Amazing Grace Part Five - Chapters 17-20 free porn video

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Chapter Seventeen

Mac woke up to an empty bed and felt discombobulated for a moment. Then, he grabbed his phone and saw that it was only 5:30 a.m.


When no reply came, he got out of bed and wandered into the living room. There she was with a cup of tea in her hands while staring intently at her laptop.

“Babe? What are you doing up so early?” he asked.

“Oh, sorry. I hope I didn’t wake you. I’m just rearranging the slides for this morning’s presentation. I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep, so I started looking over the order and made some changes. I think you’ll like what I’ve done,” Grace said, sipping her tea.

There was something inherently sexy about the way she was sitting there, wearing nothing but his shirt. Her hair was in a messy bun on top of her head as she concentrated on their business presentation.

Grace looked up at Mac and caught him staring at her.


“Come back to bed, Gracie. We have at least another hour before we have to get up. If you’re not able to sleep, well, perhaps we can find something else to do in that comfy bed.”

She shot Mac a sly grin. “Well, when you put it that way, how can I refuse?”

She did a quick save-as to the new order of slides and closed her laptop. Then she followed her husband into the bedroom and spread her legs for him.

“You look so fuckin’ hot in my shirt and nothing else.” He kissed his way up her inner thighs and took what he wanted. The erotic assault of his tongue had her writhing, panting, and begging.

“Oh my God, Mac! Whatever you are doing with that tongue, don’t fuckin’ stop! God, you make me feel so good! Yes, yes, yes!”

He had her cumming almost instantly. But instead of easing off, he was relentless, forcing a wave of orgasms that left her breathless.

He could see she was sated, but he wanted more. “Come shower with me, Gracie.”

She laughed, barely able to focus, let alone move. “I’ll need a little help here, pal. You’ve left me a little wobbly.”

He grinned and scooped her off the bed. “Wrap those luscious legs around me and hold on tight.”

He wasted no time guiding his stiff shaft into her soft, wet walls as she clamped down on him like a hungry little minx and smiled wickedly at him. There was an intoxicating mix of lust and mischief in her eyes as he thrust deeply inside her.

“Take all of me, Grace,” Mac demanded. The more he moved inside her, the greater his need became.

Suddenly, her face was flush with desire, and her eyes fluttered while she threw her head back and cried out, “Oh, fuckkkk! Yes! God, yes! More! Fuck me harder!”

He was happy to indulge her need as it matched his own. He gave her what she begged for, pounding into her, both of them panting and moaning until they exploded together.

“Oh, fuck! Yesssss!” Mac cried out as he filled her with his seed.

They slid to the ground, letting the water rain down on them as he kissed her once more. Then he broke off the kiss and gazed into her blue eyes. “May I lather you up, Mrs. Stewart?”

Grace giggled. “Only if you let me return the favor, Mr. Stewart.”

After their shower, Mac watched his wife transform from a sultry seductress to a sophisticated executive and smiled. That she could transition between the two so easily was just one of the many things he loved about her.

She’d chosen a knee-length pencil skirt that was somewhere between fern and forest green, a matching, tapered jacket, and a cream-colored silk scoop neck blouse. Her hair fell in loose curls over her shoulders, bouncing just a little when she crossed the room in her cream and green pumps.

His choice of suits this morning, charcoal gray matched with a pale-yellow shirt and gray tie, made him look like a man who could close the deal but make your mouth water while he did it. She wondered if he realized how much she wanted him.

“You should run the presentation this morning,” Mac blurted out.

Grace tilted her head at Mac and said, “Well, first we have our meeting with Callum and then the presentation after that, but sure, whatever you want.”

Grace had arranged for breakfast to be served in their suite. She wanted to convey that Mac’s style was formidable yet approachable. So, she’d requested orange and yellow gladiolus in clear vases and had a variety of teas available rather than coffee.

Callum MacAdams arrived a few minutes early, but Grace had anticipated that possibility and was more than ready.

“Welcome!” she greeted him cheerily. “It’s nice to meet you in person finally. Unfortunately, Mac had to take a call, but he shouldn’t be too long."

Callum nodded. “Thank you for hosting this breakfast meeting in your suite. I’ve always wanted to get a good look up here; I’ve heard the view is fabulous.”

Grace was embarrassed to admit to herself that she found his Scottish accent rather sexy. Then again, he wasn’t hard to look at either with his rugged physique and his reddish-brown hair. She immediately felt guilty for noticing. Then she silently reminded herself that she was married, not dead. She was sure Mac had moments when he noticed a pretty female, didn’t he? She shook it off as normal.

“We probably have a few minutes if you’d like to have some tea on the terrace. I have English breakfast tea already steeped, but I can offer you Earl Gray, Oolong, or Jasmine if you prefer.”

“English Breakfast would be lovely, thank you,” he replied. “Fun fact about English breakfast tea, legend has it that it was invented here in Edinburgh by a Scottish tea master. However, Queen Victoria, who was fond of all things Scottish, popularized the blend in England where it became known as English breakfast tea.”

“Well, that is a fun fact!” Grace said as she poured them each a cup and placed a saucer of sliced lemons on the table between them.

Callum eyed Grace curiously, wondering how she knew that he took no sugar or sweetener. She’d obviously done her homework on him, leaving him at a bit of a disadvantage. For, while he’d spent the past few months learning everything he could about McKinley Stewart, he knew next to nothing about Grace.

“I was right. The view here is one of a kind. When McKinley contacted me last year, he failed to mention that he had such an exquisite assistant,” Callum said flirtatiously.

“Grace isn’t my assistant,” Mac interjected as he stepped out onto the terrace. “She started working for me earlier this year as my Acquisitions Liaison. Once it became painfully clear that I’d greatly underestimated her skill set, I promoted her to Chief Operating Officer. Then I married her.”

Mac grinned and extended a hand to Callum, who stood and shook the hand firmly.

“McKinley, it’s nice to meet you in person.”

“Likewise, Callum,” Mac answered as he took the cup of tea that Grace had poured for him.

“May I be so bold as to ask what skill set got her promoted to wife?” Callum chuckled.

Mac frowned, but Grace couldn’t help but laugh. “Fair question. Mac realized that he simply couldn’t get enough of me during working hours.”

Callum nodded. “You’ll understand if I seem a little cautious about doing business with a man who makes decisions on a whim where a woman is concerned.”

It was Grace’s turn to frown. “What if I were a man? Would you feel the same way if I were Mac’s new husband instead of his new wife?”

