MagicianChapter 20 free porn video

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We were met by Rowenna when we got back to the medical wing.

"Thank goodness you two are alright!" she exclaimed. "We didn't know anything until an armed column turned up to defend us. Which was nice but a tad unnecessary."

We explained what had happened and mentioned Ketty getting a Mage as an aide to keep an eye on her personal security.

"I know just the person," said Rowenna. "I can get journeywoman Irena to do it. She's been trying to find some task to make herself useful, she can speak and write in English too so Ketty can read private reports well ... privately."

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

"Is Ketty all right?" asked Rowenna.

"Yes, she was just shocked that anyone would try. She's quite naïve about these things which is why I suspect the people of Loegria love her as she's very definitely not a politician," said Róisín.

"Well, we'll make sure she's protected from anything illegal," said Rowenna. "Anything else she'll have to handle herself I'm afraid."

"She knows this, Mage Rowenna," I replied.

The following day at breakfast Rowenna handed us a phone set to speak out loud to take a call from a group of Loegrian scientists. They had been requested by Ketty to assist us in our enquiries into some form of device that could lock off Mage functions without using magic. Though we were very careful about using the term magic around them.

"I take it you wish this device to be non-intrusive and not permanent?" asked the person calling.

"Very much so," said Róisín. "I realise we haven't been exactly forthcoming about our reasons for wanting such a device, though they may become clear when you examine us and others, but Archon Ketty knows why and hopefully that will be enough of an assurance."

"We will need to do some initial tests to see just exactly what it is we're looking for on a number of test subjects," said the Speaker.

"No time like the present," I said. "Assuming you're free to examine us and others somewhere."

We set off in a taxi to one of the local science higher centres of learning with a medical wing where we were met by a beaming Dorry who had been asked by Ketty to make sure we were taken care of properly by the scientists and others at the centre.

"John, Róisín!" she squealed loudly and swept us up into a group hug. "It's so good to see you again and welcome to my place of learning."

"You study here?" I asked.

"Yes, that's why Ketty chose it," Dorry replied with her usual exuberance and smiles.

Holding both our hands she led us into the building and a science lab set up presumably to monitor and record brain activity. Once inside we were met by the scientist group, introductions were made and we were shown various machines and test results from those machines on various Loegrian subjects. Unfortunately none of those matched what it was that I 'saw' when looking at the way Loegrians broadcast their thoughts, rather than the thoughts themselves that is. Knowing something is there and trying to describe it to someone who cannot grasp it was extremely frustrating, a bit like trying to describe blue to someone born blind. In the end though it was Róisín who spotted it by taking a set of obscure readings from a resonance scanner and turning it upside down then showing a trace across the page with her finger.

"I think this might be it, John," she said. "It matches what I see when I scan anyway."

As Roisin is far more sensitive to certain nuances and cues in what I suppose could be called the magical spectrum of quantum we decided to investigate this scanner and compare what it was reading on Dorry to myself.

It took a while to set up as they only had one machine, though another was available in the building and was being brought up to us, so we spent some time in idle chatter with Dorry.

"So, Elena tells me you're getting married?" I asked.

"Yes, to Olmer, he's lovely," she beamed. "Our parents are currently negotiating the wedding terms."

"It's an arranged marriage?" I asked to her blank look and then had to explain how certain of our Earth cultures did things.

"Oh no," she finally said. "Olmer asked me to wed him, the negotiations are over costs and our long term prospects, though neither of our parents are exactly poor."

"Suppose they can't agree, will the wedding be called off?" Róisín asked.

"Well, sometimes it can be, but that's quite unusual as there are other options if the couple still wish to be with each other," said Dorry. "Sometimes there are problems with one family not approving and the other family will cover the costs and the legal obligations, sometimes it's simply down to finances. Occasionally both families have reservations and make the couple cohabit for a year in a fixed term marriage contract, usually with anti-birth implants, before allowing a state-sanctioned ceremonial wedding. Sometimes the couple go ahead and do that anyway and then sign the legal documents but with no ceremonial wedding. With mine and Olmer's parents though it's seen as a good political match as Olmer's mother is the sister of Vice Archon Demalos and the events of yesterday have given it greater prominence as Olmer's family seek to distance themselves from Demalos and my family are prominent supporters of Archon Ketty."

