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Despite all this attention, MJ still has a girlish innocence, still somewhat shy of boys, focusing more on her schoolwork with seemingly little interest in dating. In fact, her mother, still being somewhat traditional, actively discourages her from dating, citing that it would “distract her from her studies”. Consequently, I don’t recall her ever going out on a serious date with a guy. Of course, she goes out with friends from time to time, which are mostly girls, although she has a couple of male friends, who she has known for years, but for some reason or other her male friends always seemed to be gay, perhaps because she feels safer with them. I remember how they used to play dress-up together when they were young and even experiment with makeup. More than her attractive looks, her innocence and sweet personality are endearing.

Sarah’s parents live in Chinatown in London, where we first met before relocating to Leeds, a city some 200 miles north of London. I had accepted a new job and had moved there about 5 years ago. Although the pay was slightly less, we both enjoyed the benefits of living in a small country village, a 30-minute drive from the city. We had been able to afford a nice home, which was larger, with an expansive garden that Sarah took full advantage of, growing flowers and fresh vegetables. The air here is so fresh, combined with the smell of the countryside and the quietness, apart from an occasional passing car, it contrasted completely from the over-priced and frantic lifestyle of living and working in London. Moreover, we would never have been able to afford such a nice home in London, so on balance the quality of life was so much better and totally offset the small reduction in salary. Sarah didn’t work, mostly spending her time on looking after the home, and of course, taking care of MJ. As a mother but perhaps a bit too controlling, probably a result of her Asian heritage.

I had developed an enjoyable habit of popping to the village’s local pub, a charming establishment, serving hand-pulled traditional ales, and decorated with dark woods, the shelves and walls adorned with a vast array of memorabilia, old photographs, and antiquities. The pub was mostly frequented by locals, both young and old, familiar faces from around the village, mostly guys, occasionally accompanies by their wives or girlfriends. Like all small communities, the pub was the social centre of the village, a kind of forerunner of Facebook, a carry-over from an era before computers and mobile phones, a meeting place, where one would catch up with news, local gossip, and share stories at the pub rather than via a phone. Sarah never fussed at me about going to the pub and I would never over-stay. It became an outlet for me, a way to destress from work. Over the years, I had become friends with the landlord, Dave, who always had a friendly and welcoming demeanor, but he and I got on well on a personal level and would often spend time chatting whenever he was not busy serving other customers. Occasionally, we would even head out and play golf together. Dave was a widower, having lost his wife a few years before, to cancer, and to my knowledge had been single ever since.

About a week ago, Sarah had decided to take a trip to London to visit her parents as it was coming up to her father’s 65th birthday and she wanted to be there with to share it with him. Conveniently, due to some important work commitments I had to stay home, but she was happy to go on her own. Sarah’s parents were old-school Chinese, keeping themselves to themselves, operating a mini supermarket; they rarely took time away or ventured out of their community. I was somewhat relieved to not have go with her. Her parents spoke a little English, but I knew that most of the conversation would end up being in Cantonese. I always felt like a bit of an outsider to Sarah’s family; I remember when we first told them that Sarah and I were going to be married it took them some time for them to get used to the idea. Consequently, they were always polite to me, but in an almost formal, detached way, lacking any visible outward sign of warmth. Again, I put this down to culture and tended to just accept that this was normal. My decision to move 200 miles away only made my relationship with them more challenging, almost as if I had taken their daughter to the other side of the world, but Sarah had willingly and happily accompanied me. She often called them and knew that she was only a 2-hour train ride away.

As it was just MJ and me, I had postponed my almost nightly visit to the pub, instead, making sure I was home for MJ, rather than leaving her home alone. Friday night rolled around, and I had made my mind up that tonight I was going to go there. I guess that I still felt a bit uncomfortable leaving MJ alone in the house, not because she wasn’t responsible, just that I didn’t want her to feel alone, so somewhat on the spur of the moment I offered her the chance to come with me. Surprisingly, she jumped at the opportunity and happily agreed before dashing up to her room to change.

Whereas in reality it was only about 10 minutes or so, it seemed ages before she came back down. I was struck with how beautiful and grown she looked. She was wearing an attractive long blue dress, the type with short off-the-shoulder sleeves, with a white flower print, that hung down almost to her mid-calf. Her hair was down, laying across her bare shoulders and she had applied a little eyeshadow and lipstick. She was wearing a pair of wedge sandals, which added a couple of inches to her height and seemed to alter her posture slightly. MJ smiled and did a little twirl for me, she looked stunning, transforming almost by magic from scruffy teen into a beautiful young woman.

“Do I look ok daddy?” she asked adopting a coy, almost flirty expression.

“you look beautiful honey, quite the young lady”

She smiled happily and hugged me

“Daddy daughter date!” she joked, giggling happily

This was going to be her first visit to a pub, so I was a little cautious about taking her because her mum would lynch me if she knew, but I was looking forward to spending some relaxing time together.

It was a pleasant summer evening, so along the short distance to the pub, we walked and chatted happily. I was definitely enjoying sharing quality time with MJ, even something as simple as simply walking together to the pub.

“I really like that dress sweetie; it looks great on you. Is it new?”. I noticed how the soft fabric clung to her, accentuating her slender shape, the lower part covering her legs, wafting slightly as we walked. If I hadn’t been her dad and some 10 or so years younger, I would definitely have had her in my sights. I’m still surprised that she didn’t already have a line of guys waiting to knock on our door. Being Asian, Sarah had always kept MJ on a fairly tight rein and often lectured her on the risks of allowing herself to be distracted from her education. I think that was one of the few things that Sarah and I really differed on. I understood the importance of her education, but I also wanted her to have the freedom to experience life, even if that meant dating some spotty teenager.

A few minutes later, we arrived at the pub. As we entered, I smiled and nodded to acknowledge the faces that turned to look in our direction, most of whom I recognized. There was the usual collection of local farmers together with a few small business owners and residents from the village. Normally I would take a stool at the bar but as MJ was with me, so I went over to an empty corner booth near the window that had an old red sofa and gestured her to sit.

“what would you like to drink sweetie?”

“Daddy, can I try a glass of wine?”

I laughed, “I don’t really think that’s appropriate honey, your mum would probably kill me just for bringing you to the pub, if she found out I’d served you alcohol, she definitely would”. I was semi-serious, semi-joking, but I sure didn’t want to face the prospect of her mum knowing I’d taken MJ to the pub and let her drink alcohol.

“Please daddy, all my friends drink and I promise I won’t drink much and besides, I’m with you, so you know I’m safe”. She looked at me, pleading with her puppy-dog eyes that melt the strongest will.

“ok, well just one, and only if you absolutely promise not to tell your mother”. Not quite sure where my parenting skills had gone, but I agreed before fully realizing what I had just agreed to.

“I promise daddy, I won’t even tell her we came here, honest”. Her expression and tone were serious, but her smile was beaming.

I sauntered over to the bar, to be greeted by Dave, who just finished pouring another pint for one of his customers.

“What’ll you have Bill?”

“Hi Dave, give me a pint of bitter and a glass of white wine”

Dave raised an eyebrow at the added request for a glass of wine but saying nothing he took a clean glass and poured my usual beer before turning to take a wine glass. He opened the fridge door taking an already opened bottle of a generically branded white wine and poured.

This was a small country village pub and Dave was always lenient with the rules. He knew full well that MJ was only 16 but wasn’t expecting a visit from the local constabulary any time soon. Besides, the resident policeman was also well known in the village and he would not be too concerned about formalities or pay attention to who was in the pub unless one of the locals drank too much and got out of hand. Life in the village was so informal!

Turning back to me with both drinks, he placed them on the bar in front of me and followed with “that’ll be 7 pounds, 96… shall I set up a tab?”. “please” I responded. I hated fumbling with change.

“so, is that your daughter?” he asked, his focus looking over at the corner?

“yes, her mother is away so I invited her to come with me”

“You’ll have to be careful with her. She’s looking dam hot and there’s a bunch of lecherous lads here”.

I laughed at his comment but felt a little discomfort with his remark about MJ being “Hot”. I knew she was attractive, but my thoughts had always squashed any thoughts of her in terms of anything overtly sexual.

Accepting the drinks from him, I turned to return to the table and looked over at MJ. Dave was right, the clingy dress she was wearing, the subtle makeup, the way her long dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, mentally, I had to agree with Dave. She was definitely sexy.

I returned to the table and handed her the glass of wine.

After taking my seat, we toasted each other and I cautioned her, “just drink it slowly, I don’t want you getting drunk”.

“yes, daddy, I know”, she replied, pouting a little.

She smiled at me and as we started to chat MJ started to look around the room. “This place is so cool” she added, continuing immediately with “I can see why you like to come here, everyone is so friendly”.

I followed her eyes to a small group of youngish guys who were playing darts. One of the guys had turned and was smiling in MJ’s direction, a tall, burly guy obviously either in farming or construction. He nudged another equally well-built guy who was standing close by and he also turned to look and wink at her before turning his attention back to the game.

