The Dutch Uncle free porn video

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Allen looked over his cousin's shoulder to see an expensive looking magazine named, “BOYS LIFE.” In it were depictions of young smooth men being sexually used by hairy bikers dressed in various pieces of leather clothing. “This is your dad’s magazine?”, he asked.

Kyle looked up at his cousin and smiled. He lightly bit Allan’s swelling cock through his jeans. “You’re getting hard thinking of my dad fucking you.”, he teased.

Allan laughed. “Who’s you’re daddy?”, he said as he released his boner for his cousin.

Kyle took the cock into his mouth and in a matter of minutes, Allan was sending his seed down Kyle’s greedy throat.

“Dude, you were really hot. Do you really want to do it with my dad?”, Kyle asked.

“I don’t know. Maybe. He’s always dressed in leathers when he goes out on his Harley. Look at this guy.” Allan pointed to a man with a handlebar mustache wearing a leather jacket and chaps holding a Twinks face while he face fucked him. They turned a few pages and it was more of the same. Bikers using the young men for various sex acts.

“Dude, if you start doing it with my dad, you’ll be my step mom and your own aunt. That’s a lot to unpack.”, Kyle laughed.

Kyle’s father, Daniel, was a widower and he raised his son with the help of his older sister, who also was a single mother. Together, brother and sister purchased a three-bedroom house and raised the boys like any other family except Daniel and his sister each had a room of their own and the boys shared the master bedroom.

Daniel worked as a mechanic for the sheriff's department and his sister, Dianne, was a postpartum nurse at the local hospital who worked the graveyard shift. Daniel had a bikers club meeting twice a month and, on those evenings, Allan and Kyle explored their sexual desires and discovered that Allan was gay, and Kyle was bi-sexual. They have been doing it together for years and had already explored group sex and some light bondage so, Allan’s new fascination with his uncle was simply another kink for the boys to explore.

With the admin tests behind them, Allan and Kyle had the summer to ride Motocross dirt bikes, ski at the river and fuck. Allan loved having sex with his cousin and the other neighborhood boys. It was he who talked Kyle into their first three way, bukake party and mild BDSM. Kyle was afraid of hurting Allan because his cousin was so frail and delicate so, Allan still did not know his own limits and he constantly explored his feelings and desires.

The family had breakfast together. Allan’s mother, Dianne, decided to whip up chicken fried steak and eggs with biscuits smothered in sausage gravy. The boys could smell the feast from the garage and when Dianne called them in to eat, they were at the table before she had time to set the table.

Kyles father, Daniel joined the boys and sat at his place at the head of the table. “Why don’t you two set the table for your mom? And bring the coffee pot.”, he said. Daniel stood well over six feet tall. His blonde hair hung down to his collar and his eyes were as black as coals. His big muscular arms were decorated with several tattoos.

The boys didn’t budge. Allan was admiring his uncle in the new light he had just discovered, and Kyle was watching Allan in fascination. He knew his cousin was going to try to do something with his father. He just wasn’t sure how he felt about it, but he felt himself getting hard thinking of his dad ramming into Allen. He imagined his father, dressed in nothing but his leather jacket, holding Allan by the hips while he fervently fucking him, a grimace on his face, and it made him smile.

“Hey, snap out of it. Get up and get the coffee.”, Daniel said. “Allan, go help your mom with the dishes and forks. Move!”

Allan looked over at Kyle and laughed. He knew what he was thinking, and he knew he just got busted fantasizing about his dad. “I’ll get the coffee, and you can set the table.”, he said and the two of them got up to join Dianne in the kitchen.

“There you are.”, Dianne said. “Kyle, get your dad his coffee before he dies. Allan, sweetheart, set the table for mom and I’ll be out in a minute with this.” Dianne, a petite woman, was used to giving orders. She was the consummate nurse in charge who expected to be obeyed. She also had long blonde hair, dark brown eyes and a slight frame. For twelve hours a day she cared for new mothers and their husbands, so she was very familiar with keeping young men in line.