We explained our involvement with the coup d'état to Dorry's pleasure and delight. She and Olmer had apparently joined with other students and lecturers along with ordinary citizens to confront the revolutionaries as they sought to occupy various buildings and had turned them back.

"There were so many opposed to them that they ran away only to be collected by the soldiers coming into the city," she said. "So, so stupid, everyone either likes or respects Ketty and knows she wouldn't sell us out to anyone. As for Kaltar and Demalos, I can't believe they thought the populace here would support measures to take us back under Over-master control."

We explained about the incident at Terome's and the attempt to get at the shield generator, which hadn't as yet made it into the news, to her shock and horror.

"No wonder I had a phone call from Olmer's mother asking me if I minded moving up the wedding schedule," Dorry mused. "I said no problem and an official announcement will go out today. I never thought that she'd be worried about the aftermath so much till you told me about this. Though knowing Ketty there won't be major reprisals, just those who are guilty being punished."

"Well, we've suggested Ketty takes on a journeywoman Mage as an aide to prevent anything like it happening again, nipping things in the bud so to speak," I said and then had to explain nipping things in the bud.

"Oh, I'd love that job," Dorry mourned. "If only I could do magic."

"You'd have to give up Olmer if you did," Róisín said. "Our lifetimes are a lot longer as Mages."

"How much longer?" Dorry asked, confused.

"Indefinite," I replied. "I'm actually sixty nine, Róisín is forty three and Simon, whom you met, is over two thousand years old."

"Oh my gods!" she exclaimed. "Now I do want to be a Mage ... and Olmer too!"

"Even if we could change your brain frequency to something similar to our own, Dorry, it's not that easy, you can't just think along our lines and do it, we don't even know ourselves what sets it off," said Róisín.

"I think I'd be so good at it though," Dorry said to our smiling faces. "Don't you?"

"I think you'd be a brilliant Mage, Dorry." I said and got a hug off her. "But I think they're ready for us now."

We both lay upon examination tables of sorts whilst the science contingent placed various devices around us and began to get results. Results that appeared to leave them confused and a bit bewildered when they were able to compare my patterns against Dorry's.

"This doesn't make sense," the lead scientist finally admitted. "Your brain activity compared to young Dorry's here is off the chart. The algorithmic waves are so compacted on the screen as to be almost unreadable."

"That's part of the problem and why we wanted you to take a look," I said. "What we want is to slow or inhibit the algorithms you see on me to something similar to Dorry's."

Róisín who had been examining the results nodded. "In particular we want you to look at this function here," pointing out the frequency line that Dorry and all Loegrians had. "See how on John's track it's far lower down the frequency scale?"

"I do, though we've never tried anything along these lines," said the scientist.

"As far as we know no one has," said Róisín. "But we'd like to know if it is possible and we'd like it to be non-intrusive and temporary."

"As in something that can be switched off and on?" asked the scientist.

"Very much so," said Róisín.

"We'll look into it and get back in contact," said the scientist.

We said our thanks and left with Dorry to catch some lunch in the centre of learning's cafeteria.

"So, you're trying to stop Mages from doing magic?" said Dorry. "Might it work the other way and allow Loegrians to do magic too?"

"It might," I said. "But what sets off the ability to do magic is something we simply do not know. It's a combination of anger, fear and frustration. No Mage's story seems to be alike. Also a lot of emergent Mages die in the process, as the ability to do magic for the first time is often uncontrollable for anyone not trained in its use."

"First time for me I thought I was about to explode into flames," said Róisín. "My brother tried to hit me and I got so frightened I used my mind to throw him across the room. Then my Da accused me of being a witch. If Mage Arch hadn't turned up, my Da might have killed me, or I him, though that might just have killed me too."

