Pussies and Boots A Piece of Fairy Tail
- 4 years ago
- 28
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The move on Friday proved to be such an exhausting day for Cynthia that she fell asleep while the hair stylist was trimming her hair. I put her to bed and kept her there until ten AM the following morning, refusing to let her go back to her office until she was fully rested.
After a light breakfast, I told her to get dressed for work while I called Marcie.
"You're such a dear for taking care of me, Darling. What would I do without you?" she asked, dodging my attempt to slap her on the butt. I watched her until she got to the doorway, where she turned and smiled before disappearing.
I poured myself another cup of coffee and savored that smile, wondering what I had done to deserve it. Marcie picked up the phone on the second ring.
"Where have you been? I told you to call early," she chided me.
"You sound chipper this morning," I said, not bothering to apologize for my tardiness or to explain why we had slept late that morning.
"Yeah, the spring weather must agree with me, or it may be that there are only two more months until graduation."
"Do you have plans for after graduation?"
The silence was telling. What I was really asking was if her plans had changed. As her answer revealed, they had.
"Bernie is holding a job open for me."
Now it was my turn to take a few seconds to decide what not to say, quickly discarding, "I thought you were going to stay in Cambridge," and went with, "You've got to come here for a visit. There's an indoor pool that will blow your mind and Cynthia would love to meet you."
"Thanks, Honey, but I've got mountains of school work to do before they give me a diploma."
"One weekend away won't interfere with your school work. I must warn you though; we swim naked."
This earned me a short giggle. "That sounds tempting. I'll think about it," she promised, before making some excuse about her roommate needing to make an emergency phone call.
I reluctantly said goodbye, not satisfied at all with the outcome of our brief conversation. What had happened between her and Adam Corning? They'd seemed so happy together when they came to my house last summer, comfortable really. Of course, Megan and I were happy together back then, too. Shit happens!
Margaret and I settled on the menu for the following day's dinner before I ran upstairs to throw on a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt.
There were a dozen employees in the Collingsworth office when we arrived. Daniel McDonald was also there, helping out where he could, along with a couple of his guys. After exchanging greetings, Cynthia took me by the hand and guided me to her cutting room. I helped her place things the way she wanted them for about an hour before I made an excuse about needing to go upstairs and call my dad.
Penelope answered the phone and told me that Ned had taken my mother and K.O. to the airport before she handed the phone to John. His awareness of the events that were taking place in the company never surprised me, but the way he could keep abreast of minor details was astonishing. It made me wonder if he and Suzanne were having a good time or if all they talked about was how the company was managing without them. He enumerated the topics he wanted me to cover at his Monday morning staff meeting before asking, "When do you expect Wanda to come back from Pontiac?"
The question was so startling that it took me a few seconds to consider how I should answer it. How did he know she'd gone to Pontiac? "I expect her to be here on Monday morning."
He sort of chuckled as I heard him say something to Suzanne before telling me that she wanted to speak to me.
"Sammy, do you really think Wanda will be back by eight on Monday?"
"Well, yeah, that's what she told me when she left."
"Would you like to put some money on it?"
"Do you know something that I don't?"
"I know that Julius doesn't need to be in class until ten on Monday and it's a five hour drive from Pontiac. I'm betting that you won't see her before two PM."
We placed a three way bet. If Wanda was at her desk at eight AM, I was to receive ten dollars from each of them. If she arrived at two, Suzanne would collect ten dollars from us, and John was betting that Wanda would not show up at work until Tuesday morning.
"Edith is coming to the house tomorrow afternoon. Shall I find out if she wants to get in on the bet?"
"Edith Rowell is coming to Cynthia's house?" she asked.
"Yes, we have Edith and Tom Collingsworth coming to hear about the Baltimore building. I invited them to stay for dinner."
I heard Suzanne explaining what I'd told her to John. "Does that mean Cynthia is in favor of acquiring the building?"
"It does. She supports the purchase one hundred percent," I said, and heard Suzanne repeat what I'd said to John.
