- 2 years ago
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Frank was gone. He packed his belongings and left. Eileen thought he loved her, that he was looking forward to having children with her, growing old together. A stockbroker by trade, Frank was intelligent, funny, and handsome. Her career in accounting brought in a decent income too, together allowing them to take exotic vacations and drive nice cars. Yet Frank had walked out.
The crisp night air, almost chilly, cooled her skin, easing a bit of the tension behind her eyes. Eileen drove along the dark streets, going nowhere. Blinking lights, the sign for Keb’s Bar, called to her as never before. Pulling into an empty parking space near the back, Eileen slid out of her car. In a daze, she walked to the front door.
A single spot at the end of the bar beckoned her. Slipping onto the stool, she ordered a margarita from the attentive bartender. Eileen ignored the sounds around her, hoping instead to dull the pain in her heart with the alcohol. A plethora of memories clouded her brain: meeting Frank, the day he proposed, how handsome he was, and the first time they made love. Sharp daggers pierced her heart with each image and crushed her until she broke down, sobbing.
Rocky ordered another beer, laughing along with his friends. All in their late twenties to early thirties, the four were regulars at Keb’s Bar. The group had gone to college together and still gravitated to the local hangout on Friday nights. Giving each other a hard time about their favorite sports teams, all four sat on shiny bar stools and surveyed the crowd.
The lights turned her hair a dozen shades of red, catching Rocky’s attention. Natural curls followed the curve of her hunched shoulders, floating down her back. Sobs wracked her slender body as she sat at the end of the bar alone. Beer in hand, he walked over and sat down next to the sad young woman.
‘So a man was driving down the road with twenty penguins in the back seat. A police officer stops him and says that he can’t drive around with the penguins in the car and should take them to the zoo. The man agrees and drives off. The next day, the same man is driving down the road with those twenty penguins in the back. Again, the police officer stops him and says, ‘Hey! I thought I told you to take those to the zoo.’ The man replies, ‘I did. Today I’m taking them to the movies,’ Rocky said, his voice changing with the different roles in the joke.
Despite her mood, Eileen started laughing. The joke was corny, but the way the stranger portrayed the characters made it funny.
‘Rocky Manville,’ he said, holding out his hand.
Reed thin, he wore a brown sweater, khaki slacks, and hiking boots. His hair was in need of a trim, the slight curl in the back a hint at how long he had been away from a barber shop. But his eyes were what held her attention. Dark brown, almost black, Eileen noticed a touch of sadness deep in them similar to that found in hers.
‘Have you ever been in love with someone, Rocky?’
‘Once, long ago, yes.’
‘I thought someone loved me. Eileen Hulette,’ she replied, putting her soft hand in his.
Green eyes, puffy from crying, still held tears in the corners. A hint of embarrassment stained her pale cheeks.
‘Why can’t life be easy?’ Eileen asked.
‘Ah, but wouldn’t people become bored?’
‘There are parts of life that go along smoothly.’
‘Are they the pieces that bother you though, Eileen?’
Eileen took another drink of her margarita before answering. This stranger, Rocky, made her think instead of just giving her neutral answers. He stimulated her brain, and that intrigued her.
‘How can you love someone but never really know them?’
Rocky heard pain and confusion in the question, and wondered about the person who hurt Eileen. Having a deep conversation with this woman somehow felt right, even though they’d only exchanged names minutes ago.
‘Many people hide their flaws early in a relationship, to impress others,’ Rocky replied.
‘What you mean is they hide pieces of themselves . . .’
‘Yeah, in a sense they do. But not everything can be hidden, either.’
Her brief nod told him she understood the implication in his words. She had already noticed the jagged scar on his cheek.
‘I was seven, trying to show off on the playground at school,’ he said, confirming the injury happened a long time ago.
The noise in the crowded room soon made it difficult to talk. Friday nights were always busy and the band was loud. Rocky leaned in closer to listen, resting his arm along the back of the bar stool. The young woman’s words came in chunks, parts blocked out by the constant beat of the rock music.
‘I didn’t catch all of that. The music . . .’ Rocky said.
‘What?’ Eileen asked, trying to piece the words together. ‘It’s too loud in here!’
He shook his head, hands out at his sides, palms up. Rocky wanted to turn the volume down on the band so he could hear Eileen instead.
‘This is crazy!’ Eileen almost shouted.
