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I want to thank my wife for her help in proofing and editing. I made changes after her help so any mistakes are mine. There is no sex in this story, please look to other stories for that.

Comments are appreciated and welcome, they are how I judge my work. Thanks for reading my story and enjoy.

The title and parts of the story were inspired by Tim McGraw’s song ‘Everywhere’.

But ever since you said good-bye
I’ve been out here on the wind
And baby you would be surprised
All the places you have been
(Everywhere by Tim McGraw)


It’s tough to drive with both double vision and tears in my eyes, so I pulled my truck onto the shoulder of the country road. Just because my life sucked, was no reason for me to kill someone. The double vision was caused by alcohol and the tears by abject sadness. What could have caused me to drink as much as I did and brought tears to my eyes? That’s the story I will tell here.

My name is Woodson Allen Connor (Woody to my friends),and I’m 24. I’m pretty much just an average guy, six feet even, 195 pounds and in decent shape. Not really handsome, but you wouldn’t be ashamed to take me out in public. My story began in my junior year of college.

I met Jessica in my Poly Sci class. She was very pretty, in the girl next door way. I would never have had the nerve to do more than just nod and say hello, but she approached me. Apparently she enjoyed my debates with our professor. In my mind, this guy was somewhere left of Karl Marx in his political beliefs. I was about three steps to the right of John Wayne. You can see the problem. There wasn’t one class period that we didn’t butt heads. Jessica found this extremely funny.

‘You really let old man Johnson have it tonight,’ Jess said to me. ‘Hi, I’m Jessica Hampton.’

‘Yeah, I know. I mean nice to meet you,’ I stammered. I’m not the smoothest guy around women. ‘I’m Woody Connor. He deserved it, him and his totally off the wall radical ideas,’ I preached.

Jess was laughing at me. She calmed me down with, ‘Take it easy, I’m on your side. I understand your ideas and agree with you.’

I couldn’t resist repeating what I had said in class. ‘If you take money from the people who are working hard and give it to the ones that don’t work, two things happen. The non-workers won’t do anything to help themselves, they will just wait for more hand outs. The workers will stop working as hard. Why bother if the government is going to take what they earn and give it to the non-workers? In the end the whole country suffers.

There I go again. I’m going to have to learn to save my preaching for Sundays,’ I laughed at myself. Somewhere I gained a little nerve and said to Jess, ‘Would you like to get a coffee or drink and talk some more?’

‘I can’t, I have another class. We could met at the student union, this evening though. How about 7:00?

‘Great, see you there,’ I answered.

That meeting was the start of the most amazing time in my life. Jess and I talked until they threw us out at closing. She and I just seem to fit, you know?

We started going out on actual dates every week or ten days. That soon developed into more dates until we were spending almost every evening and some days together. Her apartment or mine, most of our nights were spent together. We told our friends that it wasn’t financially sound to pay rent on two apartments so we decided to move in together. I don’t think we fooled anyone about our reasons to live together. I know it sounds hokey, but I don’t think any two people were even as happy and as much in love as Jess and I.

Our families lived within 100 miles of each other, so we used the spring break to meet and spend time with the two families. My dad and mom loved Jess from the start and her family took me into their hearts right away. Her family decided that since I belonged to Jess, I belonged to them too. My family felt the same way about her. Both of my brothers and my sister wanted to know what kind of drugs I was giving Jess to get her to love me. Very funny guys. Jess and I started to talk about marriage and kids, it was just a matter of picking the right time.

There is a soliloquy by a character in one of the Greek Tragedies, I don’t remember which one. He says that the Gods don’t want man to be too happy. If men are too happy they won’t have to pray to the Gods for anything. Then the Gods will take steps to make sure that man doesn’t get too happy. That must have been what happened to me. We were at my parents and Jess realized she had left her lap top at her mom and dads’. My dad and I were going to play golf one morning and Jess decided to drive back and get her lap top. It was about a two hour drive each way and she should be back around noon. About 7:00 the next morning Jess kissed me good bye, told me she loved me, and left for her parents’.

It was two o’clock and I was getting a little concerned about Jess. She should have been back by now. I tried her cell several times but the calls all went to voice mail. I had called her mom around 1:00 to ask what time Jess had left. Her mom told me Jess had left around 10:30 and should have been there. Now I was really beginning to worry. I tried Jess’ cell one more time, it was answered by a voice I didn’t recognize.