The look on Callum’s face caused Mac to smirk.

Without waiting for his answer, Grace suggested they return inside for breakfast as the clouds started to look threatening.

The server had everything set up inside as Grace had directed. Once they were seated, Grace looked at Mac, who nodded at her to begin.

“It was hardly a whim, by the way. Some relationships are just meant to be. As far as my abilities, I think you’ll find that I am well qualified for this position. But if you’d like to see my vitae, I’d be happy to forward it to you,” she said. Her smile was friendly, but her tone was cool.

Callum realized he’d offended her. “My apologies. I’ve just come out of a failed relationship, and it’s left me a bit jaded, I suppose.”

Grace nodded. “Apology accepted. I can assure you that my involvement with Stewart Enterprises is not a flash in the pan. However, even if things go south for me and I end up in a little house in Queens, your company will be in good hands with McKinley.”

Mac had to stifle a laugh at the way Callum fell all over himself for the next few minutes trying to apologize to Grace. It was amusing to see another man have absolutely no clue how to handle his formidable redhead.

Eventually, things smoothed over, and Mac proceeded to explain his offer to purchase MacAdams, LLC.

“So, I can sell you my company and stay in charge?”

“Technically, yes,” Grace explained. “You’d be running the Edinburgh office of Stewart Enterprises. I will work with you to make sure that your policies align with our parent company and help make the transition as easy as possible.”

“And my staff?”

“Your staff will all retain their jobs unless you feel anyone is not a good fit. Then this transition would be a good time to weed out anyone you feel doesn’t contribute at the level that we’d expect.”

“And how will I know what you expect?”

“That’s the purpose of the transition meetings. One of us will conduct the presentations while the other will observe and interact with your employees. After today’s full group meeting, we will meet with half of your staff at a time for two days each. Feel free to divide them as you see fit.”

“We will give you our impressions, but ultimately you’ll have the final say in any staff changes,” Mac added. “Unless there is a glaring issue with anyone.”

Callum extended his hand. “Draw up the paperwork. I will have my lawyer look it over, but I see this as a win for both of us.”

Mac shook Callum’s hand and the informal agreement was made.


Chapter Eighteen

When the meeting had concluded, Grace ushered Callum out and said they would see him later. She checked the time and was surprised to see that, while Callum had many questions, there was plenty of time until the afternoon session.

“That took less time than I allotted. Would you like to see the changes I made to the presentation?” Grace asked.

“I’d rather see what’s under that skirt, Mrs. Stewart,” Mac said, half-teasing.

Grace tilted her head. “You’re a wicked man, Mr. Stewart.”

“Maybe. But I’m sort of on my honeymoon. So, you’ll forgive my horniness and let me take what’s mine.”

Grace realized that Mac was quite serious. But who was she to argue? She was wet and ready.

“I’m not sure what’s gotten into you, but I’m not complaining.”

“Good,” Mac said, grinning. “Because I’m about to get into you.”

He unzipped his trousers, slid Grace’s skirt up and moved her panties aside, and entered his wife in one firm thrust.

“As your husband, it’s my right and my duty to make love to you as often as possible,” he said as he bent her over the couch to get deeper inside her. Her moans were such a turn-on! Mac grabbed her hips and hammered into her like a dog fucking a bitch in heat. She met every thrust eagerly, panting and moaning, until she cried out again, and again, as he brought her over the edge a handful of times before losing himself, and his seed, deep inside her.

He pulled out and brought her back up to a standing position. He nibbled her ear and whispered hoarsely, “Stand still, darling. I want to see my cum run out of your pussy and down your leg.”

It felt dirty and decadent as his semen trickled out of her and slid down her inner thigh. He nuzzled her neck seductively. “Why does part of me want to insist you let it dry like that and conduct our presentation that way?”

“Because we’re newlyweds and, as such, are entitled to want to fuck like rabbits and be naughty. But I have a feeling we’d be better off not giving Callum any ideas. He exudes a sexuality that probably shouldn’t be encouraged.”

“Oh? Did he turn you on, Grace? Is that why you were so wet and easy to slide into?”

Grace pulled away, annoyed. “That’s not funny!” She stormed off into the bathroom and slammed the door.

“Grace! Come on. I was teasing you. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to piss you off.” Mac frowned. Why was she so touchy?

He figured it was best to let her have some space, so he sat down and opened Grace’s laptop so he could view the changes she had made to the slideshow.

Christ, she was a genius! Her revisions were perfect! She was absolutely right about the changes.

He was so impressed that he almost missed seeing her most recent Internet search. Mac clicked on her last entry and was baffled. Feeling awkward, he closed her laptop and waited for her to come out.

When Grace came into the living area, she was quiet.

“Hey, I’m sorry for whatever I said that pissed you off. I really was just teasing you,” Mac said, noticing she had cleaned up.

“I’m sorry I overreacted,” she said.

“Grace, are we okay?”

“Yes, of course. Why wouldn’t we be?”

If he asked about the search, she’d be pissed that he snooped on her computer. So, he remained vague.

“I don’t know. You just seem like you’re still mad.”

Grace looked at the clock and said, “We are running low on time. Can we talk about this later? I think it would be a good idea for us to go to the meeting room to make sure everything is ready for this afternoon.”

“Sure,” Mac said. “Whatever you like.”

The afternoon presentation went smoothly, thanks to Grace’s revisions. Most of Callum’s staff seemed excited about their two-day transition workshops. If Grace was a bit aloof to Callum, he didn’t notice. He was too busy being interested in Mac.

There was a cocktail hour planned in The Register Club on the hotel's fourth floor after the presentation. Grace ditched the jacket to make her outfit more casual to appear more approachable. She made a point of spending time answering questions and mingling with Callum’s employees. Mac watched her while he was getting a fresh drink at the bar when Callum joined him.

“I can see why you fell for her,” Callum said casually, ordering himself a drink as well. “Intelligence is fucking sexy.”

Mac raised an eyebrow but let the comment pass as a compliment. “Every time she changes something or suggests a new way to do things, I find myself wondering how I managed to survive in the business world without her.”

Mac looked up at Callum’s face, expecting that he was still gazing at Grace. But, instead, they locked eyes, and Callum allowed his hand to rest on Mac’s on the bar. “She’s not the only one who’s spectacular. You’re certainly easy on the eyes,” Callum said.

Realization came slowly to Mac, but when it did, he suddenly understood what Grace meant by Callum exuding sexuality.

