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An intense thread on the Sexual Role Playing Boards of Literotica inspired this story. Special thanks to my co conspirator rhev, for helping me develop this random thought into something worth typing. In my word processor this story occupies 37 pages, and the story does not have a clear cut happy ending. Enjoy, but for now I consider these characters to have told their story.


Bastion hated being in his cold dark cell, he could not understand anything the scrawny ones said and they treated him poorly. He lashed out at everyone around him and it was not long before he was sent to the Gladiatorial pits. At least there his massive size and strength served him well. Eventually he had the privilege of a private cell, which was kept clean in order to maintain his good health. He still struggled with their strange language and unusual customs. A while ago about seven days ago, a thin blonde female had been tossed into his cell, she had been rather weak and he had broken her ribs accidentally when she pathetically tried to mate with him. Bastion hated being alone and now he wished he had treated the blonde thing a little more carefully.

Margaret hated being a slave, it had all started with a fire, which had taken her family, her home, and her freedom. Slavers had found her covered in ashes and frozen in shock. They had tried to clean her up but when anyone tried to touch her she lashed out. She was strong for a girl, as she had worked hard her entire life. She had been so numb that somehow they chained her up even as she severely injured any man who dared touch her. After breaking a man’s wrist she had been whipped and her clothing removed. Margaret had a square compact build and things only got worse when her clothing was removed and her surprisingly full breasts were revealed. The whippings grew more frequent as she scratched, bite, and injured any of the slavers who tried to touch her. Which had led to numerous welts across her back and legs. Her long dark brown hair was a tangled mess and she heard them complaining that she would not fetch a good price at auction.

‘Even with those breasts, her thighs are too muscular, and she is filthy. If we are lucky and can get her cleaned up she might fetch a good price as a cow.’

Margaret’s hearing was excellent and she listened to every word, her eyes closed tightly to keep from crying. She was surprised the next day when one of the female slaves approached her when they stopped for the night, with a washing basin and a comb. She had received a severe lashing during the day and her body was covered in red throbbing welts. Even the slave woman seemed scared as she moved closer. Margaret’s hands had been tied up but she managed to undo the best knots and pretended her hands were still bound as the woman approached.

The slave spoke softly and pleaded, ‘Please do not give them reason to hurt me.’ Margaret stood still as the woman tended to her wounds and then to her hair.

Eventually her dark brown locks were confined in a series of fine braids, she rather liked it as when she shook her head the braids lashed out like tiny whips. The slavers would arrive in town tomorrow and agreed that she would fetch a fine price for a cow.

She had never heard the term cow applied to a human and could only guess at its meaning. The rest was a blur and eventually she was taken to a dark cell and shoved in. It was early morning by her reckoning, and she was restless despite having been awake for the last thirty some hours. She had already endured the appraising stares all day and they had spoken so she could not hear what they said. She had not eaten in days and shivered in the cold cell. She could hear someone else breathing heavily, probably asleep she figured. She finally sat down in a corner, pulled her legs up, and prayed.

Bastion had been having the most wonderful dream. He had been back in his homeland, long before the invaders had taken him as a slave. Working his land alongside his brothers, the sweat on his body and soreness in his muscles were offered up as a sacrifice to the gods in exchange for a good crop. His honest work would allow him and his family to eat well, and have leftover crops for market. Perhaps after his older brother was married, the matchmaker would go about finding him a wife. One who would not mind his brutish size, a woman who would see what a hard worker he was, and who could bear him many sons to take care of him in his old age. It had been a pleasant dream, a memory of his shattered past, one that he did not have very often. Lately all he dreamed of was the act of killing. The feeling of hot blood spraying across his face as he wounded another man, the feeling of bone and sinew stretching under his grip filled his mind at night. All he was good for to these invaders was the spectacle of fighting. He was a massive giant compared to them and they loved to see him hurt people. Sadly it was something that he excelled at. His old life was dead, his old dreams nothing more than ashes. So why not hurt others? Why not give back a bit of the pain that he had experienced?

