Laura s Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 124
- 4 years ago
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Desi never imagined there would come a day when she would have to make such a foolhardy decision. She shivered in disgust as she knelt at the feet of the ugly gnome-like man standing in front of her. She wanted to believe he was telling the truth, that his cum contained special anti-wrinkle properties. It sounded preposterous, but there was only one revolting way to find out. With closed eyes and a stomach full of butterflies, she commenced sucking his fat cock, praying Juan was being truthful.
The Previous Day
Desi had it all, a stunning home set high in the hills, an older wealthy husband, a body to die for, and a beautiful face. All her friends came out to celebrate her twenty-sixth birthday party. A shiny brand-new red Mercedes convertible sports car sat in the driveway and another diamond ring adorned her hand; gifts from her husband. Unfortunately, Desi's happiness was dampened by an unexpected, unwelcome gift; she discovered her first wrinkle.
Like an invisible man, Juan served drinks to the snobbish upper-class crowd on the extensive grounds. A fountain shot water up and colored lights caught each droplet. The city lights' sparkled in the lower valley. He couldn't imagine living in such luxury.
As Desi's girlfriends gathered around her they all teased her discovery of a wrinkle. They said it was the start of a downward slope, and there was nothing she could do about it. Despite the extravagant party and well-wishes, Desi had a sour look on her face. She mingled with her guests and drank too much Champagne as she tried to drown her imaginary woes. The new wrinkle devastated Desi's spirit.
Breaking away from the noise, Desi walked to the edge of the sharp canyon drop-off. Juan casually walked towards the hostess with a nonsensical plan forming in his head,
"Good evening, would you like a fresh drink?"
Desi quickly replaced her glass of Champagne. She didn't say thanks or acknowledge the server as she turned away to stare at the hypnotizing twinkling lights.
In a surge of jealousy, Juan decided to have some fun at her expense. "Miss, I don't mean to interrupt, but I think I can help you."
Desi disinterestedly looked at the help; he was short, ugly, with a huge nose and a bald head. If Desi had to guess, she would say he was Mexican or South American.
"I don't know what you mean," she huffed, "and I don't appreciate you being personal with me."
"I'm sorry, but I overheard you talking to the other ladies. May I show you a picture of my wife?"
"Excuse me?" Desi got even more annoyed with the server.
"I think you will be impressed, please, only one brief moment; it may change your life."
Desi was perturbed but also intrigued, "Make it quick," she sighed.
"Please, hold the tray for me."
Juan held it out to her and Desi let out another huff, reluctantly holding the tray as Juan reached into his back pocket and pulled a photo out of his wallet.
"Here is a picture of my wife," he said proudly, "she is fifty-seven."
As Juan took the tray back from Desi, he handed her the photo. It wasn't his wife but his twenty-one-year-old daughter, Marie. She was beautiful like her mom, and he thanked God she didn't look like him.
"This is your wife?" inquired Desi as she looked at the photo, "She looks so young. Fifty-seven? Impossible!"
Juan smiled as Desi took his bait; her vain ego wanted to believe it was true. He could see the wheels turning in her head as she looked at him, trying to judge whether he was telling the truth or not.
"Yes," lied Juan, "that is my wife. I have a secret cream that keeps her skin smooth and wrinkle-free."
"I don't believe you," Desi snorted, "you would be rich if that were true."
"It's a long story, too long to discuss with you now. I am sorry, you're right, I should never have bothered you. Excuse me."
Juan took the photo back from Desi, put it in his shirt pocket, and walked away. He hadn't gone three steps before he heard her call out to him.
"Wait!" Desi exclaimed much too loudly. "Tell me more. I need to know the secret."
Juan saw other guests looking at them strangely. "Perhaps we could meet at a different time? When we have privacy."
"Yes, yes," Desi said quickly. The thought of being wrinkle-free captured her imagination. "Can you come here tomorrow? My husband is gone at nine am, and the housekeeper is off tomorrow."
"I am working tomorrow, and it would mean missing my wages." Juan looked into her desperate crystal blue eyes. "Maybe it is not such a good idea to be alone with me. What would your husband say?"
"I will pay you!" Desi blurted out in an attempt to get him to meet with her. "Is five hundred dollars enough?"
Juan hesitated; this was going farther than he intended. The picture was a joke. But five hundred dollars was a small fortune in his world.
"You must swear to keep our meeting a secret."
"Thank you. Can your wife come as well?"
"No, she works as a housekeeper for the last twenty-five years at a downtown hotel."
"Oh," Desi said as she gave the whole thing a second thought. If it was true and he did have a miracle cream, then it was worth the risk. "Never mind, be here at ten am, and we can talk more."
"Yes, Miss." Juan walked away to hand out more drinks. He chuckled under his breath at her rashness and how easily he had manipulated her. He wondered what he could get her to do tomorrow to get his special wrinkle cream.
Desi watched the ugly man walk away and thought about the picture. If the photo weren't fake, then she would give anything to keep her skin that smooth and free of wrinkles. Her closest girlfriend, Susan, cornered the ugly man. As she talked to the server her face lit up and she smiled curiously. Desi hoped the server didn't tell Susan about his anti-wrinkle cream or their plan to meet tomorrow.
Desi's good mood returned, and she rejoined the party with all her friends. Throughout the night, she kept stealing glances at the ugly server with a sense of hope at staying beautiful forever.
The First Meeting
Juan arrived precisely at ten am, hoping he could be in and out in five minutes. Desi opened the door for him and frowned as she looked at his worn clothes.
"Come in. Will this take long? I have a tennis lesson this morning at the club."
"Not long." Juan forced a smile at her rudeness. He closed the door behind himself and followed her into the mansion. He bit his tongue and told himself once she foolishly gave him the five hundred dollars he would leave.
"Are your shoes clean?" Desi asked. She looked down at his plain brown shoes, "Oh, never mind," she huffed, "the maid will clean up tomorrow. Follow me."
Juan admired Desi's young body as she led the way through the massive house. The white tennis outfit hugged her curves, and her ass wiggled seductively.
She led them to the back patio to several red-stripped padded chairs under the cover of an overhanging roof. The infinity-edge swimming pool gave the impression it was running down the steep bank. Juan saw the bustling city below and wondered what her husband did to afford such an expensive house.
