MagicianChapter 20 free porn video

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We were met by Rowenna when we got back to the medical wing.

"Thank goodness you two are alright!" she exclaimed. "We didn't know anything until an armed column turned up to defend us. Which was nice but a tad unnecessary."

We explained what had happened and mentioned Ketty getting a Mage as an aide to keep an eye on her personal security.

"I know just the person," said Rowenna. "I can get journeywoman Irena to do it. She's been trying to find some task to make herself useful, she can speak and write in English too so Ketty can read private reports well ... privately."

"Sounds like a plan," I said.

"Is Ketty all right?" asked Rowenna.

"Yes, she was just shocked that anyone would try. She's quite naïve about these things which is why I suspect the people of Loegria love her as she's very definitely not a politician," said Róisín.

"Well, we'll make sure she's protected from anything illegal," said Rowenna. "Anything else she'll have to handle herself I'm afraid."

"She knows this, Mage Rowenna," I replied.

The following day at breakfast Rowenna handed us a phone set to speak out loud to take a call from a group of Loegrian scientists. They had been requested by Ketty to assist us in our enquiries into some form of device that could lock off Mage functions without using magic. Though we were very careful about using the term magic around them.

"I take it you wish this device to be non-intrusive and not permanent?" asked the person calling.

"Very much so," said Róisín. "I realise we haven't been exactly forthcoming about our reasons for wanting such a device, though they may become clear when you examine us and others, but Archon Ketty knows why and hopefully that will be enough of an assurance."

"We will need to do some initial tests to see just exactly what it is we're looking for on a number of test subjects," said the Speaker.

"No time like the present," I said. "Assuming you're free to examine us and others somewhere."

We set off in a taxi to one of the local science higher centres of learning with a medical wing where we were met by a beaming Dorry who had been asked by Ketty to make sure we were taken care of properly by the scientists and others at the centre.

"John, Róisín!" she squealed loudly and swept us up into a group hug. "It's so good to see you again and welcome to my place of learning."

"You study here?" I asked.

"Yes, that's why Ketty chose it," Dorry replied with her usual exuberance and smiles.

Holding both our hands she led us into the building and a science lab set up presumably to monitor and record brain activity. Once inside we were met by the scientist group, introductions were made and we were shown various machines and test results from those machines on various Loegrian subjects. Unfortunately none of those matched what it was that I 'saw' when looking at the way Loegrians broadcast their thoughts, rather than the thoughts themselves that is. Knowing something is there and trying to describe it to someone who cannot grasp it was extremely frustrating, a bit like trying to describe blue to someone born blind. In the end though it was Róisín who spotted it by taking a set of obscure readings from a resonance scanner and turning it upside down then showing a trace across the page with her finger.

"I think this might be it, John," she said. "It matches what I see when I scan anyway."

As Roisin is far more sensitive to certain nuances and cues in what I suppose could be called the magical spectrum of quantum we decided to investigate this scanner and compare what it was reading on Dorry to myself.

It took a while to set up as they only had one machine, though another was available in the building and was being brought up to us, so we spent some time in idle chatter with Dorry.

"So, Elena tells me you're getting married?" I asked.

"Yes, to Olmer, he's lovely," she beamed. "Our parents are currently negotiating the wedding terms."

"It's an arranged marriage?" I asked to her blank look and then had to explain how certain of our Earth cultures did things.

"Oh no," she finally said. "Olmer asked me to wed him, the negotiations are over costs and our long term prospects, though neither of our parents are exactly poor."

"Suppose they can't agree, will the wedding be called off?" Róisín asked.

"Well, sometimes it can be, but that's quite unusual as there are other options if the couple still wish to be with each other," said Dorry. "Sometimes there are problems with one family not approving and the other family will cover the costs and the legal obligations, sometimes it's simply down to finances. Occasionally both families have reservations and make the couple cohabit for a year in a fixed term marriage contract, usually with anti-birth implants, before allowing a state-sanctioned ceremonial wedding. Sometimes the couple go ahead and do that anyway and then sign the legal documents but with no ceremonial wedding. With mine and Olmer's parents though it's seen as a good political match as Olmer's mother is the sister of Vice Archon Demalos and the events of yesterday have given it greater prominence as Olmer's family seek to distance themselves from Demalos and my family are prominent supporters of Archon Ketty."

