Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Nine And Ten free porn video

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Diana sat on the side of the bed.

Her original plan had been to seduce the girl in the same way that she had Jimmy, beginning by asking how often Holly frigged herself off with a fraudulent parental concern. But now Diana saw that such silly subterfuge didn't seem necessary.

She thrust her fat tits out from the open front of her frilly negligee. Mother and daughter gazed soulfully into each other's smokey eyes for a long moment. Then Holly's gaze dropped to Diana's tits.

"How come your tits are all slimy, Mom?" the girl asked, with feigned innocence.

Diana wasn't sure quite how to answer such a leading question. But then Holly giggled impishly and her mother saw that no reply was necessary.

Holly reached out and traced the tip of her index finger slowly down the slope of her mother's out thrust tit, through the congealed spunk. She repeated the caress, fucking against the woman's swollen nipple this time.

Diana trembled, waiting, pleased that her little girl was taking the initiative. How foolish she had been to even think it might be embarrassing!

Holly drew her hand back and turned it before her radiant face, staring at the jizz on her fingertip. Then, looking into her mother's eyes again, as she did so, she brought her hand to her face and licked her fingers.

"Ummmmm – yummy!" she sighed. She pushed her finger into her mouth and sucked on it, looking as sweet and demure as a child sucking its thumb – but with a lascivious glow in her eyes.

"It's scrumptious, ain't it, Mommy?" the naughty teenager said, tasting her finger appreciatively.

"Do you – do you know what it is, boner?" Diana softly inquired, not quite sure, partially fooled by the girl's pretended naivete and mock innocence.

"Sure, Mom," Holly chirped.

She scooped up some more goo out of Diana's deep tit cleavage, licking it in turn.

"It's cum," Holly said boldly. Diana's lovely face twisted with lust. "And I know where it came from, too," Holly added, giving her mom a saucy look.

Diana raised her eyebrows.

"It ain't Daddy's cum," Holly whispered. "I know what Daddy's juice tastes like 'cause I been sucking it out of your bedsheets, Mom."

Holy shit! Diana thought, astonished. But she was filled with pride, as well, delighted at how much her nubile little girl took after her.

"It's Jimmy's jizz," Holly added.

Diana, despite her wanton depravity, couldn't keep from blushing delicately at that statement.

"Have you tasted your brother's cum, too, you greedy little minx?" she rasped.

"Not until now," Holly replied.

"Then how do you know it's Jimmy's spunk, honey?" Diana queried, although she had a pretty good idea what the answer was going to be.

"I was watchin', Mom. I sneaked down to see if I could get a look at your cunt, after I heard Daddy fucking you silly this morning. But you weren't in your room and…" she thumbed up some more fuckjuice, "…and then I peeked into Jimmy's room to see if I could catch him beating his meat, and I saw him jack off all over you, Mom." She sucked her thumb, turning it in her sensual lips. "And then I saw you suck him off and swallow his next load."

"Were you shocked, darling?" Diana whispered.

"Shit, no – just hungry!" the vixen giggled. "Well, maybe a little jealous, too."

"Would you like to blow your brother?" Diana asked, just as if she were inquiring what her little girl might like for her birthday.

"Ummmm, sure. Can I, Mom?"

"Yes, darling – I don't mind," Diana whispered.

"I'd love to suck Daddy off, too," the teenager added, moving her head closer to her mother's tits. "But, most of all, I wanna suck your cunt!"

Diana gasped twice – once upon hearing that Holly was hot for her father and again as she discovered, to her glee, that the nubile nymphette was hungry for her, as well.

"Ohhhhhh, yes – yes – I want you to eat my pussy, Holly – almost as fucking much as I wanna suck you!"

It dawned on Diana that this was a bizarre conversation, indeed, for a mother and daughter to have. But since they had the same tastes and desires, what harm was there in it? And the erotic words made a lovely sort of verbal foreplay – before they used their mouths for more than talking.

Diana leaned down and Holly turned her pretty face up and they kissed. Diana's mouth was all smeared with Jimmy's joyjuice and Holly still had a hint of cuntjuice and cum on her tongue and lips from having lapped it up from her parent's marital bed. They shared the flavors hungrily, tongues sliding to and fro.