His favorite fights were when they sent their own people against him. Bastion guessed that some were crowd favorites, professional fighters, the crowd always went wild for those types. Oh how he loved to smash their faces in, make them hurt, make them bleed, make the fighter feel his rage for the entire country. Their cries in their devil tongue as they lay there on the ground clutching broken noses, arms, or deep wounds were like a balm. They eased his pain, if only for a short while.

Some of his opponents were probably criminals or slaves, and he knew some of them were captured thralls like him. It did not matter, as long as he kept winning, or at least pleasing the crowd, they kept treating him better. He would never be going home, so he may as well earn a nicer cell, better and more food, and the occasional diversion.

Yet, he had been having the dream of home, something that had not happened in a long time. It softened his heart, made him remember that he was not an animal no matter how much they tried to make him into one. Despite what he did to that woman in a fit of passion and rage, he was still a man.

The noise that awoke him was not the door of his cell being opened. He had long ago given up hope of trying to escape. He had tuned out most of the noises of the compound that was his jail, including other slaves exchanging his slop pail and bringing him his meals. They knew not to disturb him, they knew to leave the food on the floor near the door. The morning meal was never anything that held his interest anyways, some bread, water, maybe a few figs or olives. A step up from the slop they used to serve him, but no meat, no cheese, and certainly no ale. No, meat and cheese were for the evening meal perhaps, but never breakfast.

No, the cell door opening barely even registered in his slumbering mind. What woke him from his slumber, from his dreams of home, was the gasp. He had heard and on some level understood that someone was being pushed into the cell with him. His warrior instinct took him from deep sleep to full alertness in a heartbeat. Maintaining his deception, he cracked one eye open and watched the scene unfold before him. A woman was being roughly shoved into his cell. The small window high on his cell provided ample light for him to make out her face. She was not a gorgeous creature by most people’s standards, but had a beauty that seemed to be hidden. Despite a nose that looked like it may have been broken a long time in the past and fading bruises on her face, she had an inner beauty. Her eyes shone in the reflected light, moist with perhaps unshed tears. Her form was strong and muscular, one used to working long hard days. Her legs especially, she looked like she could take on Athena in a foot race if she needed too. Her solid shoulders seemed rippled with muscles, as if she had spent a life carrying water up hills. Her breasts were large
and full, with pert dark nipples capping them proudly. Nestled between her legs was a dark thatch of brown hair that matched her tight braids. To him, she looked beautiful, almost angelic. As if someone had granted his secret desire for a woman with substance. Certainly she was much more then the wisp of a thing they had sent to him a few days ago. Summoning up his willpower, he decided not to move immediately. Despite his stirring erection he was determined not to jump at this woman. He would treat her better and take his time with her, he would not ruin his chance to savor her. As he watched her, he noticed her apprehension. She could not see him sleeping on his pallet of hay in the darkened corner of the cell. Her eyes had probably not adjusted to the dim light. He kept his breathing low and slow, as to not alert her that he was watching her every move. She glanced around the cell, and shivered, wrapping her arms around her bare body. Hunkering down in the corner near the door she pulled her legs in tightly around her and began whispering softly under her breath.

Praying, he thought, the woman was praying. After looking at her for a few moments, he was able to get past his initial lustful reaction. He noticed more about her than the taut muscles of her stomach and the soft curve of her neck. He noticed the still red, healing welts on her body. He noticed the fading bruises and the gooseflesh on her arms. Finally he noticed the curve of her abdomen and the faint outline of her ribs.

His rage grew again against his captors. Here was a beauty worthy of tales and she had been beaten, whipped, and starved. Then, finally tossed in here for him to have his way with. They probably thought that he would rape her and be done with her, and if she were to be broken, then it would be no great loss. Well, if they thought that frail blonde girl was a beauty, and then he would pass on these strange people’s idea of beauty.

