I Am My Brother’s Slave Part 02 free porn video

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by Vanessa Evans

Part 2

I woke up with a start as I felt something ram its way into my hole. For a second I thought that I was dead but then I realised that George was fucking me again so I just lay there enjoying it.

I didn’t cum but George did then he got up and went to the bathroom. When he got back he said,

“Your turn Ella and what do you have to remember to do?”

“Shave everywhere below my neck.”

“Anything else?

“Take my pill.”

“Good girl Ella, off you go, and clean the place when you have finished.”

“Yes George.”

Off I went as happy as Larry. I was a bit nervous when I was shaving my pussy, I didn’t want to have an accident but thankfully I managed and when I left that bathroom my pussy was as smooth as a babies bum. Pleased with myself I went and found George and asked him if he wanted me to make some breakfast. He did, and when we were eating he asked me what I got up to with Logan the previous afternoon so I told him everything, even about Harry the shopkeeper and walking back naked.

“Oh good, perhaps we will get some decent food from him from now on, Logan did tell you to let Harry fuck you didn’t he?”

“Yes, and do anything else to me that he wanted.”

“Good. Harry’s alright for an old man so be nice to him.”

“I will. What do you want me to do when I’ve cleaned up here?”

“I don’t know, what did Logan say about clothes for you?”

“That he might be able to borrow some for me from Angie or the other girls that were at the party.”

“Okay, I’m still a bit knackered after the party so I’m going to take it easy this morning but when you’re done here come and put on a little show for me.”

“What type of show?”

“Playing with your pussy, make yourself cum.”

“Oh, okay, I need to practice that.”

“Well then it’s your lucky day Ella. Better still, it’s sunny outside so we can go out in the back garden.”

“You want me to make myself cum in the back garden?”


“But people might see. There’s Tom and goodness knows who else might see me.”

“Then I’ll invite them to come and have a good look at you. You need to be proud of your body Ella, proud enough to let the whole world see you naked.”

“It will be embarrassing.”

“Was it embarrassing letting everyone here see you naked at the party?”

“I was drunk and didn’t even know that I was naked until the next morning.”

“What about Harry at the shop?”

“That was embarrassing.”

“But nice as well wasn’t it? And at the pharmacist when you let that decorator make you cum, you definitely enjoyed that didn’t you?”


“And Tom when you were putting the rubbish out?

“Yes, him looking at me made me tingle and wet.”

“So we’ve established that when people see you naked and you cum you don’t care about the embarrassment?”

“I guess so.”

“So if Tom and any other neighbours see you naked and playing with yourself the embarrassment doesn’t matter just so long as you cum?”

“I guess so.”

“Good, I’ll go and get the loungers out and when you’re done in here you can come and make yourself cum in the back garden and you won’t care who sees you.”

“I guess so.”

I was a bit nervous as I finished cleaning up then went outside. George had put 2 loungers in the middle of the lawn facing each other and he was on one so I guessed that the other one was where I was supposed to play with myself.

“Sit on that and spread your legs wide Ella.” George commanded.

I’d just started rubbing my pussy with my right hand whilst my left hand caressed my right tit when I heard the neighbour Tom say,

“Sorry that I took so long George, has she started yet?”

“Just, pull up a chair and enjoy the scenery.”

“Gawd,” I thought, “that damned neighbour as well. Invite the whole street why don’t you George?”

Then I was glad that it was just a thought because if I actually said it he might just invite them all.

The embarrassment didn’t last long and the arousal started to build. My left hand left my tits and started finger fucking myself. I Ignored the squishing sounds and watched George’s and Tom’s face. Seeing them staring at me made me get aroused quicker and I soon started cumming, shaking, jerking and shouting,


As I lay there recovering I heard George say,

“Not bad eh, you want eat her out Tom?”

“Hell yeah, are you sure George?”

“Yeah, she likes it and she has to get used to people she hardly knows doing it.”

I just looked at George, okay I was still highly aroused and I wanted more, but an old guy that I hardly knew!

Tom got off his chair and came and knelt at the foot of the lounger then grabbed my ankles and pulled me down the lounger until my butt was right at the end then I saw him smiling as his face came down to my pussy.

“Gorgeous.” Tom said as his tongue licked right up my open slit causing me to gasp.

I remembered how I’d enjoyed Angie eating my pussy but Tom was in a different league. His tongue was flying all over and inside my pussy so fast that it seemed like he had 3 or 4 tongues, all of them finding the places that did the most for me.

I orgasmed 3 times in what seemed like 3 minutes and when Tom lifted his head I begged him for more. I saw Tom take a deep breathe then start again.

I was sure that I was going to pass out as more orgasms hit me.

When Tom came up for air again I said,

“No, no, please no more, I can’t take it, you’ll kill me.”

Tom didn’t go down on me again, instead he sat back and I heard him say,

“Fuck George, you’ve got a really hot one here, best so far, anytime that she’s free just send her over.”

“Are you saying that Ella was better than me Tom.” I heard Angie say.

“Where did you come from Angie.” I managed to say.

