Two New Girls free porn video

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Two New Girls Kathy and Susan are walking home from school. It is just after the Christmas holidays. Kathy is 11, and Susan is 9. Kathy, someone killed our cat last night. They must have tied it up and shot it with BB guns. I know they were the same persons Mrs. Bennett saw running away from her house when she found her cat had been killed. I know you and your mom have Fluffy. Try to keep an eye on her. I think I know who did it, but I can't prove it. Susan, I feel so bad about your cat. I will be sure and keep an eye on Fluffy. I will tell Mom to keep an eye on her also. (Kathy) - I kept a close eye on Fluffy for the next few days. I tried to keep her inside when I could. I knew Mom had to work during the day, and I had school, so we had to keep Fluffy inside until I got home from school. I knew whoever they were, they would eventually try to kill Fluffy just like Susan's and Mrs. Bennett's cat. I even put a little wooden carving of a cat outside and kept an eye on it, just in case I could catch them trying to take and kill Fluffy. Maybe they knew we were watching more closely now, and so they stopped for a while. I hoped they would stop for good, so Fluffy would be safe. I tried to watch each day when I would come home, and Mom would watch also when she came home. After a couple of weeks, It seemed like maybe they had stopped trying to kill any more cats. No more neighbors had lost a cat. Then one night, mom brought in some groceries. She left the front door open for just a minute. When we finished putting away the groceries, we both looked for Fluffy and couldn't find her anywhere. Jimmy and Sam are 9 years old. They are both bullies and happen to be in the same class as Susan. (Jimmy) - Sam, I thought I just heard Kathy's cat hollering in her backyard. (Sam) - I thought I heard it too. Come on, let's get the lasso and catch her. They quietly looked through the bushes and could see two small eyes under a bush reflected from a street light. Sam threw some food outside the bush and waited. Fluffy smelled it and slowly came out. Jimmy threw his lasso and snared Fluffy. Although it made a loud hiss when it got caught, they put a bag over its head and dragged it through the yard. Kathy and her mom heard Fluffy hiss and saw two Figures carrying her off through the woods. She could see from the street light, they were boys: one appeared to be wearing a green sweatshirt and the other one appeared to be wearing a blue sweatshirt. By the time they got out there, the two boys had vanished and so had Fluffy. Mom drove around the block hoping to find the boys and rescue Fluffy, but after searching all around and using flashlights, we couldn't find her. After a few days, a neighbor called us using the number on her tag saying they had found Fluffy, but she was dead. When we drove over there, we could see Fluffy had been shot about 10 times with a pellet gun. Oh, I wanted to strangle whoever it was who killed Fluffy. Mom and I cried all night. The next day as Susan and I were walking home from school, we could see two boys walking ahead of us. One of the boys was wearing a Blue sweatshirt, while the other boy was wearing a green sweatshirt. They seemed so young. I thought they couldn't be responsible for killing Fluffy. Yet, they were both wearing the same colored sweatshirts I saw the night before. Susan, do you know those boys? Yes, said Susan. One is named Sam and the other boy is named Jimmy. They are in my class. (Kathy) - I didn't tell Susan, because I didn't want to create a scene. I couldn't even be certain they were the same boys or if the boys I saw last night were really wearing blue and green sweatshirts. Still I had to find out if they were the boys responsible for killing all of those cats and my Fluffy. About three days later after thinking so much about those boys, I almost ran home that afternoon and prepared for the two boys to be walking home from school the same way they did each day. I had already told Susan not to wait for me as I was in a rush to get home. Mom and I had made cupcakes the night before and had leftovers. I waited until the two boys, Jimmy and Sam were near our house, then I came out to meet them. They looked at me puzzled and wondered why I was out there talking to them. They were so young, Susan's age, nine years old. I showed them the large plate of cupcakes. I had fruit punch on the front porch table also. Hey I said, my mom and I made cupcakes last night, and we have so many leftovers. Would you two like to help me eat the rest of the cupcakes? Their little eyes lit up, and they smiled. Sure they said. Then I led them to our front porch and they just sat down around the table and enjoyed the rest of the cupcakes and fruit punch. (Kathy Talking to Jimmy and Sam) - I hear you two are in Susan's class at school. She is a friend of mine. Do you know Susan? Yes, said one of the boys. I then asked, which one of you is Sam? I am, said the boy with the black hair. So you, talking to the other boy, must be Jimmy. Yes, said the other boy. Oh, he looked so young and had blond hair. Then I thought for a second, trying to find a way to get those two boys to tell me they were responsible for killing my Fluffy. I was hoping to get them to confess. I said a few nights ago our cat was taken by two young boys. I could see them in the street. One boy was wearing a blue sweatshirt, and the other boy was wearing a green sweatshirt. They were about your size, and both of you are wearing blue and green sweatshirts. Do you know if the police found out you two had killed my cat and the other cats in the neighborhood, you might go to jail and your parents might also get in trouble. That would be really bad wouldn't it. The two boys didn't say anything. I could see fear written on both of their young faces. I then said, I think you two are really nice boys, so I don't want you two to get in trouble. Still, I want you boys to learn to be more kind to others and not kill any more cats. Did you enjoy the cupcakes and punch? I could still see they were both very scared and didn't say anything. Tell you what boys: if you will come back tomorrow after school, I will have more cupcakes and punch for you. I hope you will come back. I would be very disappointed if you didn't. (Jimmy and Sam) - Jimmy, said Sam as they left Kathy's house and began to walk home. What do we do? She knows it was us who killed her cat. I don't know, said Jimmy. I sure hope she doesn't call the police. That would be bad for us and our parents. I think we better go to her house after school. I don't want her calling the police and our parents. (Kathy) - I was so angry with them. I knew it was them, but I had to see if they would really come to my house the next day. They were so young and so cute, I just couldn't call the police or their parents, but still I felt I had to do something. Then I got this crazy idea. If it worked, they would never kill another cat again. In fact they would probably stop being bullies altogether. I began rummaging through some old clothes I had worn two years ago. Looking at those old clothes, I began to smile, thinking I must have looked so cute and so silly back then. I took out some of the clothes, washed them and prepared for the next day. The next afternoon I told Susan I would be having to rush home again. I apologized for not walking home with her, but I told her she would understand later why I did it. Just after I got home and was ready, I could see Jimmy and Sam walking toward the house. I waved to them in a very friendly way. I guess they kind of became more at ease and slowly walked up to the porch. Hey you two I said. I have some more cupcakes, but they are inside the house. I could even see them smiling a little as they came inside. You know you two would get into a lot of trouble if I called the police and your parents. They again looked at each other with some fright. Then I smiled and said, that's okay; I will not call the police. Still I want to be sure you two will not kill any more cats. (Jimmy and Sam) - I won't, said Jimmy, the little blond haired boy. I won't either said Sam, the one with the wavy black hair. (Kathy) - Still I want to be certain of this, I said to them. I have an idea. If you do what I say, I will not call the police. You have my word. Okay said Sam. Okay said Jimmy. Then Kathy led them to her bedroom. There on her bed were some dresses. They looked at the dresses. Then they looked at each other. What do you want us to do, said Sam almost knowing what Kathy had in mind. Sam looked at Jimmy, and they both became very frightened. Sam, Jimmy: you two need to be punished, and I need to know you two will never kill another animal again. So just to be sure you never do it again, I want you two to let me dress you two up as girls. That way I will know you will never hurt any animal again. Then I will never have to call the police. Sam looked at Jimmy, and Jimmy looked at Sam. They appeared very scared and very embarrassed. That's okay. You boys are so nice, I will help you. Jimmy, Sam, you need to first take off your shoes and socks. Come on now. That's easy to do. They just froze at first, not knowing what to do. Or do you want me to call the police? I picked up the phone. They then slowly began to sit on the bed and take off their shoes and socks. There now I said when they were finished. That wasn't so bad. Then I said, take off your shirts. You won't need them for a little while. They looked at each other, and I again picked up the phone as if to call. They nodded their heads and slowly began to take off their shirts. Now I said. I want you Jimmy to help Sam put this over him. It was a flouncy slip I had worn two years ago. I thought it was so cute. I opened the slip up and then put the bottom of it in Jimmy's hands and showed him how to place it over Sam's head and arms as Sam sat on the bed. Sam, I want you to raise your arms up, so Jimmy can place your slip over your head and arms. Come on, or do I have to call the police? I picked up the phone again. Sam slowly raised his arms. Okay I told Jimmy. Now place the slip over Sam's head and arms. You can do it. Jimmy slowly placed the slip loops through Sam's arms and pulled the slip over Sam's head. When he finally pulled the slip over Sam's head and down, I said - Sam I need you to stand up for a second. Sam was still very embarrassed. Come on Sam; stand up. When Same stood up I said now Jimmy pull his slip down so it's neat. Jimmy understood and pulled Sam's slip down till it was neat. He looked so cute. Sam was completely red faced. I said Sam, you did wonderful. Now Jimmy I want you to sit on the bed. Jimmy slowly sat on the bed and looked at the other flouncy slip on the chair. I then opened the other flouncy slip and after clutching the bottom of it, I handed it to Sam who was already wearing a flouncy slip himself. Now Jimmy I want you to hold your arms up straight okay. Jimmy was afraid at first, until I picked up the phone again. Then he slowly raised his arms. Now Sam, you need to place the loops over his arms and over Jimmy's head. You can do it. Sam slowly worked the slip through Jimmy's arms and over his head. Now That was good Sam. Now Jimmy you need to stand up so Sam can pull your slip down. Jimmy slowly stood up. Then Sam slowly pulled his slip down; he even straightened it. They both looked so cute wearing those flouncy slips. I had to smile a little. Then I had Sam sit back on the bed. I then took a little red dress with lace and ruffles I wore two years ago, off its hanger. I opened it up and clutched the bottom back of the dress and told Jimmy to take the dress like he took the flouncy slip. He did as I said more out of fear. Now Sam I want you to hold your arms up so Jimmy can put your little dress on you. Sam was a bit numb and so embarrassed. Still he slowly raised his arms. Then Jimmy pulled the sleeves of the dress over Sam's arms. Jimmy slowly pulled the red dress over Sam's head and pulled the dress down. Now Sam, stand up so Jimmy can pull your little dress down. Sam slowly stood up. Good I said. Now Jimmy pull his dress and slip down so they are neat; you can do it. Jimmy kind of knew what I wanted and slowly began to pull the dress and slip down so they were both straight and neat. Now Jimmy I want you to sit on the bed. I then took the yellow dress with the lace and ruffles I wore as a nine year old. I opened it up and had Sam clutch the bottom of the dress also. I then said, Jimmy I want you to hold your arms up high for me. Jimmy didn't want to, but I again picked up the phone and he finally raised his arms. You did good, I said. Now Sam I want you to slowly put the sleeves of his dress through his arms okay. Sam slowly pulled the sleeves of the yellow ruffled dress through Jimmy's arms and slowly pulled his dress over his head. Good I said. Now Jimmy I want you to stand up now. Jimmy slowly stood up. Now Sam I want you to slowly straighten Jimmy's slip and dress so they are all straight and neat. Sam slowly began pulling Jimmy's dress and slip down until both the flouncy slip and dress were nice and neat. Very good I said. They both looked at each other with so much embarrassment and fear. You two did wonderful I said. They couldn't help but see how cute the other one looked with their lace and ruffled dresses with the flouncy slips. Now I said, you two look so cute. Sam I am going to call you Samantha. Jimmy, I am going to call you Jenny. They both looked so embarrassed when I said that. Now I said, Jenny, I want you to turn around with your back to Samantha. They just looked at each other. Come on; turn around. Jenny slowly turned around with his back to Samantha. Now Jenny I said I want you to use Samantha's new name and ask her to button your dress and tie you sash. Jenny just stood there and didn't say anything. I picked up the phone again and began to key in the numbers. Say - "Samantha please button my dress and tie my sash" Jenny took a breath and said - "Samantha please button my dress and tie my sash". Samantha slowly began to button Jenny's dress. When he was finished he looked sincerely puzzled as to how to tie Jimmy's sash. I said, just tie it like you are tying your own shoes. Samantha thought for a second and slowly began to cross the cloth sash and tie it into a nice bow. I then said. Now you need to pull the sash loops a little more. He did as I said until I said, that looks good now. Now Samantha I want you to turn around so your back is facing Jenny. Samantha slowly turned where his back was facing Jenny. Now Sam I want you to say - "Please Jenny, will you button my dress and tie my sash?" Samantha just stood there and didn't say anything. I just picked up the phone and again, began to key in numbers. Sam nodded his head. Now I said, just say "Jenny, please button my dress and tie my sash for me". He took a breath and said. "Jenny, please button my dress and my sash for me". Jenny then slowly began to button Samantha's dress. He was so slow. I knew he had never done it before. When he was finished he too was puzzled as to how to tie his sash. I again told Jenny to just tie it like you are tying your shoes. He kind of caught on and began to tie his sash. When he was finished, I had him pull the bows out until they were nice and full like his. I then had them turn around to face me. Oh, I said you two look so cute now. They both looked so helpless and so embarrassed. Now I said as I took out some panties with flowers and hearts I had not worn since I was nine; I want you two to take off your pants and underwear and put these on. They were so embarrassed and also, so afraid. That's okay I said. I will leave the room. But when I come back in five minutes, I will expect both of you to be wearing your panties and your pants and underwear on the bed or I will call the police. I could see them looking at each other as I left the room. (Jimmy/Jenny and Sam/Samantha) - Jimmy, what do we do said Sam. She will be back in five minutes. I don't want to do this. Me either said Jimmy. Okay, said Kathy, you have four minutes. If you are not ready I will call the police. We have to do it, said Sam. I know said Jimmy. They slowly began to take off their trousers and underwear. Then they began to put on the panties Kathy had given them. Jimmy was wearing the panties with the yellow flowers. Sam was wearing the panties with the little red hearts. After the five minutes were up, Kathy came back into the room. (Kathy) - You two did wonderful. Now both of you have a seat on the bed. I then brought out the cute knee socks and sandals I wore when I was nine. I put the cute, yellow knee socks and sandals beside Jenny and the cute, red knee socks beside Samantha. Now I want you two to put your new socks and shoes on. They just looked at me kind of pleading with me. Come on now. I picked up the phone again and began to key the numbers. They immediately began to put on the knee socks. Then they slowly figured out how to buckle their sandals. When they finished I couldn't help but smile. They looked so cute; Jenny in his yellow dress and yellow knee socks and Samantha in his red dress and red knee socks. Now you two look so cute. I want you two to stand together side by side for me. I then took out my cell phone camera and lined up the two of them. I then snapped off about three or four pictures. They just looked at me in shock. Now I said, turn around so your backs are to me. They then turned around. Then I took three or four more snaps with my camera. Okay girls you can turn back around now. They then slowly turned around. Now, mom will not be home until about 5:30. It is about 4:00 now. I want you two to come out to the Living room and sit at the dining room table. Jenny and Samantha took their seats at the table. Oh, I said, it doesn't feel very comfortable though does it. You need to stand up and use your hands to flatten your dresses while sitting on the side of your chairs. Now stand up. They then stood up. Now use your hands to keep your dresses flat while sitting sideways on the chair. If you do it right, it will not feel uncomfortable. They figured out how to do it. Now you can turn your bodies so you are facing the table. They did it. Good girls. You did wonderful. For that I am going to serve you cupcakes and punch. They just sat there in their cute dresses not knowing what to do. I then went to the kitchen and brought out the cupcakes and punch. Now girls you need to keep your dresses clean, so I want you to open your napkins up all the way and place them on your laps. They slowly opened up their napkins and placed them on their laps. Good girls I said. Now you are ready to eat your cupcakes and have punch. Come on now, eat your cupcakes and drink your punch. They were still kind of frozen. Remember girls, mom will be back at 5:30, and you will need at least a half an hour to change back into your other clothes. Do you really want to wait until mom comes home and sees you two all dressed up and finding out you killed our cat? They looked at each other and then slowly began to eat their cupcakes and drink their punch. Good girls. You two look so cute. I then took out my cellphone and took five more pictures of the two of them in their pretty dresses and knee socks eating cupcakes and drinking their punch. Afterwards I had them take their plates to the kitchen, wash their plates and glasses, then put them away on the shelves. The whole time I took pictures of them carrying the plates; washing their dishes; and putting everything away. I also had them clean the table with wet cloths all the while I was taking pictures. Then I had them slowly walk through the house to each room, taking slow, small steps all the time. I am sure they began to feel the swish of their flouncy slips and dresses. It even caused them try to walk more delicately just to keep their skirts and slips from swishing. They even felt unsure as to how to hold their hands so they didn't touch their dresses. I started to smile as they began to hold their arms out to keep from touching their dresses just as girls have to do when wearing such dresses. They looked so cute with their delicate walking and arm posturing, I took five more pictures of them going from room to room in such a delicate way. When it was about 5:00 I had them go back to my bedroom. Now, Jenny, I want you to ask Samantha to unbutton your dress and untie your sash. Say please and use "her" name. Jenny knowing they had to get undressed before Mom got home turned his back to Samantha and said Samantha, please unbutton my dress and untie my sash. Samantha knowing they had only had so much time, quickly unbuttoned his dress and untied his sash. Then without my saying so, Samantha turned her back to Jenny and said. Please Jenny unbutton my dress and untie my sash. Jenny then also quickly unbuttoned Samantha's dress and untied her sash. I then left the room and said, you girls did wonderful. Now as you can see your underwear missing. I am going to leave the room for one minute. I want you two to leave your panties on and put your jeans over them. They just looked at each other knowing there was just enough time to put their jeans back on. When I came back in, they were finished. Good girls I said. Then I had Jenny take off Samantha's dress and then the slip. I then had her hang them up in the closet. Then I had Samantha take off Jenny's dress and slip and then had her put Jenny's dress and slip in the closet also. Then I allowed them to take off their sandals and knee socks, putting each sock in a sandal and sliding them side by side under the bed. I then allowed them to get dressed. Now girls, from now on, I want you to wear those panties all the time. Here are some more for each of you. They are the same, with little hearts, flowers, and ribbons in different colors. I want you to come by tomorrow afternoon after school. I told Susan I am rewarding you two for saying Thank You to your teacher and other persons who give you any compliments and if they do anything for you. Don't worry, Susan doesn't know anything. She just knows I will reward you for saying Thank You for compliments. When they finished dressing they were so relieved they had gotten dressed before Mom got home they were willing to do anything. Now girls I will check tomorrow afternoon to make sure you are both wearing panties. You may need to begin washing your own clothes from now on. Also, long hair is in, so tell your moms you do not want to get a hair cut. (Jimmy/Jenny and Sam/Samantha) - Sam what do we do? She has all of those pictures of us. I don't know said Jimmy. We have to do what she says. I just hope Mom doesn't see my panties. I don't know what she will do. Me either, said Sam. We have to be very careful from now on all the time, at home and at school. Remember, we need to say thank you for all compliments and help. Okay, I guess we both need to do it from now on. Susan will be watching. The next day, Jimmy and Sam are at school. Mrs. Clark is handing out the papers from the previous day. As she comes to Jimmy, she hands him his paper. Thank You said Jimmy. The teacher is stunned. Jimmy never said Thank You before. When she gets to the next row, she gives Sam his paper. Thank You said Sam. Mrs. Clark smiles again showing her appreciation by saying You're Welcome in a nice way. Susan is listening and is smiling also. She cannot believe Jimmy and Sam are being so polite. That afternoon at lunch, The cafeteria person gives Jimmy his plate and milk. Jimmy almost forgot, then Sam tapped him on the shoulder. Oh, thank you said Jimmy. Then Sam, when he got his plate and milk, he also said, Thank You. Susan was listening in the line and couldn't believe how polite they had become. That afternoon, Jimmy and Sam were walking home or in this case, to Kathy's house. Jimmy said I sure hope she doesn't make us wear those dresses again. Yes said Sam. I felt like a girl walking in all of that stuff. As they came up to Kathy's house, Kathy was waiting and smiling. (Kathy) - I am so glad you girls made it. Next time you need get here a little sooner. School is out at 2:40. You should be here by Three. Then we will have more time to play. Jimmy and Sam looked at each other, embarrassed all over again, not knowing what Kathy had in mind. What do we do Sam, said Jimmy. I don't know, but I hope we don't have to wear those dresses again. Okay girls come inside. First I need to check to make sure you are wearing your panties. Turn around for me a second. Then Jimmy and Sam slowly turned around. I pulled their Jeans just enough to peek through and smiled. They were each wearing their panties. Jimmy was wearing the hearts and Sam was wearing the flowers. Good girls you did wonderful, I said. Susan told me you two were very sweet and said Thank You to everyone who helped you. Then I led them to my bedroom. Okay girls we need to get dressed just like yesterday. Sit on the bed and take off your shoes and socks. They looked at each other in shock and slowly sat on the bed. Then slowly began taking off their shoes and socks. (Jimmy and Sam) - Sam said, I thought we would get a reward for saying Thank You to everyone at school. (Kathy) - I did reward you. I didn't tell Susan anything we did and I didn't show her any pictures. Remember, you killed Smokey, her cat. I think saying Thank You to everyone is the least you can begin doing for everyone. Now put your shoes and socks under the bed and take out the knee socks and sandals. Now take off your shirts. They looked at each other and slowly began to take off their shirts. When they finished, I said okay Samantha, take Jenny's dress and slip out of the closet and put them on Jenny like you did yesterday. They looked at each other and Samantha slowly went to the closet and took down Jenny's slip and dress. After unhooking the slip, he took the slip and opened it just as he learned. Then Sam nudged Jenny to raise his arms up so he could put the slip on him. They looked at each other for a second and then Jenny complied. When the slip was on him, he then unhooked the cute, yellow ruffled dress and slid it over his arms and head. Now stand up Jenny so Samantha can straighten your dress and slip. Jenny stood up and Samantha more delicately than last time pulled and straightened out Jenny's flouncy slip and dress. Now Samantha, you sit on the bed and let Jenny put your little slip and dress on. Samantha sat on the bed, while Jenny slowly went to the closet and took down Samantha's cute ruffled red dress and flouncy slip. Then after unhooking the slip he placed it over Samantha's arms which were now already up. She then slid the slip over Samantha and unhooked the red dress. Then after opening it, he then placed the sleeves through Samantha's arms, over her head and brought it down. Now stand up Samantha so Jenny can straighten your little slip and dress. When Samantha stood up, Jenny also more delicately pulled and straightened his dress and flouncy slip. Now Jenny turn your back to Samantha and ask her to button your dress and tie your little sash. Be sure and say please. Jenny slowly turned around and said, "Samantha, please button my dress and tie my sash". Samantha slowly but more efficiently buttoned up his dress and then and tied Jenny's sash. Now Samantha, turn your back to Jenny and ask her very politely to button your dress and tie your little sash. Say please. Then Samantha turned her back to Jenny and said, Jenny please button my dress and tie my sash. Then Jenny buttoned Samantha's dress and tied her sash just as he learned yesterday. They looked so cute buttoning each other's dress and tying the other's sash. Now girls, since you are already wearing your panties I don't have to leave the room. I'll just turn my back. I will turn back around in one minute. Then you must have removed your jeans. I turned; okay, one minute. They didn't know if I would look and quickly removed their jeans. When I turned back around, they were finished. Now girls I am going to the living room. In 2 minutes I expect you to have your little knee socks and sandals on and in the living room. I went to the living room and waited. Sure enough about a minute later I could see both of them slowly walking out of the bed room trying not to make their dresses swish and with their arms and hands more delicately lifted, trying not to touch the fabric of their dresses. They looked so cute, just like little girls. I couldn't help but smile. You did wonderful girls I said. Now we need can take a break and have some cookies and punch. Sit at the table like you learned yesterday, and I will bring out the cookies and punch. I could see them using their hands to move their slips and dresses from under them as they sat down, just like little girls. Then I brought out the cookies and punch. I said remember to open a napkin to place over your laps. They delicately opened their napkins and placed them over their laps. Good girls. Now I know you know how to play Go Fish. So we are going to play "Go Fish". I took out the cards. I then took out the video recorder and a voice recorder. Okay girls I want you to play Go Fish while I watch. I gave Samantha the deck. Okay Samantha, you shuffle the cards and you two girls start playing Go Fish. When you ask for a card you must use "her name okay". They nodded their heads. I stepped back with my video camera and recorder and scanned both of them in their cute dresses, knee socks and sandals, playing Go Fish, eating cookies and drinking punch. You could hear them asking for cards and if needed, saying Go Fish. It was kind of funny. They were still so scared, it made their voices and words more slow, even higher and more uncertain, more like how little girls would sound. Jenny said, Samantha, do you have any se'vens? Then Samantha would answer back, no; Go Fish. Then Samantha would say, Jenny, do you have any Queens? Then Jenny would locate a queen in her cards and hand it to Samantha. I let them play Go Fish for a good half hour, about the time the it took them to finish a game and their cookies. Then I had them put the cards away. Then I videotaped as they took their plates and glasses to the sink, washed them, put them away, and then cleaned the table using wet cloths. They were actually learning without knowing it, how to walk in their dresses. I thought of them more like little girls now, not boys. They were so cute. Now girls we have an hour to spare. I want to help you with your reading. Here are some books I have had. The Little Girl in Yellow and The Little Girl in Red. Jenny could see the cover on her book had a cute little girl in a yellow dress with Braids and ribbons. They just looked at each other and felt more embarrassed, since they were wearing cute little dresses also. Then I opened their