Trusting her instincts, Eileen stood up and pointed to the door. With a brief tilt of her head, she invited him outside where it was quieter. Rocky didn’t hesitate, tossing some bills on the bar and following close behind the redhead. After only a few steps, she turned and reached for his hand, like a stranger he had known before.
Stepping outside, Eileen spotted the subway train. Acting on impulse, she tugged on the brown sweater. Together, they ran down the block to board right before the steel doors slid shut. Finding the car close to empty, they headed to a corner. The clanking of the wheels was almost hypnotic, soothing after the deafening music in Keb’s Bar, and neither spoke for several minutes.
Rocky observed this woman he found himself sharing space with, a stranger yet not. He wanted to wipe the remnants of tears off the soft cheeks, hold Eileen close and make things right for her. Only he didn’t know what was wrong.
Somehow, Eileen needed to tell this stranger about herself. Content with that thought, she focused on a black mark on the floor and began.
‘When I was thirteen, my best friend and I were angels in a school play. For my birthday that year, Latwanda gave me a small figurine dressed the same as we had been. I kept it all these years, along with the card. She moved away when we were in high school, and I never heard from her again.’
Eileen hesitated, trying to block out the ugly scene that had occurred in her apartment a few hours ago.
‘My parents were strict, seldom allowing me the liberties most children had. An hour a day went into studying religion and they insisted I play a musical instrument even though I hated it and was horrible. I wasn’t the best student, so it took me forever to get my homework done. It all pushed me into becoming a loner.’
The subway car lurched as the brakes slowed the train for the next stop. A few people entered, letting in a rush of pungent exhaust.
‘Latwanda’s family lived a couple houses down from ours, so we went to the same school. At recess, I was always included in whatever games she played. I think she was lonesome and sensed I was too. We didn’t have many black people living in our city back then and none in our grade. I loved those stolen minutes where I was free to be a kid without my parents there.’
Rocky listened as Eileen described her childhood. It was so opposite from his own that he had a hard time relating. He knew he couldn’t take the bad memories away, but he might be able to bring her some joy in the future. Some deep protective instinct pulled at him as he looked into her eyes.
‘Did you ever want something so bad you swore you would do anything to get it, Rocky?’
‘When I was about eleven or twelve, I went to the bicycle shop in town with my friends. One of them needed a new tube since his had a leak. There was the shiniest blue bike I ever
saw in the front window. The fenders were chrome and it had one of those banana seats that were so popular back then,’ Rocky replied with a sad smile.
‘I raced home to tell my parents because my birthday was coming up and that’s what I wanted. My father decided to teach me the value of earning my own money that year. When school let out for the summer, I had a long list of tasks to do. Each time I completed one, I was that much closer to my dream bicycle.’
‘I can just about imagine you at that age painting the fence and mowing the lawn.’
‘The list also had things like washing and waxing my father’s car each week, working in the garden, doing the dishes, and cleaning out the garage.’
‘How much time did you need to earn enough?’ she asked.
‘My mom got real sick that summer and things were rough. On the nights she was too tired and weak to get out of bed, I had to cook. Many days I ended up doing laundry and the vacuuming too. Since none of those were on my father’s list, I didn’t earn anything when I helped her. I never got the bicycle.’
‘That wasn’t fair, Rocky. I’m sorry.’
‘A lot of things weren’t that year,’ he replied.
Another stop made further conversation on the subject impossible. The doors slid open and all the others disembarked. A blast of cooler air swirled in to blend with the stale heat. No one entered their car this time, and soon the subway train took off again.
‘When I was a kid, I wanted to be like all the others in the neighborhood and play outside, have fun. Each night I swore I would do better in school so my father wouldn’t be angry and spank me. He had a horrible temper and my mother always appeased him. She had learned it was easier to keep out of his way than to argue with him. I tried really hard, but nothing was quite right.’
‘That must have been horrible to live through,’ Rocky said.
‘Yeah, my father seemed to thrive on the anger, smirking whenever he found an excuse to get the paddle out. I met Jake when I was sixteen and he was twenty. He was kind and gentle, gave me little presents, and treated me so good. No one had ever been nice to me like he was. I fell for him right away.’
Rocky tried to imagine Eileen’s childhood. Though his own hadn’t been easy, his parents had loved him.
‘Then one day Jake was gone, no hints that he was leaving, no arguments, nothing. Several years passed before I discovered my father had pointed out the sex laws in our state regarding minors to Jake. The implication was that if Jake and I remained a couple, he would press charges. Between the temper, the spankings, and the strict rules, I had already thought about moving out after I graduated from high school. The issue with Jake was the last straw, so to speak,’ she explained.
