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CRESCENDO 1. "No, Daddy, please no! Not another a spanking!!" Rob Jackson was sick of Vanessa's backtalk. All he wanted was a little respect and consideration, a place to relax at the end of a day's honest labor. Instead, he'd received nothing but snide remarks, passive misconduct and blatant contempt. Worse still, the girl had outright refused to perform her allotted chores, despite repeated warnings. Well, Rob had finally reached the end of his rope. 'Nessa's behavior would have tested the patience of a saint, and they were way past the point of no return. It was time for some affirmative action, so to speak. If reasoned discourse wasn't having the desired effect, there was always the alternative, wasn't there? Let's see if a good, long spanking over his knee wouldn't adjust her little attitude problem. 'Nessa had known she was in serious trouble the moment he'd called her to the living room. Looming over her like a granite sculpture, he'd laid down the law in no uncertain terms, eyes narrowed with parental wrath. His tone had left little doubt as to the outcome of this particular lecture: while half-expecting the inevitable conclusion, she'd been hoping he wouldn't go quite that far. There were very few things she feared as much as a trip over her Step-Father's knee. "No, Daddy, pease don't, I'm really sorry," 'Nessa wailed in open fear, "I'll be really good from now on, I promise!" Rob ignored her pleas with a kind of slow-burning disdain, inclining his head towards the staircase. "Up to your room right now," he replied in a gravel voice, "I'll be along in a few minutes; you know what to do." "Daddy, pleeease -" "NOW!!" Vanessa scrambled up the stairs in tears, having failed to overturn her sentence. There would be no clemency, no lenience, no last second pardon. She was going to be spanked like an errant child. It wasn't fair, it wasn't right, and there was absolutely nothing she could do about it. Stepping through the open doorway, Vanessa glanced around her bedroom in rising panic. She had to get ready, prepare for her swiftly-approaching punishment. The first order of business was to drag the heavy, post-and- rail chair to the middle of her bedroom. It had to be placed facing the bay windows, from where her spanking would be visible to half the neighborhood. Having hauled The Chair to its appointed position, Vanessa moved onto her next task. It was time to disrobe, shed her jeans and t-shirt in preparation for her punishment. By the time her step-daddy arrived, she had to be waiting submissively in her socks and underwear. This was an integral part of her ritual humiliation: even though she was now eighteen, Rob still bared her bottom whenever he gave her a spanking. Whimpering under her breath, 'Nessa scampered around the room, setting the furniture in order and climbing frantically out of her clothes. Her head spun in near-hysteria, her tummy swarmed with butterflies. Time was running out, and her Daddy was probably already on his way up. She cast a frightened look about her room, making sure that everything was in its place. He'd be here any minute, and she couldn't afford to be so much as two seconds late. Unfortunately, the clock seemed be running slow today. 'Nessa's heart practically leapt into her throat as she heard her Father's footsteps ascending the stairs. 2. Rob entered the room a few moments later, his jaw set in lines of grim determination. Vanessa immediately renewed her appeals for leniency, suggesting numerous alternatives to traditional punishment - grounding, extra chores, loss of privileges, even corner-time. Needless to say, it was all for naught; Robert Jackson was not a man to be trifled with. Judgment had already been pronounced, justice would be served without delay. Scowling, Rob seated himself in the chair and ordered her to finish her preparations. At the same time he started to roll up his shirt sleeve, right forearm rippling with thick, corded tendons. At the sight of these manly exertions, 'Nessa's self-control faltered completely, as she knew precisely what came next. "Please, Daddy, nooo," she implored, nonetheless following his curt instructions to the letter. The moment had arrived, it was time to bare her bottom. Weeping in utter misery, she begged him to let her keep her underwear on, to spank her over her panties. "Please don't make me take them down, ohhhh, nooo, please, please, Daddy!!" Her desperate appeals were met only with Rob's bald-faced threat to make it much worse if she didn't get those panties down right now! Voicing a tiny sob, Vanessa faced away from him, taking hold of the elastic waistband of her low-cut cotton underpants. Tugging them slowly down in back, her lush, ripe bottom-cheeks came gradually into view. She was trying to get away with a partial baring, lowering her pants just a few inches in the back. Needless to say, Rob had already stood for more than enough. Face darkening with anger, he told her to GET - THOSE - PANTS - DOWN! Groaning in abject humiliation, 'Nessa peeled the sheer cotton fabric down to her knees, slowly revealing her sleek, naked bottomtops. She wept in undisguised shame, tears glistening on her cheeks like liquid diamonds. She hated being treated like a little girl; it was degrading beyond all description - Especially since she'd been born a boy. 3. Then: 'Nessa's birth name had been Vern Ascot. She'd lived seven years under that title, an endless, golden childhood full of hotwheels and playgrounds and catcher's mitts, the same as any other boy growing up in God's Green Acre. That was before The Change had struck, before TISM had altered his existence forever. Toxically Induced Sexual Morphism was considered one of the rarest genetic disorders in human history, yet Vern had somehow managed to win the cosmic jackpot, along with an ever- increasing number of children born in the Courtland Valley. Vern's transition had occurred in sporadic bursts over three grueling years. The ordeal had taken a tremendous toll on his entire family: as the medical bills piled up and finally buried them beneath an avalanche of debt, his parent's marriage had collapsed into a toxic wasteland of anger, tears and accusations. Group counseling sessions had only exacerbated the situation, allowing Vern's father to vent his rage and disgust to anyone who would listen. A burnt-out veteran of two Middle Eastern campaigns, he was furious with the hand fate had dealt him, blaming his wife for the