Allan grabbed the coffee pot and two mugs from the cupboard. “I’ll get the coffee.”, he said. Leaving Kyle to gather the breakfast dishes and cutlery.

In the dining room, Allan set a coffee mug in front of his uncle and poured him a cup of coffee. “Good morning, sir. My name is Allan and I’ll be your waitress today.”, he laughed.

“The PC word is server. In America, you’re a waiter.”, Daniel said. He sipped his coffee. “What are you doing this summer? You going to get a job?”

“He’s got no skills. He can't even do his own brakes on the dirt bikes.”, Kyle said as he entered the room in front of Dianne. He set plates and cutlery down before sitting across from his cousin.

“I can still ride circles around you. Maybe I’ll be a professional Motocross racer.”, Allan said. “Did you bring cups for the OJ?”

Kyle made a face. “I only have two hands.”, he said. He got up to fetch tumblers and another coffee mug for himself, and when he returned a moment later said, “You only ride better than me because you like that vibrating motor under your bum and you keep revving up the RPM’s. Vroom! Vroom!”

Allan laughed. “Don't knock it till you try it.”, he said. He poured a cup of OJ, handed it to his mom, and poured another cup for Daniel. He bounced in his chair. “Thats why I got the Thrill Seeker seats for my bike. They’re ribbed for her pleasure.”

Kyle turned his head and moaned as he pretended to vomit at the bad joke, and Dianne put up her hands. “Enough. I don’t want to go to bed thinking of my baby boy having sex with bikers.”, she said, and the boys changed the subject.

“Dad, can you get me a job at your shop this summer?”, Kyle asked his father.

“Not till you’re eighteen. Why don’t you go to CalTech this summer and I can put you on as an intern.”, Daniel said.

Allan was making a burrito with his eggs and gravy, ignoring the steak, and his mother chimed in. “Honey, what are your plans this summer?”

Allan didn’t answer at first. He carefully shook some drops of Tabasco sauce into the opening of the burrito before closing it up. He set it aside and carefully moved his biscuit onto his uncle's plate and set the burrito onto his own plate. Kyle reached over with his fork and stuck it into Allan’s steak. “Are you going to eat that?”, he said.

Yes, of course I’m going to eat it. I’m going to eat the burrito while I fix my breaks.”, Allan said as he stuck Kyles hand with his fork.

“You’re going to have to fix them without me. I’m going skiing with Rich and Jerry Fitzpatric. Come with us. Do the breaks tomorrow.”, Kyle said as he retracted his hand.

“Nope, the wheels are off and I’m not leaving her undressed like a used whore.”, Allan said as he cut into his steak.

Daniel reached over and tousled his nephew's hair. His enormous hand practically covering Allan’s entire head. “That’s a good kid. Take care of your bike and your bike will take care of you.”, he said.

Breakfast continued until Daniel announced that he had to leave for work and Dianne stood to clear the table. Allan and Kyle helped Dianne with the dishes. And they soon heard Daniels Harley Davidson motorcycle engine roar as he started it. Kyle made one last attempt to convince his cousin to go skiing, and Dianne went to bed, reminding her son not to rev up his dirt bikes motor while he was in the garage.

Allan quickly had his breaks done and his bike assembled. He showered, dressed in a pair of gym shorts and a tee shirt and pulled out his X-Box for a round of Bio-Shock, a multi-player zombie shooting game. He played for an hour or two when he heard the familiar roar of his uncles pan tail Harley approaching. He quickly devised a plan in his head and decided to put it in motion.

Setting the X-Box aside, he went to his room to get his eight-inch shower toy. He called it his shower toy because of the suction cup at its base that allowed him to stick the thing to the wall. He also retrieved a tube of lubricant and a towel before he ran like a gazelle to the garage to set the stage to his daring plan.

In the garage, Allan went to the other side of the pickup truck where his uncle's tools were. He went to the box where the magazine was, opened it and removed his gym shorts so he was dressed only in his tee shirt. He knelt in front of the open magazine, positioned his toy on the floor and squirted a healthy amount of lube on the tip before straddling it to impale himself with the eight-inch tool. He sighed with pleasure as his uncle entered the house.