Deciding it was time to finally make some sort of contact with the woman he allowed a yawn and sat up on his hay pallet. He gazed at her intently, but without any stern facial expression, not wanting to scare her. He stretched and stood up from the pallet, his muscles rippling over one another, his semi hard erection pointing down towards the floor. After another deep yawn, he pulled the single blanket off the hay pallet and wrapped it around himself to hide his nakedness. Then showing what he meant, he took it off and held it out to the woman, as his other hand extended to help her stand if she wanted.

‘Her pride will come first, that is the one thing they took from me which I miss the most,’ he thought as he held out the blanket to her to cover her nudity.

She huddled in the corner, praying it was all a dream. She closed her eyes and rocked, feeling the cold from the wall slowly invade her body, numbing the pain slightly. It was all too true and she blinked away tears and sighed softly, now she knew what a cow was. She was to provide enjoyment and hopefully many children for this gladiator, and undoubtedly many others if she allowed her spirit to be broken.

She had not noticed all the sore spots on her body now, defending herself and moving around had forced her to ignore the pain. Now in the quiet of the cell her body ached and she longed for a hot bath or to swim in one of the secluded ponds of her home. Her senses were on hyper alert so when the man finally moved she focused intently on him.

He was big, far taller than any man she had met, she could easily see what made him a good fighter. Her eyes stopped between his legs and she bit her lip hard enough to draw blood. She had been throw in with a beast of a man, one who would not stop if she bite him or scratched him. She watched him looming over her and she felt despair for the first time.

Then strangely enough he took the blanket from his bed wrapped it around himself and then offered it to her. She hesitated for a moment, then stood slowly stretching her body out and shivered slightly. He had not spoken to her and she wondered if he was mute, had his tongue cut, or considering his size and coloring simply did not speak the local tongue.

‘Thank you,’ she whispered softly and reached out her callused hand to touch his briefly. She hoped the gesture would carry her meaning even if the words had not. She covered herself because she was cold, her modesty had long ago been trashed. Margaret looked around noticing the little things, the presence of a cot, the fresh hay that did not smell like a barn.

The last thought made her miss her home so much that she very nearly lost hold of everything that had been bundled inside and wept. She did not want to show any sign that could be considered weakness in front of the man who appeared to be studying her. Then again she was the probably the most interesting thing in the place.

The blanket slipped off a shoulder as she took her hand and placed it over her heart and whispered. ‘I was called Margaret,’ she doubted he understood but felt it was important to try and introduce herself.

Her words sounded strange in his ears but her voice told him much. She was afraid, afraid of him, her surroundings, he did not know for sure which. He smiled slightly, trying not to make it look like a leer as she stood, giving him another look at her body. His lust stirred again, causing his cock to twitch slightly. Fighting back his primal urge to take her, he was glad when she took the blanket. Placing her hand over her heart she spoke to him in her language. He guessed at the meaning of her words. Margaret her name was? It sounded odd on his tongue and he tried to say it back to her. ‘Mahr-gah-ret?’ he asked.

He thumped a fist on his chest and told her, ‘Bastion.’ Repeating it again so she would know who he was, ‘Bastion, my name is Bastion.’

He glanced over at his large food dish, he supposed he could skip breakfast for this woman. Knowing that she would not understand his words, he spoke anyways, hoping that the act of conversing would keep his animal lust for this woman down. ‘Are you hungry Mahr-gah-ret? I have food here.’ He walked to the plate and picked it up, popping an olive into his mouth. He also picked up the jug of water and went over to her, moving close enough to catch her scent. She smelled freshly bathed, and not scented like some of the women he had seen around here. Again his passion stirred at her nearness. ‘You may eat something if you are hungry. Sit on my pallet if you like,’ Bastion said gesturing to his hay-covered pallet. With both hands filled, one with the food plate, the other with the water jug, held out to her in offering, he hoped that he appeared less intimidating.

