Cumbucket Slut
- 1 year ago
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We live in a place where they still have paperboys, not adults roaring around in cars and flinging papers all over he place, but boys who still deliver the paper by bicycle, or who walk their routes pulling a wagon loaded with papers. Our paperboy, Matt, is a good looking, well-built young man. He letters in football, baseball, and track and the word is that he is a lock for an athletic scholarship at any of several interested colleges. I'd seen the way KM looks at him and there wasn't a doubt in my mind that young Matt was going to bury his bone in KM at a time of her choosing. So I was not surprised when one night KM called me and told me that she had a problem.
"The paperboy is here to collect, I don't have any cash, and I used the last check in the checkbook yesterday when I went grocery shopping. What should I do?"
Several thoughts came to mind, she could say she didn't have any money and he could stop back tomorrow, or she could just say that he could catch us next week, but that, of course, is not what she wanted to hear. So I did what was expected of me, "Give him a blowjob and then fuck him. See if he will settle for that."
As I hung up the phone I reflected on how easy it had been to make three people happy at the same time - KM, Matt, and me. Before the hour was up Matt would be balls deep in the hottest woman he was ever likely to know.
When I got home that night KM could not wait to tell me about her evening. She wouldn't even wait until we went to the bedroom, but pulled me down on the living room floor. As she lifted her skirt and lowered herself onto my face she was saying, "I can't believe how wicked I can be. Did you know that he was a virgin? That I got to be the one to get his cherry was such a turn on for me. It was fantastic. When I took him in my mouth he came almost immediately. It's a good thing that young guys can recover so quickly."
All the time she's talking she's humping her pussy into my face. I could tell that she had really been turned on doing the kid.
"When he was hard again I let him fuck me and the look on his face was priceless. I kept him here so long that I had to drive him to finish his paper route and then I brought him back here and let him fuck me again. I told him if he comes back tomorrow I'll let him fuck my ass."
"It sounds," I said, "Like Matt will be giving us some exceptional service from now on."
"Matt? It wasn't Matt. Matt is at a baseball camp for the next couple of weeks. His cousin Donny is pulling the route until he gets back.
For the next two weeks KM had a grand time with her paperboy. She said she was going to train him so he would be the "primo stud" when he got to college. She taught him how to eat pussy, what parts of a woman's body were sensitive and how best to manipulate those parts. And she also fucked the poor kid damn near to death. She told me that she really liked taking him in the ass because his cock, while quite long, was as skinny as a hot dog and it fit her perfectly.
But there was a problem. Donny wasn't satisfying KM sexually, no matter how much fun she said she was having and with Donny around she couldn't have any of my brothers over to take up the slack. This lack of sexual satisfaction was making her irritable. And then there was me. I was worried that like most young guys he would start running of at the mouth about the hot housewife he was fucking. KM told me not to worry, that she had it under control. She had already discussed things with Donny and he was well aware that his good times would come to a quick end if the word got out about what they were doing. Somehow that did not make my nervousness go away. Eventually KM got tired of Donny and she slowly, but gently eased him out of the picture. She told him he could still stop by once or twice a month if he wanted to, but that they needed to cool down the affair because she thought that I was getting suspicious and they could not afford to get caught.
KM called me at work and said, "I have a problem. Matt is here to collect and when I gave him the money he wouldn't take it. He says he wants to be paid the same way I paid Donny."
It turns out that when Matt came home from camp and reviewed the collection accounts with Donny he noticed a discrepancy on our account. When pressed, Donny had spilled the beans and now Matt wanted in on the deal.
"So what's the problem and why are you calling me. I know you've wanted to screw him for some time now and now you can."
"That's not the deal" she said, "The deal is you have to tell me to do it."
I said, "Bullshit! You didn't call me and have me tell you to fuck Mike's friends when he brought them to the gangbang."
"That's not fair" she said, "And you know it. I couldn't very well stop in the middle of what was going on and call you. Nobody is supposed to know that you know what's going on."
All right, all right," I said, "Fuck Matt. That's and order."
That night as I feasted on her cum muffin she told me that she was not Matt's first and that she thought that there might be somebody doing for him what she had been doing for Donny. "I think I'm going to like having Matt around."
