Blood From A Turnip: Is A Cheater Back In His Life? free porn video

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There is some recycling of characters from the first story I ever wrote for LW called BLOOD FROM A TURNIP (Yes I know the old story REALLY needed editing).

This can be a standalone tale, but it will help to read either "BLOOD FROM A TURNIP" tale to get the backstory.

Great Thanks to Dave T who edited this fable without drinking poison before he was finished. Any and ALL errors are mine.

"Coach Tommy, is Frankie home?"

This disheveled sixteen year old on my porch that Saturday morning was Carlos, a friend of my similar aged son Frankie, and a shortstop from one of the many baseball teams I coached over the years.

As anyone who has ever been involved with youth sports knows, it does not matter if you pilot the Space Shuttle, earned a degree in Thermal Nuclear Quantum Physics, won the Nobel Peace Prize for curing cancer. You will always be addressed for the rest of your life as "Coach".

"Come on in Carlos, right now Frankie is taking a shower. You can wait in the kitchen." I opened the screen door and walked into the kitchen with Carlos in my wake.

As we passed through the hallway, a large dog came bounding around the corner. 'Candy Too', our 98 pound black Doberman Pinscher, had heard Carlos voice and come running. A protective but friendly rescue dog, Candy Too always enjoyed visits by any of my son's and nephew's friends. Candy Too knew this mean meant the two 'P's'. Getting 'Petted' or a roughhouse 'Playtime', both of which he enjoyed.

I motioned Carlos to a chair and set a soda in front of him while returning to the task of putting away the dried dishes.

"Carlos, you hear anything about your Dad? I gotta tell you we are pretty impressed he snagged that research spot on the NR-1."

"Nerwin" said Carlos

"What?" I replied looking over my shoulder at the youth.

"The NR-1 nuclear research submarine is called the 'Nerwin'. Dad said it has never officially been named, but everyone calls it the Nerwin."

"Good to know Carlos. Still I bet your Dad is going to be one of the few marine biologists to spend 8 weeks in a nuke sub crawling along the ocean floor..."

I stopped speaking and looked more closely at Carlos. Our Doberman Candy Too was not engaged in an energetic tug of war with Carlos, nor was Carlos vigorously petting Candy Too as was to be expected. Instead Candy Too had his large head in Carlos lap with big brown eyes mournfully looking up at Carlos.

Carlos had silent tears brimming in his eyes and was holding his right arm. I knelt down to inspect the limb, and could see it was swollen. As a volunteer sports coach, I had taken several medical classes over the years, and seen my share of injuries.

"What happened son?" I asked gently, removing his hand so I could examine the arm.

"Ah ... Coach Tommy, I um ... well ... I fell off my bike."

I knew that Carlos, as well as being a vacuum-like shortstop, was also active with his Dad in the dirt bike circuit. With his mountain goat like balance and cat reflexes of youth, Carlos falling off his bike and getting this type of injury were as likely as me at 5 foot 6 inches, playing starting center on the LA Lakers NBA basketball team.

I decided not to press the issue. "Carlos, we gotta get you to the ER pronto." I pulled out my phone. "What is your Mom's number? I will have her meet us at the ER."

"NO! ... I mean ... I don't know. Mom's number is programmed into my phone, and um ... my phone broke when I fell off my bike."

"OK Carlos, no problem. I'll have Frankie ride over to your house and tell your Mom to meet us at the ER."

"I'll be fine Coach Tommy. Please don't get my Mom, um cause well ... I don't even think she is home."

I got up and headed down the hallway toward the bathroom. "Well Carlos, we will not know that until Frankie gets to your house."

Flinging open the bathroom door, I could see through the cloud of steam my sixteen year old son Frankie doing what every teenager does in the shower.

"DAD!" Frankie yelled pulling his hand away from his suds soaked groin

I shook my head. "Frankie listen, Carlos got himself hurt. Get out of the shower before you go blind, and ride down to his house PDQ. Tell his Mom to give me a call and meet us at Memorial ER."

The good or bad side to coaching my two sons and nephews on sports teams for so many years, as well as being a school lunch monitor, is that everyone seemed to know me. From the receptionist to the X-ray tech, everyone appeared to at one time or another, have been on one of my teams, or had a brother, sister, cousin, son, daughter, nephew, niece, neighbor or coworker in a sporting program I was involved in.

While it was hard to keep the names or years straight, my 'fame' got Carlos through the normally 'hurry up and wait' ER for treatment in record time. I was concerned because Carlo's mother had not showed up yet or called. I was REALLY upset that my son Frankie was not answering my calls or returning my texts. I saw a removal and suspension of his cell phone in the VERY near future.

The ER doc in front of me had once been a goalie on a team I coached, and still looked like a young kid to me. I was trying to do the math on his age as he motioned to a seat and threw some X-rays up on the wall light box.

"Coach Tommy, as you can see, Carlos has a fracture. He is getting a cast put on as we speak." Taking out a pen he motioned to a spot on the X-ray. "This fracture was not a result of any fall, I can tell you that. In my experience this almost resembles a spiral type injury, caused by a twisting of the limb."

He put his pen back in his pocket. "Coach, isn't Carlos' Dad that Wallace guy, the Marine Biologist who got to ride in the nuclear research sub?"

"Yeah, been out six weeks. Wallace, Carlos' dad, is scheduled to come home in about two more weeks."

The Doc pulled the X-rays off the light box, stuffing them back into the folder. "Normally I would report this. But as Carlos' dad, Wallace is not around, it may have just been a teenage fisticuffs, or him and his buddies playing MMA." He looked at me. "If you find different Coach, I need you to tell me."

Back home I had put Carlos to bed in my oldest son's room. Both my oldest boy and my nephew were away at college. The painkillers the hospital had given Carlos made it easy to put the groggy boy down. The fact Candy Too the Doberman was with him sealed the deal. I was still worried we could not contact Carlos' mother, and I was major league pissed my son Frankie was still not picking up his cell.

It was in that state of mind I answered the phone when I saw Frankie's name on my mobile phone display.

