Fluffy SuxCox 2 free porn video

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Chapter 2. "Okay so let me get my secretary to draw up a contract!...." he stated to Mistress. With that he turned to his desk and thumbed the intercom button. "Melissa will you bring me in a blank contract please? And tell Karl I want to see him." "Yes sir," came the reply. A short while later an attractive white woman, Melissa I assumed handed Master Leon a folder and with a smirk left the room. "Sign these sheets!...." he commanded. "Michele and myself will work out the details over a drink," he winked at Mistress. I obediently stood and started signing well aware I was signing a contract that was not finished. As I was doing this a well built white man entered the room......Karl...or should I say Master Karl? "Yes boss?" he quipped. "Take fluffy here and get her ready for this evenings service," Master Leon commanded. Master Karl looked me up and down appraising me critically and I blushed lowering my gaze. "Sure thing boss......Sissy follow me!" he commanded. Meekly I obeyed following him from the room, the last I saw of Mistress was Master Leon joining her on the couch......and did his hand go straight between her legs! Master Karl turned out to be a hard task Master! He inspected me completely and then schooled me in the etiquette of the club and the clients it served. Needless to say when I started serving that evening I had several red stripes across my bottom. Fortunately the costume covered most of them but the burning marks....slowly turning blue could be seen peeping out! I had also been given a frilly white apron that barely covered my tiny clit. After all as Master Karl put it. "No one wants to see such a pathetically small clit on display!" All the other serving girls were woman and most of them looked on with disdain as Master schooled me, what I did notice however was that all the girls had the same outfit as me, so Mistress Michele had planned this all along. On closer inspection though I could see their bunny tails were sewn onto their costumes unlike my butt plug. When this was noticed by one of the girls I was subject to ridicule and derision by them with Master Karl looking on bemused. As I was learning it dawned on me that I was going to be the one to get the second job! I wondered where Mistress was and what deal she had struck with Master Leon. As it was I realised I would be paying for her shiny new Mercedes! I should have balked at this but instead my submissive nature kicked in and I went to work! I had not been serving drinks long when I notice a black couple who seemed to be interested in me. They kept looking my way and then having a laugh. She was slim and very beautiful he was well built a famous football player I think. In the end he called me over as I was serving drinks to another table. "Well, go on, ask her," he said to her. "Is it true what they say about white bois?..." she smirked. "Mistress?" I replied not sure what she was meaning but deep down knowing only too well! "That they all have tiny dicks," she grinned. I blushed bright red knowing full well that compared to the average black Master we did have tiny dicks. "Well show the lady!" commanded Master. Carefully balancing the tray of drinks I had in one hand I lifted the short frilly apron to reveal my clit causing her to laugh. "Shit! It's so small.....how the hell do you please you wife with that....actually I bet you don't have a wife....or a girlfriend," she quipped. "I'm married Mistress," I mewled meekly, blushing bright red. "No way...then she must be pretty frustrated!" she chuckled. "That's why white women love BBC," quipped Master, as they both laughed at my expense. "Shit even the white bois love BBC!" he boasted adding to my humiliation. "No fucking way!" she replied. He looked up at me a wicked grin on his lips and I held my breath wondering what he was going to do. "Sissy finish serving that table then make your way to room 17," he ordered. "Yes Master," I curtsied and made my way to the table before heading upstairs to room 17. Karl noticed me going and gave a curt nod.....and a knowing smile touched his lips, he also handed me a pass key. As I headed upstairs a flutter of excitement filled my stomach, what humiliation was about to befall me I wondered! The room was big and sumptuous dominated by a bed and it was beside this I waited. I did not have to wait long because the Master and Mistress arrived shortly after. They both chuckled when they saw me kneeling by the bed and kicking off her shoes Mistress sprawled across it. Master sat on the edge facing me. "Well white boi?....." he raised an eyebrow. "Time to show my wife what I mean," he growled. So nervously I crawled forward between his legs. Mistress gasped and moved to the edge of the bed to get a better view of the action making me blush deep red! "Fuck! the bitch boi is going to do it!" she giggled. "Of course she is .......as I said all white folk love BBC!" Whilst they were talking with trembling fingers I had undone his flies. Immediately I could see he had no underwear on, the ebony flesh of his cock was on display. Carefully I reached inside and pulled his cock free, I must admit I gasped at the size and thickness. It had to be at least ten inches and still semi soft! I stroked it feeling the heat of blood flowing in then lost in sub space licked it. Both Master and Mistress chuckled at this. "Take off my trousers," he