Impregnating Sarah -- Part 7 free porn video

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She was very leery of calling her husband, Jim, because until her call, he had no idea the procedure involved her having sex with multiple partners. Finally, taking a deep breath to gather her nerve, she picked up the phone and called her husband. When she described the procedure to him, she was sure he would tell her she was nuts and insist that she break off all contact with Dr. Henry. But Jim did not immediately reject the idea. They had an intense discussion about the procedure and the implications of Sarah having sex with total strangers. Sarah made sure to give Jim several opportunities to call off the whole deal. She was sure he would call it off when she explained that this weekends activities were just for practice and would not likely result in her becoming pregnant.

“You mean he wants you to have sex with these guys just to stimulate your hormones?” Jim asked.

“I know it sounds bizarre, and I am very leery of doing this, and I won’t if you tell me not to,” Sarah responded.

The telephone line was silent for several seconds as Jim considered what she was telling him. Sarah could almost visualize the images running through his mind as he contemplated the prospects of her having sex with other men. It was almost too much for Sarah to expect Jim to accept, but just as she was about to tell him she had changed her mind, Jim’s voice came over the line. He knew how much she wanted to get pregnant and he reinforced her decision to proceed.

“Go ahead,” he said, “nothing is going to happen this weekend anyway, right? I mean, you won’t get pregnant will you?”

“Honey, are you sure? I don’t want to do this without you here and Dr. Henry says he prefers that the husband participate, too.”

“No, I understand all that, but I am several thousand miles away right now. It’s impossible for me to come home before next Wednesday, at the earliest. No, you go ahead. I know how much you want a baby and while this is weird and very unorthodox, it is probably the last opportunity for us.”

Jim’s response reassured Sarah somewhat, but she was still very apprehensive and his acceptance of the circumstances did not prevent her mind from working overtime, speculating about her approaching weekend. Her resolve wavered many times, but in the end she showered, dressed, and drove her car to the address Dr. Henry had provided.

The ranch was spectacular, even by local standards. The grounds were secluded and extremely well maintained. The entire property was surrounded by a tall security fence and abundant vegetation. The gate was heavy duty and could not be opened without an electronic pass or a signal from the house that was set well back from the street. Passing through the gate and driving up the gently curving path to the house, Sarah as duly impressed with the large trees and manicured lawn. The house itself was equally impressive, with a tall welcoming entry arch and large windows flanking both sides of the arch. As Sarah stopped her car and climbed out, the front door opened and Laura walked out to greet her. Sarah was a little surprised to see her, but Laura immediately explained.

“It is very nice to see you again, and I am sure you are wondering why I am here, right? Well, my job this evening is to make sure you are comfortable. Since you will not know many of the people here tonight, we thought it would be a good idea to give you the opportunity to see a familiar face. Leave your car here, one of the guys will move it into the garage.”

“I am very glad to see you. I am really nervous,” Sarah replied, tightly gripping Laura’s hand. The two women walked into the house.

“That is perfectly normal, I can assure you. I was nervous each time I underwent the procedure. I thought it would be easier each time, but I was just as nervous the third time as I was the first,” Laura laughed. As they turned down a short hall toward a dining room, Dr. Henry approached.

“Sarah,” he exclaimed, “wonderful to see you tonight.” He took her hands in his and bent to kiss her cheek. “You look terrific. That dress really accentuates your figure. You look very sexy, like an innocent teenager”

“Thank you,” Sarah mumbled. She was embarrassed at his frank appraisal, but in truth his comments were reassuring. Despite her trepidations, she had dressed very carefully. She used the minimum amount of make-up and her hair was carefully combed in a style that actually made her appear even younger than she was. She had gone for the ‘fresh’ look and Dr. Henry seemed to approve. She wore the proverbial ‘little black dress’ that was so popular these days. It was short and tight, with a scoop neck design that, when combined with a push-up bra, very effectively drew all eyes to her respectable cleavage.

“If I wasn’t running the camera tonight and married to Laura, I’d be joining you tonight along with the other guys.” Dr. Henry chuckled at his remark, but both he and Laura knew he was serious. They had discussed Sarah at length after her appointment on Friday, and they both concluded she was very attractive, and exuded sexuality through her innocence. Laura even speculated that once the men saw her, she was likely to be engaged in sex before dinner was over.

“Sarah,” Dr. Henry said in a serious tone, “I need to tell you there has been one fairly important change you need to be aware of.”

Sarah immediately focused her attention on Dr. Henry. “Remember I told you I had scheduled two procedures this evening, you and another patient? Sarah nodded. “The other patient, who is African-American, is ill and had to cancel, but the male donors I had selected for her were already in transit and unreachable when I learned of the cancellation. These men, there are three of them, are also African-American, and they are here. The men I had engaged for you were more accessible and I cancelled them. So this evening, your sperm donors will all be black. Is that acceptable to you?”

Taken aback, Sarah was totally unprepared for this turn of events was not sure how to respond. The idea of having sex with three strangers was an outrageously bold move for her to make, but now her doctor was asking her to have sex with three black strangers!

“I, . . ah, I, . . . I’m not sure,” Sarah stammered. “The whole procedure is so contrary to me and my lilfestyle, but interracial sex . . . ? I want to get pregnant, but I don’t think I want a mixed race child.”

“I understand your hesitation, Sarah. This is a big curveball being thrown at you at the last possible moment. After learning about the cancellation, I spent some time recalculating your ovulation cycle, and if makes any difference in your decision, I believe the chances of you becoming pregnant this weekend are actually quite low. Most of the indicators point to next week, and next week your sperm donors will be Caucasian . . . unless you specify differently.”

“Well, I still don’t know . . .”

Laura interjected, “Since you are already here, why don’t we have dinner and you can meet the guys. If you are still unsure after dinner, you can leave and we will see you next week with no last minute changes for you to contend with. Is that fair?”

Once again Sarah took comfort in Laura’s tone and friendly intimacy. Sarah smiled at her, “Well, I dressed for dinner, we might as well eat!”