Then Holly dropped her blonde head down and began to lick and suck Diana's greasy, swollen tit tips. She switched from one to the other, nursing greedily, suckling with far more enthusiasm than she ever had as an infant – and getting a far richer drink, as well.

She nuzzled and snuffled and sighed with the pure joy of sucking her sibling's spunk from those maternal mounds, getting the best of both worlds – plus the charm of incest.

After a while, Holly arched back and heaved her own firm, perky tits up, offering her mom a taste. Diana dove on her daughter's tits with relish, in a weird reversal of the normal nursing process.

Sucking on Holly's tits, Diana slid a hand up her daughter's slim, quivering thigh and cupped her cunt. It was blistering hot and so wet it seemed to be melting.

If that teenaged cunt tasted as good as it felt, Diana knew that she was in for a treat.

She drew back and Holly went down on her tits again, starting to play with Diana's pussy, too. Diana slipped a finger up the teenager's cunt sleeve and Holly followed suit, sinking her finger into her mom's pussy knuckle-deep.

But they weren't fingerfucking each other with any serious concentration. Neither had the faintest intention of frigging the other off by hand.

After a while they kissed on the lips again and Diana panted into Holly's mouth.

"Do you want to go down to your brother's room for a threesome, baby?"

She hoped not, wanting the girl all to herself – for starters, at least – but figured she should offer.

"Not yet, Mom," Holly replied, to Diana's delight. "I wanna just suck with you first, okay?"

"Ooooooh – more than okay!" Diana enthused, and she began to whisk her hot tongue around in her daughter's mouth to show her how nimble and deft her lapper was – and how skillfully it would soon be pleasuring her pussy.

Holly's tongue flashed and danced right back, demonstrating an equal talent and enthusiasm.

So it seemed that poor Jimmy was going to have to bide his time and suffer his hard-on for a while.

But, in fact, the young man just happened to be getting a fascinating look at this lustful scene.

Jimmy had waited as patiently as he could, hoping that his mother would be back directly. But as the moments passed, slowly, his sense of time distorted, the boy began to worry that his prick might shoot off by itself in a sort of wet daydream.

Why was Mom taking so long?

Jeez – was Sis suspicious? The thought made him tremble, partly because it would be shameful if the girl knew what he and his mother had been doing, but mostly because he was afraid that Holly's suspicions might prevent his mother from giving him the fuck she had promised.

After waiting for a few more agonizing moments, Jimmy decided that it would be wise to sneak down the hallway and eavesdrop at his sister's bedroom door, to hear just what they were talking about.

If it came to the worst and he found out that his sister's suspicions were preventing him from getting laid, at least he would know and be able to relieve his tormented cock and balls by a couple quick handjobs.

His mind made up, he flung himself up from the bed, his balls hanging heavy and his cock standing tall.

He tiptoed down to Holly's room.

The door was still ajar, as the girl had left it for their mother, and their mother had neglected to close it. Jimmy crept up and peeked in.

The scene was so incomprehensible to the naive lad that, for a moment, it just didn't register at all. Then it took form in his mind and he almost blacked out with the surge of blood that poured into his prick, leaving his fevered brain starved for oxygen.

Mom and Sis were kissing and cuddling and sucking on each other's tits. More, they were both playing with each other's pussy.

How could it be? It was impossible! They were both females, why on earth would they be making out just like a boy and a girl? He shook his head to clear it. He blinked to uncloud his vision. He gnashed his teeth and rolled his eyes. Jimmy felt absolutely certain that he must be imagining this, dreaming it, fantasizing the incredible. He even pinched himself to see if he was awake.

But, at last, he realized it was true, although he just couldn't understand it. He knew that they weren't lesbians – so why were they acting like lesbians? Why were two normal, cockloving females behaving like dykes?

And yet, although the inexperienced youth had never known that even the most normal, heterosexual, feminine girl could still love cunt lapping, he was not scandalized as much as he was fascinated.

Seeing his mother and sister being so depraved was turning the bay on as much as his mom's mouth had, exciting him as frantically as the prospect of fucking her had done.

And, even though it meant that he had to let his cock go neglected a bit longer, Jimmy was quite satisfied to spy and see just where this was leading.

And he got all that he could have wished for.


