- 2 years ago
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I still think about how life would be different if I had had his baby. I’d be tied to him and his horrible family, forever, always struggling to keep them from indoctrinating my child. Sure, I could soak him for support, but I’d have to share the most precious thing in my life with someone I consider to have been a fluke with no right to lay claim to me or mine. I think about what a wretched father he’d be, and how I couldn’t trust his side of the family to consider anything but their own desires.
May, 2000.
We hadn’t been dating long- maybe six months or so- and had already been through a lot of what I now affectionately call ‘horseshit’. First it was my angry ex-boyfriend, and then it was his mother calling me in the middle of the night from outside my apartment to lecture me via the answering machine about how I knew nothing of what I was doing to him and his family. It would have been a little easier if it didn’t seem like he agreed most of the time, or if he hadn’t gone to such lengths to avoid confronting her and putting his foot down. Of course, I’ve never been too self-confident so it didn’t feel that strange that he wouldn’t stick up for me or for ‘us’.
My cycle has always been irregular at best. I didn’t think anything of it when I was a couple of weeks late starting my period. I didn’t really think anything of it when I was almost a month late. I figured I’d been under a lot of stress and it would come eventually- I’d had a scare when I was 16 and the condom broke which had turned out fine after I quit constantly worrying about it, so I didn’t see why this time would be any different. Nevermind that we’d been having unprotected sex almost constantly, up to and including him coming inside me. I never went through that teenage indestructibility phase, but apparently that was just taking its time, too.
I started to worry at about the month-and-a-half late mark. I avoided getting a test and finding out because I was terrified that it would be positive and then what would I do? I’d quit my job a few months before and was living on insurance money from an auto accident. My boyfriend was afraid of his mother and once hesitated to take my bathrobe home with him to wash (to keep me from having to pay for another washer and dryer at the laundromat) because he lived with his parents and didn’t want to explain it. How was he going to explain a pregnant girlfriend?
In the end I took the damned test. The directions said you have to wait at least three minutes before the result would be clear, but I could already see the ‘+’ forming before I finished peeing on the stick. I left the test on the edge of the bathroom sink and went into the living room to wait my three minutes and pray that it would be negative. I guess I should have started my supplication a little earlier- when I went to check the result was even clearer than before, as if to mock me for my ridiculous hopes. I called him at work because he knew I would be testing that morning and told him the news. You’d think I would remember every tiny detail but it’s faded some… I’m not sure if he left work and came straight to my apartment or if he finished out the workday. I think my now-biased view of him makes me want to believe the latter, but perhaps I’ll give him the benefit of doubt here.
He asked me what we were going to do. As if I knew!
He asked again.
I still had no answer.
He asked once more.
I told him I supposed I needed to look up the clinic’s info and call.
He seemed relieved.
I think he went home after that. He rarely stayed the night as it raised too many questions with the folks. I cried. I thought about taking another test since this one might be wrong. I realized that was stupid. I’d already looked up as much as I could online about the early symptoms of pregnancy and I had them all. Every. Single. One. The test wasn’t wrong- I just didn’t want to accept it. I cried more.
And then I started thinking.
I’d long said that should I ever find myself in such a situation that I would hasten to an abortion clinic ASAP. Ah, the clarity of one who has never been there… the not-quite innocent but still completely inexperienced, unaware, and unprepared. I knew adoption was out of the question- there was no way I could carry a baby for nine months, go through childbirth, and then give it away. Not that I thought that was ever an easy choice for anyone to make, but I knew myself and knew that that particular guilt would become a living hell for me.
I thought about keeping it. I tried to make a list in my mind of the people who would be able to lend emotional support but finished it much more quickly than I expected. I knew his family would indefinitely withhold any kind of assistance to show the depth of their displeasure. I also knew he would never demand otherwise. Still, I worked up a picture of us, together and raising our child and giving a big ‘fuck you’ to anyone who voiced a problem with it. It was a nice picture, and it helped me go to sleep that night.
