Karen s Tale Ch 03
- 4 years ago
- 47
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The following day a very tired looking Morgana called a meeting of the Department and all its Sections to thank them for all the hard work they'd put in in dealing with the incursion and to honour our fallen. She also announced that former Council member Heinrich had been declared outlaw by both Council and Coalition for his crimes of kidnapping, torture, rape and murder of children.
After that she called a meeting of the Section heads including Arch as the head of her counter Coalition teams to go into further detail over what was known and proposed actions to follow. Though I wasn't party to the meeting Morgana did discuss it with me afterwards when she debriefed me on the previous day's events, though she was more curious about how I'd managed spontaneous regeneration whilst unconscious. She even went so far as to check my memories as well as giving me another scan right down to my DNA.
"Damned if I know how you did it, John," she finally admitted.
"That makes two of us, my Mage," I replied. "Though I'll try not to make a habit of it."
"Please do that," she said with a smile.
"You look tired, my Mage," I said.
"I am, John. The Council deliberations went on for a long time, some even disbelieving the evidence before their eyes. It did not help that some Coalition members were sitting in with us either," she said. "Mage Benjamin's and that girl's evidence was very compelling, along with that weird ward that was discovered."
"Never seen anything like it," I said.
"You wouldn't," said Morgana. "The only place it's documented is in the Council's forbidden lore library."
"Am I allowed to know?" I asked.
There was a very long pause before Morgana spoke.
"Have you ever heard of the Nephilim?" she finally asked.
"Yes, legendary biblical characters part human part demon/angel supposedly," I replied.
"Not quite," Morgana said. "You're aware that some of the earliest writings that have been translated are supposedly the records of a verbal tradition going back to the earliest shamans and the Sidhe wars?"
"Without actually mentioning the Sidhe save as allegories and legends," I replied.
"Yes, but that's because if you kill a Sidhe they disintegrate and leave nothing behind but dust," Morgana said.
"No fossil record?" I asked.
"Not a chance," said Morgana. "Anyway back to legends. Sometime into the earliest part of the Sidhe wars, though we aren't sure upon which world or universe, there was another mutation of humanity. Strong, intelligent and DNA dominant in that the issue of any sexual congress with another hominid genome produced another purebred of the mutation. They called themselves the Azura, the Sidhe called them Eminrephaimanakim, the fearful undead, which has become debased down the verbal records to Nephilim. They were greatly feared by the Sidhe, not just because they have a talent for magic, but because their particular gift is in necromancy. The Sidhe managed eventually to restrict them to the one world. Whilst they made several attempts to cross over to other worlds without Sidhe assistance, their magic was not strong enough at that time. On that world though, the Sidhe were losing. The only solution to defeating an army was the utter obliteration of it, otherwise they keep coming back to life. They do not see any glamour or illusion once raised from the dead and all you have left to fight is an adamantine sword ... Well you can guess the results," Morgana said.
"They lost ... badly," I replied.
"Yes," said Morgana. "The last thing they did however was their final great piece of magic; they cast the Azuran world out into the outer realms to prevent the Nephilim from ever being able to threaten them elsewhere. To do so though they had to sacrifice their greatest Queen and many of their finest warriors in an offering sacrifice to one of the denizens of the outer realms who took the world, the Azura and all of Queen Oonagh and her court with it into banishment. In doing so though they also set into motion the seeds of their own defeat at the hands of men as they have never been so powerful since. We do not as yet know how the Nephilim survived in the outer realms. It should not have been possible, but they did. Perhaps the denizen accepted their worship and protected them, unlikely I know, but I don't really have any other explanations yet."
"And now they've found a way back?" I asked.
"Yes, John, someone found them and gave them the means to return and their dark god with them."
"Ímar Ua Donnubáin," I said. "The necromancer?"
"Probably," said Morgana. "Though we have no conclusive evidence as yet and it may be that Ímar is just a dupe, unlikely as that seems. What we do know is that Heinrich must have passed along just about all of our secrets and organisational details as he had pretty much access to everything we have."
"I cannot imagine what these traitors were promised. The Nephilim do not appear very trustworthy," I said, then paled as I remembered Heinrich's torture chamber.
Morgana nodded. "Yes, the Nephilim high command, or whatever they call themselves, appeals to the basest emotions in their allies. The prisoner we were questioning finally broke and although he didn't know a lot he filled in a few details. They aren't great in numbers, time apparently works differently in the outer realms. They have achieved or were given some technology and they are determined to remove us root and branch because only they have the right to be."
"Übermensch, in ways that even the Nazi's would have blanched at," I said quietly.
"Indeed," Morgana agreed. "And where they go their 'god' goes with them."
