Song Cry
- 3 years ago
- 26
- 0
When I logged on to my computer, I found my naked pictures were gone—at least from where Johan had posted them. In fact, as far as I could tell, Johan’s alias had disappeared from the site. My DMCA complaint seemed to have worked: Johan must’ve gotten suspended if not completely banned.
I felt a hint of relief, but I knew it was too soon to let down my guard. I was dying for Chad to come back to me. If I was going to make things right, I’d need to make sure no other copies of those pics were floating around.
I was tempted to use Google image search, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to go there. After all, the search field would ask for the actual images. The last thing I wanted was to upload X-rated pictures of myself, especially to Google of all places.
I stared at my computer for a while, trying to come up with some other idea. The only alternative seemed to be to let things slide, but I couldn’t afford to leave anything to chance. The stakes were just too high. I wanted to scream at my predicament and how ironic it was.
Eventually I worked up the nerve to do some quick searches. I pulled up my original photos, which I’d kept squirreled away on my phone. As I did, I got eyefuls of my face, my dick, and my cunt, along with everything in between.
I found myself getting hard in spite of myself. I had to admit those pics were pretty fucking hot. After all, they were designed to get me laid, so I’d made them as titillating as I could. And they’d done their job, albeit not with Chad. Still, the rational side of my brain kept kicking in. It kept telling me not to get any ideas, since I hardly needed more drama in my life.
Fortunately my searches came back with no hits, at least no relevant ones. Even so, as much as I wanted to feel relieved, I knew Johan still had copies of this stuff. If I didn’t properly deal with him, he could always re-post these pictures someplace else. Considering he’d already done this once, and knowing he seemed to be losing his shit, I didn’t want to put anything past him.
I thought of taking legal action, but I decided against it. It would’ve meant revealing all this to my dad—and presumably my mom—which I just couldn’t do. There was no way I could ever let them see my dick pics, especially since I’d taken them in their house, directly under their noses.
There seemed to be just one person who could help, and that was Amy. I didn’t really want to talk to her either, but at least I had less to hide from my sister than my parents. Plus she had that uncanny knack for seeing through everyone’s bullshit. Considering she’d been the first in my family to realize I was gay, and she’d already figured out what had happened with Johan, I had to think she’d know what to do.
“Scott?” she said when she answered her phone. “What’s wrong?”
Uh-oh, I thought. She was onto me already. “W-what do you mean, what’s wrong?”
“You never call me out of the blue,” she said. “Especially not in the middle of the day.”
“Well,” I said, “I guess you’re right... I mean....”
“Are you okay?”
“I... well... you’ve got to promise me something. You can’t say a word to Mom or Dad about this.”
Amy seemed to hesitate. “Uh... okay I guess....”
“I’m serious.”
“All right, I promise. What—did you break up with Chad?”
“Not exactly,” I said. “I mean I hope not.”
“What the hell does that mean?”
At that point there was no more beating around the bush. I forced myself to tell Amy the truth. I felt completely exposed—even more so than I’d been in the pictures—though I tried not to let it show.
The next thing I knew, I was telling her more than I ever expected. I started with how Chad and I had first met, and how we’d gotten to be fuck buddies. Then I delved into our summer apart and how it had only made me want him that much more. After that came our time as a real couple, and how I’d felt so guilty about my past and tried to shield Chad from the details. Finally, as hard as it was, I laid out how it had all come to a head.
I’d never opened up to Amy like that in my life. In fact, I’d never told anyone so much about my feelings for Chad. Amy seemed to take it as well as I could’ve expected.
“Holy shit,” she finally said. “That’s a lot to unpack....”
“You’re telling me.”
“So let me back up. These pictures of yours... how do you know Johan was the one who posted them?”
“Because he included a face pic,” I said. “He was the only one I ever sent one. I even knew back then I shouldn’t have done it... so I was always careful from there on out. I never sent anything else where you could recognize me.”
“Hm,” she said. “Well, that’s really fucked up that he did that to you. He must’ve been trying to sabotage you and Chad.”
“I’m sure he was,” I said. “I mean, Johan acted real weird the last time I talked to him. I thought he was out of it or something—”
“Johan’s been acting weird for a while. And out of it for that matter. You know he got arrested with meth?”
“Shit,” I said. “So the rumors are true?”
“Well, I don’t know what you heard, but yeah: he’s not doing well. I say he needs an intervention... which, come to think of it, could be the best way get those pictures deleted.”
“Are you serious?”
“We’d need to put together a plan first, but yeah. If need be, I’d go to his house and delete them myself.”
“I thought you weren’t going to be back in town till Spring Break.”
“I wasn’t, but you never know. Besides, Rosie’s still there, and so is Kevin and Erica and everybody else.”
“Now wait, you don’t need to get Erica involved—”
“I’m just saying, if you need boots on the ground, we can get them. All I’d need to do is make a few calls.”
I finally felt some weight lift from my shoulders. “You’d seriously do that for me?”
“Of course I would,” Amy said. “I’ve got your back, Scott. I’m not going to let my brother lose out on the man he loves. Not if I can help it.”
“Well... you don’t need to get all schmaltzy about it—”
“It’s the truth. I know you probably don’t want to admit it, but this is important. In fact, I’d say love is more important than anything else. You’ve got to make sure you can make it through ups and downs, because guess what? That’s what happens in life.”