Then I did something that should have told me everything I needed to know about him. I told him I was thinking of keeping the baby. He gently deflected my suggestions and moved to shooting them down one by one and reminding me that there was really only one option. After a few days, he finally snapped. While we were lying in bed, I was musing aloud again and he sat straight up (uncomfortable for me as my head was on his chest at the time) and said ‘I thought we agreed! You always said you’d have an abortion! Why are we even talking about this other stuff?!’ He was technically correct, but I told him I just wanted to discuss everything else thoroughly so I wouldn’t feel like I’d made the wrong choice after the fact. That didn’t really placate him, but he did stop shouting, and I suppose that was enough for me. I’ve always hated upsetting people.
So I called the clinic. The woman who answered gave me the necessary information and instructions, and I dutifully wrote everything down so I wouldn’t make any mistakes. Bathrobe and socks or slippers, check. Nail polish removed from fingers and toes, check. Maxipads, check. A bag to keep my things in, check. $500 cash, check? Oh, shit. I didn’t have $500. I knew that was about the going price, but the knowledge didn’t make any deposits into my bank account. He’d said he would help, naturally, but when I called him he said he only had half that amount and asked if I thought I could come up with the other half. I later found out he always kept more than $1000 in his account, but that he would be penalized for having a balance of less than $1000 even so he just took the amount over that and said that was how much money he had. Another warning sign missed.
I scheduled the appointment for a Friday since I knew there would potentially be many more protestors on a Saturday. He picked me up early in the morning, maybe 8 or 9-ish, and we made our way downtown. As we were getting out of the car, a man walking along the sidewalk stopped and asked if we had fifty cents. He said, ‘I ain’t gonna lie to ya- I’m just tryin’ to get a six-pack.’ We grinned at his openness and gave him three dollars. He thanked us politely and strolled away whistling. It was the only bright spot in that day for me.
We were only twenty yards or so from the door of the building, but there were a couple of middle-aged women standing around with their hands full of pamphlets. I made eye contact with them all and kept to my path. When they began speaking at the same time, all I heard was ‘Could we talk to you for just a moment?’ and ‘You don’t have to do this.’ Nothing about baby-killing and certainly no in-your-face harassment- in short, nothing like what I’d expected. We walked by and he dismissed them with a wave and a sharp word and then we were inside. I gave my name and showed my driver’s license to the woman behind the bulletproof glass and the security guard escorted us through another door into the waiting r
oom. Every woman I saw looked like I felt. I wondered if I looked that way to them, too.
I sat there and turned the anti-abortionists’ words over in my head. I didn’t have to do this? Lady, you don’t know my boyfriend, his family, my family, my life… I do have to do this. I have to save myself, and I’m using up all at once every bit of the karma I’ve built up in 20 years by always thinking of others first. This greatest of sins would be my first, and I hoped that God and all his angels would understand and forgive me. In doing anything else, I would destroy at least three lives and the repercussions would never end. I have to do this.
That’s when I tried to shut down. I knew why I was there, and I knew what would be happening to me. No one else knew except him and my best friend from high school, who had decided to suddenly return to the Catholicism of her early youth. Telling her drove the last nail into the coffin of our friendship, but I had no other confidants then. Mom and I were fighting and I was so isolated from everyone else after quitting my job. He was the person I was closest to, and he’d made it abundantly clear that further discussion on this topic was unwelcome.
Each of the women were called back in turn, and I had no idea what was next. I knew very few people who’d been party to an abortion (most of whom were guys anyway) and not one who’d ever talked about the process in detail. It hadn’t occurred to me to look it up. I understood the end result but was completely ignorant about how one got from point A to point B. Honestly, I don’t think I’d gotten that far in my imaginings- I was still stuck on the fact that I was going to do it at all.
We all sat in another room, together again, and either broadcast TV was on or it was some ‘informative’ video. One by one, we went to have our blood drawn for the official, doctor-approved, yes-you-are-definitely-pregnant test. The phlebotomist was very nice- I’d supposed it would be someone jaded and generally uninterested, but she saw my fear and uncertainty and did her best to soothe me. After that, we went back to our command central to await further instructions. Individually, we were directed to another small office where a woman behind a desk introduced herself as some kind of counselor or social services representative. She asked how old I was and who the father was. She asked what led me to this decision and if I was aware that there were other options. She asked if I was there by choice or if I was being forced. My first instinct was to respond with ‘Define ‘force” but she seemed a serious sort and I opted not to make trouble for myself. My mind started to wander, though, and I was suddenly curious about how many women- how many girls- might have been in this chair before me confessing that all they wanted was to have their babies. I wondered what kind of help anyone in the clinic could really be in those cases. I gave her the $500 from an envelope I’d put it in before leaving the house. Then, having apparently satisfied the important questions, I was led back to the room.