‘I’m sorry you had to live that way, Eileen.’
Somewhere during the last few minutes, they had gravitated closer to each other. Rocky slipped his arm around Eileen’s shoulders. The gesture was as much to offer comfort as to touch her.
‘It took me a long time to trust anyone after Jake left,’ she went on, acknowledging his words with a slight nod. ‘How many women do you know who are still single at my age?’
He chose to be honest rather than placate her. ‘Most are married. But I’m thirty and I’m still alone too.’
‘You’re attractive, a great listener, and you seem intelligent. Why aren’t you married with all that going for you?’
‘It helps if I meet the right lady. One who loves me and not what I can do for her,’ Rocky replied.
‘All of that is true. Frank worked in the building next to where I did. The first time I saw him, he was leaving with this beautiful woman on his arm. I didn’t even know him, yet I wanted to be next to him. They could have been married or engaged, but I didn’t think of that right then. Every day after that I imagined how Frank and I would meet and fall in love.’
Rocky felt the fine tremors in her body and pulled her against his chest. A waft of her perfume teased his nose, the exotic scent fitting her.
‘How did you get his attention, drop something, bump into him, wear a short skirt?’ Rocky asked.
Eileen’s slight chuckle reverberated through him, ending in his groin. He wanted to take her home and explore her for hours. But the timing wasn’t right.
‘A friend of mine set me up on a blind date. Arrangements were to meet at Chico’s restaurant uptown. The guy was a real jerk and I decided to leave. He had other plans and grabbed my arm. Next thing I knew, he was holding his nose as blood spurted out and someone pulled me away. I was so shocked that I didn’t think about the danger of letting a stranger lead me outside. All I wanted to do was get away from the creep. I heard a voice asking if I was okay and turned to see Frank. He had just finished his dinner when he saw that guy pulling my arm and came to my rescue.’
‘I hope you had a long talk with whoever set you up,’ Rocky said.
‘We never spoke again, but that was the beginning for Frank and me. We spent several evenings a week together, learning everything about one another. When he asked me to live with him, I was ecstatic.’
‘I finally had the kind of home I always wanted. There were no fights, though we had our spats. Frank had a lot of stress at his job, and began stopping off for a drink with some of the other guys from work. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to be with me. Frank accused me of being needy. I thought he would be anxious to come right home. Does that make sense, Rocky?’
‘I’ve discovered a good relationship is difficult to maintain without communication. My last girlfriend expected me to know what she wanted without saying a word. No matter how often I tried to explain I couldn’t read her mind on every little thing, she would go off on how stupid I was. Her preference for a specific restaurant when we went out was supposed to be obvious to me. If I asked, she ignored me, leaving me to choose a place.’
He thought for a minute before going on. ‘I think there are different levels of love. A couple who is open and shares their deepest thoughts and desires will most likely stay together forever. If they pick what they tell their partner, keeping part back, they’ll do okay for a few years or so. But if those same two people, or even just one, are selfish and conceited, the relationship won’t last.’
Eileen didn’t reply, and Rocky figured she was mulling his words around. Another stop came up and the sliding doors whisked open. Three teenagers boarded and sat a few seats away. The trio laughed and joked, each one talking louder. The intrusion into what Rocky had started to think of as ‘their space’ irritated him, but he remained quiet.
Long minutes passed and the threesome didn’t settle down. Rocky rested his chin on Eileen’s head, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo. His hand found hers, their fingers twining together in a natural move. Snuggling, they each hoped the teenagers would leave at the next stop.
The subway train stopped several more times before the group pushed and shoved each other through the open doors. Rocky sighed at the relative peace that came with their departure. Yet neither he nor Eileen spoke, one lost in memories and the other in fantasies.
Shards of glass, her favorite angel figurine unrecognizable, skittered across the hardwood floor. Eileen cowered in the corner of the living room at the obvious anger in her boyfriend. He grabbed another piece of the delicate collection, smashing the fragile shape against the wall.
Frank held the paper in front of her, claiming it was all the evidence he needed. Deciding she wasn’t worth the effort anymore, he tossed the faded card onto the floor and turned. Eileen sobbed as he slammed the front door behind him.
‘He thought I cheated,’ she said in a small voice.