MJ’s face had flushed, which couldn’t possibly be from the wine, as she had barely drunk any. The dad in me felt a familiar protective urge, but I let it slip, besides which, I had no intention in picking an argument with those guys, there were several in the group and they clearly looked like they could handle themselves.

I decided to ignore them and continued to chat with her. At home she was always a quiet, demure girl, who, like a well brought up Asian girl, respected her parents, but in this setting, she seemed to relax and chatted more freely. We talked about so many things, from my work, to tv shows, to boys. She confirmed that she hadn’t dated yet, despite a great many invitations; Clearly Sarah’s motherly advice had worked so far.

After a while, we finished our drinks and MJ asked, “please daddy, can I have another?”

I pondered her request unsure whether to let her drink a second glass of wine, but I relented and headed back to the bar.

Dave quickly served me, jokingly asking, “trying to get her drunk?” as he poured a second glass, slightly larger than the first.

“Not really, but I’m ok with her experiencing a few things in life, and if she’s going to end up drunk, at least it’s with me and not with some lecherous local yob, who just wants to take advantage of her.”

Dave grinned and nodded in agreement.

I returned to the booth and offered MJ her glass before taking my place next to her and continuing our conversation.

We were about half-way through our drinks when there was a loud roar from the group of guys playing darts, heralding a victory. Another called over to Dave and ordered another round of drinks in honor of the winner.

MJ was again looking over in the direction of the guys, her attention drawn by the celebration. The guy who had smiled at her, was gesturing her over to join the game. MJ politely shook her head, but the guy gestured to her more emphatically, almost totally dismissive of the fact that she was with me.

“Daddy, can I go and play that game with them?” She was alternating the direction of her head between the guys and me, using those same puppy-dog eyes with me.

I pondered the rights and wrongs and all the possible outcomes of what I would be letting my daughter in for if I agreed. I rationalized to myself that I had to be a responsible parent, but then I had already allowed her to come to a pub and drink alcohol. I kind of decided that nothing much could possibly happen to her as I was there, and I was pretty sure that Dave would not put up with any nonsense in his pub. In reality there was probably nothing I could do if things got out of hand, but I didn’t want to spoil her fun and experience her pouty, unhappy expressions, which her mother received any time she limited something MJ really wanted to do.

I nodded my head and with that, she grabbed her glass of wine and scurried off to where the guys were standing. They all greeted her, introducing themselves one by one. MJ looked so small compared with this well-built group of guys. She stood there, watching the game and how it was played, periodically taking sips of her wine.

Then the attention of the group turned to MJ and it was clear that she was expected to take a turn at the game. She took a dart and somewhat awkwardly aimed and threw it at the board, missing completely. The guy who had invited her, moved over and took up a position behind her, his sizeable frame partly obstructing my view. He rested his left hand on her hip, while the other took hold of her right forearm and guided her aim. Together she threw again. The dart flew towards the board, dropping slightly before hitting a 17. The guys cheered and MJ took another dart. The guy, still positioned behind her, guided her right hand, leaning a little closer to her head. She released the dart, which again few towards the board, this time with a little more power, landing on the 4. 21 announced one of the guys noting down her score and deducting it from the total.

MJ and the guy stepped aside, as another guy took his darts and started to aim. 20 with the first and again with the second, and then double 20 with the third. 80 announced the scorer. I turned my attention once again to MJ who was standing next to the guy who had helped her. I couldn’t fail to notice that his arm was still around her, his hand on her thin waist. I felt a slight pang of concern, a little irritated with him for taking the liberty to keep touching her. They were chatting and she was continuing to take sips from her wine, clearly seeming to be happy, so I again decided to let it go so she could have some fun.

A few more rounds later and it was MJ’s turn again. She moved over and took a dart. The guy positioned himself behind her, this time pressing close to her and putting his left arm around her tummy as he pulled her into him. His right arm stroked slowly down her bare right arm before taking hold of her wrist to help her aim. MJ released the dart, barely missing the 20 to score a 5. The guy shuffled against her, adjusting her position and pulling her into him a little tighter. She scored a 20, followed by another 20. 45 announced the guy keeping score.

MJ happily jumped up and down, letting out an impromptu squeal. As she moved out of the way for the next player, she was followed by her new friend. She took a big gulp of her wine, still seeming elated about her achievement. The guy sidled up alongside her, closer than he maybe should have and immediately put his arm around her. I watched closely as almost immediately he started gently rubbing the small of her back. This rubbing went on for a few minutes, but although in my book, his actions in touching my daughter seemed somewhat inappropriate, I concluded that it was relatively harmless and decided to let it be. He was alternating between stroking her hair, which hung freely down her back, and gently circling his hand on the small of her back, slowly working his way lower, to the point where his hand was resting on her butt, which he gave a little squeeze, but MJ seemed too enthralled with the game to notice or pay much attention to.

One of the guys had called for another round of beers and I was surprised when someone handed MJ a pint. She gulped down the remaining wine, putting the now empty glass down and happily accepted the pint of beer, glancing with a somewhat sheepish look over in my direction, hoping maybe that I hadn’t noticed or that I wouldn’t call her back from what she was doing. This made me increasingly nervous, but I again rationalized that at least she was still in my sight but determined that if things started to get out of hand, then I would have to find a way to extricate her from the group.

I’m not sure where the thought came from but part of me started to wish that I was the lucky guy subtly enjoying her attention, a thought which I quickly tried to dismiss from my mind. Dave was right, she was definitely turning into a sexy woman and I was quietly contemplating how I was going to keep her from venturing off into the world of horny guys and dating.

I finished my beer and wandered across to the bar offering my empty beer glass to Dave, he took it and filled it again.

“I see she’s made a few friends”, said Dave.

“yeah, was just thinking about whether to intervene or not, but I don’t want to spoil her fun, not as long as it’s relatively harmless, and I’m not quite sure how to disengage her, without upsetting her”.

“go sit yourself down and leave them to me, those lads are constantly on the prowl for fresh meat and they’re a rough bunch, but they won’t mess with me”, responded Dave, winking at me and nodding in the direction of my booth for me to go and sit down.

I took my seat and returned my attention to the game, or more specifically to guy gently squeezing her ass. For whatever reason, MJ didn’t seem to be objecting, so rightly or wrongly, I let it continue. I found myself starting to wonder how that was making her feel and whether she was not only enjoying the alcohol, but the guy’s touch too.

MJ had been steadily doing her best to work her way through her pint of beer and was already half-way down it, encouraged by the other guys who kept clinking her glass with theirs. She definitely seemed to be one of the boys. Some of the guys even suggested downing the pint in one, but MJ was far from being able to accept such a challenge.

A few moments later it was again MJ’s turn, so she put her beer down on a ledge and again took the offered darts. Once again, her new-found friend came up behind her and immediately wrapped his arm around her tummy and pulling her intimately close to him, the other hand gently stroking her arm before taking hold of her forearm to guide her aim. Her dart flew through the air and sunk into the segment Daveed 20. The guys cheered. The next dart too landed in a 20 to another round of cheering from several members of the group. The guy lowered his head next to hers and I swear he was sniffing her hair. I glanced over at Dave, who was loading a tray with several beers that he had poured. A roar erupted from the group as MJ scored a double 20. Apparently, she had thrown the dart that finally won the game and was excitedly jumping up and down again. She grabbed her glass and downed the final half in one go.

Dave left the bar and as he approached the jubilant group with a tray of fresh beers, he called out “on the house, boys”, offering them each a fresh pint. As soon as he had handed over the last pint, he turned and whispered in MJ’s ear. She glanced over in my direction with a look of disappointment, her frustration immediately apparent to me in her expression. However, she thanked the guys and made excuses and headed over to our table. Her face was flushed, and her legs were by now, a little unsteady, and although her expression showed a slight disappointment, MJ was too well brought up to be disrespectful or disobey my wishes, or be ungrateful, so obligingly took her place on the sofa at one side of me. The guy who had been “helping” her glowered over at me as though I had deprived him of a major score but quickly turned his attention back to the conversation among the other guys. I noticed that his pants were bulging,

“Did you have fun?”, I asked, already knowing the answer but I kind of wanted to break her pattern of thoughts.

“yeah, was a lot of fun, we won”

“Yes, I saw”

“Can we do this again sometime?” she looked at me pleadingly. I wasn’t too sure about how to respond to that last question, I wanted to say no, but resorted to the parent’s get out of jail card; “Maybe” I replied, “but not when your mum is around, or she will kill me”.

MJ giggled somewhat excessively, obviously the 2 glasses of wine followed by a pint of beer was having an effect on her.

At that point, Dave took me by surprise as he came over to our booth bearing 3 shot glasses filled, filled with a milky-looking cocktail, with a blue flame flickering away on top. “Just a little something to celebrate our little darts champion here”. MJ’s eyes lit up and as Dave passed them around, I mouthed a silent “thank you” to him for distracting those guys and returning my daughter to me intact. MJ was fascinated with the little glass with the blue flame and took several pictures of it with her phone. She was about to post it to Facebook, when I reminded her that her mum might well see it and that would be trouble for both of us.

