Gladiator free porn video

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All my life I have been training. I was a bio engineered slave with one purpose, to fight. This was a rogue world system owned and ruled by the Deviants. They were a race of aliens that lived for centuries. The world had many alien people but humans were not one of the majority. The Deviants had one passion, the old roman gladiator games where people fought to the death.

I moved through the maze slowly as I searched for my enemies. This time it was full tech and I carried a short assault riffle. I paused at the hint of sound and knelt to watch the next corner. The huge armored suit flowed around the corner and a large rifle came up. I fired three times and it fell straight back.

It had two scarred marks on the chest plate and a shattered face shield where the plasma round had penetrated. I was up and moving as the suit twitched and went around the corner it had come from. I glanced both ways before tossing a magazine to the right. Turning left I crossed the hall and stepping into a dead end.

I turned to face the way I had come and knelt to watch the feet of the suit. It was several minutes before I heard the other as it moved down the hall and stopped just out of sight. A minute later the armored suit moved past and headed towards where I had thrown the magazine. I fired as it spun and stood to move forward while I shot it in the head twice more.

As it fell I moved down the hall and retrieved the magazine and continued moving. It was awhile before I stepped into the center room and emptied the magazine into the head of a last suit. I dropped the spent magazine and reloaded as it fell and then moved across to the pillar. I had killed all my opponents but had learned the hard way.

I slapped the pillar and knelt at the ready, searching for anyone or anything. The walls glowed and then began dropping into the floor to reveal the arena I was in. I ignored the bodies of those I had killed and stood.

"Well done Sampson!"

I turned and watched as the tall alien appeared in a holograph, "master."

It smiled and waved a snake like arm, "the year end games are coming and I have chosen you as my champion."

I shifted because no slave ever returned from the year end games, "my prize?"

It frowned, "pride at beating the others."

I glanced around, "no slave has ever returned from the games."

It growled as the holograph moved closer, "I could kill you now."

I straightened and looked at my master, "it would save time but then who would stand in my place?"

It stopped moving and hesitated before grinning, "if you win I will free you."

I smiled, "and the match prizes?"

It laughed, "female slaves."

The holograph vanished and I turned to start walking toward a door that had opened in the arena wall. I walked in as the morgue drones went out to collect the suits and bodies. I stripped in the anti chamber and turned the lethal weapons in. After the last one entered the armorer slot the other door opened.

I carried a few personal items out like the rainbow hued battle knife I had won when I was fourteen. I headed up the empty ramp and stood waiting to enter my room. When the door opened I walked in and crossed to set everything I held down on a low table before walking into the corner shower.

After I was done I dried off and collected everything I had managed to save. I made a bundle into a pack before ordering a meal. I started eating and began to feel strange. I stumbled to the pack and put it on before falling. I woke in a large bare room with one corner sunken into a large bath.

I slowly sat up and smiled when I realized I still had my pack. I took it off before standing and moving to a wall fountain to drink. After that I began the careful examination of each wall. The one on the other side of the bath was where I found the way out. I looked at it before moving to the pack and removing the spare plasma magazines for a pistol.

I used water from the fountain and sprinkled the vid cameras. I opened the hidden vent and set the magazines inside before closing it. I went to the door and waited and after several minutes it slid open. I found a drone waiting as I looked around, "exercise area."

It turned and gestured and I followed the gesture before leaving. The large area had several dozen men training and exercising. I went to a sim and punched in my normal workout and started stretching as it counted down. I was watching the others just as I knew they would be watching me.

First it was swimming and climbing followed by running and then mirrored katas. It was three days before the first match. There were a dozen of us standing in the arena. The match was unarmed so there was a chance more than one would survive. The stands filled and the owners boxes lit up and then the horn went off.

I started towards the center and the winner's pillar, that would draw others after me. The first ran at me and leaped. I shifted and turned to kick out and into his chest. I was knocked back but rolled to my feet as the other man tried to stand. I shook my head as I glanced around at the others fighting.

The other man finally stood and took a step but I saw the way he moved. I slid in smoothly and brushed his front kick away before stepping forward and striking into his throat. As he went back and down I turned to start walking again. Five other men were moving towards the center, I moved towards one and he lunged and punched.

