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Frank was gone. He packed his belongings and left. Eileen thought he loved her, that he was looking forward to having children with her, growing old together. A stockbroker by trade, Frank was intelligent, funny, and handsome. Her career in accounting brought in a decent income too, together allowing them to take exotic vacations and drive nice cars. Yet Frank had walked out.

The crisp night air, almost chilly, cooled her skin, easing a bit of the tension behind her eyes. Eileen drove along the dark streets, going nowhere. Blinking lights, the sign for Keb’s Bar, called to her as never before. Pulling into an empty parking space near the back, Eileen slid out of her car. In a daze, she walked to the front door.

A single spot at the end of the bar beckoned her. Slipping onto the stool, she ordered a margarita from the attentive bartender. Eileen ignored the sounds around her, hoping instead to dull the pain in her heart with the alcohol. A plethora of memories clouded her brain: meeting Frank, the day he proposed, how handsome he was, and the first time they made love. Sharp daggers pierced her heart with each image and crushed her until she broke down, sobbing.


Rocky ordered another beer, laughing along with his friends. All in their late twenties to early thirties, the four were regulars at Keb’s Bar. The group had gone to college together and still gravitated to the local hangout on Friday nights. Giving each other a hard time about their favorite sports teams, all four sat on shiny bar stools and surveyed the crowd.

The lights turned her hair a dozen shades of red, catching Rocky’s attention. Natural curls followed the curve of her hunched shoulders, floating down her back. Sobs wracked her slender body as she sat at the end of the bar alone. Beer in hand, he walked over and sat down next to the sad young woman.

‘So a man was driving down the road with twenty penguins in the back seat. A police officer stops him and says that he can’t drive around with the penguins in the car and should take them to the zoo. The man agrees and drives off. The next day, the same man is driving down the road with those twenty penguins in the back. Again, the police officer stops him and says, ‘Hey! I thought I told you to take those to the zoo.’ The man replies, ‘I did. Today I’m taking them to the movies,’ Rocky said, his voice changing with the different roles in the joke.

Despite her mood, Eileen started laughing. The joke was corny, but the way the stranger portrayed the characters made it funny.

‘Rocky Manville,’ he said, holding out his hand.

Reed thin, he wore a brown sweater, khaki slacks, and hiking boots. His hair was in need of a trim, the slight curl in the back a hint at how long he had been away from a barber shop. But his eyes were what held her attention. Dark brown, almost black, Eileen noticed a touch of sadness deep in them similar to that found in hers.

‘Have you ever been in love with someone, Rocky?’

‘Once, long ago, yes.’

‘I thought someone loved me. Eileen Hulette,’ she replied, putting her soft hand in his.

Green eyes, puffy from crying, still held tears in the corners. A hint of embarrassment stained her pale cheeks.

‘Why can’t life be easy?’ Eileen asked.

‘Ah, but wouldn’t people become bored?’

‘There are parts of life that go along smoothly.’

‘Are they the pieces that bother you though, Eileen?’

Eileen took another drink of her margarita before answering. This stranger, Rocky, made her think instead of just giving her neutral answers. He stimulated her brain, and that intrigued her.

‘How can you love someone but never really know them?’

Rocky heard pain and confusion in the question, and wondered about the person who hurt Eileen. Having a deep conversation with this woman somehow felt right, even though they’d only exchanged names minutes ago.

‘Many people hide their flaws early in a relationship, to impress others,’ Rocky replied.

‘What you mean is they hide pieces of themselves . . .’

‘Yeah, in a sense they do. But not everything can be hidden, either.’

Her brief nod told him she understood the implication in his words. She had already noticed the jagged scar on his cheek.

‘I was seven, trying to show off on the playground at school,’ he said, confirming the injury happened a long time ago.

The noise in the crowded room soon made it difficult to talk. Friday nights were always busy and the band was loud. Rocky leaned in closer to listen, resting his arm along the back of the bar stool. The young woman’s words came in chunks, parts blocked out by the constant beat of the rock music.

‘I didn’t catch all of that. The music . . .’ Rocky said.

‘What?’ Eileen asked, trying to piece the words together. ‘It’s too loud in here!’