Juan noticed Desi's tennis clothes emphasized her breasts and the white bra underneath. He found out her short white skirt was combination shorts as she flashed him a peek when she sat down. Her blond hair was pulled back into a ponytail and tied off with a pink scrunchie. Juan sat down in the chair across from her and waited for her to talk first.
"I would have canceled today, but I realized I don't have your phone number," Desi intoned in a bored voice. "So, what is this secret anti-wrinkle cream of yours, and why aren't you rich?"
Juan hesitated; she wanted to be blunt, so he decided to be as well. "I don't think I will tell you, you are being very rude to me." With that, Juan stood and turned to leave
"Wait!" Desi panicked as she saw her chance at a wrinkle-free face disappear. "I'm sorry. Please don't leave."
"You have the money? You promised me five hundred dollars."
"Yes, I will get you a check."
"No, I think not. It is best if your husband doesn't know about me."
"Okay, yes, give me a moment, and I will be right back!" pleaded Desi. "Please, sit down!"
Juan returned to his seat and waited. His daydreaming of living in such a fancy home ended when Desi returned with five crisp one-hundred-dollar bills and passed them over.
"My name is Juan. What is yours?"
"Destiny, but my friends call me Desi."
"Well, maybe destiny brought us together. No? If we are going to work together, then you need to call me Juan or Sir."
"What do you mean work together?"
"I see the horrible wrinkle on your face!" Juan's eyes surveyed her face. "That is just the first of many. Soon your whole face will look like a dried-up prune!"
Juan saw Desi shiver at the thought. In fact, he could not see any wrinkles on her smooth white skin. "Come closer to me."
Desi leaned forward to let Juan look at her. She jumped but remained seated as he cupped both sides of her face in his calloused hands. His brown fingers massaged her cheeks and forehead. He frowned and kept repeating deep groans over and over.
"Is it bad?" asked Desi, from worry and disgust that he touched her.
"Not yet, you may have caught it soon enough. Once a wrinkle is there, you cannot take it away, but my cream will stop new ones."
"Really? Whatever it costs, I want it!"
"Unfortunately, I only have enough cream for one person. So, it is either you or my wife."
"Can't you make more?"
"I do every day, but not enough for two."
"I don't understand? Why not?"
Juan looked at the pretty woman. This woman would never look twice in his direction, but now she listened to his every word like a disciple. He looked into her eyes then lowered his gaze to her breasts; they looked so cute in her tight top. Desi screamed desperation in her eyes and body language.
It was now, or never he thought. "The magic is in my cum. You need to smear it on your face to stop the wrinkles from forming."
Desi's mouth opened in shock. "What? How dare you!" she screamed, "Get out!"
Juan smiled fully at her for the first time, and Desi saw he was missing several teeth. His brown eyes held no sympathy, only amusement at her outburst.
"If I leave now, I will never return, no matter how much you beg me," Juan threatened. "You will grow old and wrinkly, and your husband will throw you away for a younger woman with smooth skin."
Juan suspected Desi was vain enough to believe his lies. He imagined the turmoil she was going through; the consequences were all that mattered to her.
Even though Desi was hesitant, she wanted to believe with all her heart that Juan did have a magic anti-wrinkle cream. "How do I even know your cream works? All I have seen is one picture, and it could be anyone."
Juan pulled out a small worn photo album and gave it to her. The pictures were of him and his wife taken over the past twenty-five or so years. The first photos showed a younger Juan and his wife, and as they progressed, you could see Juan's face age, but his wife stayed the same.
Desi noticed with growing excitement the woman's body and face remained young and vibrant! She remained wrinkle-free!
"I believe you!" Desi said with more enthusiasm than she intended.
Desi's body and facial expressions gave away her excitement, and Juan knew she was a blonde bubblehead in love with herself. The photos he showed her were doctored by his daughter using Photoshop.
Juan smiled, she was his to do as he pleased. "I want to see you naked, or I will leave and take my secret with me."
Desi wanted to scream at him again, but she held back. He was right; once her face started getting wrinkles, her greatest fear was her husband would trade her in for a new model, and she would have nothing. That is how she ended up with her current husband, and the prenup she signed made it clear she would get nothing in a divorce.
"How do I know your cream works?" asked Desi, "I only have your word."
"And the photos, but you are getting ahead of yourself. What are you willing to do for my magic cum? What could you possibly offer me that would make me deprive my beautiful wife of her daily dose?"
As Desi thought about what she could offer him, Juan leaned forward, and she tried her best not to cringe as he caressed her face again with his hand.
"Such a beautiful face, what a pity it will soon fill with many more wrinkles." Juan sat back, waiting to see the extent of her misery.
"Anything," whispered Desi as she cast her eyes about, avoiding Juan's unyielding brown eyes. "I would do anything."
"I'm waiting," Juan said with a big smile on his face as his tongue peeked out of the space between his missing teeth. His exploitation was an opportunity to have a memorable fuck, and who knows, maybe get more money as he preyed on Desi's insecurities.
"Can we go into the house? Somewhere more private."
Juan looked around and saw none of her neighbors had a view of her covered patio. "No," he said firmly, "this is fine for now."
"Are the pictures real?" asked Desi one last time. Fear and confusion added to the clock ticking down in her mind, she became paranoid that this was her one chance at staying beautiful
"Yes, now don't make me repeat myself!"
Desi jumped at the harsh, demanding tone. She never dreamed she would let a stranger treat her like this, let alone such an ugly man.
"Stand up," he ordered, "do it now, or I am leaving forever."
The chair squeaked on the concrete as Desi pushed it back and stood to face Juan. She hated his smug smile, big nose, and bald head; she hated everything about him. This whole thing was surreal, but the images of Juan's unchanging wife in the photos were astonishing proof his cum did contain a magic formula.
"Good girl, come close to me. I want to touch your young body."
Juan placed a hand on each of Desi's bare white thighs, and she shivered at his touch. He rubbed her strong legs moving up until his fingers were under her tennis skirt, finding attached shorts. The elastic waistband expanded as he slowly pulled her bottoms down until he exposed her white lace panties.