Daniel entered the house and was greeted by the game his nephew was playing moments before. Thinking nothing of it and, keeping as quiet as he could so he didn’t wake his sister, he went straight back to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. He heard a whimpering sound coming from the garage and, concerned, stepped into the garage. “Allan.”, he said quietly. Nothing. He walked around the truck and found his nephew, naked from the waist down and masturbating over his magazine from his toolbox. Beneath him, he saw the thick shaft and well-formed testicles of the dildo the boy had impaled himself with. He felt his cock swell and a faint smile formed on his lips. “Are you okay son; do you need any help?”, he said. He stepped closer.

Allan watched his uncle's erection form under his coveralls. A dark spot appeared obscenely as pre cum began to flow from his hard on. He knew at that moment that his plan was going to work, and he bounced on his toy and stroked himself. “Uncle Danny.”, he panted. He looked down at the magazine.

Daniel followed his nephews gaze to the open magazine on the floor. The picture depicted a large, hairy biker and a young, lithe twink. The biker had both hands on the others face as he received head. The biker had a grimace on his face, and dripping from the twinks mouth was a stream of gooey, white cum.

Daniel took another step forward so the bulge in his pants was inches from his nephews face, and Allan looked up into his uncles lust filled eyes. He continued stroking himself as he bounced on his toy. “Can I suck it?”, he panted.

Without a word, Daniel unzipped his fly and reached into his overalls to release his fully erect cock. He shook it in front of the boy, tapping his nose and lips with the giant mushroom head. Allan opened his mouth and took his uncle into his throat and began sucking and stroking the enormous cock with his mouth.

Daniel threw his head back and moaned as his nephew pleasured him and soon he was ready to explode. “Allan.”, he whispered. “I’m going to cum.”, he said as he tried to pull his cock from his nephews mouth, but Allan leaned forward to keep his uncles now pulsing cock in place as he greedily swallowed the bitter sweet semen.

Once Allan was sure he suckled all there was to have from the deflating cock, he released Daniel and gently kissed the flaccid penis before sitting back, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. He smiled. “Thanks Uncle Danny. I found your magazine this morning and I was fantasizing about this all day. It’s like, fate threw us together.”, he said.

Daniel looked behind the boy as he tucked back into his pants. Allan’s toy was stuck to the floor. Standing like a flesh colored skyscraper in the middle of a parking lot. “You took that thing balls deep. Maybe next time I’ll finish you the other way.”, he said with a grin. “Let’s keep this our little secret. Your mom would never understand.” He cupped the boys chin as he smiled down at him.

Allan looked up at his uncle and smiled before leaning forward to kiss his crotch. “Okay uncle Danny. You can fuck me next time. Can I mark the pages of what I want to try with you?”, he looked back at his toy that was still stuck to the floor and down at the magazine. He giggled as he looked back to his uncle.

Daniel smiled and gave his nephew and affectionate slap on his face. “Clean this mess up.”, he said. “I’ll see you tonight.” And he left Allan alone, half naked in the garage.

Allan soon heard the report of his uncles Harley Davison starting and the roar of the engine fading as he returned to work. He picked up the towel, wiped his bottom, and wrapped it around his toy as he un stuck it from the floor. He pulled on his shorts and took his toy to the bathroom to quietly clean up.

Dinner was much like breakfast. Allan’s mother woke up at three in the afternoon and found her son in the living room engrossed in his video game. “Good morning sweetheart. Have you been here at this game all day?”, she said.

Allan answered without looking back at his mother. “Um, no. I put new breaks on the Kawasaki and took it out for a bit. I think Uncle Danny came home cause the door was locked when I got home.”, he said. “What’s for dinner?”

“How about pepper steak pinwheels?”, she said.

Allan let his game end. “Pepper steak pinwheels? Yah, that sounds great!”, he exclaimed. “I’m going to text Kyle and let him know.” He picked up his cell phone and and began tapping its screen.