Dave took a seat on the other side of MJ and holding it by the base to avoid the rapidly heating glass, blew the flame out. MJ immediately copied his action and then I followed suit. Dave toasted MJ “to the new champion” and swiftly downed the drink in one. MJ tried to copy him, coughing and spluttering as the cocktail, as I also found out, it was quite strong. I looked over at Dave, surprised that he had plied her with such a strong cocktail, but he just shrugged and said, “relax dad, you don’t live so far away, let the girl enjoy herself”.

Although the guys were continuing their game and many of the earlier customers had since left, a voice boomed from a guy over by the bar as a customer summoned Dave back to duty and he left to go serve another beer. I wasn’t sure what was in that cocktail, but I was already starting to feel it. MJ was definitely experiencing the unfamiliar effects of alcohol, as she was becoming increasingly giggly, and her face had a distinctly rosy glow. She was positively tipsy. The beers and that shot had definitely helped me to relax too and was happy to sit in the bar, enjoying our time together, accompanied by a sexy young woman, or I perhaps should have thought, my beautiful young daughter. My vision in mind wandered again back to the earlier time when that guy was stroking her arm, rubbing her back, and squeezing her ass. Despite being inappropriate, I couldn’t help the thoughts that MJ had enjoyed those new-found feelings, perhaps a little too much and that her rosy glow when she returned to the booth, wasn’t just the effects of alcohol.

The guys finished their game and started to leave. On their way out, I overheard them talking about grabbing some fish ‘n chips from the visiting mobile food van that visited every week, parking outside the local store. They seemed to have lost interest in MJ for now, probably because they knew she was with me and that meant that they weren’t going to get too far with her.

That left just Dave, MJ, and I, as well as one older guy who was sitting alone at the bar working on a new pint. His attention focused on a sports game showing on a tv behind the bar.

“We’d better be getting home too”, I said to MJ, who semi-reluctantly nodded her acceptance.

“Nonsense” said Dave as he appeared suddenly behind me, brandishing another tray of different shots, and quickly continued, “We may as well make the most of it, besides I want to get to know this hot young lady you have with you”.

MJ blushed shyly and giggled at being referred to as a “hot young lady”.

He placed the tray on the small round table in front of us and took a place in the booth on the other side of MJ.

“I think she’s had quite sufficient tonight Dave”, I said scornfully, much to MJ’s angst, gauging from her sudden look of disappointment.

“Nonsense” he said again, handing a shot to MJ. “If she’s going to get drunk, this is as safe place as any. Besides, give those lads a short while to get themselves home”.

MJ held out her glass and announced “cheers” and downed the shot in one go, not coughing and spluttering like before, with a big grin on her face. “cheers”, Dave and I responded. MJ gave an inebriated giggle.

The three of us chatted some more, relaxing in the hazy glow of Dave’s shots, MJ joining the conversation with giggles and occasional remarks, her eyes were somewhat hazy. At one point, she decided she needed to pee, and Dave moved out from where he was sitting to let her out. She made her way, somewhat wobbly, to where the women’s toilets were while Dave, attended to the remaining customer who had been watching the tv and took care of his payment.

“See you tomorrow Jonas” Dave called out after the man as he exited through the front door. “Aye, you will” was the only reply.

Tucking something into her small handbag, MJ staggered her way back to the booth, somewhat unsteady on her feet and slid along the bench corner sofa to take her place next to me. “are you feeling ok?” I asked, a little concerned for her, almost regretting that I had let her drink far more than I should have. “Yesh” was all she could slur out. She leaned towards me and gave me a hug.

“What were you tucking into your handbag?” I asked somewhat naively.

“Shhhh daddy, I don’t want the whole world to know”. She looked a little embarrassed and continued “I had a little accident, so I had to take my panties off”. The sudden realization that she was sitting there with no panties surprised me, but I decided to drop that particular line of conversation.

I reminded myself that we should probably go as I was definitely feeling Dave’s shots. Satisfied that she was safely back in her seat, I determined to pop to the men’s toilets; the urge to pee finally reminding me that what goes in must come out.

As I stood there letting the stream splash against the urinal, releasing the pent-up pressure, I found my mind wandering to thoughts that up till now I had done my best to overcome. The remarks by Dave of her being hot, the sight of that guy squeezing her ass, and even the imaginary visions of my little girl peeing her panties and now sitting in the booth without any, all swirled in my somewhat inebriated mind, to the point where I started to enjoy the inappropriate thoughts. Shaking the final drops into the urinal, I tucked myself back in and made my way back out to the bar.

Far from being on the point of leaving, Dave had returned to the booth with a table game and was helping MJ build a small tower of short oblong wooden blocks, with each level facing perpendicular to the level below. On the table were 3 empty shot glasses and a bottle of what looked like a partially empty bottle of tequila. MJ’s hands were far from steady and Dave had to rescue the tower on several occasions.

“We were just getting ready to leave and let you close up for the night, Dave”, I said in my most serious voice, adding “it’s way past closing time and this young lady has already had enough to drink”.

“Sit yourself down Bill, we’re having a private party. I’ve locked the doors, so no-one is going to disturb us, and besides, I’m going to teach this young lady a cool game”.

I tried to be assertive about going home, but MJ once again was doing her best to give me her puppy-dog pleading eyes. Reluctantly, I acquiesced and took my seat again. With that, he announced the rules.

“Each person takes a turn to slide out one of the blocks”

“if the tower falls, or you can’t go without the tower falling, you have to take a shot”

“After each block is taken out, you have to answer a question, if you don’t answer the question, you have to take another drink”.

“Sounds like a highly contrived game there Dave, not sure if MJ is ready for that yet.

“Shure I am daddy” she slurred out, “I’m grown”

Her last remark made me laugh, I didn’t agree about that, but I had to admit that tonight she was acting more grown than I had ever known.

“So, are we ready to begin?” asked Dave… I’ll go first, then MJ, then you, Dad”.

We watched as Dave gingerly slid out the first block, leaving the ones above looking somewhat precariously balanced.

“Ok MJ, ask me a question … next time your dad can ask me one”.

MJ pondered what kind of question to ask for a few moments.

“hmm… why did you want to have a Pub?” she asked; it seemed like quite a reasonable question for a semi-inebriated teenager to ask.

Dave smiled at her, “oh that’s an easy one. I like people, we get all kinds of people in here and I like getting to know them. A small pub like this was perfect, so when the opportunity arose, I jumped at the chance”. MJ seemed satisfied with his answer, “besides…” Dave added, “it’s given me the chance to meet you MJ”. MJ blinked, not expecting Dave’s follow-on, but gave him a happy smile.

“Your turn next, MJ”, Dave added.

MJ reached out to take a block, her fingers far from steady. She struggled, the tower swaying slightly, but the block finally came away safely.

Dave looked directly at me… “Your turn to ask MJ a question, Dad”

I struggled to think of a question I could ask my own daughter, I felt like I already knew her so well. I decided to play it safe. “how is the alcohol making you feel?” She giggled, “shquiffy” was her giggly response, trying not to sound drunk, which to me it wasn’t surprising, given how much she had already drunk tonight. I was still of two minds about all this drinking.

“Ok Dad’s go” MJ, excitedly encouraged me to try removing a block, which was not going to be easy. The tower was already precariously balanced. I tested a few, nudging them slightly with a finger, trying to assess whether the tower looked like it would collapse at any moment, before finally settling on one. Fortunately, I was right, the block came away and fortunately the tower remained standing.

Dave turned to me and looking me straight in the eye, asked his question. “So, Dad, do you think your daughter is sexy?”. I was shocked by the question, hesitating to answer. Part of me felt it was too invasive, too inappropriate, but visions of the earlier events tempted me to say yes. MJ was staring at me with wide eyes, having suddenly realized the implications of the question. Dave raised his eyebrow, waiting for my answer. “I think she looks really pretty tonight” I responded, hoping that would satisfy him. “That wasn’t the question, Dad… you need to take a drink for avoiding it”. Dave grabbed the bottle and filled the shot-glass, handing it to me. “Drink up” instructed Dave. I objected, claiming that as a Dad I had answered the question, to which Dave turned to MJ and said, “he means yes”. MJ flushed and giggled.

On Dave’s turn, the tower almost fell, but he managed to get away with it, the remaining blocks even more precariously hanging in the balance. Dave reminded MJ that it was her turn to ask a question. She was kind of lost for a question, her brain was clearly working slowly. “Do you have a girlfriend?”, she blurted out. “MJ!”, I said in a reprimanding voice, which immediately caused a guilty expression. She was about to take the question back, when Dave interjected. “No, no, it’s fine… in the game, there’s nothing we can’t ask”. He pondered for a brief moment and then continued. “No MJ, since my wife died, I’ve been single”. I thought that was the end of his answer, but he continued. “Of course, being single I have a lot more work to do to run this place, but more than that, I miss female companionship, the affection, the intimacy”. Dave was answering as if in a group of adults, but I felt his remarks were touching on borderline for talking to a 16-year-old.

Not waiting for any reaction from me, he continued “Your turn I believe, MJ”. MJ struggled, her fingers wobbly, as she attempted to remove a piece, when the remaining tower suddenly collapsed into a jumbled-up pile of blocks.