Laura linked her arm in Sarah’s and led her into the dining room. Three black men were standing near the table. All were well dressed, relatively tall, a bit older than she anticipated – they may have been in their early to mid-thirties. She had expected men her age. But they were all clean cut and appeared to be physically fit. Two were quite dark and the third had a complexion the color of brown sugar. As the women entered the room, they stopped their conversation and turned to offer greetings.

“Sarah, this Mark, Larry, and Charles. Gentlemen, this is Sarah.”

Each man in turn took Sarah’s hand and kissed her lightly on the cheek, while simultaneously devouring her body with their eyes. Sarah was engaged in making small talk and did not notice the extent or thoroughness of their carnal appraisal.

Charles, or ‘Charlie’ as he introduced himself let his eyes travel up and down the young white woman’s body and unconsciously began nodding his approval. Had Sarah been able to read his mind, she would have been shocked at some of the ways he began planning to use her body to satisfy his most basic desires.

Dr. Henry moved close to Charlie and in a low voice asked, “Does she meet your approval?”

“Oh yeah, she’ll do just fine,” Charlie replied, with a grin so wide it nearly split his lips.

The greeting and small talk went on for several minutes before a servant approached Laura and announced that dinner would be served in 10 minutes. Laura turned to Sarah and suggested they freshen up before dinner, and talking like school girls, the women left the room.

Dr. Henry called the three men together, “Alright guys, Laura will bring her back into the room in a few minutes so I don’t have a lot of time for this speech, so listen closely. Does everyone know the score here?”

Without really waiting for a reply he continued, “I must say that for a group of felons, you all handled the first little test very well. You all came across as gentlemen and we want to make sure that behavior continues.”

Mark spoke up, “This is gig is too good to fuck up, man. We know the drill.”

“That’s good, “Dr. Henry continued. “All three of you are here because Sheriff Anderson wants something from you or you have already given him what he needs, and he thinks your presence at the County Jail is not absolutely necessary this weekend. So as a reminder, here’s the deal – you guys are being rewarded for your cooperation with the Sheriff with the opportunity to fuck your brains out all weekend with a woman who will cooperate with you in every way. I, being the unscrupulous bastard I am, have recruited this young woman for your use on false pretenses so that I can film the whole weekend and sell the tape over the internet for huge amounts of cash – which, by the way, I split with Sheriff Anderson. Sarah is desperate to get pregnant and came to my clinic hoping for a miracle that just isn’t going to happen. Whatever else I may be, I am a damn good doctor and I know from all her medical data there is no way in hell she can conceive and hope to carry the child to term.

“Now that is way more information than you guys need but I am telling you because you need to remember she is a real-life, innocent house wife from middle-America. But, she came here expecting to spend the weekend having sex with strangers, but her purpose was procreation, unlike yours which is recreation.” The men smiled.

“Her husband knows she is here, and she is as nervous as she can be. I’ve told her the woman you were supposed to be with got sick and cancelled and that I could not cancel you because you were unreachable. I didn’t tell her you are all doing time in the County Jail and haven’t had a woman for about three years – I didn’t think that was particularly relevant,” he said with a knowing smirk.

“Because of who she is, you will have to go slow with this one. When she heard she was going to have sex with black men instead of white men, she nearly turned around and walked out. She agreed to stay through dinner, so you need to be charming. Drop your jail-house attitude and don’t come on too strong, or you will drive her right out of here. From my experience, she has all the characteristics of a sexual dynamo, but her sexual desires have been somewhat repressed due to a mid-level trauma that occurred when she was about 15 or so.”

Mark asked, “What was that?”

Dr. Henry smiled, “Sorry, Doctor – patient confidentiality. And besides, you don’t need to know.”

He continued, “There are really only two rules this weekend. First and foremost – No pain! I am absolutely serious about this. She thinks she is here to get pregnant and if any of you guys try any of that weird “pain is pleasure” shit, she will realize something is up. Secondly, you can cum in her pussy, her mouth, or her ass but you need to try and remember to shoot your cum in her pussy about half the time. In other words, if you cum in her mouth once, the next time you fuck her, you need to cum in her pussy. It’s pretty simple really – she thinks you are working to get her pregnant, so give it a try!”

“After looking at her body,” Mark replied for the group, “I don’t think that is going to be a problem, Doc. Do you guys?” There was general agreement among the men that they were not likely to have any objection to serving vaginal creampies this weekend.

At that moment, Laura and Sarah re-entered the dining room. “Come on everyone, “Laura said, “let’s be seated so dinner can be served.” As everyone was jockeying for a suitable chair, Laura noticed that Charlie buttonholed each of the other men and whispered discretely to them. She looked to Dr. Henry for an answer, but he merely nodded and flashed a quick ‘thumbs up.’

The dinner was superb. Sarah had two glasses of wine that served to calm her nerves considerably. Conversation during dinner ran to sexual themes, which caused Sarah to feel a bit uncomfortable, but she felt the topic was appropriate, given her purpose in being there.

After dinner, the group moved to a living room filled with over-stuffed furniture. The conversation centered on Sarah and she began to feel more comfortable with each passing minute. Soon, Sarah was literally surrounded by the three black men, but in a non-threatening, almost casual way. She felt very relaxed and would occasionally reach out to touch an arm, or shoulder to make a point during the conversation. They, in turn, were oozing charm and doing their best come across as real people, not just cocks looking for a hot pussy – which, in fact, was much closer to the truth.

Sarah wasn’t sure who suggested they start dancing, but within minutes, the stereo was playing slow dance tunes and the lights in the room had been dimmed. She watched as Mark gallantly asked Laura to dance, and after leading her to the middle of the floor, pulled her tightly against his body. His arm encircled her back and drifted to a point just below her waist. Charlie stepped in front of Sarah and extended his hand in invitation. She smiled, grasped his hand and walked with him to the dance floor. He wrapped her in his arms, creating the maximum amount contact between their bodies. They didn’t really dance so much as they swayed back and forth, a motion that allowed Charlie to rub his groin and thighs against her in a casual, marginally acceptable fashion. As the music was ending, Sarah was very aware of Charlie’s growing erection, and when they separated at the end of the dance, she had the opportunity to casually examine the obvious bulge in his pants. She grinned at the thought that she was responsible for his current condition.