‘I was going through a box of things and found the angel card.’
Rocky tried to figure out the rela
tionship between her last two sentences. Then he remembered.
‘Do you mean the card your friend gave you with the angel years ago?’
‘Yeah, that one,’ she replied. ‘She wrote a message inside, nothing that I ever thought sounded wrong. Just something about how I would be her favorite angel forever, and that she would never forget that night.’
‘How did he get . . .?’
‘She ended the note with ‘Billy’. Frank saw that and flew into a rage. He never let me explain that Billy hated her given name. I tried to tell him how old I was when she gave the angel to me, but he seemed to think I got the card since I was with him.’
Rocky was getting a better picture of the man who hurt Eileen. If she were his, he could never do anything to cause her pain. He wanted to learn all about her, to discover how her skin tasted, and if her eyes changed color while making love. He shifted as his body reacted to that last image.
They never moved from their seats as the subway train stopped once more. An elderly couple smiled at Rocky as they slid onto the bench a few feet away.
‘I enjoy seeing young couples in love. Too many people today only think about sex, forgetting the complexities of a relationship,’ the woman said, a tender smile on her face.
Correcting the woman never crossed Rocky’s mind. Instead, he just nodded and grinned.
The car became crowded as several basketball enthusiasts filled the seats at the next stop. Another forty-five minutes passed before Eileen looked around and saw they were alone again.
‘When I was younger, I had a part-time job babysitting. Going into a home where the husband smiled at his wife shocked me. Being around that type of relationship between married couples was new to me. They unknowingly became my role models,’ she explained.
‘Each time I dated somebody new, I compared men. Within a short time, my dates fell short and I broke the relationships off. Frank slipped in behind my defenses. I thought he was the one, but . . .’
The rhythmic clanging of the wheels filled the lull in conversation as Eileen looked at the stranger next to her. He made her feel comfortable, not afraid to speak her mind, as if she had known him forever. Tears welled up in her eyes as she berated herself for choosing a man that ended up being so wrong for her.
‘If you love someone you should trust them, right Rocky? You would give them a chance to explain, wouldn’t you?’ she asked, almost pleading for him to agree with her.
‘Yes, I would. Trust is vital to sustaining a long-term relationship, in my opinion. Exposing your deepest, darkest secrets, knowing your partner will love you anyway. Letting them into your soul, where no one has ever been before. Finding a couple willing to give that kind of commitment to one another is rare.’
‘All of that is about the same as standing naked in front of them, don’t you think?’
Somehow it didn’t surprise him she’d been able to strip away the extraneous words and turn them into one simple sentence.
‘By opening yourself in every way, not just physically but mentally as well, you allow them to see the real you. Too many people have a separate persona for their job, one for family, and another for friends, until they lose sight of who they are,’ he said.
Rocky watched Eileen as he spoke. The dim lighting did nothing to detract from her beauty in his eyes. He had met this woman only hours ago, knew almost nothing about her, yet Rocky recognized the vulnerability in her. A hesitation, almost an uncertainty, crept into the way she spoke.
Trying to remember ever having such an in-depth conversation with a woman, Rocky looked away. Previous girlfriends included an ex- fiancée, but she had never wanted to hear about his hopes or thoughts. That was only one of the reasons for their break-up. Eileen might be his destiny.
The hours slipped away, less people boarded, and dawn brought them complete privacy.
‘It’s time,’ she said.
Just the two words, but Rocky felt them echo through his head. He wanted her to stay, to ride the subway train forever.
Tipping his head, Rocky never got a chance to answer. Eileen’s soft lips covered his, her fingers brushing his cheek. Sucking in a breath of surprise, he unwittingly gave her tongue access to his mouth. Wrapping her up in his arms, he joined in the sweet kiss. Desire that had only simmered before burst into flames.
So there I was, Balls deep in Eileen's tight ass, but I get ahead of my self, From the beginning...I met Eileen on a YAHOO dating site. She was a divorced MILF who was looking for some "non-Committal" intimate relationship. We passed a few e-mails back and forth for about two weeks then decided to meet for lunch to talk face tot face. Eileen was a MILF of 42 , she stood about 68 inches tall, dirty blond hair (with a matching carpet) 36D breasts, We talked over lunch and decided that we would...