At some point while I was waiting, a lady told me he had asked to see me. I wasn’t allowed to go back out to the main waiting room, but I was permitted to talk to him through the bars that separated it from the reception desk. He said he just wanted to know how I was doing, and he said, ‘Sorry.’ The tears standing in his eyes just made them more watery than usual. I said it was OK but heatedly, furiously thought, ‘Then let me go home! Help me!’ I knew he wouldn’t. It was just Something That Had to Be Done.
I was thirteen weeks along. I found out during the ultrasound, with my jeans and panties below my knees so the technician had full access to my abdomen. They kept the screen turned away from the bed and I kept thinking it was so surreal- I’d never stopped to consider anything but happiness and excitement at my first ultrasound and there I was, the white elephant in the room that no one spoke to except to instruct. They were polite enough to me, but I felt more awkward and out of place than I ever had before or since. I heard ‘thirteen weeks’ and got nauseated- the cutoff then was 14 weeks. I’d almost waited too long, with my fucking about and thinking that pretending I wasn’t pregnant would make it so.
I stood up to get dressed again. Facing the wall, I turned to the right to give myself room to button up and tuck in. I turned too far to the right. My ever-searching eyes darting all over the room, they landed on the monitor. There was my baby, the one that lived inside me right now. There was my baby, exactly as it had looked two minutes before when the picture was taken. There was my baby, who in two more minutes or maybe two hours from now would be cut and sucked out of me. By my choice.
If I were the fainting kind, that would have done it. I will never, ever forget that image. My tiny, curled-up, potato-headed baby- he was real. Too early to determine sex (and they probably wouldn’t have told me anyway), I was sure it was a boy. I named him Julian, and for the rest of the time I was there I talked to him and apologized and tried to explain. I told him I felt it was fortunate that I believe in reincarnation, because that meant he’d get another chance to go to someone who could take care of him properly and spoil him the way he deserved. If he stayed with me, he’d be unhappy so much of the time. He just wouldn’t have a good life. I asked him to forgive me, and that absolution was more important to me than God’s or anyone else’s. I don’t know if he heard me, but if not it wasn’t for lack of me trying.
I still wonder what it means that I saw him and had him killed anyway.
Back in the communal room, some white-trash girl came back in crying in the not-many-tears-but-plenty-of-obviousness kind of way. She said she was nine weeks along and had twins. Twin girls. I figured she was full of shit and looking for attention, and I suspected this wasn’t her first time here.
Then it was time to put on the surgical gowns and bathrobes and hop on our gurneys. Again, the nurses were incredibly nice. We had catheters inserted into the crooks of our elbows to administer the anesthetic and whatnot. Mine hurt a little, but I was used to being poked with needles after my seizure in ninth grade. I kept trying to ascertain the point of no return, where it would be too late to say I didn’t want to go through with it. And I thought about going home with him, and I thought about him leaving me and having to do it all alone and barely knowing the first thing about being a single mother- a jobless, friendless, 20-year-old single mother. My mouth stayed shut.
Two of the nurses wheeled me into what I guess was the operating room. My pulse was checked and then a needle went into the catheter. I was asked to count backward from 10. I remember getting to six.
When I woke up, I felt like I was made out of lead. I couldn’t lift my head or hands although I could hear and see fine. A nurse helped me to sit up and to put my arms into the sleeves of my robe. She said I had done very well. After a few more minutes she helped me off of the gurney and walked me to a small area where I was given a couple of Extra-Strength Tylenol, two cookies, and a Dixie Cup of water. I wanted to ask for more cookies, but was afraid they’d think that was my priority there instead of being appropriately subdued after what I’d just been through. I was really hungry, though. I changed back into my street clothes and switched out the huge all-purpose absorbent pad for one of my oh-my-god-I’m-never-going-to-stop-bleeding maxipads. Irregular my periods might be, but my flow is consistent. I was used to seeing a lot more blood than this.
