Petra 2 free porn video

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There was an earlier Petra, and like this it is a stand-alone story although some of the same characters are in both. PETRA 2 Peter was happy to back in his favourite Op Shop, a good distance from home where no one knew him except the nice ladies who worked behind the counter but what he really loved most of all about coming here, it was always quite. In fact, in all his time coming here he could only remember being in the shop twice when other customers were also there. He didn't get here as often as he used to and this was a rare treat for him. While at home they always insisted he wear women's clothing, but it was unusual for him dress completely in women's clothes when he went out, like never when getting the groceries, but today he broke the rule figuring a quick trip across town to the Op Shop, a few purchases and straight home. He knew the ladies there would not care; they would most likely be amused at his attire. He had always loved the way the older ladies behind the counter joked with him about what he placed in front of them on the counter and the fact they never minded what he purchased. Most of all they made him feel special the way they fussed over him and neatly folded everything before placing them carefully in a bag for him. This afternoon Mable was behind the counter and she greeted Peter in surprise. "Hello Peter, we haven't had the pleasure of your company for some time." "I know," Peter replied sadly, "I don't get over this side of town a lot these days. But I'm here now and might just have a browse." "Feel free love," Mable answered sweetly. Half an hour later, feeling like he was in heaven, Peter had already selected a black mini skirt, a tight white t-shirt, black pantyhose, a black bra and was now rummaging through the panty basket and had just picked up a pair of black nylon panties when he heard a woman's voice which he knew immediately was not the nice old lady's voice from behind the counter. It had a husky edge to it, sounding like someone who smokes a lot of cigarettes. "Hi Mable," the husky voice said, "been busy?" "Unfortunately Lea, it's been very quiet," Mable replied. "Ah well," the husky voice continued after a short pause, "looks to me that you have a customer here who is buying up the shop." Peter stood up straight and turned to glance at the newcomer. He quickly turned away when he noticed that she looking straight at him with her eyebrows raised and a bright half smile on her full lips. The glance was enough to know she was tall, maybe six feet, wearing a baseball cap, on backwards, with untidy brown hair sticking out all over the place. She had a really strong face, high cheekbones and very dark brown eyes. She had on what looked like a men's check shirt, tucked into a pair of belted jeans and wearing a pair of work boots. "It's mustering time again over the next fortnight and I could sure do with some jeans," she informed Mable. Peter thought she was the most unlady like lady he had ever come across. But at that moment all he wanted to do was get out of that Op Shop, he always felt guilty and embarrassed about being caught. He knew she had taken a good look at him, his pony tail, the clothes he had on and was sure she also had taken an inventory of what he was carrying but then he noticing that she had two pairs of jeans in her hands so he conveyed a gesture to her that she could go to the counter first. "No, no, no," she said, with that half smile, "ladies first." Peter now wanted to sink into the floor. He knew his face was scarlet as he placed the items on the counter in front of Mable praying that just this once she would not take her usual five minutes folding up his purchases neatly. No chance. "That's a cute little skirt Peter; you'll look stunning in that with this white t-shirt, although I think the t-shirt just might be a size too small for you." "No," he said, noticing that his voice had got very high, "I'm sure it will do." "OK, now what else have we got here," Mable continued, "a pretty black lacy bra and a pair of black lacy panties, they could almost be a set and will definitely go together. Oh, and also the pantyhose. I can't understand why you don't get some stockings Peter. I know it's some time ago but I'm almost certain the last time you were in you purchased a suspender belt. There is something very sexy about getting a sneaky glimpse of old fashioned stockings held up by suspenders." He heard a quite laugh behind him. Peter seriously wanted to die; he wanted Mable to stop talking. He looked again at the smiling woman. She was now standing beside him at the counter and he realised she was a good head taller than he was and after the quick look up at her he once again caught the half smile and feeling more embarrassed than ever he immediately looked down just as quickly again at Mable. "That will be seven dollars," Mable told him. He went to take his small purse from where he had it wedged under his arm, but his hands were shaking so much he fumbled it to the floor and some the contents went rolling onto the ground. The tall woman immediately bent down and picked it up and began collecting the items and started putting them back into his purse. She made no mention or showed any surprise that these items were a lipstick, what looked like an eyebrow pencil, mascara, a small mirror which somehow had not broken and a few coins and some notes. She held onto his purse for a moment watching him intently as he tried to compose himself. She noted how much his hands were shaking and how destressed he looked and said, "Here you are Peter, is there anything I can do to help," she passed the purse over to him but this time there was no smile just a definite look of concern on her face. Peter still shaking made no reply and just pulled out a ten and mumbled to Mable to keep the change as a donation. Mable was attempting to put his purchases in a bag but he told her not to worry this time, once again noticing he had lost his normal speaking voice, it sounded high and squeaky. 'Please let me out of here,' he thought. As he was about to walk out when the lady put one hand on his chest and held up her other hand in what was a signal for him to stop. "Wait for me outside Peter," she told him. Outside Peter did not know what to do, he felt his face burning, surely after everything he had been through he should be used to this by now, after all he had been living as a virtual housemaid to his mother and two sisters for the past two years. So why was this woman having this effect on him? Somehow because she knew and used his name it all seemed worse. He knew he should go, jump into his car and drive away fast. But he waited. Perhaps during the last two years of taking orders from his mother and sisters had made him incapable of thinking for himself and he now needed to be told what to do. As he stood outside he also dawned on him that he was attracted to this woman in a sexual way. She was so manly, was that it. He also thought her very handsome. And strong. He was not sure why handsome came to his mind. Weren't men the supposed handsome ones? All this was followed with him thinking that he would love to fix that hair. She came out of the shop carrying the jeans she had purchased in a large paper bag and in the other hand she was holding a pair of black nylon panties. "In your rush to get away from me Peter you dropped these." The smile was back as she held them out for Peter to take. Once again his voice betrayed him and his "thank you" sounded like a little schoolgirl's squeal. Somehow as he was taking back his panties she managed to hold onto his hand. Peter was afraid to pull it back and she held on as she said, "Peter my name is Lea, and I do not want you to be scared of me. I see nothing wrong if a man wishes to dress in clothes of the opposite sex, to tell the truth I think it's an expression of freedom and kind of brave and beautiful. So try and relax and let's talk a little while and maybe get to know each other. What do you say? Peter was incapable of saying anything so just nodded. When Lea walked into the shop the first thing she noticed was the clothing Peter was wearing, a short yellow sweater, that stopped well above the waist, over a very sheer almost see-through white blouse, black slacks, white socks showing above his flat patent leather shoes and a matching purse clutched under his arm. Everything screamed gay. She also took note of the clothes he was holding onto and doing his best to hide. She was immediately interested. It was not her first encounter with a cross dresser, she had discovered her father wearing her mother's clothes on a few occasions. The subject of her father's crossdressing was never mentioned in their house and she never questioned why he had never got rid of her mother's clothing after she passed away. Her mother seldom dressed in very feminine clothing and as a farmer's wife she did not have a great social life. Lea often wondered if all of the pretty dresses and accessories in the walk-in wardrobe actually belonged to her father. Also, she knew who was she to judge anyone else; she almost always wore male clothing. But she was certain that her parents was a loving and happy marriage right up until the cancer got the better of her. He followed her soon after when he was also taken away from her far too early after a fatal accident on his farm bike last year. She had secretly put in a wedding dress beside him she found in the wardrobe before closing the coffin herself. She was sure he would have liked that. So seeing Peter in the Op Shop and his embarrassment at been caught by her purchasing women's clothes piqued her interest. She wanted to get to know him, for some reason she wanted to look after him. He seemed so young, insecure and innocent and in desperate need of some TLC. She could not fully explain what the attraction was but she made up her mind he was not getting away until she at least got to talk to him. So back outside the Op Shop she finally let go of his hand and as he pulled back he dropped the other garments he had rested on his forearm. Once again she came to the rescue. "Let's put your stuff in with my stuff for now," and she began shoving the mini skirt, bra, hose and t-shirt into her bag holding the two pairs of jeans. "Now drop your panties on top Peter." Once again he did what he was told. She placed a hand on his back to lead him away from the shop and she could feel the straps which confirmed what she suspected, he was wearing a bra. She had learned the trick of undoing a bra at the back by pinching where the clasps were when at university, it was her pick up move on other girls. But why she did it to Peter she could not explain to herself, and when she felt him tense she immediately regretted it. Acting quickly she then completely surprised him by her next move as she slipped her arm through his and began leading him down the street. "There's a bar just down at the corner, we'll have a little drink and a little chat and get to know each other," she told him, "we can come back to the vehicles later. Don't look so worried Peter we will not be staying long." As he made no move to prevent what was happening Lea continued to link and almost pull him down the street. 'The poor dear is a bit of a bush over,' she thought to herself. Peter's thoughts ran along the lines of: 'I do not want to go to a packed bar dressed like this.' She held the door of the bar open and ushered him inside, there were several men inside, mainly up at the bar who gave the unusual couple, a tall woman dressed like a man and a man with a pony tail in women's clothes, a long hard look as she led him to a table and they continued to look on as she pulled out a chair for him to sit down on and then placed the bag beside him with the pair of black panties visible for all to see. He discreetly pushed them to the bottom of the bag. Without asking what he would like to drink she went up to the bar and a few moments later came back with a glass of sweet white wine and a bottle of beer. She placed the wine in front of him and before she even sat down herself took a large swig from the beer bottle. "I needed that," she said, then continued as she sat down opposite him, "I hope you like the wine Peter, it was my daddy's favourite." "It's very nice," Peter replied taking a sip, pleased that his voice was almost back to normal decided to say something. "But you said 'was' his favourite?" "Sadly he passed away last year, but before I tell you about me I want to know all about you. That means everything." He was discovering that this woman seemed to have a power over him that he could not explain and soon found himself telling her his whole life story. Firstly trying to explain his attire and his purchases he told her that growing up in a one parent household, with money short, his mother felt it was more important that his sisters always had underwear. The result of that was he never had boy's underwear, instead, on his mother's instance he wore the same underwear as his sisters and had to attend school wearing girl's school knickers, navy blue cotton with tight elastic around the waist and legs. He hated it but not as much as the times his mother send him off to school wearing a pair of her nylon panties. Despite them being younger than him, his sisters who were twins, teased him endlessly about wearing panties. They even suggested to their mother that he should really be going to school in a gymslip just like they did. Trying to get out of PE class was a mission that somehow he achieved through out those years. At