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This is a true story about the first time we invited a black friend back to our home to play with us. It happened a few years ago My husband and I were at the local theater one night playing around in the gloryhole booths like usual. I wasn't feeling horny enough to let others in on the action but just horny enough to be watched and maybe cummed on. We had been there about 45 minutes and already fucked a few times but wasn't quite ready to leave yet. We were both stripped down naked and in a...
The Campbell brothers had driven their own cars out to Las Vegas so Cara returned to Los Angeles in the 767 with the Whitfields. The tigers were so eager to return to their chosen mates they were unable to remain still. Both of them endured teasing from all of the people as they restlessly paced up and down the giant aircraft. “Aren’t you glad this is a widebody?” Marion asked. “This provides all sorts of room for you and your sister to pace.” Duke, recognizing he was being teased, lay down...
"We'll be back!" my bridesmaid's said as they scurried from the room. I could hear them giggling all the way down the stairs. They left on a mission to find a bottle of liquor.It was thirty minutes before the big event. I was nervously pacing the floor in one of the two small rooms upstairs at the Inn. Soon I would be called downstairs and out into the lawn where my handsome groom waited for me. I would marry my fiancé - the love of my life. I was alone, save for Marie, my maid of honour who...
i have a very experiance with casual dating sites the lady's ask you for a O.D.P ONLINE DATERS PASS that you as man never will get that you wants to on a Phishing fake site that look for your credit card parts and what you get is a membership that you have payed, for example 60 euro's kost get the lady 30% off it that is 15 euro from that sitei am looking for real dates and not a dating scammer that ask you for a ITUNES GIFT CARD OR MONEY OR A AMAZON GIFT CARD the most of these profiles are...
Carmen Valentina’s son keeps getting picked on by Alex and his friends, so Carmen stops by to pay Alex’s parents a visit. Unfortunately, the only person home when she gets there is Alex himself. Carmen decides that if she can’t talk to his parents than she’ll tell Alex directly to stop bullying her son, but Alex has other plans. Alex see’s how Carmen looks at him and he thinks she’s kind of hot too, so he makes a little deal with Carmen. Alex promises to stop...
xmoviesforyouI didn’t kill Gus in the morning. I did, however, have a long chat with the man. Gus Richards was a twenty-four year old California born young man, who’d gone to college and he’d gained himself a degree in English Literature. He’d done well academically, but a general degree had meant nothing when it had been time to find work. He’d ended up having to work two jobs, both in the food services industry, just to make ends meet. Some time along the way between graduating college and working for...
I went swimming one day with some friends and after a few hours my mates got fed up and went home but I stayed on as I love swimming and sunbathing. I’d just got out of the water and went to where I’d left my towel to find that a woman had sat near it. As I approached she looked up from the book she was reading, smiled and went back to her book. I stood there drying myself having a quick peek at her from under my towel and guessed she was about 40. She had a bikini on and as she moved about a...
So I was 19 and had no real idea what "cruising" was, I was in college and a complete virgin. No in-person sexual interaction before. I was at the mall by myself since I had the day off and all my friends had class that day, needed to use the restroom so I made it to the Macy's and chose a bathroom in the back corner which was away from all the crowds (I always hated public bathrooms, super nervous about using them and usually can't even use a urinal if there is another person in there).I chose...
Max just pulled into his favorite restaurant, when his phone rang. "Hello," he said and hoped it wasn't a business call. He was starving to death and he was ready to eat. "Hey there handsome, how's my darling man on this beautiful, spring day?" a sweet and very sexy voice asked. "Why do you always sound so good?" he asked her as he shifted his growing cock. "I'm fine." "I always love talking to you this way. Don't you like it anymore?" "Yes, I love it, but..." he paused,...
It’s been a week since Beth’s and my adventure at the ABS. Should I call it an adventure? That makes it sound fun in some way. While it was exciting and life altering, I hesitate to call it fun. I honestly don’t know what came over me. I should have raged against the way my wife and her new friend treated me. There is no excuse for the cowardice I displayed in front of my lovely wife. I’m so ashamed with my behavior that I can hardly look at her now. But I felt as though I had no choice in the...
CuckoldThey'd met one day and quickly developed an easy, open rapport. Yvette was attached, she confessed to Jade, but that didn't stop her from constantly fantasizing about sex with others, dreaming up all sorts of intensely erotic scenarios for herself."I don't know why, I just feel horny all the time. I must be a nympho, or something," she chuckled, taking a sip from her glass of wine as the two women laughed knowingly. For that old-fashioned word, 'nympho,' could also have been applied to Jade, a...