"If we knew how it worked and could recognise potentials, we'd help a lot more people to be Mages," I said. "As it is, we don't and, sadly, far too many die when they emerge from being latent."

At this point a young man approached and squeezed Dorry's shoulder.

"Hi Olmer," she greeted him.

"Hi Dorry," he replied.

"Olmer, these are my friends, John and Róisín. They're here doing something for Archon Ketty," said Dorry by way of introduction.

"Odd names," he said with a smile. "But a friend of Dorry's is a friend of mine."

"Well, we aren't from around here," I replied. "But Dorry is a good friend, one of my oldest in Loegria."

"John was one of the people who helped overcome Terome in the revolution, He got Ketty into the tavern and to the shield, after that with the stolen codes for the orbital system, the Over-masters were forced to free us," said Dorry, giving the official version of Loegrian history.

"We couldn't have done it without you, Dorry," I replied. "You have a very brave and resourceful Lady here, Olmer."

"She won't talk about that," said Olmer.

"Neither can we, except to confirm we were there," I said.

"That's a pity," Olmer said. "I'm doing a political dissertation on Jahrna the martyr, the man whose statue is outside Terome's. But no-one who was there will talk about it or him, all I have is the 'official' statements. Dorry won't speak of the incident at all. Though from what little I've gleaned, I'm not surprised, it must be painful for her. As for the Over-master claims of aliens, well, talk about taking an axe to rotten wood!"

"Well..." I said. "One thing I can tell you is that Jahrna wasn't his real name and he wasn't a Loegrian, but from a distant land overseas and that his sacrifice for the lives of many Loegrians was a price well worth paying. Apart from that he has family who need protecting which is why no-one will tell you anything about him."

"Can I quote you on that?" asked Olmer.

"I'm afraid not, I have an obligation to remain anonymous. But Dorry will confirm it I'm sure," I replied.

"Well, yes, you can attribute John's quote to me," said Dorry with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh wow, that's great!" exclaimed Olmer. "That's more than anyone else will have."

"The truth will come out one day," I said. "But I don't expect to be around when it does."

"Me neither," said Dorry.

We chatted for a while after that on recent events, including the ongoing siege of the city's arsenal where Kaltar and a good few revolutionaries were still holed up, though without power or water. After that we bid Dorry farewell, as well as promising to attend her marriage as witnesses and to pass the invitation along to Simon, Morgana, Arch and Rowenna.

Back at the Medical centre we joined Mage Brianna as she was teaching several of the Gulag women a series of defensive spells. We were able to give them some one to one tuition, particularly to those who were struggling with the concepts. I also promised to make some deflection charms similar to the one I used to hide my position to a magical strike.

"I'm glad you two came," said Brianna when we'd finished. "Training one-to-one is straightforward, but groups are very stressful. I can't give them the individual attention they need at times; there are nearly four hundred of them."

"I can see the difficulty," I said. "I just don't have a solution as yet, though I will mention it to Mage Morgana when we return."

"It's an unanticipated problem from bringing them to Loegria," said Brianna. "We can't as yet send them home as they know this place exists and tampering with their memories having been here so long would seem excessive."

"Best then to get them settled in as Loegria's defensive Mages, though I'm sure we can get other Mages who know about here to help you teach," said Róisín.

"I'm hoping Rowenna will say yes to Mage Benjamin and get him to relocate here. The few times he's been, he's been wonderful for the journeywomen here," Brianna replied.

"Has he ever brought Callum with him?" I asked.

"Yes, though he always locks his memories of the journey and so far Callum hasn't figured out just how far from home he is," Brianna said with a smile.

"Any idea how Callum's training is going?" I asked. "Only I was the first to meet and greet him, officially that is for the Department."

"He's incredibly shy," said Brianna. "But from what I can tell is doing fine, though no clues as to where his talents will take him yet."

