Wife Training
- 4 years ago
- 23
- 0
I saw the two of them on the early commuter train every
morning for two years. They were both good looking. A
young yuppie couple working professional jobs in
different buildings in the Loop. It was she that I
noticed most, of course, me being male and she being
very, very female. It was hard not to notice her. In
the gloomy, cold, often damp darkness of the Midwest
mornings she stood out like a blazing light.
Always fresh looking with medium-length blonde-brown
hair, she looked professional, but not cold and rigid
like the others at the train stop. It was hard to see
much of her body through the inevitable heavy clothes
of Chicago, but she seemed well built… tall, slim,
with good sized breasts and a smallish butt. She would
smile warmly at me when our eyes met. I began to blush
at her smiles for the feelings they began to provoke in
On the train ride in, I would sit a few seats behind
the two of them and wonder what their home life was
like. I began to formulate elaborate fantasies about
the two of them in bed together and wondered if she was
a cool, disinterested lover or screaming and
participative. I even began thinking about her and the
two of them at night, about watching them. The images
became vivid and explicit and I would finish with my
cock in my hand and a huge load of come across my belly
as I saw the two of them in my mind.
One morning I noticed that the husband wasn’t at the
train stop, only her. I was nearly staring at her and
our eyes met and I received one of those wonderful
smiles that I so enjoyed. The train pulled up, I got in
and took my seat. Much to my surprise she sat down
beside me. I looked over at her and she smiled and
said, “hi.” I returned the greeting. She leaned over
close to my ear and whispered, “read this.”
I looked down and she was holding out a hand-written
note for me to take. Her hands were delicate, but her
fingers were long and the nails manicured short, neat
and colorless. I took the note and opened it. She
turned her head away from me and read her Wall Street
I read the note: Hi. I’m Josie. My husband’s name is
Tom. You are? (there was a blank spot here for me to
fill in my first name, I chuckled and penciled in
“Bob”.) I need to talk to you about something. It’s
kind of personal and private. Could you spare a few
minutes on your way to work this morning and talk to
me? If so, just follow me on the way out and we’ll talk
when we get away from the station.
It was signed “Josie” in a clear, fluent hand. I wrote
“sure thing!” on the bottom of the note and handed it
back to her. She glanced at the note, and smiled at me.
I had no idea what was going on in her head, but I
could see that she looked a little flushed and nervous.
I could hardly wait to get into the station to find out
what was going on.
After what seemed an eternity the train pulled into
Union Station. Josie jumped up from her seat and merged
with crowd heading out the door. It took me a second to
get my things together. I was afraid I’d lose her in
the crowd, or that maybe she had changed her mind about
talking to me and was trying to lose me deliberately.
When I finally got out the door of the train, I could
see her in the crowd, walking slowly toward the exit
doors, apparently waiting for me to catch up. As I got
near her, I could see her glance over her shoulder and
then pick up her stride to a normal pace. In a few
seconds she was out on the street at the back side of
the station. There was almost no one leaving this way,
as the Loop, and its big businesses were on the other
side of the station. Josie slowed her pace, and I
caught up.
We exchanged “hi’s” again as I walked along beside her.
“What’s on your mind?,” I asked, trying not to appear
to anxious or hurried, although my curiosity was
killing me.
“Well, it’s a little hard for me to explain… kind of
embarrassing to talk about, but I’ll try to be direct,
if that’s okay?”
“Fine with me. What is it?”
“Well I haven’t been able to help but notice you
noticing me for some time now and, frankly, my husband
has noticed us noticing each other, too.”
Uh, oh… was I in trouble here? I thought for a
“I’m sorry, I meant no harm by it. It is just that you
are so pretty and the mornings around here are so grey
that you just naturally stand out. I don’t mean to seem
intrusive, or even flirtatious for that matter, you’re
just a lot more pleasant to look at than the grey sky,
the grey tracks, and all the grey commuters.”
She blushed a little and laughed and thanked me.
“No, that’s okay. I didn’t ask you to talk to me to
tell you to leave me alone. My husband would have done
that if that was the message. As a matter of fact, it’s
just the opposite. You see, I find you very
attractive… sexy. I know that must seem odd at this
hour of the morning, and it is, I suppose, but you
appeal to me and my husband doesn’t mind our little
flirtations at all. In fact, it gets him hot to see you
looking at me. I only wished it happened on the way
home when we could so more about it than we can when
we’re both on our way to work. But I’m getting away
from my point here.
“Basically, we’re a couple that really enjoys…well,
you know, making love, having sex.”