“Aha!”, exclaimed Dave, reaching for the bottle, before taking another shot glass and filling it. MJ accepted the glass and downed the tequila in one go, no longer reacting to the strength of it, although her eyes did open wide when she swallowed it. I could see from the label that it was a particularly strong tequila. The label read “Dulce Vida Blanco”, a 50% ABV clear tequila, way stronger than most you find in pubs and I was already feeling the effects of my last shot. Clearly Dave had every intention of us all ending up drunk.

Dave looked directly at MJ, “OK, time for my question… Have you ever kissed a boy?”. If I had been drinking a beer, I would have probably choked and blown half of it out the glass at the directness of Dave’s question. MJ immediately flushed an interesting shade of bright pink, looking nervously in my direction, hesitating to answer the question. Dave, reached for the bottle.

“Wait!” exclaimed MJ, not wanting to refuse a question… “Yes… yes I have k..kished a.. boy”… “honest Dad it was just a kiss, no more, please, please don’t tell mom, promise me you won’t tell mom”. She looked pleading at me as she slurred and babbled away.

“Don’t worry honey, your secret is safe with me. Better we keep this whole evening a secret between us, so I won’t tell your mom anything. I don’t want to be the target for her anger and neither do you”. I tried to sound genuine and supporting, but now I was curious, very curious, who? when? It wasn’t a total shock, just an unexpected answer, given that she was such a homebird and my mind raced with questions.

Dave was grinning at this revelation, as if he had somehow achieved a small victory.

The game continued on for several rounds, each of us at some point causing the wooden block tower to collapse and suffering both the humiliation and the penalty of having to take one more shot, including Dave from time to time. Needless to say, we were all quickly working our way through the bottle of tequila.

It came time for Dave to ask a question of MJ again, who honestly was in no fit state to reply to anything and the responses she did give, were usually accompanied by slurred speech, interspersed with giggles. I too was well on the way to being quite inebriated, but it had the effect of helping me become more relaxed and certainly my fatherly defenses were at an all-time low.

A small movement under the table caught my eye, somewhat shocked, I noticed that Dave’s hand was on MJ’s leg and he was gently caressing her thigh. It took a few seconds to register what I was seeing. MJ was either blissfully unaware of this, or she had no apparent sign of objecting to Dave’s gentle touch. It wasn’t serious but was certainly noticeable and I was pretty sure that his actions were not just an accidental or casual touch. Contrary to my normal instincts, I found myself ignoring his stroking her leg and let it pass, after all, he was my friend, and he knew full well that MJ was my daughter. Instead, I found it quite intriguing and found myself subtly observing without being too obvious. It was again Dave’s turn to ask MJ a question.

“OK MJ, time for my question… how did it make you feel when that guy was rubbing your back and squeezing your ass earlier”. Although already noticeably highly inebriated, MJ face flushed a bright red and she glanced briefly at me as if trying to decide how to answer. ”Hmmm, kinda sexy!”, and then after a momentary pause, “it made me tingle”. Dave smiled. My mind flashed back to the vision of the guy’s hand squeezing her butt and I found myself imagining

The game continued on, but I noticed that Dave’s hand rarely left her thigh, continuing to stroke and bit by bit, was sliding further up her thigh. I started to wonder whether Dave’s touch was also having the effect of making her feel sexy. To my surprise I became aware that I too found it sexy to watch Dave’s hand at work and felt a noticeable swelling in my pants. I was almost willing him on. I started to lose focus on the game and instead, increasingly focused on the way Dave was stroking her.

Dave’s stroking continued to work back and forth on her thigh, soft gentle movements, sometimes pressing the loose fabric of her dress to move between her partly opened legs and touch her inner thigh.

It came around to MJ’s turn again, but she was already far too inebriated to ever remove one of the blocks safely and of course the tower tumbled. MJ downed another shot of tequila

“How do you feel now?” I asked, somewhat naively. I wasn’t sure how that question had managed to come into my head, it certainly wasn’t a consciously intimate question, but before I could retract it MJ replied “Horny!” and giggling almost uncontrollably, her face glowing scarlet. I was not drunk enough to have been unmoved by the directness of her answer, I was shocked, but felt my cock swell more and jump inside my pants. I was conflicted between being a dutiful parent and rising awareness of the voyeur inside me, who was enthralled by watching Dave slowly stimulating and turning on my daughter. Dave was grinning at her.

I watched, enthralled, as Dave took her response as a cue, lowering his hand to MJ’s knee and using his fingers to gradually gather up the fabric of the lower part of her dress, raising the fabric from hanging freely on her calves to just above her knees. He then slowly separated her knees, his hand sliding under the raised hem to make contact with her skin. My heart started to race as I was pretty sure that Dave was now aware that I was watching his action and making no attempt to object, as if my lack of objection was an unspoken acknowledgment of what he was doing and almost granting him permission to go further.

The game had all but been discarded and all attention focused on MJ. MJ’s eyes closed, the effects of the constant flow of alcohol finally sending her into a dozy, state, somewhere between a sleepy dreamland and wakefulness. As his hand slowly worked its way along her inner thigh, I could discern the position of his hand from the way the fabric bunched against his forearm and I could tell that his fingers were making their way towards her pubic area.

As Dave continued to stroke her thigh, he leaned closer and whispered into her ear. As if instructed, MJ leaned back into the sofa and parted her legs a little more. His hand slid even further up her thigh. MJ flinched slightly and moaned softly as Dave’s fingers connected with her exposed pussy. Dave’s expression instantly showed that he was clearly surprised that she was not wearing any panties. MJ seemed to be totally oblivious to me sitting right next to her. I could discern a change in the movement of Dave’s hand under her dress, from stroking to a more rhythmical, yet subtle circling motion. MJ’s breathing changed, becoming heavier and faster.

“So, you liked being touched by that guy?” Dave’s question broke the silence

“yes” replied MJ as best she could

“You like being touched?” Dave continued

“Yes” replied MJ, softly, almost as a breathy whisper

“Do you like the way I’m touching you now, MJ?”

“Yes!”, her voice more urgent

Dave continued to finger her pussy. My erection felt like it was at bursting point and that at any moment I would cum in my pants. I couldn’t believe that I was not only watching but condoning my friend touch my daughter’s pussy, but the voyeur in me prevented me from doing the right thing.

“How does it make you feel, knowing that your dad is watching you be so turned on?”

“excited” replied MJ, her drunken state limiting her to single word answers, but the expression on her face turned to worry, as her brain slowly registered the full inference of Dave’s question, but her drunken state swiftly moved her beyond caring, preventing her from dwelling on all the implications or consequences.

Dave again leaned close to her ear and whispered something inaudible to her. Her eyes opened wide and turning to me, she reached out, wrapping her arms around my neck and kissed me, not as a daughter should, but with her lips firmly planted on mine. I hesitated to kiss her back, but the softness of her lips was so enticing, I started to kiss her back. Our mouths opened slightly, and my tongue darted into her mouth, toying with hers. I kissed her deeply, not as a daughter, but as my lover. Her breathing deepened more, and she moaned softly into our kiss as Dave’s fingers worked more frantically.

Dave’s other hand reached for her breast and started to massage them as our kissing continued unabated.

“Do you love your daddy, MJ?”

“yes” she replied, breaking the kiss just long enough to respond before resuming, her tongue now actively seeking mine.

“would you like your daddy to touch you here, like I am doing?”

MJ nodded her head almost indiscernibly, without breaking our kiss.

Dave reached out and took hold of my hand. I hesitated, semi-reluctantly I allowed him to guide it to her leg. His fingers were wet, and I became aware of a musky aroma that was catching my nose and adding to the blend of soft perfume that MJ was wearing and the alcohol on her breath. My hand touched her thigh, her skin so soft and cool, sliding it upwards under the skirt of her dress until I reached the warmth of her pussy. She was wet, very wet, I felt her pubic hairs tangled in the wetness as my fingers probed her folds and my thumb found her clitoris. I rubbed her gently. I felt MJ’s body shudder and trembling at my touch. Touching my daughter in such an intimate way was intoxicating, knowing it was so taboo, so wrong, yet at the same time, bringing her pleasure.

Dave turned his attention to her breasts, both hands now free, he worked on the elasticated neckline of her dress, the off-shoulder style clinging to her upper arms as he pulled at them gently, each time taking them lower and lower down her arm. As he lowered her neckline, MJ’s breasts popped out over the top, each small enough to be the size of half an orange, adorned by large brown nipples sitting erect, perky, framed by dark pink areolae. Dave lowered his head and sucked a nipple into his mouth while his hand went to the other breast, squeezing, pinching her nipples. The dress fell to her waist, leaving her completely topless from the waist up. Goosebumps covered her arms. I was surprised that I hadn’t noticed she wasn’t wearing a bra tonight. She almost always wore a bra at home, something her mother always insisted on and I hadn’t seen her naked chest since she was a little girl.

MJ’s body was writhing and moaning as I continued to finger her, hooking two fingers into her pussy as my thumb pressed and circled her clitoris. It felt delectably warm, wet, extremely tight, and irresistibly enticing. I was literally finger-fucking my own daughter.