Although they might both have enjoyed it even more had they realized that Jimmy was such an intrigued onlooker, Diana and Holly could hardly have enjoyed it much more than they already were, as they worked each other up wi

th foreplay and yearned for the creamy conclusion to come.

"Let me go down on you now, Mom!" Holly panted.

Her mouth was as hot as her cunt, her tongue tingling as much as her cunt.

Diana shook her head and grinned.

"No, darling. I wanna eat you out first. It's a mother's prerogative," she added with a sultry wink.

Holly didn't mind, quite obviously. As long as she got to sink her tongue into her mother's cunt eventually, it was surely no hardship to have her own cunt sucked while she waited her turn at the pussy table.

She figured she would just be hungrier and enjoy it more – and, too, with her pussy satisfied, she would be better able to concentrate on the tongue work.

The slender, little teenager fell back along her bed, raising her knees and opening her legs. She jerked her cunt up as if she were serving it on a hairy platter, offering her hungry mom her cunt on a tray.

Holly – and Jimmy, too, by this stage, as the youth's erotic education increased – expected that her mother would dive straight onto her pussy.

But Diana was in no rush.

Starved as she was for her little girl's gooey pussy, she wanted to work up to it gradually. Just as she had when she sucked her son off for the first time, she wanted to make this a memorable occasion for her daughter, so that sweet little Holly would be eager for an encore.

Instead of pouncing on the girl's pussy, Diana knelt over her and nursed on her nubbins some more, then began to lick a slow path down her belly.

She lapped at Holly's golden vee, her tongue rustling in the silken tresses like some moist pink rodent scurrying through a sunlit forest glade on the rim of a swampy pool – warily approaching the musky waterhole.

Holding her face tilted just over Holly's groin, Diana inhaled deeply, breathing in that pussy perfume, savoring the scented bouquet of hot teenaged cunt.

Again, Holly expected the woman to dive on her and she tilted her crotch up, trembling in anticipation, longing for that lapping tongue.

But then Diana slid dawn the bed and began to work on Holly's feet, taking a roundabout route to the creamy rut of the girl's randy cunt.

Holly whimpered, her mind torn, loving the foreplay yet desperate to get tonguefucked. Her mother licked her insteps and ankles and the soles of her delicate feet. She sucked on each tiny toe in turn, so skillfully that Holly thought she might cream in her feet and squirt toe jam, like jizz, into her mom's magic mouth.

Diana licked up the inside of Holly's thigh, pausing just short of her crotch. Then she licked back down the other leg, lingering at the back of her knee.

"Do my cunt, Mom! Suck me off!" Holly babbled, lashing her ass and hips about in a wild dance of desire, her pussy so hot that she thought it would burst into flames – if it hadn't been much too wet to burn.

Her groin looked as if someone had spilled a milkshake in her lap and the bed was a slimy pool under her churning ass. Cuntjuice streamed down her thighs and Diana lapped it up as she slid up towards the vee again.

And still the merciless tease wasn't ready to dine in her daughter's pussy. She held her face close, breathing her misty breath onto Holly's steaming cunt, then sucking in the aroma as she inhaled deeply. Her breath seemed to be fanning Holly's cunt to flames and her face was glowing in the heat from the girl's pussy, as if she were staring into the open door of a furnace.

"Lick me – suck me!" Holly begged.

But Diana delayed, although she was surely teasing her own tongue every bit as much as she was teasing the desperate girl's cunt.

She grasped Holly by her slim hips and gently tuned the supple teenager up onto one flank, then on around so that Holly was belly down on the bed.

Then she shifted her hands to the trim cheeks of Holly's ass and spread them apart, opening the crack and revealing her tiny brown shithole.

Holly gasped when she realized that her mom was going to rim out her asshole as an anal appetizer.

Jimmy gasped as well, but they were far too preoccupied with each other to hear any extraneous sounds.

Holy cow – Mom is a rimmer, too, the boy thought, depravity piling upon depravity in his mind. But he didn't resent that sordid fact – he was only wondering why she hadn't reamed out his asshole, as well?

But now, just as she had teased Holly's cunt, Diana began to tease the girl's sensitive shitter, too.

Holding Holly's asscheeks open, she placed her tongue at the top of the girl's crotch and very slowly drew it up through the musky, flavorsome crack of her ass, but stopped just short of her shithole.

