Eileen free porn video

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I hope you enjoy this story and will take the time to send me some feedback. Feedback is what we live for. Without it we don’t know if you enjoyed the work or not. As for punctuation, ya gets what ya gets. I haven’t figured it all off yet…

My cousin Eileen and I are the same age. Our moms are sisters and I guess they had some kind of bet going on about getting pregnant. Eileen and I were born two weeks apart.
Because of the screwed up calendar year our local school district used, Eileen and I got held back a year when we were enrolled in kindergarten. That meant that now we were of legal age and could vote while we were both still seniors in high school. And that in and of itself had advantages, but that’s another story best told at a later time.
It was right after Christmas that my mom dropped the bomb shell on me. Dad had been assigned to a high paying position in Indonesia and we were all going with him.
'No way,' I protested. 'I’m in my last year of high school and you want to drag me off to some third world country? No way!”
'Frankie, be reasonable. What are we supposed to do? Dad has to take this job or he’ll lose all his seniority.' She ran her hand through my hair, but I pulled away from her. I wasn’t going to make this easy on anybody.
After the holidays I went back to school. I couldn’t concentrate on anything other than how terrible life was about to become. When I bumped into cousin Eileen I told her what was happening.
“No shit! Are you kidding me? Indonesia? That is totally bullshit, man.'
I shrugged. 'Yeah, I know. It’s a done deal though.'
Eileen gave me a quick grin. 'Hey, on the bright side I hear hookers are plentiful and cheap over there!' She flashed a smile and punched my arm softly. 'Keep your chin up Cuz. Ya never know how things are gonna turn out.'
Sometime during the next few days there was a family meeting that I wasn’t invited to. When I saw Eileen in school the meeting she was smiling.
'Hey Dude. Did you get the news?'
I turned toward her. 'What news?'
She laughed out loud. Why, you’re moving in with me man!'
I shook my head. 'What?'
'I said, you’re moving in with me and my folks. Our moms got together and worked it all out. You’re going to live at our house until we go off to college in the Fall. Isn’t that bitchin?'
I was totally dumb-struck. Isn’t life just grand?

A month later my mom and dad were gone, our home was leased out and I moved into the basement/rec room at Eileen’s house.
I was busy putting my clothes in the closet and dresser drawers when Eileen walked in.
I hadn’t mentioned this before, but Eileen is a knockout. She’s around 5’8' and maybe 125 pounds. Her hair is short, sort of like a boys cut, but not that short. She’s got long legs, the kind that go straight up to her ass, which I might mention is round and firm. And her tits, oh-my-God. They are perfect. Thirty-sixes if an inch. Just looking at her usually gave me a boner. Damn, I so would like to fuck her.
'So Frankie, you getting settled in okay?'
'Yeah, I’m getting everything put up.'
'Good,' she said. 'That’s good.'
I sensed maybe something was wrong. Like maybe Eileen wanted to tell me something. I faced her, but said nothing.
She paused for a minute. 'Well, you might as well know right now that this place is….,' she paused again, then smiled a huge smile, 'is like a party that never ends.' She followed this with another laugh. 'Had you going for a minute didn’t I?'
I let out a breath of relief. 'Yes you did.'
The folks go out every Friday night and I’m here all alone to do anything I want. Once I took Mom’s car and went joy-riding. Another time I hit Daddy’s liquor cabinet. But this Friday night, Buddy, is the big one!'
I didn’t know what to say so I said nothing.
'This Friday night we’re going to…' She smiled again. 'Never mind. Just wait and see what cousin Eileen has found.'

