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But ever since you said good-bye
I've been out here on the wind
And baby you would be surprised
All the places you have been
(Everywhere by Tim McGraw)

It's tough to drive with both double vision and tears in my eyes, so I pulled my truck onto the shoulder of the country road. Just because my life sucked, was no reason for me to kill someone. The double vision was caused by alcohol and the tears by abject sadness. What could have caused me to drink as much as I did and brought tears to my eyes? That's the story I will tell here.

My name is Woodson Allen Connor (Woody to my friends), and I'm 24. I'm pretty much just an average guy; six feet even, 195 pounds and in decent shape. Not really handsome, but you wouldn't be ashamed to take me out in public. My story began in my junior year of college.

I met Jessica in my Poly Sci class. She was very pretty, in the girl next door way. I would never have had the nerve to do more than just nod and say hello, but she approached me. Apparently she enjoyed my debates with our professor. In my mind, this guy was somewhere left of Karl Marx in his political beliefs. I was about three steps to the right of John Wayne. You can see the problem. There wasn't one class period that we didn't butt heads. Jessica found this extremely funny.

"You really let old man Johnson have it tonight," Jess said to me. "Hi, I'm Jessica Hampton."

"Yeah, I know. I mean nice to meet you," I stammered. I'm not the smoothest guy around women. "I'm Woody Connor. He deserved it; him and his totally off the wall radical ideas," I preached.

Jess was laughing at me. She calmed me down with, "Take it easy, I'm on your side. I understand your ideas and agree with you."

I couldn't resist repeating what I had said in class. "If you take money from the people who are working hard and give it to the ones that don't work, two things happen. The non-workers won't do anything to help themselves; they will just wait for more hand outs. The workers will stop working as hard. Why bother if the government is going to take what they earn and give it to the non-workers? In the end the whole country suffers.

There I go again. I'm going to have to learn to save my preaching for Sundays," I laughed at myself. Somewhere I gained a little nerve and said to Jess, "Would you like to get a coffee or drink and talk some more?"

"I can't, I have another class. We could met at the student union, this evening though. How about 7:00?

"Great, see you there," I answered.

That meeting was the start of the most amazing time in my life. Jess and I talked until they threw us out at closing. She and I just seem to fit, you know?

We started going out on actual dates every week or ten days. That soon developed into more dates until we were spending almost every evening and some days together. Her apartment or mine, most of our nights were spent together. We told our friends that it wasn't financially sound to pay rent on two apartments so we decided to move in together. I don't think we fooled anyone about our reasons to live together. I know it sounds hokey, but I don't think any two people were even as happy and as much in love as Jess and I.

Our families lived within 100 miles of each other, so we used the spring break to meet and spend time with the two families. My dad and mom loved Jess from the start and her family took me into their hearts right away. Her family decided that since I belonged to Jess, I belonged to them too. My family felt the same way about her. Both of my brothers and my sister wanted to know what kind of drugs I was giving Jess to get her to love me. Very funny guys. Jess and I started to talk about marriage and kids; it was just a matter of picking the right time.

There is a soliloquy by a character in one of the Greek Tragedies, I don't remember which one. He says that the Gods don't want man to be too happy. If men are too happy they won't have to pray to the Gods for anything. Then the Gods will take steps to make sure that man doesn't get too happy. That must have been what happened to me. We were at my parents and Jess realized she had left her lap top at her mom and dads'. My dad and I were going to play golf one morning and Jess decided to drive back and get her lap top. It was about a two hour drive each way and she should be back around noon. About 7:00 the next morning Jess kissed me good bye, told me she loved me, and left for her parents'.

It was two o'clock and I was getting a little concerned about Jess. She should have been back by now. I tried her cell several times but the calls all went to voice mail. I had called her mom around 1:00 to ask what time Jess had left. Her mom told me Jess had left around 10:30 and should have been there. Now I was really beginning to worry. I tried Jess' cell one more time; it was answered by a voice I didn't recognize.


"Hello, who is this? Is Jess there?"

"I name is Julie, I'm an E.M.T. This phone was on the seat of the wrecked car."

"Wrecked car? Was Jess in an accident? How is she?" I rambled on.

"Wait just a second," Julie said. Another voice, a male, came on the line.

"This is Officer Thompson of the state police. Who is this please?"

I identified myself and asked again about Jess. He informed me that Jess had been in an accident and was seriously hurt. The office said a drunk driver had forced her off the road. They were transporting her to the hospital. He gave me the info on where and which hospital.

"Is Jess alright? How badly was she hurt?" I had to know.

"Mr. Connor, she was hurt very badly. The doctors will do everything they can, but you better get to the hospital ASAP," the policeman told me.

I yelled at my dad to tell him what happened and ran out to my truck. My dad tried to get me to wait for him but I was already in my truck and moving by that time. I believe I broke every speed law ever written getting to the hospital. It still took me over an hour to get there. I ran into the emergency room, asked about Jess, and was directed to ICU recovery. The nurse there told me Jess had just come out of surgery and I could see her in about twenty minutes. I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, with tears running down my face, when the nurse told me I could see her.

Jess' face was unmarked except for a small scrape on her forehead. If it wasn't for all of the tubes and wires attached to her, she could have been sleeping. The nurse told me she was resting comfortably and should wake up any time now. No sooner had the nurse said that, than Jess started to stir. I went to the bedside and held her hand as she woke up.

When she opened her eyes I said, "Hiya sweetie. I love you."

Jess smiled at me and then looked around. She asked, "Where am I? Is this a hospital? What happened?"

"Whoa kid, one thing at a time," I told her. I explained about the accident, where she was, and told her she would be fine. Jess looked less worried as I talked to her. I told her to take it easy and rest.

"I am tired, maybe I will just rest for a little," she said and then fell asleep again.

The nurse had brought a doctor into the room and I started to ask all the questions you would expect. The main question being, "Will she be alright?"