Dave meanwhile suckled on her nipples, sucking, nibbling on them, his hand working on the other, massaging her breasts, pinching the extended nipples.

As MJ’s body gently writhed, her moans became deeper and I felt her wetness rising by the second, all thoughts of right and wrong left my thoughts completely, I was just reveling in the moment. Her body started to shake and tremble like a mini earthquake, her legs clamped together around my hand, her walls squeezing my fingers.

Dave looked at me, winking, satisfied we had made MJ have what was possibly her first orgasm, although part of me now wondered whether she had ever masturbated. In that moment, I determined to find out and be more observant of her in the future, but as of this moment, I was too drunk to care and too turned on to stop.

As MJ’s body started to come down from the high of her orgasm, Dave gestured me to stand up. I withdrew my sopping wet fingers from under her dress and rose from the sofa, watching, as Dave maneuvered her onto her back, her dress scrunched up around her waist, her pussy and breasts fully exposed to both Dave and me.

Dave dropped his trousers and freed his erect cock, the dark mushroom head, quite thick and I briefly estimated he was a good 7inches. My heart raced at the thought that he was about to fuck my daughter in front of me, but my mind egged him on; the voyeur in me now in full control. I released my own aching erection, desperate for release. He moved between MJ’s legs and lifted first one and then the other of her ankles onto his shoulders and stood held his cock with one hand, aiming it at the sopping wet lips of her pussy. He pressed forwards and I watched with fascination as the lips her pussy stretched around his cock as he tried to penetrate her. Dave pushed again, easing himself a little further in before hitting her barrier. I started to masturbate as I watched and waited in eager anticipation for him to deflower her. Dave held her hips and pushed forward more assertively, pushing deeper. MJ winced and moaned in her slumber as he pushed through her hymen and deeper into her pussy. Holding himself inside her before gently easing back and then pushing deeper. A little trickle of blood discernibly coated the shaft of his penis.

MJ appeared to be barely conscious, at least conscious enough to experience the sensations and moan softly as Dave bottomed out, each thrust going deeper until he was balls deep inside her. MJ’s breathing was again faster, moaning and mumbling indiscernibly almost continuously as Dave started to pick up the pace, pounding her energetically. I was trying desperately hard not to cum, and it took almost all my concentration to distract my body from over-reacting to the sight of my daughter’s pussy being fucked hard, her small exposed tits rocking back and forth on her chest like little upturned bowls of jelly. I imagined that MJ would have cum already had it not been for the alcohol in her system, but her body still was visibly responding as Dave did not hold back and was fucking her hard, her moans getting louder, her breathing deeper and faster. This carried on for several minutes until suddenly she opened her mouth and cried out, her body started spasming and was clearly in the midst of an orgasm despite her semi-comatose state. This was too much for Dave and he grunted as he made a final thrust and held it deep inside her as he pumped his seed into her unprotected depths. I could no longer hold back either, pumping myself faster and faster, watched as rope after rope of cum splashed down onto my daughter, splattering her face, hair, breasts, and even onto her dress. Dave held himself inside her, pushing deep, waiting for the last dregs to discharge into her.

MJ lay there on her back, mumbling words that neither of us could make out. As Dave’s cock finally started to deflate, he pulled out of her and we both looked at each other, our outrageous abuse flooding into our post-coital tristesse, blended in a whirl with feelings of guilt and panic. What occurs in period of uncontrolled lust, quickly transforms into the reality of having allowed Dave to fuck my daughter while i watched. Panic about how to explain this to her in the sober light of morning, how to avoid divorce or worse, prison, should her mother ever discover what we had just done. I was supposed to be the one to keep her safe, not have my friend sexually abuse and fuck her.

“Let’s get her home”, Dave’s voice broke the guilty rumination going on in my head. With that he lifted her shoulders and did his best to get the top of her dress back over her breasts and into more or less the right place. We each grabbed an arm and took the weight of her limp body across our shoulders. It was amazing to me how heavy someone is when they are all but passed out and not particularly helping. It was already late, gone 1am before we left the pub and guided MJ back home. Fortunately, it was only a few hundred yards to our house, but it felt like miles. Along the way, she threw up at least twice, splashing her dress, the stench of vomit and alcohol almost causing me to almost throw up too. Eventually, we made it to the front door and fumbling somewhat with my keys managed to get the door open with one hand. Certainly, I would never have been able to get her home single handed, so I was grateful to Dave for his help. Along the way we had not spoken of what had happened, there was a kind of code of silence because both of us were as guilty and yet both of us had gone along with it.

Once inside, the task of getting her up the stairs presented the next challenge. MJ was still out of it, her body almost limp and unable to support itself. The stairs were not wide enough to really let 3 people go up, side by side, so we decided the best way was for me to support her shoulders and Dave to carry her by supporting her knees and then go up, but we still had to take it one step at a time. The bedroom belonging to my wife and I was the nearest and I pushed the door open with my butt. Releasing my hand for a brief second, I flicked the light on, and we carried her to the bed before unceremoniously dumping her slumbering body on top of the covers.

“We’d better get her out of these things” I said to Dave, “let’s get the dress off her and I’ll throw it in the washer”. Dave and I removed her shoes then worked the dress up over her butt, over her chest, and finally over her head, leaving her totally naked. Her inner thighs were streaked with drying cum that had leaked out of her as we walked her home. Her face was still splashed with cum and her dress smelled of a mix of sex and vomit. I found myself instantly hardening at the sight of her. Dave too was staring at her nakedness.

I grabbed the dress and took her wet panties from her purse before heading downstairs to pop the soiled clothes in the washer, leaving Dave to make sure she was ok. I added soap and softener, ***********ed a light wash cycle, and pressed start. It started up and turned to leave as I heard the water cascading into the machine.

To this day I don’t know why, but as I returned up the stairs, I quietly peeked through the partially open bedroom door. Dave was standing at the side of the bed and had his erect cock out. He had a phone in his hand and clicked several photos of MJ laying naked on the bed. I then watched, fascinated, as masturbated while looking at her. His strokes had become more frantic, when he turned MJ’s head and inserted his cock into her mouth, he slid his cock in and out a few times as he pumped himself a couple more times and then pushed into her mouth and grunted, spewing cum into the back of her mouth. The sight of her angelic face with her lips wrapped around a cock was every voyeur’s dream come true. He withdrew his cock and looked around for a tissue or something to wipe it with. Not finding anything, he grabbed hold of a handful of her long hair and proceeded to wipe his cock with it. My heart was pounding, and my own erection was throbbing for release, but I decided instead to go quietly back downstairs and pretend to be busying myself with the laundry.

After a few minutes I heard Dave coming down the stairs and I came out from the laundry room to find him standing in the passageway by the front door. “I’d better get back” he said. I nodded. “Look…” he said, “about tonight…” he was clearly feeling awkward and not sure quite what to say, averting his eyes from any direct contact. “Don’t worry about it, Dave, I’m her dad, I feel just as guilty too”. “I could have stopped this any time from the moment when you first put your hand on her knee, but I chose not to”. He looked at me quizzically. I continued… “I guess I was curious, ever since I started watching that guy squeezing her ass… actually curious is not the right word, it turned me on, I wished I had been younger… what I mean is…”. Dave interjected, “no need to explain… must be hard having such a sexy young woman around you every day… biology is biology and we’re programmed to have sex”. I paused before responding “the truth is that I enjoyed seeing you touch her, I wanted you to fuck her… in fact, I wish those guys had taken her out the back and I could somehow have watched”. Dave grinned at my revelations of being such a voyeur, possibly feeling somewhat relieved by my honesty with him. “You’d better get back to her, best she’s not left alone and keep her on her side instead of on her back, we don’t want her choking if she throws up again”. “Let’s talk more tomorrow”, he added.

I nodded and we said our goodbyes. After closing the door for the night, I headed back up the stairs. Dave had somehow managed to get MJ into the bed, so her head could rest on a pillow and had covered her with the bedding. I undressed and climbed into bed naked next to MJ’s sleeping form. I was alone at last with my sleeping 16-year-old daughter. I turned on my side and spooned with her, sliding an arm around her. My fingers toyed with her thin patch of pubic hair, before moving up to cup one of her breasts. They were so amazing to hold. My cock got instantly hard and started pressing into her butt cheeks. MJ seemed to be in a deep sleep and the warmth of her vulnerable young body next to mine made me start to fantasize. I imagined her going out the back of the pub with the dart guys, of them taking turns to kiss her and touch her. I wondered how she would respond when she was relatively sober enough to enjoy it and participate. I loved the idea of seeing how she would be when she was turned on and alert enough to participate. I wondered if she masturbated and what she fantasized about.