transgendered freak he'd been saddled with. The divorce had followed twelve months of drunken shouting matches, and Vern - now going by the name Vanessa - often suspected that it had come as relief to everyone concerned, especially his long-suffering mother. The next few years had passed in a slow, grey limbo as 'Nessa rode out her transformation, gradually adjusting to the complexities of female life. By the time she turned twelve, both she and her Mother - the former Mrs Grace Ascot - had recovered sufficiently from their shared traumas to start enjoying life once more. Their financial situation had improved considerably: Vanessa had won a grant to Lainsbury Academy and Grace had even started dating again; an old flame from her university days named Rob Jackson. Possessing a child's natural fear of strangers, 'Nessa was a little reluctant to accept her Mommy's new boyfriend (particularly since her father's violent outbursts still haunted her dreams), but she understood that she had to give him a chance, if only because he made her Mommy happy. After everything they'd been through together, her Mother deserved a little peace and comfort, both of which Rob seemed more than capable of providing. As the days crept by and the seasons chilled, 'Nessie discovered - much to her surprise - that she actually enjoyed his company, finding him to be kind, warm-hearted and amazingly generous on occasion. Best of all, Rob honestly didn't care that she was a tranzie. This was, perhaps, his defining virtue. In contrast to virtually every other man she'd ever known, Robert Jackson seemed to have no prejudices whatsoever. And that, in 'Nessa's view, was the dealmaker. Over a year's worth of dining, picnics and outings, Rob became a permanent fixture in Vanessa's life. He was far more than just a "fun uncle," he was a genuinely good man: honest, reliable and trustworthy; the proverbial Tower of Strength her Mother was looking for. He wasn't exactly perfect - 'Nessa had noticed pretty early on that he was a bit of a workaholic - but in virtually every other respect, he was the most eligible bachelor in Ridgewick. The inevitable wedding took place the following May, with 'Nessa playing bridesmaid at the civil ceremony. It wasn't precisely a fairy tale marriage, but life seemed to stabilize to some degree, and the world kept turning as it always had... With perhaps one exeption. 4. Now: Rob ordered her to turn around. Moaning lightly under her breath, Vanessa obeyed his command in tear-soaked silence. She was literally blushing from crown to heel, standing there with her panties peeled down to her knees while her step-daddy subjected her to another one of his patented pre-spanking lectures. Eyes downcast in complete and utter misery, 'Nessa covered herself in front with both hands, feeling a cold rush of gooseflesh over her tummy, thighs and shoulders. Needless to say, this desperate attempt to preserve her modesty was utterly futile. Rob instructed her to hold her hands behind her, leaving her nubile young body on open exhibition. This tableau continued for the next five minutes while Rob concluded his extended harangue with a detailed list of her recent misdemeanors. And then it was time to go over his knee. Gripping her tightly by the wrist, Rob guided the whimpering girl across his lap until her head was nearly touching the floor. Her smooth, white buttocks were thrust rudely upward, practically staring him square in the face. Sobbing in abject disgrace, 'Nessa lay jack-knifed over his paired thighs with her toes hovering above the floor on the other side. Her slightly splayed cheeks clenched back and forth in mute expectation. With her spanking only moments away, Vanessa's sense of humiliation was literally beyond description. She wept in hopeless resignation, softly begging for mercy and whispering "please," "don't," "daddy" and "no" in various combinations. When she felt Rob's left arm taking her firmly around the waist, she tensed her entire body, knowing precisely what came next. Vanessa had not forgotten how hard her father spanked, nor how long he could make it last. "Please, Daddy, no no no..." she cried as that wide, determined palm swept down across her naked cheeks. 5. Then: Prior to the marriage, Grace had been 'Nessa's sole disciplinarian, usually dispensing justice with a few smacks to her pantied bottom whenever required. Like any child, Vanessa found it a little painful and embarrassing, but tended to shrug it off as a normal part of growing up. She sometimes even claimed that her Mommy hit like a girl, knowing that Grace found the comment particularly annoying. All of that had changed during her thirteenth year, when both of her parents agreed she needed a firmer hand than Grace was able to provide. 'Nessa was growing up, ripening into a beautiful young woman. Limits had to be established for her own good. She required guidance, the same as any other girl her age. Most of all, she desperately needed some extra care and attention. The kind that only a strong, loving Step-Father could supply. Her first spanking over Rob's knee had taken place following a particularly vehement argument with her mother. Rob had intervened before the spat could escalate to a full-blown screaming match, sending the girl to her room and promising the sorest bottom she'd ever known. 'Nessa had stared at him in stunned disbelief, realizing for perhaps the first time that she had completely over stepped the mark. Disbelief turned to outright fear when he'd come upstairs and instructed her take down her shorts and panties. He was going SPANK her on the BARE! Vanessa had immediately begun to wail in shame and terror. He had no right to punish her like a six year old child - he wasn't even her real father! As a last ditch gambit, she played the gender card, protesting that she wasn't a girl - she was a boy and should therefore be spared this indignity. Rob had dismissed all of her pleas with an impatient wave of his hand: if she was going to act like a spoiled little girl, she would be treated like one. He'd had more than enough of her lies, deceits and mischief. For all intents and purposes he was her Father, and as long as she lived under his roof she would damned-well respect his authority. His patience finally taxed to the limit, Rob had taken the struggling girl over his lap, peeling her pants down without further ado. Vanessa screamed as she was stretched across his knee with her alabaster buns on rude display: "No, no, please Daddy, it's not