Extra-Perceptual free porn video

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Amy was sitting at home, lounging comfortably in a bathrobe, reading a trashy romance novel when it happened.

You might think it odd for an up-and-coming aeronautics research scientist to spend her Saturdays reading smut, but there was something about the stories of plain, everyday women having torrid affairs with gorgeous, unattainable men that she couldn't get enough of, possibly because she herself was plain, with mousy brown hair and no curves to speak of. She had tried to get the attention of the popular boys in school, but just didn't have what it took, and had turned to books about unrealistic relationships instead. Her love of reading was what had started her on her ridiculously successful career path, but it was also what had earned her her nickname, "Worm", short for "Bookworm". She absolutely hated her nickname, as it simultaneously pointed out both her underdeveloped body, and the social isolation that had resulted from it.

That fateful Saturday, Amy's feelings of pleasant arousal from the sexual antics in her book were shattered as her entire house shook, accompanied by what sounded like a small explosion from her backyard. Running outside, she saw a small crater, with a still-glowing lump of metal in the center. As she approached it, she noticed a strange buzzing sensation in her head that got stronger the closer she got to the stone.

What the hell was that?!? she suddenly heard, and turned around to see her neighbor, Tom, leaning over the fence between their property.

"I think it's a meteorite!" Amy responded. "It must have just landed in my back yard!" Amy drew as close to the glowing rock as she could, before the heat radiating off it became too strong, and she was forced to retreat over to the fence by Tom.

"Weird!" Tom said, before shaking his head as though he was feeling the same buzzing. I hope this weird headache goes away soon - I think Melissa might be in the mood tonight, and I don't want to miss my chance to get lucky!

"Wait, what did you just say?" Amy asked, sure she must have somehow misheard him. Which itself was odd, since she didn't think she had seen his mouth move.

"I didn't say anything," Tom said, confirming Amy's suspicions that his mouth in fact hadn't been moving, which just left her feeling more confused.

Even so, the thought of Tom having sex had caused Amy to take a few surreptitious glances at his arms and chest before heading back to her house. For an accountant, Tom was pretty attractive, and as Amy glanced back at him while walking inside, she briefly thought, I bet he looks like he just stepped out of a romance novel under those clothes, before closing the door behind her.

Tom gave his neighbor an odd look as she disappeared, as though he'd somehow heard what she had thought, but as he turned back toward his own house, his muscles began to bulge and ripple under his dress shirt. Completely unaware of his new physique, Tom walked inside and proceeded to make powerful love to his incredibly lucky wife like he did every day. As Melissa recovered from her usual string of orgasms, she wondered, as she often did, how on earth she managed to snag a ridiculously hot underwear model with a massive cock, who was also godly at sex.


Melissa is such a lucky girl, Amy thought as she walked out her front door to check the mail, still in her bathrobe. She still couldn't believe that she lived next door to a real-life underwear model. It was like fate was tormenting her daily with what she couldn't have.

More importantly though, what was going on with Tom? She was certain that he hadn't been moving his lips, yet she'd still heard him talking about banging his wife, plain as day. Maybe it had something to do with the weird buzzing she had felt in her head, which hadn't decreased in intensity, even though she was now dozens of feet away from the meteorite. Well, she was a researcher, wasn't she? It was time for an experiment.

Reaching into her mailbox to grab her daily junk mail, Amy looked around for a likely test subject. Spotting the crotchety old woman who lived across the street sitting on her porch, Amy called out, "Hi Mrs. Henderson!" and waved. As usual, the old woman seemed to completely ignore her, but then Amy clearly heard, Young people these days, always desperate to draw attention to themselves, even though Amy was sure that Mrs. Henderson's lips hadn't moved.

I have always been pretty desperate for attention, Amy conceded. She recalled her high school days, where after constantly being rejected by her crushes, she had taken to wearing increasingly revealing outfits in an attempt to draw their attention, but that had only drawn more attention to her complete lack of curves, and her acting out had earned her a healthy amount of detention. Even so, Amy couldn't seem to help it, and her habit of wearing revealing clothing had stuck.