My cock grew even harder, and I rolled her nipple between my finger and thumb as I started to slide my cock between her thighs, my cock twitched as it started rubbing against her pussy. Temptation got the better of me and I maneuvered myself, so the tip of my cock was pressing against her opening. Her pussy was still slippery wet, possibly from remnants of the cum she had inside her. I pushed a little harder and carefully slid my inside. My mind was visualizing those big burley guys and how big their cocks would struggle to slide into her willing pussy. The sensation of being in her pussy was amazing, so warm, so wet, tight like a glove. I imagined her moaning and enjoying being fucked, I imagined her cumming over and over, of them taking turns with her. I imagined her getting filled with cum. My cock was deep inside her and started to pulsate. My fantasies ran free and wild and soon I was at the point of no return. My balls tightened and I felt rope after rope of my own cum fill my daughter. I lay together with her, my cock still inside her, twitching, still leaking cum until I finally deflated. I had never imagined possibility of fucking her before tonight, the ecstasy of watching her or being inside her, but now I had become a total addict, addicted to the possibilities of her bourgeoning sexuality.

I needed badly to sleep but tried to fight through it because I knew that I couldn’t leave her naked like this for her to wake up naked next to me in the morning. I climbed out of bed and made my way to her room. I rarely entered her bedroom, and it was a surprise to see how girlish it still was. A collection of stuffed bears on her bed, the room decorated in soft pastels, and cartoonish characters printed on her bedsheets. I found her nightdress, an old baggy t-shirt that she would often wear and rummaged in her draw for a pair of panties, ***********ing a light pastel blue pair of cotton panties with white lacy edges. Returning to my bedroom, I slid them carefully over her feet and inched them up her legs. I pulled the sheets over to the side, then rolled MJ onto her back and worked them over her butt. I paused for a moment, marveling at the sight of a small trickle of cum that was seeping from her pussy and running between her ass cheeks. I scooped some up with my middle finger and placed it on her small dark rosebud of an anus, using it to slide the tip of my finger inside. I wanted to fuck her there too, I wanted to fuck her mouth as Dave had just done and cum in her mouth, to feel her sucking me, but we both were too far gone and I had cum so hard twice already; I felt like my balls had no more cum to give. Snapping out of my temporary trance and forcing the fantasies out of my mind, I tugged her panties up into place and grabbed her t-shirt, easing it over her head. It was a bit of a struggle to get her arms through, and to pull the t-shirt down covering her breasts and down her torso, but I managed it eventually. As I pulled it over her head, I could see the pool of cum still in her mouth, mixed with saliva, a small trickle escaped from the corner. I wondered if she would swallow it. A few strands of cum were stuck in her hair, but I figured I could blame that and any residual after taste easily enough on her throwing up.

I rolled MJ back onto her side and climbed in bed beside her, this time making sure there was a respectable distance between us, turning my back to her. MJ was still sleeping soundly, a deep alcohol fueled sleep. To say that I was tired, would have been an understatement and I quickly drifted into sleep too.

Morning came around and I was the first to wake. Light was streaming through the window as I checked the clock at the side of the bed. 10:30am. MJ was still fast asleep, which I considered a good thing, but she seemed to be ok. I got out of bed as carefully as I could so as not to wake her and crept quietly down to the kitchen to make some coffee.

While the coffee was making, I took her dress and panties and set them in the dryer. The gentle tumbling and rumbling sounds were soporific, especially as I was still feeling tired, so I returned to the kitchen and poured myself a coffee. I sat at the kitchen table, ruminating on the events of the night before, running through multiple scenarios of how I was going to be able to explain things to MJ…

About half an hour later, a sleepy 16-year-old girl appeared sheepishly at the kitchen door. “I’m so sorry Daddy” were her first words. I looked in her direction and smiled at her. “Good morning sweetheart, are you ok?” I asked, probing for some indication of what she knew.

She ran over and hugged me “I’m so sorry, really, I never meant to get so drunk, please don’t tell mom about this”. In my mind I already knew that there was no way in hell I was ever going to mention last night to her mother. “It’s fine sweetheart, you did rather drink a lot, but I figured you were safe with me. What do you remember?” I probed with another test question. “hmm nothing much, it’s all a big fog really. I remember playing that dart game, that was fun, and i remember playing that game with the blocks, but I’m kinda confused about it after that”. I felt a sigh of relief inside, “well you did rather drink a lot and you were mixing wine and beer and various kinds of shots”, I added. “Yeah the games were fun, but I don’t even remember getting home, and how did I end up in your bed?”.

“Well, honey, you were quite drunk when you got home and you threw up a couple of times, so I had to wash your dress out. After you changed into your nightie, you asked me to rinse it, and gave me your dress and panties. Looked like you’d had a bit of an accident too”. She lowered her eyes with shame and embarrassment, “I’m sorry daddy, I shouldn’t have expected you to do that for me”. She was so apologetic about everything.

“Don’t worry about it honey, that’s what dads are for” I said in my best endeavor to be parental and reassuring. “we’ve all had experiences like that… and it was better that you were with me so I could keep you safe”.

“so you’re not mad at me?” she asked politely.

“No, not in the slightest… it probably won’t be the last time come that you drink too much, and I have to help you out… come have a coffee, I’m pretty sure you need one”. With that I poured a coffee and handed it to her, inviting her to sit at the table with me. She grasped the cup in both hands, somewhat shakily.

“So how did I end up in you and mum’s bed?” she asked again.

“Don’t you remember honey? I suggested that you’d better sleep in our bed because I didn’t want you throwing up in the night and choking. I wanted to keep my eye on you to make sure you would be safe”.

MJ mulled over my reply before seeming to accept it.

“I love you daddy” she added

“I love you too honey… I’m glad you enjoyed it, but we’d better keep this as a secret between you and me”.

MJ clasped the warm cup in her hands and took a sip, nodding her agreement.

“Can we go to the pub again before mom gets home?” she asked, pleading with her somewhat bloodshot puppy dog eyes… “I want to play darts again”.

“Maybe, sweetheart, maybe” I replied, my voyeuristic mind venturing into forbidden territory again.

Constructive comments and feedback are welcome


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Watching Daughter

I stumbled upon it by accident; seeing a soft glow of light coming from the tent when I awoke. I thought about pulling the plug of the extension cord but thought it better to walk the distance and check on them. It was supposed to be only Janet and Betty for the sleepover. To my surprise I heard their voices still awake at one o’clock in the morning, but then I heard other murmurs, male voices. My guess was that Janet left sometime earlier, but her boyfriend Rob stayed. I was ready to...

3 years ago
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drunk dad

Ok my story goes back a ways, at least to the point where I started having sex with my 14 year old son, I was 36 at the time and I know that its “wrong” but hey, we all come from different situations in life and this is how it started for me. My husband worked for the auto industry back when that industry was strong. One of the little known facts about line workers in the auto industry is that the job is horribly monotonous and most of the workers deal with it by becoming drunks. I...

2 years ago
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Watching My Daughter

Panicked, I watched as the three of them romped around on the sprawling sleeping bags. Crouched down behind thick evergreens for almost an hour my back was taking the brunt of it. For some reason I couldn’t move, I was obsessed at the sight of them, the presence of my own daughter messing around with two boys inside the tent. Stumbling upon it by accident; seeing a soft glow of light coming from the tent when I awoke. I thought about pulling the plug of the extension cord but thought it better...

2 years ago
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College Town Part 3 Drunk and Young

Samantha's parents were out of town and she was throwing a party with a lot of her classmates from high school. The party was heating up and most of the crowd was already drunk from the kegs that her friends' brother had brought. Samantha was already extremely drunk as she joined the guests in the crowded kitchen to take shots. “Just one more!” Samantha said, raising her index finger, referring to the number of shots she intended to take, stumbling while she said it. Her friends Jess...

3 years ago
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Im So Drunk Right Now

Introduction: Happy St. Patricks day my ass. I was out getting drunk at a bar after getting dumped by my girlfriend and meet a girl there doing the same thing. We both share our sorrows and one thing leads to another and needless to say we wind up at my place. Now the weird thing is when I didnt take advantage of her she got upset and practically begged me to. What a great way to spend Saint Patricks Day. I was planning on getting drunk anyway, but now I was angry and drinking far more than I...

2 years ago
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drunk at the Beach a hot story from the internet

I have been married to my cute little wife for 7 years. We were married right out of high school when we were both 18. I played on the basketball team and she was one of the girls in the dance group that danced at half time. She is a little blonde, about 120 lbs, and very cute with a great personality. We were both each other's first and hit it off right from the start. We dated for about six months before I finally got in her pants. She was always a little prudish until one night we went to a...

4 years ago
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Mistaken When DrunkChapter 2

This is a follow up to Mistaken when drunk. It had been about a month since that wonderful night. The images burned in to my brain of my sister’s best friend Janelle sucking me and fucking me and the feeling of me cumming inside of her. I had used those memories to shoot many loads of cum since. Janelle had been over a few times since then also. Each time she tried her best to avoid me or at least not make eye contact. The biggest difference was she wasn’t putting me down like normal....

2 years ago
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Drunked Man Ki Wife Ki Chudai

Hi. I am Rakesh, 27yrs, working electric company in Barmer, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I am going to tell u my story which happened with me last summer. As I am 5’7″ and having good physique, all the ladies who see me got impressed with me. I was living in a house on rent. There were only two rooms one was given to me and other was given to new kirayedar. They were husband wife and one 3-4 years baby. Bhabhi was not pathaka but some 36-32-38. Dekhne me colour saf tha. I...