We explained our involvement with the coup d'état to Dorry's pleasure and delight. She and Olmer had apparently joined with other students and lecturers along with ordinary citizens to confront the revolutionaries as they sought to occupy various buildings and had turned them back.

"There were so many opposed to them that they ran away only to be collected by the soldiers coming into the city," she said. "So, so stupid, everyone either likes or respects Ketty and knows she wouldn't sell us out to anyone. As for Kaltar and Demalos, I can't believe they thought the populace here would support measures to take us back under Over-master control."

We explained about the incident at Terome's and the attempt to get at the shield generator, which hadn't as yet made it into the news, to her shock and horror.

"No wonder I had a phone call from Olmer's mother asking me if I minded moving up the wedding schedule," Dorry mused. "I said no problem and an official announcement will go out today. I never thought that she'd be worried about the aftermath so much till you told me about this. Though knowing Ketty there won't be major reprisals, just those who are guilty being punished."

"Well, we've suggested Ketty takes on a journeywoman Mage as an aide to prevent anything like it happening again, nipping things in the bud so to speak," I said and then had to explain nipping things in the bud.

"Oh, I'd love that job," Dorry mourned. "If only I could do magic."

"You'd have to give up Olmer if you did," Róisín said. "Our lifetimes are a lot longer as Mages."

"How much longer?" Dorry asked, confused.

"Indefinite," I replied. "I'm actually sixty nine, Róisín is forty three and Simon, whom you met, is over two thousand years old."

"Oh my gods!" she exclaimed. "Now I do want to be a Mage ... and Olmer too!"

"Even if we could change your brain frequency to something similar to our own, Dorry, it's not that easy, you can't just think along our lines and do it, we don't even know ourselves what sets it off," said Róisín.

"I think I'd be so good at it though," Dorry said to our smiling faces. "Don't you?"

"I think you'd be a brilliant Mage, Dorry." I said and got a hug off her. "But I think they're ready for us now."

We both lay upon examination tables of sorts whilst the science contingent placed various devices around us and began to get results. Results that appeared to leave them confused and a bit bewildered when they were able to compare my patterns against Dorry's.

"This doesn't make sense," the lead scientist finally admitted. "Your brain activity compared to young Dorry's here is off the chart. The algorithmic waves are so compacted on the screen as to be almost unreadable."

"That's part of the problem and why we wanted you to take a look," I said. "What we want is to slow or inhibit the algorithms you see on me to something similar to Dorry's."

Róisín who had been examining the results nodded. "In particular we want you to look at this function here," pointing out the frequency line that Dorry and all Loegrians had. "See how on John's track it's far lower down the frequency scale?"

"I do, though we've never tried anything along these lines," said the scientist.

"As far as we know no one has," said Róisín. "But we'd like to know if it is possible and we'd like it to be non-intrusive and temporary."

"As in something that can be switched off and on?" asked the scientist.

"Very much so," said Róisín.

"We'll look into it and get back in contact," said the scientist.

We said our thanks and left with Dorry to catch some lunch in the centre of learning's cafeteria.

"So, you're trying to stop Mages from doing magic?" said Dorry. "Might it work the other way and allow Loegrians to do magic too?"

"It might," I said. "But what sets off the ability to do magic is something we simply do not know. It's a combination of anger, fear and frustration. No Mage's story seems to be alike. Also a lot of emergent Mages die in the process, as the ability to do magic for the first time is often uncontrollable for anyone not trained in its use."

"First time for me I thought I was about to explode into flames," said Róisín. "My brother tried to hit me and I got so frightened I used my mind to throw him across the room. Then my Da accused me of being a witch. If Mage Arch hadn't turned up, my Da might have killed me, or I him, though that might just have killed me too."

"If we knew how it worked and could recognise potentials, we'd help a lot more people to be Mages," I said. "As it is, we don't and, sadly, far too many die when they emerge from being latent."

At this point a young man approached and squeezed Dorry's shoulder.

"Hi Olmer," she greeted him.

"Hi Dorry," he replied.

"Olmer, these are my friends, John and Róisín. They're here doing something for Archon Ketty," said Dorry by way of introduction.

"Odd names," he said with a smile. "But a friend of Dorry's is a friend of mine."

"Well, we aren't from around here," I replied. "But Dorry is a good friend, one of my oldest in Loegria."

"John was one of the people who helped overcome Terome in the revolution, He got Ketty into the tavern and to the shield, after that with the stolen codes for the orbital system, the Over-masters were forced to free us," said Dorry, giving the official version of Loegrian history.

