Driving Me Crazy free porn video

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My wife has this huge crazy extended family. And every last one of them share this singular obsession. So every time she starts talking family I flap my arms like I'm a giant crow. Boy do I caw-caw at her. "If I'd known what was in your genes," I squawk, "I'd never have tried to get in your jeans." I'm joking of course. Sort of. There's a hell of a jewel down in those pants, but the wrappings and trappings that aren't cotton kind of give me the shivers. It's a toss up. They both drive me crazy, but in entirely different ways of the phrase.

See, the thing is that there's a million of them. That's okay. All of them are really close. That can be okay. But hardly any of them live in the same city. That's not okay, but it isn't that bad. They all like to go visiting each other a whole lot. Does that sound like the worst of it? Trust me, it's not.

Okay, let me run this down again. There's a ton of these people, they're all close but they don't live close, and because they all own cars our country has to be an oil-importing nation. Got it? Here's another complication. Half the people in the family are divorced, but everyone remains on very friendly terms. Care for another? Birth control is commonly pronounced menopause. If the men take the responsibility it's called impotence.

The thing of it is this. My wife begs me to hop in the car with her and go visit one of the aunts. After 100 miles we get there, we're barely out of the car, and her aunt says to my wife, "What a gorgeous day you have for your drive. I know what, let's go visit your grandmother." A hundred miles later we spill out of the car again. Barely get seated with a cup of coffee when the phone rings. It's a brother or a niece or an ex-in-law. "What? All of you are over there? Well, a bunch of us are over here and we've got steaks going on the grill out back. So come on over, I'll throw a few more on." An hour and a half further down the road...

I have strangers stop me in stores and accuse me of being a drag queen, or a sloppy boxer. I don't wear make-up! My last black eye was in the third grade, for chrissakes! But I do sport these spectacular dark rings around my eyes. Kids I don't know point and laugh at the Raccoon Man.

It's not just that all the driving wears me out; I wake up every morning utterly exhausted. You want to know about nightmares? A map of the United States as a family dot-to-dot. Did you ever die in a dream? I do all the time. Last night the hypothermia got me. We wound up at Uncle Bob's igloo outside Fairbanks, and I was dressed in shorts and a muscle shirt. It's not that I have the sexy musculature to flaunt, just that when and where I'd first climbed in the car it was 95 degrees with matching humidity.

What can I do? Handcuff myself to a towel rack in the bathroom and swallow the key? That works, but it's not much fun. Get a note from my doctor saying no more roadtrips? That gets expensive: my insurance company disallows preventative medicine.

I know, I know. Be a man. Just do a Nancy Reagan. So I did sit down and weigh it all out. You refuse, what's the worst that can happen? She files for divorce. Well, hey, problem solved!

So now most the time I just stay in town. I've learned the preemptive strike. I know all the signs. I keep her overnight bag packed. I run and get it when I see Laura getting that glazed look, holding her hands curled and bent out in front of her. Flecks of foam form at the corners of her mouth and she starts babbling about family. I hand her the keys and give her a kiss, steer her out the door, "Bye honey, have a safe trip, say hi to everyone, see you in a couple... " Days? Weeks? Months? Time, like distance, means nothing to these people.

Of course I am a very well behaved bachelor boy. Scruples aside, it's the better bet. Sure I could be in bed with a bimbo having a hot afternoon nap, but it's safer to be lingering over lunch with the newspaper. Laura having left at dawn, they could have hit the eastern seaboard and already be back at the step-uncle's a hundred miles to the south. "Hey Laura, where's Carl?" "Oh, he decided to stay home." "Well, hey, let's go visit him!" Don't laugh, it's happened. I looked out the front window and saw all these figures lumbering up across the lawn. I nearly dropped from heart attack! I thought my life had suddenly turned into a George Romero flick. He-e-ell-o-o-o, we're here to eat your bra-a-a-in!

