Unrepentant free porn video

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I am German by birth. My father never told me how he was taken into indentured servitude in England. He was named Frederick Packer. I am named Alfred. I was born into servitude. I never knew another life. Sr. Darkbridge held my papers and those of my father. I never heard mention of my mother. Sr. Darkbridge was a practicing Puritan and let no man go by that was not chastised for not believing as he did. He seemed to hold dear the principle that only through constant beatings should a young man be led into a goodly life, yet I saw no evidence of a bloody shirt upon the children of the others in the society. I came to believe that the wretched man simply enjoyed inflicting pain. I was told that my back held evidence of more lashings than a lazy slave was wont to bear in a lifetime yet I was but thirteen. This hardened my heart and I tended to show a stern countenance. Ah, my face.

I caught the pox when I was eight or so. I was left alone to live or die. I lived yet was horribly marked. Women cringed at looking upon me and children stared from a distance.

As an indentured servant I was taught many small, rough skills that free men cared not to perform themselves. I was strong and handy yet I was still beaten until my blood flowed at least twice a week, simply because my master could.

The Society took ship for the colonies in 1649. I knew not why. My father caught the bloody cough during the trip and died. None mourned him but me as his shrouded corpse slid into the sea. For the first time in my life I was alone.

I did not rail at my circumstances. There were many others aboard ship whose papers were held by the Puritans, bought just before the voyage to the new world. I was certain that their heaven on earth was to be built on the backs of their slaves.

Once we arrived in a place called Connecticut the real work began. Fortunately it was early summer and the brutal weather was gone lest most of us perish from weakness, ill-feeding and sleeping in the freezing cold. We cleared land, built cabins, dug wells and constructed privies. I grew so tired from my efforts that I barely had the will to eat much less clean myself or my garments.

I was awakened early one morning by the stroke of a rod across my ribs, causing me great pain. I quickly grasped the hand sporting that rod and threw my filthy blanket over them. Then I proceeded to purge fifteen years of frustration and undeserved beatings upon whoever was stupid enough to awaken me. I found Sr. Darkbridge to be nought but bloody rags when I threw back my rough cover to see who had received my ire. I sat back on my heels with a small smile on my face. All I could think was "so the worm turns". I dragged the corpse to the household privy then dumped him in the pit. I smiled once again, sat and eased my bowels. I had learned to kill in vengeance and feel nought but satisfaction.

I could not stay in the village. I would have been whipped, beaten, burned or pressed to death. Regrets? I had none. I was totally unrepentant though I did not glory in the kill though I did take advantage of it.

I took a small waxed chest that had made the voyage, emptied it of the papers that it had been tasked to protect and placed within it the items that I might use to build my own life. The thing was four feet long by two feet deep by three feet tall, built to conform to the proportions required for storage in the ship's hold. I loaded it with all manner of carpentry tools, a few good kitchen tools, a heavy copper pot, two heavy kitchen knives, a tin box of good beeswax candles, both of the house fire making kits, The few coins kept by the old man, a hank of rope, a folded canvas, a felling axe and a shovel.

I knew that it was much too heavy to heft, much less carry for any distance. The work shed held a one wheeled barrow with high sides. Within it went the chest, the old man's portmanteau filled with good linen sheets and woolen blankets, a five gallon puncheon filled with salt, a small ten-gallon barrel filled with flour, A tripod with chain and hooks, the house's one good iron kettle, a small water barrel and as much clean canvas and cord that I could latch onto. I dressed in the best the house had to offer then started down the path to the seashore.

It took me several months to learn the ins and outs of the scavenger's life. I was robbed of all I had more than once. Eventually I became incensed to the point of retribution. I tied a rock to the end of a hefty water-smoothed limb, then crept up behind the last brigand that had last robbed me and brained him. I got back my own and more. I left him with his head split open on the low beach for the crabs to feast on. I had learned to kill in retribution and make an example of my victim.

I kept traveling south, keeping to the coast. I ate more than my fair share of clams and mussels. I was near a town called Brick. The coastal reefs supplied me with enough shellfish to live on and some flotsam from the coastal wrecks to burn for firewood and to trade for necessary supplies. I survived there for over two years.

It was some eight days after a strong blow. The weather had held bright and windless for days, then another short yet violent storm blew up overnight. I followed the seacoast looking for whatever the storms had washed ashore.

A twenty-four foot long high-sided dagger board sailboat had made its way between the rocks and onto a sandy beach. The sail had been torn to shreds by the high winds. This was the best salvage that I had ever seen. I hurried down the shoreline to it and thrust myself half up-and-over the side to see what was within. I promptly turned and emptied my stomach on the sand. There were three ripe bodies within. Once I had cleared the slime from my mouth I once again carefully peered over the side.

One man was more stout than the other two. He wore the blue coat and gold braid of a ships captain. It appeared that he had bled out from a gash in his upper thigh. One other was dressed as some sort of ships mate. He appeared to have died from a rude blow separating his skull from his spine as his head laid unnaturally. The last was dressed in canvas slops. He had died from a ball fired through his chest. At his hand lay a hatchet. I pulled myself over the side and searched the bodies for any valuables. The captain kept a tidy little purse at his belt and had died with a discharged flintlock pistol in his hand. These I gratefully seized. He also bore a fancy dirk and a large emerald ring that quickly became mine. I took his fancy hat and coat then tossed his body over the side. The mate had nothing of value on his person but was laying on a fascine knife--a broad-bladed tool boasting a sharpened hook, all on a two-handed haft. It had been well used in place of a boarding axe as the bloodstains on the blade told their tale. The last man again bore nothing of interest. I tossed the both of them over the side then jumped overboard myself. I had a desire to quickly remove the craft to a less-populated beach so that I might keep the boat and its contents to myself.