He shook his head, hands out at his sides, palms up. Rocky wanted to turn the volume down on the band so he could hear Eileen instead.

‘This is crazy!’ Eileen almost shouted.

Trusting her instincts, Eileen stood up and pointed to the door. With a brief tilt of her head, she invited him outside where it was quieter. Rocky didn’t hesitate, tossing some bills on the bar and following close behind the redhead. After only a few steps, she turned and reached for his hand, like a stranger he had known before.

Stepping outside, Eileen spotted the subway train. Acting on impulse, she tugged on the brown sweater. Together, they ran down the block to board right before the steel doors slid shut. Finding the car close to empty, they headed to a corner. The clanking of the wheels was almost hypnotic, soothing after the deafening music in Keb’s Bar, and neither spoke for several minutes.

Rocky observed this woman he found himself sharing space with, a stranger yet not. He wanted to wipe the remnants of tears off the soft cheeks, hold Eileen close and make things right for her. Only he didn’t know what was wrong.

Somehow, Eileen needed to tell this stranger about herself. Content with that thought, she focused on a black mark on the floor and began.

‘When I was thirteen, my best friend and I were angels in a school play. For my birthday that year, Latwanda gave me a small figurine dressed the same as we had been. I kept it all these years, along with the card. She moved away when we were in high school, and I never heard from her again.’

Eileen hesitated, trying to block out the ugly scene that had occurred in her apartment a few hours ago.

‘My parents were strict, seldom allowing me the liberties most children had. An hour a day went into studying religion and they insisted I play a musical instrument even though I hated it and was horrible. I wasn’t the best student, so it took me forever to get my homework done. It all pushed me into becoming a loner.’

The subway car lurched as the brakes slowed the train for the next stop. A few people entered, letting in a rush of pungent exhaust.

‘Latwanda’s family lived a couple houses down from ours, so we went to the same school. At recess, I was always included in whatever games she played. I think she was lonesome and sensed I was too. We didn’t have many black people living in our city back then and none in our grade. I loved those stolen minutes where I was free to be a kid without my parents there.’

Rocky listened as Eileen described her childhood. It was so opposite from his own that he had a hard time relating. He knew he couldn’t take the bad memories away, but he might be able to bring her some joy in the future. Some deep protective instinct pulled at him as he looked into her eyes.

‘Did you ever want something so bad you swore you would do anything to get it, Rocky?’

‘When I was about eleven or twelve, I went to the bicycle shop in town with my friends. One of them needed a new tube since his had a leak. There was the shiniest blue bike I ever
saw in the front window. The fenders were chrome and it had one of those banana seats that were so popular back then,’ Rocky replied with a sad smile.

‘I raced home to tell my parents because my birthday was coming up and that’s what I wanted. My father decided to teach me the value of earning my own money that year. When school let out for the summer, I had a long list of tasks to do. Each time I completed one, I was that much closer to my dream bicycle.’

‘I can just about imagine you at that age painting the fence and mowing the lawn.’

‘The list also had things like washing and waxing my father’s car each week, working in the garden, doing the dishes, and cleaning out the garage.’

‘How much time did you need to earn enough?’ she asked.

‘My mom got real sick that summer and things were rough. On the nights she was too tired and weak to get out of bed, I had to cook. Many days I ended up doing laundry and the vacuuming too. Since none of those were on my father’s list, I didn’t earn anything when I helped her. I never got the bicycle.’

‘That wasn’t fair, Rocky. I’m sorry.’

‘A lot of things weren’t that year,’ he replied.

Another stop made further conversation on the subject impossible. The doors slid open and all the others disembarked. A blast of cooler air swirled in to blend with the stale heat. No one entered their car this time, and soon the subway train took off again.

‘When I was a kid, I wanted to be like all the others in the neighborhood and play outside, have fun. Each night I swore I would do better in school so my father wouldn’t be angry and spank me. He had a horrible temper and my mother always appeased him. She had learned it was easier to keep out of his way than to argue with him. I tried really hard, but nothing was quite right.’

‘That must have been horrible to live through,’ Rocky said.

‘Yeah, my father seemed to thrive on the anger, smirking whenever he found an excuse to get the paddle out. I met Jake when I was sixteen and he was twenty. He was kind and gentle, gave me little presents, and treated me so good. No one had ever been nice to me like he was. I fell for him right away.’

