Decision Made 2 free porn video

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Decision Made - Part 2 When Beckie used that syrupy sweet voice on him, George knew that it could presage an eruption that could rivals Mount Vesuvius. He braced himself for the possible explosion and its inevitable fallout. In this case, Beckie contained her anger and calmly said, "George, go pour us a couple of stiff drinks. We need to have a talk." Hearing those dreaded words, George knew he was in trouble. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know that the shit was about to hit the fan. On top of that, Beckie seldom drank hard liquor and never in the afternoon. George could guess why today was different but hoped from the bottom of his heart he was wrong. There was only one way to find out. George quickly made his way to the den's liquor cabinet and poured them each three fingers of his best Scotch. With his heart racing, he returned to the kitchen where Beckie sat at the dinette impatiently tapping her foot. He placed the glasses on the table and took a seat opposite his wife. Beckie took a long pull on her drink and then stared George right in the eyes. She asked with an impish grin, "So, how was your trip? Anything interesting happen?" Not waiting for an answer, she slid the tabloid newspaper that June had left over to him and opened it to the headlines. 'Mystery woman, known as Ms. Crystal McKnockers walks away from 25 million dollars.' George felt faint, thinking 'Oh my God my life is over.' Not knowing how right he was. "How are you feeling dear? You're looking a little pale." Beckie spoke in a neutral tone with just a hint of hostility. Not waiting for a response, she continued, "Now I want some answers and if I even think you're lying to me, I'll throw your ass out and you will never see me or your children again!" Beckie picked up her glass, this time taking only a sip to wet her dry throat, then she started in on her interrogation in earnest. Tapping the picture of a woman bent over picking up off the floor what appeared to be the magic quarter. Her nickname must have been earned by the fact her impressively large breasts were spilling out of the top of her low-cut dress. "Is that floozy you?" Now it was George's turn. He picked up his glass and swallowed down about half of it looking to gain some liquid courage for what lie ahead. "Yes dear, but I can explain." That only instigated an irritated rejoinder, "Explain my ass, there is only one explanation! I'm married to the world's dumbest asshole. I'd ask what you were thinking, but it's obvious you weren't thinking at all. Okay shit-for-brains, go ahead and explain. This should be interesting." Beckie was the quintessential church lady, her use of profanity and her belittling language told George all he needed to know about her anger. Of all the things he envisioned his wife attacking him for, George wasn't expecting his intelligence to be challenged. Beckie was red in the face now, daggers shooting out of her eyes. "Tell me how you could just up and leave all that money sitting there? I want to strangle you! I thought I knew you, I never realized how selfish you could be. I'm so disappointed in you for not considering your family before you beat feet and left that fortune sitting there. Think what that money would mean for me and the children. You selfish bastard!" Then she tapped the picture threateningly and added, "Or looking at your portrait maybe bitch is more appropriate." George was flabbergasted, his wife seemed to be more upset that he didn't claim his prize, than about the fact that he won the money dressed as a woman. This was the first time she had even mentioned how he was dressed. She leaned forward a bit as she asked, "Tell me why you walked away from our future?" "I'm sorry, Beckie. Because of the way I was dressed, I was afraid how you and the kids would react. I didn't want to embarrass you and the children by having the world know your husband and their father dresses up as a woman.." Beckie gave a slight giggle, "Just who were you afraid would be embarrassed, us or you? And just how embarrassed do you think I'll be taking that money to the bank, to pay off the mortgage and having money to send the kids to the finest private schools?" George stammered, "I was a man dressed as a woman. The ramifications of that were my main concern. You can always earn more money, but once you lose your dignity it's gone forever." Beckie could follow that reasoning, but she was too worked up to let George off the hook. "Yes, it's a big deal. I'll grant you that the children will be devastated. But this isn't the same culture our parents grew up in. Hell, metrosexual is all the rage. But what's a little humiliation compared to what 25 million dollars can do for us? "Let me be honest here. I suspect your main concern was about preserving your precious male pride. You were afraid of being outed as a sissy cross dresser. The kids and I were a secondary or even a tertiary concern." George was flustered, there might be some truth to her charge. "You are partially correct I was concerned about how the neighbors and our friends might react. However, you are wrong about my primary apprehension. Our marriage and the children mean more to me than all of our friends and neighbors or even my pride." Beckie sneered at his response, "To hell with the neighbors, if our friends turn away from us because you wear skirts, then good riddance to them. They would not be the friends we thought they were." George had prepared himself to defend his dressing and now Beckie was being so nonchalant about the whole thing he was lost, his head hurt. He decided to take the bull by the horns and jumped right in. "Beckie, aren't you going to ask me about wearing the dress." His wife frowned at him. "You mean other than the fact you lack any fashion sense? Of course, when girls like you are out trolling for tricks, I guess fashion is the last thing on your mind." She obviously did not understand. "Damn it no! You have it all wrong. I wasn't looking for any male companionship." Beckie tapped the newspaper again. "Then how do you explain the pictures on page two of you hanging off some studs arm? You sure looked chummy. I will grant you have good taste in men. From his picture, he looks like a real hunk. A keeper as they say, in today's vernacular. I sure wouldn't kick him out of my bed. Can you claim the same?" George about fell off his chair after his wife's observation. "It wasn't like