"Frankie, you better get some tin cans and a ball of string, because that is the closest you are ever gonna get to a phone until you are 21. Where the hell are you?"

"Um Dad, I am a ... like, in front of Carlos's house."

"Wonderful" I growled. "Is Carlos's Mom there? Did you knock on the door? Is her car in the driveway? You try the neighbors? Christ son, it's been almost 6 hours."

I heard hesitation on the other end. "Ah. Dad, uh like Carlos' mom has been at home the entire time. I think her name is Anna You've met her; she is kinda a MILF lady. But I haven't, like you know ... talked to her yet..."

"WHAT?" I yelled "You go notify that women RIGHT NOW! Do you hear me! Have her call me IMMEDIATELY! Jesus Christ, she has gotta be worried sick about her son."

"Dad" Frankie said. "Carlos called me from the hospital. Begged me not to tell his Mom where he was."

"Carlos called you?" I questioned. "He said his phone was busted."

I could hear Frankie shrug, even though the phone. "Don't know, Dad, just that Carlos made me swear not to tell his Mom where he was."

I tried to keep my calm. "Frankie, if you wanna hear some swearing, wait until you get home. Now march up to that house and tell that women where her son is before I reach through this phone and slap you into yesterday."

Fifteen minutes later there was frantic pounding at my door. When I opened the door an anxious attractive lady about my height with light brown hair rushed through before I could say a word. For a small woman she made a lot of noise.

"Oh my God Tommy! I am so glad you found Carlos! Is he alright? Where is my boy? Where is he?"

As I turned away from the front door, I saw there was a car with the engine still running at the curb. Someone must have driven Anna, because the passenger side door was still open. It looked like Anna had not even waited for the automobile to stop, let alone pause long enough to close the car door.

"Anna calm down please." I began holding my hands in front of her. "We just got back from the hospital. Carlos is resting now..."

"I know. Your son Frankie told me." Anna interrupted while wringing her hands. "But Frankie did not have any more details. What did the doctors say about Carlos? Is he OK? I need to see him!"

I could see Anna was on the edge of hysteria, and I feared her panic would upset Carlos.

"Anna, the docs said Carlos needs some rest." Actually the doctors told Carlos to take it easy, but I figure a little stretching of the truth was in order. "Why don't we let just let Carlos sleep, and we can speak to him later. How about I will tell you about what the docs said concerning Carlos condition in the kitchen and you tell me what is going on, OK?"

I heard someone enter the door behind me. When I turned, a giant of a man shoved me so hard against the wall I hit my head and saw stars.

A deep voice commanded. "Listen Asswipe, we need to talk to the kid NOW!"

I looked down to see a massive hand, which was pinning me to the wall.

"Randy!" I heard Anna shriek "Let Tommy go!"

I looked up at the big man and our eyes met. "OH FUCK!" we both said at the same time.

Randy did not let me off the wall, and even increased the pressure from his hand. "Tell me where the kid is, or you gonna be sorry Minidick." he hissed.

"Too late Dogmeat." I gasped, and with as much of a voice as I could muster yelled "HIT!"

I think Randy opened his mouth for a snappy comeback, but in a flash an ear splitting growling dark blur of a tornado filled the small space between us. Randy was flung to the ground wearing a black and tan 98-pound Doberman fur coat of fangs and claws named Candy Too.

I tried to catch my breath as Randy rolled around on the ground yelling in pain while Candy Too did his best to rip new air holes into his frame. Anna stood wide eyed in shock, afraid to even move as she watched the mauling.

"OUT!" an authoritative female voice barked. Candy Too ceased his assault of Randy, sitting down but still keeping an eye on Randy, a dripping snarl displaying an impressive set of pointed canine teeth.

The authoritative female voice belonged to my ex-sister in law Lisa. The tall attractive blond with the scar on her face, was the housekeeper/cook/den mother, to both my brother and me, plus our brood. However, at the moment Lisa did not look like a housekeeper. It may have been the double barreled shotgun she held in her hands pointed at Randy.

"Holy FUCK!" Randy exclaimed, looking up to point at Lisa, and telling Anna. "That bitch is CRAZY!"

Lisa released the safeties off both triggers. "That's right Moose. Not only am I a crazy bitch, but an ex con with a documented mental illness to boot." She pointed the gun at Randy's crotch. "Don't move, because I am more than willing to trade time in the state rubber room; however, you will be singing soprano in the prison choir." Lisa motioned toward me "Tommy, call the police, and get ahold of your brother Vince. Let him know what is going on."

As I pulled out my cell phone, Anna suddenly came to life. "NO Please! No Police! Please!" Anna was waving her hands. "Tommy! Lisa! Please! Just let Randy go! I can explain everything!"

I shook my head. "Anna, that flabby steroid moose." I pointed at Randy. "Attacked me in my own home. Plus this not the first time that giant asshole and I have tangled."

Anna grabbed my arm holding the cell phone. "Tommy, please! Don't do this for me or him" She pointed at Randy. "Do it for my son Carlos. Just let Randy go, please! I promise I can explain everything."

Lisa did not lower the shotgun as she spoke to me. "Screw it Tommy, let that moose Randy go. We can have the police grab him later." I shrugged, than nodded. Lisa motioned with the gun toward the door at Randy.

Randy got to his feet gingerly, holding up his hands. Eyeing me he spat. "Later old man."

"Bit of advice Randy. Never pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he will just kill you and be done with it."

I was sitting at the kitchen table with Lisa. My brother Vince had arrived from work, and we had filled him in. He was making coffee. We were awaiting Anna, who had retreated to the bathroom after checking on a sleeping Carlos.

"Lisa, where did that old cannon come from?" I said pointing at the shotgun in the corner. "That relic is so old you're lucky it did not go off and kill someone."

"Not a chance." Lisa said with a grin. "There weren't any shells in the weapon, and the firing pins have been removed. You know how I feel about guns."

I was still trying to come to grips with what happened. "What about the ole 'I never bluff Lisa'?"

Lisa shrugged. "People can change, especially if they want to bad enough."