But Matt had a big mouth. I got the "I've got a problem" call at 7:15 just as I was starting my dinner break. It seems that Matt was bragging to his buddies in the locker room and Sandy McLane, the basketball coach, overheard him. Sandy stopped by the house and told KM about what he'd overheard and "that it would sure be a shame if I had to go to the authorities with this. I mean, these young men are in my care a good part of the day and I do have a responsibility to them and their parents."
"What should I do?" she asked.
I told her to fuck him to death, keep him in the bedroom, and keep him facing away from the door. I punched out and made a quick dash for the house. I quietly let myself in, got the video camera and moved to where I could see into the bedroom. I taped fifteen minutes of Sandy and KM bouncing all over the bed (I can't say that KM showed any signs of being unhappy at being blackmailed) and then I went back to work.
That night as I went about my cleaning chores KM told me that Sandy was one hell of a stud. It seems that Sandy could get it up often and keep it up for long periods of time, and that his cock was nice and fat. She said he was only of average length, but it was as big around as a Coke bottle. I told her about the videotape and she was surprised - she'd been having such a good time that she hadn't even noticed. I told her that we would sit on the tape and see what happened. If Sandy got out of line we would give him a copy of it and tell him that a copy could find it's way to his wife, and maybe even to the school board.
It didn't take long before we found out what Sandy had in mind. One night he showed up with his star center and told KM that he would like to reward the lad for his outstanding play. Within three weeks Sandy had brought every player on the team to the house and KM had "rewarded" them all. The night after they won their conference championship KM had taken on the entire team, all fourteen of them. It was her largest gangbang up to that time. It was when Sandy told KM she would have to fuck some of the guys on the opposing team one night that we finally dropped the tape on him of him in bed with KM. He got very nervous, it turns out that his wife was wealthy in her own right and he was scared to death that if she found out about him and KM she would kick his ass out. What was ironic is that his wife and KM were the centerpieces in a gangbang about two years later.
KM had gotten Sandy to take Matt aside and put the fear of God into him about running off at the mouth. Matt had cleaned up his act so KM was still fucking him on collection days. KM was still busy with my brothers during this period so there was not a night went by that she didn't have a least one cock in her, and most often more than one. And though you'd never know it from reading these stories I was still getting more than I could handle too.
In addition to all the fucking KM did while I was at work during the week, she got quite a lot on the weekends. We usually went out every Saturday night and KM would usually find herself in the backseat of someone's car or van. Sunday was usually a day of rest and we kept Sunday's to ourselves, at least we did until my dad's birthday, but that's the next story.
Chapter 4Karen Marie, as smart as she is, can still be subject to that natural phenomenon known as a 'brain fart', and when you combine a brain fart with a severe case of hot pants the results can be interesting.
We were at my parent's house celebrating my dad's sixtieth birthday. It was a Sunday, a day when KM usually keeps her legs closed, but this Sunday, for some reason, her pussy had an itch that just cried out be scratched. Don't ask me why because I haven't a clue. During the previous week KM had been fucked more than most women get laid in six months; Monday night she had screwed Matt (the paperboy) twice and he had no sooner gone when Sandy (the basketball coach) had shown up with three of his players. Tuesday had been her regular weekly gangbang with all four of my brothers plus three of their friends. On Wednesday Lana had stopped by and helped KM service Mike, Billy and three of their friends and on Thursday she took on Sandy and another two of his players. Friday was a slow night for her - she only had my brothers Mike and Billy. Saturday we had gone out for dinner and dancing and by nine p.m. she was in the back seat of a car being fucked by a nameless stranger and at eleven-thirty she was fucking the owner of the club in his office.
You would have thought that come Sunday she would barely be able to walk, but no, she got a severe case of horny which is not normally a bad thing, but she had a 'brain fart' at the same time. She could have grabbed me and we could have gone out to our van - she could have grabbed anybody and gone out to our van, but she didn't. What she did was grab my brother Alan and take him down into the basement. KM was on her knees and she was sucking Alan's cock and the two of them were so wrapped up in that blowjob that they did not hear my dad and my Uncle Lou come down the basement steps. Got to give my baby credit though, when she saw my dad and Uncle Lou she just looked them in the eye and kept on sucking off Alan. Alan had his back to them and didn't even know they were there. When he was ready to shoot his load he told KM and she pulled her mouth off his dick and held it an inch from her open mouth and stroked him until he came. His sperm shot across the gap between the end of his cock and her open mouth and then KM took him back in her mouth and sucked him dry and the entire time she was looking my dad right in the eye.