I rolled my eyes. That was such an Amy thing to say, but I wasn’t going to argue. “Yeah, well....” Then my voice trailed off. “Well, thanks for all this.”
“You’re welcome,” she said. “I’ll call you as soon as I’ve got news.”
I nodded. I could only hope it wouldn’t take too long. “All right,” was the only thing I could say.
By the time I got off the phone, I was dying to talk to Chad. I tried calling him a few times, but he never picked up; he just responded via text. I could tell he was juggling a lot. Of course, I had a pretty full class schedule myself, so we agreed to talk in more detail that night.
From what I could gather, his dad had made it to D.C. in one piece, but just barely. He apparently wasn’t conscious, and his doctors weren’t keen on having an estranged wife call the shots. This meant Chad had to be in charge, although he didn’t want to be. It was pretty heavy stuff: he had to consider the doctors’ recommendations, and weigh the different options, and try to make the right decision. He more or less held his old man’s life in his hands.
I had just gotten back home, and was lying in bed, when I heard a woman’s voice through my wall. At first it seemed like no big deal, so I didn’t pay much attention. But then the woman started panting and moaning, and I heard a man’s voice join in. One of my neighbors was apparently getting laid.
My first thought was that I was jealous. After all, my own options were limited now that Chad was out of town. I wasn’t about to cheat on him—especially after what had just happened—but damn, I would’ve given anything to have him in my bed.
I suddenly put two and two together. I remembered the time someone had banged on the wall while Chad and I were fucking. These new sex sounds were coming from exactly the same spot.
What a fucking hypocrite, I thought to myself. After all, if this neighbor had the nerve to complain about me and Chad being noisy, then she had no business having loud sex herself.
Her bed banged against the wall in a rhythmic thump-thump-thump. “Oh shit,” she gasped. “Shit, that’s so deep... holy fuck!”
Her lover’s voice echoed through the building. “You want me to go easy?”
“Oh fuck no!” Then she let out a few huffs, followed by words I couldn’t make out.
I tried to ignore the racket, but eventually I had to get up. I threw on a jacket, grabbed the note she’d left on my door, and headed outside.
My neighbor’s door was on the other side of our building. As soon as I came around the corner, I saw a helluva sight. The girl had drawn her blinds but had done a pretty sloppy job, presumably in the heat of the moment. She’d also kept her lights on while everything around her was dark. Anyone walking by could see what she was up to, including her bare tits as they bounced up and down.
I found myself watching the show. I hadn’t seen a woman have sex in quite a while, not even in porn. Those curves in her body, that silky skin, that soprano voice, and that long flowing hair seemed like a distant memory. In a way, I felt like I’d moved on to bigger and better things—both literally and figuratively.
Then again, I knew there’d been a time when I would’ve drooled at that sight. I thought back to my high school days, when I’d lusted for pussy myself. At the time, just getting laid had seemed like a major achievement. All my friends had been gossiping about it since our puberty had kicked in. We’d of course been through sex ed, and we’d endured the requisite lectures from our parents. The years of talk had built up so much anticipation that I couldn’t wait to experience those pleasures for myself. Then, when I did lose my virginity, I felt like I’d conquered the world. I thought sex was as awesome as everyone had said. The exact type of sex hadn’t seemed too important, though in retrospect I hadn’t known what I was still missing.
The couple in front of me shifted their bodies. I now had a better view of the man my neighbor was riding. Most of his cock was buried inside her, but his balls were plainly visible as he thrust in and out. From what I could tell, this girl seemed to love good dick as much as I did.
I couldn’t help noticing how this man looked like Chad. His body hair was a little lighter than what I was used to, but his skin was pretty similar. His balls were nice and bulbous, and his shaft seemed to be the same size as Chad’s.
I found myself wishing it was Chad’s cock right there; and I imagined I was the one getting reamed. Fuck, I needed my man’s dick in me so bad. I couldn’t help thinking of how my hole would feel when he violated it. I’d fucking adore it: I’d sigh with pleasure as I looked into his eyes, and I’d savor his warm hard flesh going deeper and deeper inside me. Then he’d start to piston into my body, and I’d start to lose control, especially when Chad hit my prostate—
“Holy shit!” the man said as he jumped out of bed. He grabbed a pillow, held it over his crotch, and pointed through the blinds.
The next thing I knew, my neighbor was looking at me too. “What the fuck?”
I barely flinched. “Oh hi guys,” I said, loud enough for them to hear through the window. “I just thought you might like a taste of your own medicine.”
“Get the fuck out of here!”
I held up her note. “You two are—how’d you put it? Oh right! You’re way too goddamn loud!!!” Then I slammed the note against the window. “How do you like them apples?”
I didn’t wait to see how the fuckers reacted. I just turned and stormed away.
I was stomping past the building’s main entrance when I got an idea. I paused by the call box, and I typed in the girl’s apartment number. I didn’t press the call button, but I didn’t need to. The directory flashed her name—Hannah Schmidt—which was all I needed to know.
“Fuck you, Hannah,” I said under my breath. I knew I was snooping a little, but I told myself fair was fair. After all, I’d really just done to her what she’d already done to me.
I got back into my apartment, slammed the door behind me, and plopped down on my bed. I had to admit I was really fucking hard. This Hannah girl did nothing for me, on any level, except I still wanted what she’d been getting. I could only imagine how horny I’d be if I’d seen two dudes going at it. If I couldn’t be with Chad, then the next-best thing would’ve been watching other boys fuck—even if it was still from a distance. Ryan and Marcos were the first that came to mind, though I also would’ve been cool with the likes of Hunter and Drew. Plus I hadn’t forgotten the dudes I’d seen on Grindr, like that O’Mac guy who apparently lived down the street.