After shouldering it off the beach I jumped aboard and poled the craft down the shoreline until I reached a small cove, quite close to where I made my rude home beneath the root ball of a storm-flattened tree. I grounded my new craft and tied off beneath some overhanging limbs. There I felt I was protected enough to pause and take stock. There were several chests within the dory. One was quite long by comparison to the others at over four feet. I opened it and, to my joy, found it to be a ship's carpet entry box. Another large square box held ledgers, much of the captains finery, a small sewing kit, a second flintlock pistol and supplies to clean and reload them several times over. I also found a till, a locked box that jingled wonderfully. Another chest, quite large, held packets, jars and sacks of spices which strongly perfumed the air when opened. It was well-waxed to keep its contents safe from the sea and weather. After consideration I felt that this was the top tier of portable goods from the ship.

After cleaning the blood and seawater out of the scuppers I carefully examined the boat's rigging and got the idea of how it was sailed. It obviously required new canvas. I had a canvas sheet in my stores which I cut and seamed into a serviceable though shortened sail. I rigged the boat well enough then loaded aboard my meager possessions, taking care to include a pair of casks of sweet water. I found that the captain's clothing fit me well enough for a man that had been starved so I took on the role of a distressed captain whose ship had been blown out from under him. I hoped that the lack of my letters would not ill-serve me. I had my numbers, for they made sense. I learned them on my own. However, never having been schooled, reading and writing escaped me.

I followed the trade into Norfolk harbor, where I obtained a broad-brimmed hat to cover my scarred features, several changes of rough clothing, good boots and brogans. I then closely observed the price of spices in the market and proceeded to dicker myself into quite a pile of silver. I noticed quite a few evaluating glances passed my way but a good stare and an exposed brace of pistols left me safe.

I needed a secure place to call my own. My disfigurement did not lend to easy accommodation in town. I felt that my only opportunity was to gather stores and explore up river.

Oh my, I bought supplies. I gathered shovels, rope, axes, wedges, hammers, half a hundredweight in foot long spikes, spare auger bits for the carpenter's chest and a fresh set of saws. I also cheaply bought a hundredweight of heavy rope ends from three to twelve feet long and a dozen huge bags made of heavy sacking. I purchased a large barrel of salt and another of lard, several dried hams, bags of dried beans, two small barrels of flour, several casks of whale oil and an oil lamp. I made certain to obtain the tools necessary to build in rock such as chisels, a pick-axe, a long pry bar and a barrow. I also bought a barrel of tar and two tin buckets. All this, along with wool blankets, canvas and over a thousand feet of line served to immoderately load my brave craft. However I knew enough not to leave without a serviceable cooking pot, a frying pan, two bows, several bowstrings, two dozen flights and a generous bag of metal arrow heads. I secured my load with rope and canvas then sailed upriver. First the stench of the harbor then the continuous 'clank-clank' of the point buoy faded behind me.

I'd heard tales of a small village established in the shadow of Fort Charles, some weeks up river. I had hopes of building a redoubt a small distance away from there so that I might have a place to trade without making the lengthy trip back to Norfolk.

I traveled some two weeks and more, moving slowly and closely evaluating the shorelines as I went. I found two deep oxbows, the first of which was quite silted up but the second had a deep break with a steep rocky rise at its peak. It appeared as if a natural dam had given way at some time, littering the area with slabs of rock, making it perfect for my purpose.

The first winter was hard. I survived in a mean little log cabin half dug into the river bank. The air was moist and unhealthy. I caught the bloody coughs but survived it. I shot game to supplant my diet and on the warmer days worked on my stone cabin further up the draw. I dug out the side of a hill and laid in thick slab-stone walls. I knew the tricks of how to make a fireplace that would draw properly. I had to travel up to Fort Charles for three bags of cement to set the rocks of the fire box, smoke box and chimney. I over-built the cabin for one person, making it thirty feet wide by twenty feet deep with a shed roof. I had to raise a line of posts down the middle to support a center beam, lest the roof collapse. Once the walls were up I used large squared-off timbers to roof it, then shingled flat stones over those.

I overlaid it all with stone and dirt so that all that showed from up the hill was the bit of chimney and even that was rocked in to a small hillock. The entire roof was covered in thick thorn bushes by mid-summer. Standing below the deeply shadowed porch hid a thick door and four heavily-shuttered windows. All four were covered with oiled parchment to let in a bit of light yet keep out wind and weather. I caulked the stone walls with oakum made from shredded rope mixed with hot tar and forced between the stones with a hammer and chisel, as we had done aboard ship. The stone cabin was finished before snowfall of my second year. The first time I laid and lit a fire in the firebox I felt as secure as a child in its mother's arms. With great care I slab-cut some winter-dry trees to drill and peg together a table, a sleeping bench and a chair. I fashioned several stout shelves at one end of the cabin for my larder as I had no attic for storage. I closed them off with four doors, two hinged at the center post and two hinged at the walls. I did this in hopes that the temperature would remain cooler within, with rock on three sides and in still air.

I experimented with bedding and found that several large bags lapped and sewn together then filled with shredded rope, made a handsome bed. However I had to raise the edges of my sleeping shelf to keep the bags from working out from under me during the night to leave me laying on bare wood. I later learned that a pair of tanned bear-skins below me and one above did an even better job. I traded for several my furs at the fort.

My next project was a smokehouse. The Indians would burn anything on dry land that they could. My response was to once again build in stone. I extended my cabin by twenty feet to make an adjacent yet separate room that I could use as both a smoke house and meat locker. It took a while to complete as I did not feel the urgency that I previously had while constructing a warm, safe place to live. As time went on I dug up the dirt floor of the cabin and spiked in sleepers beneath sawn boards. It was warmer, drier and cleaner.

I bore witness to a run of fish during the previous spring. I prepared for its return by weaving a net with a heavier rope bound to its edges so that I might cast it out and draw it back in again. For a while it caused me some confusion while I determined the best way to smoke fish.