She then sighed and pointed at the inert weapon. "I got that from Metro property after my ... ah ... event ended. I keep it as a reminder of what people will do to protect their family." Lisa looked at my brother and her ex-husband Vince's back, before wistfully down at her nails. "And what people, especially me, should do to protect the family."

My brother Vince and his ex-wife Lisa had a complicated arrangement. Lisa would remarry Vince in a heartbeat, but after her affair, Vince looked at Lisa as no more than the mother of his children. I do not mean to imply he treated her bad. Lisa was at our house every day, her old home, with both Vince and me paying her to be the domestic goddess for us and the kids. Lisa and Vince still slept together sometimes, I am not sure if it was lust, convenience, nostalgia or a combination of all three. I never saw or heard of Lisa dating. If she was not here, Lisa was taking classes at the local community college. Vince still went out with the ladies, but not as much as he could have. Lisa never said anything, but you could tell how hurt she was when Vince did an 'overnight'.

Vince had just sat down at the table with four cups of coffee, we were passing around the milk and sugar when Carlos' mom Anna came into the room.

Lisa pointed at a chair with a cup in front of it. "OK Anna, sit down and start talking. What the hell is going on?"

Vince was stirring her coffee. "How in God's name is Randy involved in this?"

Taking a sip of my brew I offered "Maybe the Nazi's weren't hiring so he was available."

Both Vince and Lisa gave me a look as Anna sat down and took a deep breath.

"Wallace, ah ... my husband, has been gone almost two months. This is the first time we have been apart for so long." She stopped to compose herself and took a sip out of her cup. "I know after the county cut his position last year that my job at the supermarket wasn't enough. Wallace has just not been pulling his weight. He has a Doctorate in Marine Biology, for God's sake! Yet he was working at a mall aquarium pet store and cleaning pools."

Anna got a look of disgust in her eyes. "What kind of man goes from a top leading researcher in the country to vacuuming scum from bottom of other people's pools?"

I thought Lisa was going to leap across the table. "A REAL man you stupid twat!" she spat. "A father and husband that puts nothing before the welfare of his family." Lisa shook her head. "You fucked Randy, you dumb bitch didn't you." It was a statement not a question.

Anna's mouth dropped open as Lisa continued. "You fucked that worthless, useless, good-for-shit Randy. And that, you stupid ass, is gonna fuck over your husband and the whole fucking family."

Anna got defensive. "At least Randy OWNS his own business. He has to be doing well. Did you see that Mercedes CL he drove me here in?"

Vince pushed his coffee cup forward before speaking. "Randy runs a low end third level debt collection agency, which is four phones in the rented rear of warehouse off MLK Street. The Mercedes is a repo he has not turned in yet."

Lisa and I both stared at Vince, who looked down sheepishly into his coffee cup. "I ... ah, been well ... having ... sort of keeping tabs on that a-hole. Just to make sure he has not been bothering you after ... well you know..."

Lisa got tears in her eyes as she grasped Vince's hand. "Vince that is so sweet, I never..."

"Fine, fine..." I broke in. "You two can get a room later." Pointing at Anna. "I don't give a crap about your fuck buddies. What happen to Carlos?"

Anna bit her lip before answering. "I was just so lonely and Randy kept coming by the store. Going through my line, giving me compliments. Once even buying me flowers. Well that led to coffee, then drinks, then ... well this afternoon we were in, a ah ... romantic position when Carlos came home unexpected..."

Now the table exploded. "You screwed that dipshit in your own house? On your own bed?"

"No!" Anna countered. "What kind of women do you thing I am! We used Carlos's room."

I almost fell out of my chair.

Anna tried to backpedal. "I was going to change the sheets! Clean the room! I swear it was the first time, a moment of stupidity after too many glasses of wine with lunch."

I had never seen Vince or Lisa at a loss for words, but both were too stunned to speak.

Anna closed her eyes. "Carlos walked in just as Randy was in the middle of an ... uncomfortable event..."

"BULLSHIT!" Lisa spat out. All eyes turned toward her. Lisa looked at Vince and me. "That dumb cunt just told us Randy was butt fucking her, but it was their first time having sex. Bullshit!"

Lisa pointed at Anna. "There is no way any woman lets a guy get her ass first time in the sack. Even paid whores charge extra for anal. So Anna, how many times did you 'do' Randy? And hand jobs, blow jobs and finger banging do count!"

Anna looked around like a cornered animal.

I slammed my hand on the table. "Who gives a flying fuck if she screwed the 7th fleet during Superbowl halftime while being broadcast in High Def." I pointed at Anna. "What happen to Carlos!"

Anna took a breath. "It's so ... so ... embarrassing. I never even saw Carlos until he rushed at Randy and started hitting him." She put her face in her hands. "It was a big mess, Randy and Carlos rolling around on the floor..."

Vince and Lisa both jumped out of their chairs. "You let that son of a bitch lay hands on your child!"

Anna started crying. "I was in shock. I finally pulled Randy off Carlos, but Carlos ran out of the room before I could throw something on and chase after him."

Lisa walked to the sink and emptied her coffee into the sink. "Throw something on? You should have run buck naked into rush hour traffic on the highway after your son if that's what it took." She turned to face Anna. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Anna struck back at Lisa. "You should talk!"

Lisa did not flinch as she answered. "You are a cheating bitch. And yes, it takes one to know one."

I thought I was going to vomit. "Anna, I notice you did not send Randy away. That muscle head drove you here. What, you just go back to bed and finish boinking?"

"No I did not." Anna countered irritably, then after a pause. "But Randy tried to get me to." She let out a breath. "Like that was ever going to happen."

I threw up my hands. "Yeah, having your son seeing his mother cheat on his father by being ass fucked, then getting beat up must really have taken the romance out of the air." I commented sarcastically.

Anna tried to defend herself. "You don't understand. I tried his cell a million times. I was afraid to go out looking for him on the chance I would miss him if he returned. I was on the verge of a breakdown and in the process of calling 911 when Randy stopped me."

Vince leaned back in his chair. "Oh, this should be good. I can't wait to hear what your love muscle said that was more important than finding your injured kid."