I used my right hand to brush it to my left and stepped in. He was spinning to use a spinning back fist when I struck him in the back of the neck. He dropped and I knew he would not get up. I glanced at the others, one was down and his opponent was walking towards me. The other two were circling each other but one was limping.

I faced the man moving towards me and moved to the side to circle him but he shifted to block me. He slid in and punched but I caught his hand as I turned and yanked. I brought my other fist down to break the elbow as he tried to turn away. I spun away and around and my fist snapped out to strike him in the head.

He dropped and I glanced at the other two men. One was walking towards me confidently and the other one was on the ground. I moved to the side and shifted as he approached and flat kicked straight out and into his groin. He tried to twist and pull back but was to close. I spun and snapped a kick out to strike his head.

He went flying sideways as I moved after him and brought a foot down to break the knee. I backed off before watching him and finally turned and started walking towards the pillar, "finish him!"

I stopped and looked at my master's holograph and turned back. I walked to the man and moved around as he tried to stand. I turned and snapped a kick into the back of his neck to break it. He dropped and I looked at him before glancing at the holograph and walking to the pillar and to strike it and kneel.

The sound of people in the stands hit me as the sonic screen vanished. I stood and started walking toward the single door that opened as morgue drones appeared. I climbed and walked to my room and as soon as the door closed a holograph of my master appeared, "what are you doing Spark?"

I looked at him calmly, "he was done and unable to fight. There is no sport in killing the helpless."

He looked at me for a minute before nodding, "you are correct."

He turned and the holograph vanished. I headed towards the bath, "you owe me a match prize."

I heard his laugh as I stripped and walked into the bath. I sat and relaxed as I thought about what was to come. There would be many more fights to select winners for the next round. I looked at the door when it opened and a girl in her teens walked in hesitantly. She looked across the room and walked towards me and held out a document, "my owner's certificate."

I gestured to the table, "put it there and undress."

She did as I told her and I looked at her pale beauty before gesturing, "come here."

She bit her lip as she walked into the bath, "I have never had sex master."

I took her hand and pulled her onto my lap and felt her amazing body before looking into her face, "I am a slave like you and I have not had sex."

She smiled, "but you own me."

I cupped and felt one of her firm breasts, "until I die in the arena."

She wiggled and I looked at her before slipping a hand down between her legs. She spread them and leaned against me as I started feeling and fingering her pussy, "what will happen to me?"

I sighed, "you will probable return to where you were before."

She shuddered and turned her head as one of my fingers pushed into her. I stood and pulled her out and reached to the side for a towel. After she was dry I pulled her to the large bed and pushed her onto it. I stalked after her and leaned down to smell her pussy before pushing her legs wider.

I licked and pushed my tongue into her and she moaned and shuddered. I gently nibbled on the hard nub at the top of her slit. I sucked on it and wiggled my tongue as she spasmed and humped up. I grinned as I realized she enjoyed what I was doing and went after the nub some more. It was several minutes before she wailed and twisted again.

I looked up her body as she panted and moved up before pushing into her. Her pussy was very tight but warm and slippery. I worked my cock deeper until it was all the way in her. I pulled back and began to fuck her with long, slow, deep thrusts. She shuddered and moaned and I looked at her and smiled before kissing her, "I am Spark."

She put her arms around me as her hip lifted and she humped up, "Kyra."

I wanted this to last as long as possible. After a few minutes I felt like I was getting close and buried my cock and held her. I tried not to move as my cock throbbed and her tight pussy squeezed. I finally groaned and humped into her hard before I began to gush, spew and pump huge spurts of cum.

Kyra jerked and lifted her hips when she felt the warm cum, "mmmm!"

I shuddered and humped and kept pumping sperm into her as she clung to me while her pussy grasped and squeezed. When I stopped cumming I sighed and looked at her as she panted and slowly relaxed. I pulled back and started to fuck her slimy pussy and she grinned and lifted her hips. It was an hour before we finished and I lay holding her.

I got her up later and we ate before I pulled her back to bed. I just held her and softly felt and caressed her body before falling asleep. I was up early and looked at Kyra before turning and rolling her onto her back. I moved over her and spread her legs with my knees before slowly pushing into her.