The next song was up tempo and Sarah found herself dancing with all three men simultaneously. This situation caused Sarah to continually rotate between the men, facing one, and then turning to face another. The music had a driving beat and they quickly moved into a bumping movement that enabled the men to suggestively thrust their groins against her ass and thighs. With each contact, Sarah became aware that all three men were erect and she began playing a coy little game with each man in which she met each of their thrusts with one of her own. The point of her game was to see if she could sustain their erections throughout the dance, a game she had no trouble ‘winning.’

The music ended and Sarah noticed Laura was no longer in the room and that Dr. Henry had a video camera in his hand, pointed at her. Her attention was diverted by Charlie.

“Would you like a drink?” asked Charlie.

“Yes, I would. All that dancing made me very warm.” Charlie left to go find the drinks. “No alcohol for me,” Sarah called after him. “I’ve already reached my limit of two glasses of wine, and Dr. Henry said I should only drink in moderation.”

Mark walked up behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist, and pushed his groin fully against her ass, his erection nestled between her ass cheeks. Sarah’s initial thought was to move away, but it was a fleeting thought, and thanks largely to the wine, she made no move to escape.

“If you are too hot, perhaps you should shed some of your clothes?” Mark asked.

Sarah grinned and half turned her head to look into his face, “Not too subtle, are you?”

Mark was flustered by her remark and very aware of Dr. Henry’s earlier warnings, broke contact, moving quickly away from her.

Sarah laughed as she turned to face him, her attitude emboldened by the wine, “I didn’t say you were out of line. I merely questioned your subtly. But, for the sake of argument, let’s say I consent to remove some article of clothing – like maybe my dress – what would you do in response?”

Finally sensing she had been teasing him, Mark grinned and said, “Well, maybe I would take off my shirt.”

Charlie returned with two drinks and sat them on a nearby end table, “I’ll do better than that. You take off your dress and I’ll let you strip me.”

“You mean,” Sarah replied somewhat hesitantly, “if I take off my dress, you will take everything off?”

“No, that’s not what I said. I said if you take off your dress, you can take off all my clothes.”

Sarah stared hard at Charlie. The warning flags of self preservation were once again flying in her brain and she was confused by the building conflict between the desire she felt in her loins and her normally conservative conscience. She recognized that the wine and dancing had made her aroused, but she had never felt like this in the company of strangers before. There was, however, something compelling about the sexuality of the situation and her acceptance of it that allowed her to push aside her conscience and suppress her inhibitions.

“Ok,” she said, “One final condition.”

“What’s that,” asked Charlie?

She gestured to Mark and Larry. “These guys have to get naked, too.”

“I am sure that can be arranged,” Charlie replied with at chuckle. “Now I think it is time we moved this party into the bedroom, don’t you?”

Turning to Dr. Henry, he asked, “Where do you want us to go, Doc?”

Dr. Henry gestured with his hand in the general direction of a hallway leading from the den. “Straight down the hall to the Master Suite.”

Charlie took Sarah by the hand and led her down a hallway into one of the most elegant bedrooms Sarah had ever seen. The center of the room was dominated by a king-sized bed, but the most striking feature of the room was the mirrors distributed throughout the room and mounted on the ceiling. The abundance of mirrors could easily have created a tacky appearance, but the d?r within the room worked well to counterbalance the tackiness. The drapes were heavy, richly colored and complimented the lush carpet. In one corner of the room, a love seat and matching chairs were grouped to form an attractive sitting area. Larry and Mark immediately took up residence in the chairs. The lighting in the room was high tech and allowed mini-spot lights to accentuate artwork spaced between the mirrors.

Charlie walked Sarah toward the sitting area and using her hand, swung her around to face him. “Now let me help you with that dress.”

Placing his hands on her shoulders, Charlie gently repositioned her in front of the chairs that Larry and Mark occupied. Trying to remain as unobtrusive as possible, Dr. Henry moved so that the camera captured Sarah from head to toe. He had become invisible to the four people engaged in the rapidly escalating mating dance. Sarah and the men knew he was in the room, but the room had become highly charged with sexual energy, and they were focused on each other, not Dr. Henry or his all-seeing camera.

Charlie moved behind Sarah and she trembled. She thought he would immediately unzip her dress so she could take it off, but instead, he nestled his face in the small of her neck at her shoulder and began to gently kiss her there.

“Are you cold?” He asked.

Sarah closed her eyes and pressed back in to the warmth of his body. This unexpected oral stimulation felt wonderful, her neck had always been sensitive and having him kiss her there was very erotic, intensifying her sexual anticipation.

“No, I’m not cold, just nervous.”
“Why would you be nervous? We’re all friends, aren’t we?”

As he was kissing and licking her smooth neck, his hands moved to her breasts, alternately cupping and massaging them through thin material of her dress and bra. Sarah moaned, very aware that someone other than her husband was touching her body.

She moved her head to one side to give him greater access to her neck. She shivered again. “I’m nervous because I am a happily married woman in a room full of men I don’t really know and you want to take my clothes off. “

“Yeah,” Charlie responded, “so what?”

“I’m a little tipsy from the wine, but I am not too drunk to know that if I let this continue, I will end up having sex with all of you, and that just doesn’t quite seem right.”

Charlie nuzzled a particularly sensitive area just below Sarah’s ear. She moaned softly in response. “Your husband knows you’re here, right? He’s ok with this, isn’t he?” He asked.

“Uh huh,” Sarah mumbled. Her body was responding to the black man’s gentle kisses and stroking of her sensitive breasts.

“Let’s get that dress off,” Charlie whispered in her ear. He stepped back and in one swift motion, unzipped the garment.

In an instant, Sarah had reached the defining moment of the evening. Time seemed to stop as a zillion thoughts raced through her brain. If she stopped now, she could leave and her relatively conservative monogamist lifestyle would remain intact, and any chance of becoming pregnant would probably leave as well. If she allowed this man to remove her dress, she understood she would be expected to willingly give her body to all three men, not once but probably several times over the course of the weekend. But in the end, if Dr. Henry’s procedure worked, she might become pregnant, something she desperately wanted.