"Your father wants to talk to you."
What's this about? Is he pissed about me speaking to three of the members of the trust before he approves my plan? Why had I been so impulsive? I had my reasons for inviting Tom and Edith to have dinner with us, but I wasn't ready to reveal the results I hoped to achieve to John.
John Oldham proved that he was even more observant than I'd given him credit for. Although he didn't admit to knowing the reason for Edith Rowell being my biggest supporter, or why Tom Collingsworth had suddenly placed an enormous amount of faith in my ability, John's few words, "I wish you luck in carrying out your plan, Son," spoke volumes.
After we had ended the call, I leaned back in my chair and reflected on what had just taken place. Had he heard about the night I exposed Roscoe as a fraud and convinced Edith to kick him out of her life? Had Tom confided that he would always be grateful for the way I was steering his daughter-in-law? Under my persuasive guidance, Cynthia was becoming a productive business partner.
No, I don't believe that John Oldham had heard from either of his partners. I do believe, as an astute businessman, he understood that my effort to unite them would result in a mighty alliance that combined with Cynthia's and his support, would convince the other members of the trust to vote as I desired.
Generally, I was satisfied with the way my first year in the business world was progressing. However, I knew not to lean back too far in my chair just yet. While making positive progress was encouraging, achievement was essential. It wouldn't be long before the members of the trust would expect to see some results. I decided a trip to Denver should take precedence over meeting Ms. Sandra Lynch in Baltimore.
That evening, I broke the news to Cynthia that I would be heading to Denver on Wednesday and planned to return on Friday. She took it so well that I added, "I'll be going to Baltimore the following Wednesday, but that meeting may take longer."
"Why are you leaving on Wednesday?"
"I want to talk to John and Suzanne about the auto parts store on Tuesday night."
She gave me a sidelong glance. "If you're gone on Thursday, it will mean we'll miss having dinner with Tom."
"On the contrary, he's coming here on Sunday, and if it goes well, we'll have him back next Sunday."
A thought struck her and she brightened. "That means you'll be back from Baltimore next Sunday, doesn't it?"
"Exactly," I said, wondering if she had picked up on "if it goes well" as meaning that Edith Rowley could also be a regular Sunday evening guest? Apparently, she hadn't. My answer about being back from my Baltimore trip on Sunday pleased her so much that she hopped into my lap and suggested that we swim before dinner.
I should have given her more credit. We were in the water when Cynthia proved that she was shrewder than I'd given her credit for being.
"What makes you think Tom and Wanda's mother are right for each other?"
"I heard something in his voice when I mentioned her name, and I happen to know that she's looking for someone who won't fuck her for her money."
"I must warn you, Darling, Tom is not looking for someone to fuck. He still grieves over the loss of his wife. I was so concerned about him that I stayed with him for a long time after she died."
"He's lucky to have you as a daughter-in-law and business partner."
Cynthia simply nodded her agreement, more serious than usual. She didn't object to my hand cupping her ass, but instead of being her playful self, she wanted to talk.
"What makes you so confident that Wanda's mother will support you?"
A scene flashed in my mind. Karen Parker was bent over the sink and I was ramming my cock into her pussy when Edith Rowell's naked body suddenly appeared in the bathroom between my room and the guest room. Instead of shock on her face, as I would have expected to see, she showed interest in the way my cock was pounding Karen's cunt. The occurrence was brief, but I would always remember how her tits stood erect, and the rest of her body looked more like that of a teenager than a middle aged woman.
"I did something for her that saved her a bundle of money. She'll always be indebted to me."
Cynthia persisted. "How do you know she wants to fuck someone who is not after her money?"
"The woman is horny. Wanda got me to admit that I thought her mom is a hot little piece of tail. She said she was going to tell her mom and that it would make Edith ecstatic."
Cynthia edged closer, obviously feeling my finger massage that sensitive spot between the cheeks of her ass. "Do you think I'm a hot little piece of tail?"