She moaned and shuddered as she opened her eyes and smiled while putting her arms around me. I fucked her slowly with deep thrusts but did not push to hard. It was a couple of minutes before she shuddered and humped up as her pussy squeezed, "mmmm!"

I started fucking her harder and she continued to meet my thrusts. She clung to me as I planted my cock in her each time and then began to hump and grind. It was a minute before she lifted her legs and spasmed while wailing. A little later I pushed all the way into her and kissed her as I began to pump sperm.

She jerked as her pussy tightened, "yes!"

I shuddered as I kept spurting and spewing until I was done and just held her as my cock throbbed. She sighed and slowly relaxed on the bed and grinned. I pulled out and moved off her before helping her out. We used the fresher and washed before I went to exercise. I was thinking as I moved through each exercise and finally stopped.

The list for the next arena fight was up and it was the next day. I walked into my quarters and absently flicked water from the gym. A small holograph vid camera flashed as Kyra walked across the room. I hugged her and kissed her as I moved to one side and one hand flicked a few more drops. Another camera flashed as I kept kissing her.

When I finally stopped the cameras were all dead. I stripped and walked into the bath, "listen at the door."

Kyra frowned but went to do as I told her. I opened the hidden vent and carefully crawled in. I moved through the empty space until I reached a junction. I saw the service comp and began to hack into it. I had learned a lot over the years and managed to finish in just a few minutes. I had basically stolen credits from my master and bet them on me for the last two fights.

I had also planted a siphon worm to steal from any account it bet with. I quickly moved back to the room and crawled out into the bath. I closed the hidden panel and grinned as I held my hand out to Kyra, "come here my lovely girl."

She grinned as she walked towards me, "you going to tease me again?"

I pulled her onto my lap and caressed her bare hips as she wiggled. I kissed her and looked at the door when it opened and the repair drone came in. It was hovering as it moved along the wall and began replacing the holograph vid cameras. I turned back to Kyra and lifted her enough for her to position my cock.

She pushed and I slid into her as she sighed and began to rock. She rolled her hips and started thrusting back and forth as she purred. I grinned and caressed her sides as her tight pussy grasped and squeezed my cock. She bounced a couple of times before spasming, "ooohhh!"

I laughed as I stood with her impaled on my cock and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I was walking out and towards the bed when the drone finished and my master appeared. I stopped and looked at him as Kyra's pussy rippled and milked my cock, "yes?"

He grinned, "I see you are breeding her already."

I waited and he finally looked at me, "your next contest is in the morning. It involves primitive weapons. Your favorite short swords will be waiting. Do not fail me."

I nodded as Kyra shuddered and he grinned, "if you win another female will be yours."

I nodded again as his holograph vanished and turned to walk to the bed. I sat and then turned and rolled before starting to fuck Kyra with deep thrusts. She lifted her legs and spread them as my cock constantly pushed all the way into her. It was a minute before she was shaking and her pussy was squeezing my cock repeatedly.

She hugged me as I fucked her hard and deep and she began to hump up. I kept it up for several minutes before slowing to just long slow thrusts. She wailed and started bucking as she wet me and her pussy clamped down, "aaaahhhh!"

I buried my cock to grind and Kyra clutched me while her pussy milked my cock, "YES!"

I kissed her as she writhed around under me and went back to fucking her nice and deep. It was a few minutes before I shoved into her and held her struggling body and began gushing and pumping cum. When I was done I sighed and pulled out before rolling her onto her stomach. I pushed her legs open and moved back between her legs.

She tilted her hips as I pushed back into her now cummy pussy. I buried my cock and humped as I enjoyed her warm pussy pulsating around my cock. I fucked her a half dozen times before I stopped and helped her wash. We walked in the slave exercise compound and had a nice dinner before I went to bed holding her.

I woke early and caressed Kyra before slipping out of bed. I stretched and went through a few exercises to warm up before leaving. My short swords were unlocked in the arena armory and waiting. I added the leather and chain bracers I had made and slipped the sheaths over my shoulders.

I checked and adjusted everything several times until I was comfortable and sat to meditate. Actually I was going over how the others had moved while exercising. I stood at the warning light and started for the door. There were two dozen of us this time and the weapons ranged from spear to battle axe to swords.