I didn’t give Friday night much thought after Eileen told me she had something special planned. I had enough on my mind just moving in and being around her all the time.
The week progressed and soon enough it was Friday. I was looking forward to some much needed rest. It had been a long and trying week with my folks leaving and all. And true to form, my Aunt and Uncle announced after dinner that they would be going out for the evening.
'Eileen, you know the rules,' her Mom said. 'I expect you to set a good example for Frankie. No parties and no friends over. And since you have Frankie here to keep you company we won’t worry about getting right home tonight. In fact, we aren’t planning on being back until tomorrow.'
I thought that was kind of odd, but having just moved in I really couldn’t be a very good judge of what was odd and what was normal.
Thirty minutes later Eileen’s parents were gone and we were left to do the dishes.
Although I hadn’t given it any thought up until now, I was beginning to wonder what the big surprise was. When questioned, all Eileen would say was, 'you’ll see.'
Once the kitchen was cleaned, Eileen grabbed a couple of beers from the fridge and said, 'Follow me.' She headed toward her Mom and Dad’s bedroom.
Tossing me a beer she said, 'Make yourself comfy on the bed and observe.'
I climbed on the bed while Eileen turned on the TV then went to the closet and retrieved a medium sized wooden box. She hauled it over and placed it on the bed then climbed up and sat beside me. I sipped my beer and waited.
'This, cousin dearest, is our entertainment for the night.' She opened the box and smiled. It was full of DVD movies.
My heart sank. I was hoping for some excitement, not a movie marathon.
'So, what do you think?' Eileen asked.
I shrugged my shoulders.
Eileen reached in and randomly grabbed a couple of the DVD’s handing them to me.
I looked at the jackets. The first one was titled, 'Gay Boys' and had a bunch of pictures of guys with huge dicks jerking off. The second was titled, 'Anal for Sister' and showed what, I assumed, was supposed to be a brother and sister having sex. I had to admit they did look a lot alike.
Eileen grabbed the gay boys vid out of my hand. 'I want to watch this one first,' she said, then walked over and popped it into the player.
We watched that vid of guys jerking off for over an hour; until Eileen actually started to get bored. She began rummaging through the box looking for something more interesting. After a while she found one of straight fucking and we watched that one to the end.
I couldn’t help notice how Eileen kept moving around, trying to get comfortable. I wasn’t surprised. By now I had a raging hard-on and was trying my best to hide it with one of the pillows.
'Hey Frankie, you got something going on down there?' Eileen asked smiling.
I felt my face flush. 'Shut up,' I said.
After the fucking vid Eileen found another. 'Oh, Dude, this is going to be hot,' she said.
'What is it?'
'It’s called 'Amateurs Jacking for her.' She walked over and put it in the player. This was definitely an exhibitionist’s dream.
It started with a girl sitting in a chair fully dressed and a guy sitting naked in a chair directly in front of her. He already had a huge erection. The girl smiled and said, 'I’m ready.'
The guy took his cock in his right hand and began jacking it. He pumped it up and down and as he did, it grew larger and harder. The girl stared at his pumping hand as if mesmerized. I looked over at Eileen and saw that she was mesmerized as well.
The scene was short, only a couple of minutes long before the guy moaned and shot a huge load of cum into the air. Most of it fell back onto his hand and stomach with some hitting the floor. I looked at Eileen and saw that she had a pillow in her lap, too, now.
'Hey Cuz,' you got something going on down there?' I said, the same way she had said it to me. I smiled.
'Eileen grinned. 'Shut-up,' she said.
We watched the video for the next hour before it finally came to an end. By now it was late and time to hit the sack. Besides, I had a boner that really needed some attention.
I stood and stretched my arms and yawned. The front of my pants was tented out, but there was nothing I could do about it and I had to get to my basement bedroom so I just ignored it. Eileen didn’t.
'Hey Frankie, you got a stiffy going there?' she said staring at the lump in my pants.