Amy looked down at the low-cut, midriff-baring tank top and dangerously short shorts currently hanging off her boyish figure, before continuing to excitedly wave at the old woman across the street, bouncing up and down this time, overwhelmed with youthful exuberance at being the center of her attention, until finally the old woman grew tired of her antics and turned away.

Even so, Amy's excitement was undiminished. It had happened again! It had to be that meteor that had fallen in her backyard - somehow that weird buzzing it had put in her head was allowing her to hear what other people thought!

Still half-convinced that she was crazy, Amy focused her attention on a girl down the street standing beside her squatting dog, and clearly heard the words, Nobody will notice if I don't pick it up this once, as the girl ignored her dog's business and continued walking.

There was no doubt about it - Amy could read minds. This was the discovery of the century! Amy couldn't wait to be the center of the scientific community's attention as she showed off her mind-reading powers in front of hundreds of other researchers, and it was all thanks to that weird glowy rock that had fallen into her backyard.

She suddenly felt a familiar urge to be near other people, partially so that she could test out her newfound mind-reading powers, of course, but mostly so that she could hear what other people thought about her.

She ran inside, grabbed her keys, hopped in her car, and headed to the mall.


Along the way, while stopped at a red light, she glanced into the car next to her and noticed a cute guy looking in her direction. She smiled at him, always eager for the attention, and focused on his thoughts. She's kinda cute was all she heard before the light turned green, and he drove off.

I am kind of cute, Amy thought to herself happily, not noticing as her complexion cleared and took on a bit of color, her eyelashes lengthened, and her lips reddened, swelling a bit into a seductive pout. As the man's words echoed in her mind, Amy could remember her face getting all of the attention as she was growing up, as it was by far her best feature. If she had a nickel for every time she overheard someone in high school say, "Worm? Yeah she's cute, but...", well, she'd have a lot of nickels.

Once she arrived at the mall, she briefly glanced in her vanity mirror to check the carefully-applied makeup that had appeared on her face minutes before as the words I'm kinda cute continued to buzz around inside her mind, before getting out of the car and heading toward the mall.

Upon opening the doors, she was immediately overwhelmed by the thoughts loudly coming at her from every direction.

...no way it'll fit...

...a watch for his birthday?

...just get a pizza! I don't...

Maybe coming to the mall was a mistake, Amy thought to herself as the cacophony started to give her a headache, but then she noticed that when she focused her attention on one voice in the crowd at a time, the other voices got quieter. Proud of herself for discovering a new aspect of her mind-reading powers, Amy began to make her way through the crowd, excitedly listening in on the thoughts of all of the people she passed.

Twenty minutes later, after overhearing to the exact same thoughts in the minds of hundreds of horny men and insecure women, however, Amy began to grow bored. Not a single person had so much as noticed that she was there, and even though she now knew the deepest secrets, desires, and insecurities of dozens of people, she still hadn't heard a single person think anything about her at all.

Her familiar desire to act out began to grow, and Amy began to sway her hips as she walked, as weird and unnatural as it felt with her narrow figure. She remembered similar desperate attempts to get the attention of the popular kids in high school, which had only resulted in her embarrassment, but she had to do something.

After a few minutes of exaggerated swaying, she passed a thin, mousy girl that reminded her a lot of herself. She saw the girl glance over at her as she walked by, and heard her think I wish I had hips that made me sway when I walk like that girl does. Amy grinned at finally getting some of the attention she craved, and, running her hands over her wide, flaring hips, Amy was thankful once again for the natural, effortless sway they gave her walk as she felt them pressing outward into the sides of her tight shorts. She hadn't always liked them - she'd gotten made fun of in high school for her "birthin' hips", as her bullies had often called them, once puberty had hit and caused them to swell into their current, overtly sexual curve. In the end, however, it had been worth it for all of the attention they got her, she thought, throwing a bit more suggestive swagger into her disproportionately wide hips.