growled. Almost reluctantly I let go of his shaft and after removing his shoes and socks took off his trouser allowing me to get a full view of his cock. The balls were big and hung low his cock still yet to be fully hard. Without bidding I crawled back between his legs and sucked on the heavy balls making him croon. "See baby they can't get enough of it" She giggled but I could hear her excitement. Soon my ministrations had him hot and rampant at twelve inches. I marveled at the fact I could barely circle my hand around it. I was also a little nervous as to how I was going to suck it. This however was taken away from me when Mistress exclaimed... "Fuck this!" She almost ripped off her clothes and threw herself on top Master. "End of the bed white boi......" "You'll get a better view," she sniggered. I crawled to the end of the bed and watched her mount Master. She carefully placed the turgid cock against her passion plumped pussy and slowly lowered herself. As I watched I wondered how she was going to take him, being as small as she was! I watched the cock push against the pussy lips pushing everything inside. She in turn mewled in pleasure....pain it was hard to tell. Then the head slipped inside and they crooned their pleasure in unison. Slowly she lowered her body and to my surprise took the whole rampant shaft inside her! She paused for a while and then began to gyrate on his cock. My own tiny clit twitched at the sight of her gyrating bottom. Finally she rose up and I watch Masters cock slide from her almost pulling her inside out! However it was now slick with pussy juice so when she lowered her weight again it slipped in easily. I watched mesmerized as she slowly humped his cock bringing herself to a screaming orgasm! He then took over slamming into her and bringing her to a second. He flipped her on her back and really went to town so much so that she seemed to go into a mindless state of continuous orgasms! As I watched I remembered all the interracial porn I had watched. First enjoying the show, then wanting to be the woman taking that ....big.....black....cock. My reverie was broken as he bellowed his own climax and his pumping slowed. With a gasp they both parted and lay on their backs on the bed panting for breath. Mistresses pussy was sex swollen and slick with pussy juice and spunk, Masters cock a glistening rod. Her breath returning Mistress looked down at me a wicked grin on her face. "Do white bois love bull's spunk as well?" she winked. I gulped and blushed knowing what was coming. "Yes Mistress," I mewled. "Well get up here and make yourself useful white boi," she commanded. I crawled up the bed my clit twitching and leaking in equal measure! The scent hit me first, hot and pungent the smell of sex. Closing my eyes I savored the scent as my tongue snaked out and tasted her. Pussy juice, pungent and musky....different from my own Mistresses but just as heavenly. And then the taste of spunk....bull spunk, potent and strong, salty and metallic. My senses reeled as I hit a sub space high! Watching my pleasure they both chuckled then Mistress took hold of my head and mashed my face into her pussy! "Now this is what white Bois are good for.....clean up duty!" she growled. She finally released the pressure and with a sex slimed face I cleaned up her pussy and even gave her an orgasm! Of course Master needed cleaning as well so soon my pathetic tongue was licking his balls and slurping the juices from the shaft with as much abandon as I had cleaned Mistresses pussy! Much to my pleasure my ministrations got them both horny again but I was dismissed as he sank his once again turgid cock into her pussy. To my surprise Master Karl was waiting for me. "Go and get cleaned up, get a shower and put on a new uniform!" he commanded. I was once again inspected and two more cane strokes were added before I was allowed to continue my service. A short while later I saw Samantha....now Mistress Samantha being seated at her table with her husband, with a blush of embarrassment she caught my eye and winked. As I finished serving the table she beckoned me over. "Well, well, well...I can't believe she got you to do this...you must be more pathetic than he is..." she nodded to her husband. We both blushed at her ribald remark. "Well I guess your bitch wife is hard up for money since I saw her driving a new Merc!..." she growled. "Tell her I look forward to a race next week.....but not that I called her a bitch...or I'll have your balls....if you have any," she smirked. "Speaking of balls" With that she lifted my apron and started laughing. "As I thought dickless....at least he has something between his legs...." she quipped looking at her husband. "Pity he doesn't know how to use it......perhaps we should get you a bunny uniform," she growled. He started to stammer a reply but she waved him to silence. "Get me a double Vodka!" she demanded dropping my apron and slapping my ass sending me on my way. When I returned with her drink she looked like the cat that had got the cream. "See that couple over there, the Spellman's..." I looked to where she was pointing to see a fat white couple tucking into a prodigious meal. They nodded at her wave. "Well it's George's birthday and I have promised Penelope that he would get a special surprise. Go to the penthouse suite when you are done.....serving," she commanded. "Yes Mistress," I replied wondering what she had promised them! "And make