Still in a daze, I was helped back to the main waiting room. He hugged me and we went outside. No protestors, but then it was much later in the day now. I think it had been somewhere between seven and nine hours in all. He asked if I was OK- I said, ‘Fine.’ I told him I was hungry- he was, too. We were sil
ent during the ride to Subway. He never let anyone eat in his car, so I waited until we got to my apartment.
We went in and I ate my sandwich. I was tired and asked him to come lie down with me.
He said he needed to get home.
I asked him again to stay with me for just a while longer.
He had to get home right now, but he would be back later.
He lived in Mount Washington. I lived in Old Louisville.
He left.
I went to bed.
I cried again.
I apologized again, to God and Julian in equal measures.
I finally fell asleep.
We got married that October.
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Wednesday afternoon, Susan knocked on the door of Alison’s house. Alison had invited her over to use the pool, and she had accepted the offer. Unable to decide which swimsuit to bring, she had brought the bikini and the one piece, both. She couldn’t believe that Alison’s parents would actually let their daughter wear that daring little string. Alison answered the door wearing a robe. Seeing Susan, she smiled and said, “You’re just in time. We were getting ready to go out by the pool.” Susan...
Diary entry 10 Three weeks later and Ben and I are still an item. We discussed the story and Ben asked if Leonard was modelled on him. Probably he was, both were proving to be good Samaritans and I knew I was falling for Ben in a big way. Perhaps I should fall for Leonard too? The lowly maid becomes the lady of the Manor? Maybe but the way would have to be full of unexpected setbacks. Again my plans for the story headed in a slightly different direction to my original scheme. Chapter ten. A...
“Alright, mom,” the certified nurse midwife said to her patient. “Everything looks great! Any questions?”“No I think I’m good,” the small town stripper replied.“Dad,” asked the advanced practice nurse.“So do you think she’ll need a C-section?”The brown-skinned baby mama looked worried.“That’s not the plan right now. Did you have a preference?”“No,” Trent Sherrill answered. “Just wondering.”The extremely effeminate healthcare provider looked at the towering, bulky White man with blue-gray eyes....
Read parts 1-3 for this to make sense/All of these stories are pure fiction./Conclusion/16 Queensferry drive 24/08/13 11:00...She resigns herself to her task. She backs down slowly onto the big false penis she grips from underneath herself. The proud purple head is right on target and presses at her moist opening as her ass sinks toward it. It spreads her fat labia as it pushes into her hole. She knows it's touch well. I've seen her fuck it a dozen times from the solitude of my own home across...
large mass of muscle, though having a six pack and noticeably worked arms. Seth had medium length black hair that hung barely past his ears. Nice blue eyes, and very distant freckles on his face. Seth was at his home, but was planning on going to get a drink at the bar. It was 6:33pm. The day was Saturday, and Seth didn’t have to go to work tomorrow. What he didn’t realize is, today was October 30th. When Seth went outside to his car, he say Halloween decorations all across the block. He...
Our last episode covered a torrid sexcapade with Rylee and an older man who was unwittingly telling Rylee?s dad about this teen girl he fucked like a slut whore. Part 2, features this dad getting revenge on his friend by fucking his daughter, Bailey Brooke. Mr. Gunn is friends with Bailey?s dad who just fucked her friend Rylee. Mr. Gunn walks into the bedroom where Bailey is and he starts asking this hot blonde teen how school is going. He then asks if she has to fight the boys off. She says...
xmoviesforyouThe chronological order of my stories is now listed in WifeWatchman’s biography. Feedback and constructive criticism is very much appreciated, and I encourage feedback for ideas. This story contains graphic scenes, language and actions that might be extremely offensive to some people. These scenes, words and actions are used only for the literary purposes of this story. The author does not condone murder, racial language, violence, rape or violence against women, and any depictions of any of...
Lately my gf has been very dominant like expecting me to go down on her every day even a couple of times a day.She gets very horny and wet down there and even leaks when aroused so my job is to try and stop it.Last fri she went out with her girlfriends and when i picked her up to give her a lift home she was tipsy, so i figured out i was gonna get to unload in her mouth whist driving.When i hinted her to suck my cock she said that she would be very pleased if i went down on her and she would...