I took a deep breath, and I pulled up the pictures Chad had sent me for my birthday. I still couldn’t get over how they made my heart pound, maybe even now more than ever. I loved that come-hither look on Chad’s face, and the way he’d peeled off his clothes piece by piece. I swiped from one photo to another, watching him do his striptease of sorts.
Holy fuck, I thought when his gym shorts came off. That boy knew just how to get me going. I wanted to reach into those images and touch his wet skin, maybe help him pull off the jockstrap underneath, and run my hands up his thighs.
I got to the picture where Chad unveiled his cock. I marveled at the sight as if I’d never seen it before. His pubes seemed to frame his package just right. His shaft was so nice and meaty, I couldn’t help but lick my lips.
Finally I got to the last pic, where Chad showed off his hole. I loved how he was exposing the most private, most intimate, most vulnerable part of his body—yet I probably knew its contours better than he did himself. My eyes took in every detail of his pucker. I ogled the boundary between the soft tender skin around his cunt, and the hairier rougher flesh on his taint. The back of his ballsack was also in view, as it dangled so temptingly in between his legs.
I had just unzipped my fly, and I was starting to touch myself, when my phone suddenly rang. I jumped with surprise, and I fumbled to answer it as quickly as I could.
“Chad?” was all I could say.
“Hi baby,” he replied.
I felt a wave of exaltation wash over me. He’d just called me baby. That word was music to my ears. I could only hope he wanted to patch things up as badly as I did.
“I miss you,” he said after what seemed like a long pause. “Like a lot.”
“Yeah,” I replied. “I miss you too.”
“You don’t mean that.”
“Why wouldn’t I mean it?”
“I acted like a fucking asshole to you.”
“Now wait. I never said that—”
“I did,” he replied. “I mean... when it comes to stuff that happened before we were a couple... that shit’s none of my business. And I shouldn’t have acted like it was.”
“Yes it is your business. At least it is now. I want to tell you everything... including the stuff I’m not proud of.”
Chad seemed to pause. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” I said. “I’m the one who fucked up. I never should’ve hooked up with Johan. Even years ago, I knew what kind of a person he was. I should’ve heeded the warning signs, but I didn’t. And even then, I shouldn’t have brushed it under the carpet. All that stuff is on me... which is why I’ve been working to fix it.”
“What do you mean?”
At first I didn’t know where to start. Then I took a deep breath, and I explained what had happened earlier.
“Wait a minute,” he said when I finished. “Your sister’s actually talking to this guy?”
“Yeah. She can get through to him better than I can. So she’s my best bet to get those last few pictures deleted.”
“You don’t feel weird about her seeing you naked?”
I was quiet for a second. “Well, hopefully she doesn’t need to... I mean, I don’t think either of us want that. Hopefully her friends can run interference or whatever. But even if she did see that shit, better her than the rest of the Internet.”
“I guess,” Chad replied. “I’ve got to be honest with you though: I actually kept copies of those pictures myself.”
“That’s different. You’re allowed to... it’s everybody else that’s the issue.”
“You know,” he said, “for whatever it’s worth, those pics are kind of a lifesaver... because if I can’t be with you in person, they’re basically the next-best thing.”
I felt a pang of guilt. I knew Chad deserved better than that.
“Fuck, I wish I could be there with you.”
“It’s all right,” I said. “I mean, I wish you were here too... but you were right. Your dad needs you.”
Chad let out a deep breath. “I feel like I’m on the Night’s Watch,” he said. “When I’m in that hospital, it’s like I’m cut off from the rest of the world. I can hardly even get a decent signal for my phone. I mean, I know this stuff is important, but still... even when I get to go outside, the only person I know around here is the family friend I’m staying with. He’s always busy with work, so I’m basically fending for myself.”
“Well... if it makes you feel any better, I’ve been really lonely too. And remember, it’s not going to last forever—”
“It could last for a hell of a long time,” he said. “My dad could be here indefinitely. They say with brain injuries you never really know. Eventually they’ll probably send him to a rehab facility... but God knows when or even if he’ll be able to take care of himself.”
My chest tightened up. I felt awful for Chad, and I would’ve done anything to make it all better. “You know, if you need me to fly out there, I can—”
“Don’t be stupid. You’ve got classes and stuff. Especially now that you’re in with Dr. Littman—”
“My classes aren’t any more important than yours.”
Chad hesitated again. “You know how tempting that is?”
“I’m serious.”
“I know, and I love you for that. But... it wouldn’t be right for you.”
I felt a lump in my throat. I’d never heard anyone talk to me like that, and I didn’t know how to react.
“I’ll tell you one thing though,” he said. “Thinking of you has helped keep me going.”
“Now wait, you shouldn’t say stuff like that—”
“I thought you said we should tell each other everything.”
“Well, I mean yeah, but still... it just sounds so emasculating.”
“Emasculating?” he asked. “Baby, I’m all man, and so are you. And I’ll let you in on a secret: that’s one of my favorite things about you.”
I licked my lips. “That’s another helluva way to put that shit, but... well, I guess the feeling’s mutual.”
“You know what I would give to feel your muscles right now?”