Ultimately, Sarah’s hands made the decision for her. In an automatic response to unzipping her dress, she started to reach for the hem to pull the dress up over her head. Charlie stopped her. “I’ll do it.”

He grasped her shoulders and slowly slid both of his hands down her arms, to her hips, finally taking the hem of the dress in his finger tips. Very slowly, he began to raise it, exposing Sarah’s toned, smooth thighs inch by inch. Next came the sight of a very brief, sheer black thong.

“That’s nice,” said Mark as he and Larry stared at the tiny piece of material. A small patch of pubic hair was visible under the thong, but the rest of her abdomen was clean shaven and smooth. “Very, very nice,” Mark repeated.

Charlie continued to raise the dress. Sarah lifted her arms over her head to facilitate removal of her dress. By now her trim belly was visible and with another small movement, the dress was lifted to expose her bra. The bra, too, was black and was constructed to maximize her cleavage. A fact noted by all three men. They also were quickly aware that her nipples were fully erect and straining against the nylon of the confining garment.

With a quick flick of his wrists, Charlie pulled the dress up over her head and off her arms, tossing the dress to a chair. “You have a spectacular body,” he admired, his eyes moving up and down greedily.

“Do you really think so?” Sarah folded her arms protectively across her chest. “I think my breasts are too small,” she said somewhat defensively.

“You know the old saying,” he grinned gently pulling her arms apart, “anything more than a mouthful is a waste.’” He grinned, “Your tits, . . . excuse me, I mean . . . your breasts are just fine. Now why don’t you do the boys a favor?”

“What’s that?” Sarah asked a little confused by the question.

Charlie once again grabbed her shoulders and positioned her so that she was facing away from Mark and Larry. “The boys caught a quick glimpse of your body, but I think they want a better view. Why don’t you spin slowly so they can get the full 360◦ view?”

Normally, such a comment would have embarrassed and angered Sarah, but the freedom she was beginning to enjoy by allowing three complete strangers to ogle her body was intoxicating. Sarah was sampling the power women have over men in matters of sex. She complied with Charlie’s direction, and striking a pose with her hands on her hips she slowly rotated for their inspection.

“How’s that look, guys?’ Charlie asked. Mark and Larry grinned approval.

As Sarah turned back to face Charlie, he could see the uncertainty in her eyes. Sensing that he needed to keep this game moving before Sarah got cold feet, Charlie smiled. “I think it is time for you to take care of my clothes, isn’t it?”

Charlie quickly kicked off his shoes and stooped to remove his socks. He then stood expectantly in front of Sarah, hands on his hips. Despite her attempts to be nonchalant, Sarah was very nervous. But having made the decision to allow her dress to be removed, she was determined to be adult about the situation.

“It’s just sex,” she mumbled under her breath in an attempt to bolster her confidence. With a motion that demonstrated more confidence than she really felt, she reached out to unfasten Charlie’s belt, which was quickly undone. She pulled his shirt out of his pants and began to unbutton it. Charlie hastened the process by undoing several of the buttons himself. She pushed the shirt from his shoulders. He tugged the shirt off, discarding it on the floor. He had a t-shirt on as well, but Charlie quickly yanked that over his head, exposing his thick, brown chest. The t-shirt was added to the crumpled shirt on the floor.

“Am I doing this or are you?” Sarah asked. A motion off to the side caught her eye and she glanced over to the couch. Both Mark and Larry had already stripped and were slouched on the couch slowly stroking their erections. The sight of this blatant sexual activity momentarily surprised her, but intensified the warmth building in her loins. Her mind registered the fact that both men appeared to be larger than her husband, but they were not elephantine in size.

“You’re much to slow,” Charlie replied, and putting his hands on her shoulders gently pushed down, directing her to her knees in front of him.

“It is harder to work from down here,” Sarah joked nervously.

“Maybe,” Charlie replied, “but the view is better.”

She looked up into his face as she lightly touched the tented material at his groin. With the help of two glasses of wine she asked, “Are you glad to see me or is that a cucumber in your pants?”

“I guess you’ll just have to find out for yourself, huh?”

Sarah noticed that Charlie’s voice seemed slightly strained and he inhaled sharply as she brushed her palm against the erection trapped in the cloth of his pants. She reached over with both hands and began to manipulate the button holding his pants closed, easily unfastening it. Charlie quickly pushed the pants down his thighs to the floor. He now stood before her wearing only a pair of white boxers, complete with a wet spot saturating the material where the head of his cock pushed against the material.

“Oh my,” Sarah said with a touch of wonder in her voice. She could see that Charlie was a large man. Mesmerized by his size, she tentatively touched his shaft through the cotton material. Charlie groaned when he felt the heat of her fingers come in contact with is manhood.

“Take ‘em off,” he grunted.

Sarah tugged at the legs of the undergarment to pull it off, but the elastic waistband was trapped by his enlarged penis and she had to pull the waistband away from his body and past his cock before his underwear would drop to the floor.

“Oh my, “she repeated as she stared at his liberated penis. Sarah reflexively reached out and fit her palm to his shaft, closing her fingers around it, she discovered she could not encircle his member with her hand. “How big is it,” she asked?

Charlie could barely speak, “Last I measured, it was seven inches long.”

Sarah continued to clutch his shaft and growing bolder with each moment, began to move her hand up and down its length, “It is very nice.”

Charlie was delirious with pleasure and wanted nothing more than for her to jack him off, and if she continued doing what she was doing, it was a dead certainty he was going to blow his load all over the room. Some inner strength took over, “Not now,” he said and broke her grip on his dick.

Taking her arms in his hands, he helped her regain her feet. “You have way too many clothes on for you r own good. Let me help you with your bra.” He unhooked her bra and pulled it away from her body.

Instinctively, Sarah brought her arms up to shield herself, but Charlie caught them and gently pushed them to her sides. He grinned at her, “Like I said before, you have nice tits.”

