BreederChapter 13 Once More Into The Ring Dear Breeder
- 4 years ago
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“Truth or dare?”
“Okay, truth.” She said.
“Have you ever let one of the guys touch your breasts?”
“Mary-Jane! C’mon! You know I let Todd touch me all the time. He even got
his hand into my panties once.”
“Yes! He just touched my hair though. Did David touch your titties when
you two were going out?”
“Yes. We were at the movies and he had his whole hand around my breast. I
had to put a stop to it when he got my bra strap off my shoulder though.”
“Why?” She was teasing.
“C’mon Janie, I don’t want to talk about David…that was a long time
“It was only a year and a half ago!”
“I was a c***d then, Janie.”
“Aaaaah, Haaaa, haaaa…”
Janie and I were best friends. We were best friends since grade school
when we learned we shared names. A big thrill for little girls. It was
approaching summer. We had only a few months left until we graduated and The
Great Big World was out there waiting for us.
“What are you going to do after graduation?” Janie asked. She and I had
had this conversation many times. “Oh, I don’t know. You’re going away to
college, my dad doesn’t really want to send me to college. He doesn’t listen to
me. I might get a job or something.” This topic was really depressing. Janie
and I were stuck (at least, I was) in this conservative little town. She and I
were late bloomers, and weren’t terribly popular in school. She turned eighteen
before me, yet we were still inseperable. Janie insisted that I was pretty. I
suppose I was, I’m proud of my body, not an ounce of fat, My titties are little
but the nipples are large and perky. Mamma said that I would fill out much more
when and if I went to college. Janie and I always assumed the mysteries of
womanhood would be revealed to us there. Most other girls our age are more
promiscuous. Not us. Not in this town. We heard the door downstairs slam and
the sound of my daddy’s workboots in the kitchen. He was angry again.
“Doris, get this place cleaned up, we’re going to have some company for
“Company?” I heard my mamma yell from the bedroom. She was a pretty and
wonderful woman. Daddy had met her as a young steelworker, she was the pretty
waitress at the local watering hole. Mamma had dark hair, and an ample chest.
She kept herself clean and pretty as possible almost all the time. Daddy always
joked about her “fat ass” and I hated him for it, but they were my family.
“Company. It seems the owner of the steelmill Roy Shanks has died, and
left it to his son, Ron. The k*d is a snotty bastard.”
“You barely knew Roy. Why does his son, er, the new owner want to have
dinner with us. You’re just a foreman…” I could tell by the silent moment
that followed that mamma knew she had slipped again. My dad was an angry man
and hated to be reminded that he was only a foreman after so many years. He had
tried to work his way into a management position but had got out-maneuvered by
some other guy. “Yeah, woman, so you keep reminding me…aw shut up, listen
(where’s the damn bottle opener!) His k*d is some sort of slicked-up, porsche
drivin’ spoiled college brat who’s determined to ‘make the company better, or
something, or…hell I don’t know! Anyway, he’s coming over this evening, so I
want this place, and you, and Mary-Jane cleaned up!”
Ron was indeed a “Porsche-drivin” guy. He parked with one wheel on the
grass. He was wearing a white shirt and tie and looked like a linebacker. He
filled his shirt pretty good. I was pulling on my best sweater. Mom even told
me to wear my good bra. I don’t know why, he’s not going to look under my
shirt. I told mama this and she lightly tapped my cheek and told me ‘mind
yourself missy’. I was looking down at him through my window. He walked pretty
cocky too as he came to the front door. I couldn’t help letting my eyes wander
down, to his crotch. I’ve never told anybody this, but I always wondered if
other girls get really wet. I mean, I get REALLY wet! It was one of the reasons
David and I broke up. I had started my period a few months before, and I was SO
embarassed by the fact I got so gushy just thinking about sex!
Dinner went okay. Ron was a swarthy guy, about thirty-five. Pretty good
looking for an older guy. Liked to interrupt my dad too. Daddy doesn’t like
being interrupted. Daddy didn’t like the fact Ron kept running his eyes up and
down my sweater either. Ron asked me: “Have you dated much, Mary-Jane?” Dad
started to turn red at such a question, but I saw mamma shush him with a touch.
“No. I haven’t dated much at all.”
“That’s too bad. You don’t know what you’re missing!”
“Mary-Jane graduates high-school in June.”My dad pointed out.I was
blushing. Why was Ron looking at me like that? Everyone was looking at me! I
asked to be excused and went up to my room. I listened at the heat vent to what
they were saying. “You know, Dale,”Said Ron “The mill is cutting back a little.
I may not need so many foremen on the floor.”
“I was working at that steel mill when you were playing with G.I.Joes and
sticking firecrackers up cat’s asses!”
“Relaaax Dale, old boy. I didn’t say anything about your job…? I just
want to point out a man, in your position, may want to consider his nice house,
his wife’s jewelry, food on the table, that mortgage payment…?”
“What do you want Ron!”
“I run the company now, Dale. I would rather be addressed as ‘Mr. Shanks’
If you don’t mind.”
Daddy bit back his pride in an unusual display. “Okay…’Mr. Shank’ I
operate the best shop at the mill, I’ve worked there twenty years.
I’ve got a mortgage payment, and a bad back. What do I have that you
could want from me?”
“Why, a lonely young CEO like myself needs companionship, Dale. Your
lovely daughter, I could stand to take her to dinner.”
“Dale, now calm down honey.” This couldn’t be so awful…”
There was a bit of a row, then. Dad yelled a bit. Mom yelled at him. I
don’t think Ron got to dessert. I heard him smirking to Daddy about “mortgage
payments” then there was some quiet muttering and the front door slammed.