I couldn’t help but grin. “You know what I’d give for your lips? And your beard?”
“Fuck yeah,” he said. “Man... I’d suck on that face like it was nobody’s business.”
“You promise?”
“Hell yes,” he said. “Of course, I wouldn’t necessarily stick to your face. I-I’d probably nibble the edge of your ear, you know, then maybe suck on your earlobe....”
I felt my cock start to stiffen. I liked where he was going with this. “Don’t stop there,” I said.
“Well, I wouldn’t.” He paused for a moment. “I’d keep my hand on your crotch the whole time... so I could feel how hard you are... and when I’ve got you as horny as I want you, I could start kissing your neck. I’d probably follow the base of your chin to your throat. Then I’d make my way to your Adam’s apple, and I’d run my tongue in circles....”
“Oh fuck....”
He chuckled. “You like that?”
“Yeah baby. Keep going....”
“Well, about an inch or two below that, you’ve got that little space between your collarbones that I like to kiss. From there I’d run my lips between your pecs... till I got to the bottom of your sternum. Then I’d move to either side so I could play with your nipples.”
My dick was rock hard by then. I couldn’t resist the urge to start toying with it. “Tell me more,” I said.
“I know what you’re doing now,” he said.
“What do you mean?”
“This is right where you’d usually start stroking your cock.”
“Guilty as charged,” I said. “But don’t tell me you’re not turned on yourself—”
“I didn’t say that,” he replied. “In fact, I’m probably harder than you are. I haven’t had a chance to jack off all day.”
“You want me to help you?”
“You already are.”
I felt a surge of hormones. “Tell me where your hand is right now.”
“It’s inside my underwear.”
“Are your pants open?”
“Well yeah....”
“Why don’t you pull them down?”
“Mm,” he said. “I like the way you’re thinking.”
“Go ahead,” I said. “I can wait.”
I could hear Chad fumble with his pants. As he did, I opened my fly even further. I looked down and saw my cock staring straight at my face. I could already see my pre-cum start to glisten.
“Are you naked?” I asked.
“From the waist down,” he replied.
“Take your shirt off,” I said. “I don’t want anything getting in our way.”
“Right back at you,” he said.
I needed both of my hands, so I put my phone on speaker and laid it beside me. I glanced at my blinds to make doubly sure they were closed. Then I stripped off my shirt, and I pulled down my pants and my underwear.
“That’s more like it,” he said. “Now where were we?”
“You were just playing with my nipples.”
“Oh, right.” He let out a little chuckle. “How hard do you want me to suck them?
“Fuck... do you really need to ask?”
“That’s my boy.”
“You fucking tease!”
“I’m gonna give you a hickey so dark, you won’t know where your white skin ends and your brown skin begins.”
“I want to feel your skin on my tongue,” he said, “and that taste....”
“Fuck me....”
“What was that?”
“I want you to fuck me,” I said. “No more teasing, okay?”
“I didn’t agree to that,” he said. “At least not yet. Besides, who says I shouldn’t be the one to get dick up my ass?”
I ran my hand down my shaft, then started massaging my balls. “I need you so bad....”
“Then why am I the one with the raging hardon?”
“I never said you were the only one.”
He let out a little sigh. “Oh fuck....”
“Tell me what you’re doing right now.”
“Are you sure you want to know?”
“Fuck yeah....”
“Right now I’m lying down,” he said, “and I’ve got my cock in my hands. And I’m rubbing it as slowly as I can....”
“I want to know how it feels.”
“Well... it kind of feels like you’re running your tongue up my shaft. You know that feeling when it all starts to tingle....”
“Yeah I do,” I said. “It’s the same feeling when you’re giving me a hickey. Well, sort of....”
“You want me to follow your treasure trail?”
“Be my guest.”
“You have the best fucking bellybutton,” he said. “I want to just stick my tongue in it, and maybe run circles around it—”
“Keep going,” I said. “I need you to service my cock.”
“That’s the best fucking part!”
“Well, if we get in a 69, I can service yours too....”
“Fuck yeah,” he said. “I want your cock right in my face.”
“You can have it. My body’s yours for the taking.”
“Keep talking,” I said. “Tell me what you want to be doing.”
“First I want to run my tongue along your shaft. I want to trace that ridge on the underside, you know that part that’s a little softer than the rest... and I want you to suck on me too....”
“Oh fuck,” I gasped. “I’m so hungry for your cock, I’m not fucking around. I’m just gonna take it in my mouth and suck it so hard....”
“Yeah baby,” he said. I could tell he was jacking off faster and faster.
“Tell me how close you are.”
“Too fucking close... I want to get fucked so bad, but I don’t think I can make it that long....”
“Go ahead and cum,” I said. “I want you to shoot in my mouth the same time I’m shooting in yours.”
“Oh yeah,” he gasped as I heard him pounding away.
I followed suit and stroked myself harder and harder. As I did, waves of pleasure flowed through me, while my pre-cum jiggled and sparkled. I lifted my lower back so my dick was looming over my face. In this position, my cunt was sticking straight up, and my cockhead was so close to my face that I could almost lick it.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
“Do it!”
“Aw shit,” he yelled, and I could tell his eyes were rolling back in his head. Then— smack! I heard his cum splash against his skin. I could practically see his body writhing, and I could imagine how much jizz he was shooting.