“Not at all Angie,” Tom said, “every girl is different and can be good in their own way and you were amazing in your own way.”

“Good answer Tom, I might just let you go down on me again sometime.” Angie replied.

“What’s in the bag Angie?” George asked.

“I got a call from Logan, apparently Ella still hasn’t found her clothes. I haven’t go anything that might fit her but I scrounged this from a neighbour. She has this kid that’s quite a bit smaller and a lot fatter than Ella and she was about to throw this dress out. When I saw it I thought that Ella might look cute in it.”

Angie got out a dungarees dress that was obviously for a girl that was a lot shorter than me and needing loose a lot of weight.

“I’ll look silly in that.” I said. “The girl who owned that must look like a barrel.”

“She does, her mother lets her eat 24 by 7, stupid cow, but hey, beggars can’t be choosers Ella, put it on and let’s see.”

I got off the lounger and put the dress on. There was so much wrong with it on me. For starters the shoulder straps didn’t want to stay on my shoulders. They didn’t cross on my back and sat right on the edge of my shoulders. I guessed that that was why its original owner got rid of it. Then there was the bib, it was so narrow that I could just see a bit of my areola at each side when the bib was right in the middle. As for the skirt part, well, I’m sure that you could fit 2 of me in that skirt. It just hung there, even with the buttons at the sides fastened. And as for the length of the skirt part I have never worn a skirt that short, even the PE skirt that mum made me wear was longer than that. I bent over just a little bit and George told me that he could see my butt.

“That’s great Angie, thank you.” George said, “We’ll be able to take her anywhere in that.”

“It’s horrible.” I said, “the girl who wore this must be a child size garden gnome or something. I feel like I’m wearing a barrel with straps.”

“You do look cute.” Tom said, then added, “Maybe I should be going now.”

“Thanks Tom, you can eat over here anytime that you want her.”

Then George turned to me and said,

“That’s not very grateful of you Ella, Angie has gone to the trouble of finding you something to wear and brought it over here for you. I think that you should apologise to Angie before we spank your bare bottom to teach you a lesson.”

“No, please don’t. Angie, I’m sorry, it was very good of you to make an effort for me and I’m very grateful.”

“Well the apology was good but I’m still going to spank you. Take the dress off and come and get over my lap.”

I was very nervous as I gave the shoulder straps just a gently nudge causing the dress to drop to the floor. I stepped out of it and went over to George who by then had sat on the chair.

“Please don’t George,” I pleaded, “I’m 18 now, an adult.”

“Ella, you have got to learn to be more polite, you can’t just go around telling kind people that you don’t like what they’ve done for you.”

George patted his thigh and I knew that I had to let him spank me. Apart from anything else he might throw me out of the house then where would I be? Naked and nowhere to go. I’d end up in prison.

“Sorry.” I said as I got down over his lap.

“Spread those legs Ella, and touch the grass with your hands as well.”

I did and I heard George say,

“Ten from me and 10 from Angie, okay Angie?”

“Sure, it will be nice to see that cute little butt go red.”

“OUCH, fuck, shit, that hurt.”

“Ella, ladies don’t use language like that, I think that I’ll have to start the count again.”

“No please George, I’ll stop swearing.”

But George wasn’t listening and 10 more swats landed on my bare butt. I was crying by then and had real problems stopping my hand from going up to try to protect my butt.

As the seconds went by without another swat I hoped that it was over, then I felt George’s hand on my pussy.

“Jeez Ella you’re dripping, are you enjoying this?” George asked.

“No, it’s horrible.” I replied through my sobs.

“Get up Ella, it’s Angie’s turn to spank you.”

I did and George and Angie swapped places. Over Angie’s lap I went, hoping that Angie’s swats would be less painful.

They weren’t, Angie’s arm is deceptively strong and the tears were flowing before she’d got half way.

Finally the swats stopped and Angie’s hand went to my pussy,

“You did like that didn’t you Ella?” Angie said as she slid a finger inside me.

“It was horrible.” I managed to say between sobs.

“But it did turn you on Ella, the evidence is right here.” Angie replied thrusting her finger deep inside me.

I said nothing but a few seconds later Angie withdrew her finger then thrust 2 fingers deep inside me.

“Okay, yes it did arouse me but it hurt like hell.”

“Maybe we should keep going and see if you cum?”

“No, no, please don’t, you’ve both had your 10 swats like George said, please let me up.”

“Okay, George said, “but next time we’ll keep going until you cum, or pass out.”

Angie withdrew her fingers but before she let me get up she flicked my clit and I nearly orgasmed.

“I’m sure that more swats would have made you cum Ella.” Angie said, “You’re lucky, not all girls can cum from a spanking.”

“I don’t feel lucky.” I replied.

“Not at the moment, but given time.”

“Well I’ve got to be going guys,” Angie said, “I only came round to drop the dress off. I’m sure that you’ll get used to it Ella. Think, it will be dead easy for your brothers to reach in and finger you and your nipps will be popping out all the time. Think of all those guys looking at them.”