I crept downstairs, being careful not to make the bottom stair creak. I
went to the bathroom and got a maxi-pad from the cabinet under the sink. The
bedsprings were creaking “CRACK”. I crept up the hall. “OH!! ‘CRACK’!!” I felt
my juice drip warm on my leg. “CRACK” I pressed the pad against my mound. I
peeked in my parents bedroom door. There was a scene I had seen before. Mamma’s
ample ass was in the air, her pendulous breasts swinging under her, Daddy’s
hairy and well muscled ass and legs pumping into her. I could see Daddy’s ball
sack swinging. “CRACK” Daddy’s big leather belt came down on Mamma’s ass as it
came down on mine when I was bad. My nipples were soooo hard. The maxi-pad was
getting soaked. “Do you think our little girl needs to go out with a grown
“No. He’ll hurt her.”
“‘CRACK’ He’ll what?
“He’ll hurt her”
“Do you think she should….? ‘CRACK'”
“OWWW! (gasp) Yessss. Yes! She should!”
“Why, dear? ‘CRACK'”
“Owww! So that she can…(gasp)…learn!”
“Learn what dear? ‘CRACK'”
“To…to obey….”
“To obey who, dear? ‘CRACK'”
My knees almost gave out on me. I saw Daddy thrust forward into Mamma,
and grunt, Mamma thrashed around a lot. I saw something leak onto the sheets. I
ran upstairs. The pad was wet. I was almost crying but my trembling was from
the thought of Ron touching me, he’s not listening to my protests, my bra strap
sliding off my shoulder, my big nipples in his fingers as we sat in his
Porsche. I was scared but I felt a warm, gushing heat spread from my crotch to
my chest. I was having my first orgasm.
Mamma was making breakfast when I came down. I kissed her good morning,
then set my books down on the table. Mamma pushed me from behind, bending me
over the table. “OWWW! MOM! What are you doing.
“You just be quiet and undo your pants.”
“Mooo-ooom!?” She swatted my butt but reached around then, and undid my
jeans. I protested but she wouldn’t take any back-talk and pushed my jeans down
around my knees. She made sure I was still bent over the table and made me push
down my own panties! I was protesting as much as I could. She swatted my ass
again “Bend over, I said!” I felt her fingers in my crack, exploring my vagina,
then she spread my labia with two fingers. “Moo-oom!” I complained as she
leaned over to sniff her daughter! “Have you had your period this month yet,
“God! Yes, mom. It was last week. You know that!”
“Don’t back talk me young lady! I’ve made an appointment with the doctor
for this afternoon. You’re getting a checkup!”
I complained, but, of course, it didn’t do any good. I pulled my Jeans
up, ate breakfast and went to school.
Mom listened carefully to the doctor ask me questions about my period,
was I taking any drugs, etc. etc. I resented all of this and I told her so in
the car on the way home. “Why is all this fuss. Just because this ‘Ron’ guy
wants to take me out?
“Don’t tell your father this, but I already spoke to Ron Shanks. His
proposal was not news to me. It seems Ron has a ‘thing’ for very young ladies
and your father is known at work for having a young, teenage daughter, of legal
“Ewwww! And I have to have sex with him for Daddy to keep his job?”
“NO! No, Mary-Jane. You do not.” There was a conspicuous silence in the
car. “You will not say anything to your father. You’ll go on a date with Ron
Shanks. You will maybe flirt a little, then kiss him on the cheek when he
brings you home, at a decent hour, of course.”
“What were those pills the doctor gave you?”
“Harold gave me these, er, you’ll see when we get home.”
“So what did you and Ron talk about?” I asked.
“A business proposal. One that will increase your father’s income
substantially. Your father would never have agreed to it, so you will keep your
mouth shut! You don’t need to know any more. It doesn’t have anything to do
with you anyway.” It was quiet again in the car.
At home, Mamma told me to take a hot bath and get cleaned up. I did so,
and she told me to come to her and Daddy’s bedroom. I came in wrapped in a
towel, brushing my wet hair. Mom ordered me to lay down on the bed and lift my
knees. She had the bottle of pills in her hand.
“What Mom?”
She suddenly became furious and grabbed one of Daddy’s belts. She lashed
at my butt with it “CRACK” leaving a bright red welt on my ass. “Owwww, Mooom!”
I hadn’t been whipped in quite a while. “GET ON THE BED AND LIFT YOUR KNEES!” I
trembled as I obeyed. I lifted my legs in front of my mother, like I was in the
delivery room. My freshly washed privates were on full display. She told me to
reach down and spread my ass cheeks. I was nearly crying as I did so. Mama took
one of the big white capsules from the pill bottle and firmly placed one in my
anus. I yelped as she did this and she pinched my ass cheeks shut so I could
not expel it. I felt like a little girl and started to cry. “Mom what are these
“These are fertility drugs, dear.”
“I’m already having a period though!”
“These will make you much more fertile, honey.”She reached for another
one. “Your egg production will increase and your hormones will go into
“Why are you doing this Mom?”
“Because you’re going to start dating a real man dear. Now, when this one
has dissolved, I want you to get dressed and be nice and pleasant for your
father. He’s under a lot of stress lately.”
The second one was dissolving in my ass as I went upstairs. Over the next
several days, Mom came in early in the morning to wake me for school. She would
make me put my ass high in the air and spread my cheeks for the fertility
suppositories. I felt like I was her science project as she groomed me for my
date with Ron. I was afraid of what she and Ron wanted, or even if they had
plans after all.