sure you please them.....they and Leon are good friends of mine!" she growled. I gulped realizing the consequences should I fail, I knew she could easily get me sacked....or make the terms of my contract even more humiliating! So when I finished in the early hours of the morning I took the lift up to the penthouse suit a bundle of nerves. Mistress Penelope greeted me at the door a look of greedy lust on her face. She was wearing a diaphanous white negligee, I could easily see the rolls of fat and slightly sagging but huge tits beneath it. "Baby your surprise has arrived!...." she winked at me. "Now close your eyes and I'll bring it right in" With a giggle she took my hand and led me through a sumptuous suite to the bedroom where Master George was waiting. He was sat on the edge of a huge bed in a blue satin pair of pajamas that barely contained his huge flabby body. He had his eyes closed and the look of an expectant child. I must admit to my shame my gaze dropped to his crotch where I could see his rampant cock pressed against the material, it looked big and fat! Mistress Penelope positioned me before him then chuckled. "You can open your eyes now baby!" He immediately opened his eyes pure joy on his face which soon turned to disgust. "Awwww honey, you said you were going to get me a virgin for my birthday!...." he pouted like a spoilt child. "Not some fairy fag!" "But babe....she is a virgin, her sissy pussy is untouched by a real man's cock.....and just think how tight and hot it will be compared to a girl......." she cajoled. "Plus she is going to be much harder to break than a girl....." I watched the look of disgust turn one of greedy lust as she spoke. "Now you go get your toys and I will get her ready," she giggled. He got up and shuffled of whilst Mistress undid the apron and lowered the zip of my bunny suit getting me to slip out of it. Standing before her in collar and cuffs I shivered at her greedy gaze. "My you are a sweet little thing......and what's this" She gripped my locked up clit raking the blue oh so blue sissy cherries with her finger nails. I crooned my pleasure shivering even more! She led me to the end of the bed which had a steel bondage frame attached and pushed me against it so that I was facing the bed. She then expertly and very tightly tied my waist to it before spreading my legs and tying my ankles equally tight to each leg. Taking my wrists she pulled them behind my back and secured them in place crooning in my ear as she did. "Oh we are going to have so much fun with you sissy!" I heard Master return to the room and move behind me whilst Mistress arranged a mountain of pillows on the bed. She then made herself comfortable before rucking up her negligee and spreading her legs. I felt Masters hands on my shoulders as he pushed me over the bed end and into Mistresses waiting pussy. My mouth watered at the sight of the plump pussy lips. Her pussy slightly hairy the drops of pussy juice beading in the hairs and making me want to lick them away...to taste her. He stopped pushing just before contact and I inhaled the heavenly scent of hot pussy crooning my pleasure. I so much wanted to pleasure her, taste her but was not sure what to do. I looked up into lust filled eyes. "What do you want sissy," she growled lust filling the sentence. "Oh please Mistress I want to taste your pussy!!" I begged. WHAP! Something flat, heavy and studded! Collided with my exposed ass causing me to go from pleasure to extreme pain in an instant! It took a few seconds and then a scream escaped my lips much to their amusement. Mistress took hold of my head and mashed it into her pussy as a second blow landed, the pleasure of tasting her pussy mixed with pain of the implement hitting my ass sent me spiraling into sub space! Through tear filled eyes I set to licking her pussy grunting as the blows landed. To my surprise the glow of the strokes soon had my cock twitching and I really got to work on the heavenly pussy before me. I found the hot nub of her clit amongst the musky folds and sucked it into my mouth causing her to scream her first orgasm. There was a pause in the beating before the second implement, thinner and heavier landed again causing my screams to go up a notch! But still I continued to pleasure Mistress pleasure mixed with pain. Another pause and the searing pain of a cane striped my ass causing me to lift my head and really scream in pain. "It's okay bitch....scream all you want.....no one will care," Master growled from behind as a second vicious stroke landed causing me to scream again. However the scream of my third stroke was muffled as once again Mistress pulled me down into her sopping wet pussy. I must admit I was now a slobbering wreck, tears and pussy juice coating my face as the strokes landed.....how many I could not tell before there was a blissful pause. My ass felt like it was on fire and I shivered at the lack of pain which surprised me. Masters next touch made me jump but much to my relief it was only to pull the fluffy butt plug tail from my ass, he then applied a liberal amount of lube to my pussy crack. I felt him rubbing his hard cock along my crack getting it wet for where it was going next....Mistress lifted my head. "Honey I want to see her face as you deflower her," she crooned. I thought I could not be more ashamed but my blush deepened at the thought that I was just about to be fucked in the ass. To be taken like a girl and