The doctor faced me and explained, "Mr. Connor, I really shouldn't be telling you anything. You are not her next of kin and aren't even family. However she woke up on the way to surgery and kept calling for you. Miss Hampton has a lot of internal injuries. We have done everything possible at this point.

"She'll be alright thought, won't she?"

"I just don't know Mr. Connor. She has a ruptured spleen and other injuries. I hate to be insensitive, but her chances are 50-50 at this point. We will just have to wait and see."

Going back into Jess' room, I pulled a chair over to her bed, sat down, and held her hand again. I was still sitting there an hour later when my dad and mom came in. Before I had time to tell my folks what was going on, Jess' parents came in. The doctor returned and filled everyone in on the situation. I just sat and held her hand. He told us it would be sometime before we knew anything and suggested we get some food and some rest. Both sets of parents tried to get me to go eat and relax for awhile. My answer was the same to both of the families, I WAS NOT LEAVING JESS, PERIOD. If she woke up I was going to be there for her. My mom and dad and Jess' parents went to get something to eat and to relax for a few minutes.

While they were gone, Jess woke up. I had fallen asleep holding her hand; she lifted her hand and stroked my head. That woke me up. I was excited to see her awake. She smiled at me and it reminded me of the smile she gave me when we woke up together in our apartment.

Jess stroked my face and said, "I love you so much. Never forget that."

She closed her eyes and died.

I didn't know what to do. I think I mentally went away for awhile. The nurses and a doctor came in and started to work on Jess. It was no use. She was gone. By the time the families came back to the room, I was already in my truck getting away from the hospital.

That's what I meant when I said I went away for awhile. I began to notice my surroundings about three hours and 180 miles later. I had no idea where I was or how I got there. At a crossroad was a small tavern, I decided to stop and get a drink. I hoped it would help me to understand or accept the destruction of my world. I know it all sounds very melodramatic, but I was in pain. My world had ended with Jess' death.

The first drink didn't help, nor the second, nor the several after that. I kept seeing and hearing Jess say she loved me and then she was gone. I had been at the bar for about two hours when the bartender told me to leave my keys on the bar. He felt I was too drunk to drive and he said he would call me a cab from the nearby town. As he turned to make the call, I left, jumped in my truck, and burned rubber down the road.

About ten minutes later the double vision, my crying, and my thoughts of others made me pull over onto the shoulder of the road. I turned off the truck and just sat there, hurting. I didn't know if I could stand this pain in my heart.

I must have passed out. My first thought was, where am I? It was daylight, around noon I would guess. I had pulled off the road about 10:00 last night. I thought it was the sunlight that had awakened me and then I heard the tapping on my truck window. I turned and there was a police officer knocking on my window. When he saw that I was awake he asked me to get out of the truck. I wasn't far enough around the bend to disobey the cops.

"What are you doing here son?"

"I just parked here last night because I was getting sleepy and thought it best not to drive."

"Sleepy or too drunk to drive? I got a call from the Crossroads Tavern about a young man that was drinking heavy and took off when Sam asked him for the keys. You fit the description."

I looked him the eye for a few seconds and said, "Yeah that was me. I didn't want to give up my truck and didn't know where to have a taxi take me. So I boogied. I got this far and decided I shouldn't be driving and pulled over. I must have fallen asleep."

"I wish everyone would think like that after a drinking binge. You look like hell, but you seem to be sober now. You got some I.D. son?"

After looking at my license the office said, "Well I can't arrest you for D.U.I. since I didn't see you driving drunk." He smiled at me and gave my license back. "You're free to go son, but stay off the road when you have been drinking. You hear?"

"Yes sir," I answered. I was free to go, but go where? Home didn't feel like a place I wanted to be right then and going back to school was not an option. Maybe I should just follow the road west and see where I end up. I know I didn't need my family, Jess' family, and all our friends trying to console me. The last thing I needed or wanted was their good intentioned sympathy.

I stopped at a truck stop just before getting on the interstate to head west. Eating breakfast, I knew I had to call my parents as they were probably worried about me. When I made the call, my dad answered the phone.

"Hi Dad. It's me."

"Are you okay? Where are you?" He sounded relieved to hear from me.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I just had to leave; I couldn't stay after Jess died." I started crying again. I was sure he could hear me as he was silent. He waited for me to go on. "Sorry, can't seem to get over the fact that she is gone."

"Where are you and when are you coming home?" He asked me.

"It's not important where I am right now and I'm not coming home anytime soon. I need to be by myself for awhile Dad," I replied to his questions. "The last thing I want is people being nice and saying how sorry they are and all that stuff. I know they will mean well, but it will just eat me up. You understand?"

"Okay son. I think you need to be here with people that love you, but I can understand your feelings. Is there anything you need or want?"

"Tell Mom I'm okay will you. I don't want to talk to her right now. She will just start crying and asking me to come home. I just can't stand that right now. Also, call the Hamptons and let them know I'm okay please. One other thing Dad, don't send anyone to look for me, okay?"

"Okay, Woody. You mom is going to be hurt that you wouldn't talk to her. Are you sure you can't talk to her?"

"You're right, but talk to her before you put her on the phone will ya? I know she's worried about me, but I don't need to be mothered right now." He told me to hold on and I heard him talking to Mom. She came on the line.

"Woody, are you okay? Are you coming home?"

"I'm okay Mom, really. Don't know when I'm coming back. It may be awhile. I will call you guys just to let you know how I'm doing. Don't worry, I'll be okay."

"Okay, honey. Remember we love you and are here for you. Come home soon." I could hear her crying as she hung up. I was crying too.

Okay, talked to the folks and let them know I wasn't hurt or dead. Now what? I finished my breakfast and on the way to my truck I saw a help wanted sign on the garage side of the truck stop.

Why not, I thought? I'm a pretty fair jack leg mechanic and know something about diesel engines; maybe I should stick around for awhile. The man in the office looked up as I entered and I asked him about the job. He was the boss, name of John Price. He and I talked for about 30 minutes and after the question and answer period, I left the office with the job. I was going to be his grunt in the garage. He told me I would be doing oil changes, injector cleaning, and washing the trucks. Anything I could do or learn would be my duties, plus whatever else he needed to be done. Works for me.