I bought a spool of wire to fashion bird traps. I needed their flight feathers to fletch my arrows. I did not hunt with the bow alone. Whenever I did hunt I went out with a brace of pistols in case I encountered a bear or a wild pig. If something had the attitude and wherewithal to chase me up a tree I wanted to be able to offer a good counter-argument. I would much rather have them residing in my meat locker than I supply theirs.

I cleared a small well-drained patch and planted it in vegetables. I became convinced that this mechanism was not designed to return a yield of crops, but to lure in every plant-eater within miles to be taken by bow. I took deer, rabbit, porcupine, raccoon, opossum, swine and bear.

My lettuces were but a fond hope, long abandoned. The cabbage, squash, carrots, peas and beans came in well enough but it was a hard-contested battle to keep away the foraging vermin. The potatoes, beets, garlic, onions and hot peppers were conceded as mine. I traded skins to a Pennsylvania-Dutch family that brewed vinegar. They taught me how to make ColeSlaw! Bless them! It did stink up the cabin a bit but tasting the sour, crunchy glory in the middle of winter certainly made up for the disagreeable odor. I took the trading factor into my confidence and confessed my lack of letters. He obtained for me several books designed to teach children their letters, as well as a small wood-bound slate upon which to practice. This tedious occupation filled most of my winter afternoons.

I fashioned boxes which were placed beneath the shelves of my larder. I filled them first with dry sand. Then carrots, potatoes, turnips, beets and horseradish went in to store. Each batch was fairly small and kept separate from the others, lest one go off and take the others with it, much like chain-firing cannon aboard ship. The beans I dried on clean canvas in the smoke-house. The peas I ate fresh in salads and in stews. Squash was cleaned, cut into strips and threaded onto strings to dry. Onions and garlic had their stalks braided together and hung on pegs near the fire. The hot peppers I split open and dried alongside the beans in the smokehouse. When dry they were packaged up in folded wallets of waxed parchment.

Another family that lived near the fort raised chickens. I had no idea where they obtained their grain for feed. However, they traded some of my smoked, dried fish in exchange for fresh eggs and the occasional chicken carcass. I was surprised that smoked bear meat was considered such a delicacy by some. I exchanged what I had for credit at the trading post. This funded my first major purchases, that of a five-gallon and a ten-gallon iron pot as well as a chain and hooks to hold them above a tripod fashioned from three sturdy trunks. With this apparatus I rendered my lard, made my soap and boiled my clothes.

After recalling how wretched I felt the previous winter during and after my sickness I resolved to construct some sort of warm bathing tub. I eventually hit on a folding wood cradle that supported a waxed canvas tub some five feet long and three feet deep. A tunnel was sewn into the edges and sticks were run through them. The sticks were supported by crossed frames. The smaller of the two iron pots would barely fit within my fireplace for water heating duty.

One day before Thanks Giving I felt shiftless. I carefully checked my inventory then sailed the two days it took to reach the trading post to see what was new and to chat with others. Someone had brought up-river several kegs of reasonably fresh apples and pears to sell. I fell to my baser nature and purchased several of each. It was then that I noticed a windfall, so to speak. Others had consumed their fruit and cast away the cores anywhere that struck their fancy. I immediately took up a sack and gathered as many as I could find, much to the amusement of the others indolently passing a jug at the post. When taken to task for it, I replied "In five or seven years I shall have an orchard. Will you?" I found that the factor had yellow rounds of cheese for sale. I bought several as well as five pounds of beeswax. They had to be dipped in wax to keep the rind from thickening over the winter. I also needed to wax my bows, strings and boots before wet weather set in come fall. I also bought a ten gallon barrel of whale oil for my lamp and a fifty pound barrel of ground oats for gruel and oat cakes.

On my return journey I spotted a small tribe of Indians living beside the river, at the foot of the falls. They seemed desolate and emaciated. They were not in the least animated. They simply watched me as I floated by. I noticed that some were marked by the pox, just as I had been.

After the snow flew yet before Christmas I set up my net to trap geese. Several handfuls of grain near a tree-line served well to lure them in. First one came, who called to its brothers, and soon a small flock fought for the bits of grain on the ground. I pulled the net down over them and commenced in with a club to end their raucous noise. I saved the feathers for my arrows, cast out their offal on the field then salted and smoked the birds. I had the carcasses propped open with twigs and hung directly above a row of small fires within the smoke house. I expanded my larder by twenty-eight nice birds.

The deer were not used to watching for danger from the river. I took advantage of that fact by quietly poling down the river until I spotted a likely place for animals to come down to the water to drink. There I set out the anchor and waited. By moving down the river after each kill I took six does and three bucks all unawares. My windfall appalled me at the work involved in curing all that meat. Instead I set sail back upstream for the native village. There I left off all but one of the deer along with a steel knife as I did not know if they possessed such. I had hopes that they would at least benefit from a good meal out of my good fortune. I returned to my cabin to butcher and cure the one doe that I had held out. I had a stew made out of organ meat and deer's tongue with potatoes and peppers for dinner the next several days.

It was early that spring that I fretted over the well-being of the tribe which I had spotted. I had no idea why I adopted them but there it was. I suppose that after looking out at the woods behind my cabin I realized that they must have a horrible time finding dry firewood that time of the year as they took only dead falls and downed wood. I loaded up my boat with three large baskets of smoked fish that would have gone bad by summer, the remains of my barrel of ground oats and a ten pound barrel of salt, two axes, two wedges and a hammer. After gifting them with the oats and salt I proceeded to chop down two trees and cut one into lengths as tall as my knee. After splitting a big one five ways yet leaving the segments gently joined I placed it on their fire. In this way the sections not only feed off of each other but cause a draft up the center, quickly providing heat and coals. I was offered a small bowl of the oat meal by a tribeswoman but no spoon. I took up an axe and quickly split off a slip of wood, which took but a moment to fashion into a rude spoon. With that I happily ate my lunch. I witnessed a tribesman with little skill attempt to duplicate my feat with an axe. I took up a wedge and hammer to show him an easier and safer way to accomplish the same task. I quickly pounded out half a dozen blanks to show him. He smiled and nodded. I left the wedge and hammer in his hands, then waved and left.