"You're not only hot, you're on fire."
"Hmmm, I like hearing you say those things about me. The way you always play with my little hole makes me think you would like to stick your cock in it. Am I correct?"
I quickly moved my hand. "It's just something I like to do with my finger, not my cock."
"I notice you do it when I'm on top. That's the reason I like being on top so much."
"I like it when you're on top, too."
"You'll tell me if you want to. I think you know you can do anything you want, don't you?"
"I know," I said, as I moved my finger back to the place between the cheeks of her ass.
Cynthia had to know that I was hard, but for once, she didn't make a move to relieve me of my condition. She wanted to talk more.
"I think I know why you command such respect from Tom, but I'd like to hear it from you."
"You really are a hot little piece of tail," I said, attempting to change the subject. She giggled, and I continued. "Your nipples are always erect when we're in the water, and you've got a sexy pair of legs. I love watching you walk."
"Let's go upstairs. I get to be on top and feel your finger in my ass," she said, making me think that I'd been successful changing the subject.
I was wrong. We were still struggling to regain our breath when she persisted, "Tell me what you did to sway Tom into agreeing with everything you say."
I drew her to me and felt my cum hit my thigh as it leaked out of her pussy. "You're very dear to him. He needs you and wants to depend on you to help run the company. I think he sees how you've changed since we've been together. I think he gives me credit for those changes. The sex is an important part of it. You've mellowed, become more tolerant of others, and I believe you take a genuine interest in your employees. I'm not saying that those improvements are entirely due to the great sex we enjoy, either. You look to me for support. You never object to the decisions I make because you know that I take your best interests seriously."
I stopped talking when I felt her body shaking. Was she crying? If she was crying, she recovered quickly. "You transformed me, Darling. You're very dear to me. I've never met anyone like you before."
"You're very dear to me, too."
"Tell me again."
Cynthia was often vague. I could only assume that I knew what she was asking me to tell her.
"You're a hot little piece of tail."
She squealed with delight and I felt her nipple bore into my chest.
"You're nipples are always erect."
This brought a wet kiss to my lips and a swipe of her tongue.
"You have sexy legs, in fact, I think it's time for you to wear high heels again."
Cynthia's body froze for a second, before she rose up to peer down at me, a look of astonishment in her eyes. "When?"
"The Reapers meeting on the fifteenth of April."
"Will you be here?" she asked, somewhat guarded, like she was expecting the worst.
"Darling, I..." she said as she smothered me with kisses. And then, just as quickly, she stopped. "I'll have to shop for just the right shoes."
"Why?" I asked. The last time I looked, her closet was full of high heels.
"I discarded all but one pair and they'll never do for the party."
"You kept one pair?" I asked, somewhat curious.
"In case you wanted to fuck me like that first time. That was so ... exciting! Do you remember, Darling?"
"I remember thinking that we were going to shake the pictures off the wall," I laughed, but she was already changing the subject.
"How should I dress?"
"It doesn't matter. It's your party. Dress as you like."
"No," she said, emphatically. "It's your party, too, and I want you to tell me how I should look."
"Okay, I'd like to see you keep the teenage boy look. You'll need a silk blouse, either red or white, no bra and a short skirt to show off your sexy legs."
"What color should the skirt be?"
"Red if the blouse is white. Black if the blouse is red."
"May I wear a pendant?"
"Of course, that's your trademark, black onyx, I think."
"Thank you, Darling. You make me very happy."
My cum felt sticky and I was ready to get up. "You forgot to ask about panties."
The look I got told me that I had gone too far.
After dinner, Margaret consulted with me about which room Daisy was to use while she was working in the house. I hadn't considered that Daisy would be staying nights with us, but I told Margaret that it didn't matter, as long as it was on the first floor. That's when I learned that Tom was bringing Daisy the next day, and that she would work Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday for us, have Thursday off, and return to Tom's house for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
I guess I wasn't really paying attention to what Margaret was telling me. It didn't sink in that Daisy would be staying with us on her night off.