Joanna's Diary by Miss Joanna Nicholls Part One: Let me introduce myself. My name is Joanna. My mistress has ordered me to write this story. I am sitting at my computer wearing my best secretary's clothes; a long sleeved white blouse and a very short black skirt. The skirt is so short it keeps riding up and exposing the tops of my black stockings. My feet are buckled into 4-inch high stilettos. I am shackled to my desk by a chain which goes around the leg of...
REBIRTH PART TWO: FIRST SUMMER ? by: JL Williams CHAPTER FIVE: FIRST MONTH Jamie awoke the next morning slightly sore, but smiling. The ever- present Eve bathed her, and prepared her for the morning aerobics. Eve was her usual efficient self, but Jamie was distracted. She needed to talk to one of the doctors. Eve led Jamie to the aerobics class, and to the beaming Leslie. Jamie was relieved to see her, and to see her smile. She struggled through the aerobics work out. Her muscles...
Hi, this is Sagar with another fictional fantasy story. This is the story about a kingdom in central India which tries to save their kingdom from British East India Company. 1948, M Kingdom Today, the queen’s room is gloomy. A dark cloud seems to shroud the entire kingdom. Like many other kingdoms in India, M Kingdom is also facing the crisis of declination. If there is no miracle, M Kingdom is going to be annexed by the British East India Company soon. After Lord Dalhousie enacted the...
Seymour Shaft, disgraced cop turned private detective was trying to open his emails. He was not having much success. He kept hitting the wrong keys and now he had locked himself out with his password protection.This was all happening because he was finding it hard to concentrate. It’s not easy to work a computer if you are getting blown at the same time.Seymour’s secretary was one hot bitch and she was also one dirty bitch. One thing she really loved doing was sucking dick. That and...
Wednesday finally arrived and we were both very sexed-up. My wife did not need another waxing as she was still very smooth. We both arrived home from work and she quickly got ready for her date. This time, I suggested thigh-high stockings, sexy blouse and skirt and no panties."No Panties?" She challenged."Not needed" I explained, "since you're going stright to his room and then will stay on your back after he leaves.... Right?""Yes" she giggled, "I suppose you're right.""But I do want you to...
Kate wanted to buy some new clothes for summer and asked me to join her to see if I would like what she picked. My wife has big boobs and is a sexy 40 year old woman who loves the body she is in. Her boobs are 38DD cups and just right. We arrive at the clothes store and she heads off to the ladies section, I follow her glancing at some sexy items I would love her to wear. Those are for girls not women she comments.She grabs some nice leggings and a few costumes she likes and asks me to join her...
Hi I am a business traveler travel around the country 10days in a month. This is a story about one of the visit to Hyderabad and was staying in a hotel. After finishing my days work returned to hotel in the evening. for relaxation went to bar of the hotel to have a drink and while having a drink a lady in mid 30s having 36-32-38figure clad in light blue chiffon saree with deep cut blouse walked to bar counter and ordered for large whisky and sat beside me. We were having drinks and than decided...
"Come on, Steve!" My mum yells, waking me from a fitful sleep. "You don't want to be late on your first day at your new job, do you?" "I'm awake!" I yell downstairs, sighing as I hear the front door slam shut, signifying that I'm alone in the house. I drag myself out of bed and pad to the bathroom, showering and shaving fully, removing any and all facial hair before shaving my arms, legs and chest clean of any stray body hair. I return to my bedroom and apply a full layer of make- up...
I first met "Holly" while conversing on a local swinger website. We shared information about trips to Vegas and I made a few suggestions about things to do while there since I travel to Vegas frequently for work. I didn't think she had any interest in single males because her profile stated that she was only interested in meeting couples. However, as time went by, our conversations became longer and longer and a true bond formed over our conversations. One day she stated that she would really...
Platinum blonde MILF Brittany Andrews cannot find her wallet, and she needs to buy herself a new pair of shoes! To get herself the money she needs, she shows her big fat titties to her horny stepson for a few bucks. Later, Brittany tells her stepson about her plan to fuck his old man at the office earlier. Just talking about it has her pussy soaking wet in no time. After a little flirting, Brittanys stepson sticks the tip of his cock in her MILF cunt. A couple days later, Brittany is freaked...
xmoviesforyouAfter cumming on her face, We decided to clean Neha up in the shower so Samir grabbed her hairs and was escorting Neha to bathroom but again some naughty idea popped up in his mind and he asked Neha to clean herself up. Neha went to bathroom to clean herself up. In the meantime, Samir to me, “Dude, Lets make the atmosphere even more erotic! What say? ” I nodded affirmatively and Samir dressed up himself and he asked us to come to his room for the next session tomorrow in the morning and he...