A few minutes later she noticed a guy walking toward her, and she felt a small flush of pride as her natural swaying strut immediately drew his attention, as it had so many other guys in the past. It was unfortunate that her only assets were her wide hips and cute face, but even so, she focused in on his thoughts, eager to find out his opinion of her.

Damn that girl is thicc, she heard, and gave an appreciative jiggle of the large ass and thick thighs that perfectly complemented her flaring hips. Amy wasn't trying to overhear another thought, but one came nonetheless, and as I can't wait to see that bubble butt she's got going on back there entered her mind unbidden, she smiled at just how right he was as her ass bounced even more heavily. When he finally passed her, she blushed as she heard him give a low whistle at the sight of her booty and hips continuing to jiggle and shake with each step she took, like they always had.

Amy had always been pear-shaped, with hardly anything up top but plenty going on down below. It was the reason she'd been somewhat popular in high school, as hormonal teenage boys were instinctively lured by the pleasure they knew they could find between her thick, cushiony thighs. And, since she'd loved the attention, and wanted to be popular, she'd gone along with them a bit too far, giving out more than her share of handjobs and blowjobs to quench the desire they felt for her plump pussy. That was where she'd gotten her nickname, "Dumptruck", as much as she hated it, both for her thick ass and for all of the loads the boys had dumped on her face and down her throat.

Amy was beginning to feel a bit wiped from walking on high heels all afternoon, even though she loved the attention they drew to her ass and thighs as she strolled through the mall. Plus, the constant buzzing in her head was starting to get a bit tiresome, and she thought she had learned enough about her new powers for one day. As she turned toward the exit though, another stray thought about herself from yet another horny guy behind her suddenly popped into her mind. Man, with an ass like that, she's gotta be packin' some tits too.

Once heard, it couldn't be unheard, and now Amy couldn't seem to ignore those words as they wrote themselves across her consciousness. Instead of continuing toward the exit, she impulsively decided to turn back around to show him that she was indeed "packin' some tits". To be honest, Amy was kinda self-conscious about leaving the house without a bra that day, not sure why she'd thought her large C-cups with their prominent nipples wouldn't need one as her bouncy breasts pressed out tightly against the thin material of her tank top. Oh well, too late now, better just own it, she thought, before swinging her top-heavy torso around for his appreciation.

I was right on the money! Damn she's got some sweet tits. Amy blushed as she looked down at her heavy chest in pride, not noticing that it now jutted out even further above her narrow waist than it had before. She did have some pretty sweet tits, she thought happily, giving him a wink before turning back around and continuing on her way. It briefly occurred to her how odd it was that she somehow seemed to be getting more and more attention after each new thought that she overheard, but that was exactly what she wanted anyway, so she didn't dwell on it.


Still gradually making her way toward the exit, Amy was excited to notice a butch girl openly checking her out as she walked by. While her attention was fully on the girl, Amy clearly overheard her thinking, Man, I wish I was on her cheerleading team in high school, which made Amy grin as she thought back to all of the wonderful years she had spent on the squad. Amy had been far too curvy to participate in many of the lifts or acrobatics, but every cheerleading squad needed eye candy, and Amy filled that role perfectly. Her grades had dropped significantly because of all the time she dedicated to practice and hanging out with the squad, but it had totally been worth it in the end with all of the attention and popularity she had gotten as a result, and she was still able to pass most of her classes through a combination of showing off her young, sexy body to her male teachers during class, and by flirting and begging afterward.


Thoroughly exhausted by this point, Amy was just trying to make it back to the mall exit without overhearing anything else about herself, but before she could get there, from out of nowhere came, That slut looks like she's out to get some dick. She spun around to see where such a crude comment could have come from, but having no way to tell she instead began considering the veracity of the remark.

I guess that's because I am out to get some dick, she thought smugly as her horniness started to get the better of her. Her exhaustion forgotten, Amy was now on the hunt, and, with her body, she knew it wouldn't be long before she got the dick that she was looking for. It briefly occurred to her how weird it was that everyone's thoughts about her had been so on the nose, but with how much the curvy, oversexed body nature had decided to bless her with stood out in a crowd, she supposed it was no wonder. Her musings couldn't distract her from her craving for cock forever, though, and before Amy knew it, she was once again scanning the food court for the lucky guy that would get to fill her hungry pussy as she made her way to the exit.

