5- My High School Sweetheart’s Little Sister- Pt. 5 (The Office) free porn video

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-------------Part 5: ■ THE OFFICE (Chloe comes home) ■ -------------

Chloe said she would be back home on the 5th. We had been in pretty close contact while she was out of state, but this would be the first time I had seen her in about six-months.

It was almost three-weeks since I had played ‘Truth or Dare’ with Cindy, and I hadn't seen or spoken with her since then because I was scared of calling her house, and I was feeling pretty guilty about taking advantage of her innocence. However, this didn't stop me from fantasizing about her constantly... I was actually looking more forward to seeing Cindy than her older sister.

I was working when her plane was to arrive, so I ran up to her house as soon as I got off work. It looked like no one was home, but Cindy answered the door when I knocked. She flashed a big smile and stepped in for a hug- I stepped back a little and asked "Where is everybody?"

"They went out to pick up Chloe at the airport. They should be back soon." she replied, looking a bit disappointed.

"So, no one else is here?" I asked, stepping inside.

"Nope, just you and me and the dog." she said, looking at me strangely... trying to size me up.

I closed the door behind me, and stepped forward and grabbed her in my arms. Cindy hugged me tightly and looked up to me, with those beautiful innocent eyes, "You haven't called... I missed you."

"I have been kinda scared to call. I think your dad is suspicious of... I think he might know... something. But don't think you haven't been on my mind... like constantly". I was still hugging her, and thinking back on that night triggered an erection. My hands fell to her little butt, and I pulled her closer so she could feel my dick growing. She smiled and reached up to my shoulders, and stepping on her tiptoes she opened her mouth for a kiss.

We heard the garage door opening. They were home. We broke apart immediately, and jumped to separate corners of the entry. Cindy looked down at the bulge in my pants. "You might want to hide that thing", she said with a nervous laugh.

I ran into the bathroom before they came in from the garage. I could hear them in the hallway, laughing and celebrating Chloe's arrival. "Is Jeff here? I saw his car outside", I could hear Chloe say.

"Yeah, he's in the bathroom,” Cindy said, "It's so nice to have you home! I've missed you!"

I flushed the toilet and washed my hands, just for cover. When I came out, Chloe gave me a big hug and a kiss, but she let go faster than I expected. I hadn't seen her in six-months and she hugged me like I we had just seen each other earlier that day. Her mom gave me a hug too, and her dad gave me an enthusiastic handshake, but his grip was tighter and the smile on his face was more stern than usual.

I snuck a glance at Cindy, and she noticed it too. She turned and looked blankly down the hall.

Everyone sat down around the breakfast nook, Chloe to my right, Cindy on my left, with their mom and dad across the table. Chloe told us all about her college life, her friends, her classes, and how much fun she was having. She jumped up and ran to answer the phone, and her mom and dad asked how I was doing. The conversation dragged on at the table as Chloe talked on the phone, laughing and sometimes whispering. It was only a few minutes after she returned that the phone rang again, and Chloe jumped up again to answer.

Same thing... It was awkward, and everyone felt it. Cindy put her hand on my leg, more as a comforting gesture as compared to flirting. Her mom commented, “She has a lot of friends she hasn’t seen in a long time”, trying to be reassuring, but the fact that she hasn’t seen me either hung in the air.

I excused myself from the table, “I need to get back. I’ve got a pretty strict deadline to meet at work.”

Cindy walked me to the front door. She was visibly angry, “She can be such a... “, shaking her head as her words drifted off. She gave me a hug and whispered, “I miss you. I was hoping we could all cuddle on the couch tonight”, but we both knew those days were over.

I whispered, “Call me when you get a chance.”; my number was in the family’s phone book. She smiled and nodded as I walked out the door.

A car pulled up as I was walking out to my car. A friend from high school got out, and looked a bit startled as he saw me. “Hey Jeff! I came over to see Chloe... are you still seeing her?”

“Not really... have fun”, is all I could manage to say as I walked past him.

Chloe called me later that night but I didn’t answer.

———————— Cindy’s call ————————

I was briefly home in the afternoon, between classes and work, when Cindy called. “Jeff! Finally... I wanted to call earlier but either my parents were here, or Chloe was.” She was alone, but was still speaking quietly, “Is this a good time? Can you talk?”

I was overjoyed to hear her, “Yes... now is a perfect time. I’m not headed to work for another hour.”

“I’m really sorry about the other night. She was so rude to you. I was hoping we could hang out for a while.”

Just hearing her voice got my heart racing. She was so sweet, and she actually cared about my feelings. “How are you doing? I miss you. Did you just get home from school? So, are you still wearing your school uniform?”

Cindy attended a Catholic girls school that required she wear a uniform; white blouse, plaid skirt, the whole deal. This prompted constant teasing from her older sister who went to a public high school, like me.

“Yeah, I just got home. I haven’t changed yet. I hate having to wear this”, she replied.

Doesn’t she realize how hot she looks in that outfit? “You look so sexy in that uniform... you have no idea.”

“I think I look like a dork in it... you really like it?”

“I love it. I may like your nightshirt a little more, but that uniform is a close second.”

Cindy laughed at my flirting, “I want to see you”, she said in a sad tone.