fair, I don't want a spanking!" The punishment that followed lasted only five minutes, but it brought 'Nessa to heel in ways that would shape her behavior for decades to come. Rob established his position as the proverbial Man of the House, Vanessa learned to never question his decisions. It was a lesson well learned, one which lasted right up to the present day. 6. Now: The spanking began with a series of loud, staccato smacks across 'Nessa's tightly clenched cheeks, during which she shrieked at the top of her lungs. Each retort was as loud as a shotgun blast, echoing off the walls and shaking the windows in their frames. Within a minute, her milky white bottomtops were shining bright pink. She kicked her legs in rhythm to Rob's relentless tempo, squirming her peach from side to side. "Hold still!" Rob ordered, holding her gruffly in place with his free hand. His palm lashed down almost faster than the eye could follow. One minute turned to two, then to five, then to ten as Nessa's lush, ripe bottom-cheeks blazed cherry-red. 'Nessa bucked about on his lap, shaking her hips in a futile attempt to evade that wide, blistering palm. Once he'd finished tanning her lower cheeks, Rob turned his attention to her upper thighs. He was determined to teach the girl a lesson she'd never forget, and this was the best way to get his message across. Vanessa shrieked with each thunderous swat, working her way up to a virtual crescendo. The pain was nothing short of exquisite. Recounting the full extent of Vanessa's agonies might be considered redundant; suffice to say that within fifteen minutes, her naughty young bottom had assumed the tones of an Autumn sunset (and even this might simply be stating the obvious). There is, of course, one pertinent detail which might be worth mentioning. Rob honestly didn't care that 'Nessa was a tranzie; she was his daughter in every sense of the word that mattered. Their relationship might have been very different had she looked and acted like a boy, but the point was moot. 'Nessa wasn't a boy, she was a pretty teenaged girl who'd come to love him as her Father - again, in every sense of the word that mattered. Which was why he'd never shirked his parental responsibilities. He gave her love when she needed affection, cash when she needed money and a roof over her when she needed shelter. He gave her everything she needed - and that included a good, hard spanking when she misbehaved. No exceptions, apologies, no excuses. Yes, she might complain that he wasn't her biological father. Yes, she might claim that she'd been born male. Yes, she might even argue that she was too old for a spanking. And all of that would completely true. It would also be completely irrelevant. Because at the end of the day, he was her Father, she wasn't a boy, and she'd never be too old for a spanking. They'd been a family for over five years now, and 'Nessa knew precisely what to expect whenever she stepped out of line. As he'd told her years before: if you're going to act like a spoiled little girl, you're going to be treated like one. Always a man of his word, Robert Jackson spanked extremely hard, putting his entire shoulder into every thunderous smack. His wide, steely palm lashed down in a scathing blur, searing Vanessa's bottom with rich, carmine hand-prints. A gleaming, purple tint began to suffuse her upper thighs, creeping slowly down her slim coltish legs. 'Nessa's discipline generally lasted a minimum of ten minutes - often much longer - depending on Rob's mood and the severity of her misconduct. His steady over-hand pace did not let up until at least the halfway mark, after which he took a short break to rest his arm and scold his errant step-daughter. Needless to say, Vanessa kicked and thrashed a great deal during these prolonged spanking sessions, wailing and sobbing beneath his intractable hand. Rob prided himself on being exceptionally thorough. He spanked relentlessly across both cheeks in rapid succession, scalding the flesh halfway down the thighs. The pain was nothing short of exquisite, and words cannot adequately describe the degree of agony the unfortunate young girl suffered, though her shrieks of anguish might covey at least some sense of her misery. Due mention should also be made of the festive atmosphere under which justice was dispensed. As noted above, Vanessa's spankings invariably took place in front of an open window. This well-respected and time- honored tradition was the crowning glory of the Jackson protocol: whenever 'Nessa lowered her panties for her Father, the entire scene was visible to half the neighborhood - particularly to the brownstones across the road. Possessing a firm belief in the benefits of abject humiliation, Rob assumed - correctly - that the open curtains added a public element to an already communal spectacle. With the sound of her punishment echoing through the length and breadth of Ridgewick, Vanessa knew that everybody within range had to be witness to her disgrace - though she naturally hoped against all logic that nobody would hear. 7. By the time Rob finished, 'Nessa's bottom had turned a bright, lurid crimson, shining like a storm-beacon in the night. Simmering with liquid heat, it pulsed and throbbed as the exhausted girl lay sobbing across her Father's lap. Leaning back in his chair, Rob sighed in grim satisfaction. The verdict had been rendered, the sentence had been served, all of his domestic obligations fulfilled. 'Nessa's firm young bottie had been well and truly smacked. This particular spanking - one of the longest Vanessa had ever received - clocked in at close to nineteen minutes, a record even for the Jackson residence (over the next three weeks, it would be discussed up and down the block by friends and neighbors alike, detailing the finer points of the evening's entertainment. 