She paused here for a second. I could see that she was
very nervous and wouldn’t make eye contact with me. Her
breathing was a little rushed, too, and she seemed to
be a little aroused as well as nervous. “Go on,” I
said, “don’t be embarrassed. I like sex, too. A lot. As
a matter of fact, I’ve often wondered about you two and
what your love life is like.”
“You have?”
“You bet. In fact, if it will make it easier for you to
share whatever it is you want to say to me, I’ll share
an embarrassing confession with you first.”
“Okay, what is it?”
“Well, more than once I’ve thought about you and your
husband doing it while I’ve been touching myself. It’s
very exciting.”
(AdProvider = window.AdProvider || []).push({"serve": {}});“Yup. I always imagine you as hot, exciting lovers who
really enjoy it and makes me get off like an 18 year
She laughed a little. “You’re right. That does make
what I want to say a little easier.” It must have, for
now she was even looking at me as she spoke.
“Here’s the deal. Tom and I have tried every position
you can imagine and we’ve done it all over the house.
He can go practically all night and, once I get
started, so can I. We love making love and having hot,
dirty sex both. You know what I mean?”
I nodded.
“Anyway, there’s almost nothing that we won’t try, and
most everything we have tried we’ve liked and keep
doing. There’s just a couple of little hitches that
we’ve run into that we’d like to solve, and that’s
where you come in.
“Before I say anymore, could you promise me two
“Probably, what are they?”
“First, you won’t tell anybody, I mean ANYBODY, about
what we’re talking about now, EVER.”
“You can trust me implicitly. Not a word to ANYONE,
EVER. What’s the other thing?”
“You won’t tell me we’re sick or perverted for what I’m
about to ask.”
“Well, I don’t know what it is, but I honestly can’t
think of anything that I’d be offended by that has
anything to do with sex, and, I would guess, that if
you think it’s strange, I am likely to find it very
exciting to think about you doing it. Go ahead, I think
I can keep this pledge, too.”
“Okay… here it is. Our two little hitches are one
thing that I want that Tom doesn’t want to do, and one
thing that Tom wants that I don’t want to do.”
She stopped again and looked away from me, her face
turning red. “That’s okay, Josie…I’m sure that it’s
not as awful as you’re worried about. I really want to
hear what you have to say. Frankly, just talking in
these vague terms with you about sex is getting me very
excited. Go on, what is it you want to say?”
“Okay, okay… here it is. Tom wants to do it in my
backside, you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I do. I don’t blame him. I kind of like that
way, too. You haven’t done it that way before? How
“Well, it’s not that I object to it really. In fact I
find it exciting when we see it in the porno movies. I
like him to lick me and put his finger there. Even that
hurts a little, although it feels good at the same
time. Originally, I was afraid his penis would really
hurt, but now I kind of think that I would like it.
Some of the movies show women doing it with guys who
look a lot bigger than Tom. Maybe not as long, but a
lot thicker, and they actually seem to like it. Anyway,
I don’t think I’d mind trying it now, but we haven’t
“Why not?”
“Well, I won’t let him yet. To tell you the truth, I’m
kind of holding off for leverage with him, until he
does the thing that I want. I know that sounds a little
cheesy, but it also seems fair enough to me.”
“What is it that you want him to do?”
“Well, a lot of the movies we get have scenes of women
with other women, you know, licking each other and
playing with sex toys and that sort of stuff? Well, Tom
gets really hot watching those, and I find them
interesting and sometimes they’re a little exciting,
especially if the women seem to be really into it and
seem to be getting genuinely hot and not just faking
it. Then I sort of imagine myself in their place and it
can get me pretty excited. It helps if Tom’s sitting
there beside me touching himself, though, too.
“Anyway, at first those scenes didn’t do much for me,
so I started joking with Tom about getting a movie with
two guys in it, too, for equal time. He said, ‘no way.’
Like I said, at first I was only joking about it, but
the more I thought about it, the more I thought it
might be exciting to watch a couple of guys.
“So I was taking some movies we’d rented back to the
video store one night and the place was nearly empty. I
went to the adult section in back, where Tom usually
goes to pick up stuff for us to watch. There was nobody
back there so I started to look around.
“I found a couple of movies called “Bi” something or
other. When I looked at the covers it showed pictures
of guys with each other as well as with women. I
grabbed a couple and checked them out. I was a little
embarrassed, but they’re very discrete at this store,
and at least it was a woman at the counter and she was
very nice to me.