“I want to see you too, but I certainly can’t come up to your house. Did you see the look your dad gave me? And I really don’t want to run into Chloe.”

Cindy was still talking quietly, “Maybe you could pick me up from school some time? Or I could ride my bike over to your house, or your office?”

The office... I’m allowed to work evenings there while I’m attending the university, and no one is there after 5:00. “The office would be great, if that’s not too far for you.”

She laughed, “You forgot I rode over 300-miles last year on the school bike trip.”

I heard her gasp, “Someone’s home! I gotta go!”

I was able to spit out, “Call my office number anytime after 5:30. The number’s in the book”, before she hung up.

I worked every night that week, but it wasn’t until Friday that the phone rang.

“Hi Stace! Are you around tonight? ...Great! ...is it okay if I ride over? ...No, I can’t stay the night tonight...”

I laughed at her plotting, “Stace? ...Yes! ...Are you sure you can’t spend the night?”

Cindy laughed, “Okay... I’ll be over in a bit”, and she hung up.

I could feel my heart beating faster as I checked everything around the office. I had been thinking about this non-stop since she called earlier in the week. I had brought a few things down to work, a blanket, a pillow, lube, and some condoms, although I couldn't imagine how I could ever get my 8" cock inside her tiny pussy... condom or not.

Okay... I could definitely imagine it... in fact, I had been beating my dick raw over the past week imagining exactly that. I was going mad thinking about working my thick cock into her tiny body.

After the way Chloe treated me, my lust for her little sister became even stronger. However, it wasn't revenge sex I wanted. I truly loved Cindy and I didn't want to steal her innocence from her. I desperately wanted to fuck her, but I didn't want to be the one who took her sweet virginity. She was too young, I couldn't even take her on any respectable dates, or court her in any fashion... but I found her irresistible. I was going slightly mad over it.

———————— The Office ————————

I paced the office and watched the street for her, and the moment I saw her bike I ran down to let her in, “Quick, come inside. This is a pretty busy street... we don't want anyone seeing you here.”

I picked up her bike and carried it into the small storeroom downstairs. "Come on, I'll show you my office", and led her to the bottom of the stairs. I let her go first... she was wearing her school uniform, and I strained to look up her skirt as she climbed the stairs. Watching her beautiful bare legs and her little bubble butt in that skirt immediately sent a surge of blood to my dick. I led her into my office, a large room with a number of desks and tables. I knew she could be seen by the cars driving by, so I guided her to the back of the room, out of sight. I walked over to the window to look down to the parking lot to make sure nobody else was there. Other than my car, the lot was empty.

I turned around, "It looks like we are alone.” I looked her up and down, “You wore your school uniform! I can't imagine riding your bike in that can be easy, and I thought you hated it.”

"You said you liked it. I want to look good for you", she replied with a smile. "I ride to school sometimes like this, so I just tuck the front of the skirt between my legs to prevent me from flashing everyone."

I smiled, "I would be following you on that bike for miles, just in hopes that you might flash me.”

"Like this?" and she lifted her skirt so I could see her white panties.

"Oh My God... you need to be careful. You are every man's fantasy. Seriously, you can't imagine how many men, besides me, would want to have their way with you, especially in that outfit."

She smiled, "Have their way with me? You mean like the other night? I think I might enjoy that, at least with you. That was amazing."

I laughed, “That was more than amazing... I have not been able to get it out of my head. But I would never hurt you. I would never do anything that you didn't want me to do. There are other men who aren't so nice... who might hurt you. Please be careful."

"I trust you. I like that I don't have to be careful with you. And I like that I have this effect on you", pointing to my crotch.

I looked down and my arousal was pretty evident. My swollen dick was hanging down the right leg of my pants and was trying to lift up, and there was a very visible wet spot at the tip. I was wearing lightweight khakis; probably a bad choice.

"I'm sorry. I can't help it. Especially after that night. You drive me crazy."

She smiled, “Don't be sorry. I love it. I take it as a compliment. No one has ever made me feel as attractive, desirable, like you do."

"You are extremely attractive, and I have never desired anyone as much as I want you. That night was truly the best, most erotic sex I have ever had. It was unbelievable. I'm sorry I was so rough with you... I kinda lost my mind."

"Stop saying you're sorry. I loved everything you did... everything. Was that really the best you've had? Even with Chloe? I mean... we didn't even..."

"Yes... absolutely the best. My heart is racing right now just thinking about it"

"How did you learn to do that with your mouth... your tongue? That was amazing”, she repeated.

“That is sweet of you to say... I’m sure I could do better with your guidance. I have read a bunch on techniques, but I think practice is the best way. There were some articles I read that taught me some tricks to hit your G-Spot, but you are too tight for my fingers to reach that, at least from the front...”

“I’m sorry I’m so small. I wish... I... I wish I could... I’ve heard about that spot...

What do you mean ‘from the front’... do you mean you could reach it... um... from my... from the back?”

I smiled at her, “Well, I would certainly love to try. It’s something I read about. Not sure if it would work, or if you would enjoy it... but I know I would.” I could feel my dick growing just talking about sex with her.

“I’ve never been able to talk to anyone so openly like this. Communication is everything when it comes to sex. You have to tell your partner what you like, and what you don’t like.”