A month later I returned to the village with two more large baskets of dried fish, three baskets of dried squash and three baskets of dried beans. These I simply dropped off early one morning and left. Within the next month the rabbits and other small game would come back, and greens such as fiddlehead ferns would be up. I knew because I had harvested some myself for a fresh meal of greens.

I was tilling my garden in preparation for seeding when I noticed some eighteen Indians watching me from the edge of the woods. I lay down my hand harrow, wiped my brow and waved to them. They waved back and approached. Most of them had a red paint covering their faces from their noses up to their hairlines which had been shaved to the top of their heads. Their eyes were ringed in black. One of them spoke English.

"You helped a tribe when no aid was asked or expected. Why?"

I sat down on a rock to try to put my feelings into words. "As you can see I am not a well-figured man. I have been beaten and mistreated as a slave since I was a child. I kept my strength of will and persevered. I saw others that had been beaten down until they had no more to give. I felt for them and did what I could while it did me no ill. I expect nothing in return but friendship."

They withdrew to argue amongst themselves. I sat resting, relishing the warm sun. Soon I was approached once again.

There are women in the village that have no husbands, and so have none to hunt for them. Three barely survived the winter on the gifts you laid down for the village. It would be a good thing if you would take them in. All three know how to tend a garden, cook, tend a household, gather greens and deal with fresh killed game."

My ire rose. "I will never deal in slavery! I have been a slave and refuse to pander in it!"

He raised his hands as if to hold me back. "No, no. we ask that you take them as wives, not slaves."

I sat once more on my rock. Am I not disfigured? and what of our languages? I know not the languages of the tribes. One at least must know English to form a bridge between us. I can think of nothing more horrible than to live in a household where I could not even ask for aid or food."

Their speaker came forward to lay a hand on my shoulder. "One among those we have spoken with was taken as a child from a village of the whites, and so knows English from an early age. We have seen the scarring disease come and deform many of our people. It is not unknown to us and not so strange."

"Bring these women forth so that they might see how I live. They may yet not wish to so sever themselves from the tribe."

In little over a week they were back, bringing with them two younger and one older woman. They carried enormous packs of bedding and wore deerskin dresses. I chided myself for not offering the services of my boat to arrange for an easier passage for them. They had gone to great effort to come to me. I knew then that I would not turn them away.

One of the younger two came forward. She was red-headed. " My birth name is Sally. My tribal name is ember, or glowing coals." She smiled and tossed her flaming curly locks with one hand. "We three have come in hopes that you will take us under your roof."

I opened my arms to offer all three a hug. "I am Alfred. I would not turn you away under any reason save plague. I was only hindered from offering more to the village by our differences in language. Let us go inside to set down your possessions. Then I shall show you my food supplies. I can see nothing but good coming from this." I looked from one to another of them. They all seemed alert and inquisitive, not at all fearful. "What are the names of your sisters?"

Ember touched her younger partner on the shoulder. "This is Morning Mist." She touched the other woman. "This is Sweet Cry." I kissed each one on the forehead. "Ember, Misty, Sweetie. Welcome."

While the women chattered back and forth in a language totally incomprehensible to me they lifted their burdens and followed me into the cabin. The Cherokee tribesmen that had guided them smiled, waved and silently disappeared into the brush once more. They were much better woodsmen than I ever hoped to be. I sighed to myself. My life had suddenly become much more complicated.

I sat in the corner atop a storage box, watching them carefully examine everything in sight. They cooed over the bearskins and held a grand debate over the contents of my larder. When they seemed to slow down I stood, then motioned them to follow me. I then introduced them to my smoke-house. I heard many joyful noises come from the door. I stood stifling a smile while I pinched my nose. One would think that they were invited to live within a castle by the way they acted. I did my best not to make them feel badly. Next I introduced them to the necessary. I knew that they would appreciate it much more during the next sleet storm or when the winter winds blew the rain and snow sideways.

They seemed quite happy to find my working kettle and tripod behind the cabin. This, they knew the whys and wherefores. Next I showed them my garden. There was utter silence, then more gabbling. I left them to their discussion as I did what few things I could to make life easier for four people rather than one living in the cabin.

The last time I cut good wood I saved out what I could and stored it at the rear of the cabin. I went to retrieve it. With a measuring stick I recorded the proportions of my sleeping bench. I gently tapped free the top boards to inspect the frame below as I had forgotten exactly how I had built it. I found it of no great difficulty to double its width. I tied the two benches together with cross-members and pegs, then pegged riven planks to the extended surface. I had to use a hand plane to make the surface less objectionable to one's bottom, then tacked a strip of leather over the outer edge for safety.

Next came chairs. I recalled the lessons that I had learned fashioning the one I used daily. It was the third generation of attempts. The first two were reduced to kindling after biting me in a personal place. I had learned to tack leather over the seat of my chair in self defense.

The women returned to the cabin from their explorations to arrange their bedding, find space for their various possessions and to make a start at dinner. I noticed them observe what I was doing from time to time. When I finally forced the vertical pins making up the back supports into the holes which I had bored into the bow and the seat, then the ends of the bow through the outer holes in the seat I saw the light of recognition strike. I had to carefully drill out holes in the ends of the bow that extended through the seat so that I could force pins through them, thus holding the thing into one rigid piece. I wound some wire around the pierced bottoms of the bow and the feet so that they would not split. A bit of knife and plane work reduced the chance of splinters, then I tacked a tanned deerskin cover over the bottom. I set it upright and checked it for true. It rocked a bit which I cured by planing off the end of one leg. I stopped for the moment as my hands, arms and back were tired. "There. One done, two to go."

