The Black Magician Part 2 free porn video

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The Black Magician Part 2 You have to read "The black magician" before in order to understand the following story. After 15 minutes of driving we reached the city centre and parked the car. Playing the perfect gentleman the wizard walked around the car and opened the door for me. By my tight skirted suit I was again forced to get out off the car in a very ladylike fashion, which means I had to squeeze my legs together and swing them out. After closing the door he walked away. I couldn't follow him because he moved to fast. I said to him in a pleading voice: "Please wait, I can't move so fast in that skirt and heels." He stopped and looked back to me with a grin on his face. I had the impression that he ran away on purpose in order to show me the disadvantages of all the femininity he had forced upon me. After I had reached him he offered me his arm and in order to not upset him I took it and let him guide me. One morning my husband told me that we were going to get visitors in the evening. The CEO of the most important bank in the country and his competitor had taken an invitation for dinner. He wanted to change the first one into a woman so that his competitor could take his place and become his loyal servant. "I am going to leave you alone until the early evening. Our guests will arrive at seven o'clock in the evening. Until three o'clock in the afternoon you are free to wear and to do what you want. But at that time you have to prepare yourself for the evening. You will put on the clothes I have put out for you on your bed. And of course I want you to put on heavy makeup. When I am going to arrive I want to find my little wife all dolled up. Is that clear?" "Yes!" Some moments later the sorcerer went away to the city. I enjoyed some hours of freedom without having to wear restrictive clothing and without always having to behave ladylike. That those hours ended much too early and I had to change myself into the proper lady my husband wanted me to be. First I went into the bathroom and took a relaxing bath, which I really enjoyed and which put me into a pleasant mood. After I had dried my body I let myself be made up by the magically magical tube of lipstick etc.. Then my hair was turned into an elegant bun. I went into the bedroom and saw the pieces of clothing the wizard wanted me to wear. They consisted of dark stockings, a bra, string panties, a black dress and of course black closed-toe stiletto pumps with 4 inch heels. The tight fitting, knee-length dress was made of soft silk and clung to my womanly curves making me appear very feminine and sexy. After I had put on the clothes I walked over to the full-length mirror in my bedroom and watched my own reflection in it. The sight in the mirror was overwhelming. My male mind enjoyed looking at my shapely nylon covered legs wonderfully displayed by the elegant high heels, my cleavage and last but not least my expertly made up face, whose centre consisted of my mouth with its ruby red lips. I looked extremely dolled up, almost tarty. But only almost, because you still could call my appearance elegant. Seeing myself equipped with the symbols of femininity, bright red lipstick and high heels, made me feel incredibly feminine and weak. The submissive streak in my personality enjoyed these feelings. As I started to think of the evil wizard the submissive feelings became even stronger. I still wasn't attracted to men in general but the devilish charisma of the wizard and the thought of being totally under his thump made me feel weak, submissive and aroused. Of course my own sexy sight contributed to the arousal too. I noticed myself getting damp between my legs. I wanted to masturbate but didn't dare to because the wizard surely wouldn't like it to find me playing with myself when he expects his trophy wife sitting prettily in the living room and waiting for him. So I went down, poured me a cup of coffee in the kitchen and then sat down in the living room. Thinking of this evening excited me further. The sorcerer was going to change a man into a woman and the thought of witnessing this demonstration was exciting to me. I felt myself getting even damper between my ladylike crossed legs. I should have felt sorry for the future victim of the sorcerer but instead I welcomed his evil acts and couldn't wait for them to happen. I didn't have to wait very long before the sorcerer arrived and greeted me by saying: "You look very sexy. Our guests will be impressed by my pretty wife." Using magical spells the wizard put the food and the wine for our dinner on the table and started a fire in the fireplace. Soon the guests arrived. The wizard introduced me to them and not much later we started eating. I tried hard to play the role of the perfect wife. I tried to be charming to our guests and gave my best to entertain them. After we finished dinner we sat down before the fireplace and continued the conversation. Our guests surely considered us to be a normal upper- class couple. I wondered myself when and how the evil sorcerer would reveal his true nature. I didn't have to wait long. I noticed the guests glancing at me quite often. When the man, the sorcerer had chosen as his victim, stared especially long at my sexy legs he said to him, "I can see that you find my wife attractive." "Excuse me!" responded the guest. "You don't have to excuse you. I like it when my work is admired." The two men couldn't understand what the wizard meant and looked confused. "Can you imagine that the pretty lady you see has been a man until a few days." "I am a sorcerer. I needed a wife and used my powers in order to change a young man into the sexy little creature who is now my wife. It has its advantages to have a transformed man as your wife. He or better she isn't attracted to