No sense denying it. It was plain for anyone to see. 'Yeah, I gotta admit those movies are boner makers for sure.
Eileen smiled. 'Which ones did you like the best?'
I didn’t want to tell her I liked watching the guys jerk off for the girls so I said, 'They were all good. I don’t have a favorite. How about you?'
She kind of shrugged and said, 'Same here.' But then she added, 'If I had to pick one I’d say it was the guys jacking off while the girls watched.' Her face flushed a little.
'Yeah, that was pretty hot,' I said. 'Well good-night.'
I started for the door, the tent still in perfect sight.
'What are you going to do when you get to your room,' Eileen asked.
When I turned back to look at her she turned her eyes away.
'I’m going to get in bed and go to sleep,' I said.
Eileen laughed. 'You liar; you’re going to whip it out and beat it off, that’s what you’re going to do. Admit it.'
I laughed back at her. 'Well now, you’ll never know will you?'
What she said next nearly knocked me to the floor.
'Can I see it?'
'I said, can I see it.'
I wanted to be sure we were talking about the same thing so I said, 'See what?'
'Are you dense or something? Can I see your stiffy?'
A thousand things ran through my head at the same time. I knew I should say 'No', but at the same time that video of the guys jerking off for the girls was still fresh in my mind. Instead of saying, 'No' I said 'Yes.'
I walked back over to the bed as if in a trance. Eileen had scooted up to where her legs were now hanging over the edge. I stood directly in front of her pausing for a moment.
'Go ahead,' Eileen said. 'Let’s see it.'
I unzipped my pants and reached in pulling my cock and balls out into the fresh air and bright lights. It was inches from Eileen’s face. She stared at it.
'Wow, Frankie. That is so cool. It’s so big and it looks hard. Will it get bigger and harder when you do it?'
I stood still trying to think of other things. I knew if I concentrated on the moment I was going to shoot a load right at my cousin.
'Okay,' I said, 'show time is over.'
'No wait', Eileen said. 'Do it here!'
I couldn’t believe it. My cousin, the one who was staring at my hard cock, wanted me to jack off for her.
'I can’t,' I said.
'Why not?'
'It’ll make a mess,' was the best excuse I could come up with.
'You can squirt it in the bathroom. Come on Cuz. I want to see it!'
As if something else was controlling my mind I felt my hand go to my swollen cock and start jerking.
'Tell me how it feels,' Eileen said. 'Tell me everything you’re doing.'
I cleared my throat. 'Well, I’m rubbing it up and down the same way it would be rubbed if it was sticking in a girl,' I said.
'You mean like if you were fucking?'
'Yeah. And you see the clear stuff that’s coming out the tip? That’s precum. That helps to lube everything when a guy is fucking a girl.'
I took my other hand and rubbed the sticky lube around the head of my cock. The sensation made the head swell and turn purple.
Eileen gasped a little. 'Oh wow, it did grow more.'
'Hold out your hand,' I said. When she did I wiped a little of the precum in her palm. 'Feel how slick it is?'
Eileen nodded.
I continued to jack off while my beautiful cousin sat watching and then I felt the end was getting near.
'It feels real good,' I said, 'and you watching makes it even hotter. Talk dirty and it’ll hurry things along.'
'You mean like, jerk your cock, Frankie so I can see it cum. I want to watch the white stuff shoot out. We can watch it shoot together.'
That did it. 'Time to head for the sink,' I said. I walked to the bathroom with my twitching cock pointing the way and Eileen right behind me.
When I got to the sink I knew it was time. 'Are you ready?' I asked. My breath was ragged and short.
Eileen got in close so she could see. 'Go for it,' she said.
I stroked my cock a few more times and the first shot of cum fired out and hit the mirror. Eileen giggled and then the second shot hit the sink.
I had my head thrown back, but I could still see Eileen watching me cum and that was such a turn on that I shot several more thick streams into the sink.
Finally I was done, worn out, spent. I looked at Eileen.
'Frankie, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,' she said and then without warning she reached out and gave my dick a couple of strokes for good measure. 'Can I jerk it next time? Can I?'
'Yeah, but that ain’t gonna happen tonight.' My dick was shriveling.
'Okay, but next week I get to jerk it off!'

