Wendy’s FuckWeekend 2. free porn video

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The next day, Wendy went into one of the empty study lounges in the dorm
to read up in her psychology textbook. But she couldn’t stop thinking
about Dan’s huge cock, and almost unconsciously slid her hand down
inside her sweatpants and started to absentmindedly frig herself.

When Jim came into the lounge (for what exact reason Wendy never did
find out) she didn’t stop, but kept right on rubbing her pussy. “Here,
Wen,” Jim said to her as he sat down on the couch next to her, “why
don’t you let me help you with that?” Jim slipped his hand down into her
sweats and, while Wendy continued to rub her own clit, moved two fingers
in and out of her moist snatch.

Unable to concentrate any more on her reading, Wendy set her book down
and turned to Jim. “So, how was the party last night?”

“Great fun as always.”

“Did you get any?”

“Yeah, a redheaded chick named Rachel.”

“Rachel Carlyle?”

“Yeah, her.”

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“Was she any good?”

“Oh yeah, quite a firebrand.”

“Better than me?” Wendy wasn’t really jealous, but she loved teasing
Jim, and could tell where this encounter was leading.


“Fuck you! No one’s better than me!” Setting out to prove that she was
right, Wendy hopped over Jim, and in no time at all had his jeans and
her sweats off and impaled herself on his cock, fucking him ferociously.
In a few short minutes Jim came with enthusiasm, bucking his hips as he
spasmed inside of her.

“Just remember that the next time you’re fucking a piece of
inexperienced tail,” she scolded him as she dismounted him.

Before she could pull her sweats back on, a tall blonde k*d, probably a
freshman by the look of him, entered the room. “Oh, uh, excuse me,” he
said, embarrased, but Wendy stopped him before he left. “Come here,” she
commanded. “I want to ask you something.” He took a few tentative steps
toward her. “Don’t worry, I won’t bite,” she assured him.

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When the blonde k*d got close enough, she placed her hand on his arm,
causing him to jump nervously. “What’s you name?” she asked in a soft,
sultry voice.

“Jason,” the k*d replied.

“My name’s Wendy, Jason.”

“Yeah, I know. I mean, um, you’re kind of legendary around here.”

Wendy was pleased to know that she still had her reputation. “Jason,
when was the last time you got laid?”

“Um, three weeks ago, when I was back home visiting my girlfriend.”

“Three weeks? That’s a helluva long time for a healthy young man like
yourself to go without getting any, don’t you think?”

“Yeah, probably.”

Wendy could see by the bulge in Jason’s trousers that she was having the
desired effect on him. “Have you ever tried oral sex, Jason?”

“Yeah, once or twice, but Denise, my girlfriend, didn’t seem to like it
that much.”

“Well, I’ll make you a deal, Jason,” Wendy told him as she pushed him
down by his shoulders into a kneeling position. “If you can get me off
with that mouth of yours, I’ll fuck you so good that you’ll never want
to go back to high school girls again.”

Jason needed no further prompting and dove his mouth right in between
her thighs. “Not so fast, Jason,” she scolded him. “This isn’t a race.
Take your time.” She sat down on the couch and opened her legs wide,
giving Jason plenty of room to work.

Meanwhile, Jim had put his jeans back on and was getting ready to leave
the lounge. “Do you want me to lock the door on my way out?” he asked.

“No,” Wendy told him. “Leave it unlocked. If any other guys want to come
in here on a Saturday, it’ll be their lucky day. But don’t you go around
telling anyone; it’ll ruin the surprise.”

“Right. Have fun,” Jim told her as he left, pulling the lounge door to.

Wendy could now turn her full attention back to Jason, who was doing a
pretty good job of giving her head, considering his relative
inexperience. Wendy helped him along by giving him lots of feedback when
he did things that were especially pleasing. Within no time he had
gotten the hang of it and she shuddered with orgasm.

“So, did I do okay?” he asked as his face emerged from her crotch.

“Oh, yes, that was quite good,” she assured him. “That Denise of yours
doesn’t know what she’s missing. Now then, let’s see if I can get you
your reward.”

Wendy unzipped him and pulled down his jeans and boxers, freeing his
hard cock. She took it in both hands and wrapped her lips around the
bulbous head, getting a taste of his salty pre-cum. She took more and
more of him into her mouth until he was sufficiently wet for her
purposes, then pushed him back onto the floor and straddled him. She
slowly, almost achingly, lowered herself onto him, then started fucking
him at a nice, leisurely pace. Jason reached up and played with her
tits, rubbing her hard nipples underneath her tight t-shirt.

Jason came hard, pulling Wendy down on top of him as he pumped gob after
gob of his warm cum into her cunt, but he didn’t go soft at all, so
Wendy kept right on fucking him until he came again, with less intensity
but with just as much pleasure.

“That was great,” Jason complemented her as he was putting his clothes
back on. “Can we, you know, do it again sometime?”

“Next Saturday, same time and place, I’ll be here. If, that is, you
don’t go around telling anyone.” The poor guy! Wendy enjoyed putting him
in the dilemma of wanting to crow to his friends about fucking her, but
at the same time obviously wanting to come back for more. She wondered
which would win out…

Thirty minutes later two more guys came in the lounge. Wendy, still half
naked, beckoned them over and got down on all fours. She sucked on one
guy’s cock while the other guy got down on his knees and fucked her
doggie style.

The next victim she ambushed as soon as he walked in the door, pushing
him up against the wall and fucking him there before he could utter a
word of protest.

In all she fucked and/or sucked seven guys that afternoon. Even for
Wendy that was a lot, so she planned on just staying in her room that
night to catch up on all the studying she should have been doing that

However, Bill, Jim’s roommate, came by shortly after dinner with some
news for her: “So, I understand that you got some action in the lounge
this afternoon!”