"And the Host of the Almighty?" I asked.
"Let's just say Armageddon would be the equivalent of a minor skirmish if they get more than a foothold here," Morgana said. "That's where you and I are going next, to speak to a higher power."
"Ahhh," I murmured.
"Yes, John, welcome to the wonderful world of Council politics, where, in order to gain consensus over the prosecution of this war, Simon had to bow to Mage Hermes faction and salve his wounded pride by throwing us to the lions. If we succeed in getting information all to the good, if we are removed from reality, oh dear what a pity, worth a try and Hermes wins either way," said Morgana flatly.
"Oh dear," I said with a grin.
"Almost suicidal," said Morgana with a grin of her own.
"Got a good record against almost suicidal," I said.
"I know, John. That's why you're coming along," she said with a gentle smile.
"Oh joy," I said with a smile. "Good job my last will and testament is up to date."
Finding a higher power is quite easy; they tend to hang around churches, bars, brothels, massage parlours and nightclubs. Finding a higher power who just might talk to us without removing us from existence is a tad harder. It took a little while but eventually we tracked down the angel Jerahmeel who was currently hanging around the Marquee in Soho presumably listening to some of the more controversial bands until he got orders from on high.
"Greetings, Jerahmeel," said Morgana politely.
"Call me Jerry," said Jerahmeel. "And greetings to you, Lady Mage Morgana, and to you, journeyman Mage John."
I had to admit that whatever I was expecting, it wasn't this. Jerahmeel just smiled. "Appearances are often deceptive John, I doubt if you'd like to see my true form as it's usually the last thing mortals see."
"We come offering information and hoping for advice," said Morgana.
"About the Nephilim? Yes, we know. We'll only interfere if (some weird noise that bordered on painful) enters this realm," said Jerahmeel.
"So we have a free field to resolve the Nephilim incursion ourselves?" asked Morgana.
"That's what I implied, Lady Mage Morgana," replied Jerahmeel. "We will protect the ordinary mortals here should the outer realms come calling, but resolving disputes between mortals is strictly between mortals."
I knew the question Morgana wanted to ask, but thought it best to ask myself as I figured the Earth would need her far more than a journeyman Mage.
"Jerry..." I got out only for him to hold up his hand.
"The reason we did not interfere in the Old One incursion in Washington was because you needed to grow, John. You've been marked by ... let's call it destiny to achieve a certain task. Though whether it be for good or ill only God himself knows, and he's not telling. To answer your second question no you haven't achieved it yet," said Jerahmeel. "Don't ask for anything more please, it would be a shame to have to start all over again with someone else."
We said goodbye and got out quick.
"Well, that was unsettling." I finally said.
"It always is, apparently," said Morgana.
"You've never spoken to one before, my Mage?" I asked.
"No," said Morgana. "Mages and higher powers have a very unfortunate history of meetings, well, unfortunate for Mages that is. Unlike mundanes we can see them and know what they are and the temptation has always been to ask them about God and their hierarchy. This has led to the death of every Mage who tried no matter how the questions were couched. They have however answered specific questions related to incursions from the outer realms and that is what I hoped might keep us alive today."
"I gather Mage Hermes does not like you then?" I asked.
"He trained Merlin; he's never forgiven me for showing the Council what a little shit Merlin is," Morgana said using profanity for the first time ever in my presence.
"He sympathises with the Coalition?" I said shocked.
"No, he hates all that they stand for and blames Mage Elymas for leading Merlin astray ... as if. But his pride was badly hurt when Merlin finally rebelled and he blames me as well as Simon for forcing Merlin out as he believed Merlin could have been controlled better within," she replied.
"Admittedly I don't know him as well as you do, but I don't believe that Merlin can be controlled like that," I said.
"I think Hermes knows that too, but pride is a strange thing and he's not altogether rational about what happened and sees me as a constant reminder of his failure. Though he'd like nothing better than to bring the Coalition down," Morgana replied.
"Take it Heinrich was a friend of his too?" I asked.
"Friend of us both, so I thought. You never met Heinrich, he was a charming and often very funny man to talk to. He was a member of Hermes faction, though seemed always to strive to bring all factions into conciliation and consensus.
"Factions? As in Council politics?" I asked.
"I'm not allowed to discuss this with you, John. Sorry, that's one of the rules and I've probably said too much anyway," Morgana replied, effectively ending the conversation until we reached the office.
Back at the office I enquired as to whether anyone had found out how Ímar Ua Donnubáin had gained access to the inner areas of Kurukshetra prison.
"We don't know yet, John," said Morgana. "And believe me it is a worry to the Council and Mage Vera. Naturally he's refusing to co-operate so far."