He left her skirt/shorts at knee level and leaned in to smell her pussy. Her scent was strong. He pushed two fingers between her legs rubbing her panties and reached behind her with his other hand to find she was wearing a thong. Her bare ass felt good on his fingers as he squeezed roughly.
Disgustingly, she stood still as this ugly man fondled her body. Common sense screamed at her to stop this insanity. She needed to control the ceaseless torment of belief and doubt. Her muscles tightened at Juan's prodding.
"Did your husband fuck your cunt this morning?"
She cringed at that word; she had always hated it. "Yes."
"Did you wash after?"
"Why not?"
Desi didn't want to reveal her fetishes to this man, but she had no choice. "I like to keep his cum inside me."
"Look at me while I play with your cunt, This is turning you on, isn't it?"
"No!" Desi lied to Juan. She tried to maintain eye contact, but he looked like a deranged pervert. Never in a million years did she imagine this happening to her, right in her own home.
Juan's fingers moved her lace panties to one side, and he rubbed her tiny folds. He tried to push his index finger into her and found she was tight, like a virgin.
"You have a tiny cunt," laughed Juan, "does your husband have a tiny cock to match?"
Desi wanted to tell this obnoxious little brown man to fuck off, but the risk was too high. Her small opening was one of the reasons her husband had married her. Juan had guessed right; her husband's cock was barely four inches when hard and skinny as her little finger. They were a perfect match for each other.
"Please, Juan, your finger is too big."
"Oh, Senora," Juan smiled, laughing at her discomfort, "soon you will have something much bigger in you."
"NO!" screamed Desi as reality set in and she tried to get away from Juan. Each word from Juan's ugly face prophesized future pain and agony. "I can't do this!"
Juan was powerful from his years of heavy labor, and he easily held Desi in place. Her attempt to break free lodged his finger deeper inside of her tight hole. She tottered in place with her knees bound by her tennis skirt as she bounced from one leg to the other.
"Oh fuck!" Desi moaned in pain. "Please take your finger out! It hurts so much!"
"Stop it!" yelled Juan, "Stop your sniveling, or I will leave!"
Desi looked down at Juan and saw he was irate. It felt like he had his fist in her. She tried to relax, her breath coming in gasps. He rubbed her bum in a comforting way. A total stranger had his finger in her pussy, and he had just threatened to put his penis in her. It was all too much for her. How did she get into this absurd situation?
"If you want my special cum you will do what I say!" Juan stood up to look into her eyes; they were both about the same size at around five foot two. Juan kept his finger in Desi as he brought his face right up to hers. "I want you to kiss me like we are lovers. If you don't, well, I think you already know the consequences."
Desi's blue eyes starred into Juan's dark brown ones. She was acting like a fool.
"You have to earn my cum," he said, frankly. When Desi did not answer, he wiggled his finger in her. "Are you ready?"
"Yes!" Desi exclaimed, "I want what your wife has. I want to be wrinkle-free!"
The illusion of beauty made her vulnerable and drove Desi to do what Juan asked. She threw her arms around him, and her lips met him, hesitantly at first, with her eyes firmly closed to block out his disgusting physical features. Desi felt his tongue try to gain entry to her mouth and fought against it. Only when he wiggled his finger did she relent and open her mouth to him. Now he was violating two of her three openings, and she prayed he never wanted the last one.
Juan's chest pumped out his good fortune. The snobby, young wife was putty in his hands. Every time he wiggled his finger into her tight pussy she would dance on her tiptoes. He did not know if it was in pain or pleasure, but he didn't care. She was kissing him now and sucking on his tongue as he thrust it into her mouth.
Her pussy was getting wetter, and his finger was able to move easier, so he increased the speed and depth of his uninvited invasion of her body. Each push of his finger elicited a new moan or squeal from the ditzy girl and filled him with a sense of power. This new intoxicating power overshadowed Juan's ordinarily calm and accommodating demeanor. For the first time in his life, he felt like an alpha male.
Desi hated herself. This despicable little man had excited her. "Oh fuck," Desi moaned, "what are you doing to me?"
Juan was pleased with himself; he had taken control. Her tight pussy was leaking heavily with her juices and probably her husband's cum. Her head was nestled on his shoulder as she worked her hips on his finger. He grabbed her blonde ponytail and pulled her head back to look at her pretty face. Desi's glazed blue eyes filled with lust and shame.
"Take your top off, show me your tits."
Desi did not argue; she crossed her arms and pulled her top over her head, dropping it to the concrete floor, exposing a white matching lace bra. In a couple of motions, the bra found a spot on the floor next to her top. Desi tried to cover her breasts, but Juan slapped her hands down. Desi had small breasts and always wore padded bras to hide their size from everyone.
Juan tried not to laugh at the size of her breasts but could not help himself. "Really?" he laughed, "This is what you were trying to hide? My sixteen-year-old niece has bigger tits than you."
Juan's laughter and taunting further demeaned her. "I'm sorry," Desi said for no apparent reason other than humiliation.
Juan continued to laugh as he pinched one of her nipples between his fingers. "So, you have small tits and a matching cunt. You were lucky to find a husband who doesn't want a real woman."
"I know," said a defeated Desi. "That's why I need your cream; I need to stay beautiful so I don't lose my husband."
Juan stroked her face and looked at her in a new light. She may be a half-witted woman, yet she was no different than him. They both had their day-to-day struggles.
Desi's face winced as Juan withdrew his finger from her vagina. Her orgasm was building against her own free will. When Juan presented his finger to her lips, she sucked on it, tasting her juices and her husband's.
"You have a big finger," she whispered. "Bigger than my husband's penis."
"Are you kidding me? Wait until you see my cock then!"
"Juan, we need to talk," begged Desi. "My pussy is very tight, but I have learned to use my mouth to please men. I promise you will not be disappointed."
"What about your ass?"
"Sometimes," answered Desi hesitantly. "It depends on how big the man is."
"Take my cock out," Juan ordered.
Desi reached for the zipper on Juan's worn pants; her hands were shaking at the thought of seeing his cock. She reached into Juan's off-white underwear and circled her hand around his warm penis. She tried not to gasp at the size. He was not the biggest she had touched, but several times the size of her husband.