Rocky tried to imagine Eileen’s childhood. Though his own hadn’t been easy, his parents had loved him.

‘Then one day Jake was gone, no hints that he was leaving, no arguments, nothing. Several years passed before I discovered my father had pointed out the sex laws in our state regarding minors to Jake. The implication was that if Jake and I remained a couple, he would press charges. Between the temper, the spankings, and the strict rules, I had already thought about moving out after I graduated from high school. The issue with Jake was the last straw, so to speak,’ she explained.

‘I’m sorry you had to live that way, Eileen.’

Somewhere during the last few minutes, they had gravitated closer to each other. Rocky slipped his arm around Eileen’s shoulders. The gesture was as much to offer comfort as to touch her.

‘It took me a long time to trust anyone after Jake left,’ she went on, acknowledging his words with a slight nod. ‘How many women do you know who are still single at my age?’

He chose to be honest rather than placate her. ‘Most are married. But I’m thirty and I’m still alone too.’

‘You’re attractive, a great listener, and you seem intelligent. Why aren’t you married with all that going for you?’

‘It helps if I meet the right lady. One who loves me and not what I can do for her,’ Rocky replied.

‘All of that is true. Frank worked in the building next to where I did. The first time I saw him, he was leaving with this beautiful woman on his arm. I didn’t even know him, yet I wanted to be next to him. They could have been married or engaged, but I didn’t think of that right then. Every day after that I imagined how Frank and I would meet and fall in love.’

Rocky felt the fine tremors in her body and pulled her against his chest. A waft of her perfume teased his nose, the exotic scent fitting her.

‘How did you get his attention, drop something, bump into him, wear a short skirt?’ Rocky asked.

Eileen’s slight chuckle reverberated through him, ending in his groin. He wanted to take her home and explore her for hours. But the timing wasn’t right.

‘A friend of mine set me up on a blind date. Arrangements were to meet at Chico’s restaurant uptown. The guy was a real jerk and I decided to leave. He had other plans and grabbed my arm. Next thing I knew, he was holding his nose as blood spurted out and someone pulled me away. I was so shocked that I didn’t think about the danger of letting a stranger lead me outside. All I wanted to do was get away from the creep. I heard a voice asking if I was okay and turned to see Frank. He had just finished his dinner when he saw that guy pulling my arm and came to my rescue.’

‘I hope you had a long talk with whoever set you up,’ Rocky said.

‘We never spoke again, but that was the beginning for Frank and me. We spent several evenings a week together, learning everything about one another. When he asked me to live with him, I was ecstatic.’

‘I finally had the kind of home I always wanted. There were no fights, though we had our spats. Frank had a lot of stress at his job, and began stopping off for a drink with some of the other guys from work. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t want to be with me. Frank accused me of being needy. I thought he would be anxious to come right home. Does that make sense, Rocky?’

‘I’ve discovered a good relationship is difficult to maintain without communication. My last girlfriend expected me to know what she wanted without saying a word. No matter how often I tried to explain I couldn’t read her mind on every little thing, she would go off on how stupid I was. Her preference for a specific restaurant when we went out was supposed to be obvious to me. If I asked, she ignored me, leaving me to choose a place.’

He thought for a minute before going on. ‘I think there are different levels of love. A couple who is open and shares their deepest thoughts and desires will most likely stay together forever. If they pick what they tell their partner, keeping part back, they’ll do okay for a few years or so. But if those same two people, or even just one, are selfish and conceited, the relationship won’t last.’

Eileen didn’t reply, and Rocky figured she was mulling his words around. Another stop came up and the sliding doors whisked open. Three teenagers boarded and sat a few seats away. The trio laughed and joked, each one talking louder. The intrusion into what Rocky had started to think of as ‘their space’ irritated him, but he remained quiet.

Long minutes passed and the threesome didn’t settle down. Rocky rested his chin on Eileen’s head, inhaling the fresh scent of her shampoo. His hand found hers, their fingers twining together in a natural move. Snuggling, they each hoped the teenagers would leave at the next stop.

The subway train stopped several more times before the group pushed and shoved each other through the open doors. Rocky sighed at the relative peace that came with their departure. Yet neither he nor Eileen spoke, one lost in memories and the other in fantasies.