Ember asked, "Al-fred, why is everything so high from the ground in your home?"

I took my time, thinking my way through European custom and the utility behind it. "during the fall, winter and spring the bottom foot of air is colder. I sit and sleep above that to stay warmer. Since I sit higher, I also made the fireplace hearth higher so that I could cook without bending so low. The fireplace had a smoke box hidden above the fire box, that makes it draw up the smoke inside it, so the smoke does not hang within the cabin like it does in a long-house."

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Introduction: When Me and Tom have a few hours, and lots of curiousity, anything can happen. Tom was not an average boy, five foot seven inches, 14, and stunning. His beach-blond hair, skater-boy looks, and muscular facade all compliment his sky blue eyes in a way no others did. He seemed to luminance, sticking out of the crowd with a comfortable glow, an idol in a way, with never an enemy. I, being the forementioneds Best Friend, was aware of all of this, and (although secretly) very, very...

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ExxxtraSmall Mackenzie Mace Tiny Neighbor Finally Gets It

Petite cutie Mackenzie Mace is tanning out by her pool when she notices her married neighbor Nade Nasty peeking over the fence. They exchange pleasantries and pretty soon Nade makes it clear that his wife and kids aren’t home and he has some time to spare, which is great news for Mackenzie because she’s always wanted to try his huge cock. Nade hops over the fence, bringing more tanning oil for Mackenzie and its doesn’t take long for the two of them to move things to the bedroom where Nade fully...

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The Exchange Student Disciplines Georgina

Georgina had been on tenterhooks since getting home at eight o’clock this evening. She had got home to find Jeff and Hannah chatting happily in the TV room and, unusually, watching a rom-com even though there was football on the other channel. When Hannah had gone to bed Georgina asked Jeff how come he hadn't insisted on watching the football.Jeff blushed as he replied, "Hannah asked to watch the film and we had a discussion about me being more understanding about her preferences. So, I let...

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The Servant8217s First Fuck 8211 New Comic Video

Everyone wants to know about Savita Bhabhi’s first fuck and when she lost her virginity. But our hot Bhabhi is more interested in knowing about her servant, Manoj’s first sex. And Manoj is more than happy to tell her about it. You can also hear the story along with Savita Bhabhi and read the dialogues in English too.   You can watch more such Savita bhabhi hot sex videos. If you want to watch the full episode, join SavitaBhabhiVideos Telegram channel. You can join by clicking the button...

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A Valentines Kiss

The bed sheets covering Jack's naked body swayed below his hips. A soft groan escaped his lips. His hands pulled back the sheet.Amanda kneeled between Jack's thighs. Her head buried near Jack's crotch, her spine curved up, allowing her ass to rise in the near distance, shaped like twin mountains.Amanda's tongue glided upon the underside of Jack's hardened cock. Slow, sensual licks, starting just above his ball sack.  Jack's cock twitched with her wet touch, licking him over and...

Oral Sex
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My camera

Note : This story is totally fictional! Michael could not believe his luck, a beautiful spring day like this and he got out of school early because the air conditioning system broke. On the other side of the coin, his closest friends were on the ball team so the coach held them at school for extra practice. He realized that the championships were getting close but that sure messed up the day. He was thinking about his new car while driving home. His dad had gotten it for him a few weeks ago for...

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A Day at the Office

(Fiction)The company I work for was recently taken over and the new human resource department requireed that everyone needed a health physical. Most likely about health insurance but whatever. So I scheduled an appointment at the medical arts center. I ended up taking a half day vacation to get this done as quickly as possible. So I arrived at the office and checked in and went throug hall the paper work and sat down to be called in. It took about 30 minutes to get called back. The women...

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A New Horny Adventure

Hey there, Adam and I decided to share a little of our latest sex crazed experience thanks to xhamster, hope you enjoy it as much as we did!...Going through porn and profiles we came across a man that got our interest, he was experienced, older, Italian with a big juicy dick. As we’ve been wanting to try out a threesome, we got in contact. We traded stories and spoke about our interests, fantasies and wants. We decided to chat through Kik and shared pictures of me sucking Adam delicious dick as...

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THE Harem Tales 1 The Times They Are A ChangingChapter 20 Another Wife

When we arrived, I found my ladies clad in Civil Service gray and deep in discussion with Carole, also in gray. The others of our household were arrayed around them on various pieces of furniture and cushions, and Baby was parading, tail high, back and forth between Hanna and Cathleen. The four women looked at me as I entered and joined their circle. No puppy dog eyes this time. Rachel spoke. "We think Carole should join the family and be our full partner-wife. She would be chief of staff,...

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SylvieChapter 2

What I have come to think of as "Our Big Change" happened a couple of months after Sylvie gave me the present of the pen set. The start of The Big Change came about because our copy machine broke down. I thought since the day of Sylvie's gift there seemed to be a subtle change between the two of us; I felt when she talked to me her voice was a littler softer than it used to be and the difference was especially noticeable when compared to how she spoke to Richard. I noticed she always came...

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From Fantasypark To Her Bed

Hi friends, I am new to indian sex stories, so kindly bear my grammar mistakes. I am 21 yrs old residing in Bengaluru. I won’t boost myself. As I love enjoying other’s sex stories in Indian sex stories. you will enjoy mine story also.My Gmail address is Interested girls nd women can be in touch for naughty chats etc.   So coming to the story now.I m bit shy person,never had so much interest in sex until this happens.This story happened a month back. As you all know its summer now and...