As soon as Desi's fingers touched his cock, Juan almost lost it. Her small fingers stroked him in his underwear. "Look at it; tell me what you will do with my cock."
Desi pulled Juan's cock out into the morning sunshine. "This is crazy," she mumbled to herself as she got her first look at his cock. "You're too big for my pussy. I can suck you, though, and maybe if you are careful, you can use my bum."
Juan knew he should leave with the five-hundred-dollars, but his lust would not let him. Never had a beautiful white woman been so intimate with him.
"Suck me, get on your knees and suck my cock into your pretty mouth. Show me you deserve my cum."
Her tennis skirt gave her knees some comfort from the harsh concrete surface but not much. She was surprised to find his cock smelled fresh and clean as she nuzzled her face into him. It had been a long time since she had a cock in her mouth that had substance.
Desi never imagined there would come a day when she would have to make such a foolhardy decision. She shivered in disgust as she knelt at the feet of the ugly gnome-like man standing in front of her. She wanted to believe he was telling the truth, that his cum contained special anti-wrinkle properties. It sounded preposterous, but there was only one revolting way to find out. With closed eyes and a stomach full of butterflies, she commenced sucking his fat cock, praying Juan was being truthful.
Juan's cock grew in this foolish woman's mouth, her oral skills were excellent, but he did not want to come too soon. He loved the power he had over her. He pushed his cock all the way in her mouth. He was not huge, but even his wife could never take all of him. Desi's gagging turned him on as he held her nose against his stomach.
With a loud gasp, Desi sucked in air as Juan's cock left her mouth. "You bastard!" she screamed as the tears rolled down her face dragging her mascara with them. "You almost killed me!"
Desi tried to get up, but Juan held her down, "I thought you said you could suck a cock," he scolded. "That was a pitiful attempt. I don't think you want my special cum. You are a skinny, white, spoiled rich girl. Are you willing to give up all this?" Juan asked harshly, as he waved his arms through the air at the house and pool. "I don't know you, and I don't like you." Juan stepped back one pace. "In fact, maybe I should give my cream to your girlfriend. She was interested too and said she would pay me more than you."
Desi panicked as she looked up at Juan, "NO!" she pleaded, "It was that fucking Susan wasn't it? She has always been jealous of me!"
"Maybe," said Juan as he showed her his toothless smile. "Susan said you fake everything and would fake it with me."
"That bitch! She is the one with a fake nose and tits! Wait till I see her!"
"If you ever mention me to Susan, you will never see me again. Is that clear!"
Desi put aside her anger. This was more important than a petty dispute with her soon-to-be ex-best friend. "I'm sorry, you are right. Please tell me what you want. Please, Juan, let me try again," Desi begged as she re-grouped. "It's just been so long since I sucked a cock as big as yours. I can do better!"
"Make my cock hard again, then take me in your mouth. You will not hit me, and you will not try to escape. When I am ready, I will come all over your face. Or perhaps you would like me to call Susan instead?"
Juan did not have a mean bone in his body, but this brainless woman brought out a different side in him. He resented her privileged attitude.
Desi never said a word. She opened her mouth, and with pleading eyes, looked up at Juan. She sucked madly on his cock, using all her old tricks. She sucked him as deep as she could and dreamed of being beautiful forever. Even if she had to do nasty things with Juan, it would be worth the humiliation. Desi vowed there was no way that bitch Susan would get HER cream.
"Very good," said a pleased Juan, "that is much better. You like sucking a real man's cock, I can tell."
Juan loved her new attitude. There were still several inches to go, and in one motion, he buried his cock to the hilt, past her gag reflex. His strong hands held her there as he waited to see if she would panic.
"That's much better," Juan praised. "Remember Susan will always be available if you don't please me."
Desi struggled to stay calm. Just the mention of Susan's name infuriated her, and she sucked harder.
Juan pulled out and gave Desi a hard stare. "My cum keeps my wife young and beautiful, She rubs it on her face, and it stops the wrinkles."
"How often does she have to do this?" Desi asked hesitantly.
"When she was younger, only once a week," said Juan, "but now that she is older, she needs it every night." Juan looked at Desi and shook his head. "If I give my cream to you, then my wife will have to miss out once a week, and she will start to age. I have not decided if you are worth the sacrifice. Perhaps I should meet with Susan first and see what she has to offer?"
Desi recklessly thought she could just give Juan a quick blowjob, get the cream and then never see him again. This new knowledge changed everything. One thing she vowed was her fucking girlfriend would never get Juan's magic potion, no matter what. "So, we would need to meet every week? And you would come on my face?"
"Yes, and of course, you would need to pay me five hundred dollars each time." Juan could not believe this silly woman was so dumb as to believe his story. "If I decide you are the one, then you will also allow me to fuck all your openings." he continued, "even your tight cunt."
Desi went white at that thought; she knew the pain would be unbearable. "Would you be satisfied with just my ass?" Desi desperately asked.
"Would you like me to call Susan?"
"No," Desi said in defeat, bowing her head and cursing silently at the thought of Susan being more beautiful than her. "Yes, you can fuck my pussy too."
"When you are with me, it's called a cunt," Juan corrected, "now tell me what I can do to you every week."
Desi saw there was no compassion in Juan's eyes. She had to make a choice, "Juan, please meet with me every week so I can receive your special cum. I want you to fuck my mouth, my cunt, and my ass and come on my face. I will do whatever you ask of me."
Juan wanted to scream out to the world in celebration; this beautiful young white woman was his to fuck every week until she realized there was no magic anti-wrinkle cream, and best of all, she was going to pay him to do it! Like the best poker player in the world, his face showed no emotions. Juan looked at her on her knees in front of him. "You will be my willing sex partner, and you will pay me," he confirmed, "and in return, I will provide my anti-wrinkle cream for you to smear all over your face."
"Yes, I agree."
"Good!" said a smiling Juan, "I think it is time to see how tight your cunt is! Do you have any lube, or do you want me to use your spit?"
"Do you have a condom?" Never in her wildest dreams did she contemplate having unprotected sex with such an ugly man!
"Do you have a disease?" said Juan as he stroked his fat cock.
