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Clothes Janet L. Stickney [email protected] The thrift store was packed with people which suited me just fine. I had measured myself carefully and knew my sizes, so I was able to pick out two dresses, three skirts, a pair of shorts, a few blouses and some shoes without any trouble. All that only cost me about eight dollars, and the cashier did not say a word about what I was buying. As I left I missed her sly smile. I carried my haul home and went directly to my room, closing the door so I could try on my prizes. The dresses fit me perfectly and I was awash in joy as I twirled around in them. Like the dresses, the skirts also fit well as did my shorts. I did not have a bra yet so I wasn't wearing one when I tried on the dresses, but I was saving up to buy a bra that fit me. 34A I figured. I hung everything up and went about my business, working and saving my money to get the other things I needed. The bra first on my list of course, and a padded pantybrief if I could find one, plus some pantyhose. I wash cars at a dealership and make about thirty dollars a day when I work. Every day I would look at my prizes, knowing the day would come and I could wear them. Then, when I opened my closet after school to relish my purchases again, there was a dress that I did not buy! I quickly looked in my dresser, especially where I had my two pairs of panties, and found a new package of panties, a brand new smooth cup bra, a padded pantybrief and a slip! I almost fell down. She knew! But how? My room is my sanctuary and I clean it myself and do all my own laundry, so how? The new dress was a dark red color, a sheath dress without sleeves, and it was my size. Over dinner I did not mention the new dress, however..... "My ladies group is having a mother-daughter event Saturday night. I want you to wear the red dress with the black heels I gave you. I'll help you with you hair. Just wash it and I'll come in and put the rollers in. And I can help with your makeup if you need it. We have to leave by six. I'll set out some jewelry for you to wear okay?" "Dinner? Me? In a dress?!" "You'll look simply delicious by the time we leave. Six o'clock on Saturday." There was nothing to say! My mother had made it clear that I was going, and apparently I would be wearing the red dress. As I turned and headed for my room I knew that I would not fight it. This was everything I always wanted, and my mother was giving it to me. In my room I tried on everything she gave me, the special pantybrief, the bra, using my homemade breasts for filler, the dress, and the shoes. Of course everything fit perfectly and I looked really good wearing them. I was going to wear all this and more, do it without a struggle, and smile the whole time. How could I not? Saturday morning after breakfast I was like a monkey hopped up on pure sugar, edgy and ready to begin my transformation, but had to wait and pace myself. I decided to use the tub and shave everything. By the time I was done there wasn't one stray hair, my skin was smooth and soft all over. Then I took a shower, washed my hair and shaved as close as possible. Calling for mom she rolled my hair in the curlers according to some plan she had, and after a cap was put on my hair she told me to get dressed. After I pulled on a pair of my new panties, which were pink and very snug, and the padded pantybrief, I reached for the pantyhose. Now, anyone who has worn pantyhose knows the visceral excitement of nylon against smooth skin and the magnificent thrill it gives you, and I was no different. I had duck bumps as I pulled them on, watching as they changed my average legs into great legs. Then came the bra, fresh out of the package. I wrapped it around myself and pulled it into place, adding my bird seed breast forms which made the smooth cups stand out just right. I was swooning in delight with each new addition, but the bra defined how I felt about myself. The dress went over my head easily and I managed to zip it up, feeling the material as it hugged my waist snugly. My feet went into the black heels and they fit perfectly. I walked to moms room where she watched as I did my makeup, correcting me only once. I started with the foundation I had bought, then used powder to tone down the gloss, brushing away the excess. Pale blue and tan eye shadow followed by black eyeliner, then I used the red lipstick mom gave me. The gold earrings were larger hoops that sort of matched the thin gold chain necklace. Mom removed the cap and brushed out my hair, letting me finish. I was beyond excited at the way I looked. "You look simply delightful Jennifer, and you know it, so try to walk like a girl and not a boy in a dress, okay? And hold your arms the way I do, bent at the elbow. Take this purse, put your lipstick, some tissue and your wallet and phone in the purse then we'll go." At the age of 16 I am well aware that boys are not supposed to like dressing as a girl, but I love it, and as we walked into the hall I stayed in stride with mom, joining her at our assigned table, a name card denoting my seat. That name card told me that mom had planned this long ago. There were a lot of girls from my school there but none of them seemed to know who I was, so I settled down and had a nice dinner. The two other girls at our table were younger then I am and we had almost nothing in common. "Ladies! Ladies! We will now have our drawings. As you know, the third prize is $1000 at Beths. second prize is $1200, also at Beths. First