Diana licked the teenager's taint, slurping between cunt and asshole, but not touching either. It was making Holly wriggle and yelp with double frustration.

By passing Holly's asshole, Diana licked up the ridge of her spine, pausing at the delicate nape of her neck, then going back down vertebrae by vertebrae until she was burrowing into her asscrack again, coming from the small of her back now and working down, Holly's spine was glistening with saliva and she was jerking her haunches up urgently.

Diana could bear to play the tease no longer and she nudged her nose into Holly's asshole, sniffling and snuffling in that tiny, tart bud.

Holly drew her knees up under her, so that her head was down on the bed and her ass was jutting up at the highest point of her position. Her ass swished around. If she'd had a tail, she would have been wagging it.

"Don't tease me!" she pleaded.

Diana pulled her nose out and began to tickle the girl's ass ring with her tongue. She fluttered into that delicate little slot and Holly shuddered and squirmed. Her mother licked lightly for a while, then began to stuff her tongue right up into the girl's shit chute.

"Ahhhhh – rim me, Mom! Ream my ass out!" Holly wailed, shoving her trim asscheeks back into Diana's face.

Diana began to French-kiss her daughter's asshole, stabbing her tongue in as she sucked on the rim.

She slobbered into the tangy, aromatic slot, then sucked her own slobber back out, flavored by musky shitter. Drool ran down through Holly's asscleft and into her crotch, where it sizzled when it flowed into her cunt.

Holly was going crazy. It felt as if her mom's tongue was all the way up into her belly. She almost expected it to slide into her mouth so that they would be kissing again, in a bizarre reversal.

Diana snacked away, savoring that succulent shithole. But she was afraid that her daughter might cream off if she kept it up much longer and she didn't want Holly's cunt to melt before she mouthed it.

Diana stuffed her tongue up her little girl's flavored fudge socket and burrowed around in her guts for another moment, then drew her face away from the girl's ass.

She gazed again at Holly's cunt as that delicious-looking delicacy streamed cuntjuice down her groin. Diana was so hungry for that sweet pussy that her tongue felt as if it were being pulled out towards it by gravity.

But she preferred to do her cunt lapping from the front, so that it was easier to get at the girl's cunt and, too, so that she would be able to see Holly's face when she sucked her up to the crest.

Diana whimpered wordlessly and Holly understood. The nimble teenager wriggled her ass around in her mom's face, teasing the older woman in turn now, wagging her ass saucily and looking back over her shoulder, thrilled to see how hungry for pussy her mother looked.

Turn about was fair play and Holly knew it would be lgreat fun to crawl away now, denying her mom a munch, imagining the lustful lady crawling after her ass, tongue hanging out like a castaway on a desert island or a traveler marooned in the Sahara, crawling desperately towards a lush oasis.

But Holly couldn't taunt her mom without depriving herself still longer, and the last thing on earth that the teenager wanted was to go unsucked for another minute.

Holly twisted around again, one hip turned up, rotating her limber pelvis. She turned belly up again and lay back, raising and parting her knees. Her back bridged in a graceful arch and her aunt jerked up.

Diana lay tit down between those shapely legs, gazing at her little girl's cunt ravenously, like a hungry child peering into the window of a candy store.

Her tongue was curling out and hooking, as if she were trying to drag her head forward by the motion. She slid up a bit and arched, rubbing her tits in the girl's groin as a last preliminary.

Then Diana began to dine in Holly's lunchbox loins, thrilling her tongue and Holly's clit – and Jimmy's eyes, as well.I


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Becoming Brandee Chapter Two: Pulling up to his condo I realized that Richard was very well off. He lived in a very exclusive part of the city and his home furnishings matched his stature and good grooming. Looking around I felt like I just had to become his maid as well as girlfriend and make sure this wonderful man had me to look after him as a sweet girl would desire to do for a man who took good care of her. I squealed with delight when he showed me my own room. It couldn't...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter One

Becoming Brandee Chapter one: My wife, Julie, peered into the office where I was sitting at one of computer desks typing an IM to a new friend I had recently met on the internet. "Is this the man you have been telling me about?" "It is him, honey. As I've told you he is very different than most of the others I have chatted with online and I find myself really liking him and the way he thinks." She smiled back, "A girl does need a good man to share some of...

