Life Felt Complete
- 3 years ago
- 19
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The following day a very tired looking Morgana called a meeting of the Department and all its Sections to thank them for all the hard work they'd put in in dealing with the incursion and to honour our fallen. She also announced that former Council member Heinrich had been declared outlaw by both Council and Coalition for his crimes of kidnapping, torture, rape and murder of children.
After that she called a meeting of the Section heads including Arch as the head of her counter Coalition teams to go into further detail over what was known and proposed actions to follow. Though I wasn't party to the meeting Morgana did discuss it with me afterwards when she debriefed me on the previous day's events, though she was more curious about how I'd managed spontaneous regeneration whilst unconscious. She even went so far as to check my memories as well as giving me another scan right down to my DNA.
"Damned if I know how you did it, John," she finally admitted.
"That makes two of us, my Mage," I replied. "Though I'll try not to make a habit of it."
"Please do that," she said with a smile.
"You look tired, my Mage," I said.
"I am, John. The Council deliberations went on for a long time, some even disbelieving the evidence before their eyes. It did not help that some Coalition members were sitting in with us either," she said. "Mage Benjamin's and that girl's evidence was very compelling, along with that weird ward that was discovered."
"Never seen anything like it," I said.
"You wouldn't," said Morgana. "The only place it's documented is in the Council's forbidden lore library."
"Am I allowed to know?" I asked.
There was a very long pause before Morgana spoke.
"Have you ever heard of the Nephilim?" she finally asked.
"Yes, legendary biblical characters part human part demon/angel supposedly," I replied.
"Not quite," Morgana said. "You're aware that some of the earliest writings that have been translated are supposedly the records of a verbal tradition going back to the earliest shamans and the Sidhe wars?"
"Without actually mentioning the Sidhe save as allegories and legends," I replied.
"Yes, but that's because if you kill a Sidhe they disintegrate and leave nothing behind but dust," Morgana said.
"No fossil record?" I asked.
"Not a chance," said Morgana. "Anyway back to legends. Sometime into the earliest part of the Sidhe wars, though we aren't sure upon which world or universe, there was another mutation of humanity. Strong, intelligent and DNA dominant in that the issue of any sexual congress with another hominid genome produced another purebred of the mutation. They called themselves the Azura, the Sidhe called them Eminrephaimanakim, the fearful undead, which has become debased down the verbal records to Nephilim. They were greatly feared by the Sidhe, not just because they have a talent for magic, but because their particular gift is in necromancy. The Sidhe managed eventually to restrict them to the one world. Whilst they made several attempts to cross over to other worlds without Sidhe assistance, their magic was not strong enough at that time. On that world though, the Sidhe were losing. The only solution to defeating an army was the utter obliteration of it, otherwise they keep coming back to life. They do not see any glamour or illusion once raised from the dead and all you have left to fight is an adamantine sword ... Well you can guess the results," Morgana said.
"They lost ... badly," I replied.
"Yes," said Morgana. "The last thing they did however was their final great piece of magic; they cast the Azuran world out into the outer realms to prevent the Nephilim from ever being able to threaten them elsewhere. To do so though they had to sacrifice their greatest Queen and many of their finest warriors in an offering sacrifice to one of the denizens of the outer realms who took the world, the Azura and all of Queen Oonagh and her court with it into banishment. In doing so though they also set into motion the seeds of their own defeat at the hands of men as they have never been so powerful since. We do not as yet know how the Nephilim survived in the outer realms. It should not have been possible, but they did. Perhaps the denizen accepted their worship and protected them, unlikely I know, but I don't really have any other explanations yet."
"And now they've found a way back?" I asked.
"Yes, John, someone found them and gave them the means to return and their dark god with them."
"Ímar Ua Donnubáin," I said. "The necromancer?"
"Probably," said Morgana. "Though we have no conclusive evidence as yet and it may be that Ímar is just a dupe, unlikely as that seems. What we do know is that Heinrich must have passed along just about all of our secrets and organisational details as he had pretty much access to everything we have."
"I cannot imagine what these traitors were promised. The Nephilim do not appear very trustworthy," I said, then paled as I remembered Heinrich's torture chamber.
Morgana nodded. "Yes, the Nephilim high command, or whatever they call themselves, appeals to the basest emotions in their allies. The prisoner we were questioning finally broke and although he didn't know a lot he filled in a few details. They aren't great in numbers, time apparently works differently in the outer realms. They have achieved or were given some technology and they are determined to remove us root and branch because only they have the right to be."