'Nessa herself would hear whispered accounts from various high school 'informants,' none of which involved even the slightest hint of exaggeration). Following his accustomed routine, Rob allowed 'Nessa to catch her breath for two minutes before hurrying her along with an additional swat and a scolding remark or two. The lesson had been learnt, the homily had been taught. It was time for the miscreant to confess her sins and express her regrets. Rob Jackson never did anything by halves, and his step- daughter had to demonstrate an appropriate amount of genuine contrition before her punishment would be declared complete. Once she'd managed to find her footing, Vanessa was required to stand with her pants down and her head lowered while she thanked Rob for her spanking and apologized for her behavior. This was followed by a litany of heart-felt promises concerning her future good conduct, most of which lasted the better part of a week (at which point she found herself across her Daddy's lap with her naked bottom-cheeks staring at the ceiling). And thus, the cycle would begin anew, usually with the renewed vigor reserved for military bootcamps or religious inquisitions. At this late stage, one might be tempted to ask why 'Nessa didn't pack her bags and leave - she was, after all, eighteen years old, an adult in most jurisdictions and therefore free to pursue life, liberty and happiness on her own terms. We might reply that the reasons were both complex and numerous - and therefore beyond the scope of this discourse - but that would be somewhat disingenuous of the author and (perhaps) an insult to the intelligence of the reader. So...why would any pretty young woman in her late teens tolerate such overtly degrading treatment at the hands of a parent who wasn't even a blood relation? In spite of her multiple encounters with Robert's weathered palm, 'Nessa stayed on at the Jackson residence until well after her twentieth birthday. At the time, she reasoned that she had no other choice than to bite the bullet and drop her panties. A cash strapped university freshman, she simply couldn't afford to move out. Her bank account was an economic vacuum. Rob was paying all of her tuition fees and living expenses. Seen from this perspective, a hot, smarting peach was a small price to pay for her step-daddy's undeniable generosity. Or so she told herself. While she never would have admitted it, 'Nessa didn't want to leave. She'd spent close on six years under Rob Jackson's roof, growing physically and emotionally dependent on her surrogate Father. She couldn't imagine living anywhere else; the mere thought of leaving frightened her far more than the periodic trip across her Daddy's knee. Because that was how she'd finally come to view him - the man who should have been her true Father. Her real sire had been a drunken, violent louse who'd abandoned his family at the earliest opportunity; Rob Jackson was a solid, dependable Everyman willing to sacrifice everything for his. Despite all the scolding and nagging and (yes, let's face it) bare-bottomed spanking, Vanessa had come to love him almost as much as he loved her, and he'd certainly proven himself worthy of her devotion if nothing else. There was, however, another reason. It was something hidden and secret, buried so deep in her subconscious that she was only vaguely aware of its existence. Like any girl in her late teens - transgendered or genetic - Vanessa harbored covert dreams and midnight fantasies. Even before The Change had come upon her, before TISM had rewired her DNA and altered her destiny, 'Nessa had longed for a powerful, caring father, a good man with a kind heart and a firm hand. It was an unspoken desire shared by many women, and Vanessa Ascot had proven no different. Many an evening she'd spent in her room, play-acting the part of the spoiled girlfriend, the pampered debutante or the rebellious daughter; her head spinning with sultry visions of helpless submission. From her earliest childhood, she had always wanted to be Daddy's little girl - and in her mind at least - pleading and begging and weeping for mercy were part and parcel of that identity. And how often had she begged and pleaded and wept, knowing she was due for good, smart spanking? 'Nessa counted herself as very fortunate indeed to have a parent who - unwittingly or otherwise - fulfilled all of the needs she couldn't express (or even admit) to herself. Maybe that was why she got herself into so much trouble week after week: an unconscious impulse to be overwhelmed and controlled and dominated by a man she could count on above everybody else. Robert Jackson wasn't precisely that man - but he was very, very close. 8. The truth was deceptively simple: Ever since the day Rob had taken her in as his adopted daughter, spanking had become a normal, almost integral part of her life - along with the tears, shame and disgrace she suffered every time she was forced to expose her nude, defenseless hynie. While she certainly didn't enjoy having her fanny tanned, the prospect of living alone held no great allure at this stage of her life. Consequently, her varsity years were an epic of bare-bottomed torment. It was, perhaps, the sole constant of her existence, as unvarying as the phases of the moon. There was no respite, no break in the program, not even after Vanessa sat her final exams. Hardly a week went by when Rob didn't pinken her lush, ripe cheeks for one reason or another, and a total of three years would pass before Vanessa Ascot decided to emerge from her patron's shadow. Contrary to popular misconception, there are still a few places where teenaged girls are punished in the traditional manner, semi-rural communities on the periphery of modern society, where family values are held in higher regard than individual liberties. Although considered anachronistic by outsiders, they are notable for their low crime rates, bucolic atmosphere, and domestic harmony. Ridgewick is one such location, surrounded by neighboring townships which enjoy much the same quality of life. Significantly, Courtland County is known to have the highest percentage of marital success in the country, a figure generally ascribed by local residents to civic pride, strong role models and a surprisingly level of affluence. Vanessa Ascott would not have disagreed with this viewpoint. Graduating summa cum laude from Chamberlain University, she went on to a high profile career in Civil Law, making her fortune before returning to Ridgewick at the age of twenty-six. Currently married with two adopted children, she runs a legal practice with her law-partner over in nearby Lainsbury. Can her personal success be ascribed to 'tough love' and childhood discipline? There is, obviously, no way to tell - as 'Nessa herself is the first to admit. She notes, however, that Rob Jackson is far more indulgent with his grandchildren that he ever was with her. And were you to asked him why...well, Rob would probably shrug his shoulders and put it down to the benefits of age. Indulgence is, after all, one of the many advantages granted to all loving grandparents in the present day - mainly in return for a life well spent. The End