"Good, I was wondering when I interviewed him if Benjamin had bitten off more than he could chew, seems my doubts were groundless," I replied. "Benjamin is a truly talented Mage. You seem to be managing quite well yourself, Mage Brianna."

"A lot of it is down to the determination of the journeywomen never to be abused in any manner ever again," Brianna replied. "I expect when they have a lot more control that the next Coalition Mage they run across will get a very nasty surprise."

"I certainly hope so," said Róisín.

"Is there anything else we can help with as we're here for the week?" I asked.

"Just those deflection amulets and the training," Brianna replied. "But if anything else comes up, I'll come and see you."

"Ah, John, Róisín," came Rowenna's voice. "I've received a request for help from Ketty, something to do with an arsenal and a paralysis ray..."

"She wants us to get Kaltar's people out of the arsenal and free some hostages I presume," I replied to Rowenna.

"Yes, John, but be discreet please," said Rowenna.

"A bit of subterfuge is called for. Could I borrow some of your Gulag journeywomen as well as you, Mage Brianna?" I requested.

"Why, yes, John, what have you in mind?" Brianna asked.

An hour later Roisin, Brianna and I along with eight of the journeywomen Mages all wearing hoods and masks from the medical centre arrived at the site of the arsenal carrying several boxes of what appeared to be scientific instruments. We were met by Ketty, the General and her head of security the two men being rather curious as to who we were and what we were about.

"We'll set the devices around the perimeter and calibrate them to the life signs inside," I told the men. "After that you'll have about half an hour to deal with the rebels."

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We were ready to leave when the minister came over and cornered us. He remembered our names even though it had been almost four years since we'd attended church. He took Mom's hand in his. "I was sorry to hear about Wesley. Is he still in intensive care?" "No, he's actually home." "Oh, my. I heard he was in a coma." "He's still in a coma but his doctor thought he could sleep just as well in his own bed as in the hospital. He has a volunteer who comes over a couple of times a...

3 years ago
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Neuro Submission TransmitterChapter 5

"So what mood do you think Mom will be in?" Susan asks me as I turn the corner into our housing tract. We've been driving since early this morning to get home for Christmas break. "You mean 'family mom' or 'horny mom'?" I ask, smiling at my sexy sister. I know exactly what she means. Sometimes Mom welcomes us with open arms ... and legs, while other times she wants to go to the mall or a restaurant and act like a normal family. "Yeah, don't you think it's weird how sometimes she...

2 years ago
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Crystals QuestionsChapter 7

Crystal had taken off everything but her black lace demi-cup bra. Now she settled on Robert's lap, smiling in anticipation. "I wondered what had happened to you," she said. "I didn't see you in the main offices." "I transferred to this satellite office," he said. He ran his hands over her breasts. "Are you comfortable in that thing?" "Here's a secret you probably don't know about women. Most women are very comfortable in a bra. After all, that's some very sensitive flesh...

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The Jared Chronicles Jared and the Cherry Project Part 1

He awoke in a mass of crumpled bed sheets, groping for a sense of time and place. A moment’s glance around at the poster-strewn walls of the tiny room brought it back to him. 47th Street East, guy’s name is Eddie, that’s it. Hospitable type, friend of Jerry from the Mercury Lounge. Eddie had been only too glad to let him and Robbie crash out and had not even balked at the young drummer bringing along a girl. Hell, the guy had taken the sofa so that Robbie and friend could make use of the main...

Group Sex
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Nokar Ki Biwi Ko Choda

By : Nik98185 Hello dosto main iska regular reader hu lakin aaj sach main main pehli baar ek apni sachi kahani likhne jar aha hu hope sab ko pasand aye gi or please apne land ko jyada pareshan mat karna or mujhe iss kahani pe comment jarur karna ab main sidha kahani pe ata hu Mera naam Nikhil hai or main ek compnry main job karta hu mere pass delhi main 5 ladke bhi Job karte hai main un ka boss hu mere pass ek aisa ladka hai jo shadi shuda hai,uska naam sonu hai,uski biwi ka naam Geeta hai...