“What, did Jim tell you you missed out?”

“No, it was some freshman k*d. Jason, I think his name was. He just
couldn’t shut up in the cafeteria about how he fucked you, and that he
had another date with you next Saturday.”

“Why that little shit! I told him not to tell anybody. Do you know where
he lives?”

“Yeah, I think that he’s over on the third floor in the east wing.”

“Come on, let’s go.” They stopped off to get Jim to come help, then made
their way over to Jason’s room.

Wendy knocked softly on the door. “Who is it?” she head Jason’s voice

“It’s me, Wendy. Are you alone?”

Jason sounded excited. “Yes. Come on in!”

Wendy opened the door and entered, with Jim and Bill right behind her.
“You’ve been a bad boy, Jason. I told you not to blab about our little
adventure this afternoon.”

“But I…” Jason started.

“Shut up, prick! Not only have you ruined it for yourself, but for the
rest of the guys in the dorm as well. No more Saturday afternoon fucking
in the study lounge. Which is a real disappointment, because I enjoyed
myself today.”

Wendy turned to Bill and Jim: “Hold him down, boys.” Bill and Jim moved
over and restrained Jason, who in spite of his struggling couldn’t break
free of the two of them.

Wendy went over to Jason’s desk and found his address book. “Let’s see
here. Denise. Denise. Aha! Here it is.” She dialed the number and was
soon talking to a girl on the other end. “Hi, Denise? You don’t know me,
but my name is Wendy. I live in the same dorm as your boyfriend Jason. I
just thought that you should know that he and I spent the afternoon
fucking and sucking. Yes, you heard me right. You know, you really
should let him give you head more often; he’s quite good at it, a
natural. Hello? Hello?

“I think she hung up,” Wendy told Jason.

“You bitch! You bitch!”

“Hey, I’m not the dipshit that had to blab about my conquests after
being told not to.” Wendy then motioned to Jim and Bill. “Come on, let’s
leave this pathetic prick to try to patch things up with his girl.”

The three of them got about halfway down the hall before they started
to crack up. “That was a pretty nasty thing to do to him, Wen,” Jim told

“Yeah, but he deserved it.”

“So, what do you have planned for the evening?” Bill asked her.

“Well, I was going to study, but now I’m too pumped up for that.”

“Do you want to stay in with Jim and I?”

“Sounds good, but I’m way too wasted from today to handle the two of you
on my own. Hey, I’ve got an idea. Jim, why don’t you call up Rachel and
have her come over to join us?”

“I don’t know if she’ll be up for that sort of thing or not, but I’ll
certainly give her a ring.”

“Great. I’ll be at your room at eight o’clock.”

That gave Wendy about forty-five minutes to prepare. She treated herself
to a nice hot shower and a strawberry douche, applied her make-up, threw
on another of her patented slut outfits (a short dress that left very
little to the imagination), tossed some of her favorite toys into a
shopping bag, and headed over to Jim and Bill’s room, just in time to
meet Rachel arriving at the same time.

“So, you must be Wendy. Nice to meet you.”

“Likewise. I love your hair.” Wendy couldn’t help but acknowledge
Rachel’s gorgeous mane. It was a bright, fiery red, falling down onto
her shoulders with a full wavy bounce. Rachel was two or three inches
shorter that Wendy, and wore a sweater and tight blue jeans on her
slender frame.

“Thanks. Shall we?” At Wendy’s prompting, Rachel knocked on the door.

Bill answered the door. “Hi ladies. Come on in.”

“Ladies?” Wendy replied. “You know me better than that!” Rachel followed
Wendy inside and closed the door behind her.

Rachel greeted Jim with a long wet kiss. “I’m glad you called me. Last
night was fun, and what you said you had in mind sounded like even more

“Babe, you don’t know the half of it,” Jim told her, coyingly. “This is
my roommate Bill, and I believe you’ve already met Wendy.”

Without any cues necessary, Rachel led Jim over onto his bed and quickly
got into some serious heavy petting. Bill moved over to stand behind
Wendy and felt her hard body through her soft cotton dress. He moved one
hand under her dress to discover her silk panties.

“Since when did you start wearing underwear?” Bill asked her.

“Shhh,” Wendy scolded him. “I want to watch this.”

While Bill pushed aside her panties and began to rub her dampening cunt,
Wendy turned her attention over to the bed where Rachel and Jim were
getting into it. Jim lifted Rachel’s sweater up over her head to reveal
two lightly freckled breasts. Rachel’s aereolae were quite large, and
Jim ran his tongue around them before starting to suck on her hard
nipples. Jim unzipped Rachel’s jeans and she slid out of them to reveal
tiny, shear white panties.

“Mmmm, she is beautiful, isn’t she?” Wendy remarked to Bill.

“Yeah,” Bill replied, “and if she’s half as hot a fuck as Jim says she
is, we’re all going to have a great night.”

Jim took off his jeans and briefs and got into a sixty-nine position
with Rachel, she on top and he beneath her. He pulled her panties off
and put his mouth into the bright red muff of her crotch while she took
the head of his penis between her lips and began to lick and suck his
cock. All her attention was riveted to his cock, and Wendy admired her
dedication. She ran her tongue down his shaft, lightly around his balls,
and back up to the top, then took his cock down deep into her throat. In
the meantime Jim was massaging her ass and sucking on her clit.

Soon Jim’s hips started to buck; Rachel took his cock out of her mouth
and let his hot jism splash all over her breasts. “Oh yeah, come on me,”
she encouraged as she used her hands to milk every last drop out of him.
Then she rubbed her creamed tits around his cock, tit-fucking him until
he quickly regained his lost stature.