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More opportunities, more forks in the road, happened in my growing relationship with M. Two weeks following our first weekend together, I had another opportunity to drive down to see her.I arrived Friday afternoon. M had put the same welcoming sign on the garage door that was present on my first visit. There was a note on the front door to walk to the back yard and come in the back (kitchen) door. The yard had been cut and the smell reminded me of the better days of my youth. Hibiscus...

3 years ago
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Attracted to my sisters father in law

I had no issue with sharing a room with him. I was just a bit shy, i usually jerk off at night and sleep in my undies. I sucked it up and stripped down to my undies. He stared at my smooth body. The first night was pretty normal nothing happened, I just woke up in his arms and my head was on his hairy chest. I immediately removed myself before he noticed. I went to take a shower, i was showering and thinking about how i woke up in his arms. I was thinking how hunky of a man he is, i was...

2 years ago
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Stacy the Asian pharmacist KidnappedPart 3

Held in a cold, darkened room with no idea where she is, Stacy the Asian pharmacist has been tied up and forced to ride the hardened cock of Duke, the leader of a group of horny frat guys who kidnapped her on Halloween. Duke finally blasts his load, cumming deep inside Stacy, who shudders in unanticipated orgasm, unwillingly collapsing against his chest. As his friends cheer and clap, Duke runs his fingers through her hair and whispers to her what a good girl she is. There's the sound of the...

1 year ago
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Rachel Fire Innocence Pt3 Toys R Us

Rachel – Fire & Innocence-Part3-Toys R Us I started to get up when I saw Harry head to his private shower. Rachel grabbed my arm and pulled me down to her side. She had a warm, wistful look on her face, and she tilted her head and smiled at me. She told me that Uncle Harry had said he thought I was a special person. She said she could see why. She thought I was special too, kind and cute and fun to be with. In fact, I was the first person her age that she ever had sex with. As she ran her...

3 years ago
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EllenChapter 12 Naughty Sisters

“Did you enjoy yourself, my dear?” Doña Maria asked her son over the rattle of the coach wheels on the cobble stones. She had spent the last hours of the ball sitting with the Carters. It had been a pleasant evening for her, the ice between her and Sir Anthony’s wife had finally melted. Lady Carter had been in a very happy mood and that had helped. She realised that her son had not answered. “Antonio! Did you enjoy yourself?” “Err, yes, sorry Mother. I was in thought. Tell me, Mother, the...

1 year ago
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The first and the last

It had just turned spring and I was in my room crying over the loser I had just gave three months to only to find out he was being with someone else that kind of thing seems to happen a lot when you're not putting out. Yes here I was twenty years old still a virgin and trying desperately to hold on to it until I got hitched. But that was getting harder and harder to do because I wanted sex and I wanted it bad. I would masturbate for hours fantasizing about all the things I would want my lover...

First Time
2 years ago
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Sex starved mother 3

Hi all ISS readers, it’s Angelo again. Please read Parts 1 and 2 before reading this story so you know what’s going on, as it is a continuing story. Thanks again for all the emails; i’ve really enjoyed reading them and corresponding with you. I couldn’t wait for morning to arrive to tell my mother about my brainstorm. Morning arrived and when I told my mother that I had not one, but two people, that I thought would be more than willing, she perked up. When I told her who they were, I couldn’t...

2 years ago
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Hide in Plain Sight2A

Hide in Plain Sight" Part-2A By: Janet Jean This story may be posted on any free site, with author's permission. All standard disclaimers are in effect. Carol decided to escort Alice to Oregon, why? Because "Pregnant Women" do not travel alone. How is Jeff / Alice going to deal with "it?" Why is Jeff so comfortable dressed as Alice? I was in no rush to get home now that the drug dealers were in jail. I didn't need the disguise of a pregnant woman any...

2 years ago
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I had been out cleaning the swimming pool most of the morning and the sun was beating down. When I finished my T-shirt was soaked with sweat. I put the tools away and went in the back door and to the laundry room, stripped off my T and had just unbuttoned the top button of my jeans when the doorbell rang. As I approached the door I saw through the side glass panes that it was my brother-in-law, Allen, who is five years older than me. I had been married to Jean for three years and we had been...