It had been this way since high school, with the hormones that had given her her voluptuous body also sending her sex drive through the roof. It wasn't like she could help it though, so she eagerly accepted her role as the cheerleading team's slut, especially because she got her pick of the hottest guys in school to fuck, and was still solidly in the popular crowd since she was entirely too hot not to be. She had even sucked off a few of her more lecherous teachers, when giving them an eyefull of her tits and pussy in class all year hadn't been enough to get her a passing grade. All of that was how she had gotten her nickname, "Cumslut", which she absolutely loved, because it was so accurate.

Finally making it to the exit, Amy walked past a sleazy guy by the door blatantly ogling the women as they passed by. I wonder what creeps like him think about, she mused, briefly focusing her attention on him as she walked by.

Just another dumb blond type who thinks she's better than me, she heard, and was momentarily confused. But I'm not- she began, reaching up toward her brunette hair even as it immediately began to lighten toward a bright, audacious platinum. -a real blond! I have to go get my roots done every week! And I'm not that dumb! she thought, even as her mind clouded and her thoughts began to jumble.

Even so, she still knew how much better she was than this creep. "Like, I'm totally out of your league," she shot back as he stared at her, completely bewildered by her unprovoked outburst. Amy was proud of herself though - even with her constant need for dick, she still had some standards, though she did give his crotch one final, sad look before turning and walking off toward her car.

As she jiggled away, however, her mind reading powers forced her to overhear yet another unbidden thought. She acts all high and mighty, but I bet she's actually a submissive little slut that gets off on doing what she's told, she felt him think, and momentarily had the presence of mind to be offended, before the command he shouted after her, "Get back here, bitch!" stopped her in her tracks.

Like, is it that obvious? she wondered, even as she couldn't resist turning around and slowly walking back over toward him, helplessly turned on by doing what she had been told, and enjoying the sight of him openly leering at her massive D-cups as they jiggled and bounced, threatening to spill out of her straining tank top.

"That's right bitch! You want to come home with me, don't you?"

"Yes," Amy heard herself respond meekly, mesmerized by the sleazy guy's confidence as she followed him out to his car.


A few minutes later, she found herself inside his cheap apartment being commanded to take her top off. She immediately complied, feeling the fresh rush of arousal that always came with doing what she was told, as he began to painfully grope her large, sensitive tits.

"Time to suck my dick bitch, since it's probably all you're good at!"

"I'm totally good at other stuff too though!" Amy managed to reply, offended by his outburst even as she sank down to her knees in front of him. "I can even read minds!"

What a bunch of horseshit. She can't read minds, she heard him think, and suddenly the buzzing sensation that had been in the back of her mind all day finally started to fade to a blissful silence.

"Ok then, prove it! What am I thinking about now?" he asked, but as she listened in on his incredibly offensive thoughts, that internal voice grew ever quieter, and she couldn't quite catch the last few words as they dwindled away to nothing.

"You were thinking that maybe I'm just, like, a dumb, submissive bimbo slut that's about to suck you off?" she guessed as her hand unconsciously reached out to stroke the dick sticking out of the guy's jeans. She was almost aware of the sensation of her clothes filling out one final time, as her fuzzy thoughts grew cloudier and her need for his cock became even stronger.

"Wrong bitch! I was thinking, 'maybe this dumb, submissive bimbo slut that's about to suck me off is actually a brilliant rocket scientist'", he said sarcastically. "Except that's clearly not true, since, like you said, you are just a dumb, submissive little bimbo slut sucking me off, isn't that right?"

Amy nodded obediently and got to work. Scant seconds later, however, it became apparent that the cocksucking skills she had honed over the years were entirely wasted on this loser as she felt his cock already beginning to stiffen reflexively in her mouth. He sneered down at the curvy, slutty body and big blue eyes looking up at him as her deepthroating sent him over the edge, and he found himself spurting burst after burst of his thick seed into her mouth.

