S&S NerdChapter 8 free porn video

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"Someone's been using my dick." That was Marilyn who spoke sternly, but with a giggle. "Suki, you little slut, were you getting some during the night?"

"No, I wasn't," Suki said, with emphasis, "But Sal was. I couldn't wait to taste him. He's delicious and fulfilled one of my biggest fantasies."

"And what kind of fantasy can a half pint hussy have?"

"Easy you foul-mouthed pussy sucker, I wanted to taste him, and then see if he would kiss me. He gave me a nice mouth full, and then kissed me like he meant it. I even tongue fucked his mouth."

Marilyn was stroking my seemingly ever ready pole while kissing from my chest up to my cheek. She rose and settled on my cock with one smooth motion, moving down a lot father than she did previously with the first thrust, but it still took her a few strokes to bottom out. She gently rode up and down on me this time, sighing and groaning, occasionally leaning down to kiss me and Suki.

Marilyn was slowly riding me, leaning over me with her hands on my shoulders. She would shiver every once and a while and sigh, "So good! There's another one."

After at least fifteen minutes, she kissed me and asked, "Do you need to come? I've had enough right now and loved it. Do you want more, Suki?"

"Not right now. That thing stretched me out last night and I think I might want to give it a break. Are you okay not cumming, Sal?"

I kissed both girls and said, "How could I be less than perfect? That was a wonderful night. Marilyn, you were exactly as you advertised, very hungry for some loving, and Suki, you showed me how great loving comes in small exotic packages."

Suki said, "Let's take a shower and go to breakfast. If we get there early enough, we'll get to see Sal's expression every time a new lady comes in."

I looked around and found an alarm clock radio. It said five thirty, "Ladies, its Saturday. No one's going to be up this early."

"Sal, Honey," Suki grinned, "You've come to the land of early people. Everyone around here gets an early start except the night shift people. Come on; let's be some of the first."

We took a shower, before Marilyn told me, "Get dressed and go to the patio. Steve and Glenda will probably be there. Suki and I will get the other three and see you in about twenty to thirty minutes."

It felt warm out when the girls went out, so I put jeans and boots on, along with another T-shirt. This time it was a 'Bronc busters ride it better' T-shirt, with a cowboy on a bucking horse. This is a very common T-shirt in Texas. I have one that's for bull riders too.

I couldn't find the house keys, so I hoped what was inside was safe. The little gas cart zipped me over to the patio in less than a minute. I could have probably been there faster, but I was gawking at my surroundings.

Sure enough, I pulled up to the patio at just after six, and found Steve and an older lady sitting at the little table nearest the bar. When I walked in, Steve, loud enough to be heard the length of the place, said, "Come on in, Sal. Join Glenda and me at being early birds. Nice to see another who likes to get a start on the day."

I went in and shook hands with Steve, and said to the lady, "I'm Sal Feeny, a new man Steve hired to work in R&D."

Glenda stuck her hand out and said, "I know all about you, Honey. Go get some coffee and sit with us. My old man will be here soon. He likes to get a few extra minutes in the morning."

I sat with Steve, sipping coffee, thinking how good this was, and how comfortable I felt with all of these people. Glenda asked me, "Did any of those ladies you were hanging out with last night tell you about our weekend fashion shows?"

Shaking my head, I replied, "Only that I was going to like what I saw."

Steve almost giggled. Not very manly, but he had more than one woman, so he must be manly. "Sal, you are about to be treated to a real show. Some of the women show too much, but then what is too much? We are blessed with some very exciting women in this park, and many of them show it all on the weekend. It's been a Saturday morning tradition for lots of years."

Tiny came through the door with his wife Ruth following him. He was blocking my view of her as they approached and he asked, "Who wants a Saturday morning special? I'm fixing."

I was going to answer when my chin hit the table. Tiny's wife, Ruth, was an attractive lady in her mid to late forties, with a great shape and nice chest. How could I tell? Her robe or gown was totally sheer. I could have checked to see if she had missed a hair when she shaved.

Glenda smacked my arm, "Close your mouth, Sal, or you'll catch flies. Haven't you ever seen a lady in a sexy gown before?"

When I had my breath back, I still couldn't take my eyes from the knockout showing it all. While still staring at the lady who was obviously giving me multiple poses, I finally gave Tiny my answer. "Please Sir, I think I had better have some fortification."