"Übermensch, in ways that even the Nazi's would have blanched at," I said quietly.
"Indeed," Morgana agreed. "And where they go their 'god' goes with them."
"And the Host of the Almighty?" I asked.
"Let's just say Armageddon would be the equivalent of a minor skirmish if they get more than a foothold here," Morgana said. "That's where you and I are going next, to speak to a higher power."
"Ahhh," I murmured.
"Yes, John, welcome to the wonderful world of Council politics, where, in order to gain consensus over the prosecution of this war, Simon had to bow to Mage Hermes faction and salve his wounded pride by throwing us to the lions. If we succeed in getting information all to the good, if we are removed from reality, oh dear what a pity, worth a try and Hermes wins either way," said Morgana flatly.
"Oh dear," I said with a grin.
"Almost suicidal," said Morgana with a grin of her own.
"Got a good record against almost suicidal," I said.
"I know, John. That's why you're coming along," she said with a gentle smile.
"Oh joy," I said with a smile. "Good job my last will and testament is up to date."
Finding a higher power is quite easy; they tend to hang around churches, bars, brothels, massage parlours and nightclubs. Finding a higher power who just might talk to us without removing us from existence is a tad harder. It took a little while but eventually we tracked down the angel Jerahmeel who was currently hanging around the Marquee in Soho presumably listening to some of the more controversial bands until he got orders from on high.
"Greetings, Jerahmeel," said Morgana politely.
"Call me Jerry," said Jerahmeel. "And greetings to you, Lady Mage Morgana, and to you, journeyman Mage John."
I had to admit that whatever I was expecting, it wasn't this. Jerahmeel just smiled. "Appearances are often deceptive John, I doubt if you'd like to see my true form as it's usually the last thing mortals see."
"We come offering information and hoping for advice," said Morgana.
"About the Nephilim? Yes, we know. We'll only interfere if (some weird noise that bordered on painful) enters this realm," said Jerahmeel.
"So we have a free field to resolve the Nephilim incursion ourselves?" asked Morgana.
"That's what I implied, Lady Mage Morgana," replied Jerahmeel. "We will protect the ordinary mortals here should the outer realms come calling, but resolving disputes between mortals is strictly between mortals."
I knew the question Morgana wanted to ask, but thought it best to ask myself as I figured the Earth would need her far more than a journeyman Mage.
"Jerry..." I got out only for him to hold up his hand.
"The reason we did not interfere in the Old One incursion in Washington was because you needed to grow, John. You've been marked by ... let's call it destiny to achieve a certain task. Though whether it be for good or ill only God himself knows, and he's not telling. To answer your second question no you haven't achieved it yet," said Jerahmeel. "Don't ask for anything more please, it would be a shame to have to start all over again with someone else."
We said goodbye and got out quick.
"Well, that was unsettling." I finally said.
"It always is, apparently," said Morgana.
"You've never spoken to one before, my Mage?" I asked.
"No," said Morgana. "Mages and higher powers have a very unfortunate history of meetings, well, unfortunate for Mages that is. Unlike mundanes we can see them and know what they are and the temptation has always been to ask them about God and their hierarchy. This has led to the death of every Mage who tried no matter how the questions were couched. They have however answered specific questions related to incursions from the outer realms and that is what I hoped might keep us alive today."
"I gather Mage Hermes does not like you then?" I asked.
"He trained Merlin; he's never forgiven me for showing the Council what a little shit Merlin is," Morgana said using profanity for the first time ever in my presence.
"He sympathises with the Coalition?" I said shocked.
"No, he hates all that they stand for and blames Mage Elymas for leading Merlin astray ... as if. But his pride was badly hurt when Merlin finally rebelled and he blames me as well as Simon for forcing Merlin out as he believed Merlin could have been controlled better within," she replied.
"Admittedly I don't know him as well as you do, but I don't believe that Merlin can be controlled like that," I said.
"I think Hermes knows that too, but pride is a strange thing and he's not altogether rational about what happened and sees me as a constant reminder of his failure. Though he'd like nothing better than to bring the Coalition down," Morgana replied.
"Take it Heinrich was a friend of his too?" I asked.
"Friend of us both, so I thought. You never met Heinrich, he was a charming and often very funny man to talk to. He was a member of Hermes faction, though seemed always to strive to bring all factions into conciliation and consensus.