Amy giggled as she wandered out of his apartment minutes later with a belly full of cum, completely satisfied. She was living the dream. It was as though her entire life had somehow been one long, trashy romance novel magically brought to life, and she had loved every second of it.

Back at Amy's house, Tom the underwear model had grabbed the meteorite and brought it inside with him to show to his wife, whose head had started filling with a weird buzzing as soon as the rock had come inside.

As Melissa held the still-warm object in her hand, she glanced up to catch her husband checking out her body. She stuck out her chest a bit in pride, but then somehow heard his voice inside her head, filling her with an odd sense of deja vu:

Man I wish Melissa had gigantic tits.

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Extra Credit

I stood frozen outside of my professors office, my hand raised to knock at the door. I knew I didn't have a choice at this point, it was time for me to face the music. In the last quarter I'd really let my focus go, especially in English (usually my favorite subject). I just couldn't seem to think about work. I kept getting distracted by my professor. Watching his mouth while he lectures and the way he smooths his tie when he's sitting at his desk. I was supposed to be finishing the final draft...

2 years ago
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ExtraMarital Affair With Bhabhi

This is my second story! Thanks for the comments and personal mails the raiders sent me! This sex story is about my other post marriage experience and this actually went on to be my first extra marital affair.. Hope you will like the sex story! It had been 7 months of my wedding and me and my wife were having great sexual life! My parents in law asked who used to live in the same town told us that they are planning to take us both with their son and his wife Ananya and their three months old...

2 years ago
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Extra Change

Saw this commercial and was struck by how closely it resembles the beginning of many of the stories here. What follows is my take. I'm curious what directions others would pursue; anyone else care to write about "what happens next"? Extra Change by Optimizer Chris stopped next to the vending machine as Zack fed in some money. "Too bad she dumped you." "She didn't dump me," Zack replied defensively, punching the Mountain Dew button. "We're just... taking a break," There was...

3 years ago
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Extra Marital Affair

Hi All, I am Ravi from Bangalore. I am 37 years married guy. I want to share one of my extra marital affairs for you. First let me know about my stats. I am 6ft tall 90 kgs, average built and good looking, wheatish in colour. Let me go to my experience. Since the age also going up I thought of maintaining health. I decided to reduce my weight, hence enrolled to a Unisex Gym nearby my house. I enrolled to it for 6 AM to 7 AM session, because after that I have to go to office. On my first day I...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit

"So, Mr. Killigan, I assume you know why you are here?" I looked up at the headmaster, Professor Dawes, unsure of what to say.  Maybe I could get off easy.  I really didn't want to leave the university; I'd worked hard to get in for a long time. "Don't play dumb with me, Mr. Killigan.  You know exactly why you are here."  He pushed a piece of paper across his desk.  I looked down at it and gulped.  CARTER KILLIGAN was written across the top, and below it, my grades were listed, clear...

3 years ago
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Extra marital adventure in Australia

Hi friends, i have been reading stories on this site for almost a year now and always waited to share my experience with you all.but i was just wondering how to explain it. Its a experience of a lifetime. Now let me introduce myself to you. I was born and brought up in northern india(delhi). I am 6′ tall, average built, good looking and i live in Brisbane. I have been married for nearly 5 yrs and always had a below normal married sex life. Because my wife doesn’t like much sex and whenever she...

4 years ago
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Extra lessons from a woman

It was just under two and a half years before l finished my education to joined the big wide world as far as l was concerned there was nothing else anyone could teach me, but l was wrong very wrong. I was part of a small group who needed extra English lessons and as you read my story, you’ll see l didn’t pay much attention. I never took much notice, but the teacher Mrs Renauld’s would run her fingers through my hair as she passed me while l was sat at my desk and often tell me l had soft...