3 years ago
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A Family Taboo pt1

There I was laying in bed, I could hear that either mom or Kim was down stairs cooking breakfast, I was feeling rather anxious and needed to relieve some stress, so I got my laptop and started to look up some porn, I found this video of this guy with two women who were sharing his cock, one was sucking the shaft and the other was working the balls, I quickly reached one hand down and started to jack off, the video was really hot, the women looked like they were mother and daughter, right...

2 years ago
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A Special Last Request Pt4

This is the final installment of this series, sorry it is so long...... enjoy...... And don't forget to let me know what you think. ******************************************************************************************A Special Last Request Pt. 4By: Ropeteasec.2010Keira had been a little bit of a brat that day, knowing that Master would punish her for it. She purposely teased Master when he was talking on the phone to clients by licking the tip of his cock, looking up into his eyes while...

1 year ago
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Big Butt Milf

I really don't know what it is about my bottom that drives these teenage boys insane. I get cat calls and I get funny facial expressions any time I walked past the teenage boys in my neighborhood and it feels really weird to me. I'm a white female and on the average we are normally not endowed with big butts but in my case I have a very big butt and tits which makes me stand out from the others, my husband is a fan of my tits but not into my ass he said he would have preferred them moderate not...

1 year ago
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Restoring the Castle Ch 05

What Angela had to say to Ally at breakfast in the morning two weeks later hit her doubly hard because of the telephone call she made before coming down to breakfast in order to get through to Europe while the embassies there were still open. She already was in a melancholy and edgy mood, because, although Miranda had recognized her on a few visits—not more than half of them, though—she had not again been as demonstrative toward Ally as on that first meeting of recognition. It seemed that,...

3 years ago
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Summer In Canada

It was my first visit to Canada. That year I had dropped from school because of my swimming activities. Actually, I was away from my school participating at National Level at a very critical time in the school. My studies were affected and I was not really prepared for the eleventh-grade board examination. School had considered my contribution to sports at National Level and helped me to arrange my examination following year. That left me almost whole year free of attending the school, that’s...

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War Torn Ch 06

When Erich had finished the last of the cleaning, he draped his dishrag over a line strung across the stove. He picked up a candle from the tabletop, and extinguishing the others, crossed the room. Placing it on the windowsill above the bedstead, he sat beside me and began to remove his shoes. I had been exhausted when I first sat down, but now the proximity of his body set my heart pounding. I glanced down at his hands. He was in the midst of heaving off his right boot. I admired the girth of...

4 years ago
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Slut Night

It was my birthday. I called up V. and told her I wanted her to meet me after work at the door of her apartment dressed like a hot slut. She purred yes, already horny. She had long blonde hair, small but pert tits with perfect nipples, a tight sexy ass that she loved to show off, and long slim legs. We did this every so often, and called it Slut Night. She was turned on by the idea of being a slut, and loved me to call her one while I fucked her.I got off work and went up the stairs to her...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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Tales From a Far CountryChapter 9 A Serious Torc

REPORTING BACK "Svetlana Nikitechna," Neena writes in her latest report on the progress of her charge, "I am pleased once again to report that Vyera is making good progress with her language studies. For example, she is just as careful with reading and writing as an attentive child might be. I have already mentioned that she has absorbed the 'working day' words and phrases that she needs and the instructions and commands she must understand – actually she has achieved much more than...

3 years ago
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CFAST part 1

Pete returned home after a session in the baths where he had just completed 20 lengths of the pool and now felt totally relaxed after the difficult day he had had at work. He had got into a row with a fellow worker over a trivial matter and had been reprimanded by his manager, which led to a further argument. He selected a meal from the freezer and put it in the microwave to cook while he went to change out of his suit into something more casual. When he had finished eating, he switched on...

4 years ago
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Holding Down The Fort

Here is the story of another particularly memorable guard shift…        Well it was a Saturday night, and there I was, stuck on CQ (Charge of Quarters-guarding the soldiers barracks while they sleep.)  CQ is a 24 hour duty, and can get pretty boring sometimes, so I called my husband, Joe to come keep me company.  He picked up the phone and said he would be there in about 20mins. The other soldier on guard is what we like to refer to as part of the ‘geek squad,’ or the group of soldiers that...