Anna had the decency to blush. "Randy said the cops would take my son Carlos away, put him in social services. Arrest me for being a bad mother, endangering a child's welfare. Randy said Carlos just had his ego bruised; we could talk to him after Carlos cooled down."

"There it is." Vince muttered. "Self-preservation, it's all about you. Again you were thinking only about how all this would affect you. Did Randy happen to mention how he would do time in the slammer for assaulting a minor?"

Anna continued as if Vince had not spoken. "Randy claimed we could keep everything under wraps. Randy knew a guy who could get Carlos a used hot rod car, every new driver's dream. Maybe set Carlos up with some babes that owed Randy favors due to some debts."

"So you were gonna bribe Carlos for his silence?" I asked.

"More like Anna was getting payment for services rendered." Lisa commented. "So Anna, is that the price you charge? A used car and some pussy for your son. You have those terms listed on your whore website?"

I was disgusted with the conversation and got up from the table. "Well Anna, tell Randy his vast medical experience needs updating. The damage his beat down put on Carlos was not to the boy's ego, but his arm." I picked up a folder from the counter and threw it on the table. "Your fuck buddy broke your son's arm. It's in a cast. Luckily he is young, and it'll heal quickly, hopefully in time for your next love meet."

Anna ran to the sink, pushing Lisa out of the way, and started vomiting. After retching she rinsed out her mouth by cupping water with her hand. Turning around Anna supported herself before speaking. "I need to get Carlos home."

"Anna that may not be best right now. How about we just let the boy rest." Vince offered.

Anna stood straight up. "I am Carlos's mother! I will decide what is best for him." She seemed to deflate a bit. "Please."

There was silence in the room, with tension so thick you could cut it with a knife.

"I ain't going home with you."

All eyes turned toward the voice. Carlos stood in the kitchen doorway, bed hair sticking up, and his fresh cast still gleaming white.

Anna took a step toward Carlos, opening her arms wide. "Oh my God, Baby. I am so sorry, let me look at..."

Carlos interrupted Anna in a voice cold as ice. "Don't come near me!"

Anna froze. "Oh Carlos, you need to come home now. I'll take care of you."

Carlos raised his cast. "I've had enough of your 'care', thank you very much."

Anna tried again. "Carlos, I just want you to come home so I can make sure you are all right. That's all I want."

I saw Carlos roll his eyes. "Well Mom, I want to strike out the Lord Jesus Christ with bases loaded in the final inning during the seventh game of the World Series. Looks like neither of us is going to get what we want."

Anna looked at the three of us adults in the room for support. I sure as hell was not going to back her up.

Anna turned back toward Carlos and used that authoritative tone of voice every parent knows. "You listen YOUNG MAN, this is not up for debate. You are not staying here, but coming home with me this INSTANT."

Carlos fished into his pocket with his one good hand and came up with a cell phone. Flipping open his mobile, Carlos displayed the keypad to Anna. "Is that so, MOTHER? How about we call the police and get their opinion?" Anna's eyes widened as Carlos kept talking. "I heard what you said about social services and child endangerment. I may not be staying here, but I am NOT going back to your home. How much you wanna bet if the cops come, you won't be going back to your home either. I also bet you double or nothing my accommodations in some crappy juvie foster house is gonna be better than your jail cell."

Anna slumped into a chair. "Carlos, please..." but Carlos continued as if she had not spoken. "If the cops make me go home, I'll just run away, and keep running away."

My brother Vince came to Anna's rescue. "Look Anna, Carlos, this is a lot to absorb. Carlos you can stay here tonight. Its summer, so it's not like you have any classes. And my son and nephew will love to have a sleep over." He turned toward Carlos's mom Anna. "I'll make sure the boys do not spend all night playing 'Call of Duty 2'and get to bed at a decent hour." Vince helped Anna rise from the chair. "Come on Anna, I will give you a lift back to your house."

Well, Carlos stayed more than a night at our home. A three way debate was raging in our household. Vince was inclined to just call the authorities and be done with it. I wanted to wait until Carlos's dad Wallace, came home, and then call the authorities. This way Carlos would be in his father's care, not some social service bureaucratic maze. Lisa also wanted to await until Wallace's arrived from his voyage. However, Lisa felt we should let their family deal with it. Lisa's time in the slammer made her less inclined to throw another mother to that same fate. In my opinion, Anna deserved a spell in the graybar hotel.

Carlos refused to see or even talk to Anna. She called several time a day, and the first few days showed up at the house, even bringing Carlos's favorite food. This stopped after a short while, as Carlos would flee out the back door at the sight of his mother's car.

Anna eyes were filled with tears as she stood in our kitchen looking out our back porch at Carlos's back retreating into the distance.

"Oh Tommy, can't you go get him?" She put a large foiled wrapped platter on our kitchen counter. "This is his favorite dessert."

I shook my head. "Anna, your son is not a cat who got out of the house that you can lure back from the yard with some catnip. Carlos is an emotionally pissed off teenager, who even with a cast, can run like a god damn deer. Even if I wanted to, which I do not. The only way to catch him and bring him back would be with a tranquilizer gun."

Anna took to calling several times a day, but Carlos refused to take the phone. Lisa handled most of these calls. I had to admire her patience since they always seemed to be the same.

"Anna, no Carlos will not come to the phone, and I cannot make him." Lisa would say with her ear to the phone.

"It is more than 'mistakes were made', Anna. You are going to need to tell your husband Wallace as soon as he returns home. It's not like you went to bed one night a loving wife and woke up in the morning a stupid cheat." Lisa rolled her eyes.

"I don't care what Randy said. I cannot believe you are still talking with that steroid slimeball. It does not matter that you are not screwing him. Cut all contact immediately if you have half a brain. No I don't think much of Randy's suggestion that rocking Wallace's world in bed before you tell him is going to help. Think above the belt buckle Anna."

There was a pause as Lisa screwed her face into a grimace. "There is no way you can keep this from your husband. There are three options available. You tell him, Carlos tells him or I will tell him." Another lengthy pause. "Anna if by some miracle you manage to bribe Carlos to keep quiet, I will tell Wallace anyway. If there was some way I could communicate with an underwater submarine I would do it right now."