Jim sat up on the bed and took Rachel onto his lap, sliding her wet cunt
down onto his slippery cock. She gave him a deep kiss, then arched back
over the side of the bed until her hands were touching the floor. Jim’s
strong hands held her steady as she pistoned up and down his shaft.
Wendy and Bill got a great view of Rachel’s tits bouncing up and down
and Jim’s cock plunging into her pussy.

“Oh yes! Fuck me! Fuck me!” Rachel cried until she lost all control and
came as she collapsed onto the floor and off Jim’s cock. When she
finished, Jim moved down onto the floor with her and began to gently
play with her tits.

Jim looked up at his two friends standing a few feet away. “All right,
you two. It’s your turn to entertain us.”

“Shit, how’re we gonna top that?” Bill inquired.

Wendy looked around the room until she saw the chin-up bar that the boys
used to help keep in shape. “Come on, I’ve got an idea.” She led Bill
over underneath the bar, his back against the wall. She placed her arms
up around his neck and kissed him while he unzipped her dress. She slid
out of it, then pulled his pants of and quickly sucked his cock up to
full attention.

Wendy could see that Jim and Rachel were looking on with interest while
she turned around to face them, then slid her panties off and tossed
them over on the bed on the other side of the room. Bill put his hands
on her hips and helped her jump up to grab the chin-up bar. She couldn’t
reach the floor, so she placed her feet on the wall on either side of
Bill and plunged her cunt down onto his stiff rod. Bill moved his hands
up to her side just under her breasts, helping Wendy to use the bar to
pull herself up his cock, then fall back down onto it.

The rhythm of slooowwww up and quick down got Wendy even hotter than she
already was. Apparently it was getting to Bill too, for after just a few
minutes of grunting and pumping he came inside her like a firehose. That
triggered Wendy into her own orgasm–she stopped moving up and down and
just hung there suspended between the bar and Bill cock, feeling the
pleasure coursing through her body.

When she had finished, Bill helped her get off his cock and down from
the chin-up bar. “God, that was an experience,” he complimented her.

“We’ll have to try that sometime, lover,” Rachel told Jim, but for now
she turned her attention to his cock.

After taking a couple of minutes to catch her breath, Wendy got down
onto the floor and joined Rachel in getting Jim’s cock back up to full
strength. While Rachel sucked on the head, Wendy licked around the base
and occasionally took one or both of his testicles into her mouth and
sucked on them. In no time, Jim was back up to full strength.

Wendy gently pushed Rachel aside and climbed up on Jim so that she could
mount him. She slowly pushed his stiff rod up into her hot wet cunt. Not
wanting to be left out, Rachel moved up so that Jim could lick her
pussy. Jim attacked Rachel’s crotch in earnest, running his tongue along
her pussy lips and sucking on her clit, while Wendy moved her pussy up
and down his shaft.

Rachel motioned for Bill to come over by her, and when he did she took
his cock into her mouth and sucked him while Jim was eating her
crotch. She had about half of Bill’s cock in her mouth and her hands
grasped firmly onto his buttocks. Bill held on to her shoulders as he
rapidly moved his cock about an inch to and fro between her lips.

Bill looked over the top of Rachel’s head to see Wendy fucking away on
Jim’s cock, her breasts bobbing up and down with each thrust. Wendy
smiled at Bill as she ran her hands up the side of her body to her
breasts. As she rubbed and squeezed her nipples, Wendy closed her eyes
and lost herself in the merging of herself and Jim. When she felt
herself starting to cum, she opened her eyes and gave Bill “that look”.
Bill took the cue and started to cum at the same time as Wendy did; a
mutual orgasm with two other bodies linking them.

Rachel couldn’t hold Bill’s cock in her mouth when Bill starting pumping
his cum into it; he pulled out of her mouth and sent streams of cum
shooting all over Rachel’s face, hair and breasts. Rachel was loving it.
She wrapped her arms around Bill’s waist and held on for dear life as
Jim’s licking and sucking sent her into a powerful orgasm. Jim, sensing
that this round was over, triumphantly sent his cum up into the familiar
orifice of Wendy’s cunt.

“God, look at you, you’re a mess!” Bill told Rachel as he lifted her up
to stand next to him, and she was, considering that she had both Bill’s
and Jim’s jism all over her head and torso. “Let’s go see if we can get
you cleaned up.”

Bill led Rachel into the bathroom, and Wendy could hear the shower start
up as she crawled up and off Jim. Wendy got herself and Jim a beer from
the fridge and they sat together on the floor, quietly basking in the
glow of the aftermath of their carnal pleasures.

“I told you she was hot, didn’t I,” Jim told Wendy.

“You were right about that,” Wendy replied. “It sure is nice to find
someone else who feels free to explore the pleasures of sex.”

“Last night we must’ve fucked five times, and we had to quit because I
had had enough! She’s nearly as insatiable as you are!”

After a while Wendy got up and went into the bathroom. A blast of hot
steam from the shower blasted her naked body as she walked in and closed
the door behind her.

Although the glass door was fogged up, Wendy could still make out the
forms of Rachel’s and Bill’s bodies intertwined while the hot water was
splashing down on them. Rachel was freely crying out with pleasure as
Bill had her pinned up against the side of the shower stall, fucking
away at her with great intensity.

Aroused by the heat and the sounds of her two friends fucking away,
Wendy hopped up on the bathroom counter, spread her legs, and slipped
two of her fingers into her cunt. She gently rubbed her clit with her
thumb while her fingers moved in and out of her juicy hole.