“I am, that’s the problem.”

“Come on Ella, you’ve already admitted that you like guys looking at your bare body. Anyway, it’s not that bad, at least you’ve got something to wear now.” George said, “We can take you to the pub now.”

“You’re going to take me to a pub like this? They won’t let me in.”

“Oh yes they will, the bouncers have seen a lot more girl flesh than you’re showing with that dress on.”

“So when are you going to let the whole world see me in that dress?”

“Probably Friday evening. Oh, and before then you need to cut that grass, it’s getting a bit long and it needs cutting before we go away next week.”

“Where are you going?”

“I guess that it’s now WE, we are going to Blackpool for the week. We’ve hired a caravan on a farm just outside the town.”

“So are we going to be stuck in a caravan in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere?”

“No, there might be other caravans there and we can easily get a bus or a taxi into the town. Neither of us will be driving when we go out on the town.”

“If I’m coming with you I’ll need some more clothes and a swimsuit.”

“No you won’t, you’ve got a dress now and if you do go swimming in will be in the nude.”


“I don’t see why not, we’ll talk about it with Logan it’s his car that we’ll be going in, it’s in better nick than mine is. Right, food time, go and cook me something, I have to go to work in an hour.”

“When will Logan be back?”

“About an hour after I’ve left so you’ll have an hour on your own, you can either let Tom play with you again, go and see Harry at the shop or cut the grass, the lawnmower is in the shed.”

I went in and got the food ready for George. I wasn’t very hungry and I didn’t want to sit down to eat because my backside was still hurting. Instead I just pinched a bit of George’s food and ate it whilst I was preparing it.

While I was preparing the food I thought about Blackpool. Mum and dad hadn’t taken me on holiday for years and it would be nice to go to the seaside again. I liked digging holes in the sand and splashing in the sea but were my brothers really going to take me with just the one horrible dress? I’d be showing bits that shouldn’t be shown most of the time, although men looking at me would make me feel nice. And swimming, were they really going to make me swim naked? I didn’t think that being naked was allowed on the beach at Blackpool. Maybe they’d changed the law. It was about 8 years ago when I was last there.

George ate his food, got ready for work and left leaving me alone in the house. George had only been gone a few minutes when Tom knocked on the door.

“Are you alright Ella?” Tom asked. “I heard you getting spanked and I saw you through the fence and I was worried about you.”

“I’ll be fine thanks Tom, my butt is all red, look.”

I turned around and showed him my butt. I was still naked so it was easy.

“Would you like me to rub some skin care cream on it, I’ve got some at home?”

“Will it take the sting out of it?”

“Probably, it did on Mary Anne’s butt.”

“Who’s Mary Anne?”

“Just a girl that lived here for a few months. She got her backside tanned quite a bit and she always came round to mine to get some cream on it.”

“Lead on Tom.”

“Don’t worry about locking up, the people around here know not to mess with your brothers.”

I followed Tom out onto the street then back down his drive and it was only when I got to his front door that I remembered that I was naked and that I’d been out on the street like that, again.

“Wow, I’m starting to get used to being naked all the time.” I thought.

Tom led me to his sofa and told me to lay down. I did and as I waited I was thinking and I had a naughty thought. I was smiling when Tom came back and got started. The cream was cold at first but then it started working.

When I thought that Tom was nearly finished I said,

“Thank you Tom, that’s much better.”

I slid my legs apart and continued,

“Are you as good with you hands as you are with your tongue Tom?”

“I’ve never had any complaints.” Tom said as 2 things happened. Firstly I slid my legs even further apart and secondly, Tom’s hand went between my legs to my pussy.

Tom must have been quite a one for the girls in his younger days because he was just as good with his fingers. He told me that girls have this place inside then called a G-Spot and he found mine. With a finger from one hand rubbing my clit and a finger from his other hand rubbing my G-Spot he soon made me cum, not once but twice before he stopped and told me,

“Too much of a good thing will spoil you Ella, off you go but come back whenever you can.”

“I will Tom, oh I certainly will. Thank you so much.”

And I kissed his cheek before I left.

I was still a happy little bunny as I walked out onto the street and back down Logan and George’s drive. I saw another man out walking his dog but I think that he was too far away to realise that I was naked.

Still with a smile on my face I went to the shed and got out the lawn mower. I’d half expected it to be one of those old push things but it was an electric one, an old, dirty one and when I plugged it in it worked so I was happy.

I was going up and down the lawn with the mower, totally naked and not even thinking about neighbours seeing me when Logan got back from work.

“It’s a good job that you don’t have a front lawn.” I said when I finished. “I wouldn’t have fancied being out the front like this.”

Logan laughed and replied.

“Maybe I should get someone to dig it up and seed it.”

I didn’t reply.

“How about something to eat Ella?”

“Coming up boss.” I replied then asked, “does it often happen that one of you goes out about an hour before the other comes home?”

“Yes, are you getting clever Ella?”

“I was just thinking I could cook once and then keep half of it warm for whoever comes home an hour later.”