Like before the stands filled as we stood waiting and then the horn sounded. This time I moved to the side and towards a large man with a battle axe. I saw the man to my other side following and ignored him for now. I hesitated just as the large man shifted and swung. Both swords came out as I swayed back and then leaped.

One sword was coming down in an over head strike and the other stabbing out. I knew they would be blocked and the high strike hit the axe head as the handle swept the other sword aside. I was close now and that had been my true goal. I spun to the right as he jabbed out with the axe blade and brought my left sword around the axe that barely missed me.

It sank into the man's neck and he jerked back as he dropped. I completed the spin and started after the spear carrying man that had stalked after me. He slowed and shifted like he was going into a defensive stance. I watched his whole body though and he turned suddenly and the spear flashed towards me.

I half turned, my left sword snapped up and out to knock the spear away before I continued towards him. He was licking his lips as if afraid but I had seen him practice. When I reached him I fainted a jab and he shifted as two long knives appeared. I smiled as I slid in closer and he tried to make me turn as he circled.

I slid to the side and into his path. He jabbed a faint and I took it, only not like he expected. I blocked and he lunged and my other sword struck as he tried to move back. My sword ripped through his forearm and I twisted as I lifted my sword. He screamed and staggered as he tried to block another jab.

His block did not work and my sword went over his shoulder and cut his throat. I yanked both swords back as he fell and shifted to look around before starting to walk towards the winner's pillar. Half the men that started were already out and the other half were stalking others. Three quarters of the way to the pillar another large man with a great sword charged me.

I shifted my stance and waited, at the last minutes he shifted the sword to one hand and swung to the side. I was waiting and lunged in and my left sword cut down as my right lunged out in a stab. The man tried to pull the swing and twist away but he could not do both and managed neither.

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Gerta found her mother in the kitchen after she had led Johnny down the stairs from her bedroom and out the front door. Still naked, she wrapped her arms around her mother and grinned. "He fucked me, Mommie!" she sighed. "It was wonderful!" Mrs. Beck's arms went around her daughter. She patted Gerta's ass. "I know, baby. I could hear you screaming all the way down here!" "Tomorrow, he wants me to lay for a friend of his," Gerta added, drawing back. "It made me feel kind of...

2 years ago
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A Perfect Valentines Night Out

Was thinking how lovely it would have been if we were going out to central London town to this highly lovely wine bar at the basement. Very secluded and with romantic settings. Wooden floor with low wooden ceiling, dim lights with small wooden round tables with small petite chairs round the able. A fire place with real fire on one of the walls not far from the table we choose to sit down at. The place has a very chilled romantic atmosphere to it, relaxing and yet so cosy. We sit at the table...

3 years ago
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CollegeChapter 6 Freshman Coop Group

I was stepping into my pants when Angie entered the room. She cupped her hand over her mouth, like she was embarrassed at seeing my shorts. I expected to hear an apology from her for not knocking before walking into our room but she had something else on her mind. "What's with sleepyhead?" she whispered, pointing at Charlie. "We didn't get to sleep until late. I kept him up, talking," I explained, not bothering to whisper. Charlie was used to sleeping in a room with seven noisy...

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The Cabin

She was sitting in the passenger seat, slightly turned toward me. Her legs spread and she was slowly working her clit, showing me everything. I had already told her she was not allowed to cum yet, but hearing her breathing I could tell she was getting close. Glancing sideways I snapped, “I said you’re not allowed to cum yet.” Even I could hear the anger rising in my voice, but all she did was giggle and keep going because she knew there was nothing I could do about it. One long gasp made me...

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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 430

We were in the office early; Lorrie’s group had a day filled with flights. The agency’s secret materials were loaded in the dark last night. The pilots started doing the preflight at 5 AM. The flight was leaving in just a few minutes for Thailand. Two C130s left on the freight run and all the G5s were to go on charters today. Burt was sending me one folder at a time; he had broken it down into chats separate from the emails. It looked like Randolph was spending the entire shift in chat...