Now my dad is a pretty cool guy. He didn't fly off the handle and go through all of that "You whore, you slut, you hussy, how can you disgrace... yadda yadda yadda." No. What he did was unzip himself and walk toward KM who stayed on her knees and waited for him. About that time Alan noticed that KM was looking past him and he turned and saw dad and went white in the face. Dad ignored him and walked his cock right into KM's mouth. After she sucked him off she did Uncle Lou and then, finally, she decided to go to the van. She fucked my dad and my Uncle Lou and was sucking on my dad again when Uncle Lou left. He came back about five minutes later with my uncles Wendell, Charley, and Tony.
It was eleven-thirty before I saw her again, "Where have you been?" I asked.
"Out in the van celebrating your father's birthday" she said.
"With who?" I asked. "With your father, silly" she said as she walked away to get herself a drink.
I didn't get the full story until we got in the van to drive home. I got so hot that I pulled the van over and ate her out on the side of the road.
That was not my pop's only time with KM, in fact, he became one of her regulars and it was my pop who was responsible for getting her involved in her biggest gangbang ever (at least up to now) - thirty-eight guys, but that is another story
Chapter 5I have been constantly amazed by the fact that so many male members of my family have absolutely no compunction over fucking my wife behind (or so they think) my back. Not only do they fuck KM every chance they get, but they tell other uncles, cousins, nephews and the like about it with the result that they all come sniffing around and KM has never turned them away. KM has been gangbanged more by my family members than any other group of guys except one - The Fraternal Order of Eagles.
My family has been involved with the Eagles for over thirty years. Almost all of the males are members and almost all of the women belong to the Ladies Auxiliary. One of the activities that the family is heavily into is the Friday night bowling league. It is a sixteen-team league and the members of my family make up four of those teams. I never missed a game until I started working the afternoon shift. If you bowl and like to drink beer while you do it, you know what a pain in the ass keeping score can be and so one day my dad asked KM if she'd like to come down and keep score - "It'll get you out of the house, give you some thing to do."
Both KM and I knew what was up; dear old dad was planning on some regular Friday night fucking. KM agreed to do it and sure enough the last pin had barely fallen before dad had KM in a motel room where he fucked her until it was time for her to get home. The next two Fridays were the same, but on the fourth night it was dad and Uncle Lou. The week after that it was dad, Uncles Lou, Wendell and Charley. Next, KM started taking the van so they could eliminate the motel and they were all fucking her in the motel parking lot. One night another member of the Aerie (what the Eagles call their lodge hall) saw what was going on and joined in. Later, he told my dad that he should bring KM down to the Aerie some night and let some of the other Eagle members have a shot at her. But before that could happen my cousin George got married. My brother Mike set up the bachelor party and he decided, "Why waste money on a stripper when he could get KM. He asked her, she checked with me, and I told her to go ahead and do it.
The night of the party she walked into the rented hall to find twenty-three guys waiting for her - dad, four brothers, five uncles, four cousins, two nephews, seven friends of the groom and George. She did a slow strip and then she sucked George's cock until he came in her mouth and then she laid back and took them all on. Most fucked her more than once and several had her three or four times. When she came home that night she would not let me eat her, she said her cunt was so sore that the touch of my tongue would be unbearable. She said she learned a lesson that night - not to depend on cum and natural lubrication. Saturday at the wedding she couldn't even hold her legs together and panties hurt when they touched her pussy lips so she had her bare cunt cooling in the breeze. The minister stumbled twice in reciting the ceremony and I still say it was because from where he was standing he could see right up KM's dress.
KM's all time record high gangbang (at least up to this point in time) is thirty-eight and it happened three weeks after George's bachelor party. It was on a Wednesday night and my dad picked KM up as soon as she got off work. He drove her out to the Aerie to share her with his brother Eagles - at least the thirty-eight of them who could manage to get there that night. From six in the evening until two-thirty in the morning KM was fucked in her pussy, mouth and ass almost constantly. She used up three tubes of K-Y Jelly to help keep herself lubricated, but she still wouldn't let me touch her when she got home. She called in sick the next day and spent most of the day soaking in a hot tub, but she was still able to take care of Matt when he came by to collect for the paper. It was at this point that we decided to limit gangbangs of over twenty to no more than three times a year.