‘Hello, who is this? Is Jess there?’

‘I name is Julie, I’m an E.M.T. This phone was on the seat of the wrecked car.’

‘Wrecked car? Was Jess in an accident? How is she?’ I rambled on.

‘Wait just a second,’ Julie said. Another voice, a male, came on the line.

‘This is Officer Thompson of the state police. Who is this please?’

I identified myself and asked again about Jess. He informed me that Jess had been in an accident and was seriously hurt. The office said a drunk driver had forced her off the road. They were transporting her to the hospital. He gave me the info on where and which hospital.

‘Is Jess alright? How badly was she hurt?’ I had to know.

‘Mr. Connor, she was hurt very badly. The doctors will do everything they can, but you better get to the hospital ASAP,’ the policeman told me.

I yelled at my dad to tell him what happened and ran out to my truck. My dad tried to get me to wait for him but I was already in my truck and moving by that time. I believe I broke every speed law ever written getting to the hospital. It still took me over an hour to get there. I ran into the emergency room, asked about Jess, and was directed to ICU recovery. The nurse there told me Jess had just come out of surgery and I could see her in about twenty minutes. I was pacing back and forth in the waiting room, with tears running down my face, when the nurse told me I could see her.

Jess’ face was unmarked except for a small scrape on her forehead. If it wasn’t for all of the tubes and wires attached to her, she could have been sleeping. The nurse told me she was resting comfortably and should wake up any time now. No sooner had the nurse said that, than Jess started to stir. I went to the bedside and held her hand as she woke up.

When she opened her eyes I said, ‘Hiya sweetie. I love you.’

Jess smiled at me and then looked around. She asked, ‘Where am I? Is this a hospital? What happened?’

‘Whoa kid, one thing at a time,’ I told her. I explained about the accident, where she was, and told her she would be fine. Jess looked less worried as I talked to her. I told her to take it easy and rest.

‘I am tired, maybe I will just rest for a little,’ she said and then fell asleep again.

The nurse had brought a doctor into the room and I started to ask all the questions you would expect. The main question being, ‘Will she be alright?’

The doctor faced me and explained, ‘Mr. Connor, I really shouldn’t be telling you anything. You are not her next of kin and aren’t even family. However she woke up on the way to surgery and kept calling for you. Miss Hampton
has a lot of internal injuries. We have done everything possible at this point.

‘She’ll be alright thought, won’t she?’

‘I just don’t know Mr. Connor. She has a ruptured spleen and other injuries. I hate to be insensitive, but her chances are 50-50 at this point. We will just have to wait and see.’

Going back into Jess’ room, I pulled a chair over to her bed, sat down, and held her hand again. I was still sitting there an hour later when my dad and mom came in. Before I had time to tell my folks what was going on, Jess’ parents came in. The doctor returned and filled everyone in on the situation. I just sat and held her hand. He told us it would be sometime before we knew anything and suggested we get some food and some rest. Both sets of parents tried to get me to go eat and relax for awhile. My answer was the same to both of the families, I WAS NOT LEAVING JESS, PERIOD. If she woke up I was going to be there for her. My mom and dad and Jess’ parents went to get something to eat and to relax for a few minutes.

While they were gone, Jess woke up. I had fallen asleep holding her hand, she lifted her hand and stroked my head. That woke me up. I was excited to see her awake. She smiled at me and it reminded me of the smile she gave me when we woke up together in our apartment.

Jess stroked my face and said, ‘I love you so much. Never forget that.’

She closed her eyes and died.

I didn’t know what to do. I think I mentally went away for awhile. The nurses and a doctor came in and started to work on Jess. It was no use. She was gone. By the time the families came back to the room, I was already in my truck getting away from the hospital.

That’s what I meant when I said I went away for awhile. I began to notice my surroundings about three hours and 180 miles later. I had no idea where I was or how I got there. At a crossroad was a small tavern, I decided to stop and get a drink. I hoped it would help me to understand or accept the destruction of my world. I know it all sounds very melodramatic, but I was in pain. My world had ended with Jess’ death.

The first drink didn’t help, nor the second, nor the several after that. I kept seeing and hearing Jess say she loved me and then she was gone. I had been at the bar for about two hours when the bartender told me to leave my keys on the bar. He felt I was too drunk to drive and he said he would call me a cab from the nearby town. As he turned to make the call, I left, jumped in my truck, and burned rubber down the road.