Wendy was still playing with her pussy when the shower stopped. The
door opened and Rachel and Bill emerged, their clean bodies glistening
wet. “You have a very nice pussy,” Rachel complimented Wendy as she came
over next to her at the counter. Rachel removed Wendy’s hand and
replaced it with her own. “Mmm. You’re so hot. So moist. No wonder all
the guys love to fuck you.” Wendy said nothing as Rachel moved her free
hand up to Wendy’s left breast, using her long nails to play with
Wendy’s erect nipple.

Bill quickly toweled off, combed his hair, then left the bathroom to let
the girls play on their own. Rachel bent down and replaced her hand in
Wendy’s cunt with her mouth. Rachel licked all around, inside and
outside Wendy’s pussy. Wendy grabbed hold of Rachel’s red locks and
pushed her head further into her own pussy. “Oh God, Rachel! Keep it
up!” Wendy closed her eyes and banged her head back against the mirror
as she felt the pleasure build inside her. “Oh god oh god oh god oh
god!” Wendy cried as she let go of Rachel’s hair and onto the edge of
the counter. After all the day’s events, Wendy never would have thought
that she could have come this hard, but she did, thanks to Rachel.

Wendy had Rachel lie down on the rug while she stepped out into the
bedroom. Jim and Bill had put some sweats on and were watching a
basketball game on the tube. “Is everything all right in there?” Jim
asked her.

“Oh yes, everything is just fine,” Wendy assured him. “I just came out
here to get some of my toys.” Wendy picked up the bag she brought with
her and carried it back into the bathroom.

Rachel was lying on her back with her eyes closed and her knees pointing
up toward the ceiling. Wendy sat down on the rug next Rachel’s feet and
pulled out her first toy: a two-foot-long rubber dildo with heads on
both ends. She spread Rachel’s knees apart, exposing her luscious snatch
underneath her red curls.

Wendy rubbed the head on one end of the dildo all along Rachel’s crotch,
moistening it with Rachel’s own pussy juices that were seeping out of
her awaiting pussy. Then she slowly pushed it up inside Rachel’s cunt,
turning it as she went.

“My god, how long is that thing?” Rachel asked her after Wendy had
pushed it about halfway into her.

“Long enough, honey. You just lay back and enjoy it!”

Rachel began to pinch and play with her own nipples as Wendy thrust the
snake in and out of her. After a while, Wendy spread apart her own legs
and slid the other end of the dildo into her own wet pussy. With a back
and forth motion, Wendy fucked herself and her friend with alternating

“Mmmm, that feels so good,” Rachel moaned. “Nice and long. Just the way
I like it.” Wendy made a mental note to introduce Rachel to Dan, the guy
with the big, long cock that she and Kristen fucked last night. After
all, playing with toys was fun, but they were no substitute for a real
live cock.

“How strong are your cunt muscles?” Wendy asked as she laid down on her

“Pretty good. Why?”

“Follow my lead.” Wendy intertwined her legs with Rachel’s and pulled
the two of their cunts together, so that the dildo was completely buried
within both of their twats. “Squeeze,” Wendy told Rachel, then pushed
herself away from her, sliding the dildo out of her while it stayed put
within the redhead. Wendy pulled herself back in onto the faux-cock then
told Rachel, “Relax.” Wendy squeezed her own cunt tight around the dildo
and pushed Rachel away, then pulled her back. Before long they built up
a good rhythm, and both Rachel and Wendy were moaning and squealing with

“Oh God, Honey, I’m going to cum!” Rachel cried out.

“Yes, Baby, yes! Me too!” Wendy replied.

“Oh yes, Honey! Cum with me!” Rachel slammed their cunts together and
held them there while the two of them spasmed over the dildo. “Yes yes

A mutual orgasm with another woman was always pleasing, so Wendy enjoyed
every second of it. Wendy could tell that her new friend was a woman
after her own heart, a kindred spirit in sexual pleasures, and as hot
and horny as hell.

Rachel sat up and slid the dildo out of her before crawling over to
Wendy’s toy bag. “What other fun things do you have in here?” she asked.

“Take a look for yourself.”

Rachel reached in and pulled out a long plastic phallus. “Mmmm, I wonder
what this does?” She twisted the bottom half, engaging the motor and
starting the whole thing vibrating. “Ooh! This looks like fun!” Rachel
brought the toy down to her pussy and moved the tip around the outside
of her cunt. “Ooh, this feels great,” she giggled.

Rachel moved over in between Wendy’s spread legs and started massaging
Wendy’s pussy with the tip of the vibrator. She placed it right on
Wendy’s clit, sending instant pleasure up through Wendy’s body. “Oh
Baby!” Wendy cried out. “Keep it up!” Rachel inserted it into Wendy’s
cunt and gently fucked her with the vibrating head. Wendy had used the
toy on herself many times, but it felt even better with Rachel using it
on her. Rachel leaned her head down and, still pumping the vibrator in
Wendy’s cunt, started to lick Wendy’s hard clit. “Oh yeah! Fuck me! Lick
me! Fuck me!” Before long, Wendy had had five quick orgasms and was
completely exhausted.

“Look at you,” Rachel said as she pulled the vibrator from Wendy’s tired
cunt and turned it off. “You’re all tired and sweaty.” Rachel soaked a
washcloth in cold water and started to use it all over Wendy’s naked
body, paying special attention to Wendy’s breasts and rock hard nipples.
“You are such a beautiful cummer,” Rachel complimented her as she wiped
the sweat from Wendy’s brow.