prize is a $2000 check, but the grand prize is three weeks at a popular themed resort all expenses paid. Lets have a volunteer to draw." All the prizes were drawn, then the big prize was announced, and mom and I won it! Mom had me go up at get the prize ticket. It was eerie walking across that big floor, but I made it without a hitch. But a classmate had recognized me, only I did not know it. Mom and I were excitedly talking about our upcoming trip when Sally walked over to our table. "HI! I'm Sally. Congratulations on the big win. Wish I was going. Well, have a good time! Bye." I was nervous the whole time she was at our table but mom told me that even if she knew who I was so what? She told me that I look very nice and not to worry about it. Mom and I left a bit later, and I was ecstatic that I had managed to be in a room full of females and only one might have figured it out! Mom had given me a nightgown which I wore to bed. The next morning, unwilling to end my time as a girl I wore a skirt and blouse to breakfast. After breakfast mom told me to get my purse, we had grocery shopping to do. As we walked into the store I grabbed a cart and followed mom around the store. When we were in the personal aisle she told me to grab a package of Jr Tampons! I did what she told me, then I saw Sally again and she was waving at me. "Hi again! My mom is over there. Can you come over to my house later?" "After we get things put away Sally. Then she can come over for a few hours." "Great! See you then!" By the time we got home I was on edge at the thought that I would be face to face with Sally, who had to know who I am. But, I would go to her house, how could I not? I mean, I have to know if my being Jennifer was good enough or not, and if not, why not. Just how did she know who I really am? I freshened up my makeup, added some more lipstick, and drove over to her house. She let me inside and gave me a hug. "You look just wonderful, you know that right? I mean, I can think of at least ten guys that would fall all over themselves to meet you!" "Guys? But I'm not..." "Yes you are and you know it. You cannot stand there and tell me that you haven't thought about the guys, maybe even one that you like! No way, not even a tiny chance. So, tell me, who is it that lights up your light?" "But I haven't... what I mean is..." "Tell me Jenny, I know you have picked somebody." "Okay, Stan I guess." "Stan? Tall, curly hair. just cute as hell and has every girl in the school after him? That Stan? Well, at least you got good taste in men!" She and I went to her room, which was very girlie as I expected. She changed clothes as I watched, almost choking when she got down to her panties, changing into some shorts. She wanted to go to the burger joint and insisted that I changed into a pair of shorts, so when I agreed she tossed me a pair and watched as I changed into them. They fit me pretty good, then she and I took my car to the burger joint. I knew that just walking in would be stressful, but as long as I was with Sally I would be fine. She and I each got something to eat and sat at a table. It did not take long for the boys to start coming around. Talk about stressed! "Hey Sally!" "Hi Mike." "And who are you?" he asked me. "I'm Jennifer. A friend of Sallys." "Nice to meet you! See you later then!" He left, but several guys stopped by, one after another, all asking me my name, Sally was smirking at my discomfort, yet never let me get into trouble by saying the wrong thing. Then Stan and his sister Carol walked in together. He scanned the room and saw Sally and I sitting there. I am the 'new' girl, so he came to our table. "Stanley," Sally said brightly, "this is Jennifer. She's a friend of mine." "And where have you been hiding her Sally! Can I sit here?" Of course he sat next to me, making my entire body pulse with trepidation, glee, and hope. Hope that he did not decide that I am a boy, fear of discovery by anyone, and the joy that he found me attractive. A real mix of emotions that had me in turmoil. "You girls coming to the dance this next weekend? I hear they have a great band lined up." "Yeah," Sally said, "we'll be there, why?" "So I can dance with you, and Jennifer of course! See you then!" After he left Sally just sat there smugly looking at me, telling me that now that I have tagged the boy of my dreams I had no choice but to go to the dance. I had no intention of doing any of that, but there I was, about to go to a dance so Stanley could dance with me. My heart was screaming YES! while my brain was saying it was a really stupid idea, only my heart was winning. I slowly nodded my head yes and Sally broke out in a big smile. I dropped Sally off at home and without changing back into my skirt I went home, wondering just how I would tell mom that I have a sort of date. But, the minute I walked in the house I started crying. My pent up emotions finally broke loose. During my blubbering I told mom what happened and that I had a sort of date with Stanley, only the biggest hunk in the entire school! Expecting a soothing tone that told me I was a silly girl, I was shocked when she said something different. "Well, I suppose it was inevitable, you are quite cute you know. I guess we'll have to get you some better boobs, boys can tell the difference you know! We can go tomorrow." "But if I go to the dance everyone will know that I exist! Right now it's only me, you, Sally, Stan, and his sister Carol! If I go then what?!" "Oh you dear girl! Everybody knows already! It was in the paper