His voice was rough and his speech guttural and it made him seem that much more primitive and intimidating. Her eyes kept trailing down his body stopped by what stirred between his legs. She listened as he repeated her name and strove to say his in the same growling manner, ‘Basschun.’ She nodded and watched him as he moved about as if he were trying to make her feel at home. Home, she blinked away tears and reminded herself that she no longer had a home.

She had not noticed the food until he pointed it out and for a moment she was stunned by the volume and then considered that as a fighter, he would need it. She took the smallest heel of bread and dipped it in what passed for some sort of soup. She shivered still feeling cold as she ate. She gave up being neat or polite as the blanket fell from her body as she ate the crumbs and drops of soup ended up on her breasts. It was only when the bread was finished that she once again noticed his eyes upon her. Her breasts were one of the few areas left undamaged, and she suddenly felt shy. ‘You can call me Maggie if you would like,’ she almost added that everyone else did and fought back tears. She felt as if she was balanced on a very thin ledge and at any moment she would burst into tears and topple over. She was suddenly aware of the masculine scent of the pallet, sweat,
blood, perhaps other things mingling together to create an aroma that was not entirely unpleasant.

Bastion was not the world’s smartest man. He knew that, his brother had always been quicker to understand things. His friends had always teased him for being the big lumbering ox, but he was not stupid. He watched with delight as Mahr-gah-ret wolfed down the food that he offered. It was obvious that she was very hungry. The blanket slipped from her body and pooled around the floor as she ate ravenously. He set the jug of water down near her feet and collected the blanket, smoothing it back out on the pallet.

She paused in between bites and said something more to him in a soft voice. He supposed she was thanking him. He walked over to her, and pulled the tray from her gently, and moved over to the pallet and sat on it. Then he pointed at her, and the pallet next to him. He then patted the soft hay covered by the blanket and smiled in what he hoped was the least disturbing way. He was afraid that he might still scare her, and that was not what he wanted.

‘Please,’ he said, ‘Mahr-gah-ret, come sit with me and eat, it would be much more comfortable then standing.’ He then picked up some of the bread off the tray, broke it in half and began eating one half, while holding the other out to her. He knew that the small piece of bread she had eaten would not be enough. She looked like she could easily eat most of the food on the tray, even despite her slight size. Sitting on the bed his mostly turgid cock lay along his muscled thigh, twitching occasionally at the sight of her.

His mind whirled with thoughts of what he would like to do with her, no, to her. He pushed those thoughts down and tried to remember that once he had been a civilized man. The longer he looked at her, the more the animal instinct in him cried out. Cried out to take her, to ravish he, to suck on her pert nipples and bite at her neck. He wanted to feed his lengthy manhood slowly into her, inch by inch. Feeling her envelop his stiff cock in her warm wetness.

These thoughts made his cock jump again, and he tried to ignore it, instead patting again the pallet and indicating that he wanted her to sit down. He hoped that she understood his more noble intentions as he ate the half of bread he held.

When he pulled the blanket away she realized how exposed she was, and she shivered slightly and watched him carefully as he spread out the blanket and invited her to sit next to him and eat. She felt more afraid than when she had been dealing with the fire. She doubted he was as primitive as he looked, after all he did possess some language skills and was not trying to maul her. The fact that animals only mated for procreation purposes aside, as she had lost track of her cycle and had figured the stress and malnourishment were messing with her natural cycle at the moment anyway.

She was not sure she wanted to be so close to him, but she was cold and the food looked so very good. She probably could have eaten it all, but she did not wanted to seem ungrateful. Margaret knew that he could do what he wanted to her and she fervently hoped it would not hurt, especially considering the current size of his partially engorged dick. She sat next to him, close but not touching as she took the piece of bread. She took smaller bites trying to make the food last. She took a slow drink of water, knowing that if she ate too much it would make her sick. For some reason her eyes kept drifting down between his legs, it was a clear reminder of her new role in life and she wondered when he would begin demanding more of her. The slavers had wanted a passive woman and when she fought back they lost interest. She doubted it would be the same here, as she was perhaps his only available partner.