filled with a REAL man's cock...I shivered. The cock pulled back and then I felt it against my pussy lips. He was obviously extremely aroused because there was no preamble he just thrust it painfully inside. I screeched my pleasure and pain......and then it happened..... The frustration of the cage, the pain of the beating.....the overwhelming sexual frustration I had endured over the last week! They all came together and my own climax overwhelmed me. I bucked on the thrusting rod pushing more inside as pussy juice squirted from my locked up clit! It must have been a sight to see, me humping the invading cock, my eyes open in shock and pleasure, my face coated in pussy juice. Mistress laughed at my reaction and crooned. "Well George I think she likes it!" He went to town then really hammering his cock into me and as my climax subsided I mashed my face into Mistresses pussy delving deep to lick out the juices before finding her clit again. He fucked me long and hard until I felt the change in momentum knowing he was about to come....I raised my head and growled in total abandon. "FUCK ME DADDY.....FILL MY VIRGIN PUSSY FULL OF HOT STICKY SPUNK!!!!!" He growled his pleasure and complied pumping his seed deep into me and making me feel like a total slut.....a feeling I relished! Sated he collapsed over me as I collapse face first into Mistresses gooey pussy all of us breathing hard. A while later I felt him slip out of me before he untied my ankles and waist....however my hands stayed tied. He then led me exhausted around the bed and laid me on it so that my legs were on the floor my ass at the edge....I realised he was going to fuck me again. I looked up to see Mistress towering over me a wicked grin on her lips, then her thighs surrounded me and her pussy descended, I was smothered in hot sticky pussy and loved it! Once again I felt pleasure but it came at a price as I felt the sting of some kind of whip on my inner thighs......I screamed once again.....this time a scream of submissive pleasure! The whip moved up my thighs biting into each thigh before reaching my sissy cherries, here the pain became sharp and almost unbearable. I writhed under Mistresses thighs and could feel her shuddering climax in return as pussy juice spurted down my throat. The torture was blissfully short but my cherries were aching as I felt my legs being lifted and his cock slipped into me again. And so began the most bizarre and slow fucking of my life. Me smothered under Mistresses pussy, a world of hot stick pungent pussy, barely fighting for breath. Whist Master slow fucked my equally sloppy sissy pussy bringing me to a second......sissygasm. As I convulsed in pleasure Mistress ground her pussy into my face showering me with hot sticky pussy juice! Finally he upped his tempo before once again flooding me with hot sticky spunk. At this Mistress allowed me to slide from under her and into an exhausted heap beside the bed. "You may go now sissy," was all she said. Picking myself up and retrieving my bunny suit I headed to the door where to my surprise I found Master Karl once again, did this man ever sleep. He ordered me to clean myself up again and I wondered if I had another client to please. He whistled when he saw the punishment marks all over my body but that did not stop him from adding two more strokes for my supposed incorrect attire. Was this man never satisfied I mused as he led me to Master Leon's office. It seemed Master Leon was someone else who did not need to sleep! He had me kneel before his desk as he finished something on his laptop. "So sissy you did well tonight, I have received lots of compliments about your service so I will be taking you on full time....." he winked. "A couple of my guests really liked your service and tipped quite well....which brings me to this...." Much to my shock he brandished the keys to my chastity cage! "Your wife gave me the keys to your cage and added a caveat to your contract. If you reach or beat the tips total set by her I am allowed to let you out of your chastity to pleasure yourself how you want......and you will be pleased to know you reached the amount...." he smirked. I blushed but realised I had already climaxed tonight.....I wondered if I should confess but he carried on. "However Karl informed me that you have had pleasure tonight already!" he cocked an eyebrow at me and I blushed even deeper red. "Yes Master," I mewled pathetically. "Good then in that case you can go home, Karl will get you a taxi. See you next week," he effectively dismissed me going back to his computer. Karl once again met me and ushered me into a taxi as if I was one of his girls. The taxi driver to my surprise did not bat an eyelid at the sight of an effeminate man in a bunny costume! Home I undressed and slipped into bed with Michele. She snuggled up to me spooning, making me wince as she came into contact with my abused bum! "Did you have a good night....." she murmured. "Yes dear," I answered honestly. "Mmmm good, well it won't take you too long to pay for the car.......maybe a year......or....so," she drifted off to sleep and I contemplated my new career!!! *********************************************************************** NOTE TO READERS. This story is a labour of love but it is a labour so if you enjoyed it please leave a comment. Critiques, no thank you this is not Pulitzer material. ***********************************************************************