about the age of thirteen he got a paper round and with his first pay bought himself several cheap pairs of boy's Y-fronts. All went well for a few years but then gradually he began to get the urge to put on panties. He could not help himself. With three females in the house everywhere he looked he was seeing their underwear. He finally succumbed and before long he was raiding his mother's and sisters' panty drawers. He was convinced no one knew, and no one did for a long while. Then one day, after being rained off work, where he had just qualified as a carpenter, and believing he had the house to himself he went into his sisters' room and dressed up and put on a performance in front of the full length mirror. But he did not have the house to himself, his sister Sarah had taken a sick day off work and saw his performance and from then on his life became hell. It began with a form of blackmail, he was to begin tidying up their room and doing their washing or else they would tell his mother, they did anyway. They stopped calling him Peter, instead he was now Petra. Soon he was spending his weekends wearing a dress and doing all the housework. His mother had no problems going along with him doing housework, at first she encouraged him but was soon demanding it of him. It meant less work for her. Word soon spread about his crossdressing, word mainly spread by his sisters. Peter did not believe they done it maliciously; they were so used to him wearing women's clothes around the house that they just did not think it mattered. Soon friends were shunning him, some even going so far as wolf whistling as he walked about town. It got so that he did not want to leave the house. He gave up his carpentry job which because of the jibes had become unbearable and was told by the women at home that he was not to worry as working on a building site was always going to be far too manly for their new daughter and sister and on the following Monday he was to be at the hair saloon where his sister Sarah worked as she had secured him a part time position. He would only have to work mornings, that way he could get home, do the housework and then prepare a meal for them when they got home. After spending almost twelve months working at the salon an unfortunate incident occurred with one of the male owners coming onto him and because he refused him he was let go. Sarah was mad at him and fumed about it for weeks saying Malcolm would have been a good boyfriend for him and now because of him that faggot Malcolm was giving her all the late shifts. After losing the job at the salon he had no choice but to become the full time housemaid, chief bottle washer and general all round skivvy for the female members of the family. "Things really got worse from here on, they disposed of or hid most my clothes and they dictated what I would wear. Needless to say I was now in panties 24/7, my trousers were not trousers but ladies slacks, they had no pockets and the zip was either at the back or side. I was now wearing their cast off slacks, tops, skirts and dresses. To make matters even worse all of their hand-me-downs could often be a few sizes too big. Mum was a bit on the large side. I won't go on; I think you get the picture." "You may ask why I let it happen, the truth is that I did not know what to do, I felt so alone all the time, so depressed, so disgusted with myself and so frightened. Yes that was it; I was terribly afraid and had no one to turn to. I did not even have the courage to end it all like I wanted to. And still don't" He was finding it hard to go on and could feel tears begin to build up. He looked down at the table and noticed that she had completely covered one of his hands with hers and was gently squeezing it. He looked up at her and the half smile was now a sad half smile. He could not understand why he was telling this woman, a complete stranger, all of this. He continued, "Then there was Tony, my sister June's onetime boyfriend, who for several months has been forcing himself on me behind my sisters back. I don't know how to tell you this but I have given him sex. I've given him a blow job, only the one time. He's really big and I used to be so scared of him." Peter felt his hand being squeezed harder; she reached over with her other hand and petted his face. "What was it like?" she asked, meaning how he felt about the abuse. "Soft and small," he replied, "in fact it was really tiny." Lea just burst out laughing causing the crowd at the bar to look around. Peter, when he realised what he had said also began to laugh and soon they were both holding their stomachs and for a change Peter had tears of laughter running down his face. It took them a good five minutes to settle down and Lea heard one of the men at the bar comment to the barman: "Whatever they are having, make mine a double". Lea discovered that all of Peter's family were away for the weekend and that was how he was at the Op Shop. They were at a family wedding up north and he was not invited as he was considered an embarrassment to everyone involved. Lea felt a pang of sadness for him but as always she had begun to form an immediate plan. "Peter I hope you don't mind me asking but do you ever think about having sex with other men?" White faced his answer of: "No, I swear, it was only the one time" was so loud that the gang at the bar turned around again. "OK, sorry Peter" she said, "let's finish up here, we'll grab something from the bottle store and head back to your place. I'll tell you a bit about me and I also have a proposition to put to you." Peter was not sure about taking her home; the neighbours might see her, what would people say? But found it impossible to say no to her. As they walked back to their vehicles Peter went on to tell Lea that Tony had backed off and does not bother him anymore. "I started calling him 'Tiny' instead of Tony and one day while hanging out the washing I made him blush when I asked him if he wanted to hide his tiny weeney in a pair of June's pink panties which I was pegging on the clothes line. He has not bothered me since, but I still make a show of calling him Tiny." They were both laughing at they got into their vehicles and Peter led the way to his home. As soon as they were inside Peter settled Lea into a comfortable chair, set a fire in the grate, supplied her with a bottle opener and then went into the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Half an hour later they were at the kitchen table finishing of the omelettes and toast that Peter served up quickly and soon they were both back seated before the fire with a drink chatting easily. Lea was surprised when Peter told her that he was almost 23 years old, she told him he only looked nineteen, and he was surprised to learn that Lea had just had her 29th birthday, he did not mention that he had taken her to be ten years older. Obviously that unruly hair and the outdoor living. They talked for several hours and they both felt completely comfortable in each other's company. They seemed to hold similar views on just about every subject they broached and although it was not brought up there was a sexual undercurrent to their conversation and there was no doubt that they were attracted to each other. Lea told him who she had lost her parents and was now running the family farm on her own. She had no siblings. There was a married couple who also worked on the farm but their property, which came rent free with the job, was about two miles away. They were hard working and she said she would not have been able to manage these past 12 months without them. "The homestead is isolated I guess but has everything, electricity, Wi-Fi, everything a normal home has, even running water". She laughed, "What it lacks is someone to keep it in order with me out on the farm all day and sometimes all night. The place needs, not sure I should say this, but it needs a woman's touch." She noticed a bit of colour creeping onto Peter's cheeks as he cleared his throat. "This brings me to the proposition I mentioned earlier. I do not expect you to answer immediately." She stopped a moment before continuing, "How would you like to keep house for me?" She hurried on, "Money wise I would be very generous. You could live in and also be allowed to live your life how you wished and I would never condemn you for how you choose to do that. I look around here and see how neat and tidy everything is and I only wish my place could look as good." Peter wanted to answer with a yes right then and there but for the moment said nothing. It was not too sudden, he felt as if he had known Lea all his life and trusted her completely, but right now he was thinking of how to disentangle himself from his own family. "I hope you will consider the offer, Peter," Lea continued, " unfortunately I have to get back now to the farm, it's a two hour drive and I have to be up early in the morning." She wrote her phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. "Please call me with a yes." She then leaned down and gave him a peck on the cheek. "Thank you for a lovely evening Peter, but I must go." Peter walked to the door and waved to her as she drove away while his other hand was unconsciously touching his cheek where she had bent down and kissed him. Peter did not sleep much that night, his head was full of the thoughts of a possible life away from his family, living life as he wanted and he wondered if it could happen, living a happy loving life with Lea. Then he would come back down to earth again believing he was crazy to think it could happen, but then again? No, it was sheer fantasy. The next morning, Saturday, he had made up his mind, even though if he was honest with himself he made up his mind the moment Lea put her proposition to him. He knew if he was to do it he would have to be gone before his mother and sisters arrived back Sunday night. He must have called Lea at least ten times throughout Saturday only to get her answerphone and then feeling desperate around eight that evening he called again and finally heard her voice at the other end. She sounded tired. "Hi, Lea here." "Lea, it's Peter from yesterday, if the offer still stands the answer is yes." After spending most of the day trying to contact her he was feeling unsure what she would say, perhaps she did not really mean it. "Oh, Peter that's fantastic, listen I've just walked in the door, I do not know if I mentioned it or not but we have a muster about to start and I have been busy getting things ready with a few neighbours so am going to be really busy over the next fortnight." "Oh." There was a short silence. "Peter, what's wrong?" "Well I can't wait a fortnight, if I don't leave by about six o'clock tomorrow evening while the family are still away I don't believe I will get the chance to get out of here, maybe ever." "Oh, Peter, it sounds like they are keeping you a prisoner there." "Pretty much." "OK, tomorrow morning as early as you like I will be at your place to help you escape, how does that sound? The muster does not start proper until Monday anyway so I can get you out of there tomorrow. I'll pick up them jeans as well; I seem to have left them behind Friday night." This she had done on purpose as she has intended to call around sometime Sunday. "Really Lea," "Yes, yes, yes, have your bags packed." "They already are." "No surprises, there, the cavalry are arriving in the morning Peter, see you then." "OK, bye, see you soon." They hung up and Peter had to hold himself tightly in check as he said 'bye' and not add 'love you.' At nine in the morning Lea pulled up outside Peter's. It took less than two minutes before they were pulling out again. Peter's one small case was in the back of the Ute and that was that. He did not want anything from that house. They travelled a long way in silence, neither sure what to say. Finally Peter told her that when the others got home tonight they would not be happy to find him not there. Last night he had written and tore up many notes to leave for them. In the end he had settled on "I have left to make a new life for myself, please let me go and do not try to find me," and signed it. For her part Lea explained about the muster which would begin on Monday, how two other local farmers and herself with the help of a few hands would round up the cattle that had been grazing up in the high country and bring them down to the lower paddocks. From there they would identify and separate them and get them ready to be shipped off to the works. Being a city boy it did not really register with Peter what was involved. She explained that she would be dropping him off at the homestead because she had to get back to the preparations. So she would be away most of the day. When she left on Monday he would not see her for perhaps a week or it could be more as they stayed up in the high country, where there were a couple of huts, until they had got all the cattle. But when they were back down she would be home every evening. They passed through a little town and Lea told him this was the closest place to the farm. "Only five miles away," she laughed. "That will be where you get your supplies. It has everything we need, a garage, a store, Stan the store owner will order in anything. It also serves as the post office. There's a police station, but Matt is never there and of course there is also Murray's Bar, the most important institution in the town, where all local politics are discussed in full and at great length and where all local disputes are sorted out. There's a small school for the local children." "All sounds wonderful," he replied doubtfully. Lea could not help herself from laughing. "You'll love it, I know you will," she said. They finally got to the homestead and Peter was taken aback by the size of the building. It was huge; she told him it was almost 100 hundred years old and all native timber. There was a veranda circling the entire structure and there seemed to be hundreds of windows. They pulled up right outside and Lea grabbed Peter's bag from the back and led him to the door. "You know you are the first stranger I have ever brought here. I feel as if I should be carrying you over the threshold." With that she got the front door opened, chucked his bag inside then turned around and saying, "Here goes," lifted him up in her arms and carried him into the house. "Put me down," he shrieked. She did, but he wanted to tell her to pick him up again. "Oh, I'm sorry, I did not mean to be annoying or upset you," she said. Instead he smiled at her and said, "I sort of enjoyed that, but what was annoying was how easily you picked me up just then, next time you should ask my permission," he huffed, pretending to be angry. What was he saying? 