that. You have to believe me!" She sat back in the chair and studied him. She was starting to have fun. "I'll tell you what, I will believe my eyes. The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Take a look at those pictures from the security cameras. All I see is a guy with his trophy girlfriend drinking, gambling, and carousing in a Vegas casino. Can you honestly tell me you didn't feel anything being with him?" George nodded. "You're right. I did get a thrill that this guy wanted me. However, it wasn't a sexual thrill like you are implying. It was more of a vanity thing. With his looks and money, he could have had any number of women. Yet he chose me. He made me feel pretty. I spent a lot of time and effort to create that look. No one had ever seen me dressed as a woman, so it was exhilarating to think I could look not only passable but attractive. So, shoot me for being a narcissist. "We bumped into each other as I outside of the casino. He offered to buy me a drink. I was flattered so I accepted and things just got out of hand. Every time I turned around one of the cocktail waitresses were handing me a fresh drink. By the time I left I was felling no pain. The problem was that he started winning money at the tables and decided I was his good luck charm and wouldn't let me get more than a few feet away." Beckie huffed, "Good luck charm, your sweet ass! He was thinking about getting lucky in other ways than at the craps table." George blushed. He had to make his wife see that sure there was some flirtatious banter between them. But nothing more. "There may be some truth there. But the thought wasn't reciprocated. I am not gay!" From the look on Beckie's face he could tell she still wasn't convinced, he tried again. "Honey you have to believe me. I have no interest in men. I just have this.... need to dress and express my feminine side." Beckie sneered at him. "There you go being stupid again. Even a dullard like you has to know woman dress to impress and to attract the attention of the male of the species, that's the nature of the thing. You can deny it all day long. But your decision to dress as a slut was at least partially based on the desire to attract attention. It may have been at some subliminal level but there is no denying it. Just look at that picture, that is a woman out looking for action." Now George was getting upset. His wife was challenging his sexual orientation. He hated quarrelling but couldn't let her charges go unchallenged. "No, no! you have it all wrong! Check it out, do some research. Most cross dressers are heterosexual." Beckie smiled when he left off the word males. She knew what he meant but was enjoying putting her husband on the defensive so she retorted, "Heterosexual woman is what I think you meant to say." "Please, you have that all wrong. Aren't you upset finding out I like to dress as a woman?" Beckie shrugged. "Oh, that. I've known or at least suspected for years that you like to dress in woman's clothes and wear makeup. I am just shocked you had the nerve to go out in public looking like a tramp. I thought you confined your 'Look at me, how pretty I am,' activities to the mirror in your hotel room." She had to smile at the look on her husband's face. "Don't look so shocked. Yes, I know about it. At the company social functions, the wives talk. You have the reputation of being a bit of a recluse on business trips. First chance you get, you're off to your room, not to be seen until morning. If there was a woman coming and going from your room, it would be noticed and duly reported. You dress and aren't seen leaving your room ergo, you spend your time in your room in front of a mirror. The guys who go out to look for a little strange on your trips are well known among the wives. You are not one of them, I know you would never cheat on me, at least with another woman. Until now I never worried about losing you to a man." Now he felt really lost. "I don't see where I went wrong hiding my .... hobby." Beckie finished off her drink. "You thought you were being so careful. George I may be a blonde, but I do have an IQ higher than room temperature. Call it women's intuition or just a keen sense of observation. A wife just knows these things. "It wasn't any one thing, but rather an accumulation of small things over time that exposed your perversion. Like coming home with a little extra color to your lips, failure to get all the mascara off your lashes, a hint of perfume when you came to bed after a road trip. I have known or at least suspected about your extracurricular activities for several years." George relaxed and thought he might escape yet. He couldn't have been any further from the truth. "My dressing doesn't bother you?" "Of course, it bothers me. For heavens' sake! The man I married, rather than play golf, wears panties, high heels and dresses for fun. You may not be going to hell for it, but I certainly wasn't going to advertise it either. I was willing to keep quiet about it. As long as you kept your dressing to your road trips and didn't bring it home, I was content to turn a blind eye to it. Out of sight, out of mind kind of thinking, I guess you can say. "After a long road trip, you seemed so much more relaxed and less up- tight. It served a function. Made you more pleasant to live with and a better father. I decided to let sleeping dogs lie." Beckie handed Georgie her empty glass and waited for him to return with her refill. "Now you've come stumbling out of the closet and into the spotlight. Things are going to have to change. For heaven's sake, we live in a small town! You sneeze around here and everyone knows by dinner time the color of your hankie. How long do you think it will be before my parents, our friends, and the ladies at church find out about your cross dressing?" "Beckie, no one needs to know," George pleaded. Beckie sighed deeply, "There you go being naive again. Because you did not claim that jackpot right away, you essentially made yourself a national oddity. People are going to wonder. June gave me her copy of that gossip rag and asked me if you had a twin sister. The casino is offering a cash reward to find the mystery woman. It won't take long before one of our acquaintances puts two and two together and turns you in. Our family will be devastated from the publicity." Beckie, knew the solution, now she had to do was get her husband to agree. "George, the only thing we can do is have Crystal return voluntarily and claim her prize. We need to get