Cindy looked like she was in deep thought, “I would love to experiment. Did Chloe like it when you... um... you licked my... um..."

I laughed a little, "That was the first time I ever did that. I never really wanted to before."

Cindy looked surprised, “Doesn't that gross you out? I've never heard of anyone doing that."

"There is nothing about you that grosses me out. I am very oral, and I loved doing that with you. That was about as intimate as I could get with you. You are beautiful... sexy as hell, top to bottom."

She giggled, and repeated my word, “bottom”.

"I hope it didn't gross you out, or make you uncomfortable." She shook her head and smiled, turning a little red.

She looked back down at the bulge in my pants, "Do you want to see my tan line?". She lifted her skirt again, and pulled the front of her panties down, exposing her pale panty line and a little bit of her sparse bush.

My dick jumped seeing this, and I felt a large drop of precum come out the end.

"Dammit, Cindy... you are going to kill me. Or at least ruin my pants."

She laughed and pointed at my pants again. My dick was straining at the material, and the wet spot at the head was huge, and was starting to run down the leg.

"Am I in trouble? I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make you so uncomfortable. Are you going to punish me? Do I need a spanking?"

She turned around and bent over, her plaid skirt hiking up so I could almost see her panties. She looked back and watched me adjust my dick.

"God Dammit... you are doing this on purpose. I think you just might deserve some punishment..."

She bent further forward, reached back and lifted her skirt up over her waist so her cute little butt and white panties were in full view. She rested her weight on her forearms on the desk against the back wall, and started swinging her ass side to side.

"Oh, please, Mr. Bentsen... please don't spank me. I'll be a good girl... I promise.”

She was really enjoying screwing with me. But I was hard as a rock. I had never seen Cindy act this way; she was very confident and totally in control.

I played along, “Well, Cindy, if you do what I say, I might let you off with just a small spanking, and I might not tell your parents.”

She replied, quite dramatically, “I’ll do anything Mr. Bentsen... just don’t tell my parents.”

“Pull those panties down. I want to see that cute little butt.”

Cindy reached back with both hands and slowly pulled her panties down over her little bubble butt, and down to her knees, “Like this, Mr. Bentsen?” She then slowly bent over further and pulled them completely off, over her shoes. She stayed bent in half like this, holding onto her ankles and looked back and smiled at my shocked expression, “Gymnastics”.

This was too much, and threw me right over the edge. I walked over and dropped to my knees behind her. I ran my hands up the backside of her legs, feeling the smooth skin of her thighs, and up over her pale ass. I grabbed both sides of her butt and spread her cheeks apart. Her lips separated, and her tiny pussy opened up... dripping wet but still only the size of my pinky finger. Still holding her spread open, I brought my face close to her and licked the drip of her lube that was running down her lips. She flinched when my tongue hit her little button, then she moved her feet apart and arched her back so I had better access. Pulling my head back, I took in the sight of her spread open for me, her tiny pussy open for my tongue, her little pink asshole exposed.

I pushed my face into her box, my nose pressing into her ass, and my tongue pushing into her tiny little pussy... actually, too tiny to get my tongue in very far. I had played with a number of girls in earlier years, virgins who were younger than Cindy, but I had never touched a pussy so small. I couldn’t reach her hymen with my tongue, but her opening was so small I could still only get the tip of my tongue inside her.

I pulled away and took a long lustful look at her while holding her cheeks spread apart, “My God, you are so fucking hot.”

I picked her up and laid her on her back on the desk, pulled her legs up and asked her to hold them there. She was incredible - innocent and obscene at the same time... holding her knees up close to her shoulders, her plaid skirt flipped up so her tiny pussy and ass were exposed, shoes and socks still on.

I pulled over the desk chair and sat down, placed my hands on her thighs, and started running my tongue up and down her open lips and little button, “Tell me if I do something you like, or don’t like.”

“That feels pretty good so far...”, she said with a giggle and a small gasp. I tried sliding my tongue further inside her again, with little success, so I concentrated on her little button, and her body shook at the contact. I slid my index finger inside her... but it came to a halt before my second knuckle. I started sliding it in and out of her, hoping her little opening would relax, but she pushed my hand away after only a few strokes.

“I’m sorry... I really like what you’re doing, but that kinda hurts a little.”

I went back to her clit, working my tongue around and sucking her button.

“Maybe you could try that thing with my G-Spot... you were talking about... from the back?”

...holy shit. I never expected her to be okay with that suggestion

“Really? I would love to... just let me know if it hurts, or if you don’t like it.”

I moved my hands down and spread her cheeks apart and gently licked around her ass with the flat part of my tongue, to soften and unclench her. Once I felt her ass relax I licked over the center and pressed harder with my tongue... I could feel her little butthole open up, and I slid the tip of my tongue inside. It tightened at first, then started to relax again as I slid my tongue in and out. After several strokes with my tongue, her ass relaxed and opened more. I drove my tongue into her as far as it would reach... pulled it out a bit, and back in deep... her asshole expanding with each thrust, again and again until it stayed open even when I pulled my tongue out.

I pulled my head back and looked up at Cindy. She was staring at me wide-eyed... a look of shock on her face.