'OK,' he thought, 'I'm not that small, I'm five-eight a bit skinny but do weigh about 72kg, this lady sure is strong.' She walked up to him and put her arms around his waist and he reached his arms up about her neck and they embraced. The kiss seemed to last forever and it was now obvious that this crazy relationship had begun. "I do not have time to show you the place," she said as she pulled apart knowing that she had got him aroused with the kiss, "but I'm sure a clever little minx like you will be able to find your way about. There's wine and beer in the fridge, as well as food of course. The freezer is full, so there is lots to eat. There are six bedrooms, four spare, you'll know mine by how messy it is and my late parent's one by the clothes in the wardrobes. So grab whichever other one you like." "Have to run, see you around eight" she said, gave him a quick kiss and was gone. He stood in the middle of the large hallway lost in thought at what had just happened between them, he felt as if he should pinch himself. She had called him a 'minx'! He wondered about the house, marvelling at how big the rooms were and could not get over the height of the ceilings. Outside, today, it was one of those beautiful warm autumn days but inside the house it was a little cooler. He wondered how it was going to be in the middle of winter. There was no question about the place needing a descent clean up, he looked about and wondered where to begin. Firstly he felt the place needed some fresh air and he began going from room to room opening windows. She was right about her room being easy to identify, he could barely see the floor for all the crap and clothing covering it. While in the smallest of the bedrooms, which was two times bigger than his own back home, he folded down the sheets to air that were on the bed and left his bag in there, thinking this one will do me. Then he made his way to the kitchen and set to work. He found a small alcove off the hall where everything necessary for cleaning was kept and soon he had kitchen cupboards emptied and was cleaning them before restocking, carefully checking use by dates. There was a lot out of date stuff to get rid of. Then he started on the dishes, once again clearing out cupboards and drawers, cleaning and replacing everything. Bench tops and tables were scrubbed and finally he began to mop the tiled floor, stopping when he got to the pantry just off the kitchen where he filled a sac with items that were well past their use by date. He realised it was getting dark, stopped for a moment and then went about closing all the windows that he had opened. Returning to the kitchen he turned on the light and continued mopping the floor which he had not finished. He noticed that while mopping the floor it was drying up quickly as he was wetting it and deduced that there was underfloor heating, most likely on a timer. The kitchen was getting quite cosy. Finally finished he realised he had been humming the same song for the past six hours or so while he had been cleaning. He should have been mad with himself because it was the very song he was singing a little over two years ago when he was discovered by his sister Sarah performing in front of the full length mirror while wearing one of her dresses. But he wasn't. He was happy. 'OK,' he thought, 'let's get something ready to eat for that woman.' He looked around at the work he had done and although not completely satisfied said to himself that it would do for now then went to the fridge and got out the steaks he had taken earlier from the freezer and dug out a pan. Potatoes pealed and peas, tined, would have to do her for today, no desert, that also can wait another day. He sat at the kitchen table waiting for Lea to get back and then remembered that bottle of white wine he had spied in the fridge and wondered for just about two seconds if Lea would get mad at him if he opened it and had a glass. Two hours later with an empty bottle in front of him and fast asleep with his head on his arms lying over the table Lea finally arrived home. She came into the kitchen and just couldn't help but smile. She immediately noticed how tidy it was. She had stayed a bit longer than she meant to and had a few beers in Murray's before coming home. She gently shook him awake. "Hi, gorgeous," she whispered, "If I'd have known I was hiring a dipsomaniac I might have left him in that Op Shop." She made a show of upending the empty wine bottle. Completely at a loss, feeling a little drunk and a bit groggy Peter could only stare wide eyed at her while doing his very best to keep them open. Finally realising he had finished the wine; he was not used to drinking much these days and was now doing his best to come up with an apology. "It's only nine o'clock and I for one am hungry" Lea went on brushing his apology aside, "and I suppose you have not eaten so let me cook for you." Suddenly coming to life he jumped up, "No, that's my job, that's why you hired me." "Sit down, I am capable of cooking a piece of steak," she said, seeing the steak on the bench, as she pushed him back down on the chair. "No, I'm doing it, I'm the one who got it ready," he replied. "No, you are not, just sit there," she persisted. He kept trying to stand up but she easily held him down. "Listen," he said, "nothing is going to get cooked if you refuse to let me do what you hired me for, so let me up so I can get you something to eat." She shook her head, smiled, then relented. "Go and have a shower, you smell of cows, when you come out it will be ready," he ordered in a pretend bossy voice standing there with his legs spread and both hands on his hips. She laughed all the way to the bathroom. He was beginning to love that husky laugh. They had the steak and peas, the potatoes would take too long so Peter toasted some frozen bread and they had a steak and pea sandwich. "I wonder do they sell these in McDonalds," Lea joked. "Is it not OK," he asked with a worried look. "Personally I like it, we will have this more often," she smiled back. He sat with her at the table while she had a couple more beers and he was really relieved when she said she was going to bed. He was more than ready for bed himself. He went to the bathroom, peed and brushed his teeth and as he passed her room she called out, "Petra, cooking and cleaning was not the sole reason I wanted you to be my house keeper." She was not asking him into her room, but he felt he got the message she was trying to convey. That would be for another day too, he thought as he continued down the hallway. He was completely wrong. "Where do you think you're going?" she said, "no sneaking off, get in here now." He stopped in his tracks, hesitated a moment and heard her say again, "Right now." He smiled to himself; it was what he wanted more than anything else. Since he first saw Lea in the Op shop he was immediately attracted to her, now he wanted her to have sex with him, he wanted her to find him attractive, and he wanted to be loved by her. "In a moment," he said, and then rushed to his room to change. He walked to the bed and before getting in he took the tie from his pony tail and shuck out his hair. Lea said, "Wow! Get yourself in here this minute," and held back the sheets. In no time he was beneath the covers that she was holding back invitingly. She was naked; he was wearing a nightie and panties. He attempted to remove them and she told him he was just fine. "I'll remove them when I'm ready," she told him. They lay together as she pulled him closer and her hand ran over his clothed body, finally coming to a stop on his bottom. This she slowly began to squeeze and massage and with her other arm began pulling his head towards her breasts. "I want you to imagine that they are yours, I want you to gently suck them as you would want your breasts to be gently sucked. And these breasts tonight are yours, yours, only yours." Peter was just about of his mind, he had a raging erection, he could not remember being so turned on. As he played with and sucked her breasts, the most beautiful breasts, his breasts, so firm, yet so soft at the same time he felt her hand begin to creep up his nightie. She was rubbing his penis through his panties. It became too much for him. He began trying to push her onto her back with the silly intention of mounting her. He soon found out that he would be the one on his back. "Easy my little Petra," she whispered in her husky voice, "I'm in charge here and don't forget it." She began sliding his panties down his legs and used her feet to get them off and with his nightie now pulled up around his chest she had that off too and was soon straddled on top of him and then holding his hands flat to the mattress she began inching up his chest until her vergina was so so close to his mouth. "Now you got some real work to do, this is not the work I hired you for Petra, I swear, but it would make me very grateful if you would try to get that tongue of yours working overtime for me, my pretty little Petra." He had always hated being called Petra, but he had never had a raging hard-on when he was called Petra. He could not make out what she was saying but sensed he was doing OK and when she finally pulled herself off his sodden face he heard he say, "Now it's your turn." She began lowering herself back down his chest and finally got hold of him and gently guided him inside her as she lowered herself onto him. Both of them had their eyes locked and he could not help himself mirror her smile as she slowly began to ride him. "You're my little pony now Petra, my little filly, my little girly man and if you should decide to stay with me for a while, hopefully a long while, I will not mind one little bit." Peter heard every word she said and it pushed him over the edge and as he came he knew she was in complete control he was in a state of complete helplessness. She finally collapsed on top of him and when they did finally pull apart and lay side by side they both broke into laughter. "Oh shit, that was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Your beautiful," by now she was shouting and running her hands through his long hair. "Thank you Lea," he whispered, "that really was something." She pulled him close and kissed him hard. "Oh, yuck, you need to wash that face, you had the cheek to tell me earlier I smelled like a cow, well you smell like a cow's you know what," she told him as she began using her feet to push him out of the bed. Out of bed quicker than he intended he cleaned himself in the bathroom, going so far as to give himself a wink in the mirror, believing for the first time in his life he had done well in the bedroom earlier. He climbed back into bed as quietly as he could and as she now had her back to him he spooned in behind her. He could not help it, he started to get an erection again that was tenting the clean panties he had got from his case and began probing. She reached behind and gave him a resounding stinging smack on his bottom, and told him in no uncertain terms, "Behave yourself missy, it's time to go to sleep." He turned his back to her and as if on command he was asleep in minutes. The alarm went off at 5am. It felt as they had just fallen asleep. "Up you get sleepyhead, toast and a cup of steaming hot black tea," Lea said to him. He never had any problems getting out of bed, but this morning he was not feeling great. He could not remember the last time he had drank so much alcohol. 