Despite her protestations, it was true. Sarah’s breasts were perfect for her body. They were firm and well shaped, with a slight natural uplift that caused her erect nipples to point gently upward. Charlie again cupped them in his hands and bending slightly, sucked a nipple into his mouth. Now it was Sarah’s turn to moan, her hands moving to his head to direct his lips.

Charlie released her nipple and spun her around so that she was facing Mark and Larry, who were still on the couch, their erections held proudly in their hands. Charlie reached around Sarah and again cupped her breasts; he nuzzled his face into her neck and began to gently chew her ear. Sarah melted against Charlie’s body. His erection poked against her back, her ass pushed against his thighs.

Releasing one breast, his hand began a slow, sensuous slide down her rib cage, across her navel, down to her pubic mound. His fingers encountered her dainty, thin thong – his fingers quickly worked their way under the garment and began to caress her labia,

“Spread your legs a little,” he whispered in Sarah’s ear. She repositioned her feet to open her legs, giving him easy access to her pussy. First one, then a second finger gently entered her vagina and began a steady in and out motion.

“You are very wet.” Sarah’s only response was a throaty moan and a small movement of her pelvis that helped his fingers move further into her eager body.

Charlie adjusted his stroke slightly and began to brush his fingers across her clitoris with each out stroke. Sarah’s body responded with a series of involuntary spasms as she tried to cope with the incredibly wonderful sensations flooding her nervous system. At that moment, Sarah was oblivious to the world. She was completely unaware of Mark, Larry, or Dr. Henry who continued to record every minute of her ecstasy. All she knew for sure was that Charlie was fingering her pussy in the most exciting and erotic way.

A few more seconds of Charlie’s manipulation was all it took to send her into an intense orgasm. Her abdominal muscles convulsed over and over again; she grabbed Charlie’s hand and with surprising strength, held him in place. She gasped for breath and groaned with each convulsion. When it was over, she went so completely limp; she would have fallen to the floor if Charlie had not been holding her. He led her to the love seat and let her collapse.


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Impregnating Sarah Part 11

Sarah lay on her back and stretched contentedly, her arms reached far above her head stretching the muscles in her shoulders that had tightened as she supported herself during Dr. Henry’s doggie style assault on her asshole. She briefly contemplated what had just happened and realized she had enjoyed herself. She had just had anal sex with her Doctor, and while it certainly wasn’t as satisfying as regular sex, but she felt content knowing she derived some pleasure from an act that had...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 9

Introduction: Sarah experiences two men. Charlie spoke, startling Sarah slightly she had almost forgotten anyone else was in the room, That was very, very nice to watch, and I do believe I am going to cum in your mouth before the night is over, too. But right now, I have something else in mind. Sarah, still sitting on the floor between Larrys legs, turned to face Charlie. She watched his cock bounce as he walked toward her. She tensed a little at the aggressiveness of his approach, What do you...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 9

Sarah, still sitting on the floor between Larry’s legs, turned to face Charlie. She watched his cock bounce as he walked toward her. She tensed a little at the aggressiveness of his approach, “What do you have in mind?” “Have you heard of doggie style?” Charlie asked. Sarah nodded. “I think doggie is a nice way to start.” Charlie stopped in front of Sarah; his cock inches from her face. Sarah remained sitting. She released Larry and took this new member in her hand, and began to...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 8

Introduction: Sarah demonstrates her willingness. After a few seconds, Sarahs breathing had begun to return to normal and she managed to struggle into a semi-upright position. Oh my God, she exclaimed, what did you do to me? Is that what its going to be like all weekend? Charlie stared hard at her highly desirable and essentially nude body slumped in the chair. His erection ached for relief and he knew the other guys were getting anxious to have their turn at this young white woman, too....

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Impregnating Sarah Part 1

Meeting Sarah The drive to the doctor’s office was miserable. It was Friday afternoon and it seemed like everyone had decided to leave work early and randomly drive around the city. Sarah had already been cut off three times and she still had several miles to go. Sarah mumbled to herself, “These people are nuts! I’m gonna get killed driving to see my doctor. Talk about irony.” Suddenly, brakes lights began to flash in front of her and she could see that something had happened up...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 8

Charlie stared hard at her highly desirable and essentially nude body slumped in the chair. His erection ached for relief and he knew the other guys were getting anxious to have their turn at this young white woman, too. “Sweetheart,” he began, “that’s just the beginning. And speaking of the weekend, pick a number between one and twenty.” “What? What sort of game do you have in mind?” Sarah asked. “Come on, pick a number.” “Ok,” she said. “How about 17?” “Seventeen it is. ...

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Impregnating Sarah

Sarah and I had been a couple for quite a while when I began to realize her sex drive would not taper off as we grew familiar with each other. That was more than fine with me, it was merely surprising. I expected desire to dwindle with routine and repetition, but not for Sarah. She was always effortlessly finding ways to make things new. As a bonus, she was one of those women you think are too hot to engage in anything so base as a thorough fucking. Tall, willowy, and blond, she dressed and...

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Impregnating Sarah Part 3

Sarah and Derek “That morning, I was unsure how to act around Matt, particularly when we were with family. I realize it is silly now, but I thought people would be able to tell that we had had sex. I was terrified my Mom would notice and I developed a stomach ache worrying about how I could explain myself to her. Of course, there is no sign that magically appears on someone after they have had sex, so by the afternoon, I had calmed down and had resumed being me. My biggest concern was...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 7 Sarah and Deedi

Sarah slowly recovered from her ordeal and concentrated on work for the rest of the summer putting any unpleasant memories out of her mind. Kent rarely came into town and she never met him again. She enjoyed her job and spent most evenings at home with Clair and Richard except at the weekends when they would go across to the Norfolk Broads spending long, lazy days on the new boat Richard recently bought. One Sunday morning they sailed into Barton Broad when she realised where they were. Apart...