Shards of glass, her favorite angel figurine unrecognizable, skittered across the hardwood floor. Eileen cowered in the corner of the living room at the obvious anger in her boyfriend. He grabbed another piece of the delicate collection, smashing the fragile shape against the wall.

Frank held the paper in front of her, claiming it was all the evidence he needed. Deciding she wasn’t worth the effort anymore, he tossed the faded card onto the floor and turned. Eileen sobbed as he slammed the front door behind him.

‘He thought I cheated,’ she said in a small voice.


‘I was going through a box of things and found the angel card.’

Rocky tried to figure out the rela
tionship between her last two sentences. Then he remembered.

‘Do you mean the card your friend gave you with the angel years ago?’

‘Yeah, that one,’ she replied. ‘She wrote a message inside, nothing that I ever thought sounded wrong. Just something about how I would be her favorite angel forever, and that she would never forget that night.’

‘How did he get . . .?’

‘She ended the note with ‘Billy’. Frank saw that and flew into a rage. He never let me explain that Billy hated her given name. I tried to tell him how old I was when she gave the angel to me, but he seemed to think I got the card since I was with him.’

Rocky was getting a better picture of the man who hurt Eileen. If she were his, he could never do anything to cause her pain. He wanted to learn all about her, to discover how her skin tasted, and if her eyes changed color while making love. He shifted as his body reacted to that last image.

They never moved from their seats as the subway train stopped once more. An elderly couple smiled at Rocky as they slid onto the bench a few feet away.

‘I enjoy seeing young couples in love. Too many people today only think about sex, forgetting the complexities of a relationship,’ the woman said, a tender smile on her face.

Correcting the woman never crossed Rocky’s mind. Instead, he just nodded and grinned.

The car became crowded as several basketball enthusiasts filled the seats at the next stop. Another forty-five minutes passed before Eileen looked around and saw they were alone again.

‘When I was younger, I had a part-time job babysitting. Going into a home where the husband smiled at his wife shocked me. Being around that type of relationship between married couples was new to me. They unknowingly became my role models,’ she explained.

‘Each time I dated somebody new, I compared men. Within a short time, my dates fell short and I broke the relationships off. Frank slipped in behind my defenses. I thought he was the one, but . . .’

The rhythmic clanging of the wheels filled the lull in conversation as Eileen looked at the stranger next to her. He made her feel comfortable, not afraid to speak her mind, as if she had known him forever. Tears welled up in her eyes as she berated herself for choosing a man that ended up being so wrong for her.

‘If you love someone you should trust them, right Rocky? You would give them a chance to explain, wouldn’t you?’ she asked, almost pleading for him to agree with her.

‘Yes, I would. Trust is vital to sustaining a long-term relationship, in my opinion. Exposing your deepest, darkest secrets, knowing your partner will love you anyway. Letting them into your soul, where no one has ever been before. Finding a couple willing to give that kind of commitment to one another is rare.’

‘All of that is about the same as standing naked in front of them, don’t you think?’

Somehow it didn’t surprise him she’d been able to strip away the extraneous words and turn them into one simple sentence.

‘By opening yourself in every way, not just physically but mentally as well, you allow them to see the real you. Too many people have a separate persona for their job, one for family, and another for friends, until they lose sight of who they are,’ he said.

Rocky watched Eileen as he spoke. The dim lighting did nothing to detract from her beauty in his eyes. He had met this woman only hours ago, knew almost nothing about her, yet Rocky recognized the vulnerability in her. A hesitation, almost an uncertainty, crept into the way she spoke.

Trying to remember ever having such an in-depth conversation with a woman, Rocky looked away. Previous girlfriends included an ex- fiancée, but she had never wanted to hear about his hopes or thoughts. That was only one of the reasons for their break-up. Eileen might be his destiny.

The hours slipped away, less people boarded, and dawn brought them complete privacy.

‘It’s time,’ she said.

Just the two words, but Rocky felt them echo through his head. He wanted her to stay, to ride the subway train forever.