Some how Lana found out about the gangbang and she called KM and whined about not being invited. KM told her the she had expected Mark to be there and that's why she didn't tell Lana about it. KM promised to make it up to her, and she did, but that's another story.
Chapter 6By now you should all know that KM is one major league slut. What you may not yet realize is that she has balls bigger than any man I've ever known. A lot of the things I've told her to do have been "dares" more than anything else, and she never backed off from one of them. On the contrary, she has forced me to back off more than once. One time really sticks in my mind.
We had been having one of those pissy little arguments over absolutely nothing of any importance and somehow we had gotten onto the subject of what she would or would not do. She said she would do whatever I told her regardless of how sick or depraved it might be - if I could think of it and bring it up, she would do it! I just knew that there had to be limits to what she would do and I said so. "Nope" she said, "No limits". "Bullshit" I thought, so I came up with the most disgusting thing I could think of. Knowing that we were going to be pet sitting for Mark and Lana's German Shepherd while they were on vacation I said, "Okay Ms No Limits. When we have Adolph over here next week I want you to suck him off and then let him fuck you."
"No problem" she said.
Yeah, right! I thought. That Sunday afternoon when Adolph had been dropped off and Mark and Lana were on their way down the road I turned to KM and said, "Okay. Suck him and fuck him."
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My name is Julie...Yesterday was Sunday so of course that meant it was a morning of worship for me at my church. After a morning of Bible study, singing in the choir and listening to our pastor give a fire-and-brimstone sermon about whether we want to serve God or the devil in hell, I returned to my peaceful home out in the country.During the school year I rent out an apartment in Fayetteville. But during the summer I live at my parent's house, which is about a mile up a dirt road and several...
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Hi all this is Vinay from Gwalior here presenting you a story about an actual incident that happened with me a year ago with some added flavour. So here the story goes. I am studying currently in MITS College Gwalior. A year ago when I had my summer holidays and I went to Mumbai to meet my sister. She is married having a cute girl baby. She lived with her husband who worked in army, so he rarely show up her father in law and her husband’s sister Mona. I went to Mumbai for the first time so...
IncestThis is a mostly true story about Melly and I finding our limits as far as Dom/Sub. We are happily still pushing those limits. I am Genny.It was June, and Michigan is at it's prettiest in June. I was juststarting my third year on the fire department and Melly had just overfour as a RN in the emergency room. We had moved in together the previousNovember, and were madly in love, everything was new and fresh and thesex was fantastic. I had never been happier in my life. In the past fourmonths we...
LesbianDebbie succumbs to charm of the shoe salesmanWe are Alan and Debbie, happily married for many years. A while ago we were in Devon on a touring holiday and one day drove into Cornwall . We lunched in a small village pub, then went walking and looking at the few shops there. Late in the afternoon we came across a small shoe shop. My wife had been looking for some open sandals for a while. On entering the shop we were met by a gentleman of around mid-50's. My wife would have been 53. Another...
---read chapter 19 first to understand what has happened--- My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 20 Katie Succumbs To Her Desires Katie Jackson watched helplessly as her neighbor got dressed and eased his beautiful swollen cock back into his pants. Her face flushed from embarrassment as she glanced into the bathroom mirror and saw her reflection. The hot wife swallowed hard as she grabbed her towel and covered herself as she tried to maintain some sort of modesty. Her perfect small breasts rose and...
The huge cumshot – is it a source of pride or something to be downplayed? I would think most men (and perhaps most women) would see it as an asset/attraction. However, as a lifelong huge shooter, I kind of went through a strange journey. When I got my first handjob this was the first time I ‘came’ in front of a woman. Her name was Anna, she was my age and not that experienced but I was not the only guy she stroked off (and saw cum). I was however, the biggest shooter. I had nothing to compare...
The huge cumshot - is it a source of pride or something to be downplayed? I would think most men (and perhaps most women) would see it as an asset/attraction. However, as a lifelong huge shooter, I kind of went through a strange journey. When I got my first handjob this was the first time I 'came' in front of a woman. Her name was Anna; she was my age and not that experienced but I was not the only guy she stroked off (and saw cum). I was however, the biggest shooter. I had nothing to compare...
As i lay in bed next to my useless snoring husband i heard the boys, my son and his friend David come homeThey were a little noisy but not too bad considering they would have been drinking all evening. The bedroom door to our room was open and i saw my son, Mark walk past toward his room, followed shortly after by his friend David. David looked in at me as he went past. I could see his silhouette in the dark, he was taller than Mark, and a good looking boy with dark hair and a lovely...