I couldn’t hold back at that point. My orgasm jolted through me like an electrical shock. My balls contracted, my breath blew out of me, and my muscles contorted. I went rigid for a second, but then I blew my load directly in my face. I felt my warm gooey goodness cascading all over me. I opened my mouth to scream, but my juices smothered me to the point that I just let out a gurgle.
“Fuck,” Chad said. “I want that cum in me so bad.”
I finished pumping my cock. Then I swallowed hard and wiped my eyes clean. “Holy shit....”
“We should do this more,” he said, “except next time on camera.”
I picked up my phone, and I wiped a few splatters off the screen. “Hell yeah,” I said, “but what I really want is the real thing.”
“Me too,” he said, though I couldn’t help noticing the sadness in his voice. “I just don’t want to have to wait too long for it.”
“Me neither,” I said.
To be continued....
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Bill and his wife, Joyce, were enjoying one of their sexy bedroom games. They found the games kept the sex life going and they would kind of compete to see who could come up with a new kink or twist that they could enjoy. This time. Joyce had decided that Bill should be tied for a change, while she teased him.Bill had enjoyed having her tied many times, taking advantage of her helplessness to tickle her remorselessly until she was almost wetting herself, arousing and denying her relief until...
IncestHeavy Fetish! Raise your hand if you thought Heavy Fetish would be a website devoted to humping fat chicks? You are going to find a bit of that sweet BBW action going on within the video archives here, but only if it’s the extra kinky shit. “Heavy” here refers not to the weight class of the models but the level of freakiness they’re going for. If you’re looking for vanilla missionary scenes and sad lesbian softcore, you’ve definitely come to the wrong place. Prepare to have your dick stepped...
Fetish Porn SitesI have created a Monster- not in the Doctor Frankenstein sense, no scalpel involved, no body parts obtained by nefarious means- but I have created one, nonetheless. Molded with word and deed alone. It is surprisingly easy- take one male specimen, a simple enough creature, and using feminine wiles, charm and plain old blackmail, I found I could turn him into the almost perfect companion. I call him Monster, which he takes as a term of endearment. I told you they were simple. I’m not a...
Channel 1. Dog show -zzap Channel 2. Women's Tennis -zzap Channel 3. 11 o'clock News -zzap Channel 4. Made for TV movie The screen blacked out Nothing good was ever on TV anyway, Dave should've expected as much, especially as this was eleven o'clock in the morning on a weekday. Dave kicked his feet out and scratched his head. He remembered his boss's words. "Don't worry about it Dave, if you're unwell, take the day off." Now, lying naked on the couch in front of daytime TV, it seemed only...
I'm really off now on to a different life from my younger brother and sister. I'm twenty, now in college, and they're at home, Luke's in high school, he's sixteen, and Lola, she's fourteen and is moving from eighth grade to freshman at my brother's school this fall. It was the school I went to when I was their age. But it's summer and I'm home and enjoying the break from my academic course load. I've been home a couple of days, Mom and Dad decided at the last minute to take a long...
One night while looking on jobsites you spot a job advert from my company. “Import and export firm seeks a personal assistant, will involve some travelling, sometimes travelling will be to foreign countries, salary 24 – 26K depending on experience. Would prefer somebody with previous experience but this is not essential” For some reason this advert strikes a chord with you and the role sounds very interesting to you. You especially like the idea of being paid to travel to...
Josef awoke, and soon realized that it was early and that today he was on duty. Already bright sunlight was streaming in through his window. He loved this time of day; so fresh, so full of opportunity and promise. As he lay there he caught the faint smell of lavender coming from somewhere. “Was it aftershave?” he wondered. Perhaps one of the officers from a nearby room had received a gift from a sweetheart of from his family. It was possible, although such a gift would be very difficult to...
Love StoriesNotes: This is the first winning entry from my custom erotic fiction contest. Given that I was aiming for flash fiction (1000 words or less), I did miss the mark coming out at a little over 1300 words. Still, I think you will enjoy the result. Disclaimer: This contest is a personal contest supported solely by Vita and is in no way associated with Lush Stories other than their gracious hosting of the results. For more information on the contest or to submit an entry, see: Original entry by:...
ExhibitionismMy name is Phoenix, Im 17 years old, a senior in highschool and I live in a small, shitty, conservative town in Maine that I long to get the fuck out of. I have long black and pink hair, and I have my septum, lip (snakebites) and nipples peirced (just to give you a visual). The first day back from my Christmas break, I walked into my favorite class (World Geography) to get the shock of my life. My favorite teacher Mr. Cage was no where to be seen, and sitting in his chair behind his desk was a...
Hai guy i am new to this I f there is any mistake please forgive me if there is any mistake. Let’s get into the story,we are in trichy and my family is small with my foreign dad,and me( studying b.e 1st year) and the story heroine is my mom “Mekala”( working as a science teacher in CBSE school). Coming to my mom,she is 42 aged very hot beautiful women with a perfect structure of size 36c cups boobs and 44&40.she has a very long hair and clean shaven body. In our apartment all the men...
They went downstairs hand in hand and found Elspeth in the kitchen. "Hello, my darlings. Success?" Victoria held out her hand. Elspeth took it. "Darling, it's beautiful!" she exclaimed. "Lovely! You must be thrilled." "I am. He showed us two sapphires first and we were all for going for one of them but he wouldn't let us until we had tried a ruby," gushed Victoria excitedly, "and we both fell in love with it. The only thing that I stipulated was that I didn't want a modern...