Tipping his head, Rocky never got a chance to answer. Eileen’s soft lips covered his, her fingers brushing his cheek. Sucking in a breath of surprise, he unwittingly gave her tongue access to his mouth. Wrapping her up in his arms, he joined in the sweet kiss. Desire that had only simmered before burst into flames.

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Banzai Summer Camp

Originally writing under the name Bonnie Belkin The summer of 1961, before I started college, I was a camp counselor. There were a dozen of us, six gals and six guys, about the same age. We were up there all summer. The kids came up on Monday and went home on Friday. We had the weekends pretty much off. One weekend, the camp director and his wife went into town. There was a campsite by the lake, about a mile away if we walked by the side of the county road, or about two miles through the...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Calls the Cops

It was open mic night at the quaint cafe. The place was teeming with Black patrons. The mix of African-Americans represented the variety of the microcosm. The folks worked in education, maintenance, healthcare, personal services, transportation, and business. There were people of virtually every shade and skin tone. Hairstyles ranged from wavy low top fades to freeform dreadlocks to Afros. There were individuals who practiced capoeira, the Afro-Brazilian martial art. Others were into politics...

1 year ago
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Mama Ki Beti Ke Sath Maze Kiye Raat Mein

Ye story meri aur meri mama ki beti ke sath hai. Mera naam Suvam hai, aur main Delhi mein rehta hu. Meri height 5’8″ hai, aur mere lund ka size bhi 5.5 inch hai. Ye story 4 saal pehle ki hai, jab mere mama ki beti mere ghar aayi thi. Uska naam Sarita hai, aur wo age mein mujhse ek saal badi hai. Kaafi khoobsurat thi wo dikhne mein, aur uske boobs bhi bade the aur gaand bhi moti-moti thi. Wo 1st year ki exam ki chuttiyon mein aayi thi, aur meri bhi chutti thi. Wo aur main sath mein tv dekhte...

3 years ago
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Girls night out

Girls night out My wife, Sarah, had gone out clothes shopping with some friends and then they were all off on a hen night to see some male strippers. So, with her out of the way for a ‘Girls Night Out’, I’d asked a few mates round for a ‘Lads Evening In’.There were supposed to have been six of us – Ian Terry John Billy and Mike and myself. We had agreed that Ian should bring round the latest editions to his extensive collection of porn DVD’s and we would all chip in some booze. Unfortunately...

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Read before you sign

Not written by me but hotSam had just got home from losing his retail job. His manager told him that the company had to make massive cuts and unfortunately for Sam, he was one of those people getting cut.Sam was 18 years old. He was five foot six with short black hair and blue eyes. His physical stature wasn't anything to write home about he was skinny with no muscle on him."What am I doing to do?" He groaned. "I don't have that much money."Sam's parents died when he was 12 years old and went...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledChapter 22

There is excitement in the air this morning. Everywhere I go I see people talking together as they work. Some are arguing but most are having pleasant conversations. The bits and pieces I hear and pick up on are about my proposal. As I walk by they smile or wave to me. I remain cordial and wave back or greet them if I've already learned their name. Shanana is over there helping with the food again. She is laughing and cutting up with the women. The other three girls are gathered together...

3 years ago
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Her First

She sat on the end of the bed staring at the door waiting neverously and impatiently. Her makeup made her look soft with pink rose cheeks and light eyeliner and eyeshadow. Her lips were painted a soft wet pink. The lights were off in the room, but the light from the adjacent powder room caught off one of her gold earings. Her necklace was a choker with a gold heart. Her grey A-Line dress that zipped up the back was filled with her unnatural D cups. She was a larger woman,...

1 year ago
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The Road or an RathadChapter 14

When I returned to the house, Cormac was eating a sandwich. He looked uncomfortable sitting, while his Queen (my Mom) was on her feet. Mom and Brenda were both looking at me anxiously. No doubt, they were waiting for me to give them some kind of indication of what I had decided. "I need to sleep on this," I told them. There was little doubt that both of them guessed what that meant. Mom had only found out today that I had been visiting dreamtime but she would quickly see that a visit to...

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Jennys Detention

Jenny has to attend detention Jenny had been on her best behaviour nearly all week, well since her last visit to Mrs. Denver for 18 strokes of the cane followed by a visit to her Mum to have her Punishment Letter signed and the obligatory across the knee bare bottom spanking, which her Mum had happily enhanced with her large wooden backed oval hairbrush. Jenny’s embarrassment wasn’t helped when she returned to the Academy the following day to hand in her Punishment Letter at the same time as...