other men and doesn't cheat on you with them. That would be bad for the image." The guests now looked even more confused. It seemed they considered him to be mad. "You don't believe me? That will change very soon." Addressing his future victim, the CEO of the bank, the wizard continued, "Now I'm going to make you into a pretty woman too." "You are mad." "When I'm finished with you you won't laugh anymore." Immediately the wizard pointed with his right hand at his victim and began chanting. Several seconds after he was finished casting his spell clouds of white smoke disappeared and a pretty lady with nice womanly curves sat where some moments before the man had been. She looked down on her and said, "Oh God, that's impossible." "You can't remain naked. I'm going to dress you by using my magic in pretty clothes which are going to show off perfectly the sexy body I have given you." After the sorcerer had pronounced a spell she was dressed in a sexy black cocktail dress and wore sexy high-heeled pumps. She said, "Change me back!" "I won't do that. You will remain in skirt and heels forever. And by the way I don't want to hear another order out of your pretty little mouth. Is that clear? I think I don't have to remind you that I can do even worse things to you," replied the wizard. Addressing the other man he continued, "I think your way to the top of your firm is free now. But don't forget whom you owe your success to. I expect you to obey me completely. You have seen the fate that awaits you when you try to cross me." Looking at his victim he said, "Your former rival is going to be your secretary from now on. In that role she can earn a living and watch every day your success." After we had chatted little bit more the wizard declared that it is now time for our guests to go. Before they got up in order to leave our house the wizard said to the man, "You should lead your pretty new secretary by the arm. I think she will be still a little bit wobbly on her high heels and needs to be supported by the arm of a strong man." The man did what the wizard recommended and lead the new woman into her new life. She started crying. "I told you that you wouldn't laugh anymore when I'm finished with you," the wizard said to her. Some moments later they were gone. Watching the transformation of the once powerful man into a sexy looking secretary renewed my arousal, which had worn off a little bit during the evening. Transformation fantasies had already caused me to get turned on in the past when I was a man. Witnessing them coming true in reality had an even greater effect on me. The only difference was that I didn't get an erection anymore. Now the arousal caused by these fantasies made me feeling weak and wet between my legs. Realising this difference was humiliating. The evil wizard seemed to sense that I was turned on because he asked me, "I suppose you're damp between your pretty legs?" I didn't want to answer that question. "Answer me!" "Yes," I replied. "Yes what?" "Yes I'm wet." "When a woman is aroused and wet she needs to be taken by her man. Since I'm your man I'm going to put you onto the table over there and screw you. I wanted to do that anyway as soon as possible. I have only waited some days in order to let you get used to the new body you got from me. There is a very special reason why I want to screw you. When you get an orgasm while you are taken by the person who has put the spell on you that changed you into a woman, nobody except me will be able to change you back. We don't want that. You shall remain the pretty lady you are now forever. When you are already excited and wet I'm sure you are going to have an orgasm when you get fucked by me." The evil sorcerer got up and started to come over to me. I became incredibly scared and decided to run away and hide myself from the wizard. Because my legs were crossed in a ladylike fashion I couldn't get up very quickly. After I managed to get up the high heels prevented me from moving fast. No wonder that soon I felt the strong arm of the wizard around my waist which ended my attempt to run away. I was lifted up by him and he started to carry me over to the table. With one of his arms he took my thighs in a strong grip and pressed them tightly together. This prevented me from kicking with my legs. I could only make useless movements with my lower legs. Being overpowered by him while I struggled uselessly to get free and especially feeling my thighs being immobilized and pressed together by his strong grip somehow excited me and the dampness between my legs increased against my will. After the wizard had put me on to the table he used a spell and leather straps appeared on the table, which tied my arms onto it. He opened his trousers revealing his big and already very hard manhood. Then he grabbed my legs, spread them apart and lifted them up. His strong grip around them made it impossible for me to make any movements with my legs. I found myself in the perfect position to be fucked and I could do nothing about it. The wizard had a satisfied grin on his lips and said, "Look at the symbol of my masculinity and power, which you are going to feel inside you in a few moments." After I had looked at his manhood for several seconds he brought it to the entrance of my pussy. I tried to struggle uselessly against my bonds and his strong grip in order to avoid being penetrated by him. The only effect of that was to arouse me even further. At this moment I hated my submissive tendencies. I didn't have to wait long before I felt him entering me. As soon as I felt penetrated by him he started thrusting. Despite I didn't want to I enjoyed his skilled movements and they made me have an incredible female orgasm. After the orgasm I felt a light pain in my whole body and I knew that something had happened to me and apparently I was now sealed as a woman. The