The next seven days were the longest I can remember. At times it seemed that the wall clock needed new batteries. But just like Christmas, Friday night finally came.
After dinner Eileen’s parents gave us the much anticipated news. They were going out as usually, but this time the surprise was that they would be gone until Sunday night. Strange? Yes, but don’t look a gift horse…yada, yada!
Once we had the dishes done Eileen grabbed two beers and we went off to her parent’s bedroom.
As before, Eileen dragged the porno box to the bed and began sorting through it. It didn’t take long for her to make her choice.
'Oh, Cool!' she said handing me the DVD box. 'I gotta see this one.' On the cover it said, 'Amateurs who Eat Pussy'!
We sat back on the bed with our beers in hand and waited as the TV screen came to life. There was a short notice about under age and don’t make pirated copies and then the action started.
There was a woman sitting on what looked like a bathroom counter wearing only a bra and panties. A man stood in front of her and they were kissing. A few seconds later the man reached down and slid the woman’s panties off then kneeled and dove in between her legs. The woman’s pussy was shaved clean and so the camera had a good view of the man’s tongue working over the woman’s pussy lips and clit.
I looked over at Eileen and she was lost in the action. Her breathing had increased and her lips were making little puffing sounds. Again she had a pillow between her legs only this time she was visibly humping it. I decided not to tease her about it like I had done the week before.
The guy in the movies kept licking and sucking the woman’s pussy and suddenly the woman arched herself into his face and began cumming. There was no question as to whether she was faking or not. She was not.
I looked over at Eileen just as she exclaimed, 'Oh Fuck! That is so fucking hot. Oh fuck.'
The screen went blank for a few seconds before lighting back up with a different couple ready to perform. To my surprise, Eileen stopped the action.
'I’m sorry Frankie, but after that I’ve got to go to the restroom,' she said. She was already standing.
I laughed. 'And what’s so important that you have to run to the potty right now,'
'Take a wild guess! I’ve never seen anything like that. I never even heard of anything like that. I’m so fucking horny it feels like I pissed my pants.'
I stood and gently pushed Eileen back down on the bed. I reached for the belt on the jeans she was wearing.
'What are you doing?’
'I’m going to eat your pussy just like the guy in the movies,' I said as calmly as I could.
'Oh, I don’t know,' Eileen said but she lifted her ass as I pulled her pants down. I left her underwear in place for the time being.
Eileen was right. It did look like she had pissed her pants. I reached down and placed my hand over her wet pussy and she pushed her pussy into my hand. She also moaned a little and closed her eyes.
I could tell that this was going to go quickly so instead of wasting time jerking my beautiful cousin off I choose instead to pull her panties off of her. She didn’t protest.
Eileen’s pussy was a shaved piece of art work and I wasted no time looking. Instead I slid my head between her legs and forcing my tongue to lay flat against her crotch I gave her some long stroking licks while enjoying the pungent flavor of her juices.
Eileen, on the other hand, moaned and gasped while pushing back at my tongue. When I changed tactics and let my tongue go pointy and trace around her pussy lips she let out a cry and grabbed me by the back of my head. She began to rhythmically rock into my mouth.
I would have loved to prolong her agony, but I wanted to give her an orgasm she would remember. I slid my mouth up and over her swollen clit taking it into my lips while at the same time letting my tongue dance in little circles over the hard nub.
It was at this point that Eileen lost control. She pulled my head into her pussy and locked her legs tightly around my neck. I knew she was ready and so I sucked her clit as if it was a tiny dick. Eileen screamed.
'Oh fuck, I cumming! Eat my cunt… suck me off… arghhhhh!' Eileen bucked into my mouth as she came over and over. Each time I felt her clit stiffen then relax then stiffen again. Liquid oozed from her vagina onto my face and lips. It was like fine wine.
Eileen came for at least twenty seconds before I felt her relax, but then she surprised me and I think herself by cumming again. She bucked into my face and lips and squeezed my head with her legs as if this was the first time she had cum instead of the second. After several hard spasms she finally relaxed and released my head from her locking legs.
Eileen was spent. I knew from looking at her that she was done… finished…kaput. She looked down at me and smile gently. 'Thank you,' she said in a whisper.
I stood. I had a solid rock hard-on that needed attention now. I reached in and pull it out of my pants.
Eileen motioned for me to take her blouse off. I did and then I removed her front hooking bra. She was so exhausted she just laid there.
'Cum on my tits,' she said, again in barely a whisper.
Not a problem. I reached down and got my hand wet in her crotch then stroked my cock while Eileen lay peacefully watching.
After all the action I’d just been through I knew it wasn’t going to take very long to cum. A few more strokes and I told her so.
Eileen motioned for me to come closer, pointing to her tits. I obliged.
I looked down at my cousin and said, 'Here it cums.'
To my surprise Eileen pushed my hand away from my cock replacing it with her own. 'You promised,' she said as she jerked huge strands of thick white cum onto her perfectly shaped tits. Like Eileen, I came long and hard completely covering her chest and stomach with cum. I collapsed next to her on the bed.
Eileen turned her head toward me and whispered something but I couldn’t hear.
I put my ear closer to her mouth. 'What?'
She whispered again. This time I heard her plainly. 'Next time we’ll fuck!'