you into your womanly garb and back to Las Vegas quickly. With her out of hiding the mystery is solved, that will stop people from investigating." George's head spun, "I'm a little overwhelmed, Beck. I thought you would be upset from a biblical standpoint. It seems all you want to discuss is the practical." It took Beckie a minute to ascertain what he was getting at. "You mean the passages in Deuteronomy?" George nodded. "Yes, exactly." She returned his nod. "George, I have a degree from a Bible college and we did more than memorize passages. We studied them. When you actually look at Deuteronomy 22:5, cross-dressing is a term that is not used in the good book. It was about men dressing in women's clothing and vice versa. In its proper context, God commands 'that a woman is not to wear that which pertains to a man and a man is not to wear that which pertains to a woman.' Too many closed-minded people take that literally. The Bible isn't a fashion text. It doesn't dictate what clothes are appropriate for men to wear, it is a probation against men doing so for devious reasons, like pretending to be woman to get out of service in the Army. Unless you intend to show up at the draft board in a dress and heels, I don't see how that applies to your activities." George liked the direction this discussion was going so he mustered the courage to inquire, "Can I ask, are we good?" Beckie gave her answer some serious thought before she replied. "George, I have been in love with you since our first date. We have had some really good years together. I had always seen myself growing old with you. Am I happy that I am married to a closet sissy, certainly not? That is an issue we will need to work through after you come back from Vegas with the money. Our future is no longer as clear as it once was for me." She took another swallow of her drink. "You're a great father. Our children love you and need you in their lives. I am not sure how we are going to do that at the moment. We will take it one step at a time." The relief George felt was like a weight being lifted. "Thanks, I would die being cut out of their lives. How about us?" 'I assume you are talking about us living as husband and wife. That is much more complicated, I'm afraid. Of one thing I am certain, I'm not a lesbian. There is no way Crystal will ever share my marital bed. Can I let George into my bed? At the moment, I don't honestly know. When I look at you, I don't see a man or my husband anymore. I can't get that picture of that woman out of my head. I can't see how I can be married to a woman, even a part time one!" George started to cry, tears leaking out of his eyes in torrents. "But I am the same person, just in different clothes, please don't throw away our marriage." Beckie maintained a stoneface as she said, "We'll talk about what our future looks like when you get home with the money. If you don't get the money, just keep going there is no place here for you. I assume you still have that outfit. It's not in the house because I would have found it at some point." Subdue, George replied, "Yes dear, I have a storage locker where I keep all my feminine things." "Good you'll need it when you fly back to Vegas." @ @ @ @ "What! You're crazy if you think I am going to fly anywhere dressed like that." Beckie had just informed George how things needed to play out for Crystal to claim her jackpot. The first item was that Crystal would be the one flying into Las Vegas, not George. Beckie sat up in her chair and took control, "Look. They are looking for a woman named Crystal. If she shows up at the airport, there will be a lot fewer questions than if she just pops into the Casino. If they ask why you didn't stick around, just feed them some cock and bull story about going home to get a financial advisor before claiming your winnings." That sounded logical to George and he nodded in agreement. "That makes sense, but I would need ID to get on an airplane." He thought that he had won that argument. Airport security was incredibly tight these days. No ID no plane ride. He had again underestimated his wife. She calmy asked, "Who did Crystal's makeup?" "I did it myself," he answered proudly. But pride goes before the fall. George was doomed and he did not see it coming. Beckie stood and pointed toward their bedroom. "Good, go into our room and recreate your look as close as possible. I have more than sufficient cosmetics for your transformation. There is also that old wig in the back of my closet left over from Halloween a few years ago. It's not the same style, but that's okay. Women are always changing their look." George glanced at the clock and asked, "What about the kids?" "Mike is spending the night at my parents' house. Your daughter has a sleep over at a friend's house." @ @ @ @ An hour later, George was preoccupied while Beckie assembled the outfit he would wear back to Vegas. After a quick phone call to an old high school friend, Beckie sat on edge of the bed and watched her husband work. She was truly amazed at how well he handled her beauty products. When he was finished, she gave him a thorough examination. She saw nothing to complain about or to correct, so they moved on to getting him dressed. She stuffed his bra with old panty house and he looked the part of a frightened runaway lottery winner. Her wig had a small wig cap and he was having difficulty settling it in place. "Come on Crystal, shake a leg. We've got places to go and people to see." George didn't like the sound of that. "I demand to know where we are going!" Beckie smiled and merely replied, "Demand is a pretty strong word under the current circumstances missy. Ask me no questions and I will tell you no lies. You look fine, let's get going." She threw a purse at him and dragged her reluctant princess out of the house and to the family minivan. There first stop was at a local drug store that had the facilities for making passport photos. He nervously posed for his portrait. After that, they drove to the local DMV. Crystal remained in the car while Beckie paid a visit on her old friend. Thirty minutes later she returned with a spanking new driver's license with Crystal's face on it and their family name. She had briefly thought about giving her husband a different last name, her maiden name seemed appropriate. After thinking it through he would have to provide his real social security number, using the last name associated with number would raise fewer questions. "Here you go, put that in your purse. Let's