"Has to be an inside job," I said. "There's no way he came in with the Coalition, nor could he have gotten past any team in the Nephilim incursion to join Mages Alexiy or Johannes. Which means that there's possibly someone at Kurukshetra who wants him silenced, quickly."
"We know this, John. But even if there were someone inside, none of the wards were interfered with until Johannes and Alexiy took them down and we did not detect any internal or external ports to their location," replied Morgana.
"What about ports from within the secure areas?" I asked.
"All secure areas were on lockdown, John," said Morgana.
"To staff as well?" I asked.
"Well, no, obviously not, John," replied Morgana. "Just where are you going with this?"
"Just something I was wondering about," I said. "Suppose one of the staff were a traitor and invited Ímar in, but not on the day of the incursion, but before that? After all they knew when the Coalition were due, but security would not be so tight, plus there were a lot of other Mages wandering around. A stranger might not be noticed, particularly if they arrived at the same time as Mage Henry's group but were met by another member of staff."
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You know when a relationship is over when you take pleasure in the small cruelties. Not necessarily in being mean or hurtful or involving pain. But when you know you’ve won. When you know you’ve defeated your opponent. We can go through the motions well enough and still retain that kernel of knowledge that while the other person gets what they want on one level, but they don’t get the satisfaction of “winning.” Such had become the relationship with my exwife. While compliant on some...
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Note: Special thanks go out to my two regular editors, LilTexasSexFiend and AnInsatiableReader, for making this infinitely better than it was when I first wrote it. As always, let me know what you think, through voting, comments or private feedback. All three works too! ,-) As I said, this story will go up with one chapter posting daily until it’s all uploaded, so don’t get too mad about the cliffhangers. Enjoy! ************************ Ever since J.T. had moved in there two years ago, Tim...
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Chapter Twenty-Seven - Laura with Greg as Second Husband Laura started her car; she fingered the ruby ring on her right hand before shifting to Drive. Having Dan with me in San Francisco last week was great. Fucking with Dan and Upper Floor in the fog on the balcony excited me the way I knew it would. Strapped to that thing, strapped down, whipped, and then ass fucked by that Mario was crazy, and you loved it girl, admit it to yourself. You loved the decadence of that sex, and you loved that...
CuckoldAre you in the mood for some Asian persuasion? I don’t know about you, but I don’t need much persuading to look at Asian pussy. Such is the case over on Twitter.com/KaediaLang.This is the official Twitter account of Kaedia Lang. If you have never heard of her, you’re about to become her next biggest fan. Especially whenever you see those clips of her rubbing her tight, wet pussy up close and personally. If you want to watch her slide a set of her fingers deep inside that pulsating twat, you...
Twitter Porn AccountsHello dosto mai smartyrj apni ek real story aap logo me sath share karne ja raha hu dosto mujhe ladki se jyada aunty me interest h kyuki wo machore hoti h waise mai nagpur se hu meri age 23 h mai waha rent se room leke rehta hu aur study + job karta hu mere lund kisi ki bhi chut ko shant kar skta hai Baat kuch 2 mahine pahele ki h mai apne dost ki bday party se ghar jane ke liye nikla to raat jyada ho gai thi to mujhe bus nahi mili mai padal padal aa raha tha road sun saan thi tabhi ek car ja...
Wendy's email flashed up on the screen. Short, blonde, firm tits but not huge, round ass - lips to kill for....bitch...... "Been a long time since we chatted, thought we might get together and hang for a bit - catch up on old times. What do you think?" What i thought was "The last time 'we hung' you had Johnny's cock up your pussy, while Billy and Bob watched......" but given that i know he's kicked you out and your on the scam this might be fun........ "Yeah, sounds really good, why don't we...
By : Vishal Dua hi friends mera naam vishal hai aur main punjab ka rehne wala hu.main ek average build ka hu aur mera lund 7 inch ka hai.meri story pe jarur comment kijiyega aur agar koi ladki ya aunty mujhse chudwana chahe to mujhe is id pe mail . Dosto main punjab ka rehne wala hu aur meri didi ki shaadi delhi mein hui hai.jiju ne mujhe bhi job ke liye yahin pe bula liya tha.main unhi ke ghar mein unke saath rehta tha,usi dooran unki badi behan pooja aur uske pati ke beech kuchh anban hui...
She had beautiful shoulder length fiery red hair and innocent green eyes. Her long fingers grasped the edge of the door, and watching me intently. The silk flimsy green nightgown revealed her big perfectly round breasts. Her larger nipples were hard and poking deliciously through the fabric. She smiled shyly as our eyes met from our lustful exploration. "He is ready, miss" she whispered sweetly, her voice like wind through the leaves. "Thank you, you are dismissed, please see that you...