Justine stood before me in my office on the second floor, her pretty sky blue eyes hidden under long lashes, her golden hair well braided and nicely decorated with a purple ribbon. Her delicate hands were clasped in front of her tiny white apron, and under her shortened blue skirt her knees were surely touching as well! With thirteen she was the older of the two sisters - so to say: the role model! So I came straight to the point: »Did you rub the dickel of our new poultry boy?« That came...
Rachel Jackson and Valentina Vonn were sitting at a table in the back of the ball room, getting blissfully drunk and incredibly bored with the wedding reception. The two girls knew both the bride and the groom, they had all been friends since kindergarten. The two brunettes, who were cousins by marriage, adored Meche and hoped for long, happy years for the 26-year old bride. She and her husband had been in love since the second grade. Everyone in their small town thought it was a pipe dream,...
As Abbey crawled closer to the foot that was thrust towards her face, she realised that this time she had been presented with a shoe instead of a sandal like her Master Joe usually wore. This show was a black leather lace-up shoe and it was dusty from the dirt that blew around the streets of the city. Abbey could smell something disgusting as she moved painfully on hands and knees nearer to the feet of the man who was waiting eagerly for her to begin the task of cleaning his shoes. He had...
Not What I Wanted By Stefanie Flowers CHAPTER 5 - SLAVE GIRLS In a bizarre way my life had become somewhat normal. I now worked at two jobs. A maid by day and a bunny girl at night. Fortunately I had some free time at the weekends but had to stay in role as Stefanie. I had been working hard to pay Katy back for my medical transformation expenses and had little money to spend on myself. Sometimes...
After a whole year of celibacy, hot MILF friends Mandy and Vivianne decide it’s time to get back in the game. They’re both super horny and ready to jump back on the wagon, but they don’t want their husbands to be the ones to pop them. Instead, they prefer to get themselves some young male cocks that can actually keep up with them. It so happens that James and Nicky, their stepsons, are young, hunky, and eager to help. As Vivianne and Mandy get fucked by each other’s...
xmoviesforyouWith those words, I let my mouth linger slowly down her body, kissing her neck and shoulders, down to her tits and sweaty stomach. I relished in the sweet tasting sweat of her black body. I could smell the hot stench of her pussy. She arched her hips up, away from Johannah’s face, practically crawling up the head board. Johannah gasped deeply, trying to catch her breath. Brady was still between the blonde’s legs, busily sucking her cunt. I slipped down, through the black girl’s...
So i arrived home after getting fucked by thugs. I pushed down my jeans and panties and noticed a large glob stain of sperm. My pussy felt so dirty caked with drying cum. I could smell the stench coming from between my legs. I undressed and took a shower, a good long shower. Then went to bed. In bed, I laid there thinking about fucking thugs in Valdosta. What is wrong with me? Why was I putting myself through this? I felt so nasty and ashamed. Why wasn’t I looking for a relationship? Someone...
He had been coming to the small café in Warsaw nearly every morning, at least in the 5 or 6 months where Kasia had been working there. He was a foreigner, maybe from one of the Scandinavian countries, obviously some kind of businessman. About 45 or so. His beard was getting grey, but in just the right way. Usually had one cappuccino and croissant, often sat in the comfy chairs in the back, but now and then he sat at the bar. Like this Friday. It was raining hard and he was the only guest. The...
The days rolled by, and the Tuesday ‘nature walk’ with Susannah became the highlight of my week. After that first assignation, I soon introduced her to soixante neuf, and we spent many happy hours entwined, with heads to groins, licking and sucking at the sweet flesh presented to our questing mouths. Summer strayed into October, with unexpected but welcome warmth, and Susannah and I would cavort naked in ‘our’ dell, where I would coat her nude body with my seed. I can vouch for the...
Chapter1. Claudia wakes in the morning the sunlight creeping in through the small gap of the red velvet curtains. She looks at the small sunbeam and follows it with her dark green cat eyes as it hits the mirror and reflexes back on its self. Claudia stretches her long slender arms and looks at her neatly painted talon like nails; her thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the old fashion phone. She reaches across and lifts the ivory hand piece as she speaks she hears a slight moan...
It was Don Taylor’s last day before he began his family leave, and it couldn’t end soon enough. It seemed that every time he turned around, his boss and good friend Jason Blackwell was giving him, ‘Just one more thing.’ He had the program installed into his office computer and the computer at home to allow him access to his work files should he need them, and had copied all of his important files onto several flash drives. In Don’s mind, the day seemed to just drag on, and his thoughts were on...
Hey I'm Jason, and this is the story of how I found love. I think. First of all let me describe myself. I'm 6'5 inches, 250 pounds of muscle. I have southern roots, and you can tell from my Georgian accent and my deep dimples. I have curly blonde hair, and I refuse to be anything less than clean shaven. I heard I look like Matthew McConaughey on steroids. Good; because I was on them, and people better had seen the difference or I was quitting that shit. I can recall my first real...
Three months had passed since Evelyn had fixed my cock up, down if you counted the direction it pointed. I was feeling chic with the latest in men’s apparel. That being my Prince Albert with a ring that weighed close to a blacksmith’s anvil. I was still seeing Evelyn every ten days for the works, less another ring. I’m pale compared to some guys. I’m no run-of -the meal mister bumpy with muscles but I do look good nude of hair. Evelyn gets me that way but I knew she wanted to fix my nut-sack...