About ten minutes later the double vision, my crying, and my thoughts of others made me pull over onto the shoulder of the road. I turned off the truck and just sat there, hurting. I didn’t know if I could stand this pain in my heart.

I must have passed out. My first thought was, where am I? It was daylight, around noon I would guess. I had pulled off the road about 10:00 last night. I thought it was the sunlight that had awakened me and then I heard the tapping on my truck window. I turned and there was a police officer knocking on my window. When he saw that I was awake he asked me to get out of the truck. I wasn’t far enough around the bend to disobey the cops.

‘What are you doing here son?’

‘I just parked here last night because I was getting sleepy and thought it best not to drive.’

‘Sleepy or too drunk to drive? I got a call from the Crossroads Tavern about a young man that was drinking heavy and took off when Sam asked him for the keys. You fit the description.’

I looked him the eye for a few seconds and said, ‘Yeah that was me. I didn’t want to give up my truck and didn’t know where to have a taxi take me. So I boogied. I got this far and decided I shouldn’t be driving and pulled over. I must have fallen asleep.’

‘I wish everyone would think like that after a drinking binge. You look like hell, but you seem to be sober now. You got some I.D. son?’

After looking at my license the office said, ‘Well I can’t arrest you for D.U.I. since I didn’t see you driving drunk.’ He smiled at me and gave my license back. ‘You’re free to go son, but stay off the road when you have been drinking. You hear?’

‘Yes sir,’ I answered. I was free to go, but go where? Home didn’t feel like a place I wanted to be right then and going back to school was not an option. Maybe I should just follow the road west and see where I end up. I know I didn’t need my family, Jess’ family, and all our friends trying to console me. The last thing I needed or wanted was their good intentioned sympathy.

I stopped at a truck stop just before getting on the interstate to head west. Eating breakfast, I knew I had to call my parents as they were probably worried about me. When I made the call, my dad answered the phone.

‘Hi Dad. It’s me.’

‘Are you okay? Where are you?’ He sounded relieved to hear from me.

‘Yeah, I’m okay. I just had to leave, I couldn’t stay after Jess died.’ I started crying again. I was sure he could hear me as he was silent. He waited for me to go on. ‘Sorry, can’t seem to get over the fact that she is gone.’

‘Where are you and when are you coming home?’ He asked me.

‘It’s not important where I am right now and I’m not coming home anytime soon. I need to be by myself for awhile Dad,’ I replied to his questions. ‘The last thing I want is people being nice and saying how sorry they are and all that stuff. I know they will mean well, but it will just eat me up. You understand?’

‘Okay son. I think you need to be here with people that love you, but I can understand your feelings. Is there anything you need or want?’

‘Tell Mom I’m okay will you. I don’t want to talk to her right now. She will just start crying and asking me to come home. I just can’t stand that right now. Also, call the Hamptons and let them know I’m okay please. One other thing Dad, don’t send anyone to look for me, okay?’

‘Okay, Woody. You mom is going to be hurt that you wouldn’t talk to her. Are you sure you can’t talk to her?’

‘You’re right, but talk to her before you put her on the phone will ya? I know she’s worried about me, but I don’t need to be mothered right now.’ He told me to hold on and I heard him talking to Mom. She came on the line.

‘Woody, are you okay? Are you coming home?’

‘I’m okay Mom, really. Don’t know when I’m coming back. It may be awhile. I will call you guys just to let you know how I’m doing. Don’t worry, I’ll be okay.’

‘Okay, honey. Remember we love you and are here for you. Come home soon.’ I could hear her crying as she hung up. I was crying too.

Okay, talked to the folks and let them know I wasn’t hurt or dead. Now what? I finished my breakfast and on the way to my truck I saw a help wanted sign on the garage side of the truck stop.

Why not, I thought? I’m a pretty fair jack leg mechanic and know something about diesel engines, maybe I should stick around for awhile. The man in the office looked up as I entered and I asked him about the job. He was the boss, name of John Price. He and I talked for about 30 minutes and after the question and answer period, I left the office with the job. I was going to be his grunt in the garage. He told me I would be doing oil changes, injector cleaning, and washing the trucks. Anything I could do or learn would be my duties, plus whatever else he needed to be done. Works for me.