"No, but..." Desi started to say.
"Then it will not be necessary," interrupted Juan, "I will fuck you bareback, and my cock will go in all your holes."
Desi knew that sound traveled quickly from estate to estate, and she did not want the neighbors to hear her scream when Juan invaded her pussy with his big cock. "My lubrication cream is in the bedroom," Desi said, "can we go inside, please, Juan?"
Her pretty face looked at him anxiously. "You want to fuck me on your husband's bed?" he laughed. "Maybe we can invite him to watch next time?"
Desi froze at that suggestion, "NO!" she screamed. "Fred must never find out!"
Juan's laugh was so loud Desi knew her neighbors heard him. She had to get him into the house quickly before one of them called her. "Fuck me, Juan, fuck my cunt! Let's go inside now," Desi pleaded
Juan reached out and helped Desi up. As she bent over to pick up her clothes, Desi realized her mistake when she felt Juan's hand on her back.
"Stay like that; I want to look at your ass and touch you. Hmm, such soft skin." Juan murmured. "Pull your cheeks apart for me."
A shiver ran through Desi's body as Juan caressed her bum. She felt him push his thumb into her bum. "Please, Juan, can we use some cream? You're hurting me."
Juan switched to her cunt and pushed his finger into her once more. "Okay," he said as his finger went in easier this time, "I can't wait to feel your tight cunt on my cock!" Juan pulled his finger out and slapped her ass, making Desi jump.
"That's for making such a fuss," said Juan at her surprised face. "Hurry before I slap your ass again!"
Desi grabbed her clothes and hustled to the patio door, knowing Juan would be right on her heels. This time she held the door open for him and let him enter first, showing him some respect. "Please, my bedroom is just down the hall."
Thank you for taking the time to read Part 1; if it tickled your fancy, I appreciate your vote and any comments.
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ThreesomesThe warmth of the summer shone threw my newly bought Victorian home. The home was rumered haunted and so charming, even in darkness.. the creaking.. and ghosts thought to inhabit ..calling.. calming . My cat and I had moved in two weeks ago. And haunted rulers being the reason . What a old Victorian beautiful home. As my cat and I fell asleep. Under the covers.. the night was to take a unexpected turn*- I was fast asleep with the help of the summer rain .. when.. I saw aunt Traci there my...
After a month I got a call from her, “The surgery was done and I am almost healed. I have to wait one more month to suck a cock. It is extremely painful, but now I am happy that I did it.” “Why don’t you come home for the period and that you can work for her boss after that.” “I am doing a workout to keep her body fit and hot, and I have gotten a physician. My boss is making some slight modifications to my body and it won’t affect my physical beauty, causing her to hope she will look...
Tanya and Mitchell, we called him Mitch, are our twins. I’m Paul and my wife is Deb O’Dell. The twins had graduated high school tied for first and second in their class and at the end of the summer would be off to college together. They were great kids and, I must admit, two of my best friends. The kids and I first met eighteen years ago at the end of a crazy wild drive back from camping. The kids weren’t due for almost another month but Deb decided to go ahead and have her water break while...
I got up and walked around the desks until I stood directly behind her. I was suddenly determined today would be the fourth time we would satisfy each other. She groaned as I dug my fingers into the soft flesh of her breasts. Just thinking about tasting them again I could feel my balls fill with cum and my cock started growing hard. I continued rubbing my hands over her breasts, pinching her nipples. I pulled her up and stood behind her, hugging her, with my hands on her breasts, biting...
With Minara safely out of the way he could move to the second part of the plan. The Grojan would be gathered in one place tonight so it was time to visit the City Guard and make his presence known. First he changed into his traveling leathers, then he made for a local stream and removed the hair dye he had smothered into his hair. Once it was all removed he walked back to the city. As he reached the outskirts people started to notice him and a crowd started to build behind him. He heard the...
Sally quietly sat at the kitchen table with her head bowed as she listened to me play the phone recording of her wanking me off for the pleasure of her mates, thinking I was asleep. I tried my best not to laugh as I heard quotes like,"Ann-Marie, will you try and keep your masturbation noises down!""You're getting me wet with your noises!"And, "You try wanking a cock, your own pussy and filming, it's not bloody easy!" The film finished with Sis running out of the room, having made me...
Incest“Hi. I came to see you before I go,” the attractive young girl said when I opened my door. Her name was Vardhini, and she was the daughter of my old friends Sunani and Paras Raju. My wife and I had watched her grow up, and eventually go out on her own. We’d seen her get her college, been to her 18 birthday, and watched her grow into an attractive young woman. Standing on my front doorstep, the hot summer sun silhouetting her young beautiful figure, she looked good enough to eat. My wife was...
This is a true story and nothing is exaggerated but of course, the names are changed. Let me go to the story directly. I am Seema, 21 years old lady from Delhi. We are 4 members in my family – my dad (Rajeev), mom (Latha), and brother (Rajesh) of 24 years. I am a graduate student in one of the colleges. My brother works in a private company and dad in a bank. Mom is a housewife. My sister (Deepa) is married with a guy (Deepak). But they often visit us and spend at least two nights in a...
Juicy Lucy's Grand Jeté By Estaban Bacca 1. It was only a short walk from the Covent Garden tube. When the young girlwith the backpack turned onto Bow Street, the gleaming Greek portico of theRoyal Opera House seemed to beckon her. Arriving across the street from itssix tall, white columns, she halted, gazing up in awe. By chance, she stoodbeside Enzo Plazzotta's sculpture 'Young Dancer'. Had anyone noticed her thereand compared its bronze features to hers, they might have concluded...
Beautiful powerhouse Nicole Doshi brings her unique style of “sexual ambrosia” in this scene from Pink is the color of the day for Doshi. She’s adorned in intricate strapping and matching pumps (she wears the pumps like tennis shoes, effortlessly prancing and fucking with them on for nearly the entire scene) that fit the special starlet perfectly. The slick performer’s hard body is the star but she’s also very adept at churning out timely sex talk. You’ll hear her utter things...
xmoviesforyouI was laying on my back. No other position was comfortable to me these days and even this one was no good. Herb, our husband, had planted his seed with a lot of my help. My belly was big. I was ugly, fat and not much help to anybody. Melissa yelled at me mentally, "You stop that or I will bite your clit." She was resting at the moment and could do that quite easily. "I am fat and ugly." "You're pregnant and a beautiful girl that will be fifteen soon. You have your youth, your charm...