Pepper steak pinwheels were just as described. Dianne tenderized flank steak and gave it a good dry rub of black and red pepper. She then grilled them, medium rare and cut the steaks into two inch wide strips. She then brushed the strips with Dijon mustard and laid tender arugula on the strips before rolling them into pinwheels. She used the drippings from the pan to make a beef and mushroom sauce.

Dianne believed that special steak, deserved special accompaniment, so the potatoes were first boiled, then laid out onto a olive oil coated cookie sheet and smashed into potato pancakes. The medallions were drizzled with more olive oil and baked to crispy goodness. Daniel enjoyed drizzling malt vinegar onto them.

Allan helped his mother prepare the meal and, while smashing the little red potatoes into medallions, he hummed a tune and did a little dance. Once or twice he giggled, and his mother looked at him sideways as she peeled Brussels sprouts for the pot. “You seeing a new Bo sweetheart?”, she asked him.

“No, I’m just reminiscing on something.”, Allan said. He did his best to act coy and shy away from the subject. “I think Kyle’s got a crush on Winnie Fitzpatrick, Rich and Jerry’s kid sister.”, he said. He almost hear his mothers brain gears turning as they processed the thought of his cousins unsupervised day at the river with a sixteen year old Winnie Fitzpatrick. He drizzled the potatoes with olive oil and salted them before putting them into the oven. “I’m going to put away the X-Box. Uncle Danny will have a cow if he thinks all I did was play with the idiot box all day.”

Dinner went like breakfast, with Kyle dominating the conversation about his day at the river. Afterwards, the boys helped Dianne with the dinner dishes, and Daniel went to his room to prepare for his club meeting. Dianne, who had already dressed for work, said her goodnights to the boys and left for work and as soon as she closed the door, Allan made a bee line to the garage to retrieve his uncle's magazine and went to his bedroom to mark his favorite pages for later. Kyle followed him into their room, wondering what Allan was up to.

When he entered the room, he found his cousin laying on his bed, marking pages of the magazine with post it notes. On the post-it's, he was ranking the various sex acts with stars. He quickly turned to shut the door, but Alaan whispered, “Leave it open, so your dad doesn’t come in.”

Kyle stepped over to look over his shoulder. He had just put a yellow square post-it on a page where a young man was straddling an old biker, impaling himself with the old man’s cock. He was also holding another leather clad biker's erection while sucking on a third. “Five stars?”, he laughed.

Allan reached down to adjust himself and he wiggled his bottom for affect. “Fuck yes, I’d love that. Getting fucked by five or six guys all at once. Remember when we did three? Didn’t you like that? Man, I think about it all the time.”, he said.

Kyle, now ferociously aroused, moved his hips forward and pulled his growing cock out for his cousin. “Here. Take a break.”, he said.

Allan smiled as he looked up from his task to his cousins erect penis. “Wait till your dad gets in the shower.”, he said. He then took him in his mouth, fervently suckled him for a moment, and went back to marking and grading pages of his uncles magazine.

Daniel started the shower and sat on the pot while he waited for the bathroom to fill with steam. As he leaned forward to get up, he heard the tap-tap-tapping sound of his nephews headboard hitting the wall. He leaned back and listened to the boys frolicking and he was instantly aroused, so he climbed into the shower and lathered up to please himself. By the time he finished, Kyle was alone, watching television in the front room and he assumed his nephew Allan was in his bedroom. He leaned towards the open door. “I’ll be back before ten. Don’t take that Kawasaki on the streets.”, he said.

Allan went to the door of his room to greet his uncle. He was now topless with a tiny pair of high school gym shorts. “Can I go with you to your club meeting? That way, you wont have to worry about me riding the dirt bike, and I can be kind of a mascot.”, he said with a playful smile as he turned patted his bottom.

Daniel looked nervously for his son, saw he was still watching television, and reached out and pinched his nephews naked nipple. “You have to have a Hog to join. Get a job and save your money.”, he said.

Soon the boys were left alone and Allan quickly pulled the infamous magazine from under his pillow to put the magazine back into his uncles toolbox. When he returned to the front room to join his cousin, Kyle said, “Dude, what will you do if my dad gets pissed off at you for touching his magazine.”