'A whole bottle of wine,' he thought, 'no wonder I'm feeling like I do.' He made his way into the kitchen, found the kettle, toaster, bread and butter, tea bags and began preparing breakfast. She walked into the kitchen just as he was about to call her to the table. All she was wearing was the check shirt she had been wearing yesterday. He did not know where to look so made a show of getting plates out of the cupboard and spend too long buttering the toast. He placed the toast in front of her keeping his eyes down. She was having none of it. "Come around here lover and give me a great big kiss," she told him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him around the table and nearly squeezed him to death and then planted her lips on his. "Now, how was that my Petra, this is how every morning should start," she let him go, but not before giving him a little pat on his behind and then got stuck into her breakfast. He definitely wanted every morning to start like that, but he just sat opposite her drinking tea, a drink he had always hated, all of a sudden was just great. She told him there were a few chores he would have to do while she was away, nothing to strenuous she assured him, feed the chucks, collect the eggs and clean up the coup, the goats would look after themselves, they just needed moving about so they always had enough feed. Both were on long leads attached to spikes so it was just a matter of moving them and banging in the spike in a new area. "The hardest job I'm leaving you is the mucking out of the stables. What you remove put over in the compost heap by the veg garden, not that the veg garden has produced anything since Mam passed away. Over in the barn you will find new straw and you can spread into the stalls. By the way the horses, Force and Gail are corralled up in the hills awaiting me and the dogs are with Ben." He did not know who Ben was had only just found out there were horses and dogs so the look of bafflement on Peter's face made her laugh, "Don't worry, I'll turn you into a farmer's wife someday." "Now time for a shower", she said as she finished of the last of her tea. She got up and walked away from the table and when she got to the door she stopped and turned around and said, "Well come on, I will need someone to scrub my back." Peter was gob smacked, he had watched he walk away only wearing the shirt and was enjoying what he saw, he got a fright when she turned and told him to accompany her. He was almost stuck to the chair but he heard her call out 'Petra' from down the hall and hurried after her. The shower was amazing. She was amazing. Her body was magnificent. Perfect. They played with each other and she told him to pay special attention to his breasts which were level with his willing lips. She played with his balls in her hand and laughingly told him for such a little man he had a lot of balls. "They are now mine," she whispered in his ear. He had admired her body when wearing just a shirt, but now seeing her in daylight naked he realised she was perfect. "You are perfect, beautiful, you are my Goddess," he told her. "Well then it's time to show your Goddess how much you adore her," she replied and began pushing him onto his knees. In no time he was between her spread legs putting his tongue to work. Everything felt new to both of them, the water cascading over them, the closeness, the feeling that it was so right. They both came together, both laughing again, and it was the first time he had ever cum without touching himself. Lea lifted him off his knees and they looked at each other and she took on a serious look. "We can't have showers that last this long," she smiled at him, "no matter how great they are, we'll run out of water, in the country everyone is on a water tank". "I couldn't care less," Peter replied. "You're becoming a cheeky little miss, Petra. Remember I give the orders, I'm the one in charge here," she reprimanded him. An hour later she had everything packed in the back of the Ute and he was dreading being left alone. He had only met her three days ago but now felt that he could not live without her. He had gone very quiet. She on the other hand was in great form and full of yap, giving instructions, telling him she would be thinking of him all the time up in them there hills and expecting him to behave while she was away. Finally it was 7.30 and time for her to go. She walked back to the veranda where he was standing and gave him a big hug, "Last night was wonderful, never mind about the shower this morning," she whispered in his ear. He clung to her and said, "Last night was the first time I slept with a woman, thank you". "No," she said, as she pushed him away slightly to look him in the eye, "thank you, I can tell you I have slept with other women, even had an affair with a woman but it never felt right and it's nothing compared to sleeping with a man like you. In fact it's the first time I've ever bedded a man." "A man," he replied, "not sure I qualify." "Wrong, there's no question about you being a man, it's just that you are my kind of man, and don't you forget it. Now my little man I have to get going, I'll be back in about seven days so be here when I get back". She continued, "Oh, and by the way, I know you did not bring much in the way of clothes so in my parent's room there are lots, just help yourself." "I couldn't do that; they were your mothers and fathers." "Don't be silly, Petra, they were a beautiful loving shearing couple and they would want you to help yourself. Besides I was just about to take the lot to the Op shop. So please for my sake and theirs help yourself and sometime we can go through them and what we do not want we will take back to Maple." With that she was gone and he was left standing on the veranda alone watching the dust from the Ute disappear down the dirt road. He would not see her again for ten days. Once again Peter got right into cleaning and tidying up the house. It was no small job, he spend two days alone on the toilet and bathroom. He was surprised and grateful that there was only one bathroom in a house this large. Methodically he worked from one room to the other, sheets and curtains removed and washed, vacuuming, wiping down tops, cleaning out drawers and wardrobes, mainly empty except for a few magazines or papers. There was a lot of washing and ironing come out of Lea's room. Then of course there were the chickens and the goats. Annie, who was half of the couple who worked on the farm, arrived one morning to collect the eggs he had gathered. He was very glad that he had dressed in Lea's father's jeans and sweater, although he was wearing pink gumboots that he had found behind the back door. She was all talk about how she hated this time of year with Bill so busy and away on the muster. She made Peter feel so at ease that he asked her over one night to have a few drinks and share supper. She told him it would be hard at the moment with the kids but definitely sometime. In the evenings he would wrap up and sit outside with a glass of wine on the veranda for a while hoping to see car lights heading his way. Giving up he would go inside to the warmth of the fire and read or watch TV, without really knowing or paying much attention to what he was reading or watching. He realised he was missing Lea. The last room he tackled was her parent's room. He had been in there before and helped himself to some of Lea's parent's clothes out of the wardrobe against the wall. Her mother did not have a lot and Peter guessed she was not a flash dresser. But this time he discovered that the room had two smaller rooms leading off it. One had a toilet and shower, so much for only having one toilet to clean, he thought. Behind the other door was a walk-in wardrobe. Here he discovered racks of dresses, coats, jackets, blouses and tops on one side and the other side there were shelves containing skirts, jeans, jumpers, and slacks and below the shelves there were drawers full of lingerie, expensive lingerie. Everything in this room was expensive. Below the rack of dresses there were an array of shoes, sandals, heels and boots. He felt like Aladdin in the thieves cave, he wanted to touch everything, the feeling of those beautiful dresses to the touch of the soft underwear in the drawers became too much and he backed out of the room. It was then he noticed the full length mirror which he knew he had seen in Lea's room that first evening here. There was a piece of paper stuck into the corner of the mirror and it had the word 'PETRA' written on it. He opened it out and it read: "Oh Petra, I will be up in the hills spending my days chasing cattle but by night I will be dreaming of you all dressed up. Enjoy. Lea, XXX." He came out and closed the door. He found that he could not do anything that day. Other than feed the chickens and move the goats, which turned out to be quite tame, he did no real work that day. He was grateful that Lea ordered her wine by the box as he drank more than one bottle. Finally he stopped fighting himself and went to bed knowing that if Lea was here he would have dressed up. In the morning he just got down to it. It was the last room that needed doing and cleaning was why Lea had brought him here, so just get on with it, he said to himself. The shower/toilet was done and all the bedroom itself needed was the curtains put back up and bed remade as soon as the sheets were brought back in dry from the clothes line. Now there was the wardrobe. It was here that he found the dairy, not a day by day diary, more a type of journal. It was in one of the drawers underneath several nighties. It obviously belonged to her father as the first sentence underneath a date over 30 years ago, read: "I have just met the most wonderful girl." He turned to the last entry which was a little over a year ago and read it. "My beautiful best friend is gone, I will go after her." He closed it quickly and put it back where he had found it and continued cleaning. He remembered Lea had asked him to muck out the stables so he spend the rest of the day doing just that until it got too dark to continue. He told himself he would get back to it tomorrow. That evening, the ninth since Lea had gone, he sat on the veranda when finally curiosity got the better of him. He returned to her parent's room and entered the walk-in wardrobe and got the diary. He grabbed a duffle coat, noting it had fur around the hood, off the clothes rack and got himself more wine and sat outside to read. There was just enough light coming from the living room window see the writing. He read on from the first line, it appeared they met at university, he was reading English and was also trying to work his way unsuccessfully through maths. She was doing a Law degree. He was involved in the theatre group and she had gone along to a play in which he was one of the main characters. The play by Oscar Wild was 'Lady Windermere's Fan' and oddly he was playing Lady Windermere. She found this hilarious and decided should she run into him on campus she would have a laugh at his expense. But it did not work out like that when they met. In fact it was love at first sight. He continued reading: "I told her that I always play the female lead in whatever play I'm cast in. I told I loved dressing up, loved women's clothes. It's just not fair that women get to always wear the beautiful things. Many people do not approve, what do you think? I asked her. Her reply: "Fuck them." We continue to see each other on a regular basis. "We are seeing each other every day; it seems that we cannot be without each other." He skipped a few pages and continued reading. "She told me she was pregnant over the phone, we discussed what we would do. By this time I had gone back to the farm as my parents had decided they had enough of farming and had moved overseas to be closer to my sister's children, their grandchildren. "She is with a law firm in the city. She said she is definitely having the child and will be down to see me at the weekend. A quickly arranged wedding, the ceremony held in the courtyard of Murray's Public House, reception in Murray's Public House and the after drinks party at you know where." "All throughout this time Pamela encourages my cross dressing and the day of our wedding my beautiful white sexy underwear, her gift to me, was probably twice as expensive as hers. She told me later it was the happiest day of her life." "There are times when confused with why I cross-dress and believing I should stop she always reassures me and says: 'Why stop, I enjoy it, you enjoy it, it's not illegal and no one knows, it's fun, don't you dare stop dressing up for me.' She is my strength." "Lea came into our lives and my love for my two girls is immense, even though Pam insists on telling me that we are an all-female household. For years my 'little secret' has not been discovered, although Lea did find me dressed one time but nothing was ever said." Reading on he found that other than their crazy role playing sex evenings when she had him dress up their life was pretty normal. He mentioned all she had given up for him in wonder and sometimes disbelief and he was so proud at how willing she had been to live a farming life with him. Skipping through again, he read: "Tonight while playing dress up she suggested that we renew our wedding vows. She said it would be fun, I could wear the wedding dress this time, she could wear a tux and I would have to say the words 'love, honour and obey' to her. That's how it should have been the first time around, she said." "Before long she arranged for me to see a dressmaker and soon I had my wedding dress, she was making the other arrangements, she says as I had been too miserable to give her a honeymoon the first time around it was obvious that she would have to organise this one. I tried to protest we did not have enough money at the time and there was the baby on its way and we couldn't leave the farm." "The farm, the farm, always the farm", she pretended to be mad at me. "That's why I'll arrange this wedding. Just like me I want you to have the happiest day ever". I have had already too many happy days since I fell for Pam". He skipped through again and read: "Pam today told me she had been to town to see a doctor, he had told her tests had come confirming she had a cancer. I did not even know she had been to a doctor, she had told me it was a trip to the hairdresser. Two months later he wrote: "I can't believe how quickly Pam is going down, it's breaking my heart. She's doing her best to be tough but we both know what's coming. Luckily we have the best of neighbours otherwise what needs doing around the farm would go wanting." There was only one more entry, two weeks later: "I lost my best friend, my soul mate, my lover today. Before she went, despite bloated by the steroids they prescribed for her to me she was still the most beautiful person in this fucking whole world she told me with what now passed for a smile that today was the day she had set aside for our second marriage. She had said it was to be the happiest day of my life, but today is the worst day imaginable". "My beautiful best friend is gone, I will go after her." Peter realised he was balling his eyes out, for how long he was not sure. It was the most lovely love story gone wrong. He went inside and drank more wine and fell asleep. Waking up with the fire out, sitting in a chair cold, feeling sad and miserable he finally creeped off to bed. 