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My BrotherinLaw 3

My Brother-in-Law Part 3 By Erica Wright December 1-3, 1998 This is a stand-alone story but will make a little more sense if you read "My Brother-in-Law 1 + 2". Before I had even received requests for more of this story I had started turning the next chapters around in my head. I hope you enjoy it. He pulled away, his now hard cock popping from my mouth. I watched as he walked away, the crevice between his muscular cheeks glistened with my cum in the candle light. He left me there...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Slut For A Big Black Cock

Jay was tall and muscular, but not overly developed. He wore some long shorts and a tight fitting white t-shirt which contrasted sharply with his black skin. I felt my cock throbbing as I watched him move to the window and look out. His body was turned toward me a bit and my eyes searched his crotch, trying to determine what was there. I seemed to not be in control of myself. I don't know how long I stood staring at his body and his crotch, but it seemed that all of a sudden he was beside...

2 years ago
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A New Start The BeginningChapter 12 Base is Loaded

We were three days out of the Salt Lake group's area when our scouting Kiowa saw a large convoy of vehicles moving east. They did not see the Kiowa since it was at 3000 feet using hi-tech cameras to view the ground. The count was 30 military vehicles; a dozen gun truck hummers, several 5-ton trucks pulling howitzers and ammo trailers, several larger trucks which used sleds that the truck could load and unload with an attached Crain-like arm, two semi-tractor's pulling fuel trailers the...

3 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 10

Jenny What are you supposed to do when the one who use to mean the whole world to you, cheats on you and then later, comes begging for your forgiveness when you have already moved on? Douglas has been sending me texts after texts begging to meet with me to talk. I have been ignoring them. Can I face him? I don’t know if I can. Do I want to find out? Not really. Am I happy with Jacob? Of course I am. Jacob is… He is amazing. He knows how to cook and he gives incredible massages. We play...

Love Stories
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The TGI Chronicles Part 1 Too LateChapter 3

I must have fallen asleep for a while once my crying had subsided. I came to and the bedside clock said it was a quarter to one. I just kicked off my shoes and slid under the duvet. I woke up next at quarter past seven as a crumpled heap. I sat up in bed and found I had a pounding headache. I went down to the kitchen, purposely ignoring the love note and rose on the table, knowing I was trying not to look at them. I put the kettle on for a cup of tea and looked for the paracetamol. I...

2 years ago
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A sexy meeting

It had been so long since they were both together, stealing a couple of hours at a time, meeting very quietly without anyone seeing them. Today was different, his house was empty, she had a day off from work and they had planned this day for so may weeks. Pete was very excited, he had cleaned the house, made up the bed, made some snacks, opened a bottle of red wine and had showered and shaved, everywhere, Tanya liked to kiss his skin and lick all those erotic places but she did not like hair....

4 years ago
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Cruise holiday preparation with Matt Sue Rob and

Sorry it’s a bit long I thought it important to paint the picture for you in recounting what happened to us this summer.We are both in our late fifties and keep ourselves in reasonable shape. Sue is about 5ft 8ins and has the most gorgeous breasts a man could wish for; it was those beauties that first drew me to her some 38 years ago when we first met. She is a size 12 and 36D, always wanting to lose a few pounds, but certainly not unpleasing to the eyes. I’m Matt and I was a military man when...

3 years ago
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A most embarrassing night

This is a story about the most embarrassing night I can remember. It happened a few years ago when both of my sons were still living at home. They were both adults at the time. I started dating this new guy. We had gone out a couple of times, but had only kissed a bit so far. I was ready for more and was going to make sure he knew it that night. He picked me up at home and we went to dinner, Woodfire Grill at the Everett Marina. I wore a knee length skirt, and a long-sleeve pullover V-neck...

3 years ago
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Adelaide, die jüngste Tochter von Lord und Lady Eventon, steht fröstelnd am geöffneten Fenster ihres im Obergeschoß gelegenen Schlafzimmers und blickt hinaus in die pechschwarze, neblige Nacht. Mit ihren Gedanken ist sie weit weg bei ihrem geliebten Vater, der sich seit nunmehr fast schon 4 Monaten auf einer Auslandsreise irgendwo in Rumänien befindet. Der mysteriöse Fremde, der mitten in der gestrigen Nacht bei ihnen auf dem Schloß angekommen ist, hat der Familie endlich nach einer langen Zeit...

1 year ago
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Young boy fun

Oh the pleasures of having young boys visit with me and learn new things in life.It goes something like this, " Hi make yourself at home, would you like something to drink?" We sit and relax getting to know each other. " Would you like to watch some movies with me? I have a lots of different types, what would you like to watch?" I play a video that is to our liking and watch as the young boy begins to get excited by the video action. "Are you enjoying the movie as much as you appear to be? I...