“I am just trying to relax you. Does it hurt?”

“No... I just... I wasn’t expecting that. It feels weird... I think I like it, but I... I’m kinda self conscious.”

I looked back at her ass and it was still gaping open, about twice as large as her tiny pussy.

“Don’t be self conscious. I am absolutely loving this... you are so fucking sexy. And I love your ass. I love the way it reacts... the way it opens and closes on my tongue.”

With this she closed her eyes and laid her head back.

Sliding my tongue into her ass again, it tightened a little, then quickly relaxed and opened up further.

I grabbed the lube and poured some on the fingers of my right hand, and some into her open ass. It clenched a little from the cold, but still gaped open. I slid my right index finger slowly into her ass, and went back to licking her clit... her body jerked and her ass tightened down on my finger. The warmth and feeling of the smooth sides of the inner part of her canal was incredible.

“Is that okay?”

Cindy jerked a little more, then her anus relaxed on my probing finger, “Uh... I... uhh... yeah... that feels good.”

I rotated my hand and started stroking the top side of her canal, curling my finger back in a ‘come hither’ motion. I was hoping the pressure would reach her G-Spot through the thin membrane between her vagina and rectum... by her reaction it was working.

I increased the pressure with my finger, wiggled it side to side, and slid it in and out of her ass, while I licked her pussy. Her clit was engorged, and my face was getting soaked from the lube leaking from her little slit. The more I played with her asshole, the more it relaxed and opened up to my probing. I pulled my index finger out slightly, then added my middle finger, gently sliding both into her asshole.

“Does that hurt?”

She said nothing, but shook her head quickly... her eyes still closed, her rapid breathing increasing.

I stroked her ass with my fingers, curling them alternately against the upper wall, like my fingers were trying to walk further into her. Her older sister loved this when I went down on her, except this time I was stroking deep in Cindy’s asshole. The more I played with and probed her ass, the more it relaxed and opened, until I was pretty sure I could get more than just my fingers inside of her.

“Whoa... that feels... oh my god...”, Cindy grabbed my head and pulled my mouth in harder against her. “Oh My God... That feels Good... Keep doing that! You’re gonna make me Cum! Ohhh... God... Jeff...” Her body started shaking and her ass dilated further as she started to climax. I roughly fucked her ass with my two fingers and sucked greedily on her pussy... she bucked against my mouth and fingers and arched her back, “OH MY GOD!... OH... fuck... ohh... JEFF!!...” Her body convulsed violently for 15 or 20 seconds as she rode wave after wave of her orgasm.

Cindy's body finally stopped shaking and fell back onto the desk, her hands fell from my head, her chest heaving with deep breaths. I gently slid my fingers out of her ass, and her body flinched as I pulled my mouth from her swollen pussy, like she was getting small electric shocks.

She was out of breath, “Oh my God, Jeff... that was wild. I've never had an orgasm like that. That was crazy... amazing... it felt deeper and stronger than I ever... was that a G-Spot thing?"

"I would think so... I was certainly trying to reach that. I hope I didn't hurt you."

"No... not at all. It was weird at first... you know, when you started playing with my... my bum... but then... wow.”

Her face flipped to a look of concern. “Once again you didn't get to enjoy yourself."

I laughed, "Um, I was definitely enjoying myself. That was sexy as hell. I don’t always have to cum.”

"Well, maybe I could help you cum. I feel really bad I’m so small we can’t make love. Maybe you could teach me how to give a blowjob? Or... maybe anal?"

My jaw dropped when she said this, “Anal? Are you serious? I thought you never heard of that.”

“No... I said I never heard of anyone licking down there. My friend said anal was a great way of having sex without losing your virginity, and you can’t get pregnant either. I thought it was nasty when I first heard about it, but I don’t anymore... especially after what we just did. What you just did... That was amazing...”

I was stunned. I couldn’t imagine my sweet Cindy suggesting such a thing... but my heart was suddenly beating out of my chest and my dick was

The sound of the door slamming downstairs shot adrenaline and fear into us both. I threw myself to my feet and literally picked Cindy up and threw her and the pillow under a desk, and pushed a chair up to hide her. I could hear footsteps coming up the stairs. I ran over and sat down at my desk, inching up close to hide my erection and wet pants.

Ken came around the corner, “Hey, Jeff, working late again?” My heart was pounding, but I was able to spit out, “Hi Ken, yeah.. I gotta get the materials for the GE job on order first thing tomorrow. Can’t be late on that one.” I looked over to the desk where Cindy was hiding, and you couldn’t see much. But my heart stopped when I saw her panties on the floor a couple of feet away. The lube was still on the top of the desk, top open.

Ken was the top salesman there, and sharp as hell. We got along well, but I didn’t want him to know anything he could hold against me.

He turned and walked towards his office, “I need to grab some files for a huge proposal I’m working on.”

Everything was always "huge" with Ken.

I focused on the papers on my desk, my heart beating through my chest, sweat breaking across my face. Keep cool, Jeff...

Ken headed back downstairs, “Don’t work too late... you should be out having fun with some young beautiful girl, instead of working here at night...”

I heard a giggle under the desk.

I waited until Ken’s car left the lot before I moved. “Holy shit... that was too fucking close.”