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Altered Fates 2065 AD

In the year 2065 the United States is a theocracy in all but name, and at the center of the system sits the Medallion of Zulo.... ALTERED FATES: 2065 A.D. by BobH (C) 2013. (Note: While not essential to your understanding and enjoyment, you will get more out of this story if you first read my tales 'Altered Fates: The Cult', 'The Chapford Wives', and 'Amazons', on which it draws quite considerably. All are available here on FM.) 1: Ray Standing at the altar before...

3 years ago
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Hayden Panettiere Hilary Duff

“How’s your assignment going baby, you look super stressed.” Hayden Panettiere asked her boyfriend Ryan who was sitting at the old desk scribbling notes furiously. The desk was like most of the other things in their rundown apartment, old, dirty, broken or found in the garbage. “It’s taking forever, what type of asshole instructor makes an assignment due a day before the midterm. Fuck!” Ryan McVeigh screamed as he slammed his pencil against his expensive textbook. His facial expression...

1 year ago
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Brother and Sister find out about themselves

My name is Josh and I’m 18 years old. I’m about 6 foot and well built with a 9 inch dick with a 7 inch girth. I have a younger brother, Matt, at 18 years old. I have one sister, Ashley, who is also 15. I never really paid that much attention to her when she was younger until now because she has a perfect body with nice sized tits and a nice round ass. My story starts when our parents went on a weeklong vacation leaving us at home alone. They felt it was ok because we were both perfect student....

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I was down in the basement rummaging through a few cardboard boxes that were in various states of decay when I found one which contained about six dvd discs. They were unmarked and the couple of the jewel cases had been smashed by some rough, insensative handling. I put them aside for the moment and continued digging through the boxes but found nothing of any interest. I was upstairs when I rememberd about the discs and ran back to fetch them. I just suspected that they were nothing more than...

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College Ke Trustee Aur Unke Dost Ne Kiya Gangbang 8211 Part 2

Main Rucha Raval hu. Meri Age 22 hai. Iss kahani mein maine bataya hai kaise mere college ke trustees ne mera gangband kiya. Please comments dena ya Facebook mein rucha.raval.75 pe. Fir Amarsinh bola, “Chalo ab ise bistar pe le chalte hai, thokte hai sali ko. Chalo andar.” Fir woh tino khade ho gaye, Amarsinh aur Ranjit ne mere hath pakde aur kaha, “Chal le hamara loda pakad ke chal andar.” Aur aisa keh kar unke cock mere hath mein thama diya. Maine dhire se unke cock pakde aur dhire dhire...

2 years ago
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Young Son Tricks Mother To Fuck Her Forever 8211 Part 2

The story continues from the first part. Karan fucks his mother, pretending to be his father, and has a wonderful experience. All references by Karan to Radha will be Karan pretending to be his father. After spraying cum in his mother’s (wife’s) face, Karan felt immensely happy. He realised his dream of fucking his mother, that too, with little effort. Radha got up and went to the bathroom to clean herself. Karan decided to follow her into the bathroom. Radha quipped, “I am shy to say, but this...

3 years ago
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The Trophy Wife An Adult Story

We stayed up late on a school night. I was sleeping over at my friend Junior’s house. He tossed a pillow at me on the floor when he was leaving. We both laughed. He had to get to school 3 hours before me. I did not have to be at school until 10am on Fridays. I was lying on a bean bag chair with just a pair of white cotton over sized boxers and a white skin tight cotton wife beater shirt on. I gave Junior the thumbs up as he shut his door and headed out for school. I slowed got up and was...

1 year ago
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One Suite Cruise Pt 2

When I woke up the next morning, I stretched and the blanket fell away from my naked breasts, nipples stiffening in the cool air of my cabin. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room, recalling the events of yesterday.Dawn, the sexy brunette who liked to be tied up... and that sexy blonde with the devil-may-care attitude and flirty smile. Choices, choices...."Well," I said out loud to myself, "I can't make any decisions until I get dressed and head out there." So, after I showered and dried...