1 year ago
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At the Crossroads

It was just after three in the afternoon when Warren pulled into the garage at the home he bordered at. The old woman was too old to now drive and had sold her vehicle a couple of years ago and her daughter was a little slow, some would call her backward but it was quite noticeable that she wasn't the full quid, so owning a vehicle for her wasn't on the agenda. He gave a sign as he got out of the vehicle, he was beginning to feel that it was time to move on, time for a change and this meant...

2 years ago
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A Beginning

I could not believe the feeling I had in my stomach. My memories of being in school and being in love were back, alive and well, in the pit of my stomach. Through the bright sunlight I fought to make out the time on the my clock 1:45PM. Good, I was early. I looked down in the seat next to me to find the rose bud I cut earlier. The moistened paper towel was making the aluminum foil wrapping around the stem cool to the touch. I chose a bud off of one of my favorite red rose bushes that was still...

3 years ago
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Janeys May

For some reason, I was feeling out of sorts a good part of May, and just didn't feel like writing a story. Then I had this dream... I woke up and tried to turn my head to look around. Couldn't. Looked straight ahead. Hmmm. My left leg appeared to be in a cast, in traction. Kind of hazy, but I figured I must be in a hospital. Yellow walls with grey doors. Machinery. Could be worse, I thought. Tried to move my right arm. Couldn't. But I could move my fingers, and I felt the edge of...

4 years ago
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Aunt a pleasant surprise

He gives his Aunt a pleasant surprise…I live with my family here in chennai. My aunt. She does have a huge pair tits and a round, shapely ass, she is 46 years. She also is having good shaped tits and good figure. But the uncle is short, not having a good figure and might be impotent.I always use to look at aunt’s body whenever got time and often masturbated by thinking of her. She is really a beautiful and a very sexy lady.I was in the neighborhood. And just thought I should visit my aunt. I...

2 years ago
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The Holiday Pt1

The searing heat was too much for Jon to take. He was on holiday in this tropical climate and he couldn't stop the sweating, or the constant threat of sunburn. Anne, his wife, was something of a sun worshipper. She revelled in the heat of the suns rays; loved the smell of the lotion, the feel of the heat, the lapping of the water. Jon did not understand this. He retreated to the bar.Sitting down with his book, and an ice cold brew, he finally relaxed. The hum of the air conditioner settled his...

3 years ago
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A Sissy Slave for a Transvestite

I barely remembered what had happened to me, my head was spinning, my hands were restrained. My feet was spread wide and I was on my stomach on a bed in a strange room. I could raise my head, only to have it resound with thunder as my heart pumped blood through out my body. A feminine voice said softly '...I see that you are woke. Don't try to move to fast or you'll go back to sleep...' I turned towards the voice only to see a very muscular black shemale sitting in a chair stroking a very...

1 year ago
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The first time I saw the name Animo Pron, I didn’t know what to expect. Later, I realized that pron merely is a misspelled word for porn and I was able to quickly establish the fact that it is a blog dealing with 3D animated porn mostly featuring the bestiality niche. Here you will find loads of perfectly shaped babes being fucked by all manner of animals, hence the word Animo Pron. The guy behind the site must be one talented and twisted freak to come up with such art.Porn sites that feature...

Cartoon Porn Sites
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61 Saal Ki Aunty Ko Choda

Hi, my name is jayn (changed) this incident happen with me two month ago. I want to shear with you .Mai aap ko bina bore kiye stiry pai aata hu . Ye story meri aur hamare yha rahne wali ek aunty ki hai uski umar 61 saal hai wo bahut moti hai uska ek beta hai wo shadi karke us ko chod ke chala gaya hai . Mai mumbai thane ka rhane wala hu mai thoda aapne aapa ko fit rakhne ke liye subh joging ko jaata hu ,2 month pahile jub thand budhne lagi tub mai ghar se thoda late nikalne laga tub me ri najar...

1 year ago
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Jax and Quigleys Easter Egg

"Time Travel?" I read the banner affixed to the wall above the entrance to the ballroom. "'Transport yourself to another time and place?'""My friend in the Sociology department recommended this exhibit," Quigley explained as we moved forward two steps in the lengthy queue.I checked the description on the brochure we were given that morning at the ticket booth. "'An increasingly interactive adventure to excite your senses'?" "He read online about the mysterious updates made since he attended...