Ruth sat with us as Tiny brought drinks for Ruth, him, and me. "You haven't seen anything yet. Some of these girls aren't going to show as much, but their robes or gowns will have you staring the same way. Steve's ladies always put on a display. You'll love Juanita with her dark good looks and full chest, and of course there is Sue. When she comes out, stay seated. Even her old man Steve, here, springs a boner when she walks out."

Ruth dryly said, "The only stud here that won't be sticking out today is the one I had to suck a load out of, and then get another planted before we came over this morning."

I must have been turning red as Glenda said to Ruth, "You are so uncouth. This is a new person in our group. Don't you think you could be a little gentler?"

Ruth grinned and told all of us, "Hell, if he can't handle the way I am every day, how's he gonna handle the first time we take him up to the hot tub?"

Steve rolled his eyes and sipped his coffee. He told me, "I can't have one of Tiny's treats this morning; I have to give some flight lessons today. We have too many students and not enough instructors. Speaking of students, do you fly or want to learn?"

I had never thought that I could take the time to learn to fly. I could only say, "Let me see what kind of time I have left after working on our projects and some of my personal research."

Tiny said, "Uh oh, here come the work rules."

Steve gave Tiny a sideways look, "I believe that we go to work early, and get out of the shop or R&D building on time, which is mostly five PM or a fraction thereafter. We have to kick Gerry and Donny out all the time and I don't want you to be another person that spends too much time working late. There is a good reason sometimes, but I think it isn't necessary most of the time. As far as working on your personal research, I expect you to do that on my time, not yours. Anything you learn will eventually help the business. So, work at the correct pace, strive for perfection, but get the hell out of there in the evening. That's why we have supper here. So we can visit and discuss what we're doing."

Tiny said, "See, I told you. There are more, but that is almost rule one. The first is 'Work for perfection in everything'. It will come back to you."

Steve was smiling as Tiny grabbed my glass and went to the bar to make refills. Ruth wasn't drinking as fast as Tiny and me. As Tiny finished our drinks, Sue came out of the house with a really tall girl that I think was Kathy, a girl about the same height as Sue, but not as heavy chested, and the obviously dark Latin lady named Juanita. I was glad I was sitting, as the view was too much. Sue's chest was so fascinating that I would have been staring all day. The tall lady was sexy as hell, and her long, saggy breasts that would be awesome to play with caught my attention. The little one, that I think was Mercy, the magic lady, was really sexy in her gown, and then there was Juanita. The lady may have been in her late fifties, but wow, still super sexy. I had a boner that wouldn't quit.

Someone leaned over me and ran their hand over my bulging zipper. The owner of the hand asked, "And which one tripped your trigger, Stud? I saw you slip out of here with Marilyn last night."

Who was this person? I turned my head to be faced with a tit, or to be more accurate, faced with a nipple that was sticking through a T-shirt full of holes. I looked up to see a cute short redhead with a feisty grin. What do you say in situation like this? I made the dumb comment, "Redhead, huh?"

The little vixen pulled the T-shirt up and pointed at a red patch of pubic fur. "Yep, one hundred percent redheaded bikers bitch. Want a sample?"

I began laughing along with Steve and Tiny. A huge man appeared behind the redhead and said, "Don't mind her. She's all mouth and a good one too. You'll get used to us. Do you ride?"

What a welcome. I answered, "I think I know what you mean, but what I ride only has one horsepower."

It was the redhead again, "We need to build something just for you, where you could fork about a hundred of those ponies. That'll get your attention."

I was going to stand, but the redhead pushed me back down and sat on my lap. I said to the redhead and big guy, "I don't mean to be impolite, but I'm Sal Feeny, and you two are?"

The big guy said, "I'm Charlie, and this redheaded biker bitch, as she likes to be called, is Shawna. She has a twin named Debby running around, but you can't make a mistake. One will fuck you in your tracks and the other will ask first."

Another fairly big guy was standing next to Charlie and began laughing. "Are you telling everyone secrets about my wife? Well, Sal, we met you last night, sort of, you talked to us and we learned your name. I'm Hank, the other redhead's husband."

Sure enough, a redheaded near twin to the one on my lap came from behind Hank, showing two pointed nipples sticking through her shirt. She lifted the bottom of T-shirt and pointed down, "Also a true redhead."

I saw Steve holding a baby and with a gorgeous dark-haired lady that looked Italian. Next to them was another lady that was not that tall, holding another baby. I just love babies. They are so much fun. I have spent hours on the floor with my sister's and brother's babies.