I didn’t tell Janie anything about this. It’s getting pretty wierd when
you won’t even tell your best friend what’s going on. I started to feel a
little wierd too. My butt and breasts started to feel more full. I felt kinda,
you know, more emotional. It’s definityly weird having your mom put things up
your butt. One morning, she came into my room and sniffed me again. I was still
bent over the pillow, feeling one of the pills dissolving, when I noticed the
laundry she was putting into my dresser was different! “What are those mom?
“More bras for you honey, some in different sizes.”
“Your breasts are going to get bigger. Look-I got you some in a C-cup and
some in a D-cup too.”
I was squirming around with my ass in the air at the thought of my mother
deliberately changing her daughter’s body like this. I know the look on my face
must have been pouty as I asked: “What are those others?”
She held up a large, bulky white one with clasps on the front of the
cups. “This is a nursing bra.”
My face took a look of shock as my mind reeled at the thought. My own
mother wants me to get pregnant! I started to cry. Mother immediately came over
and hugged me, turning me over and putting my head in her lap. “There there,
dear. I’m just concerned for you. You haven’t made any plans for the future and
you’re moping around the house. I want you to have a future, not become a
professional waitress like me. Ron Shanks is a very wealthy man, he wants
c******n by as many women as possible. Men are like that. Ron Shanks simply has
the wealth to be able to take care of them. He has promised me he will
supplement your father’s income ‘substantially’ in return for several
She began kneading my breasts. Pinching my swollen nipples hard to make
them stand up. “I know you won’t like it at first, honey. But once you get used
to a man holding you down, you learn to really get used to it. There’s nothing
like the feel of a man ejaculating inside of you. I’m giving you fertility
drugs to increase the chance of having twins. I think that would be lovely!”
“Mom, don’t make me!”
“Nonsense! There were royal concubines in ancient times that would jump
at the chance to breed with men of royal b***d. You’re going to go to bed with
Ron or I will let him ‘have his way with you! Now, you will get dressed!”
Ron came by at eight o’clock. Dad didn’t come home after work, I guess he
didn’t want to see his daughter go off with his new boss. Ron smelled pretty
good. I wore a skirt that hugged my knees, and a nice silk blouse. My nipples
wouldn’t go down, so anything I put on, they showed. I was nervous, mom treated
the whole thing like a regular high-school date. He put his arm around me and
escorted me to the car.
“Relax, sugar, just dinner and a movie.” I tried to reassure myself. I
tried to do the math in my head. If he raped me, is it the right time for…?”
I didn’t think it was. I didn’t talk till we got to the restaurant. I made
polite conversation with him. He woudn’t stop staring at me.
“You’ve got a really pretty face, Mary-Jane.” I had to admit, he didn’t
sound like the sneering, rich-boy type. Although he was old, he was quite
attractive. I kind of found myself falling under his spell. I began to wonder
what it would feel like to put my mouth near his… I started to feel a growing
heat in my crotch! He put his foot in between my high heels as we sat at the
table. He suddenly kicked my feet apart! There I was staring, pouting at this
man who just spread my legs in a public place!
“I control the lives of most of the people who work at your father’s
steel mill. Your father can be replaced, remember that. Leave your legs open.”
We ordered dinner and made polite conversation, but we kind of lacked a
common ground to talk. He whispered “remove your panties and hand them to me.”
I stared agape. I looked around, it only FELT like everyone was watching me. He
repeated his order, and smiled. I tentatively reached under my skirt and peeled
my damp panties off my hips. They clung to my moistness briefly as I slid them
down my thighs. I could feel the air conditioning in the restaurant as the air
hit me. I felt suddenly vulnerable.
“Keep your legs open.” He took my small bundle of cotton and lace and,
smiling at the feeling of their moistness, put them in his jacket pocket. I
blushed furiously. He paid the check and escorted me out. “Now what?” I asked.
“Now, we go somewhere and talk, look at the stars perhaps.”
I started to argue, but thought better of it. We drove out to a local
“make-out” point. I couldn’t believe I was here. How humiliating. What if I
were seen with this older guy? Ron swept me up in his arms. He was pretty big.
I could smell his aftershave and his own musky smell. He kissed me tenderly. I
was shaking! “You’re trembling like a little schoolgirl.”
“Yeah, well…”
“I will teach you how to kiss a man properly.” Over the next, what seemed
like, hours I learned how a girl takes a man’s tongue, gives her own tongue,
and teases a man with her mouth. Ron is a pretty sexy guy. I started feeling
more confident. Ron began sucking at my lips, HARD. I protested, but his mouth
wouldn’t let go. I pushed at his chest but he kept sucking at my lips, first
taking the bottom one and sucking the entire thing in his mouth, then switching
to the top one, which he worked first one side, then the other. I was mewling
and struggling a little. It kind of hurt. I had never heard of this. The music
was playing the whole time, it felt kind of good, making out in the bucket
seats of some guy’s Porsche at make-out point. He finally stopped and I
hurriedly reached for the switch to roll down the window. My lips ACHED.
As I rolled down the tinted glass, I realized there were some people I
knew just kind of hanging-out on the hood of the next car. They (of course)
suddenly turned to SEE.
“Hey David, isn’t that your Mary-Jane?” I heard a voice.
“Uh, I dunno, Hey! Mary-Jane.” I was looking at my ex-boyfriend. My lips
were SO swollen and red, I must have looked like a whore.
“Hey k*d, c’mere!” Said Ron David walked over to the car.
“Uh, hey Mary-J, uh, what’s up?”
“Here, son, these are for you. You should try a little harder.” Ron
handed David my panties.