“Tom was out with some friends that night, so I popped
these things in and, WOW, was it an education. I was
just like Tom watching his all-girl scenes. I got
hotter than hell. These two well-built guys were with a
woman and the three of them were doing everything
“These guys both had huge things and were putting them
in her and in each others’ mouths and behinds. I was
getting just watching, without taking my clothes off or
even laying a finger on myself, and when Tom came home
that night, I was tearing his clothes off before he got
all the way in the door. It was then that I figured out
what I really wanted and the second part of Tom’s and
my one sexual impasse started.”
“And what was that?”
“Well, basically, I wanted to watch Tom with another
man and maybe have all three of us play together, too.
I told Tom, and he wasn’t very receptive at first. He
didn’t even consider himself with another guy. I got
him to watch a couple of the movies, and after a while
I could see that he was starting to get excited by the
scenes as well as by me touching myself while we
watched. Finally, I figured out how I might get him to
agree to do it with another guy.
“I told him that I would let him my backside if he
would let a guy do the same to him, while I watched, of
course. After all, if he could take it there, then I
couldn’t argue about taking him in mine. It seemed like
a reasonable trade, and just the thought of it got me
horny as hell. I didn’t even mind the idea of the pain
of him inside me back there, just thinking about
watching him with another guy.
“I don’t even particularly care whether he takes the
guy in his back, I just want to see them touching each
others things with their mouths and hands. I figured
the argument sounded more reasonable if we made it a
tit for tat arrangement, though. Anyway, he thought
about it for a while. I let him touch my backside a lot
more, even let him rub his thing against it, without
going in. Finally, one day, he told me he’d do it, as
long as we could find a decent looking, safe guy.”
“Is this where I fit in?”
“We hope so. You’re our first choice.”
“I’ve never done anything with another guy before.
Don’t know that it appeals to me that much. I might
have trouble getting excited enough to do that. I’m not
sure what it is that I get out of it, if you don’t mind
me being blunt.”
“How about me? Would that be enough?”
“That would be great, but wouldn’t Tom be a little
“No. It would really be the three of us, you might get
me all to yourself at some point, but you could have
whatever of me you want, it’s just that Tom might be on
or in some other part of me at the same time, or at
least watching us, if that’s okay.”
“Does that mean I’d get your ass, too?”
She laughed, “We’ll have to negotiate that after I see
how it goes with Tom. The rest of me is yours, though.
You can come in my mouth, fuck my pussy, fuck me
between the tits… whatever you want.”
“That’s a deal that’s pretty hard to pass up. I’m a
little concerned about being able to get it up enough
to put it in Tom’s ass, if you don’t mind me being a
little crude.”
“I bet that won’t be as big a problem as you think.
After all, I’ll be there, too. I want to watch this
thing up close and personal and without any clothes
between me and my dripping bush. I also wouldn’t mind
oiling up your cock and making sure you’re pointing at
the right place. Do you think that watching me touch
myself and rubbing oil all over your cock would get you
hard enough to squeeze it into Tom’s tight little ass?”
Her description made the answer pretty clear. I was
hard as a rock and afraid that the front of my suit
pants were going to rip apart. She looked down and saw
the bulge.
“I guess I see the answer to my own question”, she
“Great! Here’s our address, be there at 7:30.”
She handed me a note and hustled off down the side
street toward her job. I straightened out my pants and
headed for work myself.
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NOTE: This story references the comic Kamasutra for Your Pets by Extremexworld Isabella woke up feeling sore, relaxed, and refreshed at the same time. She reached for Felicity on the other side of the bed and found it empty. Banga and Barghest were gone too. She sat up and stretched while rubbing the corner of her eyes. The clock on the wall told her it was 2PM. Isabella stared at it and wondered how it was possible she slept so late, even with her animal trysts the day before. She heard a...
Training a toilet slave is in fact extremely difficult. It takes months and sometimes years to perfect for several reasons: 1st and most obvious is taste and smell. It may take practice for your slave to adequately deal with the taste and smell of human excrement without gagging or throwing up. Your colon can serve your slave much more than his mouth can comfortably hold. In order for things to remain sanitary, you’re slave will need to be able to swallow faster than it comes out of you. This...
Fuck Farm Training - Chapter OneIt was now over 12 months since I had been first abducted while walking home from work late one night. A large dark van had pulled up to the curb and two of the men in the van had grabbed me, shoved me inside the van then took me to a dungeon of sorts and for the next 12 or 14 hours these four men used me in the most depraved and disgusting ways imaginable. Their goal I was informed was to turn me into their very own personal human toilet, a shit pig was what...