Lisa switched the phone to other ear and made a twirling sign with her finger. "Anna, this isn't a secret that you dented the car, or Carlos got a C- in math class you can hide from Wallace. Yes it might end you marriage, but the alternative is living a lie. It is Wallace's choice, and only he can make that call. You made your decision when you were banging Randy, now your husband gets to make his decision."

Lisa made a sign of sticking her finger down her throat like she was going to gag. "OK Anna, I will let Carlos know you called, and you love him. I gotta go. Bye."

Lisa put the phone back on the charger and sat down. "Jesus Christ Tommy, that woman is delusional. She wanted me to do a three way with her and Wallace, like I was some slut for hire. She figured a little sex would make everything alright."

I was amused by this new twist. "What did you tell her Lisa?"

Lisa gave me a look that could freeze ice. "'NO', is a complete sentence."

I put a cup of coffee in front of Lisa. "Anna thinks she can live happily ever after like you?"

Lisa spooned some sugar into her cup. "Of course, because my fairy tale life is based on a true story."

"So Lisa, the family matriarch, what do you think is gonna happen with Carlos's family?"

Lisa looked deep into her coffee for a moment." A writer, Sugna, once wrote that a husband might be hurt by cheating and divorce, but kids are often literally destroyed by it. Even without the divorce, cheating can wipe them out. What kids get from a parent who cheats is a large dose of shame. Shame, because half of them is that parent. Half of them is a traitor. They may believe that the cheater not only did not love their other parent, but also did not really love them."

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From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 2

From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 2 by Sissy Jen ([email protected]) This is porn. If you don't like it, don't read it. If it is illegal for you to read it, don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy it. Feel free download or share this, but contact the author for permission to use it in a way that makes you profit. Please direct any comments criticisms, or deviant proposals to [email protected]. I couldn't believe it. My lovely wife, Lesley had tricked...

4 years ago
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From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 3

From Cheater to Cuckold to Sissy to Whore Part 3 by Sissy Jen ([email protected]) This is porn. If you don't like it, don't read it. If it is illegal for you to read it, don't read it. Otherwise, enjoy it. Feel free download or share this, but contact the author for permission to use it in a way that makes you profit. Please direct any comments criticisms, or deviant proposals to [email protected]. The next morning, I brought Lesley breakfast in bed and...

4 years ago
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Daddys MindControlled Daughters 6 Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Six: Daddy Cuckolds the Cheater By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! There was nothing like having a young girl's cunt on your dick while driving. Just feeling that hot, tight snatch clenching and relaxing, shifting as the car drove over any bumps, the way she whimpered in pure delight as my dick stirred around inside her. I had my arms wrapped around Pina, a nineteen-year-old Hispanic...

3 years ago
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Cheater cheater

I admit i was a terrible husband, and a pretty lousy boyfriend to every girlfriend i have had that became somewhat serious. I have come to terms with the fact that some people are not built for a monogamous relationship and I will never (knock on wood) marry again! What I miss most about being married is cheating on my wife. I loved the thrill of getting away with it and the planning it took to pull it off. And my favorite was to cheat on her with a married woman so it doubled the thrill and it...

3 years ago
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Cheater Guilty

Cheater: Guilty By Jamie Fuchs Copyright 2014 Jamie Fuchs “Voila!” I exclaimed as I put the finishing touches on Dale’s birthday cake. It was truly a masterpiece. I had spent the last six hours baking it so it would be done before he got home. Placing the cover over top of it, I carried it and two plates from the counter to the table. Just as I set them down, I heard the garage door opening and his car pull in. Perfect timing. I quickly ran up the stairs to our bedroom. I wanted today to be a...

3 years ago
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Cheater Guilty

Cheater: Guilty By Jamie Fuchs Copyright 2014 Jamie Fuchs “Voila!” I exclaimed as I put the finishing touches on Dale’s birthday cake. It was truly a masterpiece. I had spent the last six hours baking it so it would be done before he got home. Placing the cover over top of it, I carried it and two plates from the counter to the table. Just as I set them down, I heard the garage door opening and his car pull in. Perfect timing. I quickly ran up the stairs to our bedroom. I wanted today to be a...

1 year ago
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Slut The Cheater Part 3

Slut: The Cheater part 3As Jim pulled into their drive, Suzi still clamped her tight pussy on to my semi erect cock. Not a drop of semen had oozed from her smooth pussy during the short drive, as she tantalisingly nibbled my bottom lip.Jim opened the car door, looked down at his wife’s stockinged legs, parted and wrapped around his good friend, smiled and said.“She has a fantastic tight pussy doesn’t she?” Then lifted his wife off my impaled cock and out of the car.Jim opened the front door,...

2 years ago
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Cheater cheater

I admit i was a terrible husband, and a pretty lousy boyfriend to every girlfriend i have had that became somewhat serious. I have come to terms with the fact that some people are not built for a monogamous relationship and I will never (knock on wood) marry again! What I miss most about being married is cheating on my wife. I loved the thrill of getting away with it and the planning it took to pull it off. And my favorite was to cheat on her with a married woman so it doubled the thrill...

3 years ago
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My Mom Is A Cheater Part 4

This is the continuation of my incident narration “MY MOM IS A CHEATER – Part I , II & III…” So all new readers please go back and read the first three parts for better understanding of the incident and my MOM. To easy access to my narration just type the name of the story in “search stories” box in your screen. The response I recieved for my earlier two posts were too good and was really encouraging me to move on with my narration. Then in the first three parts I have told about how my mom...

2 years ago
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My Mom Is A Cheater Part 3

This is the continuation of my incident narration “MY MOM IS A CHEATER – Part I and Part II…” So all new readers please go back and read the first two parts for better understanding of the incident and my MOM. To easy access to my narration just type the n05ame of the story in “search stories” box in your screen. The response I recieved for my earlier two posts were too good and was really encouraging me to move on with my narration. So I am back with the continuation of the incidents that...