go home and you can make reservations for a return trip pack to Vegas. I'll drive you to the airport. We can stop and pickup what feminine things you'll be needing." @ @ @ @ The next day, they drove the 45 minutes to the airport for Crystal's trip. Who was not a happy camper. It started when Beckie insisted that he travel wearing high heels. He tried to explain people don't dress formally on planes anymore. Beckie countered, "It isn't about the travel but about the exit." So he left the house wearing his wife's three-inch heels that were two sizes too small. The drive to his storage locker for the suitcase that held Crystal's wardrobe was pure agony. The first thing he did was to exchange Beckie's too-small shoes for the ones Crystal had worn. It was strange that trading three-inch heels for 5-inch ones were a relief to his feet. At Beckie's suggestion, he retrieved his Crystal wig which was a brilliant idea. Its large wig cap resulted it on settling more naturally on his head. He was less enthusiastic about her second proposal. One of Crystal's most identifiable characteristics were her chest size. If he showed up with melons the size of oranges instead of cantaloups, some uncomfortable questions might arise. Unfortunately, her logic made complete sense, so he grudgingly complied and removed the stuffing in Beckie's bra and replace it with the oversized breast forms. It was immediately apparent to George that filling a C-cup bra and replacing them with the D-sized forms that had given Crystal's distinctive shape was more than a fashion faux pas. As much as he tried to adjust the straps there was no way he could get comfortable. As they were running late to get to the airport, Beckie didn't give him sufficient time to adjust his assets to where they were comfy, nor to change his brassiere. She hurried him to the car, more concerned he might miss his flight than his apparent discomfort. Walking in his stiletto heels only exacerbated the condition as the fleshy orbs bobbed up and down and wiggled side to side. All he could think of was the old saying about 10 pounds of shit in a 5-pound bag. The movement of the cramped car only served to remind him of their weight and the way they irritatingly refused to stay still in his bra. Whenever Beckie glanced over he was compulsively fidgeting with his bra trying to get them to settle down. Whenever Beckie attempted to make conversation, her efforts were meet with only grunts. His negative attitude only served to piss off Beckie. In her mind, this was all his making and he had no right to be a gloomy Gus. She finally had enough and pulled off the interstate and pulled into a minimart. A bewildered George asked, "What the fuck are you doing now?" "Watch your language, that is no way for a lady to talk. You've been acting like you have a case of PMS. It must be your time of the month. So, I thought we would stop and you could go purchase whatever feminine hygiene products you use to get you through this period." "That's not funny, Beckie." "Funny or not you'll be back in less than a week and if you are still being a pain in the ass, I will see to it your ass will be in pain. Now I am serious, get in there, buy a box of tampons, and put a couple in your purse. If anyone looks in there, and they probably will going through security, they would expect a woman of breeding age to always have some available. Get going or you will miss your flight! "If you fight me on this, you'll be wearing one of those up your ass for the flight, and your purse will have pantyliners and condoms in it!" @ @ @ @ Once they reached the airport, Beckie pulled up to allow George to reluctantly climb out of the car. When he leaned over to kiss her goodbye, Beckie turned her head and all he got was a cheek. As he walked off, she yelled after him, "Come back with the money, or don't come back at all." As he disappeared into the terminal, Beckie got out her phone and called the local ABC affiliate for Las Vegas, providing them with the flight information concerning the mystery woman. George would be mortified to be greeted by a news team and their camera, but she had a good reason for it. While the casino was showing that they were looking for the mysterious Crystal, they might very well resort to denying that George was the person they were looking for. By getting Crystal on the news as some sort of human-interest story, casino would be hard-put to refuse to award that check. After all, it was a lot of money. George waited in line to go through the security check-in, he had his license with his feminine picture on it. Still, he was nervous about passing a close scrutiny. The thought of being publicly pulled out of line as an imposter caused his heart to race uncontrollably. To make things worse he felt himself tinkle into his panties. Perspiration ran down his forehead and into his eyes, causing them to sting. Using the back of his hand he wiped his eyes, making a mess of his mascara. It turned out his apprehensions were for naught. The guard gave him and his ID only a perfunctory examination and waved him right through. His first stop before his gate was a brief stop in the lady's room. Luckily, it was unoccupied and he made it to a stall. With some difficulty he managed to untuck and wiggle out of his foundation garments and he was able to sit. He had a long pee, hoping it will last until after his flight. He had enough trouble in the wide stall, the thought of repeating that in the narrow confines of an airplane was a bridge too far. He went to the sink, washed his hands, and spent several minutes repairing the damage to his makeup. In the past, putting on makeup was his happy place, but that wasn't the case this time. He wasn't totally satisfied, but two women came in, George decided now was the best time to beat a hasty retreat. He gathered his cosmetics that he had scattered around the counter and hastily threw them into his purse. He only had a few minutes to wait before boarding started. He had bought an economy ticket. So, he was in the last group to board, then he had to walk the length of the aisle as his seat was in the very back. Maybe he was being paranoid, but he felt everyone in the plane was staring at him. Of course, the size of his breasts and the way they bobbled around with each step might have had something to do with that. As he took his seat, he could only wonder what the future might bring. Good or bad, he was determined to see this thing through for his family's sake. To be continued