"We couldn't have done it without you, Dorry," I replied. "You have a very brave and resourceful Lady here, Olmer."

"She won't talk about that," said Olmer.

"Neither can we, except to confirm we were there," I said.

"That's a pity," Olmer said. "I'm doing a political dissertation on Jahrna the martyr, the man whose statue is outside Terome's. But no-one who was there will talk about it or him, all I have is the 'official' statements. Dorry won't speak of the incident at all. Though from what little I've gleaned, I'm not surprised, it must be painful for her. As for the Over-master claims of aliens, well, talk about taking an axe to rotten wood!"

"Well..." I said. "One thing I can tell you is that Jahrna wasn't his real name and he wasn't a Loegrian, but from a distant land overseas and that his sacrifice for the lives of many Loegrians was a price well worth paying. Apart from that he has family who need protecting which is why no-one will tell you anything about him."

"Can I quote you on that?" asked Olmer.

"I'm afraid not, I have an obligation to remain anonymous. But Dorry will confirm it I'm sure," I replied.

"Well, yes, you can attribute John's quote to me," said Dorry with a twinkle in her eyes.

"Oh wow, that's great!" exclaimed Olmer. "That's more than anyone else will have."

"The truth will come out one day," I said. "But I don't expect to be around when it does."

"Me neither," said Dorry.

We chatted for a while after that on recent events, including the ongoing siege of the city's arsenal where Kaltar and a good few revolutionaries were still holed up, though without power or water. After that we bid Dorry farewell, as well as promising to attend her marriage as witnesses and to pass the invitation along to Simon, Morgana, Arch and Rowenna.

Back at the Medical centre we joined Mage Brianna as she was teaching several of the Gulag women a series of defensive spells. We were able to give them some one to one tuition, particularly to those who were struggling with the concepts. I also promised to make some deflection charms similar to the one I used to hide my position to a magical strike.

"I'm glad you two came," said Brianna when we'd finished. "Training one-to-one is straightforward, but groups are very stressful. I can't give them the individual attention they need at times; there are nearly four hundred of them."

"I can see the difficulty," I said. "I just don't have a solution as yet, though I will mention it to Mage Morgana when we return."

"It's an unanticipated problem from bringing them to Loegria," said Brianna. "We can't as yet send them home as they know this place exists and tampering with their memories having been here so long would seem excessive."

"Best then to get them settled in as Loegria's defensive Mages, though I'm sure we can get other Mages who know about here to help you teach," said Róisín.

"I'm hoping Rowenna will say yes to Mage Benjamin and get him to relocate here. The few times he's been, he's been wonderful for the journeywomen here," Brianna replied.

"Has he ever brought Callum with him?" I asked.

"Yes, though he always locks his memories of the journey and so far Callum hasn't figured out just how far from home he is," Brianna said with a smile.

"Any idea how Callum's training is going?" I asked. "Only I was the first to meet and greet him, officially that is for the Department."

"He's incredibly shy," said Brianna. "But from what I can tell is doing fine, though no clues as to where his talents will take him yet."

"Good, I was wondering when I interviewed him if Benjamin had bitten off more than he could chew, seems my doubts were groundless," I replied. "Benjamin is a truly talented Mage. You seem to be managing quite well yourself, Mage Brianna."

"A lot of it is down to the determination of the journeywomen never to be abused in any manner ever again," Brianna replied. "I expect when they have a lot more control that the next Coalition Mage they run across will get a very nasty surprise."

"I certainly hope so," said Róisín.

"Is there anything else we can help with as we're here for the week?" I asked.

"Just those deflection amulets and the training," Brianna replied. "But if anything else comes up, I'll come and see you."

"Ah, John, Róisín," came Rowenna's voice. "I've received a request for help from Ketty, something to do with an arsenal and a paralysis ray..."

"She wants us to get Kaltar's people out of the arsenal and free some hostages I presume," I replied to Rowenna.

"Yes, John, but be discreet please," said Rowenna.

"A bit of subterfuge is called for. Could I borrow some of your Gulag journeywomen as well as you, Mage Brianna?" I requested.

"Why, yes, John, what have you in mind?" Brianna asked.

An hour later Roisin, Brianna and I along with eight of the journeywomen Mages all wearing hoods and masks from the medical centre arrived at the site of the arsenal carrying several boxes of what appeared to be scientific instruments. We were met by Ketty, the General and her head of security the two men being rather curious as to who we were and what we were about.