'I'm drinking too much,' he thought, 'come home Lea.' Around lunchtime as he just finished and was walking out of the stables he heard the Ute coming down the road. The tell-tale dust blowing in the opposite direction this time. He had been low all morning still thinking about what he had read in her father's journal. But now it was like an ache being removed from his stomach knowing Lea was home. He watched her pull up in front of the house, she was grinning as she stood on the veranda looking around and finally spotting him by the stables. He found he was also grinning and knowing it was a crazy thing to do, he lost himself, and threw away the rake he was carrying and ran to her. She lifted him up and spun him around and putting him down gave him a massive kiss. When she released him he said, "I know I should not have run to you and allowed you to lift me up like a little child, but I do not care. I think I've fallen in love with you. And I've missed you. Next time I'm coming with you. A beautiful woman all alone up in them hills with five men. Never again." "I've missed you too, my little Petra. Let's go inside," she said. He wanted to continue talking but she just hushed him. They spend the next hour making love and Lea who was obviously exhausted fell into a deep sleep. Peter went into the kitchen and began preparing dinner. When she came out to join him she thought he was looking a little down and asked what was wrong. He said nothing but she continued trying to find what could be the matter. Finally he told her about the journal. She followed him to the walk-in wardrobe and he handed her the notebook. He left her sitting on the bed and quietly walked out and closed the door. When she finally did return to the kitchen he could tell she had been crying. He had already gotten a beer from the fridge and walked over to her with it. She ignored it and just pulled him to her and held on to him for at least five minutes until the bottle fell from his hand and smashed on the tile floor. They were both crying as they cleaned up together. The next few days other than when Peter was doing the housework they were side by side in just about every job done about the farm. They went and collected the horses, he drove and she rode one and led one home. The two dogs initially began the journey on the back of the Ute but soon jumped off to run with Lea and the horses. They were beautiful Collies, but a bit wild, Peter was sure they wanted a piece of him. Lea assured him that they would begin to behave as soon as they got to know him. They knew it was not the right time of year to plant vegies but they dug the patch up anyway adding in the compost. Lea one afternoon took him into town where he got a few things he thought he needed from the store and then they spend a couple of hours in Murray's over a few beers and a few games of pool. As the locals came in they were introduced to Peter and he could tell they were all curious as to whom the man was now living with Lea. Everyone was very friendly and Peter did notice that Lea was held in high esteem in the area and felt proud for her. On the way home with her driving he mentioned that while cleaning up the place he noticed that there were a few jobs that needed doing, some of the doors needed re-hanging, cupboards needed fixing, a few windows were stuck and a few other little things like a few boards needed replacing on the veranda. "I'll get someone in to fix them," she said. Pretending to be hurt he replied, "You may not believe it to look at me but I am a qualified carpenter, you know." "A free tradesman as well as everything else, I like it," she answered. "All I need is my tools from back home, well it's not my home anymore, and we are just coming up to my home now. The tools are in the garage, I could go over tomorrow and get them, the garage door is broken and has never locked." "Some carpenter you sound like, you never fixed the garage door." "Is it OK if I barrow the Ute, I can be in and out in five minutes and I want to get to the hardware store and get some timber, hinges and a few other little things." "Of course it will be OK to grab the Ute, but to be honest I do not like you going anywhere near that house. I think I should go with you." "No, I'll be fine, there's never anyone there during the day and anyway I know you have the cattle trucks arriving tomorrow so I will drop you off and pick you up on my way back." "Sometimes Petra you get so bossy, I don't like it when you make the plans, that's my job understood." "Yes Lea," he answered in his lowest possible voice which made her laugh. The next morning as they both got ready after breakfast Peter decided he would get something expensive from the walk-in wardrobe. Nothing too fancy he thought. He settled firstly on a pair of tights then purple panties that were so beautiful that he just had to wear them. A seriously tight pair of jeans that unfortunately did not hide the slight bump in the front but he thought the way they made his ass look were worth wearing. The silk pink top felt so comfortable on his skin and the light blue V-necked sweater over it he thought looked brilliant. Lastly he pulled on a pair of brown knee high boots with flat soles. No heels required today, he told himself. Then he took the tie off his pony tail and shook his hair out. A last look in the mirror and he was convinced he would pass as female. Meanwhile Lea had been telling him to hurry up for the last ten minutes, so just one more twirl in front of the mirror and he rushed out to the hall where she was waiting. "About time," she said and turning around she just opened her mouth, shut it, opened it again and smiling said, "that was worth the wait, you look gorgeous but just one more thing and all you have is two minutes, a little bit lippy, not too much and just a hint of mascara. Now go, remember two minutes." She drove until they got to Ben's place and she got out and he slid across to the drivers place, not wanting the men there see him walk around the Ute. He thought this was more to save Lea embarrassment but if he was honest it was he that felt embarrassed. But deep down he knew that it was living with Lea that gave him the confidence to dress as he was. "I still think we should be doing this together, I don't like you going there alone." "I'll be fine," he assured her, "since I met you I feel good in myself, more so than I ever have in my whole life. I'll pick you up around three and have dinner on the table by six, who knows I may even have hung a few wonky doors by then." This time it was Lea who watched the trail of dust disappear down the road. He arrived at the house around eleven and just as he predicted there was no one home. The garage door had not been fixed and he found what he needed inside. Toolbox, drop saw, leads, drills, level and the box he kept all the other bits and pieces he used to use one time on a daily basis all were soon in the back of the Ute. Even though he did not need it he took his ladder, well it was his he reasoned. He felt great as he drove away, he knew he looked great and was feeling on top of the world. Now for the hardware store, he thought. He had made a list of what he wanted and had it all on the Ute in about 30 minutes. Then he made a mistake. He was going to be far too early back so he decided he would like a proper coffee. He could not remember the last time he had a flat white and feeling so good with his achievements so far he decided, yes, I deserve something nice. A croissant and a coffee, go mad. It was just great. The coffee and a look at the complimentary newspaper was something he had not experienced in a long, long time. Although the news in the newspaper did not get any better, same dreadful things going on the world and the same whinging opinion writers. Whatever, he thought; I don't need that anymore and made his way back to where he had parked the Ute. Half way back he stopped dead in his tracks. Sarah and June were leaning on the tray of the Ute looking straight at him, he made to head back the way he had come but when he turned around the large frame of Tony was standing in his way. "Your sisters want to talk to you," he snarled as he grabbed Peter by the arm and pulled him towards the Ute. "Well who have we got here," Sarah smirked, "and look he's all dressed up with nowhere to go. But we know where he's going. Did you really think you could leave home, Petra? We all miss our little house boy. The place has turned into a tip since you've been gone. But now your back and everything will be back to normal". "Bring him to our car, Tiny," June told Tony. Peter picked up on that, believing he had probably been called Tiny ever since he began to call him that. If that was true it explained the rough way Tony dragged him to their car. The two girls got in the front and Tony pushed him into the back seat and clambered in behind him. "Mum is going to be so pleased to see you," Sarah said as they drove home. "She has had to do the housework since you took off, just don't expect any hugs and kisses, it will more likely be a good kick in the arse. Fancy thinking you could swan into town, sit in a caf? and no one would know you were there." He tried to put up a fight but a couple of brutal blows from Tony put a stop to any resistance. They took him into the garage and Sara told Tony to go get a chair. The twins appeared to have some leverage over Tony judging by the way he did as they told him. They had learned their method practising on him. "Strip," June ordered him, "I want those jeans." He made no move to take off his clothes and when Tony came back with the dining chair she ordered him to strip Peter, who noticed once again that she had called him Tiny. One hard fist to the stomach forced Peter to allow Tony to get to work. Naked, except for panties, Tony forced Peter to sit down on the chair, now in the middle of the garage. Tony was almost drooling as he began to fondle Peter through the panties. "Later, Tiny, later," June told Tony, "you can have your way with him later." She had just taken off her skirt and was desperately pulling on the jeans that Peter had been wearing. "Shit, I can't do up the zip." "Let me try," Sarah asked. "Really, there may be plenty of stretch in the denim but if they are too tight for me they are never going to fit over that fat arse of yours." Sarah had put on weight since she had split with her boyfriend who had taken up with a now ex-girlfriend took her frustration out on Peter. "Tiny," Sarah ordered, "go to my room and get my hair saloon bag, the pink one, and bring it here." Off he went. Peter was scared now, Tony in the carpark had been brutal, but here he was now obeying the twins every command. And what about him just fondling him? "So Petra, you think you can run off anytime you want, well you can't. You think you can walk around dressed in designer clothes and with your hair flowing," an angry Sara almost screamed. "Well you cannot, understand. I am going to cut that flowing hair off this moment, you fucking skinny bitch," pissed off that the expensive designer jeans and the rest of Peter's get up were clothes she knew she would never be able to afford. Tony arrived back with her bag and Sarah got out her scissors and began grabbing handfuls of hair and chopping it off. Peter made one last effort to resist but another blow from Tony to the face quietened him down. Ten minutes later she had the floor space around the chair covered with Peter's hair and had been digging the razor into his scalp more than running it over his head. "I'm sick of this," June said. "You are going too far, Sarah," and with that she threw down the top and sweater Peter had been wearing realising that they were also too small for her and headed out of the garage. Sarah walked to the corner and picked up a bamboo cane very similar to the old fashioned canes that teachers of old were fond of. Tony yelped when she whacked him on the bum. "Undress," she ordered him. When he was completely naked she continued, "Do you see how small Tony is, that's why we now call her Tiny, like you Little Petra she's not a man anymore, but I know you knew about her little thingy, Tiny told me all about you two." It was Peter's turn to feel the cane as she hit his calf a solid blow, "Stand up," she told Peter who immediately did, "now Tiny I want you to remove Petra's panties, that's a good girly." Peter was sure he had a couple of broken ribs, he could taste blood in his mouth and even though he could not see it was sure he had the beginnings of a black eye. His head felt scared from Sarah showing no mercy when she attacked his hair with her scissors and then the razor. They were now standing in front of each other naked and Peter was really scared. He recalled the last time he was alone with Tony and was not relishing what was coming next even though the thought quickly crossed his mind