Group Sex
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A Friend in Need Part 11 Christina the Parting

A Friend in Need Part 11. Christina the Parting In this episode I am back to Christina's story, re-starting from after the attempted rape, through the parting. As far as Tony is concerned we will join him later. Thank you for your reviews, they keep me on track and are much appreciated. Mother's day 2013 I had enjoyed a lovely day with my family and now my baby daughter was in bed and I was snuggled up to Clive my gorgeous husband, my mind once again drifted back to when I first...

4 years ago
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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 18 Ship of Hell

Ken felt the connection close after talking to his mom, and he looked out at the bridge. His thoughts were on his sister who was lying wounded in the Oregon's medical bays. In his gut, he feared the worst because his dad was on the way to the Oregon. Looking around the flag bridge his eyes settled on Susan at the com station. He asked, "Susan any word on NAT team one?" "No, Sir. Nothing. NAT team two is going down now, they are going to have to re-bore the hole and see if they can get...

1 year ago
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Rainy Day Transformation

PreludeI was driving into Boston to see my GF. We were both graduate students but at different colleges. I was staying in her dorm room and there was no hassles at all. Other guys stayed there with their GFs. We had been steady for about 3 years. {I did not know she was cheating on me}. I was 30 years old, thin , petite with real long hair. My GF K. often brushed it and put it in barrettes. I am about 4 inches and she said it was too small for her ...

2 years ago
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Jake Pt 3

              We stood  there, semi-nicely dressed. We waited outside, for 15 minutes until we saw the limo pullned around the block. "Jake, is that for us?" she asked as it drew closer." God, I hope so." I said. As it pulled up to us, we got in. "Hey pal." Eric said sitting opposite from us, arms spread out on the seat." Um.. Hey Eric, whats with the limo?" I asked " Oh this? This is just normal, you should see MY car. It's..." he started. " Eric why do we  get to go early? "...

1 year ago
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Rich Guy 1Chapter 7

Unfortunately, summer was coming to an end. The next week, I called Lindsay over for a work out. As with previous visits, Cassie joined to watch Lindsay’s coaching. I did notice that with Cassie’s presence, Lindsay’s shit talking was much more subdued. The two girls were also constantly throwing sideways looks at each other in the mirrors. Lindsay and I completed my part of the workout and as with the last visit, I took my leave. I ran upstairs for a quick shower and then checked the...

3 years ago
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1st swing club experience

1st Swing Club Experience For many years I had wondered what this thing called swinging was like. I loved sex. You could say I was a sexual addict. But to consider having sex in front of others, possibly in group situations? I didn’t know if I could do this. I was not built like Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Sean Connery. More like Brian Dennehy. I was 6’4′, 270, and not in the midst of my youth any more. Being of average build, would I be accepted? Whenever I read those swing ad publications, all...

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Accidental Experiment The Experiment BeginsChapter 6

For Jen, sleep was somewhat disturbing. First there was the voice, and then the vision. "You are learning, child. You will find that the three of you can do almost anything." "Who are you?" "Who I was, is not important. What is important is that you need to find some of the others." "What do you mean who you were? I don't understand. And what others? Where are they?" "Child, you will know when you find them. Some are by what was done before the lab, and some are from what is...

3 years ago
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Jakes Dream Come TrueChapter 18

Samantha's mother was indeed worried sick. The police had been around and talked her after finding my mother's body and no one home at my house. We explained that we had been out looking for her and with a little push or two from me, she quickly accepted that and talked to us. "They told me it was Alek." she said, after we had gotten her calmed down. "They said he shot her and then hung himself. He seemed like such a nice man too. You just can't tell who is a crazy and who isn't...

2 years ago
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Alices FarewellChapter 2

Richard looked up from Alice’s journal. “You don’t believe any of this really happened, do you?” Lyman remarked. “This isn’t history -- it’s a fantasy!” “Keep reading, Richard,” Mona said. He turned the page and began reading the next entry. -- Monday 8 April ‘02 I was finishing up my Sunday journal entry when my visitor approached me and asked me what I was doing. I explained I’ve kept a journal since I learned to write. He congratulated me on my discipline and asked to look at what I...

1 year ago
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The Whistle BlowersChapter 5

“Okay, I guess it’s bike ride time for our newest recruits,” Sam announced. The other families were allowed to return to their quarters to rest up and get something to eat before preparing for another film. His men herded the Wheaton family into the punishment room. Despite some initial resistance the family was soon secured. A naked Katherine, her temper barely under control after the ordeal at the table was further embarrassed by being forced to walk naked in front of her step son. She was...