books to the first paragraph. Here Jenny, read the first paragraph. I then took out my video camera and recorder and listened, as he read the first paragraph. He read slowly and with hesitation I think with much embarrassment. (Jenny) - I got up - early in the morning. Mommy - had breakfast - on the table. I took off my - nightgown and put on - my little yellow Jumper - with the - blue polka-dots. When I came to the kitchen, - Mommy had - a big smile on her face. She said, How is my - little angel - this morning? Then she kissed-me - on the cheek. After breakfast, - mommy - brushed my hair and - braided it - for me. She put in - yellow Ribbons to - match my - yellow jumper. (Kathy) - Very good Jenny. Now Samantha, you read your first paragraph. Again, Samantha could barely focus as the picture showed the little girl wearing a red dress also. Go on Samantha, read the first paragraph. I stepped back and began recording with the video and recorder. His voice was also very hesitating and higher from fear. (Samantha) - Mommy - got me ready - for school. She brushed - my hair - and braided it, - then - she put in - little red - ribbons to match - my red dress. Then she drove me to school. My friend - Susan - helped me with my bag and held - my hand - as we - walked down - the hallway. When I took my seat - the teacher, - Mrs. Adams was so nice. She complimented me - for my braids - and ribbons. My she said, - you look so - cute today. (Kathy) - I had them read for another half hour. Then it was almost time for them to change back into their clothes. I had them go back to my bedroom where I sat Jenny down at my dressing table. I began to comb out his hair and tell him how much cuter his hair would be if he parted it in the middle. I made the part and combed his hair out to both sides. Then I sat Samantha down and combed out his hair and also parted it down the middle. I then complimented them saying how cute their hair looked. Then I had Jenny unbutton Samantha's dress and untie her sash. Then I had Samantha unbutton Jenny's dress and untie her sash. Then I told them I would leave the room while they hung everything up and got dressed. They were soon dressed and glad to be finally going back to their homes. It was funny; they were so scared they still had their hair parted in the middle as they left. (Sam and Jimmy) - Oh said Sam, I was beginning to feel like a girl. I could see you slowly walking in your dress with your hands raised. You walked like a girl. I saw you too Sam. You were walking so slowly trying not to swish your skirt and holding your hands up also. You looked like a girl. Oh, Jimmy what are we going to do? I don't know Sam. I just hope she will get tired of this. (Kathy) - I had so much fun today. Those two acted so cute and so much like little girls I want to keep them that way. I need to help them along a little more. Kathy searched in her old bedroom for some more old clothes she used to wear. It was still January, and it was very cold. I know I will find something for them to play in she thought. She found some pink cotton slacks and red cotton slacks also. Then she found a couple of white cotton shirts with funny pictures on them. Oh, this will do fine I thought. (Susan and Kathy) - They are walking to school. I don't know how you did it. Sam and Jimmy were so polite yesterday. I couldn't believe it. Neither could Mrs. Clark. (Susan) - That afternoon, Susan watched Jimmy and Sam closely to see if they were still saying thank you. When Mrs. Clark gave Jimmy a ruler to use, Jimmy said Thank you in almost a little boy way. It was so cute. Then when Sam was in line, he was so quiet. Mrs. Clark made all over him, saying, Sam is so quiet in line, he is the model for the class. Then Sam said in almost the same little boy expression, said Thank You. I couldn't believe it. They even appear to walk slower and more easy. They were like new boys. (Jimmy and Sam) - We have to be there before 3:00. I hope we don't have to read those stories again. That was too much for me. Look, she's waiting for us. (Kathy) - Okay girls, come on inside. The two boys slowly walked inside not knowing what to expect. I checked Jenny and Samantha to be sure they were wearing their panties. I think now they know I will check, so they will be sure and wear them. Now girls since it is somewhat warmer today, I have decided to let you two play outside on the swing. The two boys looked at each other and thought at first they would be wearing their dresses outside. You will not have to wear your dresses today, but you will have to wear your knee socks and sandals. I led them into the bedroom. Now girls, I have your clothes all laid out for you. Jenny you have the cute pink, cotton slacks, white camisole, white fur sweater and white stocking cap. Samantha you have the red cotton slacks, white camisole, and Yellow fur sweater with yellow stocking cap. I will wait in the living room for you two to get dressed. You have five minutes then I will come in and watch to make sure you are getting dressed. Okay girls, get dressed. I waited about five minutes and then heard the bedroom door open. They looked so cute. Jenny was wearing her pink cotton slacks and white sweater with the little princess and stars on it. Samantha was wearing her red cotton slacks with the yellow sweater. It had a little girl with a jump rope and pig tails. Oh, girls I said, you two look so sweet. I love your outfits. They then said, Thank You. I guess they learned to always say Thank You. I then took them out to the back yard. They were so embarrassed. The area was mostly vacant of people. There was an older man chopping wood off to one side of our property and a lady was walking her dog across from our backyard. When Jenny and Samantha came out and glanced at the man and lady, they were so embarrassed. However they knew they had to go out there to the swing. They slowly went out to the swing set. Now Jenny, you sit in this swing and Samantha, you sit in this swing. They both slowly sat down on the seats. It was just then the lady across the way saw the two girls and me at the swing set. The boys were so embarrassed. It was Mrs. Evans. Hey Kathy she said, who are those pretty little girls with you. The two boys were too embarrassed to say anything. I just told Mrs. Evans I was babysitting them for a while. She just smiled, waved, and said, have fun girls. I smiled and waved back. Then I began to push Jenny in her swing. Okay Jenny I want you to have fun so pump your feet and swing. Then I began to push Samantha's swing and told her to pump her legs and swing. I then told them I had to go inside for a second and to keep swinging until I got back. I came back with the video/audio recorder. They were still swinging as I videoed them for about three minutes. Then after about 10 more minutes, we went back into the house to warm up and change. I had Jenny and Samantha take off their sweaters and stocking cap and come to the living room. Jenny was still wearing her white camisole with the lace and pink flowers on it. Samantha was still wearing her lace camisole with the little yellow flowers. They looked so cute. I gave them some more cookies and punch while they played Go Fish. Okay girls be sure and use your names when asking. They nodded their heads and I videotaped them again while they played and talked. Jenny do you have any sixes? No, said Samantha; Go Fish. Then Jenny said, Samantha do you have any jacks? No, said Samantha; Go Fish. They must have played another half hour. I loved it. That afternoon after they changed, I could see they were becoming more compliant and less hesitating. Okay girls I said as they left. You did wonderful today. Thank You they said. Then they slowly walked home. (Sam and Jimmy) - Oh, Jimmy that lady thought we were girls. I know said Jimmy. We looked just like girls in those outfits. I know said Sam. I don't know what to do. (Kathy) - It's been weeks now, thought Kathy. It has been so much fun with those two. I just love seeing them walk in their clothes. They are talking more softly. Their hair is even getting longer now. This afternoon, they were wearing their new pink matching dresses and flouncy slips. I even stationed a huge rolling mirror in the living room, so they could see themselves come in. They were astonished at how cute they looked. I had them sit at the table and practice their handwriting, while I videotaped them in their pink dresses and pink knee socks. They looked so cute. I had them copy a story from one of my old books, taking their time to draw their letters just the right way. It was funny for the writing was about little girl who was getting her nails polished by her friend. It read, Then Sally had me lay my fingers out on the mat. Then she slowly put the red nail polish on my nails. When she was finished with one hand, she began painting my other finger nails. Then Sally put some clear polish on my nails to make them shine. They were so pretty. When the boys finished writing they were so embarrassed. I then took them back to change, but before they put their socks and shoes on I videotaped as I had Samantha paint Jenny's toe nails pink. Jenny was so embarrassed but when Samantha was finished I said, Your toe nails look so pretty. he then felt compelled again to say Thank You. Then I had Jenny paint Samantha's toenails red. When she was finished, I said, Samantha, your toenails look so pretty. He also said, Thank You. Then I had them walk to the living room and back with their new painted nails. My video camera was still going. I then gave a bottle of red nail polish to Samantha and a pink bottle of nail polish to Jenny. I told them, from now on you girls need to keep your toenails polished. If I don't see your pretty toenails, I will tell Susan to help with your reading when you are here. Do you want that? No, they said. Good girls, now keep your toenails painted. When they left the house they now had pretty toenails. (Jimmy and Sam) - What are we going to do, Sam. I sure don't want Mom to see my toenails, said Jimmy. I sure don't want my Mom to see my toenails said Sam. (Kathy and Susan) - After a month, I could see changes in both Jimmy and Sam. All of those hours walking in those pretty, flouncy dresses were beginning pay off. Susan was walking with me one morning, saying, Kathy those boys have changed so much. When they want to ask a question, they raise their hands and wait. Then if they want to do something they always say please. They say it so softly too, almost like we as girls say it. They even walk more delicately almost as if they are wearing skirts. I have to say they are so cute now. I don't know what you are doing, but they are so much better now. (Jimmy and Sam) - They are walking home from school. Sam what are we going to do? I thought for sure mom may have seen my toenails one time. She has been looking at me kind of funny. I have the same feeling my mom saw my toenails. She even called me sweetheart yesterday morning. She never says that. I wonder what Kathy has for us today. I sure don't like wearing a pink dress like yours. I could see all of the lace and ruffles and puffed sleeves, knowing I was wearing the same dress. I felt so much like a girl. I know. I felt the same way. As they neared Kathy's house she was waiting with a big smile. (Kathy) - Okay girls, its getting warmer outside. We can do more outside. I have some other outfits you can wear. I led them to the bedroom where I had laid out their clothes for the day. For you Samantha I have a nice tan skirt and a yellow blouse with yellow knee socks. For you Jenny I have a nice tan skirt and pink blouse with pink knee socks. I will wait in the living room for you two to get dressed. After about four minutes they were dressed and in the living room. Then we went outside to swing. They could see Mrs. Evans raking her lawn outside. The boys were so embarrassed to be wearing their skirts outside. I have an idea girls, your hair is kind of long now. I will just fix your hair a little, and you will look almost like girls. They just looked at me and waited. Jenny and Samantha's hair were now an inch below their ears, so I felt confident I could make them look more like girls. I had Jenny sit at my dressing table and combed her hair out, making a nice part in the middle. Then I sprayed damped her blond hair and blow dried it, fluffing it up. I thought she looked cute. Then I put in some pink hair barrettes on each side. I thought Jenny was going to die from embarrassment. Then I said, you look so pretty. She will never know. Then out of habit, Jenny said Thank You. I just smiled. Then I had Samantha sit at the dressing table. I combed out her brunette hair and after damping it, I blow dried it and fluffed it up. I then placed two yellow barrettes on each side of her hair. There now I said you look so cute. He was still very embarrassed and very scared, but he also by habit said, Thank You in a kind of little girl voice. I couldn't help but smile. Your welcome I said. Then we went outside to the swing set. Mrs. Evans was still raking her lawn as I started the swings for Jenny and Samantha. They were so embarrassed wearing their skirts, knee socks, and cute blouses, not to mention the cute hair barrettes. I was even video taping them as they were swinging. A little while later Mrs. Evans stopped raking her lawn and came over to where we were. Oh, she said, I had to see these cute little girls at your house. Girls say hi to Mrs. Evans. In the shyest, most embarrassed way, they said Hi Mrs. Evans. Then she looked at Samantha and said, What is your name sweetheart? Samantha she said in a kind of high, very shy way. Then Mrs. Evans came over to Jenny and said what is your name? Jenny he said. That's is such a pretty name. You two are such pretty little girls. Then by habit they both said, Thank You. You are so welcome she smiled. I want to take them home with me, she said. I just smiled. Well girls, said Mrs Evans, see you later. Then she walked back to her yard and waved again before going back inside. See girls I said, Mrs. Evans thought you were girls. You look so pretty too. Thank You they said. Then I had them walk around the yard with me a couple of times to let them know how it felt to walk in skirts outside. They were still very embarrassed, but were also so shy, it made them look more like little girls than little boys. Afterwards we came back inside where I allowed them to change back into their boy clothes. When they left, they just remembered to remove the hair barrettes from their hair. That would have been funny to have their moms see them like that. Oh well. (Jimmy) - When Jimmy got home, his mom was at home. Jimmy passed through the kitchen and noticed Jimmy's hair was parted down the middle and kind of fluffed up. Jimmy she said, your hair looks different; who fixed your hair? Jimmy was so embarrassed and had to think of something. Oh, a girl down the street. She was playing with my hair. She did a good job Mrs. Philips said. I think it's kind of cute. Did she paint your toe nails also? Now, Jimmy was embarrassed. Yes she did was all he could say. Pretty soon she will have you wearing dresses she joked. This time Jimmy was really embarrassed. How much did she know? She could see Jimmy's embarrassment and said, just kidding Jimmy Just kidding. I love you. Jimmy felt she was just kidding and glad nothing more was said. (Sam) - Sam walked in the house through the living room. His mother saw his hair and smiled, I like your hair sweetheart. It looks so cute. Thank You, Sam said without thinking. I bet she painted your toe nails too. I think they look cute sweetheart. His mom just smiled and kind of patted him on the head. Then the embarrassed Sam went on back to his room. Mrs. Parker was still smiling though. (Sam and Jimmy) - Sam and Jimmy are in school and it is almost time for the day to end. They both managed to re-comb their hair so they looked more like boys. Their teacher Mrs. Clark has been so impressed with Jimmy and Sam's behavior, she has decided to write a wonderful note home to their parents. Mrs. Clark gives both Jimmy and Sam the sealed notes addressed to their mothers. When Mrs. Clark gives the note to Jimmy, she says, Here sweetie, you and Sam have had such wonderful behavior for the last two months, I want to commend your mother and you for being so good at school. Thank You, said Jimmy. You're welcome sweetheart. Then Mrs. Clark went to Sam's desk and gave him his sealed envelope. Sam you have been so good the last two months, I want to let your mom know how sweet you have been at school. Thank You said Sam in his now more soft, child-like voice. You're welcome sweetie said Mrs. Clark. After school, Jimmy and Sam carry their notes with them as they walk again to Kathy's house. Kathy is waiting for them all smiles. They had another couple of hours of dress-up with Kathy. She taught them how write better using a more delicate hand and with a more delicate pressure on their pencils or pens. Dressed as they were it was beginning to feel more natural to them. That afternoon, their parents read the notes their teacher had written to them. (To Mrs. Philips, Jimmy's mother) - I have to say it has been a pleasure having Jimmy in our class for the last few months. He has been a model for the rest of the class for behavior and conduct. You must be a wonderful parent. Jimmy waits and raises his hand when he has something to say or make a request. He has learned to walk more slowly and with more ease. He appears to be much more in control in the classroom now. Even in line, he is very quiet and well mannered. When he speaks, he speaks with a more mild, thoughtful voice. I have noticed whenever I or someone else does anything for him or gives him a compliment he always says Thank You. Whenever he has a request, he always says please. I have no other boy other than Sam Parker, Jimmy's friend who is as well behaved as Jimmy. Both of them are so well mannered and polite to everyone. Again, I thank Jimmy for his wonderful conduct. I am sending a similar note to Sam's mother today along with this letter to you. Mrs. Clark (To Mrs. Parker Sam's mother) - I am writing this letter to you to commend Sam for his wonderful behavior in my class for the last few months. Sam is so polite and raises his hand before he has something to say or to make a request. When he speaks he no longer has a loud voice but one which is more mild and under control. Whenever anyone: myself or others do anything for him, he always says Thank You. Whenever he makes a request, he always says please. I have only one other boy in my class who is equally well mannered. He is Jimmy Philips. Again, it has been a pleasure having both of them in my class. Mrs. Clark. (Sam and Jimmy) - Sam and Jimmy coming home from school. Jimmy, My mom read the letter the teacher gave her. Mom was so happy I am doing better in school. She said she was very proud of me for being so good. Yes, me too, said Jimmy. My mom must have received the same letter. She was so happy I was not getting into so much trouble any more. I couldn't tell her why. Neither could I, said Sam. What would we tell them? Oh, there's Kathy waiting for us. Just hope we don't have to go on the swings again. Mrs. Evans thinks we are little girls. (Kathy) - I knew mom would not be home until about 7:00 as she had to work late tonight. Okay girls Susan told me you two have have really good at school, and Mrs. Clark has sent your moms' wonderful notes home. Now let's go to the back and get dressed. When Jimmy and Sam got to the bedroom, Kathy took out the flouncy slips and pink dresses for them to wear. She had the pink knee socks and sandals also laid out for them. They didn't really like the pink dresses, but they had no choice. When I left the room, I could hear Samantha saying, Jenny will you please button my dress and tie my sash? Then a little later it was Jenny who said, Samantha, will you please button my dress and tie my sash? Then about five minutes later those two, now so cute girls, came out into the living room. They had no idea I had videotaped and recorded everything they said and did in bedroom. I then played it back for them. They were very embarrassed to know they, without a care in the world acted like proper little girls as they put each other's slip and dress on and then buttoned and tied each other's sash. They looked so cute on the film, just like little girls. Then I brushed out their hair and put little pink barrettes on each side of their hair. Oh, I said, you two girls look adorable. They then said automatically, Thank You. Then I got Samantha to give me her mother's phone number at home. He was so frightened as to what I might say. But he gave me his mother's phone number anyway. Then I got Jenny to give me his mother's phone number also. I called Jimmy's mom and told her a part lie. Mrs. Philips, my mom would like to trim Jimmy's hair for him. She is a hair stylist and is very good. Jimmy's mom said okay, he really needs a hair cut. Then I called Sam's mother and gave her the same half lie. Mrs. Parker, my mom would like to trim Sam's hair for him. She readily agreed saying his hair really needed a trim. The only lie was that my neighbor, Mrs. Evans would be cutting their hair. Then I called Mrs. Evans and told her their moms said it would be fine for her to trim their hair. I then took the boys out the back in their cute little dresses and knee socks, and we went over to Mrs. Evans house. Mrs. Evans had her own beauty parlor in her home and was a wonderful hair stylist. When we knocked at the back door, Mrs. Evans was all smiles as she greeted me and the ah - girls. Jenny and Samantha were so embarrassed to be there all dressed up. However, Mrs. Evans had no idea they were not girls and then took Jenny, who was closest, and had her sit at the little girl's table. Jenny was too frightened to move. Mrs. Evans was so kind as she was to any little girl who appeared scared. She began to make all over her. Jenny, is that your name sweetheart? Yes, said Jenny in a very shy, soft voice. Mrs. Evans just smiled. It's okay honey, I am going to make your hair look real pretty. Just let me put this little cloth over your neck. Good; now let me put this little cape over you to keep your pretty dress clean. See how it has the little pink bunnies. I thought you would like it. Then Mrs. Evans began to trim the ends of Jenny's hair until it was nice and even but not take off the length. By now Jenny's hair was an inch and a half below his ears. Then Mrs. Evans began to comb out the front of Jenny's hair to make bangs. I knew what she was going to do it, but I didn't tell Jenny, or Samantha who was waiting in the next room. Then Mrs. Evans began to measure and cut, measure and cut, until Jenny had nice smooth bangs. Afterwards, Mrs. Evans wanted to show Jenny her new hair style, but I convinced her to wait until both of them were finished, and then have them see themselves at the same time. Mrs. Evans thought that was a wonderful idea. So after we finished with Jenny, I put a bag over Jenny's head and led him out to the waiting room. Then I brought Samantha in to have his hair cut. While I waited for Mrs. Evans to finish with Samantha, I went back out and took the bag off of Jenny's head. Thankfully there were no mirrors to look into. Then we just waited for Mrs. Evans to finish with Samantha's Hair. Again, Mrs. Evans made all over Samantha and put the same cute bunny rabbit cape over him to cut his hair. She made all over him, telling her what a pretty little girl she was and how she would make her hair real pretty. Samantha became even more scared. Then like Jenny, I could see as I peaked in how she was cutting Samantha's hair the same way with a slight trim to even his long hair and making sweet, smooth bangs for him. When she was finished, Mrs. Evans took Samantha, and I took Jenny, and we brought them together to see themselves at the same time. Mrs. Evan must have thought they were sisters and should have the same hair style. When we brought them together, Mrs. Evans and I turned them around, so they could see themselves. They were so embarrassed at how cute they looked. Except for Sam having brunette hair and Jenny having blond hair, their hair style was almost identical. They both had very smooth, even ends, and Mrs. Evans had given them both, nice smooth bangs, any little girl would be proud of. Even Mrs. Evans was tickled over it. When we left Mrs. Evans house, she gave them two large suckers. When we got back inside my house, I had Jenny and Samantha take off their dresses the way they usually do. This time they appeared to feel a little more helpless. I could hear them. Please Jenny, will you unbutton my dress and untie my sash? This time Samantha answered back, okay Jenny I will. Then a little while later I could hear Jenny saying, please Samantha, will you unbutton my dress and untie my sash? and again, Samantha said okay, I will. As they were getting dressed, I reminded them to be sure and hang up their slips and dresses which they did. When they left the house, I could see they felt self conscious as they walked down the street. (Sam and Jimmy) - Sam, what are we going to say when we get home? I don't know Jimmy. (Jimmy and his mother) - When Jimmy got home, Mrs. Philips couldn't wait to see Jimmy's new hair cut. She almost died laughing saying, Jimmy your hair, it ah, looks so cute. Jimmy was more relieved now. At least she didn't belittle him. Then she said, the girls are going to love your hair. She just put her hand over her mouth. Well, if you don't like it, it will grow back in time. She was still smiling as he left the room. (Sam and his mother) - When Sam came into the house, his mother, Mrs. Parker was waiting. Sam, sweetheart, oh my, your hair, (trying to control her laugh) it looks so cute. I have to say it looks pretty. She was trying not to laugh, and kept it to a giggle. She must have thought you were a girl. It's okay honey. It will grow back in time. In the mean time it looks so cute. (Sam and Jimmy) - Jimmy, I tried to comb back my hair in the front, but it just falls back down. Me too, said Sam. I don't know how to comb it back. When they got to school all the children just kind of looked at Jimmy and Sam's hair. The teacher smiled at both of them. Jimmy, I love your hair, and Sam, your hair looks so much like Jimmy's; It's so cute. At that the boys couldn't believe it. During recess, the girls were smiling and complimenting Jimmy and Sam on their new hair style. Susan was first. Oh, Jimmy, Sam, I love your hair. It looks so pretty. Thank You they said without thinking. I didn't even recognize you two at first while walking to school. I thought you were someone else. Then Mary Adams came over. Oh Sam, Jimmy, I love your hair. Thank You said Jimmy in a mild, weak voice. Then Sam said, Thank You also, sounding almost like a girl. I am going to ask my mom if she will cut my bangs. They look so cute. After they left Kathy's house that day, they went home to their mothers who were still making over their new hair style. (Jimmy, Sam, and their mothers) - When Jimmy got in, his mother was waiting. I called Sam's mother and learned he also got his hair trimmed just like yours. I can't wait to see his new hair style. Marge is going to bring Sam by, so we can compare your hair style with his. I bet the kids got a kick out of your hair. I know the girls loved it. When Mrs. Parker drove up, Mom couldn't wait to compare our hair cuts. They met out front, and Mom invited Mrs. Parker in for refreshments. They made all over our hair. Oh, Emily except for Sam's brunette and Jimmy's blond hair, their hair styles are almost identical. Sam and I just stood there seated at the table, while they compared our hair style. Yes, I love the way the lady cut their hair so even on the ends and didn't take off the length, said Marge. Yes, then Emily, my mom, trying to hide a laugh, said. Now all we need to do is let the ends grow out and roll their hair. Marge started laughing. Then they would look adorable. We just sat there hoping none of them would take it seriously. Finally after all of the gushing over our hair, Mrs. Parker said goodbye to my mom. Let me know if you want to go dress hunting. Then they both laughed and Mrs. Parker drove away. (Susan and Kathy) - Oh, Kathy did you see Jimmy and Sam's new hair style? Oh, ah, yes I did, said Kathy. I saw them walking to school yesterday, said Susan. I thought they were two girls. They looked so cute. They do, said Kathy. I hope the boys don't make too much fun of them. I really love their bangs. So do I, said Kathy. (Jimmy and Sam) - oh Jimmy this hairstyle is so girl like, Betty sitting behind me wanted to comb my hair during break time. She just took her comb out and started brushing my hair. There now she said, it looks more neat now. Without thinking I said Thank You. She said, you're welcome as if she were talking to a girl. I had the same problem, said Jimmy. Karen came up to me and asked where I got my hair cut. She wanted to have her hair cut like mine. I just said my mom cut it. I hope Kathy doesn't send us over to Mrs. Evans again. No telling what she will do. As they walked toward Kathy's house, they could see She was waiting for them. (Kathy) - Hey girls, I heard the girls at school really loved your hair. That's okay. I think its pretty. Thank You said Samantha. Thank You said Jenny. Good girls. Now I want to try something new. My mom is working late again. I have some more outfits for you. Kathy led them back to her bedroom. Now girls. I have put out the yellow skirt and white top for you Jenny. I also thought the white knee socks would go nicely with your white top. For you Samantha I put out the blue skirt, white top, and white knee socks. I didn't tell them their skirts and tops also buttoned from the back and had cute, puffed sleeves. I would let them figure that out. Then I left the room and left the video/voice recorder playing. I told them to be ready in five minutes. (Jimmy and Sam) - The skirt and top buttons in the back Samantha. I am going need help. So will I said Samantha. Okay, said Jenny. I will help you with your skirt and top, then you help me with mine. Okay, said Samantha. Thank You said Jenny. You're welcome. (Kathy) - My I thought, just like sisters. I couldn't help but smile. They managed to help each other put on their skirts and tops along with their knee socks and sandals. This time with their new hair styles, they really looked like girls. Mrs. Evans wanted me to bring the girls over. She had a 12 year old niece who was visiting with her. Jenny and Samantha were very afraid thinking they would be found out. I told the girls: listen I want you too to do everything Lisa and Mrs. Evans say. If you act like good little girls, you will do