that the big fat bastard would never win a Mr Universe award. "Why are you holding Petra's panties like that Tiny," she continued in a sing song way that belied the rage simmering under the surface, "I know why, does big fatso Tiny want to put on the pretty frilly panties himself. They will be too small for you." Almost sneering she continued, "You may have a tiny clit but you have a big arse, let me find a pair that fits." She walked over to the wash basket by the washing machine and using the cane fished out a pair of large pink panties and held them out for him to take. "Have a sniff first, like you always do, that's it Tiny. I do believe this pair belong to Mummy, now let's get them on, one leg at a time, here let me help you," she shrieked with laughter as she yanked them up. "A bit tight Tiny, but aren't we lucky they are so stretchy." She began rubbing the front of his panties he had just put on with one hand and with the other still holding the cane began smacking him on the bottom gradually increasing the strength of each stroke. Somehow Peter knew that this was a regular thing for both of them, he was completely under her control ready to do whatever she told him to do. He did not know why he had not picked up on it when he lived there. "Tony is such a big tough guy out in the street," Sarah continued, "but when he's with Auntie Sarah he turns into the girly sissy he loves to be, he becomes Tiny, a panty wearing soft fat cock sucker, isn't that so Tiny." "Once upon a time June thought he could be the man for her, that was until she discovered what a tiny pecker he had, he could never please a woman. But guess what Petra; he's very good at pleasing men." "Now Tiny, Auntie Sarah says you are going to show Peter what a good time girl you are, it's time to repay the compliment he gave you last year. You told me you have wanted to give Petra a blow job and here we are, your dream has come true." "Do you think Tiny looks sexy in his panties, Petra? Don't you just adore the colour?" Peter knew that he had to play along. "Oh yes, you look ever so sexy Tiny, the colour really suits you Tiny." Sarah now put the cane between Peter's thighs and began moving it from one to the other, "Spread them," she told him and when he had not done it fast enough he received a whack. Standing with his feet apart she then began running the tip of the cane along the length of his penis and finally coming to rest directly underneath his testicles. "Just look Tiny at that big dick soon to be at the back of your throat, now down on your knees and show Petra all the love you have for her and just think soon you can do her all the time now that she's back home again. Soon Petra, Tiny and Auntie Sarah will be playing lots of fun games." Tony knelt down in front of Peter and began stroke him. "From now on you can be my boyfriend Peter," he lisped. Tony was drooling and Peter despite being scared shitless almost laughed and thought: 'OMG, he's going to suck me off, I've never had a blow job, I do not want this.' But Peter was very relieved it was not him doing the sucking, but he was just as frightened about Tony doing him. He was trying his best not get hard but could not help himself as Tiny began to stroke him he could feel his cock stiffen. Peter stared in horror and disbelief as Tony's wide open mouth was about to swallow his cock as his hands had a firm grip on Peter's arse. Then the garage door was kicked in. Lea was just a little bit worried when Peter did not arrive at the time he said he would. She was quite happy with how her day had gone. The last of the trucks had headed off to the works thirty minutes earlier and she was having a quiet beer with the rest of the crew when she got the phone call. She recognised the local cop's voice, "Lea, Matt here, is there any reason why your Ute has been left in a mall parking lot in town that only had a one hour restriction. I just got a report about it and knew by the rego it was yours." "Peter borrowed it," she started, and then remembered that Matt did not know Peter, "he's a house guest and if he's not there I think he might be in trouble." "Well the deck is full of builder's tools and supplies, it's all right here for everything to be lifted by someone who should not have it." How was she going to explain what she thought may have happened. But her first thought had to be for Peter's safety and decided to tell him as much as possible without telling him that they were an item. "What's the address," Matt asked, and when he got it he quickly called in for a car to investigate, saying it could be a possible kidnap. He also told her he had given instructions for the Ute to be towed to the station. Lea, white faced, turned to Ben, "I need help Ben," the others immediately took notice. "I think Peter may have been found by his family and they may have taken him." The men around Lea did not need her to explain or say anything more. All five get into Ben's car and were on their way to town. It was probably lucky for Tony that the police got to the address before the farmers. When they did arrive there were at least five police cars. Lea could see there was a single person in the back of each car, three women and two men. She noticed one of the men was naked. Peter was sitting on the door step wrapped in a blanked with a policewoman who had an arm around him. Her heart near stopped as she looked at him. She could see the bruises to his face, all the more clearly with his head shaved. He looked up as she called his name trying to smile but immediately put his hand to his lip which she saw was split. A flash of jealously came over her, she wanted to be sitting there with her arm around him, not some strange woman, even if she was a policewoman. There was really nothing to worry about as the policewoman gave up her position for Lea and actually looked relieved to do so. She then found out he had broken ribs when she attempted to give him a hug. It was the first time in her life she felt clumsy. "I need to get you home Peter," she said, "or do you need to go to the hospital." "Home please," he answered. "Where are the keys of the Ute?" "In my jeans pocket, which are probably on the floor in the garage." "Wait here," she told him. With permission from the police she was able to gather up the clothes Peter had been wearing. With the others already headed for home with Ben, Matt took Lea and Peter back to the police station to get the Ute that he had organised brought there. Before they drove off Matt informed them that he would be out sometime tomorrow to take a statement from Peter, telling them that kidnapping was a very serious offence. Peter just wanted to get home with Lea; right now he was not interested in police business and did not want to think about it. Lea drove all the way home one handed, her other hand had pulled Peter close to her shoulder and he was now nestled into her and she had her arm holding him tight. It was the first time she was glad that the Ute had an automatic transmission. It was midnight when they got home and Lea insisted that Peter drink the hot whiskey which she insisted she would prepare for him. She asked him if he wanted any aspirin of any sort painkillers, he tried to smile but once again his split lip made it difficult but did manage to hold up his glass to indicate he would like another hot whiskey. He managed to have two more as Lea cleaned up the blood from his head. "No one will see the scares when the hair grows back," she told him. She asked him if she should run a bath, but he declined and waved the glass again. "No way, soldier, you have had enough" she chided him, "bed time." She helped him into bed and the whiskey did the rest. In the morning she was surprised to find that he was already up and about when she woke. Coming into the kitchen to the smell of toast and scrambled egg and a cup of tea on the table waiting for her she walked over to him and bent down and gave him a good morning kiss on the cheek, avoiding his split lip. "Them hens lay too many eggs," he said trying to avoid the scrutiny she was giving his face. Distracted she answered, "That's what hens do," as she held his face in both hands, "You are not going to need any eye shadow on those eyes for a while. That lip looks horrible and I can tell by the way you are holding yourself and praying I don't give you a hug that your ribs are not good." "I'm OK, I was just so glad that you turned up last night. It was horrible. I think my sister Sarah has mental problems." She was about to answer with that she believed that everyone in his family had mental problems but instead told him about getting the phone call from Matt last evening and everything else about her side of the story. He was reluctant to tell Lea everything but she coaxed it out of him and she was seriously angry about what had happened to him. "Matt will be out sometime today. You will leave nothing out. That silly bitch will spend time in prison for this," she told him. "I don't want that to happen, I want it all to go away. I want them to go away. They are family and all this will end up in the papers, as Matt said kidnap is a very serious crime. Please Lea, we have to keep it all quite. I do not want to end up in court." She could see he was getting very distressed and gently put her arm about him and said, "OK, for now let's let it go, when Matt arrives we'll discuss it, for now I want you to just take things easy." They tried to talk of other things over breakfast but both had yesterday on their minds. When Matt finally fid arrive late in the afternoon Peter was adamant that he would not press charges against his family. It was obvious Matt was not impressed with that decision and let them both know. "What your sisters did could see them locked away for a long time, both are still in cells back in the station, along with Mr Tony Moore, your mother and her partner were released last night apparently they had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Then there could be a charge of attempted rape against Moore. There is also the assault charge against your sister and Mr Moore. That charge will go ahead anyway as the two police officers who rescued you have already filled a report." Lea walked him out to his vehicle and pleaded with him, "Please Matt, Peter would not be able to handle a witness box. He shouldn't have to suffer twice." After a little more discussion he agreed but only saying he would see what he could do. They heard no more about the issue until four months later. Matt informed them that Sarah and Tony both appeared in court and both received a six months suspended sentence on the proviso that they both do community work and Sarah was to get counselling. If they should breach the court order they would spend up to six months in prison. The kidnap and rape charges were not followed up as Peter refused to lay a complaint. But there was also a restraining order put in place on his immediate family that they should have nothing to do with Peter. Lea and Peter got into a routine about the farm and their time together only got better. Friday nights they got up to Murray's Bar and played pool and drank a few beers with the locals. Peter was learning to ride the horses; he was determined to be in on the next muster. Soon he was planting seeds in the vegetable patch. He asked her why when her parents were normal height, she said you mean little like youself, he ignored her and carried wanting to know how she ended up so tall. In answer she said that her Dad told her that when she was born it took two storks to deliver her. He finally got to do a job on Lea's hair, short back and sides with a long fringe. He thought it made her look younger. She did not complain, she enjoyed him cutting it every two weeks or so. He got to fix a few doors, free up a few windows and fix the loose and broken boards out on the veranda. Life was going great, he had never been so happy, if this was what love was all about he was all for it. Their sex life was off the scale so it should not have been a surprise to either of them when one evening Lea came home and dropped a bombshell telling Peter that she was pregnant. "Why were you not wearing protection?" she asked. "What are we going to do now for goodness sake?" It was not that he was afraid to say what he wanted to Lea, but he always found it easier to take the submissive role, so as innocently as possible he said, "But Lea you are the one in charge of our sex life, I only do what you tell me to do." She was not at all pleased with that reply and glared at him, but for his part he could not wipe the smile off his face. Then two weeks later she came home after a visit to a doctor in town and asked him in a voice that sounded even huskier than normal: "You have a history in your family of having twins, don't you?" The smile on Peter's now was from ear to ear. "I don't know why you are grinning like that for I may have to carry and give birth to these two monsters that you have put into me but it will be you taken over from there on. It will be you getting up in the middle of the night; it will be you changing . . ." He did not let her finish, instead walked to her and put his arms around her neck, she relented and bent down and kissed him. "Well you can't get pregnant twice," she hissed, "Come on, bed time." Walking down to their bedroom he could not help himself and came out with: "Does this mean I will be going on the muster this year on my own." Reaching round she grabbed his ear lobe and said: "You, little man, will never be going anywhere on your own ever again." She ignored his "ouch" and pushed him onto the bed.