this morning. They described your dress perfectly and included a picture of you accepting the certificate as well as a picture of the two of us and gave our names. That was my fault I guess, I did not expect to win anything let alone win the main prize. I only wanted you to enjoy some time outside the house as a girl. And I am sure that many kids have seen those pictures, which means they already know that you exist, so you might as well go to the dance with Sally." "But what then? If they know about me, that I exist, where do I go to school? Who knows me? Mom! This can get very tense very quickly, especially if a boy asks me out! What then?" "I did not expect this honey, you know thats true, but I'll see about making you less a 'who' and more real. Okay?" Since I had no choice I called and told Sally that I would go to the dance with her. Mom said that I had plenty of skirts to choose from, and with a week to go I went into my room and went online to see about boobs. There were a lot to choose from, a few shops not far from our house, and most seemed reasonable, but one seemed a bit better than the others so I sent mom a link in her email. Then I started checking on ways to hide my manly parts. The panty thing seemed prevalent but was expensive. Then I found a way the doctor could make my boy stuff look like girl stuff. From the pictures it looked very real to me. I sent mom that link as well. Then I called Sally just to talk about my situation. "You know that you were supposed to be a girl so don't fight it! I mean, you look just darling and you know it, and I heard that Stan can hardly wait to see you again. His sister Carol told her friend Gail who told Marcie who told me that he thinks that you are the hottest thing in a skirt! Just wear something sexy and you'll have him! I mean, you did say he was your dream catch, so go ahead and catch him!" The next day mom took me to see our doctor rather than the boob shop. The minute we pulled in to park the car mom took me by the hand. "You know why we are here. If you let him do this then your entire future will change because from that moment on you will be a girl. And, if you do go ahead and let him do this, there is no way the schools can deny you the ability to attend as a girl, with all the benefits as well as all the dangers that go with being a girl. So think about all that before you say anything." "Dangers?" "You face the possibility of boys that insist they own you or something. It's like domestic violence without being married. Rape isn't a true possibility for you, but the boys don't know that do they? Girls do not walk out into the night alone for their own safety, and you'll have to start thinking the way all girls do. You do not have to do this Jennifer. You can just keep dressing up once in a while instead. This has to be your choice honey. It's totally up to you." "I don't have a choice, not really, do I? I mean, I want to be a girl, I always have, now all this. I'll do it mom. I'll let him turn me into a girl." The doctor and I talked for about an hour, then he introduced me to another doctor that he said specialized in Trans girls. "Hi. I'm Dr. Stickney. I'll be doing this operation on you. It'll take about two hours, but when we are done nobody will be able to say that you were not born a girl." He was right. When I woke up it was almost three hours later, and as my hand reached down I felt my new reality. I had my very own snatch, or as mom calls it, my own kitty, and it felt very real. Mom took me to get fitted with a pair of quite excellent breasts which thrilled me. I let Sally know that I would go, and I went to the dance and enjoyed myself. I did not say anything to Sally about what my doctor did. Later, I was admitted into the school, but only after a bitter fight between the school board, my doctor, and my lawyer. Someone accused me of being a boy wearing a dress, but the nurse confirmed that I was a girl, and that set it off. It was finally settled when a mother of one of the complaining students who was a Registered Nurse said she alone would confirm my status, to which my lawyer said no, unless she was in the room. With just the three of us in the room I showed her my kitty, which she wanted to touch but was refused. She finally agreed that I am really a girl and that settled the issue for them. For me it was much harder. I had to go back to class and face all those kids, some of whom still had doubts even after all that. A few girls and some boys kept bothering me until it was finally put to a stop by Sally, her friend Marcie and Stan. Within a few weeks that all went away and I became just another coed in the school. Sally and I both tried out to be a cheerleader and we both made it! That gave me at least some status in the school, especially when Stanley asked me out. I was beginning to wonder about him. I mean, I gave him all sorts of hints. But when Stan held my hand for the first time I was thrilled, and I started dating him on a regular basis and we became known as a couple. We also played a popular game called explore as we each groped and fumbled for more yet knew it was impossible. In every way he turned me on, which surprised me because I had never had any feelings towards other boys, until I became Jennifer. Being a girl is so much more than I thought it would be, and now that I have a boyfriend, so much better. I can hardly wait until I am a complete girl. Then Stan will find out how much I love him. © 2021 The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.