Some days went by. I told Mamma everything. At school, I could hardly
show my face! I told Janie it was some college-friend I had somehow met. She
thought it was pretty cool that I should have such a mature boyfriend. I had to
make up all kinds of stories. The panty incident had gotten me a bad
reputation. People suddenly noticed me. Some of the guys on the track team
wanted to talk to me. I was wearing a C-cup bra now. My nipples were almost
always hard. I was totally confused. I was avoiding my homework at home, just
kind of milling around the house one weekend when I found Mamma’s calendar. She
had my fertility cycle all worked out. Apparently, this was THE weekend!
I wanted to cry. Mamma got Daddy to spank me good with the belt when he
got home. She wanted me “warmed up” and minding her, so she told Dad I talked
back to her good, that afternoon. Daddy has a pretty quick temper so he took to
it good. I got my ass seriously warmed wit h that one. I hated my mother then.
I was crying up a storm on my bed, letting the welts on my ass go down, when
she came into my room. “I sent your father off for a night with the boys. I
want you to get bathed, perfumed, and put on this lovely lace teddy I got you!
I wasn’t about to argue with her again. I knew Ron was coming over that
evening. As evening came on, I lay in my room, looking out the window. I looked
at my stuffed animals and unfinished homework. I opened my drawer and looked at
the nursing bra. Ron came over, I heard Mamma serve him dinner, then get him
comfortable in her room. I was trembling, and clutching a pillow as she came up
the stairs.
My face was red from crying some, and my lips were painted very, very
red. I thought I looked like a whore. I knew that’s what Ron wanted. Mamma
swatted my ass a few times in the hallway. She herded me into her bedroom. Ron
was laying in the bed. There were candles lit all around. He was smiling, or
sneering, I couldn’t tell which. He pulled back the covers for me. I put a knee
tentatively on the edge of the bed. Mom and Dad’s bed always sat higher than
mine. Ron leaned over and kissed my mouth. he began sucking at my lips like on
our date. My lips were swelling up again.
“CRACK” Mamma sent the belt against my rear. “Owwww!” I exclaimed,
jumping into the bed. Ron pulled the sheets over us as Mamma stood by with the
belt, supervising.
I could feel Ron’s hard cock suddenly press against my belly. I yelped
and struggled with Ron and the covers and managed to work my way free. Mamma
gently pushed me back as I tried to escape. I had thrown the covers back. Mamma
threatened the belt again. I turned toward Ron, sobbing. His cock was standing
straight up. It was as thick as my wrist and jutted upward from a tangle of
dark hair. He had a dark line of hair running up his belly to his chest, where
it was generous. I noticed the dark, purple head of his penis was as big as a
plum, almost the same circumference as the shaft. It looked to be quite long
and hard. There were many veins lining the surface. Mamma reached between my
legs as I sat, fascinated, and undid the snap of my teddy. She and Ron shifted
my legs across his till I was almost straddling him. I snapped out of it and
began crying and thrashing again.
“I don’t want to do this! It’ll k**l me!”
Ron calmed my shaking frame, and leaned me a little back. He pushed the
shaft down, like bringing a cannon to bear, and firmly placed the head against
my lips. Mom whispered to me, “Notice the head’s shape, it’s designed to
smoothly separate a girl’s labia, letting the veined shaft into her womanhood.”
Mom seemed so proud of her little girl.
“Look at me, Mary-Jane.” I looked at Ron’s eyes as the head of his thing
stretched me. His big hands grabbed my hips. I cried out as my cherry was
impaled on him. Mamma slapped the belt across my buttocks.
“CRACK” I yelped and fell on his cock, “CRACK” I yelled again, letting my
weight fall. I was split up the middle. I felt totally immobilized by this
shaft of meat impaling me. I could feel the living rod of flesh stretching me,
a living thing inside of me. I was fucked.
“All the way down, young lady! You’ve got to take it all in if he’s going
to make you pregnant.”
I gasped with shame, I was soooo wet, I thought of Daddy slapping Mamma’s
rear as he gave it to her.
Mamma and Ron undressed me the rest of the way. I didn’t resist. I had
lost my will with my virginity. I laid down on his hairy chest. I felt his
hairy, strong legs spread mine some more. Mamma reached back behind to fondle
his balls. Ron was thrusting his hips upwards. He rolled me over onto my back.
I could feel his balls settling against my ass. My arms were pinned to his
chest as he thrust now in a more manly fashion into me and into me. Mamma
stroked my hair as she knew what her little girl must have been feeling.
“Remember what I told you, honey. There’s nothing like feeling a man put
his seed in you.” Ron lost control just then and I could feel a hot jet of seed
hit my cervix. I began to cum myself.
“Lift your legs into the ‘birthing position’ honey, so he can get it
deep.” Ron was squirting it deep! Mamma pushed my legs up and held them there.
She smiled. She must have known what I was feeling. I could feel my cervix
flexing, dipping down into the pool of seed he was leaving in my vagina.
Knowing how fertile I was, I couldn’t help but orgasm. Daddy’s boss was making
his daughter pregnant. And this would only be the first time.
Mamma left us alone after that. Ron said he would stay a little while.
She blew out the candles and shut the door on her way out. She looked really
happy. There, in the dark, Ron spread my legs again. I thought of all the times
I had peeked on my parents, now I was getting mounted, feeling Ron’s hard, hard
wet shaft sliding into me again. I found my will and struggled against his
grasp, but his arms were much stronger than mine. I kicked in the air when I
felt him squirt again. Ron smiled.
Mamma came in after Ron had left. I wasn’t sure whether I should cry or
be in love. Mom slipped a tampon into me. “We can’t let you push any of that
out now. If I’m going to watch your belly swell over the coming months, I’ve
got to plug that sperm in so that it can do it’s work. Now, show me your pretty
ass…” I rolled over. “CRACK” went the belt.