My five ladies walked into the patio and whipped off some gauzy cover-ups. Underneath was sheer nothing or almost nothing. All five were dressed in a gauzy gown that realistically hid nothing, but gave you shots in a peek-a-boo way. You saw something, and then the gown would cover it all up. I miscounted, as there were six in those gauzy gowns. They walked over to me, and Jenny told Shawna, "Get off of our guy, you scamp; I'll bet you were trying to get him to finger you with your husband standing right there."

"Damn right, I was. Gotta check out any new stud boy who shows up around here."

Charlie was still rolling his eyes as he sipped Tiny's morning concoction. Shawna got up and Jenny sat on my lap. She whispered loud enough to be heard in the next county, "Heard you had a double last night. Was it good?"

Oh shit, I thought, is everyone trying to embarrass me? Trying to change the subject, I asked a question, "Did you guys decide to add another member to your club?"

A really gorgeous young lady who was a youthful image of Jenny, softly commented, "I wish."

Jenny was quick to say, "You mean you wish you had time for someone like this."

The good looking youthful girl answered, "Exactly."

Glenda had disappeared, so others had taken up residence in the chairs around the table. It was fun the way this was a central group that more and more people dragged up chairs to sit with. A lot of guys were standing on the perimeter, as well.

There was a big commotion at the back door. I looked up to see who it was, and Rita said, "That's Chuck and his brood. If you like babies, we have a dozen of them around here now."

I was surprised that even the obvious fairly new moms were wearing sexy gowns. One had a wet spot over a nipple, telling me she was probably nursing her baby. The ladies all went into the house with their babies. A few seconds later, the Italian looking lady came out with another one who looked almost like her twin. Both were really hot Italian ladies who would stop traffic anywhere.

Marilyn kidded, "He can't make up his mind who to look at. The way some of these women look makes me feel like chopped liver."

I offered, "All of you girls are gorgeous, and I have to remain seated to keep from embarrassing myself."

There was a younger version of Suki, wearing a cute cutoff tank top with low hip hugger short shorts, standing next to Suki. She said, "I'd bet I could make you drool, but Mom won't let me wear a gown yet. She says I'm... ," she didn't get it out before I heard, 'Jailbait'. Suki and all of the other women said jailbait at the same time. It was really funny. The little girl looked at me with a crooked grin, "I'm Niki, give me a nickel and I'll call you in a couple of years." That got me to laugh just as much.

Janet asked Jenny, who was still on my lap, "Are you being poked, or are you suffering a rash?"

Jenny swooned, "Oh boy, am I being poked."

Grenaline instantly told her mom, "Get up, Mom, let me see, come on up, I might want to sit there, especially if you think he won't throw me down and do me."

Rita nudged me, "See, Saturday morning brings out the worst in these people."

Grenaline bumped me on the shoulder with a hip, "Don't listen to them. I've been looking for a guy that isn't pushy. If you think we could go out without me putting handcuffs on you, I'd love for you to take me out. I'm not jailbait."

Jenny was still sitting on my lap, and with a pout, said, "Possession is nine tenths of the law, and look who has a seat."

I was working on my third Bloody Mary and the girls were into them as well. I told them, "I smell something delicious and hope breakfast is soon."

Suki put both of her hands over her daughter's ears, "I'll bet you smell me, and yes, I am delicious, want some breakfast?"

The other four girls were slapping her on the shoulder and giving her the 'Oh, Suki, you're so bad' line.

Suki's daughter looked at her mom and told her, "I heard that; you are bad."

Suki whacked the cute teenager on the butt. Actually, the way the sixteen year old was dressed could have given a very old priest a boner. Those short shorts were molded on, and there is no way she had panties on. Her top was super short and loose, flashing the sides and bottoms of her growing breasts as she moved. If she leaned over, everyone would have been treated to the full view, right down to her exposed bellybutton that had a jewel in it.

The tall lady, Kathy, hollered from the open doorway, "Breakfast is coming out. Find a seat or help carry food. Let's get'er done."

This place was addictive. I was meeting more and more crazy people, and I wasn't even halfway through all of them. I went to the doorway to carry food, and Glenda handed me two big baskets of biscuits, "Put these on tables that don't have any. Every table has to have at least one, and if we have enough we'll put two on them."

I was able to put out about thirty baskets of biscuits. I carried some huge bowls of gravy and several platters of meats. There were more huge bowls of scrambled eggs.

Steve and Glenda were standing at the door. Steve had flour stains on his pants and Glenda had some on her face. I heard her say, "We did it again, Buddy."