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The Ultimate Slut for Black Cock

Heather wanted more. She wanted to taste his cum and she didn't care how Brandon treated her. She was looking him in his eyes and asking him if he liked it. Brandon was out of his mind, it was sensory overload. She focused on sucking the engorged vein on the underside of his dick and it allowed him to calm down enough to regain normal control of his breathing. The room was spinning and it felt like it was 100 degrees in there. She started humming on his dick, sending vibrations up...

2 years ago
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The Witch in The Garden

The Witch in The Garden By Teddie Jim looked out of the kitchen window, which overlooked his garden. The sun was just setting, and the colors of the flowers were brilliant. He went back to putting away the day's dishes, and looked out the window again. Now, there was a figure in the garden, a figure of a woman. He looked closer, and her back was to him. How did she get there, he wondered? There's a high, thick hedge all the way around the garden. And, the only gate is locked. Jim...

1 year ago
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Reddit Asstastic, aka r/Asstastic! All men definitely love girls with curvy, bouncy, and well-rounded asses. I guess you’d really have to struggle to find a man in this world that doesn’t appreciate a thick juicy ass. And I'm cocksure there's a ton fuck of lesbians and ladyboys who do too. I think that’s perfectly normal for anyone even for those of you who have a fetish for big asses. Maybe it all has something to do with how a nice well-rounded ass brings out the hourglass shape on a lady. Or...

Reddit NSFW List
2 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 57 Sixth Bottleneck Of Insight

“Zax?” A voice so faint that it could get blown by the lightest breeze ... that was the last thing he heard from her. Everything slowed down till it got frozen in place after the explosion. A sense of incomprehensible dread consumed from the very depth of his being. He wanted to reach out, to charge with his dark attribute energy and what minuscule amount of dark element energy he could muster, but for this instance his perception was heightened well beyond all other of his capabilities....

4 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Chapter 3

Master pulled the nipple chain away from her body and slipped the handle of the flogger over it. He slowly lowered the flogger until the chain was supporting its weight, then let go. The nipple clamps tightened under the strain. Brenda thought she was screaming but realized she was not uttering a sound.  He walked over to the horse, then slid the apparatus over to where Brenda was standing. He went to the hook on the wall and released some slack in the rope attached to Brenda's handcuffs, then...

4 years ago
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Youre Joking Right

She timed her moment to perfection. Brad was idly sifting through a bunch of magazines looking for something to read while she watched a TV program he wasn’t interested in when she matter-of-factly delivered the bombshell. Ashley just grinned wickedly when she told him. She looked smug and superior, but she also knew things about Brad. She knew he thought she didn’t know about it, because she hadn’t mentioned it in the month that had passed since it happened. She knew that he would be shocked...

1 year ago
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Master Claims My Final Hole by Gloria

My Master instructed me to write about the night he claimed my final hole making me totally his. If you have not read my previous post Becoming a Middle Aged Cuckold Couple, you may want to start there as this is really a continuation.After my husbands boss laid claim to me a his black cock slut slave it was quite for the next week. Doug and I had a few more talks and though I still see him as a wimp that loves to suck and be fucked by cocks I still love him. I would not throw away over a...

4 years ago
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Tied Up and Used

“Come on.  Tell me!” “Nooo,” April whined as she walked past me, leafing through the plastic wrapped costumes hanging from the wall.  “And stop asking me.” “Fine,” I conceded, turning back and selecting a skimpy school girl outfit from a nearby rack.  “How about this one?” “Ummm,” she said, eyeing my chosen costume with sceptical reluctance. “That’s a little too slutty.” “That’s kind of the point!” I stated with emphasis, placing the package back on the metal hook.  “It’s a porn star party....

2 years ago
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Young malay milf Part 1

Hi! I'm back again with another story of my sex life with this young milf. Before i begin, regarding my story with the mature tudung lady, i stopped contacting her about a week later. Yes, her marriage was technically destroyed way earlier before i entered her life (and her pussy) but still i have that little guilty conscience. And furthermore, i don't want to create an issue if her hubby finds out. So i left. I heard from former colleagues that she had a threesome with other colleagues but i...

3 years ago
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Trick or Treat

 Good! thought Peter, as the clock in the hall struck ten and he filled his glass with one last dram of whiskey. He would retire to bed soon. Peter never had been a fan of Halloween, but since Tina had left the house he had become somewhat reclusive, and the threat of teenagers or kids banging on the door calling trick or treat filled him with dread. He had a bowl of sweets ready, and would quickly send them on their way. In the event it had been very quiet. It was a sleepy village, and...