Cindy scooted out from under the desk, laughing until she saw her panties on the floor. She gasped, “Oh My God, did he see those?”

"I don't think so... Don't worry about Ken... he's cool", I said, trying to convince myself and slow my heartbeat.

"Oh, Geese.. It's almost dark! I told dad I would be home before dark. He doesn't like me riding my bike at night. I'm sorry... I'll make it up to you later, I promise."

"Don't say you're sorry. Tonight was unbelievable. There is absolutely nothing better on this earth than watching you climax like that."

I kissed her and helped her get ready. I wondered if she was grossed out kissing me after my tongue was in her ass.

"I'll follow you home in my car to make sure you're safe."

I let her get a block away before I pulled out of the lot. It was a fairly long ride to her house, and I watched her the entire time. I couldn’t believe what just occurred, and with Cindy no less... that innocent little virgin girl I had known for so long. Chloe never even let me play with her ass, and here was her little sister... my dick was hard in my pants as I watched her ride her bike in front of me.

It was dark before she turned down her block. I went past her street, then drove back to the office. I worked late, but got little done. My mind was stuck on Cindy, her open sexuality, her body, the sound and movements she makes when she climaxes... and the danger of our relationship.

I should stay away from her. This is self destructive. I’m making her grow up too fast. I’m an asshole for corrupting this sweet girl.

Regardless, my dick was rock hard thinking of her, and it can overpower my conscience and good intentions every time.


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Sister Therese Marie’s Star Pupil NOTE: This story is entirely fictional, and any resemblance to real persons, places, or events is entirely coincidental. I am an ex-nun—Sister Therese Marie, Sister of the Society of Thomas Aquinas. I have Michael to thank for that “ex.” As you may have guessed, the Sisters of the Society of Thomas Aquinas are a teaching order. I was 23 years old and in the third year of my novitiate, less than a month away from taking my final vows. I was teaching eighth grade...

First Time
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High School Sweetheart

High School Sweetheart Chapter 1 It was 1971 and Halloween had come around once again and I was dreading it. It fell on a Sunday this year so I knew some time during the day my mom was going to tell me I would need to escort my brothers and sisters on their rounds tonight since my dad was working. I was in my freshman year of high school and felt that I had become too old to dress up and beg candy. I sort of regretted the candy part but I would probably extort some candy from my...

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High School Sweetheart

High School Sweetheart By Popov My name is Kitty. Well, it was Kevin until my sophomore year in high school. I was a member of the school's swim team and, a pretty good swimmer. I made it to our region's championship that year. As competitive swimmers I, and the rest of my team-mates, had to shave our bodies. No one ever looked forward to this ritual, but it was necessary to get that extra edge on the competition. This was a problem in the spring because most kids wore...

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6 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 6 Cindy and her cute friend

A few days after Cindy came down to my office, she called me at home. “Jeff? I only have a few minutes... I think dad must have seen your car the night you followed me home. He came home a few minutes after I got back and grilled me about seeing you. I told him I was at Stace’s, and she backed up my story, but I don’t think he believed her. He told me I couldn’t see you. I got a lecture about my age and innocence, and that you were too old, and that you were Chloe’s boyfriend anyway.” I...

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Sweethearts or Strangersa West Texas Romance

... sweethearts or strangers, where do we go from here, I'll leave it up to you... Ahhhh... ! The lyrics of that sweet old country ballad from the 1930's came drifting back on Memory's Tide as I started to write this story ... hence the title. June Richardson wrapped her arm protectively around her daughter's shoulders. They stood watching a lone rider riding away from the wagon train. A few minutes later, he was just a small speck on the distant purple horizon. "Mommie, do you think...

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The Violation of My Stepmother and Stepsister

The vulnerability of my stepmother aroused me first, a primitive biological urge harkening back to the plains of the Great Rift Valley when our ancestors slept in trees and sowed their seed whenever and with whomever they could in the survival of the fittest or, in my case, the most voyeuristically surreptitious. Add the sibling rivalry of a brother with his stepsister and color it with the twisted desire of i****t, one of the biggest taboos of our culture, a taboo so tempting that it is...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Two and Three

Chapter Two The concert lasted for almost two hours. Emily had just finished her third encore, the international remix version of the third single off her second album in the last six months, "Hip Hop Clodhopper." A cadre of men and women had surged her as she danced off stage. Emily had been practically carried by the throng all the way back to her dressing room. As she stepped in the door closed behind her. Emily barely noticed. She walked over to the makeup table, sat down and...

4 years ago
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Highschool Sweethearts Say Goodbye

Every day, I awoke with mixed feelings. My heart burst with anticipation at the thought of seeing Judy, but I knew that soon, she would no longer be with me. Although it was a bitter sweet summer, I wouldn't trade it for anything. During those 2 months, Judy and I bonded with each other on every level possible in a deep and meaningful way. Finally, the inevitable day was upon us. It was the end of August, and Judy was leaving tomorrow. I remember that day being a beautiful August...

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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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College Sweethearts A Romance

College Sweethearts ‘WHAT?!?! You have got to be fucking playing me here! Take your snooty ass outside before I make you eat that damn polo you favor so much!’ exclaimed third year forensic student Taylen Andrews. She was medium height, around five foot six and had brown hair flowing down to her mid back. She had a very tall angry looking man backed into a lab table yelling at him with all of her might. ‘I don’t give a shit if you have studied longer than I have, but you are not going to yell...