2 years ago
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Black whore 3

Silence, whore, otherwise ....- an automatic knife flashed in his hand. He rested it on her throat. Danny froze in horror. The shiny blade rested on her long beautiful matte neck. She had to suppress her cry until she sobbed softly until the skeleton-thick finger of Skeleton penetrated her most hidden bowels.-Now paw! Said Psyhara, still holding the knife to her throat. "Lapay, you bitch," he shouted at her. Danny looked at him with unimaginable horror; there was nothing human in his crooked...

2 years ago
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Pehli Chudai Chote Phufa Ji Ke Saath 8211 Part II

Namashkar doston apni story ka agla bhag lekar hazir hoon aapko pehla bhag pasand aaya uskeliye shukriya jaisa ki aap sab jante hain main aur mere chote phufa ji rakesh pehli chudai ke baad phir taiyar ho gaye chudai ke liye mujhe to swarg mil gaya tha itne mote lund se chudkar ab rakesh mujhe nange hi god me utha laiya aur bathroom me le gaya wahan garam pani se mujhe nehlaya aur shower ke neeche ek kursi laga diya aur khud kursi par baith gaya main use chumne lagi aur uske saanp jaise lund ko...

1 year ago
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The Submission of Sister Sunshine Ch 01

SMACK! “Thank you, sir!” SMACK! “Ouch! Thank you, sir!” Sister Sunshine spread like an eagle across the bed in a room at the ExtendedStay Hotel. A new gentleman friend named Cassius that she met via the Internet supplied her demand of heavy handed slaps across her brown voluptuous ass. He, the age of fifty-three and she, the age of thirty-one, freely expressed their deep enthralling lusts for dirty, nasty sex. The type of activity that most God-fearing folks would condemn with the quickness,...

3 years ago
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My dads friends

Not quite sure how Joe knew I was...well you know gay, but he did. He came up to me in the kitchen and said "you should stop by the house sometime after school and check out some new stuff I got" Sure why not was my reply. I didn't think about it for about a month then one day in school I remembered and thought why not just pop in today. When I got to Joe's house he was happy to see me. "Hey little is being a senior doing ya?" Pretty good. So where's the new toys at. Out in the...

4 years ago
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NobleChapter 8

It was Jen’s turn as we moved to our bedrooms. Tammy and Dove smiled as they closed the door to their bedroom. Jen slowly undressed me and had me sitting on the middle of the bed as she slowly undressed. We touched kissed licked tickled nibbled and a lot more, but I can’t remember the rest. I do know that when I slid my cock into her, it was electrifying. I do remember that my orgasm was so intense it hurt. Jen had passed out, I was still inside her, and I too passed out. The next morning, I...

2 years ago
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The week gets better still Pt 4

Introduction: what a way to have fun, I woke to feel the bed moving slowly, Grant was spooning Liz and fucking her from behind, we played for a short while, licking and kissing one another, all still sexually content from yesterday, but horny, I knew Grant had most likely started to fuck her because of his morning woody, and was warming her up for the days fun, so I pulled Liz into the shower, soaped her up a bit, then I got her to kneel down, and saw Grant with cock in hand, I said how would...

3 years ago
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Harmony Cont

You might want to read the 1st two posts of how harmony and I met and fucked: After Desert Storm all units were returned back to their respective "Home Base" as it were. Harmony's unit was sent back to California, upon return I was reassigned to the army signal school as an instructor for two years and lost track of harmony. After my stint as an instructor I was sent to Alaska. I processed in and had to report to the TMC (Troop Medical Clinic) for my physical after I was poked and prodded I was...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Laney Grey My Best Friend Stole My Girlfriend

Jake Adams is resting on the couch when Laney Grey walks by. She didn’t know that Jake – her boyfriend’s best friend – would be there. She rouses him and his eyes flutter open. He apologizes for surprising her. He’s visiting from out of town and arrived early, so he just let himself in. Laney says it’s ok as she tidies up the room a bit. When she bends over in front of him, Jake can’t help but look at her juicy ass. When she’s finished cleaning...

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GloryHole Skylar Madison 12182017

The word has hit the streets! Everyone seems to know!! Our adult bookstore is getting very “cruisy”! Take Skyler Madison, for example. She’s a huge slut with an insatiable appetite for “N.S.A” (no strings attached) hook ups. She’s known about the gloryholes in this particular store a while now, so when Skyler comes to the store, she dresses like a super slut. Then, she’ll “browse” the adult DVD section before heading back to the arcade. But...