The Passing of Friends ? by: Lynn LeFey I attended a funeral today. Standing in the back rows, lurking, I watched the closed casket ceremony. I listened to the eulogy. I cried for the loss of a friend. The picture placed on an easel was that of a middle-aged man, in a conservative suit. The service was for one Leonard Andrew Samuel. It was a sad irony that it was not who they buried. To me, she was Laura. I met her sixteen months ago, over the internet. We frequented the same...
My girlfriend and I were fucking in my cousins bed for about an hour, she was riding me when he cracked open the door and asked if we needed anything because a friend was going to the store, we said no. After everyone else left for the store she yelled to my cousin and he came in, she asked if he wanted to fuck, he said hell ya. She had him lay next to me while she was still riding me, sucked his cock and when he was fully hard, about 9.5 inches and about twice as thick as my cock, she jumped...
EroticVanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en udan velai paarkum nanbarin manaiviyai ootha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar karun vayathu 24 aagugirathu. Naan veetil padithu mudithu vitu velaikaaga kathukondu irunthen appozhuthu enaku oru office velai kidaithathu. Naan office velaiku kilambinen, appozhuthu en udan oru 35 vayathu aagum oruvar nanbar aaginaar. Avarai paarkum pozhuthu nala karupaaga aanamiyaaga irupaar, Kandipaaga ivar...
To say it started innocently would be a lie. My sister probably believes that's the way it began but truth be told I was really looking for a way to get in her pants. I was tired of her teasing and prancing around. Crystal has the kind of body that doesn't quit; from the age of 14 she turned grown men's heads and got catcalls whenever she was out in public. She loved to wear revealing clothes and dress like a total slut. My own grandmother said 'she'll be knocked up by 15'. And it's a miracle...
Just recently my wife Lucy and I hadn't been getting on. Neither of us were cheating, we'd just grown apart. We both realised what was happening and had tried to make a go of things, but, it's just wasn't working. We had a massive row, so I packed some things into a bag and left. "Where are you going to stay?" asked my wife. "I don't know yet. I just know I can't stay here tonight. If one of us doesn't go we will just spend the night at each other's throats," I replied, and I left. I got in...
Wife LoversHello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...
I helped her off the table since the ordeal seemed to drain her. I positioned the chair so she could observe what I was going to do to the first volunteer. I sat her down and kissed her, gently squeezing the bruise marked breasts. She shuddered and slumped into the chair, content from the orgasm and obviously still feeling the ache of the zippering. I helped the plugged and evacuated lady up onto the table. I had her lay on her back with feet pulled back and knees spread. I scooted her...
Vasiliy came back with a lot of tired but still excited people. He came into the study and stood at attention. "Hello, Vasiliy. What do you have to report?" He guessed or figured out what I was going to say and said, "We travelled far enough to be sure that the city of Sadieea in Corinthium is the source of the radio transmissions." "That's good to hear. I sent a message a while ago to Dimitri to get a camera for photo reconnaissance." The interpreter this time had to do his...
It has been four days since me and my partner have done anything together. The last time she had me on my back jerking my cock (about 5 inches) and she was playing with my balls. I don't know what it is but as soon as she touches my balls I become so horny and pathetic. She usually ends up laughing at me as I jerk my cock, calling me her dirty little slut as I become so submissive. I cannot help it though, as I love having her squeeze and slap my balls and tweak my nipples. Of course, the...
S i m o n und S i m o n e Mein Leben mit meiner weiblichen Seite Teil 1: WIE ALLES BEGANN Als alles seinen "Anfang" nahm, war ich noch ziemlich jung und lebte bei meiner Tante. Nicht weit von ihr, nur ein paar Bushaltestellen entfernt, wohnte ihre beste Freundin Gabriele. Sie war 40 Jahre alt, sehr attraktiv, immer elegant angezogen, wirkte elit?r und galt, wie meine Tante erz?hlte, vielfach als arrogante und abweisende Totalzicke. Ich hingegen verstand mich, was vielfach Ver...
Another trip to Mr. Brown’s office. My sneakers squeaked the down emptyhall in a slow pace. I was in no hurry, I’d been through this routine enough. I wandered into the office and gave Mrs. Russo, the secretary, my usual grin. “He’s waiting for you, Edward,” she replied with some impatience. Brown was sitting at his desk and looked up at me with bifocals sittingon the edge of his pointed nose. “Close the door,” he ordered as I stepped into his office. I turned and shut the door, catching one...
So I decided to serve another month and I’m back now. I figured I should do my best to summarize my experiences over the last month for my xhamster friends so that I don’t have to repeat the story so many times. I’d like to start by saying that I truly appreciate the concern that a lot of my friends have shown me. I apologize for any worries and would like to say that I knew what I was enrolling into and did so willingly.This term was better on a lot of levels. Having already served a term...
CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 4 Lust The sky was blue. Yes, just blue, not a cloud to be seen. Every so often a light sliver jet could be seen, trailing white smoke behind it. The sun hung over the city like a warm light bulb, belting its warm rays unto the necks of people within the hustle and bustle of the packed streets. People wore shorts, t-shirts, sunglasses and sun cream, making the most of the rarely seen good weather. The sounds of construction workers banging and drilling...
Two days into my college summer I went to stay with my grandparents near Bishopstoke, Hampshire. Grandpa would go to the fields where he would spend the day working. Normally, I would holiday in Desborough Road, Eastleigh with my older brother, Herbert. Two weekends before college was out, I had been at Herbert’s house when he and his wife Julie, went to Tescos. My town friends Rupe and Monty had come by and picked me up in Monty’s Ford Prefect to go to the new mall at The Bargate,...