“I’ll deny it.”, Allan said. “What will you do if he’s intrigued by my fascination and grading of his magazine?”

“Well, I’m not going to do a three some with you and my dad.”, Kyle said. And the two boys laughed out loud at the thought of having three way sex with Kyle’s father. Kyle, laughing at the ridiculous notion, but Allan was laughing with excitement at the prospect of a new sexual adventure.


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Her Fucking Uncle

Cindy had just gotten back from school – barely through the door, in fact – when the sight of her uncle soured her day. “Oh, welcome home, pumpkin.” her father said. “Uncle Jeremy just got here and we're having coffee in a minute. Would you like some?”“No.” she said coldly and strode up the stairs to her room, glaring at her uncle as she passed him.He was a scrawny, yucky man. He dressed in dirty slacks and didn't bother to groom his hair properly. And, god, he said the most inappropriate...

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bagal wale ghar me buddhe uncle

Hello doston main Sameer wapas aa gya apni nayi kahani ke saath. Is se pehle bhi main 2 kahani likh chuka hoon. Aap author me jaake cuteboy6 pe jaake wo kahaniyan padh sakte hain.Ye baat hai jab main chachi ke ghar gya tha vacation pe. Chachi ke bagal wale ghar me ek buddhe uncle rehte the akele. Wo pass ke hi government school me principal hain.Unki umar kuch 54 saal hogi. Height 5?10 aur weight 75 kilo ke aas pass hain. Rang gora hai uncle ka aur pet bahar nikla hai. Chhati pe baal hai white...

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My bisexual Uncle

My uncle grabbed me and pulled my face to his. We kissed deeply with him kissing and licking away his cum from my face. He shared his cum from his own tongue as our tongues entwined in our mouths. We finally went to just pecking at each others lips as he held me. Hi, my name is Kay and most just calls me K. I am a married 50-year-old mom from the Midwestern United States. I live a secret life as most have no idea of my kinky past nor of the present fun, I am having. I would like to share some...

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Kelly's Unclebykinkyangel©Kelly wrapped the robe around her body and then turned to give herself a thorough investigation on the full length mirror. The robe was made of a gauzy, almost see- through fabric and it contrasted wonderfully with her pale skin. Which made the robe even more special, was the deep V that dipped between her full, firm breasts and the hem, which hit her way above her mid-thigh, barely covering her round butt cheeks.Leaning forward, Kelly studied the way her breasts...

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When Rajas came home he noticed that the house was completely dark except for a light upstairs. It seemed to be coming form his niece’s room. He wondered what Vardi was doing home so early since it was only eight o’clock in the evening. He tried to remember the last time he saw her at home on a weeknight. He parked his car in the garage and made his way into the kitchen. Rajas turned on the light and then noticed a piece of paper on the counter. Evening College called and needed me to work the...

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Uncle My Uncle

I remember knowing my uncle Anthony ever since I can remember. He was only 12 years old when I was born. My mother had been 20 at the time. She had a boyfriend (which was my father) but their relationship didn't last long after I was born. My mom said he took off and wanted nothing to do with me. She eventually dropped out of college and started working for some rich lady at a boutique selling expensive dresses for high society girls. Eventually the rich lady died and left the shop to my mom...

1 year ago
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Mummy With Aan Uncle

Hello ISS readers this is Sunny Singh and I’m here to narrate you incidents of my mom’s sex life. I’m 19 years old pursuing CA final. We live in Ludhiana and there are only two of us in the family me and my mom. My mom is 44 years old, her name is Diljit Kaur she is a divorcee. My parents got separated when I was just 5 years old and since then I live with my mom. Now we don’t have contact with my father or any of my paternal relatives. But yes we still have good relations with my maternal...

2 years ago
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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 6 Boobie Day With Vijay Uncle

Hi Friends, thank you for all the nice words and encouragement you gave me through emails. They pushed me to continue my story. I explained to you in the last couple of parts how I lost my virginity to Sharma uncle. My other two uncles were the only people in the world who knew what was going on. And how supportive they were to me! Later, as I explained in the last chapter, that Sharma uncle had to leave overseas for a few months. Vijay uncle helped me overcome the feeling of loneliness by...