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2 years ago
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Reddit HomeMadeXXX, aka r/HomeMadeXXX! Why is amateur porn the best type of porn out there? Hell, I don’t know. Maybe it’s because it’s raw, unedited and not produced by a guy behind the camera who’s waving instructions at the girls like a spastic aircraft marshaller. Imagine you’re viewing a particularly sexy triple-A production and your dick is rock hard, then imagine that instead of looking into your eyes, the girl is actually seeing some suit-wearing yahoo waving stroking instructions at...

Reddit NSFW List
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I knew Taylor Made Clips would have some exciting stuff even before I pulled up the site. You see, I’ve been reviewing smut long enough to know that custom porn shops are much more likely to cater to kinky fetishes than your average, vanilla lesbian-and-blowjob porno operation. I certainly don’t have anything against the tried and true formulas, but sometimes you want a break from the normal. And for a lot of you hardcore fetishists, that’s the only way you’ll even get off.So, have you got any...

Premium Fetish Porn Sites
3 years ago
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Decisions Decisions

Sincere thanks to reviewers of my first story. You were all very kind. Decisions, Decisions by Joannebarbarella An unfamiliar sensation woke me. I am Lady Diana Spencer, soon to be Princess of Wales and last night my future husband Charles and I attended a Ball. It was not surprising that we were crowned king and queen of the event as I was wearing the dress in which I will be married and Charles his full-dress uniform. We were surely the most handsome couple there. It was rather...

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Decisions Decisions Part 2

Decisions, decisions – Part 2 – Interracial SexRecap: After getting into swinging Jake and his wife Beth decided to start a site of their own. This would help them financially although they needed to keep up with the trends and turn out a video for their members about every month to six weeks.One constant question from members was if Beth would have more creampie endings. I usually had to explain to them that’s birth control caused her problems so she wasn’t on it.However when the timing was...

3 years ago
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Decision of A Lifetime

Please read the other chapters first to understand this part better...With my arms around Master’s neck, I cleared my throat and responded in a sexy tone, “That, yes, indeed I wanted to be his sex slave forever. That I loved his directions, his hot sexy lustful mannerisms and was prepared to serve his every wanton desire and need. No matter how kinky, perverse or wicked that he wanted to lead me into.”Graham looked down at me and smiled. He had hoped I would say yes. He had a variety of sex...

3 years ago
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Decisions decisions Part 1

Decisions, decisions - Part 1 – Interracial SexHi we’re Jake and Beth, both in our early 40’s, got married early, now have two grown k**s (Told you we got married early.) one of which arrived while we were still in high school.She has black hair a great figure and breast that are between a b and c cup. Always a passionate woman in bed and I just love having sex with her.After the k**s arrived I got snipped as we figured two youngsters were enough. Once you have two the parents are totally...

3 years ago
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Decision at Ellis Island

Copyright 2000, 2001 SWL all rights reserved except the publication at Fictionmania. The song is Suzanne by Leonard Cohen. Decision at Ellis Island By shalimar Steve walked into his favorite bar in East Meadow on Long Island. It was not the same since Simon had disappeared about 3 months before. It hurt not to have Sy around, but Steve was determined to continue without his best friend. They had done everything together ever since they met in kindergarten. They even shared their...

4 years ago
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Das wilde Liebesleben von Madeleine

Stackholm ade, es lebe London. Fern vom swebischen Königshaus kostet die neunzehnjährige Madeleine ihre neue Freiheit aus – und studiert vor allem die Liebe. Zwar wohnt die hübsche Königstochter im Haus einer Freundin ihrer Mutter, ist also nicht ganz ohne Kontrolle. Außerdem ist sie vor drei Wochen mit einem gewissen Pflichtprogramm nach London gekommen. Sie hat sich an der Universität eingeschrieben, um die englische Sprache zu studieren. Aber für das Studium interessiert sich die schöne...