2 years ago
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Mrs Williams

Mary Daniels walked out of her bedroom and down stairs into the kitchen where her friend of more then thirty years was drinking coffee before she left for her job as a receptionist for Century22 Real Estate. "Good morning Mary. You look nice this morning." Paula Williams said. "Why thank you Paula. Is there more coffee?" Mary was a 50 year old widow who's son Jeff, a college freshman, would be home for summer vacation that afternoon. Paula the 49 year old divorcee had been Mary's...

2 years ago
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First Experience Of My Life 8211 Bangkok It Is 8211 Part 1

Hi, I am Srikanth aged 29 now living in New Delhi. This story is about my first experience and this is my first story too. I have been a avid reader of Indian sex stories since my teenage and finally after good number of sexperiences decided to put down my own stories. Now moving into the story( this is perfectly real) I was 24 year old and just joined job after my college.I always had high sex drive in m y mind and tried my best to see most possible cleavages and used to admire curvy asses...

2 years ago
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Progressive Insurance

The clock on the wall read 5:30, it was only a half hour until the insurance office closed for the day. Behind the counter Flo steadily typed away at the computer filing away insurance claims, payments, and other mundane paperwork while customers milled around the aisles. Many people found the large, bright white interior of the building to be offsetting at first, but business was still good. Almost two dozen people were looking at the various insurance policies available to them. There wasn't...

2 years ago
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Virgins sister We need each other

Virgin's sisterby oggbashan © The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary; the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons.* * * * *I sat naked on my bed with my tears drying on my face. I felt utterly miserable. My big evening to impress the new woman in my life had ended in humiliation and ridicule.I looked around my bedroom that...

4 years ago
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The holiday continues

Well there they were…waiting for her again. Tony and Steve, Tony dressed in shorts and T-shirt while Steve was in trousers and a white shirt with no collar. They were stood in front of their apartment, looking good and staring right back at Debs. She thought they wouldn’t have turned up after last time, when her husband had followed her and told them to leave her alone for despite enjoying her tale of what had happened on the beach that first night he had told Debs not to meet them again....

3 years ago
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Dominique By Ayanna Jamiliah It was just another day in the miserable life of Dominick. His boss had chewed him out in front of the whole department because the monthly reports were three days late. It had been raining heavily with a steady wind blowing the entire day. When Dominick headed for the subway after work the wind tore his little umbrella to shreds. By the time he reached the subway he was completely soaked. To make matter worse, some stoned looking kid bumped into...

2 years ago
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Class Act

My thing for older women started with the loss of my virginity. I stayed the night with my buddy and another friend. He had an older sister who had just finished high school. Me and my friends had barely any hair on our balls. His sister had two friends over that night. We played spin the bottle. Those three girls ended up fucking us. It was pretty cool to be there fucking a girl with your friends right there fucking also. But that was the start.After that I kept fucking those girls but I was...

3 years ago
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In like with my affair

One Saturday I was outside cleaning the gutter it was filed with leaves n dirt n water. It rained yesterday. My husband was working. It was hot and my neighborhood is quiet I live on a cul de sac. I have a pink tank top no bra, white shorts no panties & flip flops. Hair was wet from a shower and twisted up in a loose bun. I'm on a ladder scooping piles of leaves... I went dont the ladder got the hose turned the water on and the attached nozzle I bought had 4 settings I tried for ing the...

1 year ago
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El Ladies

El-Ladies! With a seemingly infinite number of porn tube sites, porn aggregator sites, and other sites that cater solely to videos, it can be all too easy to forget about the wonderful world of porn pics. I hate to admit it, but even I am guilty of abandoning what is arguably the most classic form of porn in lieu of all the HD videos that are available at my sticky fingertips. But I don’t think that we should be so quick to write off the sites that cater to images, particularly those that cater...

Mature Porn Sites
1 year ago
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My Roomate and His Girlfriend

This is my first story, i've been meaning to write it for a while. Please let me know how it is and if i should write more.Another day in college and of course i had woken up with a raging hard on. My roommate, Kevin, was still asleep in our dorm room. So, i decided to go masturbate in the shower. I jumped in and turned the steaming water on as i began to stroke my stiff cock. The hot water dripping down me felt so good. My throbbing cock was wet with water as i imagined fucking the hot...