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joker: "Ok pronounce.. M.A.C. D.O.U.G.L.E.S.S" fool: "Its pronounced MacDougless" joker: "Ok now pronouce M.A.C. D.O.U.B.L.E." fool: "Ok MacDouble" joker: "Last one now pronouce M.A.C. H.I.N.E " fool: "Ok MacHine" (sounds like mac hind) joker: Points at old house phone and says "Now what is that?" fool: "An answering machine" joker: "Ok now spell machine" fool: "Ok? M.A.C.H.I.N.E. " joker: "Yup you just spelled MAC...

2 years ago
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Exs fulfill a fantasy for each other

For some reason when we were married, my ex-wife had a fantasy about seeing me get fucked by another man. I'm not sure why a woman would fantasize about this - it seems a little odd to me. She's the only woman I've ever known who shared a fantasy of this type with me. I'm not gay or bisexual, and have no interest in having sex with a man. But she fantasized about it sometimes. Maybe it was because I wanted her ass and she thought I should have the experience of having a dick in mine. I don't...

1 year ago
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Derby Line Marriage Ch 32

Hanna arrived a few minutes early to Rockefeller Center where she was supposed to meet Jovita. It was Christmas Eve, or as Hanna liked to call it Erev Christmas, and the famous Christmas tree was up in the plaza. Hanna looked at it as she thought about the change in her attitudes over the past year. A year ago, I wouldn’t have looked twice at a Christmas tree. By this time next year, I’ll be Jovita’s wife and we’ll be sure to have a tree in our home. Opposing assimilation into America’s...

1 year ago
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Mind Controlled Janice Pt 11b

Janice's body had enjoyed every moment of the love making but her mind hated it. Brian controlled her body, it followed his instructions not that of her mind, he could make her do anything and he had a perverted mind. The previous day Brian had made Janice work as a prostitute standing beside a busy main road picking up men, seven in total, and she gave the earnings to him. Before that he had filmed her having sex with her Brian during an orgy and he had made her up load the video and...

4 years ago
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Knightly Affections V

Upon collecting themselves from their mental escapades, the two momentarily went about the business of returning to their respective roles. Sir John finished grooming Oroboros and the Prince took leave to prepare for the evening’s festivities. He could not help but marvel at Sir John’s consideration…a welcome home feast, the next day’s hunt…even an indulgent bath…no detail was too small. So great was the Prince’s exuberance, he bounded up the castle steps three at a time and sprinted through...

1 year ago
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Our arrival at our “new home” was brutal. Jerry had to stand in the main room watching while his high school age daughter (Chloe), and his wife (Rita; me) were forced to give blowjobs to Tony and one of his henchmen, Mickey. Afterward, we were shown to our rooms upstairs, and our lives behind the compound walls began. Things did NOT get better. Most mornings started with Tony coming into my room with his morning wood sticking out from his open robe. He’d wake me up by shoving his erect cock...