3 years ago
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Creamy Madeline

Madeline and I have worked together for the past five years and besides the job the two of us have one thing in common - we both despise our employer and most of the other people we work with. As you might guess, not caring for the others we work with means that we spend a lot of time together during breaks and lunch periods, and as time went by we became very close. We were like brother and sister or even best friends, if such a thing is possible between a man and a woman not married to each...

4 years ago
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Earth Remade

Earth Remade Part 1 The woman lying on the table before me had been young, exceptionally fit, and spectacularly beautiful. She'd been perfect in every way. There was an unearthly beauty about her with her long dark brunette hair that cascaded from her head in waves, intense blue eyes, full lips, and a figure so wondrous that it defied description. Yet, for all her looks and seeming innocence, I despised her. She wasn't human at all. She was an alien facsimile. No one knows...

2 years ago
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DECISIONS By Miranda Birch ___________________________________________________________________________________ Copyright ©2019 Miranda Birch. All Rights Reserved. ___________________________________________________________________________________“Now Martin,” said Claire levelly, calmly and with no more than the merest trace ofteasing, “do you still think you are capable of handling a female-led relationship?The Martin so addressed was a somewhat younger man who was kneeling before her...

3 years ago
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Decisions George stood in front of the mirror, tucked a stray curl of the long blonde wig behind his ear so he could apply the last of his makeup. His favorite a sparkly lip gloss. How different this Saturday had been since his one a week ago. Last Saturday morning, he had made the 45-minute drive home from an overnight shift at the home improvement box store where he was a department manager. This Saturday morning had been spent in a hot bath, while he shaved his legs. He...

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The young wife was on all fours, her husband’s cock stroking in her vagina, as frequently happened at six am on a weekday morning. He’d finish soon, shower, shave, and expect breakfast on the table. Reading the morning paper as he ate, then kissing her perfunctorily goodbye, he’d head for the train. A very routine beginning of the day. Evenings weren’t much more interesting except there was rarely any sex. That was just as well, as far as she was concerned, since the small mess he left in her...

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Decisions Decisions

It isn't the alarm clock that wakes you, even though its blaring electronic bleep startles you; your body jumps momentarily out of its skin before you settle back against the soft pillows. You blow the hair out of your eyes and glance around the darkened room. It had been daylight outside when you first laid down in the bed; now it was dusk. How did time manage to slip away like that? You feel supine, erotic, lanky like a cat. Slowly, steadily, you trail your hands across your skin, down your...

2 years ago
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DecisionsChapter 6

Paul was a believer in the peak and valley theory. That theory stated that if something was going good for a while, a peak, it would also be going bad for a similar amount of time, hence a valley. He knew it was a long dry spell before he met and bedded Monica, Emma, and now Stacy. He hoped he could return to somewhere in the middle of these peaks and valleys. He had the opportunity to hasten this process when Monica approached him at Bingo about her husband going out of town because his...

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She had forgotten how long she had been sitting there, staring blankly out into the darkness, a half smoked cigarette dangled in tapered fingers. Fingertip flicked the smoldering cigarette, ash drifted downward in a powerless spiral, and a purse of thin scarlet stained lips drew on its end, flaring the ember’s burn at its tip for a moment, before it returned to its weak and faded glow. Dark strands of pitch hung limply against her face, oily tendrils clinging to her brow. Hollowed cheeks,...

3 years ago
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I still think about how life would be different if I had had his baby. I’d be tied to him and his horrible family, forever, always struggling to keep them from indoctrinating my child. Sure, I could soak him for support, but I’d have to share the most precious thing in my life with someone I consider to have been a fluke with no right to lay claim to me or mine. I think about what a wretched father he’d be, and how I couldn’t trust his side of the family to consider anything but their own...

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     The door closed behind me as I slid into the seat.  I watched in total apprehension as the Police Officer walked around and climbed behind the wheel.  He checked his mirrors and pulled away from the curb without speaking.  After he closed the windows he turned on the air-conditioning, it felt good.  "Thought I told you to wait for me at the car he said."  'You did, I answered.'  'But you took off,'  'Yes. I got scared, I said'  He looked me over, for a second or two, I was wearing shorts...

3 years ago
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The Age of Madeline

I never expected to kiss a boy again, much less suck his cock. But I did, the night of my sixteenth birthday. I sucked two, actually, my two best friends, Michael and David. They were sixteen also. We were in my basement, trying out my new Xbox 360. It was an awesome machine. About ten o'clock, right out of the blue, David asked if I would suck his cock. "Sure," I said blithely. "Whip it out, dude!" I couldn't believe when he did. "What are you doing?" I croaked, horrified. He...