The food was wonderful. I was able to get my fill and then some. I noticed the five women I was involved with all ate well. Rita told me, "We usually go workout early every day, and are back here for breakfast. During the week, there are usually only breakfast sandwiches, cereal if you want it, along with donuts and rolls. We girls normally have a breakfast sandwich, a glass of milk, and cup of coffee. We go into work between seven-thirty and eight, and bust butt once we get there. You can go work out with us if you want. The gym is subsidized by the park, so we get half price on a no contract basis. We do martial arts one evening a week, and you can do that too if you want. The guy that owns it lives out here and treats us fair. I think it's good to learn how to defend yourself if necessary."

"Other than working out, what are you going to do?"

Jenny said, "I think we're going shopping this morning after we work out. All of our kids need something."

Suki commented, "Niki is outgrowing her shorts."

"Oh, Mom," said the tiny copy of her mother.

A young man came up to Jenny and said, "If you don't need me, I'm going to spend the day out at the airpark. I might be able to mooch some flight time."

Jenny rolled her eyes and said, "You mean flying the King Air yesterday wasn't enough?"

That's when I recognized the kid. I stood and stuck my hand out, "Thank you for driving my truck down and for carrying in everything from the truck. That was very nice."

"You're welcome, but Steve paid me for that. He said you had been a cheap move, so he paid me well, and I didn't really empty your truck."

"What do you mean; you didn't really empty the truck?"

"Grenaline wanted to help, and had your stuff in the living room and in your closets before I had a chance to take a couple of loads in."

I turned to Jenny's choice looking daughter, "Thank you, Grenaline, for putting my clothes in my closet. That was very nice."

The girl smiled at the compliment, "Actually I'm just nosy, Sal. I wanted to see where Mom's new toy was living and see what kind of guy you are. I'm a snoop and I still don't know. I couldn't very well dig through your boxes. Maybe I can come over in the evening after school sometime, and you can tell me."

Janet said, "That little vamp is going to get him before I do."

Grenaline haughtily said, "I'm not getting anyone. I'm saving that thing that sets on top of a sundae for the guy I'm going to live with the rest of life. As much as I'd love the action, I'll wait."

Jenny shook her head, "Now you know why I don't worry about this girl. She's always been like this. She dated in high school, but was often brought home early. She dated very few more than a couple of times."

Grenaline said, "I like to show off a little, but no touching allowed. I'm hot stuff, but I'll burn you. I have been taking martial arts classes since I was nine, so I can take care of myself. However, Sal, you are very interesting, I could change my mind. When can I come over for our question and answer time?"

"Oh no, you don't," Jenny interjected. "You're not changing stripes on me for a guy I'm hot for. He could probably handle both of us, but you stick to your guns."

I looked around and said, "I'll do the workout with you, but I need to see Dennis and Elmer first."

The two were sitting together, and when Elmer saw me, he handed me a couple of DVDs. "These are duplicates. I made one for you and one for your folks. I put that video of you saving that couple on both of them. That's something to save."

"Do you mean these aren't just audio?"

"Hell no, tell them to put the DVD into their video player so they can see their son in front of a lot of crazy people. I put some music on it too. Having those guys around here is a hoot. Stay longer next time so that you can hear Donny play his steel guitar. Bonita plays a mean fiddle too."

I praised everyone, "This place is amazing. A whole crowd of happy people with musicians and magic. I saw the guy, Merlin, doing tricks last night before he and his two women left. I guess Mercy is his daughter and the other lady is his wife."

"That's 'Missy'," Elmer was almost bragging that he knew her. "Wait until you go to their show. You won't believe how good they are. They do two or three shows a week at Sue's Blues, a club near here. They have decent food and great music. Chuck and Lisa are playing there pretty regularly now when they are in town. Those two are an act by themselves."

I had to ask, "Why do I have a feeling that the Sue of Sue's Blues is Steve's Sue?"

"Yep, they bought a club and this is what it turned out to be. The manager they have is really good at managing restaurants and night spots. If he does anything wrong, it's closing too early."

"Amazing. I find out about something else they are involved in about once an hour."

I looked at Dennis, "I'd really like to get with you if you're going to be around today. I'd like to hear what you have bought and what has come in."