My compensation included the use of a 2 bedroom trailer behind the garage to live in. I also could eat 3 meals a day at the diner. After a few days eating at the diner, one of the waitresses expressed an interest in getting to know me better; very much better. I wasn't ready for that; there wasn't room in my heart or mind for any woman other than Jess. The work wasn't that hard but there was a lot of it. I was putting in 3 to 4 hours of overtime a day. John asked me to work most Saturdays too. It was okay with me; it kept my mind too busy to think about Jess. I had been there for about 3 months and the work was becoming routine. That was a problem, the less I had to think about on the job the more I started to think about Jess. I began to see Jess as I washed a truck or at night sitting in front of my trailer. It was time for me to move on; I needed something new to keep my mind occupied.

John came to the garage on a Saturday just to check things over and to give me a break if I needed it. That was the morning I told him I was leaving and I gave him a month's notice. He was sorry to see me go, but understood why I had to leave. He and I had talked before and he knew my story.

One month later I was driving west again. Passing through Kansas, I got a job with a widow who needed help harvesting her spring wheat. I didn't know much about wheat, but I could drive and repair the machinery that was used to do the harvesting.

The widow was Diane Harness, she was about 40 years old. Her husband Rich has been killed about a year ago. He was driving a tractor on a hillside and it tipped over. Rich was thrown and the tractor rolled over him. Diane had twins, Joy and Roy that were a little younger than me, about 20. They were hard workers, but the farm needed another hand. That was me.

The job was only supposed to last for about 3 weeks but I stayed on for 2 months. After the wheat was in, there were machines to repair, maintenance around the farm, and the summer crop to plant. Again, I was kept busy. The only bad point was that driving the combine across the fields was not too challenging. Once you got the basics down, it was just keeping a straight line. After a few days, I began to think of Jess as I was driving. I would see her just in front of the combine as I was driving. That was the hard part.

I lived in an apartment over the barn. It was clean, comfortable, and free. Joy had a boyfriend named Charley, sort of, and he wasn't too happy with me living and working so closely with her. I had never thought of Joy as anything but a hard worker and a friend. Joy and I had become close; she was almost like a niece to me. My mind wasn't ready for any kind of romantic thoughts right now.

I told Diane that I would finish out the month and then I was moving on. She and I had discussed my situation and she understood why I had to leave. My last night at the farm we all went into town for dinner as a going away party for me. We went to a bar and grill that also had a dance floor and live music. After dinner we stayed to listen to the music. I didn't want to go to dinner, but Diane had been good to me and I was grateful to her.

Diane finally got me on the dance floor for a couple of numbers. Joy just had to dance with me too. That's when Joy's boyfriend, Charley got jealous. I guess he thought I was cutting in on his girl. Charley walked over to us on the dance floor.

"Just what do you think you're doing Woody? Trying to steal my girl, is what it looks like," Charley challenged me. "Why don't you get your hands off her and get going?" He put his hand on me and tried to push me away from Joy.

Joy jumped between us and told him, "Don't be an ass, Charley. We're just dancing, that's all. This is a good bye party for Woody; he's leaving tomorrow."

"Good thing he is leaving, it wouldn't be healthy for him to stay around," Charley boasted.

"Charley, I don't want any trouble. Joy is a friend, that's all," I explained.

"Friend my ass, you're trying to get into her bed, you drifter," he accused.

"That's a lie. You've no call to talk about Joy like she is anything but a lady. I suggest you apologize to her."

Charley made a big mistake then, he threw a punch at me. I blocked the punch and knocked him down. He was more surprised than hurt and started to threaten me as he was getting up.

"Charley, your mouth is writing checks you body can't cash. Back off. I'll leave, like I said I don't want any trouble."

Of course, Charley's pride had been hurt and he wouldn't back off. Things got ugly after that. He swung at me again and apparently I snapped when Charley hit me. The next thing I knew there were three guys pulling me off of him. I released a lot of the rage and pain I was carrying due to Jess' death, but I don't remember what I did. Charley was chewed up pretty bad, but wasn't seriously hurt. The sheriff showed up, but the witnesses all said I was defending myself. After apologizing to Diane and Joy, I didn't wait around for morning. I left that night.

Again I was heading west, not know where, but heading west. I worked at garages, farms, truck stops and even a catfish farm for the next year. The call of the wild was answered and I worked in Washington for two months for a logging company. Too wet and rainy up there for me; that's why I came back after only two months. The money was fantastic, but you have to be a drunk or a duck to enjoy the weather.

Every two weeks or so, I would call my folks and let them know I was alive and well. Each time I talked to Dad, I made him promise not to come looking for me. I wasn't ready to go back home. Not yet. I still would see Jess just in front of the lights of the truck as I drove the highways or across an open field at sunset or in the orchards at the end of a row of trees. In Washington, she was with me on the inspection trips I made of the trees to be cut. That was another reason for me to come back south.

A little aside here: When I said I saw Jess, I didn't mean I actually saw her. I wasn't hallucinating; it was just that in the quiet times I thought about her. I thought about her a lot. She was always in my heart. As I thought about her, I would see her in my mind's eye. I would relive and remember out time together. It was wearing on my soul.

I decided to leave Washington and drive south along the coast. I had gotten as far west as I could go; I was at the Pacific Ocean. I choose to travel the secondary roads most of the way as it was a great way to see more of the country. I was traveling along U.S. Route 101(Pacific Coast Highway) just north of Astoria and saw a vintage 69 Camaro on the shoulder of the road. The car's hood was up and a little smoke was coming out of the engine compartment.

I slowed down and noticed a woman and a small child standing in front of the car. Without thinking about it, I pulled off the road and stopped behind the smoking car. I got out of my truck and walked to the front of the Camaro to offer my help to the woman. The woman was very nice looking and I would guess at least two years younger than me. I later found that she was 22. She was about 5 feet 8 with a slender body. The child had to be her son, the family resemblance was easy to see.