wonderful. Remember, walk delicately and speak softly. You know how to do it. Then I led the girls to Mrs. Evans house. Mrs. Evans was so glad to see us. Oh, Mrs. Evans said to the girls, I just love your outfits. They look so cute. Thank You Jenny said; and then Samantha said, Thank You. Just then, Lisa appeared in the doorway. She was older than I. She was a real girly girl and full of life. Hey girls, she gushed when she saw Jenny and Samantha. I just know we are going to have fun. Then Lisa took each of them by the hand and led them to her bedroom. There she showed them her dolls she had when she was little. She even had a makeup desk in her room. Okay girls, this is my doll collection. I have the Barbie's and all of the Ken's. I even have dolls I had when I was five and six. Jenny and Samantha were overwhelmed with embarrassment, being in such a girly girl's room and all dressed up too. Then Lisa took Jenny over to her make up table. Then she proceeded to look at various shades of nail polish to go with Jenny's new yellow skirt. There she said, this should be perfect. Then she shook up the polish and had Jenny place one hand on her nail polish mat. Here we go sweetheart. I think this will go good with your skirt. Then Lisa proceeded to paint Jenny's nails a nice yellow. When she was finished with that hand, she then placed Jenny's other hand on the mat and painted those nails also. Afterwards she had Jenny blow on his nails for about three minutes to help them try. I couldn't help but smile as Jenny was blowing on his nails. Then Lisa led Samantha to her dressing table. She found some light blue nail polish and said, this color will pretty with your light blue skirt. She then placed one of Samantha's hands on her polishing mat and began painting Samantha's nails a nice, light blue. When she finished with that hand, she had Samantha blow on his painted nails while she placed her unpainted nails on her polishing mat. When she was finished, Jenny was still blowing on his nails and Samantha had just started blowing on his. They looked so cute blowing on their nails. Lisa even gave each of them a doll to take home. She had so many, she was trying give away some of them. Then she said to Jenny and Samantha, here are some dolls you may like. I think they are really cute, but I have so many. As we walked back to my house, I gushed over their dolls. Oh your dolls are so cute. I just love their cute lips and long hair. I bet you girls wish you had long hair like that. I just smiled as they looked at me. Oh, and those cute little dresses with the puffed sleeves. They are so much like your blouses. They are so cute. Those two were so embarrassed. After we got inside and they finally changed into their other clothes. I told them they could clean their nails at the sink. I even gave them my nail polish remover, so they could take it all off. They eagerly went to the sink and with the polish remover and tissue, they got most of the polish off of their nails. However I told them they would have to find a way to get their new dolls home, because I didn't have room for them. But I wanted them to be sure and send me a picture of their dolls every Friday night or I would paint both their nails as nice rich pink color to take home with them. They agreed and left the house with their dolls in their hands. (Jimmy and Sam) - Oh, Jimmy we look funny hiding these dolls in under our shirts. Yes, said Sam, but what if someone sees us with them. What would they say? I don't know but I don't want to find out. When the two boys got home, they found a way to sneak their dolls into their bedrooms without anyone seeing them. (Jimmy) - Jimmy took a shower when he got home and then got ready for supper. At the dinner table, Mrs. Philips was casually gazing over at Jimmy as he ate his supper. Mrs. Philips smiled, she seemed to notice something about Jimmy he wasn't aware of. That night, jimmy was watching television and glanced at his fingers holding the TV remote. Oh my he said, I didn't get all of the nail polish off. There was still small yellow lines just on the side of his nails. Then Jimmy remembered his mom gazing at him and smiling. Oh, Mom knows I had polish on them. It was then he remembered to send a picture of his doll to Kathy. Kathy acknowledged it and said, "Good Girl". (Sam) - Sam got home a little after Jimmy since he had to walk farther. Still he found a way to hide his doll in his garage and then come inside just in time to see his mother coming through the living room. Mrs. Parker smiled at Sam and just sort of went on into the kitchen to finish supper. When Sam got cleaned up, he too had supper with his Mom. They talked about school and his friend Jimmy. She kept smiling at him the whole time. Still she didn't say anything. The next morning when Sam got up, he washed his face and then looked at his finger nails. There on the sides of his nails were small streaks of blue nail polish. Oh no Sam thought. That is why his Mom was so intently gazing at him at supper. Then he remembered to send Kathy a picture of his doll. She wrote back, Good Girl. (Sam and Jimmy) - At school that day, Jimmy and Sam managed to avoid anyone seeing the small streaks of nail polish on their nails. That is until lunch time when Mary and Susan who were sitting beside them, noticed the yellow polish on Jimmy's nails and the light blue polish streaks on Sam's nails. They just smiled, and Susan said, I didn't know you two polished your nails. I think its cute said Mary. Boys should be able to wear nail polish. Susan just smiled knowing these boys had been bullies and now they had streaks of nail polish on their nails. Oh, okay said Susan. I think it's cute also. Jimmy and Sam just sat there knowing that Mary and Susan knew they had their nails polished. (Kathy) - Oh, said Kathy it's been about five months now. School is now out for the summer. Jimmy and Sam are beginning to look like real girls. Even the girls at school are seeing them as girls. Susan told me, Mary polished their nails after school. They had to keep their hands in their pockets so no one would know. When they did show up, I told them what Susan had told me. Okay girls, it's okay, you can take your hands out of your pockets. When they did, I saw two girls with beautiful red nail polish on their nails. Their hair was also getting longer. They looked so cute. I took them inside and told them they could clean their nails at the sink using my polish remover. This time they really tried to clean their nails good this time, even around the edges. I just watched knowing they were going to miss something. That day I had the girls dress up in their yellow and red, lace and ruffled dresses. It was so interesting all of this time, those two were dressing up and having to act like little girls, made their voices so much softer and even higher due to much more shyness and fear. Now they even sounded like girls. They said all of their Thank Yous and Pleases to everyone, even their mothers. We were having a such a good time, we all lost track of it. I was swinging Jenny and Samantha on the swing. They looked so cute in their little girl dresses and flouncy slips. Just then Susan came up from behind. Kathy, she said who are your new friends? Oh, ah this is Jenny and this is Samantha. Say hi to Susan, girls. Jenny said hi Susan, and then Samantha said hi Susan. It was then Susan finally caught on. She put her hand over her mouth. Oh my, that's Jimmy and that's Sam. I can't believe it. They look just like little girls. Yes, said Kathy they know they have to do what I say or I will call police for killing our cats. You mean they killed our cats? Yes, said Kathy. Now you are making them act like girls to punish them, said Susan. Oh, they look so cute, said Susan. Now girls, what did I say about compliments. Then Jenny said, Thank You. Then Samantha said, Thank You. Susan put her hand over mouth trying to stifle a laugh. They even sound like little girls now. Oh, mom will be coming home soon. I promised the girls I would not let anyone know they are boys. Mom would surely figure it out eventually. Okay girls let's go inside and take off your dresses. Susan and I listened at the bedroom door as Jenny and Samantha helped each other take off the other's dress and slip. Susan was giggling as Jimmy said, Please Samantha help me unbutton my dress and untie my sash. Then a short time later she started to laugh again as Samantha asked Jenny, Please Jenny unbutton my dress and untie my sash. Okay said Jenny. Oh, said Susan they sound so cute, just like little girls. When they were finished, they came out. I asked them if they put everything away. Even with Susan standing in front of them they said, Yes Kathy we hung up our dresses and slips and put our knee socks and sandals under the bed. Good girls I said. Then they both said Thank You. Susan laughed knowing she knew all about them now. By now Jenny and Samantha were so used to being little girls they didn't think about as much. Susan could see that too. Okay from now on I will call you Jenny as she pointed to Jenny. And I will call you Samantha as she pointed to Samantha. I think those are pretty names. Thank You said Jenny and Thank You said Samantha. You're welcome said Susan. I like them so much better this way. (Jimmy and Sam) - What are we going to do now said Jimmy. Even Susan knows everything. I don't know said Sam. I hope we don't have to start obeying Susan also. (Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips) - Oh, Marge, said Mrs. Philips, Jimmy failed his grade in two subjects. His teacher did say his behavior improve immensely during the last two months, but it just wasn't enough to bring up his other grades. They say he has to repeat fourth grade. Oh, I am so sorry, said Marge. They called me today and said Sam also failed two grades and would have to take fourth grade again also. But, she also said Sam's behavior and conduct was so much better these last two months. She just loved having him in her class. I am going to start now helping Sam prepare more, so when he goes back to school, he will do much better. I will help Jimmy prepare, so he will do better next year also, said Emily. I will talk to you later. (Mrs. Parker and Sam) - Sam had come in from riding his bicycle. When he came in, his mother had a glass of coke waiting on the table for him. Here Sam, I made us a glass of coke. Sam was delighted. Thanks mom. I am so thirsty. As They sat and talked, his mother said, Sam, Mrs. Clark called today. She said you and Jimmy has wonderful behavior these last few months, but - it wasn't enough to bring up your grades. Both of you had very poor reading and writing during the year. She thinks you two should take the fourth grade over again to improve your reading and writing before going to the fifth grade. Oh mom, my friends they will be gone. I made sure you will still have Jimmy in your class, and I will help you get better and better each day. Okay mom, said Sam. (Mrs. Phillips and Jimmy) - Jimmy and his mother were eating supper that night. After supper, they were still drinking their tea and talking about their day. Then his mother said, Jimmy your teacher said you had wonderful behavior these last few months, but it wasn't enough to bring up your grades. She said you will have to take the fourth grade over again. Jimmy didn't know what to think. Oh, he thought. All of my friends will be going to the fifth grade. That's okay, you will make many new friends, and you can still see your other friends at school. I will try to help you get ready for the next year, so when you go back, you will do much better, even perhaps better than all the other kids. That sounds better said Jimmy. I always hate failing my tests. It's okay, said his mother, you will do better in all of your subjects. (Susan and Kathy) - Susan, I am trying to get Jenny's mother and Samantha's mother to begin accepting them as girls. Then we will never have to worry about them harming anyone else. School is out now, and we have much more time to help them become more like girls. I hope we can have them going to school in skirts and dresses next year. You really think so, said Susan. Yes, said Kathy. We just have to find a way to get their mothers to accept them as girls and not as boys. I am working on it now. (Kathy) - Kathy knew Jimmy and Sam would be home that morning, while their mothers worked. She called them up and had them come over to her house that morning. When they arrived at Kathy's house, there in the living room was Susan. Oh no, said Jimmy to Sam what do we do? Kathy said that's okay girls. I want Susan to help you learn how to act and talk better. Susan smiled knowing Kathy was in charge now. Now, you two go put your little pink dresses on. About five minutes layer, Jenny and Samantha were coming into the living room swishing their flouncy dresses and walking delicately with their arms and hands raised to keep from touching their dresses. Susan was all smiles. They look so cute in those pink ruffled dresses and knee socks. They look like sisters. What do you say girls. Then Jenny said, Thank You. Then Samantha said Thank You. They are so sweet, said Susan. I know said Kathy. Now girls I want you two to learn how to read better. I know both of you failed reading this year. Kathy said, I will help Samantha, if you will help Jenny. Okay said Susan. Now girls, said Kathy, Jenny, you and Susan sit at the table, while Samantha and I sit in the living room. Susan was impressed when Jenny swept her skirt and sat down proper in her dress. Susan was wearing jeans. Then Kathy and Samantha sat down at the coffee table in the living room and began reading. The whole time the reading practice was not so much about reading as it was to learn to speak and sound more like girls. First Susan would read a paragraph. Then she would have Jenny read the same paragraph. Okay Jenny, said Susan, I will read first; then you read. Susan found a really girly paragraph and began to read. She even made marks to show where she emphasized her words. The little' Prin'cess'. Mom'my was so kind' to me. She brushed' my hair' and then she rolled up' the ends' in cute' pink' curlers'. Then she sprayed' my hair with something' to make it curl'. She said' I will look so' pretty'. When she was finished,' my hair had the cutest'' curls''. Then mom'my' helped me put on my pretty' fairy' dress'. I looked just' like a princess'. Now said Susan, you read it. Jenny began to read, while Susan would help guide Jenny through the words. Say prin' cess' with a high voice. Prin' cess' said Jenny with a cute high voice. Very good. Thank You said Jenny, just like a little nine year old girl. After a while, Jenny was speaking in a higher, more cute voice and would emphasize the syllables just as Susan did. At the coffee table, Kathy was helping Samantha say her words in a more cute way. Okay said Kathy, I will read this paragraph, and then you try to say it just as I did. Here goes. "My so' cute' bedroom". Mom'my' made me' a prin' cess' bedroom'. It was so' cute'. It had a Cinda rella' bed' spread' and cute' little dolls' on the pil' lows. The walls' were so' cute' with little' fairies' all' over' it. The rug' had little' girls' jumping' rope and swing'ing on a swing'. Now, said Kathy, you try to read it just as I did. Samantha began to read and tried to raise his voice higher to accent the syllables just as Kathy did. Kathy would even point her finger up to help Samantha accent the syllables and raise his tones. Samantha was beginning to sound just like an excited little girl, as she read the paragraph. Even Susan began to smile at Samantha's reading. After an hour of practice, both Jenny and Samantha began to read in an almost too silly a way. Both Kathy and Susan began to laugh at their silly reading. Remember said Kathy you and Jenny have to always talk with more accents when you speak here. If you don't I may have to take you over to Mrs. Evans house to get your hair rolled. They both nodded and said, We'll be' good' Pro'mise'. Okay girls. Now we can take a break and go swing on the swings. When we got outside, the girls seemed to be not as embarrassed anymore. I guess after being out there so many times and having Mrs. Evans and now Susan see them so often, they became more docile and compliant. I led Samantha to one swing while Susan led Jenny to the other swing. I thought it was so cute when Susan told Jenny to sweep her dress before sitting on the swing. Jenny did it and sat down. Then Susan and I began to push Jenny and Samantha. Okay girls say Mary Had a Little Lamb just like we practiced with the accents. Susan started giggling as Jenny and Samantha began saying the nursery rhyme together. Mar'y had a little' lamb'', Its fleece' was white' as snow'', And every' where' that Mary' went' The lamb' was sure' to go'' ; He followed' her to school' one day-- That' was against the rule'', It made' the children' laugh' and play'', To see a lamb'' at school''. And so' the Teacher'' turned him out'', But still' he lingered near,'' And waited' patiently'' about', Till Mary'' did' appear''; And then he ran' to her', and laid' His head' upon her arm'', As if' he said--' I'm not afraid''-- You'll keep' me' from all' harm.'' Very Good Girls I said. Then Jenny and Samantha both said Thank You, in a kind of weak pleasing voice, little girls tend to use. Susan just giggled. Okay girls, said Kathy, now twice around the backyard. Susan and I sat in the swings as Jenny and Samantha began walking along the outside boundary of our backyard two times. As they walked, Susan and I talked. My said Susan, they look so cute in their frilly dresses and knee socks. Yes they do said Kathy. How did you get them to walk so slowly and so delicately? said Susan. It's the dresses. They have been in frilly dresses and flouncy slips for the last five months. The dresses? How do the dresses do it? said Susan. Well said Kathy those cute dresses and flouncy slips will swish about if they walk too fast. The boys are embarrassed when they see their dresses swish, so - they try to walk more slowly. I think it makes them look so much more cute and delicate. No wonder they were walking so proper at school. That is so funny. But how did you get them to hold their arms and hands out while they are walking? said Susan. That's easy, said Kathy The flouncy slips make their skirts stand out. If they lower their arms, their hands will touch their dresses and make them more embarrassed. So - they hold their arms and hands out to keep from touching their dresses. They look even more cute and delicate that way. They do, said Susan. They look so adorable, just like little girls. They do, said Kathy. Then they both giggled and continued to watch as the two boys began delicately walking around the backyard for the second time in their frilly dresses. Susan and I just kept giggling and holding our hands over our mouths. They looked so cute. Then after Jenny and Samantha finished their second walk around the backyard, Susan and I led Jenny and Samantha back inside the house. When Jenny and Samantha got back to the bedroom, their boy clothes were in bags. They were puzzled at first. Then I showed them the clothes I had for them. I laid out Jenny's first. Here Jenny I said, you have some nice white cotton slacks and a nice orange top to go with it. I didn't tell her the collar had some glitter and the short sleeves were somewhat puffed. She also had some of my old orange socks. Jenny was in shock. Now for you Samantha, I have some red cotton pants and a nice white top. It also had the glitter and somewhat puffed sleeves. Then Susan and I left the room for the girls to change. We listened and giggled as they began asking for and helping each other unbutton their dresses. When they were finished and left the bedroom, they looked just like any other nine year old girls, - but they didn't know that. Susan was smiling and hiding a giggle, saying, I love your outfits. Then they replied, Thank You said Jenny and then Thank You said Samantha. Okay girls I said, I put your boy clothes in these bags. Remember, I want you to keep those clothes. You can hide them if you like but keep them. I may wish to have them back later. I gave the girls their bags. They almost left the house before Jenny recognized Samantha still had her pink barrettes in her hair. You still have your barrettes in your hair said Jenny. So do you, said Samantha. Then they took them off and laid them on the table. I didn't mind. I was satisfied they were dressed a they were. Susan and I watched as the two ah girls walked home in their new outfits. (Sam and Jimmy) - Oh, said Jimmy we almost forgot to take those barrettes out of our hair. I know, said Sam. Oh, Jimmy you look like a girl in those clothes. You have silver glitter on your collar and those sleeves are puffed like a girl's. Sam, You look like a girl in your clothes. Your sleeves are puffed and there is picture of a little yellow dog with a ribbon on it on the back of your shirt. Oh no, said Sam. I am glad our Moms are still at work. At least we will have time to change. What if someone recognizes us. What do we do?, said Jimmy. I don't know. I just hope they don't. Just then an older lady on their street was checking her mail as Jimmy and Sam were walking by. The lady said Hey girls how are you doing today? Jimmy and Sam just froze for a second. Then Jimmy remembered how he was reading for Kathy. Oh' we're' doing fine'' today. We' are just' walking home'. Good Girls, she said. Be careful. Then Sam remembered how to speak and said, Okay'' Thank' You'. Oh, said Jimmy, she thought we were girls. That was close, said Sam. Then they continued to walk home. (Jimmy) - When Jimmy got home, he quickly took off the girl clothes he was wearing and put on his regular clothes. He then hid the girls clothes way under the blankets in his closet. Then he took his doll and sent a picture of it to Kathy. Kathy replied, Good Girl. (Sam) - When Sam got home, he took off his girl clothes and put his boy clothes back on. Then he went to the garage to get his doll. Kathy told him he had to keep his doll somewhere in his bedroom from now on, so Sam brought the doll in and then sent a picture of it from his bedroom. Kathy replied, Good Girl. (Jimmy and Sam) - The next day, Jimmy and Sam were walking to Kathy's house. What are we going to do? said Sam. I don't know, said Jimmy. I just hope Kathy gets tired of doing all of this. When they go to Kathy's house, Susan was with her. (Kathy and Susan) - Okay girls said Kathy, come inside. Then Sam and Jimmy came in the house. Okay girls, said Kathy, Susan needs to check to be sure you are wearing your panties; turn around. Sam and Jimmy looked at each other now more embarrassed, and then slowly turned around. Then Susan checked under their Jeans and giggled. Yes, she said. Jenny is wearing the yellow ribbon panties and Samantha is wearing the pink flower panties. Good Girls, said Kathy. Thank You said Jenny and then Thank You said Samantha. Mrs. Evans saw you two out yesterday and thought your hair could do with some touching up. I will get you girls ready, and then we will go to Mrs. Evan's house. I laid out some nice blue cotton pants and white top with flowers for Samantha and some nice Yellow cotton pants for Jenny and white top with hearts. Their socks are white with glitter. When they came out of the bedroom, Susan and I smiled with delight. They looked so cute. Their hair was getting longer now. Susan led Jenny, and I led Samantha to Mrs. Evans house. When she saw us, she gushed over the girls. Oh girls, I love your outfits. Thank' You said Jenny and then Thank' You said Samantha. Then she took both Jenny and Samantha to her salon area. By now, the two girls were more docile and would not be a problem. Susan and I watched as Mrs. Evans seated Jenny at her chair. Then she put the pink flower cape over her to begin the cut. Jenny just froze and waited for it all to end some time. Mrs. Evans tried to put her at ease. That's okay sweetheart, I am just going to make you pretty. Susan started to giggle. Then Mrs. Evans slowly trimmed the ends of Jenny's hair and afterwards trimmed her bangs again. She looked so cute. Then Mrs. Evans went a step farther, she took some little rollers and rolled just the ends of her hair. Then she sprayed some light hold on the rollers and placed a net over her head. Okay sweetie, said Mrs. Evans. I want you to sit over here in this chair while I work on your sister's hair. I whispered to Susan, "She thinks they're sisters." Susan just giggled, and put her hand over her mouth. You can keep your cape on. Jenny complied and sat in the chair next to Mrs. Evans. Then she had Samantha sit in the salon chair. She put another cute cape over her and trimmed her hair the same way, and after trimming her bangs, she rolled her hair at the ends with small rollers, then sprayed some hold on the rollers. They both look just like little girls being pampered. I couldn't help but smile. When Mrs. Evans was finished with Samantha, she sent the two of them outside to allow the sun to dry their hair. (Jimmy and Sam) - Oh, Sam, said Jimmy. what is she doing to our hair? I hope we can fix it. I don't know, said Sam. I don't want Mom to see me looking like a girl. Finally it was time to bring the girls in. (Mrs. Evans) - Okay girls, since I did Jenny's hair first, I will take her rollers out first. Then Mrs. Evans had Jenny sit at the salon chair. Then she carefully removed her cape and plastic cap. Then she slowly removed each roller so as not to mess her hair. When she was finished, Jenny had a nice even curl all along the bottom of her hair. She looked like a princess. Samantha was watching and was in shock. He could not believe his friend, Jimmy looked like a pretty girl. When Mrs. Evans had brushed out Jenny's hair just so, she said, now sweetie, you just sit right here, and I will make your sister just as pretty. Jenny stared at the mirror which was now in front of her. She could not believe what she saw. Staring back at her was not him, but a pretty little girl. She just stared at her reflection with her mouth open. Then Mrs. Evans seated Samantha at the salon chair and slowly began taking off her cape, her plastic cover, and rollers. Then she brushed out Samantha's hair just as she had done for Jenny. When she was finished, Mrs. Evans said, now we have two princesses. Samantha and Jenny stared the mirror in front of them and at each other, not believing they looked so pretty. Susan and I just giggled and giggled, then making all over them. Oh, said Susan you two look so pretty. I just love it. Yes, I said. You two are the cutest girls in the neighborhood. Jenny and Samantha were too in shock to say Thank You. I think they knew it was all sarcasm anyway. When we left Mrs. Evans, she said, okay girls, suckers for the princesses, and then we all left to go back to my house. (Susan and Kathy) - When we got back home, Jenny and Samantha were looking for their clothes again. That's okay girls you won't need to change. All you need to do is take off your sandals and put on your regular shoes. Then Jenny said we can't go home like this. Yea, said Samantha. What is everyone who sees us going to say? My My I said. Did anyone say anything yesterday? Come girls take a look at yourselves in the mirror. All I see are two very pretty little girls. Now I can always have you put your pink dresses on instead. Now are you going to be good little girls in pants or good little girls in dresses? I will wear the pants, said Jenny. So will I, said Samantha. Good girls. Now be safe on your way home. (Jimmy and Sam) - Oh, Sam you look so much like a girl, I can hardly recognize you. You too, said Sam. You look like a girl in third grade at school, not Jimmy. I hope no one recognizes us. As they walked on, the same older lady was checking her mail. Oh hi girls, you two look so cute today. Did someone fix your hair? It looks so pretty. Yes', said Jimmy. And that must be your sister. Her hair is just like yours said the lady. Yes', said Sam. Okay girls, see you later. Oh, she thought we were sisters, said Jimmy. (Jimmy) - That afternoon, Jimmy came home and changed back into his boy clothes. Then he went to the sink and began to wash his hair to try to make the curls go away. He must have washed his hair for over an hour until he felt the curls were now flat. At least I looked more like a boy. (Sam) - Sam finally made it home. He also changed back into his boy clothes, and then he also went to the sink and began to wash his hair for long time until he felt the curls in his hair were now gone. Then he felt much better. (Jimmy and his Mother) - By the time Jimmy's mom got home, Jimmy felt much better. His hair and bangs looked almost the same, just a little smoother. Jimmy helped his mom fix supper. While he was helping her, his mom looked at him. oh honey, sweetheart, did you get your hair trimmed again? Yes, said Jimmy. His mom was trying to trying to stifle a giggle and put hand over her mouth. It looks so, pretty. I love the way she trimmed the ends and your bangs. I think she even put a little curl on the ends. It looks so cute. Now sweetie, let's get supper ready. During supper Mom seemed to be talking to me differently now. Sweetie, I think you should try to get some nice clothes to go with your nice hair style. She even called me over to her room later. Here honey, let me brush those ends just little. Then she proceeded to take her hair brush and started trying to put the same curl back in my hair I spent so much time trying to take out. She began curling my hair on the ends with her brush. When she was finished I looked almost like I did before I washed it. Oh, Sweetheart that looks so much better. (Sam and his Mother) - When Sam's mother came in from work, she asked Sam to help bring in the groceries. Sam was bringing some of the groceries in, as his mom was bringing in some more just behind him. She noticed how smooth his hair was. As they laid the groceries on the table, his mom turned Sam around and just looked at him closely. Oh, Sam, Sweetie that hair stylist must have trimmed your hair again. It looks so pretty. Oh, I didn't notice, as she put hand over her mouth, she even gave you a slight curl on the ends. I think it looks adorable. You look so sweet with your bangs and curls. I just wished she had put in a little more curl. Then it would be even better. Okay, sweetheart, help Mommy get supper ready. I tried to help her put everything away. Then Mom began showing me how to make supper. She had never done that before. She appeared to be smiling. Now, I want you to watch Mommy. Here, turn the oven to 350 degrees. Good sweetheart. Now we heat this little pan up and while it is heating, we put in some butter. I will cut it and let you put it