4 years ago
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ExtraCurricular Part 2

During a celebratory night out, teacher Amanda Winter and her 18-year-old student Christina unwittingly become the objects of a sex bet between uncle and nephew Gavin and Josh McClain. Which of the sexy pair will get fucked first? Despite the fact that Amanda has a fiance and Christina a boyfriend, it appears to be 'game on'.Christina hesitated, knuckle poised, at the door to Miss Winter’s classroom. If there was one person in whom she could confide, it was Amanda. Her A-level modern languages...

4 years ago
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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 2 Jennys request for extra tuition

Jennifer Perhaps I'd better introduce myself before going into my version of events. I'm Jennifer Watkins, usually known as Jenny. Twenty-three years old, and if I say it myself, not too bad looking although definitely not a glamour girl or a model. Bit on the short side and a little plump for that, I probably don't have enough in the tit department either. At school I was more or less a model student gaining four A levels and six O level GCE's. I then did a business studies course at...

3 years ago
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Extra Curricular StudiesChapter 6 Another pupil for extra lessons

Stephen A few days later Clarissa arrived back and stood in the kitchen and glowered at me. "Stephen Faulkes, I apologise for my behaviour on Boxing Day. I am sorry for what I said and I hope you will forgive me." The words came out as though she were reciting a piece of poetry. "Clarrie, that is about the most insincere apology I have ever heard; an apology that wasn't an apology. However, for now we'll let it go. It seems that we have to live together even if neither of us like the...

4 years ago
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ExtramaritalPleasure at the Spa

Jayne and I continued our affair every morning after her husband, Robert, left for work. We also explored our shared interests, tried some new techniques and grew closer as the week progressed. I was becoming more fond of her, and not just sexually. She is a kind, loving woman who truly enjoys life and has a positive personality. She is the kind of woman that could attract any man, and I was certainly more than attracted to her. She makes me laugh, is very intelligent and, most importantly,...

3 years ago
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Extramarital Affair With Virgin 8211 Part II

My Hi to all ISS readers. Its been a wonderful experience with u all till now. I received a very good response for the first part of my story ‘Extramarital affair with Virgin”. In fact I received 4 mails as a response to the story. All were positive. Out of which one was from female. I really enjoyed exchanging emails with them. They invested their precious time to read the story and also replied. So I dedicate this second part of the story to all these 4 people. Because I feel ‘TIME’ is the...

2 years ago
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Extramarital Affair With Virgin 8211 Part I

Hi friends this is Raj from ahmd. I m 30 yr old medical professional. I have been ISS fan for 10 yrs now. I would like to submit the real experience of mine that happened couple of years back. This was about how I actually first had the chance of extramarital sex. Yes I m married for 5 yrs now. I had a junior working under me. Her name was Tanvi. She was bright perky gal with medium boobs and great ass. She was from Mumbai. She was very open and casual about everything as expected from Mumbai...

3 years ago
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Sextracurricular activities with my stepmom

It’s Thursday and my alarm goes off signaling me to crawl out of bed. After going to the washroom, I saunter downstairs to get my cereal. I find a note from Cynthia telling me that she’s off to run some errands and to have a good day at school. She’s a sweetheart.Finishing up my breakfast, I take a shower and hop into my car to drive to school for another exciting day of mindless boredom. I get to the classroom and sit down, flipping through my phone to pass the time. I see the two blonde girls...

2 years ago
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What a loss! I thought our planet had one of the most advanced technologies in our galaxy but the fact is that more than half of the world has just died... Nefron has been one of the leading planets in our galaxy for centuries I just could not believe we lost so much through a small conflict with Zetch. Many of our soldiers were men, and now with the global population at an all time low, it would be a catastrophe if Zetch’s allies attacked, we would be defenseless. I felt uncomfortable...

3 years ago
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What a loss! I thought our planet had one of the most advanced technologies in our galaxy but the fact is that more than half of the world has just died... Nefron has been one of the leading planets in our galaxy for centuries I just could not believe we lost so much through a small conflict with Zetch. Many of our soldiers were men, and now with the global population at an all time low, it would be a catastrophe if Zetch’s allies attacked, we would be defenseless. I felt uncomfortable...