“Well done Ella, you do that, and when you’ve got my food ready you can tell me how you got that red butt.”

Thirty minutes later Logan was finishing eating and telling me to go and put the dungarees dress on. When I’d got back Logan had washed the plates and I had to go and find him. He was sat outside with a can of beer in his hand.

“That’s the dress that Angie brought for you Ella?”


“Well it looks like you’ll have some fun wearing that, twist your body Ella.”

I did and one tit escaped.

“Good, now the other way.”

I did and my other tit escaped.

“Come here.”

I went and stood in front of Logan who got to his feet. He stood behind me and looked down the back of the skirt part.

“Nice butt Sis.”

Logan moved to my side and looked behind the bib and down the front.

“I see that you remembered to shave this morning?”

“Yes Logan.”

Then he put one hand on each of my shoulders and slide the straps outwards just a little bit. The straps fell off my shoulders and the dress dropped to the floor.

“Perfect, I must thank Angie for her perfect choice.”

“But it will keep dropping off me when you take me anywhere.”

“Accidents do happen Ella.”

“Can I at least have some knickers to wear with it?”

“Have you got any?”


“Well there’s your answer. Now, I fancy some ice cream, go to the shop and get some please. Put the dress back on and take this to pay for it but if Harry’s in the right mood you might get it for free, and run back when it comes out of the freezer, I don’t like melted ice cream.”

I pulled the dress back on, took the money and started walking. Luckily the bib part of the dress had a little diagonal pocket and I put the money in that.

I had to hold one of the straps on my shoulder because the bouncing of my walking caused them to slide off. Fortunately I managed to catch it the first time and held one strap in place after that.

My walking also caused my nipples to escape but I didn’t bother about that until someone was walking towards me then I covered them and hoped for the best.

There was a customer in the shop when I got there and I saw Harry smile at me when he saw me. After we were alone Harry said,

“Pretty dress Ella.”

“You think so?”

“Yes, I can see why Logan and George like it but I think that you look better out of it. Go through that door and I’ll be with you in a minute Ella.”

I did and saw that I was in a store room with full shelves all around the sides and a table in the middle.

“Well Ella,” Harry said, “I knew that it wouldn’t be long before you came back. What happens if I ease these straps outward?”

Before I could react the straps were off my shoulder and the dress was on the floor.

“That’s better Ella, you look so much better like that. I hope that you don’t mind but I’ve phoned a friend and he’s coming here with his camera. He’s professional photographer so he should get some great shots of you.”

“Well both Logan and George said that I had to be nice to Harry.” I thought so I said,

“Okay Harry.”

“Whilst we are waiting you can give me a blowjob.”

“What about the shop?” I asked hoping that I could get out of it.

“That’s okay, it’s a quiet time of the day and I’ve put the ‘Closed’ sign up. Down on your knees Ella.”

I did and looked at the front of his trousers. There was a significant bulge in the front. Unzipping him I discovered that he wore nothing under his trousers and this huge cock sprang out.

“Bigger than average isn’t it? Harry asked.

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen many before.”

“I thought that you blew all the guys at the party a few days ago.”

“I was drunk, out cold, I don’t remember any of it.”

“Never mind Ella, I’m sure that you’ll meet all those guys again, and have a memorable time. Open that cute little mouth of yours.”

I did and the tip of his cock went in. Instinct took over and I started sucking and licking. Harry started pushing and pulling back and somehow that big cock started going into my throat. Thankfully Harry knew how to fuck my throat without choking me and before long I felt his warm cum going down into my stomach.

Harry pulled out and told me to lick all the saliva off his cock and as he was putting it back in his trousers I heard a banging.

“That will be Brian, you get up on the table Ella and I’ll let him in.”

I jumped up and sat on the edge with my legs dangling down and leaning back on my hands. When Harry got back I saw that the other man was just as old as Harry.

“You must be Ella, I’m Brian. Stay exactly like that, that’s a great pose.”

I sat there wondering what was so great about me sitting on the edge of a table then I realised that he probably meant my pussy. My knees were quite wide apart and all of my pussy would be visible to both men.

Brian setup a big light and a tripod for his camera then took about 50 photos of me. I felt a bit like a glamour model as Brian told me to get into lots of different poses on that table. I think that every photo that he took had my pussy in it, sometimes closed but mainly spread open.

Brian commented on how wet my pussy was getting and also how my hole opened up more the wetter I got. Until he said that I hadn’t realised that I was getting aroused but by the end I was very aroused and I was sure that if either of them had touched my clit I would have cum instantly.

Photo shoot over Brian started putting his equipment away and Harry told me to put my dress on. Then he asked me what I had come to the shop for. When I told him he led me to the freezer and got out a big tub of ice cream. Giving it to me he said,

“There you go Ella, no charge, next time we’ll have a different type of fun. You’d better run so that it doesn’t melt.”

I did run, one hand holding the ice cream and the other on my stomach. The shoulder straps were well down my arms but my hand was stopping the dress from falling off but my little tits were out and wobbling a little as I ran.