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Ame 2 bhauni au gote bhai. Bada hela Minu nani. Ta tale Manas bhai. Sabha sana mu Chinu. Ei July re 17 puri 18 chalila mate. Mu GM College, Sambalpur re ei barsa +3 re naa lekhaichi. 2 barsa hela Minunani baha heichi. Tara 11 masa ra gote pua. Ta bara Tutu bhai medicine representative. Bhari hasa khusi mijaj ra. Mo sang eta bhari thata huanti. Bele bele abhadra thata b. hele bhinoi boli mu hasi die. Dassera chhuti re gharaku asi mu bes kichhi dina rahijaithae. Minunani au Tutu bhai b asithanti....

3 years ago
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My Mother

MY MOTHER                Adventures of a single mom & friends. My mother started a business of her own after my father walked out on us just after I was born.   She worked hard building it up and now had three female employees. She never seemed to go out and enjoy herself or bring any guys home at any time but as I grew up I wasn’t at all curious about this, I just thought it was normal. I did notice that occasionally when I arrived home from college there seemed to be quite a strong smell...

1 year ago
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LoveHerFeet Lana Roy Sensual Yoga Hottie

Wanting to keep her body flexible and toned, petite darling Lana Roy starts the day off with a yoga routine on the living room floor. She stretches and flexes her lithe body, moving into positions that can stir anyone’s imagination and loving every second of it. Lana knows that she can have any man’s full attention and uses that to her advantage. She lifts her leg to suck and lick on her dainty feet, knowing all too well that any guy with foot fetish will be turned on. The Russian hottie is too...

4 years ago
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My name is Jack and I am forty seven years old, my wife Emma is forty and we have been married for fifteen years, and we have no children she is a very attractive five foot seven with a superb figure and shoulder length brown hair and turns heads when we are out. I am an electrical engineer and my wife works as a machine operator at a local clothes manufacturer. Our sex life has always been good and we recently started talking about. making it more exciting and started looking at porn and...

2 years ago
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ChristineChapter 5

As the weeks went on, Christine didn't eat or talk much. She'd lost weight and her pretty face was so pale. She would think about Janice every single day. Though she fought hard not to keep loving her she couldn't help it. Janice had been the only person that had made her heart melt. Christine had been getting very sick. The constant throwing up began to worry her. She figured it was just stress from quitting the job she loved and losing the woman of her dreams. "You're not too well....

2 years ago
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The Dark SideChapter 4

Waking up next to Mademoiselle Danielle Bastien in the morning was a wonderful thing. For one thing, Danielle recalled buying a nightgown sometime in the past, but she couldn’t remember where she’d put it. It didn’t seem to matter; she said she went to bed for one of two reasons—and neither required clothing. That suited me just fine. Secondly, Danielle was a morning person. She woke up wanting to snuggle and kiss; she liked making love then too. It was July, winter south of the equator,...

3 years ago
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Here Comes the Neighborhood

Spring had arrived on a Saturday it seemed and I was anxious to get my flowers planted in the back yard so an early morning breakfast filled my tummy and the last swallow of my milk signaled my legs to push my body away from the table. I stood and walked to my door and flung it open to greet the day. It was gorgeous outside and I took in a deep breath of the still, fresh air. Snatching up my box of garden tools, I headed out off of the deck and to the fence in the back where I began to set up...

Group Sex
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I took control my first time

I had always been fascinated with sex. At an early age I new how to please my self. When I was 17 rubbing the little nub of flesh between my hot thighs was not enough. I needed to feel a cock in my pussy. At night I laid awake dreaming of what it would be like to feel a huge cock fucking my pussy. I only dated my boyfriend Matt for a month before we had sex. It was a Friday night after a football game he had come over to my house. My mom was out of town. I knew that I wanted to fuck him....

First Time
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I Want You to Seduce My Husband Ch 02

This story immediately picks up where "I want you to seduce my husband - Ch 01" left off. Shelly and Scott pretty much go right at it, so if you want the background, go check out chapter 1!I do read your comments, every one of them. Even from my anonymous "fans". I appreciate all the comments you give me, good and bad - you help me grow as a writer. Thank you!***** *****Shelly stood up, turned around, and walked toward the front door. It was a slow, sensual walk, one in which her hips swayed...

1 year ago
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Eds New Life Original versionChapter 11

In the morning I wake up before Purra and luxuriated in the feel of her body against mine. Hearing a noise, I look over to see Sarai sitting up in bed as she wipes the sleep from her eyes; oh, what a delicious sight. She gets out of bed to stand up and stretch. I’d thought the previous vision was delicious, my mistake. She sees me watching her and licking my lips. Smiling, she walks over and kisses me good morning. When she breaks the kiss I reach up and drew her head to Purra’s breast. Sarai...