2 years ago
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Random Sex With My Lover

You call me up on the telephone and tell me you are in my area. You ask me if it is okay if you drop by and see me. That you really want to."Sure." I say a smile appearing across my face."Great. See you in a few sexy." you say.We then hang up the telephone at the same time. The thought of getting to see you again at such a random moment has my pussy already soaking wet. I let my hands travel down my body and touch my pussy through my shorts. I moan as the thought of you touching me runs through...

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Living With Daddy

It was the summer of '68 when I first got a look at a girl's private part, we were both 8. She lived down the street from my house but she went to a Catholic School and I went to a Public School. We were playing one day when she asked to see my Treehouse. Oh man that was like off limits to girls at that time in my life. Well some how she talked me in to her going up to my Treehouse. The first time she asked why it was not enclosed all the way. I told her I had no idea I guess Dad ran out of...

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By Any Means Necessary

By Any Means Necessary By Schizo Michelle had become bored with her life. Everyday seemed to be the same routine over and over. She woke up early each morning for work, prepared breakfast for her husband Rick and herself, and went to work at the hospital where she was a nurse. Work had also become an unpleasant place for her. Michelle had been a nurse for seven years and knew just as much about medicine than any doctor that worked there. However, she was treated with little respect...

2 years ago
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The Adventures of Karen Threesome

Rebecca looked over at me and said, “Get over here, Grey! We need cock! “Yes Mistress.” I answered, standing up, her panties still draped over my stiff prick. I walked over to the two prone women and added. “Might I suggest that we retire to my bedroom?” Grabbing my silk encased cock, Rebecca replied, “An excellent idea, Grey,” and she led us to my boudoir, indicating that I should lie on my back in the center of the bed. Finding a shirt and tie draped over a chair, she proceeded to bind my...

Group Sex
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Marc and I Pt 1 The first time

I was 18 years old and I was like any other kid. I liked video games, junk food, and TV. My closest friend Marc was just the same, but he was one year older than me, same grade though. We would always hang out together and talk about girls and other things. He was only a little bit taller than me, I was about 5'1'' at the time and he was about 5'3'' with very tan skin and a great body. I had always been curious about other guys, sexually. I am uncut and had always wondered what a cut one would...

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Win a Date with Quinn0

know all the specifics or exactly why the law makers did this, but do any of us really know why politicians do anything? To be perfectly honest I do not really care why they did it, because, to make a long story short, the outcome of the passing of this law has completely eliminated the `age of consent' and has made all child pornography legal. It did not take long after this law was passed for `kiddy porn' to move out of basements and warehouses and become professionally produced at...

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Boston Solutions IncorporatedChapter 14

Mel looked up from her notes and said, “Professor Sigmond wants us to write a paper on whether or not Waterloo really represented Napoleon’s downfall. What position should I take?” “There are only three positions you can take. Yes it did or no it didn’t or it depends,” Stephen answered. “I want to say that it did, but I think that is too obvious,” Mel said. “What major events before Waterloo occurred might have represented Napoleon’s downfall?” Stephen asked. “Well, there was the Russian...

2 years ago
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You vs Bully Your Crushs Heart

You and Tori relax by the fireplace after a day of adventure and romance. Her tired smile speaking a thousands words directly to your heart. You wrap your hands around her beautiful body. "I love you, Adam." "I love you too, Tori." You go in for a kiss and- You wake up to the sound of your alarm screeching. You turn it off and let out a frustrated groan. Why do dreams always end at the best part? You ponder this mystery as you get ready to start the day. In case you have somehow forgotten who...

3 years ago
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Falling Ch 05

I was feeling tired and hung over, the result of a sleepless night with a lot of drinking and even more sex. I couldn't exactly bring myself to regret any of it, but it was disconcerting to realize I'd slept with more people in the last 12 hours than in all of my life prior to that point. A smile crossed my face as I thought about Jenny, the last of those partners, and then disappeared as I pondered the situation in which I found myself. I'd bewitched Jenny -- binding her affections to...