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High School Sweetheart

High School Sweetheart By Margaret Jeanette Luke Thomas was playing his xbox game and enjoying it immensely. He was a loner, a guy without any close friends. Years ago he used to play with Sara Fergussen just about every day, but that ended when they were thirteen. During that time Sara had beat him up four times because he wouldn't do what she wanted. They were now both seniors in high school. He and Sara lived three houses apart and now it was as if Sara didn't know him anymore....

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High School Sweetheart part 1 of 4

Highschool Sweetheart Chapter 1 By Lauren Bliss I remember it like it was yesterday; my father and I, riding down New York State Route 141, somewhere around Westchester County. He was a delivery man for a small furniture business run out of our hometown, Brooklyn, NY. That morning, his boss, Mr Albertson, had come by very early to dump a last minute job on him. My father, still drunk from the night before, tried to put him off, but the old, wry-faced codger made it very clear that it...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 20 How Joerg Isebrand Kneels Before his Sister Katherine

"Who giveth away the Bride?" the preacher asked. "I, Bjoern Isebrand of Lauheim, give away my sister Nele Isebrand, a maid of free birth, to be wed to the Noble Arnulf of Erlenburg." Bjoern's voice was strong, yet wistful. Giving Nele away came hard for the Isebrands. They all loved and cherished their youngest sibling. There was no turning back, though, and Bjoern placed his sister's hand in Arnulf's left hand. "Do you, Gøtz Rudolf Ernst, Baron of Erlenburg, consent to the wedding...

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8 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 8 Practicing with Stacy Poolside

————————— Part 8: Practicing w/Stacy————————— I tried to bury myself in school and work in the weeks after the "pool party" at Stacy's house. I was working evenings during the week, and Saturdays too. But I found it hard to concentrate on anything since my mind was either filled with visions of those two young girls, naked and spread open for me, or worrying about the possibility of Stacy being pregnant. Studying for my classes was nearly impossible, and the only way I could sleep was...

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2 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 2 more movie nights

A few weeks had gone by since Cindy had watched Chloe and me petting on the couch. I still felt guilty (and aroused) about it, but Cindy seemed to be cool. The three of us hadn’t been together on the couch together since that night, but when Cindy was around she was all smiles. I also noticed she often stood closer to me than she had before. I came over after dinner that Saturday to hang out and watch a movie. I have to admit I was excited to see what might happen, but a bit concerned as...

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3 My High School Sweethearts Little Sister pt 3 Truth Or Dare

A lot of things changed in the time that followed. My girlfriend, Chloe, went to another state to attend college. I chose a college in our home town. I was kinda lost. Chloe and I were still in love, at least I was with her... but I assumed she was seeing other guys at her new school.  Without Chloe, there wasn’t a legitimate reason for me to hang out at her house anymore. I would drop by to say “hi” every now and then, but it felt rather pathetic to hang around her family when we were...

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The CompoundChapter 3 Grandfathers Offices

I would like to say I woke up with each of the girls tucked in beside me, one to each side. Yes, I very much would. However, I woke up alone with a mild hangover and no girls. Who am I kidding with the hangover I had? I thought I might have been better off had the assassin been successful. No rest for the weary, I guessed. Getting up, with my morning ablutions out of the way, I dressed and went in search of Nick. I had left him with my briefcase. And those files were not going to read...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling Specialists

Sissy Sisters' Schooling -- Specialists by Throne The facility was a series of low buildings, all joined together, set in a level area of the rolling countryside. A late model car rolled onto the parking lot and took a spot near the front entrance. Two attractive young women got out to go inside. Once they were there they went to the front desk. "Hello," said a well groomed fellow in a white shirt and navy slacks. "I'm Larry. How may I help you?" "We left our husbands here...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 3 Slut Sisterrsquos Anal Punishment

I had never grinned with such excitement in my entire life. I would enjoy this. My cock slid out of my baby sister’s fourteen-year-old pussy as I stood up. My body buzzed with the euphoria from deflowering her snatch. My eldest sister, the eighteen-year-old bitch who always got me in trouble with my abusive father, had such a look of shock on her face. For once, the bitch was speechless. Her mouth worked. Her hazel eyes almost bulged out of her sockets. Her normally sultry face looked...

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Brothers Mindcontrolled SistersChapter 2 Baby Sisterrsquos Sweet Cherry

Alex groaned a he pumped away at his twin sister’s pussy. Alexis whimpered beneath him, her thighs locked around his hips as her hot, wet pussy welcomed his cock with her incestuous passion. The sixteen-year-old boy savored the thrill of pumping away at her cunt, to finally get to enjoy his sister. Thank you, Randy, he prayed to the newest god to be awakened by a Halo. Thank you for your teachings. “Oh, Alex,” moaned Alexis, her fingernails clawing at his back. “Oh, you’re as good as...