There I was, naked in my parent’s bed, kneeling on the edge. Mamma was
swatting my ass with the well-used belt. I was playing with my clit and pussy
as I felt the tampon expand to plug me. The tampon string was hanging down.
Mamma insisted that an orgasm helps to “soak it up”. I could feel my orgasm
Teo is a young man brought up by a single mother (Leah) and her sister (Evie). He is a very intelligent (a genius level), charming and persuasive (manipulative) man. His mother sent him to study farming in hopes that he would become a farmer with his own piece of land to live on. Teo indeed studied farming and various subjects related to farming, intensively. He was especially interested in stock raising. Teo had figured it all out. He knew what he will be doing in future – selling monsters. It...
FantasyI am a breeder, not your average breeder of dogs; or horses; or pigs; or anything like that; no, I breed humans. Usually it is by request, a man whose wife or girlfriend has suddenly decided her cunt is too good for his cock, or who he has discovered to be opening her legs to someone else. Perhaps he simply sees a girl he wants to have impregnated. In any case, he contacts me. I stalk the subject until I know her every move and at the right time I strike. She wakes up to find herself in my...
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Fantasy & Sci-FiA growing panic started as I remembered movies I’d seen with guys stripped naked and tortured by the enemy. I started to struggle, but I was stretched so tight I could only move my ass a little. After a few minutes I gave up and started to look around. The room I was placed in was the size of a living room. It was without windows, doorways and furniture though. Like the floor, the walls and roof were white. It reminded me about a hospital. The only thing in the room, other than me, was a...
Mara dropped her school bag by the front door and slid out of her uniform black shoes. It had been a long week of final exams and Mara was tired of everything she had to deal with at school. She was eighteen years old and about to graduate from high school. Depending on her grades on the exams she had just taken, she hoped that they were good enough to get her into the biochemistry course she wanted at University.The Catholic school she currently attended pushed her hard, but she knew it would...
IncestMara dropped her school bag by the front door and slid out of her uniform black shoes. It had been a long week of final exams and Mara was tired of everything she had to deal with at school. She was eighteen years old and about to graduate from high school. Depending on her grades on the exams she had just taken, she hoped that they were good enough to get her into the biochemistry course she wanted at University.The Catholic school she currently attended pushed her hard, but she knew it would...
IncestThe sun glistened through the blinds, rays of light trailed over Max's closed eyes, he groaned and turned over, snuggling his head into his white pillow trying his best to go back to sleep. Only for it to be ruined by a school bus pulling up out side, the screams of kids fighting over who gets to sit where on the bus. Max rolled over, sighed and decided it's time to get up. Max had spent all his time playing video games, reading hentai and jerking it since finishing school at 18, he didn't...
IncestAliens had invaded earth, and the old XCOM forces managed to push them back to the point they declared peace, they offered the governments technology and aid in return for cooperation and becoming part of the collectives forces. Little did Humanity know that the aliens needed humans, or more precisely human females to breed with. Their gene therapy clinics were there not to just help humanity, but to also augment them to be more fertile and be more compliant to their new overlords. XCOM saw the...
James Enfield is a 19-year old boy living in England. He lives with his step-mother Lisa, his father William and his sister Emma. James and his family have been hired to go to a remote African village and teach the natives about European culture and christianity. He has never liked the bible or any religion and since he is a virgin he's constantly looking for someone to take his virginity. James is average height, muscular and has chestnut brown hair. He also happens to have a really big cock....
You are roused from your tangled blankets at the crack of noon by the loud bang of your mother finally slamming your bedroom door open. You mutter something about five more minutes and she roughly yanks off your blanket. The cold rush of the air-conditioned air over your naked body reminds you that you are not wearing any pajamas. “Jake!” Your mother snaps, flinching away from the sight of you naked. “Get up! And for god’s sake, put some clothes on!” You sit up and see your mother averting her...
MILFYou could hear it a voice speaking, "Finally after 18 years you are ready..." It said, you understood. You had a mind and it instantly asked a single question. 'Who is that?' then another came 'Who am I?' it was so simple... yet so vexing. The voice spoke again, "Brainwaves are normal... activity picking up." it said. 'Who am I? Where am I? Why do I feel so cold... what...' one after another question bombarded you till eventually, 'STOP! Who am I? And who is... that? I must... open my eyes!'...
FantasyBefore, my life was awful. I was the only guy in a house full of girls; my family in a nut shell. The house was one of those large Victorians with big rooms, so we could all fit. My Dad is a Marine and is over seas a lot. So it's just me, my mom, my 18 year old sister, my four cousins and my two aunts. My mom works at the post office, my aunts both work at a cafe', my sister and two of my cousins are in school, and the other two cousins are in collage. I don't have any friends, so I had no one...
IncestI did not write this story. This is purely fantasy. But ai find it super hot and wanted to share. Daddy's Breeding Slutbyaquamarine77©Ted couldn't pinpoint when exactly he decided to impregnate his daughter. It was probably a culmination of his Catholic upbringing, and his wife's rejection of his sexual advances. Just so you know where he's coming from, a little backstory is necessary. Ted grew up in a very Catholic household and went to a strict Catholic school. He was never very religious,...
Bill was a good friend. He loved to fuck women. He was good looking and has a nice cock and a great ass. He had two big balls that were full and hard. He spurted loads of cum. He asked me if he could breed me and give me his baby. I told him I was not into having c***dren but we could just fuck when ever he wanted. He was a great lover and horny all the time.. Then one day my two lesbian friends told me they wanted to get pregnant and have babies. They were looking for the perfect man to breed...