Since we'd already been in the pool, we retired to the study where we did a dress rehearsal of how I would present the Baltimore building to Tom and Edith the following day. All the time we were arranging the furniture, selecting the slides to be used and reciting my lines, I could tell that Cynthia had something she wanted to ask me. We were in bed when I found out what it was.
Like I mentioned before, Cynthia was not always as specific as most people would require, but to me, interpreting what she meant was one of the reasons I enjoyed being with her.
"Are you sure you want me to wear them?"
"Why don't you surprise me?"
She was thoughtful for a few minutes. "It might be fun to make you wonder if I am or I'm not."
"Yes," I agreed. It would be fun to wonder if she was wearing panties, but I was happy when the subject was dropped.
I got up early and went for a run around the neighborhood. The weather was changing and green grass was replacing snow. I'm pretty sure I spotted the lady from the plane, the one that had referred to Cynthia as a recluse. If she remembered me, she didn't respond to my wave.
Edith arrived first, and when she wanted to know why her daughter had rushed off to Pontiac College, I couldn't lie to her. "She's infatuated with a student there," I said, neglecting to mention that Julius was an eighteen year old freshman."
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IncestWelcome John to fast fap, the interactive where you get to the sweet sexual action with you favourite fairy tail character without having to read about how it came to be. So if your ready let's start this fap train all I need to know is your gender and sexual orientation then your off to pick you fairy tail character and get to fapping! Ps be sure to check out the great story that gave me this idea: https://chyoa.com/chapter/Introduction.125213 Happy Fapping!
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In Betty's dream state, she was dreaming some very erotic thoughts of what Archie would do to her, if he ever escaped Veronica's grasp. ((Archie was kissing Betty deeply, tearing off her T-shirt, tossing her to the ground and pulling her skirt and panties right off her willing body.)) While her dreaming went on, her hand slowly slipped back down to her blonde pussy hair and unconsciously started stroking herself in her sleep. ((Dropping to his knees, Archie now had an open access to her...
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Back at the pond, Betty and Midge were still recuperating from their love making. The experience had exhausted them both. Under the warmth of the rays of the Sun, their bodies were now completely dried off. Betty was debating whether to get dressed and head back home or not when she turned to look over at Midge. She was watching her, there on her back, with her chest heaving with each breath that she took. This was a mistake on Betty's part. Seeing Midge's naked body started her juices...
Jen was relaxing in the hottub wearing her favorite red lacey bikini when all of a sudden Jake, her neighbor and long time interest jumped in beside her.Jen was surprised to say the least, especially since she had never spoken to Jake except for the occasional awkward "Hi" when passing on the street. She had taken an extreme notice in him since she first laid eyes on his tall, muscled body. She loved the way his eyes and his hair had the same deep brown color, and how, try as he may, he could...
Straight SexMariko and Rie both walked in, carrying trays of dinner. ‘I hope we’re not intruding?’ Rie asked. ‘Not at all,’ I said, momentarily having trouble summoning the words. Mariko said something quietly to Rie in Japanese. Rie listened and then translated. ‘Mariko says she’s sorry she never had a chance to give you that lesson with the espresso machine.’ Then, speaking for both of them, she continued. ‘We understand that you leave here in the morning.’ ‘It’s true, unfortunately,’ I said,...
The diary continued for quite some pages. I was looking forward to reading more later. But there was a schedule to keep. I grabbed my notepad and recorder and headed toward Zerzinski’s place. ‘The thing is,’ Zerzinski said matter-of-factly, ‘if I heard some of the things I have said to you when I was younger, I would have thought I was an asshole.’ ‘Even if you understood the context?’ I asked. He smiled. ‘I was a pretty ideological guy, before… I don’t know. I’d like to think with enough...