There are times, naturally, when I do choose to bite the bullet. When I sense the conditions are most favorable. Such was the moment when I agreed to go along to her mother's. Laura cajoled me, "Please please please please, I promise promise promise promise, mom really really really really wants to see you, and it'd mean so so so so much much much much to me me me me." My mother-in-law is great. She's the dot just 100 miles to the east. And I hadn't gone to see her in nearly half a year. It is germane to explain that Laura sprung the news on me as we lay tangled in the sheets. Ooh, this isn't playing fair, was about all my mind could muster, because of course she'd just deliberately fucked my brains out. Which isn't to say I had no life left in me. While the words crowded out her mouth, her fingers were doing some talking all their own, and the look in her eyes was telling me something else. Say yes and I'll shut up, and then I'll need something else to fill up my mouth. How could I so no to that? When she works at it, Laura can be very persuasive in her arguments. The wonder is that she doesn't do it all the time. Felled by the intoxication of her charms, she could just throw me in the backseat like so much dead meat. But then when we arrived, the car doors opened, the gathering crowd would swoon from the heady aroma. There, I suppose, is the glitch. If she made me shower off first I'd sober up. "Gee honey, thanks for showing me in advance how much you're going to miss me. Have a good time! Luv ya babe."

Ahh, the secrets we learn when we bother to sit around and think them through.

"Weeeellllllll," she began ominously a few days later. That hinted enough at the imminent evil that I replied, "Okay, I'm not going."

"Nononononono," she soothed. "See, my cousin and her new baby are going to be up at my aunt's so mom and I will be driving up Sunday in the morning for an hour and then coming right back... butbutbutbutbut you can just stay at mom's and sleep late and hang out by yourself the way I know you like to do and wait for us to come back early in the afternoon."

"One condition," I replied.

"Agreed," Laura answered, "anything you want. Rent movies, have a pizza delivered for lunch, hire a hooker to entertain you, whatever, you name it."

"You take your mom's car."


"That way when you call from Earl's house in Texas you'll get your mom's answering machine. And I'll be able to be already safe and snug and well asleep back at home in my own bed. By the way, how exactly does Earl fit into the pantheon anyway?"

It took awhile for Laura to answer. She was raised according to the etiquette books, and of course it is terribly rude to talk with a full mouth. Eventually she came up for air and gasped, "You got it." Weaving as I was I found it hard not to trip on the knot of pants around my ankles. And then, "Earl's a long story. Starts with my great-grandfather Anson's sort of step-sister and a ranch hand from Mexico... " The story got a bit muffled after that point, and I wasn't really listening anyway. Earl had maybe once briefly been a foster child of a relative who was actually adopted... but the lineage linking him to Anson's sort of step-sister got lost in translation. All these sort of details drive me crazy. None of it mattered. I was in that car.

Come Sunday morning I couldn't sleep with all the racket Laura and her mom were making. There I sat, grouchy, a newspaper to distract me and a cup of coffee my only weapon to beat back the grogginess that seemed to have replaced my body's calcium content, petrifying my bones into a bunch of surly sticks. Go away and let me get back to sleep was the only thought my brain could hold. Laura was on the phone, then suddenly off in the car. My mother-in-law, bless her, knew better than to try me with chit-chat at that hour. Then Laura was back with her sister Rachel. What is going on? I could barely wonder.

Rachel is the family anomaly. She was born, bred and is certain to die in this city. She is lost to the family heritage. Put her in a four- wheeled metal box going at highway speeds and she gets profoundly carsick. Not that she doesn't have the family urge. She once came into a fair sum of money, but promptly blew it all on airfare. She is famous for once having parachuted into a family gathering, with no prior experience. Back roads and a bicycle and pedaling hundreds of miles. After a few turns of renting scooters out of desperation she is, I understand, thinking of buying a motorcycle. Apparently in the open air and on two wheels she'll be able to do just fine breaking land-speed records. But no way would she be clambering in the car with these two for the upcoming adventure.

"Why is she here?" I whispered.

"Oh, thought I'd get you a little company," Laura replied with a twinkle. "No one like a sister to be safer than a hooker."

"What are you talking about?" This wasn't really a question. It was more an expression of my general morning confusion. Ever feel like you were a television? Your brain the guts and your eyes the screen? Someone's turned the volume and brightness knobs all the way up? And you're parked on a channel of static? No? Oh, you were born with cable. Never mind. No, wait. Disconnect the line! There you go. No? You can see what I'm talking but you don't know what I mean? Grrr, where's my coffee?

"Oh c'mon. Be a sport. You can do it. She wants you to do it. Give her a nudge and she'll be jumping all over you. It's your reward for being such a good boy."

"What? I'm supposed to say, hypothetically, 'C'mon Rachel, spread 'em wide 'cause Laura said so.'"

"You could possibly phrase it more delicately than that. Oh forget it you big goof. I'll have a word with Rachel myself. Leave the door open for you."

Did I believe her? No. No way. What was she talking about anyway? I whacked myself on the side of the head. That's what you do to improve reception if you don't have cable. Nothing made any greater sense, but the newspaper print was a tiny bit clearer.