He was born Taylor Smith. The community knew him as gay Taylor. It was an odd name for Taylor seeing that there were not only many LGBT kids, parents, teachers, and other adults in the area. But oddly he was the only Taylor so there was no need for the extra disclaimer. But the name stuck so everyone used it. Jeanie Temple was up early, making her husband breakfast when there was a knock on the door. Saturday morning, at 8am it was only ever one person. So Jeanie didn’t bother grabbing her...
Eighteen months after Zelfa had been bought for his harem, she had become a regular in his bed because she did make such a lovely noise when she came, as that seemed only to work if he was in her vagina, she was securely dosed by the eunuchs with a reliable contraceptive. Life continued much as before; the investments he inherited from his father, mostly in the oil exporting business, kept him in the style he wished and he rarely worried about money. Occasionally when he was bidding for a...
A threatened future After a series of difficult years, people had hoped that 2023 would be a return to normalcy. However, their optimism was shattered when alien ships landed on Earth, bringing news of a hostile civilization approaching with the intention of enslaving or destroying humanity if they resisted. The visitors explained that humanity's current level of technology would not be enough to defend against the enemy, and their resistance would be futile. If the aliens' warnings were...
It was almost 7:00 P.M when I closed my store for the day. It was a good day, my customers were satisfied, and so was I. 10 minutes later, I was at home. I entered the apartment to be welcomed by Jade watching TV. Jade is my roomate since I moved in a year and a half ago. She's a kind and sympathetic woman and, additionally, a very pretty one: a dark brow skin, a short afro haircut, a pair of jade green eyes (hence her names, so she tells me), a bright smile and a silhouette... not devoid of...
Mind ControlTeen Age MemoryBy: LondebaazIt amazes me today to remind myself that my 2 years older sister Ally and I were both in high school wrestling team and we both have been enjoying wrestling as sports and great exercise. We even watched wrestling entertainment on the tube quite often. Like most siblings we horsed around a lot at younger age playing and pretending to lock arms and pin the other person. As Ally matured, she became a very attractive girl but still she enjoyed horsing around with me;...
Hi, I know I say this with a lot of my stuff, but sorry about the gaps between my writing. I haven't got much of a defence, except that I get easily distracted by other stuff and it takes me a while to get back to doing this. I did get halfway through another story in this series, however, my computer crashed and I lost everything. I will be re-writing this story in the future, with some improvements. I have decided to put my The Big Bang Theory series on hold and keep going with my...
This is the fifth edition of my Teen Titans’ Chronicles series. If you haven’t read the first four parts of the series, you might be a little lost at this point. I would suggest that you at least go back and read parts 1 and 2 before you read this addition. This story is set on the Monday after Parts 1 and 2, which happened over a Saturday and Sunday. Parts 3, 4, 5 are occurring at around the same time, with all of them starting on the same Monday. Please note that my Teen Titans...
By JIMMY 07/05/12 Mark awoke to the sound of breaking glass. The 5 foot 10 Italian stud arose immediately. He didn’t have to think, listen, or take the time to wake fully. His house had burglar bars on all the windows and doors with one exception. Just yesterday, Mark had removed the bars on the first floor bathroom window to repair a leaking sash. He knew the sound had come from that window. He slept nude and had woken with a massive aching erection. He didn’t bother with...
My name is Ryan, and my wife, Karen, and I moved to Charleston at the age of forty-four, after having lived in Atlanta since graduating from college. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and, after a long career working as an engineer, I moved to Charleston to begin my career as a manufacturer’s representative. Karen, with her degree in education and years of experience teaching, got a job in a high school here.Our son, Jason, graduated from college and moved to Charleston to begin his...
TabooTEEN 4 EVER - PT. 2 By BERTHA Bert, now Carol suffers from a rare condition known as Peter Pan Condition in which some sufferers stop aging during pre or early teen years, they never grow any older looking. The events depicted here take place during Bert/Carol's second year as a girl at St. Rita's School for Girls. It will be narrated in Carol's own words. I'm Bert; I'm eighteen and am better known as...
Teen Fire &Teen Frost????this story contains bondage, torture and sexual explicit content. The story is for entertainment purposes only. It should only be read by persons of legal age and in areas where this material is legal? the bottom line adults only?all persons portrayed in this story are 18 years of age or older this is a work of fiction?. if you don't understand that seek help.Teen Fire and Teen Frost are my creations please do not use without my expressed permission this is the first...
Teen Fire & Frost ....Sadist Sorority SlaversKara and Tara Bishop AKA Teen Fire and Frost were investigating several disappearances at the state university campus: many freshman girls had gone missing since the beginning of the school year, prompting the super heroines to investigate. The investigation revealed that all of the missing girls had recently pledged the same sorority. Tri Kappa was known to be the most difficult sorority to pledge, their members were the richest and the most...
She’s late. Martin had prepared everything. He had carefully considered what to say, arranged with Damien to not disturb them and made a comfortable cuddling spot in the hay. Now he just needed Alyssa to show up. He even had his special aid. As he thought about it, he felt into his pocket. It was starting to melt. She’d better come soon. He decided to store it in the hay. “Martin?” The feint whisper came from downstairs. “Martin?” “I’m over here.” He called back. It was getting dark and...
AnalPRESS RELEASE FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE TO ALL MEDIA OUTLETS FROM: BREEDAMERICA SUBJECT: NATIONAL TEEN BREED WEEK National Teen Breed Week is fast approaching. Young teenagers throughout the country are enthusiastic about the upcoming celebrations. Countless young people are giving up bad habits such as smoking, drinking and drugs in order to improve their chances of conceiving, having problem-free pregnancies and healthy babies. They are also improving their diets and exercising more. Sales...