As the weeks passed I was going to Jenny's at least two evenings a week and staying there most weekends, unless I was required to be somewhere for work reasons. Her divorce was going through and it was only a matter of time until she was free. Keith visited Manda quite regularly, but Jenny thought that she was too young to stay with him for a whole weekend. Manda was always happy to see him, but I think that as I saw her more than he did, she was perhaps beginning to think of him less as her...
It’s Saturday night and we are at my wife’s sister's house. She and her husband are celebrating their 15th wedding anniversary. There are 10 couples in attendance. The 8 other couples are their neighbours. We live 30 miles from here and do not know any of them. We are sitting around visiting in their family room in the basement, having a beer, wine, whatever. There aren’t enough chairs so some people are sitting on the floor or wherever they are comfortable. One guy is sitting on the stairs....
"So, that was dull," Shawna said. Hope stopped abruptly causing Marcus and Shawna to turn back to face her. "I'm sorry, Honey, but it was," Shawna shrugged. "Would you rather I lied?" "If you can't say anything nice," Marcus muttered, pulling at the collar of the shirt they'd picked out for him, "don't say anything at all." "If only they hadn't said anything," Shawna replied, a little abashed... "I mean, the sermon was way too long — and I couldn't understand most of...
"Yes she was," Scott responded on auto pilot before escaping the elderly lady, only to bump into yet another one. "You must be Scottie," she said. "I was a friend of your mother. She was so young." "Yes she was." That's the way the day went after his mother's funeral, with everyone paying their respects and offering condolences. Scott wasn't annoyed. He was bored. Having left his wife home with their two sick children, he flew cross country to Florida for the funeral. He loved his...
Ken took another minute to ponder the future. His heart did a quick flutter when he envisioned Lori's beautiful daughter and how he planned to get into her panties. "Fuck," he said to himself, "I'll bet she is even a better fuck than her mother." He already had set plans in motion to seduce the girl. Ken marveled at how the blackmail against Lori had worked and did not see why a similar scheme would not work with Julia. The thought made his pecker jerk a few times in eagerness and he chuckled....
I got Mami to show me the details of the website. I found the system was configured to save surveillance history if there was space to store it. It went back two months. It must have terabytes of space. Mami was shocked to find she could have watched Glennvision anytime she wanted. She scheduled her evenings hoping to catch Glenn having a session. It didn’t take me long to figure out the mornings when she was a huge pain in my ass coincided with the times there was no episode of Glennvision....
The two mates were just sitting on the back veranda; the sun was setting when one of the men turned to his companion and asked. “Tell me Rich have you ever encountered the ‘perfect woman’ and if you did what would she be like?” Rick was silent for several seconds as he let his mind travel back over the decades for he, like his companion was now an old man. “The perfect woman Frank”, he said. “I will really have to go back down memory lane, at least fifty odd years and just let my mind wander...
John Strong walked into his daughter’s room and started sniffing her girlfriend’s underwear. However, his daughter’s girlfriend happened to be watching him the entire time. Unaware of this John started jerking off. Eventually she walked up to him and started jerking him off. From there, things quickly escalated. Soon, she was blowing him, she chocked on his cock from some time but then it was time for her tight pussy to be stretched. John penetrated her tight hole in several different positions...
xmoviesforyou"Welcome aboard, Skipper. You have command." "I have command," Henry confirmed, "And you are?" "Second Officer Charles LeBoeuf, Admiral." "You don't sound French?" "My paternal grandfather was French and in the Free French forces during World War Two. He married an English girl and settled in England. I'm afraid I even speak French with a very thick English accent." A fat man in shalwar kameez, rather than uniform, escorted the two women to a well-appointed stateroom and...
"Hi" I said shyly as she opened her eyes and looked up at me, Her head was on my chest, where she'd slept for most of the night and what a night it had been, we'd made love in the shower hurriedly, frantically as if we had an itch that badly needed scratching, then we'd got into her bed and made love again, she was the most utterly uninhibited woman I'd ever known, she adored being eaten and shimmied round on top of me so that she could suck on what she called my big lollipop as I...
Hi, I’m xyz. Born and bought up in Bangalore. I am a simple fun loving guy, finished school in one of the best schools in town, and pursuing degree in one of the reputed colleges. I never had the desperate lust for any girl throughout my life. I do watch porn regularly and do stuff just like anyone else. This incident happened a few months back, which changed the idea of what i had on sex. Hugs and kisses was very common from where i studied, i was totally into adventurous trips and road trips...
Michele and I were very good friends for quite a while. We have been a couple for about a week now, and we couldn’t be happier. She has beautiful brown hair and amber brown eyes that glisten with the sunlight. She has a Nordic look about her: which I find fucking sexy… One thing we like to do is take strolls in the park: Hand-in-hand. The subject of sex has only come up once in our blooming of a relationship. I asked if we would and she responded that it would be a ‘Maybe’. I completely...
Our cars pulls from the interstate, a thirty minute drive with hardly a word spoken. My wife and I seem to be going through one of those ruts couples go through after twenty years of marriage. I just want to get this doctors visit over and get back to the golf course. As we exit our vehicle, her white Chevy 2500 truck pulls into space next to us. As she gets out of her truck, our eyes meet for the first time. I nod as if to say, 'hello' and she smiles to return the pleasantries. She opens the...
Wife Loversliving in a medium size city 30 years ago, it was necessary to stay into the closet. That way of live is really still the reason why I never outed myself, even after years living in different bigger cities and several countries.I had acquired a taste for transsexuals, considering them the best of two worlds. Never could resist the view of a beautiful girl knowing that there were a certain something between her legs.When I felt the urge inside me I cruised into the night looking for the zones...