Mac was unsure of how to respond. He didn’t want to come across as homophobic, but he also didn’t wish for Callum to think he was interested. Besides, he was the boss.

Fortunately, Grace noticed the look on Mac’s face and came to his rescue.

“Callum, you are an incredibly sexy man,” Grace said. “But I think we need to be very clear here that Mac and I don’t screw around. So, you might want to remove your hand from my man’s hand.”

Callum grinned as he pulled his hand away. “Sorry, can’t blame a guy for wishing. Your message is loud and clear. Just know that if you ever want a third in your bed…”

Mac frowned.

“Okay, let me back up a bit. Callum, we are going to be your bosses. So, as flattered as we both are, it would be inappropriate to include you in our bed.”

Mac felt himself relax a bit. She was handling this so much better than he would have.

Callum felt a little disappointed, but he expected to be turned down. Grace was right; after all, they were his bosses now.

Then Grace raised an eyebrow. “However, that guy over there keeps looking you up and down.”

Callum frowned. “Which guy?”

“The one that looks like a Norse God. I thought he was looking at my husband, but since he didn’t look disappointed when I put my arm around Mac, I’m going to assume he’s looking at you. So, how about we go over to him under the guise of you introducing him to the new bosses?”

“You’re okay with relationships within the office?” Callum asked.

Grace laughed and held up her wedding ring. “Just make sure you sign a disclosure form if it gets that far. And don’t fuck him at work,” she said bluntly.

Callum grinned at Mac. “You’re right; she’s a fecking genius!” Callum laughed. “By the way, his name is Harris Connor.”

“Okay, let’s go meet Harris Connor.”

Once the introductions were made, Grace feigned a headache and asked Mac to escort her back to their suite.

“I hope you’ll excuse me; I didn’t sleep well last night, and I think I need to be out of these heels. I look forward to seeing you in the group sessions on whatever day you’re scheduled.”

“I’m actually slotted to attend tomorrow,” Harris replied.

“Wonderful! Until then, I am sure that Callum will take excellent care of you,” Grace said, winking.


Chapter Nineteen

When they got on the elevator to return to their suite, Mac asked, “Do you truly have a headache?”

“No, I just was ready to be done with the workday. I hope you don’t mind.”

“Hell, no. I know those meet and greets are a necessary evil. But all I want to do is spend time with you,” he said, pulling her into his arms.

Grace sighed and felt her body melt against his. “There is something incredibly wonderful about the way my body responds to yours.”

Mac lifted her face to his and kissed her lips softly. “I’m sorry for whatever I said this morning that annoyed you,” he said once he broke off the kiss.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know why I made such a big deal over it. I know you were teasing. But…” Grace hesitated.

“Grace, if you find him attractive, that’s okay. You’re married, not suddenly struck blind. I don’t expect you never to notice another man.”

“Yes, he’s ruggedly handsome, and he appears interested in both of us. But I have no interest in him, okay?”

“Good, neither do I,” Mac said teasingly.

Grace laughed. “You looked so uncomfortable when he laid his hand on yours at the bar.”

“I was trying not to act weirded out by that. I mean, if I were a guy who was into guys, he’d certainly catch my eye. But I’m not, so it was definitely uncomfortable, mostly because I didn’t want to do or say anything to offend him,” Mac explained.

“You’re a good man. I think we’re safe now, though, as he seemed quite taken by Harris. Callum’s a bit of a of a slut, but it suits him.”

Mac laughed. “Indeed! So, what shall we do for dinner?” he asked as he kissed Grace’s temple. “I want to make sure to feed you before that tummy starts growling.”

“Too late,” Grace giggled as her tummy made some very unladylike noises right on cue.

“Want to head down to Lady Libertine’s Basement Café?” Mac asked.

“Yes, let me change into some jeans and a sweater first, though.”

“I guess I could stand to change, too.”

Mac wondered if and when he should bring up Grace’s Internet search. Then, he decided he was probably making something out of nothing. When she came out into the living area, Mac felt his cock twitch.

“Holy fuck, Grace!” Mac blurted out. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in jeans that tight.”

The denim material hugged her ass so completely that he considered room service for a brief moment. She looked so amazingly fuckable right now.

Grace’s face made it clear she did not hear Mac’s words as complimentary. “Should I change? I don’t want to embarrass you. These jeans weren’t as tight when I tried them on in Alice’s office months ago. I guess that’s what happens when you eat three meals a day regularly, huh?”

Mac felt that little tug at his heart that happened every time he thought about her life before him. It seemed crazy that someone with Grace’s level of sophistication had been homeless and hungry.

“Keep them on. What I should have said was that those jeans make me wanna throw you down on the bed and fuck you,” Mac explained.

“Ohhh, well, when you put it like that…”

Mac interrupted her with a passionate kiss. Grace felt the heat from her head to her toes. “I should wear jeans more often,” she teased.

“Let’s go eat so we can come back and fuck like rabbits. Or, at least, like newlyweds,” Mac growled seductively in her ear.

Grace felt herself go damp. She wondered if they would always feel like newlyweds or if sex would become more of an obligation as time went on. Then she smiled; even if it were obligatory, it would still be hot between them, right? How could it be anything but?

They managed to get a table fairly quickly. Grace ordered the corn-fed chicken breast and some truffle fries, while Mac chose the lamb shoulder shawarma.

“Would you like some wine?” Mac asked.

“No, I’m already feeling tired. Alcohol will just make that worse. So, I’m going to stick with water.”

“Maybe a Coke? Some caffeine?”

“No, I don’t want to be up all night either,” Grace laughed.

As they ate dinner, Mac watched her closely. He sensed that something was still wrong and tried to think of a way to bring up what he’d seen on her laptop without admitting that he’d inadvertently snooped.

Then she beat him to it.

“Do you think sex is going to get monotonous eventually?” Grace asked suddenly.

“Where’s this coming from, Grace?” Mac asked, frowning.

“I don’t know. It’s something your mother said to me at Mimi’s funeral luncheon. She said she used to want to fuck Marcus all the time; then she did it out of obligation until she couldn’t even stomach the thought of letting him anywhere near her vagina,” Grace explained.

Mac took her hands in his. “Grace, why on Earth would you think anything that came out of my mother’s mouth is accurate or normal? She’s a bitter, cheating, batshit-crazy woman who wouldn’t know what love was if it bit her in the ass. That’s why sex became a burden to her. She didn’t love Marcus. She didn’t love Dominic either. I don’t think she’s ever truly loved anyone in her entire life.”