wizard pulled out and released me from my bonds. Using a spell he restored my makeup and said, "Come over to the fireplace! We are going to have a glass of wine together. I want to celebrate that now after you were brought to a female orgasm by me I can be absolutely sure that I have you in skirts and heels forever. Nobody can help you anymore and I will never undo the spell I have put on you and turn you back." During the morning of the next day the wizard came into my room in order to wake me up. He told me that we were going to the city centre again today. He wanted to make a little shopping trip with me, visit some museums and in the evening he wanted to go to . I had gotten up and sat down on the edge of my bed. The wizard stood before me and said, "I've got a nice little present for you, which will make you enjoy walking on your high heels by my side and playing my little arm candy." He showed me a cushion made off back velvet. Three golden looking balls, which were connected by a cord, were laying on the cushion. "Do you know what this is?" Before I could react he answered his question himself. "These are ben wa balls. They are usually put into the pussy of a woman and can remain there for hours even if she is shopping or stays at work. Inside the balls you can see are smaller ones which roll around when the woman is walking or especially climbing up stairs. The vibrations are giving her nice feelings. "Now when I have my little gift stuffed into you and we walk arm in arm through the streets every one of your dainty ladylike steps will provide you with soft pleasure. But we don't have to be afraid that your image of a proper lady will be disturbed by you having an orgasm in public. The stimulation of the Ben Wa Balls is to soft for that. They are only designed to tease and not to bring satisfaction. But they are going to make sure that you are horny and damp between your shapely legs all the time. "Now spread your legs and don't move." I obeyed him and he put them into me. After he was done he set down on the bed by my side and told me, "Now go to the bathroom. When you come out of it I expect you to be prettily made up and to have a perfect elegant hairdo. Now go!" While walking over to the bathroom I started to notice the nice feelings the balls made me to have. As I came back from the bathroom I saw that he had laid out an outfit for me to wear. Knowing that I was required to I started to dress in it while the wizard watched with lust in his eyes. After the underwear, the dark pantyhose and a black top I put on an elegant black suit and I found my legs clamped together again by a tight pencil skirt. As soon as I had stepped into my shoes the sorcerer ordered me to walk over to him. While doing this I noticed that the high heels increased the feeling I got from the Ben Wa Balls. I think the reason for that is that they make me sway a little bit with my hips and this movement is responsible for the increased feeling. The sorcerer said, "You look completely like a perfect lady. Pretty and demure. Nobody who looks at you will imagine what a naughty secret you've got inside you." He took my arm and then we went down in order to take breakfast together. Going down the stairs caused me have very pleasant feelings and when I had reached the ground floor I noticed that my panties started to get a little bit wet. After finishing our breakfast he drove us to the city centre. We walked through the streets and visited the shops there. Since there was no need to shop for the wizard because he could use his magic in order to get what he wants this only served the purpose to show me off. Like the wizard had predicted every one of my short ladylike steps brought about nice feelings in my lap. I couldn't deny that I really enjoyed them. Very slowly they increased my arousal and the dampness between my legs. After about an hour of walking I felt a need for stronger stimulation and I longed to masturbate until getting an orgasm. But that was impossible and I had to let myself be teased by the Ben while was for hours without any possibility of release. Now everything reminded me of my enforced femininity: With every step I felt the tightness of my pencil skirt, which restricted the movement of my legs and made me together with my high heels a little bit helpless. Another reminder of my womanhood was the waxy feeling of the lipstick. But most important were the Ben Wa alls. They gave me the feeling of being permanently penetrated and reminded me this way of my new sex. The same effect had the female arousal and the damp feeling under my panties. The ben wa balls were a really mean idea of the wizard. They caused me to get turned on by nothing more than being led around as the arm candy of this evil person. "I suppose that my little gift has managed to make you wet," the wizard whispered into my ear. He continued: "The ben wa balls were used by the Japanese geishas in order to be ready for their clients at any time. They serve the same purpose for you. When you wear them you are always ready to be taken by me." He laughed evilly after he had said that. His remark, the knowledge that he was right and his laughter, all this made me feel very humiliated. Feeling humiliated increased my arousal. While we walked through the streets I enjoyed the sight of all the other pretty women especially because I was strongly aroused. But looking at them made me also very sad at the same time because they were now unavailable for me since I was now one of them too. As one especially attractive lady with wonderful shapely legs walked several minutes in front of us I dreamed of getting an erection and fucking her. The wizard seemed to suspect my thoughts and said, "You find her attractive and wish you still had your dick so you could fuck her?" "I see, my pretty little wife suffers from penis envy." To be continued.