She mumbled, ‘Thanks,’ as she tried not to shiver and realized that it was like a cellar, mostly below ground and far cooler than the upper floors. The stone sapped what little heat there was and she unconsciously moved closer to him as his large body radiated heat.

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A Simple Gift

Annie Daniels sighed softly and paused at the large steel-and-stone gate, then accelerated to glide up the hill. Tall statues of cement cast spooky shadows on the ground, and she shivered as she killed the engine and stepped out into the slightly chilly air of early evening. She made her way hesitantly to the fat gravestone a few yards away, a sunflower clutched in her hands, which she lovingly placed at the base of the marker. ‘I miss you, Matthew.’ Her soft words accompanied yet another...

2 years ago
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The Mars Company AnthologyChapter 12

Xi Pegasi Near Mining Station One August 8, 2057 The explosive charge detonated, sending chunks of rock and ice in all directions from the cliff face. They sped outward until they encountered the tough fabric dome stretched over the mining area. A dozen robotic scoops rolled on their attitude thrusters as one; their optics and small radars picking out the nearest targets. The car-sized collectors would catch the smaller rocks, and push the larger ones, then take them to the hopper at the top...

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Sex With A Goan Chick In Pune

Hello everyone, I am pie, I am 5’8″, fair, with athletic body. Today I am going to tell you my story, this is my first story guys so I am writing my first ever experience. About 6-7 years ago I used to live in pune, where I used to work as a software engineer, I was single so my friends started setting me up with girls, one day a friend of me told me about one of his goan friend who used to work with him named carmel peirera, she was a new joinee and was not aware of culture of pune, but as she...

2 years ago
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Knocking Up Trudy

Knocking Up TrudyAUTHOR JeepsterCODES MF, Interr, Preg, CuckDATE ADDED 24th January, 2004DISCLAIMER:- The following text is sexually explicit and contains depictions of sexual acts that have been classified by the surgeon general as potentially dangerous and unhealthy. You must be a broad minded adult to read the text, and you must not make this text available to minors or to any person who does not wish to view it. Unprotected sexual relations with unknown partners is hazardous and we urge the...

4 years ago
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Naked mile

This story happened to me a few years ago when I was in my first year of university. I immediately tried to tie for admission as many useful contacts, but the most useful was the fellow student Serge named Prince - he was the nephew of a provincial tobacco king, but it is not irrelevant. Proved useful contacts in the sense that I was just a couple of times each month have to save him from the charges (did him some tasks and fussed in the rector's office), as a student, he was not the most...

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Selenas Crush

This story, did in fact happen. I won't say I'm not proud of it, because that's not how I think of it. If anyone reading this is anti-lesbian, well, I have a few places in mind that you could go to. Some names have been changed to protect some people that are innocent, and some people that are less than innocent. I was in eigth grade, my last year in Junior High, when I developed feelings for another girl. My first name is Selena, and my last name isn't too important (Neither is my first name,...

2 years ago
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C Is for Caliber

[The sex in this story is too short to count. If you are interested in a stroke story, or romance, go elsewhere. This story is about punishing betrayal. It may be the harshest story I’ve ever written. It grew out of watching a television show.] Standing in front of the glass case Mike looked at every gun. The glass case was four cabinets pushed together, end to end, well lit, with at least a hundred handguns inside. At the far left end were the 22’s. Target pistols, six round revolvers and...

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Asha ki kahani

Asha ki kahani Asha jab bees sal ki thee tab uski shadi Ajeet se dassal pahale hua tha. Shuru shuru me uski suhagan ki jindagee aur uskichoot ki chudai thik thak chal raha tha. Ajeet uski choot ki har rojsubah aur rat ko khub jam kar chodta tha aur isse Asha ko choot bhi santusht thee. Lekin kuch salon ke Ajeet kamjor parne laga aur theekse Asha ki choot ko chod nahee pata. Gahnton uska lund chusne paruska lund khara hota tha aur lund lhara hote hi wo jaldee jakdee Asha ki choot me dal chodne...