It's the first few minutes that are the trickiest, you have to subdue and keep her quiet all at the same time. Once you have done this she is your for as long as it is safe. She was asleep on her front, that was a good start and there was just enough light coming through the curtains for me to see by. The omens looked good. Her front door was easy to open, no bolts or chain, when will they ever learn. Trying not to wake her prematurely I pulled her bedclothes back and out of the way. Gently I...
I’m Karen Fields 39 years old and recently divorced. Green eyes, red hair, 5’4” 38d, 28,36. Never had k**s. Married 14 years to a very successful man. The last four years he was a cross dressing sissy. That isn’t why we divorced. Matter of fact I had a lot of fun helping him perfect his image. I pegged him almost nightly with a 12” black cock that he purchased himself. As his ability to get hard diminished he used a smaller version of the same on me which kept me satisfied. No the divorce was...
Wednesday 23 September will live long in the memory of Michael Jenkins. It started as a typical day, he went to work at the bank, as usual, he had his lunch at the Metro Café as usual, finished work just after five pm as normal, and headed to the local adult education centre which was not normal. Wednesday evening was generally spent at number fifty-two Walton Terrace with Mr Smith. Not tonight, tonight he was heading for classroom fifteen, still to see Mr Smith though. Michael had been to his...
Hi my name is kavita i m 38 yrs old. Married had a son and a daughter who are 18 and 8 years old. My hubby is in government service. Sextually i m not satisfied in my 20 years of marriage. After some initials years of our marriage, he had lost complete lust for sex. I am a housewife look after the children, never betrayed my hubby, though i carved for sex and wild sex which i had never experienced. I had good figure and good look, i know when people see me they will always think me to be,...
IncestWhen you put your foot upon the path, you are not assured of arriving at your destination. But that you will never arrive is assured if you do not put your foot upon the path. The depths of depravity The suite the hotel upgraded for me was a nice perk. When I got back to change clothes, the bed was turned back and there was not just a mint on my pillow, there was a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Cinnamon was absolutely moaning as I paraded around the room showing her all they had done...
CINDERFELLA VISITS HOME Wow, this is creepy. Nothing whatsoever has changed. Not d?j? vu, more like entering a time warp. My parent's house and the surrounding homes have not changed one iota. I can swear, tar patches on the street in front of their place are the same from my childhood. Clouds shift, partially blocking the sun, cause a strange hue as the remaining sunlight filters through the leaves of the five oak trees standing sentinel in the schoolyard. Goosebumps form on the back o...
Days turn into weeks and weeks turn into months... As time marches on, Sherry and I see each other more often and our notes at the stores are replaced with the usual conversation of a customer and associate. On weekends, she stops by my place and we talk, watch TV or do whatever is on the agenda. My co-workers and assorted friends understand that there is now a woman in the mix and to call ahead in case they want to stop by. Gone are the days where people could just drop in unannounced. There...
HumorI just had to tell my story about what happened to me tonight!! My ummm I would say boyfriend, but I guess the best way to describe him is my “fuck buddy” Scott called and told me to meet him at the club that we liked to hang out in. I was glad to hear from him as I had no plans tonight and he was a lot of fun. He told me to put on my tight little half shirt and my mini skirt and those sexy thigh high hose. He said, “Don’t worry about picking out the sexy underwear that...
Geschichte – LehrkörperTeil 1Ich kramte in meiner Handtasche, um nach meinem Autoschlüssel zu suchen. Der Parkplatz lag bereits im Halbdunkel des anbrechenden Abends. Jetzt, mitten im Herbst, wurden die Tage sehr schnell viel kürzer. Auch die Bäume warfen zunehmend das bunte Herbstlaub ab und der Wind schichtete an Büschen, Bordsteinen und Hauswänden die Blätter zu imposanten Haufen auf.Endlich bekam ich den Schlüssel zu fassen und zog ihn aus meiner Tasche. Ein kurzer Druck auf ihn und mein...
Eric Stone was finally on vacation , he had just finished his last tour for the next two weeks . He was thinking he might take a few days ,go deep into the next county , rent a room and become a cum slut for anybody who wanted him ,although he did have a thing for black bears. He himself was on the chubby being 5'10 and about 225 ,he had brown hair and a dick that was about 4 in . at best. He just couldn't say no to them ,last time he did it he got 3 different guys to come fuck him in his motel...
"What the fuck is that?" the Lieutenant asked the Captain. "What?" "Look straight up, sir, ' said the GIB (guy in back). "That's a mop bucket, Anderson," said DiCaprio. "It's flying," said the GIB. "Umh ... I think that's more of a fall than flight," said the pilot. "It's keeping up with us," said the GIB. "I'll slow down," said the pilot. He cut back of the throttle. The plane slowed ... so did the bucket. "I'll speed up," He throttled it. The bucket...
100% fiction! My father is a alcoholic and once he started to drink he will drink for days. My mom is a simple lady. I’m the eldest and I have 2 sisters and the youngest is my brother. My mom really gone through difficult time bringing us up. I didn’t continued my studies to the higher level because I wanted to help my mom with the finance. So I started to work in a factory. After her secondary school level, my sister started to work and help and 1 year later she got married. The other sister...