My compensation included the use of a 2 bedroom trailer behind the garage to live in. I also could eat 3 meals a day at the diner. After a few days eating at the diner, one of the waitresses expressed an interest in getting to know me better, very much better. I wasn’t ready for that, there wasn’t room in my heart or mind for any woman other than Jess. The work wasn’t that hard but there was a lot of it. I was putting in 3 to 4 hours of overtime a day. John asked me to work most Saturdays too. It was okay with me, it kept my mind too busy to think about Jess. I had been there for about 3 mo
nths and the work was becoming routine. That was a problem, the less I had to think about on the job the more I started to think about Jess. I began to see Jess as I washed a truck or at night sitting in front of my trailer. It was time for me to move on, I needed something new to keep my mind occupied.

John came to the garage on a Saturday just to check things over and to give me a break if I needed it. That was the morning I told him I was leaving and I gave him a month’s notice. He was sorry to see me go, but understood why I had to leave. He and I had talked before and he knew my story.

One month later I was driving west again. Passing through Kansas, I got a job with a widow who needed help harvesting her spring wheat. I didn’t know much about wheat, but I could drive and repair the machinery that was used to do the harvesting.

The widow was Diane Harness, she was about 40 years old. Her husband Rich has been killed about a year ago. He was driving a tractor on a hillside and it tipped over. Rich was thrown and the tractor rolled over him. Diane had twins, Joy and Roy that were a little younger than me, about 20. They were hard workers, but the farm needed another hand. That was me.

The job was only supposed to last for about 3 weeks but I stayed on for 2 months. After the wheat was in, there were machines to repair, maintenance around the farm, and the summer crop to plant. Again, I was kept busy. The only bad point was that driving the combine across the fields was not too challenging. Once you got the basics down, it was just keeping a straight line. After a few days, I began to think of Jess as I was driving. I would see her just in front of the combine as I was driving. That was the hard part.

I lived in an apartment over the barn. It was clean, comfortable, and free. Joy had a boyfriend named Charley, sort of, and he wasn’t too happy with me living and working so closely with her. I had never thought of Joy as anything but a hard worker and a friend. Joy and I had become close, she was almost like a niece to me. My mind wasn’t ready for any kind of romantic thoughts right now.

I told Diane that I would finish out the month and then I was moving on. She and I had discussed my situation and she understood why I had to leave. My last night at the farm we all went into town for dinner as a going away party for me. We went to a bar and grill that also had a dance floor and live music. After dinner we stayed to listen to the music. I didn’t want to go to dinner, but Diane had been good to me and I was grateful to her.

Diane finally got me on the dance floor for a couple of numbers. Joy just had to dance with me too. That’s when Joy’s boyfriend, Charley got jealous. I guess he thought I was cutting in on his girl. Charley walked over to us on the dance floor.

‘Just what do you think you’re doing Woody? Trying to steal my girl, is what it looks like,’ Charley challenged me. ‘Why don’t you get your hands off her and get going?’ He put his hand on me and tried to push me away from Joy.

Joy jumped between us and told him, ‘Don’t be an ass, Charley. We’re just dancing, that’s all. This is a good bye party for Woody, he’s leaving tomorrow.’

‘Good thing he is leaving, it wouldn’t be healthy for him to stay around,’ Charley boasted.

‘Charley, I don’t want any trouble. Joy is a friend, that’s all,’ I explained.

‘Friend my ass, you’re trying to get into her bed, you drifter,’ he accused.

‘That’s a lie. You’ve no call to talk about Joy like she is anything but a lady. I suggest you apologize to her.’

Charley made a big mistake then, he threw a punch at me. I blocked the punch and knocked him down. He was more surprised than hurt and started to threaten me as he was getting up.

‘Charley, your mouth is writing checks you body can’t cash. Back off. I’ll leave, like I said I don’t want any trouble.’

Of course, Charley’s pride had been hurt and he wouldn’t back off. Things got ugly after that. He swung at me again and apparently I snapped when Charley hit me. The next thing I knew there were three guys pulling me off of him. I released a lot of the rage and pain I was carrying due to Jess’ death, but I don’t remember what I did. Charley was chewed up pretty bad, but wasn’t seriously hurt. The sheriff showed up, but the witnesses all said I was defending myself. After apologizing to Diane and Joy, I didn’t wait around for morning. I left that night.