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I fucked a grandma that was my grandpas whore

There was a 70 year old grandma that moved in right next to my apartment, I was 18 at the time and my grandpa was 74. I lived with my grandpa at the time. The old grandma would come to talk to my grandpa each day, she would keep teasing him, she would flirt with him, she tried to seduce him. My grandpa ignored her at first but then he started flirting with her after a couple days. I once came out of my apartment only to see her sucking his dick outside on the porch while he was touching her...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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A World of My OwnChapter 5 Fernanda Joins The Fold

After Jan left the room I found my way into the shower and realized I didn’t have enough strength left to stand there under the spray. So, I got the whirlpool started and spent the next hour lounging in the hot pulsing water. My thoughts were streaming through my consciousness as quickly as the water passing through the jets, taking random turns from what I did to Jan and what I was going to do with Fernanda and Emily. I ate in my room that night and began to formulate a plan that went well...

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Ms Nandhini ndash My School Teacher Chapter 1

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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 2

Andee smiled as she read the text message on her phone. Before breakfast, she had sent a somewhat vague note to her friend from the night before about wanting to try Roulette again, wondering if he might interpret the suggested sexual undertones – especially after the enthusiastic round of sex from the night before. She thought for a moment, wondering just how acquainted she wanted to get with Connor. It seemed her “one-night stands” in her sexual adventure were more like weekend-long affairs,...

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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 3

Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...

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Andee Returns to Las Vegas Chapter 3

Andee held her coffee in both hands as she sipped on it. Thecombination of her hangover, sexual exhaustion and lack of sleep, left her struggling to bring her mind around to some sort of clarity. Her hands were a little shaky as she stared blankly at the cup. “I’m not too sure about all the details,” she mumbled across the table at her smiling husband. He seemed to be enjoying the whole thing a bit too much and had been pressing her for some information about her encounter. She hadn’t yet...

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Island of Hernando Rodriguez

He watched them as they sat sipping their colorful drinks and flirting with male guests and hotel employees alike at the Garden Cloud Lounge. They were undoubtedly four sisters, all in their late twenties and thirties, and attractive. They were obviously American, and they laughed as they tried what little Spanish they knew on the young waiters. He had seen groups like this many times. Their often affluent husbands allowed them to have "Girl's Time Off" now and then. It worked out on both...

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Catherine and Alexander

Catherine and Alexander by: Bruce Leach Although the children never knew it times had been rough in the castle. Their father, the Duke of Beaufort, had in recent days made a number of unfortunate alliances that put not only his fortune but his entire properties and even his own life in jeopardy. In these days after the king's death the wrong friends could mean accusations of treachery and the Duke had made all the wrong friends. Things looked bleak until he had an...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 5

We woke up mid morning the next day. I rang down to the servants house and asked that breakfast be served in about an hour. I hustled Candace into the shower, telling Candy that we couldn't play; I had a big day planned for us. And that of course set off a round of what? and why won't you tell me, and I don't care if it's a surprise, which finally ended with several swats to the ass cheeks and a gesture towards the shower. Point made, game, set, match; for now anyway. I went through...

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Andrea On Her Own Part 3 of Andreas Stand

Andrea On Her Own (Part 3 of Andrea's Stand) A Note Before: If you have not read parts 1 and 2, please go back and do so. I have spent some time trying to develop the characters involved and a brief description of the plot so far will not help you much. Chapter 1: Needing More I leaned back in my chair and stretched. It had been a long hour and a half finishing the homework from my calc. class. As I stretched I felt the sweater pressing against the breast forms and glanced...

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Canine Therapy Chapter 3

Knowing she was now officially a patient under Dr. Conseil Amy felt herself shudder at the thought of continued therapy. Try as she might, she couldn’t help but wonder what was in store for her on Friday. It was gnawing at her, filling her with a morbid curiosity. Throughout the week she kept up with her normal life as best she could. It was a struggle to attend her Sports and Physical health lectures as well as gymnastics training, but she was doing her best to at least show up. That was...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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Nandini Deshpande 8211 Part 1Introduction

This introduction story is based on true events. All the characters mentioned are above the age of 18. For personal reasons, the names of the characters have been changed. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. The writer does not believe in any kind of discrimination or disrespect towards women. The story has been written for sexual satisfaction and should be held in the same regard. “Aah!” Nandini moaned as my thick member entered her...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 4

When we returned home I took Candace to my bedroom, laid her on her back on my bed, and tied her hands and ankles to the head and foot boards of the bed. I kissed her lightly on her lips, then began to kiss and nibble on her cheeks, eyelids, forehead, around to her ears and her neck. Her body was stock still but her breathing was quick and shallow. When I got to the front of her neck I began to work my way down the front of her body. I grabbed the scissors I left on the bed table and cut her...