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“How the hell do you do this to me?” she breathed into hisear as he kissed her throat. A minute ago she was peacefully reading a book, when she heard her doorbell ringing. He didn’t even stop to say hello as she opened the door to him, his mouth immediately covered hers as his body pressed against her. Now she was pushed with her back against the wall as his hands and mouth tried to touch her everywhere. Her light summer dress pushed up her thighs, his strong, long fingers kneading her soft...

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Cum Guzzler by loyalsock

it had been a long day for her, she had already sucked a man off on the back of the bus, another under a resturaunt table, another on the sidewalk and 3 others in a mall bathroom. by now she was walking down the street and saw 4 men on the corner. their tight pants caught her eye immiedietly. she was instnatly turned on when she saw how those jeans hugged their huge balls and exposed their large cocks. one in particular was massive. his cock bulged through the fabric, so large it had to be...

2 years ago
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The Anomaly Volume One The Battle for the Known UnknownChapter 22

The Moon - 3751 C.E. The Moon was the most substantial celestial body Paul had ever trodden on in all his eighty years of life in the Solar System. When Paul stepped out of the Milton's shuttle and onto the Moon's surface, his body was directly subject to a gravitational force that was just one sixth to what he was used to. Nevertheless, walking on the Moon was hardly effortless. Ungainly was the best description of Paul's forward locomotion when he tumbled face downwards onto the...

3 years ago
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The Devils Jungle

 A work assignment had pulled Sai into going to a country that was starting to prosper but riddled with crime. The country that Sai was in led the world in murder rates and was a hotbed for all kinds of debauchery. Not trusting the drivers, Sai drove his own car which had malfunctioned in the middle of a road covered by forests. Hours had passed, the cellphone was not getting any reception, and so Sai decided to head into the forest and see where that would take him.“Damn hellhole,” shouted...

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An Old Flame

My story as yet is unfinished but I thought I would post this first part then, depending on response, may post the rest. I do hope you enjoy. All constructive comments are most welcome. I'd like to say the evening started out simply by my being simply intrigued. except I knew it was a good deal more than that and now I wasn't so sure it had been such a good idea. Down below though a certain appendage of mine was begging to differ. I was stood by the bar, waiting to be...

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My mate and I had been out checking extinguishers and were on our way back to the station in the brigade 4x4 when our pagers shrieked to announce an emergency. Chris was driving so I read the message - Structure Fire and I read the address. Chris took his eyes off the road briefly. "Shit, that's in your street". I felt the the car speed up as he gunned the motor. Within a minute we were in the station gearing up and climbing onto the truck. Within 3 minutes we had a crew of 5 and were on our...

1 year ago
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Moving house

I go back to your place to cook the meal. As I cook, you take a shower and change. We chat over a 3-course meal and are getting on well together. After the meal we sit chatting and laughing. We run out of wine and you tell me you have a bottle of champagne. We begin to get tipsy and the talk turns to sex and previous lovers - and what turns us both on. I tell you I was once at a friend’s house and caught his mother masturbating (she didn't see me) and ever since then I have been really...

2 years ago
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Hot Bhabhi Fucks The Shopkeeper In His Sex Shop

This story is based on an episode from Savita Bhabhi comics which you can read Savita had her tiny, bullet vibrator deep inside her as she lay in bed and fantasized. She saw herself sitting in the center of a sea of cocks. She imagined her sweaty body being plowed by each cock, feeling the girth of each one penetrate her dripping pussy. She groaned and rubbed her throbbing clit. Just then, the doorbell rang and broke the spell of her fantasy. Savita opened the door and realized it was her...

3 years ago
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Boston Lez Contest PT11

A Former StudentScore at 12:12 PM on Saturday:Scorecard:Carol: 3Jasmine: 3Crystal: 2Portia: 2Veronica: 2Crystal's phone vibrated as she stood perusing vegetables. She pulled it out and said, a little too loud for a public place, "Fuck!"The black professor got a couple of looks, but she didn't care... no, she was perturbed. The contest was a fun idea, and she figured she could win, given the number of coeds that sauntered into her office on a daily basis. Yet, the other ladies were really going...