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Training Sarah PArt Ten Gail becomes Sarahs cunt

Once in the bathroom, Sarah shut the door behind them, looked Gail straight in the eyes, and with her new found confidence, said this whole thing has made me incredibly horny and I need my pussy serviced. With that she sat down on the toilet, spread her legs, exposing her glistening wet pussy to Gail. "Come on girlfriend, Sarah needs a lick." Gail looked at Sarah and said, "I'm not going to lick your pussy, you're the slut not me." With that, Sarah, stood up from the toilet, and...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 5 Sarah and Andy

"So how was your meeting today?" asked Clair one evening not long after their first dinner together in the new dining room. "Fine," replied Richard, "one Chamber of Commerce is much like another but they seem a little more switched-on here than Warwickshire did. By the way as it was my first meeting I got talking to the chap who runs the finances and he said that he was looking for a temporary office manager at his company. I mentioned that you were looking for something and he...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 6 Sarah and Kent

It was Friday two weeks after the conference and Sarah was having a quite afternoon in the office. The visit plans for the next week was complete and most of the timesheets for the previous week had been returned although there were always a few that were missing usually from the same people. Sarah would have to have a word with them, there was no reason for them to be as late as some always seem to be, after all the other carers managed to get theirs in on time. She was just thinking about...

4 years ago
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Sister Sarah Alec and Sarahs Mom

Now to a point, Sarah appeared satisfied seeing as she always wore that smile on her lips. Some wondered. Yes they did. Especially when they’d look up, again, and find her smiling as if she’d just heard another good joke. None never really knew why. The cause of that smile was either a good joke or maybe she simply figured she’d finally received religion in her heart and soul. But we all know that was not the truth however. Sarah had discovered something, something quite special as a matter of...

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(CONTINUED FROM BREAKING SARAH WITH MY FRIENDS HELP) Rowan had gone to the supermarket to buy the alcohol and John had headed downstairs to phone up some friends as potential clients, There was just Sarah and me in the room, I untied her from the head-rail of my bed, her wrists had markings from her being tied up with her own panties, she began rubbing her wrists with her hands to ease the soreness, I started to stroke the top of her head, letting my fingers run through her hair, slowly...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 4 Sarah and Richard

It was just after Christmas and the days were now short and overcast. Sarah was well into the second year of her A level courses and studies were going well. She was seventeen and had been dressing as Sarah openly at home for nearly a year. Richard and Clair had fully accepted the situation without any problems since discovering her secret on their surprise return from holiday the year before. "Hello Princess, how's things?" Richard had just returned from work and had climbed the stairs...

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Sarah Carerra 37 Sarahs 1 Fan

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: May 31, 2010) Chapter 37 - Sarah's #1 Fan "Sarah!" Josh exclaimed, standing up when he saw my dad and me approaching. He seemed more excited to see me than I thought he would if he had already moved on, but he didn't sound quite...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 8 Sarah and Mike

Cambridge is a charming city nestling on a bend in the River Cam as it glides lazily north-westwards until losing its own identity and begrudgingly becoming part of the more industrial Great Ouse, which then flows on towards King's Lynn and the Wash. The town is dominated by the great university where religion and education come together to produce the scholars needed to build economic empires but, unlike its more arrogant cousin in the Cotswolds, the many colleges seem to integrate more...

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Meeting Sarah Part1

It was the end of March when I finally moved to a new neighborhood after my divorce became final. Since I work nights as an ER doctor at a local hospital, I have a hard time meeting and interacting with most people as they are going to work as I'm coming home. One morning I came home to find an invite on my door to a block party that was happening that Saturday night. Since I had the weekend off, I figured what the heck.Saturday rolled around, and I was fashionably late to the party. Several of...

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Sarahs Submission Ch 01 Introducing Sarah

Being pretty had never been one of Sarah’s problems. She had a good body and a cute face and knew how to use both to get what she wanted from men. She liked the stares and enjoyed teasing them. But she suffered from being shy and insecure which kept her from ever standing out. She didn’t really fit in with most of the popular crowd at school. She could hang out with them and go to their parties. But they all came from wealth and privilege, while Sarah very much did not. They weren’t...

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Sarahs Submission Chapter 01 Introducing Sarah

Second Note: I apologize if you started reading this story and it disappeared. I accidentally deleted the first chapter and had to resubmit. Sorry for any inconvenience. Being pretty had never been one of Sarah’s problems. She had a good body and a cute face and knew how to use both to get what she wanted from men. She liked the stares and enjoyed teasing them. But she suffered from being shy and insecure which kept her from ever standing out. She didn’t really fit in with most of the...

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Sister Sarah Alec and Sarahs Mom

Now to a point, Sarah appeared satisfied seeing as she always wore that smile on her lips. Some wondered. Yes they did. Especially when they’d look up, again, and find her smiling as if she’d just heard another good joke. None never really knew why. The cause of that smile was either a good joke or maybe she simply figured she’d finally received religion in her heart and soul. But we all know that was not the truth however. Sarah had discovered something, something quite special as a matter of...

Straight Sex
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Sarahs StoryChapter 3 Sarah and Clair

Simon had hoped to see Ben again as Sarah but the opportunity never arose even though they did go out with the group a few times. Ben phoned one evening a couple of months later to say that his family were moving away and he would be going with them. Simon had been sad that the relationship had not developed further since Ben had been a good mate as well as a sexy boyfriend. "Remember," said Ben as he was finishing their conversation together for the last time, "it will be Sarah that's...

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The Honeymoon of Sarah and Greg Days 23 Somewhereover Party

When Sarah and Greg woke up to his alarm at 7:30 Monday morning, they found themselves comfortably entwined with each other with their faces about a foot apart, and with such a glorious "in love" feeling that they didn't mind the others morning breath. Sarah leaned across the pillow and kissed her beloved to start the day. Greg couldn't help but smile. Not wanting to lose the close contact, but realizing that they needed to get ready for the day, they slowly pulled back their arms and...

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Sarah is Humiliated at the Office Party

Sarah smiled as she slowly woke up and as she opened her eyes saw her boss, Kristal, the sixty-three-year-old Head of Accounting, smiling back at her.Sarah was thirty-four-years-old and was married. However, she had the reputation of being the office slut and regularly slept with co-workers. She loved the reputation as being humiliated in public was one of her biggest turn-ons.Kristal had been Sarah’s boss for the last two years and they regularly slept together. Sarah’s husband was fully aware...