1 year ago
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Milena My Wife and Her Uncle

-------------- I froze. My lips were dry, again. My hands kept trying to open the lid of the water bottle, but they were sweating, I was always sweating here. What is happening? I thought. I remembered my step-father, commenting what had become my new personal mantra: ‘You can’t escape the sun there’. I didn’t remember his exact words but I knew that’s what he’d meant. The plastic crumpled as I forced it with more violence than I’d meant to use. The water here had a faint metallic taste....

4 years ago
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My Wife and Her Uncle

I froze. My lips were dry, again. My hands kept trying to open the lid of the water bottle, but they were sweating, I was always sweating here. What is happening? I thought. I remembered my step-father, commenting what had become my new personal mantra: ‘You can’t escape the sun there’. I didn’t remember his exact words but I knew that’s what he’d meant. The plastic crumpled as I f****d it with more violence than I’d meant to use. The water here had a faint metallic taste. Warm; it brought no...

4 years ago
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Horsy Uncle

Horsy UncleBy: Londebaaz Chohan Already grown up to be a sweet young man, Ross Wilson had lots of fun memories about his uncle Lucas; Ernest Lucas. They were a perfect pair; Ross always sitting on uncle Ernie’s shoulders; uncle holding his hands out as if they were ready to take off for flying and if not uncle Ernie always did some galloping steps like he was a horse and his nephew loved riding his horse while they went to rides in the park, swimming classes or ice cream parlors etc. While at...

2 years ago
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Sex with uncle

I am reema here coming out with the new story i received lot of response for the story how i surrender to my uncle adesh everyday their where more then 50 mail hence i could not respond to all the mail.any way i am writing my new reality with my uncle adesh involving his dil (daughter in law seema ) many had asked about my vital statues my figure is 38. 36. 38. I am little plum in figure but quite fair. After my encounter with uncle adesh that night we had one more night to have sex as my fil...

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My Three Favorite Uncles 8211 Part 7 Trick Played On Ravi Uncle

Now I was really looking forward to sleeping with Ravi uncle. It was a few weeks later that Vijay uncle called me on a Sunday evening. He told me that he and his wife are coming over to pick me up to take me to the party. Vijay uncle’s birthday party! I wore a nice pink ghagra choli and accessorized it with necklace, bangles, and anklets. I looked nice but conservative. We went to a high-end restaurant where Ravi uncle was already in a full-fledged party mode. Vijay uncle managed to keep Ravi...

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Mom8217s Ass Banged By Suresh Uncle

Hi guys…Mera naam arun he aur me 22 saal ka hu..Mere ghar me mein mere dad aur mere mom rhte he..Humaara nuclear family he aur middle class ke he..Mein engineering padh rha hu aur mere dad bank me clerk kaam krte he aur meri maa housewife he.. Yeh kahani meri mom ki he isliye meri mom ke baare me thoda batata hu..Meri mom ka naam rashmi he..Wo ek housewife he..Wo dikhne me ghori he aur uska figure 32 34 36 he..Dekhne me to fresh lagegi aur muje lagta he dad ne use zyaada use nhi kiya he..Meri...

1 year ago
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Desert Walk with Uncle

Note : This story is completely fictional! The sun beat down really hot on the desert where my family was walking. My parents and brother and I were taking a walk in the Southern California desert with my Aunt Kathi and Uncle Marty this Saturday afternoon to spend some time together as a family. Since my family is very active, we had decided to walk the long desert trail out to the top of Garnet Mountain. While we were hiking I saw an animal dashing through the rocks and sage brush. Being an...

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No Come on youre my uncle

- So, better with me, huh? Safer, no hassle.- If Daddy finds out, he kill you, kill... Me.- I don't tell, swear. You know that I... That I'm discreet- And the aunt? And the mother?- What about your aunt?- Gerson! Uncle! What about her? If they know... What's wrong with her, huh?- Silly, you saw how you left me... You provoked me and I stayed... I stayed, di-dn't I?- It's a gal's thing, you know that they all do it, and even more sóthat I am!- Girl, yes... Now you become a gal, right? Gal with...