2 years ago
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Bound gagged tortured raped

BOUND, GAGGED, TORTURED, RAPED. There was a knock on my door, I was not expecting any visitors, there was no reason why anybody should come here. It was why I'd bought this place, so I could rape and torture young girls without anyone knowing. I opened the door and when I saw a young girl standing there I just knew that she was going to be my next rape victim. She was very pretty and very slender. Her eyes were blue and she had lovely lips. Her hair was long and blonde. Her tits were large but...

2 years ago
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Sette Sogni

You stand before a floating book on a glowing pedestal. Rays of divine light falls from above, landing down over you and the book, the light block out everything from your sight save for what it touches. The book looks relatively old, with its cover worn and the paper within having clearly aged. The title, engraved in gold, was in big letters. "Xirix." You mutter to yourself. You turn the cover open, looking through the first few pages until you reach the first one with enough letters to be...

3 years ago
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A Brand New ManChapter 18

“They’re hiding on Hebron Island,” the spirit guide told us, having evidently searched ahead of us. “In the caretaker’s cottage?” I wondered aloud. “In the camp hostel,” the spirit answered. “Interesting. Well, we’ll deal with them and sever their heads. I want the heads of every person who died in this raid mounted somewhere as a warning. I rule this town now, full stop, and I refuse to let anyone have room for doubt about my authority. From now on, whenever someone who fights me dies,...

4 years ago
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Adventures Of A Kinky Tgirl Whore

It was a cold winter's morning when Roxy and Phil awoke to the soft twitter of the birds outside and the early morning sunlight shining through the window of their large detached home on the outskirts of London.Although close to the town it was still a rural location and a place in which they had made their home. It was always quiet there which made it the perfect place for the things they liked to do together. Although Phil was now retired he still had the perfect job for him, which was to be...

3 years ago
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Barbara Jeremy Ch 04

It is a good thing that Jeremy had completed the presentation he was preparing for the board of deacons, because when Angie came walking toward him with a clean shaven pussy, wearing nothing but a pair of high heel shoes, he knew what he was going to be doing for the next hour. He turned and started to fondle her tits, however, she said ‘I just came to see your presentation.’ Reluctantly he started the presentation, which was projecting on a six foot screen. She stood behind him watching the...

2 years ago
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Charlotte's Mentorbymikeperk©With a surge of warm expectation he heard the car pull onto the drive. From this point there would be no turning back and his new life would be formally launched tomorrow.Joe's existence during the two years since his wife had succumbed to breast cancer had been pretty miserable, but his imminent marriage to her sister promised a return to a comfortable, if not particularly exciting, future.Pauline had been their young bridesmaid when he'd married Brenda more than...

1 year ago
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Matt and Milf Gets Deeper

As time would pass by and I got closer to Matt, I was becoming very distant from my husband. We would no longer spend time together or do anything together for that matter. All my good times and orgasms were coming from Matt and him only. I had a long conversation with my husband one night and we came to a mutual agreement that it be best if we took some time apart from one another to see if our lives get better. I started to look for an apartment since I didn’t want to stay at my house. It...

Cheating Wifes
1 year ago
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Broke Down Part Two

(Because I tend to set my stories up rather thoroughly in the beginning, I definitely recommend reading Part One first for the back story) Only a few short hours passed since 19 year-old Riley found herself caught in the midst of a fierce February blizzard, with little hope of help. Her car battery died in the most inconvenient of places; down a seldom-used road in a small northern Minnesota farming community, almost two hundred miles from her home in Chaska. She was woefully unprepared for...

First Time
3 years ago
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My head cradled on the soft pillow with my eyes closed, I lay there embodied in full contentment, and a satiated smile rests quietly on my lips. It takes about three seconds for my brain to process that I likely overslept. I sleepily reach for my cell phone on the night stand, which is only inches away from my face. I swipe the screen with an index finger and give a one eyed wink at the screen to see the time. 7:19 AM. The Eurostar train that I hope to take to Paris today has already departed...

2 years ago
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xdresser foxxiroxxi fucked by daddys poker buddies

Well its all my daddys fault he made me dress up like a slut everytime he had a poker night to serve drinks and give massages the cheap bastard would not pay a girl to do it so he made me do it. I cant really complain but as after the first couple of times the awkwedness went away and I started to enjoy it when I got compliments and started getting better tips . My daddy was getting a bit annoyed and tried to stop me doing it but the players insisted that I was to be there waiter. This is...