2 years ago
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Sextra Credit2

Pamela parked her car in the school parking lot and went into the campus building, it was the first part of school in a new district for her, she was teaching in a new area and a new state. Brody Preparatory School was a private high school in Overland Misouri. She was blond and pretty, so pretty that men stopped what they were doing to check her out. She was dressed more like a businesswoman than a teacher, and looked great in her clothes. Pam had on just a hint of high heels, they...

3 years ago
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Sextra Credit

Thanks for reading. Collin Waters had missed quite a bit of school during the semester, traveling in Europe with this parents and brother, so he was having to make up classes in summer to get the right amount of credits. The school had allowed it, but then he was having to make stuff up in the summer. He had not gotten to graduate with his class two weeks earlier, as he should have, and had turned eighteen in May. He was standing in the hallway waiting to go into an English Lit...

2 years ago
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I had just finished my Biology final when I called my friend Rachael. We made plans to meet at a bar to celebrate. Around 8:00, I walked into the bar. It was a pretty nice place. Great music, not too small. I grabbed a drink and met with Rachael. We sat down at the counter and started talking to the bartender. I noticed Rachael looking over at this one guy. He was about 5'11, medium blonde hair and an athletic body. He was with a friend of his. She seemed to be into him, since she stared with...

2 years ago
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Extraterrestrial Love

It was late one night and I was driving to get home. The night seemed more spooky than usual in our town. I'd grown up in a small farm town just outside of Del Rio Texas where everyone knows everyone and you actually trust your neighbors. The wind was brisk and the sky was covered with bright stars. I drove listening to "Here with me" by Dido playing quietly on my car radio. I felt the tears just stream down my face as I thought about the events that had happened in the last six months....

1 year ago
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Reddit ExtraMile, aka r/ExtraMile! You guys know how I usually like to mess with you all a bit, and it's all in good fun. That's how it goes every time. I say some funny shit, and then I take a jab at the fact that most of you are virgins or something like that. And you all laugh and then come back for more of this shit the next day. But, now, I saw some shit that genuinely made me laugh. It's the topic for today's review, and it's called the Extra Mile. It's a section on Reddit, and it's about...

Reddit NSFW List
1 year ago
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Extraterrestrial Love

It was late one night and I was driving to get home. The night seemed more spooky than usual in our town. I'd grown up in a small farm town just outside of Del Rio Texas where everyone knows everyone and you actually trust your neighbors. The wind was brisk and the sky was covered with bright stars. I drove listening to "Here with me" by Dido playing quietly on my car radio. I felt the tears just stream down my face as I thought about the events that had happened in the last six months. It'd...

4 years ago
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Extra Change

Once upon a time, Mountain Dew did a commercial called ‘Change’, and I was struck by how closely it resembles the beginning of many of the stories here. I’d link to it, but, well, Literotica no likey. Anyway, what follows is my take. I’m curious what directions others would pursue, anyone else care to write about ‘what happens next’? * Chris stopped next to the vending machine as Zack fed in some money. ‘Too bad she dumped you.’ ‘She didn’t dump me,’ Zack replied defensively, punching the...

4 years ago
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Extra lessons from Mrs Renaulds

One afternoon l was kept in to read to Mrs Renauld’s because l did not complete the homework she set and as l read she was twirling the hair at the back of my head, l paused what l was reading and glanced sideways to see right into her blouse due to one of her buttons being undone the sight of Mrs Renauld’s bra with a good view of tit made it hard to now concentrate on what l was reading. She closed the book and asked if l was alright, l stuttered l was a bit hot, Mrs Renauld’s ran her fingers...

2 years ago
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Extra Anal Credit0

She decided she had to stay after class and try to speak to Dr. Richardson. She had to at least try. She slowly made her way to the front of the classroom after her classmates had dispersed. Melinda: "Dr. Richardson, I missed the quiz today. Is there any way I could take it still? I'm struggling in your class and I need these points to pass." Dr. Richardson towers over tiny Melinda. His expression is intimidating. Dr. Richardson: "Well you should have thought about that...