There was a great fluttering as they got ready to go. It was like a herd of birds let loose in the house. Or a stampeding flock of buffalo.

Whichever, whatever, it was driving me crazy so I grabbed my stuff and dived out the door to the front porch.

"See you sweetie. Don't do anything I wouldn't do. And you know what I'd do if I were you, haw haw."

The slamming of little metal doors. The engine roaring to life. And then the sound. The sound I haven't mentioned before because no one would believe it. I don't believe. I hear it every time and still I don't believe it. It is, I suppose, a direct expression of their eagerness to go. Their git-go. Go anywhere. They squeal their tires. That's the sound. But I don't know how. There are no clutches to pop. There's not a manual transmission in all the family--I don't know why, some sort of religious prohibition. I'm sitting on the front porch in the middle of the morning and it sounds like the middle of the night. Some young toughs and their jacked up rods endangering all of America by having illegal drag races down city streets in the very early a.m. hours. That's what it sounds like. But it's just Laura and her mom reversing down the driveway at about 2 1/2 miles per hour. These things drive me crazy.

I looked over and noticed Rachel had joined me on the porch. She was waving with a wistful look on her face, then sighed to no one, "I wish I could go."

Nothing against her, but that made it unanimous. Like, doesn't your mom have a bucket around here?--maybe something with a lid? Once the car was gone from view I felt a great unclenching of my stomach. Great, but not complete. The morning and afternoon were mine, but I'd still have to take the time to run Rachel home. Count your blessings and quit your bitchings.

I was looking forward to lazing about with a book I was particularly enjoying. Drinking coffee until my head exploded. I'd save movies and hookers for another time, but a pizza for lunch sounded perfect. But a medium one, all of it the way I wanted it. Not a large one split down the middle with all the nasty stuff I don't like spilling over and ruining half my share.

"Ready to go?" I asked in a not particularly questioning tone.

"You bet," Rachel grinned in a way that didn't seem appropriate to the obvious slagging off I was presenting her with.

We had a quiet drive over, though Rachel grew a little more animated as we got closer to her apartment. I remained the sullen old bastard behind the wheel. Can't talk, gotta concentrate on the road-- accidents everywhere just waiting to jump out at you. It had nothing much to do with her, I just wasn't in the family mood. Rachel really was no different from the rest of them. They were all cast from the same mold, cloned from the same mold if I was feeling vicious. Attractive, witty, intelligent and born to roam. She'd have that Harley soon enough. And then, watch out! She'd be the one to finally track down the rumor of a relative in a dogskin tent down in Tierra del Fuego.

Luck was against me when we got to her building. I'd been praying for a street lined bumper-to-bumper but instead there was plenty of curb space for me to pull alongside. I put it in Park but kept the motor running. Rachel was halfway out her side before she realized what I was attempting. "Turn it off," she commanded. "You are so coming in." Ah, that authoritarian streak I knew so well. Totalitarian is the better choice of word. "Hey, come on. At least for a minute. You've never seen my place before," she coaxed. "Besides, I have a present for you I forgot to bring over." No innuendo there. It was a toss-up which one of us was getting the more flustered. "I know I'm a scary girl and all, but I promise: I don't bite." This whole one-sided exchange was driving me crazy. My brain was screaming at me, will you please be civil and just get the fuck out of the car and visit for a few minutes? I was balking, you know damn well what always happens then. Br-ring, br-ing. Or br-ring br-ing. Or chirp chirp chirp. Of course I was reacting from blind instinct. Once the argument entered the realm of terror of travel, the fabric of my logic was moth-eaten. I sensed something wrong with the shifting of ground but I felt so drained I surrendered. The whole of me got out of the car. There was that relief. The scene had started feeling as though I'd be spending the next ten years of my life sitting in the car refusing to get out of the car.

I apologized as we went up her walk. Some garbled bit about thinking a few hours to myself being chiseled in stone. If Rachel had replied that I really was nuts, I could have used my stock phrase about having heard that one before. Instead she said, "Laura's right: you really are nuts." With the wind sucked from my sails I listed along soundlessly.

Rachel's alleged present was real, propped against the wall right inside her door, exactly where she'd left it to remember it, exactly where she'd left it forgotten this morning. A small cheaply framed unattributed woodblock print she'd found at a yard sale for a dollar or two. It depicted--in purple ink and the crudity of an amateur's handling of a crude medium--a naked woman standing in a cornfield. I stood there stunned. It was the most lovely work of art I'd seen in years. There was no way for Rachel to have guessed except through a flash of pure intuition.