In this story, all the hunters are older than 18. "Sorry Seaweed brain, but I think we should end this relationship here." It all begun with this simple phrase, she never told him why she wanted to dump him, she just did. When he asked why, she just said that he wouldn't understand before leaving like that, like everything they've been through didn't matter to her. Honestly, Percy thinked he heard his heart shatter when his wise girl, who he thought was going to be the love of his life, told...
TranssexualWell I first started dressing when I was about 14. One thing that I always noticed is that putting on slutty clothes makes me an absolute whore for cock and cum. Throughout High School I dressed in my alone time but never acted on my slutty urges from fear of being caught by my parents. When I moved to college that all changed though. As soon as I got settled into my private dorm room, I thought it would be nice to spend the evening dressed like a little slut. I decided to wear my schoolgirl...
As we reach the elevator, I make a point of standing next to you, so that I don’t block the other guest’s view of your ass, as you’re standing there, in your very short dress, and high heels… I can see that you are impatient for the elevator doors to open, and as they do so, I place a big hand gently on your left ass-cheek, give it a little squeeze and guide you inside, telling you to stop in the middle of the elevator, with your ass still towards the door. I walk around in front of you, look...
Dan called and asked me to visit to meet this sexy woman. How could I resist?? Found his old Victorian house in a neighborhood surrounded by warehouses. Pulled into the drive and parked behind a 1952 MG TD. Nervous as I knocked on the door. Dan led me into the living room. This is M. I asked about name, and in a British accent she said like in a bond flick. Short platinum blond hair, wearing a pink ball cap. Bright green eyes, wearing a tube top bursting with boobies. Her top was mint green,...
It was almost eighteen months after the convictions of Lisa Evans and Blake Moore for the murder of Mark Evans. Enough time had passed that even Basil Smith rarely thought about the case that had troubled him for the first year after he had represented the defendants. He had checked the transcripts thoroughly several times on his own time, but could not find legal grounds for launching an appeal. There had been no failure in the law that he could exploit for the benefit of the two convicted...
--- I awoke to the playful teasing of a tongue on my balls. It traced all around the outline of my scrotum, momentarily cradling each testicle in a careful embrace. Each ball was briefly sucked into the inviting mouth, and rolled around lovingly between her tongue and soft inner cheek. I slowly pried open my eyes to see which if my girls had won the chance to wake me this morning. Propping myself up on my elbows I glanced down to see my naked body, uncovered by sheets, and a small head...
For some time now, I suspected my girlfriend, Julie, was having sex with someone else, but there were small but tell-tale signs. Whilst I was asl**p the other night, I was woke from a deep sl**p with delightful sucking sensation on my cock, my girlfriend was busy giving my some exceptional ‘head’, licking, kissing and even the odd nibble at my scrotum, it felt great! She began to frantically masturbate my hard cock with her hands and within a couple of minutes I cried out ‘I’m cumming,...
For some time now, I suspected my girlfriend, Julie, was having sex with someone else, but there were small but tell-tale signs.Whilst I was asleep the other night, I was woke from a deep sleep with delightful sucking sensation on my cock, my girlfriend was busy giving my some exceptional "head", licking, kissing and even the odd nibble at my scrotum, it felt great! She began to frantically masturbate my hard cock with her hands and within a couple of minutes I cried out "I'm cumming, Julie!",...
For some reason, I've always been prude when it comes to porn... Don't get me wrong, I've seen it before. I grew up with boys and had more boy-friends than girl-friends throughout junior high and high school. I remember going over to my neighbor's house on several occasions and walking in on my guy friends watching porn together and teasing them for "taking notes" on what they watched. Once I was in my first serious relationship, it was with a guy who loved to watch porn. Sometimes we watched...
DOCUMENTING HER DEGRADATION Much of Laura's free time now was spent being photographed by Daniel. He had created a website for her called "Laura The Fake Lesbian" at, and he had her record a video intro for it. In the intro, she was topless, with her brother's sperm visible on her tits and face. She spoke in a giggly, breathless bimbo voice, and said, "Hi, I'm Laura! I pretend to be a lesbian to make boys jealous, and I love the taste of my girlfriends'...