“Thank you,” Wendy whispered in reply. “Thank you for a wonderful

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Model by Karen Elizabeth L Mom always thought I was good looking enough to be a model. She and dad were always arguing about it, he'd say that it was a waste of money and she'd tell him that he was blind! I can remember how she'd tell people that someday she was going to take me to a company that would make a model out of me and teach my dad a lesson! One day her and her Grandma (her mom) decided to teach dad a lesson and took me to one of those companies. Mom made me get...

2 years ago
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Indian Wife Shifa Turned Out To Be A Slut Part 1

I belong to an upper middle class family from Bangalore. I completed my engineering in 2005 and found a well-paying job in a reputed MNC. Life has been good all these years but it really got sexy just about two years ago. Since then I have been living out my fantasies and enjoying it to the fullest.This story revolves around my super hot wife Shifa khan whom I married 3 years ago. It was an arranged marriage and was set up by one of my aunts who lives in a posh locality in Bangalore and knows...

3 years ago
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Timeless LoveChapter 2

Cynara stepped out of the room and followed the little maid down the hall that she had followed Charles up earlier. The maid was a pretty girl, if not painfully shy. She seemed to be about Cynara's age, and had brunette hair, which was in direct contrast to the pale blonde of Cynara's. Charles had introduced the maid as Jasmine when he had come back a couple of hours later with clothes for her to wear. He had left her alone in a fancy room, with the orders to rest until dinner. How he...

4 years ago
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A Close Call Book 1 A New BeginningChapter 3

Evening Star's breathing was becoming hard and erratic as she approached her first orgasm induced by anyone other than herself. One more nipple twist and she would explode! There it was! She jerked and writhed in the most pleasurable experience she had ever had. She had heard of this feeling coming once or twice in a woman's life, but had no idea how wonderful it really was. She prayed to the spirits that she might one day feel that again! Doug, of course, knew what had happened to Evening...

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Signed Sealed and Delivered

Signed, Sealed, and Delivered By Cathy_t_ This is my very first attempt at writing anything for others to read. The idea for the story is mine but the inspiration for doing it at all comes from two wonderful angels I met on the net one dark night in my life. They stopped me from doing something very stupid that night and I would like to dedicate this story to them. To Prue and neri. Without their help and encouragement this story would not exist. Nor would...

1 year ago
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Or Die AloneChapter 12 Counter Operations

The Thermopylae left superlight, emerging in a cloud of technicolor gas in high orbit around Hades, the bridge crew coming to as the autopilot activated the ship’s point defense systems in order to protect the human occupants during the brief minutes that they were incapacitated. Captain Stavros stood with his hands clasped firmly behind his back, the only indication of discomfort or disorientation a twitching in his right eye, he had completed so many jumps that the wracking energies barely...

1 year ago
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First Time Anal

I was 18 when it happened.I went over to my friends house we started getting comfy on his couch. I was nervous it was the first time i had been alone with a black guy and damn was he fine. I saw he had tattoos and i asked him to show me he took off his shirt and i put my hands on his body feeling him all over tracing every tattoo. I then traced around his pants line and smiled. I licked him from his hip to the other one. he led me up stairs to his room.We sat on his bed and started making out...

2 years ago
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The Teacher and the Student

A busy Thursday had found me in the library café, with what must have been the tenth cup of coffee I’d consumed that day. I was struggling mightily to focus my attention on a depressingly thick stack of books and material for my classes. It was my own fault for electing to write a thesis this year, I thought to myself. At least they kept the place nicely heated. Even though the harsh winter winds rattled against the windows, I shed my jacket, sweater, and long-sleeved tee, leaving just a tight...

4 years ago
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The Angry Whore Book 1Chapter 4 In cages

10 July, 1686 Afternoon Claire's auction was even more rowdy. Now everybody wanted a white slave. Like her sister she was also clothed in a dress principally designed to display her female figure and feminine assets to there fullest and thereby increase bidding, in dark blue with a sexy, tight fitting halter bodice, fully accentuating Claire's curves and then gently flowing into romantic wisps of sculptured uneven chiffon. She was made to walk up and down the plat—form several...

4 years ago
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First Experience With Friend8217s Sister

Hi, Indian Sex Stories readers dot net and followers my greetings to you all. This is my first story here, in fact, the first experience of my life, I wanted to share this sweet experience with all of you. Before that I would like to introduce myself, I am Tarun aged 27-year fair look 5.8” tall and normal 6” tool. staying in Bangalore and I work for one of the reputed MNC company. Since it is my first sex story. So sex experts, lovers, writers and readers please do forgive me for any mistakes....

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Adira Allure TwoCreampie Threesome

Cute blonde Adira Allure is always down for a raunchy threesome. Wearing a teeny bikini and high heels, the wild sex freak teases handymen Jason Moody and Chris Diamond. She serves them a lemonade concoction seasoned by her squirting pussy juice! Adira gives a gagging double blowjob, and the guys subject her to intense anal fucking. One dude drills her throat as the other plows her asshole, resulting in multiple, gushing orgasms. Sodomy includes ass-to-mouth fellatio, vulgar farting and immense...

1 year ago
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Oral Sex With Virgin Girl Leads Me To Become Callboy

Hello to everybody! I am Krishna from tirupathi (andhrapradesh) studying btech in andhrapradesh staying along with my family. I am a big fan of ISS and had read many stories here. Now it was the time for me to share my experience with you,this happened around 4 weeks back. This story belongs to the girl who introduced me to real life of sex. Her name is gayatri and lives just opposite to our house with her parents. That time i was 19 yeairs old and gayatri completed her btech . She is 22 years...