"Factions? As in Council politics?" I asked.
"I'm not allowed to discuss this with you, John. Sorry, that's one of the rules and I've probably said too much anyway," Morgana replied, effectively ending the conversation until we reached the office.
Back at the office I enquired as to whether anyone had found out how Ímar Ua Donnubáin had gained access to the inner areas of Kurukshetra prison.
"We don't know yet, John," said Morgana. "And believe me it is a worry to the Council and Mage Vera. Naturally he's refusing to co-operate so far."
"Has to be an inside job," I said. "There's no way he came in with the Coalition, nor could he have gotten past any team in the Nephilim incursion to join Mages Alexiy or Johannes. Which means that there's possibly someone at Kurukshetra who wants him silenced, quickly."
"We know this, John. But even if there were someone inside, none of the wards were interfered with until Johannes and Alexiy took them down and we did not detect any internal or external ports to their location," replied Morgana.
"What about ports from within the secure areas?" I asked.
"All secure areas were on lockdown, John," said Morgana.
"To staff as well?" I asked.
"Well, no, obviously not, John," replied Morgana. "Just where are you going with this?"
"Just something I was wondering about," I said. "Suppose one of the staff were a traitor and invited Ímar in, but not on the day of the incursion, but before that? After all they knew when the Coalition were due, but security would not be so tight, plus there were a lot of other Mages wandering around. A stranger might not be noticed, particularly if they arrived at the same time as Mage Henry's group but were met by another member of staff."
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IncestTHE REVENGE OF JOLLY ROGER by Long Tall Mary An ex bordello bouncer seeks revenge for humiliation by a dominatrix andhis victim is a lowly street hooker many miles away. Some of the charactersmade appearances in the "Memories of Long Tall Mary" series. Codes: m/f, f/f, violent, torture, nc The past year had not been good to the Jolly Roger, a slovenly 5'11,270 pound,35 year old n'der well type with a checkered past and a less than rosy future. It started with the humiliation by a dominatrix at...
Me and hubby decided to make a trip to Kerala like last year, so we call Jeena my friend in Kerala. Actually last year we stayed at her house and we became friends and we were like sisters. I was in Kerala for some months lastyear without my hubby. (Now I'm writing this from her house)We are staying upstairs and Jeena with c***dren down, her husband is a military doctor and not at home.After we decided a trip to Kerala, we book air tickets and so on. As usual i didn't wear anything under my...
Another great feeling/accomplishment. An older, gorgeous woman.She definitely knew how to suck. She stroked me and took breaks, examining my dick. I came for what seemed like 30 seconds. She kept her lips locked on.She got up and suggested we go to her bedroom. She stripped as I watched. She had neck length red hair in a professional cut. She wore pink lipstick. She kept herself in great shape and had smallish titties that were shapely. She had freckles over most of her body and trimmed her...
This site I have been reading since long and made me interested to write something of my own past experience.From my young age I am very much curious about sex and from my age fifteen I started reading porn stories and pictures. First I introduce myself: I am from Bangladesh born in rich family and only son of my parents. I am always well build and a bit taller than of my age. Fair look We always having 3-4 servant at home as my parents both work hard and those maids take care of our house. The...
Mom’s Tiny Tits My thirty-five-year-old mother hates being flat chested but I just love her tiny tits. Mom is really pretty, tall at five feet ten inches, and only a hundred and ten pounds. She is tall and thin like a basketball player. She wears size one and two dresses and wears a 32-A padded bra. She really doesn’t need a bra but she likes to wear sexy lacy bras anyway. She likes the matching panties and almost all of her panties are thongs too. Mom got worse when dad left us for...
Work is over and people by the thousand pour out onto the square; grains of sand flowing into the beating heart of Marrakech. They play mad music. A beat of drums, of wooden soles and friendly arguments. A chant of crooked bartering, of laughter and motorcycle exhausts.A million stars burn into your eyes. Blinking neons held in absurd contraptions, candles suspended in red glass, tall men spitting fire and the minaret of the Koutoubia mosque, wandering the sky like a lost sun. The smell of...
SupernaturalI glanced at Devon across from me. She had volunteered to be my partner on the survival phase of forester training. There were another ten in the program and they were all guys. Each pair would be dropped in a remote region of the mountains. We would have to travel two thousand kilometers with nothing but what we brought in a single pack each. I had our two man dome tent and Devon had two liners we would use as blankets. We had knives of course but rail or plasma weapons were forbidden. What I...