“Where the hell have you been?” Logan asked me as soon as he saw me.

“Harry got me to give him a blowjob then pose for loads of photos in his store room.”

“Okay, that’s a good excuse, loose the dress then scoop that out into a couple of bowls.”

As I was doing that I asked Logan if I was going to Blackpool with them.

“You know about that then? Yes you may as well come with us, it won’t cost us much more other than the food which we’d have had to buy if you stayed here. Did George tell you anything about where we’re going?”

“A caravan on the outskirts of the town.”

“I bet that you told George that you’d need some more clothes. What did he say?”

“He said that I wouldn’t need any, that that dress would do.”

“That’s right Ella. We’ll be going to a pub on Friday evening then when I’ve sobered up we’ll drive up to Blackpool.”

“I really think that I should have some more clothes, I can’t wear the same dress all week.”

“You won’t be wearing it that often, you’ll be like that at the caravan and definitely on the beach. As for the rest of the time we’ll have to wait and see.”

“What if there’s other people near the caravan?”

“Then they’ll get to see that amazing body of yours.”

I was happy that I was going to the seaside for a week but not happy that I’d be spending most of the week naked, but the more that I thought about it the less unhappy I became. I’d spent the last few days naked most of the time and I was starting to get used to it and actually like it at times. I definitely liked the effect that it had on my brothers and the other men, I never knew that sex could be so much fun. Maybe George and Logan would spend the whole week fucking me.

Later it was more of Logan fucking me, he showed me more positions that we can fuck in, some of them making me feel like his cock was going deeper inside me and some really pressing the sides of my hole. I lost count of the number of times that he made me cum before we went to sleep.


George again came and collected me from Logan’s bed, but instead of waking me by shaking one of my tits, he started finger fucking me whilst I was still asleep. Needless to say that that woke me up then he took me to his bed and got me to ride him cowboy style before we went to sleep.


It was Friday morning and George again woke me by putting his cock in my hole then he told me to get some breakfast ready and put a load of dirty clothes in the washing machine. When the washing was done George told me to hang it on the outside line to dry the he told me that he was going out for a while.

I was hanging the washing out when Tom from next door said hello.

“Oh hi Tom, how are you?”

“A lot better for seeing you Ella. Still not letting you wear any clothes then?”

“No, but I’m getting used to it, they did get me a dress but it’s horrible, it’s like wearing a barrel.”

“Yes I saw it when you went to the shop, it doesn’t do anything for you does it?”

“No, I think that I rather be naked than wear that. Besides, I’m getting used to being naked all the time. It’s like I forget that I have no clothes on.”

“Careful where you say that or George and Logan will take you out like you are now.”

“They’re taking me to Blackpool for a week tomorrow.”

“That will be nice for you.”

“Yes, I haven’t been to the seaside for years but I won’t be able to go to many places because I’ve only got that dress to wear.”

“Blackpool is a liberated place, I’m sure that there will be places where you can go like that.”

“I hope so, I don’t want to be stuck in a caravan in a field in the middle of nowhere on my own.”

“I’m sure that it won’t come to that Ella. Have you got a lot of work to do?”

“No, just finish hanging these clothes, George didn’t give me anything else to do.”

“Well when you’re finished I can search for your G-spot again if you like.”

“That would be amazing Tom, no one else had found that place yet. Shall I come round when I’ve finished here?”

“Yes please Ella, I’ll have some lemonade ready for you.”

I hurried and finished hanging the wet clothes then almost ran round to Tom’s place. It was only when I got there that I realised that I had just been out on the street again totally naked. I hadn’t been looking to see if anyone saw me but I didn’t care, as I told Tom, being naked is getting to be natural.

The next hour or so was wonderful. First Tom used his fingers on me and he did find my G-spot. He made me loose all control of my body a few times and he exhausted me but he didn’t stop there. After a drink of lemonade and a short rest he spread my legs again and attacked my pussy with his tongue and again it felt like he had 4 tongues working on different parts of my pussy all at the same time.

Again he wore me out making me cum lots of times.

When he finally stopped I just lay there on his table with my legs still spread wide open. When I’d got my breath back I told Tom that he could fuck me if he wanted to, telling him that it was the least that I could do to thank him for such an awesome time.

I was a bit disappointed when he told me that he didn’t want to fuck me but he added that I had already given him all the pleasure that he needed.

“Well Ella, there is one thing that you could do for me.”

“Anything Tom.”

“Would you let me take some photographs of you?”

“Of course I will, you can even stick your camera inside me and take some if you want.”

“I think that that might damage my camera but thanks for that offer, just stay there, I’ll go and get my camera.”

When Tom came back he had a proper camera in his hand. It was a newish one so it was digital not film.

“Bit of a photographer are you Tom?” I asked.

“I dabble, a bit of a hobby, I need one now that I’m retired.”

“Well you can photograph me anytime that you want Tom.”

“Thank you Ella, do you mind if I take some intimate photographs of you.”

“You mean of my pussy like it is now, spread open?”


“Go ahead Tom, tell me to get in whatever position you want.”