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From the Pages of Carmyns Diary A True Story 1

As I ascended the steps on the bus, I almost fainted as the sight. There were so many girls. White girls, black girls, Hispanic girls, Asian girls, blond girls, brunettes, redheads, tall girls, short girls, petite girls, curvy girls. I felt like a kid in the aisle of ToysRUs. Smiling ferociously, I headed to the back of the back as I scanned the many pretty faces. Once I found a seat, I opened my diary and began to write as the bus took off, heading towards cheer camp. June 1, 2007 Age 17 Dear...

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Complaint Karne Jaane Se Leke Chudai Ki Class Tak 8211 Part 17

Hello dosto mera naam hai Nikita Ghosh. Aur main wapas aa gayi hu apni agli kahani ke sath. Jo log mujhe nahi jaante, woh ye jaan le ki main apki hot bhabhi hu jiske baare mein soch kar ap dil khol ke apna lund hila sakte hai. Main 34 saal ki hu aur koi kamsin kali nahi hu. Balki har mard ka lund jisko dekhke pant se bahar aane lagta hai woh aurat hu. Mere gore-gore bade stann aur meri matakti gaand ke sabhi deewane hai. Mere pati ‘Ghosh Babu’ meri chut ki garmi nahi nikaalte to mujhe doosre...

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Pyx 3 The Christmas PartyChapter 3 Climbing a Ladder

When Pyx got back from work, at eight, it was clear that she was upset. After she stripped, and kissed my cock, she couldn't stop pacing back and forth. "How was work, Pyx?" She fell at my feet, bawling her eyes out. "Oh, Master! It was horrible!" Vonda hugged her. "What's wrong, honey? Was someone mean to you?" She shook her head. "Nothing like that." "Well, tell us about it," I said. Pyx sat down on a dining room chair. "It ... It all started right after I arrived for...

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Helpless By Jennifer B. I don't have many secrets from my wife but the few I do have are big ones. You see I am a crossdresser and I love bondage. I have a pretty good stash of women's clothing, makeup and even a couple of wigs. But the only time I get to dress is when my wife is going out for long periods of time. Such as, going to get her hair done. When she has a hair appointment she is always gone most of the day. And Saturday was a hair appointment day. I started planning...

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Family Escapades 8211 Part 2 Blackmailed By The Servants

Hi, I am Jai and this story which I am going to narrate is a real-life incident, which happened in my friends’ life and I have narrated it as he explained it to me. Just sit back, relax and enjoy while shagging your dick. I even gotta see some encounters after my friend explained this experience. It’s a long story and I will try to make it as interesting as possible I am a good looking, 5’8 tall and have a 6-inch strong dick; I work out regularly which helps me go really long sessions on the...

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Treasure Chest

I am shopping for lingerie and panties and I notice this new store in town it is called the "Treasure Chest". Once inside I am greeted by a salesgirl and she asks if I have ever been here before. I said I had not. She said that a couple own the store and they try to get the latest and greatest of things. The store has all the usual stuff, bras, panties, lingerie and adult toys, nightgowns, etc. So I start looking around and then I see a gentlemen approach me and he announces he is the owner...

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Your Moms in Porn Now BBBBTS

Buck's Big Boob Bed Time Stories....Your Mom's in porn now...It all started pretty innocently. I was back home on summer break from college. I was walking our family dog. I just turned the corner on my street. "Beep! Beep! Hey Buck. Long time no see." said a guys voice. I turned my head toward the voice. "Hey dude. What's up?" I said. It was Small Daryl. He was a friend from high school. We used to hang out all the time in school. It's been close to two years since I seen him. His real name was...

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Between Two Fires

A second-person-viewpoint narration of a Pagan journey through a year-and-a-day of the familiar, to find the mystery behind the mysteries. Yes, this is a magical gendershift story. ---------------------------------------------------------- Between Two Fires --Kiai 24sep03/29jul06/05mar07 Perhaps it is being brought up Pagan that has brought you to this. Where other religions segregate the sexes with walls of guilt and shame, never to meet...

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Crowd Surfing 20

Some girls just never learn. Weeks before new headlines spread across the nation after two innocent teen girls at a concert in Detroit were brutally fondled and then sexually assaulted by hundreds of drunken men in a mosh pit at a concert. Newspapers reported that one of the girls was now pregnant. These concerts were not a good thing for girls to attend with their friends. Breanne arrived at Casey’s house around three in the afternoon. The girls were excited. Both sets of parents...

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neighbor boy

a few weeks ago I was alone on the ranch. got up earlier than usual on a friday morning, and had to do some quick things around the yard. Living out inthe country, i often just go do things in the yard in my boxer briefs, in the early morning. Well, this paticular morning my nearest neighbor decided to send his son over to pick up my bailer. There I was, in the yard, in my boxer briefs, no shirt, and only slippers on my feet and in pulls tom. 19 years old, very well built from the years...

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KinkySpa Heather Vahn Busty Heather Vahn gets fucked during her massage by her employee at the Kinky Spa

Heather Vahn runs a successful massage parlor called the Kinky Spa. Her employee Tommy Pistol has been having some trouble lately and she’s been receiving complaints, it turns out he’s not listening to his clients needs, and those needs go beyond a normal massage. She decides to re-train him so he can get better. She knows her clients want extra special treatment, so she goes in fully nude and doesn’t hesitate to have Tommy really get in deep with his hands. Once he feels comfortable touching...

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Cuckolding Katie Part 2 The Sequel

The aftermath of a cuckolding vacation.Life without Katie was not easy for me. As the months after our parting accumulated, my pain didn't diminish. I missed her companionship, her fine intellect and acute sense of humour. While Katie was fiercely independent, we had developed a togetherness that I had taken for granted. Like how we liked to do things together, shopping, the evening walks and the gym work outs together. Even when we were chilling out at home taking in a movie or reading a book,...