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Broken In By Uncle

by Lubrican I was lying in bed one morning, kind of between that place where you're asleep and that place where you're awake. I was sort of dream-thinking about my upcoming trip to my Aunt and Uncle's house. Every summer we kids went out there, to the farm, and stayed for two months. There were four of us kids, and they had four too, so it was like having a one room schoolhouse full of kids all living together and stuff. Mostly it was a lot of fun, but we fought like all kids do...

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Nenu Na Pakinti Uncle

Nenu hyderabad lo untunanu. Prasthutham degree ante na age 22 years complete ayi kali ga untunanu.Naku baga sex korikalu ekuva chinna apatinunchi.Inka na figure ki vasthe 34-29-36 chala fair ga magadu chusina ventane sex cheyali anantha tempting ga untanu. Nenu general ga walk chesthunte na back chusi padipoyina valu chala mandi unaru, antha andamga untadi na back. Story loki vaste, ma pakintlo uncle oka 40yrs age untadi manchi body andamga undevadu. Chudagane evaraina padipotharu.40...

1 year ago
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A day with my Uncle

This is a short story and everyone over 18.My name is Cat I'm 19 year old who going to tell the day I spent with my Uncle Dave. Last Christmas my Uncle Dave came to visit us and stayed for the holidays, my Uncle was never married and he is 6'5 has great body, green eyes and blonde hair, he is 36 years old.My dad every year put mistletoe up around the house so him and mom could make out, there was one above the kitchen, I was walling in the kitchen as my Uncle Dave was walking out, me "where my...

2 years ago
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Cockholding Uncle

Hi mera naam Ajay hai mein Hyderabad ka rehene wala hoon yeh incident 2 months before yani ki August mein huyi thi mein apni mba complete karke mumbai chala gaya achhpan se mujhe Mumbai city bahut pasand tha. Mumbai mein mere uncle rehete hai toh mein job searchings ke liye Mumbai gaya aur unke hi ghar mein mera accomodation tha mere uncle ek mnc mein kaam karte hai unka naam shyam hai woh 45 years ke hai unki wife Poonam jo house wife hai unka Age 43 years hai woh dikhne black color hai...

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Ammi sleeps with our neighbor uncle

Dear iss readers..i am a big fan of i am here to post my own story..actually this is not a story..but this really happened between my ammi and our neighbor rakesh..let me tell you something about my mom..her name is zulfia..she is a very beautiful lady with long hair uptil her ass..she has big milky boobs of size 38d..she is about 45 years old..she has been living alone for the past 4 father expired when i was just i am 13 and studying in class mother is a very...

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Mom Sandwiched By Two Uncle

Hi friend’s I am Vansh and I am writing a story here for first time so ignore my mistakes and dont forget to send me your valuable feedback to my email id I’ll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and...

2 years ago
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My Best Experience With Aunt And Uncle

By : Hydfuntime Hi friends! I am Sunil. This is the first time I am writing a story. I have been reading erotic stories for long time. I will share one of my real experience with. In the beginning of the story you may feel it a Gay story but it’s not a gay story. Story start like this. I was still studying at that time I used to visit my uncle and aunt (Prashant and Pooja) daily while coming back from school. Their house was on the way to school.  They had infant son. My aunt used to give me...

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Mom Sandwiched By Two Uncle

I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...

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Mom Sandwiched By Two Uncle

I'll try my best to make cock of all guys erect with this story and pussy of all girls wet and send me mails about your likes and dislikes and now let’s not waste you time much and start with my story and actually my dad works out of country. I live with my mom in town and here my mom is house wife and let me describe her physical look and she is 45 years old bit fat not much with two sexy and juicy pair of boobs Approx 36 and nice well curved figure with good ass and fair complexion. I would...

4 years ago
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Stripping For My Uncle

I make extra money stripping at parties. But I never perform in my home town. I have seen some familiar faces but I don’t think they’ve recognized me. In makeup and a wig and no clothes, they don’t think for a moment that it could be me. But last month I was doing a gig at a bachelor party 60 miles from my home town and who should I see but my father’s brother, George. He recognized me right off. Our eyes met and he smiled and winked to let me know it was cool. I danced...