1 year ago
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The man of the house 2

 As dad exploded into moms asshole , I was trusting my huge muscled cock into her mouth, feeling like some kind of wild animal.           Dad got up slapped mom on her ass , saying ."that's a good girl" walking out the front door naked . I guess to wash up. Looking at mom on her hands and knees, arching her back so her ass sticks up in the air, moving her ass side to side slowly , seductively, all the while sucking my hard cock. I look down at her face and she looked up at me with my cock...

3 years ago
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Our Cabin in the Woods Book 1Chapter 26

Kelly and I woke up to the alarm. We snuggled for a few minutes before getting up and ready for the day. While we showered and dressed, we talked about our plans. We went downstairs and found Mom and Donna in the kitchen. “Good morning, kids, the coffee’s ready,” Mom said. “Thanks, Mom. How are you guys this morning? Did you sleep well?” Kelly said. I poured coffee for Kelly and me. She sat at the table with Mom and Donna. “I slept very well. You have a lovely home,” Donna said as I gave...

3 years ago
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Best Butties Part 2 Sally Dre

As we grew older Hope started craving more than I could ever give her... A long, thick, warm cock. We always remained close friends, but our sexual relationship has changed many times over the years. At this time Hope was still letting me use her holes, but she was no longer returning the favor and I desperately needed a certain itch scratched. Thankfully the party of the summer was about to take place and Hope owed me big time. Hope’s Aunt would be going away and Hope would be housesitting....

1 year ago
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HelplessTeens Whitney Wright E50

Party Girl Punished Teen party-girl Whitney Wright finds herself stranded in the middle of nowhere and hazy on the events of last night. Help arrives in the form of Bruno and his creepy white van. A little later, when Bruno asks her to pay for the ride with her smoking hot young body, she claims she’s “not that kind of girl”. Good girls don’t dress like sluts. Bitch! With some coaxing Bruno gets this horny slut to agree to his terms and has her tied up and gagging on his...

3 years ago
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Dreams Do Come TrueChapter 6

Charles withdrew his hand from Diana's panties. He lifted himself and knelt beside her, unzipped his pants and shoved them and his underwear over his hips and ass to his knees. He kicked them off his legs while he leaned down and grasped her slip and panties to peel them off her hips. Diana groaned softly. Oh ... my ... God... ! Your cock is so big ... so long ... so beautiful... His hard shaft sprang back up when it emerged from his underwear as he pushed them down. When her panties and...

1 year ago
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Fannas Debt ch 1

Fanna looked herself up and down in her mirror, " Why must sis always look perfect and i look so....underdeveloped...." She whispered to herself as she looked down at her B cup breasts, sighing as she slipped the white tank top on tightly. She looked up again and saw her clean shaven pussy, " now thats something sis never got right....she can't shave for her life" She had a short giggle to herself as she pulled her black thong up and then her small skirt, walking to her vanity,...

2 years ago
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letter to girlfriend Erin from my Skiing holiday

The German guys on the slopes.The 2 guys were staying in our Hotel and Ginni and I had noticed that they were following us about and trying to bump into us all the time. I didn’t particularly fancy either of them but Ginni was really on heat and wanted to get with the one called Franz, the other was called Peter.I thought that they were about 25 but we found out later that they were 28 !!! Ginni is in one of my Non Nude pictures on my Profile, she is pretty and has long brown hair, she will go...

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An Old Flame Visits The Office

It was the summer of ninety-two when we first met.I owned a small printing business just outside of the District of Columbia.  I had started using a local vendor for quick turn-around business cards.  They were something we used as a loss-leader to draw in larger and more profitable business orders.  The owner of the business card company had come around about six months earlier. He was looking for business and brought along some samples as well as an order booklet.  The booklet made things...

Office Sex
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Ed BiggersChapter 2

After putting on the red tee-shirt, Ed picked up the gun and checked to make sure that it was properly loaded and ready for action. Satisfied, he walked over to where John, Beth, Kelly, and Ling were planning their strategy. He listened with interest as Ling and John argued a strategy for attacking. Ling said, “They are going to come at us in a group. If we spread out, we can ambush them.” Shaking his head, John said, “They are going to come at us from every direction. If we divide into two...

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Glamour Shots Chapter 24

We never made it to the bedroom. By the time we got to the stairs I had to find out how her smooth sex would feel against my lips, so with her skirt hiked up and me kneeling three steps below her I did. She sat on the edge of the landing, leaning back slightly, one hand behind her and legs spread as I kissed my way up her thighs, playing slightly, teasing, but far too eager to dawdle. When my lips met hers she gasped, and tangled her fingers in my hair so that she could feel me moving as I...

Wife Lovers
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Dark Sexual Encounters

Introduction: A 34 yr old married woman from Amsterdam discovers interracial sex with both black men and women Dark Sexual Encounters Part one I was a 34 yr old married woman named Tess that had an over active imagination, along with a very strong and kinky sex drive. I had mixed feelings about a number of perverse sexual fantasys ever since I was a young girl! My interest in dark sexual encounters was so overpowering that public morals, perception and my lack of conscious, as to what was...

4 years ago
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TwobyTwo Chapter 8

Two by Two, Chapter 8 - By: Beverly Taff As Steve-Zac continued to recover the first thing the group did was agree a different name for their new 'companion'. "So what's it to be?" asked Vicky, as she turned to cuddle Steve-Zac. The 'dog' hesitated over the keyboard then slowly tapped out his reply. "Well; although Ahmed says there's not much of Zac's brain left in here, I must confess I sometimes get a vague intangible 'awareness' stirring in my own brain. It's...