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Sarahs StoryChapter 2 Sarah and Ben

It was coming up to Easter when, one evening in the coffee bar the group sometimes used Ben turned to Simon and put a proposition to him. They had become good friends over the months going out together on occasion and visiting each others houses to listen to music or just chill out. They shared the same taste in music and video games which they played late into the night. The affinity was strong but never questioned or analysed. Both were mature enough to recognise that many allegiances were...

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Sarahs First Party

This happened quite a few years ago now. We decided to join a site to explore our sexuality a little further and having chatted to other members in the chat room, we had an invite to a party. We talked about it and with it being no more than 25 miles away, we said we’d love to join in. We turned up at the time and place we were told and by about 6.30 everyone was there. It was a semi detached house, on an estate in the suburbs, quite smart and unassuming , very ‘everyday’ and very normal. The...

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Sarah8217s cuckold party

Some adult entertainment every night which we both enjoy and have our libidos stretched. Tonight it was a voluptuous woman Sarah’s age being pleasured by a much younger woman and her man. It was very exciting watching him fucking her standing against a wall while his lady alternated kissing her and licking her large, erect nipples on her 36B tits. “Our ladies want to have you while we watch. They have been watching you at the pool and the nude beach,” a man we now know as Brian confidently told...

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Impregnating Paula Ch 02

Impregnating Paula part two Paula didn’t understand what was happening. They had went to the Hypnotherapy Clinic on the recommendation of their family Doctor. Hypnosis was supposed to relax them and assist in her impregnation. Instead, her husband was impotent, except at the clinic. There, he was larger and more powerful than ever before, but, he couldn’t get an erection at home. He had never been like that before their first visit to the clinic. Maybe, she had gotten pregnant when he had...

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Impregnating Paula

Dr. Marcia Zimmerman had the largest and most successful hypnotherapy clinic in Houston. Through hypnosis she treated eating disorders, smoking cessations, also, alcohol and drug addictions. Her assistants were very qualified in handling these disorders. Dr. Zimmerman’s expertise was the treatment of sexual problems, including premature ejaculations and impotence. The method she used treating these illnesses often caused more problems than she cured. She was an excellent hypnotist, but, had let...

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Sarah Naked In School Extended Version

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello, Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

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Sarah Naked In School Book Two

Dania stood in the doorway, watching as a convict tried to kill her coach with a bat.Sarah deflected the blow with her own wooden bat, backpedaling and slipping sideways, keeping Stephanie, assigned on prison detail as her personal assistant, from positioning herself in a striking formation."What are they using?" she whispered to Isparana, who also stood watching the two women attack each other."My sister says it is called a 'shillelagh'.  It is an ancient weapon used by her ancestors.""It...

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Sarah Naked In School Book Three

Vella stood in the doorway, studying the figure of her coach sprawled face down across the cluttered desk.  Sarah's hair was in a tangled mass fantailed over an open file. She was breathing deeply, obviously asleep. Her mouth was open and her arms were stretched towards the corners.  Her hand still held a pen.  Vella almost hated to wake her.Almost.Vella slammed the large trophy on an empty spot of wood, making certain to create as much of a bang as she could.Sarah's head shot up almost...

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David and Sarah

script"David and Sarah"Copyright2005, Steve chaseFADE IN:EXT. Backyard pool party -- AFTERNOON -establishingTwenty or so young people, men and women in their mid twenties in swim suits in the afternoon.The camera focuses on different groups and different activities and we see that this is a fun party with fun people.SARAH, a young blonde is sitting on white lawn chair. A young brunette approaches and sits in lawn chair next to the blonde.brunetteThis must be heaven for you, Sarah.SARAHWhat do...

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Sarahs Friend

Sarah’s FriendAmy had the perfect figure for a model, her slim shoulders curved into a tiny waist and then out over the cutest of hips and down into long slim legs. Yet she looked on jealously at the only other person in the gym.Sarah was sitting on the leg press where her strong athletic legs were moving almost half the stack of weights. Like Amy, the woman was in her early thirties and like Amy the woman had long brown hair in a ponytail. Amy observed the woman discretely, her white...

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Sarah Naked In School

Sarah stood in the doorway to Mr. Leighton’s office; a corner of the large main house where the warden conducted his business.He was diligently reading a file spread across the green-hued blotter, an antique lamp off to one side casting a dim light across the stack of papers pinned under one side of the brown cover.  She could see the name on the file.  It was her’s.?You wanted to see me, sir?? The man looked up.  ?Yes, hello Sarah.  Please, come in and close the door behind you.?Sarah swung...

5 years ago
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Sarah under Control

SARAH UNDER CONTROLSarah walked to work that beautiful summer morning just as she did every morning. She walked with the sort of grace and confidence that could only come from knowing men enjoyed watching her. Even into her 40s, she still turned heads. When she had married Pete, some 20 years earlier, she had been a stunner, with breasts that stopped traffic, but now, all those years down the line, her regime of fitness, horse riding , healthy eating, and most importantly dressing the part,...

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Becoming Sarah Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Even with Lexie trying her best to hide not being in the best of moods, both Sarah and Audrey knew their friend was not in a good place. Then again, there was no way the girl sitting on the couch could cover up how her hopes for the night were elevated enough to be majorly let down by her boyfriend. Lexie might had been a great actress, but she was not that great. The Gord actually thought that his girlfriend running to be president of a social group she was not active in...

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Part Four A Journey into Submission for sarah and Daniel

Part Four: A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel Danniboi sat on the edge of the king sized bed as Mistress Sarah jacked his little dicky faster and faster, bringing him to the edge of orgasm, only to stop and apply ice to his cock from the champagne bucket. It was agonizing! He would shrink within a minute, only to have Mistress Sarah start once again; bringing him to a full erection and taking him back into near orgasmic bliss. He was moaning and gripping the bedspread...