Continud from part one… Having saved me from drowning after I had ‘accidentally’ fallen into the water, the handsome park ranger straddled my chest and fucked my mouth. When he said that we should then go to his cabin and get our wet clothes off, I was all for it. I picked up my shoulder bag (‘man purse’ some would say) and my cigarette holder, which I had dropped when I ‘slipped’ and ‘fell’ into the water. It was a short drive in his pickup truck to the cozy log cabin he stayed in. His name...
Callie studied their stateroom with pleasure. It wasn’t luxurious, but it was neat, clean, functional, and spacious with several portholes giving a view of the sea. The bathroom was spotless, towels clean. While unpacking, she smiled to herself. This was so unexpected. The Canada Senator was a working container ship. At first glance when they’d arrived at the commercial docks, she’d seen a rusting blue ship piled high with different colored containers; so high she wondered how the ship...
One Saturday afternoon Laurie came to the house looking for Ken. The boy had gone with his friends to a baseball game and evidently the game had gone into extra innings. Brenda was on a glider on the back lawn getting some sun and she invited the girl to keep her company. Laurie brought some Cokes out of the kitchen and then she stretched out on a glider beside Brenda and they talked awhile. Then Laurie said, "It's too bad I don't have a bikini with me. I wouldn't mind getting some sun...
Brin leaned her back against the bedroom door and tried to get hold of her emotions. ‘Dad must think I’ve gone insane,’ she thought. What had happened in the living room had scared Brin plenty. But what scared her most wasn’t that her dad might think she was crazy or even, God forbid, he had felt her foot rubbing against him. The really frightening thing was that Brin was still so turned on from her erotic daydream - and that part of her wished she hadn’t woken her dad up until he’d grown...
IncestWe met while I was 15 and still at school and as a result she knows all of my oldest friends, John James, Martin, Sue and Kate. We would all socialise together and Gail was welcomed as part of my group and together we enjoyed many wild nights out. Over the years we watched as various friends dated and started more serious relationships. Our careers developed and took us to various parts of the country, but we always kept in touch and met up regularly. Gail and I were the first to marry, but...
i was in the cubicle of the mens public loo legs up spread wide trousers off pantys on what a dirty slut i felt! I pour baby oil all over my legs and crotch mmmh it felt so sexy i start rubbing my inner thigs slowly put with sexual intent! I hear two men pissing talking casual about the day gone by.... This made me more horny mmmh my stiff cock was pointing straight up by now as i had crotchless black thongs on..... My veins bulging with excitment up and down my 9inch length! I reached round to...
Soft. Warm. Tired. Those were the first thoughts that ran through her mind as she slowly opened her eyes. She stretched and yawned, letting her fingers roam over the soft silky sheets. She never remembered her sheets feeling so soft before. The room was warm too. Annie must have started a fire for her. She turned over and snuggled back into the bed, then slowly opened her eyes. She blinked a couple times and stared at the unfamiliar desk that was against the wall. She sat up, finally...
It was my freshman year at the Prep College. I had just come home for the summer. My parents dropped me off and I headed inside and to my room. As I sat on my bed I thought damn is this summer gonna suck. I missed all the fun I had at College and especially all the boys. I stood up and looked at myself in the full-length mirror. My body was looking good; I had worked real hard that whole year with the sports I took. My legs were like rocks the thigh muscles were like tree trunks and my tits and...
We’ve got another fantastic petite treat for your viewing pleasure. Measuring in at a whopping 4 foot 11 inches this girl is the definition of spinner. She is proper cute as well. This itty bitty babe is here to try her hand at adult work. She’s newly married and being a porn star is no issue for hubby, so we’re gonna put this little babe to the test. Right away she’s got one of the most interesting jobs I can think of in this day and age: She’s a moderator for the TikToks. Which means...
xmoviesforyouThe following conversation is a combination of conversations I had with good female friends and one past girlfriend. I actually had a similar abbreviated conversation with my last girlfriend one lazy day between sexual rounds 1 and 2. I guess, I initially wrote this story for myself more so than for anyone else. I hope you enjoy it and maybe the story makes you think a bit as well. ———————————————— “Erik honey?” ”Yes” “How old were you when you first had sex?” “Wow, where did that question...
HELLO ALL, HU MRS DHARA AAPNI seva fari ek war ala gujarati boys atla badha chulya , and chodkaniya hoy chhe mane nati khabar , mane geeta and sapna em 2 girls na pan mail malya chhe Sala badha , e mari story wakhani chhe e e story na hati mari hakikat hati , ok have tamne bor karya wagar lo tyare , boys gel ni tube laine muthya marva ready thai jav and girls tame DILDO lai ne chut ni bhookh santosva ni koshis karo, prastut chhe PART_2 hu , kayam lodo leva tat-par rehti , maro pari lagan...
This story deals about how I sceduced my subordinates wife and make her as my slut. [email protected]
AffairBy the time August, 1964 rolled round I was stationed on a group of islands called the Ryukyus of which Okinawa was the main island. In those heady days there was two American bases Kadena and Naha, myself based at Naha. Kadena was more famous for supplying the bombers and refuelled that daily bomber North Vietnam. One morning a few days after the Tonkin Gulf incident where two North Vietnaemese boats fired on some American warships and were immediately blasted to bits, but the US military had...
Ann 2After the episode with Fred things seemed to take off sexually. We both thought it was exciting and something to do again.Bearing in mind it was the early eighties and before the use of computers. I don’t know if Anne Summers is a universal shop, but here in the UK it is a well used store nowadays but in those days the lasses used to have Anne Summers parties where an agent would go to someone’s house with samples of what you could buy, vibrators, toys or lingerie etc. Together, plenty of...
It was a nightmare to Kate. The beautiful 33 years old mother was spread on a couch, her swollen pussy dripping Max' sperm, having just been told that she was a drugged slave and she was going to help this evil people turn her only child into a cum addicted slut. Now she found out that her own younger sister, whom she had not seen in years, had chosen her for this terrible destiny. Donna was about 29 years old by now, and had huge 38D breasts, unnaturally firm and pointy. Kate was shocked...