She looked a little frightened as I stepped around her car. "Hi there, having car trouble I see." I said, trying to put her at ease. I didn't get any closer to her. "My name is Woody Connor, can I help you with your car?"

"I don't know what's wrong with it. It sort of shuddered and then stopped and smoke started coming out from under the hood." She looked like she was trying not to cry.

"Take it easy, Ma'am. I'm a decent mechanic so maybe I can get it going for you. Worse case, I can drive you and the boy to the next garage. They can get the car towed into their shop for you."

"Well, I don't know," she muttered in scared voice.

"If you don't want to ride with me, I can go to the garage and have them send a tow truck for you. I hate to see you and the boy waiting on the side of the road, is all. Maybe we won't need a tow, let me look at it."

She nodded and stepped further back from the car. I waved the smoke away and looked under the hood. The problem was very clear, the main radiator hose had a large hole in it. The engine had overheated and stopped; the leaking coolant caused the smoke.

"I can fix this good enough for you get to the next town, it's supposed to be about ten miles. I'll follow you to the garage to make sure the car doesn't stop again. The garage can put a new hose on in a few minutes and you'll be on your way."

I used some duct tape to wrap the hose and cover the hole. I started the engine and used the water from my cooler to refill the radiator. The Camaro lead the way and I followed them to a service station that did repairs. The shop said it would take a couple of hours to fix; they didn't have a hose for a 69 Camaro and would have to have the hose delivered.

"Can I drive it the way it is?" She wanted to know.

The mechanic said she couldn't drive it very far. The tape wouldn't hold the pressure and would split. "You would be stuck on the road again," the mechanic told her.

"How much is this going to cost," she asked.

The mechanic gave her an estimate. She just shook her head and said she would have to take her chances. Apparently she didn't have the money. Her son had been waiting and tugged at his mother's skirt and told her he was hungry. She told they would eat when they got to grandma's house.

"I never did get you name," I said. "Like I said before I'm Woody Connor."

She seemed a little flustered and answered, "I'm Kimberly Reynolds and this is my four year old John Jr."

"Look Mrs. Reynolds, I wouldn't feel right letting you try to drive that car. Let me pay for the repair. I can also get you and John something to eat."

"Thank you, but no Mr. Connor. I couldn't repay you for some time; I just can't allow you to spend the money."

I looked at her for a couple of minutes. Kimberly looked like she was at her breaking point. She didn't know what to do. Car needed repaired, son hungry and her too probably, and all alone on the road. I talked to the mechanic and got him to give her a better deal and paid him.

Kimberly saw me pay the bill and objected, "I can't let you do that Mr. Connor."

"Mrs. Reynolds, with all due respect, that's my money I gave him. I earned that money and no one will tell me how or where I can spend it." I gave her a big grin and picked up her son.

"What are you doing? Put him down," she ordered me.

"John and I are going across the street to the cafe and get something to eat. We are both hungry. You can join us, if you want." I started across to the cafe and got half way across the street before she caught up to us. In the cafe after ordering, she told me again she wouldn't be able to repay me for awhile. I told her not to worry about it right now, just eat something.

I handed her a card with my name and my parents address on it. "Mrs. Reynolds if you feel you have to pay me back. This is my address, when you get to grandma's you can send the money there."

She took the card and started to make promises about repaying me. I held up my hand to stop her; I tapped the card and told her when you can. No hurry.

"Why are you doing this, Mr. Connor? I mean we are strangers," she wanted to know.

"There are three things I want for helping you Mrs. Reynolds," I told her.

Now she was suspicious. "What three things?"

"First: You call me Woody, Mr. Connor is my dad. I call you Kim or Kimberly. Second: Tell me your story. What are you and John doing here with little or no money." I waited for her to answer.

"You said three things," she said suspiciously. She still didn't know what to think about me.

"The third thing: Don't repay me, pay it forward. There was a movie a few years ago that gave me the idea. Instead of repaying me, sometime in the future you pay it forward and help someone else who could use a hand."

"Okay, Woody and Kim it is," she said with a big smile. "I think pay it forward is a good idea also. My story huh?"

Kim told me her husband John Sr. had been killed about eight months ago. John and Kim were living in Kermit, Texas. He and his brother owned a small drilling company. There wasn't enough work for a small company so he had been working as a rough neck on an oil rig outside of Midland. There was a blow out on the rig and he and two others were killed. It was a wildcat operation so there was no insurance. She stopped to dry her eyes and gather herself. I had worked at a drill sight on an oil rig, so I understood what she told me.

She said things were rough financially at home, but she was making ends meet working as a waitress. Her husband's brother Randy got it into his head that Kim should remain in the family and marry him. Kim didn't think so, but Randy didn't want to take no for an answer. He wouldn't leave her alone and she had no family of her own to help her, so she ran. "What about the police? Can't they help you?" "The sheriff in our area is a hunting buddy of Randy and so is our Police Chief; neither would help me. In Texas, women don't have a lot of legal clout, at least not out in the boonies where we lived." "So what now Kim? Your car will be fixed soon; where will you go?"

Kim had been on the road for about three weeks when we met. She was just traveling trying to find somewhere safe. She had thought Astoria would be a good place, at least for a few days. Then she would go to her grandmother's. "I think I'm going to stay here for a little while if I can get a job. It looks like a nice town," she answered me with a little smile.

Kim and John were finishing their meal, I went to the cashier to pay. The lady, Julie Adams as I found out, smiled and we chatted as she accepted my payment. I asked her if she knew of any one in town that needed a waitress. She told me that one of her girls was leaving for college and she would need to replace her in the diner. I explained about Kim and the lady told me to have Kim come talk to her.