3 years ago
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Her slice of sweet sex

Hey guys my name is Shyam [all names are changed] and I live in Kerala, malappuram. I am 18 years old and I have a fairly good figure. I am a regular reader of ISS and I enjoy all the experiences that the authors have had. I would like to relate to you my personal sexual experience with my lovely Valsa aunty. Valsa aunty is my neighbor. She must be around 45 years old but her boobs were large and sexy. She had a round sexy ass too and a very sexy figure. Her husband is a lawyer and often stays...

4 years ago
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College tales

“Hi Jen”“Hey daddy”“How’s college, are you settling in?”“Yeah, it great fun”“Fun? You should be working not having fun”“Oh daddy”“I’m only joking, have you settled into the apartment?”“Yeah, the other girls are great, one’s in my class and the other is studying medicine”“They must be really brainy, just like you”Jen giggled “Daddy”“Can I ask you a favour, I have a meeting near where you are and I cant get a flight home till the following morning, could I borrow your sofa for the night”Jen...

1 year ago
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Sexjoy with college girls Part1

Devji and Saleem,two close friends,met two college girls. The conversation among them lead to a group sex. Devji and Saleem were thickest friends. Though they were of 21, they were studying in only 8th in a government school. As per school rule they were wearing only half pants. Like their bodies, their ducks were also long and stout. One was 11 by 4 and the other was surprisingly 14 by 5 .So Saleem's dick was always peeping out, one or little more inches from the half pants. As usual, one day,...

4 years ago
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Willing slavefrom her point of view part 2

My master is dj_oh and these stories are true. After he unties my ankles, he has me roll over onto my back. He grabs a breast in each hand and squeezes, making them grow red and rock hard. He licks and sucks the nipples, then devours my breasts with his mouth, greedy and demanding. I arch my back with the intensity of the pleasure. He straightens us and makes me roll to one side, and he hits my thighs and ass hard with the wooden spoon, over and over again in the same spot until I whimper...

2 years ago
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The ImamChapter 4

HAUNTED 13th of Safar 1436 (December 6, 2014) Khozem continued to live with his father and mother in the Meccan home. On this particular evening he met with Vasilla who had flown in from New York. Khozem had never met Vasilla on his own. He never had business to discuss with him, and Khozem remembered seeing him only a few times while growing up. He saw him with his father after tours. He remembered this gargantuan figure smiling down at him, looming so large that he blocked the sun and...

3 years ago
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In the summer of 1998, I was travelling from Boulder, Co. to Sacramento, Ca. My wife had been in an auto accident two months earlier and she needed months of rehab.Her sister, Amie and her husband, Baxter own a physio company called Baxter’s Sports Rehabilitation Center in Sacramento. Her sister drove to Boulder the previous week, packed up my wife, went back home and her rehab started immediately.I had spent the intervening time packing up our personal belongings. They were packed in the...

2 years ago
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Doodhwali Padosi Ki Chudai

By : Jamesjaffer Hi frnds this is rocky with my first true story in ISS.i always use to read ISS and now i thought of writting my story. This happened to me 2 years back when i was 18 years old.mere ghr ke paas ek makan hei jo bahat dino se khali pada tha.usi ghar ka bathroom mere ghar k dewar sei attached hei aur uske upar ka chat nahi hei . mei hamesha sochta tha ki kab koi maal uss makan mei akar rahe aur mei usse nahate huye dekh saku. sayar kisine meri sunli aur wahan ek pati pati unke 3...

3 years ago
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Fatherdaughter Date MothersonChapter 7 Misty et al

Tuesday late afternoon the three teens got off the school bus and ran up to the house. Doug was holding Misty’s hand and carrying her books that day. There was a rush to prepare their quarters to be ‘Mom Acceptable’. Misty’s mother was coming over to see the home and assess the situation, based on her daughter’s request to spend more time with Penny, her BFF. Of course, she hadn’t told her mother about Doug, her erstwhile boyfriend and fuck buddy. Doug took his car and left for points...

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''Well, how was she? Was she everything I said she would be?'' Nick asked his old friend and business partner while the beautiful young redhead laid sleeping beside him. It was the first time they had done anything like this, but Nick knew that it would not be the last time that they would swop daughters.''OMG, Nicky this beautiful little girl of yours is something else,'' Jim said as he stroked Brook's long beautiful red hair. ''Didn't I tell you. Girls like our Brook and Lizzy, well they are...

2 years ago
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All the Fuss

Christi settled the bag slung over her shoulder into a more comfortable position and set out for town. She was in good spirits, even though she harbored no illusions about actually having the opportunity to sell her sword. She'd gained the confidence of her brothers and father some time before, but today's coup was acquiring her mother's reluctant acceptance. That was the key that let her set out on the road this sunny spring afternoon.A breeze rustled through her dark brown hair, helping to...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
3 years ago
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Bike RideChapter 2

Calvin, Beth's man told Camy he was grateful for what she had done. Ned said he would never worry about leaving Kate alone again if Camy was going to be around. Phil Burke said he was going to never get Camy pissed at him, she was bad trouble. Everyone laughed but they knew now that Camy was tough when she had to be. Bill walked with Camy down to the beach. Bill asked Camy if she had ever had martial arts training. Camy said she had been in one foster home where the parents ran a martial...

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The Older Man

When I was a teenager, I was very shy. Painfully shy. I had tried to blend in with the wallpaper, but when you're the fattest girl in class, you're hard to miss. Consequently, I had zero experience with boys. When I went to college for a year, I came out of my shell somewhat-my saracastic sense of humor started to blossom there- but I still hadn't even been kissed. After my failed attempt at college, my family relocated to a very small town in Northwest Pennsylvania. When I say small, I mean...

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culotteculotte mouilleacuteeculotte porteacut

Je m'appelle isabelle, 40ans, parisienne, et j'adore porter des petites culottes tendances, strings, bas, collants, chaussettes en pensant que je vais pouvoir les envoyer à des hommes. Rien que d'y penser, et hop, cela inonde ma culotte d'un délicieux nectar ... C'est un moyen pour moi d'avoir un rapport aux hommes basé sur le fantasme, l'érotisme : de votre côté je vous imagine déjà en train d'ouvrir l'enveloppe avec ma petite culotte, de la regarder, de la toucher, de la renifler, de la...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Teen Sister Part 2

The next day we looked at each other kinda funny, but she didn’t seem mad. I wanted to take her out, but I knew we’d have to go out the city where nobody knew us. I innocently asked if she wanted to go out to eat, then see this movie we have been talking about, Saw II. And she said yeah. The “date” went smooth as hell. She was looking really good too. She was wearing these knee-high black boots, black stretch pants, and a tight sleeveless burgundy shirt showing cleavage. She wasn’t wearing a...

1 year ago
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Festival Sluts

Reddit Festival Sluts, aka r/FestivalSluts! Having a party girl for a girlfriend is an extreme fucking sport. These babes are free-spirited, energetic, and have a zest for life that few others can keep up with or even begin to understand. They live for the moment, and you might find yourself single before the festival season. Don't take it personally; it probably was never meant to work. But if you don't mind dating one, be my fucking guest. Let's see if you still have a girlfriend before the...

Reddit NSFW List
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Brother with Family of Girls

First Name Last Name = Reader's name You woke up after a long night's partying. Your youngest sister Mandy had just celebrated her 18th birthday with you and your other three sisters Amy, Susan, and Tammy. Amy is 26 and Susan is 21. Tammy, who is actually your stepsister, is 25. There were a lot of people at your house but now all were gone. You grab your head noticing you that you have a hangover. You get up and stretch with only a pair of blue jeans on before stumbling out into the hallway....

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Meri Pyari Pummy Didi 8211 Part I

Hi doston. Mera naam Ravi hai. Ye ek sacchi kahani hai jo ek mahine pehle ghatit hui. Is kahani me mai aap sab ko bataunga kaise maine apni badi behan ko pata kar uski mezi se choda aur apna banaya. Mujhe aasha hai aap sabko meri kahani bahut hi pasand aayegi. Sabhi pathakon se niwedan hai kahani padh k kripya apne wichar mujhe per zaroor prastut karein. Jaisa ki maine aapko bataya mera naam Ravi hai. Hamara char logon ka pariwar hai – Mummy, Papa, meri badi behan Pummy didi aur mai. Hum log...

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My daughter. My precious twelve year old daughter Deanna was laying on her back on the carpeted floor, and her cries immediately made my heart sink. I could see in her eyes that I had walked into a bad situation, but it wasn't until I took a step forward and felt the cold steel barrel of a hand gun being pressed into my temple that I realized how bad of a situation this had been. "Hello, Jack." Said the voice behind the gun and I knew in an instant that it was my boss at work, Jim. ...

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The Harsh New World prequel to chapter 1

Introduction: these are a few times leading up to my first chapter of this story. Its rather long, so I separated the three encounters with thier own titles. <,Daniel and Pearls First Amorous Entwine>, Daniel! Lunch. Pearl shouted at her brother as she ran to catch up to him as he followed the pair of draft horses that were pulling the plow across the field. She had just finished giving her other brothers theirs and wanted to share time with her eldest, her favorite brother. Daniel slowed...

3 years ago
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The Initiation

The Initiation By Tyjord Andrea shifted slightly on the sofa as her brother stormed through the door.Her eyes darted back and forth from the pages of the book she was reading tothe out of breath boy. "Rough Friday, freshman?" "What?" Aaron asked, startled by the question. He had not seen his sistersitting there when he walked in. Quickly, the boy stripped off his lightweightjacket, throwing it over a nearby chair, and began to ascend the staircaseleading to the top floor of the house. "Well,"...

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