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Cursed to Corrupt

Author's Note: Since beginning this story, CHYOA has added a conditional/game functionality very close to what I've imagined while writing this. Each choice you make as Marnie to assist or resist Uhazral has consequences that make it harder or easier to resist him next time. Ultimately, this could lead to Marnie vanquishing Uhazral, to the demon conquering Earth, or some other ending. I am currently re-vamping this story to use the conditional variables feature, but it's not ready for use...

1 year ago
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A New Life

I opened my eyes and looked at the travel clock beside the bed, it was nine o’clock and it was a new day, a great new day, the first day of the rest of my life!Ringing down to room service I asked for breakfast to be sent up and went in the shower while I was waiting, like everything else in the hotel, the shower was perfect, as were the big fluffy towels and the lovely white bath robe I wrapped myself in afterwards.It was a lovely summer day so I sat out on the balcony eating my breakfast and...

Love Stories
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SnatchedChapter 6

As things settled down a little I asked Caloe where I should take the thaka to gut it. Usually the men gutted their kills where they made them and then brought them back for the women to skin and cut up. I didn't know if this was plain laziness or what. There were a lot of usable parts inside a thaka that went to waste when they were field dressed, unless the men went to the trouble of bringing them back. Caloe told me if I'd take it back out away from the campsite about a hundred yards or...

2 years ago
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INNOCENTLY You never know how it'll will all start as it seems so innocent at the time. Well, for starters it is the mid 90s and I'm returning to school to begin my Junior year of college in Charleston, SC. At this time, I'm just Tim a skinny kid from Maryland. I drove down with all my clothes, books and everything else needed for the year packed in my beat up and tiny Ford Escort. I was excited as this was going to be my first year living off campus. My summer had been pretty...

3 years ago
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Doctors Incestuous Family Chapter 2 Sisters Anal Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Two: Sister's Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! James Wilson I hadn't had a real chance to talk with Jenny, my eighteen-year-old sister, since we made love during their lunch break at school today. We had shared our passion, committing the most wonderful incest I could imagine. We took each other's virginities and discovered new aspects of each other. I had no idea my little sister was so...

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Cave Creatures

When the small double engine plane finally touched on the grass runway before bouncing a few times and slowing down, Sarah took a deep breath, relieved that the difficult and bumpy flight to the remote location of amazon rainforest in Peru near the Brazilian border was finally over and even though she had several hours of driving left in some of the most dangerous mountain roads, she was glad the flight part of this expedition was over. She waited as the door was opened from outside by a dark...

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the bathroom3

As I'm waiting for the elevator to come, I glance over at the workmen who are busily doing something far beyond my comprehension with pieces of wood and huge tarps and paint. Well, I may not understand it, but at least it moves, I think, as I wait for the slowest elevator in the world to arrive to take me up to my floor. Some of the guys working in the lobby are glancing my way, checking me out, trying to figure out what I look like under my business suit, I guess. Well, they're allowed to...

1 year ago
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George and Ben

‘Damn!’ Kelly probably could have used a much stronger word, but what would be the point, there was no-one to hear her. She had felt the rear of her Range Rover begin to shake about. Something was wrong. She looked into the side mirror and saw the horse float rocking alarmingly and leaning much more than it should. Her first thought was for George, she didn’t want him to come to harm. There was a parking bay at the bottom of the hill so she eased back and pulled in. One of the trailer’s wheels...

4 years ago
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Loving Roger

Loving Roger By Adriana C It was as the dancing was coming to an end that I fell completely under the spell of my role. Roger and I had been having a great time together on the dance floor all evening. Well, since I lost my inhibitions and had allowed him to take control leaving me to abandon myself to the music and to simply respond to the movements of his body and the pressure of his arms. At first the heels and the long skirts were difficult for me. I never did really get...