2 years ago
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Mistaken when drunk pt 2

Janelle had been over a few times since then also. Each time she tried her best to avoid me or at least not make eye contact. The biggest difference was she putting me down. Actually, she didn't say much when I was around. My sister Diana also took a notice that Janelle was acting different also. I overheard them talking about how Janelle had broken up with Chris shortly after that night, and that was why she was acting the way she was. I think I knew the real story. A couple weeks...

2 years ago
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Crystals little drunk night

A few nights ago I was reading some stories on this site, I assume I fell asleep with my computer in my lab cause when I woke up she was shaking me. "Wake up and go to bed its late" I went to bed not thinking about leaving my laptop on in the living room. The next morning I got up and powered up my laptop to print a few things off and there was something that blew my mind. There was a icon that read "my dog and me" I opened it and briefly read threw it. It was gross but for some reason I...

2 years ago
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Mistaken blowjob when drunk

Janelle had been over a few times since then also. Each time she tried her best to avoid me or at least not make eye contact. The biggest difference was she putting me down. Actually, she didn’t say much when I was around. My sister Diana also took a notice that Janelle was acting different also. I overheard them talking about how Janelle had broken up with Chris shortly after that night, and that was why she was acting the way she was. I think I knew the real story. A couple weeks later...

4 years ago
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Drunk Disorderly

Introduction: How many young men, doubtful as their sexuality, have been too shy to do anything about it without first getting drunk? So what was I supposed to do when my neighbours 18 year-old, in a state of compliant drunkenness and terrified of his parents wrath, was dumped by his friends on my doorstep one night? In those days, I had a walk-up apartment on the first floor. I had moved there after I split with my partner of 12 years and I was in no mood for another relationship right now, I...

2 years ago
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Drunk Mom and Me 2

Introduction: Boy fucks his drunk Mom in stealth Drunk Mom and I – 2 It was a long day for me. Hardly paying attention to schoolwork. Thinking of what I had done the previous night. The long ride home in the back seat of the car with my own drunk Mom on my lap. Getting so full of lust that I actually fucked her without her even knowing. Going several times to the washroom today and half whacking off, but stopping myself in anticipation of the evening. I helped Mom make dinner and sat with her...

2 years ago
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Tommyacutes Drunk Mother

Tommy's Drunk MotherNote- this story is about two English boys and the drunk mother of one of them. As suchyou will find a few English phrases as the boys use English expressions and names. ForAmerican etc readers:Mum = MomFanny = cuntKnickers = pantiesThis story is almost certainly a work of total fictionI had my first fuck when I was just turned 12. Most guys get their first experiences withtheir girlfriends the same age but mine was with the mother of a school friend -and hewas watching and...

2 years ago
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Drunk Wife Rejects Husband

Dave and Carol got married two months after she had graduated high school. Dave was nineteen six-foot-tall, one hundred and sixty-five lbs. brown hair and eyes, and a very nice almost eight inch, very thick cock, and a tongue that made women grab and rip the sheets! Carol was a petite five foot four inches maybe a hundred and five lbs. of a very sexy red head, with a pair of 34 B boobs! A year after they married Carol went out with her girlfriends for a girl’s night out. She didn’t get home...

1 year ago
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My first drunk sex

I can't remember much of that night, only because i had way to much alcohol in my system, but i can remember all the things that i wanted to, like the face of this guy. He was like most guys i was into, but still cute, he had longish hair, kept infront of his face, it was wavy and a dark brown color, he had full lips, and a perfect straight nose, his eyes were a beautiful brown color, and he was around 6 feet. I can't explain how it started, I was outside chilling with a bunch of people, most...

Drunk sex
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Drunk Bathroom Sex

The car pulled up in front of the crowded bar and Juliet was going to enjoy herself tonight. Who cared if she had just been dumped by her lover. No way, was that going to stand in her way! Tonight, she was getting drunk. She walked into the ever busy bar and sat down in the corner. Automatically, a tiny waitress walked up to her. “What can I get you, doll?” Juliet was sparing no expense tonight. “Brandy! Lots of it.” The waitress smiled. “Okay doll.” Fifteen minutes later, Juliet was on her...

2 years ago
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My son was down for the weekend and had bought his girlfriend Tracey with him. Tracey was 25 years old and was rather plain looking but had a stunning body.Susan and I took them out for a meal on the Friday night, and between us we got through several bottles of wine, needless to say Susan was getting very drunk and so was my son who has never been able to drink much. We had a superb meal and we were soon in a taxi on the way home.Once we got home I opened another bottle of wine which we soon...

3 years ago
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Drunk Mom and Me 4 updated

What Jimmy and I had done with my Mom while she was drunk and passed out on the sofa, was enough to keep me sexually fueled for weeks. Dad came home on schedule, and I resumed my boring life, except in my room when I slipped into Dreamland With Mom mode and whacked off. Suddenly the girls at school meant nothing to me and seemed so thin, immature and definitely not sexy. Every time I caught myself glancing at their boobs I only saw my Mom’s luscious heavy breasts. Every time Jimmy and I...

2 years ago
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Drunk Disorderly

I was on good terms with his Mum & Dad and they had obviously considered me “decent sort”, as they had invited me to dinner with the family upstairs not long after I moved in, a rather uncommon act of neighbourliness on their part these days, I thought at the time. We often used to pass in the car park or on the stairs and pass the time of day but because of David’s age, I always took care to avoid situations that might put us alone together, although he had once or twice loitered with me on...

4 years ago
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Hot Rape Session of Drunk Bar Chick me

I was no-longer in my teens and so I was drunk, I thought to myself as I looked down at the bottle I held with both-hands in-between my tits. My ass was against the wall outside of the women's toilet, where I stood, black high-heeled shoes together. The music was still loud even here, but not as loud as the main rooms. I suppose I would soon be settling down with my boyfriend and letting him get me pregnant and become jaded and bored. What a dismal thought for a libertine hedonist like...

2 years ago
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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon a large dildo and pushed it up my cunt just to make sure I was wet...

3 years ago
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Moms Drunk Again

Mom's Drunk Again I had been off getting into trouble as usual. My mother was a single parent with two teenage kids on her hands, a crappy job, and bills to pay. I’m fifteen years old and I get to do just about anything I want to, as long as the cops don’t catch me. My sister Evelyn is thirteen years old and a little brat. She snitches on me all the time even though Mom doesn’t punish me and I always get even with her. Mom is a thirty-three-year-old woman with a great body....

3 years ago
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Drunk and Used for Sex in every hole

Introduction: Some great sex after I was picked-up Girls Wild Night Out I wanted to hit the town for a wild night out and hoped that I would let myself have some casual sex or do some cock sucking. Donna was up for it, she like watching me sucking cock or being used for sex (the slut!) So we dressed the same in very short black dresses and high-heels. Nothing else, no bra no knickers, no hold-ups. A shower and a quick paint-job later and we were set for sleaze. I even put some spermicide upon...

2 years ago
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Susan gets drunk and fucked by guys in our street

I had taken Susan out for a drink to a pub in Margate, a couple of drinks went right out of the window, as after she had drunk a few pints of dark fruits, I decided that she should go on to drinking Bacardi and coke. And after a few hours it would be fair to say that Susan was very drunk.She had been chatted up by a couple of guys and because she was by now very drunk she was quite happy for them to grope her tits when they thought that I wasn’t looking. This was fine by me as I love watching...

2 years ago
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True story Getting drunk with my aunt

This is my first story sorry if it's hard to read I'll keep trying to fix it...This story is true it's up to you if you want to believe it or not. I was 21 at the time used to lift but didn't really have an athletic build 5'11 youngest of 6 c***dren (I'm 30 now) We had just moved into our new place... A very small place. It was about 7 people in an apt. Anyways we had a small party with a few family members from my mom's side come over nothing major just my aunt and a few cousins. I greeted my...

4 years ago
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Tommys Drunk Mother

Exploring Mrs Miller Note -this story is about two English boys and the drunk mother of one of them. As such you will find a few English phrases as the boys use English expressions and names. For American etc readers:-Mum = MomFanny = cuntKnickers = pantiesThis story is almost certainly a work of total fictionI had my first fuck when I was just turned 12. Most guys get their first experiences with their girlfriends the same age but mine was with the mother of a school friend -and he was...

4 years ago
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drunk abroad

drunk abroad / part 1I was drinking and relaxing after a long day of walking about 4 months ago in a small local pub, while traveling on winter time in the mountains, i was alone having a glass of wine to warm myself up, after walking in the blistering winds out side. the pub was full with people, young man and woman on holiday, the old folk of the small town and some groups of people who came to ski.Around midnight or so the pub was almost empty, a few old drunk man, 4 guys ware sitting in the...

3 years ago
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Accidental Drunk Sex With Hot Cousin

Hey everyone, it’s me John back with another incest story with a sexy cousin. Let me introduce myself to those who don’t know me. I’m now 21 years old, having a 6-inch thick dick. I’m a Mallu. Coming to my cousin sister, her name is Audrey. She’s 20 years old studying in Canada. She’s super freaking hot. She’s my sexiest and hottest cousin, with a fair complexion. She has medium thick pink lips, good boobs, and ass and a sexy S curve. I don’t know her size chart otherwise I would have mentioned...