Grace sighed heavily. “You’re right. I don’t know why I let her get inside my head. Our relationship is built on love and trust. I can’t see either one of us ever growing tired of sex or finding it an obligation, can you?”

“Not a chance, Gracie. Let me prove to you how much I want you. Let’s go back to the room after dinner and have some dessert.”

“That sounds perfect! I don’t know why I seem off my game the last couple of days.”

“I disagree; you were stellar today presenting our company’s mission statement and policies. You didn’t seem off your game at all.”

“I mean personally, I suppose. I just feel off.”

“It’s probably fatigue. So, let’s finish up here, go back upstairs and make love, then hit the hay early, okay?”

“Sounds perfect.”

Mac considered letting his accidental discovery go, but he felt like that could be regarded as less than truthful. “Can I admit something?”

“Of course, what’s up?”

“I’ve worried all day because I saw you had searched the phrase, when does sex become an obligation. I was looking at your slideshow, and…” Mac let his words hang in the air while he prayed that she would understand he wasn’t trying to invade her privacy.

Grace wanted to be angry, but Mac looked so miserable. It wasn’t as if she had anything to hide. So, she took a deep breath and said, “I should be mad, but technically it’s my work computer, and you’re my boss. So, there’s that. Then let’s add the fact that you’ve wondered for a good portion of the day if my search meant that I thought sex was an obligation. Which, of course, is not at all what I was thinking. I just wondered, when the honeymoon wears off, if we’d lose that passion that we have for each other.”

Mac looked into Grace’s eyes and said, “The passion we have will never fade, Grace. Not ever. We’ll be in our nineties, and we won’t be able to keep our hands off each other. The staff at the nursing home will be reprimanding us for being too noisy. Grace, what we have is so deep and so true; we won’t ever stop wanting each other. I love you, Grace Remy Stewart, and I lust after you. Nothing will ever change that.”

“I’m ready for dessert now,” Grace said seductively.

Mac grinned, “Well, let’s get the check and head upstairs!”


Chapter Twenty

Mac and Grace made soft, sweet love that night and fell asleep in each other’s arms. In the morning, they ravaged each other and finished off with a sensual shower, both of them satisfied that their passion was hotter than ever.

They finished the work week, and Grace planned some sightseeing for the weekend. Mac had come to appreciate how she made certain that, wherever they went, they enjoyed some time as tourists. He realized that taking the time to do so made the work not seem so taxing.

As they walked from the hotel to St. Andrew’s Square to pick up the Hop On/Hop Off bus tour, Mac realized he was learning how to relax.

“You’re a clever woman, Grace,” he laughed.

Grace raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

“I can’t tell you how many Saturdays I have spent in hotel rooms, my nose buried in my computer, working all day, and forgetting to even look out the window. Until you, my clever redhead. You make me stop and smell the roses. You help me to see that there is more to life than work. You have made it impossible not to want to see the world outside with you.”

“When I first met you, I knew you liked to be in charge, right down to picking out my underwear,” Grace laughed. “I decided I didn’t mind the dominance but that I would work on getting you to lighten up a little and teach you how to have fun.”

“Well, you’ve succeeded, my love. I’ve grown very fond of spending time with you having fun and goofing off. I know it could still be the pain block they gave me at Schön Clinic Munich Schwabing, but I haven’t had any headaches in quite some time.”

“Dr. Herzog did say relaxing was important,” Grace responded.

“The pain I used to deal with was debilitating at times. I will always be grateful that you made me go to the clinic. That changed my life, Grace. You changed my life.”

“You’ve changed mine too, Mac. And not just because you rescued me from poverty. Giving me the opportunity to use my skills and my brain has made me feel whole again. Knowing that I have made things better for your business is so rewarding. You’ve given my life meaning again in so many ways.”

Mac gave Grace a quick kiss on the lips and said, “The bus is here. Let’s hop on and see Edinburgh.”

They headed up top so they could see the sights, and they cuddled close together, sharing one set of earbuds to hear the tour guide’s spiel. Then, for their first stop, they hopped off at Grassmarket. The guide suggested this was a great way to get a truly authentic experience of the local culture.

“The guidebook I brought along says that the sale of pigs was not permitted within the town, so this area became known as the Grice Mercat, which means pig market. The name was later Anglicized as Grassmarket,” Grace explained. “Oh, gosh! It also says this was the traditional location of public executions via gallows between 1661 and 1688.”

“Sounds a little gruesome,” Mac said. “Let’s walk over to Edinburgh Castle and take a tour. I’d like to see the living quarters of Mary, Queen of Scots.”

“Then we will need to hop back on the bus after we tour Edinburgh Castle and head over to Holyrood Palace. That’s where her chambers are located,” Grace explained.

“You know, if this COO gig at Stewart Enterprises doesn’t work out for you, you’d make an excellent tour guide,” Mac teased.

Grace laughed. “Just out of curiosity, what do you find so fascinating about Mary, Queen of Scots?” she asked.

“Besides the red hair? I’ve done a little reading about her, and she has fascinated many people for over five hundred years. Her personal charm captivated everyone she met. Not unlike another redhead I know,” Mac said, grinning. “Mary was much taller and had brown eyes, of course, but otherwise, I suspect you two would have much in common.”

“Like the fact that her mother-in-law did not feel her personal magnetism?” Grace smirked.

“You’ve read up on her as well, I see. And here I thought I could impress you with some facts that you might not know. I should know better,” Mac laughed.

The rest of the day felt magical as they toured both the castle and the palace. They returned to the hotel for a later dinner and made the waiter blush when Mac suggested he’d be enjoying his dessert upstairs.

Once they stepped foot in the door of their suite, Mac pushed Grace up against the wall and kissed her passionately. His hands fumbled with the button of her jeans, but once undone, his fingers deftly drew the zipper down and reached inside to find her wet and ready for him.

“No panties, Grace? What a naughty little slut! Fuck, you make me so hard!”

He released his aching cock from his own jeans and wasted no time entering her, still standing against the wall. He pulled her shirt off and unfastened her bra, allowing her gorgeous breasts out to play. His tongue and teeth tormented her nipples while he thrust into her dripping sex. She moaned for him and pleaded for more.

Grace’s climax was ferocious and had her shuddering uncontrollably. Mac pulled out, picked her up, and carried her to the round dining table. There he spread her legs and started to feast on his dessert. He suckled her clit and drove two fingers into her, sending her over again and again.