And he did. He must have taken dozens of photographs of me in all sort of poses and I’m sure that a lot of the photos were just of my pussy but I didn’t mind. I was more relaxed posing for Tom than I was with that Brian guy in Harry’s shop, maybe it was all the orgasms that Tom gave me had relaxed me. Anyway when I went back home I was very happy, and Tom said that he was happy too.

George wasn’t back when I got there. This time when I walked out to the street I looked around to see if anyone was looking at me. I didn’t see anyone but a passing car did honk its horn at me.

I was folding the washing when George returned. He plonked a box down on the table and told me that he’s got a present for me. I was so excited, even mum and dad had stopped buying me presents tears ago.

“What is it?” I asked.

“Something that will keep you thinking about your tits and pussy when we’re not fucking you.”

I was puzzled.

“Please can I open it?”

“Go on.”

I did and I was still puzzled.

“What is it, it looks like a big pink tadpole.”

“It’s a vibrator that we can control from our phones.”

“I’ve never had a vibrator before.”

“Well you’ll like this one, Angie’s got one and she loves it.”

“So what do I do?”

“Come here and spread your legs.”

I did and George pushed the big, pink, egg shaped end of the vibrator up my hole.

“It’s a good job that your pussy is permanently dripping Ella, that would have hurt you if you’d been dry.”

“I can’t help it, it’s yours and Logan’s fault, it never used to be wet all the time before I came here.”

“So that’s another good thing about you moving here?”

“Yes it is, I’ve never had so much fun.”


“So what do I do with this wobbly tail thing that’s sticking out of me?”

“That’s the antenna, the thing that gets the signal to tell the thing inside you what to do. You can just let the antenna hang down or you can bend it whichever way that you want.”

I got hold of it and bent it all over the place. I giggles a bit when I stuck it between my bum cheeks and then again when I made it point if front of me.

“It’s like I’ve got a thin, pink cock.” I said.

By then George was playing on his phone so I went back to folding the clothes. After a couple of minutes something happened inside me and I screamed.

“What was that?” I asked.

“That’s the vibrator, did you like it?”

“I don’t know, I was too shocked to know. Did you tell it to do that to me?”

“Yes, this app on my phone controls it look.”

I looked at his phone and saw a strange looking display with bars and wavy lines. Then George slid his finger over the display and I screamed again. I was starting to get used to the shocks but this time the vibrator kept on, well, vibrating inside me.

“Yes, it does feel nice.” Then after a few second I continued, “but won’t that thing be doing some damage to me?”

“No, millions of girl use these so if they did damage you those millions of girls would be in hospital or dead.”

“Okay, yes it is nice, it makes me horny, my nipples are tingling and I’m sure that my pussy is as well but that thing is shaking me about too much.”

“I can control the vibrations as well, see what you think of this Ella.”

I screamed again as the vibrations got a lot stronger then they died down to just a gentle, very nice rate that I thought was as nice as getting into a hot bath.

“Oh, I’d like that all day.”

“We might just do that for you Ella. You’ve got to promise that you won’t pull it out of you without asking Logan or me first.”

“Okay, I promise.”

“And you also have to promise that whenever you do take it out you charge up the battery in it.”

“I promise, but how do I do that?”

“I don’t know yet. I’ll read this booklet and let you know.”

“Thank you George, you’re the best brother in the whole world.”

“So what does that make me?” I heard Logan say.

I turned round and saw that Logan was back from work.

“You’re the best brother in the world as well Logan, joint equal, Look what George has bought me.”

I spread my legs so that Logan could get a better look at the pink antenna thing.

“That’s not a very big thing to stick in your pussy Ella, the broom handle is bigger than that. Hey George, that’s an idea for next week if it rains, we can see what we can get in that pussy.”

“No Logan, it’s attached to a vibrator inside me, show him George.”

George did and he left it on strong vibrations for ages, so long that I started dancing about and holding my pussy and tits. Not that I wanted to do that, it’s just that I couldn’t stop myself.

When George switched it off I said,

“There, see what George did to me and he didn’t even touch me.”

“Very good Ella, I can see that we’re going to have a lot of fun with that starting in the pub tonight. Now can you get some food ready for me?”

“Sure, so you really are going to take me to the pub wearing that dress and with this inside me? People will see the pink antenna thing sticking out of me.”

“Yes we are, and if you bend it forwards under your dress anyone who looks at you will think that you are a boy with a hard-on.”

“That’s not nice, I’m a girl.”

“So we can see, off you go, or do you want another red butt?”

I answered that by going to the kitchen and getting some food ready.

That evening Logan called me over to him, put his hand on my pussy then said,

“Good girl, you remembered to shave this morning.”

“Yes, and I remembered to take my pill after I cleaned my teeth.”

“Good girl, you’re getting used to things here. Now have a shower and do your hair, were going out soon.”

“And I have to wear that barrel dress I suppose.”

“Do you have any other clothes Ella?”


“Then that ‘barrel’ dress as you call it is what you will wear. Why do you call it a barrel dress?”