4 years ago
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Jake fucks Jane

Jake stretched his legs out in front of him, aware that the bulge between his legs was clearly visible to the woman sitting on the sofa facing him. They were both pretending to watch TV, but Jake knew that she was watching the growing bulge in his pants. As for him, Jake could hardly tear his eyes away from the lovely sight before him. Janie was sitting with one leg pulled up under her, seeming to be unaware that the crotch of her white panties was clearly visible to him.Jake stood up. Janie...

3 years ago
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Arizona Secret Society Chapter 4

ARIZONA SECRET SOCIETY CHAPTER 4 Sorry for the delay, I had a very enjoyable trip through the US, and came back with some very good ideas, so enjoy chapter 4. As an artist, I made art, and had to show off my work at some point. After several months of work, I had enough to fill the walls of a gallery in Phoenix and had invited my well to do neighbours to view them and buy any that appealed to them. Wearing one of my best suits, I savored a fine wine as they wandered past my works,...

4 years ago
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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 5 Mother and Daughters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My brother's plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as...

1 year ago
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My brothers girlfriend part 1

"Hey Mike, watcha doing?" She asked with a smirk. "Um nothing, what do you think i'm doing?" I replied. "Looks like you're jacking off. About Me?" "No I wasn't, I was just...fixing my shorts." "It's ok, I don't mind, I'm actually flattered. Can I watch?" She asked. "Umm, I...I guess so." She moved to the end of my bed and watched as I took off my shorts again. I tried to get a boner but for some reason I couldn't get it up. She must have noticed because she said...

3 years ago
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The Dom Next Door

The elevator door felt cool against my forehead as I leaned into it. “You’re not going to knock on Eva’s door,” I whispered. “You’re going to walk past, go home, and have a quiet evening.” Eva, the black haired beauty with a penchant for black skirts and low cut tops. Eva, who made knee high black boots look good. Eva, who I had gone out with a few times, until she told me that she wanted to tie me up and give me the pleasure that can only come from pain. I had been disgusted at the time but...

3 years ago
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Special Event The Flyer1

Part 1: The Flyer He knew when she walked into the shop that she was going to be the one. He couldn't say how he knew; something, perhaps in the way she peeked around the place, curiosity and confusion apparent on her face. Or maybe something about the way she dressed, her shirt fitting firmly against adequately sized breasts; her skirt falling just short enough to offer a teasing glance should she lean down, which she did, much to his approval. Eventually she stopped avoiding the issue...

2 years ago
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NeEr Do WellChapter 3

On a particularly hot Wednesday evening in late August, Garrett staggered into his home after work to be confronted by his mother. She said, "Garrett, your grandfather died this morning. I guess you need to make arrangements for the old bastards funeral or something." Garrett walked to the couch and dropped onto it. He stared at his mother in shock not knowing what to do or say. He felt empty. His chest constricted and it became hard to breathe. He tried to talk but couldn't get any words...

1 year ago
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Doggy Style

TV DoggingSophie Tyler is a 57 year old quite shy male to female transvestite, she doesn't see herself as convincing but nevertheless loves being dressed as the girl she loves being.It was approximately 10pm on a summer's evening and the daylight was drawing to a close and giving way to the darkened skies that will cover a multitude of sins throughout the country. Sophie was driving home from a group meet of girls, she turned off a main road, though enjoying her journey dressed she felt...

1 year ago
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Shaadi Mein Aunty Ko Patakar Uske Ghar Mein Choda 8211 Part 2

Hey friends, I am sam…..I am very happy to see your response and emails……Agar aap ko story pasand aaye toh mail me at ‘’ toh mai sidhaa story pe aata hun….. Story thodi c lambi hai bt jarur padna Maine shweta ko chodkar bhut achww….Yeh mera first experience thaa……Mai shweta ke ghar par tha and uskaa whats app dekh raha tha tabhi maine ek contact dekha usme…Contact name sanaya tha…Uski whats app picture kaafi achi thi….Maine shweta se puchaa yeh kon hai usne khaa yeh meri sister hai…Maine khaa...

4 years ago
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19 yr old nephews birthday

My wife's nephew turned 19 this past weekend. he wanted to go to Windsor Ontario Canada to party with some friends. his Dad made a promise that he would take him and 3 friends there.His Dad got stuck in Japan on business and asked my wife and I if we would do him the honor of escorting the group. We told him sure. He told us he had 2 rooms set up but since my wife would also be going, he would add a third room. We drove up with them from Ohio. We crossed the border ok and got to our hotel room....

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