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You learn a lot about someone by the way they act after you tell them you love them, or at least tell them that you love something about them. The next day, things could have gone in a very serious direction.Amy’s twenty. I didn’t fuck around with twenty-year-old girls even when I was twenty. (There’s more to the Aunt Judy story than I told Amy. Let’s just say Judy had me over a lot that summer and she gave me a lasting taste for older women. We’ll get back to that.)Would Amy latch on to that...

3 years ago
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Siara My first0

A little info about myself, I am 5ft 11 weigh around 170 lbs I have dark brown hair and green eyes. I had just started college, I had just broken off from my high school girl friend and was looking to score some chicks in college, but as luck would have turned out it was going to be the otherway around. It was my first day in college and I was standing in front of my class waiting for the lecturer to come, I was looking for someone that I may know from High School or anyone to pass the...

3 years ago
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Head on the Beach

Head on the Beach He knew that she had liked him, and hoped that she still did. But it was complicated. He had set his emotional clock to fall in love with her around the time that she might have decided that she liked him, and hated her boyfriend enough, to finally invite his semi drunken kiss, as they sat in the corner of some smoky bar. she escaping from her reality with him, and he hidden from his loneliness, pretending this was his girl, the only agenda she now had was wanting him to want...

3 years ago
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Minakshi Ki Gand Mari Delhi Ke Shopping

Hi dosto, I’m Devraj again with my 2nd story hope u all will like it n reply me.ye story aaj se4 month pahle ki hai.as all u know ki I’m living in Delhi or hamesha hi kisi na kisi ladki ya aunty ko chodne ke plan me rahta hu or yaha iss par me apni aaj tak ki sari chudai ki stories 1 by 1 lik raha hu.to lets start ki mene kis tarah se minakshi ko pataya or fir ski chudai ki minakshi ek 23 sal ki bahut hi sunder ladki thi uski hieght 5’6′ thi or uska figure to kamal ka tha uski gand ko dekhte hi...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 290

Say thanks to Writer Mick ‎ A man moves into a new neighborhood and on his first free weekend he looks around the area for a new favorite bar. A block from his home he finds a little corner bar. He walks in and takes a seat on a barstool at the end of the bar, away from the locals and orders a beer. As he sits and drinks, he begins to get a really nice vibe from the locals and the bartender. He allows himself to be drawn into the conversation that is going on and soon he and the locals are...

2 years ago
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Jessy war ein Mädchen aus recht gutem Hause und trug gerne Ohrringe. Das war schon das auffälligste an ihr. Sie war angenehm, bescheiden und unauffällig. Sie war quasi "das Mädchen von nebenan" als ich sie kennen lernte. Dabei war sie gut gebaut, sportlich und recht hübsch. Andere beschreiben sie als sehr attraktiv. Jedenfalls hatte sie gerade ihre Verwaltungsausbildung abgeschlossen und war mit Freunden von mir mit zum Inselurlaub gekommen. Wir waren eine ganze Gruppe von Leuten. Und erst ist...

1 year ago
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Twisted Porn

Want to get freaky at TwistedPorn aka Wild Master? Ever felt like taking your porn game to the next "fucked up" level? I know I sure have. After watching countless hours of vanilla porn and all of your regular genres and everything that you’d expect from ordinary porn tube sites, I felt like spicing things up a bit. And that’s when I found this freakshow of a website. Welcome to TwistedPorn.com, a porn site that’s all about showing you the weirdest, meanest, and (you guessed it) most twisted...

Extreme Porn Websites
2 years ago
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Blood of the Clans Ch 37

Douglas Wallace sat behind his desk smiling, waiting for James MacRae to enter and bring him news the attack was ready to begin. The guard opened the door and James walked in, relieving Douglas of his smile when he saw the look on his face. ‘Don’t bring me news you have failed again, James.’ Douglas asked him, seeing the look of worry in his eyes. ‘We must talk, Douglas.’ MacRae said, as he sat in the chair, that looked too frail to support his size and weight and groaned, as his weight was...

2 years ago
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Journey Of A TGirl Part Six

I was in a daze. My boyfriend Luke had just walked out on me at the bar. He was ashamed and afraid to be with me as a trans girl. I was devasted, sad, angry and defeated.Kate, the beautiful waitress at the bar, sat down beside me and handed me a large glass of red wine. I realized just then that I was at Kate’s apartment. I glanced around the room. It was charming and eclectic, albeit a bit cluttered. I looked back at Kate, who was smiling at me with a sympathetic, but supportive look.I saw...