1 year ago
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Priyanka8217s Diabolical Deeds 8211 Part II

(I thank Mrs Priyanka for sharing her experiences. Part of it is true, sex with her brothers and clients is true, Rest is all fiction. Please send suggestions and comments to or ) ……………. My project tomorrow was to convince, lure and entice an NRI couple into buying a plush villa or a farmhouse. I am working as an executive in a Real Estate firm, owned by Mrs and Mr Bhatia. My job is to make the customers take the bait and Rahul Bhatia will fleece them and I get my cut. If it were a single...

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Websites such as Masala Seen are pretty hard to figure out. For starters, the design of these websites is pretty fucking simple, so you can't really tell what the hell is going on up in there. Then, the name of this website in specific doesn't really tell us a lot about the contents of the page, which is pretty weird, but not uncommon. For the most part, websites that are hard to figure out will have some sort of gimmick in their name that will either make it much easier for you to remember...

Indian Porn Sites
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BlackAmbush Leana Lovings 24 year old

Meet 24 year old Leana Lovings, our newest ambushee. With perky, ample tits and an immensely fuckable petite body, you can see why 24,000 people watched this Chaturbate camgirl masturbate for one of her shows. She’s sweet, shy and because of the pandemic hasn’t had sex with a guy for 18 months, that is until she got hers from our BBC stud, Isiah Maxwell. He was also only the third guy she’s fucked and first ever black cock. So how was it for her? Well let’s just say all her orgasm records were...

2 years ago
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TandraChapter 90

I stayed in the small ship or on the planet for two days. I didn't want to leave without accomplishing something. Mom sent me food through the maze and I simply ate it to fuel my body. The hate diminished only because it was converted to determination to kill the Fassoot, root and branch. The family was able to talk to me even if we didn't have holograms to provide visual information. I had studied and worked on the Misto sensors still on the unused portion of hull. The best course of...

1 year ago
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Matt Part 2

One week after our first sex ecounter my husband had came home from his business trip that he was away for. My sons dinner birthday celebration was coming up and I was feeling anxious to see Matt again. Eventhough i thought about it over and over on how I wouldn't do anything with him while family was over my house, I was still just excited to know that I would see him. So the day finally arrived and my son George's birthday was here and I had spent the whole day cooking and preparing all the...

4 years ago
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Zeus and Io Book 3Chapter 10

It was December 21/22, near midnight, and the Hot Tip line at the Post's Public Communications room rang. It was answered by Marlee Thelms, a young woman who was working on the obit of a former Senator. She was working on a degree at George Washington University in journalism, and working weekend nights at the Post. The caller was an obviously disguised male voice. All calls on this line were automatically recorded. Thelms: "Hello. Post Hot Tip line." Caller: "I have news for...

2 years ago
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Cost of TimeChapter 12 What It Means To Be a Lady

It was a grueling two and a half day ride for Gryllos to where he was supposed to rendezvous with the Ruthani. They reached the spot in late morning. Leem simply rode up to a single man, standing alone in the desert, slid off his horse and then saluted. Gryllos wished he could be as elegant getting down from his horse, but he'd never have been able to do it on his best day. Gryllos saluted the old man, older than any he'd ever seen before. "Sir, Captain Gryllos, Sixth Mounted...

4 years ago
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Brynn and the King of Porn 1

I had only sucked a few times, mostly with older guys in their twenties. I didn't do it more often because I suffered from the fear of being persecuted as a homo and also because I didn't know if I was very good at it. It was safer just to stay home and watch porn. One night when I didn’t find much to watch, I tried watching vintage porn, you know, the kind that makes your screen look grainy and the colors all run together and the story lines are cheesy, at best. That is how I discovered...

3 years ago
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FirstTime Swingers

Robert and Sheila Baldrick began fucking as oversexed sixteen-year-old sweethearts while Juniors in High School. They would normally use a vaginal spermicide called Emko to prevent pregnancy. Neither could abide condoms. Sheila would keep the Emko in her backpack to ensure it was always on hand when needed.Robert always got a kick out of shoving the Emko tube up Sheila’s pussy and depositing the spermicide deep in her womb. He would sometimes fuck her with it, as if it was a dildo. Sheila would...

Group Sex
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I have worked for an advertising agency for a few years now, and recently I took a Managing Editor position in the agency. This was a huge opportunity with all the perks, money etc., that a person could want. One day when we were having our morning meeting a new girl walked in who was gorgeous. She was about 5’7, exotic, and come to find out she was from Puerto Rico. When she spoke, she had a very sexy accent that was an even bigger turn on. After the meeting, and I went back to my office I...

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The Devils Pact Chapter 17 Doctors and Realtors

by mypenname3000 Copyright 2013 Chapter Seventeen: Doctors and Realtors Mary was looking quite fetching in her black, short skirt and blue blouse as we walked out of the house, through the ruined front door. Fucking FBI. Bad enough they had to raid my house, did they have to smash down the door? Desiree was tracking down a contractor that could get the door replaced today while I ordered five of the sluts to go get their pussy's waxed at the Heavenly Creature's Salon. Violet, Fiona,...