1 year ago
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Revenge Fuck

Spencer woke from his sleep naked with the scent of alcohol and pussy on his lips. He wondered if last night's activities were a dream. Spencer grumbled, turned over of his right side, and was about to fade back into dreamland when he felt his bed shift and a woman moaned right next to him. He slowly turned over to his left and saw what he thought he had dreamed. Sasha, a 5'6" black goddess that made guys drool at work. With her 35D breasts, slim 24 inch waist, and 36 inch hips and ass combo,...

3 years ago
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Beer Run The Corruption of Taylor

Sometimes, when I'm away on business, I have to find ways to satisfy my urgeson a whim. This time was no different. Friday night I found myself in the darkened hotel room, closing in on 3am,with a 20-year old cocky little thing trussed up and gagged, recently penetrated,humiliated, and looking to me for some answers as to why he felt the way hedid Broken, vulnerable from his surrender, he surely would never been the same. The semen was still fresh on his lips, and his lashes were still wet...

4 years ago
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The Horny Pregnant Wife The Plumber

Holly woke up and she knew it was going to be a long day….again!She was in her eighth month of her pregnancy and getting bigger ever day! She needed to pee so often that it was crazy but the worst thing was she wanted to fuck all the time. Holly had always enjoyed sex but the last few months were the wrst. On the hand her husband Ron seemed to have no desire to fuck her. This left her to finger her pussy or use a vibrator.She went in the bathroom to use the toilet and after she tried to flush...

3 years ago
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Corner time for Katie

Corner time for KatieWarning- contains anal and other explicit sex.My name is Clyde and I am a dominant with a dungeon in my basement. Recently, a young woman contacted me via email and wanted to know if I would discipline her. She said she enjoyed being humiliated and scolded, corner time and anal sex. She also liked to be tied up and spanked hard, even with a cane.Her name was Katie and she lived near me. I first we sent emails back and forth, and I found out her likes and dislikes. Katie...

2 years ago
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New Love

I couldn’t believe it.   I lay in bed smelling her hair, her head resting on my chest, her arm draped across my middle and her naked thigh warming my groin.     How did I deserve this?   I’m not the most handsome, charming or richest man on earth, yet here I was in a veritable palace with the most beautiful woman as my lover.   Lying in bed with her, dawn’s pre-light making the curtains glow, I thought back over the past few months as she slept gently in my embrace.   Now I...

Love Stories
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Fingered by a perfect stranger

That afternoon was my free day from office and then I went on shopping.When I was paying for my last purchase, my phone rang and it was Victor. He invited me to pay a visit at his office: He was running against the clock and had no time to get lunch; so he asked me if I could get some fast food.After being just fifteen minutes with Victor, I walked away to the elevator. The office was in the fifth floor of a tall skysc****r. When I got inside the elevator, there were just four business men...

1 year ago
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Vor dem Nichts

Die glänzende Eisenstange surrte, als David sie aus der angenähten Befestigung seines Wanderrucksacks zog. Langsam ging die Sonne unter über den leeren Bauwerken der Stadt. Er rollte seinen Schlafsack aus und ließ sich auf dem Dach des gewaltigen Miethauses nieder. Die sommerlich warme Nacht erlaubte es ihm, draußen zu schlafen, um das Geschehen in den Straßen zu beobachten. Und möglicherweise liebte er es auch einfach, in die Sterne zu schauen und den Wind auf der Haut zu spüren. Es verirrten...

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Bad Night for Brandi

Brandi knew she was in trouble. The 18-year old college student had been out partying at her friend Jessica's house to celebrate the start of spring break, and as was often the case she'd consumed one wine cooler too many. Her friend Naomi had offered to drive her home but Brandi had refused, knowing she'd be needing her car the next day. When she first saw the police cruiser behind her she had unwisely opted to avoid getting pulled over by making a break for it, and at first it looked as...

4 years ago
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Hi folks, I am sandip and I am 28 yrs. old, very handsome guy. I am a crazy fan of doodhwali and want to share with U my sexual Experience I had with my sexy, 35 yrs. old aunt. She is divorcee and lives in Mumbai. She is 5’7″ in height, perfect figure with big, round and firm boobs and a sexy large ass. Couple of months ago, she came to Delhi for some business purpose, I was seeing her After 15 years, and I noticed her in the first sight, she is extremely sexy, and more over she is having...


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