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Driving out the demons

Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, an 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here. “Ooooooohhhhhh oooooohhhhhhhh oh god eeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiii.” Polly could see her uncle’s head between her aunt’s legs. Her aunt was...

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Driving lesson

This happened many years ago and was one of my first experiences of sex with a stranger, again it is completely true.My driving lesson was always at about 11.30, I had had 2 and my instructor asked me if I would to go to lunch after the second lesson, why not? I thought. When we got to the pub for lunch 3 of his fellow driving instructors were there. Since I was a teen I have never worn a bra and the thought of wearing a bra for my lesson never even entered my head so off I went wearing a...

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We spent only a minute to enter the house and turn the alarm off. A few seconds later everything was in the dryer then I asked if she was hungry. “No,” she replied, “I had a huge lunch. I’m not used to eating that much. But…I can think of one thing I’d like in my mouth. Why don’t we go to bed?” I followed her numbly as she pulled me into the hallway. Once in the bedroom she repeated her actions of last night. “Wait here a second, John. I want to get a few towels.” She scampered into...

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Something Crazy

“Seriously?” Michi had me on the public sex thing. She had done it in a park at sunset. Granted it was fairly isolated, sitting on a bench with her boyfriend tucked between her legs so that even if someone chanced in, they would not see anything. Well, save for the exposed ass of her boyfriend. We were simply talking, on our way to the spa. At most, a two minute walk from our lockers to the door. It was a shared spa that sat between the men’s and the women’s locker rooms, our favorite...

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Smell That Drives Me Crazy

I am a 23 year old guy and I am slim and look okay and my aunt is the heroine of the story. She is white, 40 years old and the mother of two and her name is Nanda and I was crazy about her and rarely a day passes without masturbating by thinking about her. I always dreamed of having her with me in the bed. Like the old saying opportunities wont knock twice it knocked once and I opened the door. It was my uncle, the husband of my dream woman. His face told me that he was in a hurry and he was....

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Quarantine Stir Crazy

"I'm telling you the truth, auntie." Jordan rubbed his forehead as he sat at his aunt's kitchen table, pushing the mop of messy, matted, curly, mousy-brown hair out of his eyes. "If we have to stay in quarantine much longer, I swear I'll go out of my mind!" It had been fifty days since he'd had to abandoned his dormitory in New York City and take shelter with his aunt and his cousins in rural Massachusetts. Mary took a sip of her coffee and shrugged at her nephew. "I don't know what to...

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Totally Crazy

© Copyright 2003 "So who was she?" I asked Martha. Martha had introduced her as Bella. "Mm," was the sound that came out of Martha's mouth as she smiled. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you," she added. "Oh really?" I said, curious. Something about the way they had exchanged glances had suggested an intimacy. Was it possible Martha had a gay streak? Martha laughed. "I can see that your imagination is running away with you. Believe me, you don't want to know." I...

1 year ago
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Sun Crazy

Note : this story is completely fictional! Rob Treanour had fled to Europe with broken long term relationship behind him, twenty years in boring jobs and a dreary life. A chance offer of some well paid building work. His DIY skills proved well upto pro skills and he winged his way into a job. Older than his associate local workers he kept himself to himself and with a bank roll sorted by his solicitor as his property was sold, He had ideas of starting a business on the coast. Sun crazy but the...

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Driving out to Vermont and finding the lake

Introduction: We are getting ready to head to Vermont. We are leaving early in the morning and it is still dark outside and it should remain that way for about an hour before the sun starts to rise. We are both wearing jeans and I am wearing a t-shirt while my wife is wearing a tank-top and a sweatshirt. I have on a pair of boxers and my wife is wearing simple white panties and a black bra. I finish putting our bags into the care and then go around to the other side to give our son a kiss...

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Driving With Daddy Episode 3

Daddy and I finished our shower after his might had filled me again and again. My juices ran down my inner thighs in what seemed to be buckets of slick warmth only to be washed away by the heavy flow from the shower head. He cried out as I felt him fill my womb with lava-hot cream, making me echo his wanton howl. Daddy knew just what to do and held his cock deep inside of me until my pulse finally slowed. I could feel his penis dwindle and smiled knowing I had satisfied him as much as he had...