2 years ago
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Ghar Ke Upar Waali Aged Aunty

Hello everyone, mera naam aryan h, mujhe incest stories bht pasand..Ye story bht hi seductive and tempting h..Jin aunties ko pasand aajaye, woh please mujhe mere email pe reply kardena…Give feedback at Ab story start karta hu…Mai visakhapatnam mai rehta hu…Mere flats mai ek nayi aunty ayi thi…Lift ke paas woh bhaari samaan utha rhi thi and meri help maangi unhone…Woh light green ki sexy saree peheni thi…Jab woh mujhe luggage di, unka pallu neeche gir gaya, mai chaunk gaya tha…Fir mai unhe unke...

4 years ago
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The Agamous QueenChapter 1

Georgina sat astride her beautiful black stallion and surveyed the two thousand men and women armed and prepared for a bloody battle. For many of her warriors it would be their first fight and for a few, she knew they were too young but her army would be successful and defeat the nacket's disorganised band of huderons and avetrols. This was her land, stretching from the cerulean seas of Waverley to the salebrous mountains of Agephon, which she inherited from her father aged eight and had...

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The Neighbor Girl

I sat on the front porch of my modest, two-bedroom home at 5937 Wilmington Drive, enjoying a glass of delicious ice cold lemonade, as I watched the neighbor girl across the street getting out of her car. She was twenty-three, had shoulder length, auburn brown hair, a nice slim waist, and long, lovely legs. Though I was not certain of her name, I had reason to believe she was called Jessica. Jessica Davis, her name would be, since I had spoken to her father, Mark Davis, numerous times. The...

2 years ago
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Alexei the Recycled Trophy Wife

Alexei, the wife of Dmitry, a high-ranking Russian politician, has aged to the point where most politicians divorce their first wives and marry younger trophy wives. But Dmitry loves his wife and believes in “reduce, reuse, and recycle”. With the help of his lusty mother-in-law, Alexei is transformed into a hot 18-year-old again. The big corporate jet-copter touched down gently and the stairs lowered out of the side of the fuselage. Alexei and her mother Milena descended onto...

3 years ago
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Prurient ParishionersChapter 3 Teenage Talent

"You're a lovely girl, Cindy," he murmured in her ear as he savoured the feel of her firm, heavy breast against him and stroked her shapely flanks. "Thank you Uncle Jim. That was cool. Nobody ever made me feel that way before," and she molded her nude body closer to his. As she snuggled she felt Jim's iron hard cock press to her and she realized that while he'd satisfied her, she hadn't reciprocated. "Do you want? Like? My hand or my mouth? Or... ?" the girl mumbled in a sudden...

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How My College Life Began 8211 FFM

Hi, guys and girls . I am here to tell a true story about how I met my girlfriend and our experience. I would like to know your email me. I am john ,23. I am fair , a little dark, average body and have a dick size normal 7inches. I started college and I was staying at hostel for first year . During second year we all changed to different rooms outside hostel. Mine was a complex buildings . There where two rooms on first floor and moved to the room which was near stairs. The other room was also...

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The Lincoln Madam

The Lincoln Madam.A Crazy Time In My Life!I guess I was about 38 and recently single, the usual story of wife ignorant of my real passion, the big secret that finally came out, and what a fool I must have been to have let her trick me into breaking my own rules of, "Never tell a soul"!However, I did and now the world had changed from what I was expecting, to a new beginning, forgetting the pain and hurt on both sides, it was over!That was 2 years ago now, and the first night on my own, was...

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Husband waits patiently while I shop

My husband skulked around the shops carrying my bags. I could not blame him, as he hates to shop. But then as I always remind him, I go with him to football games and wait patiently for a fish to nibble his line! So he reluctantly drags himself along. ‘Just one more shop, the we are done,’ I said. I needed new bras, with the extra few pounds I put on I needed to be refitted. I walked into the shop and requested to have my bra size measured. The assistant I spoke to motioned young woman over....