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She finds what 11 Means PT2

"What's that?" Jessica asked as she touched a gold chain around his neck with the number 11 hanging from it. "Was it your uniform number?"He grinned back at her. "No, you'll have to find out about that number for yourself." He noticed the lust in her bright blue eyes, and the tip of her tongue wetting her lips side to side. He looked down at her magnificent breasts trying to escape from the top of her dress, and the deep cleavage between them. Further down, her long left leg crept out from...

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Dawns fantasy in her own words

I recently found something which Dawn had written while going through some of her things. I only wish she had shared it with me and am almost certain that she would have in time and that she intended to add more to the story. One of the things we liked to do was talk about our fantasies while having sex. I hope it turns you on and you enjoy it as much as I do. I Wish I'd Met You In Another Time To Feel Your Hand Across My Skin Your Flesh Moving Against Mine Feeling You Fill The Folds Of My...

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An Assumed InheritanceChapter 3

Plans were made, quickly. An urgent message was sent out via theravara, a device Hrosz was intensely interested in, and asked many questions about, detailing the cylindrical and conic objects and requesting that both be brought with all possible haste to the War College. Hrosz and Avatharel made plans to shut the gate. "It must have a locus, a focused area it is tied to, as I understand things," stated the Homesteader. Verothlen agreed. Avatharel asked if it were better to drive the gate...

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The LotteryChapter 67

By Thursday morning Kim was feeling the excitement of the upcoming basketball game and going to the party with Frank and Todd. She, as well as Sally had talked to the boys every evening, the girls still calling the boys. Kim showered and dressed quickly, running downstairs to have her breakfast. "Good morning mom," Kim said cheerfully as she hopped up onto a stool at the kitchen counter. "Don't forget we are going to meet Todd and Frank at Aunt Anne's house tonight." "I remember...

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Bouncin BobbyChapter 2

The oppressive eroticism cooking in Wally's tight nut-cauldrons broiled too hot to keep from boiling over. His balls pressed tighter and tighter against his pubis as his bloated nightstick swelled up and out to full prominence. A rather dignified looking middle-aged gentleman in hornrim glasses and striped school tie held his briefcase tighter against his boxer-bound genitalia as he regarded the spectacle of this brawny god bobbing barely four feet before him. This was his first visit to...

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The Klinik Chapter Four

Arran hung from the web of creaking chain at a shallowly inclined angle above and to their front, suspended and immobile above the floor, an object of silent scrutiny for the three masturbatrixes below. A cone of torchlight within the gloomy vastness illuminated him in sharply defined and capering contrast, his white muscled flesh flickered and seemed to tremble within its stark light, alternating with inky black shadow as the inquisitive beam travelled across its contoured surface.The silence...

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I HOPE YOU LIKE THIS STORY I WAS SENT A refreshingly brisk breeze entered the quiet hospital room. A girl dressed in a school uniform dashed straight to her grandfather's side. The girl plopped her young ass into the sitting man's lap, kissed his cheek, and rattled off questions, "Hi Pops, how are you? How's Grammy feeling? Don't you wish she'd hurry up and get to feeling better? How long has she been asleep?"Pops smiled and hugged his precocious granddaughter. Katie always brought a joyous...

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My best friend amali

Hi to all desi fans, this is Arun again. Thanks a lot to all our readers for your overwhelming response to our escapades, we are motivated by your comments and requests and find more opportunities these days to present to you. The one I am going to narrate now happened in in er house on the eve of her daughters’ birthday. It was a great day and a great birthday party, amali and her husband were arranginng for the occasion but I chose to plan another event. As you all know by now that I was...

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Mrs Smith Part VII

Mackenzie:Damn that k** and his eternal hard on. He would probably wear me out. I then realized that I was getting carried away with his infatuation with me. I let being flattered get the best of me. What was I thinking teasing him like this? I had to end all this fooling around.The next morning I got dressed for work. As I put the coffee on and the phone rang. It was my on again / off again boyfriend letting me know he was in town for one night and wanted to see me. Though it made me feel...

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The Examination

The Examination She sat in the sparkling white office in the scratchy, thin paper robe that they make everyone wear. Perched upon the barely cushioned table that sported a pair of metal torture devices that forces women to lie in the most completely vulnerable position, she waited for her turn with an unsympathetic doctor. Yes, Jodi could say without a doubt, that she hated getting her yearly pap smears. They probed, poked and prodded, and worse, it didn’t even feel good while they did it. If...

Group Sex
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Jessie Porn Story Final Part

Jessie had just finished with Luke and Robby, so now it was time to talk to Emma about what had happened with Luke. She walked into Emma's room and both Emma and Jessie were only in their robes. Jessie went and sat by Emma and said, "What were you thinking about having sex with your own brother?" she said in a calm voice. Emma responded with the shrug of her shoulders. "Well, I hope you know that it is wrong, and that if you got pregnant, who knows what would have happened." replied Jessie....

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The War of 2020Chapter 7 Faithless

Murph ran his calloused hand down Morgan’s bare back as he slowly circled her naked body. She was bent over and restrained, her head and hands secured tightly within a cushioned wooden pillory. Her long curls flowed down to the hardwood floor in front of her, swaying everytime she shook her head. “You know I hate punishing you, especially with your injuries,” he whispered into her ear. She couldn’t believe he was actually doing this, she thought for sure they would have stopped by now. “You...

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Who Chooses the ChosenChapter 4

It was four hours of trudging through mud, freezing at the sight of every crocodile, pausing at any possible moan, Baker falling in twice more, before they finally managed to get out of the swamp. Just like before the deserted house, all the waypoints had been destroyed. Once out, it was another hour before they finally found a river and could have a drink and wash themselves. It was dark before they were finally clean. Knackered, wet and hungry they set up camp by a small hill. Ginger was...

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Tales of the Season Kendras Story

Tales of the Season: Kendra's Story by Tigger Copyright 1999, All Rights Reserved Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its...