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Driving lessons end up in bed

This incident that happened 15 yrs back has left such an impression on my mind that I felt like sharing it with all readers of ISS. I was a student in one of the prestigious Medical Colleges in Kerala and was into my 3rd yr when this incident happened. My house was about 10kms from the College. As I was into heavy exercises and sports, my physique was well known and so was popular among the girls. I didn’t have any girlfriends but used to be very free with everyone. There was one particular...

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Driving Lessons For Rosy Aunty

Hi readers, this is Saji Verma from Kerala. I was born and raised in Mumbai. I am the only son of my parents. My dad is an international businessman and my mother is a homemaker. I completed my engineering and was back home in Mumbai after taking admissions for M tech in Pune as I told previously my mother is a homemaker but she mostly spend her time in clubs and as she is a society lady she has lot of friends mostly of her age. Many a time I used to drop her to clubs and pick her back and all...

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Driving a brand new motor home

At the beginning of that summer, Anita’s boss had purchased a brand new motor home from a guy in Jacksonville. He knew I had a commercial driver license; so he asked Ana if I could go there and drive it back to Savannah.He told my wife that he would give her some time off with pay, so she could come along with me. I figured it would be fun so I agreed to do it.When we were ready to leave, one of Ana’s office mates, a black guy called Oliver, came home with his new van. My sweet wife explained...

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Driving Mister Dozy

I had been driving for less than a year when I started work with Post Office Telecommunications in 1974. It was the practice of the firm to send those new starters with driving licenses out in a 3-ton vehicle for assessment. So, one bright January morning I was seated in the cab of a Bedford TK with another new starter and a Post Office driving instructor. Viv, the other newbie, drove us out of the depot through the early morning traffic of Cardiff. It was obvious he was an experienced and...

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driving lessons0

“That new kid Lee played well.” “Have you ever seen anyone uglier?” “You didn’t see him in the shower.” “I did. Fucking fit body and hung like a fucking donkey.” “Imagine that cock inside your pretty wife.” Ian had imagined that very thought. It was the biggest cock he had ever seen at least ten inches long and as thick as a beer can. Fat chance of that ever happening, Julie his stunning wife was in many ways very prim and proper as befitted a schoolteacher. She was tall over 5ft. 9,...

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Driving With Daddy The first Episode

 I must first and foremost thank Imhapless for being such a wonderful partner in inspiring me to write with him. Our first story went well, this one is different and such a joy to pen....more is on the horizon. My childhood was not always filled with the love and warmth that a girl dreams of. My Dad was great but my Mom was, shall I say, not as loving and nurturing as I hoped to be one day. When I was little she would rant about everything - my room being messy, leaving soap suds in the tub,...

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Driving Lessons Chapter 3

His dick twitched as his mind filled with images of the driving lessons, since they always ended with Sarah taking his cock deep inside her tight little cunt. His teen daughter's appetite for his dick was insatiable and he was enjoying every minute of it. But he had had to work today and so he would have to wait until tomorrow to feel the sweet rapture that was his daughter's pussy, squeezing the cum from his shaft. As he walked up to the front door, he took a deep breath, not sure if he...

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>>>>>> I first met Daisy while a graduate student in college. Actually, it would be more accurate to say that she met me as she was the dominant driving force through most of our relationship. You see, I was a nerd, still am for that matter. I wasn’t ugly or fat, or even a sloppy, smelly person. I was tall at six feet three inches and thin as a rail at 165 pounds. I still have a full head of light brown hair at thirty-eight, but I have filled out a bit, the result of sitting on my...

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Driving lesson

BARRY LAKER rolled his eyes when his daughter strolled into the kitchen.“Tash,” Barry said, exasperated.The girl looked at him, fists on her hips and her head tilted to one side. “What?” Natasha replied, knowing full well what her father was about to say. She knew he was about to make a comment about the brevity of the hemline on her skirt and would also probably have something to say about the clingy little top she had on.“Those shoes,” Barry said, nodding towards the strappy silver heels....

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Driving Lessons

Now coming to the day things changed. I was home, my parents left the country for a business trip. I wasnt alone, i had a cook, a housekeeper and a driver. Now i didnt have any friends but i had this online friend who i played games with and he was telling me about how he got into an car accident and wont be able to play for sometime. I felt bad for him but then i had this sudden thought i didnt knew how to drive. It was bugging me alot, i was 18 and didnt knew how to drive, we had all these...