2 years ago
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GameplayerChapter 13

On the way back to town, Sam used the cellular phone to call Butler Brown at his home, seeking an update on the coroner's findings. "I'm calling from the car, Butler. What can you tell me? Keep in mind that I don't want this to show up on WENC radio just yet." Sam's distrust of cellular phones was well-known within law enforcement circles. "Well, several things, Sam. First of all, the camera didn't do it. I've talked to Raleigh, and me 'n them concur that the bump on her head was...

2 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 205 The True Intentions of Earthly Justice

Hiten Mitsurugi-ryuu Ougi Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki!! Watoujutsu Zetsugi Kofuku Zettousei!!! (Tomoe smiles; swords flash. As they part, a huge slash opens across Kenshin's chest. He falls to his knees, bleeding profusely.) Enishi: A second later and we would have killed each other... That was trickier than I thought. My thanks, Mr. Gein. Seeing it once did the trick. Gein: You're welcome. I feel proud myself. Sanosuke: How--how could he be faster than the Amakakeru Ryuu no Hirameki?...

1 year ago
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The Two CompanionsPart 2

As Inara groggily awoke, she became aware of the presence of two men standing over her. She kept her eyes shut and assessed her situation. The companion was lying on her back on some kind of bed with her wrists bound with what felt like plastic zip ties. Her legs were bent and from the cool air on them, she was evidently naked from the waist down with her gown bunched up on her belly. From the sounds of the street outside, they were on at least the second floor of a thinly walled building....

2 years ago
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FidleChapter 36

“I can’t stop thinking about you spanking me.” Luke was still recovering from the morning’s long exchange of mutual oral pleasure, but any hope that his erection would fade long enough for him to use the bathroom disappeared in an instant. “Well, now I can’t stop thinking about it either.” She giggled as she poked his rock-hard shaft. “My devious plan worked. So I guess I can shower first.” “Bitch,” he playfully muttered. “I’m shocked at your language. Just for that, I’m going to take a...

2 years ago
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How I Met A Nympho Girl Online

Hola folks, I am Rahul from Karnataka with a story of a nympho girl. I am 22 years old, currently working in a reputed MNC. I have constantly been reading the stories on ISS and some other sites. But I feel stories in the ISS are much more erotic than others. I started reading stories from pre-lockdown time and wished to get laid like those people. Well, I guess I am a bit unlucky in that until now. But I am pretty sure that I will get a chance to get laid with a pretty angel soon. (You will...

3 years ago
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Pomp and CircumstanceChapter 2

“Oh, damn it, that is so steamy hot! I so fucking love watching you and Eva get it on!” Tabby told me as I slammed into my Czech sex slave yet again, straight from Mary’s twat. “And I love sloppy seconds from Mary, Mistress! God, Master’s dick inside me, it’s so fucking wonderful! I worship him! I also love sloppy seconds from you, Lady, from Lady Sabrina, and from Lady Zoe! It’s amazing!” Eva declared, even as I pushed deeper into her cunt, fully enjoying her tight, wet hole. “You’re...

2 years ago
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Visiting My Estranged Brother Part 2

In the other one, it was from Sadie’s point of view, in this one it will be told from a third person point of view. ALL suggestions are welcome email me @ [email protected] THANKS a lot. :D After yesterday’s ordeal Sadie slept amazing and woke up around 8, it was Sunday so Matt was sleeping in from his busy work schedule. Sadie crept quietly from her bed and through the house to his room and slowly opened the door, as she tip-toe over to him she heard something… She was to his back and...

1 year ago
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BigTitCreamPie Lily Starfire Big Titty Massage

Lilly ordered a private nude massage from Oliver because her back has been hurting. Her big tits prove to Oliver that she’s got a lot of weight to carry which is what’s hurting her back. Nothing a massage can’t fix. He oils her up and massages her entire body, then begins playing with her pussy. She gets really horny and gives him an amazing blowjob. Oliver fucks her in multiple positions on the massage table, letting her titties bounce up and down until she begs him to fill...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolds Reward Gregs Story Part III

Al left their home early evening on that Sunday. He was physically drained. He and Cathy had fucked again before joining Greg for breakfast. After relaxing with the Sunday papers they went out for lunch together; Greg was not working that night so he had time to relax as well. Cathy was also relaxed, in fact, over lunch she leaned over and told them how wonderful she felt. “What woman wouldn’t be happy enjoying lunch with her husband and her lover?” Al had looked at Greg but couldn’t really...