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Heather the Little Sister

“Hello?” I said, half expecting it to be a telemarketer. I told you, I’d settle for anybody right now. “Hey sport, so I heard you’re turning 16 in a few weeks?” said a familiar voice. I haven’t talked to my older brother ever since the divorce two years ago. “Joe, is that you?” I said shockingly. “Yeah, it’s me. I just got a new car, and I’ve noticed that I haven’t been a good brother lately, and I was wondering if you wanted to go on a road trip with me; just us, two guys having fun...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 4 Twin Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Four: Twin Sisters' Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! “Come on, onee-chan,” a voice called as I walked with my friend through the streets of Tokyo. “Get up.” The laughter around me abruptly ended as my eyes opened. The dream faded away. I wasn't in Tokyo but staring at my naked twin sister kneeling over me on our futon. I blinked, sleep falling away from me. My eyes felt so heavy. I let out a...

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Twin Sister Delights Chapter 3 Twin Sisters Incestuous Secret

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Three: Twin Sisters' Incestuous Secret By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I trembled atop my twin sister, Kimiko, my body buzzing from my orgasm, Clint's cum leaking out of my pussy and coating my bush. I stared at the new person who entered Clint's basement, my stomach roiling at being caught having sex. Incestuous sex. How had my life gotten to this point? My twin sister, Kimiko, desired it. It was all...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 5

“Dr. Goldman, why did you and Ms. Clarke enrol my son in the Naked In School program? Honestly, why? It’s against every principle and precept of our Christian family! My husband is an ordained Baptist minister and preacher of the Gospel. This is very much the opposite of what we believe!” Mom glared at Dr. Goldman, who simply shrugged before he spoke, while Becky blushed and squirmed for some reason, trying not to stare at me. “Because his name was drawn randomly out of the lottery system...

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Brotherly Love Sisterly Love Part One

Brotherly Love, Sisterly Love - Part One RICHARD My brother and I were especially close, as twins often are. We shared everything, including all our thoughts, feelings, experiences and desires. Even though we were eighteen, we still shared a bedroom too. It wasn't like there were things that we kept private from each other, it was the two of us wanting privacy from the rest of the world. This closeness and togetherness was often particularly valuable to us as neither of us had...

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Fun With My Sister Husband With His Brothers And His Father

Hi All, I am Bhavya and got name as Sult and Bitch Ramya. Let me describe myself. I am about 5.7ft, fair, average built, curvy body, and my vital status is 32 28 32. I maintained my curvy structure so well that many guys approached directly for dating. It was more when I wear body fit sexy t-shirt and skin tight jeans. In that dress my body structure was revealed and guys use to get disturb in my place and collage. I am BBM graduate and now pursuing MBA. Let me tell you hint when I got fucked...

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Thelma and her brother

Note : This story is completely fictional!In nineteen forty six Thelma Lou Anderson was married with three kids. Linda was the oldest. She was sixteen. Guy and George was ten and Guy seven. Thelma owned a beauty shop in Kansas City. She suspected her husband Lawerance was cheating on her again. She followed him one day when he thought she was at work and saw him go into a house. A woman opened the door and he went in. That was all the proof she needed. She went home and packed her suitcase and...

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Stepsister Gets Stuck Stepbrother Gets In

Becky creeped around the bushes of her house, trying to be stay quiet and out of sight of any nosy neighbors. Her parents were likely already asleep, but it never hurt to be careful. Her friend, Harper, had had a big party at her house, and Becky had snuck out to go to it. Not only would her parents not approve of her going to a party that started at 10:00 pm and ended at two in the morning, but she had also been grounded for getting caught smoking weed by her mother.It was a big risk, but she...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 1 Brother and Sisters Incestuous Desires

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter One: Brother and Sister's Incestuous Desires By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Sean Reenburg I stepped out into my backyard, strings of lights running from the various sculpted plants and statues to illuminate everything. Knots of people were gathered throughout while servers in crisp, white shirts (whether they were men or women) and black slacks moved through the crowd holding trays with various horderves...

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Brothers Incestous Bet Chapter 7 Sister Helps Breed Mom

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Seven: Sister Helps Breed Mom By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Sean Reenburg Anger was rising in me despite the bliss that billowed through me from cumming in my sister's pussy. She was trembling against me, sandwiched between Dad and me, his cock buried in her asshole. He had a pale look on his face. He wasn't thrilled having to deal with his secretary, Vanessa, who he, apparently, was fucking. A woman who'd abused my little sister today. When I...

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The Passion of Mother Ethel

Mother Ethel always enjoyed the short walk to the train station. It was beautiful Autumnal morning and Mother Ethel took the opportunity to walk to the train station as she knew that she had a very busy day ahead. Those that saw Mother Ethel along the way bowed reverently,they knew that Mother Ethel was a Nun of the Monastery of Repentance and when a Nun or a Monk walked past it was polite to bow, for many knew what the Nun's and Monk's of the Monastery were capable of. As Mother Ethel strolled...

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1 My high School Sweethearts Young Sister Part 1

Chloe was my first real love. We started dating in high school and became inseparable after a few months. She was absolutely beautiful... long blonde hair, gorgeous smile, infectious laugh. In no time at all, I was head over heels in love and I figured she would be “the one”. I became very close with her family, spending more time at her house than at my own. A large house for a large family. Her younger sister, Cindy, was very pretty like Chloe, in a smaller frame, more innocent... not as...