4 years ago
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Nighttime Lover

Steve crept into the darkened bedroom were his mother slept. His entire body shook with nervousness. He barely managed to close the door without rattling the knob. Steve closed his eyes and took several deep breaths. He needed to be calm if he was going to pull this off.Steve tiptoed over to the queen-sized bed his parents shared. Steve’s father wasn’t there. He was working the night shift at the factory and wouldn’t be home for four more hours. Steve’s mother, Cindy was sleeping with her mask...

4 years ago
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MonkeyChapter 2

At the grand old age of twelve I lost my virginity, the conquering heroine was my Aunt Tili, she was Dad's sister and was as he put it 'A horn bag', she was the black ewe of the family leaving a string of love sick suitors in her wake. The oldies had been having a few ups and downs over recent months, I think Dad was spreading it around a bit and Mum had blood in her eye. They decide on a trip away to sort things out. Aunt Tili was to look after me. Dad had bought an old passenger bus...

3 years ago
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Cadet Kelly

Writers note: Some readers may note similarities between the Star Trek universe and the fictional one created for this story. This story was written using some of my basic concepts of space travel and some were borrowed from Star Trek. To those of you who are offended by this concept, and transsexuals in general need to find your reading enjoyment somewhere else. To those fans of Star Trek: TNG, this story was inspired by the "Disaster"...

4 years ago
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Runaway TrainChapter 75

I was surprised to find a suitcase and a garment bag in my backseat when we reached my car. “Living dangerously,” I said. “Anyone could have walked off with these.” Liz shrugged. “It’s not like I have my passport in there,” she said. “It’s just clothes and none of them have my name on them. Ryan was careful to make sure we weren’t followed. The last thing I wanted to do was to steal this place from you, too.” “You didn’t steal anything,” I said. “Anything I’ve lost has been given away....

2 years ago
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my best friend8

"Dude, Nicole is growing some great tits! By 10th grade those things are gonna be beautiful!" Derek said. "Oh for sure man, i swear im gonna hook up with her by the end of school man, get me a suckle on those babies!" I replied, and we laughed. AFter a little bit of talking about girls and stuff, i was definetely in a horny mood. I found myself wishing in our silent moments that a hot babe would show up and let us do whatever we wanted to her! So, me and Derek started talking about...

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River RatChapter 47

As it turned out, Scooter wore her Wild Wet bikini more than she expected -- she'd thought it would be only the once, to humor Michelle. It kept her covered to the point of possibly being legal if the definition -- and the suit -- were stretched a little. That was good for just lying in the sun for a little winter tanning if someone was around, for all three of them would lie out in the nude if they were alone. And yes, it did catch some attention. Over four weeks, they did more sailing than...

1 year ago
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CE Porn! Do you love a site that prioritizes quality as much as they do quantity? Do you want a free porn site whose content is light years ahead of its so-called rivals? Then there is no chance of going wrong with This free XXX site is fucking legendary, man. I mean, how many sites do you know that stack thousands of videos shot in razor sharp, crystal clear HD that is unlike that grainy fucking crap that some mediocre sites pass as ‘quality free Brazzers porn movies’? I’ll wait....

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Delivery Guy

I'm Carly from England, and this is a true story that happened to me about two years ago at the age of fourty-two.I arrived home from work feeling hot and bothered. I'd had a bad day at work and all I wanted to do was put my feet up and relax. Steve had texted me to say there was a delivery coming and it needed to be signed for, so I had left work early. The weather was really hot and sunny, so I decided to pour myself a Gin & Tonic, and lie in the garden with my bikini bottoms on. They were...

Wife Lovers
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My College Descent into Slut

Neil called me Wednesday to confirm going to the movie and asked if I wanted to grab dinner before -hand. I was feeling a bit guilty about my comments to Kara, so I said- sure, let’s meet 1 hour before movie time for a quick bite to eat. We had a fairly nice dinner and I decided to use the bathroom before we headed out to the movie. When we got into the car to drive to the theatre, I could not keep my eyes open. I told Neil I must have been studying too hard and was just going to rest my...