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Driving with Uber An Unexpected Benefit Chapter 14 Conclusion

We separated after dinner. I had headed back to my place and Klara and Khrystiana headed back to Khrys' place. On the Uber ride back home I started thinking about our upcoming ‘farewell’ picnic for Klara on Saturday. One thing that struck me was Khrys’ comment about how provocative she found the idea of being spanked in a way that could be viewed by others. I had also noticed the sparkle in Klara’s eyes when Khrys made her comment.I realized as soon as Khrys suggested the picnic that this might...

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Driving TruckChapter 3

I slid into bed beside Teri. I had taken a shower in the downstairs bath so I was ready for anything or nothing, whatever was Teri's inclination. "Is everything okay?" "It is not only fine, but great. Mrs. Earle and I forgave each other. She will be moving soon, so you and I will have a home and a place to live. Mom sent me up to get into bed and make babies with you. Something about keeping up the family name." "She will have to wait a little. I've got a lot of estrogen in me and...

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Missing Man Part 2 Crazy

Part 2: Crazy I had no long idea how long I had slept, at some point I had fallen asleep in that seat. Still trussed up and still very much plugged. I woke to the vibrations in said plug and the whack of something against my skin. I cried out or at least I tried but I was gagged. I couldn't see what the hell was going on around me either. My eyes were either swollen shut which was probably a safe bet or they had blind folded me or put some form of hood over my head so I couldn't see what...

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Wild Girls Go Crazy

Did you ever have a best friend? My best friend is Lucy and my name is Linda. We've been best friends since kindergarten. We went to elementary school, middle school, and high school together. We just graduated high school. We're now on summer vacation, until we both start college in the fall. We’re going to the same college. We’re so close. We both are good looking. I’m a brown haired girl and Lucy has blond hair. I have brown eyes and Lucy has blue eyes. We both are five foot five inches...

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Patti Petite Ron Jeremy and my first wild crazy

I love women! I love asses! I love my ass! So, the following true story is near and dear to my heart, or cock, or maybe they are the same ;) She was my employee, she was older, she overweight, she was rude, crude, and socially unacceptable. So when she and I were talking in my office and she suggested that she suck my cock, I gladly accepted of course. She gasped when she saw my big cock and dove for it. That wasn't unusual in those days; I was young, hung, horny and not bad looking. Her...

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Crossdressing Charlie Episode 9 Everybodys Crazy

CROSSDRESSING CHARLIE Episode 9 EVERYBODY'S CRAZY "What are we going to do now?" Charlie yelled over the loud rush of passing cars. "I don't know!" cried Rachel, tears streaming down her face. "Well we can't just hang around the streets all night!" shouted Charlie. Rachel didn't say anything back. She continued to walk briskly ahead of Charlie as if she knew where she was going. Dusk was rapidly descending into night and the skyline of the distant city buildings was...

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Sis made me crazy

Hello to all ISS friends. First of all thanks for the hot emails you gave me for my previous three stories. Sorry I wasn’t able to keep up with my promise of continuing my last story ahead with my elder sister Mehak as was tied up with some work. Anyways, just to re-cap of the story am jotting down the last part of it, when my elder sister Mehak caught me and my cousin younger sister Guddu red-handed. I quickly go up, collected my clothes and ran towards the bathroom. From the bathroom, I could...

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Big Tony Goes Crazy

Chapter 1 It was in the early Spring in 1961, when Theresa's father, Big Tony Contino, started acting strangely. He was a big man, running to fat and hairy all over. He was a baker out at Electic Boat and had been a close neighbor to my parents for many years. Close in the sense that he lived fifty feet from our front door, not because he socialized with my parents at all, because he didn't. Having said that, there was never any bad feelings between the two families either. The Contino's...

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Driving in Snow Ch 08

Driving in Snow is an exploration of spiritually based sexuality and the power of synchronicity. This story is hard to characterize. It clearly fits in Mature, Erotic Couplings, First Time – several times over. Romance and even a unique form of Group Sex. There is enough nudity to add Exhibitionists and voyeurs and even some anal. It is long so I put it in Novels. What I hope is that it will inspire enough other writers to write spiritually based stories that we can add a new category of...

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Driving Miss Julie

It was a Friday evening around 7.30 pm and I'd just finished work and was looking forward to going home and drinking that nice bottle of Sancerre that was chilling in the fridge. I was making my way across the car park when I heard a female voice calling my name, looking around and saw it was my new boss Julia, what the fuck have I done now I thought! I should explain that I work as a train driver and it's very unusual to have a female boss a lot of my colleagues had a real problem with it....

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