The ever popular Kagney Linn Karter is about to take a massive dicking in this immaculate scene. She’s all decked to the nines in sexy lingerie and stockings and when she shows off her award-winning big tits, it’s easy to see why she’s such a fan favorite. Looking youthful and horny as ever, she grabs Bill’s giant dick and wets it in her mouth before sliding it between her huge knockers for a sensual titty-fuck. Then, Bill lifts up one of her luscious legs high in the...
xmoviesforyouThe moment she came in, i was transfixed. I had settled down in my seat for english, bored as hell, when our teacher announced that our lessons would be taken by a supply teacher, I expected some old ass or some strict fat bitch to walk through the door. Imagine my surprise when Miss Ellen walked thorugh the door. Let me just say, saying that she was "hot" was a huge understatement. she must be no older than 23 (her actual age, I found out later was 22). with blonde hair, slim body with...
In the span of history, until relatively recently, a beating was given across the bare flesh, and dress had a significance limited to the procedures and drama of its removal. Before the great change, the chances were that a victim would be crudely stripped and flogged without more ado, but, if dress played any part at all, it was as an agent of humiliation rather than as a layer of protection: a soldier was the more shamed by being stripped of his full-dress uniform, and, by the same token,...
So I debated about doing this but I figured what is the harm. So this happened to me a while ago and if people enjoy this true life story maybe I will add more. (Names have been changed however the story is 100% real)In 2012 I had broken up with my gf of 3 years Kristen. It was a rather messy break up and in November I was starting to hang out with this girl Amber (whom I actually wound up marrying and what we did this past Saturday is a story in and of itself) anyways I realized I still had a...
I come home from work to find you dressed in your sexy jeans, a tighttee shirt, and a pair of heels. I can tell you are horny by the way you tell me to get into the shower and that my clothes are laid out for me after I finish cleaning up. My cock throbs as I shower and lather my body up with some scented soap. I know you want me squeaky clean so I insert a soapy finger into my ass, cleaning myself as deep as I can. My legs are weak as my cock throbs from lack of attention. I dry off, head into...
CrossdressingEighteen years ago, they were the first documented twins to be born with the genitalia of both sexes: each had a penis, a scrotum, and a vagina, thus they were "intersex." When they were older, they willingly appeared in the local newspaper, and even had a special on the Discovery channel. "Well, we feel like girls, I guess," they'd say, "but technically, we're in the middle." Despite the twins' acceptance of their ambiguous sex, some townspeople did not receive them well. Their...
Since you won’t believe me, I won’t tell you that this is a true story and that the names have been changed to protect the not-so-innocent… As is usually the way, the wedding ceremony was an absolute bore. My wife’s cousin, having finally persuaded her unfortunate fiancé to put a ring on her finger, had done everything possible to make sure her moment in the spotlight lasted as long as possible. My boredom grew by the minute as the production grew ever more elaborate, and pretty soon I had...
What if you stumbled upon a Witches Satanic Ritual? What would it be like? Would you like it? Would you resist? Would you join in with gusto? Here is how I saw it go down!!!!!!--+------------------------I checked and made certain that my cell phone was off. Whatever was happening back here in the middle of the night, I did not want to announce my presence by having my phone go off! I had seen people getting out of a vehicle and going into the corn that bordered my property. The car...
Twenty-three year old Callie Monahan was enjoying the warmth of a spring day in the 70’s. Callie was blonde, blue eyed, beautiful, slutty and seldom wore a bra, preferring the looks her breasts received from the men she passed by while walking or running in Central Park. A former high school cheerleader, she was more than aware of her good looks and used them to her advantage. She had always dated whichever boy was the current season’s sports star and was not above popping open an extra...
This will be a place for all my stories where you can pick and choose which ones you like. All the stories will have ballbusting in them. All the characters are 18+. So pick a story and enjoy. Will be trying to add new chapters everyday. Im having lots of trouble putting pictures and everything online has been unhelpful so i will be putting links. Also if you are going to add chapters to the story don’t stop after one but continue to put more and finish.
FetishMy girlfriend, Evie and I had been together four years; there is a big age difference between us, she is 22, I am 40. Life was good, sex was great. Yes, we experimented a little, but nothing major. One November day last year, I had to work late. I didn't mean to sneak in, but I guess I must've gone in really quietly, as when I got home to my beautiful girlfriend I was very surprised to find her, legs spread, fingering her pussy, with pictures of me and some of my ex girlfriends all around and a...
Group SexI was late for work, i parked to fast and bumped the car in the backi look at the very angry black dude getting out of his car''you k**ding me? are you fucking k**ding me? you drive like a cunt''looking at his bumper with his cellphone light''open your window now''i did he look around and unzip his pants ''get your mouth open , you drive like a girl , you gonna be one''''wait no im sorry ''he unlock my door and pushed me to the passenger seat''you gonna suck my cock , no girls hit by bmw...
Intro Authors note: Welcome to ‘The Gift’. This story has been created as a collaboration between Talonias and Dansak and is based on an original work by Talonias. Our idea was to take the same basic premise outlined below and see what fun two different authors could have with it. The results have blossomed into ‘The Gift’, a joint work that we hope you enjoy reading as much as we did writing. The starting plot and characters have been created by both Talonias and Dansak but the separate...
(Fall of Year Four to Late Winter of Year Four) Now, I'd like you to imagine a bunch of hooting, stinky, yelling cave dudes running around like crazy bastards, dressed like bondage gimps, carrying buckets of sand, and putting out pretend fires everywhere through camp. Got a mental image? Good, now add in both the Three Stooges and the Marx Brothers and season with weird religious mania. If you visualize it correctly, you'll end up seeing these goons running around throwing water and sand...
Update: Sorry for not being active but I felt that I should let everyone know. My computer had stopped working which basically meant I had lost all of my progress on the story. I had planned to eventually pick up this story again but due to problems in my personal life I had put this on hiatus and not sure if I will continue it some other time in the future or not. I'm glad that some of you enjoyed what I had written so far, but I won't be continuing this story anytime in the near...
FantasyThe Judge came through for me two days later. We spent those days like two peas in a pod, bonding, laughing, crying when watching the death toll climb was too much to take, and holding on to each other for dear life. In that time I learned to wool gather from Roberta's habits, how girls to do what girls do. She had a lot of routines that resulted in her looking like she did each day, and I committed as many of those behaviors to memory as I could, in the time I had. She was an encyclopedia...