1 year ago
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The Wagon Train Night One

I had decided to send some hay and feed plus some human supplies to my mountain cabin. I don't allow motor driven vehicles on my land so it was a four day trip by wagon, although the horseback route was only about a day, but the wagons could not get up there by that route. We had five loads of hay, three loads of horse and mule feed and two loads of supplies for the cabin which had not been used for about twenty years. I also sent along a chuck wagon to carry bedrolls, tents and food for the...

Group Sex
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Mature Mom Starts a New Life Part 4

Woke up my last day of holidays in Jamaica. Things had been getting out of hand and I didn't realize that I would be going out with a BANG! I got up the weather was again beautiful hot & sunny, I had a shower put on another very small Yellow Bikini everything hanging again! I made my way down to breakfast then over to the pool to enjoy my last day. I was back at the pool over by the beach there was a gang of young guys there playing volley ball there, I found a lounge chair then lay down to...

1 year ago
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A Weekend to remember Part 2

Rusty woke up to the sound of the shower. The rest Jenny suggested the night before turned out to be an eight-hour sleep. Two times he woke up and felt her warm soft body lying next to him bringing thoughts of the night before. ‘It’s about time you woke up, sleepy head,’ Jenny said. She was standing in the door of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her head but naked other wise. ‘Sleepy Head? During the week I get up at 1 AM when I’m on the flight roster,’ Rusty said as he looked at...

3 years ago
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Hunger Pangs

Hunger Pangs: A DarkRealms Story by D.A.W. Author's Note: This story is part of Enemyoffun's DarkRealms Universe, but I wrote it so that it could stand on it's own. This was originally posted as a serial at Bigcloset Topshelf, but EOF was kind enough to give me permission to post it here as well. Other stories set in this universe can be found at BigCloset Topshelf and anyone may write in it, but story ideas are subject to approval from either Donjo, Maggie Finson or Enemyoffun...

2 years ago
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Grandpa and the Gang Bang Grandson

Grandpa comes to me one night after a hot and steamy love making session and asks me if I would be interested in having sex with multiple guys. He said he had joined a private club a few years back where he and a few other older gentleman,some still married but most widowed or divorced,get together and have sex or sometimes just hang out and drink. He said he had already spoken to the other members and told them about his crossdressing grandson and they were very excited to meet me. He said...

3 years ago
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Daughters of Priapus and I Said Yes

(This is the concluding piece of my stories entitled "Daughters of Priapus." Although it could be read on its own, readers might find it informative to read the others first, in order to acquaint them with some of the characters that are mentioned.) I glimpsed his erection through his boxer shorts, straining against the fabric, and then it disappeared into the pants he pulled on. But I couldn't take my mind off it. Like most women, I've appreciated the sight of a hard cock on my lovers,...

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Keeping My Job

The economy sucks. Now, that shouldn't come as any surprise to anyone who lives in the real world. Now, if you live on Government Subsidies, then maybe you haven't noticed. The Government ALWAYS has more money because it takes and takes. So, because the economy sucks; my life sucks. I'm constantly in fear of being "laid off". Twenty-five years ago I had no such fear. The economy was poor during that time too, but I was young and didn't need so much. For one thing I was single and had no...

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Boy to Princess 8 Meet the New Heir

Boy to Princess - part 8 - Meet The New Heir By Jennifer Allison For the last two hours, every television was making the same announcement during the commercial breaks and a banner line saying the same thing. THIS STATION WILL BE BREAKING INTO IT'S REGULAR SCHEDULED PROGRAMMING AT NINE PM. TO BRING YOU THE PRIME MINISTER'S NEWS CONFERENCE TO INTRODUCE THE NEW RULER OF OUR COUNTRY. As nine o'clock drew closer, my parents kept asking me. "Are you sure you made the right...

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