THE BRAVE LITTLE TAILOR By C Once upon a time, in the tiny village of Schmetterlink, there lived a poorbut honest little tailor named Gottfried. He dwelt and worked in a one-roomhouse on the edge of the village. He labored hard from sunrise to sunset, andyet he had barely enough to survive. Thus he was very upset to learn one daythat someone, or some thing, was pilfering his meager stores of food. He hadgone into his larder early in the morning to fix his usual breakfast of stalebread and...
I was telling y'all about moving close to Austin an' getting another wife but I wuzn't gonna tell you no more unless you told me how y'all liked my story so far. Well, enough of you said you did that I decided to tell you a bit more. The other wife comes later in my story so I better not get ahead of myself. The ranch we bought belonged to a widder that wanted to move to Tarrant County where her son now lived. She already sold off the livestock an' everything else so there wuzn't much...
Plug Tails: Chapter 1 Mistress Lara took special pleasure in making her sissy maids keep butt plugs installed for long periods of time. She was well aware of the discomfort these wonderful simple devices caused her pansy little sissy maids. She also knew the humiliation of having to wear such a thing up their little butts was a source she could use when humiliating one of these pathetic creatures in front of her guests. One of her past inventions was the ball end plug. It...
Heads or Tails. I was sitting on a fence with my mate Kev we were both doing nothing and just watching life traveling by. "Dave." "Yea wot," I replied. "Have you got any idea what you want to do this summer holidays?" "Nope," I said "why you asking?" "Well I was thinking that we could go camping for a couple of weeks in the lakes, I have a tent and everything." "Yea OK I said I will clear it with my step mum." Three weeks later I was in a field helping my mate...
Reddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...
Reddit NSFW ListAfter watching Sunday Night Football and being fucked by Kenny, her 8.5" Big Black Cock fuckbuddy. My wife made a bet on the AFC Championship with Kenny. If she won the prize was $1000 CASH but if he won she would dress in a French maid outfit and serve his friends drinks during his SuperBowl party.My hotwife lost the bet and spent the afternoon of the SuperBowl getting a manicure and pedicure then came home undressed, laid naked on our bed so I could shave her completely bald. While showering...
"Ok, here are the key clauses for the husband:1. Upon entering this agreement, your status will now be a cuckold or simply cucky. Your wife will be known as the hotwife/mistress and her black owners will be called black bulls.2. Although you are still her husband, you no longer have permission to have any sexual intercourse whatsoever.3. You will be required to wear chastity belt all the time and your hotwife will hold the key to your chastity belt. Or should your hotwife chooses, she can give...
Do you know what a hotwife is? It’s a woman who enjoys the lifestyle of being able to enjoy as many different cocks as she wants while still loving her husband. Of course, for these kinds of women, the dick their husbands provide them with is not enough, so they have to go to other lengths to get the enjoyment they so desperately need. And while you might not be participating in this kind of thing and lifestyle, you might be aroused by it. Maybe you like seeing guys allow their wives to get...
Reddit NSFW ListPaul's cum was trapped inside my asshole and both left me to savour the pleasure they gave me while the Camera was still taking shots at me getting pounded with 2 Old Guys.... ;) I was in tremendous boredom that I remembered Courtney had invited me to be their guest until the holidays are over. I thought about it and was in so much loneliness that I didnt gave a second thought and went straight to the airport and booked a flight to be with Courtney. I wanted to give a surprise to Courtney and...
Sex With StrangerIf you were wondering what happened to Hotdog. After he woke up next to Betty at the pond, he walked over to the shore to take in some refreshment. Lapping away he spied a rabbit on the other side, and so the chase was on. Hotdog was merrily chasing his prey for a good half hour before he finally tired of this game and started for town. Not even thinking about Betty's gift from earlier. Upon reaching his neighborhood, he met up with some of his canine pals. {{Hey Hotdog! Whacha been doing...
Hey, its me Rajaa back with my new horny story. Directly onto story, i was comming back to my village after 3 years. I was in Mumbai for the past 3 years doing my degree in Photography. I had just completed my degree and was looking for a job. Due to some family issues i had to return to my village. My village was a backward area but because my father was rich, i didn’t face any problem with my studies and my finances. So i am a good looking , well built, rich handsome photographer…. thats what...