I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic; it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...
I have been reading some graphic novels lately for one of my graphic design classes at university and one of the major novels studied is DC comics Teen Titans. While reading them it occurred to me that the writers had made it too unrealistic. It’s not the superheroes, aliens and monsters that struck me as being unrealistic, it’s the fact that a bunch of teenagers left alone in a tower every weekend don’t have more sexual attraction to each over. This is what would really happen at night in...
Cast of the story: Cast of the story: Bob ? father of Katie and Todd ? Bob is 50 years old and a single dad with full custody of the kidsKatie (13) Todd (15)Uncle Jim (40)Josh (15) ? Uncle Jim?s sonSam ? Bob?s neighbor and friend (Had a son Katies age named Kevin)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Story Line ? Bob, Katies dad is the leader of an all men amateur photography club who meets weekly with aprox 15 other men and a few...
The last few days have been pretty hectic for Alyssa. The teen has been exploring new functions for her body, she had never imagined possible. Getting taught by Clover, Damien and Martin is certainly a great way to practice for her marriage. Although she has to keep her virginity until then, she now has a larger knowledge about men and how to please them. Alyssa had been such unknowing and innocent teenage girl, but since her first lessons with Martin one week ago, that all changed. — As it...
My childhood was a little traumatic, growing up in a working-class family in South Boston in the 1990s. My mother and father are both pure-blooded, Irish Catholics, and I inherited their pale skin, freckles, and bright red hair. I was teased mercilessly and picked on by many of the other kids. They derisively called me a ‘ginger’, and some of the boys even bullied and beat me up. I couldn't defend myself very well either. I'm short, slimly built, effeminate looking, and even considered to be...
CrossdressingHi ghatana ghadli tevha mee ani majhe mitra sadharan 18 vayache hoto. College chya durya kiva tisrya varshala astana hee ghatana ghadli. Amhi tighe (Sandeep, Saurabh ani mee) khoop javalche mitra hoto. Lahan pana pasoon ekatra vadhlele. Ekach area madhye rahat hoto. Javalchi maître aslyamule ekmekakade yene jane nehmich hot ase. Ek divas Sandeep ne amha dogha mitrana duprai ghari bolavle. Mhanala ek gammat dakhvaychi ahe. Mee ani Saurabh duprai don chya sumaras Sandeep chya ghari pochlo. Tyane...
Pyare readers (choot waliyon aur lund walon) Main Dinu Sabse pahale main sabhi choot waliyon aur lund walon ko danyawad deta hun kyun ki meri Kahaniya, logo ko kaphi pasand ayee aur muze E-Mail ke jariye male/female ka kafi response mila, logo ne muze aur Satya Katha likhane ka hosala diya. Isliye phir se aap logo ke pass ek sachi Kahani pes kar raha hun, Aasha hain pichhali kahanion ki tarah yeh kahani bhi aap logo ko pasand aayegi. Jaise ki aap log jante hai ki mai ek sarkari daftar me Audit...
By JIMMY 07/24/12 “That tongue looks good on my cock, boy! Lick that nasty precum off my big fat prick!” Mark had a slight smile on his face as he watched Tommy’s tongue at work on his fuck rod. It was obvious from Tommy’s expression that he didn’t like licking up precum. That expression just turned Mark on that much more. He’d seen that look on straight boy’s faces before. Tommy could almost feel body heat radiating from the huge slab of steel hard man meat. He wasn’t...
I had this friend called Mhairi. She was a hot little thing. Long blonde hair. Slim with nice hips and a great ass. Mhairi was 17 at the time when this happened.She would come and stay at mine for a few days at a time as she did not get on with her parents.Mhairi was a bit of a slut and had slept with a lot of guys. She had been fucked by even more when she was drunk. She had a big drink problem and just could not stop once she started. When she got a drink in her she just wanted to...
Mera naam Swati hai aur mai 25 saal ki chudasi housewife hun. Maine apni pichhli chudai story ‘Meri pehli chudai ki dastan’ me bataya ki mai aur meri best friend Seema 18 saal ki umar se ek dusre ki choot chaat rhe hain aur maine 18 ki umar me pehli baar kisi ladke se apni choot chudwai thi. Meri shadi ko ab ek saal ho chuka hai aur mere pati abhi bhi mujhe din raat chodte hain. Pichhle mahine meri aur meri best friend Seema (uski bhi ab shadi ho chuki hai) hmari ek aur saheli Aanchal ki shadi...
Mera nam todar singh rathod hai; mai bhale hi umr me 60 + huun magar chhokri chodne ka chaska gaya nahin.Pichhle 10 barson me maine 200 ladkiyan aur auraten chodi hain, kasmse ! Shuru men main sirf ‘kanyaa rasik’ tha, yane teen-ager chhokriyaan hi chodta thaa.Magr baad me 20-24, 30-34, yahan tak ki 40-45 ki umr ki auraten bhi chodne laga.Sach kahun to hr umr ki chhokri ya aurat ka apna alg-alg swaad hota h. Ek 18 saal ki ‘munni’ vo maja nahi de skti jo ki 30 + ya, 40 + ki chudakkad stree de...
IntroductionI’m now fifty-two years old, having been married to my wife, Janice, for thirty years, and this story is about a sexual reawakening that I had five years ago, when I had just turned forty-seven.I had all but forgotten some of the homosexual experiences of my youth until, like many middle-aged men, I was left with strong urges for sex, and no outlet. Janice lost interest in sex of any kind when she became premenopausal, and it had been almost a year since I was last able to fuck or...