“Get up and walk over to the glass door to the terrace,” he demanded. Grace’s brow furrowed, but she complied.

Mac got behind her and pushed her body against the door wall. Her breasts were pressed against the cold glass as he entered her again, this time from behind.

He tugged on her red hair while he drove into her with deep, powerful thrusts. He nuzzled her neck and nibbled her earlobe as he dominated her. “Look at my beautiful slut! Pressed up against the window for all of Edinburgh to see. Everyone wants you, Grace, but you belong to me. Mine to love, mine to use, mine to fuck!”

“Oh, God!” Grace cried out. “Yes! Yes! Yes! More, please! Don’t stop!”

Mac picked up the pace and fucked his wife like a man who’d been denied the pleasure of a woman’s pussy for years. She screamed as she came hard, and he growled like a wild animal when his balls tightened and let go with a vengeance, filling her, emptying himself into her.

He held her there a few minutes more until he caught his breath. Then he lowered his mouth to her ear and said, “Never, ever will my desire for you fade. I need you like I need air to breathe.”

Grace purred, “Likewise, my love. Now that all of Edinburgh has seen you fuck your wife, can we retire to the bedroom?”

“You want more?” Mac asked, raising an eyebrow inquisitively.

“Maybe,” Grace answered. “But my tits are freezing against this glass. I thought maybe you could warm them up for me!”

“Mmm, how about a hot shower?”

“Mmm, indeed!”


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Amazing Grace Part Two Chapters 58

Chapter Five“Wake up, darling. We’ve just landed in Amsterdam,” Grace said as she nudged Mac gently.Mac was surprised. Usually, he was not one to doze off on short flights. But he had to admit that he felt better than he had when they had boarded the plane for their 6:00 a.m. flight.“Did you manage to sleep at all?” he asked Grace.She shook her head, “No, but I think I’ll have some Chamomile tea before our next flight so I can have a little nap.”Mac grabbed their carry-on bags and thanked the...

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Amazing Grace Part Nine Chapters 3336

Chapter Thirty-ThreeGrace sat curled up in her favorite chair in the library with a cup of tea and her laptop. Dominic’s flight wasn’t until later in the evening, so he and Mac were in the theatre room watching more Three Stooges and laughing like hyenas. Grace could only handle watching Moe poke Curly in the eyes so many times, so she’d opted out of the father/son bonding activity.When Bentley came into the room, Grace looked up. “Did you need me for something?”“No, Ms. Grace. I just wanted to...

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Amazing Grace Part Eleven Chapters 4144

Chapter Forty-One“Mmm, good morning, my beautiful wife,” Mac moaned softly into Grace’s ear as he cupped her luscious breasts.Grace sighed, “Good morning, my gorgeous husband. What time is it?”“It’s early, only 6:00, but I woke up wanting you, sorry.”Grace laughed, “Don’t apologize for wanting me, silly. I can’t think of a better way to be roused from my slumber than to have the sexiest man alive touch me like this. And, since there is plenty of time, how about you make both of our days better...

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Amazing Grace Part One Chapters 14

Chapter OneGrace Stewart felt her body trembling nervously as the man she was about to give herself to slowly unzipped her dress. She stepped out of it as he unhooked her bra and slid her blue panties down over her hips, letting everything fall to the floor.An erotic shiver ran down her spine when he kissed the back of her neck and said, “Mine.”Her eyes fluttered as she moaned softly in agreement, “Yours.”Strong hands picked up her now naked body and carried her to the bed. “Spread your legs...

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Amazing Grace Part Three Chapters 912

Chapter NineMarcus Stewart sat at the head of his dining room table. It had been eons since both of his children, McKinley and Aislyn, had been present at this table, and now, they were joined by his son’s new wife, Grace. He couldn’t help but be impressed that McKinley had chosen a woman who was not only gorgeous and intelligent but one who seemed to be able to hold her own even in this dysfunctional house. He was only mildly embarrassed that his cock was stiffening at the thought of how...

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Amazing Grace Part Six Chapters 2124

Chapter Twenty-OneThe next day required Mac and Grace to rise early. Grace had arranged for a car to take them to Loch Ness and Urquhart Castle on a private tour. The guide’s name was Andrew, and he’d agreed to pick them up from the hotel.“This is the best way to do this tour in one day,” Grace insisted. “Besides, Andrew says he has many stories about Scotland that he can share. So, the ride there won’t seem so interminably long.”Mac wasn’t thrilled about a three-hour car ride to see what he...

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Grace in Disgrace 2

Introduction: After discovering my wife has been whoring, we face the future together. This is the sequel to Grace in disgrace 1 It will make more sense if you have read that first. The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday was a continued torture. Graces naked body turned me on every time that I looked at her, yet I was not going to fuck her until I knew that she was clean. Grace continued to masturbate me whenever she saw that I needed relief, and it was certainly erotic watching her taking...

1 year ago
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Grace in Disgrace 3

Introduction: Our new friends make us both an offer This is the sequel to Grace in Disgrace 1 & 2 For maximum enjoyment, please read them first. I had just had my first experience of a double penetration by fucking my wife, Grace, in the arse while our new friend, Pete, fucked her cunt and Petes girlfriend, Valerie watched. The three of us just lay on the bed, I was on top, Grace in the middle and Pete underneath. Valerie was standing beside the bed. That was amazing to watch. I cant wait for...

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Grace in Disgrace 2

It will make more sense if you have read that first. The rest of Saturday and all of Sunday was a continued torture. Grace's naked body turned me on every time that I looked at her, yet I was not going to fuck her until I knew that she was clean. Grace continued to masturbate me whenever she saw that I needed relief, and it was certainly erotic watching her taking another load of my cum into her mouth; it was very nearly a blow job. I had coped with the three months during which she had...

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Grace in disgrace 1

Introduction: I learn that my wife is a whore I heard the front door open and shut. I stopped the video that I was watching on my computer screen and looked at my watch. It was 2:15 am on Saturday morning. Hello. How come youre still up? Youre usually in bed asleep when I get home on Friday night. Ive got something that I have to show you. Cant it wait until tomorrow? Im very tired. I really want to show you this. Why? What is it? Its a surveillance video taken last Friday night in room...

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Grace in disgrace 1

“Hello. How come you're still up? You're usually in bed asleep when I get home on Friday night.” “I've got something that I have to show you.” “Can't it wait until tomorrow? I'm very tired.” “I really want to show you this.” “Why? What is it?” “It's a surveillance video taken last Friday night in room 14 at the Seaview Motel. You are the star.” “It can't be. How did you obtain that?” “Never mind how I got it. Watch a bit and tell me that it's really you.” I...