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MagicianChapter 11

The following day after treating Róisín to a West End show and a meal I set off to the world called Kurukshetra and then onto Loegria. Even to this day, Loegria is a secret world, not many Mages know of it, even on the Council of the Wise, even fewer how to get there. It is essentially the only world we've discovered where the native people cannot do magic. Nor are we sure as to how its people got there in the first place, all other worlds with people on were former Sidhe worlds where...

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MagicianChapter 12

I still hadn't a clue where Morgana's manse was, though I was beginning to suspect it wasn't a regular world, or not one that any Mage could simply run across via a scan, it also wasn't in a pocket dimension either. That I could get there was due to Morgana having placed the co-ordinates into my mind during my apprentice days, not that I could read them, I simply thought about it and then ported, it was a clever trick and one which I worried over mentally every so often, determined to...

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MagicianChapter 13

It was a subdued group who met back at Morgana's Manse, we'd come so close to exposing a traitor to humanity on the Council. "I'm sorry." I said. "I shouldn't have started questioning him in such an exposed place." "Not your fault, John," Morgana said. "Whoever sent that spell knew exactly what they were doing, it was precise and sufficiently low powered so as not to illuminate the caster to our vision. I'd like to know who it was and how they knew that Johannes would fail...

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MagicianChapter 14

The following day Morgana called a meeting of her senior staff, people she'd trusted with her life over the centuries she'd been a Mage and who had earned her trust time and time again. Also in attendance were their apprentices and journeymen, who included myself, Róisín and Abigail. Morgana went over the events of the previous day including the injuries to Mage Theo and described accurately the men and Mages who were involved on the other side. She also mentioned the summoning, though not...

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MagicianChapter 15

The following day the Coalition Mages were invited to watch the interrogation of a prisoner outside a Null field. The prisoner himself refused to even speak and the Coalition were allowed to check his mental shields to confirm just how tough they were. "Have any been breached yet?" asked Mage Elymas. "No," said Mage Vera. "As you can tell from various cues in his mental state and behaviour it is only a matter of time however." "So I can read from his surface mental agitation," said...

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MagicianChapter 16

It didn't take us too long to get back to where Arch and the Department forces were hunkered down behind a series of barricades. "John, you mad bugger, welcome to the party," he greeted me with a massive grin on his face. "Good work with Johannes and Ímar, though I do recall telling you to be bloody careful." "Was down to my team in the end," I replied. "They took them down; I just got them close enough to do it." "Nearly killed yourself again," said Arch. "You're going to...

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MagicianChapter 17

The following day a very tired looking Morgana called a meeting of the Department and all its Sections to thank them for all the hard work they'd put in in dealing with the incursion and to honour our fallen. She also announced that former Council member Heinrich had been declared outlaw by both Council and Coalition for his crimes of kidnapping, torture, rape and murder of children. After that she called a meeting of the Section heads including Arch as the head of her counter Coalition...

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MagicianChapter 18

The next few months were spent in feverish preparation and long hours as the various Bureaus of the Council trained their frontline staff to meet and defeat any incursion based on the known powers of the Nephilim. The Council seemed to be concerning itself with trying to break the mindblocks of the Mages of the Nephilim but also including Ímar Ua Donnubáin. We received no progress reports as the Council itself seemed to have withdrawn into isolation, leaving the various Bureaus to simply get...

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MagicianChapter 19

Morgana, Arch and the rest of the team, including Róisín and myself, ported back to the Department and we went off to file our reports for Mage Thomas before he had a chance to have a stern word with us. Thomas was perhaps the most gentle soul I'd ever met save only in one respect, he expected that the paperwork got done and woe betide you if you didn't do it. Personally I'd rather have a dressing down from Morgana than face Mage Thomas and one of his lectures on the proper way to file a...