Indoctrination School for Sissies ? by: latexslut Chapter 1 "Mr. Phillips, as we will call you," she paused, looked at him disconcertingly and continued, "for now." She paused again and returned her deep green eyes back to the file before her. "Your file is most distressing. Most! Do you have any thing to say in your defense?" John Phillips was gagged and handcuffed, and roped to the small wooden chair, with two extremely well toned attractive women on either side of him. But...
I once had a friend who always said "never fuck anything you can't bench-press". He was right, the biggest benefit of having sex with someone smaller and lighter than you is you can lift them easily !On a recent trip to Thailand I couldn't take my eye's off a stunning, short, tiny but beautifully proportioned woman sitting on the bar-stool close to where I was eating.She had a silk-blue clinging chinese style wrap on with a huge slit running all the way up her thigh revealing a beautiful...
Hi dosto i m tejas, direct story pe ata hu, mai 20 saal ka hu meri maa39 ki hai , mere dad mom se 10 saal bade hai humesha daaru pite hai aur mom se zagdte hai mera aur mom ka unse nahi patata, mere mo ka bf hai uska naam ali hai wo mera dost tha pahle lekin ab mere baap jaisa behave karta hai mere sath mom aur wo ekdusrese bahut pyar karte hai har baat share karte hai uski ahe 26 hai uski shop hai mere ghar ke pas mobile ki, aur computer ki, maine mom se kahi baar kaha ye sab galat hai, par wo...
Needless to say things didn't go as expected after my fight that day. After getting out of my aunt's, the principal's office, I ran into Tiffany. "You've got to let me go with you when you take Val's homework to her. Man it's so exciting that you got in a fight and weren't expelled or even suspended." Tiffany was practically jumping with joy. I was confused and was about to ask her how she knew when she beat me to the subject. Calmed down just a little Tiffany said, "I kind of...
As I wandered down the beach toward the shoreline my head was swirling with mixed emotions. Although I was still incredibly aroused by my flagrant self exposure to a complete stranger; I was, at the same time, feeling a little ashamed and almost humiliated by my overwhelming desire to act like a slut.The more I thought about it as I walked, the more I knew that I had to do what made me feel right and good. I knew that meant more public exposure and taking even more daring risks, I craved the...
Mera naam rohit hai age 23 saal,meri body kafi aachi hai me ek it company me kaam karta hu meri family gaon me rahti hai hum logo ke paas kafi khate badi hai, meri family me maray maa baap aur meri badi maa hai jiska naam rupa hai,wo mera pita ke bada bahi ke wife hai yani ke mera bada papa ke,unki aur unka do beta ke muat ke accident me ho gai the karib do saal pahela,rupa ke age 45 saal pati aur betao ke maut ke baad rupa akali ho gai the meri family rupa ke bahut care karti hai,baat tab...
When Malati went to her elder son’s house, he was not in good mood at all. Madhav was already 26 and he lost his wife after only three days into marriage due to accident. His effort to find new gfirl to marry him had been failing. He was living alone with his cook. Malti who was 45 then was very upset about the condition of her son. After dinner she tried to talk her son into becoming patient and wait for few more years to find a girl. Madhav started arguing with his mom and told in a fit of...
IncestSara left for her first date with Doug, I watched them kiss as she got into his car. Sara was wearing a skin tight short red dress that came to about four inches above her knees and a bright red matching bra and thong set, white high heeled shoes and she looked incredible. I know what lingerie she was wearing as she teased me about what she would be wearing under her dress for Doug. “Take a look at what I will be wearing for him,” Sara teased, “you won’t get to see me in them until after he...
CuckoldHi friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana Coimbatore vibachaariyai eppadi sex seithen endra kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Tharshan, vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Naan ithu naal varai entha penaiyum sex seithathe ilai athanaal naan ethavathu vibachaariyai sex seiyalam endru mudivu seithen. Ithai naan yar idamum sola kudathu endru irunthen, en endraal en thirumanam nadakum pozhuthu ethavathu prachanai vara pogirathu endru nanban idam kuda ithai patri sola kudathu endru irunthen. Oru lodge...