3 years ago
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Sex dgs and Part I

I have a sister 2 years older than me, and there’s always been occasional sexual tension between us. It came and went over the years and didn’t amount to anything significant, and dissipated as we entered our late teens and I became interested in girls and she got a boyfriend or two. However, it never truly went away completely and was lurking dormant in the background, until one night that is when she was 20 and I was 18.My mother and father stayed the night at my grandmothers so we had a rare...

2 years ago
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I met Janice in my freshman year of college. We had a few courses together, so we had some talking points to get to know each other better. Janice was beautiful with a soft smile that just someway brightened up the day. Her hair was an auburn color, which she wore down to the tops of her shoulders. She often wore shorts which highlighted strong straight legs that were quite long. Janice was about 5'6" and 125 pounds of pure sensual energy. Her skin was soft and she got enough sun to give her...

3 years ago
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Youll Get Used to ItChapter 2

I was waiting downstairs the next morning, eager for Mrs. J’s arrival. Mom had chided me the day before about rudely leaving Mrs. J downstairs on her own until she came in the house. She looked at me oddly when I became flustered trying to defend myself and scrutinized me even closer when I blushed profusely. I escaped to my room with Mom watching me all the way up the stairs. I had decided to wear the same sweatpants. In my mind, Mrs. J and I would immediately continue from where we left...

3 years ago
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Toman of the Cherokee 12

"Toman, husband," she asked with a look of concern when I was wincing as I tried to make my feet. "You should rest a bit husband before we move again." "No Naci did you happen to see who that was? The one I hit with several bolts when I took you over my shoulder?" I asked as I finally made my feet. Damn it I was sore ALL over! "No," she replied. "I was watching you as you were flying toward me though, now that you mention it, the voice seemed familiar." I nodded at her...

1 year ago
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NobleChapter 9

It appeared the girls and I had just gone into business together. After dinner we all returned to the hotel MS Wilkenson was staying at along with her father. They were sharing a suite. We needed to figure out what we were going to do next. Erik explained the details of the routine each day basically took. Mostly it was guarding the hotel MS Wilkenson was staying at. Occasionally she would visit a museum or attend a luncheon which presented a greater risk. In these situations, the area had...

1 year ago
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An Affair to Remember Ch 02

Chapter 2: The Boat Michelle loved my boat and riding around the lake. I think it gave her a tremendous sense of freedom or something. She seemed to lose all her inhibitions. I loved it. I took her to dinner one night at a really nice restaurant on the lake. We took a nice easy ride down to the restaurant at dusk by boat, docked and had a great dinner and conversation. Michelle loves Chardonnay and probably had 3 or 4 glasses between the trip down and dinner. She was feeling good when we got...

1 year ago
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My wifes girlfriend

When I married a bi girl I pictured a lot of freaky, three way sex with other bi girls. Somehow it never quite worked out that way. Instead I just had to deal with my wife’s bitchy girlfriend, Rebecca. Rebecca was a blue eyed redhead with an ass that could stop traffic, and she knew it. My wife always encouraged me to go out on nights when Rebecca came over, and I was fine with that. I could not stand the way Rebecca talked to me, the smug way she looked at me right before she and Haley went...

1 year ago
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MySistersHotFriend River Fox 24857

River Fox needs her friends cheer leading outfit, she goes over to her friend Jenny’s house, of course, Jenny isn’t home and is always ditching her for her boyfriend. Robby, Jenny’s brother is home and lets her in to get what she needs. River tries the cheer outfit on and tells Robby “no peaking” ha-ya right, naked hot chick, no looking, doesn’t quite work like that. Any who, River decides to practice her cheer for Robby and lands on top of him, with no...

3 years ago
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First time cocksucker

Someone asked me recently about my first time… Thinking back to all of the sexual encounters I have had, I smiled to myself at all the awkward moments, embarrassing situations and that wonderful loss of inhibitions that comes from experience. I decided to pick blowjobs. My ascension from cocksucker to fellatress was not simple or glamorous! The first guys who talked me into sucking cock just wanted me to be like all the other girls in HS and open my mouth for their pleasure. Let’s call him...

Oral Sex
1 year ago
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Rookie of the Year Part 1

Rookie of The Year Seventeen year old Ashley Martin and eighteen year old Hideki Ito sat on the bed before the reporters. The both of them stark naked, their bodies on full display. Ashley had her hand wrapped around Hideki’s pudgy cock while he rubbed her clit with his finger. None of the reporters were in a hurry to leave the room. They had just witnessed a live teenage sex show with Hideki taking Ashley’s virginity. There was a lot to talk about, including the cell phone video of the...