2 years ago
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After school with Stephanie

Introduction: best friendsslutty teen needs to be watched Picking up Stephanie from school had been part of my daily routine for a while now. I couldnt help but think I was forgetting something during the summer months I didnt. She was a good kid, just always getting into something. So I told her dad Id give him a hand keeping an eye on her after all, he was my best friend. When school started back up, she texted me to pick her up towards the back of the school, less crowded and closer to her...

1 year ago
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Reddit AlbumBabes, aka r/AlbumBabes! Do you ever get the feeling that just one picture of a hot chick isn’t enough? I certainly do. Sometimes you come across a girl who is just so hot that you want to see more of her, but she just uploaded one picture of herself! Anyway, if you want to avoid that kind of bullshit, you can go ahead and check out /r/AlbumBabes. This subreddit is known for doing one thing and one thing only. Do you know what that is? I mean, you can probably guess from the name of...

Reddit NSFW List
3 years ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 13

Not that the sheriff stayed behind. He walked along with us. Wendy was anxious ... fidgeting ... antsy. The beat from the Avocado was catchy and had Wendy’s hips rolling. The sheriff was definitely paying too close attention to the sack of cats in her slacks. Wendy does NOT wear jeans. Summa Cum Laude Law School graduates who passed the bar on the first try do not wear jeans ... or so she said. It’s okay ... linen clings ... jeans mold ... no matter ... it’s all fine ass. “Sheriff ... your...

2 years ago
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My meeting with a straight guy

My meeting with a straight guyWhen I am alone and horny many times then I go on a webcam side to lookaround, to look guys gay, bi or straight what they do and show. Often I am alsoon cam then, sometimes dressed or in undie or even naked, but not show my face in public. If wana camchat more private I go to another webside appear in,there can chat more in private. But tell you my story what happened.I was on cam, had pants on but when had a few viewers, I took them down andso was in undie....

4 years ago
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Desirees Star Ch 11

In the morning, everything was not fine. Desiree’s mouth felt like she’d swallowed a handful of cotton balls, her eyes felt like they were expanding in her head, her shoulders were sore, and she could feel the start of a dull ache in her sex. She rolled over and gazed at Gabriel as he slept. He had a cut under his eye and a fist sized bruise on his ribs. Despite the aching between her legs, she felt herself getting aroused just looking at him. It seemed ludicrous that she had slept with him —...

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memories of a friend

there was one in particular that loved to expose himself to me. he'd started when we were in grade school. i was the oldest of 3 girls, my sisters one and two years behind me, and i WAS the target of most of the boys in that neighborhood. i'm not going to name names or cite ages, but my friend taught me about the male anatomy, and i taught him about the female anatomy. okay, okay, so i was a nasty girl!.....i prefer to think i was curious beyond my years. my friend and i...

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The rebirth of Andrew Bishop chapter 29

Tess heard the engines of the truck and the tractor as the boys drove into the yard. It was dark outside as she went along the veranda to the end of the house and watched her two men walk across the yard towards the house. "Finished for today?" she asked as they came through the back gate and kicked off their boots at the back door. "Yes Tess," said Drew. "Good. I have cooked dinner, as soon as you have showered we can eat. We have lots to talk about," answered Tess, "You guys don't think you...

3 years ago
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An innocent at depravity central

I had just started blogging, which is a great way of getting your thoughts out there if no one wants to pay you for it. I had set myself up as a down-to-earth cookery guy, keeping things simple and cheap, and I attracted a number of “fans” who liked the way I went about it.One of them was Lindy, a Scottish woman, happily married and with a grown-up daughter. It soon became apparent that she had a bit of a thing for me. She wrote nice things as comments and sent me gushing compliments when we...

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Fucked Mom When Everyone Was Asleep

Someone shook me and woke me up. I opened my smudgy eyes but everything was blurred. I rubbed my eyes with my hands and say mom sitting close to me. Before I could open my mouth to ask any question she pressed her finger on my mouth and shushed me. I sat upright and looked around, everyone was deep asleep and it was dark outside the window. All I could see was mom’s face in the dim light of the night bulb. She stood up and signaled me to follow her quietly. Carefully not to make any sound and...

4 years ago
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Moments in a LifeChapter 3 Ginny

Normally Bob Lacy didn't like to delay doing things that needed to be done, but this time he had and time was running out on him. In one and a half weeks it would be New Years Eve and if he wanted to go to Jim McMahon's party, he was going to need to come up with a date. All of the girls he knew were already committed so he had to find someone who wasn't. He had noticed some good looking girls in school, but he really didn't know them so he would be comfortable in asking any of them to go...

3 years ago
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Phoenix Rising the Immortality CurseChapter 29

Today I’m on-call for midwife duty. Which of course means that I am woken up a couple of hours early to help with a birth. The good news is that this is my second birth where I am in charge. I am technically supervised since I am an apprentice, but the other whore—one of the girls who came to assist me in dealing with my moon blood—doesn’t say a word. Master Kessler is trying to get me ready for Artisan; this birth will get my apprentice midwife requirement out of the way. I am astonished...