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Shadi Ke Baad Blackmailing 8211 Part II

Hi, mera naam varsha[change name] hain.main mumbai me rehati hu , mere age 30 hain,married hu aur 5 saal ka ladka hain muje.husband ek co me job karte hain .hamare arrange marrige hain , 7 saal hue hamare shadi ko. kuch dino se muje indian sex stories padane ki aadat lagi. tab mera man bhi karne laga ki kyu na main bhi mera expirence aapko logo se share karu. lekin ye sab karne ke liye bahoot himmat jutani padi muje. akir ye stori aapke samne batane ja rahi hu main. 23 saal ki thi tab mere...

2 years ago
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6 Friends One Party

Chapter 1. Everyone walks into the living room of Spencer’s house. Clarissa and Benjamin being the only two not in a relationship sit on the small couch. Everyone else piles on the big couch over on the side. They all start watching the hunger games and talking and enjoying their time together. Clarissa gets cold so Spencer throws her a blanket. She ask Benjamin is he wants to share it he says sure. They are now all covered up all the way to their necks. Clarissa reaches her hand over to...

Group Sex
4 years ago
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Allison and Emanuel Naked In SchoolFriday Morning Part 1

Friday Morning: Part 1 Emanuel looked around the empty, all white room. Someone went through a lot of trouble to keep this space as clean as possible. But what use is an all white room with nothing but a window you can’t see out of, and a door that doesn’t open? Suddenly, a deep, male voice echoed in his head. Look out the window. Once you have your answer, the way forward will open. Emanuel walked to the window, the sky now visible. In the distance was a bright and shining city filled...

2 years ago
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Ann and the HandymanChapter 29

On the Friday morning, we took the first aid exam. I'm fairly confident I got through. I remembered quite a lot from the previous course. Evie was a bit cool towards me, I suppose she regrets our little indiscretion and feels guilty about it. I didn't mention it, but things have become a little strained between us. That's a real shame as I really fancy her and she really knows how to screw. Still, it'll be back to work as usual on Monday. Perhaps I'll be able to see Keith, or Alan, maybe...

4 years ago
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Shopping Girl

It was getting cold for late October and he felt it would was time to get some new clothes for the Fall and Winter. Online shopping appealed to him since he had the time in his office and didn?t much like going to the mall. It was nice that he worked alone so he could adjust schedule his schedule as needed. Before he started shopping he went back to check his old email. He had recently subscribed to a magazine and somehow was now getting emails about subscriptions to Vanity Fair magazine...

2 years ago
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Connecting RodChapter 5 A New Year

December 31, 1968 I was invited to a New Year's Eve celebration sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. At first I declined, stating that I had my employees to entertain. When they were welcomed along with my mother, I quickly accepted the invitation. It seemed that I was a welcome new face in the downtown, and I was starting to be recognized among many of the businessmen of Bellingham. The party caused some brief consternation for Shelly. She didn't have a dress and wouldn't attend...

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The Family Bed

The Family Bed Chapter 1 It was a smoggy, overcast day, and that partially accountedfor it being so quiet, though it was the beginning of Christmasvacation. Whatever the reason, Donna Howell was just glad thatthe day had been so quiet, and she hurried to switch off thelights in her classroom before the usual last minute gossipwandered in, keeping her from leaving on time. It happened oftenduring the school term and ordinarily the attractive blondeteacher didn't mind in the least, as she wasn't...

2 years ago
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The Tough Get ComingChapter 10

When Ken arrived home that evening, he walked into a surprisingly quiet house. He had to check his watch, thinking he might have gotten there even later than he thought, but it was still early. "Carol, honey? You home?" he called out as he walked from the dining room to the living room, but only the muted ticking of their antique grandfather clock broke the stillness. Ken actually felt a bit relieved. If his family was gone it meant he wouldn't have to face Gwen for a bit longer. All day...

3 years ago
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Beloved Darkness Ch 02

‘No.’ Freddy shook his head, backpedaling into the road. Despite the lack of traffic, cars, or people, he found himself looking both ways. ‘I saw this movie. The guy died.’ The door stayed open. Clouds gathering into a dense blanket across the sky, thunder rumbled again. Freddy felt the impression as though the sky itself were hungry, and the lack of traffic, cars, and people were no coincidence to this – yet of course this could not be the reason. Still. Wherever a thought like that came...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 7 SakurakoChapter 72 A Lie of Omission

August 25, 1994, Chicago, Illinois If there was anything that Penny could have said that would knock me for a total loop, it was that Zeke might not be the baby’s father. It boggled my mind and I felt a surge of adrenaline. Fortunately, I was sitting, and other than my knees shaking a bit and my ears ringing from my tinnitus, it passed quickly. I took a deep breath and let it out. “Penelope, I love you, so pardon me for saying this, but what the fuck?” She moved to the couch and flopped...