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Grace in Disgrace 3

I had just had my first experience of a double penetration by fucking my wife, Grace, in the arse while our new friend, Pete, fucked her cunt and Pete's girlfriend, Valerie watched. The three of us just lay on the bed, I was on top, Grace in the middle and Pete underneath. Valerie was standing beside the bed. “That was amazing to watch. I can't wait for my turn.” “OK. I think that John and I need a short break before we DP you, Valerie. Would you get a fresh bottle of Bollinger out of...

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Amazing Grace

As this is my very first story post, please bear with me but all feedback would be gratefully welcome - please, please comment. This is based on a true story that happened to me and my reason for posting is to demonstrate my resultant love for ebony women.A few years ago I took a holiday in Kenya – principally to go on a safari, but the last few days were spent at a beach resort near Mombasa. The hotel was right on the beach which was frequented by the usual groups of hawkers selling local...

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LORNA and GRACE. Part 7« What are you doing for Thanksgiving ? », asked Lorna, getting her desert out of her lunch bag.“Oh…I have to go East to visit family”, replied Grace who was improving at lying.“I thought your family was in Canada”, asked Lorna a little suspicious“Some of the family immigrated to the US a long time ago”, replied Grace in a tone of voice which showed she didn’t care to pursue this topic any further.“The Market is closed so maybe I’ll see what Alice and Janice are doing”,...

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LORNA AND GRACE – PART 8Grace spent her Sunday walking around the city and admiring the architecture. She had a nice lunch in a restaurant which had been recommended by Charlotte. It had been a long time since she had been alone in a strange city. She enjoyed the freedom and felt that people wanted her, needed her. She had totally lost her inhibitions about being a lesbian. She not only accepted her “condition”, she was happy about it since it gave her a lot of pleasure and made meet a lot of...

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LORNA and GRACE a Lesbian Tale PART 3

LORNA AND GRACE (A Lesbian Tale) – PART 3“I’ll leave you alone to rest, as I’m sure you had a long evening”, said Janice smiling“Thank you”, answered Lorna“But I’ll make sure we talk later this week, when your friend is here”, added JaniceLorna’s head was buzzing and she would have agreed to anything. She was exhausted. Two hard orgasms in a few hours, not mentioning the heavy sex, Grace’s cold shoulder, and questions to be asked and answered. Lorna hoped she would sleep and be able to talk...

2 years ago
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LORNA and GRACE a Lesbian Tale PART 4

LORNA and GRACE (A Lesbian Tale) – PART 4Grace followed Helen into the Hotel Belleville and they both walked by the man at the reception desk without a problem. Helen also owned the Hotel Belleville. They walked up the wide but worn stairs to room 24. “Remember. Don’t make a fuss about who she is”, reminded HelenHelen knocked and pushed the door when she heard the “Come in” from inside. That hotel used to be fairly posh when there were many trains that crisscrossed at Belleville, but other...

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LORNA AND GRACE a Lesbian tale PART 2

LORNA AND GRACE – PART 2After their night together, the two lovers calmed down a bit and were especially careful not to be singled out or noticed. Grace’s aunt and uncle came back from the funeral and all was well except for the fact that Grace couldn’t have Lorna over anymore. The rule in Lorna’s rooming house was that a lady could have a visitor, only one, who had to have left by 10PM. No men were allowed except if they were a father or a brother (and they had to prove it). Although it didn’t...

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Grace Notes Part 2 of 2

Grace was confused. She felt bad that Chili had to leave but she understood. It was unexpected, but she’d liked having him around. She liked his looks, the way he talked, and then the way he kissed her. And the way he’d eaten her and fucked her. She’d liked the feel of his body and of course the feel of his cock; in her hands, in her mouth, in her pussy. Even up her ass. But ‘I’m engaged for God’s sake for what seems like forever’ she thought. ‘What the hell am I doing? God, my life is so...

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Grace Notes Part 1 of 2

Chili met Grace during his last semester of college at a university in Maryland, a couple months before he would graduate in the spring of 1978. He met her at his dorm, or ‘mod’ as it was called, which was pretty much known as party central around the complex. It was a very modern dormitory for its time: it was co-ed and consisted of apartments housing four or six students in each. Chili’s housed six, with two double rooms, two singles, two baths and a kitchen and living area.Chili’s five...

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Misha Grace Part 2 Danielle Comes Home Early

Id had the most amazing night so far with my little sister and her hot friend. I had never imagined my visit would have resulted in a sexual revolution. As I sat in the hot tub with these two nubile young girls I had just plowed, there was some noise coming from the driveway. It was the hunting dogs at the lower house, something had set them off and they were barking up a storm. Misha and Grace looked at each other with a surprised look on their faces and before I could ask them what was...

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LORNA AND GRACE – PART 9The news of the upcoming fuck-fight between Gloria and Grace spread like wildfire. The ladies were very excited. Gloria was not new to this crowd and she had her fans but some disliked her tremendously and stayed away for her in spite of her charms and her expert lovemaking. Gloria could be rude, obnoxious, and pretentious. She practiced rough sex. The blonde was medium height (same as Grace) but thinner than her opponent. Both were blondes but Gloria was the California...

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Red ndash Part V ndash Grace takes the Wheel

“Lauren, wake up. Wake up hon, we need to get on the road,” Grace said softly as she nudged at her daughter. Grace yanked back the covers to speed things up, and paused to admire the eighteen year old's tall, tan, beautiful body.“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting...

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Red Part V Grace takes the Wheel

“Yaawwwnnnnn, good morning. You didn’t have to pull off the covers! Did you say we? You’re driving me back?” “Yes hon. I talked with your dad and since you’re still on Percocet, we think it would be better if I drove you,“ Grace stated. Lauren had her wisdom teeth removed Friday morning, but was still hurting Sunday morning. “That’s probably a good idea. My mouth is killing me,” mumbled Lauren. Lauren crawled naked out of bed and headed to the shower. Her mind wandered as she soaped up her...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 7

In part 1 to 6 of Chapter 1 you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him to...

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Grace Part II

Marcus leaned in a began to kiss me. This turned into a make out session within a matter of moments as things turned very passionately between my best friend and I. I never knew our relationship would go to this level as we had been thinking about doing it with each other. Its now 8 am on Saturday morning. Grace was still asleep as Marcus and I had now been making out with each other for about 20 minutes. Both of our dicks were extremely hard while they were touching. I began to reach...