It had taken long enough to organize, but it was worth it. Finally she was there, lying on her back, her white thong already darkening where it pressed against her wet, ready pussy. But we weren't here for pussy. No, the 6 of us, footballing mates from a Sunday league side, were here to fulfill a fantasy - hers and ours - that centered on her tits and our cum. And now, as she lay in front of us, coyly looking each of us in the eye, running her tongue over her lips, we couldn't wait."Oh boys,"...
Following our escapade with Mike and Jim, Mistress felt a little dirty and quite a lot slutty, for a few days afterwards, but those feelings wore off as she thought about the amount of enjoyment she’d had, having sex with two men she didn’t know, and wouldn’t have to see again. After all, it wasn’t as if she was the first unmarried woman to have sex with strange men. One-night stands were common enough by then that no one was going to label her as anything dirty for it; it was part and...
There is a lot that Kik doesn’t know. This trip to her parents’s home that she is having to make by herself on the bus is scary. It’s the first time that she would travel on the air-conditioned coach by herself. And it’s a good 12-hour trip. Her dad Pon drove her to the bus terminal in his taxi that’s very much on its last wheel. He shouts his instruction to her about what not to do during the trip and what to do when she gets to his village. Not that he was all that concerned. He always...
That reminds me. Paula and Annie both start PT tomorrow morning. My shield doesn’t seem to want to let me use it to give my muscles extra strength. I better get some sleep so my body can rest. Someone was gently shaking my shoulder until I woke up. The clock showed it was only two in the morning. “I’m so sorry to wake you, but Giana had a real hard time coming out of the anesthesia. Not only is she disoriented, she is madder than a wet hen. They said you helped calm her down before. Do you...
This is my first story I hope I did it right, Even though Im from this tech savvy generation I did not understand how to do this. I love creative criticism so if you have something to say just say it, dont beat around the bush. Also this is the first in a series so it is slow to start. Hey my name is Tyler Jr.(17) or TJ as my friends call me, I wouldnt describe myself as good looking but Im not in the least ugly, well at least I hope not. Im only 56 in height and trust me Im sensitive about my...
Her Vagina felt so soft, so wet, the aroma made my nostrils flared, I could not get enough of this wonderful smell. I would lick and pull back to watch more cum oozing out of her. Harry said, "Is the sound set up? I want to get every thing very clear today" I felt someone come up behind me; he pulled my fingers out of me and inserted himself inside. Because I had worked my asshole open, his cock slid in this time with only minor discomfort. I had to rub my self, I found my clit, and after a...
Mistress is Pregnant by Tigger (c) 1996 Part 1 It was painful to watch as she struggled to lift herself out of bed. Sighing inwardly, I moved to help her and was rewarded by the expected angry glare, which I ignored. She didn't even try to stop me as I supported her back and took the off center weight of her body in my arms. Once she had gotten her torso upright, she slid her feet to the floor. She rested a moment, gathering herself for her next effort, while I sat beside...
The following new characters appear in this chapter: Paul News Immortal, Tool designer, 5’-10’’ tall, 170 pounds, appears to be 30 years old, brown hair, blue eyes Caroline Paul’s friend, 5’-3’’ tall, 125 pounds, 34C-22-35, appears to be 25 years old, long black hair, brown eyes, Latin ancestry We awoke rather late on Sunday, the 21st of May, after a long night of love and sex. We had slept very well once we had finished and cleaned up. It was past sunrise before we awoke. “We’re...
I was relaxing watching tv as Maddi came into the room she had just got out of bed . All she was wearing was a pair of little pink cotton panties with daddy written on the front of them and a white frilly little top that came down to her belly button.She had a little pink lipstick on her puffy lips and her blond curly hair just covering one eye and a pink diamante cat collar on her neck. She was of course wearing her cage under her little pink panties and a jewelled butt plug in her behind.I...
It was a very scary and rude awakening. A hand clamped over her mouth, preventing her from screaming out loud. Her room was dark and she couldn't see what was going on. She could hear a voice in her ear, but her panic kept her from hearing who or what it was. In the darkness Olivia couldn't even be sure she was even in her own room. A flash of images ran through her mind and she imagined something out of a movie where she'd been abducted by mysterious strangers. "Olivia, stop struggling....
Seth returned late the next afternoon and Rain met him at the dock. Seth smiled as the small woman approached. Rain stopped about two feet in front of him and his smile vanished as she looked up at him and told him of the new sleeping arrangements. "This will not work," he said in his booming voice as he looked down on her. "It will work, the four of us will make it work," Rain said and then continued, "Tonight you are going to fuck Autumn." "I will not. I have no desire to have sex...