3 years ago
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The Cheater

The Cheater By Margaret Jeanette Harriet Tyler was a leading attorney in the area. She was sitting in her office talking to Paul Grimm, whose services she'd used in the past. She was always pleased with how he conducted himself and how complete his reports were. Paul was a private investigator. Harriet said, "This is very hard for me to ask for because I want you to check up on my husband. I have had several people tell me that they saw him with various young girls. I just want...

2 years ago
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The Cheater

The Cheater By Margaret Jeanette Johanna Brown was having lunch with her best friend Alice Fuhrman. They were talking about their favorite subject -- men. Alice was scheduled to get married in eight months to a wonderful man. Johanna was already married to Jeremy. "There isn't a man who can't be seduced. Men think with that tool of theirs not their brain!" "Not my Jeremy. He is totally devoted to me. We have only been married six months and the honeymoon isn't over...

3 years ago
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Cheater Cheater Big Black Cock Eater

I have what just about everyone considers to be a very large cock, I'm also a black guy so am kinda expected to have a big one, I'm supposed to fulfill some racial stereotype. I'm about 8.5 inches long and about 6 inches around. I'm not just long, I'm thick. What people say about girls truly wanting big cocks is bullshit, some girls don't like my cock for whatever reason, it's too big for them or it's intimidating. There are also probably an equal amount of girls who honestly don't care....

3 years ago
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My Mom Is A Cheater 8211 Part II

This is the continuation of my incident narration “MY MOM IS A CHEATER – Part I…” So all new readers please go back and read the first part for better understanding of the incident and my MOM. Then in the first part I have told about how my mom started to cheat dad and her first sex with Suresh (Generator provider). I was really amazed by the response I got for my first post. I am really overwhelmed and thankful to each and everyone who responded to my narration. I expect similar response for...

2 years ago
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A Smart Set of Cheaters

Patricia51 made the comment to me some time back that all my cheaters and most of the husbands seem to be stupid. She further stated that my cheating wives seemed to have a lack of respect for their husbands. We traded e-mail about these points and I had to agree with her. I told her I would try to write a story where the cheaters were smart and the wife respected the smart husband.I knew this would be hard to do though because of a failing in me. I feel that cheaters DO disrespect the spouse...

3 years ago
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Cheater gets punished by his wife and mistress

I had been fucking a much older man by the name of Ryan for months now. He was my calculus professor. He was in his 50's and very sexy. Smart, and handsome in kind of a nerdy way. He was married of course, but said that he and his wife didn't get along, and the way he talked of her, I assumed she was old and kind of boring. I fucked Ryan a few times a week, sometimes in his office at the university. He loved the way, I devoured his cock, and couldn't get enough of me. He was in love. I heard a...

3 years ago
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Cheater gets punished by his wife and mistress

I had been fucking a much older man by the name of Ryan for months now. He was my calculus professor. He was in his 50’s and very sexy. Smart, and handsome in kind of a nerdy way. He was married of course, but said that he and his wife didn’t get along, and the way he talked of her, I assumed she was old and kind of boring. I fucked Ryan a few times a week, sometimes in his office at the university. He loved the way, I devoured his cock, and couldn’t get enough of me. He was in love.

1 year ago
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Cheaters Never Win part 3

Cheaters Never Win - part 3 Commission for "Cartoon Masker" Upon discovering that several girls in their class were using skinsuit disguises to cheat in their classes, James and Caleb teamed up with Talib to break into the girls' treachery and managed to steal the skinsuit of Anna. Their attempt to take a second from Anna's neighbor, friend and fellow cheater, Bian, was thwarted by Austin, a childhood friend of Anna's who had already claimed Bian's skinsuit from Anna just the...

3 years ago
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My bedroom door handle turned and I looked up, to my surprise seeing my newly dumped ex-boyfriend entering and shutting the door behind him. I hadn't told my parents that I was dating someone new... I was sort of embarrassed at the quick change of heart after so long (and the stubborn teenage angsty fights for his love, since he was about 6 years older and my parents didn't quite approve, but they couldn't do anything once I was of consenting age.) So there he was. Right in my room, door...

2 years ago
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The Cheater Part 4

The party was quite an affair with a DJ and dancing. One corner of the basement was kept rather dark, and it didn't take long to figure out why. The birthday boy was giving another guy a blow job, and a couple of people were standing around watching. Cheryl started to turn away, but when the guy began moaning and muttering directions, she turned back and watched as he sucked and licked the other man to an orgasm, swallowing his jizz. As the first man left, another guy walked up and pulled down...

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The Cheater Part 3

"That was pretty amazing, babe. I'm sorry I never listened to you and tried that before. I know you have wanted to try anal for a long time. But I always felt it was kind of dirty or very kinky. I guess my thinking kind of changed that night when I fucked Alex and Tom fucked me. And that reminded me of my experience in college. Neither experience was bad, and if I had to admit it, it was even kind of pleasant. But in college, I pushed it out of my mind because I did not consider myself as...

Gay Male
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The Cheater Part 2

After fighting with his wife, getting drunk and having sex with two men, Jason wondered how he was going to face his wife when the cab reached his house. He paid the driver for his ride and the ride to take the man that had driven his car home back to the bar. The man parked the car, handed Jason his keys, got in the cab and waved as the cab drove off. The whole ride home, he had wondered what he would say to Cheryl when he got home. he actually hoped she would be asleep when he got there, but...

1 year ago
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The Cheater Vol 2 Caught in the Act

The whole story realistically starts at the end of Sarah’s college years. About a month after she’d left she was married to her husband Tony. He had only ever been after one thing from the start. Sex. Her verbal and social attractions meant nothing to him. He had sex with her on their first date. He got close to forcing her to give him a blow job. From then on she had to give him oral and then ride him while he just lay back. She had stayed with him because the little devil on her left...

4 years ago
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The Cheater Vol 1 The First Affair

Daniel was walking down a road wearing a blue blazer, a white shirt, and a black tie. He carried a briefcase in his right hand and a pamphlet in the other. He was a door to door salesman. He came to the first house on the road and turned right off the pavement and up the gravel drive. He rapped on the door three times with his knuckles. A woman, Sarah, answered the door. “Hello madam, might I interest you in our new product?” Daniel smiled politely as he rattled off the details “Okay,...