"We'll set the devices around the perimeter and calibrate them to the life signs inside," I told the men. "After that you'll have about half an hour to deal with the rebels."

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Dianes Decadence An Party Ch Three

Diane’s Decadence- A Party - Chapter ThreeSo all that activity in the previous chapter took place nearly twenty years ago. k**s have grown and flown the coop, though still nearby and one with her own k**s so now I’m a Grannie and loving it.Marriage to Dave has continued in rather pleasant circumstances since he is still my best mate and we enjoy our lives together. Sex has dropped off a bit but great when it happens. I’d like more but Dave is not the fitness fanatic that he was though still...

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Banner YearChapter 11

Rachman Mussafi learned of the complete elimination of his kidnap team the next day. The FBI would have been greatly alarmed if they had known how he got the information. The loss of the deal with the sheik was a severe blow to Rachman and it became one more offense that he could lay at his daughter's feet. News that the Banner kid had once more gotten in the way made him even more furious. Ken Yokata's fear that Rachman would now come after Ismi just for punishment became a reality....

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SANCTUARY Synopsis: A teenage boy begins a journey that will take him from the tiny, cluttered apartment that he shares with his mother, her many boyfriends and his three half sisters to a remote cabin in the mountains of northern California, new friends, and a new lifestyle. As with many journeys, this one takes many twists and turns along the way so please don't be surprised by the length of this story. And remember that not all journeys have a happy end - or at least not the end you...

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The Return of Lilly RoseChapter 15

Jimmy spends the next few days going over the books. He gets sick of looking at numbers. He takes his break by joining in the fights in the arena. Saturday comes around. Viktor visits him in the office. "Good morning sir, we are going to have a very large turn out tonight. The townspeople are extremely happy. They haven't seen so much money." "What about fighters?" "We will have four to five hundred competitors. Some of them are well known. There is also a group from Turkey. They are...

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Miss Parker

This is my first attempt, so please be gentle. All feedback appreciated. Part 1. At 23 years old Miss Caroline Parker had graduated with a 1st class honors degree in history and had completed her teacher training. Her preference was for a secondary school teaching position, but with history being a less popular subject than Math or English, there was nothing available. To he honest about it, she was not really trying that hard. With large debts to repay, Caroline knew she had to get a job, but...

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Wife Opened My Amazon Order Pegged

It's amazing how hard it is to think logically when you're horny. I had the house to myself for the entire morning, a rarity anymore, and I was finally able to spend plenty of time in front of the computer searching my favorite porn sites. On a day like this, when I know my wife will be gone for hours and there is no chance of being disturbed, I like to take my time with things. I grab my lube, strip down and watch video after video, browse through stories, look at pictures, and try to make my...

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Camping Gangbang

So my next door neighbor, the one who introduced me to the world of gay sex when I was too young, got ahold of me. He told me he and about three friends were going to go to a friends cabin near the lake about two hours away. Not only that, but his son was going to go. Needless to say I was in. I told my parents I was camping with friends and off we went early in the summer.He and I drove with his son, who was a couple of years younger than me, and were to meet his friends there. While were...

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Nisha Ki Chudai

Hello guys this is Arjun from new delhi , is back with a real incident.I would like to explain this incident in Hindi, agar aapko pasand aaye to mujhe mails jarur kare [] or agar koi mistake ho to maaf kare . ye story kafi lambi hai . aasha hai ki aapko pasand ayegi…. Ye kahani kuch is tarah se hai. ek bar meri family ka vaishno devi jane ka program bana .waha jane ke liye maine train ki tickets book ki ac sleaper ki. train me hum sahi tym pe pahuch gaye or train ka wait karne lage. station pe...

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It was mid-September. The blinding heat of summer days was gone, leaving the soft warmth of fall in the air. The three friends walked slowly along the river shore. They had been a threesome since Ninth Grade, when all three showed up at their new school.She was no cheerleader type. They were not athletic. That left them out of the social life of the school. Common interests in art, music, politics and good books gave them all they had needed to weather the storms of high school.Now, tonight was...