in. There, good. Now we need to let it melt. Just wait. Now we put in some flour like this. Oh, I'm sorry she said smiling, I got some flour on your nose. Here, let Mommy wipe it off. There now. Now we put in a little milk. I will tell you how much. Good sweetie; now put a little seasoning and salt in it. Okay, now we use the whisk like this to stir it all up. Just stir a little but keep stirring. Good girl, I mean ah, good. Now we reduce the heat. Turn it down some. Now we put in a one cup of cheese. Here we go. That's it, pour it in slowly, Good ah okay. Now help Mommy cut up the potatoes. We make little slices like this; see how easy it is. Now we lay some slices in our little dish. Now sweetheart pour some of the sauce on the potatoes. There, now, stop, perfect. Now we put some more potato slices over the sauce. Oh, perfect; you did wonderful. Now we put the rest of the sauce over the potatoes. Now we are going to put a little seasoning on top. Good, okay. Now open the oven door, so Mommy can put the dish in the oven. We did it. You were the best little helper for Mommy. (Sam) - Sam is in his room. Oh I can't believe she said, good girl. She even kept using the word Mommy as if she were talking to a little girl. I felt so silly. (Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Philips) - That night, Mrs. Parker calls Mrs. Philips on the phone. Oh Emily, I found a doll and nail polish in Sam's bedroom. I even saw he had painted his toe nails. LOL; I found a doll and nail polish in Jimmy's room also. When Jimmy was sleeping I noticed pink nail polish on his toe nails. He looked so cute. Oh, the real reason I called is because Sam had his hair and bangs trimmed again. I even suspect the stylist curled his hair. It looked so cute. LOL; Oh, my Jimmy had his hair and bangs trimmed also. I also noticed a slight curl in his hair. I loved it so much I took a hair brush and turned ends to help give his hair more curl. It looks so cute now. I know, said Marge. I even had a lapse of thinking and while Sam was helping me with supper, I said, Good Girl. Oh my, said Emily. He must have been so embarrassed. I don't care, said Marge, he looked so cute. I am thinking we have girls now instead of boys. Sam has been so polite for the last four months. Stifling a giggle, when he walks it is as if he has been walking in a skirt. His steps are more delicate and shorter. Oh, said Emily I have noticed that in Jimmy. I just thought it was my imagination at first. I see Jimmy taking more delicate, shorter steps also. He looks so cute. Well, let me know if you see him wearing a dress or playing with his doll. They both laughed and giggled for second, then said goodbye to each other. (Sam and Jimmy) - The next morning, Jimmy and Sam have to be at Kathy's house. As they are walking, they are telling each other about the night before. Oh, Sam, My mom knew I had my hair trimmed. She even knew there were curls in it. I tried to wash it out, but Mom took a brush and began brushing the ends until the curls were almost where they were. I can see that, said Sam. Except for your clothes, you look almost like you did yesterday. Your hair looks pretty straight said Jimmy. Mom still knew someone had trimmed my hair even though I washed it out for an hour. She even began calling me sweetheart, honey, and sweetie as if she were talking to a little girl. She even had me help her with supper and called me, mothers little helper. It was if I was her little girl. What do we do, said Sam. I don't know, said Jimmy. Soon they were at Kathy's house. (Kathy and Susan) - Here they come, said Susan. Oh I see. Hey look said Kathy, Sam's hair is almost straight now, but Jimmy's hair still has that curl on the ends. I see said Susan. We need to help them learn to read and speak more like girls do. I still love it when they are all dressed up. They are so cute and compliant then. Okay girls, said Kathy, I want you to wear your cute, yellow and red ruffled dresses. Susan and I will wait out here while you girls change. Susan and I listened as Jenny and Samantha helped each other with their dresses and slips. Jenny, please help me put on my slip and dress. Okay, said Jenny. Then Jenny said, Samantha, please help me put on my slip and dress. Samantha said okay. A minute later, Jenny, please button my dress and tie my sash. Then a minute later we heard, Samantha, please button my dress and tie my sash. They sounded so cute. A little later, the girls came out of the bedroom. Oh, you two look so pretty said Susan. Thank You said Jenny then Thank You said Samantha. Then Kathy took Samantha and Susan took Jenny and began to have them read after them. Okay, Samantha listen while I read. Mom'my is my best' friend. She does everything'' for me. She is so'' pretty'' I want to be just' like' her'. I like the way she talks''. She' is so'' sweet''. I like' it' when she tucks' me in and tells me what a pretty' girl' I am. I like' wearing pretty' dresses' and having my mommy gush all'' over'' me. Then Kathy had Samantha read the same paragraph. Okay, Samantha, use your most girly voice. Susan, asked Kathy, who had the most girly voice in their class. That would be Alice, said Susan. Okay, said Kathy, I want you girls to think about how Alice sounds and try to imitate her voice. Susan will be listening, so if you are not trying to sound like her, Susan will know, and we will all take a walk around the block in your pretty dresses okay. Yes, said Jenny, then Yes, said Samantha. Then Samantha began to read. She was so scared, I bet she even sounded more girlish than Alice. Susan got tickled at how cute and girlish Samantha began to sound. Then Susan read a paragraph from her book. I like' being so' cute' and silly'. Mom'my calls me' her little' pumpkin''. She helps' me fix' my hair' every'' morning. When she comes home', she gives me a big'' hug' and a big'' kiss'. She is so'' silly'. I like' having a silly' Mommy. I want' to be a very'' silly' girl', just' like' my Mom'my. Then Susan had Jenny read the paragraph. She was trying desperately to sound just like Alice. They were both so cute and tried so hard to imitate Alice and the accents in the words. After a couple of hours, they were exhausted, but they also began to sound so' cute' too. Oh'', said Samantha, do we really'' have to read' more'. I am so'' tired''; I can hardly' see the words' now. Please'', said Jenny, I am getting so'' tired.'' I also need to rest. Susan and I both laughed. Even after the reading, they were accenting their words, just like little girls, and Susan laughed saying, They sound just like Alice now. They sound so cute. (Kathy and Susan) - Okay girls, we will take nice break. You girls did wonderful. Thank'' you said Jenny and then Thank'' you said Samantha. Susan has some nice cookies and punch for you. I led the girls to the table, and they swept their skirts just like little ladies and sat down. Then Susan brought out their cookies and punch. Here you go, said Susan. Jenny I have three cookies for you and three cookies for Samantha. Susan then sat out their cups. Here you go, said Susan, let me pour your punch. When she was finished, Jenny said, Thank'' you and then Samantha said Thank'' you. Susan smiled, they sounded so'' cute''. Then Susan made all over their dresses. Jenny'' I love'' your dress''. It is so'' pretty''. Thank'' you said Jenny. and then she said, Samantha'', I just' love'' the cute' lace' and ruffles' on your dress'. They make you so'' pretty''. Thank'' you said Samantha. Then after they were finished, Susan watched as the girls (with practice) picked up their empty plates and cups and washed them at the sink. Then they came back to the table and cleaned the top of it with a damp cloth. They were so lady-like and proper. She couldn't believe it. (Kathy and Susan) - okay girls, let's go to the swing. Susan and I led Jenny and Samantha to the swings. Susan pushed Jenny while I pushed Samantha. The skirts of their dresses were flying up, but they had done that for so long, they stopped thinking about it. It was strange. Susan heard it also. Jenny began to talk on her own without being prompted. She even began to sound like her reading. (Jenny) - Saman'tha', I hope' we don't' have to go home' in our dresses'. Mom'my would have a fit''. She would have to help' me' take off my' dress'. I know'' she wouldn't like it. (Kathy and Susan) - We just smiled. Jenny was beginning to sound just like a little girl now. Then Samantha answered her back in the same cute way. (Samantha) - Jen'ny, they' won't make us go home' in our dresses'. They don't want us to get in trou'ble'. (Kathy and Susan) - We just giggled and Susan said, don't worry girls, we won't make you wear your dresses home until you are ready. Thank'' you, said Jenny and then Thank'' you, said Samantha. You're wel'come she said. Okay girls I said, you need to take the two trips around the yard. Okay, said Jenny and then Okay said Samantha. Then the two girls slowly and delicately began walking around the backyard. Susan and I just smiled now. They were slowly becoming sweet little girls. I could tell Susan noticed it also when she talked to them in a more motherly way. She was beginning to see them as cute, more defenseless, little girls. We both kind of smiled at each other and at the cuteness of Jenny and Samantha as they delicately made their way around the yard for the second time. I couldn't wait until they were going to school in skirts and dresses. When they were finished going around two times, I called to them. Okay girls, time to go in. We all came in together with Jenny and Samantha leading the way. We went to our utility room where Susan and I tried to decide what they should wear home. Meanwhile, Jenny and Samantha enjoyed more punch at the table. I love these said Susan as we searched through some old clothes I had outgrown. She found some really cute pants. Now all we need to do is find some nice tops for them. How about these? said Said Susan. She found some yellow and pink T-shirts with pictures and writing on them. They should go good with the white and blue shorts. Now all we need are some cute socks to go with them. When we finished, we laid out the clothes for Jenny and Samantha and then called them in. When they saw them I think they were relieved they were not going to have wear their dresses home. We left them to get dressed and put their clothes and shoes in bags for them. When they came out, they looked again, like two normal, nine year old girls. Jenny had the white shorts, yellow socks and yellow T-shirt that had a picture of a little girl playing with her cat. Samantha had the blue shorts, pink socks, and pink T-shirt, showing kittens in a basket. They looked so cute. Oh said Susan you two look so pretty; I love your outfits. Thank'' you said Jenny and then Thank'' you said Samantha. When they left, we went back to find something else for them to wear next time they came. (Jimmy and Sam) - Jim'my, what' are we going to do''? I' was beginning to feel' like a little girl''. It was so' awful''. I know', said Jimmy. I had forgotten all'' about Alice'. She was so'' girly''. I just' hated'' having to talk' like her''. So did I', said Jimmy. I can't wait' until we get home' and take' off' our silly' T''-shirts. They make' us look so' much' like girls'. Yes', said Sam. They look' too'' cute'. (Jimmy) - When Jimmy got home, he changed his clothes and put the shorts, top, and socks in the bag with the other clothes. Then he went to watch television until his mom came home. (Sam) - When Sam came home, he changed his clothes and put on his normal, boy clothes. He also put the new clothes in a bag with other clothes. (Jimmy and his Mother) - That night at supper, Jimmy's Mom was so kind and nice. Oh sweetheart she said, you still have the curls I brushed in last night. They look so cute. Without thinking, he said, Thank'' you mommy'. Oh, why did I say that, I thought. Mom just smiled and said. You're welcome honey. After supper, I helped her wash the dishes. Here honey she said, you can dry' the dishes' while I wash' them'. Here is a nice' clean' towel for you. She spoke so kindly to me. She just started doing that. She said, I am so' glad' I have a little' helper' in the house' now. Later, she put an apple pie in the oven, and when it was ready, we even had ice cream to go with it. Oh mommy', I said, I just' love'' ice' cream' and pie'. Why did I say mommy, I thought. I am certainly'' going to be more careful'' from now' on'. Your welcome' sweetheart'. .That night mommy brushed my hair' again'' and put in some hold' she called it. She said she wanted my curls' to stay in place. (Sam and his) - That afternoon when Sam's mother came in, she was all smiles. How is my little' angel'? she asked. I wasn't thinking and said, I'm' fine' mommy'. Why' did I say'' that I thought? I never' call her mommy. When his mom heard Sam say that, she got tickled and said, I am so' glad' you are fine sweetheart'. Now, guess' where we'' are going? I don't' know'', I said. Where'' are we going''? My mom just laughed and said, we'' are going out to eat'', just you' and me'. I love'' going out to eat', I said. Good', she said. Now get' dressed' and put on your best'' clothes'. Okay', I said. When I was ready, mommy looked at my face and hair and said, Um, I am going to fix your hair a little, so it will look more neat. She began to comb' my hair until it was very' smooth, and then she took a brush'' and began brushing' the ends. I don't know why' she did it, but afterwards', mommy had a big'' smile on her face as we got' in the car and headed' toward her favorite'' restaurant. At the restaurant, the lady' showed us to our table'. She was very' nice, but she' thought I was a girl''. She asked, will it be just you' and your daughter'? Mommy then said yes'. She didn't' even' correct' her. I just sat' there thinking Mommy' was just being nice' to the lady. When the server came around to get our order, she asked Mommy what she wanted. Then she spoke to me'. Okay sweetheart', she said what do you'' want' to order. Mommy had me look at the children's' dinners. I finally chose the one with the prize''. The server smiled' and said okay' sweetheart'', I will put that one in for you. When they brought us our meals, the server asked, does she want glass or plastic for her beverage. She would like a glass Mommy said. I couldn't believe'' it. Mommy' called me a she''. I didn't know what'' to say. I just tried to enjoy the restaurant' and the good' food'. We had mashed' potatoes' and gravy' with chicken' fingers', and cole' slaw'. They were so'' good''. When we were finished', the server said since had I eaten all'' of my food, I would get an extra' nice' prize'. Mommy was so'' happy for me. Oh'', sweetheart', you get to have a real' nice' prize' for finishing your dinner'. Thank' you I said to the server. You're so'' welcome' honey'. When the server came back to the table', she brought out a large' pink' box' and handed'' it to me. It had a large' white' bow' on top. She then said, don't open' it until you get home' sweetheart. We don't want to make the other children Jealous'. I then said okay. Thank' you. Then she said, okay ladies, have a good' night'. Oh'', I thought', she thought I was girl''. She said ladies'. Mom was all'' smiles all' the way home. When we got inside, Mommy' brought out the scissors,' so we could cut off the ribbon' and open the box'. She had me cut' the ribbon' and then lift' the lid' off the box. It was wrapped in a clear' plastic' wrapper'. When I pulled it out, I couldn't believe'' it. It was a doll''. She was wearing a pink' dress' with a flouncy' slip' under it with braids' with ribbons'. Mommy' I said, they gave me a doll''. That's' okay honey she said. They just made a mistake', that's' all. Mommy took the plastic' wrapper' off the doll and held' it for me to see'. She is so'' pretty' she said. If you' don't want her, I' will take her. I just' love'' dolls'. Okay Mommy', I said. Then I got ready for bed. The next morning, the doll' was on my dresser'. I didn't know what' to say'. (Sam and Jimmy) - Sam and Jimmy are walking toward Kathy's house. Oh, Sam' I accidentally' called Mom Mommy. It must' have been all of that reading' we did. I did the same' thing', said Sam. We definitely'' have to be more' careful'. Remember', we only' act silly' at Kathy's' house'. Okay, said Jimmy. We do'' need to try to get these curls' out of our hair'. It makes us look so'' much like girls', said Jimmy. (Kathy and Susan) - Hey girls said Kathy. You two look so cute this morning. Thank' you said Jimmy then Thank' you said Sam. Susan said, someone' must have fixed' your hair'. It looks so'' pretty' now. My mommy fixed it, said Jimmy then Sam said, My mommy fixed mine also. We have to stop saying Mommy, whispered Jimmy. Susan just smiled. (Kathy) - Okay girls, I have your clothes laid out for you. Go get changed. Jenny and Samantha slowly went back to the bedroom to change. Susan and I listened while the girls changed their clothes. Oh', said Jenny, these are not as bad' as those silly' dresses'. Yes', said Samantha, these look more' like boys' clothes', well', except' for the shirts. When the girls had changed and came back out, Susan and I looked them over. Jenny was wearing light blue coveralls and a light yellow blouse with yellow socks and her girl's tennis shoes. Samantha was wearing tan coveralls with a red blouse, red socks and her girl's tennis shoes. Susan and I looked them over and combed their hair a little to make them look more neat. Then we I handed Susan some yellow barrettes for Jenny's hair and I used some red barrettes for Samantha's hair. The girls kind of looked dismayed, because they thought their clothes were mostly boy clothes. Okay girls', I said, we' going to the park' to play'. We' will have, so'' much' fun'. Jenny and Samantha felt embarrassed. Oh'', all of those people'', said Jenny. They will see' us'. Yes', said Samantha, they will just' know'' we are boys. Not at all', I said. just' look' in that large' mirror, both' of you. When the girls looked in the Mirror, they saw two girls in coveralls, cute blouses, and barrettes. Oh'', said Jenny, we look so'' much like girls'. You' still have those cute' curls'. So do you', said Samantha. Oh, no' said Jenny. Susan and I just smiled at each other and filled a jug with punch. Then we wrapped some cookies and put them in a bag. As we walked to the park, at first Jenny and Samantha were very embarrassed. They were trying to walk slowly so as to somehow keep from getting there at all. Their small steps just made them look more cute. When we got to the park, there were a lot of people there with many children. Susan and I found a nice picnic table to put our punch and cookies on. Now' girls' I said, go' play' with the other' children', and we' will look after the cookies' and punch'. Jenny and Samantha just looked at each other, very frightened and didn't know what to do. I then said. Jenny', Samantha', I want you two to go' to one of the swings' and start' swinging', right' now'. If you don't' I will tell everyone'' you are really boys. Then Jenny and Samantha looked at each other and slowly walked toward the swings. It was kind of funny, when they got to the swings, they brushed their bottoms as if they were still wearing skirts. Susan and I just giggled. They looked so cute. Then after a few seconds, the girls were swinging just like the other children. My' said Jenny, I am going so' high'. So' am I' said Samantha. A boy was looking at them and said, those girls are swinging so high. After a while Jenny and Samantha stopped swinging and went over to the monkey bars. Oh', said Jenny, I just' love'' the monkey' bars'. So do I' said Samantha. The two girls played on the monkey bars with the other children. While they were playing on the bars, a girl who was also there said, My' name is April'. What' are your' names'. Jenny was frightened at first. Then said my name is - ah Jenny'. Then Samantha was also frightened and then finally muttered, my name is Samantha'. I like your barrettes'. I think they are so'' pretty'. Thank' you said Jenny, and then thank' you said Samantha. Then April said, are you two' sisters'', you are both' wearing coveralls' and have your hair fixed the same' cute' way'. I just' love'' your bangs'. Then Jenny felt she had to say, - yes', we're' sisters''. Then all the girls played more on the monkey bars. (Kathy and Susan) - Susan and I were watching as Jenny and Samantha were playing with the little girl on the monkey bars. Okay girls, time to take a break. We are having punch and cookies. Oh goodie'' said Jenny and then Samantha said I love'' her cookies. When the two girls got to the table, Susan and I put some cookies in napkins for everyone. Then Susan poured the punch into paper cups. As the girls ate, I asked the girls who that girl was and what they were saying. Oh' that's April'', said Jenny. She liked' our barrettes'. She thought they were so' cute'. Yes', said Samantha, she thought' we were sisters'' because our hair' was fixed' the same' way'. What' did you tell' her, I asked. We' told her we were sisters''. She believed'' us. That afternoon, we went back home. Susan and I couldn't believe how they talked on the way back. They sounded just like girls. My' said Jenny', April was so'' nice''. She' could even make' it to the top'' of the bars'. Yes', said Samantha, she was so' neat''. Maybe' we will see her again'. The girls had forgotten all about being dressed as girls. Susan and I just smiled at each other. (Kathy and Susan) - When we got home, I sent the girls to change back. I said, okay girls' you can wear' the coveralls home'. I put your other clothes in bags' for you. You do' need to change' your shoes. When they came out, I said okay' girls, you did' wonderful'' today. Jenny said, Thank' you then Samantha said, Thank' you. Just then Samantha said, oh'', we forgot to take our barrettes' out of our hair. Someone' might think' we are girls''. Oh' yes'', said Jenny. That' would be awful''. As they went home Susan said, they don't know they are wearing girl's coveralls and blouses do they. No, I said. They think they are more or less boys' clothes. (Jimmy and Sam) - Oh, said Jimmy, at least' we don't have to wear those silly' girls' clothes' home. Yes, said Sam, these' are much'' better. (Jimmy) - When Jimmy got home, he put the bag of clothes in his room and began to watch television. He sat and remembered the fun he had at the park. (Sam) - When Sam got home, he put his bag of clothes in his room and went outside to ride his bicycle. He felt relieved he didn't have to wear girl's clothes that day. (Jimmy and his mother) - When Jimmy's mom came home, she looked in the living room where Jimmy was. Jimmy honey', mommy's home. Oh, mommy'', said Jimmy. We went' to the park'' today. We got on the swings'' and played' on the monkey' bars'. His mom just looked at him, trying to stifle a giggle. Ah, honey' she said. Ah where'' did you get those ah', cute'' clothes'? Oh, said Jimmy, Kathy' gave them to me to wear to the park'. Jimmy's mother was still giggling. Oh, she thought, he doesn't realize he is wearing girl's clothes. His mom was still giggling, okay sweetheart', still smiling, did you have' a good' time''? Yes'', said Jimmy, we met a girl' at the park named April''. She was so'' nice'. I am so' glad' you had a good time. Okay' sweetheart. I will put my things away, and we can make supper together. Okay Mommy', said Jimmy. (Sam and his mother) - Sam was still riding his bicycle when his mom came home. She thought at first it was some girl in the neighborhood, but then Sam rode his bicycle to the house and put his bicycle away. When Sam walked to the car to meet her, his mom finally recognized him as Sam. She had the biggest'' smile on her face and tried'' not to giggle. Oh', ah', Sam' sweetie', I just', I just' love'' your outfit'. You look' so', ah', cute''. Sam didn't know why' she was complimenting' him so. He was thinking, I just have some coveralls' and a nice' shirt'. His mom said, where' did you get' those', cute' clothes' honey'. Oh, Kathy'' gave them to us when Jimmy' and I went' to the park'. You mean' she gave some to Jimmy' too''. Yes'', said Sam. His' were just a little'' different'. His mother was still smiling and looking intently at Sam's new clothes. Oh' Sweetie'', I just' love'' them. We'll have to get you some more', just'' like' them'. (Mrs. Parker talking to Mrs. Phillips) - Mrs. Parker waited until Sam went to bed. Then she called her friend Mrs. Phillips, Jimmy's mother. When she answered, Mrs. Parker said, Emily you won't believe what Sam was wearing when I came home today. Oh, said Emily, you won't believe what Jimmy was wearing when I came home. Oh, said Marge, Sam said Jimmy's clothes were just a little different from his. Sam looked so cute in his coveralls and blouse, I thought he was one of the neighbor girls until he parked his bicycle on the porch. Oh, said Emily, my Jimmy looked very cute also. He told me Kathy gave him and Sam some clothes to wear to the park. I guess she didn't tell them they were girl's clothes. I guess not, said Marge giggling. My Jimmy was wearing the cutest'' light' blue' coveralls' with silver' buttons' and a light' yellow' blouse'. He was even wearing some cute', yellow' socks. Oh', my'' said Mrs. Parker, still giggling, I can only' imagine'' how cute'' he looked. I tried' not to giggle', said Emily. I had to put my' hand' over my mouth'. I just made all'' over' him' as if he were just'' the ah, cutest'' thing', and he was'. Oh, said Mrs. Parker', my Sammie was just'' as cute'. He was wearing' some light tan, Sarah' Waldon', coveralls' also with the silver' buttons', the cutest'' red' blouse' and cute' red' socks'. I just' loved'' his outfit'. He never' knew he was wearing cute' girls' clothes'. I hung his coveralls' and blouse' in his closet'. So' did I' said Emily. Now Jimmy has some cute' coveralls' and a nice' blouse' to wear also. What' are we going to do' with our girls''? They are so'' cute'. Yes', said Mrs. Phillips. I know one' thing' for sure'. I am' going' to get My Jimmie some new' shoes'. They looked so'' ragged' compared with his cute' outfit'. Hey', said, Marge, why don't we shop together at the Velvet' Shoe' Store'. I know we can find some nice' tennis' shoes there. But that's' a girl's'' shoe store, said Emily. Marge began to laugh. Yes', I know''. Okay I will meet you there after I get off work tomorrow said Mrs. Phillips. They hung up the phone and went to bed. (Sam and Jimmy) - Sam and Jimmy were walking to Kathy's house that morning. Hey', Jimmy', my mommy was making all'' over' me, telling me how cute' I looked'. I was just wearing' the coveralls'. She kept saying I looked so'' cute' and nice'. At supper' she kept' calling me sweetie'' as if I' were a girl''. Me' too', said Jimmy. My mommy was telling me how' cute'' I looked and kept saying sweetheart' and honey'. She was smiling' and almost giggling'' the whole'' day'. So was my mommy. said Sam. Maybe' it was because of the way Kathy' fixed' our hair'. (Kathy and Susan) - Okay girls, come inside and change. When Jimmy and Sam came in, their outfits were on the bed. This time they saw what looked like shorts that had really wide legs. Kathy said, okay the light' blue' ones' are for you' Jenny', and the light' green' ones' are for you' Samantha'. When the girls came out of the room, Susan and I just smiled, knowing they didn't know they were wearing culottes. Jenny was wearing the cutest'', white T-shirt top' with little' red' flowers' and red socks. Samantha' was also wearing the cutest'', white T-shirt top' but with little' yellow' flowers' on it, and little' yellow' socks'. We just smiled and said okay' girls', we are going to the park'' again'. Oh no'', said Samantha, this shirt is for a girl. It has all' of those little' flowers' on it. Please'', everyone' will think we are girls''. I think you girls look very'' cute''. Now just' let me put some barrettes'' in your hair, and no' one' will think you are boys'. They were still embarrassed though. As we walked to the park, we just smiled as Jenny and Samantha walked slowly to the park, just like little girls. When we got to the park, Susan and I put the punch and cookies on the picnic table and watched as Jenny and Samantha went to the swings. We could see as they began to swing, they began to forget how they were dressed. One mother was swinging her little girl and looked over at Jenny and Samantha. Hey' you girls', be careful' don't' swing too high'. Yes' mam' they said. After a while, Jenny and Samantha went to the monkey bars again. This time another girl was there. She said, I like' your culottes' and cute' tops'. Are you two, sisters? Again, Jenny said, Yes. Then they continued to play together on the monkey bars. That afternoon, the girls went back to the bedroom to change back. I said, girls', I have all' of your clothes in' your bags', except' for your shoes. You can change them out. Okay', they said. Susan and I smiled as they left. (Jimmy and Sam) - Hey Jimmy', said Sam, what' are culottes''? I don't know', said Jimmy. Well at least' we can take these silly' shirts'' off when we get home. Yes, said Sam. They are too'' silly'. (Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips) - Oh, Emily, I just' love'' these little tennis' shoes for girls'. They have red' ones', blue' ones', pink' ones', yellow' ones', white', and even some with lace''. Sam would look adorable'' with lace' tennis' shoes'. Mrs. Phillips began to laugh. Yes, I know my Jimmy would look so'' cute' with pink' tennis' shoes. Still I guess we need to be practical. We at least' want them to wear' them'. Okay said marge. We' will try to find some nice'', but not too'' cute' tennis shoes. Emily finally chose the light yellow ones. Marge picked out the light blue tennis shoes. They both had glitter on the strings. Oh, the saleslady said, I just' know'' your daughters' will love'' these'. Marge and Emily got tickled. I am sure' they will', said Emily. (Jimmy) - when Jimmy got home, he couldn't wait to take off his flowered T-shirt. He quickly replaced it with one of his other shirts. Then he went to watch television. He found a message on the phone from his mom. Jimmy, sweetie. Mommy has to pick up something from the store. I will be back a little later. (Sam) - Sam couldn't wait to get home. When he got inside, he took off his cute T-shirt and put on another shirt. He couldn't help staring at the little doll with pink dress and braids. Oh', I hope Jimmy'' doesn't see my doll. (Mrs. Phillips and Jimmy) - That afternoon, Mrs Phillips came home and found Jimmy watching television. She could only see his head over the sofa. Jimmy, honey, she said. I bought you some more tennis shoes come here and let mommy see if they fit. Jimmy got up and went to the kitchen. His mom became tickled all over again. Oh, Jimmy' sweetie'', are you wearing' culottes''? They look so' cute'' and I love'' those little red' socks''. What' are culottes'', said Jimmy. Oh, Jimmy, ah, culottes' are a kind of half' skirt' and half' shorts' girls wear. Where' did you get them? Kathy' gave them to me when we went' to the park. Oh'', did you wear those cute'' culottes'' to the park''. Yes', said Jimmy. Oh'' sweetheart', you look so'' cute'. Now', let me try your new' tennis' shoes' on you. Okay mommy, said Jimmy. Jimmy could see they were girl's tennis shoes. Why' did you get me girl's' tennis shoes mommy. Oh', honey', (she lied) I didn't know they were for girls. Come' on'; try' them on and see' if they fit'. Jimmy sat at the kitchen table and watched as his mother opened the first yellow tennis shoe with the glitter lace, and slid it onto his foot. She couldn't help but smile at his little red socks. She then tied the laces and then slid the other yellow tennis shoe onto his other foot. When she finished, she had Jimmy stand and walk around. Jimmy said, they fit mommy, but mommy was still smiling at the cute culottes Jimmy was wearing. I see sweetheart. I just love them. When Jimmy went to bed, his mother hung his culottes in his closet. (Mrs. Parker and Sam) - When Sam's mother got home, Sam opened the door for her. His mother had a bag in her hand. She kind of froze though when she saw Sam. She could see he was wearing light green culottes and yellow socks. Oh', my'', his mother said, trying not to laugh. Are you' wearing' culottes''? They look' so' cute'' on you. Mommy, said Sam, what' are culottes'? Well' honey culottes' are a kind of half' skirt' and half' pants' girls' wear'. You look so'' cute' in them. Where' did you get'' them'? Kathy' gave them to me when we went to the park. Oh, you must have looked so'' cute'. Thank' you, said Sam. Now, mommy wants you to try on your new' tennis' shoes'. Have a seat' and let' mommy put' them on'. His mom could have swore Sam brushed his seat before sitting. Then his mother opened' the light blue tennis shoe and put it on his foot. Then she tied the cute, glitter strings in a nice bow. There now, she said. Then she put the other shoe on and tied those strings also. Mommy, said Sam, are these' girl's'' shoes'? Oh'' honey' yes', they are'. I just' love'' them', she said. Then without thinking, Sam said, Thank' you mommy. Your welcome sweetheart. Sam wore the green culottes and blue tennis shoes the rest of the day. That night when Sam went to bed, his mother hung Sam's culottes in his closet also. (Sam and Jimmy) - Jimmy was wearing his new, yellow tennis shoes to Kathy's house. Jimmy looked at Sam and saw he also had some new tennis shoes with the same glitter laces. Oh' Sam'', you have tennis' shoes' just'' like' mine', only your' tennis shoes are blue'. I know said Sam. I asked mommy where she put' my other' shoes. She wouldn't' tell' me. I couldn't find my' other tennis shoes either', said Jimmy (Kathy and Susan) - Okay girls', come' on in. Kathy and Susan could see the girls had new tennis shoes. Kathy said, Did' your mommies' give you girls new'' tennis'' shoes''? Yes'', said Jenny and then, Yes'', said Samantha. Oh', I just' love'' them, said Kathy. So' do' I', said Susan. They are so' pretty''. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. I then led the girls back to the bedroom to change. This time, I chose a nice light blue skirt for Samantha to match her light blue tennis shoes. For Jenny, I chose a nice yellow skirt to match her tennis shoes. For their tops I put out two white button back blouses with round collars and puffed sleeves, any nine year old "girl" would love to have. I also left them with two pairs of white, thin, girls' knee- socks. Remember' girls' the skirt' zippers' go in the back'. We waited for the girls to get dressed. Oh'', said Jenny, I need help'' with my blouse'. Will you help me button' it up'? Sure', said Samantha. Then Samantha had the same problem. Jenny', will you help' me' button' my blouse'. Sure', said Jenny. They did manage to find out how to zip and button their skirts and then move them to the back. When they came out out of the bedroom, they looked so cute in their skirts and blouses. I then put a cute blue hair band on Samantha's hair and a cute Yellow hair band on Jenny's hair. Okay girls', we' are going bike' riding'. I will be riding my Mom's bike, Susan will be riding her mom's bike, and you two will be riding mine and Susan's bike. Oh' no'', said Jenny and Samantha, we look so'' much' like girls''. That's okay. I think you two are so'' cute', no' one' will know. We slowly prodded the girls to their bikes. I couldn't help but smile. I had a yellow bike with a little white basket. Susan had a pink bike with a basket and cute streamers. I put Samantha on My bike and Jenny on Susan's bike. Then we went down the road on the sidewalk. The girls were so embarrassed at first but kind of got used to it after awhile. When we came home, the girls were tired. I put their old clothes in bags and gave them to them. Oh', no'' said Jenny and Samantha, we are going home in skirts''. That's' okay', I said, you' two' look so'' cute, just like riding', no one will know. They finally left the house and began walking home. (Sam and Jimmy) - Oh'', I hope no one recognizes us Jimmy'. We look just like girls. I know said Jimmy. (Jimmy) - Jimmy got home and took off his skirt and put it in the bag with the other outfits. Oh the hairband. I wore it home. He put that in the bag also. Then after putting on his jeans, he tried to take off his blouse, but then remembered it buttoned up the back. Oh, no he thought, what do I do''? (Sam) - Sam came home and took off his skirt and also realized he had come home with his hairband. He put both in a bag, put on his jeans, and began to take off his blouse. Oh no; he realized the blouse buttoned up the back. Oh what do I do"?? (Jimmy and his mother) - Jimmy didn't know what to do when his mother drove up. He just sat there, not knowing what to do. When his mom came inside, she saw Jimmy had on a cute, white blouse, round collar, with puffed sleeves. Jimmy' honey'', where did you get that' cute' blouse''? She was so tickled. Then she saw the problem. Oh, honey'', you couldn't' take' it off'' could' you. Oh', sweetheart'' then she gave him a hug, it looks' so'' pretty'' on you. Who' buttoned' it up' for you? Sam', I said. Oh', why' did Sam' do that'? Kathy' gave us two' blouses' when we went bike' riding'. They buttoned' up the back'. Sam buttoned' my'' blouse', and I buttoned' his' blouse. Oh, sweetheart', how did Sam take his blouse off? I don't know. Sam had his blouse on when he was going home. His mom put her hand over her mouth to hide her giggle. You mean Sam may still have his blouse on now. Yes', maybe' said Jimmy. That's okay' sweetheart'. I think it looks so'' pretty' on you. Thank' you I said out of habit. His mom was still trying to keep her straight face to no avail. You look' so'' pretty' in it, I'll just leave' it on' until you go to bed. Okay Mommy, I said. When Jimmy went to bed, his mother helped Jimmy take off his blouse. Okay', sweetie' all' done'. I'll just hang your cute' blouse' in your closet. (Sam and his mother) - Sam was in the house when his mom came in. She could see Sam had on a white shirt, but Sam didn't wear white shirts. She went right up to Sam to see it closer. Oh' my'' she giggled. Sweetheart'', you' are wearing' a blouse''. She took in the round collar and puffed sleeves. She was still giggling and said, I just' love'' it' sweetie'. It looks so'' cute' on you. Then she saw where it buttoned up the back. Oh' honey'', you weren't able to take it off' were you? No' mommy I said. Oh', sweetie'', that's okay; it looks so'' pretty' on you. Who' buttoned' it for you? Jimmy' did', said Sam. Why' did he do' that''? she asked. Kathy' gave us two'' blouses'. They both' buttoned up the back'. I buttoned his' blouse', and he buttoned' my'' blouse'. Oh' my'' you two girls' are so'' cute'. Okay honey', we'll just leave' it on until you go to bed, okay. Yes' Mommy, I said. That night, Sam called to his mom. Mommy, I need help' taking off my blouse'. Okay sweetie' she said. Now turn' around honey'. Then Sam turned around, so his Mom could undo his blouse. There' we go', she said. Then she gently lifted it off him and hung it in his closet. (That night Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips) - That night Mrs. Parker called Mrs. Phillips. Oh Emily said Mrs. Parker, my Sam had a bit of a problem today. It seems Kathy gave them two blouses to wear. One for Jimmy and one for Sam. Sam said they buttoned up the back. He said he helped Jimmy button his blouse and then Jimmy helped Sam button his blouse. When Sam got home, he couldn't take his blouse off. He looked so cute in his blouse, just like a little girl. I tried to keep a straight face, but he looked so cute in his blouse, I let him wear it the rest of the night. I hung it up in his closet by his culottes, so he would have it. I heard the same story from Jimmy. He said Kathy gave him and Sam two blouses to wear. Jimmy said he helped Sam button his blouse, and then Sam helped him button his blouse. When Jimmy got home, he couldn't take off his blouse. He looked so cute in his blouse. When I took it off tonight, I hung up in his closet with his culottes, coveralls and her other blouse. I think we have two girls now. I think we do, said Marge. (Sam and Jimmy) - Jimmy and Sam are walking to Kathy's house. Oh Jimmy' Mommy' is putting all''of my girl' clothes' in my closet'. I feel like her little' girl'' now. I know' said Sam, my mommy is putting all'' of my girl' clothes' in my' closet' also'. What' are we going to do'? I don't know' said Jimmy. Kathy and Susan were waiting for them when they arrived. (Kathy and Susan) - Okay girls, said Kathy, Go to the back and change your clothes. When they went back, they found their pink dresses and flouncy slips waiting for them. Susan and I listened while the girls got ready. Samantha' will you help me button' my dress' and tie' my sash'? Yes', said Samantha. Then a little later we heard, - Jenny', will you help' me' - button' my dress' and tie' my sash'? Yes', said Jenny'. Then a little while later the two now, very cute little girls came to the living room in their pink dresses, flouncy slips, knee socks and sandals. Okay, said Kathy, you girls look' so'' pretty' now. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Now' girls I have a large' mirror for each' of you. I want you' Jenny', to sit at this chair in the kitchen in front' of your mirror. Then take a comb' and comb out your hair' to make your ends' and bangs' really'' smooth'. I said, now Samantha', I want you' to go to your' seat', in front of your' mirror' and comb' your hair' and bangs' nice' and smooth'. I gave them each a comb and told them how to slowly smooth out their hair. Then the girls very delicately smoothed their dresses and sat at the table like little ladies. Then the girls slowly began to comb out their hair and bangs until they were nice and smooth. Then I gave them a brush and told them to try to brush and turn the ends of their hair inside, to make a nice curl all the way around. I started helping Jenny first and then I helped Samantha. We waited patiently for the girls to finish. When they were finished, they had a nice continuous inside curl all over. They looked so pretty. Thank' you girls' I said. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Now said Kathy, I want you' Jenny' to look in the mirror' and put a pink' barrette' on one' side to hold'' your hair'. Then put the other pink barrette on the other' side the same' way'. Jenny slowly took the barrette and opened it. Then she placed it in her hair and snapped it in place. Then she put her other barrette on the other side and snapped it in place also. Now Samantha'; look' in the mirror' and place a barrette' on one' side' to hold' your' hair in place. Then put the other' barrette' on the other side to hold' your hair' in place'. They did good. Good'' girls', said Kathy. Jenny said, Thank' you and then Samantha said Thank' you. Susan and I smiled they looked so pretty. Now we' are going to learn' how to be very' good' little girls. Be sure' and use your best'' Alice' voice'. Rule number 1'': I must always'' do what my Mommy' says'. Rule number 2''. I must always'' make my voice' go' up'' and down', up'' and down'. Rule number 3''. I must always'' say Thank' you for all'' compliments'. Rule number 4''. I must always'' say Mommy' when talking to my Mommy' Rule number 5''. I must always'' say please' with my cute', little' girl'' voice. Rule number 6''. I must always'' have my hair'' fixed' at all'' times'. Rule number 7''. I must always'' be cute'', delicate'', and silly'' all'' the time. Okay girls', let's' practice'. Susan, I want you' to help' by telling them when they need' to sound' more' like Alice''. The girls began reading the rules very slowly in unison. Susan helped them to act more and more cute as they read and how to go up and down with their voices. After an hour, they began to sound just like little girls. They sounded so cute. Okay girls'', I said. You did' wonderful''. Remember'' you have to speak with your best'' Alice' voices' all'' the time now', even'' at home''. Also, you must'' keep your hair' fixed' all the times', even'' at home'. They replied, Yes' Kathy. The girls were really catching on. Please'' Kathy' - may we take a break' said Jenny', I am so'' tired'. I promise to follow all'' of the rules' even' at home'. Then Samantha said, yes' Kathy, I am so'' tired'' also'. I promise to be a good' little' girl' from now on. Please'' let us rest'. Oh, girls' I said, you did wonderful'. Let Susan and I put these mirrors away and then we can have some ice' cream' and apple' pie'. Oh'', said Jenny, I just' love'' ice'' cream' and apple' pie'. So' do I'', said Samantha. The girls waited patiently at their seats while Susan and I cleaned off the table and placed their bowls of ice cream and pie in front of them. Then we fixed our bowls. Susan complimented Jenny on how she and Samantha had fixed their hair. Thank'' you' said Jenny and then Thank'' you' said Samantha. Their voices sounded so high, I thought they really were little girls. Okay girls, time to go home. The girls went back to the bedroom to change. We listened as they put their other clothes on. Please'' Jenny', said Samantha, will you unbutton' my' dress' and untie' my sash'? Yes', said Jenny. Then a little later, Jenny said, please'' Samantha', will you unbutton' my' dress' and untie' my sash'? Yes', said Samantha. After about five minutes, the girls had finished dressing and changed their clothes. Before they left, I gave them each a little makeup purse with comb and brush, so they could keep their hair fixed. Thank'' you', said Jenny and then Thank'' you' said Samantha. You girls' are so'' welcome', I said. When they left, they still had their barrettes in their hair and their hair was also very smooth and pretty with nice inward curls all around. They looked so cute. (Jimmy and Sam) - Oh' Jenny'' said Samantha that ice' cream' and pie' was so'' good'. Yes', it was'', said Jenny. Samantha', I hope' we have ice'' cream'' and pie' tomorrow'. That would be great'. (Jimmy) - Oh'', I have so'' many rules' to follow'. I hope'' I can do them all''. Kathy' would be so'' upset' if I didn't follow the rules'. I wonder' if I should keep' my barrettes' in my hair. I think' I was supposed' to take them out'. The rules didn't say anything'' about barrettes'. Jimmy took them out and laid them by the sink. Then he took out his comb and brush to make sure his hair, bangs, and curls were all nice and smooth. When he was satisfied, he put the comb and brush back in his makeup bag. Then he put them under the sink. There now', he thought, all'' fixed'. (Sam) - Jenny' was so'' nice' today. She helped' me with my dress'' and everything''. She is my best'' friend'. Oh, I still have my barrettes' in my hair'. I better' take them out' before Mommy sees them. I will put them in the basket', so I can take them back to Kathy's' tomorrow'. Oh'' my hair is out of place'. I better' fix' it. Sam took out his makeup bag and combed out his hair and bangs. Then he took the hair brush and fixed his curls. There' now', he said. It looks' so'' pretty' now. (Jimmy and his Mom) - Jimmy was in the yard when his mother came home. She looked at Jimmy and it appeared Jimmy had his hair and bangs fixed just perfect. She got tickled and started to giggle. The ends of his hair had been brushed inward so cutely, there was a nice inward curl all around. Jimmy'', she said your' hair''. It looks' so'' pretty'. Thank'' you Mommy, said Jimmy. Did you fix' it yourself''? Yes'', Mommy; do you like' it'. Oh' honey'', it looks' adorable''. Thank'' you' Mommy. Then Jimmy helped his mommy prepare the supper and then helped to wash the dishes. While his mom was in the restroom, she noticed the two, pink barrettes by the sink. She couldn't help giggling. My little girl is wearing barrettes now. (Sam and his Mom) - When Sam's mom came home, Sam was watching television. Then Mrs. Parker saw Sam. Sammie honey', I am home. Are you going to help Mommy' with supper'? Yes'', Mommy', said Sam. Oh, Sammie', you fixed' your hair'. It looks' so'' pretty'. Did' you' fix' it. Yes'' Mommy'. It looks' so'' nice. Thank you Mommy. Oh, those curled ends are so cute, she thought. That night Sam helped his mom with supper. He even helped her put the dishes away and helped to wash and dry everything. Sammie' honey, you are such' an angel'. Thank' you Mommy, said Sam. That night when Sam went to bed, his mother happened to find the barrettes Sam had placed in the basket. Oh'', they' are so'' cute''. Oh'' my' baby''. (Sam and Jimmy) - Oh Jenny'', My mommy loved'' my hair after I fixed' it. I am bringing back Kathy's barrettes. I don't think she intended' for us to take them. I have mine' also'' said Jenny. Mommy thought my hair was adorable'. (Kathy and Susan) - Oh girls', your hair', it looks so'' neat and pretty''. Thank'' you said Jenny and then Thank'' you said Samantha. They also returned the pink hair barrettes to Kathy. Oh', Kathy'' said Jenny, Mommy wants me to stay with her on Saturday and Sunday since she will be off then. Samantha said, my mommy' said the same' thing'. She wants me to stay' home'' Saturday and Sunday. That's okay girls. Tomorrow is Saturday, so you two will be staying with your mommies. Now girls, change' your clothes' and fix' your hair'. Yes'', Kathy, said Samantha and Jenny. After about five minutes, they came out. Jenny was wearing a light blue skirt and Yellow blouse. Samantha was wearing a nice tan skirt and white blouse. Their hair, bangs, and curls were perfect. Good girls, said Kathy. You two look so pretty. Thank'' you they said. We had another intense reading on the rules. Then after an hour, we went outside, where Jenny and Samantha took their two laps around the backyard. They were so' cute'' now' and so'' polite'. When they changed and got ready to go, I gave them each a package to take with them. Okay girls'', I said, give' these' to your Mommies. Okay said Jenny and then Okay said Samantha. As they were walking down the street, they looked like little angels. (Samantha and Jenny) - Oh', Samantha'', said Jenny what are we going' to do''. I don't' know'' said Samantha. You were acting' so'' silly' during that reading'. So' were you'', said Jenny. Well', I had'' to act silly' for Kathy' and Susan' said Samantha. They might make us wear' our dresses'' home. That' would be' awful''. I wonder', what's'' in the packages - Mine says "To Mrs. Phillips" said Jenny. Mine says, "To Mrs. Parker" said Samantha. Maybe she got something'' for them'', said Jenny. That would so'' cute', said Jenny. (Jenny) - Jenny was so happy she would not have to go to Kathy's for two days. Oh'', he thought, I was beginning to act like a little' girl'. I was acting' so'' silly''. I hope I didn't mess up my hair' on the way home. I'll just fix' it. (Samantha) - Samantha was thinking about how silly she acted at Kathy's house. Oh'', I was so'' embarrassed'' saying all of those silly'' things'' at Kathy's. I won't have to go back to Kathy's for two'' whole'' days'. I'll just fix' my hair', so it will look nice' for mommy. (Jenny and Momny) - When Mommy came in she was all smiles. Hey sweetheart. Did you have a good time at Kathy's? Yes mommy. Kathy even gave you a package. His mom picked it up and looked at it. To Mrs. Phillips. Okay thanks sweetie. I will look at it. Okay said Jimmy. Then Jimmy went back to his room to watch television. When his mom opened the package, she smiled and then giggled at what was inside. There was also a note. It read: I am giving one of my old gowns to Jenny. I know she will like it. She has been playing little girl for a while at my house along with Samantha. I hope she likes the gown. When Mrs. Phillips opened it up, she got tickled. It was so cute. It was a light blue cotton gown with long sleeves with a light elastic on the ends with ruffle and lace. The bodice had a lace and ruffles across the top. The bottom had a nice ruffle she was sure it would reach to Jenny's ankles. That night, as Jenny and his mom talked, she was acting so silly to Jimmy. Oh honey, I just love the package Kathy gave me. Did she give you something, Mommy. Well kinda, she smiled. Let's just say, it was for both of us. Later that night as Jenny was cleaning up for bed, His mom came in and left the gown on his bed. Then she went to the living room and waited. When Jenny got back to his room, he saw the gown on the bed and couldn't believe it. There was also a note that read "To Jenny" - "Your Mommy wants you to put on your new'' nightgown'. After you put it on, be sure' and fix' your hair. Then show your Mommy' how cute'' you look." Oh'', my'' I thought. Mommy'' knows''. What' am I going' to do''? I have to do what Kathy' says' or I' will be in trouble'. Then Jenny slowly put on the nightgown and fixed his hair. His Mommy was waiting in the living room with apple pie and ice cream. When Jenny came in to the living room, his mom started giggling and put her hand over her mouth. Then after she regained her composure, she said, Oh Jenny'' that gown' looks so'' pretty'' on you, I just' love'' it. Now' turn' around' so mommy' can see how it looks' from the back'. When Jenny turned around. Oh'', honey'', you fixed' your hair' too, you look so'' sweet''. Thank' you Mommy, he said. Then Mommy took about four pictures of me in my gown in the front and from the back. Now' sweetheart', have a seat with mommy' on the sofa' and we can have ice' cream' and pie' together. Jenny actually swept his seat and sat on the sofa next to his Mommy. His mommy gushed all over him while they ate their pie and ice cream. Oh', sweetie'', she said, you look like a little' princess' in your new' gown'. Thank' you Mommy, said Jenny. When Jenny went to bed, his mom actually tucked him in. Jenny thought, oh'' no''. She's treating' me just' like a little' girl'. (Samantha and Mommy) - When Samantha's mom came home, She saw Sam in the living room and was all smiles. How is my little' angel''? she asked. I am good', said Sam. Oh'', said Sam, Kathy' gave you a package'. Okay' sweetie', Mommy' will open it later. Okay mommy' said Sam. Then Sam went to ride on his bicycle. While Sam was gone, his mother opened the package. She broke out laughing when she saw what was inside. Oh'' my'', she thought. Then she saw the note. The note read - To Mrs. Parker; Samantha and her friend Jenny love playing little girls at my house. I thought Samantha would just love one of my older gowns. I can't wear it anymore. I hope Samantha can use it. Mrs. Parker put her hand over mouth. Oh'', my little' girl' has a new gown. Then she opened the gown up and looked at it more closely. It was a nice, pink cotton gown and had long sleeves with light elastic on the ends with lace and ruffles. The neck area had lace and ruffles. There was even a cute ruffle on the hem. After supper that night, Samantha cleaned up and came back to her bedroom. There on the bed was a nightgown. It was pink and had lots of lace and ruffles on it. There was also a note. It read; Samantha, your mommy wants you to put on your new gown and show her how it looks on you. Be sure and fix your hair sweetie. Oh'', no'', thought Samantha. Mommy is going to see me looking' like a little'' girl''. I will be so'' embarrassed''. Samantha thought for a second. Then she slowly put on her nightgown. Then she went to the mirror and fixed her hair until it was perfect again. His mommy was waiting in the kitchen as Samantha came into view. His mommy was trying not to laugh. Then she tightened it to a decent smile and said, Oh'' my'', Samantha, you look' so'' pretty'' in your new'' gown''. I just' love'' it'. She went over to him and put her hands over his shoulders and then turned him around to see the other side. The hem went all the way to his ankles. When she turned him back she could see the embarrassment on his face, but she thought he looked so'' cute''. Okay, smile'' honey'' so Mommy can take some nice' pictures'. Mommy took three pictures. Then she had me turn around. Then she took three more pictures. Oh'', you look so'' pretty'' Sweetie'. Now'', sit' down' here' at the table and Mommy will make us some hot' chocolate'. Samantha waited while her Mommy heated the milk. When it was made, Her mom sat down with Samantha and gushed all over her. Oh'', I just' love'' your' hair''. You must have fixed' it' and rolled' it a little'. It looks so'' cute'' now. Thank' you Mommy, I said. His mother was gazing at those bangs, the turned in hair style and the top of the cute lace and ruffled gown. Oh', sweetheart'' I just' love'' your new' gown'. You look like a little'' princess'' now. Thank' you Mommy I said, from habit. That night when I went to bed, mommy came in and took the doll from the top of my dresser. Then she placed it on the bed beside me and tucked her in. There you go sweetie you have little Susie to keep you company. Then she actually tucked me in and kissed me on the cheek. I felt so much like a little girl. (Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips) - That night after the girls had gone to bed, Mrs. Parker called her friend, Mrs. Phillips. Oh Emily, Kathy sent me a package today. She said it was for my Sam or Samantha. Inside was the cutest gown I had ever seen. It was pink and had lots of ruffles and lace everywhere. I had my ah, Samantha put it on and fix her hair. She looked so cute in it. Emily was laughing and then giggling. She must have been the cutest'' thing'', said Emily. Yes', she was', said Marge. Here I am sending her pictures right now. When Emily opened them up, she started giggling. My, she looks so' precious'', and her hair is fixed just' like' my little Jenny's. I got a package from Kathy also. It also had the cutest'' little gown' inside. It was just' like' Samantha's except it was light' blue' with all the ruffles and lace. Here I am sending pictures now. When Mrs. Parker opened them up, she started laughing. Oh'', my'' she said. Jenny has her hair fixed just like my Samantha. In her cute gown, she looks like a princess. She looks so' cute''. okay said Mrs. Parker, I will let you go enjoy your little girl. Okay, said Emily. (Jenny and Mommy) - The next morning when I got up, Mommy was cooking breakfast. I thought it was just a dream'', but I was still wearing that silly'' nightgown''. Oh'', I thought, Mommy' knows'' I have a nightgown'' on'. Come to breakfast' sweetie', she said. I want to see that cute' nightgown' again. When I came to the kitchen she was waiting. She had breakfast on the table and had a big' smile' on her face. Oh'', Jenny'' she said, you look' so'' cute'' in your little gown'. Now, put a napkin on your lap, so you don't get any food on your pretty gown. Yes' Mommy, I said. When we finished our breakfast, I helped mommy with the dishes, then helped her wash them and put them away. Then Mommy asked me to find my nicest' jeans'. She said we were going shopping. When I put my jeans on, Mommy came into my room and looked for a nice shirt for me. Oh'', honey'' this cute' blouse' will go so nice with your jeans. I just looked at it. That was the same white blouse with the puffed sleeves that buttoned up the back. But Mommy'' I asked, how' will I put' it on'. Oh', silly' girl', said Mommy, I will help you put it on' and then help you take' it off. Okay' Mommy, I said. Then Mommy put the white' blouse' over my arms' and buttoned' it up. She was faster' than Samantha'. Then Mommy turned me around and smiled. Now you look' so'' much'' cuter. Now go fix your hair while Mommy gets ready; we' are going shopping'. What will all the people say, I thought? When I finished fixing my hair, Mommy was just about ready to go. Oh' Jenny', your hair looks just' perfect'. Now let me put these' in your hair. They were yellow' barrettes''. Now hold still honey. I remained still while Mommy fastened the two barrettes to both sides of my hair. There now, you look so pretty. Thank' you Mommy I said. Then we went to the department store where she usually shops. I think she even noticed when I swept my seat, even though I wasn't wearing a skirt. She just smiled. ?When we got into the store, Mommy began looking in the girls' department'. Mommy, why' are we going into the girl's' department? I asked. To find something for a little' girl' said Mommy. I felt that little girl would' be' me''. I was so'' embarrassed''.? Then the saleslady saw my Mommy and said, "And who'' is this'' cute' little' girl'. This is my daughter' Jenny', said Mommy. Oh, she looks so'' cute''. Thank' you I said, out of habit and the rules. Mommy was looking at the skirts''. Some were like the one's Kathy had. Oh'' she said, as she looked through the various ones, these' so'' cute''. I really like the yellow'' ones' and the light' blue' ones'. When Mommy' found the ones' she' thought were my' size', she said here'' honey''. Go' to the dressing' room' and try one on'. I was so'' embarrassed''. I was going put on that skirt' in the store'' with all' of those people''. Come on sweetie', try one of the skirts' on. I slowly went back to the dressing room. I had' to take my jeans' off' just' like at Kathy's' house', but now'' I am in pubic''. I was so'' embarrassed''. When I came out, Mommy' was waiting. Oh' sweetheart'' that light' blue' skirt' looks so'' pretty'' on you. Then she asked the saleslady, can she wear' it home'. It looks so'' cute''. Sure said the saleslady. Let me cut the tag off her skirt, and then you can pay for it when you finish shopping. Thank you so'' much'' said