3 years ago
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Introduction: If you dont want to read about rape, move along. Also, written very quickly so please excuse how sloppily it is written. There was a knock on my front door in the evening time, and I was the only one home at the time, so I ignored it, I wasnt expecting anyone and my parents didnt like me opening the door when I was alone. I had just gotten out of the shower, and was lying on my bed. I had returned earlier from a long camping weekend, and boy was it a crazy weekend. I had been...

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The Cheater gets Cheated

I get tired of sitting at home on nights when we can’t see each other. I know you have obligations, but that doesn’t mean I can’t still have fun. And fun will have me. We text at night, telling each other sweet nothings and talking about dreams. I know you are locked in your bedroom cage for the night. But that doesn’t mean I can’t be out and about.I get off the daybed and pick out something skimpy. I have been overly aggravated lately. You have been distracted and if I hear any more about your...

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This takes us back a year now but if you're honest, it's where this whole implausible tale began. A history trip for a weekend to see the WWI memorial sites and battlegrounds. You'd been buzzing about it for the whole 10 months previously because whilst your history teachers and the subject were cool, it was a weekend away from home with all your best friends and (lest we forget) some of the hottest girls in your year group and the year above. The funny thing was that the girls you'd obsessed...

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Life of a cheater

Another late night spent in the library. Finally peeling his head away from the books, John looks at the time only to see that it’s a little past midnight. Deciding that enoug time has been spent reading, he stands, packs his books and proceeds to head towards his car. *Ring* Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he sees an incoming call from his beloved girlfriend, Sarah. “Hey babe...” John says sheepishly to start the conversation. “Heyyy. How come you didn’t come over tonight?” “I... I kinda...

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Tia Lopes was a freshman at a lousy community college in a seedy part of San Diego, just above the Mexican border. With her dark looks she fit in well. Whether because she loved suntanning, or because she had a bit of ethnic blood everyone had assumed she was Mexican and treated her as such. Since most people in her neighborhood were hispanic it meant she fit in fairly well. Jacob Wright was her boyfriend. Tall, muscular, rich, a famous playboy and the son of the mayor, he was an incredible...

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I don't know when it started. One day, I was the poster-boy for what a guy should be when dating a girl, the next, I was a womanizer. I guess it happened when I realized I still hadn't lost my virginity despite dating my girlfriend for at least three years - it shocked me, and I wondered very briefly if my girlfriend was cheating on me with another guy - but I stopped that train of thought as soon as it began. If it was true, I didn't want to deal with it. However, I am a teenage male, and I do...

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It’s not until almost 6 AM that you slip out of Christine’s dorm room. Walking down the silent hallway, you smile to yourself, thinking that any guy would be proud to take the Walk of Shame home from Christine’s room. You trace the familiar path down the stairway and out of Christine’s dorm automatically, not taking any notice of your surroundings. Instead, your let your mind wander, imagining Christine’s perfect features: her beautiful tanned skin, long dark hair, deep brown eyes always...

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A Cheater Caught Chapter 2

We sat on the sofa, drinking our morning coffee, while I searched for a way to bring up what needed to be brought up. I had caught my wife cheating and she had freely admitted it had happened more than once with different people - both men and women. And we needed to find a way to deal with this either to move forward or move on. The uneasy silence was interminable as neither of us knew how to bring up the subject, nor really wanted to. But finally, I cleared my throat and I saw her eyes raise...

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A Cheater Caught Chapter 1

I suppose I should start my story with a little introduction and some background. Well, my name is Robert Johnson and my wife, Debbie, and I have been married now for 15 years. We met in college, both of us attending Texas A&M. I was going for my BS degree in Computer Information Systems, while she was getting her Bachelors degree in Nursing. Actually, we met at a Spring Break party in Galveston (neither of us had the money to take the typical Florida or Mexico trips). We were considered by all...

4 years ago
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Bold Cheater

“Get in the van,” yelled the frazzled unmarried mother. She rustled her three sons into their car seats. She started the engine of the 7-passenger 2011 Chevy Traverse and backed out of the driveway. The 26 year-old dental assistant’s hair was tied up in a scarf. She wore a stained gray T-shirt and baggy jeans. She was infuriated. She sped across town to trailer park just outside of the city limits.Her cousin had called her a few minutes earlier.“Girl, I seen Travon’s truck at Mallard Creek...

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The Cheater

He walked out of the bar, following him, still not quite believing he had agreed to the suggestion. Still not sure he would actually follow through. He hadn’t done this since he was in college, and then only once. And he had been at that frat party and well over served. That was a dozen years ago, and buried deep in his mind.  Earlier that evening, Jason had fought yet again with Cheryl, his wife of nearly eleven years. They had been having problems ever since his company had laid off about 40...

Gay Male
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“He’s an ass! Ten years of marriage, and he goes and bangs some skank! What an ass! I might be able to understand if she was at least pretty, but she’s not. She’s an ugly slut! She’s been down on at least half of the guys, and probably women, in his office. I hope she gave him herpes or VD. Oh god! If I get VD cause he fucked that slut, I’ll kill him! Why? Why would he do this to me?” Natalie broke down and sobbed. I wanted to tell her Kenny, her husband, had always been an ass, and this was,...

Straight Sex
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My Mom Is A Cheater

This is about how my mom cheated my dad for sex. My dad is a common man who works hard for the welfare of our family and is working abroad in U.A.E. He has left India at a very young age to make more earning so that his family will live happily in home.We are an upper middle class family from Kerala. My family consists of me, dad, mom and grandpa. My mom is a housewife who always spends lot of her time and money to go to beauty spa and health clubs and maybe due to all these she looked really...

1 year ago
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Its wednesday. Once more ur husband isnt gonna b home. Ur fucken tired of it now. Especialy cuz u know hes been cheating on u. U tried to b the good wife for the sake of the k**. But now ur done with it. U call me...i can hear by ur voice that ur emotional. I try to calm u down to prevent u from crying. Ill ask u if u allready had diner,on wich u answer with a no. Oki...u call the nanny. Ill b with u in 1hr. U agree and allready nervous hang up the phone. Imediatly u call ur nanny and ask her...