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LORNA AND GRACE – PART 5Alice Whitby was the city’s librarian and archivist. She mainly took care of the small lending library which was attached to City Hall. She had an assistant but she did most of the work. When needed she did some filing in the archives of the city which were in the same building. On Sunday, she was the church organist. Although Alice was very busy, she was not well-known in the small city where everybody knew everybody else. She was in her late 40s and was probably born...

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Red Part X Grace meets up with Cliff

“Bye honey, have a good day at work” said Grace as she closed the door behind Norm. She rushed to the shower, and lathered up. She ran her hands over her soapy, snow white 34C boobs, and slipped a finger into her slit as she scrubbed her pussy. She grabbed the razor, shaved her long white legs and trimmed her bright red bush. She knew Cliff would be pounding her pussy later that morning so she might as well have it looking fresh and neat. She dried off and headed to her walk-in closet to pick...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 1

In part 1 to 11 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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Red Part VI ndash Grace takes the Train

Grace had driven the last 20 miles in silence. The five hour trip down I-95 had already taken seven hours and there was still probably ninety minutes to go. Lauren had laid the seat back and had been knocked out cold since they left the truck stop. Grace’s cunt still throbbed. She had never experienced a fucking like had just happened. She thought the trip would be a fun day, filled with some innocent, trucker flashing and then, following a text from her oldest daughter, Sara, they’d stopped at...

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Red Part VI Grace takes the Train

Marcus was a tall, light-skinned black Mandingo-looking stud and when he started hammering Grace with his ten inch cock, she lost all control. Her cunt ached from the fucking, first Marcus and then Cliff. Just the thought of Marcus fucking her, while Cliff pounded her youngest daughter beside her, made her wet again. She reached down and slid her hand under her black jean skirt and realized that she’d left her thongs in the truck. “Oh fuck it,” she muttered and motored on, her full red bush...

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Grace Loves Her Daddy Part 3

As usual I went to my gym late in the morning leaving Grace home alone but when I got back a couple of hours later Grace had a girl friend over at the house.  The two of them decided to spend the sunny day by the pool where I guess the heaviest decision they made was to "should we have tan lines or not?".Having that pool installed was one of the best things I've ever done.  My ex thought it was a waste of money but Grace loves to lay by the pool and no doubt tempt me.   Anyway, Grace was by the...

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Grace Part III

-------Early Sunday Morning Grace, Abby, Marcus, and I had crashed at two different places in my room. Grace and Abby were on the bed while Marcus and I were on the floor. We all were laying naked in my room. Grace and Abby were asleep on the bed. Marcus and I were wide awake just staring at each other in awe of each others bodies. Marcus and I decided to go to the master bathroom. We decided to step in the shower to mess around with each other. Marcus made the first move as we began to...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch1 part 10

In part 1 to 9 of Chapter 1,. you have read that the author meets a girl named Anna and he Invites her in his car for a ride. In-car he kissed her and boldly squeezed and manipulated her breasts and erect nipples. Then he molded and caressed her bare and electric thighs and felt the bare lips of her sex and the crinkly pubic hair and have sex in Car. and then he meets her again next time and takes her to an apartment that was maintained for just such incidents. Anna proposes to introduce him...

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Grace Loves Her Daddy Part 5 Las Vegas

It’s a late Friday evening in August as I lie back in bed, naked under the covers sipping bourbon on ice while listening to the occasional traffic through the open window in my bedroom. While time has passed since I last wrote, very little has changed between Grace and I except that we’ve grown closer together, indifferent to the views of society. Our relationship is not conventional but we’re both doubtless that it works and the happiness is transparent on our faces. With Grace’s encouragement...

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Double Take Part Seven Amazing Grace Double Jeopardy

Double Take © 2003 by Nom de Plume Episode Seven: Amazing Grace, Double Jeopardy What a difference a fraction of an inch makes! Sandy Lane reflected on this as he brushed the loose powder off his nose. When it was a centimeter smaller, with a slightly different curve to it, his nose had given him the face of a beautiful girl. Now, although he was still nice-looking, nobody would be mistaking him for Ashley Vaughn. Standing side by side at the his-and-her vanities in their...

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The Adventures of Grace and Anna Erotic Classic Ch2 Part 3

------------------------- CHAPTER 2 PART 3 'At that time, my dear friends, I knew nothing at all about the digital method of relieving my excited feelings and even to this day, I would much rather resort to the poorest-made man with a shrivelled member than comfort myself with the old maid's method of sex cooling!' Grace and I both laughed at this, and kissing Anna for her frankness, and not to slight Grace, repeating the same caress with her, I begged her to continue. 'Well,' she...

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The Innocence of Grace

Max Dexler sat on the edge of his desk idly leafing through a collection of CV`s. “Is this the lot Sue” “Yes Dad” said Sue returning with two coffees. “They`re a pretty sorry bunch, but there is one you might like” “And her name is…” “Grace Halifax Dad. The least qualified but weirdly the most appropriate” “Grace…Grace… Grace… ha here she is” said Max thumbing through the CV`s. “22 years old, and she`s a University student studying Pharmacy. That could be interesting. It`s been education...

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My Grace

My Grace by Pamela ([email protected]) I'm a pretty good-looking guy and women flirt with me a lot, so it's always been easy for me to have girlfriends. The problem is, these relationships are never very happy and never last very long. In fact, many of the women I date are disappointed in me because I'm not decisive. I don't make up plans for things for us to do or take control by suggesting which restaurant to eat at, or which show or movie to see. I seem to them like I'm...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 13

Chapter Thirteen - Grace Attains A Milestone I crawled out of bed and semi-staggered into the bathroom. My head hurt a little, probably from too much wine the night before. I stripped out of my gown and stepped under the hot spray of the shower. It felt wonderful. I washed using Grace's scented soap. I reached behind me and pulled on the butt plug, finding it was firmly encased inside of me. As I moved it, the grip loosened and the phallus began to slide out of me. I washed it...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 33

Chapter Thirty-three The next morning when I awoke, I wondered if things were going to seem strange, each of us knowing what we were intending to do. Grace, for her part, seemed fine. In fact, I'd say that there was an extra bounce in her step. She woke up before me and made coffee, serving me a cup as I was getting out of bed. "Good morning!" she greeted me cheerfully as she gave me a sweet kiss on my mouth. "Did you sleep well?" In fact, I had. I felt rested. "Yes," I...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 34