First Time
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PornWorld Lola Taylor Crazy Slut Lola Taylor Has All Holes Ruined by BDSM Service

It’s Tuesday and it’s Lola Taylors’ day off and since she is horny, itching for a bit of pain, and doesn’t know what else to do, she calls up a BDSM service that specializes in hardcore house calls. About an hour later, the two studs who run the service arrive at her place with all of the gear and soon Lola Taylor is bound with rope and is having all of her holes plugged up with various objects. After having hot wax poured all over her ass and taking a hardcore DP the session ends with...

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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter Six Murcer Strike One

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 6 - Murcer Strike One Gina was feeling good and a little concern about her job prospects with the Seals. She knew that she had performed well and she felt a strong connection with Malissa. But she couldn't shake her worries about a background check as she did not have a background. Once she was safely in her car she called out to Thomas, and asked what she was going to do about the background check? At that moment her IPhone sounded an alert...

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Sex with new neighbor

I’m now 35 years old, married with kids. Then I was around 25 years old. I was working abroad. I had little sex experience before but it was not so interesting. May be because of guilt feeling or fear of any disease, I could not enjoy sex with other ladies or girl. It happened when I returned back to my home for around 2 month vacation. When I reached home I saw one of my neighbor aunties along with her 6 year old daughter also in my home. This lady was our neighbor few years back also but her...

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Lady at Midnight

She stumbled into the house, one shoe on and her red dress was still up over her cunt line. Her husband stood on the bottom stairs to their second floor as she dropped her purse as he caught her coming in from the act. Her reddish blond hair was disheveled with strands of dried cum in it. Her red dress, stained with whole loads. And her make up was more than smeared. Her lipstick had remained in the edge creases of her mouth. She looked at him in shame. He looked at her in disgust. ‘So, this...

4 years ago
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My Dearest Nila Mam

Hi guys, I’m Raaj. This is my second sex story on Indian Sex Stories. The first being – “An unexpected night with Khushika”. For any feedback/fun, reach me at – First a little bit about me – I’m Raaj, 22 years. Athletic build. I’m a graduate. This sex story is from the last year when I was in final year. The sex story is a bit long, but you’ll love it. Dedicated to all those who’ve had some wildest fantasies about their teachers. It was summer, 4th-semester exams were going on. On the day of...

2 years ago
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young man finds a willing older partner at work

It was going to be a long day, as Saturdays usually were. The weather was beautiful outside, which made me all the more bitter for being stuck at work. Library patrons always seemed more demanding on Saturday afternoons and doubly so on nice ones. They'd simply wave and beckon on me to attend to their needs. A dude has a to have a pretty strong stomach to deal with some of these people. The homeless people and the whores are always hooking up in this place. Saturdays are different, though. The...

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Foreign Love8230

Hi to all the readers of ISS !! I am Ansh, 22, from Delhi. I am in college and will finish my graduation this year. Let me describe myself, I am 5.11” and have an athletic build. I don’t like to brag about myself but I am quite good looking and attractive and girls find my eyes (hazel !!) and voice very sexy apart from my torso. I would like to receive your comments after you have read the story. My email ID is . Well, coming to the incident, it happened two months back. Back in school, I had...

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Memories By Robin Y. I often think back to how I came to be the feminine male I am. There remains a lot of wishful thinking, but wishful thinking never changed anything and I try to use what I remember to gain some understanding of why I am who I am. I don't know if that is possible....I'm sure those memories are tainted with time, but I do believe that they offer some clues to why I chose the paths I have. Why we have the inclination for these choices may never be clear....but...

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The Italian Affair

It was in the Italian city of Livorgio that Arabella’s father had his annual business trip, Arabella always tagged along to explore the new bits of Italy. “Father? Do you mind if I go out?” “Not at all Arabella, just be back by six.” At just the ripe age of 17, Arabella set out to find something new and adventurous. In a pink pea coat and gray cloche hat, she began to wander the orange cobblestone streets. She passed several small stores which sold anything from antiques to packaged water....

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Altered Fates Mercy

The following work is the whole property of R. C. Conrad. Posting this story transfers no license or property. No authority is granted to post this story to any pay site. This story may be posted to any free site, provided notice is given to the author. This story contains transgender images and imagery of magic. If you are easily offended, please do not continue. Persons under the age of 18 should not view this material. Altered Fates: Mercy By R. C. Conrad What can I...

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Young wild male tamed by chiththiAuntie

I am a very tall strong built dark male from Madurai. I had recently visited my uncle and aunt in Chennai, and this story is based on what happened during that visit. I have been representing my school and college for cricket/athletics and was recommended by my coach to attend the IPL selection camp at Chennai. I had been exercising very vigorously for the trials and was in top shape when I landed in Chennai. I was at the camp for close to ten days after which I contacted my relatives in...