3 years ago
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how I was remade

For several years I live with a woman who has deviations in sex. . It started with the fact that she was biting my cock, I was hurt but I was patient, because I did not want to offend my Gracie. If she offended she could not communicate with me for a week. With this blow job, my thoughts were like distracting her to another action. Three years have passed and deviations in sex have begun and I have, now I began to like bites and to the pain I'm used to, Gracie it felt and everything became much...

4 years ago
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Masseur and mademoiselle

I had finished cleaning my room when Anita knocked on the door and said, “Referral for you.” I walked into Anita’s office and saw her standing next to a professionally dressed black woman who seemed about ten or twelve years older and two inches than me. She looked at me expectantly as Anita introduced us, “Cecilia, this is Phil; Phil, Cecilia has heard good things about you.”“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said.“Teresa and Linda both recommended you. I work long hours and need a good massage...

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Masseur and mademoiselle

I had finished cleaning my room when Anita knocked on the door and said, “Referral for you.” I walked into Anita’s office and saw her standing next to a professionally dressed black woman who seemed about ten or twelve years older and two inches than me. She looked at me expectantly as Anita introduced us, “Cecilia, this is Phil; Phil, Cecilia has heard good things about you.”“It’s a pleasure to meet you,” I said.“Teresa and Linda both recommended you. I work long hours and need a good massage...

2 years ago
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Decisions Bleach

"ICHI-SAN!" "GAWK!" Ichigo half gasped, half choked as he was screamed awake by his sister Yuzu calling from downstairs. He attempted to block out her caterwauling, and cover his ears at the same time. He slammed his palms against his ears with enough force to make his eardrums pop, then ring. He blinked rapidly trying to clear his vision as he scrambled to get up to get ready for school. Unfortunately, his blankets had other ideas for him; they were still tangled around his legs. As he...

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Naruto slept soundly. He'd only just returned to the Hidden Leaf Village weeks before, and he found that he'd missed his old bed. As he lay there snoozing, his pillow partly on his head, it was the sun's warming kiss that woke Naruto up rather than his alarm clock. The sunlight seemed to fill his body with energy. He woke slowly, smiling, ready for another day. He rolled over and took the pillow off his head. "Darn, it's barely 8 o'clock," he thought. It wasn't his usual wake up time, but today...

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Sandy was more than a little upset with herself as the early morning light brightened the hall. Her son had been due to arrive home from school late last night, and though she really wanted to be awake when he arrived, sleep had gotten the better of her. She thought about going to his room to check on him, but then thought the better of that idea and, retreating to her room, found her bathrobe and slowly made her way to the kitchen.  As she poured her first cup of eye-opener she thought about...

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Sandy was more than a little upset with herself as the early morning light brightened the hall. Her son had been due to arrive home from school late last night, and though she really wanted to be awake when he arrived, sleep had gotten the better of her. She thought about going to his room to check on him, but then thought the better of that idea and, retreating to her room, found her bathrobe and slowly made her way to the kitchen. As she poured her first cup of eye-opener she thought about...

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Lately I've been reading a few stories about revenge and getting even. Hard as I've tried, I can't seem to leave these stories alone. I guess it's because of something that I did awhile back and now I'm paying the price 'mentally'. It had been a couple of months since I did something really stupid. Now I totally regret it and I hardly remember most of it. I'm Jim Hawkins and have been married to my wife Christina for seven years. We're both in our early thirties and seem to have a...

2 years ago
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DecisionsChapter 2

The guilt of having made love with a married woman was something that was short-lived in Paul’s mind. He realized that Monica had instigated this lovemaking and from what he could tell she enjoyed herself. He knew he too enjoyed himself. The way she had engineered their coupling to come about required some thought on her part. He was looking forward to see what she had in store for him this Friday. Things at work were a little hectic with the changeover to a new computer system. These were...

4 years ago
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DecisionsChapter 3

Things at work continued to be a somewhat hectic with the implementation of the new computer system. Paul had to admit that watching and listening to Stacy as she did the training was still worth the price of admission. Her lower body was still his chief attraction but her pretty face was starting to get more of his votes. She certainly knew the software product and could effectively impart her knowledge to Paul’s employees. Paul was having a cup of coffee with Stacy late Wednesday...

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DecisionsChapter 4

Nothing unusual happened at bingo Thursday. Monica was there and while she smiled at Paul, she seemed to understand the need to cool their relationship now that her husband was back in town. Stacy completed her training on Friday and came into Paul’s office to summarize the training. She told Paul that the employees were capable of handling this new system. She said that if problems were encountered they could call her or the company for help in resolving any issues. She thanked Paul for the...

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DecisionsChapter 5

There was a little bit of a challenge at work when one of Paul’s outside salesmen announced that he was going to retire and move to Arizona. After some thought Paul offered the position to Sandra Hagan his inside sales representative who had previously indicated that she wanted the position. Transferring a customer service representative to fill Sandra’s position meant for two happy employees. Filling the customer service representative position would come from the stack of applications he...