1 year ago
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MagicianChapter 20

We were met by Rowenna when we got back to the medical wing. "Thank goodness you two are alright!" she exclaimed. "We didn't know anything until an armed column turned up to defend us. Which was nice but a tad unnecessary." We explained what had happened and mentioned Ketty getting a Mage as an aide to keep an eye on her personal security. "I know just the person," said Rowenna. "I can get journeywoman Irena to do it. She's been trying to find some task to make herself useful, she...

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MagicianChapter 21

"We have a new diplomatic mission, John," Morgana told me a few days later. "Can't be any worse than seeking out a higher power and asking them questions," I replied jokingly. Morgana simply raised an eyebrow. "Oh hell, what now, my Mage?" I asked. "I've been tasked to liaise with representatives of the Æsir government to see if there is any more aid we can give them with their Nephilim incursion," Morgana said. "I thought 'officially' we weren't giving them any aid?" I...

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MagicianChapter 22

We approached the scene of the Nephilim incursion very carefully. The Æsir warned us that Nephilim scouts used a type of long range magically enhanced rifle to target any they saw approaching the front. "How much land have they taken?" I enquired of Vanir Torsenn who was our escort to the incursion. Over 800 square rôst, a rôst is roughly one of your miles," he said. "Only Nephilim appear to be alive in there as they kill anyone they find, even babes in arms." "Barbarians!" I...

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MagicianChapter 23

No one could remember how the Azura came about, but they were immediately enslaved by demons who bound them to their will as the demons had done with many others they had happened upon. Yet the Azura were different, stronger, brighter, possessed greater willpower and, most importantly, were fecund in a manner that changed the outcome of all others races of men they spawned with into Azura, or something closely akin. And the Azura grew strong and eventually Malakh, their leader, stole the...

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MagicianChapter 24

"No, John, absolutely impossible," said Morgana. "Oonagh is or rather was a power, but she would be as nothing against a denizen of the Outer realms." "I hope you're right, my Mage, but whatever is controlling the Nephilim portals definitely isn't from the Outer Realms," I replied. Morgana paused and frowned. "May I check your memories of this portal opening, John?" she asked, more out of politeness than anything else. A Mage does not have to ask their apprentice or journeyman to...

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MagicianChapter 25

It was good to be home, however much I had enjoyed my adventures with the Æsir. It was a relief to not have to watch my back and what I said quite so much. I spent much of my time back at the office catching up with various details (and gossip) that I'd missed whilst being away. The truce still held with the Coalition, though no one expected it to last much longer and everyone was on their guard. Our Political Section had been quite active and several Coalition members had defected after...

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MagicianChapter 26

Our first targets were in the Paris District of St Denis and were essentially a monitoring squad of Coalition Mages who we believed had been put in place as a snatch squad, none of whom it was presupposed were High Mages, nor expecting our response. Despite the fact that we were using a portal, I didn't expect them to realise that they were in any immediate danger as we'd arranged for the Mage being observed to frequently use a portal to lull their caution. We were also hoping that the...

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MagicianChapter 27

Most people in the United Kingdom have heard the tale of Lord Lucan. Few if any know the real tale as I'm about to recall it. The official tale says that Lord Lucan was an unsuccessful professional gambler whose marriage collapsed in a bitter custody battle which left him spying on his family, including recording their telephone calls. On the evening of 7 November 1974, the children's nanny, Sandra Rivett, was bludgeoned to death in the basement of the Lucan family home. Lady Lucan was also...

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MagicianChapter 28

Things as ever settled down after the excitement of the Coalition's failure to succeed in an attack on us followed by our very successful counter-attacks. The Coalition withdrew to its heartlands and began what amounted to its own inquisition which further exacerbated its problems, with defections being rife, until eventually only a hard core of extremists remained, a very dangerous hard core to be sure. The Nephilim/Æsir war carried on apace, though the Æsir were pushing them back on all...

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MagicianChapter 29

I have to admit I thoroughly enjoyed working for Mage Roxanne whilst Morgana and Arch were tutoring Róisín in higher plane magic. I didn't enjoy the endless rounds of soothing various civil servants fears over what Mages might be up to, which was mostly stuff that had nothing to do with Mages and more to do with UFO spotting and conspiracy theories. What I did enjoy though was being Roxanne's assistant when she visited other worlds and their representatives. Mage Roxanne had opened...