2 years ago
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Jamaican Resort Day 2

Introduction: Our vacation continued As I wrote in Day 1, this is a 90% true story. The next day we lazed around cuddling then did some sight seeing and shopping. When we got back to the room we got into the Jacuzzi. I got hard and started rubbing my prick between your tits. You started sucking me. I started the dirty talk and we relived last night. We went into the bedroom and I got your vibrator and a sex toy. I licked your cunt and wet your sex toy with my mouth. Soon you were playing with...

2 years ago
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Fucked In Train By Passengers

Hi, Indian sex story readers!! I am Sanjuktha from Chennai!! This incident happened to me really a week ago!! I am a slim hot figure with curly hair, white skinned and 17 years old! My figure is 32-28-34.I didn’t use to see porn videos or committed adultery!! But I used to shave my pubic hairs regularly !! My cousin Akshay came to my house to stay for few days to spend summer holidays!! He is a muscular, white skinned and studious boy! One day, I was wearing a saree with matched bra, panties,...

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Tracy and Dad Chapter Four

Once everyone was up and ready to go they all piled into the SUV and drove to the lakeside village just south of the cabin. John and Chris got dropped off at the marina to get the boat and do some fishing. The girls were going to do some shopping in town and grab lunch at the coffee shop. They would meet up again around three at the marina.“What time is it,” Nicole asked Tracy.Tracy was staring at her phone and didn’t look up as she replied, “Five after three.”They were sitting in the marina...

1 year ago
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Soul SearchChapter 10 Seduction

Elisabeth Campbell was both excited and nervous over having been asked to help the Reverend. Excited because of all the people he could have chosen, he had asked her, and nervous because she wasn't at all certain she was worthy of the honor. At just before seven, the following day, she parked her car in the large dirt lot in front of the massive tent and walked toward the entrance. She was just about to enter when one of the large flaps was drawn aside by Earnest Bishop. He greeted her then...

2 years ago
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An Hour Alone Ch 02

‘Good evening ladies and gentlemen, This is the Don Williams quartet, like to introduce the band. Don on Piano, Bobby on Horns, Mac on Drums and Mike on Bass. Backing us up the incomparable Auntie Gill and my Mum Naomi, collectively they are the Ardenaires, me I’m Holly and I like to sing.’ Holly swung her arm back and forth, clicking her fingers, head up she suddenly looked at the audience, ‘Oh, the shark, babe, has such teeth, dear And it shows them pearly white Just a jackknife has old...

2 years ago
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Brad Tanaya Ch 01

The tall exotically beautiful woman stood outside the entrance to the jail waiting patiently in the fine misting rain. Her name was Shantanaya but most of those who knew her called her ‘Tanaya. Finally the small door set into the larger doors opened and ‘Tanaya watched as a rather large huskily built guy emerged from the door. He paused and glanced around before heading towards her. ‘Tanaya smiled as he got closer and unlocked the vehicle she stood beside. ‘Where’s Brent and Matty?’ he asked...

4 years ago
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Twins n best buds X

Last night I had a date and while we were eating and talking the girl I was with made a comment about how it is really weird that me and Taylor can finish each other’s sentences and talk so much alike. Somewhere in the convo she asked if we had any secrets from each other. I thought about it a minute and told her we probably did but I couldn’t say for sure. ( I knew right away that I had a couple of them I never told Taylor). Anyways, it got me wondering if he had any so today when we...

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Saving My Marriage part 1

****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** After twelve years of full time jobs and a million activities with our daughter… 36 hours a day and eight days a week had taken a toll on our marriage. She was still as sweet and lovely as ever, but constant running had worn her down and it felt like no matter what I did to help, nothing would rekindle the fire. There...

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Bad Dream

This is an original work of fiction, written by the Wanderer. It is posted on this site with his permission. I thank my LadyCibelle and Techsan for their patience, proof reading, editing skills and of course encouragement. I’d also like to add that we don’t always see eye to eye, they tell me off sometimes – well quite often really. Anyway I take full responsibility for the content and any cock-ups in this story. * ‘Are you ready, babe?’ Sheila asked as she, without waiting for me to reply,...