2 years ago
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Waiting at the BluebirdChapter 27

The meeting with Homer in the diner was over a lot sooner than Cal had expected. He walked out of the front door of the diner and took notice of the pleasant summer weather, as the days were slipping toward August. Cal decided to walk the long way around back to his office and that would put him there right on time for the afternoon appointment with his client. “It was a good idea to call Mildred Watkins before meeting with Homer,” he told himself. Indeed, it was, for Cal knew that Tanaka’s...

3 years ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 32 Halloween Party

November 1, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “May I have this dance?” I asked. “Yes! Hi, Steve!” Liz gushed. I took her hand and led her towards the center of the dance floor in the attic room just as a slow song started. Liz melted into my arms, molded her body to mine, and rested her head on my shoulder. We danced silently, simply savoring the feeling of our clothed bodies against each other. I wanted her, but I had two concerns. First, was Liz making unwarranted assumptions about what it might...

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It was a warm hot summers day at the fun fair Sun kissed freckle faces and messy hair Dribbling ice creamspinning round and round on rides so fast The thrill of the roller coaster making my belly flip as you’re zooming around The wizz making you feel horny as hell. Day time slips into night time Bright lights hairspray and the fairgrounds still open flashy lights loud musicAdults onlyI’ve had a couple of glasses of wine and my mates playing ClaweeOnly the stuffed toys have all disappeared And...

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My 14th Birthday Gift Part II

I next move my hands down towards her already wet pussy. Madison breaks out kiss and moves the bed sheets out of the way to begin sucking my cock. She moved her warm mouth up and down my shaft moving her tounge constantly around the head of my dick. I spin her body around into the 69 position and begin to eat her pussy. Within moments, Madison begins to moan on my dick. She began to moan even faster with the pace on my tongue rubbing her clit. After a few moments, I inserts a finger into her...

2 years ago
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For to a sub 3

I awaken feeling my throbbing cock being enveloped by your tender and sopping pussy. I put my hands on your hips and guide your dance as you sink deeper. You feel that familiar pressure as my cock reaches your cervix and pushes on your walls. You roll your hips again bottoming out and taking me balls deep. You feel so full, so alive... Especially when each throb of my swelling dick sends bolts of electricity through your core. Just minutes before, you might have been concerned with waking...

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Tumbling off the Cliff Ch 06

Some people are walking disaster areas, so what would happen if a very together and successful man falls for a ditzy but sexy woman? Sparks fly between Mitch and Lisa in this romantic story. It is a slow build to hot sex in later chapters, with lots of clashes of personality and misunderstanding in-between * The phone kept ringing, but there was no answer, and Mitch started to worry. Leaning against the wall of the trailer he listened to the ringing tone, panic building. Glancing up and...

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Janet Gets Lucky

----------------------------------------------------Janet Gets LuckyIt was spring break. Janet's husband and daughter were on their normal schedules, so she was home alone. Enjoying her much needed respite from the relentless demands of college, she was sleeping late on a Tuesday morning when Mr. Coffee began its classic hiss and gurgle.The smell of coffee finally roused her, clearing the fog from her sleep addled mind. After lying in bed for another ten minutes, she finally pulled back the...

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BangBus Dylann Vox Stripper With Double Ds Hops on The Bus

The bus is out here lurking. Searching for the next hot chick that’s willing to take a ride for some dough. This week we pulled up on this hottie with huge tits, as she was leaving the club early in the morning. Turns out that she’s a stripper at a nearby strip club. It took some time and some good amount of money to convince her to get on, but eventually she climbed right in. And soon enough she would be climbing on some cock. Our boy Peter Green was the one in charged of giving this chick a...

3 years ago
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Die Panne

Die Panne by Rhonda Wagram Marianne war bester Laune. Sie war mit ihrem Wagen auf der Autobahn auf dem Wege nach Hause, alles hatte geklappt soweit. Im Hotel - einem dieser gro?en, anonymen - hatte sie noch als Herbert gefr?hst?ckt und ihre Rechnung bezahlt, war dann zur?ck auf das Zimmer, hatte Herbert verpackt und sich in Marianne verwandelt. Man konnte von den Stockwerken direkt zum Parkdeck hinunter fahren. So war sie einfach als Marianne in den W...

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Well Earned Job

Laying in my bed, I reached in my nightstand, pulled out my 8in white dildo and sucked it in my mouth. I wanted to get fucked by him but I knew that the distance prevented us from being together. I picked up my phone and dialled his number, only to be told that he can't talk to me now. Fuck him, I thought, as I pressed the end button on my cell phone. I wanted to have phone sex with him, my "tender_cowboy" from my lush friends. I wanted him to make me cum hard like he has been doing on the...

Straight Sex
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Incredible ChangesChapter 339 Watching the Hen House

I didn’t know they were much older than I guessed. With Melinda being fourteen, and Teri being fifteen, I relaxed a lot more about them being naked under the quilt with me. Using the place in my head, I looked to see that they did start puberty recently. Teri did have the start of breasts, but hers were mostly baby fat deposits right now. Knowing what I do about the things I did for Trudy, and those Molly helped me with, I was able to give their bodies a kick in the pituitary. Melinda’s body...

3 years ago
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He Made Us Do It

My name is Claudia and I am a single parent raising two children up in Lancaster. The city is a medium sized one, around a 75,000 people or so, in what is known as the high desert area about 60 miles north of Los Angeles. My daughter Jesse is 16 and growing into a beautiful young woman and my son Scott just turned 14 and is the typical teenage boy, interested in nothing but sports and girls. It is mid-summer in Lancaster and as such it doesn't get dark until around nine. I was standing at the...