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MagicianChapter 30

Back in London we were met by Mage Henry and a security team which included two healing Mages. One, Mage Imelda, I knew well and who quickly checked Johann over clucking her tongue in disapproval at the condition he was in. "Werewolf bite, so you may need to check for infection if he has the gene, Mage Imelda," I told her. "Thank you, John. We'll make sure he's fine and available for questioning as soon as possible," Mage Imelda replied. "Can you send a team to check this dwelling,...

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MagicianChapter 31

"Ideas? Before I propose my own of course," said Roxanne with a wry smile. "Get Abigail out of here before you propose she scans the diffused power and focuses the high Sidhe and Queen Oonagh upon us?" I asked with a relaxed smile. "We need to liaise with the Sidhe, or rather Verenestra or at least set up the means to do so as soon as possible. Frankly I can't see anything good coming from this return at all," William added, after a brief chuckle at Roxanne's face when I mentioned...

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MagicianChapter 32

The paperwork took a little while although in the end I simply duplicated one report into the other. Some Mages had often enough suggested using memory crystals to store our memories of the events, but so far indexing one was proving problematical as opposed to simply running it back and forth. Still, there were some Mages involved in software and hardware development who assured us that pretty soon we'd be able to conveniently use computers to annotate data onto magnetic media. Having seen...

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MagicianChapter 33

It took several months before Morgana was finally able to take her position in the Council of the Wise. Much of the time was spent tying up loose ends in the Department, as well as making sure Mage Roxanne was fully up to speed on the various sections plus the inevitable do's and don'ts. Finally the day came when she opened a portal in thin air and led me through it into a sealed chamber somewhere on our planet. I had been under the impression that the Council was based in North America,...

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MagicianChapter 34

I did not know what to expect from a Council meeting. I had some sort of vague round table and intelligent Mages speaking words of wisdom and common sense idea in mind. I should have known better. What I got was a chamber with several tables and chairs and a bunch of screaming prima-donnas. Everything that was bad about Mages in the real world seemed to be amplified here in arrogance, disdain, pride, intransigence and a general 'I know best and to hell with the rest of you!' attitude to...

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MagicianChapter 35

The office reforms went to plan. Those who no longer wished to work under Morgana simply refused to allow a full mind-scan and were allowed to resign, a good few moving to the Interrogation Office, whilst others were taken on by various Bureaus or simply vanished. My audit uncovered several anomalies in the way the office worked and both Róisín and I, with Morgana's permission, resolved them as well as getting several new members fixed on the task of making sure that the Council was...

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MagicianChapter 36

The wind, which was still bitingly cold, had picked up as we discussed what was happening and where the source of the problem was. "The problem," opined Arch, "is that we have absolutely no idea where this Thaumaturge is working from." We all nodded, even Father Bryce, albeit reluctantly. "Can't be too far away, they're keeping pretty good tabs on us," Antonelli added. "Yes, but where? I rather doubt it's from the direction the attacks have been coming from," added...

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MagicianChapter 37

Arch and I were ushered straight in to speak to Morgana once we had returned from Italy; also in her office were Róisín and Mage Thea to keep them informed of what it was we'd achieved. "Interesting outcome," Morgana mused after listening to our report. "You do seem to have an ability to confound existing knowledge on what higher powers will take an interest in." "Just wish I had an idea as to why," I replied. "Well, whatever it was, it had nothing to do with this Cagliostro who...

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MagicianChapter 38

It was a couple of years later that the Council was forced to intervene directly in human affairs as it had done during the Cuban missile crisis. Though it wasn't obvious to people on the ground, the Soviet Union was nearing collapse due to the economic resurgence of the United States and could no longer afford to maintain its huge military economic complex. Reform or rather its collapse was still some years away and it had a massive military presence in Europe, though most of this was under...

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MagicianChapter 39

Dombarovskiy was dour, flat and hostile. Our emergence or rather the Craebh Ruadh's emergence from their portal caused the mental equivalent of mayhem to a large group of Mages we could feel scanning the area. Both Morgana and I had gone into mindcloak before stepping through the portal getting a few startled looks from the warriors and were being ignored by the Coalition Mages who were now beginning some form of attack. The Craebh Ruadh had other ideas of course and immediately hared off at...

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