4 years ago
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Family Affairs Ch 25

Ricky was excited when he got home from school. ‘Coach made arrangements for me to go talk with the basketball coach up at State,’ he said, ‘He thinks I can get a full scholarship.’ ‘That’s really neat, Rick,’ Matt said. ‘Yes, honey, that’s wonderful,’ Mary agreed. ‘Yeah, we’re leaving Friday night, after school. We’re going to fly up there and spend the weekend. State is paying for everything,’ Ricky said. He was almost beside himself with excitement. ‘That’s super!’ Mary said. ‘How long...

2 years ago
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Kidnapped by Danielle P (if you want to help me continue this story, send an email to [email protected]) One hot day in March, Dan was walking down the street downtown he was wandering around trying to pass the time before his appointment at the barber. His 6' 165 pound frame was very well toned for an eighteen-year- old high school senior and he decided to show it off by taking off his shirt which left him with just a wife-beater, when suddenly two men grabbed him and...

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My Weekend alone part 1

My name is Jessica and I guess at first glance you would think I'm just your average girl. A simple well performing schoolgirl who had a good social life with plenty of friends and a nice body thanks to gymnastics and volleyball for eight years. Im bisexual with a strong attraction for both guys and girls. I was eighteen at the time of this story and received more than enough attention from guys around school. Standing at 5"6 with long brown hair reaching down to the middle of my back, 32B...

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Kidnapped A Mind Meld Story

STORY IDEA 2 MIND MELD STORY. KIDNAPPED - A MIND MELD STORY BY DAWN (Ron Baxter) Howard/Carol Dawn These events take place during the story "Mind Meld" and can be read alone. A neighborhood boy is kidnapped; I take advantage of my mind melding powers to locate him. He is several states away and being disguised as a girl. About three or four months ago an eight year old boy, Howard Barnes, and his live in babysitter/nanny disappeared. I did not know them...

2 years ago
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Island Vacation

As he came out of his bedroom he saw his younger sister, by a year and a half, still in her pajamas on the couch watching tv. Jennifer, or Jen as she liked to be called, was about 5’1 100 pounds. She was a cheerleader for their high school and was a flyer because of her small size. She had decent tits a good B cup and a tight little ass. With long blonde hair and dark green eyes all of the older boys wanted her but they knew better than to try because of her older brother. As Jason was...

4 years ago
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The Stranger

While gazing at my reflection in the rustic mirror in the corner of my room, I smirk at myself, thinking I’m such a slut. I’m wearing a tight black dress that highlights my curves and because of its low cut, displays my cleavage, for all men to gawk at. My boobs have always been my pride and joy, cup size C (in my opinion just large enough), and I love the reactions I get when showing them off. Moving down my body the dress stops just after my ass, and lets my long and slim legs walk free. The...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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In The WayChapter 2

"Are you sure?" he asked before I could turn the damned thing off. "What the hell was that?" I shouted at him. "She's lying!" He sat there, calmly taking in my reaction. Of course, he could afford to be calm - it was not his wife who had just told a perfect stranger that her husband was fooling around with their daughter. He held up his hands in a placating manner even as I took a menacing step towards him. "You," and I pointed my finger accusingly, "You put her up to it. If that...

1 year ago
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My Best Friends Girlfriend Chapter 5 Pierced

You’re walking on a road. The road is simple stone brick, not wide enough for a car. The sky above you is orange-ish pink. In front of you, the horizon bends up and climbs a hill.You hear the clicking of your steps as you walk. You look down and see white heels and a pale pink dress. Dangling from your hair you can see ribbons. You reach a hand up. Your hair is long and wavy. The ribbons tie pigtails that frame your head. You like pigtails. You like ribbons. You smile.On each side of the road...

Mind Control
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Picking up a Stray

As has happened many times before the little woman and I had a "domestic dispute" that ended with her telling me to "Get Out!!!". Usually I tell her to fuck off and settle in to the couch for some loud TV to drown out her bitching until she shuts up, but this evening was warm and it had been days since my last blow job,,,probably why the arguement started in the first place. I hit a couple of sleezy bars where the blow queens hang out, you know , the sluts that will suck cock for a couple shots...

2 years ago
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Trying on more than clothes in the fitting room

Every Saturday my wife would force me to go shopping with her.  She loved nothing more than to spend my hard earned money.  I would work my ass off putting in 55 to 60 hours a week just to have my only day off spent following her around department stores, buying things for her.  When I would see something I liked she would always say ‘Oh Jon, you don’t really need that.’  I would put down what ever I was looking at and just follow her while she tried on outfit after outfit.  I was miserable in...

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