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…..A king? A completely, utterly, absolutely, entirely useless king! Holy shit was I in for it now! The king was a nice card but of absolutely no use to me whatever. Patrick’s straight was good enough, and my hope of waving a full house in his face was dashed. Patrick, of course, was grinning like an idiot. “Oh, girl,” he said, “I’m afraid it’s time for a little payback.” I had no reason to doubt that assessment. Well….. nothing ventured, nothing gained. “I’ve been waiting for this,” Patrick...

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Monster Hunter Tripple Cross

In the dim room, lit only by a pair of candles in the candlestick, the sound of a pen scratching on paper was clearly heard. Only occasionally, interrupting to update the ink, the clerk continued to work tirelessly. Neither the semi-darkness nor the storming sea outside the window did not distract the young lady from the business, it was clearly something important. The light from the candles was only enough to illuminate half of the table, but the moonlight seeping in through the window made...

4 years ago
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Charles Helps His Mother Feel Pleasure Again Chapter 9 Rewritten

I know I posted the chapter not long ago but in all honestly I felt bad about how I ended it, it was wrong of me to do what I did to Sue, so here is a rewritten ending, that I hope will satisfy not only my readers but my myself. Enjoy NightFall Sue got dressed quickly and quietly, it didn’t take long for her to feel a wet puddle forming in her panties as some of his cum seeped through her lips. She returned to her bed lying on her side, her back to Bruce and pulled the sheet...

1 year ago
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BoundGangBangs Casey Calvert DoublePenetration Suspension

Casey Calvert answers a reply to her ad in which she requests for a man to come over and show her something new…sexually. She gives Prince Yahshua a time and a date and waits for his arrival. Prince Yahshua shows up with four of his friends and they surround her like horny sharks. They pull at her pink dress and it rips apart exposing her perfect perky tits. They lower her to her knees and pull out their hard cocks. Casey does her best to please all of their dicks. After they all take...

3 years ago
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Amelia in Miami

Sometimes, jobs come with unexpected perks. Mine in particular has the luxury of business travel. With the state of the economy and everyone tightening their belt on spending, it came as no surprise my company had asked if my coworker Amelia and I would mind sharing a room to help save on expenses. Being such great friends from our years together in college, both she and I were excited at the prospect of exploring Miami together. Amelia was a sultry redhead with the smooth curves of a...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 6 Hearts LongingChapter 3 Alchemical Solution

Thanks to b0b for beta reading this! Journeyman Mage Faoril – The Free City of Baraconia, the Island of Birds The guilt, shame, anger, disgust, and self-loathing metastasized in me and then exploded out of me in a jet of uncontrollable magic, feeding on the vast reserves of power I absorbed when I debased myself with the crew of the Golden Hunger. The jet, a combination of all five elements, slammed into Thrak and threw my orc lover in a bellow of agony. My heart stopped. Sparks trailed...

1 year ago
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A/N: Welcome back! Lots to learn, so away we go!   Harry’s words hung in the air between them, full of intentionally unintended emotion. Luna had asked him why, had needed a reason for why he couldn’t just let her be as she was begging him to do. And so he had given her one that had stunned them both into silence. He felt he had somehow put one foot too far over the edge- of what he wasn’t sure. But he had to find a way to fix it. "I could never just leave you like this, I couldn’t...

3 years ago
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The Accidental GigoloChapter 7 The Accidental Casanova

With the last two weekends under my belt, I was actually quite disappointed with the way that this one was starting out. My plan to visit Laura and trim her bushes was scotched when her son announced that he was coming home from college for the weekend. My backup plan fell through, too, when Pam informed me that she and Maryanne Nelson had a day of shopping planned. She laughed at my invitation to bring Maryanne; a vibrator was apparently as close to a naked man as Ms. Nelson was willing to...

3 years ago
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My Life With My FatherChapter 10

The morning after going to see the Closing Night Performance of WEST SIDE STORY, in Santa Fe, was uneventful. All of us stayed up so late talking and starting to plan Karol and my Wedding, we all slept in rather late. Knowing that hell week started tonight for the Union Avenue Community Theatre production of MY LIFE WITH MY FATHER, caused me to groan, which alerted my fiancée Karol awake. "Daddy, what nice morning wood you have for me today," Karol said. "Karol," I said. "The mind is...

1 year ago
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LittleAsians Jade Kush Far East Swimmer Sex

Swim lessons are fun for a growing girl, and Jade Kush is no exception. She loves when Mister Castle comes over to teach her how to do the breaststroke with the best stroke. She gets into a scandalous, see through white bathing suit before her instructor arrives, and then reveals her true intentions. She does not feel like swimming today. She would rather play around with him on dry land. They strike a compromise, and he oils her up and fucks her in the water. She shoves his big pool noodle...

1 year ago
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First Taste

Mark had been awake for hours, had made coffee, and had spent sometime pondering the events of the last few weeks. Susan had opened herself up to new and exciting things he had never imagined she would be up for. Before he left their sex life had been good and he certainly had no cause for complaint, but since his return they were like young exploring teenagers. Mark couldn’t keep his hands off of Susan and vice versa. Any free moment they had was taken up by lovemaking fueled by sheer...

Oral Sex
4 years ago
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Five Vials Third Vial Pt 1

Saturday. James woke up thinking about sex. He drifted gradually awake, with images from his dream passing through at the edges of his memory. He couldn't remember precisely what the dreams were about, but small details remained with him. They panned across his awareness like a slideshow before they faded, closeup images accentuating the smooth curves of some mystery woman. The sloping bulge of a breast as it was pushed up by a tight corset; the downward slope of a feminine lower...

3 years ago
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Call from my cousin sister

I got a call from my cousin sister vijju….she told me to come to her house immediately…since her parents were not in station i thought there might be some problem at home so i got on my bike and raced to her place.i better tell you about vijju, she is 16 years old, i’m 17 by the way, she is about 5 feet 2 inches tall and measures 34-30-32, she has golden brown skin, shoulder length black hair and to my delightful surprise….a very good lay.i reached her house, and rang her doorbell, in my haste...