“Because anyone standing beside or in front or back of me can see right down the skirt part to the floor.”

“Fair enough, we’ll call it your barrel dress and we won’t mention your tits slipping out of the sides of the bib all the time.”

“No, well not when other people are around.”

“No we won’t, we’ll just slide the shoulder straps off and let the whole dress slide to the floor.”

“No please don’t Logan, it will be embarrassing.”

“But you like being embarrassed Ella, it makes you horny doesn’t it?”

“Yes it does Logan.”

“And you like being horny, it makes you happy doesn’t it Ella?”

“Yes I do.”

“And your brothers want you to be happy so the problem is solved Ella.”

“I guess so.”

“Off you go Ella, nice and clean.”

George was in the bathroom when I got there but he told me to come in and I watched him shaving. I think that he was watching me in the shower as well. When I was finished I started drying and brushing my hair but George took over from me.

“Do you remember me doing this for you when you were little Ella?”

“Yes I do, it was nice, you’d brush my hair for hours, you were so nice to me.”

“Are you saying that I’m not nice to you now Ella?”

“No, no, you are nice to me, both of you, you’ve given me such a fantastic time since I got here.”

“Well there’s lot more to come Ella, now get your barrel dress and shoes on, we’re going out soon, our holiday starts tonight.”

“Ooooo, I can’t wait.”


Same as I am my Brother’s Slave Part 02 Videos

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Slave Training

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Slave Training

Heather was waking up from her nap, and was regretting it already. She wasn’t a nap person, and was now facing one good hour of headaches. It beat facing the full brunt of a seven-hour long flight, but for some reason, the headache was really severe this time. ‘Hmmmngh…dammit…’ She had shoulder-length dirty blonde hair and cute features marred by baggy eyes and a few freckles. She certainly couldn’t be confused for a guy, even with her tendency to wear practical male clothing, but her ...

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The Darkest Slave Queen

Dealing in the darkest parts of the underworld had its upsides. For a start, it garnered me a lot of money. Filthy amounts of it, especially from the slave and weapons trade. For another, I had... oh, other illicit comforts in my life. A slave of my own, for instance. Every morning, when I woke up, I never used a standard toilet for my wastes anymore. Instead I would undo my lovely slave’s gag and she would press her lips worshipfully to my asshole to eat what I dispelled. Or she would gently...

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First Slave

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 2

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Submissive slave positions

Bara This position is used for a variety of reasons, sometimes as punishment. On stomach, face down and turned to the left with wrists crossed behind back. Ankles are crossed, as well, as if for binding.? "Bara!" he snapped. I flung myself to my belly in the grass, putting my hands behind me, wrists crossed, and crossing my ankles, too. I lay there in confusion, in obedience. He went to pick up the binding fiber which had been removed from my ankles by Tupita, from my wrists, a bit before, by...

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Torturing Slave Allie8217s Asshole

Greg gave the rope that tied his sweet slave Allie’s hands behind her back one more good pull just to make sure the bindings where secure. The young, blond woman was bent over in bed, a stack of old towels supporting her so she could comfortably lie with her ass in the air, Allie was unbound other than her hands, and that was less to restrain her but more done as a comfort, Allie loved bondage, it made her feel safe and loved and for the things Greg had planned this evening his...

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Mistress Vera and her slave part 1

Mistress Vera and her slaveIn the dungeon the slave kneeled and wriggled slightly in her bonds to again feel the pleasure of her imprisonment. Her whole body was encased in leather, a black cat suit stretched from her ankles to her jaw with a single zip down the back to release her when the time came. Black leather boots, which reached nearly to her knees covered the cat suit on her legs, as did the steel collar which covered the leather around her neck. The tag on the zip was clipped to a ring...

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Dream Slave Galleria

Dream Slave Galleria R.Platz 2008====================================================================== Warnings: This heartwarming family story includes scenes of:   1. Naughty BDSM sex (M/f, F/f, MF/f, M/ff)   2. Women with successful careers   3. Eating women (as main course or tempting side dish)   4. Couple still happily married after 17 years   5. Non-consensual snuff (strictly for culinary purposes)   6. Teenagers If any of these disgust or offend you, please, read no...

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Depending on the severity of the session the Mistress desires, any deadlines or measured pain can be adjusted upward or downward for Her amusement and pleasure. 1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand...

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From Noble to Sex Slave Part 3

Thank you all for all the positive feed back and comments. I'm sorry if the cow stuff isn't to everyone's liking there maybe parts that not everyone likes but hope people do over all enjoy the continuing saga. It had been two weeks since Davon had become Deva well that was the name Killian had given her after she became a cow girl and those two weeks hadn't been idle either. She'd slowly learned how her new body worked. At that moment she was on her hands and knees as Triz...

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PrincesSlave Swap

Princess – Slave Swap SynopsisThe bitchy princess unmercifully whips the king’s favourite slave girl. As punishment, the king disowns her and orders her to change places with the slave.?Princess - Slave Swapby obohobo?WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by such material, or if viewing this file is illegal in your locality, then leave, close or delete this file-story...