Author: Richard Stryker ? email [email protected] Author's website: http://stryker.a1adultebooks.com/ Published by: A1AdultEbooks Publishers website: http://www.a1adultebooks.com/site.php ?Kelly's Training? by Richard Stryker Copyright. R. Stryker 2005. The right of R. Stryker to be identified as the authorof this book has been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of theCopyrights and Patents Act 1988. All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or...
Wifey loves her technology, so there are a lot of shopping trips to the local Best Buy. She flirts with all the guys (and some of the woman) that work there. I’m sure she has had some hot wife dates with some of the guys; I hear the whispers and laughs behind my back when she lets me go in with her. But I’m not privileged to her dating life so I can’t say for sure, and I wouldn’t abject if that’s what she wanted (just wish she would let me watch). It was late on a Saturday afternoon and we both...
Online Sissy Training I must admit that I was surprised, but also thrilled to get the email. "Hello Sissy Michelle;" it read. "Please excuse my impertinence in reaching out to you, but I have seen several of your posts on Craigslist, Fetlife and Adult Friend Finder. You always say that you are a sissy seeking dominant men who will train you to become a sissy cum slut. I am guessing that you have not found that man as of yet, because I keep seeing variations on the same ad week...
Introduction: wife comes home from club w 2 men My wife has a medical condition that makes her promiscuous and an alcoholic. Before she was diagnosed and stopped drinking she would drink in excess and then fuck any and all men around her. Later, when she sobered up, she would remember nothing and be quite a prude. There are periods of 3 days in which she drank constantly and has no memory at all. At other times when I was laying in bed, too tired for sex, she would sit next to me and scream...
We get home and the girls run inside leaving me to bring in the bags from shopping. Of course I have to find the G-string bikini Peggy tried on and give it a sniff. Sadly, she didnt have it on long enough,so no smell other than new bathing suit. I walk inside and drop the bags by the couch they are sitting on, reminding them of our deal. I wanted to see Peggy in string/ G string bikini again. With a huff the both walked off with the bag. Peggy came downstairs first modeling her new bathing...
new training centers that had just opened. It was obviously directed toward husbands and fathers. The ad read "If you and your children are tired of being bossed around by your nagging wife, or if you need to get rid of her because you have something younger in mind, give us a call. For a reasonable fee, we will take her off your hands and put her through our rigorous training program, after which she will be assigned new responsibilities in the service of mankind." The gorgeous 30...
I am finally home daddy waiting in his car for me as he does now every midnight after txting me its time for my trainingi go quick inside dressing up for him, in the cute panty he gave me and the matching camisole on i put back my boy cloth and go out eager to see my nice cool Haitian daddyhis big large black cock fills my day dream since he started my training and i want to see him so much all of the time''hi baby you had a good day''''hi daddy yes ''kissing him his tongue owning mine as he...
Mischelle's maid babette's training. Mistress Mischelle I am a woman that firmly believes that there are two kinds of men, Bulls and sissies. Bulls are the real men with real cocks, at least 9" or 10" long, thick and able to pleasure me for hours. The other kind are sissies, small little sissy clitties incapable of giving any woman any real sexual satisfaction. They are only good for two things, taking care of my house and working to earn money for me. Currently I have 2 sissies...
Talon IGPT Tracker Scout Trainer By: Malissa Madison The idea was simple, they needed ways to prepare the Tracker Scouts for the IGPT Academies. Serena Derrell had herself graduated from the Terrellian Academy. At the time of her graduation though, the only position open for her on one of the Transports was as a Liaison Officer. After her ten years, she transferred home to become a Guardian Commander. She'd served her Queen...
by Jake Spear Chapter 1 Deb worked as she hummed, packing for her family's summer vacation. She had started a week ago but, with 4 children and a husband to pack for, it seemed like a never ending task. "Just one more load of wash and I'm finished," she thought to herself. Deb's husband Mike had spent the last two nights, after work, packing the mobile home with supplies for their trip. Tonight Mike would load the last of the clothes and supplies into the mobile home, and...
This is a true story, looking back it is hard to believe it actually happened, but it did. I was working for the government in DC and living in Maryland and my fiancé was up near Cape Cod. Just about every weekend she’d fly down or I’d fly up to spend the weekend together. We’d been doing this for about a year since I took the job in DC. Our sex life was fantastic. We’d role play, put each other in light bondage… all sorts of fun things. I knew she was bi and we occasionally would invite...
Note : This story is completely fictional! This is the story of the training of a new Slaver and the taking of two new slaves, a mother and daughter and what they are forced to endure before they are sold. Slaver Training Chapter 1-The Capture Sara’s face was covered in tears and you could see the pained expression on her face. She lay hog-tied on the floor of her home. She had a ring gag in her mouth, keeping it open. She was still dressed. Her arms were yanked up high behind her. Her wrists...
IncestReddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...
Reddit NSFW ListI am KU41, 18 years old. It's tattooed on my chest and buttocks, with the word SLAVE you see. I am russian, so I apologize for my english. I fully understand I must testimony only the facts that happened during my slavery and life, for the services of slavery sociology of the university of London. I wasn't born as a slave. I became one not long ago, when I was caught stealing bread, then arrested as a illegal refugee, immediately and trialed. My liberty has been suspended for 200 years, so i...
I’m in the training area Freya had gifted us, but I was wearing the red nightie I went to sleep in, I must be dreaming. I looked around, it looked and felt real. Then I saw the others, Danny and Beth came in. “Danny? Beth?” I asked, seeing them in their sleep clothes, Beth in just some panties and a long shirt, and Danny in just a pair of boxer shorts. “Paula, where are we? Are we dreaming?” Beth asked, confused. “I’m not sure” Answering as I looked around, then I saw others...
Introduction: It was time for Alice to complete double penertration training……..then she could enjoy the same treatment as her whore mother fiona After the group fuck in the lane the previous night I was overly keen on readying Alice for some double penetration action. The following day I called Fiona at work and told her that I needed her to pop into town and purchase three or four dildos of various shapes and sizes and a couple of butt plugs, one small and one larger. Fiona knew better than...
-- Phil - 2056 -- A lot has happened in the world in the three years since Ant, and I had started school at the Academy. UNSEC, the United Nations Space Exploration Collaboration, had been established for five years and they were starting to get some teeth. They were asking Governments for more people to be included in their programmes. Ant and I knew we had an excellent chance of being able to transfer to them once we had completed our training. It was a good opportunity if we wanted to...
By Jax_Teller Debbie and I arrived in Raging springs two weeks before training started and quickly got setup in campus housing. Campus housing was paid for by our scholarships and we went about getting the things we needed for the furnished apartment. Debbie and I settled into a routine and complimented each other. She didn't enjoy cooking where as I did. Debbie liked to clean things her way, and I liked the way anyone else did it as long as I didn't have to do it. Our sexual...
It is a cliche that a significant proportion of male airline cabin crew are gay, but it is less well-known that this is true of the female stewardesses as well. This was all the more the case back in the 1960s and 1970s, when repression elsewhere combined with the racy ‘jet set’ lifestyle of the aircrews to make it an especially attractive career for homosexuals. The result was an international melting-pot of lesbian activity, ignored by the authorities and police. I already knew that...
Not for nothing are “Ghost World” and “The Doom Generation” my favorite films. I was made for a stark black bob long before I ever got one, before I saw those movies and even before I discovered black hair dye. Without it I might have ended up looking something like Lotte Lenya in “From Russia With Love.” Goddess bless Manic Panic!! It’s more than the hair, it’s the attitude. “Girl, you are the snarkiest bitch I know,” said my Best Fag Forever Matthew to me only the other week. “I won’t be...
At the turn of the century it became a highly contentious question; was sexual orientation something learned or innate. More importantly, could it be changed. The mind is a powerful thing, and while orientation was shown eventually to have biological roots, one could build negative association with sexual contact with one sex, in the same way that accidental sexual fetishes developed in early life from exposure. Likewise in the same way, one could build up theoretically an entire sexual...
BisexualPlease read the first part “First Class AC Nightmare” @ , would help to get the plot of this story. And second part for continuation “Glooming at Gents Hair Saloon” @ , would add spice to the current story. And third part for continuation “Village Adventure of an Idiot Wife” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fourth part for continuation “Colleague Taking Over Control” @ , would add spice to the current story. And fifth part for continuation “Local Crook Free Mistress” @ , would...
Hi all, I am Sam here with my another wonder full experience with one guy whom I met in a training session in my company… training was arranged in Hyderabad for nearly 20 days (that became our honeymoon period). I reached a day before the training starts. I was given company accommodation which we have to share with other guy. He is suraj from Bangalore but never seen him in my office . he too reached on same day evening. His is nearly 5.8 height fair and soft guy. We had a nice chat had dinner...
Gay MaleThe next two days were spent playing games and being dragged to the bedroom. Some sleep was included, but somehow the girls managed to sleep in shifts and it seemed there was always someone awake who wanted to game or chat. Aine unsurprisingly did poorly in the games. At first I wondered if the others were deliberately trying to prevent her from winning, but in one game I noticed that Ashley and Miki were trying to subtly throw the match and give Aine the victory. Unfortunately, the red...