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Is that my nephew

light snow softly fell from the dark sky, it almost seemed the wind simply blew old loose snow from the rooftops. I checked my phone for the time, the clock read 9:00, Tuesday, December 31st. My parents always threw these parties on New Years Eve, which I never took much of a liking to. This time I was on break from college and had been bored all week.The loud mumbled sound of voices competing for attention rose threw the floor, and while the music was barely audible, the sound vibrated through...

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A Girl named Areola Part 07

by Vanessa Evans As usual, it’s best if you read the earlier parts before this one. Part 07 There was a little pause during which I had no idea what was happening (everyone was behind us) but then I heard Mr. Palmer say, “Girls, please turn over, lay along the table, put your hands behind your heads and spread you legs.” “As we were doing that Mr. Palmer continued, “That was the first part of the punishment, now I will open the second part to all of you. In a minute I am going into the...

2 years ago
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Monika Ki Gajab Chudai

Hello dosto kaise ho aap. Aaj mai apko apna dusri story batane jaa raha hu jo 10 din purani hai. Apne meti pehli story padhi hogi (meri wifi chudi apne boss se maine dekha live) or apko khub pasand aayi. Jaisa ki pichali story mai Monika ne boss se chudi or pregnant ho gayi thi ab Monika or yatin uska boss ka beta bhi hai 4 month ka matlb mera hai duniya ki najar mai. Chalo ab mai story pr aata hu. 15 din pehle Monika ne office join kiya. 2 din baad Monika ne mujhe bataya ki uska promotion hua...

4 years ago
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Under the Hot Summer SunChapter 16

TIFFANY Once he started, I didn't want him to stop. My body squirmed and wiggled under his tongue as he toyed with my nipples. He had no mercy but I wasn't looking for any right now. My wrists chafed and my arms ached from their position but I forgot that when his lips wrapped around one of my nipples, teasing it hard. I arched my back when he gently sucked on it ... feeling a jolt of pleasure spread through me. I knew I shouldn't be liking it ... I should be pissed off at what he'd done...

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The Chiefs Daughter Chapter 4

By Jax_Teller Previously in Chapter 3 As I began to drift off to sleep I wondered what the next day would bring. I was happy this day ended with no problems, happy my girls were drifting off to sleep at my side. Still I could not shake the feeling that something was wrong some where in the world that would come to our little spot of heaven. But for now life was as good as it gets. Chapter 4 Seven years ago I made a commitment to get off the grid and to live happy, no more rat...

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Together with Father in law in the car

Hi, this is Priya again. After leaving my children, I and my father in law came back to Chennai. We had a good time in the bus by smooching and squeezing. After few days, my hubby gone out for his business. My father in law plans to fulfill his fantasy. He asked me to dress in black saree (without bra and panty) while he was in black T-shirt and ‘lunky’. At 9 pm we both went to beach by our car. We reached there by 9.30 pm. He parked the car and we went near the seashore where boats are being...

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Choices Someone to Watch Over Me

I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, we do have some disagreements sometimes – well quite often really, – I can be an obstinate old bugger when I want to be. Anyway I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. Notes for the uninitiated: Cor = slang expressing surprise, excitement, etc. Palaver = a prolonged or tiresome act. Throw a...

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PASsport Happening Encounters Day 53

8PHE0053 word count 4795 ******** Day 53, Friday Chastity couldn't sleep. Her mind whirled with the possibilities that tomorrow presented. General Manager? Too good to be true? How many men would she have to generally manage? Fuck. She tried buzzing herself with a vibrator. That worked. Mostly. She did fall asleep but the dreams were a replay of last weekend. Each of the faces and dicks morphed into Brennan's. Exhausting. She was all too familiar with Brennan's dick....

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Basement Blessings or The Summer They InvadedPart 3

Journal: 12-17-03 Pat During the following days there seemed to be something more special in Raquel's glances. Something more meaningful in her touches, a greater joy when she laughed at my little jokes. Still, it was three days before Raquel and I were alone together again and it was once again she coming into my curtained bed space after her sisters and our parents had gone to sleep for the night. I was sitting up late, reading Asimov's "Foundation Trilogy", one of the boring...

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My Mom Maureen my Fatherinlaw Doug

Doug has always had a thing for my Mom. From the day he first met her he has wanted to fertilize her, to plant his seed deep in her & impregnate her. Since I married his son, Bradley so many years ago he has fucked her so many times, but never accomplished his goal of turning her into his personal bun oven till now. About eight weeks ago he had the opportunity to have her stay with him for two months. Needless to say he kept her naked most of the time. Her outfit was a little French Maid...

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Vilkatas The BeginningChapter 7

The shaman was able to make seven more amulets before he ran out of silver. I gave him the remaining amber in payment for all of his work and to allow him to buy silver to replace that used in the amulets. I now had enough amulets to last me indefinitely, so I was ready to return to Holly. Sagro would have started his annual trading circuit before we could get to his home, so we had plenty of time to wander around before I wanted to return to Sagro's place. We turned south to get out of the...

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Tims Unusal Life

Chapter 1 As far back as I can remember my family was poor. My father died in a knife fight when I was only two years old. I don't remember him at all and except for a few pictures we had I couldn't even tell you what he looked like. My mother tells me he was a man of short statue and slight of build. He had blond hair that had enough of a reddish tint to it he acquired the nick name of Little Red. He also had very pale skin and eyes so blue they seemed to look right through to your...

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There is always another train Part 3 Saturday

Saturday.It was late when the breakfast tray finally arrived. We had ordered for nine thirty, but it was nearly ten by the time it arrived. Chantel opened the door in her usual way. Naked. Marco was on duty and pushed the trolley in.“Morning Marco,” she said.“Morning Ma…Mistress,” he replied as he turned to go.“Marco? What did I teach you yesterday about room service.”“Mistress, Chef is not happy I took so long yesterday. He told me to be straight back as I have other rooms to service.”Chantel...


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