Mommy. Now my little' girl' has a cute' skirt' to wear. I was so'' embarrassed''. Then Mommy' went over to the girls' blouses' to find some that would match the yellow' and light' blue' skirts' she had picked out. While she was looking she picked out a pink' top and said, here' honey' we'll take this top to the dressing' room' and try it on. She led me inside the dressing room where she undid my blouse and then had me put the new top over me. When she came out, the saleslady said that looks' so'' pretty'' on her. Mommy said, I love' the nice' soft', pink chiffon fabric and round collar and raised polka-dots'. Oh'', the little' sleeves' are see'' through''. Jenny' it looks' so'' cute'' on you. Then she asked the saleslady, Can she wear the new' top' home' also. The sales lady smiled, sure. Here sweetheart' she said, let me take your little' tag' off your new' blouse'. Thank you so'' much'', said Mommy. Your welcome. Enjoy your shopping ladies. Oh, I thought, she called me a lady. Mommy then went to find another top for my yellow skirt. Then she stopped at some T-shirts. Oh I love these she said. Here is one I think is your size. Here honey, go try it on and change your skirt, so I can see how it goes with your new yellow skirt. When I came out, Mommy looked at the new outfit. Oh its' so'' nice''. I love the fitted look with the round collar and the cotton fabric is so' soft'. It even has little' puffed' sleeves'. It is so'' cute''. Okay honey, change back into your other clothes for me. When I changed back, we went to the shoe department where she got me some new shoes and socks. She was looking through the shoe area until she found what she wanted. Oh here'' sweetie', try' these' on for mommy. Here, you can sit down on this little' stool'. When I sat down, Mommy began taking off my shoes as if I were a young child. Then she placed the dress sandal on my foot. There she said, that looks just right. Now let me put your other shoe on. Then she put the other on and buckled it. Then she had me walk around to see if they hurt my feet. Do they hurt honey'? No' Mommy I said. Good' sweetie'. She was talking again to the saleslady, saying I just love the cute tan color, round toe and slightly raised heel. It's a Mary Jane party shoe said the saleslady. Oh, Jenny' looks so'' cute'' in them. Can she wear' them home'. The saleslady smiled again, sure. Just let me put her tennis shoes in the new shoe box. Thank' you', said Mommy. Then mommy picked out some different colored dress knee socks and some socks with some funny designs on them. Oh, before she left, she also picked up some colored hair bands and barrettes. Then she said, Okay' sweetheart', now you will have some cute' clothes' to wear. When the cashier rang them up, she was smiling. Oh, these are so'' cute''. You are such' a lucky' little' girl'. Thank' you I said. Okay ladies have a good day. She called me a lady too. I wish they would quit doing that. it's so'' embarrassing''. That afternoon, I had to stay all'' dressed' up' for Mommy'. She called me her little' girl'. I didn't know what' to do. Mommy' talked' silly' to me all'' night''. Then she helped me put' on my gown' and tucked me in. (Samantha and Mommy) - When I got up, I saw the doll Mommy called Susie, still under the blanket. I didn't know what to do, so I left it there. I looked at the gown' I was wearing. It had ruffles' and lace' all over'' it', with little' blue' flowers'. Oh'', I looked like a little' girl''. Then Mommy called me to the kitchen saying, Samantha are you up? Yes' I said. Good' girl''. It's time' for all'' good' girls' to get' up. I went and washed my face' and then started to take my gown off. That's' okay' sweetheart'. Breakfast is already' on the table'. Come and eat your breakfast first. I slowly walked to the kitchen realizing how' silly'' I looked in my frilly'' gown''. When Mommy saw me, she had a big' smile' on her face. Oh'', Samantha'', I just' love'' your little' gown'. It looks so'' pretty''. Thank' you Mommy I said. Now sit' here and have your breakfast' while I pour your orange' juice'. By habit I swept' my seat'. Mommy just smiled. She gazed at my straggly' hair and cute' gown'. Oh sweetheart'', you look so'' cute', even with' your' hair all' messed'. Thank' You, I said. When we finished breakfast, Mommy put up the dishes. Then I helped her to wash' them' and put' them' away''. Okay Mommy's helper, all finished. Now go to your room' and put on that nice' blouse' and coveralls' Kathy' gave you. But those' are girl's'' clothes' I said. Well, I' think they are cute', said Mommy. I slowly went back to change my clothes. When I was finished, Mommy' had me fix' my hair' so it was all' neat' again. Oh'', said Mommy, I just'' love'' your cute' coveralls', red' blouse', and red socks. Now put on your new tennis shoes. Now', let me look' at my little'' girl''. Oh', Samantha'', you are so'' pretty'. Now wait' while Mommy' gets ready too. Where are we going', I asked. We' are going shopping' to get you some nice' clothes' to wear'. Mommy drove to Alfred's' Children's' store. Then she let me out', and we went' inside'. There were mostly ladies' shopping' and buying stuff for their children'. Mommy kept walking past' the boys department, all' the way to the girls' department'. Mommy kept looking at the skirts' and dresses'. I was so'' embarrassed''. Everyone' will think she is shopping for me'. Finally mommy' started looking at the skirts'. This time mommy picked out a blue' plaid', pleated' skirt' with little red' and yellow' lines' going across it. It had little' buckles' to buckle' it'. Mommy got tickled'', saying', Samantha'', you will look so'' cute'' in this skirt''. Go' to the dressing' room' and try it on for Mommy. But Mommy' I said. Everyone'' will see me in a skirt''. Oh', sweetheart'' all they will see is a pretty' little' girl', now try it on. I will be waiting just' outside'. Okay' Mommy', I said. When I finally got dressed and came out, Mommy' was' gushing' all'' over'' me. Oh' sweetie'', that' skirt' looks so'' cute'' on you. I just' love'' it'. And look', it even' goes with your cute' red' blouse' and socks'. She got a saleslady to remove the tag, so I could wear it instead of the coveralls. I was so'' embarrassed''. Then mommy looked for another' skirt'. I was hoping she would not' find' any more'. Then she found another' kind of skirt'. It was light green. Okay Sweetie', try' this'' one on and see how it fits. I went back to the dressing room and changed. Mommy was waiting for me when I came out. Oh' Samantha'' it looks' so'' cute'' on you'. I love' the ruched flowy design and look, it even goes to your socks. It looks so'' pretty'. Thank' you Mommy, I said. Then Mommy had me change back into my other skirt. Then she began to look for a top to go with the new skirt. When she picked up another top, it was an orangey' color. Mommy had me go to the dressing' room' and try it on. When I came out, she was waiting'. Oh' honey'', it looks so'' pretty'' on you. Mommy began feeling the fabric' as she looked' at it saying, I love'' the short' sleeves' and the way it gathers' at the chest'. It says it is neon, peach heather. That is' such' a cute'' color'', said Mommy. It will go' perfect'' with your new' skirt'. Mommy then had me change back into my red blouse. Then she began looking for some new' socks' and shoes'. Oh', here' are some nice' sandals' for you. They are so' smooth'. Come over here and try them on. We sat down on the stools'. Then Mommy' took my tennis' shoes' off and put the sandals' on me. Then she had me walk' around'. Honey it says they are white smooth, seely heel, Mary Janes. They make you' look' so'' pretty''. Thank' you Mommy, I said. Then Mommy put my old' shoes in the shoe-box' and told me to wear the pretty' sandals' home. Then she went to pick out some socks' for me. She picked up some thin red, light blue, pink, yellow, orange, and green knee socks. Then she got some real' funny'', regular socks with little animals', bugs', flowers', and stripes'. I couldn't believe' it. Oh'', honey'', she said. You will look so cute in these. Thank' you Mommy I said. Then Mommy got some different color hair' bands' with different' designs'. Then she picked up three or four different kinds' of barrettes' for me'. When we left the store, she was so'' happy''. Why' are you' so'' happy'' Mommy'. She got tickled'. I just like having a little' girl' in the house. We are going to have' so'' much'' fun''. That night, mommy' helped' me get ready' for bed'. She helped' me with my gown' and after tucking the doll' under the covers', she tucked' me' in' and kissed' me on the cheek''. I felt' like a baby'. (Mrs. Parker calling Mrs. Phillips) - Oh Emily, Samantha and I had a wonderful time shopping today. She was so scared and so embarrassed, but I got everything she needed for right now. Samantha doesn't know I found all of her panties. I have been washing them and putting them back in drawer. I will get some more panties and another cute gown tomorrow for her tomorrow. Mrs. Phillips was laughing, I know. I found Jenny's panties also. I have been keeping them washed for her. We went shopping also. She looked cute in her yellow skirt and pink top. She wore it the whole day after we got home. She looked adorable. Okay, said marge. I will hang up for now. (Jenny and Samantha) - Jenny and Samantha are going to Kathy's house. Oh Samantha' what are we going' to do'. My mommy' talked silly'' to me the whole'' weekend''. So did my'' mommy'', said Samantha. She even put a doll'' under my blanket''. Now she has me in this silly' skirt' and blouse' today. She made me put on one of my silly' socks' and barrettes' to go with them'. I see'', giggled'' Jenny. They have cute' little' flowers' on them. We look like little'' girls'' now', said Samantha. My mommy made me put on a new skirt' and blouse' too. I feel so'' silly'' with my yellow' barrettes' and silly' yellow' socks with little' animals' on them. At least we kept our hair fixed. Kathy would be upset if we didn't. (Kathy and Susan) - Oh, girls'', Kathy and Susan admired, You too' look so'' cute'' today. Did your Mommy's' take you shopping''? Yes', said Jenny and then, Yes', said Samantha. Kathy and Susan were still giggling. I just' love'' your barrettes'' and cute' socks''. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. When the girls came inside. Kathy said, now' girls' we are going to go over the rules' and practice' our silliness''. Now repeat' the rules' with me' and remember to be even more'' silly' and cute' than Alice. Okay' said Jenny and then, Okay' said Samantha. The girls practiced their rules' and their readings' going up' the scale' and trying to be even' more'' silly' than Alice'. Susan and I must have worked them for almost' two' hours with a break in between. When we were finished', the poor' girls' were' so'' tired'', but they really' improved'. I was so proud of them. Jenny and Samantha swept their seats before sitting at the table for cupcakes and punch. Susan and I were so' tickled' as they talked while eating their cupcakes. Oh' Samantha'' you sounded' so'' silly'' when you said, I could' have' danced'' all' night''. Samantha giggled too when she reminded Jenny how Jenny said, I hopped'' and skipped'' all'' around the garden'' in my pretty' white' dress'. As we put away the plates and cups, Jenny and Samantha helped us wash and dry the dishes. Then we led them out to the swings for a kind of recess. When they left, they were still giggling. (Jenny and Samantha) - Oh Samantha you were so'' silly'' at Kathy's'. So were' you'', said Samantha. Over the next two weeks. Jenny and Samantha learned how to follow the rules every day. Their mothers got them more gowns, panties, skirts, and blouses for them to wear. Jenny and Samantha were now more silly than ever. They were learning how to talk more like little girls. Their mothers were continually smiling and playing along as they would cut up and act so silly. After two weeks, the girls were more comfortable being girls. (Jenny and Samantha) - Jenny, last' night' when I told Mommy' your mommy' painted' your' nails', she painted' my'' nails' for me' just'' like yours'. I see' said Jenny, they look so'' cute''. Thank' you said Samantha. They could see Kathy waiting for them. Kathy and Susan - oh girls, you look pretty today. I love your nails. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Then Kathy directed the girls to the back room to change into their red and yellow, ruffled and lace dresses. When the girls came out, they had also fixed their hair. They looked so pretty. Then Susan and I took them around the block to get them used to walking in public in their slips and dresses. Anyone who may have known them before, would not recognize them now. They were learning how to walk ever more delicately in their dresses and flouncy slips while keeping their arms and hands off of their flouncy dresses in cute little girl ways. They looked so cute with their hair fixed with the yellow and red barrettes in their hair, now below their shoulders. They were so used to walking in dresses, they began sweeping their dresses automatically even when they were not wearing dresses or skirts. They were so cute and lady-like. That afternoon when we came home, I told them I had put all of their other clothes in bags for them. I told them since they had worked so hard, I was giving them their dresses, the red ruffled one for Samantha and the yellow ruffled one for Jenny. They didn't seem frightened. I guess they knew their mothers would take their dresses off for them. (Jenny and Samantha) - Oh'', Jenny'', said Samantha, I just'' forgot''. Now' my mommy' will have to take' off my' dress'' for me. So' will' my' mommy' said Jenny. I hope' they don't' get' upset', said Samantha. (Jenny and her mommy) - When Jenny's mother came in, she saw Jenny in her cute, flouncy, yellow dress and yellow barrettes. She was so'' tickled''. She put her hand over her mouth to hide her giggling. Jenny' looked so' cute' in her flouncy yellow dress. Oh'', sweetheart'' she said, you' are' so'' pretty'' in your sweet' yellow' dress'. I just love'' the cute' lace' and ruffles' on your dress'. Thank' you mommy. Now', what did you do with your other' clothes' you wore' over' there. Kathy' put them in large' bags' for us. You mean Samantha' is also' wearing a cute' flouncy' dress'. Yes'', Mommy' only hers' is red''. Oh' I see', said her mommy, still giggling. Well', since you look so'' cute'' I think you should leave it on for now'. Oh', and you' really need' to change out your tennis' shoes' and put on those cute'' sandals'' and nice' white' knee-socks'. They will go' much'' better'' with your cute' dress'. Okay' Mommy' said Jenny. Okay' sweetie' said her mommy, still trying to contain her giggle. (Samantha and her mommy) - When Samantha's mommy came home, she saw Samantha sitting on the sofa' wearing the cutest'' red' dress with lace and ruffles. She was so'' surprised' and just' couldn't help but hold her mouth open while laughing. Samantha'' she said, all the while laughing. You look' so'' pretty'' in your red' dress'. Stand' up' so mommy' can see how it looks. When Samantha stood up, her mommy became even more tickled, as she could see Samantha was also wearing a cute, flouncy slip under it. Oh'', Samantha'' that is the cutest'' dress'' I have ever' seen'. Where'' did' you get'' it'? Kathy' gave them to us. Oh'' my'' she said, trying desperately to hold down her giggles. She must be so' proud'' of you girls. Yes', said Samantha. She gave Jenny' a yellow' dress' just like mine'. Oh' how' nice' of her, she tried to say without laughing. Do you mean Jenny' has a cute' yellow' dress' on like yours'. Yes', said Samantha. Oh'' honey''. You look so'' pretty''. Why don't we just leave your pretty' dress' on for right now. I think it looks too'' cute'' to take off. Okay' Mommy', said Samantha. (Mrs. Parker talking to Mrs. Phillips) - Oh Emily, I just came home and found Samantha wearing the cutest flouncy red dress with lots of cute ruffles and lace. Oh, my, said Emily. I just came home and found my little Jenny wearing the cutest flouncy yellow dress with lots of lace and ruffles. Oh, my, said Marge. She must look adorable just like my Samantha. Yes, said Emily. You know said Marge, I think that calls for a celebration. What would you say if I suggested we go out to eat and take our ah, lovely daughters with us. That would be wonderful, said Emily. You get Jenny ready and I will try to get Samantha ready. I will pick you up in say, 45 minutes okay. Oh, said Emily, you may wish to have Samantha put on some nice sandals. Okay, said Marge. (The two families go to dinner) - When Mrs. Parker pulled up, Jenny and her mommy were just coming out of the house. Oh'' Jenny'', Mrs. Parker said, I just' love'' your dress''. It is so'' pretty''. Thank' you said Jenny. Jenny and Samantha were a little embarrassed. They had never gone out before with lots of people wearing their frilly dresses. Oh', said Jenny', I hope no one recognizes' us'. Don't worry sweetie', said Emily, you' two look like perfect' ladies'. Yes, said Marge. I' wish I' had a pretty' dress like yours'. She was smiling the whole time. When they got to the restaurant, Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips watched as their daughters made their way so delicately, taking fine steps so as to not swish their dresses. They also noticed how the girls would hold their hands out in a more delicate way so as to not touch the fabric of their dresses. They look' so'' cute'' said Marge, just like little' ladies'. Yes, said Emily they look so' delicate' in their flouncy dresses. When the girls came inside the restaurant, the hostess made all over Jenny and Samantha. Oh', she said, you girls' are so'' pretty''. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you, said Samantha. Marge and Emily sat on the inside of the table and allowed Jenny and Samantha to sit on the outside. They both had big smiles on their faces when they saw Jenny, then Samantha sweep their seats before sitting down. They looked so cute. ?While they were waiting for their food, the silliness Kathy had taught them came through. Marge and Emily listened as the two ?girls talked. Jenny', I am so'' embarrassed''. We are the only'' girls'' with silly'' dresses''. Yes'', said Samantha, I could see everyone'' staring'' and smiling'' at us. The two mothers just smiled and put their hands over their mouths. Since this was the same restaurant where Samantha got her prize, their mothers told them to eat all of their food. Then they would get a prize. Emily and marge made sure the two girls ordered the meal with the prize. That night, after they finished, the server saw the two pretty girls had finished all of their food. She said, Okay girls, since both of you have finished your food, you both get a prize. The two girls had their mouths open as they learned from Alice and her silliness. Marge quietly told the server, that the girl in the red dress already received a doll as a prize. The server smiled and said. We'll try to find something else for her. When they came out with the two pink boxes and white ribbon, the server made sure Jenny got the doll. She gave Samantha another prize. When they left the restaurant, Jenny and Samantha were proudly holding their pink, prize boxes. (Jenny and her mommy) - ?When Marge dropped Emily and Jenny off, Jenny and her mother went back inside. Jenny still had her pink prize gift. Her mommy helped Jenny take off her dress and gently lifted the cute, flouncy slip off of her. Then her mommy hung her pretty dress up in her closet. Now sweetheart, get ready for bed, and mommy will make us some hot chocolate. Jenny changed into one of her gowns and went to the table in the kitchen. Her mommy was waiting with the hot chocolate and Jenny's new prize. Go' on honey', said mommy, open' the box'. Jenny took a pair of scissors and cut the ribbon. Jenny lifted the object up and saw it was a pink doll with braids and wearing a cute, pink dress. Oh' mommy'', she asked, is that' the same kind of doll' Samantha' has'? I think so' sweetheart'. Oh', I don't want' a doll. I don't' play' with dolls'. That's' okay' sweetheart'. I love' dolls'. I will take' care' of her. Then when Jenny went to bed, her mommy tucked her in and kissed her on the cheek. While she was sleeping, her mommy quietly placed her doll on her dresser. (Samantha and her mommy) - When Samantha and her mommy got home, Samantha was still talking about the restaurant. Oh'', mommy'', I was so'' scared'' being there with all'' of those'' people' in my' dress''. You did just' wonderful' sweetheart', said mommy. Smiling, her mommy said, here' honey', let's go back to your room' and let' mommy' help' you with your new' dress'. Okay' mommy' said Samantha. When they got to her bedroom, her mommy was still smiling at Samantha's pretty dress. Okay' turn' around' Samantha. When Samantha turned around, her mommy slowly unbuttoned her dress and untied her sash. Then she lifted her dress off of her head and then lifted her new flouncy slip off also. There' now' sweetheart', she said. Now' put' one of your gown's on and come' to the kitchen'. Then' we can have some' ice'' cream'' and open' your new' prize'. Okay' mommy, Samantha said. While Samantha was getting ready, her mommy hung her new dress and slip in her closet. Later when Samantha was all ready for bed and in one of her new gowns, she came to the kitchen to have ice cream and see her new prize. When they cut the ribbon, Samantha lifted the box lid and saw the prize. It was a stuffed, toy Cat. It looked so real, Samantha thought. Mommy'' it looks so'' real'', she said. Her mommy smiled. Yes', she does'' she added. What' do' I do' with it, said Samantha. You can put it on' your bed' with your doll', she said. But I' don't need' it in my bed'. Okay' sweetheart,' then just' put it in your room' so it won't get lost'. Okay' Mommy', said Samantha. Later that night when Samantha was asleep, her mother placed her doll under Samantha's blanket and placed her stuffed cat at the foot of her bed. Then she tucked Samantha in and kissed her on the cheek. (Jenny and Samantha) - That morning, Jenny and Samantha were going to Kathy's house. Jenny's mother dressed Jenny in a blue skater skirt and light yellow T-shirt, while Samantha's mother dressed her in a tan pleated skirt and pink pullover with puffed shoulders. They were both wearing new yellow and pink hair bands to match. Oh'', said Jenny, I am sure'' glad'' to be out'' of that dress''. Mommy'' was treating' me so'' much'' like a girl''. Yes'', me' too' said Samantha. She was continually'' fixing'' my hair'' and playing'' with my new'' dress''. (Kathy and Susan) - When Kathy and Susan saw the girls they waved. Hey girls, come on in. When the girls got inside, Kathy complimented them on how cute they looked. Oh'', Jenny'' I love'' your new' skater' skirt', and Samantha'' you have the cutest'' little'' pleated'' skirt'. Jenny said Thank' you and then Samantha said Thank' you. Then Kathy and Susan had them sit at the table. Kathy and Susan had sat up two mirrors, one facing each of them. Then she said, Girls'' your hair' is getting so'' long'' we are going to try' something' new'. What' do you' mean'' said Jenny and then Samantha asked, what'' are the mirrors'' for'? We are going to fix'' your hair'' real'' pretty''. The girls looked at each other more fearful, not knowing what Kathy was going to do. We' are going' to braid' your' hair', said Kathy. Susan' will braid' your' hair' Jenny and I' will braid your hair' Samantha'. The girls looked at each other and then in their mirrors as Susan and Kathy began braiding their hair. Jenny and Samantha watched as Susan and Kathy removed their hairbands, then took a comb and slowly began combing and separating their hair in different places. Then they began slowly twisting their hair together, first on one side of their head, and then on the other side. When they were finished, they placed a band on each braid. There' now' girls', look'' in your mirrors''. The two girls looked in their mirrors and were astonished and had their mouths open. They had seen girls at school with braids, and they looked so cute, but now, here they are seeing their own hair in braids. Oh'' said Jenny, I look'' so'' much'' like a girl''. Then Samantha said, Oh'' my'' I can't' believe' I have braids'' like'' Alice''. Then Kathy said, Oh'', we' are not finished' yet'. Then Kathy and Susan cut off two lengths of yellow and pink ribbon and then tied a nice bow and left streamers in each braid. Now' girls' look' in your mirrors'. The girls were in shock. Oh'' my'', I look' like' my' doll'' said Samantha and then Jenny said, I' look' like my' new'' doll'' said Jenny. We look'' so'' much'' like Alice'' now'. Susan and Kathy began to giggle. Oh, girls, I think you two look so'' precious''. Now, let's take a walk' around the block'. Jenny and Samantha were so self-conscious and embarrassed the whole time with their new, so cute, braids and ribbons. Jenny said, I' look like a little'' girl'' now compared' with Susan'. Yes'', said Samantha, I hope' Alice'' doesn't see'' us' like this'. Susan and I began giggling all over again. That afternoon when Jenny and Samantha were going home, they were still in their braids and ribbons. Oh'', Kathy said we would be in trouble'' if we took them out'', said Jenny. I know'', said Samantha. She might' make' us' wear our' pink'' dresses'' home''. (Jenny and her mommy) - That afternoon, Jenny's mother came in as Jenny watched television. She saw Jenny in her braids and too cute yellow ribbons. Oh'', my'' her mommy began to laugh, sweetheart'', still giggling, who'' braided'' your hair'' and tied'' in those cute' yellow' ribbons'? Susan', I said. Oh'', honey'', she continued to giggle, they look so'' pretty''. Thank' you Mommy', I said out of habit. Here' let Mommy' take a look' at them. Then Mommy examined my braids and ribbons. Then she began to play with them. Oh'', Jenny'' I think they are so'' cute''. Thank' you Mommy. Mommy had me leave them in the whole' day'. That night when I went to bed, Mommy' took' my ribbons' out' but kept' my braids' tied'. Later she came in and moved my doll from the dresser to my bed and put it under the blanket. Then she tucked' me in and kissed' me on the cheek. I felt' like her baby''. (Samantha and her mommy) - When Samantha's mommy came in that afternoon, she saw a little girl riding her bicycle near her house. She was surprised when the little girl rode her bicycle up to her front door. Then she looked more closely and saw it was her Samantha. She could not believe it. Her little girl, Samantha, was now wearing all too cute, braids and pink ribbons. Oh'' honey'', she said laughing, you look' so'' cute'' in your braids'' and ribbons''. Here'', let' mommy' look' at them'. Then her mommy carefully examined and handled each braid and was giggling the whole time. Oh'' sweetheart'' she said, they' look so'' pretty'' on you. Honey'' I just' love'' them''. Her mommy was still giggling as they went into the house. That night after supper, her mommy took Samantha's ribbons out but kept her braids in place. She was still smiling as she said, okay baby', time' for bed. When Samantha was asleep, her mommy moved her doll under her blanket and just beside Samantha. Then she tucked Samantha in and kissed her on her cheek. (Jenny and Samantha) - Oh'', said Jenny, Mommy' began treating me like a little'' girl'' when she saw my braids' and ribbons'. She was playing'' with them and even' singing'' while I helped her make supper'. She kept calling me sweetheart'' and I was her' mother's' little' helper' and everything''. Oh'', said Samantha, my'' mommy' was playing'' with my braids'' and ribbons'' too''. She' even' called me baby''. At supper' she' even began to say' things like be' sure' and put' your little' napkin' on your lap' and here, let' mommy' fix your' plate'. I felt' so'' much'' like a baby''. (Kathy and Susan) - That day, Kathy and Susan had the girls at the table, learning how to read and write more properly. Okay Jenny, Susan will help you with your reading, and I will help Samantha with her reading. Susan found some nice reading for Jenny, and Samantha. Okay Jenny and Samantha, before you begin reading I want you to just' look at the books'. The two girls began, just looking at the two books. They were very colorful. The cover had a picture of a cute' little' girl' in a little' pink' dress'. She was just sitting on her front porch swing, reading. There were little blocks of pictures which indicated she what she was reading about: shopping; playing on her swing; seeing a scary movie; and even looking up at the sky. Then I had the girls go to the first chapter and begin reading. I read the first paragraph and then Susan and I helped them read the same paragraph. Remember girls I said, you want to read slow and easy, don't rush. Also, you should slow down and even stop if you don't understand something or you want to think about you just read. Fast is never good. Reading slowly and thinking as you read is much better. Also, I want you to try'' to see in your mind what Mary is saying, just like a movie. If it says, - Mary climbed on her bike and began flying over the neighborhood, you want to see Mary on her bicycle, flying over the neighborhood. Oh, also remember Alice, the very silly girl at school. You want to try to imitate her also when you can. Okay' said Jenny and then Okay', said Samantha. I then read the first paragraph very slow, showing them how I stopped to picture what I was reading. Then the story began - Mary was just thinking about her time with her mother. Then I stopped and pretended to see those times then started reading again. Her mother was always so kind and nice. She always made fresh cookies for desert and would talk silly to her when she was frightened. I stopped again to picture what I was reading. Mary enjoyed helping her mommy make breakfast and dinner. She loved watching scary movies with her mommy. Then I stopped again. They would act silly and hide their eyes when the scary things happened. They loved walking in the park together. I stopped again. At night mommy would tell Mary little stories about what it was like when she was a little girl. Then I stopped again. After reading the first paragraph, I helped Samantha, and Susan helped Jenny read the words and coax them into reading slowly, hearing the sounds, picturing what was being said, and stopping to picture what the words meant to them. It was a very cute story and Mary also had some daydreams where she was flying over her house and even over her town. It was so' cute'. The girls began to read slowly. They would pause or we would help them pause and ask them to picture what they were reading. We also saw the girls were so isolated by the more aggressive treatment they received at school and even at home due more firm treatment, they didn't know many words we girls knew automatically. They even had a hard time seeing whole sentences simply because they were not used to being talked to in nice, whole sentences. I felt so sorry for them. I knew if they didn't slow down and slowly catch up, they would fail at school. We must have read for over two hours, taking a nice break in between. When we were finished, the girls were so tired. You did wonderful girls. Thank'' you, said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. I just smiled and said okay girls, let's all go to the swings. The girls actually, slowly walked to the swings and chatted as we pushed them. Oh'' said Jenny, I thought Mary' was so'' silly'' when she put' on the clown'' costume'' and danced'' for her mommy''. Samantha was laughing. Yes'', she said, that was so'' silly''. I like' the part where Mary'' put on her bird'' wings'' and flew'' over her house' and neighborhood'. I wish' I'' could' do' that'. That was so'' neat''. Oh'', that was such'' a cute'' story' said Jenny. (Jenny and her mommy) - That night, Jenny helped her mommy cook supper. Jenny' honey', said mommy, put all the plates' and things' on the table. Okay mommy, said Jenny. During supper, Jenny was still dressed in her little yellow skater skirt and blue top. Mommy'', said Jenny. I read' the cutest'' story'' today' about a little' girl' named Mary'' who was able to fly'' over her house'' and her neighborhood''. She was looking' down'' at the people and waving'' at them. She would go up'' and down'' through different places. The whole time, Jenny was moving her fork up and down and around with her story. Then she started giggling when she got to the part where Mary flew over the school. All'' the teachers'' couldn't'' catch' her', she said. After supper, Jenny helped her mommy put away the dishes, then helped her wash and dry them. Thank' you sweetheart' said mommy. Then Jenny cleaned up and got ready for bed. That night as Jenny was sleeping, her mommy again, put her doll under the covers beside her, tucked Jenny in, and kissed her on the cheek. (Samantha and her mommy) - That night Samantha cleaned up for bed. Her mommy fixed her some hot chocolate at the table. Mommy', we read' a story about a little'' girl'' in a red'' dress'' and braids'' that looked like my doll. When her mommy tucked her in that night, Samantha looked at the doll her mommy had placed by her the night before. She' looked' so'' much'' like Mary'' in the story''. After her mommy left the room, Samantha took the doll and held her until she fell asleep. The next morning, her mommy saw her holding her doll as she slept. She smiled and then went back to finish making breakfast. (Time Went By) - Over the next month, Kathy and Susan helped Jenny with their lessons. They learned to read better. By helping them slow down and picture and even stopping to think about what they were reading, the girls were able to understand more of what they had read. Also due to much more attention and verbal interaction with Kathy, Susan, and their mommies, the girls learned to see the sentences not just as words but now more as whole sentences. Kathy and Susan also helped them to write better by helping them to relax their hands more and not press down so hard as boys often do due to their much higher average stress/muscle tension from the more aggressive treatment they receive. The girls slowly began to relax their hands and fingers. They also learned how to write more smoothly and correctly. Kathy and Susan could see how the length of their sentences improved due to a more relaxed grip and less pressure on their hands so their hands didn't get tired as much. They also saw could tell the letters they wrote were much smoother and neater now due to having a more relaxed grip and so better, fine motor control for their hands. (Mrs. Parker and Mrs Phillips) - Oh, Emily said Marge, since it is Saturday, what do you say we take the girls to the park today. Sounds like a wonderful idea said Emily. Giggling, I think my Samantha will do much better in culottes and a nice top. She loves the monkey bars. Oh, I forgot they have monkey bars. I will be sure my Jenny has her culottes on also. Okay said Marge, How about I pick you two about 12 o-clock so you two can have breakfast and get ready. Sounds good, said Emily. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips at the park - When Mrs. Parker picked up Mrs. Phillips and Jenny at their house, she saw Jenny was wearing her yellow culottes and T-shirt. When we got inside, the girls sat in the back and talked. Oh'', said Jenny, you have little'' cats'' on your T- shirt''. They look' so'' cute''. Oh'', said Samantha I like' your unicorn'. It has so'' many'' colors''. Their mommies just giggled as they drove to the park. When the girls got out, they went straight to the swings. Mrs. Parker and Mrs. Phillips sat on a park bench with their picnic baskets and watched. Oh said Marge, school will be starting next month. The two mommy's watched as their two girls played on the swings. Then saw them go to the monkey bars. They look so cute in their culottes and tops said Marge, smiling. Yes, they do, said Emily. Later, they could see the girls had gotten tired and came over to the park bench where their mommy's were. Mommy'', I was chasing' Samantha'' all around the monkey'' bars''. Yes'', said Samantha, but she never'' caught'' me''. Okay girls, said her mother, we are going to put out our lunch now. Go wash your hands and come back, said their mommies. When the girls went to the park restrooms, they looked at the signs. Oh'', said Jenny, we would look so'' silly'' going into the boy's'' room'' now.' What'' would'' everyone'' say''? I don't'' know'', said Samantha. Maybe we should go into the girl's' room' this time. I don't' know', said Jenny. I feel so'' scared''. I know', said Samantha. Finally the two girls slowly walked into the girl's room. A lady was coming out and passed by them. Oh'', girls'', you look so'' cute'' in your tops. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Oh'', Jenny'', said Samantha, she said we look'' so'' cute''. Yes'', said Jenny. Then the two girls felt so much better. They washed their hands and came back to the picnic table. Mommy'', Jenny'' and I'' went' to the park' restrooms'' to wash' our hands''. We didn't' know' which'' restrooms'' to use. We were' so'' scared''. Yes'', said Jenny. Then we finally went into the girls restroom. A lady'' was coming out and said we'' looked'' cute''. We said Thank'' you''. Then we' knew'' it would be okay''. Their mothers realized they had not prepared them and just smiled consolingly. That's' okay', said Jenny's mother, you' girls did fine''. Yes'', said Marge, Samantha you were so'' polite'' to the lady. The two girls were still giggling as Marge dropped them off. Bye' Jenny', said Samantha. Bye' Samantha', said Jenny. Jenny and Samantha - Oh'', Jenny'', said Samantha, you' still have your Unicorn'' shirt'' on. Oh'', and you still have your little cats'', Samantha''. They look so'' cute''. Thank' you', said Jenny. Kathy and Susan - Susan was talking to Kathy saying I miss seeing the girls in those cute, red and yellow dresses. I am now much larger than the girls. I know some of my older dresses might fit the girls also. Kathy began to smile. That sounds like a good idea, said Kathy. When the girls arrived, they were still wearing their braids. Oh'', girls'' said Kathy you' two' look' so'' cute'' in your skirts' and tops'. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Girls'' Susan' has an idea. We' are all'' going to Susan's'' house' to play'. The two girls looked at each other. Okay', said Jenny and then Okay', said Samantha. Susan was talking to Kathy as they and the girls began their walk. My, said Susan, before they were afraid to walk down the street with girl's pants. Now they are walking down the street and acting silly in their skirts and blouses. When they got to Susan's house, Susan opened her door and let the girls in. Her mother was still at home then and Susan introduced the two new girls to her mother. Mom, this is Jenny and this is Samantha. Girls my mom's name is Mrs. Foster. Hi'' Mrs. Foster, said Jenny and then Hi'' Mrs. Foster said Samantha. Mrs. Foster said nice' to meet' you' girls'. My you two girls look so pretty today. Thank you said Jenny, then Thank' you said Samantha. Mom', said Susan, I know' I have some cute'' clothes'' I have outgrown' now'. I would like to see if some of my old clothes might fit them. That sounds like a wonderful idea, said Mrs. Foster. Okay' girls', said Susan, let's go to our spare' room' in the back'. Susan and Kathy began to search through the hangers which were still holding her older dresses. Oh, said Susan, these are so pretty. I can wait to see the girls in these dresses. Susan unhooked the two dresses and then the full flouncy slips that went with them. She even had some Mary Jane's and knee socks she didn't wear any more. Okay' girls', said Susan as she began putting out the clothes she picked out on her bed. Jenny', Samantha', I have the cutest'' dresses'' for you' two' to wear. Susan laid out all of the clothes including the knee-socks and sandals. Okay' girls', get' dressed' while we wait outside. While they were getting dressed, Mrs. Foster was whispering to Susan and I, trying keep from giggling. Are those the boys you said killed our cat and now Kathy is dressing them up like girls? Yes, said Susan. They look so' cute', I thought they were girls. She continued to giggle and giggle. Oh, said Susan, keep it down and listen while the ah, girls put on their new dresses. Okay, Mrs. Foster said, still trying to hold her giggle. Okay' said Jenny, I need' help' putting on this slip''. Okay said Samantha I will help'. Mrs. Foster started to laugh but put her hand over mouth. Now said Jenny I need help putting on my dress''. Okay said Samantha. Samantha helped Jenny put on her dress and then buttoned it up and tied her sash. Thank' you said Jenny. Now'' I have to put on my slip' and dress' said Samantha. I will help' you said Jenny. Then Jenny helped her put on her slip and then slid her dress over it. Then Samantha turned around so Jenny could button it up and tie her sash. When they were finished, they came outside to the living-room where everyone was. Oh'', said Kathy you two girls look' so'' pretty'' in your dresses. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Mrs. Foster had a big smile on her face, still trying not to giggle. Oh'' Jenny'', said Kathy, I just love your orange' dress' and flouncy' slip' with the half sleeves and the little lace bands on your elbows and neck. I love the way the skirt gathers at the hip. Oh, and those little' blue' flowers' with the little green leaves all over it, look' soo'' cute''. Thank' you said Jenny. And Susan picked out the cutest'', orange' knee-socks' to match. Then she looked at Samantha. Oh'' Samantha your dress' looks just like Jenny's'' only you're wearing a cute' green' dress' with the same lace' on the sleeves' and collar'. I just' love'' those' little' pink' flowers' and dark green leaves that match your cute' knee-socks'. You look adorable''. Thank' you, said Samantha. Then Mrs. Foster knowing they were boys pretended they were just very sweet, cute girls. Oh'', sweeties'', Susan picked out just' the right' clothes' for you girls. I think you two look' so'' cute'' in your little dresses. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Oh'', who'' braided' your' hair'. Susan' braided mine' said Jenny and then Samantha said Kathy' braided' mine'. I just love your braids girls. Here' let me find some cute'' ribbons'' to match' your dresses. Mrs. Foster opened up her cabinet then measured and cut two lengths of orange ribbon for Jenny's braids, and then she cut off two lengths of green ribbon for Samantha's braids. Okay' girls' come' here' and turn' around', so I can put them in your hair'. With their backs to her, they could not see she was trying not to giggle while tying the ribbons on each braid. When she finished, she said Now' you girls look' so'' pretty'' and so'' cute''. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Then Mrs. Foster suggested they all go out to the swings. Mrs. Foster said, Susan', why don't you take' Jenny', and I' will take Samantha'. The girls looked at each other somewhat embarrassed now. Susan was wearing jeans and they were wearing cute dresses. Susan looked much older now. Okay' said Susan. Here' Jenny' she said, as she took Jenny by her hand and led her to her swings out back. At the same time, Mrs. Foster took Samantha's hand and led her also to the swings outside. Mrs. Foster could see they were trying to walk more delicately so they wouldn't swish their dresses. She could also see where they held their free hands up more delicately so they wouldn't touch their dresses. They looked so cute. When they got to the swings, Susan knew they would remember but still told them, Okay' girls be' sure' and sweep' your dresses'. Mrs. Foster started to giggle all over again when the two girls, very delicately swept their dresses before being seated. Girls'' you' did wonderful'', said Susan. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Then Susan pushed Jenny while Mrs. Foster pushed Samantha. Susan even said in a motherly way, hang'' on' girls'', we' are going to push'' you higher'' now', knowing they weren't really. After a while, Susan said, okay' girls'', twice' around the yard'. We' will take you around the yard the' first'' time. Then you can walk the second time all'' by' yourselves''. Mrs. Foster giggled as she and Susan led Jenny and Samantha by the hand and led them around the backyard. Susan was again acting very motherly. Okay' girls'' be' careful''. There are stickers'' and holes'' in the yard. That's' good'' Jenny'', you missed' the stickers' and the hole'. Both Susan and her mom got a kick out of very delicately leading the girls around the backyard. After they finished, Susan said, okay' girls'' now' you' can walk' around the backyard' all'' by' yourselves''. As the girls began walking around the sides the second time, Susan said, Mom, we usually let them walk around the yard in their full skirts to get them into the habits of always walking delicately while they are trying to keep from swishing their skirts and holding their arms and hands in more delicate ways as they try to not touch their dresses. I see, said Mrs. Foster. My', they look so'' delicate' and so'' cute''. Yes', they do' said Susan. When they finished, mom and I led the girls delicately back inside our house. You' girls'' did' so'' good'' I said. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. When we came in, we took their other clothes and put them in bags. Then we had the girls sit at the table while Mom and I gave them some pie, ice cream and punch. Mom got tickled when they both swept their seats before sitting, just like little ladies. Now' girls'' I said', open' a napkin'' so you don't get any food' on your pretty'' dresses''. Yes', said Jenny and then, Yes', said Samantha. As the girls ate, Mom could see Jenny had gotten some ice cream on her chin. Here' sweetie'' said Mom. Let' me clean'' your chin'. Then she dampened a paper towel and delicately wiped off the ice cream. There' now' sweat heart', all'' clean''. Thank' you said Jenny. My mom just got tickled, saying you're welcome'' sweetie''. It was so funny, Kathy and I broke out laughing, but they' are so'' cute'', said Kathy. That afternoon when they went home, they were still wearing their dresses. We did get them to take off their flouncy slips. I wanted to have them for other days and other dresses. Jenny and Samantha- Oh', said Jenny', I feel' so'' silly'' in this dress'', knee-socks'' and braids''. I feel' like little' girl'. So' do' I'' said Samantha. Susan was talking to us' like we' were babies''. She looks so'' much'' older' now'. Jenny and her mommy - When Mrs. Phillips came home, she found Jenny in the living room. She was wearing another dress. She couldn't help but laugh. Oh''Jenny'', you got' another' dress''. Yes', mommy'. Susan' gave it to me. It looks', so'' precious'' on you, she said, trying not to laugh but still giggling. I just'' love'' it sweetheart''. Let' mommy' see the other'' side''. When Jenny turned around, she smiled when she saw the buttons. She knew, like her other dress, she would have to help Jenny unbutton it for her. Oh'' honey'', you look' so'' cute''. Now' help' mommy' make supper' for us. Then Jenny still wearing her cute dress helped mommy prepare their dinner. Then after cleaning everything up, they watched television until it was time for bed. Then her mommy had Jenny turn around, so she could unbutton her dress and untie her sash. Then she lifted it off her shoulders, so Jenny could hang it up in her closet. When Jenny went to bed, she saw the little doll in the pink dress. She looked just like the girl, Mary she had read so much about. When her mommy left the room, Jenny took the doll and kept it with her. When her mommy came in later she smiled when she saw Jenny her arm over her doll. She then came over and kissed her on her cheek. (Samantha and her mother) - When Mrs. Parker came home that afternoon, she saw Samantha in the kitchen. She broke out laughing. OH'', my'', sweetheart'', she said. You look', so'' pretty'' in that dress''. I just' love' it', She said, still laughing. Here honey', let me see the other' side', as she turned Samantha around. Then she said, as she was playing with Samantha's braids, oh'' and those cute'' ribbons'' go so'' well'' with your dress''. You look' soo'' cute''. Now honey', help mommy get supper ready, and then we can watch a movie' together'. Okay' mommy, said Samantha. That night as they watched the movie, her mommy was acting silly, saying oh'' it looks so'' scary''. What' do' you think' is going to happen''. I don't' know'', said Samantha, acting scared herself and playing along with her mommy, putting her hand over her eyes. Then her mommy put her arm around her, pretending to be so' afraid'. I am so'' afraid'' for the girl, she said. Then Samantha said, Mommy'', you are so'' silly''. Later Samantha got ready for bed. Her mommy had her turn around, so she could unbutton her dress and untie her sash. Now honey', she said, be sure and hang up your dress in your closet. Yes' Mommy', said Samantha. That night as Samantha slept, her mommy came in to check on her. She put her hand over mouth. There was Samantha with her new doll, she called Mary and her new cat, covered up beside her. (Jenny and Samantha) - Oh'', Jenny'', when I woke up, I still had Mary'' and my new'' cat'' with me. I was so'' embarrassed''. I hope' mommy'' didn't' see' them'. Oh'', Samantha'', my doll' looked so'' much'' like Mary', I took'' her to bed'' with me. I sure hope mommy' didn't see' me with her. That would be'' awful''. (Kathy and Susan) - Oh, said Kathy I am so glad you were able to find some more cute dresses for them. I want them act just like little ladies when they go back to school. I hope they like them said Susan. Oh, said Kathy laughing, they don't have a choice. Then the girls showed up at Kathy's in their skirts and tops. Oh'', girls'', I like your outfits''. Thank' you said Jenny and then Thank' you said Samantha. Okay, said Susan, I have some new outfits for you. As they went to the bedroom, Susan said, Jenny', the pink' dress' is yours'. Samantha', you have the red' dress'. When they came out, Susan and Kathy made all over the dresses. Oh'' girls'' you look' so'' cute'', I just love those'' dresses'' said Kathy. Thank' you they said. Oh, I forgot how' cute' those dresses look, said Susan. They were fitted, polo dresses with pleated skirts and short sleeves. Then Kathy said, okay' girls', we are going to practice' our reading'. Susan seated Jenny beside her on one side of the table, and Kathy sat Samantha on the other side with her. Now' said Kathy I want you girls to open your Mary' books' and read for me and Susan, just like yesterday, very slow. I want you to picture the words you are reading and slow down and even stop to think about what you read. Remember, don't go fast. Going fast hurts our thinking, learning, motivation, and enjoyment of reading. Oh, remember how Alice acts when she is reading. The girls began to read. They began to see whole sentences, not just the words. They began to read with more feeling as the writer intended. They would stop and think about what they had read. Jenny stopped and said, Mary'' had a pink'' shoe'' on one' foot' and a red'' shoe'' on her other' foot'. She was so'' silly''. Then later Samantha stopped and said, Mary' was dreaming' she was on the moon', putting'' cheese'' in her buckets''. The girls read for an hour, then we stopped for some cupcakes and coke. Oh' girls' you did wonderful. After their break, Susan and Kathy gave them their notebooks, so they could begin writing. Kathy reminded them to write slowly and to relax their fingers and wrists. Remember girls, don't press down hard. Remember to stop when you get tired and to stretch and wiggle your fingers. Okay, said Jenny and then, Okay said Samantha. Then the girls began to write very slowly making sure their letters were more aligned with the baselines, the halfway lines, and the top lines. If they made an error, Kathy and Susan just reminded them it was okay and to just smile, lightly erase it, and then write it correctly. Remember girls when you make an error, just stop, smile, correct it, and then write it correctly. Susan and Kathy would compare their handwriting from the previous day. Oh, said Susan, Jenny has such smooth lines now. Even her cursive looks nice and smooth. I see, said Kathy. When the girls were finished, they were so tired. Okay girls, we are going to go outside to the swings now. Goodie'' said Jenny a word she learned from her Mary Book. You two did soo'' good''. Your mommy's will be so'' proud'' of you. Susan led Jenny to the swings, while Kathy led Samantha. Then they pushed the girls as they played on the swings. Then later, Susan and Kathy led Jenny and Samantha around the first lap of their walk around Kathy's backyard. Then they sat down on the swings while Jenny and Samantha made the second trip by themselves. I hope the girls do good at school, said Kathy. They try so hard when they are here. I know said Susan. (Jenny and Samantha) - Oh'', said Jenny, Susan'' looks so'' much'' older''. She led' me around' the yard' as if I were' a little'' girl'', saying, Be' careful' sweetheart'. Yes'', said Samantha, when Kathy led' me' around the yard', she kept' smiling' and playing' with my' braids''. Over the next three weeks, Kathy and Susan kept teaching the girls how to read better and with emotion and thought. They also helped Jenny and Samantha, not just enjoy their writing but also to more slowly extending the time they were able spend writing by writing in an easier, more proper way. Their mothers also made arrangements with the school and prepared for the return of their now, little girls for the fourth grade with Mrs. Clark, their previous, fourth grade teacher. When they had finished, the school and their teacher would be waiting for them on their first day. (Jenny and Samantha, their first day of School) - Oh''Jenny'' what do we do''? I am wearing a yellow' pleated' skirt' with yellow knee' socks', a white' top with little' blue' flowers'', with braids.''. Everyone will see me as a little'' girl''. Me'' too'', said Samantha. I am wearing my red' polo' dress' with the pleats, red knee socks with braids. We look' so'' silly''. They could see Kathy waiting for them. Oh Kathy is wearing Jeans and a plain white blouse. (Kathy's house) - When they got to Kathy's house, she was waiting. Oh'', girls'', she said, you two' look' so'' cute''. I love' your outfits'. Thank' you they said. Now said Kathy, we have to go to Susan's house, so she can walk with us. We could see Susan waiting for us. She was wearing jeans also and a green T-shirt. She looked much older. When they got to Susan's house. She was smiling and waving. Oh'', she said, you' two' look' so' pretty''. Thank' you they said. Then Kathy took Samantha's hand and Susan took Jenny's hand. Then they all walked to school together. Oh'', I feel' like a little'' girl'' having to hold' your' hand', said Jenny. You' are' a little' girl', said Susan. Yes'', said Kathy, we want you two girls to be safe'', all' the' way' to school. When they got near the middle school, Kathy said, bye' girls'. Susan, said Kathy, you can take them the rest of the way. Okay' said Susan. Okay' girls' said Susan. Take' my hands'. Then Jenny and Samantha took her hands as she led them to school. Susan led the girls all the way to Mrs. Clark's room. Mrs. Clark was at her desk getting ready for her first day. She saw Susan and two young girls with her. Oh, Susan, what are you doing here and who are these pretty' girls'. Susan started to giggle. Mrs'. Clark' ah', still giggling, these girls are Jenny' and Samantha'. The teacher looked puzzled for a second, then she said, Oh'', My'', she started to laugh and put her hand over her mouth. Is this Jimmy' and Sam'? Yes, said Susan. Oh'', My'', she said I can't' believe' it'. Oh'', girls'', you' ah', look' so'' pretty''. Jenny I love your yellow skirt and blouse, and Samantha I love your red dress. Then they both said, Thank' you' Mrs. Clark. The whole day, while Mrs. Clark was conducting her class, she would commend Jenny and Samantha at times on how nicely they talked and acted. Oh' Jenny'' you were so'' sweet' when you helped' Amy' with her new' books'. Then later, Oh'', Samantha'', when you read the rules, you sounded' just' like' Alice''. (Jenny and Samantha walking to the front of the school) - Oh, said Jenny the girls liked my outfit. I was so afraid it would look too silly. Me too said Samantha. At recess, Karen gave me a friendship bracelet, because her sister was also named Samantha. When they got to the front of the school, Susan was waiting. Oh, girls how was your day. Oh, said Jenny we got to write our names on the board. We did really good. Then Susan led the girls by the hand to her house where she let them walk the rest of the way on their own. (Jenny and Samantha) - Oh Jenny said Samantha. I felt' so'' embarrassed'' today'. Some of our friends from last year passed me in the hall. Sally' and Tom' just' looked' at me. They didn't even'' recognize'' me'. Sally' did' smile' a little'. Me'' too'', said Jenny. I was on the playground. Billy' and Peggy' from last year asked' me' my' name'. I said it was Jenny'. They just smiled and said, you will like' Mrs'. Clark', she is a nice' teacher'. (Jenny and mommy) - When mommy got home, Jenny was beginning to read her books she was given. When her mommy saw her, she was delighted Jenny had a good day. Oh'', Jenny'', sweetheart'', how' was your day''. Oh'', it was so'' silly''. We told' everyone'' our names' and we wrote' them on the board'. Samantha' was reading' just' like' Alice'', a girl from last year who was so'' silly''. Here let me show you. Then Jenny began to read from one of her favorite chapters from last year. Katie' was dancing'' around' the room' and singing, I' could' have' danced' all' night'. She read a whole paragraph to her mommy in her best Alice voice. Her mommy put her hand over her mouth. Oh'', you read' so' well'', and was giggling as she said, and' you' sound' so'' silly'' too''. Thank' you' mommy, she said. (Samantha and her mommy) - When Samantha's mommy came home, she wanted to know how the day went with Samantha. Oh'', baby'', how was your day''. It was so'' silly'' mommy, we got to go around' and meet' all of the other students' in the class'. Look'' my new' friend' Karen'' gave' me a friendship'' bracelet''. I didn't have one to give to her. Can we get some when we go shopping. Her mommy started giggling, then realized how it sweet it was, oh' honey'' yes''. I will get' you a whole' bag' of friendship' bracelets'. Thank' you' mommy', said Samantha. (The next Saturday with Kathy and Susan) - Okay girls, your mommies are paying us to help you with your homework on Saturdays for a couple of hours. Susan and I have outgrown our clothes, so each Saturday we will give you girls a new outfit to wear home. When they came out Jenny was wearing a pink bohemian dress with an empire skirt. The raised waist, just below the bodice had a cute ruffle all around it. It had short sleeves with with a cute ruffle on the ends. It even had a large ruffle on the hem which went below her knees. Oh, said Kathy it just slips on and off. When Samantha came out, she was wearing one just like it only it was a light blue. They both looked so cute. Then we sat Jenny and Samantha at the table to begin their reading and writing practice which included their homework. They did wonderful and were more than able to handle their fourth grade work. When Mrs. Parker drove up, Kathy gave them their bags, then Kathy and Susan gave them a hug. They were still giggling as they got into her car. (Kathy talking) - Over the weeks, Jenny and Samantha got new clothes. Their mommies would brush out their hair and braid them, usually putting in cute ribbons to go with their clothes. When they went to bed, they both had their Mary dolls with them and yes, Samantha had her cat doll also. Each Saturday, Susan and I would help them with their lessons and gave them something pretty to wear home. Susan was always doting on them and taking them to school with her as they held her hands. She would say, okay girls be nice to everyone be sure and sweep your skirts at school. Yes, Susan, said Jenny and then Yes, Susan, said Samantha. (Jenny and Samantha waiting for Mrs. Parker to pick them up) - Oh'' said Jenny'', Kathy and Susan gave us their pink' dresses' with the flouncy' slip' to wear home. What' will' mommy'' say when she sees me dressed' so'' silly''. Yes', said Jenny, we look' like' sisters''. Mommy is going start laughing saying we look just like' Mary'' our' dolls'' with our flouncy pink dresses, braids, ribbons and knee socks. Oh, said Samantha. I just hope we don't have to wear these to school. When Mrs. Parker came to pick them up and opened the doors for them, she was laughing the whole time. She could see them taking fine, delicate steps as they slowly walked to her car. When they got to her car, they turned their backs to the car seats, swept their flouncy dresses, seated and then turned to face forward, just like little ladies. They were so cute. Okay'', princesses'', said Mrs Parker, let' me take you girls home. Oh'' Jenny'', your mommy' will just'' love'' your' new', pink'' dress''. Thank' you' said Jenny.