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The Lost One Ch 04

A/N: Hey guys, here’s the next chapter and it’s the longest one I have so be prepared for a long read. It’s pretty fast paced though compared to the others. Thanks to Blackstallion21 for editing. Well enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ IV. Enter the Fire Pristine and her group continued to ride along the Radan Mountains. The further up they went, the colder it got. ‘Brrr . . . How did it get so cold?’ Ophealia shivered. ‘It’s because we’re further up north.’ explained Grayson. ‘Here your...

2 years ago
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A son’s loving kiss on his mother’s special place by Oediplex 8==3~ My mother is a beautiful redhead. Her hair isn’t that dark kind of red, but a lighter, brighter shade; and natural, as I can attest from intimate knowledge. I might even say ‘bare witness’ to, the pun is intentional of course, as I’m sure you’ve guessed. Her skin is that pale creamy type of complexion that is highlighted by the pink blush on her face and other places, as well as a rosy color to parts private. Her...

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Abducted WifeChapter 4

"I'll show ya how to make it back to Calder real quick," Buck said as they walked out of the clearing and stood on the dirt road that circled from the woods beyond the shack. They walked up the road until they had gotten to an open rise that gave a good view of the complex of buildings and the small valley below. There was the shack, the stone house and the second growth timber like a hedge behind. She could see the road ribboning out into clumps of hills, and she breathed deep, knowing...

4 years ago
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Thanks Giving Again

A year later and a lot had happened. After learning to know the Joy's of a good family relationship with my brother Steven.Even him still being g a virgin at that time, he taught me so much that I would not have imagined. He was quick in the uptake and together, without knowing it, we gave each other what we needed.I'm still a lesbian and nothing is going to change that. I mean I've tried it with men. After having the crap fucked out of me by Steven, I just had to try it. Unfortunately no one...

3 years ago
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Big asian cock reactions

Growing up, I didn't think about having a big cock. I always thought mine was average, but it wasn't until I had a few instances where I began to think otherwise. Here are the encounters in my life that led to my realization of my big cock and its reactions in rough chronological order:- J, from the other story I posted, staring at my hard cock when I was taking a piss with his jaw dropped- First love, Angel. Showed her my cock and successfully seduced her even though she had a boyfriend. She...

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Always Daddys Girl

I’ve always been different from other girls. I like math and science. I like riding and jumping BMX bikes, roller blading, skate boarding, climbing trees, and all the stuff guys usually like to do. However, I wasn’t a typical tomboy. I liked wearing pretty dresses, and I wasn’t even opposed to frilly pink outfits. My name is Stephanie, but my dad as well as all of my real friends call me Stevie. I also had a different attitude about my dad. At least I treated him differently than other girls...

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Relaxing Ride Chapter 1

Relaxing Ride Ch. 1 F/f       by Dudetodude ©       Comments and suggestions are always welcomed. Please do not copy or distribute this story without my permission. This is a story involving sex between a middle aged and a 21 year old woman. This is a subject near and dear to me. If anyone has any lesbian stories involving age differences, I would appreciate reading them.       * * * * * I was invited to spend a few days at my older brother’s condo in Florida with his wife and my niece and...

2 years ago
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A Fate Worse Than DeathChapter 13

Dinner with Mike Collins was a delight. Cynthia told of her marriage to Ed, her daughters, and being kidnapped with the fear of being killed. Mike told her of a girl he met in college. Their ten year affair with her refusal of marriage. She wanted to live with him but not be married. They broke up five years ago. Her reason for not marrying him was because he chose to go into the FBI. Her name was Marilyn and was a beautiful blonde with no loyalty to her country. She wanted all the benefits...

3 years ago
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What Would Be the ChancesChapter 1

Mark entered the bar and looked around; he was looking for a promising young lady. Secretly he had already worked out his hard luck story but what the heck story. Unfortunately there was not a single female in the bar let alone one sat all on her own... He ordered a beer and made his way to a table where he could watch the comings and goings of the bar. He sat six foot tall with blond hair and deep blue eyes, whilst he could not be described as athletic nor could he be described as plump. He...

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The Lonely Wife

It started in the pub one night, I was sitting with some friends having a drink when I glanced over at a table across from us, and there sat three older mature ladies, they were probably in their early fifties, and dressed up for a nice night out, and as I watched them, one of them, a petite slim lady with short black hair and a nice smile glanced my way.I smiled politely back, and she did the same, and for the next hour we, every so often, seem to just keep glancing over at each other and...

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Chris and Nenas Big Day Chapter 6

Chapter 6 Day four at Whitby a day of Shocks. Gaby awoke to find Maddy cuddled up to him. "Maddy are you awake are you comming on the morning bike ride?" "Come on Gaby it is not daylight yet. No riding today." "No we have to get ready and by the time we are it will be time for the ride with the team." Gaby opened the door and walked out of the room along the passage there was a young soldier half asleep. "Hi thought this was just a dream are you real." "I only just...

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Meeting Master

Meeting Master I have always been submissive, and I lived in a town that wasn’t too big. I had sometimes found someone to take me, but never more than a night. I had dated some, but all the guys wanted a relationship, none wanted a slave. I worked at a Denny’s-like restaurant as a waiter. It didn’t give me lots of money, but I didn’t need much. And I got to serve men and call them ‘Sir’. I was a pretty good waiter, and my boss (married older woman) was happy with me. I worked the evening...

4 years ago
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Conversations 6

I like to imagine different professions and how they might add to or detract from a conversation. I got this idea in my head and couldn’t shake it, despite the feeling that it wasn’t the best. So in the end, it’s a bit of fluff, but mine own. The game’s afoot! Enjoy. Clarissa opened her eyes, yawned and found she couldn’t close her mouth. “Whaaffittt!” she said, erudite as always. “Welcome back, honey,” I said. “You must have been really tired to sleep through all that.” “Whuuffn?” “That...