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Sisters Needs Brothers Desires Fathers Nightmares Part 1

Introduction: Read below.. all the intro needed is above the story A note about me: I write for my pleasure not yours. I write for my fantasies not yours. If you find pleasure in my writings awesome. If not so be it. I do not cater to peoples tastes, likes, and dislikes. If you dont like my ages move on. If you dont like my grammar move on. If you dont like my spelling move on. Ive written for this site before a long time ago under a different name long gone. Ive had rave reviews, and Ive...

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Dot Dorothea and Dick

Dot, Dorothea, and Dick Chapter One Dear sister: I found this letter among some others, scrolled up and tied with purple ribbon, in a chest belonging to our great grandfather. The name Charles has belonged to several in our family line, but I believe I know the one who received and saved this letter, and kept it preserved for so many years. I believe the letter speaks for itself, so I will now offer it up to you. Dearest Charles: I hope this missive finds you in such good...

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My Sister Got Spanked by the School Bully pt 2

The day after my birthday, Michelle and I were cleaning up the backyard from the mess left by all the kids who attended my party. Neither of us had spoken about the prior day's incident as we were both somewhat humiliated by it. But as we were picking up the trash in the yard I could sense a growing restlessness and anger in her. I wasn't sure where her anger would be focused, on Brian for spanking her and then fucking her, or on me for not rushing to her rescue but instead just staring...

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Little Sister Pt 3 After School Special

It was late September. The fall breeze was rolling in off the nearby lake as I drove up to the high school. It was the first time I had come home since leaving for college, and I was preparing to drop in on my little sister Dani, who was currently a junior there. I parked in the parking lot and rushed in. It had been three weeks since I had left for college and that long since I had seen Dani; it seemed much longer. We had spent the last six weeks of summer around each other constantly, so...

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Sissy Sisters Schooling

SISSY SISTERS SCHOOLING by Throne "You know, sissy husbands aren't born... they're made. You have to teach them to be what you want." Tanya looked at her friend for a reaction. "I suppose you're right," Chelsea said with a thoughtful nod. "Though it helps if they're weak-willed to begin with." "For sure. I mean, our wimpy husbands are perfect examples. They were just waiting to be turned into pansy boys. But it wouldn't have happened without us. They needed to be...

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The Highschool Sweetheart Removal Agency

Everyone knows how the story goes. Boy meets Girl. Boy makes fun of Girl. Girl calls Boy a jerk. They get older. Boy falls in love with Girl. Girl falls in love with Boy. They don't tell each other because they're terrified of the other laughing in their face. They get older. Boy asks out other girls. Sometimes they say yes, sometimes no. Mostly he's more relieved when they say no. Girl dates another boy, discovers he's a giant douchebag. Boy wonders if his future is going to be a...

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Brother and Sister Discover Eachother

My name is Josh and I’m 15 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 12 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

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The Kringle Sisters Are Ready for ChristmasChapter 2 Gunther the Reindeer Handler Gets Laid

Jingle bells! Jingle bells! Jingle all the way! The sound of the holiday song hit Gunther's ears like an ice drift on the open sea. He tried to open his booze-laden eyes to see who was making the racket and saw it was the blasted elves again. Those holiday-enthused cretins were so full of Christmas spirit that they made a nuisance at this time of year as far back as he could remember. He wanted to shout out for them to cease and desist before he made them into little pieces of elves all...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 01

Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 3

If I thought that gym class would be uneventful after that, I was very much wrong. The girls were, waiting for me by now, and they had already heard of the attempted rape. A few of them smirked a little, but most did not, and when the few saw that I was annoyed, they quickly became apologetic ... especially when Katrina and Sarah basically threatened them with social pariah status. They changed their tune very fast after that. Besides, they had all seen my cock and they all seemed eager for a...

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Mark Smythe Esquire Naked in SchoolChapter 20

“I do wonder, though, if you’ve factored in the issue of whether or not people will still get injured, not to mention the major potential problem with people not aging as Companions after fourteen. Wouldn’t they get frozen in permanent adolescence, then? Even the most mature fourteen year old would have limitations, wouldn’t they?” I observed as Evelyn and Chloe groped me back while drying me off in the shower. “Well, I merely stipulated what they would specialize in, but, yes, you have a...

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Andrea starts school at Saint Theresa Junior High

Andrea's Goes to School and begins to grows up By Robin Y. School started at St. Theresa's Junior High in September and I was excited and fearful to start my freshman year. Thus far, my new life as a girl had been limited to being with Aunt Hilda and her friends. The few other teens that I met didn't seem to be interested in including me in their circles. When school started things changed. In ninth grade all the girls came from different feeder schools. Most girls had at least one...

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My Golden Summer with Blythe Ch 02

My Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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High School Sweetheart part 2 of 4

My sentence was over, and I was finally free. The day I'd spent months waiting for had finally arrived, and I found myself stretched out across a cold, metal examination table. I was wearing a hospital gown, but it did little, if anything to warm me while I shivered, alone in the quiet room. There was a soft knock on the door, followed by the doctor entering, and his nurse behind him. "Marion, right?" he asked, while flipping through my chart. "Yes, sir." He set the clipboard down, and...

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