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Crystal ClearChapter 12 Mysterious Claire Confesses Decisions Are Made

Claire took a deep breath and blurted out through her tears, "I was a porn star and a call girl." With that pronouncement, she again burst into tears and buried her head against my chest. In only seconds, I could feel her salty tears running down my naked body. I'd wrapped my arms around Claire's equally nude form and pulled her closer to me in a move to comfort and console instead of anything erotic. The others in the hotel suite's room couldn't have missed her confession,...

4 years ago
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How Villains Are Made

My name is Charles Harrison Javier. Friends call me C.H. I’m a big and tall, somewhat good-looking young black man living in the city of Brockton, Massachusetts. A couple years back, I graduated from Brockton Community High School and these days, I attend the South End Institute of Technology or S. E. I.T. My high school days were dreadfully dull but my college days got way better. In high school, I felt completely invisible. I stood six feet three inches tall, big and bulky, with dark brown...

3 years ago
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Theyll Be Some Changes Made

"They'll Be A Change in the Weather" By Higgins and Overstreet (based on 1927 Bessie Smith recording) They say don't change the old for the new, But I've found that this will never do. When you grow old, you don't last long. You're just here, my Honey, then you're gone. I've loved a man for many years gone by. I thought his love for me would never die He made a change and said I would not do. So now, I'm gonna make some changes, too. Why, there's a change in the weather, a...

2 years ago
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The Deal of a Lifetime Part 1 The Deal is Made

Duncan Somerville set his top hat on the coat rack that stood beside his bureau. Looking at his reflection in the large mirror on the wall that hung above it, he brushed a hand through his hair, a broad smile on his face. It was by hard work that he had made his fortune, but nature had been helpful by providing his good looks. Once again, he had charmed his way into another opportunity. At twenty-seven, he would be soon holding a third of another business.Duncan had just arrived home from a...

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Taylor Made

My first story.Taylor Made.I saw her from a distance, her bare ass sticking out like a beacon in the hot sun. She was sun bathing, laying on a towel, on the beach, on this small island nation I was visiting on vacation. I was walking along the beach, looking for fish and shells and that sort of thing, when I saw her, and I found myself memorized, held captive, my rapt attention upon her.Now, you might be thinking, I’m some sort of closet perv or something like that, but I assure you, I’m...

3 years ago
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A Bitch is Made

I never dreamed that my marriage would turn out this way. I'm not sure that it's better or worse than I imagined; it's just different. I guess I should start at the beginning. I'd been married to Robert for about three years at the time. He had a nice government position in Washington DC, and I was working as a typist in a local office. Our life had turned into a dull routine, including our sex life. Robert would come home from work, and want to relax on the computer for a couple of hours....

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Best choice I Made

-Best choice I made- I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others stories, and then I found the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as myself. I began chatting with people but was highly sceptical and wary of giving out any personal details, I found some very good friends who became close and trusted...

3 years ago
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Best decision I made

I scoured the internet looking, yearning for something, for someone, that was when I stumbled upon a certain erotic story site, I began reading others’ stories, and then I found the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as myself. I began chatting with people but was highly sceptical and wary of giving out any personal details; I found some very good friends who became close and trusted friends. It was when I...

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Carstairs of ArabiaChapter 21 The Ugliest Laptop Ever Made

I woke up at nine, which was fine except a bit too late to attend the buffet in the main building. Never mind: I called the kitchen again and ordered breakfast. It would take a while to reach me, but as long as I didn’t order any hot items that was fine. Yoghurt, a bun and some jam would do me. I selected a suit and showed up just in time for my daily session with Alexandra. Technically this was the start of a new week, although neither I nor Alexandra got any days off. It was crunch time...

2 years ago
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CAW 10 The Best Decision I Made

Introduction: This is my story of The Best for the CAW 10. It is about a blossoming friendship within XNXX, between an older gent and a young woman. *Best decision I made* I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for, a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 83 One Of The Best Hires Irsquove Made

June 17, 1997, Chicago, Illinois “Good afternoon, Agent Cavanaugh, Agent Johnson,” Melanie said. “As we agreed, Mr. Adams is represented by me for any personal issues, and by his corporate counsel, Ms. Deborah Rice, for anything related to any of his business activities. She also represents NIKA Consulting, which is party to one of the immunity agreements. Also, as we agreed, there will be no recording of this session in any way, nor will any devices such as a ‘voice stress’ analyzer be...

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CAW 10 The Best Decision I Made

I scoured the Internet looking for something, yearning for something, someone, when I found the sex story section of xnxx and then located the forum. I had found what I had been yearning for; a connection with those who were just as sexually oriented and perverse as me. I began chatting with people but was very skeptical and wary of giving out any personal details. I found some very interesting people, some of whom became close friends. It was when I decided to throw my hat into the ring with...

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