3 years ago
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Terrific Tailor8217s

By: Seema382634 Hi My name is Seema from Chennai, I am aged 27, fair with height is 5’4″. My vital size is 38-26-34. I have always liked indiansexstories2.net and have followed it for a couple of years now but just now thought of posting my story. This incident happened during my college day, when I was 22. Once I wanted to stitch my blouses for Diwali and I went to visit my tailor. I normally wear chudi or t-shirts at home however being a festival my family wanted me to wear traditional...

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Blowing CometComet, my 5 year old golden retreiver, and I have been playing for a coupleof years now. But until recently I've never been able to get him to mountmy mouth. It finally worked.We usually start out playing around on the floor with each other. I'll gethim a bit excited, then reach under him and rub his sheath. As soon as myhand makes contact he stops and stands perfectly still. He knows what iscoming.I'll stroke his cock a few minutes till it starts peeking out. Then...

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She Male

This is Gouri Banerjee, a highly educated executive officer of a foreign bank. I am neither a male nor a female, I am a male with brest, at the same time, a female with a dick. I was born as a boy, but I always wanted to be a girl right from my childhood and so, I had medical intervention to change my sex. Since my parents are rich and supportive, I could well afford for my medical expenses, makeup, clothes, etc. I started my sex change therapy at Bangalore when I was 16 years old, I had breast...

Gay Male
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TurbulenceChapter 10

On the way back to the cottage Colette again spent time walking alone with Sioban. Not only had she become more invested in Arthur she was also captivated by his friends. It seemed to her that the moment she had spied Arthur sitting alone in his aisle on the plane she had begun a serendipitous journey she hadn’t experienced before. It seemed that Arthur was not only a young man who touched people, he seemed to charm them. Based on her feeling about Ryan and Sioban she saw them as high-quality...

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Religious Girl Prays Only To One Idol 8211 Succumb

Read the earlier parts. Surrender : https://www.indiansexstories2.net/virgin/religious-girl-prays-only-to-one-idol/ Submission: https://www.indiansexstories2.net/virgin/religious-girl-prays-only-to-one-idol-submission/ After my earth shattering experience, I was drawn into a beautiful dream. Since the time I was initiated into my puberty, and my hormones started acting up I haven’t slept so peacefully, I felt aroused again. I thought it was all in my dream, I felt as if Sanjayji’s tongue was...

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The New Sales Girl Part Eight

The New Sales Girl - Part 8Whew. It only took a minute of looking at the window shoppers to realize that this was one way glass. They only saw a mirrow but I could almost reach out and touch them. I was liking this now. I was riding this sybian and getting way turned on and I was digging the feel of almost being on display but no worries about the cops. I've never been on one of these machines before and I'm not sure but I think this one was a high horsepower model because it was really pumping...

2 years ago
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My First EverythingChapter 48

In spite of everything, we still managed to have a pretty good Christmas. Whatever my mother and father had agreed on seemed to satisfy both of them. Kate's punishment was that she could have no contact with Clara for one month. I think Kate was so relieved at not being sent back to Hungary, she forgot to protest about how unfair my parents were being to her. Christmas day, Agnes came over, and we all opened presents, had a big goose dinner, and then sat around in the living room, staring...

3 years ago
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Stripped BareChapter 4

Gibbs pulled up to a drugstore and then looked over at Abby. "Get a lot of 'em," he said. Gibbs had decided on her for the task because it would nail home what they were doing and her part in it. He was giving her an out if she wanted to take it. Not that Gibbs thought she would. Abbs was as invested in their bond as he was, and she was completely turned on by him. Realizing she'd discussed him with other people —their coworkers and friends—was a sexual charge. "Magnums?" Abby asked...

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If only every work place had a vampire

Introduction: Im only just getting into writing fiction, this being the 1st proper one I wrote. An uhealthy vampire obsession lead me to writing this… Today has been a strange day. Firstly its my birthday. I dont mean my normal birthday, I dont exactly have those anymore, today is my Vampire Birthday. 121 years of being a vampire, 121 years of being stuck at 22, 121 years of drinking nothing but blood for breakfast, lunch and tea. Not that I mind being a vampire, I can do whatever I want, when...