3 years ago
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Extra Credit Part 1

Every single day seemed to be one more day of torture. I mean, how could someone so perfect, someone so handsome, someone so…sexy, be my teacher? “People, this is gym class, the easiest class to pass! Why are some of you nearly failing?” Mr. Parker’s deep voice rang throughout the gymnasium, though no one responded. “Alright,” the man sighed, “if you know that you have a bad grade, come up to me sometime after class to talk to me about extra credit. You guys can do a paper or something, I...

4 years ago
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Extra Servies II

Finally, it’s Friday and I only have two big yards to do today. I know I’ll be done before 2 o’clock and I’ll get to go home to get my weekend started early. I was excited as I dressed and grabbed my paper work for the day. Getting to the first yard, I zipped through it like nothing. The second yard took a bit longer, because they wanted a little more detail then usual. Apparently they were having a huge get together this weekend, and needed it to have extra attention. So I did just like the...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

‘Well there is one thing you can do.’ My ears perked up immediately. ‘Yes, yes! I’ll do anything,’ I begged. I had just finished giving Mr. West a long story of why I really needed some form of extra credit, I was prepared to do anything, even if that meant throwing away my morals and begging. ‘Come over here,’ he said in a rush. I nodded and went over to his side of his desk. He turned his chair towards me and wiggled his pointer finger, signaling for me to come forward. I took steps...

2 years ago
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Extra Tuition Punished By German Frau 2

Having failed my German language mock GCSE I ended up going to a private tutor twice a week. Frau Gunther is about twenty-eight and attractive. I’m nearly seventeen, I’m fit and like to go to the gym so I was unhappy about two more evenings spent on school work but my dad insisted. If you want to find out how two girls my age were punished during the first lesson you’ll have to read part 1.That happened on Tuesday evening and we’d been given vocabulary to learn as homework for the class on...

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Extra Credit

I had a reputation amongst teachers in school of being a slut that flirts for grades. It worked, and there was a lot of truth in what they were saying. In particular, I was very flirty with my French teacher. he was young and very cute. He loved flirting with me, but my grades in his class were awful. I turned 18 while still in high school, and made sure he knew it. As he flirted more and more, i wore less and less to class. sometimes leaving my panties in my locker and letting his see my...

3 years ago
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Extra Horny Time of the Month

OK its the time of my period so much blood gushing while using my vibrator I need a man's cock from experience it will shorten my period, by days, I am really sensitive and my brain keeps telling me to keep my legs closed how can this ever be I am a self confessed slut, It has to be the flow of blood, and the dildo is not working fast enough I need to orgasm and to have as many of them as quickly as possible.The intensity of a cock fucking me, the sensation to take me past a certain point where...

2 years ago
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Extra Servies II

Finally, it’s Friday and I only have two big yards to do today. I know I'll be done before 2 o'clock and I'll get to go home to get my weekend started early. I was excited as I dressed and grabbed my paper work for the day. Getting to the first yard, I zipped through it like nothing. The second yard took a bit longer, because they wanted a little more detail then usual. Apparently they were having a huge get together this weekend, and needed it to have extra attention. So I did just like the...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Extra Marital Love Making

Myself Dev from Delhi. Married with a beautiful wife and two kids. This is a story about me and my extra marital girlfriend after my marriage. After few years of my wedding I ran into lots of problems with my wife which drifted me away from her and I had to take refuge on internet for solace. I met this woman Mehek from Mumbai and had two kids. Our affair started in next three months after we met first time. We met, we loved each other we had bed rocking love making and we were very happy. The...

4 years ago
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Extra Credit

Freshman year was tough. Everyone had warned Chrissy that it would be, buttruthfully she had no idea how hard it would actually turn out to be. Throughout high school she had been able to cruise through her class workvirtually stress-free, graduating with a solid, slightly above the majorityof her class grade point average. She would never admit it aloud, but deepinside she knew that her reputation as an All-American girl probably had givenher the benefit of the doubt with her teachers more...

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