3 years ago
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Our Cabin Experience

By Jacob Bard The way I remember it, we arrived at the cabin late afternoon. It was a dream come true. Just you and me in a picturesque cabin located on a snowy mountain side—the perfect setting for rest, relaxation, and romance. The flight to Colorado had gone as planned and we had spent the night before in a hotel near the airport so as to be rested when we arrived at the cabin. It was just as we had envisioned and we were ready for some time to do nothing but enjoy one another and catch up...

2 years ago
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The Ugly OneChapter 11

I awoke confused and disoriented. Things were different than I'd expected. It took a few minutes for the mental fog to lift. I was cuddled in with a nude woman, still gently sleeping. This was different than most mornings. This was good. I tried to imagine what it would be like for this to be normal; for waking up alone to be different instead. I tried to imagine it but eventually quit, unable to wrap my mind around it. I just couldn't, as it was still too new of a phenomenon for me. I...

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God of LoveChapter 37 New Pet

Outside the building, Lucas and May got into the car. The silence was deafening as May started the car and drove out of the neighborhood. She was shaken by the situation on many levels, while Lucas used what he learned from his mother from a young age to keep calm and analyze things coldly. “I’m sorry about earlier. I spoke as if you had an obligation to help us.” After a few minutes of driving, May apologized and said nothing more. Lucas could see the coldness in her words. Even though...

1 year ago
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Strange RelationshipsChapter 15 The Party at Marys and Some Lessons in Control

The guys showed up at seven-thirty, Teddy having picked up Stick at school; going to Stick's neighborhood after dark wasn't a really bright idea for someone as unprepossessing as Teddy. Mary met then at the door in as little as she could get away with -- in this case, a black, baby-doll nightie with lace bra cups, the remainder of which was flowing and opaque -- as far as it went, which wasn't far below her pudenda. "Hello, Boys..." Both boys recognized and chuckled at the Mae West...

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NewSensations Mila Monet Teen Schoolgirl Mila Needs You To Cum Inside

Sweet teen Mila is ready to make a happy boy out Jake as she puts on her cute school uniform to fulfill his fantasy. Jake is left spellbound as she lifts her skirt showing him her tight 18 year old pussy, behind her little white panties, as he drops to his knees eager to taste her teen pussy juices, kiss her round ass and suck on her teen tits too. Jake, a little to hard and big for Mila, bends her over onto the window, sliding her panties to the side and squeezing his thick cock slowly into...

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Bi Guy Deflowered by Young Asian Man

It’s ironic that those of us supposedly straight guys, who from time to time go out and seek some illicit sexual adventure with another bloke, often go about it in a clandestine and rather depraved way.I’m married and just turned forty. My wife is beautiful and I enjoy making love to her. But even though sex is good she’s not that adventurous, and as for myself I’m afraid to ask for anything out-of-the-ordinary in case she uses it against me in the future. A question of embarrassment I...

Gay Male
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My Neighbors Backdoor Part 1

On Saturday morning, as I made my way to the garage, I heard the sounds of someone crying. I looked over and saw Mackenzie Massey sitting on her patio, hands to her face, sobbing. Opening the garage door, I pulled out the lawn mower and started on the backyard. By the time I had finished, Mackenzie (Mac) for short had composed herself and was drinking a cup of coffee. She waved to me and I waved back as I went past to mow the front yard.”Good morning, Grant.””Good morning, Mac.” I replied.I...

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Naked in front of the cleaning lady

We had a cleaning lady come to our house every other Friday. I put on a flimsy short thin cloth robe that came down to my knees. It was also not big and barely fit around my waist. So completely naked, wearing only this flimsy robe I went into the kitchen where she was working. As I settled in to a small chair I spread my legs open which easily exposed my cock and balls through the open front of my robe. She saw my legs spread apart and my cock and balls at rest in full view. She froze in her...

3 years ago
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Horny Loving BrotherChapter 8

As Dannie approached the beach and the dock she slowed down and caught her breath. Checking her watch she breathed a sigh of relief when she realized she was actually a few minutes early for her meeting with Ben instead of late as she had expected. "Ben?" she called as she neared the dock. "Over here Dannie," Ben called from a few feet down the beach where she could just make out his shape in the starlight as he bent over the eyepiece of his telescope. "I'll be with you in about five...