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Sarah and Daniela

This piece is a chapter extracted from my novel "Toggenburg" a lesbian love story set in the mountains of Switzerland which I've posted in case any Xhamster reader might enjoy it. Toggenburg Thirty. “We are going to get wet!” declared Sarah firmly. It was a fair analysis as she and Daniela stood huddled in the doorway of the Hotel Toggenburg contemplating the wretched weather before them. It was still raining heavily and the wind was blowing the sheets of rain around...

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Sarah Part Thirteen B

It is an interesting moment when one is about to experience their first FMF threesome. One would think that my mind would be full of lust, need, ideas and expectation. A “let’s do this” attitude. On the contrary. The realization that you are about to get into bed with two attractive women, each of whom wants to be fucked and sexually satisfied is suddenly quite daunting. How do we start? Who should be first? What if I cum too soon? What if I can’t cum more than once? Will I embarrass myself?...

Group Sex
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Sarah Is Humiliated By Megan

Sarah was surprised to get the instant message from Megan, Dillon’s twenty-one-year-old girlfriend. She asked if Sarah could come over the following day to discuss a surprise she had in mind for Dillon.Sarah knew Megan to be quite a forthright young lady with a dominant personality and had often fantasied about being humiliated by her. Sarah supposed it would never happen as Megan was Dillon’s girlfriend and it would seem like two-timing, unless it was a threesome, Sarah musedDillon was the...

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Sarah Humiliated by her StepGranny

Sarah had a real soft spot for her Granny Mary.Sarah lay on her bed, her legs were spread apart and her fingers were caressing her pussy lips and she was squeezing her so sensitive nipples with her other hand as she played over in her mind two particularly memorable times her Granny Mary spanked her in front of a whole group of onlookers. Both times the humiliation of being spanked so publicly were a real turn-on for Sarah. Both times as well she deserved a second spanking that day and each...

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Part Three A Journey into Submission for Sarah and Daniel

Part Three: A Journey into Submission for Sarah & Daniel As Sarah crossed the floor of the bedroom, the nine inch dildo swinging obscenely from her strap on, she locked eyes with Daniel and kept her stare focused on him as she stopped and sat down next to him on the bed. Daniel looked like the proverbial doe caught in the head lights. His eyes were huge as he took in the monster cock attached Sarah's strap on. Pleased that he could not speak through the three inch penis gag she...

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Sarah Carerra 220 Beach Party

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra By AngelJedi (Released: ) Chapter 20 - Beach Party I was happy when I awakened Saturday morning. The previous afternoon and evening had been boring because I had no friend to hang out with. I thought about driving down to the mall myself, but I couldn't...

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Sarah acts out

A/N: Another story featuring submissive Sarah and her Mistress, Rebecca, from my earlier stories "The 14th Anniversary", "My beautiful Sub" and "Choosing Corner Time". It takes place a few weeks after Sarah received her permanent collar from her Mistress, about seven months after their first meeting.Note on the timeline. "The 14th anniversary" and "My beautiful sub" take place on Valentine's Day 2011, the first story recalls things that happened on Valentine's Day 1997 and a few days, later....

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Sarah By Sissie Maid Cuckold FOR SARAH "What wrong honey?" "I don't know I guess I am tired." "But it's not like you to no be able to get it up." "I know Pam. I just don't know, maybe its stress, works not going so good." "Hey, I know, Audrey at work said her husband had some issues and she did this..." Pam took hold of her silky nighty and wrapped it around Brenden's cock. She could instantly feel it grow. She smiled at him and said, "It worked, it worked just like...

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Sarah Chalke has her first lesbian experience with a guest star on the set of Scrubs

This story is only a fan fiction, not real. Sarah threw herself down on her couch and took a deep. She was exhausted after a long day of shooting. She really loved to work with Scrubs and she was grateful for the fame it had brought her, but sometimes the workdays were just too long. The reason for today’s long hours was the fact that it was the last day they were shooting the last scenes of Amy Smart’s guest appearance and they had to get all it all done tonight. Sarah was in no...

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Sarah Loves Being In Charge part one

Hi guys, Thanks for reading this is a gentle femdom story I wrote I am trying to take on feedback received from the first couple of stories I wrote and i’d truly love to hear from you guys. All characters are 18 at the time of the story Sarah was always a bit confused when it came to guys, the ones she had dalliances with before all wanted to treat her as a princess holding doors and generally trying to be her knight in shining armor. This was in part due to her good looks she reasoned which...

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Adventures of Sarah Chapter 8

Sarah went into her closet and grabbed a white button up shirt. She slipped it on and then grabbed one of her denim skirts. It was pretty short, not slut-short but short for a schoolteacher. She had always been afraid to wear it because she thought she should dress more “appropriately”. Sarah looked at herself in the mirror and realized the skirt wasn’t nearly as short as some of the ones the girls wore to school. She admitted to herself that her legs looked pretty damn good coming out of...

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Sarah Humiliated by Michelle

It was always the low point for Sarah when she had to go to her step-sister, Michelle’s, house. Sarah hated going to Michelle’s and normally only went every other week when she and their mum were invited over for tea. Sarah had always been treated so badly by her step-sister who had always tried to control and manipulate her, but whenever they were both with their mum she was all sweetness and light. It was an act they both put on so as not to make their mum feel bad.Michelle was...

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Sarah Lung Hammer

Hey,Found this in my archive. I remember it being one of the very first smoking fetish stories I read.I do have the full collection of Sarah/Nikki stories and am trying to recover them. Most will be able to be posted here, with the exception of the first 2-3. Posted this one as I found it but will hold off until I have the rest in reading order.Think there are about 45 chapters/stories like this in total.Lung HammerSarah and Tom arrived at the airport thirty minutes beforethe scheduled...

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Becoming Sarah Chapter 10

Chapter 10 How the sun shined through the window and onto the bright yellow plastic children play table made it pop out even more in Sally's room. The only things in the room brighter than the table were the two little girls playing afternoon tea. How could they not be the brightest things in the room, those two had so much fun together. Having afternoon tea was the best part of the play date with her cousin. This was for the little girl next to her was not a real girl, but...

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