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The Ministers DaughterChapter 5

He was eighteen and just bumming around the country-not out to seek his fortune, just out for some kicks. For all of his heavy talk about being a tentative man of the world and the gleam in his eyes at seeing two beautiful women in the car that picked him up, he hadn't the foggiest idea what he was about to experience. The car had barely come to a halt when Lucille dove into the back seat and Midge slid over to drive. He climbed into the passenger side. Lucille leaned against the back of...

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The Girl Next DoorChapter 6

Penny Palmer and her best friend, Paul Jennings, were going into town to meet up with friends. He knew her well enough by now to know that he would probably be in her room for at least two hours before they left. Today when he called had been no different: at 10:30 when he arrived, she was still not dressed. "Just put your shoes and your jacket on, then we'll go, shall we," he said, playfully. She smiled. "Oh, be quiet! You know what I'm like; besides, there's some­thing I want you to...

4 years ago
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An American War HeroChapter 14

The trouble started the other side of Sheffield. Travel through the valley had been uneventful, and the train made good speed. Even though Sheffield was a prime industrial target, it had received relatively little bombing. Julia was scornful. "The Russians have infiltrated cadres into the area and don't want to kill their own! Very caring of Stalin don't you think?" Their passage through the city took on a surreal feel as they looked out on a city that seemed untouched by the ravages of...

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Doctor Doctor

Her slender leg bobbed up and down as Georgia sat in the Doctors waiting room. Charlotte her best friend was sat with her placed a hand on Georgias knee in an attempt to calm her nerves.A few minutes passed when Georgia heard a soft but firm voice call her name, as she stood and to face the direction of the voice she saw a tall medium built man in a lab coat. She instantly felt her legs go weak, but managed to ask if Charlotte could come in too. The Doctor smiled reassuringly and nodded....

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Belle and Beau

Marybelle Magnolia Blossom Rousseau was going home. It hadn’t been a decision that she had made lightly as she hadn’t been home since she was 17 years old. Plus –she adored her life in Los Angeles. She had been a wide-eyed teenager full of youth and promise when she had first stepped off the Greyhound bus in Hollywood for stardom. She turned her nose contemptuously at the pimps trying to get their new ‘ho’ out of her and made her way to the San Fernando Valley. Working hard as a waitress...

4 years ago
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I Have No IdeaChapter 13

When the hangover didn’t hit me, I snuggled her closer. I ran my hand over her perky breasts, enjoying her purring moan. My fingers pushed her necklace out of her cleavage so I could roll her breast better. She wiggled her butt against my cock. I kissed her ear, palmed her belly. I loved that baby bump. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mel.” I whispered. “Oh fuck you!” And we were all the way awake. The shock of turbulence added an immediate scent of fear to me. I hopped out of bed and wobbled. I...

2 years ago
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Fun times a conference Pt 2

When we got to the hotel Julia was still fast asl**p, she hadn’t moved for the entire journey and sitting next to me she looked so contented it seemed a shame to wake her. But given that a return trip to the airport was not what either of us wanted I gently woke her and said ‘we’re here now’. At first she didn’t seem to know where we were, but as we got our bags off the luggage rack she whispered ‘sorry about earlier, I’ll make it up to you’. The expression ‘you’re damned right you will’ went...

2 years ago
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Dinner for Three Ch 01

‘Damn. I hate this stupid thing…’ ‘Nat, you have to give it a chance to catch up with you.’ Adam laughed. ‘How can you be so incredibly patient with your kids at work, but your computer makes you worse than a 2-year old?’ Natalie drummed her fingers on the edge of the keyboard. She glanced over her shoulder at Adam and said, ‘Yeah, but my kids have problems. They’re supposed to go slow, make bad decisions, have tantrums — and I get paid to be patient with them. I shelled out $1300 bucks and...

1 year ago
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Chronos Chronicles 2 Without a MapChapter 42 Journey onward finding grief

sonnet number 50 How heavy do I journey on the way, When what I seek, my weary travel's end, Doth teach that ease and that repose to say, 'Thus far the miles are measured from thy friend!' The beast that bears me, tired with my woe, Plods dully on, to bear that weight in me, As if by some instinct the wretch did know His rider lov'd not speed being made from thee. The bloody spur cannot provoke him on, That sometimes anger thrusts into his hide, Which heavily he answers with a...

2 years ago
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The MasterPC Harem Chapter 1

When I got home, I plugged the flash drive into my laptop. It had one file in it. "Master_PC.launcher" I dragged it onto my desktop, and opened the program. It downloaded. I decided to kill time by doing homework. Within a few minutes, it successfully downloaded. I opened up the program, and was met with a "Select User" interface. It was empty, except for a button reading "Search Database". I clicked on it, and was met with search parameters. Name, City, State, Country, etc. I searched up...

4 years ago
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The Neighbors DaughterChapter 5 A Mature Neighbor Comes to Call

It had been nearly a year since Henry had been asked to introduce some of his neighbors' teen daughters to the world of sex. The girls and their mothers had wanted, no they had insisted, Henry at over fifty years of age take the girl's virginity and show them how wonderful sex could be. The mothers were afraid their sixteen-year-old daughters would end up getting screwed and knocked-up in the back seat of some boy's car unless they knew what they were doing sexually. It had been a long...

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Mom daughter fun Part 2

So it's been a while after my experience with my body building mom, Samantha. Where she dominated me and showed me how to dominate guy. Since then we haven't had sex with each other but we have spoken a lot about it. So my mom said it's time we started dominating guys. So we went down to a sex shop and she bought me a 8" pink dildo, I was so happy all I needed now was a man to dominate and my mom will be there to help me with her 10" black dildo.I was thinking of someone I could dominate and I...

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Hope and BetrayalChapter 26

Her mouth was twitching. She couldn’t speak. Her husband was trying to calm her. He went to her and held her. “Oh my God!” said Lea. “They were here? He heard me? She heard me?” she sagged back into the couches’ cushions, her tears seemingly without end. “Apparently. She’d forgotten her purse is what she told me. When they came back to get it, the door was open or ajar, and they just came in and heard us talking in the dining room,” he said. “They listened and left. Not sure exactly what...