4 years ago
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Sex With Desi Uncle

Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur aaj main apni chudai ki ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise main ek uncle se chudi jo mujhe chodkar meri chut ko bahut maja diye aur main aaj bhi usne chduwati hu. Ap sab mujhe mail kariye aur bataye meri chudai ki sacchi kahani ap sabko kaisi lagi. Mera figure 36 30 38 h aur main bahut hi maal hu kyu ki mujhe bahut sare ladke aur uncle mujhe line marte h. Mera shape dekh kar mujhe ek uncle line marte the aur wo mujhe kabhi kabhi gifs bhi dete the...

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I Saw My Mom Having Sex With My Uncle

Hi friends my name is Shriya. & i am from Hyderabad. My family members are my dad, mom & me. I saw my mom having sex with my uncle. And first i will describe about my dad first his name is Prakesh he is govt. Employee in Hyderabad my mom name is rani she is house wife ( in this story names are changed) she is so sexy that time & she is so beautiful lady in our area and she was 28 years old & she was fair skinned with well nose and lips eyes are very attractively and she was...

3 years ago
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I Saw My Mom Having Sex With My Uncle

Hi friends my name is Shriya. & i am from Hyderabad. My family members are my dad, mom & me. I saw my mom having sex with my uncle. And first i will describe about my dad first his name is Prakesh he is govt. Employee in Hyderabad my mom name is rani she is house wife ( in this story names are changed) she is so sexy that time & she is so beautiful lady in our area and she was 28 years old & she was fair skinned with well nose and lips eyes are very attractively and she was graced with long...

2 years ago
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Crossdressing Nephew and His UNcle

Once my Uncle and I established a relationship based purely on hot sex while I was dressed as a girl,he would always make plans for us to get together. He soon got his own place,it was on the other side of town and I thought it would be difficult to get together now. One particualr weekend,he called my parents and asked if I could stay over the weekend and help him do some yard work,and my folks said "sure". They didn't think anything of it. Friday night arrives and I pack only lingerie,panties...

1 year ago
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Celebrating my 18th bday with my uncle

Mike is my 36-year-old uncle. He is the youngest of my uncles in my mum’s side of the family. As a little girl I always remember having so much fun with him, he was always playful,… Mike is my 36-year-old uncle. He is the youngest of my uncles in my mum’s side of the family. As a little girl I always remember having so much fun with him, he was always playful, would take me to the swimming pool, the cinema and to other fun activities and enjoyed expending time with my and my...

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Me Auntie and Uncle

Me, Auntie and Uncle By billy69boyPart 1Dad left us years ago. Mom got sick, and they farmed us all out to relatives. I went to live with Uncle Jack and Aunt Ginny. One night I was watching TV in the living room and Uncle Jack came in and asked me if I wanted to watch a video with him. I said okay. It was a hot summer night, and he wore a t-shirt and a pair of boxer shorts. I just had my jockey shorts on.The video turned out to be a porn story about two gay men who sucked each other's penis,...

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Sandy8217s Sex Adventures 8211 Part 2 Seduced By Houseowner Uncle

Hi, This is Sandhya again. I hope you read the first part of my adventure. For those who have not, I am giving you the link above. Please read it first, so that you can enjoy this part. When I and my house owner uncle were about to start the main game, Sri Latha aunty called me. Uncle was tensed and he remembered that he had forgotten his mobile in his house on the second floor. My room was on the first floor. I attended to her call and Srilatha aunty asked me about Prasanth uncle. Aunty: Sandy...

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Cheating with my boyfriends uncle

I've done such depraved and immoral things in my life (despite being cripplingly shy) and I do feel shame about them, but I also love the fact that I did them. No matter how bad something makes me feel after I do it, it always seems worth it. I just love being naughty. I have so many stories to share with you all and I'm kind of surprised I'm going to do it. Being in Covid lockdown has been really hard on me, though. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I live with, and we're in a serious...

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