2 years ago
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Fun Time with a drunk sister

Bart, an eighteen year old high school senior, can't wait to get out of his parents house and go away to college. Being a typical suburban teen he is anxious to spread his wings and explore the world without his parents constantly looking over his shoulder. Another reason that Bart can't wait to move out is his sister, Britney. She is only a year older than him but being the more mature one he ended up living in her shadow because she demanded so much attention from his parents. It wasn't so...

1 year ago
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My sister got drunk

My sister got drunkthis is my first story, about a good time I had with my sister one night she came home drunk This is my first story, so be gentle.This story happened a few years ago, the summer I graduated from high school. My sister was home from college on her summer break, and she was in quite the partying phase. My sister wasn't a super model, but she was still pretty. She was about 5 feet 4 inches tall, and very curvy, but in a good way. She has long brown hair and usually wears it...

1 year ago
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Terry and I were great friends and had grown up together. When puberty struck, we both realized that we were attracted to other guys and were able to rely on each other’s support as our sexual orientation began to develop and flourish. Although we did fool around, we soon recognized that we were not really into one another and were attracted to the same kind of butch guys. As time passed, we both got lucky from time to time and delighted in sharing our adventures about the horny studs that we...

Gay Male
4 years ago
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Drunk Mom Loses Control

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I’m back with another story today about my drunk mom. I hope you all have read my previous stories. If not, please do give it a look A small introduction for the new readers, I’m Sarah. I’m 24 and live in Mumbai. My stats are 36-28-36. I’m bisexual, and I work at an MNC and also into modeling. We’ve usually come across guys fantasizing over their moms. But I don’t think I have ever come across a girl feeling the same for her mom. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe...

1 year ago
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Drunk Mom Loses Control

Hey guys, I hope you all are doing well. I’m back with another story today about my drunk mom. I hope you all have read my previous stories. If not, please do give it a look A small introduction for the new readers, I’m Sarah. I’m 24 and live in Mumbai. My stats are 36-28-36. I’m bisexual, and I work at an MNC and also into modeling. We’ve usually come across guys fantasizing over their moms. But I don’t think I have ever come across a girl feeling the same for her mom. Maybe I’m wrong, maybe...

3 years ago
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Drunk Mom

This is a true story that one of my readers sent me and I simply fleshed it out according to his descriptions. At twenty years old I was still living with my parents as I was going to college in town. My parents were very caring and supportive and suggested that I stay home until I finish college so that I don’t get into debt while going to school. It worked very well. The events of this story started one weekend when we had a wedding to attend. It was for the son of one of my parents’...

1 year ago
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I was drunk She was pregnant

Years ago I was just eighteen and my friends and I had been hanging out with a couple in their early twenties.We would get booze and go there to drink it and party with them.The female was Angela and her man was called Rick.They seemed a close couple until after about a year he had to get a job out of town and would be gone for weeks. We would still go there and party with Angela but after a while she wouldn't drink or smoke anything but said that she didn't care if we did.As time went on we...

Drunk sex
1 year ago
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A Drunk mom visits her son

Drunk Mom visits her Son By Sleep Walker Introduction: Moms drunk and upset, needs a shoulder to cry on Mom is 39, her Son is 18 Danny and Kate was in the room watching a blue-ray… Drunk Mom visits her Son By Sleep Walker Introduction: Moms drunk and upset, needs a shoulder to cry on Mom is 39, her Son is 18 Danny and Kate was in the room watching a blue-ray movie on his new big screen TV. They laid next to one another holding hands. Danny thought that it may be his lucky night. This was...

4 years ago
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Drunk Mom and Me 2 updated

It was a long day for me. Hardly paying attention to schoolwork. Thinking of what I had done the previous night. The long ride home in the back seat of the car with my own drunk Mom on my lap. Getting so full of lust that I actually fucked my own mother without her even knowing. Going several times to the washroom and half whacking off, but stopping myself in anticipation of that evening. I helped Mom make dinner and sat with her for awhile on the sofa watching TV. I had mentioned a movie...

4 years ago
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Big ass mexican wife drunk

Now she isnt the best looking women, but she more than makes up for it in with 2 things. 1. That big ole butt and 2. She is a fucking lush. I mean she only needs a few and shes smashed and horny. Also once she starts she wont stop till she passes out. Now for years i have taken advantage of this and fucked her while she was drunk and passed out. Even fucking her in her brown asshole, which she hates otherwise. But I only have a 5 inch penis and am a cuckold. I am always fantasizing about...

1 year ago
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A husband attends stag night at his local club and gets drunk out of his mind8230 again

Andy was dead drunk, and when he was like that somebody eventually had to take him home. We left him lying around for a while because it wasn’t a pleasant task. Andy was one of those guys who fell to bits suddenly when he reached his limit. When he went he was gone. The trouble with Andy was that he did it all too often and his wife was pretty much sick and tired of it. Al’s bucks night had been great up till now, but it was over and somebody had to take Andy home. We drew...

1 year ago
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Mom totally drunk passes out

My name's Ronnie , my folks got divorced a little over two years ago and my Mom took it pretty hard , as it came to a shock to her that her husband had been having an affair for the past several years , which led to him leaving her . After the divorce , my Mom began to drink , mostly at night after dinner , but as time went by , she began to drink more. At first bottles of vodka came in 5ths , then by the gallon . The minute she entered the door after work , she would head to the kitchen make...

2 years ago
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Two Drunk Girls And My First Threesome

I am aged 24, working in an IT firm in Bengaluru. I had been having sex with my girlfriend’s roommate from the past 2 years. It all started when I was having sleepovers in my gf’s flat. Once my gf (she is my ex-gf now) had some urgent thing to do so she left me in her room. I was watching a movie at that time and her roommate came and asked me for my help with her coding (let us call her Kavya). And I playfully asked her what will I get in return if I helped her and she said, whatever you...

4 years ago
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Friend8217s Drunk Wife Shabana Fucked For Dessert

I was invited by my friend, Arif for dinner at his house while I was in Hyderabad. He was a well-to-do, living in an independent house in a gated community. His wife Shabana was a woman with a modern outlook. Arif and I have had several escapades with women and are open with each other. Once while we were drinking, he had let it slip that Shabana was a highly spirited woman with excessive sex drive. They were in the small garden in the backyard of their house, they had a small barbeque pit and...

2 years ago
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My cousin got too drunk

Most people, if your family is big enough, probably have at least one cousin they would consider having sex with, assuming they weren't cousins. Or as long as no one finds out at least. This might be a little too far for some readers, but there are a few of you out there already jacking off to the idea. My cousin had just moved into town, not too far from where I lived. When we were k**s, there was an attraction, but we had found out quickly not to ever entice the notion that something...

3 years ago
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damn i was drunk

I've had many lovers on the side and a few threesomes before, but I don't consider a threesome the same as getting gang fucked. This is the story of my first real gangbang. My husband was working a graveyard shift that previous night and woke me up as he got home. Gave me a kiss and I asked how his night was. "Pretty slow" he replied, "slow enough I was able to sleep a couple hours". "want some breakfast babe?""in a bit" he said. "i'm going to go check on the plants." We had some herb...

3 years ago
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New Years With My Drunk Bimbo Aunt

"It's your aunt dear. She might come over for Christmas. Sorry I didn't make dinner, make yourself something." She then quickly went back to talking. Fast forward to now and I'm driving us to my aunt's 6 hours away. The fact that my mom let me drive after only receiving my license recently surprised me. But that surprise was nothing compared to the one that waited for us at my aunt's house. On the way to my aunt's my mom told me about their relationship. Cute little stories from...

2 years ago
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Passed Out Drunk Too Bad

Lisa thought she could hold her booze and keep up with all the other people there at the party that night. She'd started out by taking the first beer her husband, Rob, handed her and Lisa had quickly guzzled that down. She knew if she drank enough beer especially that she'd have to go to the bathroom to pee more often, but she didn't mind that and it gave her a chance to go touch up her makeup and even possibly exchange some hot gossip or some naughty caresses and kisses with some of the...

1 year ago
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Drunk college Student got more than he bargained for

Ryan was with his buddies drinking at a near by Billiards bar, when he received a text from his girlfriend. can't wait too see you next week included with a nude picture. Now Ryan had been without sex for almost a month as they were attending different schools in different cities. Ryan had a long walk home, and was so horny he remembered one of his bi friends had told him about a discreet web-site he could find quick easy blow jobs from other men online, now Ryan wasn't gay but he really needed...

4 years ago
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Shorty Philpott Derelict Drunk Cock Sucker

“Fuck you,” said Shorty Philpott after being fired for the ninth time from the Snack House restaurant located in the old Bus Station complex in downtown Fort Myers, Florida.The Snack House was kind of unique having all male employees and the only business to continue successfully in the old Bus Station complex after the Bus Station relocated out on Cleveland Avenue better known as the Tamiami Trail.Shorty had been an award-winning Marine having served in the South Pacific during WWII. Shorty...


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