4 years ago
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Summer Delight 2

"Besides," I continue, "I have the house to myself for the next three days and I'd hate to get bored..." Sean's answer is a warm smile and I desperately want to take his head in my hands and lose myself in his embrace, but my cum soaked dress and panties are starting to stick and I'm feeling self conscious again. "Actually," I say, "do you mind giving me a moment? You kind of ruined my dress..." Sean actually blushes, the sweety, before saying, "Oh! Of course! I'm sorry...it just...

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A dose for the day nurse

We finally decided to bring in a day nurse to look after Granpa and somehow I was chosen to observe her on her first day. My f****y requested that the agency send an older and more experienced nurse since Granpa is quite a handful, the doorbell rang and when I opened the door I was quite suprised. The nurse was a short and busty black woman who looked to be in her early 40’s, her look was very 70’s retro, long wavy hair, thick full lips that were sporting shiny fire engine red lipstick and when...

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Alone in a cold dark alleway

I was enjoying a fun evening with some girlfriends at a local bar, until it was well past time to head back home. The bar was located just a few blocks from my building, so I decline the offer of a car ride from Camilla, my naughtiest girlfriend. Besides, we all had been taking too many margaritas, then a walk was safer for everybody.The weather had been warmer in the last hours, but now I was feeling cold. Giving a final wave goodbye, the girls got into their car and drove away. The traffic...

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The CircleChapter 38 Tammy Has Issues Bad Break for Steve

Tammy sat in her living room. The room had grown dark except for the streetlight coming in the windows. Her brain was what she called scrambled. My God, she'd had an unusual day. Her friend Lynn had guessed very accurately Tammy's concerns about sex with The Circle – that she'd suddenly have to do it all at once with everyone. She'd even heard a term, a sexual term, that seemed to fit – gangbang. If she had sex with everyone in the house she'd be a slut ... but all the women at the...

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NubilesPorn Kelsey Kage The Best Kind Of Bad

Tyler Steele has checked Kelsey Kage in to a program that will help her be less of a shitty person. Kelsey lets her friend coax her into a plan where she takes a series of short sexy videos and leaves her phone on the bed for Tyler to find. When Tyler is distracted by that, Kelsey peels off her clothes and corners him in the bedroom. Practically before Tyler knows what’s happening, Kelsey has popped out his hard dick to start sucking. She’s masterful with her mouth, working Tyler towards the...

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For Want of a MemoryChapter 4

The lab tech breezed in, let a piece of paper float to the surface of Harper's desk, where it landed on top of a coffee cup, twenty-five other pieces of paper, and a staple remover, and stood back and folded his arms. "Nineteen ninety-eight Buick Regal," he said, with a triumphant note in his voice. "Originally Olympic white, but now a metallic blue color called Champagne Pearl, which, by the way, is a Plymouth color, not a General Motors color. It was repainted after roughly February of...

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ComDotGame Adult

ComDotGame/adult is a browser game site where you can play all kinds of degenerate games for free. ComDotGames aka CDG Sex Games features some of the more tasteless games on the internet, like torture and fuck simulators. This review will focus on Comdotgame’s adult section, although they have all kinds of other games to play.Comdotgame.com features thousands of random browser games that you can play through Flash. These games include blowjob and sex simulators, adventure games, and more. If...

Free Sex Games
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My First Time with another Man

This is the true story of my first time with another man. I’m medium height, thin, blue eyes and light brown hair. When this story takes place I was 19 years old. I met this man named John, online. He told me that he was looking for a young man to suck his cock. Having been curious about other guys I thought that I’d like to try that so I offered him my services. He picked me up in his car at a spot we had previously agreed upon. This was the first time I saw him. He was taller than me, in...

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Slow On The Uptake Ch 02

Thank you to my editor Ditee. ** Sam looked at the caller ID on her cell, then pressed ignore and put it back in her bag. That was the third time Blake had called while Sam was out shopping with Maggie. ‘So are you going to tell me what the hell happened with you and Blake?’ Maggie knew something was up, Sam always answered her phone for Blake, even if it was to tell him to she was busy and to stop calling. ‘Nothing happened’ ‘Riiiight,’ Maggie looked at Sam and rolled her eyes ‘Ok then...

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