Here’s Chapter 3 (of 14, altogether). I really appreciate the feedback, whether by voting, commenting or by dropping me a line. Hope you like Chapter 3! ***** ‘I taught at the public high school in New Canaan,’ Zerzinski told me. ‘One of the few teachers at the school who could afford to live in the town. Thanks to inheritance – the only way any school teacher could possibly live in New Canaan. Unless they’re married to a banker.’ ‘Your parents left you their house?’ I asked. ‘Yeah, the...
After her second photoshoot with Pete, Hayley had completely changed her long-standing opinions on nude models. For so long, she had thought of any girl that was prepared to get naked for someone to photograph was nothing more than a bimbo who had no respect for her body. However, now she could see the fascination, and had felt the rush for herself.Luckily for her, Dan was not just supportive of her new hobby, but was actively encouraging her to do more sets with Pete. Following her admission...
ExhibitionismI was feeling ashamed because I still was without a shirt. Komal and Rohit were laughing and cheering over there. They kissed each other and Rohit played with Komal’s breasts many times Komal grabbed Rohit’s penis over the jeans many times. This all seemed exciting but I was not that time. Sapna came back after a few minutes. She went directly to the shelf and picked some clothes from there. Now she came to the table where drinks and some food was and took a drink. She removed her t-shirt and...
The Photographer's Assistant By Theresa Ann Wood It had been my mom's idea that I get a part time job, but I certainly didn't argue with her. I was going to be sixteen in a few months and there wasn't any other way I would ever get a car. Not that I really needed one. It's not like there was anywhere I needed to go. My name is Louis, just plain 'Lou' to my friends or at least the casual acquaintances I've made at school. The truth is that I'm a loner, I...
Hello All. Nishant here from Bengaluru. I thank and appreciate all for reading my experiences and writing back to me. I have been offering massages for about 8 years now. My author page would give you a link to read more about my experiences if you have not read. I can be reached on or on my facebook page “Nish Massage Club” This happened about 6 months back. Unlike other experiences which is mostly a massage, this is not the same. This one is of an erotic photoshoot. Hopefully, you would...
My Hotwife Life of Fun:My life, in my opinion, is very comfortable, very happy and sexually fulfilling to a point. Not the greatest of opening lines, though true nonetheless. Emotionally, financially and every way I could wish, my life is all it could be, with one possible small exception. And that possible exception is that my sexual desires verge on the exhibitionist, somewhat carnal and can at times, prove to be incredibly unfaithful, regarding my marital vows, almost to the point of being...
Predator & Prey Series - Teresa's Tail by Aquaplod Teresa Pearson permitted herself this one diversion. It wasn't a very nice one but she had convinced herself that no-one was being hurt, and more importantly, that nobody would find out about it. " Thanks for your help Rob, you're a dear," she called back to Rob as they walked towards the supply closet . Carrying a ladder, Rob's attention was fixed on the rhythmic rise and fall of the young teacher's magnificent ass cheeks...
This is a story of first time sex between two sissy malesA Tigers TailHere we are, we are finally together, meeting after we speak, speaking soft words among two men with equal passion, passion to make love and do it with such vigor, desire. But first we must prepare ourselves dear, relish in it. We will take our time, we will hold ourselves back, and when our moment arrives we will explode in the fire of ecstasy. Come with me to the bathroom my love, lets play together.I want you to shave your...
The Mouse's Tail By: Anonymous (as told to "The Narrator") Steven hunched his shoulders against the biting cold that seemed to cut through his long wool coat. Wayward snowflakes had dotted the coat in the twenty minutes since he'd been standing in the doorway outside the Pony Lounge, a place he looked about as classy as he was warm. Harry, another delegate at the conference he was attending, had gone in to meet someone and promised he'd be gone no longer than ten...