I sat totally depressed but then thought "what a weekend I've had, c'est la vie". The four glasses of wine virtually untouched,I picked one up, gulped it, and put more music on. I started on the second.Forty five minutes later, I had just started the fourth glass, when the doorbell rang. I was Christine. "Had to get rid of the lasses and I'm staying tonight. Just drop these bags off then lets pop to pub eh?" . Flummoxed I said “OK”. I was a bit pissed by now.We went to the pub and...
"Dan, Mary-Jayne needs a ride this evening. Her car is in the shop, and she needs picking up from work. I'd do it myself, but it's Wednesday, and I have choir practise.""Uh, what did you say?" I mumbled into the newspaper. My good lady's voice soothes my soul in the evening, but in the morning, I do my best to ignore it. Violently, she ripped the page from my hands, and I looked into the angry eyes of my lovely wife."You damn well heard me, you old cuss.""I didn't —""Now don't start with me,...
WatersportsBy the time they had regained the Northern Terrace and made their way down the western slope to the village, it was nearly dawn. The village was deserted. “This is really only a village when there are archaeologists or shepherds about,” Derek said. He opened the door to a small shanty. Keith and Maddie dropped their packs inside the door and were pushed onto a narrow bed where they sat. They were inside, but there was no heat in the cabin, so they kept their parkas and gloves on. Derek...
The coarse grains of the exposed brickwork pressed into my soft outstretched hands. A bolt of electricity crackled through me and weakened the strength of my knees. It pulsed so strongly, it focussed my febrile state into my tight loins. This continual ache of intense need had reduced me to a trembling groaning wreck. Carried on the warm air, I inhaled the exotic scent of essential oils, flowery and woody. The slow moving traffic of voyeurs and participants cast a faint zephyr breeze over my...
Group SexAlright, part V cumming at ya.I ended the last one with the door knob turning as I was exploding into Ally’s tight hot cunt.I froze. That moment seemed to last forever. My life flashed before my eyes. I did not know what was going on outside that door. All I knew was that I could be a goner if anyone found out about this. Everything moved in slow motion. I did not have time to get Ally off of me, so I threw a blanket over the two of us, and my sister scrambled under it too. It wasn’t...
Incest"My father was a slave of my mother's. He didn't have any powers like... this," I said, indicating his backrest. "Oh, so your mother didn't tell you I had the talent. I wonder why? No matter. Yes, your mother did make me her slave. Actually, it was probably the best sex I had up to that time. I especially enjoyed it when I was freed from her control and made her do all sorts of interesting things. But this isn't about your mother and I. This is about you. You are my son, and I felt I...
2 Years Later.....They have been inseperateable..... As Moonshadow woke up, he got up straight away and brushed his hair extra nicely. He crept out of his room trying to be as stealthy as he could, into Snowhalk's room. She was still asleep. He crept up beside her leant down and whispered in her ear. "Wake-up" "noooooooo" "come on get up" as he dragged her to her feet. "Your evil, you can't disturb sleep..." Moon chuckled. "yes i can, so get up" Snowhalk groaned. She hated...
Hello friends, today I am going to narrate the story about how I fucked a bank customer. First, let me introduce myself. I am Rahul from Punjab working in a reputed bank. This incident which I am going to narrate happened with me 2 years back when I was posted in a rural branch of the Bank. In that area, there was a school where they paid the salary to their staff through our bank. The heroine of the story, let’s call her Simran (name changed) came to the bank for opening a bank account as she...
One Saturday night after the cafe, like always, had stayed open longer than it did during the week, I went on home to Bill and Timmy around 10:30. They were both of them gone to bed by then. So I had cleaned up and got myself all ready for bed, and had looked in on my boy, sleeping there, in the little extra room across from mine. And I was pretty tired out from the long day, and I knew Bill wasn't expecting nothing from me. He never put any kind of pressure on me to come and visit him in...
I approached the Chateaux with mixed feelings. I knew my father was inside. After so many years apart, I wanted to see him, but I was also scared. The chauffeur-driven car he had sent for me approached the front of the building and I felt dizzy, light-headed, maybe even a little excited. I gripped the leather hand-rest and thought back to my mother’s words of warning, words she had told me so many times as I changed from a little girl into the eager twenty year old woman I was now. ‘Your...