending its myriad colors down to caress their tantalizingly perfect forms. Their breasts, their skin, even their dark pubic hair took on new vistas of sexual allure as they glowed amber, blue, red, a cream-white and then started slowly going through the whole color spectrum all over again. Les Jacobs stood at the foot of the bed, also naked, his...

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TWINS by Roy Del Frink A worried-looking John Spalding walked down the snow-coated streets of the big city one mid-December evening. He just couldn't stop thinking about his twin sister Joan. They did everything together while growing up. They even looked somewhat alike: long, flowing brown hair with blue eyes, both tall, and both skinny as a rail. John was now an accountant, while Joan was a top-notch real-estate agent. But John became unhappy when puberty brought the...

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The Barbie Lez Fantasies Week 13 The Twins

Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...

3 years ago
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Lust for the Twins

The principal was at the podium getting ready to address a transfixed audience. I noticed with some unease that several of the female staff members and some of the female students were in tears. It turned out that Rita and Nita, the two beautiful objects of my lust, had been killed in a car crash the previous evening. They had accepted a ride from an older college guy they knew who lived nearby whose attorney father had bought him a new corvette. He had been been drinking and As he drove...

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A King and His QueenChapter 28 The Twins

Saturday afternoon, Andrew went with Raven to pick her car up from the dealership. It was an awkward trip. They had ridden together in his car, him driving and her staring out the passenger side window. What little conversation they held was strained, and focused on trivial topics of a general nature: a small comment about the rising price of gasoline, a little exchange about a woman wearing a funky hat, and an agreement that the weather was nice for that time of year. As if by mutual...

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The Teasing Taylor Twins

                         The Teasing Taylors – PrologueThe Taylor twins had never been so excited in their lives. Admittedly they had been fairly short lives so far, but now that they had reached their 16th birthdays, they were in for a treat that both had been awaiting eagerly for almost the past 12 months.They were bubbling with pent-up excitement as they climbed aboard the express from Paddington due for Taunton, in England’s West Country, where they would be picked up by their aunt, the...

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The Mind Control Device Chapter 1 Testing on the Twins

Chapter One: Testing on the Twins By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Dean Michaels I peered through the magnifying lens as I carefully soldered the last component into the circuit board. It was careful work, a curl of smoke rising up as the flux evaporated. I touched the tip of the soldering iron with care, the liquid mix of lead and tin fixing the small capacitor in place. I groaned as I leaned back and set the soldering iron in its holder and...

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TwinsChapter 4

As the days and months went by, the twins made more trips to the library and read the book they looked at before. They learned more and more about sex including what incest was. They realized why their parents wanted them to have separate rooms. They also understood the reasons why incest was taboo and the playing around that they had done could be considered incest. But they figured that as long as they didn’t have intercourse, they couldn’t have children so what they were doing was OK....

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Love Lust For My Aunt Bethesda Part 8211 1

Hi, guys. It’s been a long time on ISS. I was away from the city. I hope you did like my other two stories(true incidents) which I had written. This is the next encounter I had with my aunt who was all alone and needed a little love for her. Her name is Bethesda and lived her whole life alone after her husband married another woman. I do have a lust for her and want her so badly. She is 45 years old and looks bomb. She got a good voluptuous body and looks like a brunette. As for me, I’m six...

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Twins Ties Trouble

Twins, Ties, & Trouble – Part 1 Trish placed $3.02 into the teenager's outstretched palm. "Here's yourchange...thanks for coming in." She looked past the girl's reddish brownhair and saw Kelly, her best friend, go into the Videos for Hire Rental storeacross the mall walkway. Trish suspected that Kelly was interested in Jeff,her boyfriend, because this was the 4th time this week that she had seen Kellycome in to rent videos. Trish didn't have any more customers so she busiedherself by...

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We Arent Twins

We Aren’t Twins: Introduction; Andrea and Anna’s parents had fallen in love as teens, and had gotten married while still in college. They held off on having children until both had graduated, and each had good jobs. Both taught school but on different campuses within the same school district. Bethany, or Ann for short, taught at the Junior High. Andrew taught High school, both taught biology, but he also taught social studies and geography as well. They had been teaching for two years before...

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Babysitting the Twins Again

I’ve known the twins, William and Robert, for a long time. Of course, everyone calls them Billy and Bobby. They call me Debbie. When I was 14 and they were 7, I first started to babysit for them. I’d bring over some games and crafts, and we’d have the most fun. When they started with cub scouts, I’d help them with their scouting activities. As they got a little older, I’d help them with their homework. I would also wrestle the two of them at the same time, but they were never a match...

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Dad and Son do the Twins Part 2

(read part 1 first) This is part 2 of my first story ever, hope you enjoy.  The moving bed woke me up around midnight, not being used to my bed moving around cause I slept alone for 10 years. And sure enough there were Rose and Daisy practicing their newfound sexuality. My twin 10-year-old girls were now lovers. They were in a sideways 69. From what I could see they weren’t’ doing very much. A little sniffing and licking. Rose said, “Oh Daddy you’re awake. My nookie is very sore.”  I said, “It...

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Sex with Twins My Mom and My Aunt Part 1

"Tommy, would you bring me some aspirins and a glass of water, please? I'm getting another one of migraine headaches again," said my Mom from her bedroom.Instead of giving her only two aspirins to take, with her having trouble sleeping lately, I gave my mother a sleeping pill while hoping she'd take that, too. I hoped she'd get in the habit of taking sleeping pills to sleep without being awakened with a migraine headache. Then, biding my time for the right moment, my plan was to eventually,...

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TwinsChapter 6

Fast forward. Chelle and I both graduated and went off to State. We managed to talk the folks into letting us get an apartment together. Mom was opposed because of the cost but Chelle turned Dad into a pretzel, just like she always could, and we had our apartment. It was great, just the two of us and no longer needing to worry about being caught. No more having to sneak into each other's bed. We were just like any couple. I was taking Psych 101 in the morning. One day we had a discussion...

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The Twins

Mari and Teri were identical twins. Even their parents struggled to tell them apart and they love switching places. As they got older they would take turns going out with the same guy and fucking him. The guy never knew it was a switch. If one twin met a guy that was great in bed she would tell the sister so she could bed him too. It was all fun for the girls. They went to Las Vegas and did several 3ssomes with the guys there. A taxi driver showed them to a strip club and they met the men...

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