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No it Cant

By Larry Malone It was a long time ago. It was one of those half days off from school. I was at Pauly’s house since his parents wouldn’t be home for a few hours. Pauly said his older brother in the military who was stationed in Japan had just secretly sent him an 8mm reel of porn film and invited me over to watch it for the first time. Of course, I said yes. Pauly set up his family projector using one of his blank bedroom walls as a screen, locked his door, closed the blinds and loaded...

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The Night Manager ReduxChapter 6

Although it was a perfectly good office building, full of glass and chrome, efficient in the new way of easy access for the actual residents but requiring cautious security checks of visitors, Daniel had always felt his father's office was a trap for him. In it, he could not escape the Roper legend, which seemed to demand of him adventurous financial risks, startling new roads to wealth, and the casual greed all the employees assumed was his legacy. Nearing thirty, he sensed the...

1 year ago
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Our Parents Are Falling in LoveChapter 9

"You really should show me how to make tacos like this, June," my girl asked after eating two of them faster than I ate one. "Once again, its not too difficult," June said, "Danny's father liked them just meat and taco shell, but Danny and I liked them spicier than that. I took the recipe from Alton Brown. It's just a little peanut oil, meat seasoning, some onion and garlic. I added beef broth and just over a pound of beef sirloin." "After that all cooks up, I use panela cheese,...

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Equal Shares Ch 27

Denise sat in her living room, trying to collect herself. Tom. He’d made love to her — no, he’d fucked her, skilfully, but it wasn’t making love. So he’d fucked her and then he’d left. Denise walked slowly, a little carefully, up the stairs to her room. She put on her bathrobe, and sat on the edge of the bed. Denise began to cry, softly at first, then with increasingly loud and violent sobs, as she threw herself onto her bed, grabbing a pillow and howling into it. Her mother hadn’t raised...

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Sexual chemistry

Standing at the platform one morning , I feel this electric sensation run through my body -- the hairs on the back of my neck stand up -- and I feel goose bumps.. even though I'm hot from all the bodies around me -- I even have a dress on - red with spagetti straps --low cut but tasteful - have a important meeting today can't look to slutty *smiles* but mmmm very nice - curly hair today - not too much makeup - dont need any - can't hide the freckles lol anyways .. I look around for...

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Buffy The Slutty SlayerChapter 3 A Magic Halo Molds The Bimbo Goddess

Fink watched the girl on the throne. After she had fainted, nimble fingers had freed her from her leather mace. It left her stark naked. Her pale flesh shone ever so vulnerable in the glaring spotlights. He could see her well through the crystal-clear screen. It had sunk down now, covering her like a bell. Most guests and their bimbos had moved to Fink's end of the hall to watch what would happen. At first their patience was tested. The girl just sat there, naked. Her eyes were closed,...

4 years ago
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Funeral comfort that changed a life

The long day was over finally, my lovely wife at peace laid to rest, such relief after the sudden death.So now at home I was here with my step daughter aged 22 now slim tall like her mother quietly tidying the last things away for the day.Do you want to stay I ask as she too is exhausted by the day, yes she said. Later, as she was going to bed she asked if I could cuddle her to help her sleep as she felt so alone. Yes I said and still fully clothed we lay in top of the bed in the spare room....

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Wrath of Nexus I The Awakening

Part One: The Awakening By Alecgos This is an original idea, with no characters or plots from another series, created by Alecgos. If you see this on another site, note the posting date and the date of this posting: November 25, 2013, to XNXX. The first thing I felt was the cold. It swept over me like a blanket of snow, slowly drifting to sluggishly envelope me. Then the cold came crashing down on me like a hail storm. Biting into me as if it were a snake, paralyzing it's prey...

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