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Whats a Father to DoChapter 10 A Happy Ending

I don't think I need to tell you all that Shel e-mailed and then called her airline and resigned, quit, whatever, the next day. I was a one person party to a fabulous fashion show that night and fireworks did go off, but I think they were in our hearts and our minds. Yes, we were compatible; yes, we had sex, we fucked, but we mostly made tender, sweet love to each other. I think I was bone dry by the time Sam and the kids returned. I know I couldn't have gotten it up, no matter who showed...

3 years ago
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Old Friend Joe

Introduction: Fiction based on a true story. She had gone out for a couple of drinks after work with a couple of the people that she works with. I didnt think that she would be gone as long as she had been. When she walked in the door five hours after work had ended I knew she probably had a good time. However I could tell by the look on her face when she walked in that she had been crying a short time ago. Whats wrong I asked her and she started to cry and say Im so sorry, Im so sorry. Tell me...

4 years ago
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Warm Electric Velvet

Normally the well-built blonde with the ponytail had a jogging partner as she pounded around the park on the outskirts of Salzburg. I had seen her a dozen times, although not up close, as she powered along the path looking determined.I was doing an altogether feebler bit of keeping fit, passing the time doing something constructive while I waited for some business to be done here in the Austrian city. I had to be there but I couldn’t do anything to speed things along, so I got some exercise in...

Love Stories
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River and the Franks Ch 1 A Lesson in Respect

River and her stepdad were never close, but he didn’t mind her staying around the house and lending her some money here and there. The occasional blowjob or fuck helped motivate Brad to help her. The first time Brad had raped River was two months ago. Brad did not plan or really want to. But with River’s mom leaving them, he couldn’t help but resent the girl. He didn’t want to, but it happened. That resentment manifested as an aggressive lust one day when River spoke back to him...

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Teenage Model Makes Hentai Fuck Videos with an Old Photographer and His Black Assistant

The seashore in Cape Cod has been a wonderful place for my wife and me to start our retirement. I had a thriving and lucrative photography studio in Manhattan for forty-five years. Now I am ready to enjoy our home on the beach. I converted an old garage on the back of our property into a small studio, so I can keep my hand in the business doing less demanding photo shoots.My previous work entailed everything from weddings, to travel assignments for architectural layouts and wildlife spreads. I...

3 years ago
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An unknown black lover for Ana

It just got dark that Friday night. My sexy wife was getting ready for a date with a black lover; but the bitch did not want to tell me who was the lucky bastard who would enjoy fucking her sexy body all night long… She laughed at me saying I was such a impatient guy.I looked outside the front window as a car pulled into our driveway. I could not see who the driver was. Ana got inside the white car and she waved to me as her unknown lover drove away.I would smell her used pussy when she got...

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Masishen EvolutionChapter 40 Evidence and Confirmation

Evidence and Confirmation Acting President Aaron Bronstein became President on a cold, blustery day in Washington DC, before a small assemblage of invited guests, one television camera and one microphone that would serve a press pool for the national and world media. An extraordinarily uncomfortable and nervous Acting Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, who herself had been appointed to her position only three days prior, presided. "Do you solemnly swear... " the oath...

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Agatha Allbut The Bimbo Squad Ch 02 Agatha Starts College

This is a long story, containing 10 chapters, a prologue, and an epilogue. All chapters have been submitted and should be posted within a few days of each other. The idea for this story came from a story idea forum. Thank you janetsexy77!. Warning: This story contains adult content including female deflowering, exhibitionism, voyeurism, and vanilla sex. If this is not your kind of smut, please find another story. 8========D Agatha arrived on campus a day late, missing orientation. She...

4 years ago
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Hands On TrainingChapter 2

Around 7am, Dave awoke to a noise. It sounded like a cry, but since he was asleep, he wasn't sure. Maybe it was something outside he thought. He rolled over on the couch, and tried to go back to sleep when he heard her screams. "No, no get off of me! Stop it!" Without thinking, he jumped off the couch and ran into her room, just clad in his jeans, ready to beat the shit out of whoever was in there. He found her asleep and alone, striking out at something or someone. "No, no, please no!"...

2 years ago
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Who Is Ch 01

Hey there everyone. This and intense action thriller about finding love in a world of deceit and crime. I wasn’t sure which category to post it in so if you have any suggestions after the story progresses then please let me know. ***** Who is Alicia Carter? We’re going to find out! Did you go into this with a plan? Or was it more of a crime of passion? No, I didn’t plan anything. But it wasn’t really a crime of passion either. They say ‘Do what you love and the money will come’. Well I...

3 years ago
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Sea FenciblesChapter 8 Deception

After four weeks of waiting the colonel out, he received an invitation to an evening of whist at Maynard's house. Lt. Greves was absent, and Maynard had obviously heard of Anson's card skills. He prepared himself meticulously for the evening. Stevens and Libby worked together to spiff up Anson's uniform. He now had shoes with gold-plated buckles and real silk stockings. Inspecting himself in one of the many mirrors the late Mr. Jarvis had hung from the walls Anson found nothing...

4 years ago
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The new summer job part seven

FRIDAY -- END OF WEEK ONEIt was Friday, the end of Daniel's first week at the club. He lay in bedawake, well before the alarm. There was something about the day, theexcitement of his first paycheck, all that money, yet something more thatmade him wake early with anticipation. His dick was raging hard, more thanjust the normal morning wood. It throbbed, standing straight up making atent in the sheet.He reached under and wrapped his hand around it; it felt so good, hairless,hard and demanding....

1 year ago
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Isolation had been wearing on me. Little more to do than watch porn and stroke my cock day in and day out, I didnt know I was changing. Look back the first real sign was when I started getting excited everytime I heard the word Faggot. Watching joi videos with an absolute goddess of a woman spending 5-10 minutes aggressive telling the viewer how much of a pathetic little faggot they must be.Then came the hypno porn. My mind started going wild. The urge to dress up was real. I caved and got a...

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