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Mark smiled down at his daughter as they stepped into the local bait and tackle shop. He was dressed for the day, a pair of torn and faded formerly black jeans and a long sleeved flannel shirt. Beneath he wore a fishing tee shirt baring a bikini-clad model with a bass. His wide brimmed hat was covered in various different lures and bobbers looking more funny than professional as he started walking slowly down the aisles. "First thing we gotta do honey is get us the right bait. You won't catch...

1 year ago
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Through a Glass Dimly Book 3Chapter 22

Lisa said, "Will you permit Stargazer to examine your body?" "What would I have to do, undress or something?" "Just hold my hand and be willing." She took Lisa's hand and nodded. I could feel Stargazer go through Evelyn's body. He stopped twice. He said, "You have a broken bone in your leg that didn't heal correctly. Would you like it fixed?" "How would you know? Yes, I would like to walk normally!" Stargazer said, "I knew when I looked at your body. I don't know how it...

2 years ago
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Fouzia Chudi Rehan Say

By : Ladlamalik Hi friends mera naam Nadeem Ahmed Malik hai aur pakistan main rehta hun main aap kay liye aik story likhny ja raha hun yeh meri pehli Sex story hai umeed karta hun aap ko pasand aaye gi aap ko story kaisi lagi aap mujhy email kar kay zaroor btaiye ga mera email address hai ab story ki taraf aaty hain Hi dosto Kya Hal Mera Naam Fouzia hai aur main karachi Pakistan Main Rehti Hun,story shuru karny sy pehly main apny baray main kuch bta dun mera figure 32-27-36 Hai aur Meri Umer...

3 years ago
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Taking Cherie Renee

We had gone on a picnic at a National Park not too far from our home, and Cherie wore a pair of cutoff shorts without any panties and a tank-top with no bra. Her shorts were so skimpy that every time she bent over or sat down, I was rewarded with a brief shot of her labia on either side of the seam, and an occasional glimpse of her round breasts. She was obvious in her movements, and wanted me to see her. My sister was upset toward me, because Cherie had the attention that would have been...

1 year ago
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Hot wife or Cuckold

Hot wife or cuckold?By Chris Christopher, All rights reserved.My company had put me in charge of a major construction project in Huntsville. At the time we didn’t have a presence in the state of Alabama and I wondered why we had bid on this job in the first place. Nevertheless, I did what I was told to do. I grabbed a couple of good foreman and we headed out for Alabama. My wife was not enthusiastic about the idea of me leaving her all alone. Our k**s were spending the summer with her parents...

1 year ago
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Our Ordeal In TumaliChapter 9 We start work

Shelumba collected us for lunch. I stood to eat and so did Roger. There was no way I dared sit on the hard chairs even if it did make us even more conspicuous but I suspected he could if he wanted as his bad welts were across his shoulders. Sumala tried to be a macho man and sat but he found it very uncomfortable and soon he stood alongside me. Part way through the meal Shelumba waved at a portly middle-aged woman carrying a tray. She wore a bluestone too and placing her food on our table,...

2 years ago
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I grew up in a small Texas town of 3,100 people. My dad was a Church of Christ minister and my mom was a teacher. Needless to say, I couldn’t jaywalk without them hearing about it. They were both killed in a car accident, so I had to go live with my aunt in Dallas. She got a lot of life insurance money when her husband died in a work-related accident, so she didn’t have to work. Instead, she stayed drunk 24/7/365. Most of the time, even when she wasn’t passed out, she hardly knew I...

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hotel fun

Hi I'm Nat...took Conrad for a birhtday treat to k-west in horny hotel. We spent the afternoon fucking and watching the xxx dvds I'd bought in london the previous week...all white girls getting done by nice hard black cocks. We were in a club in town when a black guy starting hitting on me before Conrad got back from the bar. When he returned I said I'd like to "hit the sack" and pleasure you both. In the taxi conrad and rob finger fucked me and called me a slut . The discussions we...

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Keeping a Family Tradition Sues Initiation

Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. If you are not of legal age for your locale or object to the idea of reading about incest, please close this page now. All characters are older than sixteen. Prologue If you looked at me and my wife Ginger, you would make many assumptions about us like we're the average American couple. In many ways, we are. We have three children, all teenagers, a house in the suburbs, and a dog. I work as a welder. However, looks can be deceiving. We are not the...

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Ashlees Choice

Ashlee lay in her bed sandwiched between the two men in her life. Nick, a classmate spooned against her from behind. She felt his growing manhood between her legs, poking softly under her butt and resting outside her wet pussy. In front of her was Kevin, her boyfriend of two years. She had her arm over his waist with her hand wrapped around his growing manhood. As she felt these men’s growing manhood, she thought about which one she wanted most. Each had traits she loved and needed. What...

1 year ago
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A Unique Relationship Prologue

 I would occasionally babysit for the couple across the street. Just into their forties they had two kids in elementary school. They lived in a very nice house with pool and all, and they drove very nice cars. They got divorced one summer. I had just turned 19 and was attending a community college only a few minutes from my house. I still would babysit for my neighbor, Lori, from time to time, because the money was easy and plentiful. Lori is in her early forties, but she doesn't look a day...


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