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 1

From 'The Autobiography of Miss Louisa Harper' ~ "The summer of 1890 was to be the start of my new life. At fifteen years of age, I was to be presented to society and I had expected that I would then be considered an adult. That, at long last, I would have a say in my own life, my own destiny. That was not to be, though. I was still just a doll to be dressed and used as decoration in the home of my powerful parents. I was made up and dressed and used to impress the visitors who came...

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 3

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On Becoming Miss Louisa Harper of New York and Newport 5

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Black TGirls

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Batwoman meets Catwoman Part Two

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Catwoman and BatmanThe Wager

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e19 Sharon Callaghan 37 from Newcastle

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS14 E13 Ruby Suddick 25 from Newcastle

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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

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An Interest in Ponygirls

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GENTLEMEN’S CLUB RENDEVOUZNOT BASED ON A TRUE STORY IT IS FICTIONOne day, I woke up from a sexy dream and said to myself there is something that I want to do out the ordinary that no one would have never thought that I would never do. That fantasy is to visit a high-end gentlemen’s club in mid-downtown DC‘s business district. I have always been this ‘good girl’ always expect to do the right thing and follow the rules. Some say that I am somewhat prudish and on a conservative side. I want to...

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Shemale, tranny or as some like calling them t-girls, I like them. Im not talking cross dressers, I'm talking about the ones with titties, curves and sound like a woman. Being a bi male, to me its the best of both worlds. I like watching porn of them and honestly I prefer the ones of them doing a strip tease, ending with them stroking their cock and cumming all over themselves. I met one, unknowingly, once while playing around on a chat site. I was cruising thru the members "online" when I came...

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My Life as Isaac Newton

This character has nothing to do with the Isaac in Midnight Plush (q.v.). The idea for this story came in a dream, and that was his name in the dream, so I didn’t change it. This is the closest thing to a traditional short story I’ve submitted, and I would really like solid critique on it. Especially, did I do a good job of writing from a man’s point of view? Oh, and I guess I should state this explicitly, based on some so-called ‘feedback’ I’ve gotten on other stories: Everything I write is...

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For the Cowgirls

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For the Cowgirls

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Straight Sex
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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads. As normal, all my stories are true and I’ll only change names to protect identities. Don’t forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it Happy reading guys. ***************************** Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you’ve done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But...

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Gay Newcastle Train Station Toilets

Hi lads.As normal, all my stories are true and I'll only change names to protect identities. Don't forget to comment after reading if you enjoyed it :)Happy reading guys.*****************************Another boring day in the North East. With money to burn, me and my friend (lass) decided to get the train from Darlington through to the Metrocentre. If you've done this trip, you know you have to transfer at Newcastle. Newcastle station itself is a dull dreary place, loud and unexciting. But there...

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RenewalChapter 2

“I see you were using the pods again,” Marion White, the ships First Officer, says as she enters the galley to see Regina on the deck naked. “Unauthorized use of company property for personal pleasure is not allowed you know.” Regina lifts her head from the deck and blinks away the sleep. “Why don’t you just shove it up your ass,” she sneers. Marion walks over and pulls out an egg from a pod and pops it in her mouth. “You know, I don’t know what makes you so special.” She takes a seat and...

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The Schoolgirls

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Newlywed Husband Learns the Truth

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Twos Company Threes a Different Story

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Newport Naval Academy

My dick grew semi-hard even before we got out of the car.I knew I wanted to attend the Newport Naval Academy even before my father set the DeSoto's parking brake. Beyond the car window, about twenty feet away, three good-looking boys stood talking. Their tight white uniforms hugged their lithe teenage bodies rather provocatively. My parents insisted on a military type school. I was on my way to becoming a little punk and strict school discipline would "straighten" me out. Well, the "out" part...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriess8e9 Meredith Caig 48 from Newport

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10 E11 Carol Gilley 52 from Newport

Once more we fade in on our darkened ‘bedroom’ set. A rusty old metal bedframe, with headboard and footboard, plus a dirty, threadbare mattress laying on squeaky springs. There are no sheets, no blankets, and no pillows – just stains, mostly caused by our the guests who have appeared on the show this year. We pull back from these stains and turn to the side of the set – looking into the darkness of the unlit depths of the room as a figure approaches, feet clicking, or clomping, on the...

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Best Summer Job EverChapter 16 The New Girls

Sarah let out a sigh, as she watched the helicopter leave with the U's. "Well, that ends our harvesting for a while." "Why do you say that?" I asked. "We have only 3 teams, with only 1 that can climb, that means we can will have to eliminate our coconut harvesting duties, until another team arrives," said Samantha. "When can we expect that to happen?" Sarah thought for a minute. "Probably 10 days to get trained and ready, 7 days at least." I sighed. "That's okay. We just...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = WARNING! This warning is possibly not needed for this particular story, but I am including it because it is needed for most of my stories. If you decide to read other of my stories make sure that you read the disclosures and warnings at the beginning of each story. All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...

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Newlyweds A Halloween Story

 How do you explain to your fiancé that there are dark secrets – even ghosts – in your family history? And that some of those ghosts are not fully relegated to the past.It was a crisp, but not cold, end of October evening in the “middle ground” just north of Vidalia, Louisiana, when Shelly stepped out of the woods and walked across the harvested cotton patch toward a small square of grass and weeds that stuck out almost like an island into the empty field. If you looked closely at that square,...

1 year ago
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Deceived Newlyweds

Looking at the wedding invitation in his hands from his frat brother, Tyrone Milton let his thoughts drift back to the end of his junior year in college. The invitation came from Brad Wilton, the frat brother who had beaten him out of the coveted office of president of the fraternity for their senior year of college. He began to fume as he tossed the invitation off to the side of his desk. "That fucker! I owe him one!" he muttered loudly. The fraternity that Tyrone and Brad Wilson had joined,...

4 years ago
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Wetwork Ch 01

Chris Bradford had always chased adrenaline, when he was in high school he had been an All-American linebacker with a tendency for big hits. His performance had attracted interest from the major colleges. LSU, Texas, Miami, and USC had all offered him full ride scholarships, and in the end he had chosen to go to USC because it was the furthest away from his small town in Kentucky. While at USC he had studied international relations, and graduated at the top of his class, he had contemplated...

2 years ago
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Wetwork Ch 03

Chris woke up at around 11 and was surprised when he saw the time. He hadn’t slept that late since… well he couldn’t remember. He checked his phone and was again surprised by the number of messages left on his voicemail. He checked his missed calls list didn’t recognize most of the numbers. Most of the messages were news outlets begging for an interview to tell his story. One was from his buddy Mike Williams, an younger ex Delta guy he had helped bring up and train. Mike had seen him on the...

2 years ago
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Wetwork Ch 02

Outside the mall Chris was sat in a squad car, while the SWAT captain was talking to the police chief. A detective was in the conversation and Chris saw the older man nod and walk away from the captain and the chief. He made his way to Chris and pulled out a set of keys and undid the cuffs. ‘I’m Detective Sill I’m the one who’ll be investigating this mess. Several witnesses said you were not the shooter, at least the shooter of the innocents. Your not under arrest but your still gunna have to...

3 years ago
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Wetwork Ch 0405

Chapter 4 Chris stood in Sarah’s kitchen as she looked at him. She was taking the news fairly well seeing as how he had just told her he was going to Chicago for a while, and an NSA agent would be following her while he was gone. He also was leaving his pistol with her. For one he couldn’t get it through the airport, and also he wanted her to have some form of protection. She had nodded through his whole explanation, not quite getting the whole story, but he was able to tell her the gist of...

1 year ago
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Beltworld Ch10

On the belt, they have a saying: Minerals are controlled by capitalists, flesh is controlled by entrepreneurs. They say it's because people preferred the competition of smaller businesses and therefore put corporations at a disadvantage to small businesses. However, it was actually a government regulation put in place in an attempt to distribute more evenly throughout the belt. Either way, anyone with money for decent ship and a few licenses and tickets could start trading the...

1 year ago
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WeTwo Part Three

During the summer following high school graduation, Penny testified for the defense saying Mr. DeLaurier was a gentleman, kind and and generous. The girls and women on the prosecution side didn't agree. That's where Penny met Mr. Dressler, at least that's what everyone in the courtroom called him. Lawyer Dressler lived in the biggest house in town, drove the nicest car and everyone knew he had money. After DeLaurier was found guilty of a minor misdemeanor charge, Mr. Dressler asked her if...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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WeTwo Part Two

On the next Thursday evening, Kirk called and asked if Penny would like to go to a party with him on Saturday night. She wasn’t hesitant when she said, "Yes!"The party was at a private club where they don’t ask for ID’s, primarily because of the older crowd. Kirk explained it was the school's annual Showstopper Gala, a fundraiser for the college’s drama department. There would be important people there, many who have contributed large sums of money to the school. Penny was to wear something...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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WeTwo Part One

“Oh my God. Oh my God. I’m so sorry guys! I didn’t know you were in here.” Tears rolled down Penny’s cheeks as she ran out of Janice’s bedroom.The girls were now part of a blended family after Penny’s mom had remarried three years earlier. The girls were only two years apart with Janice being the older at nearly twenty. They had become more than close friends. Now they were family, sisters.It was an awkward situation when Penny barged in the room. Janice’s boyfriend, Aaron, was at the point of...

2 years ago
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"Oh no! He’s not here" Luna said pouting. Shaking her head her short honey brown hair bobbed side to side. She walked forward on long shapely legs that matched her slender body. Luna had shocking yellow eyes that was always hard to look away from. She was wearing a pink skirt that went down to mid-thigh and with a tank top with a matching pink cardigan. She climbed onto the platform and looked around but Mewtwo wasn’t there. Dammit Luna thought and sat down on the platform frustrated....

1 year ago
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Nightwolf Part 3

Meanwhile back in Kevin’s room his father had tossed him onto the bed. He leapt onto his son and used his knees to pin him down. His smacks landed hard on his son’s face as he beat him. “So you like fucking slaves huh?” his father growled. Kevin remained perfectly silent and starred up into his father’s empty eyes with a deep and passionate hatred. He hated his father, he always had. His father in return smacked him again. “Challenge me will you?” he growled deeply and began the turn....

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