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Introduction: This is the complete version of my story Slave. Hope you enjoy it, please feel free to comment! Slave. I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of...

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A Slave for Christmas

A Slave for Christmas A Slave for ChristmasSynopsis?I could scarcely believe the other girls in the office hated me that much, but there I was on a stage, naked, manacled and gagged waiting to be auctioned as a house slave for the Christmas to New Year period. And I?d had no say in the matter.? A Slave for Christmasby obohobo WarningsPlease take note!The text in this story contains erotic material and is expressly written for adults only. MF NC. Spanking If you are underage or offended by...

3 years ago
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A Slave of the Rus

Note: Because of recent policy there will be no reference to age. This story is about a Slavic girl who became a slave of the Viking Rus who invaded the land of the Bulgars to trade with them over a thousand years ago. I. The Day of My Enslavement I had begun life on the shores of that great sea that belonged to the Vikings. My papa was a fisherman on that sea but when he saw a dragon ship of the Viking he would come ashore and hide. For the most part the Viking left the people of...

4 years ago
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Evaluation of a Toilet Slave

Evaluation of a toilet slave By:  slave matt425The Evaluation BeginsDay 1?Are you ready slave??  It was Friday afternoon, a few hours before dinner time.  She and i had been sitting on the couch discussing this and that, catching about life as it had been far too long since our last meeting.  Though it had been only been a few weeks, it felt as if a year had passed since i had last been blessed to see Her. ?Yes Mistress K? is all I replied, trying to hide my nervousness.  This would be by far...

3 years ago
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Twelve Days a Slave 4 of 13

After the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...

2 years ago
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Slave to hooters waitresses

Chapter one I become a slaveAs a college student I had to take any job I could get to make some extra cashworking part time. Being a bus boy at Hooters was not exactly intellectual buton the other hand you got to work with some great looking girls.After working there for about a week I went home and started to check my e mail.There was a message from this person calling herself "mystery girl at hooters"from hotmail. Naturally I was curious and opened the message which said:"You do not know...

4 years ago
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Becoming A Slave

THE MAKING OF A SLAVE By Betty Noone This is the story of Mark and Jennifer Jenkins. Married for twenty years, Mark was a retired dot-com millionaire at the age of 45. Not Donald Trump rich, but rich enough to do most things he wanted to do. There was a little over ten million dollars in investments which seemed to increase in value each year It furnished the couple with a tidy income of just under $500,000.00 per year. After taxes there was just over $7,000.00 a week, that is...

3 years ago
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Training a Young Slave Connie Becomes Entertaining

Connie Becomes Entertaining Please read Training a Young Slave first. Over the next few months, slave Connie became a very good slave for Master Jim and Mistress Dora. She was becoming a good cook, kept the house neat and clean, and performed all of her other duties well. She had even come to enjoy her subservient situation as a sexual slave. She happily submitted to the many ways her masters used her body. Slave Connie loved being fucked in her pussy, ass, and even her mouth. She...

4 years ago
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The Foot Slave

The Foot SlaveNervously my finger pressed the buzzer, within ten seconds the release mechanism clicked and opened the door, I pushed it ajar and entered a dimly lit hallway, a stair case lay in front of me, leading down to a single ominous black door, I walked down and knocked, ?You may enter? was the quick curt reply.Sheepishly I entered, and closed the door behind me.The room was spacious and painted a matt black with a cold stone floor, recess lights in the ceiling were dimmed to give a low...

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I am a slave. I am owned, and happy to be so. I exist purely to please my Master, in every aspect of his life, and whatever I am doing I am always ready to serve him in whatever way he chooses. Around my neck is what appears, to the outside world, to be just a pretty silver pendant with a diamond initial on it. But to me it is so much more than that. It was the happiest day of my life, the day I received that pendant. I had not been serving Master for very long, just long enough for him to...

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Observatory Slave

Relocation By Choice Part I ?. ?Ladies & Gentlemen, in a few moments from now we would be landing at the Heathrow?.?.? I woke up to a crisp British accentuated English in my cramped economy class seat as my mind slowly recollects bits & pieces of my thoughts.? I check my seat belt and as the aircraft descend gradually I repeat a question to me which I have asked myself a thousand times now? ?Am I sure I want to do this???.?  I am reaching London to serve a group of 5 men & 3 women...

2 years ago
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Humiliating Ways to Make Your Slave Masturbate

1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand and licking the hand clean is the simplest method, but squirting into a shot glass, drink, or cup of coffee can also be fun.2. When the slave has not come for a...

1 year ago
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Humiliating Ways to Make Your Slave Masturbate

1. The slave must eat his own cum. To my mind, this is a basic requirement, omitted only when Mistress is feeling merciful. Not only is it very humiliating for most men, performing such an act immediately after coming, when desire and therefore submissiveness is at its lowest level, is difficult for many. Drinking it from a cupped hand and licking the hand clean is the simplest method, but squirting into a shot glass, drink, or cup of coffee can also be fun. 2. When the slave has not come for...

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