4 years ago
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Sex With My Ladyboss

An awesome moment with the busty manager. Hello friends, I am from Kashmir my first story in ISS hope you ll like it. I have been an avid reader of iss. If any women who seek no strings attached fun, or friends with benefit fun can contact me on please be assured of the safety, women’s safety is my first priority. About me, I am a fair handsome looking guy I am a single guy have a decent tool whose sole aim to is to satisfy women, I’m on the heavier side, funny guy. This story goes back in...

3 years ago
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Whatever It CostsChapter 28

It was two weeks after our date when we agreed that Bev and her daughters would spend a night at my place. I bought a big air mattress and the sisters assured us that they had no problems in sleeping with Lily - or having a slumber party with her. Somehow I guessed that it meant 'hard times' for me, literally. Talking about that to Bev made her giggle hysterically. "Poor, Eric. Don't you understand that it is exactly what they want to do? Don't worry, I'll keep you safe from...

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What A Summer

What A Summer My friend Jimmy and I were riding our bikes out of town to a creek where we liked to fish. We were finally out of school for the summer and all of our parents worked, giving us all the time in the world to fish. When we got there we were disappointed to see someone else there fishing already. As we approached we realized that it was a lady and that she was wearing a pair of cut off blue jean shorts that showed the bottom of her butt cheeks and a cut off T-shirt. As we...

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My Fourth Gangbang By Industrial Project In 8211 Charge And Foreign Boss

Hello I am Parul Parikh, I am from Gujarat, Ahmadabad, I am Gujarati, I am 24 years old. I am sharing my fourth experience recently happened with my Industrial Project In charge and his foreign boss. Please share your feedbacks at parulparikh4u at yahoo dot com. Let me describe about myself, I am doing MBA and I am from wealthy family. I am 5 feet 4 inches tall, very fair in complexion. My figure is around 36 29 38. I usually wear T-shirts, jeans shorts. So let me start narrating my recent...

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Diploma Pickup Pt II A Plan Is Hatched

Cortez left the office just before five o’clock. He said goodnight before heading out the door. Once in his Chevy Tahoe, he placed a call via bluetooth.“What’s up, dad,” the sinewy, long-shanked guy answered.“How you doing, Zan,” checked the father of two.“Pretty good, man! How about you?”“I’m doing good too.”“How’s Sonya,” the soldier inquired about his stepmother.“She’s good too. I’ll tell her you asked about her. So, the reason I was calling was to see if you’d be up for a visit towards the...

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Laura aka The Little Nympho Chapter 11 Part 2Babysitting Katie

Introduction: Part 2 of 3.. Laura, a.k.a. The Little Nympho Chapter 11 ( Babysitting Katie) Part 2 At about 10, I woke up with Katie jumping on the bed saying something about sleeping till noon just like all teen-agers. I hit her with a pillow and nearly knocked her off the bed. She was still in her sleep shirt and I was still in my nighty with nothing on under it. She rebounded and smacked the shit out of me with one of the pillows and I growled you little brat, and the pillow fight was...

3 years ago
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Enslaved to the Mob Ch 02

“I said I’d take you home.” He tells her after seeing the look of bewilderment on her face, gathering his coat as the car slowly comes to a stop in front of the mansion. “I just didn’t tell you whose home you’d be going to.” “What the fuck is going on?!?!?” Angelique screams out to Mikhail, drowning out the sounds of the front doors of the limousine being closed. Remaining quiet, Mikhail takes another gulp of his alcohol as he watches Angelique with amusement. Her panic filled eyes...

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Nail Technician Part 1

Linh was my nail technician that I met at the nail salon months ago. She was tiny, I'm guessing 4'-10" and 95 pounds. She seemed like 5'-3" because she always wore high pumps. She was so hot, had a great body and an exceptionally gorgeous ass. She seemed to like to flirt with me in our conversations. She knew I was married but, it wasn't going very well. I loved to go there for my one hour getaway where I could just have fun with her. Eventually, I started flirting back. The thought of...

Straight Sex
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I Creampied a Stranger

Last night I went out with my friends in the city. We all me at a bar around 10pm. It was my friend Jacks birthday. We had been drinking for a while, making Jack do shots. At around 1 am he got really sick. I had been talking with this really cute girl. My friends were leaving to take Jack home. I felt bad staying behind but I was trying to score.The girl's name was Samantha. she was pretty drunk and kept calling me Jake. I didn't care I just wanted to get some action. I had given her all the...

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