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Mom Eyes The Kids Chapter Two

His striped cotton pajamas parted and the bed sheet rose up like a tent over his groin, supported on the big pole of his prick as it loomed up in an instant erection. He listened to the sound of protesting bedsprings as Mom and Dad got to work. After a while he slid a hand under the sheets, reaching down to his hard-on. He played with his balls a bit, then took his prick in his hand and began to toss it up and down in rhythm with the sounds of parental passion. But he kept pausing from time...

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Fallen Angel Chapter 11 Althea the School Girl

Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...

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JuniorChapter 4 Summer of 1991 Sandy Wanda and Patti

It was still early on Sunday night and I had the urge to talk to Marcie. She was comically critical of my commitment to get Smyth laid. "What made you volunteer for such an enormous feat, Sammy?" "I don't know." I did know, but I wasn't ready to admit to Marcie that I had heard Shirley tell me to turn the tables on Smyth for spying on me and my guests. "How do you plan to carry it out?" "I don't know." I really didn't know, but my sub-conscience was working on a plan. "Who...

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Swami Ghoshal 8211 Anand Ka 8220Santansukh Garbha Mandir8221

Sant Ghoshal-Anand Goswami ‘pahunche huye’ siddh purush ya mahatma hn.Sundar Van ke ghane jungle me Aadiwasi basti se sata unka ‘Slddhashram’ h.swami ji vese to Raam Bhakti ki rasik shakha Sakhi Sampraday ke bhakt hn lekin vo Shiv Bhagvan ke nagn rup ke upasak bhi hn.Isi liye unke Ashram me ghuste hi ek sundar Shiva Ling sthaapit milta h. kaha jata h ki yeh ”Swaymbhu Lingam” h, arthat iska nirman kisi kaarigar ne nahin kiya, ye to uska apne aap bana prakritik rup nitya ling h. Swami ji ke...

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Mandys sickest stories Mandy reloaded

Mandy's sickest stories - Mandy reloadedAuthor: SickoChickMandyAuthor's email: mandydarkfantasies [at] gmail [dot] comTags: F/f, torture, snuff, feet, nc, cannibalismProofread by EmmaPNote, that English is not my native language, so my writing will surely have many grammatical and syntax errors just as improper usage of expressions. I can only hope someone will still find it exciting. Be aware, this is graphic, brutal and extreme. I read it after writing and scared of myself.DisclaimerThis...

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Andrew Running Part 1 of Andreas Stand

Andrew Running (part 1 of Andrea's Stand) Chapter 1: Running I called my Aunt Clara from the bus station. She didn't seem that surprised to hear from me and when I explained why I was there she told me to walk a couple of blocks to the local diner and get myself a cup of coffee. She'd pick me up in about half an hour. I sat and sipped chocolate milk and tried to eat a pastry while I glanced nervously out of the window waiting for my father to show up and force me into his...

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Joerg IsebrandChapter 20 How Joerg Isebrand Kneels Before his Sister Katherine

"Who giveth away the Bride?" the preacher asked. "I, Bjoern Isebrand of Lauheim, give away my sister Nele Isebrand, a maid of free birth, to be wed to the Noble Arnulf of Erlenburg." Bjoern's voice was strong, yet wistful. Giving Nele away came hard for the Isebrands. They all loved and cherished their youngest sibling. There was no turning back, though, and Bjoern placed his sister's hand in Arnulf's left hand. "Do you, Gøtz Rudolf Ernst, Baron of Erlenburg, consent to the wedding...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Three

Becoming Brandee Chapter Three: What a difference one cup size makes. With my new top dimensions along with my tight cocktail dress, CFM pumps, perfect make up and gorgeous mane of blonde hair cascading onto my slender shoulders I felt like the most perfect piece of middle aged eye candy that ever was on a man's arm. With Richard I finally got to see a part of my girlie potential that I could have only dreamed of before. I knew I would soon have to find a yummy opportunity to...