3 years ago
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Wife Bani Cheater

Hi all, my name is rajan and I am 30 year old guy from chandigarh.Main new zealand me rehta hu.Yeh story 2017 ki hai jub mai or meri wife ghumne k liye tasmania gye.Meri wife kafi attractive hai and uske figure 36 32 34 hai.Boobd kafi bde or gol gol hai.Most attractive part of her body. Shaadi ko 3 saal hoge the.Koi bacha nhi thaa.Hum dono kafi enjoy kr rhe the.5 din ka stay tha.2 din pura mze se sex kiya lekin main 1 bar sex krke thak jata tha or wife b jada interrsted nhi thi.3rd day humne...

2 years ago
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Cheater Wife Part 1

Friends, you are reading this sex story on indiansexstories dot net Hello! My name is Kajal. I’m a lesbian from heart, soul, feelings & personal choice. Bisexual by force & adjustment in life as I was forced to marry a man. This sex story is a true sex story of a friend of mine whom I met in college days named ‘Shruti’ who is married & she has a baby daughter of 3 Yrs. She has an extremely sad sex life, Her husband is always busy with work or he is exhausted for sex. I feel the poor guy is...

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The South Indian Cheater Mom

Hey guys this is Rana and I an from Andhra Pradesh. I am 21 years old and I have a really nice body. Today I would like to share with you guys my experience with my mom that took place during the summer holidays. She is 38 years old and her figure is 38-26-42. My dad is 52 years old and he is a manager at a MNC. He comes late from work and sometimes he doesn’t even come back. My parents used to fight all the time since my childhood. I never used to know the right reason as I was very young. You...

3 years ago
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My Mom Is A Cheater 8211 Part I

I am going to narrate my real life experience in which the central character is my mom. This is about how my mom cheated my dad for sex. My dad is a common man who works hard for the welfare of our family and is working abroad in U.A.E. He has left India at a very young age to make more earning so that his family will live happily in home. We are an upper middle class family from Kerala. My family consists of me, dad, mom and grandpa. My mom is a housewife who always spends lot of her time and...

2 years ago
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Cheater Trapped and Tortured

John sits on the edge of the bed looking down at Merida. Her teasing smile has faded. The look on her face says she’s getting angry. Maybe she’s still pouting.?I don’t like them,? she says, tugging on the cuffs, her wrists locked to the headboard. ?They’re cold. I can’t touch you.?John smiles, watches Merida pull at the cuffs. They were fooling around when he pulled them from his dresser drawer, dared her to try them on, saying it would be fun.That’s what he’d told her. What a lie. Fifteen...

2 years ago
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Master Cheater

As I was driving home from my first time cheating after only being married for one week, I was feeling quite remorseful and guilty. I was wondering how I had allowed this to happen. My new wife, Lucinda was out of town for a couple of days inspecting and opening a new office for the company she worked for. We had been dating for three years before marriage.Lucinda loved the out-of-town work-related trips. I would often accompany her when my job allowed and make it a very nice, almost free,...

3 years ago
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Master Cheater Episode Number Two

My wife had a business conference that would last two weeks in San Diego.  I hated the thought of two weeks in San Diego while she worked twelve-hour days. In the past when I accompanied her on these trips, she came back to the hotel room, exhausted from a long hard day at work, took a shower, and went to bed.She had asked me to go with her and do my work from the Hotel Business Center during the day. She always planned on having some downtime for us, but it never happened. I told her that I...

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Master Cheater Episode Number Three

It was about 2 pm when Lynn and I checked into an out-of-the-way motel to cheat on our spouses. We had just finished having a wonderful lunch and a few glasses of wine. The purpose of the luncheon was supposed to be to discuss employee matters. Instead, we began heavy flirting, sexy talk, and some heavy making out in a dark booth at the rear of the nearly deserted restaurant. We both worked for a very large government agency, having thousands of employees, more than half which are ladies. As a...

1 year ago
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Repaying my cheater Husband

I was furious, I was horny. I was hurt, I was frustrated. I was unhappy, I was on heat. I have a husband, I haven’t had sex for almost two weeks. I haven’t seen my husband in the time of the business trip, now he has called to say he have to stay a few extra days, unexpectedly. We have a good life; we didn’t have a good marriage. I sat on the love-seat sofa, waiting for my husband to call from his hotel before his ‘evening business meeting’. I always suspected my husband was cheating on me out...

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Moria liked sex and she knew she was good in bed. So why did her boyfriend cheat on her with the slut assistant from work? How could the bastard do that to her!? It was a drizzly night. But for Moria it was exciting. She had never done anything like this before, but it was time break out, quit playing it safe and go out and have some fun. Fuck her boyfriend, the sleazy bastard. Moria had been with Bob since their senior year in high school. She had never even given a thought about straying away...

4 years ago
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Cheater pinup wife

When one’s husband is in the military, the husband can be deployed at any time leaving the wife to deal with her loneliness and her sexual needs. Of course the wife may not be lonely too long before she finds a great lover. Sometimes another service member is willing to do his duty and help the lonely wife, which is what this story is all about. At the time I was working for a fairly large company and there was a local National Guard unit that three of our employees belonged to that was...

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Once a Cheater

It was a Monday morning and we were sitting at the kitchen table. We had finished eating breakfast and I was drinking my coffee and reading the morning paper. My wife Bea said: "Would you put the paper down Rob? I have to talk to you." I put the paper down on the table and then asked, "What is it Bea?" "I'm leaving you Rob. I want a divorce." "Is that all?" I picked the paper back up and started reading the sports section. "I'm serious Rob." I ignored her and she got...

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Blackmailing the CheaterSlut

Chapter 1 It was a normal morning at the hotel, club level. I was managing, hell single-handedly serving, all the V.I.P. hotel Guests on the top floor of the hotel. Business travelers who had racked up Hilton Honor points from frequent stays, it took 60 in a calendar year to reach that level used their automatic upgrades to hog services from the real V.I.P.s. The difference? Real V.I.P. s have class, manners and money and they know when to tip. Business travelers were divided in two basic...

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