Cross Training By Karen Elizabeth L. Copyright 1997 Mom and dad broke up a few years ago and even with child support my family doesn't have much money. That all changed recently when mom won the lottery. We now had more money than we ever dreamt of and our lives were about to change! I was just a normal boy doing what boys do, not paying attention to my mom or teachers, and being a pain in the butt to my older sister Barbara and her friends. One of my favorite thing s to do...
Hello dosto mera name Jay Jani hai or mai Gujrat ka rahne wala hu. Meri age 25 year hai or mere dosto ka kehna hai ki I am looking handsome. Mere land ki size 6.5” hai or 2” chowda hai. meri yeh kahani meri aur meri pyari teacher Suhani ki hai. yeh kahani aaj se 3 saal pahle ki hai jab mai 22 saal ka tha or mai BBA ki padhai kar raha tha. Agar koi bhabhi or aunty mujhe sex ke liye invite karna chahti ho ya fir chatting karna chahti hai to mujhe mail kar sakti hai mera mail id hai. Mujhe iss...
Markus Dupree guides a timid but game Athena Feris through a multi-position screw-a-thon in this scene from Feris is a stout, curvy brown-eyed doe with pierced nipples. She performs a short tease that leads her mouth directly to Dupree’s cock. He places Athena ass up, face down on the sofa and pile drives. Feris occasionally sucks toe during the romp. After a cowgirl lockdown a seemingly stunned Feris erupts when Dupree furiously fingers her twat. Squirt shrapnel is unleashed...
xmoviesforyouHello ISS readers, this is Aryan from Kolkata. Thank you for the feedbacks of my previous story. My email id is: and don’t forget to give me feedbacks as it will encourage me to write more of my experiences. I am back with another experience of mine which took place a couple of months ago with my aunt. She is in her late 30s, short height, slim and very hot. You won’t believe, she doesn’t look elder than me. I have very good tuning with her since her marriage with my paternal Uncle. We meet...
IncestThere she goes again. Now I know she is doing it deliberately. She has been sent here from the devil himself just to tempt me. Why else would my wife’s 18 year old sister be doing cartwheels in front of the sliding glass door to my office, in a bikini no less? She graduated high school last week and her parents offered to send her wherever she wanted to go and she chose to come stay with her sister and me in Louisiana. Anywhere in the world she wanted to go and she chose here. She arrived late...
I had been in to swim twice under the July sun that day. By the time I'd dried off, the afternoon clouds had rolled in until the sky was like a lumpy quilt. I sat down on the beach towel and pulled a second, smaller towel over my shoulders to help ward off the cooling wind.My friends Deena and Lindsey had just left for a walk to the snack bar, which was all the way at the other end of the beach. Needing a rest, I stretched out face down, feet toward the sea, adjusting the top towel to cover...
OutdoorWhem Ginger and Janice said they would be going out of town for the weekend, I really thought I would have a nice quiet weekend all to myself. I hugged and kissed them both goodbye Friday morning, watched as they drove off. I turned back into the house, dropped my clothes and settled down in thr living room for some tube and nap time. That evening, I went to a nice little Italian place for dinner, and after a few beers, I came home to relax.About 2:15 in the morning, the telephone rings. I...
A Christmas Tale (the fourth) Kyorii Chapter 1 Goodbye to a Childhood Friend. It was late October, the trees in the graveyard were giving up their final leaves to the brisk autumn breeze as Linda Anders stood well back from the main group of mourners at the graveside, she watched the vicar read from a large screen tablet in his hand as the coffin was lowered into the ground by the funeral director's staff. Linda sniffed and dabbed at her eyes as the coffin vanished from...
The phone rang incessantly. I wondered why Lana didn't answer it as I rolled over and searched blindly for the receiver. "Hello," I mumbled. "Wake up, Ryan. Wake up!" Her voice was strident. "Who is it?" "Mary Jane. Do you know where Lana is?" I looked around. Where the hell was Lana? "Ryan!" Mary Jane shouted. "It's two thirty in the morning. Where is your wife?" "I don't know." "I do. She's at Bart's house pulling a train. Do you know what that means? She's...
Helping Hands II: Blown Away It had been several days since my physiotherapist, Julia, had last visited me to see how my recovering after my accident. I had never expected to be taken care of in such a way as she did with me, which in the end was pretty much hands on. After discovering that I began to have an erection around her, she offered to help jerk me off, since I was unable to do so myself due to my injuries. As I heard the doorbell ring and my parents answering it and the muffled sound...