TabooIt’s wasn’t hard work, working in the kitchens. Alyssa’s job was mainly to carry things around the castle. Bring some food here, bring a drink there… But the breaks were still welcome. They had one big time-out at noon, right after they had washed the dishes. Alyssa hung out with Clover a lot on these breaks, the girl had become close friends in a short time. Clover had introduced here to tons of people, most of them guys who she had slept with. There weren’t a whole lot of girls around the...
First TimeI have used one of the later versions of the Teen Titans, made up of Cyborg Starfire Beast Boy Robin (3rd Robin) Wonder Girl (2nd Wonder Girl) SuperBoy Kid Flash (2nd Kid Flash) Raven Speedy (2nd Female Speedy) The sun was setting over San Francisco as the Teen Titans relaxed in Titan Tower. In the TV room, Kid Flash, Wonder Girl, Starfire and Robin where sitting watching the latest news report for that day, detailing their fight against Deathstroke. Kid Flash was getting...
Me Churu k pass village me rahti hu aur competition k taiyaari kar rahi hu. Meri do friends ki nokari lag gai aur ek ki to shadi bhi ho gai. Hamara ek common friend hai Rehan jo 21 saal ka lamba aur patla sa smart ladka hai. Wo bhale hi taxi driver hai lekin usne 9 month pahle hum teeno ko pahli baar choda tha tab se me use Raaza hi bolti hu. Ab me us se shaadi karna chahti hu lekin mere ghar wale taxi driver se shaadi nahi karenge is baat ka mujhe poora pata hai kyuki mere papa ki gaon me...
Teen Fuck Toy – A Thanatos Tale – Part One Author's Note: This fictional tale contains images of torture and humiliation.It is meant for an adult audience that can tell the difference between fantasyand reality. -- Cerberus In a quiet section of Manhattan, a large anonymous brownstone serves as arest home for some members of the Thanatos Society who are too old to carefor themselves. While the residents are wealthy enough to pay a staff to carefor them at their homes, in their declining years...
i like to share my story with you folks out there my name is leo i live on the ouskirts of ny city im a lawyer and live in a house with my 2 great friends simone and phil the story i am about to tell you happened about 4 years ago i have to go into every detail because it is a fucking amazing story.......lets begin ... im 27 years old black male job own my house in my spare i love picking up white teen girls to take photos and hopefully fuck them on film its my own private collection iv had...
My wife had passed away about a year and a half ago and my sex lifehad deteriorated to masturbation. Most of the time I utilized theever growing collection of magazines and material that I woulddownload from the internet. Occasionally I would be treated to a showby my next door neighbor's k**. Kim was a senior in high school and areal knockout. Her mother was japanese and had passed on acaptivatung look to her daughter.On this particular friday, Kim had gotten home from school and...
The girlfriend who has her friend hang around. I was the teen boyfriend to two girls, Lisa the girl next door and Bonnie the girl down the street. For years we were on and off BF / GF and took turns between them. One understood that the other was the one for this time period. Little background, Lisa had been with one guy and thats me. I introduced her to sex a few years back. She listened to me with her mom and wanted to try it. Her mom was not so understanding. I was her sex toy in my very...
Hi to all ISS readers. I’m Nikhil a cool, well placed middle-aged guy working for an mnc based in Bangalore.I travel to all the main metros on work regularly.Please mail me at with your comments after reading my story. I stay in a multistoried apartment block on the 14th floor with my family. We have our neighbours the ahujas living across in the next flat. They have a real cute and sexy daughter Dipti who was in class x but she was 18. Now let me describe Dipti – fair, long straight waist...
In 2008 the bad economy had been devastating to many families. It also made it hard for high school students to get decent summer jobs. My father told me that he would buy me a good, used car, but I needed to work to pay for the insurance and upkeep. I started looking for a job in March, hoping to be able to start at the beginning of June.My name is Katy, and I live with my parents, Robin and Ed, in a suburb of Cincinnati. I turned sixteen in April and was going into my junior year of high...
InterracialMy name is Jimmy, and I had just turned sixteen years old at the time the events in this story occurred. I live with my parents, Dale and Betty, and younger sister, Melanie, in the town of Huntington, West Virginia, which is on the western side of the state, right next to Kentucky.My father is an auto mechanic, and my mother works in her hair salon in our modest home, in a working-class neighborhood on the outskirts of town. We’re a blue-collar family and, like most of our neighbors, are likely...
Quickie SexTeen Porn Stars I am a high school mathematics teacher while my wife is an English teacher. We both teach the ninth grade where the students are all about fifteen to sixteen years old. They are freshmen and are the small fish in a very big pond. For some it is hard to adjust to it because just last year in junior high school they were the big fish in that very little pond. My wife and I run a little porn studio in our basement too. It is for a very select clientele, the kind that...
Introduction: The true story of how I lost my virginity aged 15 to my high school boy crush in the locker room showers. This is the true story of how I as I teenager I discovered my true sexuality (bi) with my teen boy crush in high school gym class. I have changed the name of the beautiful boy who made it possible, but the rest is completely and utterly true. From the age I about 13 I began to feel attracted to boys in my class. I still hated the idea of looking at gay porn on the web, but I...
As Sarah awoke and began her day she was sooooo excited to be at the beach and away from her conservative parents... she was a gorgeous but extremely sheltered teen who although she had blossomed a beautiful set of tits that were perky solid B cups they looked like C's od D's on her extremely petite frame... Sarah was toned and sexy but had the look of a much younger teen as she stood just over 5ft tall and weighed around 105lbs soaking wet.... Even in school she had often been teased for being...