3 years ago
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Velaikaaranin Eera Sunni

Vanakam friends, en peyar Yamuna. En veetu velaikaaranudan sexiyaaga eppadi udal uravu konden enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam pagirugiren. En veetil oru velaikaaran irukiraan, paarva ilamaiyaaga irupaan. Velaikaaran peyar Muthu vayathu 26 irukum. Avanuku innum thirumanam aaga villai, en manathil eppozhuthum oru aasai irunthu kondu thaan irukum velaikaaranudan kama uravu vaithu ooka vendum endru. Avan eppozhuthum velai matum thaan paarthu kondu irupaan, en meethu kama asaiyil oru...

1 year ago
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She left him at the altar, she altered him. I gave him life at birth, I saved his life, and then shared his berth. It was supposed to be their honeymoon cruise. It turned into my sonny-moon cruise. It is our story, of our voyage; on the high seas, and our discovery of a new world, the land of i****t.I don't expect you to believe this. I hardly do myself. But this is the tale of what happened, and how what was a near tragedy, became a break-through to a new understanding between myself, and my...

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Big Little SisterChapter 12 Double Trouble

A week had passed. Not without incident. We found several opportunities for girl-girl love-making with the twins. One thing did become noticeable after only a couple of days. The girls were still wearing the same panties they had arrived in! Obviously the story of Tanya wearing hers for a week at Summer camp had left its mark on the twins. The girls made no effort to change them, and this was obviously what they had been discussing that first day. Certainly, after being worn for a whole week...

4 years ago
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Holiday Fun in My 20sChapter 3

I have been asked by one of my friends on SOL to share a few more experiences from my wilder young days, in particular relating to a holiday abroad (in Magaluf) I had with some of my girlfriends and also about a bit of "gang" fun I had with 6 guys. I will start by relating the holiday episode. I was 21 at the time, just about to turn 22, and was having a fortnight summers hols in Magaulf with several of my then girlfriends. We were a close bunch, always going out together and yes often...

3 years ago
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Awesome Fuck On The Bus With A Stranger 8211 Part 2

By this time, I was completely turned on and my dick was not able to stay inside my pants anymore. So I opened my belt and zipper and let my seven-inch fat dick outside. It was standing like a straight flag pole and pulsating with lust. Since she didn’t give any response till now, I was sure I can proceed further. I lifted her left hand from the armrest and folded the armrest back so that it won’t come in our way. I kept her hand on my lap such that her elbow can touch my dick. Still, she was...

1 year ago
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The First Day Part 2 FEMDOM

Part IIIt is 5:45 now. Where are you? You haven’t called. Thoughts racing though my head, my heart pounding; you’re going to make me wait tied up like this until 8, or the next morning, or I didn’t tell you the right hotel address. I look around the room as much as I can in my tightly constrained position – I can’t even see the keys anywhere. Where did I put them? Maybe they are on the bed, or are they on the dresser? If I do find them, will I even be able to move enough to reach them...

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BSC08 How Jack and Susan Became NudistsChapter 29 Alone in the Alleyway

“There you are” said Susan. “I thought you were never coming. What kept you?” “Oh, just the usual stuff” mumbled Jack. “The Track Coach is trying to re-arrange the practice times to suit everyone so of course everyone had to argue about that then Gerry started going on about his sick mom then Rajit started telling everyone about his trip to India ... blah, blah, blah, bloody blah!” Jack stopped and looked down at his naked body. He looked at his feet with their regulation footwear then his...

3 years ago
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My Wife Wanting For Younger Guys

My sexy, horny and gorgeous 33 years old wife wife Natalia (36D-26-40) has always liked men older than her preferably from 40 to 65. Two months ago she told me she had developed a sexual interest for much younger men, between 18 and 28. My sexy, horny and gorgeous 33 years old wife wife Natalia (36D-26-40) has always liked men older than her preferably from 40 to 65. Two months ago she told me she had developed a sexual interest for much younger men, between 18 and 28. She has never been with...

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