Intro. The creature moved closer to the road. He could now smell and hear his prey. Slowly he moved closer making sure to stay low so he wouldn’t be seen. As he approached the tree line he caught a glimpse of her between the trees. Staying low he positioned himself so he could get a good look at his prey. As she walked down the road she moved into the creature line of sight and he got his first good look at her. She was 5’ 6”, 130 pounds with black hair and tan skin. She couldn’t have been...
Mr. Smith was my tenth grade teacher. He was a lacrosse enthusiast, and had the body to prove it. I was sixteen, and had a bad case of teenage lust. He had dark hair, hazel eyes, and a voice that made me hot just thinking about it. He was over six feet tall, with broad shoulders and big arms. He always wore tight, white button down shirts with a tie. His black pants hugged his ass and made him look even that much hotter. He always had a little scruff on his chin, and he wore reading glasses...
TabooJessica stood in front of the large mirror. Her hair was long and blonde. A dark pink dress wrapped tightly around her body showing slight curves along her tanned skin. A neat bow sat in front of the dress and the skirt was trimmed with white lace. Her long legs perched confidently atop a pair of white high heels. Jessica looked into her reflection as if it were a camera and began to speak. “Hi, everyone! My name is Jessica. Welcome to Master’s Mansion! Oh...oops!” Jessica giggled at her...
Note : This story is completely fictional! Since I did my form four back in the year 2005, my Aunt has always insisted that I go for a V.C.T. She counsels and tests people for H.I.V in Nairobi while I have been staying in mombasa with my family. When we close college (first semister) I decided to go to visit her at Nairobi where she stays. That is may this year 2008. She is single and lives alone. When I arrived, she took issues with me for not going for V.C.T despite her continued insistence....
IncestA Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Three: Daughters Pleasing Daddy By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! I groaned, my orgasm shivering through me, my dick lodged in Crystal's pussy. She was the second daughter I'd fucked today. My fantasies of taking my daughters, using their barely legal cunts, had come to life today thanks to an impossible device. The Halo. A ring of gold housing nanites. They'd changed my mind,...
It was love at first sight she was sixteen years old and was sitting on my brothers bed she had on a red bandanna and had the prettiest eyes I had ever seen bluish green and they sparkled when she laughed which she did a lot! I was nineteen a horny teenager myself but when I saw Beverly I was a goner she saw me staring at her but did not seem to mind in fact she seemed to like the attention so after a bit I asked her if she would like to come over and sit on my bed with me I knew she would come...
I stepped out of his car. I was not alone. I was with Jake. Jake was a black man. Jake was a man who did well for himself. He was a graduate of Mumbai university. He had gotten to that school through a football scholarship. He became a lawyer and moved to the city of Mumbai. He joined pune court. One of the biggest law firms out there. He had made it. Reached the impossible dream. The black man’s dream was to thrive in the white man’s world. Too long had the white man controlled the black man’s...
Awakening by Quiver Chapter 1: Summoning Rebecca heard the creak of the front door opening as Steven entered the house. "Hey Honey," he chimed from the front hallway. "How was your day?" he asked absently as he hung his jacket on the coat rack. "Fine, what about you?" Rebecca answered from the kitchen. "Yep, same. All good," Rebecca heard him mumble from the other room. Hopefully he'll come in here before he sits down in front of the computer, she thought to herself. She had...
In 1985 the Mardi Gras celebration in Galveston was revived after decades without it. Although not as wild as Rio or even New Orleans, in the right areas of town during the first ten years there was plenty of naughty stuff to do. Jeena and I moved to Houston in 1988 and continued the swinging activities we started in the Midwest. We wanted to go to Galveston for Mardi Gras but it was always too cold in February for what we had in mind. Then came 1991 and the warmest winter in years. We and two...
ExhibitionismHi to all. I am Shesh here. I am here with a factual story which happened to me a few months back. To describe myself, i am 35, have my own business. I am 5’8″ tall having a broad chest & shoulder and an extreme apatite for sex. I live in Bombay alone. It happened in the month of November 08. I was looking out desperately for a maid to do my household chores and since i was alone i wanted to appoint someone who could take care of my some more needs. Soon enough, a maid servant was brought up by...