Chapter Thirty-four Snuggled tightly in Grace's embrace, I slept like a baby that night. None of the torment I often felt in the past when I suspected Grace had been with a man gnawed at me. No. This time, even though I knew that she had been with a man, it seemed that my presence, my awareness, indeed, my participation, in the act, converted it into something different. It did feel, as Grace described it, as though the act was more about us, as a couple, than about her being fucked...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 25

Chapter Twenty-five - Dinner With Friends Something internal woke me early. And I knew what it was. I wanted to get over to Grace's as soon as possible. In the shower, I shaved my legs and underarms smooth. I dressed in jeans and a golf shirt. Underneath, I wore a pair of plain white nylon bikini panties, a short, white slip, and a pair of black nylon stay-up stockings, a wide lace band at the top. I slipped my black high heels into a gym bag. I had a little surprise for Grace...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 31

Chapter Thirty-one I awoke in the morning to the sun pouring into my room. It was going to be a beautiful day. I was thankful for that. I wanted every part of the day to be perfect for Grace. The message light was blinking on my phone. Someone must have called. Playing it back it was Rhonda telling me she, mom and Mrs. Andrews were eating breakfast on the back veranda. I got up and quickly showered, dressed in khaki shorts and a golf shirt and went down to join them. They all...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 14

Chapter Fourteen - The Question I fell asleep, cocooned between the bosoms of Grace and Mandy, their faux penises poking me, serving as a constant reminder that I'd submitted to them during our lovemaking. When I awoke, the touch of thick cocks pressing into my body let me know that they were cradling me between them. They slept soundly on either side of me. I grabbed each of their pricks and began to slowly, gently, jack off the protruding end, causing the portion inserted inside...

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Chili met Grace during his last semester of college at a university in Maryland, a couple months before he would graduate in the spring of 1978. He met her at his dorm, or ‘mod’ as it was called, which was pretty much known as party central around the complex. It was a very modern dormitory for its time: it was co-ed and consisted of apartments housing four or six students in each. Chili’s housed six, with two double rooms, two singles, two baths and a kitchen and living area. Chili’s five...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 19

Chapter Nineteen - The Engagement Party (Author's Note: To aid in chapter transition, I am including a brief portion of the end of Chapter 18 at the beginning of Chapter 19) "Did you get back in time to see Sissy?" Rhonda asked me. She seemed extremely interested in Grace's maid. I knew my sister would know if I lied to her. I never was able to hide anything from her if she asked the right question. So, I said, "Yes. I did her see her. In fact, she left just before you guys...

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Altered Fates The Fall to Grace

AF: The Fall to Grace By Julie Hannah and Grayson had been friends for years. They had been intimate for a while and had decided they were better off as just friends. One of the things that had cemented the friendship was a common love of mountain climbing. They had climbed cliffs together in three different states. In a sport where relying on a partner could be the difference between life and death, they had come to know each other even more intimately. This...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 8

Chapter Eight - Mandy's Party She walked into her bedroom, leaving me on the balcony to ponder what had just happened. I was feeling very good about myself, but uncomfortable about her invitation to clean out her pussy. After a while she called out to me. "Danni!? You better come get a shower so you can get dressed." I stood to enter her bedroom and as I walked in I saw Grace sitting in front of her vanity working on her makeup. She was putting it on thick tonight. She...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 6

Chapter Six - Every Day Something Different The next morning I woke up early enough to hand wash my soiled nightgown before I left for work. The load of sperm from the previous night was encrusted in the nylon. I filled my bathroom sink with warm, soapy water, and soaked the gown. I then turned on the shower and stepped in. I hadn't planned on shaving my legs this week, but the lingerie sets Grace had purchased for me each included stockings. I knew they'd feel funny if I had...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 17

Chapter Seventeen - Meet The Parents Grace and I woke up the next morning and went into the shower together. While we were in there, Grace teased me a little by playing with my balls. It felt weird having my cock area being manipulated, but not feeling any touch on my penis. On the other hand, just Grace's fingers playing with my balls excited me, causing my penis to react, giving me my first taste of what I could expect to happen every time I became aroused while wearing...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 32

Chapter Thirty-two The past few days must have caught up with me for I fell into a deep sleep. When I awoke, Grace was sitting at a small table by our window overlooking the ocean, sipping a cup of coffee. There were muffins, fruit and juice spread onto the table where she'd obviously called for room service. Grace was dressed in a short red skirt and lacy white top, beneath which I could see she wore a red lace bra that showed through the thin white fabric. She had on black high...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 12

Chapter Twelve - Grace Does Dallas Redoux I don't remember at what point my worry turned to sleep. I don't even know how long I'd been asleep when I felt Grace stroking my penis. Her long nails gently scratching my shaft felt amazing. "Time to wake up sleepyhead. I need you to help me pack for my trip. Hurry! Get up!" I pressed back against Grace, grasping her dildo between my thighs. I couldn't believe I was trying to get her to do me again. "Come on baby," Grace spoke...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 22

Chapter Twenty-two - A Parting Gift I don't know how long I slept. When I finally woke up, Grace was sitting beside me on the bed, stroking my cheek. She was dressed for the day. She handed me a cup of coffee. "Good morning sleepyhead," she smiled. "Did you sleep well?" I felt groggy. I'd slept. But I felt tired still. "I guess," I replied. "Are you going somewhere?" I asked. "Yeah," she replied. "I need to go into the office this morning. Missing all week planning...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 5

Chapter Five - Where Do I Stand? Or, My Week Of Longing The morning after my embarrassing ordeal serving as maid to Grace and her lover, Carl, I awoke, showered for work, and as I did so, I washed the soiled yellow panties. I washed them because I wanted them to be clean for the next day. There was no doubt that I was going to wear the pink pair under my trousers that day. No doubt. Wearing Grace's panties made me think of her - think of the pleasure she permitted me to bring to...

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My Fall To Grace Chapter 20

Chapter Twenty - The Wedding Gets Planned When I awoke in the morning I could feel the heavy rubber cock still hanging between my thighs. I had to admit, the weight of it hanging down, dangling over my own, trapped penis, felt, well, somehow, powerful. Grace was sleeping peacefully next to me. I reached over her belly and let my hand settle upon her soft, hairy, pussy. My fingers danced through her soft, auburn bush. She stirred slightly, but did not wake. Soon, my touch caused the...

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