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Becoming Brandee Chapter Four

Becoming Brandee Chapter Four: Richard picked me up in his Lexus at the steps of the beauty salon. It was another wonderful experience. All the operators knew him and about me. I now had acrylic nails in a French style that were ? inch from the tips of my dainty fingers. I also had electrolysis and laser hair removal sessions as well. The girls treated me with a lot of fussing and tenderness and made me feel so welcomed there. I was already looking forward to my next...

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Meeting Amanda Amandas Discovers Her Special Talent Chapter 4

Tommy was totally enjoying sucking on her sweet breasts. Each time he lightly bit down on her nipple she would tighten her grip on his hair. He could feel her heart beating so hard that he thought it would jump out of her chest. Since Amanda hadn’t had a shower since they went swimming Tommy could taste the chlorine on her skin. He didn’t care though because right now that was one of the best tastes that Tommy had ever had in his mouth. But he knew that something better was just a...

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The Sisterhood of Athena Chapters Four and Five

Finally, here are the next two exciting chapters in my on-going saga. I want to thank reviewer 'anon' for his comment on 9/23/10 for inspiring me to finally get these chapters finished. I'd been just short of half done with these chapters for the better part of a year but between lack of initiative and wondering if anyone even cared if I kept going I'd just sort of let it fall through the cracks. I apologize to any readers that thought I'd given up on this series and just want to point...

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Candys Dandy

by Millie Dynamite Jaden and I meet a few weeks after he transferred to the Naval base just outside of town. I sat on a bar stool sipping my Pappy Van Winkle when this tall African-American man in full dress uniform sat next to me. He whore captain’s bars. He possessed an air of authority. I nodded to him when perched on the next stool. He returned my nod with his own acknowledgment, in a deep voice he said, “Yo.” He spoke without looking at me. “I’ll have bourbon, make it a shot of Evan...

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From Candace to CandyChapter 3

The more she talked the harder my cock got. She told me that starting at the age of 8 when I tied her up, she would go to her room afterwards and play with her slit. When she was 9 her clit made its' first appearance and she began getting mini orgasms. By the time we quit when she was 10 she was having orgasms while I was tying her. That was one of the reasons she quit, she was getting embarrassed about it and didn't want me to see. She continued to play with herself, but to make up for not...

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Sandy and RandyChapter 4 Birthday Party

Early September. School is back in session. Sandy and Randy, being the same age, go to most of the same classes. They, of course, keep it cool between them, since you know how gossipy high-schoolers can be. Because they both were born the same day, they have always celebrated birthdays together. They never minded, and this time was no exception, even now as ‘14-year-old teenagers.’ After school, there was soccer and other sports, so they were always away from each other. Their mom was still...

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Sissy Outed Brandon to Brandy

This is a story about seduction and transformation that’s written about a real-life sissy named Brandon Hippel, Brandon’s a cute little limp-wristed sissy-faggot from Abington Pennsylvania that loves to be humiliated and exposed online. She loves feminization, crossdressing, being exposed online, humiliation, anal play, degradation, being captioned, taking pictures, and talking to new people, so feel free to contact her through these various social media; Her kik is; HumiliationSlut2Her email...

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Andrew to Andrea Chapter 2

In all honesty, I should have been mortified by the events of the past few minutes, but I wasn’t…I was excited. I walked into our bathroom and set up the steamiest shower that I thought my skin could handle. I grabbed for my body wash, but realized the scent might be too masculine, so I set it back and grabbed my wife’s. It had a slight scent of vanilla and had a couple of butters and oils that claimed to make skin feel like silk…not specifically on the list, but not specifically forbidden...

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Conspiracy of DreamsChapter 9 The Enslavement of Kandi Cones

"Kandi," a voice said. "Time to go to work." "Yes, Mommy," Kandi opened her dark brown eyes. "Oh, I'm sorry." "That's okay, hon," the other woman said. "Give my nips a suck. I want to do you for your coffee break. It makes you more productive. Besides, it's fun." "I like it, too, Dot." "Good news. Hank's coming to Tampa and he has a new girl that he's bringing from Silver Orb." Dorothy was a petite blonde tanned by the Florida with blue eyes and small breasts, but...

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