4 years ago
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Evening Light Ch 04

I adore your feedback as always. I am trying to get this out as fast as possible. Please enjoy *** Part 4 The next week passed very quietly. Grace kept her promise to Miss Em and had dinner with them every night. She and Lucas were very careful around each other. Miss Em kept looking from one to the other in exasperation at their overly formal manner. Grace wouldn’t have minded so much about the situation but those green eyes did something to her. The curve of his lips made her want to run...

2 years ago
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A Boys LuckChapter 5

I could not forget that moment; my mother was standing completely naked... in front of me. I always knew that my mother was beautiful... but didn't know that she could be so beautiful. She was little fleshy at places, still I could see that she was in much better shape than I had expected... the additional flesh enhancing the beauty of her sensuous curves. Her waist appeared slim except for a fleshy hump below her belly button. Her boobs were large, contrary to those of Mansi's but they...

1 year ago
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BrattySis Emma Starletto Natalie Knight Step Sibling Valentines Day Club

Natalie Knight has noticed that her adopted sister Emma Starletto and their stepbrother Codey Steele have a very close relationship. She suspects that they’re more than friends. He brings Natalie a Valentine’s gift as they’re lounging in the room together: dick candy and butt plugs with his dick hidden at the bottom. Natalie is a little bit hesitant to do anything with Codey’s gift since Emma is right there, but eventually Codey coaxes her into delivering a handjob. Once...

3 years ago
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A very nice trip of commission in train 3 P very thanks for who has loaded this video, delicious legs a little open :-P, and very delicious black pantyhose a bit transparent, my favorites :-P, namely this type of pantyhose in this video here above it's really my favorite type of pantyhose, and then with small holes on the knees means they are nice legs tough and knees tough and also the calves powerfuls, and then at the end when she gets up the boy on background that looks her...

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Curse of Tsaia

The lights flickered through the pillared hall as Corvan danced around them. He moved slowly in the shadows, stepping lightly in a toe-heel pattern unnatural to most folks. To Corvan it was more natural than walking. Around a pillar came a guard and Corvan pressed flat against the wall. He slowly pressed off it and crept towards the nearest pillar. The guard carried a pike and shield, a sword around his hip. The jingling of his mail came with every step. He was quiet for a man in so...

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GirlsWay Kristen Scott Jasmine Summers Meant For Each Other Part Two

We jump to the present where lesbian lovers, Kristen Scott and Jasmine Summers tie the knot. But things aren’t exactly the fairy tale they perceived. Kristen looks over an abundance of overdue bills, all incurred by her materialistic wife, Jasmine. When Jasmine comes home wearing a new dress, Kristen is furious that Jasmine isn’t taking their financial situation seriously. Jasmine attempts to make light of the situation and kisses Kristen, which she isn’t taking easily. After...

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Tanks For The Mammaries

SUMMARY: This story is an original literary work. I wrote a story just to stretch my creative muscles. All scientists in this work are fictional. Any resemblance to anyone living, dead or born in the future, is purely coincidental. WARNINGS: Contains transgender themes, Sci-Fi, explicit sex, mild violence, bad words, and strange ideas. It has only the strange things that dribble from my head. If you are not old enough, mature enough, open minded enough, and especially not smart...

3 years ago
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Incest Slut Nisha

Hi ladies and girls and guys, I am one of the regular readers of this website. I am Yuvan age 25 working as a computer engineer in Chennai with height 5’11 weight 76 kg and 7 inches thick rod with looks of a smart navy officer(because that was my last job). This is about an encounter between myself and my cousin Nisha who is 20 doing arts in one of the three famous women’s college in Chennai. Let me describe her, Nisha has the cheeks of actress Samantha in vtv movie with a rosy lips that i ate...

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JulesJordan Athena Faris Athena Faris Is A MegaBabe And She Wants Your Cum

Markus Dupree guides a timid but game Athena Feris through a multi-position screw-a-thon in this scene from Feris is a stout, curvy brown-eyed doe with pierced nipples. She performs a short tease that leads her mouth directly to Dupree’s cock. He places Athena ass up, face down on the sofa and pile drives. Feris occasionally sucks toe during the romp. After a cowgirl lockdown a seemingly stunned Feris erupts when Dupree furiously fingers her twat. Squirt shrapnel is unleashed...


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