I come over to visit you while your husband is gone, I enjoy seeing how nervous you act when I get there, your always a little extra nervous since you know that I could ask you to do things you’ve never done before. That you are so willing to submit to me and my wishes, I ask if you did what I told you too with the cucumber, you say you bought it but couldn’t use it you were too shy and afraid. I tell you to show it to me, you pull it out of the drawer you hid it in and show me, it is a nice...
After being granted a place to study at Brighton University, I travelled down to Brighton to find a place to accommodate myself for the year as I didn’t get a single room in the halls. Everywhere else I looked was too expensive and I was running out of option until I saw a notice in the local cafe, offering a room at the best rate ever. So I went to the address, knocked on the door and when the door opened, my mouth hit the floor.There stood the most perfect 5 foot 5, blue eyed, short blonde...
After being granted a place to study at Brighton University, I travelled down to Brighton to find a place to accommodate myself for the year as I didn’t get a single room in the halls. Everywhere else I looked was too expensive and I was running out of option until I saw a notice in the local cafe, offering a room at the best rate ever. So I went to the address, knocked on the door and when the door opened, my mouth hit the floor.There stood the most perfect 5 foot 5, blue eyed, short blonde...
Hi Reader, I like the stories. I think some of them would actually happen. And some are written by women. One can tell by the way it is written I suppose. So, let me jump into mine. Sunday afternoon was set to pass. Past 3:30, past 4 too maybe, about the stroke of 5. I lay on the couch like cheese spread over bread. Watching tv. I was feeling dazed and dreamy. I would turn over into odd postures, sometimes especially upside down. I was trying to think things. But things are fickle and thoughts...
LesbianI come over to visit you while your husband is gone, I enjoy seeing how nervous you act when I get there, your always a little extra nervous since you know that I could ask you to do things you’ve never done before. That you are so willing to submit to me and my wishes, I ask if you did what I told you too with the cucumber, you say you bought it but couldn’t use it you were too shy and afraid. I tell you to show it to me, you pull it out of the drawer you hid it in and show me, it is a nice...
The Documentary I'm not nuts anymore? by Casie Gibson Wow, what a pain. I mean, doing a documentary isn't easy but it can be fun. Take mine for example. It starts out with a super eight movie of my stay in Thailand. We actually filmed it in HD and then sped it up by a quarter before putting it on super-eight. Then we refilmed it in HD for the film. And that was just the opening. But it sure came out cool. I mean, the James Bond films have nothing on mine. The super-eight...
The New Girl - A Documentary of the Butterfly Light Part 1 A seasoned journalist, Mike traveled the world in search of compelling stories. It was his last one, however, deep in the hilly jungle of Southeast Asia, which would change his life back in Manhattan forever. With flagging self-awareness, Mike does his best to document his erotic transformation from man to woman and his final emergence in the 'butterfly light.' I started my video blog basically because I'm a journalist. ...
Series 4, Episode 2: Cara We’re looking at the beautiful English countryside – fields, stone walls, a few cows grazing ... Then we’re looking at a build up inner city street – big shop windows and hundreds of people walking by ... Then we’re looking at a car park outside a shopping mall – cars everywhere, shoppers bringing their goods back to their cars ... Then we’re looking at a big boat crossing over a river – tourists leaning over the sides, taking pictures... Then we’re on a quiet...
We open on footage from a current affair documentary, the host doing her best to sound very earnest about the plight of the women she’s discussing. As she speaks, we see a montage of young ladies, either beautiful, or close enough that no-one would argue the point… “Package tours to the Ukraine for single western men, seeking eastern European brides. The marketing for these week-long breaks boast that the men will meet women who are not only beautiful, but also dutiful… Young women, with...
The phone rang in Susan's office, she was reading one of her student's papers and hadn't thought about the lusty documentary she'd been working on since last weekend. The woman at the other end was GIllian, who worked as one of the executive producers for the production company that hired her to do the interviews. "Susan, its Gillian, we looked at your first interviews and were really taken with your lustful approach to the subject, we want you to embellish that concept and even go...
I was on holidays the last few days and I experienced such an amazing story, I thought u all may be pleased to hear such a horny holiday story as it made me once mor cum whilst writing it ;)(Pictures are taking from the internet to enhance ur fantasy =) ) Cumshot surprise on holidaysIt was a sunny and hot day at at the beach, a chilling wind was blowing from the sea and I was chilling in my beach chair. I was enjoying the great view when a hot dark haired girl was taking her place next to me....