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Incestuous Harems PassionChapter 8 A Sisterrsquos Naughty Engagement

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! June 25th, 2022 – Melody Samuels “Ooh, that’s nice,” I whimpered as my older half-sister massaged my rump. Her oiled fingers dug into the meat of my ass, working in slow circled. “You like that?” Zoey asked. Her fingers bit deep. “Yes!” I gasped at the sensation, my nipples throbbing against the massage bed I lay, my face pressed into a padded cutout. I could see the floor below. My moans echoed through the massage room at the Lady’s Touch...

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Carmen Calvin again pt 3

We all settled down for a light snack and a few drinks and I could see Marci was relaxing a bit more. I sat down next to her on the lounge arm while Joe and Calvin sat on the sofa. I looked down at Marci, "Ever watch two men have sex?" I asked her. Looking a bit timid at me, "I saw it once in a movie" she replied, still a bit nervous about the days events. I looked over at Joe, motioned to him, "Kiss Calvin" I said aloud to Joe "Make love to him" I added, knowing Joe would happily have sex with...

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A Friend in Need Part 3 New Lives

A Friend in Need Part 3 New Lives By Christina H Starting the new lives, after the change, to try and avoid confusion I will refer to the protagonist's gender as their NEW gender. Mother's day 2013 As my darling daughter started suckling I drifted back to how this all started back then I had no idea that life could be so good and giving birth was a strange mixture of horrendous pain coupled to total ecstasy. I have no regrets whatsoever concerning my new life November...

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Harry Potter and The Ladies Of The Realm Part 2

"Very well Lord Evans, you are free to go. The decision on your success or failure of the tests will be mailed to you. You are, of course, free to leave Hogwarts grounds and travel home on your own or wait until tomorrow to join your peers on the ship to London." The Head invigilator, Lord Simon Stomer, announced as Harry complicated a series of Complex and Wandless charms and spells that were sure to impress the panel of 10 Witches and Wizards before him. Not to the mention the Trio of...

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Wednesday morning

It is raining and a bit cold, not unusual weather for these reason on the village of Sunata. St Harry is a mixed school thst is catering for 13 years to 19 years boys and girls, the school start at 07:30 and by 07:31 you late as their caretaker, Mr Jacobs always ready to close the gate. Teachers therefore randomly take turns to deal with the late comers randomly, these Monday it was Mrs Jones who took the late comers to the ground and make them run five laps, yesterday it was Mr Davids who...

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The Education of Frank

Updated: September 18, 2004 I must have fallen asleep because suddenly it was very hard to swallow and my mouth was quite dry. Then I became aware of the rolling thunder of the storm along with the gusts of wind that was shaking the house. It made me wonder how I had ever managed to fall asleep in the first place. I could feel a thin sheen of perspiration covering my entire body as I lay there, still half asleep and trying to go back to sleep between the bursts of thunder. So I started...

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Paradise Island

Themyscira, otherwise known as Paradise Island is a secluded island in the center of the Bermuda Triangle. No man has ever set foot onto the island as it was created as a land where women could live in peace and seclusion protected by the Olympians, specifically Hera and Athena. There are many women on the island and the society promotes a nudist centered world where everyone can be free with no fear of repercussions. This particular story focuses on the Amazonian female warriors but may...

1 year ago
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Reddit Orgasms, aka r/Orgasms! Another great subreddit for you to marvel at, and it’s called r/Orgasms/. Reddit is a free site filled with all kinds of shit, from entertainment, to serious topics or porn. You just have to choose your poison, and in case you are here to watch some hot babes get down and dirty, while cumming and having everything shared, I think that you will love r/Orgasms/.While I really think that r/Orgasms/ is self-explanatory, I am still here to talk about it, and you are...

Reddit NSFW List
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A middleaged woman is gangraped in front of a crowd of cheering neighbors

The sun started to set, and my neighborhood’s annual block party was winding down. I was new in town, and one of the few singles on this street of working-class homes. After saying my good nights, I was relaxing in my living room when the bell rang. When I opened the door, five guys in their late teens and early 20s stood there. Paul, the only one I knew, said, “Could we see you for a minute?” “Paul, I’m really tired,” I answered. Paul pulled out a knife and...

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