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Mom enjoys 2 cocks

In my previous story I told how my mom(Sadhna) got her first fuck after 18 years. From that day her world changed completely. She became bolder & more appealing. One day she went with me to a mall & brought many clothes for herself. There were transparent suits in which her whole body can be admired. She bought herself pink & red lingerie. She had her hair colored light brown. She placed a butterfly tattoo on her left breast. She bought jeans & sexy t-shirts for herself which were completely...

4 years ago
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Mother Daughter Feast 2 of 12

When it is almost time for us to get home, Anna plays the video up to the point of her dad placing the spit under the blonde's ass, pausing it with my tits and pussy and her dad's cock and balls visible, along with the blonde's assets. A few minutes later, we get home and I call out to let Anna know. "I'm in the living room, come on in so we can finish watching this amazing movie together." Anna is scared and excited as she hears us walking towards the living room, knowing that we...

3 years ago
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Emma the Pig Chapter 1

I sat on the edge of my bed, heart pounding, foot tapping nervously at the floor, fingers clenching at the tangled sheets. Next to me the clock on my phone ticked another minute forward: 11:48pm. For a month I’d been planning for this night, waiting for my chance, and now that it was here I couldn’t do it. I was paralyzed. In the dirty mirror across from me my own fat face stared back at me, mousy hair pulled into a ponytail, acne spattered across my cheeks. I hated it. I hated this stupid...

4 years ago
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Gods and Devils The Unicorn Part II

I. Introduction I stood in the kitchen watching the water slowly drip from the faucet. The girls were in the living room, cuddled on the couch, whispering, waiting. Pet was doing what she could to soothe Kasey. Pet knew what was coming, Kasey on the other hand, did not have the slightest idea. On top of the dresser in my room I kept a wooden box about 10 inches wide by 12 inches long, it was a simple box with a simple hasp. No locks, no complicated mechanism to open it and free it of its...

2 years ago
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Elf Ears

As she walked by the mirror in the employee lunchroom, the elf stopped and looked deeply into the reflection she cast. In order to see herself completely, she found herself standing on her tip-toes and looking down into the edge of the mirror until her green shoes came into view, silver bells jingling as she hopped from foot to foot. She was dressed from head to knee in fine green velvet trimmed with silver, the epitome of a Christmas elf, with some notable differences. The costume she wore was...

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A Spanking Fantasy BDSM Story

There are six of us and a dozen of them. They are all around 21, naive, innocent, staring at the ground, up into the night sky; anything but look directly at us. They are beautiful, wide-eyed and nervous, their slim bodies obvious in their tight jeans and T-shirts. One of the girls licks her lips as she watches me.With a grin at the guys I open the trunk and pull out six wooden paddles, large and heavy. The eyes of the girls grow to saucer-size and they look at each other with apprehension as I...

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Mere Boss Ki Hot Biwi

Hi friends, mera name Rahul hai ye kahani Hindi and English mixed mein hai Hinglish bol sakte hai. Ye 2 months pehle ki baat hai jab ye zabardast kaand kiya maine. Ye kahani thodi lambi hai but maza bahut aayega ye gurantee hai. I’m a BMS graduate. Meri degree complete hote hi maine apne dost Shakti ki company mein lag gaya. Hum dono ek hi college ek hi class mein the to use achi dosti ho gayi degree ke 3 saalo mein. Shakti ke papa ki khud ki company thi to degree complete hote hi usi ke saath...

1 year ago
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My Sister Kelly Pt 3

I laid there in my bed for a bit thinking about what my sister said. I started to stroke my cock as I thought about my sister Kelly. I was extremely horny and she was right, all my friends would fuck her if they could and would fuck their own sisters too if they could. I heard the water in her bathroom running. I said fuck it and thought with my throbbing cock. 'Hmmm, my sister wants to fuck my brains out...I think it is my turn to fuck her brains out.' I thought to myself. I got up and...

2 years ago
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Phoenix Pt 4 Ch 16

A slender and obviously naked female figure stood in the early dawn light some distance away. As he gazed at her, she raised her arms and was suddenly surrounded with a backdrop of huge wings. She stepped forward, her wings folding behind her, the tips dragging on the ground. Then Jake was standing, breathless, in front of her, holding her face in his hands. The image of her face was crystallized by the tears that flooded his eyes. ‘Miss me?’ she asked, smiling up at him and running a...

3 years ago
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My Mom Saw Me Naked And I Think She Wants It

It’s just my mom and I at home.We live in a small apartment (one bedroom), so I see a lot of her, and we’re not a super private family. It’s just seeing her in her bra and panties every so often, and sometimes she’ll take off her bra in front of me (turning away from me, don’t get too excited). There were a few incidents when I was first discovering how to jerk off and everything where I’d sort of peek at her changing. During that time I only ever saw her tits, and it was less a “my mom is hot”...

2 years ago
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Incest In A Cfnm Femdom Party

As you all know, I have had incest sex with my aunt Kavya in India. He has a very good figure fair complexion 4’11” and 32C-30-34. I am now in NYC and where she was here to visit me. On the day of her visit we reached her hotel and obviously, we fucked each other as we met after 1.5 years. Last time we had sex on the day I was leaving. I still used to miss how I licked her ass and how she dominated me. Once we were satisfied for time being and showered together I left her to take rest and went...

2 years ago
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A Kittens TailChapter 16

“Tropical Delights Resort, this is Anna speaking, how may I assist you today?” God, I hated Mondays. Especially after a weekend like I just had. Spending the night with my Master and Shelly had worn me out even more, and then Master brought me straight to the office. It was barely eight in the morning, and I was still on my first cup of coffee. The idiot babbling at me in Italian wasn’t helping. “I’m sorry, sir, but I don’t speak any Italian, hablas Espanol? If we need to I can find someone...

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